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Test Booklet Series


Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200


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3. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English and
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1 | UPSC-MOCK-01

1. With reference to ‘Currency Practices 1. हाल ही में चचाा में रही 'मुद्रा हेरफेर निगरािी सूची
Monitoring List (Currency Manipulators (Currency manupulators Watchlist)' के
Watchlist)’, which was recently seen in the संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
news, consider the following statements:
1. इसे अमेररकी ट्र े िरी निर्ाग द्वारा प्रकानित
1. It is published by the U. S Department
नकया िाता है ।
of The Treasury.
2. India has never been placed in this 2. र्ारत क कर्ी र्ी इस निगरािी सूची में िहीं
monitoring list. रिा गया है ।
3. Inclusion in the list will immediately 3. सूची में िानमल ह िे पर तुरंत दं ड और प्रनतबंध
attract penalties and sanctions. लग िाएं गे।
How many of the statements given above उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने गलत हैं ?
are incorrect? (a) क ई कथन नह ों
(a) None of the statements
(b) केवल एक कथन
(b) Only one statement
(c) Only two statements (c) केवल द कथन
(d) All three statements (d) सभ त न ों कथन

2. Consider the following statements with 2. भारत में चयनाव ों के सोंबोंध में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर
regards to Elections in India: कवचार क किएः
1. Use of Electronic Voting Machines 1. इलेक्ट्रॉकनक व क ों ग मश न (EVM) का उपर् ग
(EVM) completely eliminates the 'अमान्य व ' डालने क सोंभावना क पूर तरह
possibility of casting 'Invalid Votes'.
से समाप्त कर दे ता है ।
2. During elections no Minister including
the Prime Minister is allowed to 2. चयनाव के दौरान प्रधानमोंत्र सकहत ककस भ मोंत्र
combine their official visit with क आदशु आचार सोंकहता के प्रावधान ों के तहत
electioneering work, under the अपन आकधकाररक र्ात्रा क चयनाव कार्ु के
provisions of Model Code of Conduct. साथ ि ड़ने क अनयमकत नह ों है ।
3. The first two General elections in India 3. स्वतोंत्रता के बाद भारत में पहले द आम चयनाव
after Independence were held सभ राज्य कवधानसभाओों के साथ एक साथ हुए
simultaneously along with all the state थे।
assemblies. 4. िनप्रकतकनकधत्व अकधकनर्म 1951 भारत के
4. Representation of People Act 1951
कनवाु चन आर् ग क अकधकनर्म में पररभाकित
gives power to Election Commission of
चयनाव अपराध ों के कलए एक रािन कतक दल
India (ECI) to deregister a political
क अपोंि कृत करने क शखक्त दे ता है ।
party for electoral offences defined in
the act. उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह है /हैं ?
How many statements given above is/are (a) केवल एक कथन
correct? (b) केवल द कथन
(a) Only one statement (c) केवल त न कथन
(b) Only two statements (d) चार ों कथन
(c) Only three statements
(d) All four statements
3. निम्ननलखित पर निचार कीनिए:
3. Consider the following: 1. आधार
1. Aadhaar 2. ई-हस्ताक्षर
2. e-Sign 3. यूनिफाइड पेमेंट् इं ट्रफेस
3. Unified Payment Interface 4. नडनिलॉकर
4. Digilocker
उपर क्त में से ककतने एप्ल केशन प्र ग्राकमोंग इों रफेस
How many of the above Applications
(APIs) इों कडर्ा स्टै क में शाकमल हैं ?
Programming Interface (APIs) are included
in the India stack? (a) केवल एक API
(a) Only one API (b) केवल द API
(b) Only two APIs (c) केवल त न API
(c) Only three APIs (d) सभ चार API
(d) All four APIs

2 | UPSC-MOCK-01

4. Consider the following: 4. निम्ननलखित पर निचार कीनिए:

1. Russia 1. रूस
2. Armenia
3. Uzbekistan 2. आमेनिया
4. Belarus 3. उज़्बेनकस्ताि
5. Kazakhstan 4. बेलारूस
Which of the countries given above are 5. किानकस्ताि
members of both the Collective Security
Treaty Organization and Shanghai उपर्युक्त दे श ों में से कौन से दे श सामूकहक सयरक्षा
Cooperation Organisation? सोंकध सोंगठन और शोंघाई सहर् ग सोंगठन द न ों के
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only सदस्य हैं ?
(b) 1 and 5 only (a) केवल 1, 2, 3 और 4
(c) 1, 3 and 5 only (b) केवल 1 और 5
(d) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
(c) केवल 1, 3 और 5
5. With reference to translation of Sanskrit (d) केवल 2, 3, 4 और 5
works to Persian under the Mughal
emperor Akbar, consider the following 5. मुगल सम्राट् अकबर के अधीि संस्कृत कायों के
statements: फारसी में अिुिाद के संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित कथि ं
1. The first Sanskrit book to be translated पर निचार कीनिए:
from Sanskrit to Persian under Akbar
was Sukasaptati. 1. अकबर के अधीि संस्कृत से फारसी में
2. Ramayana was translated into Persian अिुिानदत ह िे िाली पहली संस्कृत पुस्तक
as Razmnama under the reign of Akbar सुकसप्तती थी।
by Badauni. 2. बदायूं द्वारा अकबर के िासिकाल में रामायण
Which of the statements given above is/are का फारसी में रज़्मिामा के रूप में अिुिाद
correct? नकया गया था।
(a) 1 only
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) केिल 1
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) केिल 2
(c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
6. With reference to the recently released
(d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
Global Gender Report 2022 which includes
the Gender Gap Index, which one of the
following statements is correct? 6. हाल ह में िार ग्ल बल िेंडर ररप ु 2022, किसमें
(a) As per the report, the time required by िेंडर गैप इों डेक्स शाकमल है , के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित
the world to achieve gender parity has कथन ों में से कौन सा सह है ?
consistently reduced over the last (a) ररप ु के अनयसार कवश्व क लैंकगक समानता के
decade. लक्ष्य क हाकसल करने के कलए आवश्यक समर्
(b) The ranking of India has improved as
में कपछले एक दशक से लगातार कम आई है ।
compared to the previous edition of the
Gender Gap Index. (b) िेंडर गैप इों डेक्स के कपछले सोंस्करण क तयलना
(c) India has performed better than all its में भारत क रैं ककोंग में सयधार हुआ है ।
neighbours in the present Gender Gap (c) वतुमान िेंडर गैप इों डेक्स में भारत का अपने
Index. सभ पड़ स दे श ों से बेहतर प्रदशुन है ।
(d) As per the index, India is among the (d) इों डेक्स के अनयसार, भारत रािन कतक
bottom 10 countries in terms of
सशखक्तकरण के मामले में न चे के 10 दे श ों में
political empowerment.
शाकमल है ।

3 | UPSC-MOCK-01

7. Consider the following statements with 7. हररकेन के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार
reference to Hurricanes: क किए:
1. Hurricanes are formed along a front 1. मध्य अक्षाोंश ों में समयद्र के उष्ण िल के ऊपर
over warm ocean water in mid- वाताग्र के साथ हररकेन का कनमाु ण ह ता है ।
2. पहले से मौिूद उच्च-स्तर र्-चक्रवात
2. A pre-existing high-level-cyclonic
circulation favours the formation and पररसोंचरण हररकेन के कनमाु ण और उसक
intensification of Hurricanes. त व्रता के अनयकूल ह ता है ।
3. Hurricane dissipates on reaching the 3. नम क आपूकतु बोंद ह िाने के कारण धरातल
land due to moisture supply cut off. पर पहुों चने पर हररकेन समाप्त ह िाता है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are कनम्नकलखित कू का प्रर् ग कर सह उत्तर का चर्न
correct? क किए:
(a) 1 only
(a) केवल 1
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only (b) केवल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) केवल 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
8. Which of the following are the possible
impacts of rising bond yield?
1. Repayment of public debt will become 8. कनम्नकलखित में से कौन से बढ़ते बॉन्ड र् ल्ड के
costlier. सोंभाकवत प्रभाव हैं ?
2. Capital flow into the equity market will 1. सावुिकनक ऋण क अदार्ग महों ग ह
increase. िाएग ।
3. It shows an inflationary tendency in 2. इखि बािार में पूोंि प्रवाह में वृखि ह ग ।
the market. 3. र्ह बािार में मयद्रास्फ कत क प्रवृकत्त क दशाु ता
4. The net profit margins of the
है ।
companies may be reduced.
How many of the statements given above 4. कोंपकनर् ों का शयि मयनाफा कम ह सकता है ।
is/are correct? उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने/ककतने सह हैं/हैं ?
(a) Only one statement. (a) केवल एक कथन।
(b) Only two statements. (b) केवल द कथन।
(c) Only three statements.
(c) केवल त न कथन।
(d) All four statements.
(d) चार ों कथन
9. Which of the following belongs to the
category of Volatile Organic Compounds 9. निम्ननलखित में से कौि से िाष्पिील काबानिक
(VOCs)? यौनगक ं (VOCs) की श्रेणी से संबंनधत हैं ?
1. By-products produced by chlorination
1. िल उपचार में क्ल रीिीकरण द्वारा उत्पानदत
in water treatment
2. A compound of carbon such as carbon उप त्पाद
monoxide and carbon dioxide 2. काबाि का एक यौनगक िैसे काबाि
3. Industrial solvents such as म ि ऑक्साइड और काबाि डाइऑक्साइड
trichloroethylene 3. औद्य नगक निलायक िैसे ट्र ाइक्ल र इनथलीि
4. Benzene
4. बेंिीि
5. Toluene
Select the correct answer using the codes 5. ट्ॉल्यूि
given below: निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
(a) 2, 4 and 5 only कीनिए:
(b) 2 and 3 only (a) केिल 2, 4 और 5
(c) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only
(b) केिल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(c) केिल 1, 3, 4 और 5
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 और 5

4 | UPSC-MOCK-01

10. Which one of the following statements best 10. निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा कथि हाल ही में समाचार ं
describes the term ‘Nord Stream’ recently में दे िे गए 'िॉडा स्ट्र ीम' िब्द का सबसे अच्छा िणाि
seen in the news? करता है ?
(a) It is a coalition of Scandinavian
(a) यह संर्ानित रूसी आक्रमण से बचाि के नलए
Countries for defending against
possible Russian aggression. स्कैंनडिेनियाई दे ि ं का गठबंधि है ।
(b) It is a natural gas pipeline connecting (b) यह रूस क िमािी से ि ड़िे िाली एक
Russia to Germany. प्राकृनतक गैस पाइपलाइि है ।
(c) It is an underground canal system (c) यह िमा दे िे िाली सनदा य ं से बचिे के नलए
developed by Nordic countries to िॉनडा क दे ि ं द्वारा निकनसत एक र्ूनमगत िहर
avoid frozen winters प्रणाली है
(d) It is a free trade agreement pact
(d) यह िॉनडा क दे ि ं के बीच एक मुक्त व्यापार
between Nordic nations.
समझौता है ।
11. With reference to the history of medieval
India, the term "munhiyans" refers to 11. मध्यकालीि र्ारत के इनतहास के संदर्ा में,
which one of the following? "मुखियाि" िब्द निम्ननलखित में से नकस एक क
(a) Officer to control market संदनर्ात करता है ?
(b) Cloth market
(a) बािार क नियंनित करिे के नलए अनधकारी
(c) Secret spies
(d) Minister of War (b) कपड़ा बािार
(c) गुप्त िासूस
12. Consider the following statements with (d) युद्ध मंिी
reference to the SHRESHTA scheme, which
was recently seen in the news:
1. It provides scholarships for higher 12. हाल ही में चचाा में रही श्रेष्ठ य ििा के संदर्ा में
education for students who belong to निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 1. यह अिुसूनचत िानत/अिुसूनचत िििानत िगा
category. के छाि ं के नलए उच्च निक्षा हे तु छाििृनत्त प्रदाि
2. The beneficiaries of the scheme will be करती है ।
selected through an entrance test
2. य ििा के लार्ानथाय ं का चयि राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण
conducted by the National Testing
एिेंसी द्वारा आय नित प्रिेि परीक्षा के माध्यम
3. There is no income criteria for the से नकया िाएगा।
scheme. 3. य ििा के नलए क ई आय मािदं ड िहीं है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
correct? (a) केिल 1 और 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 और 3
(c) 2 only (c) केिल 2
(d) 1 and 3 only (d) केिल 1 और 3

5 | UPSC-MOCK-01

13. With reference to “Immersive 13. "इमकसुव तकन क "ों के सोंदभु में, कनम्नकलखित कथन ों
Technologies”, consider the following पर कवचार क किए:
statements: 1. सोंवकधुत वास्तकवकता (AR) में आभास
1. In Augmented Reality (AR), virtual िानकार और वस्तयएों वास्तकवक दय कनर्ा पर मढ़े
information and objects are overlaid on
िाते हैं ।
the real world.
2. Virtual Reality (VR) involves the user 2. आभास वास्तकवकता (VR) में उपर् गकताु क
being fully immersed in a simulated एक अनयरूकपत कडकि ल वातावरण में पूर तरह
digital environment. से कनमखित ककर्ा िाना शाकमल है ।
3. Metaverse is an example of mixed 3. मे ावसु कमकित वास्तकवकता का एक उदाहरण
reality. है ।
How many of the statements given above उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह हैं ?
are correct?
(a) इन में से क ई नह ों
(a) None of the statements
(b) Only one statement (b) केवल एक कथन
(c) Only two statements (c) केवल द कथन
(d) All three statements (d) त न ों कथन

14. Which of the following statements is/are

correct with reference to conviction of a 14. ककस कवधार्क क न्यार्ालर् द्वारा द िकसखि के
Legislator by court? सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह
1. Automatic disqualification of the है /हैं ?
sitting Legislator convicted in a 1. ककस आपराकधक मामले में द ि ठहराए गए
criminal case is subject to ककस मौिूदा कवधार्क क स्वत: अर् ग्यता
speakers/chairman's discretion. स्प कर/अध्यक्ष के कववेकाध न अध न है ।
2. The Election Commission of India, 2. िन प्रकतकनकधत्व अकधकनर्म 1951 के तहत
under the Representation of the People भारत के चयनाव आर् ग क चयनाव लड़ने के
Act 1951, has the authority to reduce
मामले में द ि ठहराए गए व्यखक्त क अर् ग्यता
the period of disqualification of a
person convicted in a case for क अवकध क कम करने का अधिकार है ।
contesting election. कनम्नकलखित कू का प्रर् ग कर सह उत्तर का चर्न
Select the correct answer from the codes क किए:
given below:
(a) केवल 1
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) केवल 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1 और 2 द न ों
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) न त 1, न ह 2

6 | UPSC-MOCK-01

15. Which one of the following statements is 15. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे 'िून्य' अनर्याि के संदर्ा में
correct with reference to the ‘Shoonya’ निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से कौि सा सही है ?
Campaign that was recently in the news?
(a) यह र्ारत और निश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठि के संयुक्त
(a) It is a zero-pollution e-mobility
सहय ग से िुरू नकया गया एक िून्य-प्रदू षण ई-
campaign launched with a joint
collaboration between India and the गनतिीलता अनर्याि है ।
World Health Organization. (b) अनर्याि का उद्दे श्य ग्रामीण नितरण िंड में
(b) The campaign aims to accelerate the इलेखरर क िाहि ं (EVs) क अपिािे में तेिी
adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in लािा है ।
the rural delivery segment. (c) इसका उद्दे श्य राइड-हे नलंग और नडलीिरी के
(c) It intends to reduce air pollution by नलए इलेखरर क िाहि ं के उपय ग क बढािा
promoting the use of electric vehicles
दे कर िायु प्रदू षण क कम करिा है ।
for ride-hailing and deliveries.
(d) Its objective is to create consumer (d) इसका उद्दे श्य स्वच्छ िािा पकािे के समाधाि ं
awareness about the benefits of clean के लार् ं के बारे में उपर् क्ता िागरूकता पैदा
cooking solutions. करिा है ।

16. Consider the following statements: 16. निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
1. Maharashtra has more coal reserves
1. महाराष्ट्र में मध्य प्रदे श से अकधक क र्ला भोंडार
than Madhya Pradesh.
2. Lignite is the medium grade of coal है ।
having the highest heating capacity. 2. नलग्नाइट् उच्चतम ताप क्षमता िाला मध्यम श्रेणी
3. Bituminous coal is found in Jharkhand, का क यला है ।
Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and 3. नबट्ु नमिस क यला झारिंड, ओनडिा, पनिम
Madhya Pradesh. बंगाल, छत्तीसगढ और मध्य प्रदे ि में पाया िाता
Which of the statements given above is/are है ।
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 1 only (b) केिल 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) केिल 1

17. With reference to the proposals of Cripps (d) 1, 2 और 3

Mission, consider the following statements:
1. The Indian Union would be free to 17. नक्रप्स नमिि के प्रस्ताि ं के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
decide its relations with the कथि ं पर निचार कीनिएः
Commonwealth and other 1. र्ारतीय संघ राष्ट्रमंडल तथा अन्य अंतरराष्ट्रीय
international bodies.
निकाय ं के साथ अपिे संबंध ं क तय करिे के
2. Members of the Constitutional
नलए स्वतंि ह गा।
Assembly would be partly elected
through direct election and partly 2. संनिधाि सर्ा के सदस्य आं निक रूप से प्रत्यक्ष
nominated by the Governor General. चुिाि के माध्यम से चुिे िाएं गे और आं निक
3. Muslim league didn’t criticise the idea रूप से गििार ििरल द्वारा िानमत नकए िाएं गे।
of a single Indian Union but had 3. मुखिम लीग िे एक र्ारतीय संघ के निचार की
objections on the creation of a आल चिा िहीं की थी, लेनकि उसे संनिधाि
Constituent Assembly. सर्ा के निमाा ण पर आपनत्त थी।
4. The decision on secession was to be
4. अलगाि पर निणाय निधानयका में 50 प्रनतित
taken by a resolution in the Legislature
by a 50 per cent majority. बहुमत से एक प्रस्ताि द्वारा नलया िािा था।
How many of the statements given above उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने कथन गलत है /हैं ?
is/are incorrect? (a) केवल एक कथन
(a) Only one statement (b) केवल द कथन
(b) Only two statements
(c) Only three statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(d) All four statements (d) सभ चार ों कथन

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18. Consider the following statements with 18. बॉन्ड' की अिधारणा के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं
reference to the concept of ‘bonds’: पर निचार कीनिए:
1. A situation of ‘negative bond yield’ is
1. आनथाक चक्र के मंदी के चरण के दौराि
observed during the recessionary
'िकारात्मक बां ड प्राखप्त' की खथथनत दे िी िाती
phase of economic cycle
2. Additional Tier 1 (AT1) bonds are the है
most secure type of bonds. 2. अनतररक्त नट्यर 1 (AT1) बां ड सबसे सुरनक्षत
3. Sovereign Blue Bond is issued to प्रकार के बां ड हैं।
support investments in healthy oceans 3. सॉिरे ि ब्लू बॉन्ड स्वथथ महासागर ं और िीली
and blue economies अथाव्यिथथाओं में नििेि का समथाि करिे के
How many of the statements given above नलए िारी नकया गया है
are incorrect?
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने गलत हैं ?
(a) None of the statements
(b) Only one statement (a) एक भ कथन नह ों
(c) Only two statements (b) केवल एक कथन
(d) All three statements (c) केवल द कथन
(d) सभ त न ों कथन
19. Consider the following pairs:

19. निम्ननलखित युग् ं पर निचार कीनिएः

S.No. Peak Mountain
क्रम संख्या चोटी पर्वत शंखला
1. Nanda Devi Himadri
1. िंदा दे िी नहमाद्री
2. Deo Tibba Pir Panjal Range
2. दे ि नट्ब्बा पीर पंिाल श्रेणी
3. Nanga Garhwal
Parbat Himalaya
3. िंगा पिात गढिाल नहमालय

How many pairs given above is/are

उपर्युक्त ककतने र्यग्म सह सयमेकलत है /हैं ?
correctly matched?
(a) None of the pairs (a) एक भ र्यग्म नह ों
(b) Only one pair (b) केवल एक र्यग्म
(c) Only two pairs (c) केवल द र्यग्म
(d) All three pairs
(d) सभ त न ों र्यग्म
20. Consider the following statements with
reference to “Serverless Computing”: 20. "सवुर रकहत कोंप्यूक ों ग" के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित
1. It is a cloud application development कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
and execution model which does not 1. र्ह क्लाउड अनयप्रर् ग कवकास और कनष्पादन
use any servers. मॉडल है ि ककस भ सवुर का उपर् ग नह ों
2. The cloud provider provisions the करता है
infrastructure needed to run an
2. क्लाउड प्रदाता एखप्लकेशन क ड क चलाने के
application code.
Which of the statements given above are कलए आवश्यक बयकनर्ाद ढाों चे का प्रावधान
correct? करता है ।
(a) 1 only उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-से सह हैं ?
(b) 2 only (a) केवल 1
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) केवल 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 1 और 2 द न ों
(d) न त 1, न ह 2

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21. With reference to Mauryan pillars of 21. अि क के मौया स्तंर् ं और अक्खमिी स्तंर् ं के संदर्ा
Ashoka and Achaemenian pillars, which में, निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से कौि सा गलत है ?
one of the following statements is
(a) मौया स्तंर् अक्खमिी स्तंर् ं के समाि हैं क् नं क
द ि ं का निमाा ण ट्ु कड़ ं में नकया गया है ।
(a) Mauryan pillars are similar to
Achaemenian pillars as both are (b) िबनक अि क के स्तंर् स्वतंि रूप से बिाए गए
constructed in pieces. थे, अक्खमिी स्तंर् आम तौर पर राज्य र्िि ं से
(b) While the Ashokan pillars were िुड़े ह ते थे।
independently erected, the (c) कुछ अि क स्तंर् निलालेि ं पर िर ष्ठी की
Achaemenian pillars were generally उपखथथनत अक्खमिी प्रथा के प्रर्ाि क दिाा ती
attached to state buildings. है ।
(c) The presence of Kharosthi on some
(d) अि क के स्तंर् निलालेि उिकी घंट्ी के
Ashokan pillar inscriptions shows
influence of Achaemenian practice. आकार की रािधानिय ं के साथ पसेप नलस में
(d) The pillar edicts of Ashoka with their पाए गए अक्खमिी सम्राट् ं के नििय स्तंर् ं से
bell-shaped capitals resemble the नमलते िुलते हैं ।
victory pillars of the Achaemenid
emperors found in Persepolis. 22. कर्ी-कर्ी चचाा में रहिे िाले कुरील द्वीप ं के संदर्ा
में निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा कथि सही है ?
22. Which one of the following statements is
(a) यह चीि द्वारा नियंनित एक द्वीप है और चीि
correct with reference to Kuril islands,
sometimes mentioned in the news? और िापाि के बीच नििानदत है।
(a) It is an Island controlled by China and (b) यह द्वीप िापाि सागर और प्रिांत महासागर के
disputed between China and Japan. बीच खथथत है ।
(b) The Island is situated between the Sea (c) यह रूस और िापाि के बीच नििानदत द्वीप ं का
of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. एक समूह है ।
(c) It is a group of disputed islands
(d) प्रिां त महासागर में रूसी और चीिी आक्रमण
between Russia and Japan.
(d) USA’s Andersen Air Force Base is क र किे के नलए संयुक्त राज्य अमेररका का
located in Kuril Islands to check एं डरसि एयर फ सा बेस कुरील द्वीप समूह में
Russian and Chinese aggression in the खथथत है ।
Pacific Ocean.
23. 'ट्ागेट्ेड लॉन्ग ट्मा रे प ऑपरे िि (TLRO)' के संदर्ा
23. Consider the following statements with में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
reference to ‘Targeted Long Term Repo
1. इसके तहत ल गई तरलता का इस्तेमाल बैंक 3
Operation (TLRO)’:
1. Liquidity availed under this can be साल क पररपिता वाले कलित ों में कनवेश करने
used by the banks to invest in के कलए कर सकते हैं ।
instruments with a maturity of 3 years. 2. इससे कॉरप रे बॉन्ड बािार में तरलता कम
2. It will reduce the liquidity in the हग।
corporate bond market उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) केिल 1
(a) 1 only (b) केिल 2
(b) 2 only (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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24. Consider the following statements with 24. समताप रे िाओं (isotherms) के संदर्ा में
reference to isotherms: निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
1. The isotherm deviates to the north over
1. समताप रे िाओं (isotherms) का निचलि
the ocean in the northern hemisphere
िििरी के महीिे में उत्तरी ग लाधा में समुद्र के
during the month of January.
2. The isotherms generally run parallel to ऊपर उत्तर की ओर ह िाता है ।
the latitude in the southern hemisphere 2. ये आमतौर पर िुलाई के महीिे में दनक्षणी
during the month of July. ग लाधा में अक्षांि के समािां तर चलती हैं ।
3. The isotherms diverge towards the 3. समताप रे िाएं (isotherms) िििरी के महीिे
north in Europe during the month of में यूर प में उत्तर की ओर झुक िाती हैं ।
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (a) केिल 1
(a) 1 only (b) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 1 and 2 only (c) केिल 2 और 3
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) केिल 3
(d) 3 only

25. Which of the following statements are the 25. निम्ननलखित में से कौि से कथि राज्य सर्ा की
exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha? निनिष्ट् िखक्तयााँ हैं ?
1. Rajya Sabha alone can initiate a move 1. केवल राज्यसभा द्वारा ह भारत के उपराष्ट्रपकत
for the removal of the Vice President of क उसके पद से ह ाने के कलए प्रस्ताव पेश
ककर्ा िा सकता है ।
2. A resolution for the discontinuance of
the national emergency can be passed 2. राष्ट्र र् आपातकाल क समाप्त करने का प्रस्ताव
only by the Rajya Sabha. केवल राज्य सभा द्वारा ह पाररत ककर्ा िा
3. Rajya Sabha can authorise the सकता है ।
Parliament to make a law on a subject 3. राज्य सूच में शाकमल ककस कविर् पर कानून
enumerated in the State List. बनाने के कलए राज्यसभा सोंसद क अकधकृत
Select the correct answer using the codes कर सकत है ।
given below:
निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (b) केिल 2 और 3
(c) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3

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26. Consider the following statements with 26. संगम काल के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार
reference to Sangam age: कीनिए:
1. Sangam poems are devoid of any
1. संगम कनिताओं में मनहला बुिकर ं का क ई
reference to women weavers.
संदर्ा िहीं है ।
2. The love poems of sangam age linked
emotional themes with different 2. संगम काल की प्रेम कनिताओं िे र्ाििात्मक
landscapes each having different निषय ं क अलग-अलग पररदृश्य ं से ि ड़ा,
names. नििमें से प्रत्येक के अलग-अलग िाम थे।
3. Although social classification was 3. यद्यनप संगम कनिय ं क सामानिक िगीकरण
known to sangam poets, there was no की िािकारी थी, लेनकि उि ि ं े ब्राह्मण ं का
mention of brahmanas.
उल्लेि िहीं नकया है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are
incorrect? उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से गलत है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 3
(b) 2 only (b) केिल 2
(c) 3 only
(c) केिल 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3

