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LOUIS P. HAMMETT, PH.D., Comulting Edim
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The Theory of
y; ‘I
The Kinetics of Chemical Reactions, Viscosizfy,
Dlflusion and Electrochemical Phenomena

i 1 O 1 O j 1 1 1 O

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Associate Professor of Chemistry, Catholic University
of America, Washington, D. C.


K Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of
Y Chemistry, University of Utah




r'__'i' H T" H~ E


One of the major unsolved problems of physical chemistry

has been that of calculating the rates of chemical reactions from
first principles, utilizing only such fundamental properties as
the configurations, dimensions, interatomic forces, etc. of the
reacting molecules. During the decade that has just ended
the application of the methods of quantum mechanics and of
statistical mechanics has resulted in the development of what
has become known as the “theory of absolute reaction rates,”
and this has brought the aforementioned problem markedly
nearer solution. It cannot be claimed that the solution is com-
plete, but one of the objects of this book is to show how much
progress has been made.
It may be pointed out, incidentally, that the theory of absolute
reaction rates is not merely a theory of the kinetics of chemical
reactions; it is one that can, in principle, be applied to any
process involving a rearrangement of matter, that is to say, to
any “rate process.” In this book special reference is made to
chemical reactions of various types—homogeneous and hetero-
geneous—and also to viscous flow, diffusion, dipole rotation,
electrolytic migration and the discharge of ions from solution.
These topics do not, by any means, exhaust the possibilities of
the method: they serve, however, to illustrate its power, and the
-_n|.-|._ _ ._
authors hope that others will be stimulated by what has been
already done to attempt further applications of the theory of
absolute reaction rates.
Most of the subject matter of the present book has been
hitherto available only in the form of papers in various scientific
journals; of necessity, these have been very concise and con-
sequently they may have appeared difiicult to those unfamiliar
with the subjects concerned. The opportunity has therefore
been taken, with the additional space available, to develop the
theoretical bases and to give the practical applications in some-
what greater detail. It cannot be pretended, however, that the
book can be read without efiort: a complete understanding of

the subject matter undoubtedly requires close attention, bu

the writers venture to hope that those who make the necessarj
efiort will be amply rewarded. The most diflicult section, for
readers who are not acquainted with the methods of quantum CONTENTS
mechanics, is probably Chap. II; the book has, however, been PAGE

written in such a manner that the omission of this chapter will Preface. . . . . . . . . . vii
not interfere seriously with the appreciation of the remainder.
Similar considerations apply to the development of the various CHAPTER I
forms of statistics in the first part of Chap. IV. Introduction. . . . . . . . . 1
The material presented here is the work of many minds, more
even than is implied by the numerous references to the original CHAPTER II
papers; the authors desire, therefore, to place on record their Quantum Mechanics . . . . . . . . . 28
appreciation of the invaluable contributions made by their
colleagues and collaborators. They also wish to express their CHAPTER III
thanks to the American Institute of Physics and to the New Potential-energy Surfaces . . . . . . . 85
York Academy of Sciences for their courtesy in allowing them
to reproduce figures and other material from the Journal of CHAPTER 1v
Chemical Physics and from the monograph entitled “Kinetics Statistical Treatment of Reaction Rates. . . . 153
in Solution,” respectively.
KEITH J. LAIDLER, Homogeneous Gas Reactions. . . . . 202
May, 1941.
Reactions Involving Excited Electronic States. . . . 298

Heterogeneous Processes . . . . . . . 339

Reactions in Solution. . . . . . . . . 400

Viscosity and Diffusion. . . . . . . . 477

Electrochemical Processes. . . . . . . 552

Index............ ..601

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— — — —— Iww

\ ..


The Arrhenius Equation.—The modern development of the
theory of reaction rates may be said to have come from the
proposal made by S. Arrhenius‘ to account for the influence of
temperature on the rate of inversion of sucrose: he suggested
that an equilibrium existed between inert and active molecules
of the reactant and that the latter only were able to take part
in the inversion process. By applying the reaction isochorel to
the equilibrium between inert and active species, it can be
readily shown that the variation of the specific rate of the
reaction with temperature should be expressed by an equation
of the form .

