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Nowadays, for those looking to advance personally and professionally, English proficiency
has grown to be a significant advantage. Particularly in academic and professional
situations, the ability to communicate effectively in English is essential. But for many
students, learning the nuances of English grammar may be a difficult endeavor since it
necessitates a thorough comprehension of the norms and rules that govern the language.
There are two main points: Firstly, writing skills play a fundamental role in academic
achievement, and the quality of students' writing is often viewed as a reflection of their
overall language proficiency. Secondly, English grammar, in particular, plays a vital role
in shaping students' writing abilities. It serves as the structural foundation upon which ideas
are built, allowing students to convey their thoughts coherently and precisely. Moreover,
grammar proficiency contributes to the development of a writer's voice, style, and
rhetorical effectiveness. Although the significance of English grammar in writing is well
known, further study is required to examine how it specifically affects students' writing
skills. Teachers, curriculum designers, and policymakers can benefit greatly from an
understanding of the connection between English grammar and writing abilities since it
will enable them to create more effective pedagogical techniques and support systems to
improve students' writing abilities.
The purpose of this study project is to examine how English grammar affects students'
writing skills. This study aims to identify the precise ways in which grammar affects the
caliber and effectiveness of students' written compositions by analyzing the relationship
between grammatical knowledge and writing performance. Moreover, the project aims to
a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of writing samples and
grammar assessments with qualitative methods such as interviews and surveys. The study
will involve a diverse sample of students from university educational levels to capture a
comprehensive understanding of the impacts of English grammar across different contexts.
This study's findings can add to the current body of information on English language
instruction by given the exact regions of grammar that have the greatest effect on students'
writing ability. This knowledge may be used to build tailored instructional resources,
curricular frameworks, and teacher training programs geared at enhancing students' writing
skills. Last but not least, this project also hopes that educators and policymakers must make
educated judgments and use evidence-based strategies to support successful teaching and
learning of English grammar, promoting students' total language competency, and
preparing them for success in their academic and professional efforts.
Statement of Research Problem
The impacts of English grammar on students' writing have long been a subject of research
and discussion in the field of language education. This study aims to explore the
relationship between English grammar proficiency and the quality of students' writing. The
research is based on an analysis of various factors, including the role of grammar rules,
sentence structure, verb tenses, and sentence coherence, in shaping students' written
expression. English grammar offers students the opportunity to learn and apply essential
language structures. This process involves a gradual development of their language
knowledge and habits through various levels of instruction dedicated to teaching the
English language. Grammar also has an important role to play in helping students to speak
and write more effectively. The purpose of this study also examine the effects of direct
grammar on the quality of student’s writing skills. The participants in this study included
sophomore. Based on the results of the students’ pre-assessment writing scores through
Write Score, direct grammar instruction was administered to address common errors found
in their writing. The students receive tests about grammar each semester for about four
months. At the end of the four months the students will be given a grammar test. Educators
need to receive more training to increase their knowledge of effective research-based
writing strategies in order to improve the grammar skill of their students. Furthermore,
future research should continue to explore innovative pedagogical approaches to enhance
students' grammar acquisition and its application in writing, thus maximizing their
communicative competence.
Review of Literature
Although we have seen many reasearchers conducted about this problem. More systematic
research is needed on individuals’ collaborative especially sophomore because this level
approached many types of English grammar such as: the foundation of communication
using grammar, construct grammatically correct sentences or use appropriate structures
and conventions which are essential. That is why everyone can understand the important
of English grammar in writing, it's not only enable learners express themselves clearly but
also efficiently. It contributes to a text's coherence and cohesiveness by ensuring that
concepts are presented in a logical and structured manner. This literature review aims to
examine the impacts of English grammar on students' writing and explore the relationship
between grammar instruction and writing proficiency.

Grammar in common teaching

Writing is a very essential skill that will benefit students for their entire lives by helping
them to connect to the world around them. Students struggling with the writing process
develop a negative view of writing as well as a negative image of their own abilities to
conduct written (Diliberto, 2004). Various approaches to grammar instruction have been
explored in the literature, each with its own strengths and limitations. Traditional explicit
instruction involves teaching grammar rules and structures explicitly, often through drills
and exercises. People argue that this approach has been criticized for being overly focused
on form rather than meaning, potentially hindering students' ability to use grammar in
context. Moreover, a more communicative and meaning-based approach emphasizes the
integration of grammar instruction within authentic writing tasks and real-world contexts.
This approach highlights the importance of teaching grammar as a tool for effective
communication, rather than as an isolated set of rules. Research suggests that this approach
promotes deeper understanding and application of grammar in writing.

Grammar and Writing Proficiency

Several studies have investigated the relationship between English grammar and writing
proficiency, providing valuable insights into the impacts of grammar on students' writing.
According to Silva (1993) found a positive correlation between grammatical accuracy and
overall writing quality among ESL students. Similarly, Connor and Farmer (1990)
observed that grammatical errors had a negative impact on the readers' perception of
writing quality. Furthermore, grammar proficiency has been linked to various aspects of
writing, such as syntactic complexity, sentence variety, and cohesion. Besides, students'
mastery of English grammar positively influenced their ability to produce well-structured
and coherent essays. It parallels with students with stronger grammar skills produced more
complex and cohesive texts.

Role of peer feedback and error correction

Peer feedback error correction are critical in assisting students' grammar growth and
writing progress. Teachers' timely and targeted comments on language problems can help
learners comprehend and apply grammar rules. Based on peer feedback and error
correction, learners can combine correction and explaination so that their practicing can be
effective and they can internalize grammartical rules and apply them in their writing.
Abosolutely that English grammar has a substantial influence on pupils' writing abilities.
A sound grammatical foundation allows students to write clear and well-structured
writings, improving their overall writing quality. Both explicit instruction and meaning-
based techniques have advantages, and it appears that a balanced strategy that blends
grammar education inside realistic writing tasks is the most effective. Feedback and
mistake correction are very important in assisting pupils' grammatical growth. More study
is required to investigate the most effective teaching techniques for strengthening
grammatical skills, as well as their long-term effects on students' writing ability.