27. Which of the following are the possible 27. कनम्नकलखित में से कौन र ाों सिेकनक ि व ों के सोंभाकवत
applications of transgenic animals? अनयप्रर् ग हैं ?
1. Study of diseases 1. र ग ों का अध्यर्न
2. Production of biological products
2. िैकवक उत्पाद ों का उत्पादन।
3. Testing the safety of Vaccines and
drugs 3. क ों और दवाओों क सयरक्षा का पर क्षण।
4. Chemical safety testing 4. रासार्कनक सयरक्षा पर क्षण
5. Studying normal physiology and 5. सामान्य शर र कक्रर्ा कवज्ञान और कवकास का
development अध्यर्न
6. Xenotransplantation for humans
6. मानव के कलए जेन र ाों सप्लाों े शन
7. Increasing the meat production in
animal husbandry 7. पशयपालन में माों स उत्पादन बढ़ाना
Select the correct answer using the codes कनम्नकलखित कू का प्रर् ग कर सह उत्तर का चर्न
given below: क किए:
(a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 only (a) केवल 1, 2, 4 और 5
(b) 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 only
(b) केवल 2, 3, 5, 6 और 7
(c) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (c) केवल 1, 3, 4, 6 और 7
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 और 7

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28. Consider the following statements with 28. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे इथेनॉल सखििण के सोंदभु में
reference to the Ethanol Blending, recently कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
in the news: 1. पहल प ढ़ के इथेनॉल के उत्पादन के कलए
1. Bamboo and woody biomass are the बाों स और लकड़ के बार् मास स्र त हैं ।
sources for the production of first
2. पहल प ढ़ के इथेनॉल के उत्पादन के कलए
generation ethanol.
2. Producing first generation ethanol त सर प ढ़ के इथेनॉल क तयलना में कम भूिल
requires lesser ground water िपत क आवश्यकता ह त है।
consumption than the third generation 3. इथेनॉल कमकित पे र ल के उपर् ग से काबुन
ethanol. म न ऑक्साइड और नाइ र स ऑक्साइड द न ों
3. Usage of ethanol blended petrol can के उत्सिुन में काफ कम आ सकत है ।
lead to substantial reduction in 4. भारत सरकार के इथेनॉल कमकित
emissions of both Carbon Monoxide पे र ल कार्ुक्रम (EBP) में भारत के कवदे श मयद्रा
and Nitrous Oxide.
भोंडार क बचाने क क्षमता है ।
4. The Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP)
Programme of Government of India उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह है /हैं ?
holds potential in saving India’s (a) केवल एक कथन
foreign exchange reserves. (b) केवल द कथन
How many statements given above is/are
(c) केवल त न कथन
(a) Only one statement (d) चार ों कथन
(b) Only two statements
(c) Only three statements 29. 'ऑपरे िि निस्ट्' के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर
(d) All four statements निचार कीनिए:
1. आरबीआई अल्पकानलक प्रनतर्ूनतयााँ िरीदता
29. Consider the following statements with
है ।
reference to ‘Operation Twist’:
1. RBI buys short term securities 2. आरबीआई अल्पकानलक प्रनतर्ूनतयााँ बेचता है।
2. RBI sells short term securities 3. यह लंबी अिनध के नििेि क प्र त्सानहत करिे
3. It helps in incentivising long term में सहायता करता है ।
investment उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह हैं ?
How many statements given above are
(a) एक भ कथन नह ों
(a) None of the statements (b) केवल एक कथन
(b) Only one statement (c) केवल द कथन
(c) Only two statements (d) सभ त न ों कथन
(d) All three statements

30. With reference to the atmospheric layers, 30. वार्यमोंडल र् परत ों के सोंदभु में , कनम्नकलखित कथन ों
consider the following statements: पर कवचार क किए:
1. All clouds that are generated by 1. मौसम िकनत सभ बादल क्ष भमोंडल र् परत में
weather are found in the tropospheric पाए िाते हैं ।
layer. 2. समताप मोंडल सवाु कधक घना वार्यमोंडल र् परत
2. The stratosphere is the densest है ।
atmospheric layer.
3. पृथ्व क प्रणाल के भ तर सवाु कधक ठों डा स्थान
3. The coldest place within the earth's
मध्यमोंडल र् परत के ऊपर कहस्से में पार्ा
system is found at the top of the
िाता है ।
mesospheric layer.
4. The thermospheric layer is free of clouds 4. तापमोंडल र् (Thermospheric) परत बादल ों
and water vapour. और िल वाष्प से मयक्त है ।
How many statements given above are उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने गलत हैं ?
incorrect? (a) केवल एक कथन
(a) Only one statement
(b) केवल द कथन
(b) Only two statements
(c) Only three statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(d) All four statements (d) सभ चार ों कथन

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31. Which one of the following is correct with 31. नलखिड नमरर ट्े लीस्क प के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
reference to Liquid Mirror Telescopes? कथि ं में से कौि सा सही है ?
(a) It is highly flexible and can be steered
(a) यह अत्यनधक लचीला है और इसे आसािी से
in multiple directions with ease.
कई नदिाओं में चलाया िा सकता है ।
(b) Building Liquid Mirror Telescope is
costlier than conventional telescopes. (b) नलखिड नमरर ट्े लीस्क प बिािा पारं पररक
(c) Liquid mirror telescopes work on the ट्े लीस्क प बिािे की तुलिा में महं गा है ।
principle of combining gravity and (c) नलखिड नमरर ट्े नलस्क प गुरुत्वाकषाण और
centrifugal force. अपकेन्द्रीय बल के संय िि के नसद्धां त पर काया
(d) It requires low density fluid hence करते हैं ।
mercury cannot be used.
(d) इसमें कम घित्व िाले द्रि की आिश्यकता ह ती
है इसनलए पारा का उपय ग िहीं नकया िा
32. Consider the following statements with
reference to the Montreal Protocol: सकता है ।
1. India has been a party to the Montreal
Protocol since its inception. 32. मॉखरर यल प्र ट् कॉल के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं
2. Both developing and developed पर निचार कीनिए:
countries have binding and time- 1. र्ारत मॉखरर यल प्र ट् कॉल की थथापिा के समय
targeted commitments under the
से ही इस प्र ट् कॉल का एक पक्षकार रहा है ।
3. At present, India has successfully 2. इस समझौते के तहत निकासिील और
phased out Methyl Bromide and निकनसत द ि ं दे ि ं की बाध्यकारी और समय-
Methyl Chloroform in compliance with लनक्षत प्रनतबद्धताएं हैं ।
the Montreal Protocol. 3. ितामाि में, र्ारत िे मॉखरर यल प्र ट् कॉल के
Which of the statements given above अिुपालि में नमथाइल ब्र माइड और नमथाइल
is/are correct? क्ल र फॉमा क चरणबद्ध तरीके से समाप्त कर
(a) 1 only नदया है ।।
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) केिल 1
(b) केिल 2 और 3
33. With reference to schools of Buddhism, (c) केिल 1 और 3
which of the following are the sub-schools
of Buddhism? (d) 1, 2 और 3
1. Madhyamaka
2. Sautrantika 33. बौद्ध धमा की िािाओं के संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित में से
3. Terapanthi कौि बौद्ध धमा की उप-िािाएं हैं ?
4. Sthaviravadins
1. माध्यनमक
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below: 2. सौिाखिक
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only 3. तेरापंथी
(b) 1 and 4 only 4. थथानिरिादी
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only
(a) केिल 1, 2 और 3
(b) केिल 1 और 4
(c) केिल 1, 2 और 4
(d) केिल 2, 3 और 4

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34. The “Enhancing Climate Resilience of 34. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे "इिै खसंग क्लाइमेट्
India's Coastal Communities” project, ररनिनलएं स ऑफ इं नडयाि क स्ट्ल कम्यूनिट्ीि"
which was recently in the news, is funded पररय ििा निम्ननलखित में से नकसके द्वारा नित्तप नषत
by which one of the following? है ?
(a) Climate Works Foundation
(b) Green Climate Fund (a) क्लाइमेट् िक्सा फाउं डेिि
(c) Global Environment Facility (b) ग्रीि क्लाइमेट् फंड
(d) World Bank (c) ग्ल बल एििायरिमेंट् फैनसनलट्ी
(d) निश्व बैंक
35. Consider the following statements with
reference to “dostarlimab”, which was
recently seen in news: 35. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे "ड स्ट्रनलमैब
1. These are monoclonal antibodies. (Dostarlimab)" के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर
2. It suppresses T-cell activities. निचार कीनिए:
3. It is an immunotherapy drug which 1. ये म ि क्ल िल एं ट्ीबॉडी हैं ।
was found to have the potential to cure
2. यह ट्ी-क निका (T-Cell) गनतनिनधय ं क
rectal cancer.
Which of the statements given above is/are अिरुद्ध करता है ।
correct? 3. यह एक इम्यूि थेरेपी दिा है निसमें मलािय
(a) 1 and 2 only संबंधी कैंसर क ठीक करिे की क्षमता पाई गई
(b) 1, 2 and 3 है ।
(c) 3 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(d) 1 and 3 only
(a) केिल 1 और 2
36. Which of the following steps is/are likely (b) 1, 2 और 3
to be taken by the government to (c) केिल 3
internationalise Indian Rupee? (d) केिल 1 और 3
1. Achieving full convertibility of capital
2. Issuing Masala Bonds 36. भारत र् रुपर्े का अोंतराु ष्ट्र र्करण करने के कलए
3. Revaluation of the Currency सरकार द्वारा कनम्नकलखित में से कौन सा/से कदम
Select the correct answer using the codes उठाए िाने क सोंभावना है ?
given below: 1. पूोंि िाते क पूणु पररवतुन र्ता प्राप्त करना
(a) 1 and 2 only 2. मसाला बाों ड िार करना
(b) 1 only 3. मयद्रा का पयनमूुल्ाों कन
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 कनम्नकलखित कू का प्रर् ग कर सह उत्तर चयकनए:
(a) केवल 1 और 2
(b) केवल 1
(c) केवल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3

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37. Consider the following statements 37. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे 'ला न ना' के सोंबोंध में
regarding ‘La Niña’ which was seen कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
recently in the news: 1. इसका उत्तर-पूवी मानसून र्ा प छे ह ने वाले
1. It is known to have a negative मानसून के साथ नकारात्मक सोंबोंध माना िाता
correlation with the North-East है ।
monsoon or retreating monsoon.
2. र्ह भारत में गकमुर् ों में हाल ह में द घुकाल न
2. It has been associated with the recent
prolonged heat waves in summer in ग्र ष्म लहर ों से ियड़ा हुआ है ।
India. 3. र्ह पूवी तथा मध्य प्रशाों त महासागर ों में सामान्य
3. It is associated with above-normal sea से अकधक समयद्र सतह के तापमान से ियड़ा हुआ
surface temperatures in the eastern and है ।
central Pacific Oceans. 4. सामान्य तौर पर इसे भारत र् अथुव्यवस्था के
4. In general, it is considered harmful to कलए हाकनकारक माना िाता है ।
the Indian economy.
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह हैं ?
How many statements given above are
correct? (a) केवल एक कथन
(a) Only one Statement (b) केवल द कथन
(b) Only two Statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(c) Only three Statements
(d) सभ चार कथन
(d) All four Statements

38. Which of the following options is incorrect 38. र्ारत में "नसक् ं के इनतहास" के संबंध में
with respect to “History of Coinage”in निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा निकल्प गलत है ?
India? (a) िेद ं में 'निष्क' और 'सुिणा' के रूप में स िे के
(a) In Vedas, there is a mention of gold नसक् ं का उल्लेि है ।
coins in the form of 'Nishkas' and
(b) रनिया सुल्ताि िे अपिे िाम और उपानध के
साथ अब्बासी िलीफा के िाम से नसक्े िारी
(b) Razia Sultana issued coins in the name
of Abbasid caliph along with her name नकए।
and title. (c) र्ारत में पहली बार 17िीं िताब्दी में िहां गीर
(c) Gold Mohurs were first introduced in द्वारा 'स्वणा मुहर' की िुरुआत की गई थी।
India in the 17th century by Jahangir. (d) कुषाण ं द्वारा 'संपूणा निश्व के स्वामी' िैसे
(d) The Kushanas issued gold coins with अत्यनधक आडं बरपूणा िीषाक ं िाले स िे के
high-sounding titles like the ‘Lord of
नसक्े िारी नकए।
the Whole World’.

39. With reference to the promulgation of the 39. अध्यादे श क घ िणा के सोंदभु में, कनम्नकलखित कथन ों
ordinance, consider the following पर कवचार क किए:
statements: 1. अध्यादे श िार करने क राष्ट्रपकत तथा
1. The power of the President and राज्यपाल क शखक्त कवधार् कनर्ोंत्रण के अध न
Governor to promulgate an ordinance है ।
is subject to legislative control. 2. ककस राज्य के भ तर व्यापार और वाकणज्य क
2. An ordinance restricting the freedom
स्वतोंत्रता क प्रकतबोंकधत करने वाला अध्यादे श
of trade and commerce within a state
राष्ट्रपकत के कनदे श के कबना राज्यपाल द्वारा नह ों
cannot be made by the Governor
बनार्ा िा सकता है ।
without instructions from the
President. 3. अध्यादे श िार करने क शखक्त सत्ता के
3. The power to issue ordinances is पृथक्करण के कसिाों त से ल गई है ।
derived from the doctrine of separation उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
of power. (a) केवल 1 और 2
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (b) केवल 1
(a) 1 and 2 only (c) केवल 2 और 3
(b) 1 only (d) 1, 2 और 3
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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40. Consider the following statements: 40. निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
1. A hawkish monetary policy of the 1. केंद्र र् बैंक क आक्रामक मौकद्रक न कत
central bank will likely lead to
(hawkish monetary policy) से इसके घरे लू
appreciation of its domestic currency.
मयद्रा के अकभमूल्न क सोंभावना ह त है ।
2. A hike in interest rate by the US
Federal Reserve could lead to the 2. अमेररकी फेडरल ररििा द्वारा ब्याि दर में
depreciation of the Indian rupee. बढ तरी से र्ारतीय रुपये का मूल्यह्रास ह
Which of the statements given above is/are सकता है ।
correct? उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only
(a) केिल 1
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) केिल 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
(d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
41. Consider the following statements with
reference to India’s international trade:
41. र्ारत के अंतरााष्ट्रीय व्यापार के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
1. In the last five years, the value of India-
china trade has consistently increased. कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
2. Singapore has emerged as the top 1. नपछले पां च िषों में, र्ारत-चीि व्यापार में
sourcing nation in Foreign Direct लगातार िृखद्ध हुई है ।
Investment (FDI) equity flows into 2. नित्तीय िषा 2021-22 में नसंगापुर प्रत्यक्ष निदे िी
India in the Financial Year 2021-22. नििेि (FDI) इखिट्ी प्रिाह में र्ारत में िीषा
3. India has been the largest recipient of
गंतव्य राष्ट्र के रूप में उर्रा है।
Japanese Official Development
Assistance Loans since 2003. 3. र्ारत 2003 से िापाि के आनधकाररक निकास
4. Currently, Bangladesh is India’s सहायता ऋण का सबसे बड़ा प्राप्तकताा रहा है ।
largest trading partner in the South 4. ितामाि में, बां ग्लादे ि दनक्षण एनियाई क्षेि में
Asian region. र्ारत का सबसे बड़ा व्यापाररक र्ागीदार है ।
Which of the statements given above are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से सही हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only (b) केिल 1, 3 और 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (c) केिल 2, 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 और 4

42. हाइडर िन ईोंधन सेल के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों

42. Consider the following statements with पर कवचार क किए:
reference to hydrogen fuel cells: 1. र्े कलकथर्म-आर्न बै र क तयलना में अकधक
1. They are more cost effective than लागत प्रभाव हैं।
Lithium-ion batteries. 2. इन सेल ों में िल एक उप त्पाद है।
2. Water is a byproduct in these cells.
3. बै र से चलने वाले इलेखक्ट्र क वाहन ों क तयलना
3. Refuelling hydrogen fuel cell based
में हाइडर िन ईोंधन सेल से चलने वाले इलेखक्ट्र क
electric vehicles is more time
consuming than battery powered वाहन ों में ईोंधन भरने में अकधक समर् लगता है ।
electric vehicles. उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) केवल 2
correct? (b) 1, 2 और 3
(a) 2 only
(c) केवल 3
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 only (d) केवल 1 और 3
(d) 1 and 3 only

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43. Consider the following statements with 43. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे बैट्री अपनिष्ट् प्रबंधि नियम,
reference to the Battery Waste 2022, के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार
Management Rules, 2022, that was recently कीनिए:
in the news:
1. ये बैट्री (प्रबंधि और हैं डनलंग) निनियम 2001
1. It supersedes the Battery (Management
and Handling) Regulations 2001. का थथाि लेगा।
2. According to the rules, battery 2. नियम ं के अिुसार, बैट्री आयातक इस्तेमाल
importers are not responsible for की गई बैट्ररय ं के पुिचाक्रण के नलए निम्मेदार
recycling used batteries. िहीं हैं ।
3. At present, only automotive and 3. ितामाि में केिल म ट्र िाहि तथा औद्य नगक
industrial batteries are covered under बैट्ररयां ही नियम ं के दायरे में आती हैं ।
the rules.
4. नियम ं के अिुसार, बैट्री के निमाा ता बेकार
4. According to the rules, producers of
batteries can’t engage other entities for बैट्ररय ं के ििीिीकरण के नलए अन्य संथथाओं
the recycling of waste batteries. क िानमल िहीं कर सकते हैं ।
Which of the statements given above are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से गलत हैं ?
incorrect? (a) केिल 1 और 4
(a) 1 and 4 only
(b) केिल 2 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (c) केिल 1, 2 और 3
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) केिल 2, 3 और 4

44. With reference to the Freedom of Religion

44. भारत र् सोंकवधान के अोंतगुत धमु क स्वतोंत्रता के
under the Indian Constitution, consider the
सोंदभु में, कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
following statements:
1. ककस व्यखक्त क धाकमुक स्वतोंत्रता के कवपर त,
1. Unlike the religious freedom of an
individual, the right to freedom of ककस समूह क धाकमुक स्वतोंत्रता का अकधकार
religion of a group is subject to the सोंकवधान के भाग III में कनकहत अन्य मौकलक
other fundamental rights enshrined in अकधकार ों के अध न है ।
Part III of the Constitution. 2. 'आवश्यक धाकमुक प्रथाओों' का कसिाों त,
2. The doctrine of ‘essential religious किसका उपर् ग ककस धमु के कलए आवश्यक
practices’, that is used to determine प्रथाओों क कनधाु ररत करने के कलए ककर्ा िाता
practices essential to a religion, is है , अनयच्छेद 25 और 26 द न ों पर लागू ह ता है ।
applicable to both Article 25 and 26.
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (a) केवल 1
(a) 1 only (b) केवल 2
(b) 2 only (c) 1 और 2 द न ों
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) न त 1, न ह 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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45. With reference to the Indian economy, 45. र्ारतीय अथाव्यिथथा के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं
consider the following statements: पर निचार कीनिएः
1. Depreciation of rupee will increase the
1. रुपये के अिमूल्यि से कच्चे माल की आयात
import cost of raw materials.
लागत बढे गी।
2. Appreciation leads to increased
incentives for the exporters while 2. अनर्मूल्यि नियाा त करते समय नियाा तक ं के
exporting. नलए प्र त्साहि में िृखद्ध करती है ।
3. If the rupee is rapidly appreciating, RBI 3. अगर रुपया के मूल्य में तीव्र अनर्मूल्यि ह रहा
may buy dollars in the market. है , त आरबीआई बािार में डॉलर िरीद सकता
Which of the statements given above are है ।
उपयाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से सही हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (b) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) केिल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
46. Which of the following types of nitrogen-
fixing bacteria has its characteristics
correctly matched in the given table? 46. निम्ननलखित में से नकस प्रकार के िाइट्र िि
खथथरीकरण िीिाणु की नििेषताएाँ दी गई तानलका में
S.No. Nitrogen- Characteristics सुमेनलत हैं ?
fixing bacteria
क्रम नाइटर ोजन- वर्शेषताएँ
1. Rhizobium It improves संख्या स्थिरीकरण
access to other बैक्टीररया
nutrients and
boosts the 1. राइि नबयम यह अन्य प षक तत्व ं
crop’s तक पहुं च में सुधार
resistance to
करता है और
र गज़िक ,ं कीट् ं और
pests, and
अिैनिक प्रर्ाि के प्रनत
abiotic stresses
फसल के प्रनतर ध क
2. Frankia It fixes बढाता है ।
Nitrogen by 2. फ़्रैंनकया यह रुट् ि ड्यूलेिि
root nodulation द्वारा िायुमंडलीय
िाइट्र िि का
3. Anabaena It is a free-living खथथरीकरण करता है ।
Azolla Nitrogen-fixing
bacteria 3. अिाबेिा यह एक मुक्त िीिी
अज़ ला िाइट्र िि-खथथरीकरण
Select the correct answer using the codes बैरीररया है ।
given below:
(a) 1 only निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
(b) 1 and 2 only कीनिए:
(c) 2 and 3 only
(a) केिल 1
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) केिल 1 और 2
(c) केिल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3

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47. Regarding famous literary work 47. प्रनसद्ध सानहखत्यक कृनत 'अमुक्तमाल्यद' के संबंध में
‘Amuktamalyada', consider the following निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिएः
1. यह कृष्णदे िराय द्वारा नलखित तनमल सानहत्य
1. It is a masterpiece of Tamil literature
की उत्कृष्ट् कृनत है ।
written by Krishnadevaraya.
2. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva. 2. यह र्गिाि निि क समनपात है।
3. The work favours the tradition of 3. कृनत दिाि के अन्य मत ं की तुलिा में
Visishtadvaita philosophy over other निनिष्ट्ाद्वै त दिाि की परं परा का समथाि करता
schools of philosophy. है ।
Which of the statements given above are
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से गलत हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) केिल 2 और 3
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
48. With reference to the expenditure made by
an organisation or a company, which of the 48. नकसी संगठि या कंपिी द्वारा नकए गए व्यय के संदर्ा
following statements is/are correct? में, निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा/से कथि सही है/हैं ?
1. Interest payment against the earlier 1. पहले के उधार ं के बदले ब्याि र्ुगताि क
borrowings is considered to be revenue रािस्व व्यय मािा िाता है ।
2. िेति एिं अन्य र्त्त ं का र्ुगताि रािस्व व्यय में
2. Payment of salaries and other
allowances will be included under सखम्मनलत नकया िायेगा।
revenue expenditure. उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) केिल 1
correct? (b) केिल 2
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
49. र्ारत में हाथी संरक्षण के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं
49. Consider the following statements with पर निचार कीनिए:
reference to Elephant conservation in
India: 1. निश्व के सर्ी िंगली एनियाई हानथय ं में से आधे
1. More than half of all wild Asian से अनधक र्ारत में पाए िाते हैं ।
elephants in the world are found in 2. नसंगफि एलीफेंट् ररििा र्ारत में अनधसूनचत
India. पहला एलीफेंट् ररििा था।
2. Singphan Elephant Reserve was the 3. ितामाि में, र्ारत में एलीफेंट् ररििा 11 राज्य ं में
first Elephant reserve notified in India. फैले हुए हैं ।
3. At present, the Elephant Reserves in
India are spread over 11 states. उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above (a) केिल 1
is/are correct? (b) केिल 1 और 2
(a) 1 only (c) केिल 2 और 3
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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50. Which one of the following best explains 50. निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा हाल ही में समाचार ं में रहे
the ‘Click chemistry’, recently seen in the 'खक्लक केनमस्ट्र ी' की सट्ीक व्याख्या करता है ?
(a) यह एं िाइम ं के निदे नित निकास से िुड़ा है ।
(a) It is associated with the directed
evolution of enzymes. (b) इसमें अनधक कुिल तरीके से िए अणु का
(b) It involves creating new molecules in a बििा िानमल है।
more efficient manner. (c) इसमें घ ल में िैि-अणुओं का उच्च-ररज़ॉल्यूिि
(c) It involves high-resolution structure संरचिा निधाा रण िानमल है ।
determination of biomolecules in (d) यह रसायि निज्ञाि की एक िािा है ि नियंनित
गनत के साथ अणुओं का अध्ययि करती है ।
(d) It is a branch of chemistry which
studies molecules with controllable
movements. 51. निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार नकनिए:
1. िीत महासागरीय धाराओं का उष्णकनट्बंधीय
51. Consider the following statements: और उप ष्णकनट्बंधीय महाद्वीप ं के तट्ीय क्षेि ं
1. Cold ocean currents have an effect on में रे नगस्ताि के निमाा ण पर प्रर्ाि पड़ता है ।
desert formation in coastal regions of
2. ओयानिय धारा और कैनलफ निाया धारा गमा
the tropical and subtropical continents.
महासागरीय धाराएाँ हैं ।
2. Oyashio Current and California
Current are warm ocean currents. 3. प्लिक ं की िृखद्ध गमा और ठं डी धाराओं के
3. The Growth of planktons is favoured नमश्रण से ह ती है।
by the mixing of warm and cold उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) केिल 1 और 3
Which of the above statements is/are
correct? (b) केिल 2 और 3
(a) 1 and 3 only (c) केिल 2
(b) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 और 3
(c) 2 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
52. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे ट्र ां सनिखस्ट्र या के संदर्ा में
52. Consider the following statements with निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
reference to Transnistria, that was recently 1. यह यूक्रेि के पूिा में खथथत है ।
in the news: 2. यह उत्तरी अट्लां नट्क संनध संगठि (NATO)
1. It is located in the east of Ukraine. का सदस्य िहीं है ।
2. It is not a member of the North Atlantic
3. यह यूर पीय संघ का सदस्य िहीं है ।
Treaty Organisation (NATO).
3. It is not a member of the European उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
Union. (a) केिल 1
Which of the statements given above is/are (b) केिल 1 और 3
(c) केिल 2 और 3
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 और 3
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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53. With reference to the Dhara Mustard 53. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे धारा सरस ों हाइकिड-11
Hybrid-11 (DMH-11), recently in the news, (DMH-11) के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर
consider the following statements: कवचार क किएः
1. Unlike Bt Cotton, DMH-11 is not a 1. ब कपास के कवपर त, DMH-11 एक
transgenic crop.
र ाों सिेकनक फसल नह ों है ।
2. DMH-11 has an acquired trait of self
pollination, which is not found in the 2. ड एमएच-11 में स्वपरागण का एक अकिुत गयण
existing mustard varieties in India. है , ि भारत में सरस ों क मौिूदा ककस् ों में नह ों
3. Usage of the DMH-11 crop पार्ा िाता है ।
commercially may help in addressing 3. वाकणखज्यक रूप से DMH-11 फसल का
India’s merchandise trade deficit. उपर् ग भारत के व्यापाररक व्यापार घा े क
Which of the statements given above is/are दू र करने में सहार्ता कर सकता है ।
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 only (a) केवल 1 और 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) केवल 2
(d) 3 only (c) केवल 1 और 3
(d) केवल 3
54. Consider the following statements with
reference to ‘Contempt of Court’:
1. Supreme court, High courts and 54. 'न्यायालय की अिमाििा' के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
District courts are authorised to issue कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
contempt notices. 1. सिोच्च न्यायालय, उच्च न्यायालय और निला
2. Contempt of court is a ground to न्यायालय अिमाििा ि नट्स िारी करिे के नलए
impose reasonable restrictions on the अनधकृत हैं ।
exercise of the freedom of speech and
2. न्यायालय की अिमाििा र्ाषण और
अनर्व्यखक्त की स्वतंिता के अनधकार के प्रय ग
3. In the case of the Supreme Court, the
Attorney General’s consent is पर युखक्तयुक्त प्रनतबंध लगािे का आधार है ।
mandatory when a private citizen 3. सिोच्च न्यायालय के मामले में, िब एक नििी
wants to initiate a case of contempt of िागररक (Private Citizen) नकसी व्यखक्त के
court against a person. निरुद्ध न्यायालय की अिमाििा का मामला
How many statements given above are िुरू करिा चाहता है , त महान्यायिादी की
correct? सहमनत अनििाया है ।
(a) None of the statements
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह हैं ?
(b) Only one statement
(c) Only two statements (a) एक भ कथन नह ों
(d) All three statements (b) केवल एक कथन
(c) केवल द कथन
(d) सभ त न ों कथन

