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Please Read me !

Hello, and thank you for getting this pattern! It was made with lots of love, and I hope it
will be useful.
This pattern was prepared by me Burcu 😉 @dollsberries
Please DO NOT distribute, reproduce, translate or publish this pattern. This pattern is
for personal use only! Please give credits to the author when posting online or selling
the product.

If you are going to share pictures on Instagram, please remember to:

❖ Add ‘’Pattern by @dollsberries’’ and
❖ Use the hashtag #dollsberries

If you don’t, I would very much like to receive a Picture of your work anyway 😊
For any doubt or question, you can contact me on Instagram!
Enjoy the pattern! Can’t wait to see the result…

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Chain Stitch
✓ The chain stitch is the foundation of most crochet projects. The foundation chain is a series of chain
stitches in which you work the first row of stitches.
✓ To make a chain stitch, you start with a slip knot (or loop) on the hook. Yarn over and pull the yarn
through the loop on your hook (first chain stitch made).
✓ Don’t pull the stitches too tight, otherwise they will be difficult to work in.
✓ When counting chain stitches, do not count slip knot, nor the loop on your hook. Only count the
number of ‘v’s

Slip Stitch (Sl st)

✓ Starting with a loop on your hook, insert hook in stitch and pull up a loop, pulling it through the loop
on your hook as well. The sl st is commonly used to attach new yarn and to join rounds.

Single crochet (sc)

✓ Starting with a loop on your hook, insert your hook in stitch and draw up a loop ( two loops on hook).
Yarn over and pull the yarn through both of the loops on your hook(first sc made)

Half-Double Crochet (hdc)

✓ Starting with a loop on your hook, yarn over hook before inserting hook in stitch and draw up a loop (
three loops on hook). Yarn over and pull yarn through two loops (two loops remains on hook). Yarn
over and pull yarn through all three loops (first hdc made)

Double crochet (dc)

✓ Starting with a loop on your hook, yarn over hook before inserting hook in stitch and draw up a loop
(three loops on hook). Yarn over and pull yarn through two loops ( two loops remains on hook). Yarn
over and pull yarn through remaining two loops on hook. (first dc made).

Treble (or triple) crochet (tr)

✓ Starting with a loop on your hook, yarn over hook twice before inserting hook in stitch and
draw up a loop (four loops on hook). Yarn over and pull yarn through two loops (three loops
remain on hook). Again, make a yarn over and pull yarn through two loops (two loops remain
on hook). Once more, yarn over and pull through remaining two loops (first tr made).

Invisible single crochet decrease (inv- dec)

✓ Insert the hook into the front loops of the next two stitches (three loops on hook). Yarn over
and draw through first two loops on hook (two loops remain on hook) . Yarn over and draw
through both loops on hook (dec made)

Single crochet 3 together ( sc3tog )

✓ Insert the hook under the front loop only of the next three stitches. This gives you four loops
on the hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook and draw it through the first three loops on your
hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook again and pull through the remaining two loops on the
hook. You have now completed one sc3tog.
✓ Indeed that means ‘ triple invisible decrease’

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Changing colors/ Attaching new yarn

✓ With the current color, work the last stitch before the color change up to the last step of the
stitch. Using the new color, yarn over hook, pull new color through remaining loops on hook.

Close the opening

✓ Working in the stitches of the last round, insert the yarn needle from back to front through the
front loop of each stitch around. Gently pull the yarn to tighten the hole. Once the opening is
closed, secure the yarn. Insert the needle back through the center of the ring and taking care,
bring it out at an inconspicuous place on the piece. Work a few weaving stitches before
inserting the needle back through the stuffed piece and out at another point. Cut the yarn.

Fitting safety eyes

✓ Choose and mark the positions for the eyes (or nose) on the front of the face. Insert the shank
of the eye through the yarn from front side to back side. (the eye is on the front side, the
shank sticks out at the back.) Attach the locking washer onto the shank and push down firmly
to lock it tightly. You can use a safety eye insertion tool for doing this.

