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Report Sheet

Name: Course& Sec: BS Bio - Eco 1-B Group # : 5 Date:

Activity #4

Substratum Classification

I.Data: Punta Engano

A. Table1. Type and Extent of Substratum
Type of Substratum Extent of Substratum ( cm)
Muddy-Sandy ~0-6000 cm

Rocky-Sandy ~6000 cm-9000 cm

Rocky-Muddy ~9000 cm-1000 cm

B. Table 2 Type of Substratum and Kind of Organisms

Type of Substratum Organism Present

Plants Animals

Muddy-Sandy Microalgaes Fiddler crabs, sea

Rocky- Sandy Mangroves (Rhizophora Bivalve mollusks, sand
sp.), seagrasses crabs, limpets, hermit
crabs, Nerita shells

Rocky-Muddy Mangroves (Rhizophora Sand starfish, Barnacles,

sp.), seagrasses Nerita shell

C. Table 3 Type of Substratum and Abundance of Organisms

Type of Substratum Most Abundant Organism Least Abundant Organism

Muddy-Sandy Fiddler crabs, microalgaes Sea cucumber

Rocky- Sandy Mangroves (Rhizophora Limpets


Rocky-Muddy Mangroves (Rhizophora Barnacles

sp.), Nerita shells
IV. Interpretation and Analysis of Data:
1. Which type of substratum was the longest? Shortest?
- The longest substratum is the Muddy-Sandy, which ranges up to 6000 cm or
around 60 meters, and the shortest substratum is Rocky-Muddy, which measures
around 1000 cm or 10 meters in the 100-meter length substratum starting from
the shore.

2. Correlate the type of substratum with the kind of organism.

- The organism found in Muddy-Sandy Substratum, typically inhabited by
burrowing or bottom-dwelling organisms.Organisms in muddy-sandy substratum
often burrow into the sediment or move along the surface like the fiddler crabs
and sea cucumbers. Meanwhile, Rocky-Sandy substratum host a mix of species
adapted to both rocky and sandy habitats. Organisms in rocky-sandy substrata
may inhabit crevices in rocks or burrow into the sandy patches between rocks like
limpets and hermit crabs. Organisms in rocky-muddy substrata may cling to rocks,
burrow into mud, or navigate the interstitial spaces between rocks. Examples
include barnacles and starfish.

3. In what type of substratum do plants grow?

- Plants grow in various types of substrata, depending on their specific adaptations
and requirements, but in the case of Seagrove Punta Engano, there is the
presence of mangroves in all three substrata, as well as some species of
seagrasses and microalgae. This highlights the remarkable adaptability of
mangroves to a variety of environmental conditions and substrate types.

4. Which type of substratum has the most varied forms of organisms?

- Based on our data gathered, the susbtrata Rocky-Sandy shows the most varied
forms of organisms. Most organisms found are adapted to rocky and sandy
Questions to Answer:
1. How does the substratum affect the organisms in the sea?
- The type of substratum in the sea can affect the organisms living there by
providing different habitats and resources.Different types of substrata, such as
sand, rocks, mud, and coral reefs, offer unique environmental conditions that
influence the types of organisms that can thrive in those habitats.

2. Do the organisms affect the substratum of the sea? If so, how?

- Yes, organisms in the sea can affect the substratum. For example, burrowing
organisms like worms and crustaceans can mix and aerate sediment, altering its
composition and structure. Some organisms, such as corals and mollusks, can
secrete calcium carbonate, contributing to the formation of rocky substrates over
time. Additionally, organisms like algae and seagrasses can stabilize sediments
with their roots, preventing erosion and maintaining the integrity of the

3. In which type of substratum do plants abound?

- Plants are abundant in soil substrata, where they can anchor their roots and
access nutrients and water. Additionally, plants thrive in aquatic substrata like
mud, sand, and gravel found in freshwater and marine environments, where they
adapt to growing submerged or partially submerged like the mangroves.