lnk=lnA-gfi (1)
where E is the difference in heat content between the activated
and inert molecules and A is a quantity that is independent of
or varies relatively little with temperature. Subsequently, the
Arrhenius equation .( 1) was written in the equivalent form
k ___. Ae—E/RT’ (2)

and it is now generally accepted that a relationship of this kind

represents the temperature dependence of the specific" rates of
most chemical reactions, and even of certain physical processes
(see Chaps. IX and X); provided that the temperature range
is not large, the quantities A and E can be taken as constant.
For reasons that will appear later, the factor A has sometimes
been called the “collision number,” but a more satisfactory
term, which will be used throughout this book, is the “frequency
factor.” The quantity E is termed the “heat of activation”
1 S. Arrhenius, Z. physilc. C'hem., 4, 226 (1889).
T" 1


or “energy of activation” of the reaction ;* it represents the reactants until 1928 when F. London?’ indicated how the problem
energy that the molecule in the initial state of the process must might be solved by the methods of quantum mechanics (see
acquire before it can take part in the reaction, whether it be Chap. II). He suggested that many chemical reactions are
physical or chemical. ‘In its simplified form, therefore, the “adiabatic,” in the sense that they do not involve any electronic
problem of making absolute calculations of reaction rates transitions; it is thus possible to represent the state of an electron
involves two independent aspects: these are the derivation of by a single function applicable throughout the course of the
the energy of activation and of the frequency factor, respectively. chemical reaction. By making certain approximations, London
Calculation of Energy of Activation.—According to the radi- derived an equation (see page 76) that may be used to give the
ation theory of chemical reaction, which at one time attracted variation with interatomic distances of the potential energy
much attention, the excess energy of an active (or activated) E of a system of three atoms, X, Y and Z, each having one
molecule was derived from radiation absorbed by the reacting
uncoupled s-electron; this equation is
substance.” Since a molecule can absorb only radiations of
definite frequency, corresponding to the position of the absorp- E=A+B+C- Q3[(<1—B)’+(B-v)’+(v—<1)’ll“, (3)
tion bands in its spectrum, it is seen that the radiation theory
where A, B and C are the coulombic interactions of the pair of
would require the energy of activation per molecule to be nhv,
electrons on the atoms X and Y, Y and Z and Z and X, respec-
or possibly to the sum of two or more nhv terms, where h is the tively, and a, B and 7 are the corresponding “resonance” or
Planck constant, v is the frequency of the absorbed radiation
“exchange” energies, the latter being the quantum-mechanical
and n is an integer. In other words, the activation energy
consequence of the inability to regard an electron as located
should be equal to a whole number of quanta of the absorbed with respect to the nucleus with which it was associated in the
radiation or radiations. There appeared at first to be some
separated atom. The values of A, B and C and of (2, B and 7
support for this expectation; but it became clear in the course
depend on the distance between the atoms, and by solving the
of time that there is, in general, no correlation between the appropriate integrals it should be possible to obtain a “ potential-
activation energy of a reaction and the absorption frequency
energy surface” giving the variation of potential energy for all
of the reacting molecule, and so this avenue of approach to the possible interatomic distances. The reaction between the three
problem of calculating the energy of activation had to be aban-
atoms X, Y and Z, e.g.,
doned. Although various suggestions were made as to the
nature of activation energy, e.g., vibrational energy, or kinetic X+YZ—>XY+Z,
energy along the line of centers of two colliding molecules, no must then follow a path on this surface; most of the systems
satisfactory alternative method was proposed for the derivation will naturally follow the easiest path. Even though the problem
of the activation energy from fundamental properties of the is simplified in practice by assuming a linear arrangement for
* Strictly speaking, the quantity E in Eqs. (1) and (2) is more correctly
three atoms and a planar one for four, as these can be shown to
defined as the “experimental activation energy,” for it is obtained in prac- be the configurations requiring the minimum energy for a
tice from the linear plot of the observed values of ln k against 1 / T, in accord- reaction involving s-electrons, the exact solution of the integrals
ance with the requirements of Eq. (1); the expression “heat of activation" which yield the separate coulombic and exchange energies is a
should be reserved for a quantity, related to E, to which reference will be matter of very great difficulty even in the simplest case, viz.,
made later.
2 See, for example, J. Perrin, Ann. phys., [9] 11, 1 (1919); W. C. MCC. 3 F. London, “Probleme der modernen Physik (Sommerfeld Festschrift),”
Lewis, J. _Chem. Soc., 113, 471 (1918); Trans. Faraday Soc., 17, 573 (1922). p. 104, 1928 ; Z. Elektrochem., 35, 552 (1929). For other attempts to calculate
See also G. N. Lewis and D. F. Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 47, 1508 (1925); activation energies, see R. M. Langer, Phys. Rev., 34, 92 (1929); D. S. Vil-
F. O. Rice, H. C. Urey and R. N. Washburne, ibid., 50, 2402 (1928); L. S. lars, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 1733 (1930); J . Franck and E. Rabinowitsch,
Kassel, ibid., 51, 54 (1929); F. Daniels, Chem. Rev., 6, 39 (1924). Z. Elektr0chem., 36, 794 (1930).
-_ _-_-a-n.--- ..____.._
—- - - ---'--'- - '. ' " _. .. . '1-.-' ' _.4_._.-
- t.-_.-_. _..A-\...1...-___.... ..=__. ..._.,.___.__.,- _..-_. ___. A 4-T! ' —;— v 7_.-1---\. :4.-a -._-._-|-..¢>_-p-_-.-._.-.1 1- L_ -;__-_.¢, _-y_-4 =.-_._ -\. __ -. _ ‘V II» ;._.I.-___.» . . I .