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55. Consider the following statements with 55. 'िेििल पेमेंट् कॉरप रे िि ऑफ इं नडया' के संदर्ा में
reference to ‘National Payment निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
Corporation of India’:
1. इसे 'गैर लार्कारी' कंपिी के रूप में निगनमत
1. It is incorporated as a ‘Not for Profit’
नकया गया है ।
2. NACH is an app incorporated by NPCI 2. NPCI द्वारा NACH ऐप का निकास नकया गया
to make simple and quick transactions है निसके माध्यम से यूनिफाइड पेमेंट् इं ट्रफेस
using Unified Payment Interface (UPI) (UPI) का उपय ग करके सरल और त्वररत
1. 3. NPCI along with other लेिदे ि नकया िा सकता है ।
institutions launched a digital voucher 3. NPCI िे अन्य संथथाि ं के साथ नमलकर एक
known as e-RUPI. नडनिट्ल िाउचर लॉन्च नकया निसे e-RUPI के
Which of the statements given above is/are
िाम से िािा िाता है ।
(a) 1 and 2 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(b) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 3 only (b) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) केिल 3
56. With reference to the Ghadr Party, consider (d) 1, 2 और 3
the following statements:
1. The Ghadr party was established with 56. ग़दर पाट्ी के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार
its headquarters ‘Yugantar Ashram’ at कीनिएः
San Francisco in the United States of
1. गदर पाट्ी की थथापिा संयुक्त राज्य अमेररका
के सैि फ्ां नसस्क में की गई थी निसके
2. One of the reasons for its establishment
was the clash of interest between मुख्यालय का िाम 'युगां तर आश्रम' था।
American and Indian labour. 2. इसकी थथापिा का एक कारण अमेररकी और
Which of the statements given above is/are र्ारतीय श्रनमक ं के बीच नहत ं का ट्कराि था।
correct? उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only
(a) केिल 1
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) केिल 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
(d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
57. With reference to the United Nations
Convention on the Law of Sea, consider the
following statements: 57. समुद्री कािूि पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र अनर्समय के संदर्ा में,
1. The sovereignty of a Coastal State निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
extends to the air space over the 1. एक तट्ीय राज्य की संप्रर्ुता प्रादे निक समुद्र के
territorial sea as well as to its seabed साथ-साथ उसके समुद्र तल और अध र्ूनम तक
and subsoil. के हिाई क्षेि तक निस्तृत है ।
2. It does not have a provision for the
2. इसमें प्रादे निक िल में युद्धप त ं के संचालि
management of warships in territorial
संबंधी प्रािधाि िहीं है ।
3. The territorial sea extends beyond 24 3. प्रादे निक समुद्र उस आधार रे िा से 24 समुद्री
nautical miles from the baselines from मील से आगे तक निस्तृत क्षेि है िहााँ से
which the breadth of the territorial sea प्रादे निक समुद्र की चौड़ाई मापी िाती है ।
is measured. उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से गलत हैं ?
Which of the statements given above are
(a) केिल 1 और 2
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) केिल 2 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only (c) केिल 1 और 3
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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58. Consider the following statements 58. "िाों म कयोंि कवतरण (QKD)" के सोंदभु में,
regarding “Quantum Key Distribution कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
(QKD)”: 1. इसमें डे ा के एखरक्रप्शन के कलए बाइनर क ड
1. It uses binary codes for encryption of का उपर् ग ककर्ा िाता है ।
2. र्कद क ई त सरा पक्ष सोंचार कलोंक पर कछपकर
2. It can detect if a third party tries to
eavesdrop on a communication link. बातें सयनने का प्रर्ास करता है , त र्ह उसका
3. ISRO has achieved free space पता लगा सकता है ।
Quantum satellite communication. 3. इसर ने मयक्त अोंतररक्ष िाों म उपग्रह सोंचार
Which of the above given statements is/are हाकसल कर कलर्ा है ।
correct? उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन सा/से सह है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(a) केवल 1 और 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) केवल 2
(d) 2 and 3 only (c) केवल 1 और 3
(d) केवल 2 और
59. Consider the following statements with
reference to mass movements:
1. Weathering is a prerequisite for mass 59. िृहत संचलि के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर
movements. निचार कीनिए:
2. Mass movements are aided by glaciers, 1. िृहत संचलि के नलए अपक्षय एक पूिाापेक्षा है ।
gravity and running water. 2. वृहत सोंचलन में कहमनद, गयरुत्वाकिुण और
3. Although there is a migration of बहता पान सहार्क ह ता है ।
materials from one location to another,
3. यद्यनप पदाथों का एक थथाि से दू सरे थथाि पर
mass movements are not equivalent to
erosion. खिसकाि ह ता है, तथानप िृहत संचलि
Which of the statements given above is/are अपरदि के समतुल्य िहीं ह ता है ।
correct? उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 2 and 3 only
(b) केिल 2 और 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 3 only (c) 1, 2 और 3
(d) केिल 3
60. Which one of the following has recently
launched the Green Fins Hub, a global
60. निम्ननलखित में से नकसके द्वारा हाल ही में थथायी
digital platform for sustainable marine
समुद्री पयाट्ि के नलए एक िैनश्वक नडनिट्ल प्लेट्फॉमा
'ग्रीि नफस हब' लॉन्च नकया है ?
(a) Global Environment Facility (GEF)
(b) United Nations Environmental (a) ग्ल बल एििायरिमेंट् फैनसनलट्ी (GEF)
Programme (UNEP) (b) संयुक्त राष्ट्र पयाािरण कायाक्रम (UNEP)
(c) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (c) िलिायु पररिताि पर अंतर सरकारी पैिल
Change (IPCC) (IPCC)
(d) The International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (d) प्रकृनत संरक्षण के नलए अंतराा ष्ट्रीय संघ (IUCN)

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61. Consider the following statements with 61. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे िीर घाट्ी (Ziro Valley) के
reference to the Ziro valley, that was संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार करें कीनिए:
recently in the news:
1. इसे िषा 2021 में यूिेस्क के निश्व धर हर थथल
1. It was designated as a UNESCO World
के रूप में िानमत नकया गया था।
Heritage site in the year 2021.
2. The kiwis that grow in Arunachal 2. अरुणाचल प्रदे ि की िीर घाट्ी (ziro Valley)
Pradesh's Ziro Valley are India’s first में उगिे िाला कीिी र्ारत का प्रथम प्रमानणत
certified organic fruit. िैनिक फल है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से गलत है /हैं ?
(a) केिल 1
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) केिल 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) ि त 1, ि ही 2

62. With reference to the Konark Sun Temple,

62. क णाकु सूर्ु मोंकदर के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों
consider the following statements:
1. The Sun temple at Konark belongs to पर कवचार क किएः
the Vesara School of Indian temple 1. क णाकु का सूर्ु मोंकदर भारत र् मोंकदर
architecture. स्थापत्यकला के वेसर शैल से सोंबोंकधत है ।
2. It was built under the reign of King 2. र्ह पूवी गोंग रािवोंश के रािा नरकसोंहदे व प्रथम
Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga के शासनकाल में बनार्ा गर्ा था।
Dynasty. 3. मोंकदर क छत पर गहरे काले रों ग के कनशान के
3. It is also referred as Black Pagoda due कारण इसे ब्लैक पैग डा भ कहा िाता है ।
to the darkish impression of the roof of उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
the temple. (a) केवल 1 और 2
Which of the statements given above is/are (b) केवल 2 और 3
(c) केवल 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(d) केवल 1 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only
(d) 1 and 3 only 63. "इों सयकलन" के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार
क किए:
63. Consider the following statements related 1. मधयमेह के इलाि के कलए पशय और मानव
to “Insulin”: इों सयकलन द न ों का उपर् ग दवा के रूप में ककर्ा
1. Both Animal and Human insulin is िाता है ।
used as medication for treatment of 2. इों सयकलन सोंवेदनश लता कितन अकधक ह ग ,
रक्त शकुरा का स्तर उतना ह अकधक ह गा।
2. Higher the insulin sensitivity higher
the blood glucose level. 3. अल्पार्य मधयमेह में इों सयकलन प्रकतर ध का पररणाम
3. Insulin resistance results in juvenile ह ता है ।
diabetes. उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से गलत है/हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) केवल 1
incorrect? (b) केवल 1 और 2
(a) 1 only
(c) केवल 1 और 3
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) केवल 2 और 3
(d) 2 and 3 only

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64. Which one of the following would violate 64. कनम्नकलखित में से कौन भारत र् सोंकवधान के मूल
the Basic Structure of the Indian ढाों चे का उल्लोंघन करता है ?
Constitution? (a) अध्यक्ष से ियड़े चयनाव कववाद ों क सभ
(a) Keeping election disputes involving न्यार्ालर् ों के अकधकार क्षेत्र से बाहर रिना।
the Speaker outside the jurisdiction of
(b) अनयच्छेद 352 के तहत बाह्य आपातकाल के
all Courts.
(b) Suspension of enforcement of Article दौरान अनयच्छेद 19 के प्रवतुन का कनलोंबन।
19 during external emergency under (c) भारत में सभ राज्य ों और केंद्र शाकसत प्रदे श ों
article 352. का पयनगुठन।
(c) Reorganising of all States and Union (d) किला न्यार्ालर् ों क रर क्षेत्राकधकार के साथ
territories in India. सशक्त बनाना।
(d) Empowering the District Courts with
Writ jurisdiction.
65. निम्ननलखित में से नकस निकल्प में र्ारत में ब्लू फ्लैग
65. Which of the following contains all beaches प्रमाणि से सम्मानित सर्ी समुद्र तट् िानमल हैं ?
conferred with the Blue Flag Certification (a) क िलम बीच, ईडि बीच, चौपाट्ी बीच
in India? (b) ग ल्डि बीच, क िलम बीच, कप्पड बीच
(a) Kovalam Beach, Eden Beach,
(c) रुनिक ड
ं ा बीच, चौपाट्ी बीच, ईडि बीच
Chowpatty Beach
(b) Golden Beach, Kovalam Beach, (d) िुहू बीच, रुनिक ड
ं ा बीच, क िलम बीच
Kappad Beach
(c) Rushikonda Beach, Chowpatty Beach, 66. गैर-पररितािीय नडबेंचर के संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित
Eden Beach कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
(d) Juhu Beach, Rushikonda Beach,
1. पररितािीय नडबेंचर की तुलिा में गैर पररितािीय
Kovalam Beach
नडबेंचर पर नमलिे िाले ररट्िा की दर उच्च ह ती
66. Consider the following statements with है ।
reference to Non-Convertible Debentures: 2. नडपॉनिट् इं श्य रें स एं ड क्रेनडट् गारं ट्ी
1. Non Convertible debentures offer a कॉरप रे िि द्वारा ये बीनमत ह ते हैं ।
higher rate of return compared to उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
convertible debentures.
(a) केिल 1
2. They are insured by Deposit Insurance
and Credit Guarantee Corporation. (b) केिल 2
Which of the statements given above is/are (c) 1 और 2 द ि ं
correct? (d) ि त 1, ि ही 2
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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67. Consider the following statements related 67. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे लघय उपग्रह प्रक्षेपण र्ान
to Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV), (SSLV) से सोंबोंकधत कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार
recently in the news: क किए:
1. Its propellant systems are an exact 1. इसक प्रण दक प्रणाकलर्ाों ध्रयव र् उपग्रह
replica of the Polar Satellite Launch प्रक्षेपण र्ान क स क प्रकतकृकत है ।
2. अपने छ े आकार के कारण र्ह एक समर् में
2. Due to its small size, it can only launch
केवल एक ह उपग्रह क प्रक्षेकपत कर सकता
one satellite at a time.
3. It has much lower turnaround time है ।
compared to other launch Vehicles. 3. अन्य प्रक्षेपण र्ान ों क तयलना में इसका
4. It can launch vehicles in Low Earth नुअराउों ड समर् बहुत कम है ।
orbit only. 4. र्ह केवल कनम्न-भू कक्षाओों में ह र्ान ों क
How many statements given above is/are प्रक्षेकपत कर सकता है ।
correct? उपर्युक्त ककतने कथन सह है /हैं ?
(a) Only one statement (a) केवल एक कथन
(b) Only two statements (b) केवल द कथन
(c) Only three statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(d) All four statements (d) सभ चार ों कथन

68. Consider the following Pairs:

68. निम्ननलखित युग् ं पर निचार कीनिए:
Sl. King Dynasty
No. क्रम संख्या राजा राजर्ंश

1. Aditya I Pallavas 1. आनदत्य I पल्लि

2. Harjaravarman Salamba 2. हरिारािमाि सलम्बा

3. Dantidurga Rashtrakutas
3. दखिदु गा राष्ट्रकूट्
4. Vatsaraja Pratihara
4. ित्सराि प्रनतहार
How many pairs given above are correctly
matched? उपयुाक्त युग् ं में से नकतिे सुमेनलत हैं ?
(a) One pair only (a) केिल एक युग्
(b) Two pairs only
(c) Three pairs only (b) केिल द युग्
(d) All four pairs (c) केिल तीि युग्
(d) सर्ी चार युग्

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69. Consider the following pairs: 69. निम्ननलखित युग् ं पर निचार कीनिए:

Sl. Regions sometimes Country क्रम कभी-कभी दे श

No. mentioned in news संख्या समाचारों में
उस्िस्खत क्षेत्र
1. Kutupalong- Myanmar
Balukhali refugee 1. कुट्ु पल ग
ं -बालूिली म्यां मार
िरणाथी निनिर
2. Port of Odessa Ukraine
2. ओडे सा बंदरगाह यूक्रेि
3. Butembo Democratic
Republic of 3. बुट्ेम्ब कां ग
Congo ल कतां निक
4. Nusantara Indonesia
4. िुसंतरा इं ड िेनिया
Which of the pairs given above are
correctly matched?
(a) 2, 3 and 4 only उपयुाक्त युग् ं में से कौि-से सुमेनलत हैं ?
(b) 3 and 4 only (a) केिल 2, 3 और 4
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) केिल 3 और 4
(d) 2 and 4 only
(c) केिल 1 और 3
70. With reference to Lithium, consider the (d) केिल 2 और 4
following statements:
1. Lithium has wide applications in 70. कलकथर्म के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार
batteries, nuclear and photovoltaic क किएः
1. बै र , परमाणय और फ व खिक उद्य ग ों िैसे
2. India’s first ever Lithium deposit was
क्षेत्र में कलकथर्म का व्यापक अनयप्रर् ग है ।
found in Karnataka.
3. Australia is home to the world’s largest 2. र्ारत का पहला नलनथयम र्ंडार किाा ट्क में
Lithium reserves. पाया गया था।
4. Lithium-rich stars burn Helium in their 3. ऑस्ट्र े नलया में दु निया का सबसे बड़े नलनथयम
core. र्ंडार है ।
Which of the statements given above are
4. नलनथयम से र्रपूर तारे अपिे क र में हीनलयम
क िला (उपय ग) करते हैं ।
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से सही हैं ?
(c) 3 and 4 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) केिल 1, 2 और 4
(c) केिल 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4

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71. Consider the following statements with 71. कडकि ल कॉमसु के कलर्े ओपन ने वकु (ONDC)
reference to Open Network for Digital के सोंदभु में, कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
Commerce (ONDC): 1. र्ह ई-कॉमसु गकतकवकधर् ों के कलर्े एक ह खस्टों ग
1. It will act as a hosting platform for e-
प्ले फॉमु के रूप में कार्ु करे गा।
commerce activities.
2. ONDC के अोंतगुत, क्रेता और कवक्रेता द न ों क
2. Under ONDC, both the buyer and
seller have to use the same platform or व्यापाररक लेनदे न करने के कलर्े एक ह
application to do a business प्ले फॉमु र्ा एखप्लकेशन का उपर् ग करना
transaction. ह ता है ।
3. All digital commerce applications can 3. सभ कडकि ल कॉमसु एखप्लकेशन स्वेच्छा से
voluntarily choose to adopt to ONDC. ONDC क अपनाने का कवकल्प चयन सकते हैं ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
correct? (a) केवल 1 और 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 और 3
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 only (c) केवल 3
(d) 1 and 3 only (d) केवल 1 और 3

72. In the context of Asian Palm Oil Alliance 72. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे एकशर्न पाम ऑर्ल गठबोंधन
(APOA), recently seen in the news, (APOA) के सोंदभु में, कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार
consider the following statements: क किए:
1. It is an initiative of apex edible oil 1. र्ह भारत और च न सकहत दे श ों के श िु िाद्य
industry associations of countries
तेल उद्य ग सोंघ ों क एक पहल है।
including India and China.
2. र्ह गठबोंधन पाम ऑर्ल (ताड़ के तेल) के
2. The alliance works toward reducing
member countries' dependency on आर्ात पर सदस्य दे श ों क कनभुरता क कम
imports of palm oil. करने क कदशा में काम करता है।
3. Indonesia and Malaysia are the world's 3. इों ड नेकशर्ा और मलेकशर्ा ताड़ के तेल के
biggest exporters of palm oil. दय कनर्ा के सबसे बड़े कनर्ाु तक हैं।
4. Asia accounts for more than fifty 4. वैकश्वक स्तर पर ताड़ के तेल क िपत में एकशर्ा
percent of the global palm oil क कहस्सेदार 50 प्रकतशत से अकधक है ।
उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन सा/से सह हैं /हैं ?
How many statements given above is/are
correct? (a) केवल एक कथन
(a) Only one statement (b) केवल द कथन
(b) Only two statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(c) Only three statements (d) सभ चार ों कथन
(d) All four statements
73. र्ारत में बाघ संरक्षण के संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित कथि ं
73. Consider the following statements with पर निचार कीनिए:
reference to Tiger conservation in India:
1. ितामाि में, र्ारत में दु निया की 70% से अनधक
1. At present, India has more than 70% of
the world's wild tiger population. िंगली बाघ आबादी है ।
2. Currently, all the tiger reserves in India 2. ितामाि में, र्ारत के सर्ी बाघ अर्यारण् ं में
have the Conservation Assured Tiger संरक्षण सुनिनित बाघ मािक (CA|TS)
Standards (CA|TS) certification. प्रमाणि है ।
3. At present, the Anamalai tiger reserve 3. ितामाि में, अिामलाई बाघ अर्यारण् में र्ारत
has the highest tiger density among के बाघ अर्यारण् ं में सबसे अनधक बाघ घित्व
India’s tiger reserves. है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only (a) केिल 1
(b) 1 and 2 only (b) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) केिल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 और 3

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74. With reference to India’s updated 74. हाल ही में समाचार ं में रहे र्ारत के अद्यनतत राष्ट्रीय
Nationally Determined Contribution स्तर पर निधाा ररत य गदाि (NDC) के संदर्ा में,
(NDC), recently in the news, consider the निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
following statements:
1. अद्यनतत एिडीसी िे र्ारत के एिडीसी लक्ष् ं के
1. The updated NDC added sector-
specific mitigation commitments to नलये क्षेि-निनिष्ट् िमि प्रनतबद्धताओं क ि ड़ा।
India's NDC targets. 2. र्ारत का अद्यनतत एिडीसी िषा 2021 से 2030
2. India's updated NDC is expected to be के बीच लागू ह िे की उम्मीद है ।
implemented between 2021 and 2030. 3. उिके ििीितम एिडीसी के अिुसार, र्ारत
3. According to her latest NDC, India is अब िषा 2005 के स्तर से 2030 तक अपिी
now committed to reducing its GDP
िीडीपी उत्सिाि तीव्रता क 45% तक कम
emissions intensity by 45% by 2030
करिे के नलए प्रनतबद्ध है ।
from 2005 levels.
Which of the statements given above is/are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
correct? (a) केिल 1 और 3
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) केिल 2
(b) 2 only
(c) केिल 2 और 3
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 और 3

75. Which one of the following policy 75. मुद्रास्फीनत क नियंनित करिे के नलए सरकार द्वारा
measures are likely to be taken by the निम्ननलखित में से कौि-सा िीनतगत उपाय नकए िािे
government to control inflation? की संर्ाििा है ?
(a) Increasing the income tax rates.
(b) Monetising the debt of the (a) आयकर की दर ं में िृखद्ध
government (b) सरकार के कज़ा का मुद्रीकरण
(c) Increasing transfer payments (c) थथािां तरण र्ुगताि बढािा
(d) Removing stock limits on essential (d) आिश्यक िस्तुओं पर र्ंडारण की सीमा क
76. With reference to the Anti-defection law,
consider the following statements: 76. दलबदल कवर ध कानून के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित
1. A Member of Legislative Assembly कथन ों पर कवचार क किएः
(MLA), holding a position in another 1. एक कवधान सभा सदस्य (MLA), ि अपन
political party without resigning from मौिूदा पा ी से इस्त फा कदए कबना ककस अन्य
his/her existing party, will be exempt रािन कतक दल में पद धारण करता है , क
from the purview of anti-defection law. दलबदल कवर ध कानून के दार्रे से छू द
2. In the absence of the Speaker, the िाएग ।
Deputy Speaker is empowered to
2. अध्यक्ष क अनयपखस्थकत में , उपाध्यक्ष क कानून
conduct the disqualification
proceedings under the law. के तहत अर् ग्यता कार्ुवाह करने का
3. The Supreme Court of India can अकधकार है ।
remove a minister against whom a 3. भारत र् सोंकवधान के अनयच्छेद 142 के तहत
disqualification petition is pending, भारत का सवोच्च न्यार्ालर् ऐसे मोंत्र क पद से
under Article 142 of the Indian ह ा सकता है किसके खिलाफ अर् ग्यता
Constitution. र्ाकचका लोंकबत ह ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) केवल 1 और 2
(b) 2 only (b) केवल 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) केवल 1 और 3
(d) 2 and 3 only (d) केवल 2 और 3

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77. Which of the following can be the 77. 'चािल के प्रत्यक्ष बीिार पण' निनध के निम्ननलखित में
advantages of the ‘Direct Seeding of Rice’ से कौि-से लार् ह सकते हैं ?
1. फसल पररपिता अिनध में कमी
1. Early crop maturity
2. Conservation of soil moisture 2. मृदा की िमी का संरक्षण
3. Reduced water consumption 3. पािी की िपत में कमी
4. Reduction in methane emissions 4. मीथेि उत्सिाि में कमी
Select the correct answer using the codes
निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर चुनिए:
given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (a) केिल 1, 2 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) केिल 2 और 3
(c) 1 and 4 only (c) केिल 1 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4
78. Consider the following:
1. East Asia Summit 78. निम्ननलखित पर निचार कीनिए:
2. I2U2 1. पूिी एनिया नििर सम्मेलि
3. Coffee Club 2. I2U2
4. The Partners in the Blue Pacific
3. कॉफी क्लब
India is a member of which of the
groupings given above? 4. द पाट्ा िसा इि द ब्लू पैनसनफक
(a) 1 and 2 only र्ारत उपयुाक्त समूह ं में से नकसका सदस्य है ?
(b) 1, 2 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 3 and 4 only (b) केिल 1, 2 और 3
(c) केिल 2 और 3
79. Consider the following statements with (d) केिल 1, 3 और 4
reference to “Nanosponges”:
1. It consists of a polymeric nanoparticle
79. "िैि स्पंि" (स्पंि कण) के संदर्ा में, निम्ननलखित
2. It is biodegradable and is stable at high कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
temperatures. 1. इसमें एक बहुलकीय िैि कण क र ह ता है ।
3. It is used in targeted drug delivery. 2. यह िैि-निम्नीकरणीय है और उच्च तापमाि पर
Which of the statements given above is/are थथायी ह ता है ।
3. इसका उपय ग लनक्षत दिा नितरण में नकया
(a) 1 and 2 only
िाता है ।
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(d) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 1, 2 और 3
(c) केिल 3
(d) केिल 1 और 3