Research Methodology
Participants in this study included sophomores in the Faculty of Foreign Language of Van
Lang university. The research aims to investigate the impacts of English grammar on
students' writing. The study will explore how students' knowledge and understanding of
English grammar influence their writing skills. This research methodology outlines the
steps and procedures that will be employed to achieve the research objectives.
The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative methods.
This approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between
English grammar and students' writing abilities. The focus of this research was on finding
effective writing strategies that would improve the students’ overall writing quality. During
semester, we review the results of the students’ before giving test about grammar. After
looking at the most common errors found in their writing and reviewing/discussing the
different strategies presented in the PowerPoint presentation, we decided that we would
implement the direct common errors found in the students’ writings and immediately began
implementation some solutions to solve that problem. At the end of the test results, we
completed a post-assessment from the test using the chart to see how their result toward
writing skill. However, the purposive technique will be employed to select participants
who demonstrate a range of English language proficiency levels. The research design size
will be determined based on the feasibility of data collection and the statistical power
required to draw meaningful conclusions.
Data Collection
Quantitative Data: A standardized grammar test will be offered to participants in order to
measure the influence of English grammar on students' writing. This test will assess their
writing abilities, such as grammatical precision, coherence, and organization. The test
results will be examined statistically using metrics such as mean and correlation analysis.
Within two months of first semester in school, the students were given a score baseline
assessment. This assessment was used to establish the student’s initial writing levels using
grammar. The scorers are teachers with a strong background in grammar both speaking
and writing.
a) Quantitative Data Analysis: The quantitative data collected from the writing test will be
analyzed using descriptive statistics to summarize the participants' performance. Inferential
statistical tests, such as correlation analysis, will be used to examine the relationship
between English grammar and writing skills.
b) Limitations: The study may have certain limitations, such as the possibility for findings
to be generalizable to different situations and the time limits of data collecting. The final
study report will recognize and address these limitations.
c) Timeline: The detailed timeline will be developed to outline the different stages of the
research, including data collection, analysis, and report writing. The timeline will ensure
that the research is conducted within the allocated timeframe.
The study technique mentioned above will lead the investigation of the effects of English
grammar on student writing. This study uses a mixed-methods approach to give significant
insights into the link between grammar knowledge and writing skill, so contributing to the
improvement of English language education and curriculum development.
Expected outcome and Contribution

The proposed research will investigate and comprehend the effects of English grammar on
students' writing abilities. The study seeks to give significant insights into how students'
writing abilities are affected by their understanding and application of grammatical rules
through rigorous analysis and empirical examination. The following is a summary of the
projected outcome:

Identification of grammatical Knowledge Gaps: The research will assist in identifying

certain grammatical areas where students tend to struggle the most, resulting in common
errors and shortcomings in their writing. The study will help to devise targeted
interventions to overcome these gaps by identifying them.

Improved Writing Proficiency: By investigating the connection between grammatical

competence and writing quality, the research will help students improve their overall
writing proficiency. The study will inform the creation of individualized instructional
techniques to improve students' writing skills by identifying the grammatical elements that
have the greatest influence on writing performance.

Effective Teaching Methods: The research findings will advise educators and curriculum
creators about effective teaching methods that may be utilized to improve students'
grammar knowledge and writing skills. This information may be used to build instructional
materials, lesson plans, and educational interventions that promote a better understanding
and application of grammatical principles.

Overall, this research proposal aims to provide valuable insights into the impacts of English
grammar on students' writing skills. The expected outcome is to contribute to the
improvement of grammar instruction, writing proficiency, and pedagogical practices,
ultimately benefiting both educators and students in their pursuit of effective written
In conclusion, the purpose of this study project was to investigate the effects of English
grammar on student writing. The study's findings have the potential to greatly contribute
to the field of education by improving our understanding of the link between grammar and
writing abilities among pupils. We can discover gaps in current research and the need for
more study in this area by conducting an exhaustive examination of existing literature. This
research tries to reveal the particular ways in which grammar effects students' writing
ability by investigating several areas of English grammar such as sentence structure, tenses,
punctuation, and word usage. The suggested study technique, which includes data
collecting via written assignments, will give useful insights into the attitudes of learners
The anticipated outcomes of this research project include a comprehensive analysis of the
impacts of English grammar on students' writing, which can inform educators, curriculum
developers, and policy-makers in their efforts to enhance writing instruction. By
identifying the specific areas of grammar that present challenges for students, educators
can develop targeted instructional strategies and interventions to address these difficulties
effectively about English grammar writing skill.
Furthermore, the findings of this study may help to build creative and evidence-based
teaching materials and methodologies that enhance the acquisition and application of
English grammatical principles in writing. This study may also provide light on the
potential advantages of introducing explicit grammar education into the curriculum, as well
as providing insights into the most successful instructional strategies for teaching grammar
in a relevant and engaging way.
Finally, the implications of this research go beyond the classroom, because excellent
writing abilities are necessary for academic achievement, effective communication or
maybe future professional aspirations. Understanding how English grammar effects
students' writing allows us to better equip them with the skills they need to express
themselves clearly and successfully in writing.
This research proposal presents a valuable opportunity to delve into the impacts of English
grammar on students' writing. The knowledge gained from this study has the potential to
inform educational practices, empower teachers, and benefit students in their journey
toward becoming proficient writers.

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