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Niles considered as one of the most important water sources in

countries. They play an important role in watering plants. When

there is a lack of sweet water in rivers many people can have
serious problem in drinking, eating, and feeding their animals.
When we realize the importance of rivers and we have such a
big one like The River Nile we should try our best in order to
keep its water clean.

First of all, we should do actions about throwing rubbish into

the River Nile. Everyone who does it must pay a fine. When
there is a flood, we should collect water as there may be a
drought after it. Second, we should rationalize the use of water
as it may decrease until it disappears.

Many companies should be reviewed as there are many

companies that overuse. They use water then change its form
from clean to dirty without getting rid of it in places that is
capable for this. Many places such as rivers in our case drop
their rubbish in it which leads to many dangerous diseases or in
higher as cooling of nuclear reactor it causes disorders in genes,
change the shape of living organism, and it will affect plants
which will lead to many deaths.

Finally, we should save water and not to waste it as it is the

artery of life for all living organism.

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