two hydrogen atoms. The possibility of an approximate solu- but it will be seen in Chap. V that it has led to results which
tion was considered by H. Eyring and M. Polanyi,“ who pro- are in satisfactory agreement with experiment. Although it is
posed what has become known as the “semi-empirical method” admitted, therefore, that the treatment is incomplete, it is
for the calculation of activation energies (Chap. III). The claimed, in default of any better method for the calculation of
total binding energy of a pair of atoms,* e.g., X and Y, is given activation energies, that the semi-empirical procedure may be
by A + oz, and the variation with distance can be derived regarded as an important step forward in the development of
from spectroscopic data and expressed in the form of the familiar the theory of reaction rates.
Morse equation (page 92). By making the assumption that A The Frequency Factor: Collision Theory. 5—The exponential
is a definite fraction of the total A + oz, generally 10 to 20 per factor e-E/RT in Eq. (2) may be regarded as a measure either
cent, varying with the nature of the atom concerned, it is pos- of the probability of the occurrence of the activated state or of
sible to obtain the individual values of A and oz and similarly, the fraction of the total number of molecules that possess the
also, of B and B and of C and "y, for various distances apart requisite activation energy to enable them to take part in
of the atoms. In this way, all the quantities are made available reaction; it is evident, therefore, that the factor A in Eq. (2)
for the construction of the potential-energy surface by means of must have the dimensions of a frequency, so that the product
Eq. (3). The properties of such surfaces are considered in Ae"'-""3" may give the specific reaction rate. One view, which
detail in Chap. III, but for the present it will be sufficient to received support from many workers in the field of reaction
indicate certain aspects only. It appears that as the reactant kinetics during the second and third decades of the present
X is brought up to YZ, along the most favorable reaction path, century, was that for bimolecular gas reactions at least, A is
the potential energy of the system increases at first slowly equal to the frequency of collisions between reacting molecules
and then more rapidly to a maximum, and then decreases as the in the gas; thus, in the case of reaction between two species
products XY + Z are formed. The energy difference between A and B, the specific rate, assuming the standard state to be
the highest point in this path, which gives the position of the one molecule per cc., was represented by the expression
activated state, and the level representing the reactants is k = Z e"””"' cc. molecule"1 sec.“1 (4)
virtually equivalent to the activation energy of the reaction. where the collision frequency, or collision number, Z is given
It is thus possible to evaluate the latter from the potential by the kinetic-theory equation
energy -for the system under consideration, and so the semi-
empirical method gives a procedure for calculating, in certain Z = 0’2A,B [8WkT< )]%2
cases, the energy of activation of a reaction from a knowledge mAWL];

