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Name: _________ Class/Section: X/__ Roll No.:____

1. The value of √ 6+ √ 6+ √6+ ¿ … ¿ is

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 2.5
2. If the roots of the quadratic equation 3 a x 2+ 2bx + c=0are in the ratio

2 : 3 , then

(a) 8ac = 25b (b) 8ac = 9b2 (c) 8b2 = 9ac d) 8b2 = 25ac
3. The condition for the sum and the product of the roots of the quadratic equation
a x −bx +c=0to be equal is

(a) b + c = 0 (b) b - c = 0 (c) a + c = 0 (d) a + b + c = 0

4. Solve for x : x 2+ 5 x −¿2+ a−6 ¿=0 (Ans: k – 2 or (k + 3) )

5. Show that the quadratic equation 2 ¿a2+¿ b2¿ x 2+ 2(a+ b)x +1=0 has no real
roots, when a ≠ b.
6. Find the non-zero value of k, for which the quadratic equation
2 2
k x +1−2( k−1) x + x =0 has equal roots. Hence find the roots of the

equation. (Ans: ½ , ½ )

7. Find the roots of the following equations:

1 1 1 1
= + + ; a≠ 0, b≠ 0, x≠ 0(Ans:- a,-b)
a+b+ x a b x

8. Out of a number of some saras birds, one-fourth the numbers are moving
1 1
about in lotus plants, th along with th as well as 7 times the square root of the
9 4
number move on a hill and 56 birds remain in Vakula tress. Find the total number of
the birds. (Ans: 576)
9. For what value of m will the equation 2 m x 2−2(1+2 m)x +(3+2 m)=0 have real
but distinct roots? When will the roots be equal?
1 1
Ans: m< , m= )
2 2

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Class: X Subject: Mathematics Worksheet No. 5 (2022 – 23)
10. If the roots of the equation (b-c) x 2+(c-a) x +(a-b) = 0 are equal then prove
that 2b = a + c.
11. Solve for x : i) ( x – 25)2 = 49 ii) 81 x 4 – 9 = 0 (Ans: (i) x = 32 or x = 18
1 −1
(ii) x = ∨ )
√3 √ 3
4 5
12. Solve for x : −3= x ≠ 0, −3/2 (Ans : x = - 2 or 1)
x 2 x +3
13. A person on tour has ₹4200 for his expenses. If he extends his tour for 3
days, he has to cut down his daily expenses by ₹ 70. Find the original duration of the
tour. (Ans: 12 days)
14. . If a and c are such that the quadratic polynomial ax2 - 5x + c = 0 has 10 as
the sum of roots and also as the product of roots, find a and c.

(Ans: ½ ,5)

15.The numerator of a fraction is 1 less than its denominator. If 1 is added to the

1 2
denominator, the fraction is decreased by . Find the fraction [Ans : ]
15 5
16. Divide 12 in two parts such that the sum of squares of its two parts is 74.

(Ans: 5 and 7)

17. Find the non zero value of k, for which the quadratic equation
kx2+1-2(k-1)x+x2=0 has equal roots. Hence find the roots of the equation.
1 1
[Ans k=3, x= , ]
2 2
a b 2c
18. Find x in terms of a, band c : + = , x≠ a,b,c. [Ans x=
x−a x−b x−c
−ac +bc−2 ab
a+b−2 c
19. Case study 1

Raj and Ajay are very close friends. Both the families decide to go to Ranikhet by
their own cars. Raj’s car travels at a speed of x km/h while Ajay’s car travels 5 km/h
faster than Raj’s car. Raj took 4 hours more than Ajay to complete the journey of 400
(i) What will be the distance covered by Ajay’s car in two hours? Find quadratic
equation representing the speed of Raj’s car.
(ii) Find is the speed of Raj’s car. How much time took Ajay to travel 400 km?

20.Case study 2
In the centre of a rectangular lawn of
dimensions 50m x 40m, a rectangular pond

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Class: X Subject: Mathematics Worksheet No. 5 (2022 – 23)
has to be constructed so that the area of the grass surrounding the ponds would be
(i) What will be the quadratic equation from the above situation?
(ii) Find the length and breadth of the pond.

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Class: X Subject: Mathematics Worksheet No. 5 (2022 – 23)

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