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80. Which one of the following statements is 80. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे गैलापाग स द्वीप समूह के संदर्ा
incorrect with reference to the Galápagos में, निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से कौि-सा गलत है ?
Islands, recently seen in the news?
(a) गैलापाग स द्वीप समूह निषुितीय महासागरीय
(a) The Galápagos Islands are influenced
धारा से प्रर्ानित हैं ।
by the equatorial ocean current.
(b) It is designated as a UNESCO World (b) इसे यूिेस्क की निश्व धर हर थथल के रूप में
Heritage Site. िानमत नकया गया है ।
(c) The group of islands has no recognized (c) इस द्वीप समूह में क ई मान्यता प्राप्त सनक्रय
active volcano. ज्वालामुिी िहीं है ।
(d) The island group is influenced by the
(d) द्वीप समूह अल िीि िलिायु घट्िा से प्रर्ानित
climatic phenomena of El Niño.
है ।
81. Consider the following statements:
1. In India, the combined non- 81. कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किए:
agricultural methane annual emission 1. भारत में, सोंर्यक्त गैर-कृकि म थेन वाकिुक
is less than the annual agricultural उत्सिुन, म थेन के वाकिुक कृकि उत्सिुन से
emission of methane. कम है ।
2. Reduction in methane emission is one 2. म थेन उत्सिुन में कम , िलवार्य पररवतुन
of the strategies of climate change
अनयकूलन रणन कतर् ों में से एक है ।
3. Global Methane Pledge is an initiative 3. ग्ल बल म थेन प्लेि र्ूएनएफस स स
of UNFCCC to collectively reduce (UNFCCC) क एक पहल है ि सामूकहक रूप
methane emissions by at least 30% से 2030 तक 2020 के स्तर से कम से कम
below 2020 levels by 2030. 30% न चे म थेन उत्सिुन क कम करने के
Which of the statements given above is/are कलए है ।
correct? उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(a) केवल 1 और 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 3 only (b) केवल 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) केवल 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
82. Consider the following statements with
reference to the Central Bank Digital
82. र्ारतीय ररििा बैंक (RBI) द्वारा प्रस्तानित केंद्रीय बैंक
Currency (CBDC) as proposed by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI): नडनिट्ल मुद्रा (CBDC) के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
1. It can be exchanged one-to-one at par कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
with the fiat currency. 1. इसे नफएट् मुद्रा के बराबर समाि पररमाण में
2. A bank account is essential to hold the निनिमय नकया िा सकता है ।
CBDC. 2. सीबीडीसी रििे के नलए एक बैंक िाता
3. CBDC wholesale (CBDC-W) is
आिश्यक है ।
restricted to financial institutions.
How many of the statements given above 3. सीबीडीसी थ क (CBDC-W) नित्तीय संथथाि ं
is/are correct? तक ही सीनमत है ।
(a) None of the statements उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह है /हैं ?
(b) Only one statement (a) एक भ कथन नह ों
(c) Only two statements
(b) केवल एक कथन
(d) All three statements
(c) केवल द कथन
(d) सभ त न ों कथन

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83. Consider the following statements with 83. र्ारत में ल दी साम्राज्य के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
reference to the Lodi empire in India: कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
1. Sultan Bahlol Lodi used to call his
1. सुल्ताि बहल ल ल दी अपिे साथी अफगाि
fellow Afghan nobles ‘masnad-i ali’
रईस ं क 'मसिद-ए अली' कहकर बुलाता था
and never sat on the throne in front of
them. और उिके सामिे कर्ी गद्दी पर िहीं बैठता था।
2. During the rule of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, 2. सुल्ताि इब्रानहम ल दी के िासि के दौराि,
Vasco da Gama landed in India. िास्क डी गामा र्ारत आया था।
3. Babur defeated Sultan Sikandar Lodi at 3. 1526 ई. में पािीपत के युद्ध में बाबर िे सुल्ताि
the Battle of Panipat in 1526 CE. नसकंदर ल दी क हराया।
Which of the statements given above is/are
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only (a) केिल 1
(b) 1 and 2 only (b) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 3 only (c) केिल 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
84. Consider the following statements with
reference to the Shanghai Cooperation 84. हाल ही में चचाा में रहे िंघाई सहय ग संगठि (SCO)
Organization (SCO) recently seen in the के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
news: 1. हाल ही में, ईराि और अफगानिस्ताि क
1. Recently, Iran and Afghanistan have
संगठि के थथायी सदस्य ं के रूप में िानमल
been added as permanent members of
नकया गया है ।
the Organization.
2. Executive Committee of the Regional 2. क्षेिीय आतंकिाद निर धी संरचिा (RATS) की
Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is कायाकारी सनमनत का मुख्यालय बीनिंग में है ।
headquatered in Beijing. 3. समरकंद नििर सम्मेलि में नतरुपनत क 2022-
3. Tirupati was declared as first-ever SCO 2023 के नलए पहली बार एससीओ पयाट्ि और
Tourism and Cultural Capital for 2022- सां स्कृनतक रािधािी घ नषत नकया गया था।
2023 at Samarkand Summit.
4. र्ारत नसतंबर 2023 तक एक साल के नलए
4. India will hold the presidency of the
समूह की अध्यक्षता करे गा और 2023 एससीओ
grouping for a year until September
2023 and will also host the 2023 SCO नििर सम्मेलि की मेिबािी र्ी करे गा।
summit. उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) केिल 1, 2 और 4
(b) केिल 2 और 3
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 2 and 3 only (c) केिल 1, 2 और 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) केिल 4
(d) 4 only

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85. "CAR-T cell therapy is touted as a 85. "CAR-T सेल थेरेप क कैंसर र कगर् ों के कलए एक
revolutionary treatment for Cancer क्राों कतकार उपचार के रूप में िाना िाता है । र्ह
patients'. It is related to- सोंबोंकधत है :
(a) Radiation Therapy (a) रे कडएशन थेरेप से
(b) Surgical Therapy
(b) सकिुकल थेरेप से
(c) Hormone Therapy
(d) Immunotherapy (c) हामोन थेरेप से
(d) इम्यून थेरेप से
86. Which of the following statements are
correct with reference to the powers of
86. संनिधाि की छठी अिुसूची के तहत निला पररषद ं
District Councils under the Sixth Schedule
की िखक्तय ं के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से
of the Constitution?
कौि सा सही है ?
1. Making of laws related to land and
forests. 1. र्ूनम और िि ं से संबंनधत कािूि बिािा।
2. Constitution of courts for trial of cases 2. िििानतय ं के बीच मामल ं की सुििाई के नलए
between the tribes. न्यायालय ं का गठि करिा।
3. Making regulations for the control of
3. गैर-आनदिानसय ं द्वारा उधार दे िे और व्यापार
money lending and trading by non-
करिे पर नियंिण के नलए नियम बिािा।
4. Collection of land revenue. 4. र्ू-रािस्व की िसूली।
Select the correct answer using the codes निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
given below: कीनिए:
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(b) केिल 2, 3 और 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) केिल 1, 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4
87. Which of the following schemes comes
under ‘NABARD Sponsored Schemes’:
87. निम्ननलखित में से कौि सी य ििा 'िाबाडा प्राय नित
1. Producers Organisation Development
Fund य ििाओं' के अंतगात आती है:
2. Watershed Development Programme 1. उत्पादक संगठि निकास क ष
3. Tribal Development Programme 2. िाट्रिेड निकास कायाक्रम
4. Micro Enterprise Development 3. िििातीय निकास कायाक्रम
Select the correct answer using the codes 4. सूक्ष्म उद्यम निकास कायाक्रम
given below: निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर का चयि
(a) 1 and 2 only कीनिए:
(b) 2 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 3 and 4 only
(b) केिल 2
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) केिल 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4

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88. With reference to Indian history, consider 88. र्ारतीय इनतहास के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर
the following statements: निचार कीनिएः
1. The Dutch captured Nagapatam from
1. डच ं िे अंग्रेि ं से िागपट्टम छीि नलया और इसे
the Britishers and made it their main
दनक्षण र्ारत में अपिा मुख्य गढ बिा नलया।
stronghold in South India.
2. The Portuguese captured Salsette and 2. पुतागानलय ं िे मराठ ं से सालसेट् और बेनसि
Bassein from the Marathas. छीि नलया।
3. The Britishers received Bombay as a 3. अंग्रेि ं िे बॉम्बे क पुतागानलय ं से दहे ि के रूप
dowry from the Portuguese when King में प्राप्त नकया िब रािा चार्ल्ा नद्वतीय िे
Charles II married the Portuguese पुतागाली रािकुमारी कैथरीि से िादी की।
princess Catherine.
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (a) केिल 1
(a) 1 only (b) केिल 2 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1, 2 और 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) केिल 3
(d) 3 only

89. “This type of climate is characterised by 89. "इस प्रकार की िलिायु की नििेषता उष्ण, बरसाती
hot, rainy seasons and cool, dry seasons. मौसम तथा िीत, िुष्क मौसम है। क्षेि की प्रचनलत
The prevailing winds of the region are पििें व्यापाररक पििें हैं । इस प्रकार की िलिायु में
trade winds. The diurnal range of दै निक तापमाि का परास चरम पर ह ता है । ििस्पनत
temperature is extreme in this type of की नििेषता लंबी घास और छ ट्े पेड़ हैं । क्षेि के र्ू-
climate. The vegetation is characterised by दृश्य का िणाि करिे के नलए 'पाकालैंड' या 'बुि-िेल्ड'
tall grass and short trees. The terms
िब्द का प्रय ग नकया िाता है ।"
‘parkland’ or ‘bush-veld’ is used to
describe the landscape of the region.” उपयुाक्त पररच्छे द में निम्ननलखित में से नकस प्रकार
Which one of the following climate types is की िलिायु का िणाि नकया गया है ?
described in the above given passage? (a) उष्णकनट्बंधीय समुद्री िलिायु
(a) Tropical Marine Climate (b) उष्ण िीत ष्ण पनिमी सीमां त िलिायु
(b) Warm Temperate Western Margin
(c) िीत िीत ष्ण पनिमी सीमां त िलिायु
(c) Cool Temperate Western Margin (d) सिािा िलिायु
(d) The Savanna Climate 90. र्ारत की निदे ि व्यापार िीनत में उखल्लखित नियाा त
उन्मुि इकाई (ईओयू) य ििा के संदर्ा में
90. Which one of the following statements is निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से कौि सा सही है ?
correct with reference to the Export
Oriented Units (EOU) scheme, mentioned (a) ईओयू क की िािे िाली आपूनता क िस्तु एिं
in the Foreign Trade Policy of India? सेिा कर (िीएसट्ी) से छूट् प्राप्त है ।
(a) Supplies to EOU are exempt from (b) ईओयू क घरे लू प्रिुल्क क्षेि में नबक्री करिे की
Goods and Services Tax (GST). अिुमनत िहीं है ।
(b) EOUs are not permitted to engage in (c) ईओयू नििेष रूप से िस्तुओं के नियाा त के नलए
sales in the Domestic Tariff Area.
थथानपत नकए िाते हैं ि नक सेिाओं के नलए।
(c) EOUs are set up exclusively for export
of goods and not services. (d) ईओयू में स्वत: मागा के माध्यम से 100% प्रत्यक्ष
(d) 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) निदे िी नििेि (एफडीआई) प्राप्त करिे की
investment through automatic route is अिुमनत है ।
permitted in EOUs

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91. Which one of the following statements is 91. 'प्र िेर चीता' के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित कथि ं में से
incorrect with reference to the ‘Project कौि सा गलत है ?
(a) यह बड़े िंगली मां साहाररय ं के नलए दु निया की
(a) This is the world's first intercontinental
पहली अंतरमहाद्वीपीय थथािािरण पररय ििा
translocation project for large wild
carnivores. है ।
(b) It is a kind of project in which a species (b) यह एक प्रकार की पररय ििा है निसमें नकसी
is being restored in the country by प्रिानत क दू सरे दे ि से लाकर दे ि में
bringing it from another country. पुिथथाा नपत नकया िा रहा है ।
(c) Under the project, the subspecies of (c) पररय ििा के तहत, चीता की उप-प्रिानतयां
Cheetah which is being introduced नििें दे ि में िापस लाया िा रहा है , िे अफ्ीकी
back into the country are African
चीता हैं ।
(d) The cheetah reintroduction in India is (d) र्ारत में चीत ं के पुिरुत्पादि की निगरािी
being overseen by the Animal Welfare र्ारतीय पिु कल्याण ब डा द्वारा की िा रही है ।
Board of India.
92. "भारत ने अधु-सोंघवाद क अपनार्ा किसने केंद्र
92. “India adopted Quasi-federalism that सरकार और राज्य सरकार ों क एक-दू सरे पर कनभुर
made the Union government and State बना कदर्ा (केंद्र सरकार क तयलना में राज्य सरकार
governments interdependent on each other
अकधक)।" कनम्नकलखित में से ककसे इसके कारण ों के
(latter more vis-a-vis the former).” Which
रूप में माना िा सकता है ?
of the following can be considered as the
1. भारत का कवभािन और राष्ट्र क अिोंडता क
reasons for the same?
1. Partition of India and safeguarding the रक्षा करना
integrity of the nation 2. राष्ट्र र् नागररक पहचान क आवश्यकता
2. Need of a national civic identity 3. कल्ाणकार राज्य के कनमाु ण का सपना
3. Vision of building a welfare state 4. अोंतर-क्षेत्र र् आकथुक असमानता का उन्मूलन
4. Alleviation of inter-regional economic
कनम्नकलखित कू का प्रर् ग कर सह उत्तर का चर्न
Select the correct answer using the codes क किए:
given below: (a) केवल 1 और 4
(a) 1 and 4 only (b) केवल 2 और 3
(b) 2 and 3 only (c) केवल 3 और 4
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

35 | UPSC-MOCK-01

93. With reference to the Lothal site of Indus 93. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे कसोंधय घा सभ्यता (IVC) के
Valley Civilisation (IVC), recently in the स्थल ल थल के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर
news, consider the following statements: कवचार क किएः
1. It is the westernmost IVC site in India 1. र्ह गयिरात में साबरमत नद के ककनारे खस्थत
located along the river Sabarmati in
भारत का पकिमतम कसोंधय घा सभ्यता स्थल है ।
2. Also known as ‘Manchester of Indus 2. इसे 'कसोंधय घा सभ्यता के मैनचेस्टर' के रूप में
Valley Civilisation’ because it had rich भ िाना िाता है क् कों क इसमें समृि कपास
cotton producing areas and the world's उत्पादक क्षेत्र और दय कनर्ा का सबसे पयराना ज्ञात
earliest known dock which facilitated ग द बाड़ा था ि व्यापार क सयकवधा प्रदान
trade. करत था।
3. Metal objects found at Lothal suggest 3. ल थल में कमल धातय क वस्तयओों से पता चलता
that IVC people had knowledge of iron है कक कसोंधय घा सभ्यता के ल ग ों क ल हा
smelting. गलाने का ज्ञान था।
4. It is the only Indus Valley Civilisation
4. र्ह एकमात्र कसोंधय घा सभ्यता स्थल है िहाों
site where rice cultivation was
चावल क िेत प्रचकलत थ ।
How many statements given above is/are उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने सह है /हैं ?
correct? (a) केवल एक कथन
(a) Only one statement (b) केवल द कथन
(b) Only two statements
(c) केवल त न कथन
(c) Only three statements
(d) All four statements (d) चार ों कथन

94. Consider the following statements with 94. हाल ह में चचाु में रहे सोंर्यक्त राष्ट्र िलवार्य पररवतुन
reference to the Conference of Parties ढाों चागत सिेलन (UNFCCC) के पक्षकार ों के
(COP) to the UN Framework Convention सिेलन (COP) के सोंदभु में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर
on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was कवचार क किए:
recently in news:
1. The COP is the supreme decision- 1. COP, UNFCCC के तहत कनणुर् लेने वाला
making body of the UNFCCC. सवोच्च कनकार् है ।
2. No region can be the host of COP for 2. क ई भ दे श लगातार द विों तक COP क
two consecutive years. मेिबान नह ों कर सकता है ।
3. The COP Presidency of the UNFCCC 3. UNFCCC के COP अध्यक्षता का चक्रण केवल
rotates among the five recognized UN पााँ च मान्यता प्राप्त सोंर्यक्त राष्ट्र क्षेत्र ों के ब च
regions only. ह ता है ।
4. Till date, India has hosted the COP
UNFCCC only twice. 4. आि तक, भारत ने केवल द बार COP
How many statements given above is/are UNFCCC क मेिबान क है ।
correct? उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से ककतने हैं /सह हैं ?
(a) Only one Statement (a) केवल एक कथन
(b) Only two Statements (b) केवल द कथन
(c) Only three Statements
(d) All four Statements (c) केवल त न कथन
(d) सभ चार ों कथन

36 | UPSC-MOCK-01

95. With reference to the Monkeypox disease, 95. मोंक पॉक्स र ग, ि हाल ह में चचाु में रहा, के सोंदभु
which was recently in the news, consider में कनम्नकलखित कथन ों पर कवचार क किएः
the following statements: 1. कवश्व स्वास्थ्य सोंगठन (WHO) के अनयसार, र ग
1. According to the World Health से सोंबोंकधत मामले उष्णकक बोंध र् विाु वन ों के
Organisation (WHO), cases occur close
आसपास से सामने आए हैं िहााँ रहने वाले
to tropical rainforests inhabited by
िानवर ों में र ग के वार्रस पाए िाते हैं ।
animals that carry the virus.
2. The symptoms of Monkeypox are 2. मोंक पॉक्स के लक्षण स्ालपॉक्स के समान ह
similar to Smallpox. ह ते हैं ।
3. There is no proven treatment for 3. मोंक पॉक्स का अभ तक क ई प्रमाकणत इलाि
Monkeypox yet. नह ों है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपर्युक्त कथन ों में से कौन-सा/से सह है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only (a) केवल 1
(b) 1 and 2 only (b) केवल 1 और 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) केवल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 और 3

96. Consider the following statements with

reference to Goods and Services Tax (GST): 96. िस्तु एिं सेिा कर (GST) के संदर्ा में निम्ननलखित
1. The Goods and Service Tax Appellate कथि ं पर निचार कीनिए:
Tribunal (GSTAT) was constituted by 1. िीएसट्ी कािूि ं के तहत नििाद ं क हल करिे
the GST council for resolving disputes के नलए िीएसट्ी पररषद द्वारा माल और सेिा
under GST laws. कर अपीलीय न्यायानधकरण (GSTAT) का
2. The turnover threshold limit for
गठि नकया गया था।
registering for GST is uniform across
all states in India. 2. र्ारत के सर्ी राज्य ं में िीएसट्ी के नलए
3. E-commerce suppliers can register पंिीकरण की ट्िाओिर सीमा एक समाि है ।
under the composition scheme of GST. 3. ई-कॉमसा आपूनताकताा िीएसट्ी की कंप नििि
4. Crypto activities are taxable under स्कीम के तहत पंिीकरण करा सकते हैं ।
GST. 4. नक्रप्ट गनतनिनधयां िीएसट्ी के तहत कर य ग्य
Which of the statements given above are हैं ।
(a) 1 and 2 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से गलत हैं ?
(b) 3 and 4 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) केिल 3 और 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only (c) 1, 2, 3 और 4
97. Which of the following statements (d) केिल 1, 2 और 4
correctly represents the life and teachings
of Kabir? 97. निम्ननलखित में से कौि सा कथि कबीर के िीिि
1. Salvation could be obtained through और निक्षाओं क सही ढं ग से दिाा ता है ?
devotion towards God.
1. र्गिाि की र्खक्त से ही म क्ष की प्राखप्त ह ती है ।
2. His beliefs and ideas were reflected in
the dohas (Sakhi) composed and 2. उिके निश्वास और निचार उिके द्वारा रनचत
written by him. और नलखित द ह ं (सिी) में पररलनक्षत ह ते थे।
3. The major part of his work is included 3. उिके काम का प्रमुि नहस्सा गुरु ग्रंथ सानहब में
in Guru Grantha Sahib. िानमल है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(a) 1 only (a) केिल 1
(b) 2 only (b) केिल 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 और 3

37 | UPSC-MOCK-01

98. Consider the following statements: 98. निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिएः
1. India does not have formal diplomatic 1. र्ारत के ताइिाि के साथ अर्ी औपचाररक
ties with Taiwan yet, as it follows the
राििनयक संबंध िहीं हैं , क् नं क यह एकल-चीि
One-China policy.
िीनत का अिुसरण करता है ।
2. India has an office in Taipei for
diplomatic functions. 2. राििनयक कायों के नलए र्ारत का ताइपे में एक
3. Taiwan and Hong Kong are part of कायाा लय है ।
China's “one country, two systems”. 3. ताइिाि और हांगकां ग चीि के "एक दे ि, द
Which of the statements given above are व्यिथथा" का नहस्सा हैं ।
उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-से सही हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only (a) केिल 1 और 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (b) केिल 1 और 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) केिल 2 और 3
(d) 1, 2 और 3
99. Consider the following statements:
1. A country can provide unlimited green
box subsidies. 99. निम्ननलखित कथि ं पर निचार कीनिएः
2. Minimum Support Price (MSP) 1. एक दे ि असीनमत ग्रीि बॉक्स सखिडी प्रदाि
provided in India belongs to amber box कर सकता है ।
2. र्ारत में प्रदाि नकया गया न्यूितम समथाि मूल्य
3. Subsidies which are tied to programs
(MSP) एम्बर बॉक्स सखिडी के अंतगात आता
which limit production are blue box
subsidies. है ।
Which of the statements given above is/are 3. सखिडी ि उि कायाक्रम ं से िुड़ी ह ती है ि
correct? उत्पादि क सीनमत करते हैं िे ब्लू बॉक्स
(a) 1 and 2 only सखिडी हैं ।
(b) 2 only उपयुाक्त कथि ं में से कौि-सा/से सही है /हैं ?
(c) 1 and 3 only
(a) केिल 1 और 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) केिल 2
100. Which of the following provisions are (c) केिल 1 और 3
introduced in India under the Government (d) 1, 2 और 3
of India Act of 1919?
1. Secretary of State for India to be paid
out of the British exchequer 100.1919 के र्ारत सरकार अनधनियम के तहत र्ारत में
2. Dyarchy at the Centre निम्ननलखित में से कौि से प्रािधाि नकए गए थे?
3. Introduction of Bicameralism at the 1. र्ारत के राज्य सनचि क नब्रनट्ि रािक ष से
Centre र्ुगताि नकया िािा
4. Separate electorates for women
2. केंद्र में द्वै ध िासि
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below: 3. केंद्र में नद्वसदििाद का प्रारं र्
(a) 1 and 4 only 4. मनहलाओं के नलए अलग नििाा चक मंडल
(b) 1 and 3 only निम्ननलखित कूट् का प्रय ग कर सही उत्तर चुनिए:
(c) 2 and 4 only
(a) केिल 1 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) केिल 1 और 3
(c) केिल 2 और 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 और 4

38 | UPSC-MOCK-01
प्रारंिभक परीक्षा टेस्ट सीरीज 2023



1. Answer: (c) Statement 3 is incorrect: Including in the

monitoring list will not attract any
Explanation: immediate penalty or sanctions, but there
will be increased pressure on RBI to cut
Currency manipulation is a policy used by down intervention. Trade Facilitation and
some countries to artificially devalue their Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 provides
currency and gain unfair advantage in for the possible imposition of penalties if,
global trade. ‘Currency Practices within one year of commencement of
Monitoring List (Currency Manipulators enhanced bilateral engagement (with the
Watchlist)’ is a semi-annual report countries in the discussion), the Secretary
published by the U.S. Department of of US Treasury determines that a country
Treasury. If an economy meets two of the “has failed to adopt appropriate policies to
three criterias in the Trade Facilitation and correct the undervaluation and surpluses”
Trade Enforcement Act of 2015, it will be that triggered the enhanced analysis and
placed in the monitoring list. These enhanced bilateral engagement.
criterias are:
1. A significant bilateral trade surplus 2. Answer: (b)
with the US: Treasury assesses that
economies with a bilateral goods and Explanation:
services surplus of at least $15 billion
have a “significant” surplus. Regular, free and fair elections in India
2. A material current account surplus: have earned her the reputation of a
Treasury assesses current account successful democracy. Article 324 gives
surpluses of at least 3% of GDP complete control to the Election
3. Engaged in persistent one-sided Commission of India over the elections
intervention in the foreign exchange both at Center and State levels which is
market: When the net purchase of also reiterated by many Judicial
foreign currency conducted in the last pronouncements with regards to power of
8 out of 12 months, totalling at least 2% ECI.
of an economy’s GDP
Statement 1 is correct: The biggest
Statement 1 is correct: Currency advantage of the (Electronic Voting
Manipulators Watch List includes those Machines) EVMs is the ‘complete
countries which the U.S. Department of elimination’ of invalid votes which were a
Treasury believes it is engaged in ‘unfair big issue during ballot paper elections.
currency practices’, to take advantage of Election manipulation was rampant using
global trade. this invalid vote tool by some corrupt
electoral officers.
Statement 2 is incorrect: China, Japan,
South Korea, Germany, Italy, India, Statement 2 is incorrect: Prime Minister
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, has been exempted by the Election
Vietnam and Mexico are included in this Commission of India (ECI) from the Model
monitoring list. India satisfies two out of Code of Conduct (MCC) requirement that
three criteria namely, Trade Surplus and the Ministers shall not combine their
Persistent One-Sided Intervention. This is official visit with electioneering work. This
not the first time when India is included in issue of the Prime Minister being allowed
the list. to combine these works has been in the
news for controversies.

1 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 3 is correct: The idea of One • Digilocker is owned by the Ministry of

Nation-One Election (ONOE) is not new to Electronics and Information
India. The first four elections (1952, 1957, Technology.
1962 and 1967) were in fact simultaneous o It aims to provide a Digital wallet
elections where elections were conducted to every citizen so that all lifelong
for the LokSabha and the state assemblies documents such as education
simultaneously. record, health record etc can be
accessed digitally anywhere.
Statement 4 is incorrect: RPA 1951 in its • UPI is owned by the National
section 10 (a) allows for the Payments Corporation of India.
disqualification of candidates and does o Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
not allow deregistration of political is a system that powers multiple
parties for indulging in corrupt practices bank accounts into a single mobile
defined in the Section 8a in the act. This is application to provide certain
a long pending demand of ECI for banking services to customers.
electoral reforms but has not yet been • The Account Aggregator framework is
incorporated in the Act. regulated by RBI and its technology
standards and owned by ReBIT.
3. Answer: (d) o An Account Aggregator (AA)
helps an individual securely and
Explanation: digitally access and share
information from one financial
Indiastack is a set of open Applications institution to any other regulated
Programming Interface (APIs) which financial institution.
enables integration of mobile applications
with data stored and provided by the Following APIs are important
government. It makes a user base of a components of India stack:
billion people available through its API. It • Aadhaar Authentication
has multiple applications across sectors • e-KYC documents
ranging from financial services, healthcare
• eSign
and education.
• Digital Locker (DigiLocker)
• Unified Payment Interface (UPI)
The components of this collection are
owned and maintained by different Hence point 1, point 2, point 3 and point 4
agencies. are correct.
• Aadhaar products such as e-auth and
e-KYC are owned by the Unique ID 4. Answer: (b)
Authority of India.
o E-auth or e-authentication helps Explanation:
Unique Identification Authority of
India and aadhar holders to carry Option (b) is correct: Collective Security
on verification and authentication Treaty Organization (CSTO) is a military
process over email and phone. grouping of six erstwhile Union of Soviet
o e-KYC or Electronic Know Your Socialist Republics (USSR) countries. Its
Customer is a remote and members include Armenia, Belarus,
paperless process for document Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and
verification. Tajikistan. It was signed in 1992 and came
• eSign is a technology specification into existence in 1994. Earlier, Uzbekistan
which is maintained by the Ministry of was a founding member of CSTO but
Communications and Information Uzbekistan withdrew from the alliance in
Technology. 2012.
o eSIgn or Electronic signature is an
online signature service which
replaces the need for physical
signature for verification.

