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Assignment topic : Various forms of Energy

Participants : Su Myat Lwin

Min Htet Oo
Phyo Pyae San
Mya Youn Mo

Submitted to : British University College

Submitted by : Group(1)

Various Forms of Energy

Energy provides us with the basis for doing work. Before any ‘body’ can do
work, it must have energy. Energy can neither be created, nor
destroyed. It may be transformed from one form to another form, but
the total energy of the system remains constant. Among them, we are
going to present some of energy: kinetic energy, potential energy,
gravitational energy, chemical energy and thermal energy. First of all, I
would like to discuss kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. For
example, moving cars possess some amount of kinetic energy, a bullet
fired from a gun has very high kinetic energy, and so, it can easily
penetrate any object. Thermal energy, Electrical energy, Sound energy,
Mechanical energy and Radiant energy are also accepted as the kinetic
energy. Kinetic energy has the scalar quantity which has only magnitude
but no direction.

Mathematical equation of kinetic energy

KE =½ mv2

KE = kinetic energy
m = mass of the body
v = velocity of the body

Some notes for kinetic energy

1. Kinetic energy is dependent on the velocity of the object.

2. When the velocity of an object is doubled, it’s kinetic energy is
3. Kinetic energy must always be zero or positive value.
4. If the value of velocity will be positive or negative, the square of
velocity will always be the positive.

**The example for note no. 2,

A car traveling at 80mph has four times the kinetic energy of a car traveling
at 40 mph, and so the potential for four times more death and destruction in
the event of a crash.

Mathematical explanation

To calculate kinetic energy,

Fnet =ma
Since ‘a’ can substitute (v2-v20 ) /2d
W=m * d * (v2-v20 ) /2d
Since initial velocity is zero,
W =½ mv2

On the other hand, it can be said that the change in kinetic energy is equal
to the net work done on an object or a system. That is why the formula of
Kinetic formula is:

KE=½ mv2

Potential Energy

Potential energy, stored energy that depends upon the relative position of
various parts of a system. The international system of units of potential
energy is joule. Symbol is ( J ).

Forms of potential energy

Generally, potential energy is of two types namely ( i ) Gravitational
Potential Energy and ( ii ) Elastic Potential Energy.

( i ) Gravitational Potential Energy : The potential energy possessed by a

body due to its position is called gravitational potential energy. The force of
gravity is responsible for this kind of potential energy. As the distance of the
body from the surface of the earth increases, the force of gravity decreases
and thus its gravitational potential energy increases. It is zero when the
body is at infinity, where the force of gravity on the body is zero.

( ii ) Elastic Potential Energy : Elasticity is the property by virtue of which

a body regains its original shape after removal of the external force. The
potential energy possessed by a body due to change in its configuration is
called the elastic potential potential energy. A stretched bow and arrow
system, a cocked-up spring of an air gun, a stretched catapult, winded
spring of watch possess elastic potential energy.

Mathematical expression for potential energy

Let a stone of mass ‘m’ be raised vertically through a height ‘h’, against the
acceleration due to gravity ‘g’.

- Force acting on the stone = mg

- work done in lifting the stone = F * S = mgh

Also, work done in lifting the stone changes the position of the body and
hence, is the measure of potential energy ( U ).
- PE = U = mgh
It has been assumed that when a body is on the surface of the earth, then
the potential energy of the system of the body and the earth is zero.

When the body moves vertically upward, the height of the body from
ground increases, and hence potential energy of the system of the body
and the earth increases and hence, is positive.

Conversely, when a body falls towards the earth, the height of the body
from the ground decreases. Thus, the potential energy of the system of the
body and the earth decreases and hence, is negative.

Gravitational Energy

Gravitational energy is the potential energy a massive object has in relation

to another massive object due to gravity. It is the potential energy
associated with the gravitational field, which is released when the objects
fall towards each other.

The higher up an object is the greater its gravitational potential energy. The
force required to lift it is equal to its weight, it follows that the gravitational
potential energy is equal to its weight times the height to which it is lifted.
SI unit of gravitational potential energy : J/KG ( joule per kilogram)
The gravitational potential at a point is always taken negative and potential
(V) is maximum at infinity.

Value of acceleration due to gravity

- 9.8 or 9.81 or 10 m/s/s
- The acceleration due to gravity is constant
- Value of deceleration or retardation is minus acceleration ( - a )

Mathematical expression / formula for gravitational potential energy

U = mgh

U = gravitational energy
m = mass
g = gravitational field strength
h = height

Chemical Energy

Chemical energy is the energy that is stored in the bonds of chemical

compounds like atoms and molecules. Chemical energy is a form of
potential energy found within chemical bonds, atoms and subatomic
particles. It is the type of energy released from the breakdown of
chemical bonds. Chemical energy may be released during a chemical
reaction, often in the form of heat, such as exothermic reactions.
Chemical energy can be observed and measured only when a
chemical reaction occurs. We can find chemical energy in our daily
For example,
1. Chemical energy in food
2. Chemical energy in wood
3. Chemical energy in photosynthesis
4. Chemical energy in cellular respiration and so on.