4. What is the effect of the type of substratum on the clearness of water?

- The type of substratum can affect the clarity of water by influencing sediment
resuspension and nutrient cycling. For instance, sandy substrates generally result
in clearer water because they are less prone to stirring up sediment compared to
muddy substrates. While muddy substrates may lead to murkier water due to
sediment suspension, which can reduce light penetration and affect water

5. Make a table of the adaptations of the organisms in each type of substratum.

Substratum Organisms Adaptation

Sandy -Burrowing Adaptations: Sand-dwelling

organisms have specialized structures (such as
elongated bodies or digging appendages) to
move through loose sand.
- Camouflage: Some animals blend with the
sandy background to avoid predators.
- Filter Feeding: Sandy habitats support filter-
feeding organisms that extract food particles
from water or sediment.

Rocky -Gripping Appendages: Rocky surfaces allow

organisms to cling to rocks using specialized
feet, suckers, or adhesive structures.
- Algae and Lichens: Rocky areas often host
algae and lichens that can withstand exposure
to sun and waves. - Wave Resistance:
Adaptations to withstand wave impact and

Rocky-Sandy -Versatility: Organisms in this transition zone

exhibit a mix of adaptations from both rocky
and sandy habitats.
- Burrowing and Clinging: They can burrow
into sand or cling to rocks as needed.

Sandy-Muddy -Burrowing and Camouflage: These

organisms adapt to both sandy and muddy
- Siphoning Feeding: Some filter-feeders use
siphons to extract nutrients from mud.

Rocky-Muddy - Flexible Behavior: Rocky-muddy habitats

require versatile adaptations. Burrowing and
-Clinging: Organisms can burrow into mud or
cling to rocks.

Coraline -Calcium Carbonate Adaptations: Coraline

habitats consist of hard corals with calcium
carbonate skeletons
- Symbiosis: Living corals form symbiotic
relationships with algae (zooxanthellae) for
- Stinging Tentacles: Hard corals have
stinging tentacles for prey capture

V. Generalization:
Various substrata support different types of life. Muddy-Sandy substrata are home to
burrowing organisms like fiddler crabs. Rocky-Sandy substrata host species adapted to both
rocky and sandy environments, such as limpets and hermit crabs. Despite differences, all
substrata sustain life, showing how organisms adapt to coastal ecosystems. The rich diversity
between substrata display the thriving ecosystem of Seagrove Punta Engano.
Report Sheet

Name: Course& Sec: BS Bio - Eco 1-B Group # : 5 Date:

Activity # 5

Exploring a Rock Ecosystem

I. Data: Cordova, Brgy. Catarman

A. Table1. Rock Surface and its Characteristics

Characteristics Description

texture Porous texture

size A large chunk of boulder

shape Highly textured and asymmetrical

color White beige color

materials components calcium carbonate (derived from the

skeletal remains of marine organisms),
sand, other organic debris

other textures Rough and uneveen

B. Table 2. Rock Surface Organisms and their Characteristics

Name of Organism Characteristic Abundance Behavior

Oyster shellfish Two hinge shells Occasional Sessile or attached


Limpets Flattened conical Abundant Sessile or attached

shell runners

Nerita shell conical or oval shape Abundant Sessile or attached

with a pointed apex runners

C. Table 3. Tube Dweller Organism and their Characteristic

Name of Organism Characteristic Abundance Behavior

Hermit crab Shell dwelling Occasional Tube dweller

Bristle Worms Segmented marine Abundant Exhibit burrowing,

worms with bristly crawling, and
chaetae for sometimes
locomotion and swimming
behaviors, often
being nocturnal
and omnivorous.

D. Table 4. Other Organisms inside the Rock

Name of Organism Characteristic Abundance Behavior

Sea squirts Sac-like body Frequent Tube dweller,

structure, expel out Sessile or attached
water when runners

II. Interpretation and Analysis of Data

1. What kind of organisms live on the surface of the rock?
- The organisms that live on the surface of the rock are mostly sessile or attached
runners. Most of these organisms possess appendages that are adapted to attach
themselves to hard sediments. Each of these organisms has adapted to life in the
intertidal zone, where they can withstand exposure to air and waves during low
tide and underwater conditions during high tide.

2. What kind of organisms live inside the rock?

- Inside the rock, organisms such as small crustaceans, and certain mollusks may
be found. These organisms often burrow into the rock or inhabit tiny crevices
within it.

