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Charles Dales School

Pre-Examination - 1 (2023-2024)
Class-X Set-A
Subject-English Language and Literature
Time-: 3 hours. Max Marks-:80 Marks
General Instructions :
I. This paper is divided into three sections A,B and C. All questions are compulsory.
II. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these
instructions very carefully and follow them.
III. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Q. 1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: ( 10 marks)
1. Jambheshwarji Was born in 1451 at Pipasrlar in Nagpur mandal of jodhpur state. His father, Lohat, was a panwar
rajput. His mother was Mansa Devi. He was the only son of his parents.
2. He was known as ‘thinking boy’. People were surprised when they listen to his deep talks. When he was 7 years old,
he was sent to take the family cows for grazing. After the death of his parents, he left home. He spent most of his time in
the company of Saints. He adopted Gorakhsha Nath as his guru. Through meditation and inner devotion to God, he
obtained self realization.
3. Jambheshwar Maharaj was aware of the problems of his age. He saw communalism and moral downfall around him.
He took it upon himself to read the Hindu Society of superstition and other emails. He preached the necessity of social
peace. He also put forth a life of selflessness and love for others.
4. Jambheshwarji Founded the Vishnoi sect in 1485. He laid down 29 religious principles for his followers. The main
principles includes worship of Vishnu, performing of hawan, fasting on the moonless night, not cutting green trees,
banning the practice of animal sacrifice and refraining from drinking. Like a great prophet, he realised the importance of
vegetation. In those days no one knew much about environment. But Jambheshwar maharaj told his followers that
environmental pollution was a great danger to the health of the people. He asked them to keep the environment clean.
It shows that he was much ahead of his times. He also told the people not to fall in the trap of common social evils, like
theft, robbery and drinking. He spoke about the importance of both inner and outer purity of life. He also preached the
importance of truth and honesty in everyday life.
i. In which state was Jambheshwarji born?
(a) Bikaner (b) Jodhpur (c) Jaipur (d) Jaiselmer
ii. Name of jambheshwarji's father was __________
(a) Panwar (b) Rajput (c) Lohat (d) Mansa
iii. What is the correct order of the information given below:
1. Jambheshwarji was the only son of his parents.
2. He preached the importance of truth and honesty in everyday life.
3. He preached the necessity of social preach.
4. He spent most of the time in the company of saints.
(a) 1,3,2,4 (b) 1,4,3,2 (c) 1,3,4,2 (d) 1,2,3,4
iv. What were the principles of Vishnoi sect?
(a) Worship of Vishnu (c) fasting on moonless night
(b) Performing havan. (d) all of these
v. When was Vishnoi sect found by jambheshwarji?
(a) In 1451 (b) in 1485 (c) in 1541. (d) in 1458
vi. What did he obtain through meditation and inner devotion to God?
(a) Self-respect. (b) self-realization (c) self-motivation (d) none of these
vii. In whose company jambheshwarji used to spend time?
(a) Cows (b) friends (c) parents. (d) saints
viii. Jambheshwarji adopted__________ as his Guru.
(a) Mansa Devi (b) Lohat. (c) Goraksha Nath. (d) none of these
ix. Jambheshwarji laid down _________ principles for his followers.
(a) Twenty nine. (b) twenty seven. (c) thirty nine. (d) thirty seven
x. Jambheshwarji told the people not to fall into the trap of common social evils like_____
(a) theft (b) robbery. (c) drinking (d) all of these

