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Energy Law

What is Energy?

>>>>Physics is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an

object I order to perform work on,or to heat,the object.
1 Is the power to change things.It is
. the ability to do work

2.Energy Is defined as the

ability or the capacity to do
There are 2 Main forms
of Energy
Potential Ener gy= Is Ener gy that is s tored.

Kinetic Energy= Is Energy that is in Motion.

Potential Energy
&Kinetic Energy
Another example:

A car setting at the top of a

hill has Potential Energy

When the car begins to

go down the hill,the
potential energy has
turned into Kinetic
*Differents Type of
1. Thermal Energy= Is created from the
vibration of atoms and molecules within
substances,The faster they move,the more
energy they posses and the hotter they
become.Thermal energy is also called Heat

2. Chemical Energy= Is stored in the bonds

of atoms and molecules.It is the energy that
hold these particles together.Stored chemical
energy is food,biomass,petroleum,and
natural gas.
*Differents types Of
3. Nuclear Energy=Is stored in the
nucleus of atoms.This energy is released
when the nuclei are combined(fussion)
or split apart(fission).Nucleus power plants
split thw nuclei of uranium atom to
produce electricity.

4. Electrical Energy= Is the

movement of electrons(the tiny particles
that makeup atoms,along protons and
neutrons).Electrons that move through a
wire are called Electricity. Lightning is
another example of electrical energy.
*Different types of
5.Radiant Energy=Also known as light energy
or electromagnetic energy,radiant energy is
atype of kinetic energy that travels in
waves.Example,include the Energy from the
sun,x-rays,and radio waves.

6. Light Energy= Is a form of electromagnetic

radiation,Light consists of protons,which are
produced when an object atoms heat up.Light
travels in waves and is the only form of energy
visible to the human eye.
*The Differents type of Energy*
7.Motion Energy=Or( Mechanical Energy)
Is the Energy stored in objects; as object move
faster,more energy is stored,Example of motion
energy include wind,a flowing river,a moving
car,or a person running.

8.Sound Energy= Is the movement of Energy

through substances.It moves in waves and is
produced When a forced makes an object or
substance vibrate.There is usually much less energy
in sound than in other form of energy.
*Differents Type of Energy*
9. Elastic Energy= Is a
form of Potential energy.It is an energy
associated with gravity or gravitational
force.In other words the energy held by an
object when it is ahigh position compared
to a lower position.

10. Gravitational Energy= Is a form of

potential energy.
It is an energy associated with gravity
or gravitational force,in other words, the
energy held by an object when it is
ahigh position compared to a lower
Forms of Energy
Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
Energy of Movement Can Stored Energy
Thermal Energy
Chemical Energy
Energy of moving particles(
heat) Energy storedon food,fuel
Mechanical Energy
Elastic Energy
Energy of object in Energy causing
motion push or pull Sound energy Form of energy we
can hear
Electrical Energy
Light Energy Form of energy our
Energy of particles moving through eyes can
wire detect

Magnetic Energy
Energy stored in object that are
Nuclear Energy
Energy stored in centre particles
Gravitational Energy
Energy stored in an object when it is
about the earth surface
Philippine Energy
>Philippine Energy Law is the philippine law
concerning energy,both fossil fuels and renewable

>Energy Law in the philippine is important

because, that nation is one of the fastest growing
in asia,and has over 80 million residents.
Energy Resources in the Phil.
The Philippine has large reserve of
many natural resources.;
Renewable Energy Source
>>Energy resources that
do not have an upper
limit on the total
quantity to be
used.such resources are
renewable on a regular
basis and the renewable
rate is rapid enough to
consider availability over
an indefinite time.

Non Renewable energy Source

Energy ReSOurcea that do
not renew itSElf at a
SUfficient rate for SUSTainable
economic ectraction in
meaning ful human time
frame SUCh reSOurceS that
wi l l r u n o u t o r wi l l n o t b e
refleniSh in our lifetime.
Effect of energy law in natural resources

The Environment problem Directly related to

Energy production and consumption,Include the

1. Air pollution
2. Climate change
3. Water pollution
4. Thermal pollution
5. Solid Disposal
the emission Of air pollutant From fossil fuel Combustion
is the major Cause of Urban air pollution.Coal mining is
also pollute Water.
• Energy laws givern the use and taxation of energy
for both renewable and non-renewable.
• Renewable energy is energy which comes from
resourses such as
sunlight,wind,rain,tides,and geothermal
• A non-renewable resource is a natural resource
which cannot be reproduced,grown,generated,or
used on ascale which can sustain its
consumption rate.
Heat Energy Transfer
Heat Energy – Is the result of the movement of tiny particles
called atom,molecules or ions in solid,liquid and gas.

>Heat energy can be Transferred from one object to another,The

transfer or flow due ti the difference in temperature between the
twi object is called heat.

>Heat is the transfer of energy from a warmer object to acooler

Without this differnce,no Heat transfee can take place.
>Heat can be transferred in three ways,by conduction,by
convection,and by radiation.Conduction is the transfer of energy
from one molecule to another by direct contact.
‘’Three WAYS of TranSferring
Heat energy’’
Transfer heat energy through gases
and liquids.

Transfers heat energy in solid

Is a method of heat transfer that
does not require particles to carry the
heat energy.
The Laws of Thermodynamics

-the laws of Thermodynamics define

fundamental physical
Entropy)that characterized thermodynamic
The three law of thermodynamicS
1. The First Law,also known as Law of Conservation of Energy,states
energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.

2. The Second Law of Thermodynamics state that the Entropy of

any isolated system always increase.

3. The Third Law of Thermodynamicd staes that the Entropy of a

system approaches a constant value as the temperature
approaches absolute zero.
• Absolute zero:the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible.
• Entrophy:A Thermodynamic property that is the measure of
asystems thermal energu per unit of temperature that is
unavailable for doing useful work.
1st Law of Thermodynamics
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
3rd Law of Thermodynamics

Everything in this world is given by the Lord

That we must take care Of and not abuse Especially
our natural resources
That’s all and thank you verymuch😇😍😘😍🤩

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