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Tic Tac Toe:

This is a game where players are forced to put a symbol called an x(if you’re the first player),
and an o(if you’re the second player) in a 3x3 grid, except I’m going to put a twist on it, for every
time a player wins a round, the grid will get increasingly larger in increment of 2 after the 4x4
grid, going from a 3x3, to a 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, all the way up to 10x10, where they’ll be crowned the
Tic Tac toe champion. There will be a score count at the top right corner, as well as the
information telling you when it’s your turn.

The rules are simple, but they will get complicated later on. As previously mentioned, if you are
the first player, you put an x, and if you’re the second player, you put an O. There will be a total
of 5 rounds, one for each grid if you win the first round, you’ll remain as x, but if you lose a
round, you’ll go back to the previous box, and play as O. If you win the round where you were
previously the loser, you will go to the next round playing as X If you’re playing in the first round
or the last and you lose as x, it will bring you to a screen that says “You lose” and prompt you to
try again. Regarding the score pattern, it will reset for every round. If you lose at any round that
isn’t the first and last, as you go down to the previous round, the score counter will reset as well.
In the final round, if you do lose, you’ll lose the entire game and you’ll have to start over from the

For the first round, it will be similar to the original game of Tic Tac Toe, where users will have to
find how to get 3 X’or O in three rows in any of the 3x3 rows, as you move up to the 4x4 grid,
you will be instructed to get 4 rows, and you’re also instructed to play twice to make it easier on
the user, the more you progress. When you reach the 6x6 grid and later on, you are instructed
to get as many 4 rows of X’s or O’s. If you get a full row, you’ll be granted a double or triple
point, depending on which row you are in, (For example, if you reach the 8x8 grid and get a full
row, you will be awarded a quadruple point, and if you manage to get a full row, in the 10x10
row, you will get exactly 10 points).

The design of the game will be as follows: Firstly, you’re greeted with a 3x3 grid for the first
round, and as previously said, you’ll get a score counter at the top right corner and a quit button
at the right bottom corner, If you lose this round, you’ve lost the game and you’re prompted to
try again. If you win the round, it will immediately switch to a 4x4 grid, and the score counter will
reset. If you lose, you go back to the 3x3 grid and play as O, if you win, you’ll continue as X. It
continues to follow this pattern If you win, you’ll go to the next round, and if you lose, you’ll go
back to the previous round, the exception to this rule is if you’re on the 3x3 grid or the 10x10
grid, where if you lose you’ll be prompted to restart the game or quit

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