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Piner High School STE(A)M Certificate

Documentary: Coral Reef Adventure

Lourdes Sanchez Santana

Presentation Topic: Documentary: Coral Reef Adventure

Presenters: Hosted by
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024

Presentation Summary:

On April 11, I watched the documentary Coral Reef Adventure. It tells the story of
Howard and Michele Hall, two underwater filmmakers who are traveling across the South
Pacific. They take these actions in an effort to study and record some of the most stunning but
critically endangered coral reefs on the planet. One thing I learned is that coral reefs are found in
tropical regions all over the world, primarily in the equatorial areas where the water is warmer.
Furthermore, over half of the world's coral reefs are located in Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and the Maldives, with more than 100 countries having coral
reefs inside their borders. I also found out that corals have been thriving for over 60 million
years. However, current scientific theories indicate that coral reefs may become extinct in around
30 years due to overfishing, pollution, and global warming. This is a critical situation because the
demise of coral reefs can have far-reaching effects on numerous ecosystems, including the
extinction of certain fish species. Moreover, their disappearance might leave the ocean less
magnificent and diverse. They also discussed how the chemical compounds in coral reefs extend
the lives of elderly patients, make childbirth easier, and even reduce chronic pain.


The experience of learning about coral reefs was amazing for me. I liked that this film
was about the ocean and that we saw a variety of aquatic organisms. I also appreciated how
much interesting information they provided us with. This experience, I believe, inspired and
caused me to reevaluate a career path I originally planned to pursue when I was younger. I've
always had a passion for the ocean, so I wanted to become a marine biologist. However, I just
learned that I would be able to work with animals, dive on magnificent reefs, and do lab analysis.
A greater understanding of marine ecosystems would be fascinating to me, but especially on how
to preserve coral reefs. I could educate and inspire others to take care of our oceans and marine
life if I were knowledgeable about this. But I still haven’t decided which path to take. In
addition, there were also a few additional questions I had in mind that weren't answered: Are all
coral reefs in danger, or just some particular kinds? In the situation that they are in, which ones
are at greater risk?

Preserve the Amazing and Precious Coral Reefs

Corals are currently in danger due to our careless hand,

Pollution and greed—a cruel and conscious act.

Acid and bleaching take a deadly toll,

Destroying the reefs and eating away at their souls.

We must make the appeal to save the coral reefs

For the sake of nature, their life, and their beauty.

Minimize our environmental impact, change our wasteful behaviors,

And save this precious gift for future days.

Bring nature back into harmony,

Permit the reefs to grow,

And allow their colors to shine more.

Encourage and inform everyone about the value of reefs,

Which are spaces in which wonders emerge.

Coral reefs, a living symphony,

May your beauty last despite any future challenges.

With our hearts full, we will be your protectors,

Preserving the reefs for future generations.

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