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THE CURIOUS CASE OF LINEVILLE Professor Cutting Plane Line was thick and bold.

He sliced through
buildings, revealing their inner workings. His arrows indicated the
Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Lineville, every resident was direction of view, like a compass guiding explorers.
a living embodiment of a line. Yes, you heard that right—lines! They
roamed the cobblestone streets, each with its unique purpose and The Break Line Twins, Short and Long, were inseparable. They
personality. zigzagged across long sections, creating cutaway views. Short loved
cliffhangers, while Long reveled in suspense.
Mr. Solid Line was the town’s backbone. He stood tall, thick, and
unyielding. His purpose? To outline buildings, bridges, and Lady Leader Line was sociable. She connected notes and labels,
boundaries. Without him, Lineville would crumble. introducing features to passersby. Her arrowhead was her signature
—a flourish of communication.
Miss Construction Line was delicate and barely visible. She flitted
around, connecting points and laying the groundwork for everything. Phantom Line, the enigma, shifted between realities. His long line
Her job was to guide the architects and engineers, ensuring their followed by two short dashes hinted at alternate positions. Was he
designs aligned perfectly. here or there? No one could tell.

Little Dimension Line was a mathematical prodigy. He measured Sergeant Section Line was a warrior. At a 45-degree angle, he
distances with precision, always armed with a tiny ruler. His favorite stormed solid areas, revealing interiors. His battle cry: “Let there be
pastime? Calculating the span of bridges and the height of light!”
And so, Lineville thrived—a symphony of lines, each playing its part.
Captain Hidden Line was mysterious. His dashes revealed secrets They wove together, creating the blueprint of existence. Visitors
—hidden surfaces and concealed nooks. He loved playing hide-and- marveled at the town’s harmony, unaware that they were walking
seek with the town’s structures, leaving clues for curious minds. amidst the Alphabet of Lines.

Madame Center Line was elegant, gracefully dividing circles and Remember, dear reader, the next time you see a technical drawing,
arcs. She danced through the air, pinpointing the heart of every think of Lineville. For in those lines lies magic—the language of
curve. Her motto: “Balance is key.” creation itself.

Sir Extension Line was straightforward. He marked the start and And that, my friends, is the tale of Lineville—a place where geometry
end of dimensions, like a cosmic ruler. His arrows pointed toward danced, and imagination soared.
infinity, urging Lineville’s growth.
Alphabet of Lines Extension Lines: Stretching toward infinity, these slender
threads, Mark beginnings and ends, dimensions unfurl, A
In the realm of sketches and blueprints, Where architects and bridge between reality and imagination, Where lengths and
dreamers converge, Lies an alphabet unspoken, yet profound, limits merge in a swirl.
Lines etched upon paper, a universal surge.
Cutting Plane Lines: Extra-bold strokes, slicing through
Object or Visible Lines: Bold strokes that trace the edges of matter, Carving sections, revealing inner sanctums, Arrows
reality, Outlining forms, revealing surfaces to behold, These hinting at perspective, a surgeon’s scalpel, Where insight
thick, dark lines breathe life into geometry, The very bones of blooms from dissected phantoms.
creation, stories untold.
Short and Long Break Lines: Like breaths held, they interrupt
Construction Lines: Delicate whispers, barely there, Weaving continuity, Unraveling long stretches into glimpses, A fractured
layouts, guiding the nascent plan, Like spider silk spun across view of elongated truths, Where the unseen whispers through
an empty canvas, They cradle visions, where possibilities crevices.
Leader Lines: Medium-weight guides, pointing the way, Notes
Dimension Lines: Thin and purposeful, they measure and labels cling to their arrowed tips, Size, significance, or
existence, Spanning numerals, quantifying space, Arrowheads special revelations, Etched in ink, a cartography of design’s
pointing toward clarity, The language of size, in this intricate crypts.
Phantom Lines: Ghostly trails of movement, alternate paths,
Hidden Lines: Dash-dotted secrets, veiled from sight, Long strides followed by fleeting dashes, A dance of shifting
Concealing unseen facets, a cryptic dance, Medium thickness, possibilities, Where parts oscillate, in transient clashes.
they hint at mysteries, The enigma of what lies beyond mere
glance. Section Lines: Angled strokes, dissecting solid realms,
Peering into interiors, unveiling hidden chambers, At 45
Center Lines: Long-short rhythms, like heartbeats of circles, degrees, they reveal the heart’s blueprint, The very pulse of
They pinpoint cores, the epicenter of arcs, Thin and steadfast, creation, where wonder clambers.
they guide our gaze, To symmetry’s sanctuary, where balance

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