Q. 2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (10 marks)
1. The Indian railways is the lifeline of the nation and connects various parts of the country. It has reiterated the concept
of united India by linking people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
2. The Indian railways is owned and operated by the Government of India through the ministry of railways, which is
responsible for rail transport in India. It is the 4th largest network in the world consisting of 1,21,407 kilometers’ of total
track. It covers a root of 67,368 kilometers with 7,349 stations as per the details gathered at the end of 2017-18.
3. In 2017-18, the Indian railways carried 8.26 billion passengers annually or more than 22 million passengers a day and
1.16 billion turn of freight annually.
4. The foundation of railway transport in India was laid in the mid-nineteenth century. Initially a plan for rail system in
India was put forward in 1832 by the British East India company. As an experimental line, the first rail line came up near
Chintadripet Bridge (presently in Chennai) in Madras residency in 1836. The great Indian Peninsula railway (GIPR) are
was established in 1845. It built as well as opened in the countriy’s first passenger railway in 1853 between Bombay
(now Mumbai) and Thane. It expended gradually as the years passed. Today, Indian Railways is the world’s largest
employer with 1.308 million employees at the end of 2016-2017.
5. Indian railway is divided into 17 zones which are further subdivided into divisions. Each zone is headed by a General
Manager who reports to the Railway Board, the apex management organization. It is also called the ministry of railways.
The Board is headed by a chairman reporting to the minister of railways. Apart from the chairman, the board has 5 other
6. The 17 zones are divided into divisions controlled by divisional railway managers. There are also divisional officers (of
engineering, signal and telecommunication, security and other branches) who report to their respective divisional
railway managers. He is in charge of operation and maintenance of assets. The station Masters control individual
stations and train movement through the track of their stations.
7. There are different classes of travel, with or without air conditioning for stop the fare of Rajdhani, Duronto and
Shatabdi trains includes food served to passengers.
i. Ministry of Railways is responsible for _______.
ii. What is the total track length of Indian Railways?
iii. What is the correct order of the information given below:
a. The foundation of railway transport in India was laid in the mid-nineteenth century.
b. The Railway Board is headed by a chairman reporting to the Minister of Railways.
c. A plan for rail system in India was put forward in 1832.
d. Indian Railways is the fourth largest network in the world.
(a) 1,4,2,3. (b) 3,4,1,2 (c) 4,1,3,2 (d) 4,2,1,3
iv. The Indian railways is divided into ________ zones.
v. In which century the foundation of railway transport in India laid down?
vi. Who initiated the first plan for rail system in India?
vii. Who is the in charge of the operation and maintenance of assets of the Indian railways?
viii. Who controls the individual stations?
ix. The duty of station master is to _________.
x. The first rail line came up near _________ in Madras presidency in 1836.

Section-B ( Writing and Grammar)

Q. 3 (A )You are Raju Rastogi and are quite disturbed by the pathetic condition of parks in your locality and decide to
write a letter, in 100-150 words, to the editor of a national daily, highlighting the present state of the parks and the
corrective steps to be taken to maintain these parks ( 5 Marks)
[Parks--Neglected--Overgrown with weeds--Garbage dump—Water logged—Private functions]
( B) Your school librarian asked you to write a letter, in 100-150 words, to a publisher and place an order for some
general knowledge and current affairs books. You have to mention the titles of the book and the number of copies
required. You are Ashok/Astha. You can use the following hints:
• Ten general knowledge books
• Five books of current affairs
• Discount to be offered
• Delivery on time
• Books in good condition
• Latest edition, throughly updated
Q. 4 (A) The graph below illustrates why is it important to have people in quarantine during the Corona virus
pandemic. Compose an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words summarizing about the same. (5
Marks )
(B) The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a family on different items in a month

Write an analytical paragraph given in the chart.

Q.5 Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. ( 5 Marks )

1. called/ rose/ the/ queen/the/ is/ flowers/of
2. widely/ it/ grown/ is/ the/ all/ world/ over
3. 500/there/ about/ are/ species/ rose’s/ of
4. the/ rose/ Persian/ best/ is/ the
5. brought/ from/ there/ was/ it/ India/to
Q.6 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. ( 5 Marks)
1. Each of girls______ her own dress. ( has/ have)
2. Bread and butter ______ his daily food. ( is/ are)
3. The little boy ________ mangoes. ( like/ likes)
4. Shyam and Rajat ______ moving to Bangalore. ( is/ are)
5. Neither penny nor Amy_____ gone to work. ( has/ have)