3. How are the organisms on the surface of the rock able to protect themselves from the
strong pressure of water?
- Some have hard shells or exoskeletons that provide protection, while others have
strong attachment to sediments. Additionally, many organisms can close their
shells or retract into crevices to reduce exposure to water pressure during high

4. How are the organisms inside the rock able to obtain food for their survival?
- Organisms that lives within the rock obtain food through various means
depending on their species. Many are filter feeders like sea squirts,, capturing
microscopic particles and plankton from the surrounding water using specialized
structures like tentacles or filtering appendages. Some predatory organisms may
hunt for smaller animals or feed on other organisms living within the rock crevices
like hermit crabs.

III. Questions to Answer:

1. Why is the rock considered an ecosystem?
- The rock is considered an ecosystem because it supports a community of living
organisms interacting with one another and their environment. Mock provides
habitat and shelter for a diverse array of marine life, contributing to the overall
biodiversity and ecological functioning of the marine environment.

2. How are the organisms able to survive in the rock?

- Organisms are able to survive in the rock through a combination of adaptations
that allow them to tolerate the harsh conditions of their environment. Some
organisms have specialized structures or behaviors that help them withstand
different environmental conditions. The ability of organisms to survive in the rock
is a result of their evolutionary adaptations to their specific ecological niche
within the marine environment.

3. Cite some adaptations of organisms observed on the surface and inside the rock.
- Sea squirts have specialized structures, such as adhesive discs or byssal threads,
that allow them to firmly attach to the surface of rocks or other substrates. Sea
squirts are filter feeders, using a specialized filtering structure called the pharynx
to draw in water and filter out microscopic plankton and organic particles. This
adaptation allows them to obtain nutrients from the surrounding water while
remaining stationary.

IV. Generalization:

Organisms on the rock surface stick or cling to it, using shells or strong attachments to
handle water pressure. Inside the rock, small creatures hide in holes. They find food by
filtering water or hunting. The rock hosts a community of life, with each creature adapted to
its role.
Report Sheet

Name: Course& Sec: BS Bio - Eco 1-B Group # : 5 Date:

Activity #6

Plankton Study

I. Data:
Drawing and Characteristics of Planktons Observed

Pyrodinium bahamense is a bioluminescent

dinoflagellate known for its role in causing red tides and
spectacular bioluminescent displays in warm marine
environments. This species can produce toxins that are
harmful to both marine life and humans when it forms
dense blooms. Its cells are protected by thecal plates,
and it moves using two flagella. Pyrodinium bahamense
is an important player in marine ecosystems,
contributing to nutrient cycling and serving as a food
source for other marine organisms.

Thalassiosira weissflogii is a species of centric diatom

commonly found in marine and brackish waters. This
diatom is known for its circular, disc-shaped silica
frustule that characteristically shows radial symmetry.
It often forms chains that aid in its suspension in the
water column, making it an important component of
phytoplankton communities. Thalassiosira weissflogii is
a significant primary producer, contributing to the base
of the marine food web by photosynthesizing and
producing oxygen. It is also studied for its role in
biogeochemical cycles, particularly in the sequestration
of carbon and silica.
Lucifer hanseni is a species of small, bioluminescent
shrimp belonging to the family Luciferidae. This
organism is distinguished by its slender, transparent
body which allows it to evade predators effectively in
its pelagic marine habitat. It features a unique set of
appendages adapted for swimming and catching
planktonic prey. Lucifer hanseni is known for its
bioluminescence, emitting light as a defensive
mechanism to confuse predators or attract mates. This
species plays a role in marine food webs, both as a
predator of smaller plankton and as prey for larger
marine organisms.