Invisible join
✓ After the last stitch is worked (don’t slip stitch in next stitch), cut the yarn leaving a tail and pull
the tail through the last stitch. Using the tail and a yarn needle, skip the next stitch and insert
the needle under both loops of following stitch. Then insert the needle into the back loop of
the last stitch made (the same stitch where the tail came through) and also through the
horizontal loop of the stitch (for stability).
✓ Gently tug the yarn so that it looks like a stitch and matches the others. Secure it and weave in
the tail.

Fasten off
✓ After the last single crochet stitch is worked, work a slip stitch in the next stitch. Cut the yarn,
leaving a tail. With the tail, yarn over and pull the tail through the stitch.

✓ Gauge is how tight or loose you hold your yarn when crocheting. This is very important when
crocheting garment so that they will fit a particular size but not as important when making
toys. Your tension, hook size and yarn weight will all affect the size of the finished product.

➢ Rounds are worked with continuous rounds technique.
➢ When working in rows, work through the entire stitch, not back loop or front loop only unless
specified elsewise.
➢ After a chain, always work from second loop from hook if it is not indicated otherwise.
➢ I used craft wire but you don’t have to. It’s up to you. However I suggest you to put a wire or
stick inside neck, so you prevent the head fall down.

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.


➢ Mr: magic ring (or adjustable ring)

➢ ch: chain stitch
➢ sl st : slip stitch
➢ sc: single crochet stitch
➢ hdc: half double crochet stitch
➢ dc: double crochet stitch
➢ tr: treble(or triple) crochet stitch
➢ dec: decrease
➢ inc: increase
➢ sc3tog: single crochet 3 together (triple invisible decrease)
➢ dc2tog: double crochet 2 together
➢ yo: yarn over
➢ BLO: back loops only
➢ FLO: front loops only
➢ ( ) : work instructions within parantheses in same stitch indicated
➢ [ ]..x : work instructions within brachets as many times as directed


YarnArt Jeans 73 (skin)

YarnArt Jeans 90 (red)
YarnArt Jeans 01 (white)
YarnArt Jeans 17 (dark blue)
YarnArt Jeans 03 (hair color)
YarnArt Jeans 75 (light blue)
YarnArt Jeans 74 (light pink)
YarnArt Jeans 28 (black)
YarnArt Jeans 87 (light brown)
A pair of Safety eyes 10mm
crochet hook 2.00 mm
Tapestry needles
Scissors,pins, stitch markers
Fiberfill stuffing
Craft wire as an optional

You can use different colours if you wish. The yarn that ı used is 2 FINE (sport weight,
baby weight, 8-ply). If you choose 2 FINE and 2.00 mm crochet hook like me , you will
have a toy of about 23 cm (9 inch).
2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Start with skin color
Round 1: 5 sc in magic ring =5
Tug tail to tighten the ring. Mark last stitch and move marker each
Round 2 : 5 inc = 10
Rounds 3-6: 10 sc (4 rounds)
Round 7: [3 sc, dec ]*2 = 8
Round 8: [3 sc, inc ]*2 =10
Rounds 9-12: 10 sc (4 rounds)
Change to white color
Round 13: 10 sc =10
Round 14: 10 sc in blo =10
Rounds 15-16: 10 sc =10 (2 rounds)
Change to red color
Round 17: 10 sc =10
Change to white color
Rounds 18-22: 10 sc =10 (5 rounds)
Change to red color
Round 23: 10 sc =10
Pull out the yarn and cut it ( leave a long tail in case some sewing should be needed).
You finished one of arms, now crochet one more cause we need 2 arms. DO NOT stuff
the arms!

➢ Using white yarn,hold the arm; Insert your hook in the first flo of Round 14, join
the yarn (yarn over and pull a loop through flo-stitch and work ch 1).
Note: the foundation chain stitch is never counted as a single crochet stitch. So
your first sc must be in the same stitch with the foundation chain stitch.
➢ sc in each of sts around
➢ Cut the yarn leaving a tail and work invisible join. Weave in the tail.

