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Physics Review

Matter: Any substance with mass that takes up space.

Є: The ability to do work.

Work: The process of transferring energy from one place to another or from one mass to
another, or transforming energy from one type to another.

kinetic Є (kinetic & thermal): Energy contained by moving objects that can be used to do
work when the object hits another object and transfers some of its kinetic energy to that
object. The magnitude of an object’s kinetic energy is determined by its (final) velocity
and its mass. There are two types of kinetic Є: Kinetic energy, which is the kinetic Є of
visible moving objects, like a soccer ball, which could do work against somebody’s face
if it hit them, as well as thermal energy, which is the invisible kinetic energy of individual
atoms or molecules, and can also do work, when steam hits a piston in an engine boiler.
(Heat is a measure of thermal kinetic energy).

potential Є (gravitational, elastic, chemical, electric, magnetic, radiant, nuclear): Stored

Є possessed by the object and can be used at a later time; there are 7 kinds of potential
Є: Gravitational, Elastic, Electrical, Magnetic, Radiant, Nuclear, and Chemical.

Power: The rate at which work is done per unit of time, or the rate at which energy is
transferred/transformed per unit time, measured in joules per second, watts, or

total mechanical Є: The sum of the energies present in a closed system, for example,
Єₖ and Єᵍ in our case, which will have a constant sum throughout, given no air
resistance or friction.

Closed system: A space where no matter or Є can enter or escape the system.
(Constant total energy but transformation allowed).

%efficiency: The percentage of energy in its primary form which is converted into energy
in a desired secondary form. ( (Energy out/energy in) *100 ).

specific heat capacity: Refers to the amount of thermal Є required to raise the
temperature of 1kg of a substance 1℃.
latent heat of fusion/vaporization: The latent heat of fusion is the thermal energy that
must be added/removed to melt/freeze one kilogram of matter. The latent heat of
vaporization is the thermal energy that must be added/removed to vaporize/condense
one kilogram of matter. (Measured in j/kg).

Law of Conservation of Є: Law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Only transferred from one object/place to another, or transformed from one type to
another. (Total energy throughout the universe remains constant).

Brownian motion: The idea that all matter at the molecular level is in constant, random
motion. Part of the theory of Brownian motion, proposed by Robert Brown, introducing
this kind of motion.

Kinetic Molecular Theory: Theory, developed from the original theory of Brownian
motion that states that all matter is composed of atoms/molecules, and these building
blocks are in constant motion. Atoms exert forces on each other that keep them within a
certain range, a repulsive force if they get too close, and an attractive force if they get
too far apart. The distance separating the atoms/molecules determines what state of
matter the substance is.

Heat: A measure of the thermal kinetic energy possessed by an object or with your
body’s sensors, the measure of the rate at which thermal energy is transferred from you
to another object, energy going from you to the other object is what you feel as “cold”,
energy going from the other object to you is what you feel as “hot”. And, the speed of
heat transfer determines the amount of “hotness” or “coldness” you feel.

Solid - Strongest force of attraction and closest proximity between atoms and molecules
resulting in a rigid structure. Atoms/molecules move the slowest and the matter does
not change shape or volume.

Liquid - Moderate forces of attraction but the atoms are still reasonably close to each
other resulting in a less rigid structure. Atoms/molecules will move faster and the matter
will take the shape of its container without changing its volume.

Gas - Weak forces of attraction and atoms are farthest apart. Atoms/Molecules move
the fastest and the mass takes the shape of its container and expands in volume.

Temperature: The average thermal energy of all the atoms/molecules making up a piece
of matter.
thermal expansion: Refers to the increase in a substance's volume when it is heated.

Conduction - The transfer of heat by means of the atoms/molecules of different objects
colliding into each other.
Convection - The transfer of heat throughout a fluid (liquid or gas) by the circulation of
fluid via convection currents.
Radiation - Heat is transferred via electromagnetic (EM) waves which travel through
both through a medium and without one. (EM waves can be absorbed, reflected, or
pass through matter).
Conductor: A substance that is effective at propagating heat transfer via conduction.
(Ex: metal).
Insulator: A substance that is effective at hindering heat transfer via conduction.
(Ex: water).
kinetic Є (kinetic & thermal)
potential Є (gravitational, elastic, chemical, electric, magnetic, radiant, nuclear)
total mechanical Є
Closed system
specific heat capacity
latent heat of fusion/vaporization
Law of Conservation of Є
Brownian motion
Kinetic Molecular Theory
thermal expansion

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