Noctiluca scintillans is a species of bioluminescent

dinoflagellate commonly found in marine
environments worldwide. This organism is known for
its ability to produce flashes of blue light, creating
luminous displays in the water. Noctiluca scintillans is
typically large and spherical, with a gelatinous body
that allows it to float near the surface of the ocean. It is
a mixotrophic organism, capable of photosynthesis as
well as heterotrophic feeding on other plankton.
Noctiluca scintillans can form dense blooms, often
associated with nutrient-rich waters, and may have
ecological impacts such as oxygen depletion and
altering marine food webs.
Euphausia diomedeae is a species of krill found in
marine ecosystems, including the Philippine Seas.
These small crustaceans typically measure a few
centimeters in length and play a vital role in marine
food webs as a primary food source for many larger
marine animals, including whales, fish, and seabirds.
Euphausia diomedeae often forms large swarms,
migrating vertically in the water column to feed on
phytoplankton and zooplankton. They possess
distinctive transparent bodies and have a pair of
antennae used for swimming and sensing their


Plankton A Plankton B

Kingdom - Protista Kingdom - Protista

Phylum - Dinophyta Phylum - Bacillariophyta
Class - Dinophyceae Class - Bacillariophyceae
Order - Gonyaulacales Order - Thalassiosirales
Family - Gonyaulacaceae Family - Thalassiosiraceae
Genus - Pyrodinium Genus - Thalassiosira
Species - bahamense Species - weissflogii
Scientific Name - Pyrodinium Scientific Name - Thalassiosira
bahamense weissflogii

Plankton C Plankton D

Kingdom - Animalia Kingdom - Protista

Phylum - Arthropoda Phylum - Dinophyta
Class - Crustacea Class - Dinophyceae
Order - Decapoda Order - Noctilucales
Family - Luciferidae Family - Noctilucaceae
Genus - Lucifer Genus - Noctiluca
Species - hanseni Species - scintillans
Scientific Name - Lucifer hanseni Scientific Name - Noctiluca scintillans

Plankton E

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Crustacea
Order - Euphausiacea
Family - Euphausiidae
Genus - Euphausia
Species - diomedeae
Scientific Name - Euphausia diomedeae

II. Interpretation and Analysis of Data:

1. What phytoplanktons abound most? Zooplankton abound the most?

- The phytoplankton that abound most are Pyrodinium bahamense and
Thalassiosira weissflogii. These are from the kingdoms of Protista, specifically
from the phyla Dinophyta and Bacillariophyta respectively, both of which are
significant contributors to marine phytoplankton populations and play crucial
roles in nutrient cycling and as primary producers in oceanic ecosystems. In terms
of zooplankton, Lucifer hanseni and Euphausia diomedeae are the most
abundant. These belong to the kingdom Animalia, phylum Arthropoda, and are
critical as intermediate trophic levels, feeding on phytoplankton and providing
food for larger marine animals. Both species are key in their respective
ecosystems, with Euphausia diomedeae, in particular, being a major food source
for many marine species due to its swarming behavior.

2. Which phytoplankton did you rarely observe? Zooplankton did you rarely observe?
- Among the listed phytoplankton, Noctiluca scintillans may be less commonly
observed in some regions compared to Pyrodinium bahamense and Thalassiosira
weissflogii, which are extensively studied for their ecological impacts and
biogeochemical roles. For zooplankton, Lucifer hanseni might be observed less
frequently than Euphausia diomedeae. This is because krill like Euphausia
diomedeae form large swarms that are more easily detectable and have a broad
distribution, making them a prominent focus of marine studies.
3. Why do you think there are more phytoplanktons on the surface of the sea than at the
bottom of the sea?
- Phytoplankton abundance is higher at the sea surface due to sunlight availability
for photosynthesis. Light penetration decreases with depth, limiting
photosynthesis and primary production. Nutrient availability is also typically
higher near the surface due to upwelling and mixing processes, supporting
phytoplankton growth. Additionally, phytoplankton are buoyant and can remain
suspended in the water column, allowing them to thrive near the surface where
light and nutrients are optimal. Finally, predation pressure from zooplankton and
other grazers may be lower near the surface, allowing phytoplankton populations
to proliferate.