2 | UPSC-MOCK-01

6. Answer: (b)


The Global Gender Report 2022 which

includes the Gender Gap Index was
released recently. It is released by the
World Economic Forum (WEF).
Figure: Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO)
Option (a) is incorrect: As per the Global
Gender Report 2022, the time required by
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) the world to achieve gender parity did not
is a Eurasian Political, Economic and reduce consistently over the last decade. It
Military organisation. Currently SCO has 8 has been reduced by four years as
permanent members: China, Kazakhstan, compared to the 2021 edition of the report.
Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, As per the report, it will now take 132
Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan (with Iran soon years to reach gender parity. The time
to join). required to achieve gender parity has
increased due to the generational loss
5. Answer: (d) between 2020 and 2021. The trends
Explanation: leading up to 2020 showed that the gender
gap was set to close within 100 years.
Along with the establishment of Ibadat
Khana, Akbar also established his Option (b) is correct: The ranking of India
translation bureau Maktab Khana in has improved as compared to the previous
Fatehpur Sikri. A large number of Sanskrit edition of the Gender Gap Index. India
texts were translated to Persian. Akbar’s ranks 135th in 2022 while it ranked 140th in
translation project probably began in 1575- 2021.
1576 with the arrival of Shaikh Bhawan, a
Brahman convert, to Akbar’s court. Option (c) is incorrect: India has
not performed better than its neighbours
Statement 1 is incorrect: The first Sanskrit in the present Gender Gap Index (2022).
book to be translated from Sanskrit to India ranks behind Bangladesh (71), Nepal
Persian was Sukasaptati (Tales of a (96), Sri Lanka (110), Maldives (117) and
Parrot). The Persian translation known as Bhutan (126).
Tutinama, literally implying “Tales of a
Parrot”, is a collection of 52 stories in Option (d) is incorrect: As per the index,
Persian authored by Ziya' al-Din India is among the top 50 (not bottom 10)
Nakhshabi. It was translated around the countries in terms of political
14th century, well before Akbar’s reign. empowerment.
The earliest works translated from
Sanskrit under Akbar, with the help of
Shaikh Bhawan, by Haji Ibrahim
Sirhindi, was Atharva Veda (Bed
Atharban) sometime before 1583.

Statement 2 is incorrect: Razmnama is the

translation of Mahabharata. Akbar tasked
Badauni with the translation which was
later completed by Mulla Shri, Naqib Khan
and Sultan Haji Thanesari. Ramayana was
translated into Persian under the reign of
Akbar by Badauni. Nizam Panipati
translated Yogavasistha (a treatise on Figure: India’s performance at the
Vedantic philosophy) as an appendix to Gender Gap Index 2022
Ramayana and dedicated it to Prince Source: The Hindu

3 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Hint for Solving: The consideration of the 2. Mature stage: The storm intensifies
effect of COVID 19 pandemic will help in due to the constant influx of moisture
eliminating option (a). Option (c) and (d) from the sea. The air rises in ferocious
are extreme and careful observation can thunderstorms as a tropical storm
help in eliminating them also. builds and has a tendency to spread
out horizontally at the tropopause
7. Answer: (c) level. Air spreads out, creating positive
pressure at very high altitudes, which
quickens the downward motion of air.
Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones are all 3. Dissipation stage: On reaching the
the same type of storms, but have different land, the moisture supply is cut off
names based on where they form. In the and hence eventually the storm
Indian Ocean, they are referred to as dissipates. The place where a tropical
cyclones, in the Atlantic as hurricanes, in cyclone crosses the coast is called the
the Western Pacific and the South China landfall of the cyclone.
Sea as typhoons, and in western Australia
as willy-willies.

Statement 1 is incorrect: Hurricanes are

violent storms that develop over tropical
oceans before moving ashore and wreaking
havoc on a huge scale with their high
winds, torrential rain, and storm surges.
They originate and intensify over warm
tropical oceans near the Equator.

Statement 2 is incorrect: The conditions

favourable for the formation and
intensification of Hurricanes are:
1. Large sea surface with a temperature
higher than 27° C;
2. Presence of the Coriolis force;
3. Small variations in the vertical wind
speed; Figure: Vertical section of the Hurricane
4. A pre-existing weak low-pressure Source: NCERT
area or low-level cyclonic circulation;
5. Upper divergence above the sea level 8. Answer: (c)
Statement 3 is correct: Stages of formation
Recently, the benchmark 10-year Indian
of Hurricanes/cyclones-
government bond yield ended at a high of
1. Formation stage: When a low-pressure
region develops in the tropics, winds
from the high-pressure surrounding
region rush to fill the low-pressure
region. However, due to Coriolis force
winds start rotating in an anticlockwise
direction in the Northern hemisphere
and clockwise in the Southern
hemisphere. In the process, warm and
moist air over the ocean rises upward
from near the surface forming
cumulonimbus clouds. Condensation
of cumulonimbus clouds over the Figure: 10-year Indian government bond
ocean surface provides the necessary yield
energy for the formation of cyclones. Source:

4 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is correct: With an increase in 9. Answer: (c)

bond yield, interest rates will also
increase which makes the cost of Explanation:
borrowing higher and the government will
have to pay more as a return to investors. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are
defined by the U.S. Environmental
Statement 2 is incorrect: A rise in bond Protection Agency (EPA) as “any
yield would make investments in bonds compound of carbon other than carbon
more attractive for investors. Investments monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid,
in bonds are considered relatively less risky metal carbides or carbonates, and
debt. This will reduce the fund flow into ammonium carbonate, that participate in
equities and also results in the outflow of atmospheric photochemical reactions. ”
funds from equities. VOCs have a high vapor pressure and low
water solubility.
Statement 3 is correct: The bond market is
a great predictor of inflation and the Common examples of VOCs that may be
direction of the economy. A steep rise in present in our daily lives are:
the bond yield reflects the growth and
inflation mix in the economy. Point 1 is correct: VOCs are obtained as the
by-products produced by chlorination in
Statement 4 is correct: An increase in water treatment, such as chloroform. Also,
interest rates in the economy will raise the these are often components of petroleum
cost of borrowing for companies and fuels, hydraulic fluids, paint thinners, and
impact their net profit margins. dry cleaning agents.

Point 2 is incorrect: VOCs are any

What Is Bond Yield?
compound of carbon other than carbon
• Bond yield is the effective rate of
monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid,
return that a bond earns. The rate of
metal carbides or carbonates, and
return of a bond is not fixed, but it
ammonium carbonate.
changes with the price of the bond.
• The Price and Bond yield are Point 3 is correct: The industrial solvent
inversely related , as the price of a trichloroethylene is considered a VOC
bond goes up its yield goes down. because it evaporates easily into the air. It
was mainly used for degreasing
manufactured metal parts.
Point 4 is correct: Benzene belongs to the
class of chemicals called VOC as it
evaporates into the air. Benzene is
produced from coal and petroleum sources
and is found in gasoline.
Figure: Bond Yield Point 5 is correct: Toluene belongs to the
Source: Investopedia
group of chemicals of VOCs, which can be
released as a gas into indoor air at room
temperature. Toluene is a clear, colourless
liquid that occurs naturally in crude oil and
in the tolu tree and is produced in the
process of making gasoline and other fuels
from crude oil.

5 | UPSC-MOCK-01

10. Answer: (b) Option (b) is incorrect: To control the

prices, Alauddin set up three different
markets for different commodities in Delhi.
Nord Stream is the longest subsea gas These markets were the grain market
pipeline. The 1,224 km-long lines run (Mandi), cloth market (Sarai Adl) and the
under the Baltic Sea. The pipeline connects market for horses, slaves, cattles, etc.
St. Petersburg in Russia and Lubmin in
Eastern Germany and has a combined Option (c) is correct: Alauddin received
capacity of 55 billion cubic meters (bcm). daily reports of the market from two other
independent sources, barid (intelligence
The Nord Stream pipelines have been at the officer) and munhiyans (secret
center of geopolitical tensions in recent spies). There were secret agents called
days as Russia cut gas supplies to Europe munhiyans who sent reports to the Sultan
in suspected retaliation against Western regarding the functioning of these
sanctions following its invasion of Ukraine. markets.
This leads to the looming energy crisis in
the European Union. Option (d) is incorrect: During Balban’s
reign, Firoz had been the warden of the
marches in the north-west and fought
many successful battles against the
Mongols. He was called to Delhi as Ariz-i-
Mumalikh (Minister of War).

Additional Information:
• In CE 1290, Firoz murdered Kaimur
and seized the throne. A group of Khilji
nobles led by him established the Khilji
dynasty. As per some scholars, this
event can be termed as the ‘dynastic
revolution’ of CE 1290. Due to this, the
so called ‘Slave dynasty’ came to an
end with the advent of Khilji dynasty
as Firoz ascended the throne under the
Figure: Nord stream title of Jalaluddin Khilji.
12. Answer: (c)
Hence, Option (b) is correct.
11. Answer: (c)
The Government has recently launched a
scheme called Scheme for residential
Since Alauddin Khlji wanted to maintain a education for students in High school in
large army, he therefore lowered and fixed Targeted Areas (SHRESHTA) with the
the price of the commodities of daily use. intention of providing quality education to
To control the prices, Alauddin initiated students who belong to the category of
many market reforms. Scheduled Caste (SC). The scheme was
introduced by the Ministry of Social Justice
Option (a) is incorrect: Alauddin Khilji & Empowerment.
established four separate markets in Delhi,
one for grain; another for cloth, sugar, Statement 1 is incorrect: SHRESHTA is
dried fruits, butter and oil; a third for indeed a scholarship program. However, it
horses, slaves and cattle; and a fourth for is not a scheme for providing higher
miscellaneous commodities. Each market education. Instead, it is provided to school
was under the control of a high officer students who belong to the SC category
called Shahna-i-Mandi. from class 9 to class 12.

6 | UPSC-MOCK-01

It is a scheme that provides quality Metaverse: It is a digital realm parallel to

education to meritorious SC students in the physical realm which people can access
CBSE-affiliated reputed residential schools through various gadgets such as VR-
across the country. The government bears headsets to interact and communicate with
the entire cost of school fees and residential others.
14. Answer: (b)
Statement 2 is correct: The National
Testing Agency (NTA) conducts an Explanation:
entrance test called National Entrance Test
for SHRESHTA (NETS) to select Section 8 of the Representation of the
meritorious candidates. People Act (RPA), 1951, contains
provisions for disqualification of members
Statement 3 is incorrect: The scheme of the house on account of conviction in
targets the marginalized sections within certain cases.
the SC community and therefore there is an
income criterion for availing benefits under Statement 1 is incorrect: Section 8 (3) of
the scheme. Those students whose parental The Representation of the People Act,
annual income is up to Rs.2.5 Lakh are 1951 states that a person convicted of an
eligible for the scheme. offence and sentenced to imprisonment for
not less than two years shall be disqualified
13. Answer: (d) from the date of such conviction. Further,
the Speaker/Chairman of the house does
Explanation: not have any discretion with respect to
automatic disqualification.
Immersive technologies are those
technologies which merge the physical Statement 2 is correct: Under Section 11 of
world with the digital world and generate the Representation of the People Act 1951,
distinct experience in the process. the Election Commission of India (ECI)
may record reasons and either remove, or
Statement 1 is correct: Augmented reality reduce the period of, a person’s
is projection of virtual information or disqualification. The ECI had reduced the
objects in the real world. It acts as a bridge period of disqualification for Sikkim Chief
between real-world and computer Minister P.S. Tamang, who had served a
generated technology to provide an one-year sentence for corruption.
immersive detailed view with the help of
either data, text or videos. 15. Answer: (c)

Statement 2 is correct: Virtual reality is Explanation:

immersion into a simulated digital
environment via the usage of particular The Shoonya campaign has recently
gadgets such as virtual boxes , virtual completed its one year and is an initiative
spectacles. Users can wear gadgets such as to promote pollution-free delivery vehicles
a head mounted display and can have an through consumer-industry collaboration.
experience of a world created by the VR
developers. For instance, a user can Option (a) is incorrect: The Shoonya
experience walking through space or Campaign was launched in 2021 by NITI
swimming underwater using these gadgets Aayog in partnership with Rocky
Mountain Institute (RMI) India.
under virtual reality.
Option (b) is incorrect: The campaign aims
Statement 3 is correct: The metaverse is a
to accelerate the adoption of electric
form of mixed reality. It combines
vehicles (EVs) in the urban delivery
augmented reality, virtual reality and
artificial intelligence among other
technologies to produce an immersive and
interactive environment.

7 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Option (c) is correct: Shoonya is a Table source: MoSPI Energy statistics

consumer awareness campaign to reduce India report 2022
air pollution by promoting the use of
electric vehicles (EVs) for ride-hailing and Statement 2 is incorrect: Lignite is the
deliveries. The campaign includes 130 lowest grade coal with the least carbon
industry partners including ride-hailing, content. It has a low heating value. It is
delivery and EV companies. found in the regions of Rajasthan, Tamil
Nadu and Jammu & Kashmir.
Option (d) is incorrect: It aims to create
consumer awareness of the benefits of Statement 3 is correct: Bituminous is a
zero-pollution delivery. medium grade of coal having high heating
capacity. It is the most commonly used
16. Answer: (b) type of coal for electricity generation in
India. Most bituminous coal is found in
Explanation: Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal,
Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
Coal is a readily combustible, black or
brownish-black sedimentary rock, 17. Answer: (c)
predominantly made of carbon.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Madhya Pradesh
estimated coal reserves are more than Cripps Mission was sent in March 1942 to
Maharashtra. seek Indian support for the 2nd World War.
The following table shows the state-wise This mission was headed by Stafford
estimated coal reserves in India: Cripps who was a left-wing Labourite, and
a supporter of the Indian national
State Coal Reserves movement.
(in billion
metric tonnes) Statement 1 is correct: Cripps mission
Andhra Pradesh 2.247 proposed that an Indian Union with a
dominion status would be set up which
Arunachal Pradesh 0.09 will have complete freedom to decide its
relations with the Commonwealth and
Assam 0.525 other international bodies.

Bihar 3.464 Statement 2 is incorrect: As per the

proposals of Cripps mission, the members
Chhattisgarh 73.424
of the Constituent Assembly would be
Jharkhand 86.217 partly elected by the provincial
assemblies through proportional
Madhya Pradesh 30.217 representation (indirect election) and
partly nominated by the princes. This
Maharashtra 12.936 Constituent Assembly would be convened
at the end of the war.
Meghalaya 0.576

Nagaland 0.446 Statement 3 is incorrect: These are some of

the objections raised by Muslim League to
Odisha 84.878 the Cripps proposals:
• Muslims League was opposed to the
Sikkim 0.101 proposal of a single Indian Union.
• Muslims League did not like the
Telangana 22.851
machinery for the creation of a
Uttar Pradesh 1.062 Constituent Assembly and the
procedure to decide on the accession of
West Bengal 33.092 provinces to the Union.

8 | UPSC-MOCK-01

• In addition, the League raised the Statement 2 is incorrect: AT1 bonds are
objection that these proposals deny unsecured, perpetual bonds issued by
Muslims the right to self- banks to increase their capital base to meet
determination and creates obstacles in the BASEL III norms. When a bank faces
the creation of Pakistan. severe losses and erosion of regulatory
capital (the amount of capital a bank or
Statement 4 is incorrect: In the Cripps other financial institution has to hold as
Proposals, the procedure of accession was required by its financial regulator), RBI can
not well-defined. However, there was a decide whether the bank has reached a
clear procedure to take decision on situation of non-viability. In such cases RBI
secession. In case of secession, the can activate ‘Point of Non-Viability
decision was to be taken by a resolution Trigger’ (PONV) and assume executive
in the legislature by a 60 per cent majority, powers of the bank. By doing so, RBI can
not 50 percent majority. If the support do whatever is required to get the bank on
happens to be less than 60 per cent of track, including skipping paying coupons
the members then the decision was to be on issued AT1 bonds or writing off AT1
taken by a plebiscite of adult males of that bonds (without consulting with the
province by a simple majority. investors).

18. Answer: (b) Statement 3 is correct: First blue bond was

launched by the Republic of Seychelles to
Explanation: support sustainable marine and fisheries
projects. Sovereign Blue Bond is issued to
Bonds are debt instruments issued by support investments in healthy oceans and
governments and corporations to borrow blue economies.
money from the market at a fixed or
floating rate of interest. Yield of a bond is 19. Answer: (b)
the effective return it earns.
Statement 1 is correct: A situation of
negative interest rate happens during the The mountain ranges in India are the
recessionary phase of the economic cycle. Himalayas, Aravalli, Shivalik, Vindhya,
The expansionary monetary effort and Eastern Ghats, Nilgiri, and Satpura. The
market forces have already brought the Himalayas is the world’s highest mountain
interest down to its minimum level. It is to range home to all fourteen peaks over
promote spending and investment rather 8,000m including Everest and K2.
than saving, in which case depositors will
lose value due to the negative interest Pair 1 is incorrectly matched: Nanda Devi
rates. is the second-highest mountain in India. It
is a major peak of the Garhwal Himalaya.
A situation of negative bond yield happens
in the recessionary phase of the economic Pair 2 is correctly matched: The Pir Panjal
cycle and in such a situation, an investor Range is a group of mountains in the Lesser
receives less money on maturity in Himalayan region, running from east-
comparison to the original amount southeast to west-northwest across the
invested. In another way we may say states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu
that the investor has to pay to hold the and Kashmir. Deo Tibba (6,001 m) and
bond. Mostly Mutual funds, insurance Indrasan (6,221 m) are two important peaks
companies etc. buy negative yielding at the eastern end of the mountain range.
bonds. This is to satisfy the regulatory
requirements and to diversify their Pair 3 is incorrectly matched: Nanga
portfolio to minimise risks. Parbat is part of the Greater Himalayas
range. It is one of the world’s tallest
mountains with a height of 8,126 metres.
Comparatively, the height of Nanda Devi is
7,817 metres.

9 | UPSC-MOCK-01

20. Answer: (b) Option (c) is correct: Kharosthi is Persian

style of writing which is derived from
Explanation: Aramaic script. Many of Ashoka’s
inscriptions found in north western India
Serverless computing is a cloud computing are written in Kharosthi that shows
application development and execution influence of Achaemenian practice on
model. Ashokan pillars.

Statement 1 is incorrect: Serverless does Option (d) is correct: The monolithic pillar
not mean that 'no servers' are used. Servers edicts of Asoka with their bell-shaped
are used in serverless computing. However capitals are similar to the victory pillars of
the server is not visible to the developer the Achaemenid emperors which have
and he need not manage or interact with been found in Persepolis.
them under the serverless computing.
22. Answer: (c)
Statement 2 is correct: Under serverless Explanation:
computing, the cloud provider is
responsible for provisioning of the Recently, Russia conducted drills on Kuril
infrastructure needed to run an application islands claimed by Tokyo, days after
code, scaling the infrastructure as per Moscow halted peace talks with Japan
demand and other routine infrastructure because of its sanctions over Russia’s
management. invasion of Ukraine. Kuril Islands are a set
of four islands situated between the Sea of
21. Answer: (a) Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean near the
North of Japan's northernmost prefecture,
Explanation: Hokkaido. Both Moscow and Tokyo claim
sovereignty over them though the islands
The tradition of pillar construction is very
have been under Russian control since the
old and the pillar construction was popular
end of World War II. The Soviet Union had
in the Achaemenian empire also. But,
seized the islands at the end of World War
Mauryan pillars are different as compared
II and by 1949 had expelled its Japanese
to Achemenian pillars. Mauryan pillars are
residents. Tokyo claims that the disputed
monolithic in character. Sandstone is used
islands have been part of Japan since the
to build them which was extracted at
early 19th century.
Chunar. The pillars are lustrous in texture
and do not have a base. The capital is joined USA’s Andersen Air Force Base is located
to the tapering end of the shaft with the in Guam. Guam is located in the Western
help of a cylindrical bolt. The capital is Pacific Ocean.
inverted lotus shape. Abacus (platform) is
at the top which finally supports an animal

Option (a) is incorrect: The Mauryan

pillars are rock cut pillars thus displaying
the carver’s skills, whereas the
Achaemenian pillars are constructed in
pieces by a mason.

Option (b) is correct: While the Ashokan

pillars were independently erected, the
Achaemenian pillars were generally
attached to state buildings.

Figure: Kuril Islands


Hence, Option (c) is correct.

10 | UPSC-MOCK-01

23. Answer: (d) Statement 1 is correct: The land area is

much larger in the Northern Hemisphere
Explanation: than in the Southern Hemisphere. In
January, the isotherm diverges northward
Under ‘Targeted Long Term Repo over the ocean in the northern hemisphere.
Operation (TLRO)’, RBI provides long term Example: North Atlantic Ocean. The
funds to banks at prevailing repo rate. presence of warm ocean currents, the Gulf
Banks must invest this fund in the Stream, and the North Atlantic Drift makes
investment grade securities of specific the North Atlantic warmer and bends the
sectors (provided by RBI).‘Targeted Long isotherms northward.
Term Repo Operation (TLRO)’ scheme is
made available on the basis of an on tap Statement 2 is correct: In the southern
system. Banks interested to avail funds hemisphere, the influence of the sea is
under this system may place requests and strong. Here, isotherms are generally
RBI will aggregate all such requests and parallel to latitude, and temperature
will release funds every week. changes are more gradual than in the
northern hemisphere. The 20°C, 10°C, and
Statement 1 is incorrect: Under ‘Targeted 0°C isotherms are parallel to latitudes of
Long Term Repo Operation (TLRO)’, RBI 35°S, 45°S, and 60°S, respectively. In July
provides long term capital at prevailing the isotherms generally run parallel to the
repo rate to banks eligible under the latitude.
Liquidity Adjustment Facility (All
Statement 3 is incorrect: The isotherm
scheduled commercial banks and certain
diverges southward over the continent in
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) meeting
the northern hemisphere during the month
criteria set by RBI). Liquidity availed under
of January. Due to a sharp drop in the
this scheme must be invested in investment
temperature over land, the isotherms bend
grade corporate bonds, commercial papers
southward over Europe.
and non-convertible debentures issued by
entities in specific sectors (agriculture, agri- 25. Answer: (c)
infra, secured retail, MSME,
pharmaceutical etc.). There is no restriction Explanation:
on the maturities of the instruments which
can be invested in by the banks by availing The Rajya Sabha has been given four
this facility. exclusive powers that are not enjoyed by
the Lok Sabha.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Funds provided
to banks under ‘Targeted Long Term Repo Special Powers of Rajya Sabha
Operation (TLRO)’ must be invested in
Statement 1 is correct: It alone can initiate
corporate bonds, commercial paper and
a move for the removal of the vice
non-convertible debentures issued by the
president. In other words, a resolution for
entities in specific sectors. And hence this
the removal of the vice-president can be
scheme will increase the availability of
introduced only in the Rajya Sabha and not
funds in the corporate bond market.
in the Lok Sabha (Article 67).
Statement 2 is incorrect: A resolution for
24. Answer: (b)
the discontinuance of the national
Explanation: emergency can be passed only by the Lok
Sabha and not by the Rajya Sabha.
The Isotherms are lines on a map
connecting places having an equal Statement 3 is correct: It can authorise the
temperature at a given point in time. Parliament to make a law on a subject
Isotherms are commonly used in enumerated in the State List (Article 249).
meteorology to show the temperature
distribution at the surface of the earth, or
on charts showing constant level or

11 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Other exclusive powers of Rajya Sabha: • Young girls kept watch over the
1. It alone can authorise the Parliament to agricultural fields and drove away
create new All-India Services common birds and animals. Women were
to both the Centre and states (Article involved in cattle rearing and dairy
312). farming.
2. If a proclamation is issued by the • The terms ayichchiyar, kovichchiyar,
President for imposing national and idaichchiyar were used for
emergency or president’s rule or shepherdesses.
financial emergency at a time when the • As today, also in early historical times,
Lok Sabha has been dissolved or the spinning was done almost entirely by
dissolution of the Lok Sabha takes women. Sangam texts refer to women
place within the period allowed for its spinners as parutti pentukal.
approval, then the proclamation can However, there are no references to
remain effective even if it is approved women weavers.
by the Rajya Sabha alone.
Statement 2 is correct: Sangam literature
reflects a society which celebrated war and
26. Answer: (c)
love. There are beautiful love (akam)
poems that speak of the love between man
and woman. The love poems use an
interesting convention of associating
Early classical Tamil literature, which is
themes with different landscapes known
also called ‘Sangam’ literature has
as tinai, each named after a flower. As
preserved its original dravidian character.
shown below the poems use vivid imagery
The word Sangam means “fraternity”.
and often rely on understatement and
suggestion to convey deep emotion.
Sangam literature comprises mainly two
• The kurinchi or mountain landscape
schools of poets, aham (subjective love
was associated with the union of
poems), and puram (objective, public
poetry and heroic).
• The palai (arid terrain) with
• Aham deals purely with the subjective
emotions of the lover.
• The mullai (pastoral region) with
• Puram deals with all kinds of
patient waiting,
emotions, mainly the valour and glory
• The neytal (seashore) with pining,
of kings, and about good and evil.
It was during this time Tamil grammar • And the marutam (riverine tracts) with
Tolkappiyam was written to understand sulking.
Tamil poetry. Five landscapes or types of Statement 3 is incorrect: The social
love are indicated by Tolkappiyam which classification of varna was known to
also outlines their symbolic conventions. Sangam poets. There is mention of the
• Arashar (kings)
The Sangam classics, consisting of 18 • Vaishiyar (traders)
works (eight anthologies of lyrics and ten • And Velalar (farmers)
long poems), are well known for their • The Brahmanas are also mentioned,
directness of expression. Most of these some of them closely associated with
anthologies are of the 3rd century BCE. the courts of kings and patronized by
ruling elites. They are described as
Statement 1 is correct: Historians like performing yajnas, including ones on
Vijaya Ramaswamy observed many the battlefield, to ensure victory. In the
references to women and work in Sangam Pathira Pattu, the sage Kapila advises
poems. The poems mention women kings that they should give important
engaged in following activities: jobs such as those of advisers to
• Agricultural activities such as planting Brahmanas. However, the four-fold
paddy seeds and weeding. varna classification had little
• Tasks such as the husking and application to ancient Tamil society.
winnowing of paddy were performed The jati system was not a feature of this
entirely by women. society either.

12 | UPSC-MOCK-01

27. Answer: (d) 28. Answer: (a)

Explanation: Explanation:
Transgenic animals are those animals
which have had their DNA manipulated to Recently, the Prime Minister of India said
possess and express a foreign gene. that India has reached the target of 10 per
Recombinant DNA technology is used for cent sugarcane-extracted Ethanol Blending
this purpose. It involves either the with petrol earlier of its schedule. The
combining of DNA from different genomes government also intends to advance the
or the insertion of foreign DNA into a target of 20 per cent blending by five years,
genome. to accomplish by 2025.