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Right Leg:
Start with black color
Round 1: ch 6, turn back ; inc, 3 sc , 4 sc in the same st, (from the other side of the main
chain) 3 sc, inc = 14
Mark last stitch and move marker each round
Round 2: 2 inc, 4 sc, 3 inc, 4 sc, inc =20
Round 3: 20 sc in blo =20
Round 4: 20 sc =20
Change to white color and stuff as you go
Round 5: 5 sc, 6 dec, 3 sc = 14
Round 6: 3 sc, 4 dec, 3 sc =10
Round 7-10: 10 sc =10 (4 rounds)
Change to skin color
Round 11: [1 sc, inc, 8 sc] in blo =11
Round 12: 11 sc =11
Round 13: 1 sc, inc, 9 sc = 12
Round 14: 12 sc =12
Round 15: 2 sc, inc, 9 sc =13
Round 16: 2 sc, inc, 10 sc = 14
Rounds 17-19: 14 sc =14 (3 rounds)
Round 20: 3 sc, dec, 9 sc = 13
Round 21: 3 sc, dec, 4 sc, 2 inc, 2 sc =14
Round 22: 3 sc, dec, 9 sc =13
Round 23: 2 sc, 2 inc, 9 sc = 15
Round 24: 4 sc, inc, 10 sc = 16
Round 25: 16 sc =16
Round 26: 1 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 6 sc =18
Rounds 27-32: 18 sc =18 (6 rounds)
Change to red color
Round 33: 18 sc =18
Round 34: 18 sc in blo =18
Round 35: 18 sc =18
Round 36: 12 sc, stop here, do not go on = 12
Sl st 1, pull out the yarn and cut it (leave a long tail in case some sewing should be

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Left leg:
Start with black color
Round 1: ch 6, turn back ; inc, 3 sc , 4 sc in the same st, (from the other side of the main
chain) 3 sc, inc = 14
Mark last stitch and move marker each round
Round 2: 2 inc, 4 sc, 3 inc, 4 sc, inc =20
Round 3: 20 sc in blo =20
Round 4: 20 sc =20
Change to white color and stuff as you go
Round 5: 6 sc, 6 dec, 2 sc = 14
Round 6: 4 sc, 4 dec, 2 sc =10
Round 7-10: 10 sc =10 (4 rounds)
Change to skin color
Round 11: [1 sc, inc, 8 sc] in blo =11
Round 12: 11 sc =11
Round 13: 2 sc, inc, 8 sc = 12
Round 14: 12 sc =12
Round 15: 3 sc, inc, 8 sc =13
Round 16: 3 sc, inc, 9 sc = 14
Rounds 17-19: 14 sc =14 (3 rounds)
Round 20: 4 sc, dec, 8 sc = 13
Round 21: 3 sc, dec, 4 sc, 2 inc, 2 sc =14
Round 22: 3 sc, dec, 9 sc =13
Round 23: 2 sc, 2 inc, 9 sc = 15
Round 24: 4 sc, inc, 10 sc = 16
Round 25: 16 sc =16
Round 26: 2 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 5 sc =18
Rounds 27-32: 18 sc =18 (6 rounds)
Change to blue color
Round 33: 18 sc =18
Round 34: 18 sc in blo =18
Round 35: 18 sc =18
Round 36: 18 sc =18
Round 37: 3 sc , stop here, DO NOT cut the yarn ; now keep on working from here to
join the legs. But before connecting the legs:
Before starting the body, let’s work on the edge of boots and shorts.

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

➢ Hold the legs upside down; Insert your hook in the last flo of Round 3, join the
black yarn (yarn over and pull a loop through flo-stitch and work ch 1).
Note: the foundation chain stitch is never counted as a single crochet stitch. So
your first sc must be in the same stitch with the foundation chain stitch.
➢ sc in each of sts around
➢ Cut the yarn leaving a tail and work invisible join. Weave in the tail.

➢ Hold the leg upside down, using white color; insert your hook in the last flo of
Round 11, join the white yarn.
➢ sc in each of sts around
➢ Cut the yarn leaving a tail and work invisible join . Weave in the tail.
➢ Do not forget shoe laces; using a thin thread, embroider crosses over boots. If
your yarn is not thin, then it looks ugly.