Chemical energy can be also converted to various forms of energy such as

thermal energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy, heat energy and so

For instance,
1. chemical energy is converted to electrical energy in a battery.
2. Combustion of coal converts chemical energy to heat energy and
light energy.
3. Gasoline converts chemical energy to mechanical energy in cars.
4. Photosynthesis converts chemical energy to light energy and so on.

Light Energy

Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength.

Light consists of photons, small packets of energy, which are
produced when an object's atoms heat up. Light energy is a kind of
kinetic energy.

Types of Light Energy

There are various types of light energy.They are-
1. Visible Light
2. Infrared Light
3. X-rays and Ultraviolet Light

A. Visible light– Can only be seen through the naked eye. It’s a form of
electromagnetic energy. The source of visible light is the sun. It can
also emit from lanterns, flashlights, light bulbs, etc.
B. Infrared light– is also a form of electromagnetic energy that
produces heat. TV remotes use infrared light. They travel from the
remote to the TV.
C. X-rays and Ultraviolet light– These are short light waves used by
doctors to capture images within our bodies and spot fractures in our
bones. Also, dentists use x-rays to monitor the extent of the
deterioration of the teeth.

How did Light energy travel ?

Light energy travels in waves and it can travel through the air from
place to place and does not carry matter. Light energy is very swift
and is believed to travel faster than anything in the universe. Light is

unable to travel through solids, but it can travel through liquid and gas
as a refraction of light.

Thermal Energy

The energy that is generated and measured by heat is called thermal

energy. This heat is produced by the movement of small particles
within an object. The faster the particles move, the more the heat is
generated. Thermal energy comes from substances whose molecules
and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise in temperature. Kinetic
energy is the energy of a moving object. As thermal energy comes
from moving particles, it is a form of kinetic energy. Heat (thermal
energy) is transferred from one object to another when the objects
are at different temperatures. Thermal energy always moves from
warmer to cooler objects. When thermal energy is transferred from or
to an object, it is called heat.
The thermal energy is usually expressed by Q. It is directly
proportional to the mass of the substance, temperature and specific

Examples of thermal energy

Eg. Electric stoves, campfires, a grill, boiling kettle and a hot cup of

Formula of Thermal Energy

The thermal energy formula is given by

Q = mc ΔT
Q= thermal energy
m= mass of the given substance
c= specific heat, and
ΔT= temperature difference
The SI unit of thermal energy is Joules (J).

Three forms of energy transfer from thermal energy

i. Conduction
ii. Convection
iii. Radiation

The process by which heat or electricity is transmitted through a
substance when there is a difference of temperature is called

Examples of heat conduction

If you leave a metal spoon propped up in a pot, it will become hot
from the boiling water inside the pot.
When ironing a piece of clothing, the iron is hot and the heat is
transferred to the clothing.
If you hold a piece of ice cube in your hand, it will eventually melt as
heat is conducted from your hand to the ice cube.

How heat is transferred in conduction?


During conduction, heat is transferred through the vibration of

molecules in a substance. Conduction occurs when the two things at
different temperatures contact each other and energy directly
transfers from the material in the hotter object to the material in the
colder object at the point of contact.
Conduction occurs readily in solids, liquids and gases but cannot
occur in vacuum.

Formula of heat conduction

Q/t = k A (T2 – T1) / d

Q/t = rate of heat transfer
k = thermal conductivity of the material
A = surface area of the material in contact
T2 – T1 = temperature difference between two materials
d = thickness of material


Convection is the transfer of heat from one place to another due to

the movement of fluid.

Examples of heat convection

Warm air rising towards the ceiling or attic of a house. Warm air is
less dense than cool air, so it rises.

Hot air balloons are able to rise up.

How does heat convection work?

It works when a cooler, denser mass of gas or liquid replaces a

warmer, less dense mass of gas or liquid by pushing it upwards.
When water is boiled, the water moves in roughly circular patterns
because of convection. This motion is due to density differences that
result from temperature differences.Convection only happens with
liquids and gases because the molecules can move freely. Liquids
and gases expand when they are heated as a result, the molecules or
particles expand.

Formula of heat convection

Q = h A ΔT

Q = heat transfer rate
h = convection heat-transfer coefficient
A = exposed surface area
ΔT = temperature difference


It is a process by which energy, in a form of electromagnetic

radiation, is emitted by a heated surface in all directions and travels
directly to its point of absorption at the speed of light.
A process where heat waves are emitted that may be absorbed,
reflected, or transmitted through a colder body.

Examples of heat transfer by radiation

Ultraviolet light from the sun.
X-rays from an x-ray machine.
Sound waves from a stereo.
Electromagnetic waves from cell phones.
How does radiation heat transfer work?

Radiation happens when heat moves as energy waves, called

infrared waves, directly from its source to something else. This is how
the heat from the Sun gets to Earth. In fact, all hot things radiate heat
to cooler things. When the heat waves hit the cooler thing, they make
the molecule of the cooler object speed up.

Formula of heat radiation


Q t = rate of heat transfer
σ = 5.67 × 10−8 J/s · m2 · K4 (the Stefan-Boltzmann constant)
A = the surface area of the object
T = the absolute temperature in kelvin

Thermal energy provides backup power, energy storage, efficient

heating and cooling alternatives. As the earth is experiencing global
warming, thermal energy will become more essential than ever.

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