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- Delegate Resource Packet (Pages 10 - 17)

- Background Guide
A position paper is what each delegate writes in
order to show their countries opinion on the
debate topic.

The paper also shows what actions the country

recommends in order to solve the issue at hand.
These position papers are important for the
conference because they are the first impression
your chair will have of you as a delegate, and it
serves as your blueprint for what your country is
trying to accomplish at the conference. Position
papers are also a great way to organize your
research, which you can share with other
A position paper has 6 parts:

Opening Statement

National Actions

UN Actions and International Actions

Recommendation for Action (Resolution)

Websites and Research Resources / Works Cited

It is usually 1-2 pages long and is in MLA format (Times

New Roman, 12 point font.

Country: __________________________________________
Committee: __________________________________________
Delegate (Students' Names): __________________________________________

Tips: An image of the UN logo, your country flag, or country seal can
make it more professional,
but don’t make it take up too much space!
Opening Statement
Why is this problem important for the global community to address?
Grab the audience's attention, make them want to listen to you.
Intro to the science, statistics, graphic analysis of the issue.
National Actions
To what extent is this a problem in your country?
What actions has your country taken to try and address this problem?
Statistics, graphs, other important numbers to address the issue?
UN Actions and International Actions
How has your country worked with the United Nations or other
international organizations to address this problem?
What policies has the UN passed to address this problem?
Statistics, graphs, other important numbers to address the issue?
Recommendation for Action
What is the plan of action your country would like to propose to help
solve this problem?
What solutions can your country offer to try and solve this problem?
What would your country like the UN to do to address this problem?
Please suggest creative ideas and funding options to help solve this
global issue.
Websites and Research Resources
"Urgent Need for Shelter Six Months after Clashes Displace Thousands in Southern
Philippines –UN." UN News Center. UN, 04 Apr. 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.
MLA Format

Tips There are websites that will do this for you.

Qualities of a Strong Position Paper
It is obvious that you have done thorough research on your
country’s position

Position papers are very direct. Very strong position papers state
the delegates direct opinion, and their ideas for action. Make sure
when writing your papers that they do not get off topic

Portraying your country's opinion accurately. Remember, in the

conference you are not yourself. You are a representative of an
entire nation of people. Your country may not share your opinion,
but please try your best to
stay in character for the paper (and the conference!)
Qualities of a Strong Position Paper

Be sure to include what your country and the UN has already

done in an attempt to solve the issue. As a delegate
representing a nation it is important for you to acknowledge the
past and how your solutions will build off of these previous actions.

Explain your ideas for a solution. The purpose of this conference

is for delegates from all corners of the world to come together and
negotiate solutions for current issues. In order to do this effectively,
each delegate must write out their ideas for a solution in their
position papers.
General Tips - Helpful Articles
- gives advice section by section
- gives general advice for the entire paper
Research Tips
There are useful sources given to you everywhere - in your delegate
resource packet, background guide

Use reliable sources

Find recent documents/ articles

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