Section-C ( Literature)
Q.7 .4 Read these extracts carefully answer the following Questions. (5 Marks)
(A) During our childhood in Goa, the bakery used to be our friend, companion and guide. He used to come at least twice
a day. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when he returned after emptying his
huge basket. The jingling thud of hus bamboo woke us up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why is it so?
Was it for the love of the loaf? Not at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant of the
house! What we longed for were those bread-bangles which we chose carefully. Sometimes it was sweet bread of
special make.
i. ‘Our' in the extract refers to the
(a) Friends (b) companion (c) guide (d) bakers
ii. They used to come _______
(a) Once a day (b) twice in a day (c) thrice in a day (d) weekly
iii. During childhood days the children regarded the baker as their
(a) Friend (b) guide (c) companion (d) all of these
iv. The jingling sound of _______ woke the children up.
(a) Rod (b) bells (c) bamboo stick (d) bangles v.
v. What did the children long for?
(a) Sweet bread (b) bread-bangles (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)
(B) In my short career as a thief ,I had made a study of men’s faces when they had lost their goods. The greedy man
showed fear, the rich man showed anger, the poor man showed acceptance. But I knew that Anil’s face , when he
discovered the theft, would show only a touch of sadness. Not for the loss of money but for the loss of trust.
i. Who is the author of this extract?
a) James Herriot. b) Ruskin bond. C) H.G.Wells. d) Robert W.Peterson
ii. What happens to the greedy man when he is robbed?
a) He is fear- stricken. b) He is worried. C) his face shows anger. d) he accepts grudgingly
iii. When a poor man is robbed, his face shows_________.
a) Anger. B) acceptance. C) sadness. D) fear.
iv. The narrator is portrayed as
a) Greedy. B) cunning.
C) though a thief but good t heart. D) ready to learn and reform himself
v. Which word does‘ acceptance’ not correspond to?
a). Perception. B) resignation. C) welcoming. D) Embracing

Q.8 Read the extract given below and attempt any one. ( 5 Marks)
A) No use to say ‘O there are other balls’ :
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions.
I. The poet wants the boy ________
a) To buy another ball. B) not to play with the ball again
C). To grow up and cope with his loss. D) to grow up and forget his losses
II. The boy’s state of mind is_______.
a) Happy. B) excited C) sad. D) confused and desperate
III. ‘I would not intrude on him’ shows that_______
a) The poet is indifferent to what the boy feels.
B). the poet does not want to interfere in the situation
C) the poet is cruel
D) the poet wants to see only the Boy’s reaction to his loss.
IV. The word‘ responsibility ’ is used to convey that the boy___________.
A) has become responsible. B) realizes that it was his responsibility to keep the ball safe
C) realizes that things will get lost and he will have to cope with this fact.
D) realizes that he has been irresponsible in a world of possessions
V. The poet’s tone is________.
A) humorous. B) happy. C) sad. D) sad and somber
B) Did you finish your homework, Amanda?
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes,
I. What was Amanda asked to do by her aunt?
A) finish her homework. B) clean the room. C) clean her shoes. D) gives no reaction
II. What is Amanda’s reaction?
A)She retorts angirly. B) starts doing her homework.
C) gets up and goes out. D) gives no reaction
III. What is the attitude of the speaker to Amanda?
A)kind. B) lenient. C) authoritative. D) strict
IV. According to the speaker Amanda is very_______.
A)sensitive. B) careless. C) punctual. D) hardworking
V. Which word does ‘tidy’ not correspond to?
A)wash. B) set in order. C) arrange. D) clean
Q.9 Do any four out of five Questions in 20-30 words. ( 12 marks )
i. What did lencho write to God in his letter?
ii. How did young sea gull land on the sea?
iii. What kind of dress was worn by the baker in Goa?
iv. Where is coorg situated? What is it known for?
v. What makes Amanda think herself to be an orphan?
Q.10 Answer the following Questions in 30-40 words. Do any two Questions out of three. ( 6 Marks)
i. How did Harisingh know that Anil knew about his theft?
ii. What did the scientist do inside the shop?
iii. What kind of husband was Mr. Loisel?
Q.11 Answer the following Questions in long do any one in 100-120 words. ( 6 marks)
A) Describe the circumstances under which Lencho’s crop are destroyed?
B) What kind of life was lived by the traditional baker in Goa?
Q.12 Do any one Question out of two in 100-200 words. ( 6 marks )
A) Who was the invisible man? What were some of his adventures?
B) What kind of life did Matilda Loisel lead before and after losing the necklace?

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