➢ Using red or blue color; insert your hook in the first flo of Round 34, join the red
or blue yarn.
➢ sc in each of sts around
➢ Cut the yarn leaving a tail and work invisible join . Weave in the tail.

Now we are ready to go on with the body

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Round 1: change to red color, ch 2, work 1 sc into sl st of the right leg. 17
sc in the right leg,1 sc in the back side of the chain,change to blue yarn, 1
sc in the back side of the chain, (at this point cut the red yarn, and crochet
over the red tail) 18 sc in the left leg, 1 sc in the other side of the chain,
change to red yarn and 1 sc in the other side of the chain =40
Round 2: work 19 sc and put your stitch marker here. This is the new starting point of
the round.
Rounds 3-7: 20 sc in blue, 20 sc in red = 40 (5 rounds)

Change to black
Round 8: 40 sc = 40
Change to skin color
Round 9: [8 sc, dec]*4 in blo =36
Round 10: 36 sc =36
Round 11: [dec, 7 sc]*4 =32
Rounds 12-13: 32 sc =32 (2 rounds)
Change to white color
Round 14: 32 sc
Round 15: 32 sc in blo
Rounds 16-17: 32 sc =32 (2 rounds)
Round 18: [7 sc, inc]*4 =36
Round 19-20: 36 sc =36 (2 rounds)
Change to red color
Round 21: 36 sc =36
Here, we are going to work on the bottom of the blouse:
➢ Using white color; insert your hook in the first flo of Round 15, join the yarn.
➢ sc in each of sts around ; Cut the yarn leaving a tail and work invisible join .
Weave in the tail.

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Now, we are going to join the arms at this round. (You need to insert your hook
into a st of the arm and a st of the body, then pull through these 2 sts.)

Round 22: 10 sc, 4 sc ( taking one from arm and one from body), 14 sc, 4 sc ( taking one
from arm and one from body), 4 sc =36

Round 23: 10 sc, working in the shoulder [1 sc, inc]*3 , 14 sc, working in the shoulder [1
sc, inc]*3 , 4 sc =46

Round 24: 46 sc

Cut two pieces of wire around 20 cm(8 inch), fold the ends and insert the wires
into the arms as in the pictures.
Round 25: 10 sc, 3 sc3tog, 14 sc, 3 sc3tog, 4sc =34
Round 26: 9 sc, 2 sc3tog, 3 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 2 sc3tog, 3 sc =24
Round 27: [2 sc, dec]*6 = 18

Change to skin color

Round 28: [1 sc, dec]*6 in blo =12
Now 3 rounds for the neck
Rounds 29-31: 12 sc (3 rounds) =12 Neck done, now we start with the head

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Round 1: 12 inc =24
Round 2: [2 sc, inc]*8 = 32
Round 3: [3 sc, inc]*8 = 40
Round 4: [7 sc, inc]*5 = 45
Round 5: [8 sc, inc]*5 =50
Round 6: [4 sc, inc]*10 = 60
Round 7: [9 sc, inc]*6 = 66
Rounds 8-11: 66 sc (4 rounds)
Round 12: [9 sc, dec]*6 =60
Round 13: [8 sc, dec]*6 =54
Rounds 14-23: 54 sc (10 rounds)
Stop and place the safety eyes (10mm) between rounds 13 and 14, 8 sc apart. If
you mark the position of the eyes with pins beforehand, it will be more assured.

Round 24: [7 sc, dec]*6 =48

Round 25: [6 sc, dec]*6 = 42
Round 26: [5 sc, dec]*6 = 36
At this point, stuff the neck and head tightly.
Round 27: 18 dec = 18
Round 28: [1 sc, dec]*6 =12
Round 29: 6 dec =6
Cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing. Using a tapestry needle, pass the tail
through all the loops of the last round and pull. Make a knot and hide the yarn

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Embroider the eyelashes, eyebrows and mouth using thin black yarn. Shape the
nose between the eyes.

You can apply a bit of blush on cheeks.

