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Heavenly Father,
We gather before You at the start of this class, acknowledging Your
sovereignty and seeking Your wisdom. You are the source of all
knowledge and understanding, and we invite Your presence to guide us
in our learning.
Forgive us for our weaknesses and distractions. Grant us clarity of mind
and purity of heart as we engage in the pursuit of knowledge, desiring to
honor You with our studies and teachings.
We ask for Your wisdom to enlighten our minds and illuminate the
subjects we are about to explore. May Your truth resonate deeply within
us, shaping our thoughts and actions.
Lord, we lift up our students to You. Bless them with curiosity,
diligence, and a hunger for learning. May this time of education be
transformative, equipping them with skills and insights that will serve
them well.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of education and the resources we have.
We are grateful for the opportunities to grow and develop intellectually.
Help us to use these gifts wisely and generously for the benefit of others
and the glory of Your name.
As we begin this class, may Your peace fill our hearts and minds. Guide
our discussions and interactions, that they may be edifying and enriching
for all involved.
Grant us strength and perseverance throughout this academic journey.
May we approach each challenge with faith and diligence, always
seeking to honor You in our pursuit of knowledge.
In Your precious and powerful name we pray,

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