III. Questions:

1. What functions do the phytoplanktons perform? The zooplanktons?

- Phytoplankton are essential to marine ecosystems primarily as primary
producers. They perform photosynthesis, converting sunlight and carbon dioxide
into oxygen and organic materials, forming the foundational layer of the marine
food web. This process not only supports the vast majority of marine life but also
plays a significant role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing large amounts of
carbon dioxide, thus helping to moderate the Earth’s climate. Additionally,
phytoplankton contribute to the production of a significant portion of the Earth's
oxygen. Zooplankton, meanwhile, serve as crucial secondary producers by
feeding on phytoplankton and other microscopic marine organisms. They are a
key food resource for a variety of larger organisms such as fish, whales, and
seabirds, effectively transferring energy and nutrients up the food chain.
Zooplankton also facilitate nutrient cycling within marine environments through
their waste products, which redistribute nutrients back into the ecosystem,
supporting further primary production. In this way, zooplankton help maintain
the balance and productivity of marine ecosystems.

2. What factors affect the survival of planktons?

- The survival of plankton is influenced by a variety of environmental factors. Key
among these are water temperature, light availability, and nutrient levels, all of
which directly affect their growth and reproductive rates. Light is crucial for
phytoplankton, which rely on photosynthesis; thus, seasonal and geographical
variations in sunlight can dramatically impact their populations. Nutrient
availability, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron, also plays a critical role,
especially in nutrient-poor regions like the open ocean. Additionally, salinity and
pH levels can affect plankton survival, as changes in these conditions can be
detrimental if they fall outside the tolerance levels of certain species.
Furthermore, predation from higher trophic levels and competition within the
planktonic community also influence plankton populations. Human activities,
such as pollution and climate change, introduce additional stressors like
increased water temperatures and ocean acidification, further impacting
plankton survival and distribution.

3. How are planktons affected by pollutants?

- Plankton are significantly affected by pollutants, which can have detrimental
impacts on their populations and the broader marine ecosystem. Chemical
pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and plastics can accumulate in
plankton, disrupting their metabolic processes and reducing their reproductive
capabilities. Oil spills directly impair phytoplankton by blocking sunlight, crucial
for photosynthesis, and can coat the surface of zooplankton, affecting their ability
to move and feed. Nutrient pollution, particularly from agricultural runoff, can
lead to eutrophication, causing algal blooms that may outcompete and displace
native plankton species. These blooms often result in hypoxic conditions once the
algae die and decompose, depleting oxygen levels in the water and creating 'dead
zones' where few marine organisms can survive. Such pollution not only impacts
plankton directly but also has cascading effects up the food chain, affecting
everything from small fish to large marine mammals.

IV. Generalization:

The classification and analysis reveal the diverse roles and distribution of plankton within marine
ecosystems. Phytoplankton like Pyrodinium bahamense and Thalassiosira weissflogii, crucial for
photosynthesis, are most abundant at the ocean's surface due to optimal light conditions, playing key
roles as primary producers. Zooplankton such as Euphausia diomedeae, which feeds on these
phytoplankton, is vital in transferring energy up the food chain to larger marine animals. Factors affecting
plankton survival include light availability, nutrient levels, and pollutants,. Overall, the balance and
productivity of marine ecosystems heavily depend on the health and abundance of plankton populations,
highlighting the importance of monitoring and protecting these fundamental organs.
Report Sheet

Name: Course& Sec: BS Bio - Eco 1-B Group # : Date:

Activity #7

A Study of the Intertidal Zone

I. Data: Punta Engano

A. Intertidal Zone Area of Study

Quadrant Kind of Identification Distribution Population Adaptation

Substratum &Characteristic of of
Organism Organisms

1 Sandy Small Random Abundant Camouflage for

crustaceans, e.g., protection
sand bubbler

2 Rocky-Sandy Small fish, hermit Aggregated Rare Protective

crabs, anemones coloration

3 Rocky Algae, barnacles, Clumped Abundant Strong adhesive

limpets, hermit structures for
crabs attachment

4 Rocky Nrita shells, Clumped Abundant strong adhesive

limpets, brittle star to attach to
Flexible arms for

5 Rocky-Muddy Sea urchins, brittle Random Solitary Spines for

stars, protection

6 Rocky-Muddy Hermit crabs, Clumped Abundant Hermit crabs

microalgaes use shells for

7 Sandy-Muddy Mudskippers, mud- Solitary Frequent Ability to

dwelling snails breathe air and
move on land

8 Sandy-Muddy Mudskippers and Clumped Frequent Burrowing

small crabs capability
9 Sandy- Muddy Varied species of Clumped Abundant Salt tolerance,
Mangroves (eg. aerial roots for
Rhizophora), oxygen
Barnacles attached intake,filter-
to mangroves, feeding
Nerita shells adaptation to
attached to leaves, obtain food
seagrass. from water,
secretion for

10 Sandy-Muddy Varied species of Clumped Abundant aerial roots for

Mangroves (eg. (Mangroves), oxygen intake,
Rhizophora), Rare (Purple hard
purple climber climber crabs) exoskeleton for
crabs protection.