Point 1 is correct: Transgenic animals can Statement 1 is incorrect: The ethanol

be specially made to serve as models for produced from molasses is first-generation
human diseases and such models make ethanol or 1G. Raw materials for 1G
investigation of new treatments for those bioethanol production are corn seeds and
diseases possible. There are transgenic sugarcane. Apart from molasses, ethanol
models for several diseases such as cystic can be derived from materials such as rice
fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer and rheumatoid straw, wheat straw, corn cobs, corn stover,
arthritis. bagasse, bamboo and woody biomass,
which are considered as second-generation
Pont 2 is correct: Different biological ethanol sources or 2G. Algae grown in
products can be produced through wastewater, sewage or salt water can be
transgenic animals by introducing the used to produce bioethanol, which is
portion of DNA (or genes) which codes for considered as third-generation ethanol or
those products. For instance Rosie, which 3G.
was the first transgenic cow, produced
human protein-enriched milk. Statement 2 is incorrect: Sugarcane is the
cheapest source of ethanol. A litre of
Point 3 is correct: The safety of vaccines ethanol to be produced from sugar requires
have to be tested before they are used on 2,860 litres of water. However, the 3rd
humans. Transgenic mice, transgenic generation of ethanol does not require
monkeys etc are used for this purpose. water used for human
Point 4 is correct: Transgenic animals can consumption. Since 1G ethanol is
be made more sensitive to toxic substances produced from feedstocks such as cereals
compared to non-transgenic animals by (rice, wheat, barley, corn & sorghum),
inserting the gene for the same. They can sugarcane, sugar beet, etc, the groundwater
then be exposed to chemicals and the consumption is more in its production than
effects can be studied. in production of 3G ethanol which is
produced using algae.
Point 5 is correct: Transgenic animals can
be designed to study how genes influence Statement 3 is incorrect: As ethanol
normal functions of the body and its supports complete combustion, higher
development. reductions in carbon monoxide and carbon
Point 6 is correct: Xenotransplantation dioxide emissions have been reported.
involves cross species transplantation of However, it does not substantially reduce
organs. Recently a heart taken from the emission of another key pollutant i.e.
genetically engineered pigs was nitrous oxide as it depends upon
transplanted into a man. vehicle/engine type and engine operating
Point 7 is correct: Genetic engineering can
be used to develop new strains of livestock.
It can be used for increasing the meat or
muscle growth in animals.

13 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 4 is correct: The Government of Option (a) is incorrect: Most of the earth’s
India has launched the Ethanol Blended clouds and most types of clouds are found
Petrol (EBP) Programme to mix ethanol in the troposphere, and also almost all
with petrol to reduce the consumption of weather occurs within this layer. The
fossil fuel. As per NITI Aayog, Ethanol stratosphere is very dry air and contains
Blending can help in bringing down little water vapour. Because of this, few
India’s share of oil imports (almost 85%) clouds are found in this layer also.
on which a considerable amount of foreign
exchange is spent. A successful ethanol Option (b) is incorrect: The troposphere is
blending programme can save $4 billion the densest atmospheric layer, compressed
per annum for India. by the weight of the rest of the atmosphere
above it.
29. Answer: (c)
Option (c) is correct: The mesosphere is
Explanation: about 50 to 80 kilometres above the surface
and becomes progressively colder with
Operation twist is an open market increasing altitude. The top of this layer is
operation conducted by the central bank of the coldest place found within the Earth
the country (RBI) inorder to incentivise system, with an average temperature of
long term investment. about minus 85 degrees Celsius (minus 120
degrees Fahrenheit).
Statement 1 is incorrect: As part of
‘Operation Twist’ simultaneous purchase Option (d) is correct: The thermospheric
and sale of securities are done. Securities of layer is located between about 80 and 700
long term nature are purchased and this kilometres above Earth’s surface. In this
increases their bond price and bond yield layer, temperatures increase with altitude
reduces subsequently. All this helps in due to the very low density of molecules
reducing the interest rate in the market. found here. The thermospheric layer is free
Statement 2 is correct: As part of of clouds and water vapour.
‘Operation Twist’ simultaneous purchase
and sale of securities are done. Securities of 31. Answer: (c)
short term nature are sold and long term
securities are purchased. Explanation:

Statement 3 is correct: As part of A liquid Mirror Telescope is a telescope

simultaneous purchase and sale of which uses reflective liquids as mirrors.
securities, bond yield of long term Recently, India has set up its first-ever
securities decreases which helps in 'liquid mirror telescope' at Devasthal
lowering of market interest rate. This way Observatory in Uttarakhand. It is the
long term interest rates become low and largest International Liquid Mirror
affordable. Telescope (ILMT) of Asia and has been
installed at a height 2,450 metres.
30. Answer: (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The key difference
Explanation: between the liquid mirror telescope and the
conventional telescope is that the former is
Earth’s atmosphere has five major layers stationary whereas the latter can be steered
from lowest to highest that are to the point of interest. Hence Liquid
namely troposphere, stratosphere, Mirror Telescopes are not that flexible.
mesosphere, thermosphere, and
exosphere. Option (b) is incorrect: Liquid mirror
telescopes are lighter and less time-
consuming to construct. They can be built
for just a fraction of the cost of a
conventional glass telescope mirror.

14 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Option (c) is correct: When a bowl of Statement 3 is correct: India has phased
reflective liquid mercury is rotated, the out chlorofluorocarbons, carbon
combination of gravity and centrifugal tetrachloride, halons, methyl bromide,
force pushes the liquid into a perfect and methyl chloroform for controlled use
parabolic shape, exactly like a conventional on 1 January 2010 in accordance with the
telescope mirror. Montreal Protocol timeline.
• Hydrochlorofluorocarbons are
Option (d) is incorrect: The telescope currently being phased out under the
works on the principle of balancing gravity accelerated schedule of the Montreal
and inertia. Hence, Mercury, due to its high Protocol.
density, is often used in these telescopes.
Mercury is used In ILMT also. 33. Answer: (c)

32. Answer: (b) Explanation:

Explanation: Buddhism got divided into various sects

and subsects due to differences in opinion.
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer is a multilateral Option 1 is correct: Madhyamaka School is
environmental agreement that regulates a school under Mahayana Buddhism. It is
the production and consumption of based on Sunyata Doctrine which was
nearly 100 man-made chemicals called founded by Nagarjuna in 2nd - 3rd century
ozone-depleting substances (ODS). CE. The central idea lies in the fact that all
• When these chemicals are released into things or phenomena (dharmas) are empty
the atmosphere, they destroy the (sunya) of nature, substance or the essence
stratospheric ozone layer, the earth's (svabhava). Chandrakirti was a great
protective shield that protects people scholar of this school.
and the environment from the sun's
harmful ultraviolet rays. Option 2 is correct: Sautrantika school
• The Montreal Protocol was adopted in belongs to Buddhism. The word
September 1987. ‘Sautrantika’ is derived from the term
‘sutranta’ meaning scripture. This school is
Statement 1 is incorrect: India has been a based on ‘Sutta pitaka’. This school came
party to the Montreal Protocol since June up against the naive realism and pluralism
1992 and has successfully implemented of Vaibhasikas.
projects and activities to phase out ozone-
depleting substances in accordance with Main teachers of this school are:
the Montreal Protocol and its phase-out • Kumaralat, a contemporary of
plan. Nagarjuna.
• Srilabha or Srilata
Statement 2 is correct: The Montreal • Yasomitra and Harivarman who wrote
Protocol gradually reduces the the book Tattvasiddhi (Proof of the
consumption and production of various Truth).
ozone-depleting substances (ODS) on • Vasubandhu
different schedules in developed and
developing countries. Option 3 is incorrect: Terapanthi is a sub-
• Developing and developed countries sect under Digambara and Svetambara
have equal but differentiated schools of Jainism. Digambara Terapanthis
responsibilities, but most importantly, worship the idols with ashta-dravya. On
both groups of countries have binding, the other hand, Svetambara Terapanthis
time-targeted and measurable pray to their saints instead of worshipping
commitments. the idol in a temple.

15 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Option 4 is correct: Sthaviravadins were a 35. Answer: (d)

group of followers belonging to an early
school of Buddhism who followed the Explanation:
‘Way of the Elders’ and hence named
Sthaviravadins. After 100 years of the death A recent study conducted by the doctors of
of Budhha the first division in Buddhism Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in
took place at the second council at Vaishali. New York claimed to cure rectal cancer
As a result of this division the through immunotherapy using
Acariyavadins (followers of the traditional dostarlimab.
teaching) split away from the
Sthaviravadins. Statement 1 is correct: Antibodies are
proteins which stick to a specific protein
34. Answer: (b) known as antigen and ultimately cause the
destruction of the cell containing the
Explanation: antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are man
made proteins which can act like the
The six-year project 'Enhancing Climate antibodies. Dostarlimab is a monoclonal
Resilience of India’s Coastal antibody.
Communities’ (2019-2024) is being
implemented by the Ministry of Statement 2 is incorrect: Dostarlimb can be
Environment, Forest and Climate Change, used for blocking the PD1. PD1 is a protein
Government of India with United Nations which suppresses T-cell activity. Blocking
Development Programme (UNDP) PD1 results in release of T Cells which can
support to improve the climate resilience of destroy the cancerous cells.
the most vulnerable population in the
coastal regions of India. Statement 3 is correct: Dostarlimab was
found to have the potential to cure rectal
Option (b) is correct: The Green Climate cancer by the scientists of Memorial Sloan
Fund (GCF) funded project on “ Kettering Cancer Centre in New York.
“Enhancing Climate Resilience of India's
Coastal Communities” and is being
implemented by the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change
and the three states of Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra, and Odisha, with UNDP as
the Accredited Entity.
• The project supports the Government
of India to make vulnerable coastal
areas more resilient to climate change.
• The goals of the project are:
o Conducted coastal vulnerability
assessments in 13 coastal states to
support ecosystem planning and
community-based adaptation
o Protection and restoration of
coastal ecosystems to enhance Figure: PD1 blockade
Source: Indian Express
ecological resilience in the three
targeted states
o Strengthening governance and
institutional frameworks for
climate-resilient management of
coastal areas in all 13 coastal states
of India.

16 | UPSC-MOCK-01

36. Answer: (a) 37. Answer: (b)

Explanation: Explanation:

A currency can be called Recently prolonged heat waves were seen

internationalised if : in the summer of 2022 in the Indian
• Banks, residents, firms etc hold it for subcontinent. La Nina which means ‘little
financial security. girl’ in Spanish is a geographical event
• It is used for international when water temperature in the Eastern
transactions. etc Pacific gets colder than normal. It is
opposite of El Nino which is associated
The Government and the Centre have with warmer than normal water
recently taken certain efforts to temperatures in the eastern pacific.
internationalise Rupee. Important
features of an international currency are: Statement 1 is correct: We all know that a
• Stability La Niña event is known to enhance the
• Availability South-West monsoon rainfall in India but it
• Liquidity has a negative correlation with the North-
East monsoon or retreating monsoon
Point 1 is correct: Capital account because of the following reasons as per
convertibility is no restriction on meteorologists:
conversion of the domestic currency into a • Low-pressure areas,
foreign currency. It enables a resident to • Depressions or cyclones form
acquire any foreign asset or on conversion relatively north to their normal
of a foreign currency to the domestic position during a La Nina year.
currency and enables a non-resident to
acquire a domestic asset. Achieving full Statement 2 is correct: This year in 2022,
convertibility of capital account ensures La Nina was one of the reasons for the
liquidity of Indian Rupee. It is therefore an long spell of heat waves from March to
essential requirement for internationalising April in North, West and Central India.
Point 2 is correct: Masala Bonds are Rupee • Western disturbances bring rain and
denominated bonds. More Issuance of halt the rising temperatures of Summer
masala bond will lead to increase in in the Indian subcontinent's north and
availability of rupee in international western region.
market and will also help in • Western disturbances need a
internationalising Rupee by familiarising it significant difference in temperature
among the international investors. between Europe and the latitudes over
India to travel to India.
Point 3 is incorrect: Revaluation (opposite o According to experts related to the
of devaluation) is an upward adjustment of Ministry of Earth Sciences, Partly
a country's official exchange rate relative to due to La Nina, this temperature
a chosen baseline such as wage rates, the difference was absent and so the
price of gold, or a foreign currency. Active western disturbances that came to
revaluation of currency by the central bank India were weak with hardly any
will negatively affect the currency stability. rain which led to prolonged heat
Currency stability is a prerequisite for a waves.
currency to be international.
Statement 3 is incorrect: La Nina, unlike El
Nino, is associated with below-normal sea
surface temperatures in the eastern and
central Pacific Oceans.

17 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 4 is incorrect: In general, La- 39. Answer: (a)

Nina is considered beneficial to the Indian
economy by meteorologists because it
creates wetter monsoons and colder Article 123 of the Indian Constitution
winters leading to good Kharif and rabi grants the President certain law making
crops. powers to promulgate Ordinances when
both or either of the two Houses of
38. Answer: (c) Parliament is not in session and hence it is
not possible to enact laws in the
Explanation: Parliament. Similar power to promulgate
ordinance has been given to the Governor
Recently, A new book named Suvarna of an Indian state under Article 213 of the
Mohur: India's Glorious History Indian Constitution.
Illustrated through Rare Coins" written
Statement 1 is correct: The Supreme Court
by Arun Ramamurthy traces the history of
of India in Krishna Kumar Singh & Anr vs
India's numismatics through 133 rare coins.
State Of Bihar & Ors stated that
Coins were first minted in India sometime
“Consistent with the principle of
around 600 BCE.
legislative supremacy, the power to
promulgate ordinances is subject to
It is being said that the development of
legislative control. The President and the
Indian coinage was inspired by trade with
Governor act on the aid and advice of the
Persia, however, the mode of
Council of Ministers which owes collective
manufacturing of the coins was
responsibility to the legislature.” It is
mandatory to lay an ordinance before
Parliament or the state legislature because
Option (a) is correct: India is home to
the legislature has to determine the need
some of the oldest coins in the world. Even
for, expediency to promulgate an
in the Vedas, there is a mention of gold
ordinance; whether the ordinance needs to
coins in the form of 'Nishkas' and
be approved or disapproved; and whether
an Act incorporating the provisions of the
ordinance should be amended or enacted
Option (b) is correct: Razia Sultana (13th
without any amendments.
Century CE) was the first lady empress of
India. She also issued coins like her father Statement 2 is correct: The Governor
Iltutmish in the name of Abbasid caliph Al- cannot make an ordinance without the
Mustansim along with her name and title. instructions from the President in a case
where a bill containing the same
Option (c) is incorrect: Gold Mohurs were provisions would have required the
first introduced in India in the 16th previous sanction of the President for its
century by Sher Shah Suri, not by introduction into the state legislature. A
Jahangir in the 17th Century. However, as bill imposing restrictions on freedom of
per the author, Jahangir also minted trade and commerce can be introduced in
gigantic gold coins with a diameter of 21 the legislature only with the previous
cm which weighed about 12 kg and used to sanction of the President (Article 304 of the
be gifted to visiting foreign dignitaries. Indian Constitution).

Option (d) is correct: The founder of the Statement 3 is incorrect: The power to
Kushana dynasty was Kujula Kadphises or make law lies with the legislature so, the
Kadphises I. He occupied the Kabul valley power of the executive to make ordinances
and issued coins in his name. His son Wima stands against the principle of Separation
Kadphises or Kadphises II conquered the of Powers. The independence of the
whole of northwestern India as far as legislature stands at the risk of being
Mathura. He issued gold coins with high- curtailed since even the executive in this
sounding titles like the ‘Lord of the Whole situation makes laws. That is why
World’. He was a devotee of Lord Shiva ordinance-making power is not parallel to
the law-making power of the legislature.

18 | UPSC-MOCK-01

40. Answer: (c) Statement 3 is correct: India has been the

top recipient of the Japanese
Explanation: government's financial aid under the
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Depreciation of the domestic currency since 2003. Japan's ODA to India started in
occurs when its value falls in the 1958, and over 6,978 billion Japanese Yen
international FOREX market. It occurs (approximately INR 4,10,493 Crore) in
automatically through the intervention of ODA loans have been committed to India
market forces of demand and supply. for more than 310 public projects across
various sectors.
Statement 1 is correct: Hawkish monetary
policy is the tight monetary policy in which Statement 4 is correct: According to an
interest rates are kept higher to contain analysis by the Department of Commerce,
inflation. These higher interest rates will Bangladesh has become the largest
result in capital inflow and hence domestic trading partner of India in the South
currency will appreciate. Asian region, followed by Nepal, Sri
Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan and
Statement 2 is correct: A hike in interest Maldives.
rate by the US Federal Reserve will lead to
capital outflow from India. As the dollar 42. Answer: (a)
gets stronger in comparison to the Indian
rupee, the rupee will depreciate. Explanation:

41. Answer: (c) First indigenously developed Hydrogen

fuel cell bus was recently launched by the
Explanation: Union minister of state for Science and
Technology. In hydrogen fuel cells
Statement 1 is incorrect: Based on the hydrogen is fed into the anode whereas air
information from the table given below, we is fed into the cathode.
can infer India China trade has fluctuated
between the period 2016-2022. In 2017 and Statement 1 is incorrect: The cost for a unit
2018, bilateral trade registered robust two- of power from hydrogen fuel cells is
digit growth. The total bilateral trade currently greater than other energy
witnessed a reduction of 5.64% year on sources, including Lithium-ion batteries.
year in 2020 to reach US $ 87.65 billion.
Statement 2 is correct: When hydrogen is
supplied into the anode, the catalyst
present in the anode will separate the
protons and electrons from the hydrogen
molecule. The electrons will then pass
through the external circuit resulting in the
Figure: India-China bilateral trade creation of an electric current. The protons
Source: on the other hand pass through the
electrolyte into the cathode. It will then
Statement 2 is correct: According to the
combine with the oxygen supplied at the
UNCTAD World Investment Report
cathode to produce water and heat.
(WIR) 2022, Singapore has emerged as the
Hence Water is a byproduct in these cells
top sourcing nation of Foreign Direct
Investment(FDI) with a contribution of
Statement 3 is incorrect: Refuelling is
27.01 per cent, followed by the USA at 17.94
highly time consuming in battery powered
per cent.
electric vehicles. It may take hours to
charge such a vehicle even by using the
latest technology. However, hydrogen can
be refilled in a fuel cell vehicle in a matter
of minutes.

19 | UPSC-MOCK-01

43. Answer: (d) fundamental rights enshrined in Part III

of the Constitution whereas Article
Explanation: 26 contains no such restrictions and is
only limited with respect to public order,
The Battery Waste Management Rules,
morality, and health.
2022 was recently published by the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Statement 2 is correct: The ‘doctrine of
Climate Change, Government of India in
essential religious practices’ was
order to ensure environmentally sound
propounded by the Supreme Court of
management of waste batteries.
India in the Shirur Mutt case in 1954. As
Statement 1 is correct: The Battery Waste per the doctrine, only those practices
Management Rules, 2022 will replace which are essential part of a religion
Batteries (Management and Handling) would be constitutionally protected. As
Rules, 2001. per the court “what constitutes the
essential part of a religion is primarily to
Statement 2 is incorrect: The Battery Waste be ascertained with reference to the
Management Rules, 2022 operates under doctrines of that religion itself”. This
the concept of Extended Producer doctrine is applicable to both Article 25 and
Responsibility (EPR) and mandates the 26 of the Constitution.
battery manufacturers (including
importers) to collect and In Sardar Sarup Singh v State of Punjab
recycle/recondition used or waste (1959), the Supreme Court of India upheld
batteries and use of recovered materials the constitutionality of section 148-B of
from wastes into new batteries. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925, stating that no
authoritative texts have been produced to
Statement 3 is incorrect: The Battery Waste show that direct election by the entire
Management Rules, 2022 cover all types of Sikh Community to the Gurdwara
batteries, viz. Electric Vehicle batteries, Committees in charge of the management
portable batteries, automotive batteries, was essential to the religion itself. The
and industrial batteries. petitioners had argued that section 148-B
infringes Article 26(b) of the Constitution,
Statement 4 is incorrect: Under the rules, which grants every religious denomination
to meet the EPR obligations, producers the right to manage its own affairs in
may engage themselves or authorise any matters of religion, for it does not allow for
other entity for the collection, recycling, direct elections of members of the Board by
or refurbishment of waste batteries. the Sikh Community.

44. Answer: (b) 45. Answer: (b)

Explanation: Explanation:

Right to freedom of religion is mentioned In the floating exchange rate system,

in the Indian Constitution under Articles ‘Depreciation’ is the loss in value of a
25-28. country’s currency in comparison to
another foreign currency. Whereas
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Constitution ‘Appreciation’ leads to a situation wherein
of India recognises the right to religious the currency of one country strengthens
freedom of both individuals and groups with respect to another foreign currency.
under Articles 25 and 26 respectively. This These changes in exchange rate occur
right is not absolute and is subject to the automatically through the intervention of
limitations of public order, morality, and market forces of demand and supply.
health. However, a crucial textual
difference lies between individual and
group rights to religious freedom. Article
25, which guarantees the freedom of
conscience and religion to individuals, has
been explicitly made subject to other

20 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is correct: In depreciation, 47. Answer: (a)

domestic currency weakens against the
foreign currency, and hence more domestic Explanation:
currency will be required to get a foreign
currency exchanged. Hence the import cost Amuktamalyada is considered to be the
of raw material increases. masterpiece of Telugu literature that
narrates the story of considered a
Statement 2 is incorrect: In appreciation, masterpiece in Telugu literature, the epic
domestic currency strengthens against the poem, ‘Amuktamalyada' that tells the well-
foreign currency, and hence will fetch less known story of the daughter of
amount of domestic currency in exchange Periazhwar, Goda Devi, who used to wear
for foreign currency. This will hamper the the garlands that were intended for Lord
interest of the exporters. Ranganatha before they were offered to the
deity, and hence the name
Statement 3 is correct: A rapid ‘AmuktaMalyaDa' — one who wears and
appreciation or depreciation is not good for gives away garlands.
the economy. Hence when the rupee
appreciates rapidly, to stabilise the Statement 1 is incorrect: It is a masterpiece
exchange rate RBI intervenes by of Telugu literature not Tamil literature. It
purchasing dollars from the market. was written by Krishnadevaraya.

46. Answer: (d) Statement 2 is incorrect: It is dedicated to

Lord Venkateswara (form of Lord
Explanation: Vishnu). He sings in praise of Lord and his
divine weapon and pays respect to the
Nitrogen fixation is a chemical process that saint of Vaishnavism-Azhwars.
converts atmospheric nitrogen into
ammonia that is consumed by organisms. Statement 3 is correct: The work favours
Nitrogen fixation basically converts the tradition of Visishtadvaita philosophy
atmospheric nitrogen into a form that and speaks against other schools of
plants can use. philosophy.

Pair 1 is correctly matched: Rhizobium 48. Answer: (c)

improves access to other nutrients and
boosts the crop’s resistance to pathogens, Explanation:
pests, and abiotic stresses.
Expenditure incurred by an organisation
Pair 2 is correctly matched: Like are categorised into capital expenditure
Rhizobium, Frankia fixes atmospheric and Revenue expenditure. Capital
Nitrogen by root nodulation. Root expenditures are incurred by an
nodules are swelling of the roots of organisation for long-term benefits. These
legumes, such as peas or clover, that expenditures serve the purpose of adding
contain bacteria of the genus Rhizobium or onto the existing capacity of the long-term
Frankia, which are able to fix nitrogen. asset by increasing new assets to the
Pair 3 is correctly matched: Free-living N-
fixing bacteria are a source of Nitrogen in Revenue expenditure is the expenditure
crops. For example, rice growers add incurred by an organisation to manage the
aquatic Azolla ferns to their fields as a day-to-day functions of a business such as
fertiliser. Azolla serves as a habitat for inventory, rent, electricity, insurance,
Anabaena Azolla (a cyanobacterial type) employee wages, stationery, postage, and
known for its N-fixing properties. taxes. These expenditures neither help in
the creation of assets nor in reducing the
liabilities of a business. These expenditures
are repetitive in nature and essential for the
daily operations of the organisation.

21 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is correct: Interest payment 50. Answer: (b)

against the borrowings of the organisation
occur periodically and year after year, it is Explanation:
included in the revenue expenditure
account. Chemists Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal
and Barry Sharpless were recently
Statement 2 is correct: As payment of awarded the nobel prize for chemistry for
salary and other allowances occur their contributions to click chemistry and
regularly and doesn’t create any tangible bioorthogonal chemistry. Click chemistry
assets, it is included under revenue is a new approach of creating complex
expenditure of the organisation. molecules in laboratories with greater
efficiency and less wastage. According to
49. Answer: (a) this approach, one must look for starting
molecules that easily react with each other
while trying to produce any particular
The elephant (Elephas maximus) is the compound or a complex molecule.
largest land mammal in India. Hence option (b) is correct whereas option
• Asian elephants are thought to have (a), option (c) and option (d) are incorrect.
inhabited a wide range from the Tigris
River in eastern West Asia to the 51. Answer: (a)
Euphrates River, Persia, the Indian
subcontinent, Sri Lanka, Java, Sumatra, Explanation:
South Asia including Borneo, Ocean currents are movements of surface
Southeast Asia, and China in the water. Like atmospheric circulation, ocean
north. currents help to redistribute energy across
• However, they are currently restricted the earth.
to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast
Asia, and some Asian islands (Sri Statement 1 is correct: Cold ocean currents
Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia). have a direct effect on desert formation in
west coast regions of the tropical and
Statement 1 is correct: More than half of all subtropical continents. There is fog and
wild Asian elephants are found in India. most of the areas are arid due to desiccating
With over 60% of wild Asian elephants effects (loss of moisture).
inhabiting India, the last elephant census
in 2017 recorded a population of 29,964 Statement 2 is incorrect: Oyashio Current
elephants. is a cold western boundary current in the
Statement 2 is incorrect: By August 2022, North Pacific. It originates in the Bering Sea
India had 31 Elephant Reserves (ERs). and flows south-west to meet the Kuroshio
• In the last 3 years, Dandeli Elephant Current east of northern Japan. The
Reserve has been notified by the state California Current is a cold Pacific Ocean
of Karnataka, Singphan Elephant current that moves southwards along the
Reserve by Nagaland (30th ER and western coast of North America.
not the first) and Lemru Elephant
Reserve in Chhattisgarh. The Statement 3 is correct: The mixing of warm
Singhbhum Elephant Reserve and cold currents help to replenish the
(Jharkhand) is the first Elephant oxygen and favor the growth of planktons,
Reserve of the country, which was the primary food for fish population. The
created in 2001 under the Project best fishing grounds of the world exist
Elephant. mainly in these mixing zones.

Statement 3 is incorrect: At present, the

total area under Elephant Reserves in India
is about 76,508 sq km across 14 states of the

22 | UPSC-MOCK-01

52. Answer: (c) refers to the number of generations after

which desirable traits manifest) has better
Explanation: yield and is also fertile. Bt cotton refers to
transgenic cotton which contains
The Transnistria Republic, formerly known endotoxin protein inducing genes from
as the Pridnestrovie Moldova Republic soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
(PMR), is an unrecognised state located on
a narrow strip of land between the Dniester Statement 2 is incorrect: There are several
River and the border between Moldova mustard varieties in India and they are
and Ukraine. self-pollinating i.e. its flowers have both
• Recently, Transnistria was in the news female (pistil) and male (stamen)
amidst the two-month-long war reproductive organs. DMH-11 has been
between Russia and Ukraine. developed by turning off this self-
pollinating trait to enable hybridisation
(crossing two genetically dissimilar plant
varieties that can even be from the same
species) and then restoring the trait.

