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Charles Kyle Lorenzo C.




1. Look for a news article that tackles a particular sin against the dignity and rights of the human

Nast, C. (2022, February 24). A dark satire about worker exploitation in the
Philippines. The New Yorker.

2. Based on the news article that you have identified, please answer the following:

A. What type of social sin does the news article present and why do you think so?
Such exploitation of workers is the social sin that is evident in the article shows. Exploitation
defines as the act of taking advantages of someone for one’s own benefit. It also generates a
selfish desire to act based on one’s person’s greed. Exploitation is the form of social sin where
workers has low wages, unsafe worker’s condition and doesn’t comply on basic labor rights. This
type of social sin is present in the community here in the Philippines because some people
abused their capacity to the point that it prosper mistreatment and abuse of those people who
are vulnerable or marginalized.
B. What is/are the possible social issues or problems that gave rise to this social sin?
There are a lot of social issues factors that pushes the act of exploitation in Philippines. Some
social issues factors are poverty, lack of labor protection, human trafficking, gender inequality

and weak governance and protection. The Philippines' high levels of poverty have left many
individuals vulnerable to exploitation, particularly in the labor market. Many workers are obliged
to accept exploitative working conditions in order to live due to a lack of job opportunities and
poor earnings. While the Philippines has legislation in place to safeguard workers' rights,
enforcement is sometimes lax or non-existent. As a result, workers are subject to exploitation by
employers that break labor rules with impunity. The Philippines is a country of origin, transit,
and destination for human trafficking, which frequently includes the exploitation of vulnerable
persons such as women and children. Women in the Philippines are frequently susceptible to
workplace exploitation, particularly in low-paying positions with limited protections. They are
also vulnerable to human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Corruption and poor governance in
the Philippines have contributed to a culture of impunity that permits exploitation to thrive,
particularly in areas such as mining, agriculture, and fishing.
C. Quote a particular Social Teaching of the Church you think should respond to this kind of
social problem?
The principle of the "Option for the Poor and Vulnerable," which emphasizes the moral
obligation of individuals and societies to prioritize the needs and rights of the poor and
vulnerable in all social and economic decision-making, is one specific social teaching of the
Catholic Church that should respond to exploitation. This concept is founded on the conviction
that Jesus Christ associated with the impoverished and oppressed, and that Christians are
expected to follow in his footsteps by fighting for justice and solidarity with those in need. The
principle of the Option for the Poor and susceptible in the context of exploitation calls on people
and society to prioritize the rights and dignity of those who are most susceptible to exploitation,
such as workers, women, children, and minorities. This involves advocating for and safeguarding
their labor rights, ensuring access to education and healthcare, and striving to eliminate poverty
and injustice. Individuals and societies may assist to avoid and resolve exploitation in all of its
manifestations by prioritizing the needs and rights of the poor and vulnerable, and establish a
more fair and equitable society for everyone by prioritizing the needs and rights of the poor and

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