of the spectra of the molecules obtained by considering the where O'A,B is the mean molecular (collision) diameter, of A and
reacting atoms a pair at a time. The method has been subjected B; mi and mi; are the actual masses of the respective molecules;
to some criticism, partly on account of the approximations k is the Boltzmann constant, i.e., the gas constant per molecule.
involved in the derivation of the London equation and partly Since the expression for Z involves T34, it follows from Eqs. (4)
because of the assumption concerning the division of the total and (5) that
binding energy into definite coulombic and exchange fractions;
lnIc=(B+§lnT)—€-1;, (6)
‘H. Eyring and M. Polanyi, Z. physik. Chem., B, 12, 279 (1931). See
also H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 2537 (1931); Chem. Rev., 10, 103
(1932); Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 3 (1938). ‘ See W. C. MCC. Lewis, J. Chem. Soc., 113, 471 (1918); M. Polanyi, Z.
* It is the practice to express the potential energy of a system of atoms Elehtr0chem., 26, 48, 228 (1920); K. F. Herzfeld, ibid., 25, 301 (1919); Ann.
Physik, 59, 635 (1919); C. N. Hinshelwood, “Kinetics of Chemical Change,”
with respect to the separated atoms as zero; in the combined state, therefore,
the potential energy of the system is generally negative. Oxford University Press, 1940; J. Chem. Soc., 635 (1937).
_ 7.--W -_ 4."-qr‘-L_-. .--_-.-- —_:_- -if-»_‘_-_--— ~- ——i:;—-%-;- fi- -—-- - -- - — —
k A _ ,,,__ , A _. _ . ._. ._. - " _
_,___ -_...- _.. -. .. _... __—_—___
-‘M _.._.L‘.'_
.. .._-..._--
- -H-.:_:*_ v_:'-
-----—---. _---“.1: _ - - — - ---
----'—‘--1' --- Li?
- ’=*"‘—" -
vi‘ _* ;'i;f_i;11._i'"'
1.1“-nan-—' -I=I'_'-..-m=-.l-%.::1-'---- ' -_-"-' '--1-'-_---
7Z’ "Ti__.__'___.'T__-_..
-—’ -
._. .
--— ---—-——"-—:' ~ -—
. -._. -'-"'1'"-'3'"
___.‘ -- - '
----- --,-
. W,
.._-_¢.- ;. .=< . _. .~-.-_—-
-was-1--' _.-_1-lull-I-=>~= 1'#—r=—_' A


Numerous other gas reactions have also been found to take
where B is a constant for the given reactants. It is seen that
place very much more slowly than would be expected from the
the frequency factor A, which is related to B + 1} ln T in Eq.
(6), varies with temperature, and the plot of ln Ic against 1/T simple collision theory, and in order to overcome the difficulty
raised by the existence of these “slow” reactions, Eq. (4) was
will not be exactly linear. If the temperature range is not great,
however, the departure from linearity is small, and Eq. (4), modified by the introduction of a factor P; thus
k =__ PZe—E/RT (7)
which is the mathematical expression of the simple form of the
“collision theory” of chemical reaction, may be regarded as where P is referred to as the “probability” or “steric” factor.
equivalent to Eq. (2), the frequency factor being given by the The value of P is a measure of the deviation of an actual reaction
collision number. from the “ideal” behavior of the simple collision theory. Many
Since the collision number Z can be easily calculated, by use attempts have been made, by the introduction of subsidiary
of molecular diameters derived from viscosity data or by being hypotheses, to account for the small magnitude of P, varying
estimated in other ways, and E can be determined from the from 10* to 10-8, in the “slow” reactions, but they can hardly
variation of the specific reaction rate with temperature, it be regarded as adequate.“ It may also be mentioned that the
should be possible to test the validity of the simple collision difficulty is accentuated by the occurrence of reactions, par-
theory by seeing how far the results obtained from Eq. (4) are ticularly between ions in solution, in which P is greatly in excess
in harmony with experiment. This has been done for a variety of unity (see page 435). _ 0 _ _
of bimolecular reactions occurring in the gas phase and in An essential weakness of the collision hypothesis becomes
solution, and in a number of instances the calculated rate evident when reversible reactions are considered :9 for the reaction
constants agree, within a factor of 10, with the experimental
values.“ Gas reactions involving simple molecules, e.g., the
A. + B.—._-: 2AB, A
combination of hydrogen and iodine and the decomposition of for example, the specific rate of the forward reaction should be
hydrogen iodide, are said to be “normal” reactions in the respect given by
that their rates -are in reasonable agreement with the require- IC1 = Z16_E1/RT,
ments of Eq. (4). In general, the rates of reactions in the
liquid phase that involve a simple ion, e.g., the reaction between and that for the reverse reaction by
an ethyl halide and the hydroxyl ion or certain alkoxyl ions, It. = z.@—E=/RT. (9)
are in fair quantitative agreement with the collision hypothesis.
There are, however, many instances of so-called “slow” reac- Consequently, IC1/kg, which is equal to the equilibrium constant
tions in solution, with rates much slower than would be expected of the system, may be Written
from Eq. (4). Reactions of the Menschutkin type, i.e., the K = 7% = e—(E',—E2)/RT’ (10)
addition of an alkyl iodide to a tertiary amine, are typical of
many processes in solution that take place at rates which may
be as small as 10-8 times the calculated values. It was thought, (1932); Proc. Roy. Soc., 131, A, 177 (1931); E. J. Bowen, E. A. Moelwyn-
Hughes and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 134, A, 211 (1931); G- H- Grant and
at one time, that the slowness of many reactions in solution was
C. N. Hinshelwood, J. Chem. Soc., 258 (1933); H- W- Th°mPS°n and E' E'
dueto deactivation of the active molecules by collision with Blandon, ibid., 1237 (1933); H. W. Thompson, C. F. Kearton and S. A.
molecules of solvent; but several of the same processes were Lamb, ibid., 1033 (1935).
shown to ‘occur just as slowly, or slower, in the gas phase.’ 3 Cf. C. N. Hinshelwood and C. A. Winkler, ibid., 371 (1936); R. A. Fair-
clough and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 533 (1937); 0- N- Hinshelwood» ‘ibid-1
‘ For summary, see E. A. Moelwyn-Hughes, “Kinetics of Reactions in 635 (1937).
Solution,” p. 74, Oxford University Press, 1933. 9 A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3. 113 (1937)-
IE. A. Moelwyn-Hughes and C. N. Hinshelwood, J. Chem. Soc., 230