Embroider a heart under one of the eyes

➢ work 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc in magic ring . Sew ears 7 sc apart from the

Hair :
1st Part of Hair
Work with light yellow yarn.
Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2: 6 inc = 12
Round 3: [1 sc, inc]*6 =18
Round 4: [2 sc, inc ]*6 =24
2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

Round 5: [3 sc, inc]*6 =30

Round 6: [4 sc, inc]*6 =36
Round 7: [5 sc, inc]*6 =42
Round 8: [6 sc, inc]*6 =48
Round 9: [7 sc, inc]*6 =52
Round 10: [8 sc, inc]*6 =60
Rounds 11-19: 60 sc =60 (9 rounds)
This circle piece is the top of the hair. Now, without cutting the yarn, we are
going to crochet 4 hair strands in a spiral way.

➢ Work Ch 32 , turn back, ‘skip 2 and, starting from the 3rd loop,’ work 1 hdc in the
next 30 loops of the chain. Skip 1 st from the circle piece and work sl st into the
next st.
➢ 1 sc, Ch 32 , turn back, ‘skip 2 and starting from the 3rd loop,’ work 1 dc in the
next 30 loops of the chain. Skip 1 st from the circle piece and work sl st into the
next st.
➢ [Ch 4, sl st into the next st] 2 times
➢ Ch 32 , turn back, ‘skip 2 and starting from the 3rd loop,’ work 1 dc in the next 30
loops of the chain. Skip 1 st from the circle piece and work sl st into the next st.
➢ 1 sc, Ch 32 , turn back, ‘skip 2 and starting from the 3rd loop,’ work 1 hdc in the
next 30 loops of the chain. Skip 1 st from the circle piece and work sl st into the
next st.
➢ Cut the yarn leaving a long tail to sew it on the head.

Sew the 1st part of hair on the head

1. Place the piece inside out on the top of the head . First, sew the circle piece on
the top of the head, do not pull tight otherwise it will look bad.

2. After sewing the circle part, it is time to sew the hair strands. Bend 2 of the hair
strands as in the picture and pin them before sewing.
2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

3. Let’s crochet the other hair strands. Ch 35 in light yellow, change to pink yarn(do
not cut the yellow yarn and use it when you turn back), ch 17 in pink, turn back;
skip 2 and starting from the 3rd loop, work 14 dc in the loops of the chain,
change to yellow yarn and cut the pink yarn and crochet over pink tails in order
to hide them, work 36 dc. Repeat this pattern 5 times so in the end we will have 5
hair strands. Leave a long tail and cut the yarn. Crochet one more with blue yarn

You have to crochet another hive hair strands following the same steps as before
with the pink color, but instead of pink you have to use light blue. Then you will
have 10 hair strands ( 5 with blue and another 5 with pink) to do two ponytails.
4. Roll the hair strands and secure the strands.
5. Mark the position using pins and sew them on the head.

Hair ties
➢ Crochet one in pink and one in light blue. Ch 15, turn back; skip 2 and starting
from the 3rd loop; work 13 dc in the loops of the chain.
➢ Wrap the hair ties around the ponytail and sew them.

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

➢ Embroider the belt buckle using yellow yarn.

Embroider a writing of ‘Harley’ on the blouse if you like, but it is optional.

Baseball Bat:
Start with light brown color
Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring =6
Tug tail to tighten the ring. Mark the last stitch and move the marker each round
Round 2 : 6 inc = 12
Round 3: 12 sc in blo :12
Round 4-15: 12 sc (12 rounds) Stuff as you go
Round 16: [dec, 4 sc]*2 = 10
Rounds 17-23: 10 sc = 10 (7 rounds)
Round 24: [dec, 3 sc]*2 = 8
Round 25-31: 8 sc =8 (7 rounds)
Cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing. Using a tapestry needle, pass the tail
through all the loops of the last round and pull. Make a knot and hide the yarn

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

If you have any question about this pattern, do not hesitate to contact me via the
following channel

It would be great to see your work, so please share a photo with me on instagram by
the hashtag #dollsberries

Good luck 😊 !

2021 @dollsberries . All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or
translated, published on internet or offline.

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