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My interest in exploring the " Climate Change" stems from recognizing climate change as a significant
threat to global economic stability. Climate-related disasters like hurricanes, droughts, and floods not
only displace millions but also wreak havoc on infrastructure, leading to economic setbacks.
Conducting research on this topic promises to enrich my vocabulary and enhance my critical thinking
abilities. Additionally, it will sharpen my writing skills, aiding in better articulation and comprehension.
My approach involves delving into online articles and authoritative sources such as government
organization websites to gather pertinent data. Utilizing this research, I aim to articulate my reflections
and insights in a written report, contributing to a deeper understanding of the profound repercussions
of climate change on the global economy.

Reflection 1

After extensive research, I unearthed three pivotal pieces of data shedding light on the profound
implications of climate change. Firstly, a report sourced from titled "How is
climate change affecting the economy and society?" elucidated the detrimental effects of mining
industries, fossil fuel combustion, and greenhouse gas emissions on our environment. Alarming
forecasts from the World Bank underscored the urgency, warning of a potential surge of 100 million
individuals into poverty by 2030 if immediate action isn't taken.

Secondly, I encountered a poignant poem, "Awareness about Our Environment" penned by Sylvia
Stults, which poetically articulates humanity's exploitation of Earth's resources and the ensuing
responsibility we bear for its degradation. This piece galvanized me to advocate for environmental
consciousness and introspection on personal actions.

Lastly, Michael Jackson's soul-stirring anthem, "Earth Song," resonated deeply, confronting themes of
animal cruelty, deforestation, pollution, and human-induced devastation. It served as a potent
reminder of our collective responsibility and the imperative to support eco-friendly initiatives. These
revelations underscore the imperative for widespread awareness and action to mitigate our impact on
the planet.

Reflection 2

The report titled 'How is climate change affecting the economy and society?' maintained a formal
tone, utilizing accessible language in Standard English, facilitating comprehension. It adhered to a
structured format conducive to understanding complex concepts.

In Sylvia Stults' poem 'Awareness about Our Environment,' formality persisted through the continuous
rhyming scheme, enhancing its impact. The descriptive language employed vivid imagery, enabling
readers to grasp the gravity of environmental issues addressed, thereby amplifying its effectiveness.
Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" video exhibited formal language within the lyrics, presented in
Standard English. The composition, blending elements of blues, gospel, and opera, coupled with an
environmental theme, showcased imagery depicting animal cruelty, deforestation, and pollution.
Through the innovative use of special effects, the video engaged viewers by visualizing the reversal of
time, illustrating the restoration of life and ecosystems, thus heightening its intrigue and relevance.

Reflection 3

Working on this SBA made me aware of humans’ ignorant and destructive ways which impacted the
Earth negatively. My previous attitude was very insensitive and has been replaced with a greater sense
of care and responsibility to change the ways and educate individuals. I was inspired to recycle and
reuse items also started to use compostable items

The SBA process has helped to improve my ability to participate in group activities and to be able to
work persistently. The process has also helped me to be able to conduct research properly and how to
summarize information that I have gathered. This SBA also helped to develop my vocabulary and to be
able to write an essay with appropriate words. I am now more adept in speaking and writing English.

Written report

This SBA was introduced by our teacher in 4th form being taught through the different sections of the
English SBA. Once we understand the concept of the SBA a group was formed by having the similar
interest in the theme pollution and the topic Climate Change was formed. Members gathered together
and brainstormed about what we already knew about this topic. Sub-topics were chosen by the help
of our teacher.

Oral presentation

During the oral presentation, I will share my exploration into climate change and its economic impacts.
I'll discuss key findings from my research, including insights from a report on climate change's effects
on the economy and society, a poignant poem highlighting environmental awareness, and a powerful
song emphasizing the urgency of environmental action. I'll also reflect on how this research has
impacted my understanding and skills, and provide an overview of my written report's content. Finally,
I'll invite questions and discussions from the audience.


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