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1 lezione: elenco su quaderno delle frasi. Farne ricopiare una alla volta sul quaderno, ripeterla in modo corale
insieme, poi di volta in volta togliere una parola dalla frase e fare ripetere l’intera frase / lavoro a coppie: ogni
coppia avrà una frase assegnata e dovrà preparare per il giorno dopo un disegno che la rappresenti, su un pezzo di

2 lezione: creare il cartellone facendo ripetere alla coppia la loro frase con traduzione // quiz a scelta multipla sul
video Safety Measures For CORONAVIRUS | Coronavirus Outbreak | Pandemic | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz -
YouTube DA MIN 1.08 A 3.57 (3 volte 10 minuti)

1. Check your school supplies before leaving home

2. You can’t share school objects
3. Before leaving home, check your temperature
4. If you feel sick, stay at home
5. Take and wear your mask
6. Don’t share your snacks
7. Don’t hug people
8. Don’t shake hands
9. avoid close contact with friends and people who are sick
10. Wash your hands with warm and soapy water for 30 seconds
11. Sanitize your hands
12. Cough or sneeze into your flexed elbow
NAME AND SURNAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: ________________


1) Most people infected by Covid-19 experience mild:

a. Fever
b. Recover
c. Cough

2) Try to avoid:
a. To visit your doctor
b. Close contact with people who are sick
c. Your friends

3) Make sure:
a. to travel
b. To spread the disease to others
c. To wear a face mask

4) While coughing and sneezing cover your ___________ and

___________ with a flexed elbow.

5) Wash your hands often with warm and soapy water for at least:
a. 13 seconds
b. 40 seconds
c. 30 seconds

6) Help your parents to clean and disinfect:

a. a wipe
b. touched objects and surfaces
c. your friends
Scrivi 3 regole da seguire per prevenire il Covid-19 (tra quelle elencate in classe):

1) ________________________________________________________________________


2) ________________________________________________________________________


3) ________________________________________________________________________


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