Statement 3 is correct: India imports

around 55-60% of its domestic edible-oil
requirement. In 2020-21, around 13.3
million tonnes of edible oil were imported
at a cost of ₹1.17 lakh crore according to the
Figure: Transnistria National Academy of Agricultural
Source: TRT World Sciences. This is primarily due to low
Statement 1 is incorrect: Transnistria is productivity. Edible oils like palm,
bordered by Romania to the west and soybean and sunflower are imported by
Ukraine to the north, east, and south. India in large quantities however,
mustard oil is not imported. Hence, usage
of DMH-11 commercially can lead to a
Statement 2 is correct: Transnistria is not a
rise in its domestic production and will
member of the North Atlantic Treaty
check the need to import other edible oils,
Organisation (NATO).
helping in addressing the trade deficit
through increased consumption of this
Statement 3 is correct: Transnistria is not a
variety of oil.
member of the European Union.
54. Answer: (c)
53. Answer: (d)
Contempt of Court has been defined as any
Recently, the Genetic Engineering
conduct which tends to disrespect or
Appraisal Committee (GEAC), the apex
overlook the authority of Law and Order.
regulator of genetically modified plants
The Contempt of Court Act, 1971, defines
and food products in India, has approved
the power of courts to punish for their
the environmental release of Dhara
contempt and regulates their procedure. It
Mustard Hybrid-11 (DMH-11), a
seeks to protect judicial institutions from
genetically-engineered variant of mustard.
any kind of disobedience towards judges,
or obstruction in the implementation of
Statement 1 is incorrect: Both Bt Cotton
their directives, or comments and actions
and DMH-11 are transgenic crops because
that exhibit disrespect.
they use foreign genes from a different
species. DMH-11 is an outcome of a cross
between two varieties: Varuna and Early
Heera-2. The crossing was done after
introducing genes from two soil bacterium
called barnase and barstar. DMH-11 (11

23 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is incorrect: The Statement 2 is incorrect: ‘National

expression contempt of court has not been Automated Clearing House (NACH)’ was
defined by the Constitution. Although: implemented by NPCI and it is a web
Article 129 grants the Supreme Court the based solution which facilitates the
power to punish for contempt of itself. interbank, high volume and high
Article 142(2) enables the Supreme Court to frequency transactions for banks, other
investigate and punish any person for its financial institutions, government etc.
contempt. NACH can be used to make bulk
Article 215 grants every High Court the transactions like subsidy, salary etc.
power to punish for contempt of itself.
The Delhi High Court has recently said Statement 3 is correct: National Payments
that,"Subordinate courts cannot assume Corporation of India (NPCI) in association
jurisdiction and issue show cause notice with National Health Authority (NHA),
as to why contempt proceedings be not Department of Financial Services (DFS),
initiated; they can only make a reference Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
to the High Court. (MoHFW), and partner banks introduced
an innovative digital solution known as e-
Statement 2 is correct: The State can RUPI. e-RUPI is a pre-paid digital voucher
impose reasonable restrictions on the (SMS or QR code) received by the
exercise of the freedom of speech and beneficiary, who can avail specific services
expression on the grounds of sovereignty from the service providers who accept it. e-
and integrity of India, security of the state, RUPI mechanism consists of 4 entities such
friendly relations with foreign states, as service sponsor, Bank, Beneficiary and
public order, decency or morality, Service provider. This revolutionary
contempt of court, defamation, and ecosystem is used by the government for
incitement to an offence. various welfare payments.

Statement 3 is correct: The Attorney 56. Answer: (c)

General’s consent is mandatory when a
private citizen wants to initiate a case of Explanation:
contempt of court against a person. Before
such a plea can be filed, the Attorney The Ghadar Party was led by the
General must sign off on the complaint, revolutionary group which was organised
determining if it requires the attention of around a weekly newspaper ‘The Ghadr’.
the court at all. If the AG denies consent, It was a revolutionary group made up
the matter all but ends. of mainly ex-soldiers and peasants who
had migrated from the Punjab to the USA
55. Answer: (b) and Canada in search of better
employment opportunities.
Statement 1 is correct: The headquarters of
National Payment Corporation of India the Ghadr Party ‘Yugantar Ashram’ was
(NPCI) is an umbrella organisation for located at San Francisco and had branches
prompting retail payments and settlement along the US coast and in the Far East. The
systems. headquarters had its own Press and a
weekly paper, the Ghadr, was published.
Statement 1 is correct: NPCI was The publication of the Ghadr weekly
incorporated as a ‘Not for Profit’ company started in November 1913 and the party
under the provisions of Section 25 of itself came to be known by that name.
Companies Act 1956 (now Section 8 of
Companies Act 2013). It is an initiative of
the Reserve Bank of India and Indian
Bank’s Association. NPCI is focused on the
usage of technology for bringing
innovation into the payment and
settlement ecosystem.

24 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is correct: The origin of the Article 17 under this Convention provides
Ghadr Party can be attributed to several for ships of all States, whether coastal or
factors both external and internal. The land-locked, to enjoy the right of innocent
discrimination against Indians in Canada passage through the territorial sea.
and the United States and the clash of
interest between American and Indian Innocent passage: Passage is innocent so
labour were two major reasons. long as it is not prejudicial to the peace,
good order or security of the coastal State.
57. Answer: (b) Such passage shall take place in conformity
with this Convention and with other rules
Explanation: of international law.

The United Nations Convention on the Statement 3 is incorrect: UNCLOS defines

Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an Territorial sea and Contiguous zone.
international agreement that establishes a
legal framework for all marine & maritime Every State has the right to establish the
activities and the management of marine breadth of its Territorial sea up to a limit
natural resources. not exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured
from baselines determined in accordance
Statement 1 is correct: According to Article with this Convention.
2 under section 1 of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the The Contiguous zone may not extend
Sea (UNCLOS), the sovereignty of a beyond 24 nautical miles from the
coastal State extends, beyond its land baselines from which the breadth of the
territory and internal waters and, in the territorial sea is measured.
case of an archipelagic State, its
archipelagic waters, to an adjacent belt of
sea, described as the territorial sea.
Additionally, sovereignty extends to the air
space over the territorial sea as well as to its
seabed and subsoil.

Statement 2 is incorrect: UNCLOS’s

Subsection C of Section 3 gives a detailed
provision regarding warships. As per it,
"warship" means a ship belonging to the
armed forces of a State bearing the external
marks distinguishing such ships of its Figure: Maritime zones under UNCLOS
nationality, under the command of an Source:
officer duly commissioned by the
government of the State and whose name
appears in the appropriate service list or its
equivalent, and manned by a crew which is
under regular armed forces discipline. It
further mentions in Article 30 that, if any
warship does not comply with the laws and
regulations of the coastal State concerning
passage through the territorial sea and
disregards any request for compliance
therewith which is made to it, the coastal
State may require it to leave the territorial
sea immediately.

25 | UPSC-MOCK-01

58. Answer: (b) Statement 2 is incorrect: Mass movements

are aided by gravity and no geomorphic
Explanation: agents like running water, wind, waves,
glaciers participate in the process. Mass
Quantum Key Distribution is a secure movements are very active on weathered
communications technology through slopes rather than over unweathered
which two parties can share random secret materials. Therefore, weathering aids in
keys known only to them and can be used mass movement.
to encrypt or decrypt messages. It is based
on the principle of Quantum mechanism. It Statement 3 is correct: Mass movements do
is the most common technology present in not come under erosion even though there
the field of quantum communication. is a shift of materials from one place to
another. Mass movement takes place under
Statement 1 is incorrect: Quantum the direct influence of gravity and not ice,
communication is based on transmission of water or air. The debris may carry air, ice
quantum bits or Qubits which represents or water and not the other way around.
multiple combinations of 1 and 0 Whereas erosion agents like running water,
simultaneously. Hence, they do not use glaciers, groundwater, waves and wind
binary codes for encryption of data. remove and transport it to other places.

60. Answer: (b)

Statement 2 is correct: Quantum
cryptography cannot prevent Explanation:
eavesdropping, but it can detect it because
eavesdropping affects the quantum state of The Green Fins Hub is developed by the
the information carriers and results in an Reef-World Foundation in collaboration
abnormal error rate making it detectable by with the United Nations Environment
the legitimate users. Program (UNEP) to address key
sustainability challenges in the marine
Statement 3 is incorrect: Recently, Indian conservation tourism industry.
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has • It is the first-ever global marine
successfully demonstrated free-space tourism industry platform, enabling
Quantum Communication. However, only operators to leverage proven solutions,
over a distance of 300 m. It has yet to track year-on-year improvements, and
achieve Quantum satellite communicate with communities and
communication. customers to bring simplicity into their
daily practices.
59. Answer: (d) Option (b) is correct: The United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP), together
Explanation: with the Reef-World Foundation, launched
the Green Fins Hub to give a major boost to
Mass movements are transport and sustainable marine tourism.
accumulation processes that occur on both
gentle and steep slopes, mostly due to 61. Answer: (a)
gravitational forces. As a result of mass
movements, landscapes are levelled and Explanation:
Ziro Valley is a popular tourist destination
Statement 1 is incorrect: Weathering is not in the central part of Arunachal
a prerequisite for mass movements, but it Pradesh. Ziro is famous for its natural
aids mass movements. It is an in-situ beauty and hills and is located on the
process, i.e., very little or no motion of Apatani Plateau.
material takes place during weathering.
Mechanical disintegration and chemical
decomposition of rocks through the
various elements of weather and climate is
defined as weathering.

26 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is incorrect: At present, it is 63. Answer: (d)

included in the Tentative List of
UNESCO’s World Heritage Site and has Explanation:
not been designated as a UNESCO World
Heritage site yet. It has been a century since the discovery of
insulin by Sir Frederick G Banting, Charles
Statement 2 is correct: Kiwis from Ziro H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of
Valley in the Lower Subansiri area are Toronto in 1921.
India’s first certified organic fruit and with • Insulin is a hormone produced inside
this Arunachal Pradesh became the first pancreas. Insulin has many functions
state in the country to have organic including regulating the blood glucose
certification for kiwi. level in the body. Hence, the irregular
• The organic certification was provided level of insulin can result in diabetes.
by the Mission Organic Value Chain o When the body is not able to
Development for the Northeast produce insulin or is able to
Region (MOVCD-NER), a program produce very low amounts of
for the northeast states of the central insulin it results in Type-1 diabetes
government's Ministry of Agriculture which is also known as juvenile
and Farmer Welfare. diabetes.
▪ When the body is not able to
62. Answer: (b) reciprocate to the Level of
insulin produced in the
Explanation: pancreas it results in Type 2
Recently, Archaeological Survey of India o Type 2 diabetes can happen due to
(ASI) has started working on a roadmap to high insulin or low insulin being
safely remove sand from the interiors of produced in the body
Odisha’s Sun Temple. Statement 1 is correct: Both animal as well
as human insulin can be used as treatment
Statement 1 is incorrect: Konarak Sun of diabetes. Till 1980 animal insulin was
temple belongs to Kalinga school of used for diabetes treatment, but now
temple architecture which is a subset of human insulin and human analogue
Nagara style of architecture. The Nagara insulin has replaced them majorly.
style is characterised by a square ground However, animal insulin is still used by
plan, containing a sanctuary and assembly many patients.
hall (mandapa). In terms of elevation, there
is a huge curvilinear tower (shikhara), Statement 2 is incorrect: Higher insulin
inclining inwards and capped. sensitivity means the body is well
reciprocating to the level of insulin
Statement 2 is correct: The Sun temple at produced by pancreas. Hence, the insulin
Konark was built under the reign of can effectively regulate the blood glucose
Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga level and will not result in high blood
Dynasty (CE 1238-1264) of the 13th century glucose level.
Eastern Ganga dynasty of Odisha.
Statement 3 is incorrect: Juvenile diabetes
Statement 3 is correct: Some experts are of is also known as Type-1 diabetes Results
the opinion that the Sun Temple was built from no insulin or very low insulin
in the sea, giving an impression of the Sun produced by pancreas. However, Insulin
God emerging out of the water at day resistance is caused due to the body not
break. The European sailors referred to the reciprocating the level of insulin produced
temple as ‘Black Pagoda’ because of the by pancreas and results in Type-2 diabetes
darkish impression of the roof of the or adult diabetes.
temple. It served as an important landmark
for the sailors navigating through the Bay
of Bengal in those days.

27 | UPSC-MOCK-01

64. Answer: (a) 65. Answer: (b)

Explanation: Explanation:

Doctrine of Basic Structure is a judicial The Blue Flag Tag or Blue Flag Certification
innovation by the Supreme Court of India is one of the most widely recognized
in Kesavananda Bharati case. The Basic voluntary ecolabels in the world.
structure doctrine refers to those essential Awarded to beach, marina and
features of the Constitution which cannot sustainable boat tourism providers. This
be amended by the Parliament. accreditation is awarded by the Denmark-
based non-profit Foundation for
Option (a) is correct: In the Indira Nehru Environmental Education or FEE and is
Gandhi case (1975) the Supreme Court awarded annually to beaches and marinas
invalidated a provision of the 39th in FEE member countries.
Amendment Act (1975) which kept the
election disputes involving the Prime Option (b) is correct: Indian Beaches that
Minister and the Speaker of Lok Sabha have been conferred with internationally
outside the jurisdiction of all courts. The recognized Blue Flag Certification are:
court said that this provision was beyond 1. Shivrajpur, Devbhumi Dwarka
the amending power of Parliament as it District, Gujarat
affected the basic structure of the 2. Ghoghla (Diu) Dadara Nagar Haveli
constitution. and Daman & Diu
3. Padubidri, Udupi District, Karnataka
Option (b) is incorrect: According to 4. Kasarkod, Karwar District, Karnataka
Article 358, when a proclamation of 5. Kappad, Kozhikode District, Kerala
national emergency is made on the ground 6. Kovalam, Kanchipuram District,
of war or external aggression (External Tamil Nadu
emergency), the six Fundamental Rights 7. Eden, Puducherry District, Puducherry
under Article 19 are automatically 8. Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam District,
suspended. The suspension itself does not Andhra Pradesh
violate the basic structure of the 9. Golden, Puri District, Odisha
Constitution as the provision has been 10. Radhanagar (Havelock), Andaman &
added to meet unforeseen circumstances Nicobar Islands
during a national emergency.
66. Answer: (a)
Option (c) is incorrect: The Constitution
does not guarantee the present existence of Explanation:
states and union territories. Further,
territorial integrity of any state is not a part Debentures are debt instruments which are
of the basic structure of the Constitution. similar to bonds. However, the key
difference between bonds and debentures
Option (d) is incorrect: Parliament has is that bonds are secured whereas
power under Article 32 to empower any debentures are not secured. Debentures are
other court with writ jurisdiction. At backed by the full faith and credit of
present, only the Supreme Court and High issuers.
Courts have writ jurisdiction. This does
not violate the basic structure. Non-convertible debentures are those
debentures which cannot be converted to
shares or equities.

Statement 1 is correct: Non Convertible

debentures do offer a higher rate of return
compared to convertible debentures. This
is to compensate for the drawback of non-

28 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is incorrect: Non convertible Statement 4 is correct: SSLV is capable of

debentures are not insured under Deposit launching satellites into 500 KM planar
Insurance and Credit Guarantee Low Earth orbit only.
Corporation (DICGC).
68. Answer: (c)
DICGC was established through the
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Explanation:
Corporation Act, 1961' (DICGC Act). It
insures both principal and interest up to a Pair 1 is incorrectly matched: Aditya I was
maximum of rupees five lakhs. the Successor of Vijayalaya who founded
the Chola Dynasty. His military
67. Answer: (b) achievements are significant in the
expansion of the Chola kingdom. At the
Explanation: battle of Shripurambiyam, he allied with
the Pallavas and defeated Pandyas Later
ISRO has developed a small satellite launch in 893 CE, he defeated and killed his
vehicle (SSLV) to cater the launch of up to Pallava overlord Aparajita thus bringing
500 kg satellites to Low Earth Orbits on Tondaimandalam (southern Tamil
‘launch-on-demand’ basis. Recently, an country) under his Control.
ISRO mission failed to place the satellites in Pair 2 is correctly matched: Pala controlled
their required orbits. the territory of Assam (also known as
Kamrupa or Pragjyotisha) until a local
The aim of developing the vehicle: ruler Harjaravarman declared
• Providing on demand, Low cost, less independence from the Palas in 800 CE. He
infrastructure needing service to is credited for establishing the Salamba
commercial satellite developers. dynasty having capital at Haruppeshvara
on the banks of river Brahmaputra.
• 2m diameter x 34m long Pair 3 is correctly matched: Dantidurga
• Lift off mass: ~120T was the feudatory of the Chalukya king,
• Three Solid propulsion stages Kirtivarman II, who later founded the
• Liquid module as terminal stage Rashtrakuta dynasty. He had helped his
father-in-law, the Pallava King
PAYLOAD CAPABILITY Nandivarmana to regain Kanchi from the
• Single/Multi Satellites - Nano, Micro Chalukyas and also defeated the Gurjaras
and Mini satellites of Malwa, and the rulers of Kalinga,
• Single Satellite up to 500 kg in 500km Kosala and Srisailam.
planar orbit
• Multiple satellites ranging from 10 kg Pair 4 is correctly matched: Vatsaraja was
to 300kg into 500km Planar Orbit the successor of Nagabhata I of Pratihara
Dynasty. He extended his rule over a large
Statement 1 is incorrect: It has three stages part of North India and made Kannauj (in
powered by solid fuel whereas liquid present western Uttar Pradesh) his capital.
propellants are used in the Polar Satellite His policy of expansion brought him into
Launch Vehicle (PSLV). conflict with Pala King Dharmapala, and
also the Rashtrakuta king Dhruva. This
Statement 2 is incorrect: It has the led to the beginning of the ‘tripartite
capability of launching multiple satellites struggle’.
or single satellites. It can launch nano,
micro and mini satellites in a single go.

Statement 3 is correct: It has low

turnaround time compared to other launch
vehicle including Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle (PSLV)

29 | UPSC-MOCK-01

69. Answer: (a)


Pair 1 is incorrect: Rohingya Muslims had

fled Myanmar since August 25, 2017, when
the country’s army began a brutal
campaign of violence against the
community. The mass carnage was
described by the United Nations as having
all the “hallmarks of genocide”. The vast
majority of the population that escaped
across the border into Bangladesh were
accommodated in the Kutupalong-
Balukhali refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar
Figure: Odessa
Source: economist.comE

Pair 3 is correct: Two Border Security Force

(BSF) personnel, who were part of the UN
Peacekeeping Mission in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, were among five
people killed during a protest in an eastern
town of Butembo near the border with
Uganda on 26th July 2022.

Figure: refugee camps

Figure: DRC
Pair 2 is correct: United Nations and
Turkey brokered the deal that ensured that
Ukraine could export food grains during Pair 4 is correct: Indonesia’s Parliament
the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In this regard, approved a bill to relocate the country’s
the first ship carrying Ukrainian grain has capital from Jakarta to a new city to be built
set off from the Port of Odessa. The Sierra on the island of Borneo, named as
Leone-flagged cargo ship Razoni left Nusantara. The decision followed growing
Odessa carrying over 26,000 tons of corn concerns about the long-term sustainability
destined for Lebanon. of Jakarta.

Figure: Indonesia
Source: Indian Experss

30 | UPSC-MOCK-01

70. Answer: (b) Statement 1 is incorrect:.ONDC cannot be

called a super aggregator application or a
Explanation: hosting platform. Instead it is basically an
open network which is led by the market
Lithium is a soft, white silvery alkali metal. and the community. Hence, it will not act
Under standard conditions, it is the lightest as a hosting platform for e-commerce
metal and the lightest solid element. activities.

Statement 1 is correct: Lithium is widely Statement 2 is incorrect: ONDC does not

used in batteries, ceramics, glass, follow a platform centric digital
lubricants, refrigeration, nuclear, and commerce model in which both the buyer
photovoltaic industries. With the and seller have to use the same platform or
continuous development of computers, application to do a business
digital cameras, mobile phones, mobile transaction. Any compatible application of
power tools and other electronic products, their choice can be used by the buyers and
the battery industry has become the largest sellers to exchange information and carry
consumption area of lithium. out transactions
Statement 2 is correct: In 2021, the
Statement 3 is correct: It facilitates the
Department of Atomic Energy discovered
existing digital commerce apps and
the country’s first lithium reserve of 1600
platforms to voluntarily choose to adopt
tonnes in Mandya, Karnataka.
and be a part of the ONDC network.
Statement 3 is incorrect: Bolivia is home
to the world’s biggest lithium reserves,
followed by Argentina and Chile.

Statement 4 is correct: Scientists have

found for the first time that all the lithium-
rich stars are burning helium in their core.
Source: ONDC Strategy Paper
71. Answer: (c)
72. Answer: (a)
Open Network for Digital Commerce During the Global oil Summit in Agra in
(ONDC) is an initiative of Government of September 2022, the Asian Palm Oil
India which intends to ensure large scale Alliance (APOA) was launched. Its goals
democratisation of digital commerce in are to gain more negotiating leverage for
India.. countries that import palm oil and
maintain imports.

Statement 1 is incorrect: Asian Palm Oil

Alliance (APOA) has been formed by apex
edible oil trade associations from five palm
oil importing countries in South Asia –
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
and Nepal.

Statement 2 is incorrect: The objective to

create APOA is to increase collecting
bargaining power and make imports
Figure: Three Pillars of ONDC sustainable, so the alliance works toward
Source: ONDC Strategy Paper making imports sustainable rather than
reducing dependency on palm oil import.
The alliance would aim to change the
stigma associated with palm oil and
promote it as a high quality, affordable,

31 | UPSC-MOCK-01

and healthy vegetable oil. It aims to 74. Answer: (c)

protect the commercial and economic
interests of palm oil-consuming nations Explanation:
and will endeavour to increase palm oil
consumption in member nations. NDCs, or Nationally Determined
Contribution , are climate action plans to
Statement 3 is correct: Indonesia and reduce emissions and adapt to climate
Malaysia are the biggest palm oil exporters impacts. NDCs set targets for countries to
in the world, while other oils such as soya reduce greenhouse gas emissions that
and sunflower oil are exported by contribute to climate change and to adapt
Argentina, Brazil, Ukraine and Russia. to the impacts of climate change. Each
country party to the Paris Agreement must
Statement 4 is incorrect: Around 40% of prepare an NDC and update it every five
the world's palm oil is consumed in Asia, years.
whereas just 12% is traded in Europe. The
Statement 1 is incorrect: India's NDCs do
two countries that export the most palm oil
not bind India to sector-specific mitigation
worldwide are Indonesia and Malaysia.
commitments or actions.
With 15% of the world's imports, India is
Asia's top importer of palm oil, followed by
China (9%), Pakistan (4%) and Bangladesh Statement 2 is correct: The updated NDC
(2%). provides a framework for India's clean
energy transition for the period 2021-2030.
73. Answer: (a) India's updated NDC will be implemented
for the period 2021-2030 with appropriate
Explanation: support from States and Union Territories
Wild tigers are found in India, Nepal, through programs and plans of relevant
China, Russia, Bhutan, Myanmar, ministries/departments.
Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand,
Sumatra (Indonesia), and Malaysia. In Statement 3 is correct: According to the
India, forests have been demarcated as updated NDC, India now aims to reduce
Tiger reserves, National Parks, and its GDP emissions intensity by 45% from
Wildlife Sanctuaries, also known as 2005 levels and achieve about 50% of its
Protected Areas for the better management cumulative installed power capacity from
of tiger habitats. non-fossil fuel-based energy sources by
Statement 1 is correct: As per the Ministry
of Environment, Forest and Climate 75. Answer: (a)
Change, India has 52 tiger sanctuaries
spread over 18 states and is home to Explanation:
approximately 75% of the world's wild Inflation can be defined as the increase in
tiger population. prices of goods and services over a period
of time. Fiscal policy measures involve
Statement 2 is incorrect: Conservation using government spending and taxation
Assured Tiger Standards (CA|TS) are to influence the economy.
global certification standards for tiger
conservation. As of August 2022, 17 Tiger Option (a) is correct: Increasing income
Reserves in India have got CA|TS tax can reduce the demand as it decreases
international accreditation. personal disposable income. Reduced
demand can help in controlling inflation.
Statement 3 is incorrect: At present, Jim
Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand Option (b) is incorrect: Monetisation of
reports the highest concentration of tiger debt involves the central bank purchasing
reserves in India with 14 tigers per 100 government bonds to finance the spending
square kilometres, followed by Kaziranga needs of the government. This results in
National Park, Nagarhole and Orang increasing the money supply, which in turn
Tiger Reserve in Assam. leads to further inflation.

32 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Option (c) is incorrect: Increased transfer 77. Answer: (d)

payments can have a positive effect on
aggregate demand which in turn may Explanation:
further fuel inflation.
Direct Seed Rice (DSR) is a technique of
Option (d) is incorrect: Removing stock planting the seeds directly in the field
limits on essential goods may lead to the instead of transplanting from the nursery.
stocking and profiteering of these goods
which in turn results in increased demand Point 1 is correct: In this technique the rice
and a further increase in prices. crops matures 10-15 days earlier in
comparison to the conventional method.
76. Answer: (d)
Point 2 is correct: Before DSR is carried out
Explanation: the land is covered with the surface mulch
In order to curb defection, the anti- which in turn helps in conservation of soil
defection law was brought through the moisture. Further this technique is based
52nd Amendment Act of 1985. This on the zero till method, which helps in
amendment is known as anti-defection controlling loss of moisture.
law. The aim is to bring political stability Point 3 is correct: The conventional
and demand accountability from the method requires the field to be flooded
legislatures. before the rice is transplanted from the
nursery. DSR technique helps in
Statement 1 is incorrect: In Ravi S Naik vs overcoming these limitations. Under this
Union of India, 1994, the Supreme Court of technique the plant is directly planted in
India had held that voluntarily giving up the field and thus requires less amount of
membership does not necessarily mean water. It thus helps in reducing water
that the legislator needs to formally requirements. This technique is expected to
resign, and that it can be inferred from the conserve water by 35-40 %.
member’s conduct as well. Hence, if an
MLA does not tender a formal resignation Point 4 is correct: The main advantage of
from their party, but stands for election this technique is that it helps in reduction
from another party, or takes up a position of methane emission, since fewer amounts
in another party, that would also amount of water are used in the initial phase. But,
to voluntarily giving up their membership, another disadvantage is that it enhances
and be grounds for disqualification. the emission of Nitrogen dioxide.