B. Associations of Organisms

Plant -Plant Association Plant- Animal Association Animal-Animal Asociation

Quadrant 3: Algae with barnacles, limpets Quadrant 2 and 3: Algae Small crustaceans with sand
with small fish, hermit bubbler crabs (Quadrant 1),
crabs, anemone Small fish with hermit crabs,
anemones (Quadrant 2), Nirta
shells with limpets, brittle star
(Quadrant 4)

Quadrant 9: Varied species of Mangroves Quadrant 9: Mangroves Quadrant 9: Sea urchins and
(e.g., Rhizophora) and Barnacles, Nerita brittle stars
shells attached to leaves,
C. Distribution and Population of Organisms in the Intertidal Zone ( Mapped in a graphing
II. Interpretation and Analysis of Data:

1. What types of substratum are present in the intertidal zone?

Rocky shores: Rocky substrates, consisting of exposed rocks and boulders, are typical in
areas where wave action is strong. Rocky shores support diverse communities of algae,
barnacles, mussels, and other organisms adapted to the harsh conditions of the intertidal
Sandy: Sandy substrates are prevalent in many intertidal areas and support a wide range
of organisms adapted to sandy habitats, such as sand crabs, clams, and beach hoppers.
Sandy-muddy substrate in the intertidal zone consists of a mixture of sand and mud
sediments, providing habitat for diverse intertidal organisms adapted to both sandy and
muddy environments.
Rocky-Muddy substrate in the intertidal is characterized by a combination of rocky
surfaces and muddy sediments, supporting a diverse array of marine life adapted to both
rocky and muddy habitats.

2. How are organisms distributed in the intertidal zone?

Organisms in the intertidal zone are distributed vertically according to their tolerance to
desiccation, wave action, and other environmental factors. In the upper intertidal zone,
where organisms are exposed to air during low tide for extended periods, species adapted
to dry conditions, such as barnacles and periwinkles, are commonly found. Moving down
to the middle intertidal zone, where organisms are submerged during high tide but
exposed to air during low tide, a greater diversity of species, including mussels, limpets,
and sea stars, can be observed. In the lower intertidal zone, which is submerged most of
the time, organisms like anemones, sea urchins, and seaweeds thrive in the relatively
stable underwater environment. This zonation of species in the intertidal zone is known
as the vertical intertidal gradient and is influenced by factors such as wave action,
temperature fluctuations, and substrate type.

3. What are some of the adaptations of organisms in the intertidal zone?

Organisms in the intertidal zone exhibit various adaptations to survive the challenging
conditions of their environment. These adaptations include mechanisms for withstanding
desiccation, such as the ability to close their shells or hide in crevices during low tide, as
well as specialized structures like strong attachments, streamlined shapes, or protective
coatings to withstand wave action and turbulent currents.

4. What organisms predominate in the intertidal zone? Why?

● Sandy areas: Small crustaceans like sand bubbler crabs.
● Rocky areas: Algae, barnacles, limpets, and Nrita shells.
● Rocky-muddy areas: Sea urchins, brittle stars, and hermit crabs.
● Sandy-muddy areas: Mudskippers, mud-dwelling snails, and varied species of
The dominance of specific organisms in different zones of the intertidal area can
be attributed to their adaptation to the unique environmental conditions of each
substrate type. For instance, sandy areas favor small crustaceans like sand bubbler crabs
due to the loose substrate, while rocky areas provide stable attachment points for algae,
barnacles, limpets, and Nrita shells, allowing them to thrive despite wave action. Similarly,
rocky-muddy and sandy-muddy areas support organisms like sea urchins, brittle stars,
hermit crabs, mudskippers, mud-dwelling snails, and mangroves, which are adapted to
the transitional zones between different substrate types and utilize resources available in
these environments for survival and reproduction.