Statement 2 is correct: Article 180 of the 78. Answer: (a)

Indian Constitution gives the Deputy
Speaker the power to conduct the duties of Explanation:
the Speaker when the Speaker's chair is Option 1 is correct: The East Asia Summit
vacant. This also includes the power to (EAS) has 18 members - the ten ASEAN
conduct disqualification proceedings countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,
under the Tenth schedule. Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) along with
Statement 3 is correct: In 2020, the Australia, China, India, Japan, New
Supreme Court of India had removed the Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Russia and
Manipur Minister from the state cabinet the United States.
and restrained him “from entering the
Legislative Assembly till further orders” by Option 2 is correct: I2U2 stands for India,
invoking the court’s extraordinary powers Israel, the UAE, and the US, and is also
under Article 142 of the Constitution. referred to as the ‘West Asian Quad’.
Disqualification petitions against the
minister were pending before the Speaker Option 3 is incorrect: An informal "Coffee
since 2017. Club", comprising 40 member states, has
been instrumental in holding back reforms
to the United Nations Security Council.

33 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Most of the members of the club are Statement 3 is correct: Nanosponges are
middle-sized states who oppose bigger used in targeted drug delivery. The core
regional powers grabbing permanent seats can be loaded with drugs and an
in the UN Security Council. entrapping agent can be used for ensuring
The Important countries of the club include the slow release of drugs at the target
Italy, Spain, Australia, Canada, South locations. Apart from targeted drug
Korea, Argentina and Pakistan. While delivery, they can also be used for
Italy and Spain are opposed to Germany's improved drug delivery by helping
bid for Security Council's permanent improve the physical properties of
membership, Pakistan is opposed to India's medications(e.g. solubility).
bid. India is not a member.

Option 4 is incorrect: The United

Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the
United States and Japan announced the
creation of a new cooperation format – The
Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP) – an
inclusive and informal mechanism to more Figure: Targeted drug delivery using
effectively and efficiently support the goals nano spondes
of the region’s small island nations. It aims Source: Science direct
to enhance cooperation in the fields of - 80. Answer: (c)
climate crisis, connectivity and
transportation, maritime security and Explanation:
protection, health, prosperity, and
education. Recently, the mountain in the Galapagos
Islands has erupted, spewing lava and
plumes across the Pacific Ocean, according
79. Answer: (b) to Ecuador's Institute of Geophysics.
• Galapagos Islands is an island group of
the eastern Pacific Ocean,
Nano sponges were recently found to have administratively a province of
the ability to inhibit the infectivity of Ecuador, South America.
viruses like the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These
are nanomaterials with a wide range of
applications ranging from targeted drug
delivery to pollution control.

Statement 1 is correct: Nanosponges are

tiny mesh like structures which have a
polymeric nanoparticle core. Polymeric
nanoparticles are particles within the size
range from 1 to 1000 nm which can be filled
with active compounds, such as a drug.
The compound can be entrapped within or
surface-adsorbed onto it. If a structure such
as Nanosponges uses it as a core then it is Figure: Galapagos Islands
known as polymeric nanoparticle core. Source: Britannica

Statement 2 is correct: They are Option (a) is correct: The islands are
biodegradable which gives it an advantage protected from the warming of the Pacific
in targeted drug delivery. A nano sponge Ocean by a cold, eastward equatorial
filled with a drug degrades gradually in the ocean current.
body thereby releasing the drug at the
targeted location. In addition they are
stable at higher temperatures.

34 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Option (b) is correct: UNESCO designated

the Galapagos Islands as a World Heritage
Site in 1978 and the Galapagos National
Park as a Biosphere Reserve in 1984. In late
2001, UNESCO expanded its World
Heritage designation to include the
Galapagos Marine Reserve.

Option (c) is incorrect: The Galapagos

Islands are made up of lava mountains and
are dotted with periodically active shield

Option (d) is correct: The Galapagos island

is situated at the confluence of 3 major
eastern Pacific currents and is influenced
by climatic phenomena such as El Niño.
In El Niño years, when ocean currents and
trade winds weaken, the entire Galapagos
food chain is affected, and many species
face mass starvation and extinction.

81. Answer: (c)


Recently the Global Methane, Climate and

Clean Air Forum 2022 was held in
Washington, DC in September 2022 which
discussed the methane emissions
reductions regarding the Global Methane

Statement 1 is incorrect: According to the

International Energy agency's recent
Methane Tracker, in 2021 India was the
second-highest emitter of methane globally
after China. In India the Agriculture
emissions of methane are more than the
combined emission of all other sectors like
energy, waste and others. As shown below
in the images from IEA, the contribution
of agricultural emission of methane in
India is 19.5 mt but other sources
combined just contribute 12.3 mt (Waste-
6.3 and Energy-5.2 and others .8).

35 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is incorrect: Holders of CBDC

need not necessarily have a bank account.
CBDC is a liability of the central bank and
not the commercial banks and is designed
to work outside the banking system. This
feature is considered to help in financial

Statement 3 is correct: CBDC can broadly

be classified into CBDC general purpose
(retail)(CBDC-R) and CBDC wholesale
(CBDC-W) depending on the functions
performed and usage. CBDC-R can be used
by all private sector, non-financial
consumers and businesses. CBDC-W is
designed for restricted access by financial

83. Answer: (a)

All Figures: Emitters of methane with Explanation:

breakdown by sector, 2021
Source: IEA The Lodi dynasty came to power under
Sultan Bahlol Lodi. The Lodis were the last
Statement 2 is incorrect: Reduction of ruling family of the Sultanate period and
emissions of methane-like gases which the first to be headed by Afghans.
increase global warming and climate
change do help to tackle climate change but Statement 1 is correct: Sultan Bahlol Lodi
these practices do not come under the used to call his fellow Afghan nobles
category of Adaptations but they are under ‘masnad-i ali’ and never sat on the throne
the category of climate change mitigation in front of them. To placate Afghan nobles,
techniques. Bahlol Lodhi publicly declared that he
considered himself one of the Afghan peers
Statement 3 is correct: The recently and not the king. The Afghan monarchy
launched Global Methane Pledge at COP was primarily ‘tribal’ in nature. For them,
26 of the United Nations Framework the King was ‘first among equals’.
Convention on Climate Change to
collectively reduce methane emissions by Statement 2 is incorrect: After the death of
at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030. Bahlol Lodhi, Sikandar Lodhi (AD 1489–
1517) ascended the throne. Sikandar Lodhi
82. Answer: (c) showed little tolerance towards the non-
mulsims. He re-imposed jaziya on non-
Explanation: mulsims. Sikandar Lodhi, in whose reign
The government of India in the budget Vasco da Gama landed in India, was the
which was presented in the Parliament in most powerful of the Lodhi rulers.
February 2022 had announced the launch
of ‘digital rupee’, which is a Central Bank Statement 3 is incorrect: Babur defeated
Digital Currency (CBDC). Sultan Ibrahim Lodi (not Sikandar Lodi)
at the Battle of Panipat in 1526 CE.
Statement 1 is correct: According to the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), CBDC is a
legal tender issued by it in digital form. It
can be hence exchanged one-to-one at par
with the fiat currency as it is the same as the
sovereign currency.

36 | UPSC-MOCK-01

84. Answer: (d) 85. Answer: (d)

Explanation: Explanation:

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization In CAR T-cell therapy the T cells which are
(SCO), a Eurasian political, economic and collected from the patients are genetically
security forum was founded in 2001. engineered to produce proteins called
Recently the 22nd Meeting of the Council chimeric antigen receptors, or CARs on
of Heads of State of the Shanghai their surface. The CARs are known to have
Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took the capability to identify and bind to
place in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. specific proteins or antigens which are on
the surface of cancer cells. This ultimately
leads to destruction of the cancer cells.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Iran has signed a Hence, it involves immunotherapy in
memorandum of commitments to join the which a person's immune system is
Shanghai Cooperation Organization programmed to fight on its own.
(SCO), and will attend the 2023 summit as
a permanent member. However
Afghanistan is not a permanent member
yet, it has observer status.

Statement 2 is incorrect: SCO has two

Permanent Bodies - (i) SCO Secretariat in
Beijing and (ii) Executive Committee of the
Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)
in Tashkent. The Chairmanship of SCO is
by rotation for a year by Member States.

Statement 3 is incorrect: Varanasi was

declared as first-ever SCO Tourism and
Cultural Capital for 2022-2023 at
Samarkand Summit. lt will promote
tourism, cultural and humanitarian
exchanges between India and the SCO Figure: CAR T-cell Therapy
member Countries. It also underlines Source:
India’s ancient civilizational links with
Member States of SCO, especially the Hence option (d) is correct whereas option
Central Asian Republics. (a), option (b) and option (c) are incorrect.

Statement 4 is correct: The rotational

presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation 86. Answer: (d)
Organization has been handed over to
India in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Delhi will Explanation:
hold the presidency of the grouping for a The Constitution, under Sixth Schedule,
year until September 2023. And next year, contains special provisions for the
India will host the SCO summit. administration of tribal areas in the four
northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya,
Tripura and Mizoram. Each autonomous
district has a district council consisting of
30 members.

37 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Powers of District Council under sixth Statement 2 is correct: Watershed

schedule: Development Fund (WDF) under
Watershed Development Programme was
statement 1 is correct:The district councils created in 1999-00 in the National Bank for
administer the areas under their Agriculture and Rural Development
jurisdiction. They can make laws on (NABARD) with broad objectives of
certain specified matters like land, unification of a multiplicity of watershed
forests, canal water, shifting cultivation, development programmes into a single
village administration, inheritance of national initiative through the involvement
property, marriage and divorce, social of village level institutions and Project
customs and so on. But all such laws Facilitating Agencies (PFAs).
require the assent of the Governor.
Statement 3 is correct: NABARD created a
Statement 2 is correct: The district councils Tribal Development Fund (TDF) under
within their territorial jurisdictions can Tribal Development Programme with a
constitute village councils or courts for corpus of Rs. 50 crore, out of its profits for
trial of suits and cases between the tribes. 2003-04. All projects under TDF are
They hear appeals from them. The implemented by partnering with State
jurisdiction of the High Court over these Governments, the Government of India,
suits and cases is specified by the NGOs and Corporates.
Statement 4 is correct: Since 2006
Statement 3 is correct: The district council NABARD has been supporting need-based
can establish, construct or manage primary skill development programmes under
schools, dispensaries, markets, ferries, Micro Enterprise Development
fisheries, roads and so on in the district. It Programme (MEDPs) for SHGs. MEDPs
can also make regulations for the control are on-location skill development training
of money lending and trading by non- programmes which attempt to bridge the
tribals. But, such regulations require the skill deficits or facilitate the optimization of
assent of the Governor. production activities already pursued by
the SHG members.
87. Answer: (d)
88. Answer: (d)
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Europe of the 15th century was gripped by
Development (NABARD) was established the spirit of the Renaissance with its call for
as a statutory body by an act of Parliament exploration. Europeans had also developed
on 12 July 1982. It is a Development Bank, the art of ship-building and had made
which has the mandate of providing and advances in the domain of navigation.
regulating credit for the promotion of There was an eagerness among Europeans
agriculture, small-scale industries etc. and to explore unknown corners of the East
other allied economic activities in rural which led to their entry and settlement into
areas. The activities of NABARD are India.
steered with a view of promoting
integrated rural development and securing Statement 1 is incorrect: Dutch established
the prosperity of rural areas. their factory in Masulipatnam (in Andhra)
in 1605. Besides, they established several
Statement 1 is correct: NABARD has taken trading centres in different parts of India
an initiative for supporting producer and started becoming a direct threat to the
organizations (POs), adopting a flexible Portuguese ambitions. Dutch captured
approach to meet the needs of producers. Nagapatam near Madras (Chennai) from
In order to give a special focus, the the Portuguese, not from Britishers and
“Producers Organization Development made it their main stronghold in South
Fund'' (PODF) was set up, with an initial India.
corpus of Rs. 50 crore.

38 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is incorrect: The decline of the Option (d) is correct: The Savanna Climate
Portuguese in India was brought about by is characterised by alternate hot, rainy
several factors and the political factor was seasons and cool, dry seasons. The diurnal
one among them. The rise of the turbulent range of temperature is extreme in the
Marathas as the immediate neighbours of Savanna type of climate. The prevailing
Portuguese led to the loss of Salsette and winds of the region are the trade winds
Bassein from the Portuguese to the which bring rain to the coastal areas. The
Marathas. landscape is typified by tall grass and short
trees. The terms ‘parkland’ or ‘bush-veld’
is used to describe the landscape of the
Statement 3 is correct: In the early years, region. Trees have broad trunks with
the East India company was struggling in water-storing devices to survive through
making their footprint on the Indian lands prolonged drought e.g. baobabs and bottle
but the changing situation helped them trees.
and turned things in their favour. For
instance, Bombay had been gifted to King 90. Answer: (d)
Charles II by the King of Portugal as
dowry when Charles married the Explanation:
Portuguese princess Catherine in 1662.
The received gift (Bombay) was lent to East Export Oriented Units (EOU) Scheme is a
India Company on an annual payment of scheme which finds mention in the Foreign
ten pounds. Trade Policy of India and was introduced
to promote exports in India.
89. Answer: (d)
Option(a) is incorrect: All the provisions
Explanation: of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act
are applicable to EOU. Supplies to or from
There exists different climatic zones across EOU are not exempted from GST.
the world. Each zone has its own climatic However, the Input Tax Credit of the GST
characteristics, natural vegetation, crops, paid by its supplier can be taken by the
animals and human activities. EOU.

Option (a) is incorrect: Tropical Marine Option(b) is incorrect: A certain portion of

Climate is experienced along the eastern the goods and services produced in the
coasts of tropical lands. It has a rainfall EOU can be sold in the Domestic Tariff
tendency towards summer maximum Area (DTA).
without any distinct dry period. There is
no month without any rainfall. Option(c) is incorrect: Both Goods and
services are exported from EOUs.
Option (b) is incorrect: Warm Temperate
Western Margin Climate is entirely Option(d) is correct: EOUs have the
confined to the western portion of permission to have up to 100% Foreign
continental masses between 30 degree and Direct Investment (FDI) investment
45 degree north and south of the equator. through an automatic route.
Shifting of wind belts is the basic cause of
this climate. Westerlies are the prevailing
winds of the region during the winters.

Option (c) is incorrect: Cool Temperate

Western Margin Climate is under the
permanent influence of the westerlies all
round the year. It has adequate rainfall
throughout the year with a tendency
towards winter maximum. The natural
vegetation of this climatic type is
deciduous forest.

39 | UPSC-MOCK-01

91. Answer: (d) revised stand was unanimously taken in

favour of a strong Union with residuary
Explanation: powers and weaker States, to safeguard the
integrity of the nation by the Union Powers
The ‘Project Cheetah’ was recently in the Committee of the Constituent Assembly,.
news after a total of eight cheetahs were
translocated from Namibia to Madhya Point 2 is correct: As argued by Professor
Pradesh’s Kuno National Park. Out of the Katharine Adeney, the second reason for
eight Cheetahs there are five female and centralised federalism pivoted towards
three male Cheetahs. forging a national civic identity instead of
immediate caste and linguistic identities.
Option (a) is correct: Project Cheetah, According to Dr. Madhav Khosla both
which is the world's first inter-continental Nehru and Ambedkar believed that a
large wild carnivore translocation project. centralised federal structure would
reduce prevalent trends of social
Option (b) is correct: ‘Project Cheetah’ is a dominance, help fight poverty better and
one-of-a-kind project in which a species is therefore yield liberating outcomes.
being restored in the country by bringing
it from out of the country (from South Point 3 is correct: Another reason for
Africa / Namibia). adopting quasi-federal structure was
related to the objective of building a
Option (c) is correct: Under the project, the welfare state. In a decentralised federal
subspecies of Cheetah which got extinct in setup, redistributive policies could be
India was Asiatic Cheetah (Acinonyx structurally scuttled by organised (small
jubatus venaticus) and the subspecies and dominant) groups. Instead, a
being introduced back in the country is centralised federal set-up can prevent
African Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus such issues and further a universal rights-
jubatus). based system.

Option (d) is incorrect: The wild Asiatic Point 4 is correct: The alleviation of inter-
cheetah was declared extinct from India in regional economic inequality was also one
1952. However, the project cheetah was of the primary reasons for the adoption of
approved by the Supreme Court of India a quasi-federal structure. The Union
in January 2020 as a pilot programme to government with its resources is better
reintroduce the species to India. As per the positioned to address the issues related to
SC direction, the cheetah reintroduction in inter-regional economic inequality. For
India is being overseen by the National instance, Article 280 empowers the
Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). President to constitute a Finance
Commission, which in turn delves into the
92. Answer: (d) resource distribution among the states and
between states and the centre.
93. Answer: (b)
Quasi-federalism refers to the centralised
federalism where the Union Government
has more powers than the constituent
Recently, the Prime Minister of India
units. The requirement for quasi federal
reviewed the construction of the National
polity during Independence had many
Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) site
at Lothal in Gujarat. On this occasion, the
Prime Minister highlighted the importance
Point 1 is correct: Both Jawaharlal Nehru
of Lothal as a major trading centre of the
and J.B. Kripalani in the constituent
Indus Valley Civilisation. According to
assembly before partition, spoke in favour
him, it was a symbol of India’s maritime
of maximum autonomy to the States and
power and prosperity.
regarded centralisation to be at odds with
liberty. However, after the Partition a

40 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is incorrect: Lothal is one of 94. Answer: (b)

the southernmost sites of the Indus Valley
Civilization (IVC) and is located between Explanation:
the river Sabarmati and its tributary
Bhogavo in Saurashtra in Gujarat. It is not In November 2022, the Government of the
the westernmost IVC site in India (refer Arab Republic of Egypt will host the 27th
map below). Sites in India such as Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC
Dholavira are further to the west of (COP 27).
Statement 1 is correct: The COP is the
highest decision-making body of the
UNFCCC. The COP will be attended by
representatives of all States Parties to the

Statement 2 is incorrect: The rotation cycle

for the host of the COP UNFCCC is not
strictly adhered to as the 1st and 2nd COPs
were held in Western Europe (Berlin and
Geneva), as were the 5th and 6th (Bonn and
The Hague).
Figure: Some Indus Valley Civilisation
Statement 3 is correct: The COP
presidency rotates between five recognized
Source: NCERT (Class XII, Themes I)
UN regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America
Statement 2 is correct: Lothal is also known and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern
as the ‘Manchester of Indus Valley Europe and Western Europe and Others.
Civilisation’, it was known for its rich
cotton producing areas. According to the Statement 4 is incorrect: Till date, India has
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), hosted the COP UNFCCC only once. COP
Lothal had the world’s earliest known 8, held in New Delhi from 23 October to 1
dock which connected the city to an ancient November 2002, adopted the Delhi
course of the Sabarmati river, hence Ministerial Declaration, inter alia, on
facilitating trade. It is believed that the technology transfer by developed
port city had been built in 2200 BCE. countries and the impact of climate
change on developing countries.
Statement 3 is correct: Metal objects found
at Lothal suggest that IVC people had 95. Answer: (d)
knowledge of iron smelting. Two metal
objects excavated at Lothal contain 39.1 Explanation:
percent and 66.1 per cent iron. As per
experts, the latter is an iron object. It The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
suggests that Harappans (people of IVC) has recently confirmed that two
had some knowledge of iron smelting. individuals have been diagnosed with the
monkeypox virus in London.
Statement 4 is incorrect: It is not the only
Indus Valley Civilisation site where rice
Statement 1 is correct: Monkeypox is a
cultivation was prevalent. Rice has also
zoonosis, that is, a disease that is
been found at Harappa, Kalibangan and
transmitted from infected animals to
humans. According to the World Health
Hint for solving: Statement 1 can be Organisation (WHO), cases occur close to
guessed from the knowledge of tropical rainforests inhabited by animals
Geography. Statement 2 is based on current that carry the virus. Monkeypox virus
affairs (Lothal was in the news). Statement infection has been detected in squirrels,
4 is an extreme statement and with basic Gambian pouched rats, dormice, and
knowledge of IVC, can be eliminated. some species of monkeys.

41 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is correct: The symptoms of

States Turnover Turnover
Monkeypox, though less severe, are
Limits for Limit for
similar to Smallpox. According to the US
Goods Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), Monkeypox causes fever at the Normal Rs. 40 lakh Rs.20 lakh
beginning along with headache, muscle Category
aches, back ache, and exhaustion. It also States
causes the lymph nodes to swell
(lymphadenopathy), which smallpox does Special Rs. 20 lakh Rs.10 lakh
not. The Monkeypox virus is an Category
orthopoxvirus, which is a genus of viruses States
that also includes the variola virus, which
causes smallpox, and vaccinia virus, which
was used in the smallpox vaccine. Similarly a service provider in normal
category states needs to register if their
Statement 3 is correct: There is no safe, aggregate turnover exceeds (for normal
proven treatment for Monkeypox yet. The category states) and (for special category
World Health Organisation (WHO) states)
recommends supportive treatment
depending on the symptoms. Monkeypox Statement 3 is correct: The GST council
does not spread easily between people had recently permitted the E-commerce
and the overall risk to the general public is suppliers to register under the
very low. composition scheme of GST. The
composition scheme was introduced with
96. Answer: (d) the intention of simplifying the tax and
reducing compliance costs for small
Explanation: taxpayers. A person who opt to pay under
the composition scheme can pay tax at a
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect prescribed percentage of his turnover
tax which was introduced in India by every quarter.
replacing a host of other indirect taxes.
Statement 4 is incorrect: The government
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Central has plans to bring crypto assets and crypto
Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017 (CGST activities under GST, however, it is not yet
Act) in Section 109 mandates the implemented as of October 2022.
constitution of a Goods and Service Tax
Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT) and its The government had earlier announced a
Benches. The GSTAT is to be the 1% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and a
specialised appellate authority for 30% tax on income from cryptos and other
resolving disputes under the GST laws. digital assets.
However, the GST council has not yet
constituted GSTAT even after five years 97. Answer: (c)
of GST as of October 2022.
The GST council had recently constituted a
six-member Group of Ministers (GoM) Recently, the President of India
chaired by deputy chief minister of inaugurated the Sant Kabir Academy and
Haryana Dushyant Chautala to create a Research Centre and Swadesh Darshan
framework for GSTAT. Yojana. Sant Kabir was born in the city of
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh and brought up
Statement 2 is incorrect: The special by a Muslim couple who were weavers by
category states have a turnover limit which profession. He was a proponent of the
is different from other states. The turnover “Nirgun stream” of the Bhakti Movement
limits for special category states and who lived during the 15th century CE.
normal category states are illustrated in the
table below.

42 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 1 is correct: According to Sant China, while being part of the People’s
Kabir, salvation can be attained only Republic of China. However, Taiwan
through bhakti, intense love or devotion to rejected that proposal.
Hongkong and one country two systems:
Statement 2 is incorrect: All the verses of Hong Kong was leased to the British
Sant Kabir were composed by him orally in Government in 1898 for 99 years by the
Vernacular language as he was assumed to Qing dynasty of China which allowed the
be illiterate. His ideas were compiled in a British to take control of the islands
text called Bijak. surrounding Hong Kong, known as New
Territories. It was promised that the islands
Statement 3 is correct: The major part of his would be returned to China after the expiry
work was collected by Guru Arjan Dev, the of the lease, in 1997.
fifth Sikh guru, and incorporated into Guru In the 1980s, China initiated talks with
Grantha Sahib. Britain for the transfer of the territory. In
talks, Beijing promised to respect the
98. Answer: (a) region's autonomy under the One Country
Two Systems proposal. On December 19,
Explanation: 1984, China and the United Kingdom
signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration in
United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Beijing, which set the terms for the
visited Taiwan recently. In response to autonomy and the legal, economic and
it, Beijing began the largest-ever military governmental systems for Hong Kong post
exercise encircling Taiwan in retaliation to 1997.
Pelosi’s visit.
Today, the one country two system
Statement 1 is correct: India was one of the applies to the Hong Kong and Macau
first countries to recognise Beijing's 'one- Special Administrative Regions.
China principle' - that Taiwan is an
inalienable part of China. Though in the 99. Answer: (d)
recent past relations between India and
China have suffered due to clashes on their Explanation:
Himalayan border, India has maintained
the status quo. Thus, India does not have Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is based
formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, on three pillars namely,
because of its recognition of One-China • Only upto reasonable level of Domestic
policy. Support
• Enhance Market Access
Statement 2 is correct: While following the • Phase out export subsidies
One-China policy, India has an office in Subsidies provided by the government to
Taipei for diplomatic functions (India- the farmers in food, fertilisers, power etc.
Taipei Association) is headed by a senior are considered to be domestic support. For
diplomat. Taiwan has the Taipei Economic ensuring that only upto reasonable level of
and Cultural Center (TECC) in New Delhi. domestic support is provided, AoA
Both were established in 1995. classifies subsidies as Abber Box, Blue Box
and Green Box subsidies.
Statement 3 is incorrect: The idea of “one
country, two systems” originated in 1979 Statement 1 is correct: Green box subsidies
(proposed by Deng Xiaoping), when China are subsidies which do not distort trade
offered to allow Taiwan to keep its and are given by the government in order
economic and social systems, government, to compensate for deficiency in the
and even military in return for agricultural environment. E.g payment for
acknowledging that it was part of the lack of access to research, lack of training
People’s Republic. The policy meant the etc.
regions could have different economic and Green Box subsidies are permitted under
political systems from that of mainland AoA and there are no limits for the same.

43 | UPSC-MOCK-01

Statement 2 is correct: Minimum Support Option 4 is incorrect: The principles of

Price (MSP) provided in India belongs to ‘separate electorates’ and ‘weightage’ were
amber box subsidies. further extended to depressed classes,
Amber Box subsidies are considered to be women and labour under Government of
trade distorting in nature. Hence there is a India Act, 1935.
limit on countries in providing these
subsidies. For developed countries the
subsidy limit is 5% of the value of
agricultural production whereas for
developing countries it is 10%.

Statement 3 is correct: Blue box subsidies

are subsidies which set limits on
production by means of quotas. Hence
subsidies which are tied to programs which
limit production are blue box subsidies.
They are considered to be less distorting.

100. Answer: (b)


The Government of India Act of 1919,

popularly known as the Montague-
Chelmsford Reforms, was enacted by the
Secretary of State for India, Edwin Samuel
Montagu, and the Viceroy of India, Lord

Option 1 is correct: On the home

government (in Britain) front, the
Government of India Act, 1919 made an
important change— the Secretary of State
for India was henceforth to be paid out of
the British exchequer.

Option 2 is incorrect: The Government of

India Act, 1919 introduced Dyarchy in the
provinces, which was a substantial step
towards transfer of power to the Indian
people. Under the 1935 Act, Dyarchy was
abolished from the province and was
introduced at centre.

Option 3 is correct: Under the Government

of India Act, 1919, the Indian Legislative
Council at the Centre was replaced by a
bicameral system consisting of a Council
of State (Upper House) and a Legislative
Assembly (Lower House).

44 | UPSC-MOCK-01
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