5. What organisms rarely occur in the intertidal? Why?

In the intertidal zone, organisms that rarely occur may include those that are
highly specialized or dependent on specific environmental conditions not found in the
area. For example, deep-sea or pelagic species are unlikely to occur in the intertidal zone
due to the shallow nature of the habitat and exposure to air during low tide, while
organisms adapted to extreme cold or heat may also be absent due to the relatively
moderate climate of the region.

6. What advantages (benefits) and disadvantages do organisms get from establishing

relationship or association with one another?

Organisms in the intertidal zone thrive through symbiotic relationships and

mutual dependencies, enabling access to vital resources like food, shelter, and protection
from predators. Collaboration and mutualism among species enhance overall survival
rates and bolster ecosystem resilience in the face of environmental challenges. However,
these interdependencies can also fuel competition for limited resources, increase
predation pressures, or facilitate parasitic interactions, potentially disrupting the delicate
balance of the ecosystem and impacting individual fitness and population dynamics over
time. Thus, while symbiotic relationships foster cooperation and support, they also
introduce complexities that influence the intricate web of life within the intertidal

7. Write a short paragraph about your results in mapping out the organisms in a graphing

The graphing paper revealed clear patterns in where organisms live and how they
adapt. Sandy areas are home to small crustaceans like sand bubbler crabs, blending in
with their surroundings for protection. Rocks host a range of species, each using tactics
like strong adhesion or protective colors. Mangroves in sandy-muddy zones host
barnacles and Nerita shells, which use salt tolerance and adhesives to attach. Adaptations
vary from burrowing in mudskippers to aerial roots in mangroves for breathing, showing
how each organism thrives in its environment.
III. Questions:

1. Why is the intertidal zone the most critical area for organisms in the sea?
- The intertidal zone is critical for marine organisms because it's highly biodiverse,
receives rich nutrient inputs, and its inhabitants are adapted to extreme
environmental changes. It plays key ecological roles, but is vulnerable to human
impacts, making its health a valuable indicator for overall marine ecosystem

2. What factors affect the survival of organisms in the intertidal zone? Explain how each of
these factors affects survival.
● Wave Action: Strong waves can wash away or damage organisms. Stronger ones
or those that hug the ground better have a better chance.
● Temperature Changes: It gets hot and cold as the tide comes and goes. Some
creatures hide or move to cooler spots to stay safe.
● Salinity Changes: Sometimes the water gets saltier, sometimes less salty. Animals
have ways to handle this, like adjusting how much salt is in their bodies.
● Drying Out: When the tide goes out, some animals are left out of the water and
can dry out. They either hide or have ways to stay wet.
● Predators and Competition: Animals have to watch out for other animals trying
to eat them or take their homes. Some have ways to hide or fight back.
● Food Availability: Some animals have to find food when the tide is in, and store it
for when the tide goes out and food is scarce.
● Human Impact: Pollution, fishing, and other human activities can mess up the
places where these creatures live, making it harder for them to survive.

IV. Generalization:

In the intertidal zone, organisms have evolved to adapt to various substrates, including rocky,
sandy, rocky-muddy, and sandy-muddy environments. They're distributed vertically according to their
tolerance to desiccation and wave action, creating distinct zones of species. Organisms exhibit a range of
adaptations, such as closing shells or streamlined shapes, to survive. Dominant organisms vary by
substrate, with small crustaceans in sandy areas, algae and barnacles in rocky areas, and sea urchins in
rocky-muddy areas. Some organisms rarely occur due to their specialization or specific environmental

Establishing relationships in the intertidal zone has both benefits and drawbacks. Symbiotic
relationships provide access to resources and enhance survival, but they also increase competition and
predation. Collaboration bolsters ecosystem resilience, but it can also introduce complexities that impact
individual fitness and population dynamics. Thus, while these relationships foster cooperation and
support, they also influence the delicate balance of the intertidal community.

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