l l
_.H- __- _ - 4 __g _-1--‘*
——77 —_-:- * 71,: _ — 7 __ 7 7_‘__ F __ AWPMJ
_ ____ __,_ "'!i'-'7'
____ _____ ____ _d___u_ __ _ __ _‘__ .__..._... _ , - . _.. __ ___.‘, I-1
_,_ - 7 __ W W _-.._-___,-
_._.,__...._..,___.__.._--._ - —— _. — :_—__ _7. -._ ——_:-:—'-"i- L _:W— 7 _


since Z1/Z2 cannot differ significantly from unity. The differ- is employed, it should be remembered that E, the experimental
ence between the activation energies for forward and reverse activation energy, varies with temperature to some extent, and
reactions is equal to AH, the difference in heat content of the A involves an entropy term.
products and reactants, and so the simple collision theory Unimolecular Reactions.-—Since the rate of a unimolecular
leads to the requirement that reaction is proportional to the concentration of the reacting
gas, i.e., the number of molecules in a given volume, it seemed
K = e—AH/RT,
unlikely that the chemical change could be a direct consequence
which can only be true either at the absolute zero or if the of collisions, since the collision frequency depends on the square
reaction involves no entropy change. If the steric factors P1 of the number of molecules in unit volume of a single reactant.
and P2 are introduced for the two reactions, it follows that It appeared reasonable, therefore, to identify A with the vibra-
tion frequency (v) of one of the bonds of the reacting molecule
kl = P
K = E PiZ e—AH/RT, (12) and to write
k = ve_E”"', (16)
and hence P1Z1/P2Z2, or approximately P1/P2, must in general since ve__E/RT might be regarded as giving the rate at which
involve an entropy term. Since the equilibrium constant K, sufficient energy was made available to permit the vibration to
which is equal to the ratio of the specific rates of forward and become so vigorous as to break the bond and hence lead to
reverse reactions, is equal to e"‘“"°”"', where AF° is the stand- decomposition of the molecule. The view that the frequency
ard free-energy change of the reaction, it would seem more factor A represents a vibration frequency was also regarded by
reasonable to write, as was suggested many years ago, 1° some writers as applying to bimolecular reactions."
The identification of A with a vibration frequency does not,
k = A6-Ari/er (13)
however, overcome the difficulty of explaining how the mole-
= Ae—Aaf/RT eA81/R, (14) cule acquires its activation energy: the views expressed by
F. A. Lindemann," however, received much support. It was
where AFR AH1 and AS1 are the free energy, heat and entropy | I _
suggested that a reacting molecule acquires its activation energy
of activation, respectively. A modification of the collision-
as the result of a collision, but there is a definite time lag before
theory equation, of the form of Eq. (14), viz.,
it decomposes. If, however, the average time interval between
k = Ze——AHx/RT erisf/R (15) activation and decomposition is large in comparison with the
interval between successive collisions, the process is kinetically
has also been proposed to take into account the variation of the of the first order, in spite of the fact that two molecules are
experimental activation energy with temperature.“ According involved in the collision (see page 282). It would appear, in
to the theory of reaction rates developed in this book, the factor these circumstances, that Eq. (4) should give the maximum
determining the rate of reaction is not the heat of -activation reaction rate, whereas it is found in practice that the observed
but the free energy of activation, and equations of the form of specific rates of many unimolecular gas reactions are several
(13) and (14) should be employed. If the simple equation (2) powers of 10 greater than that calculated from this equation.
1° P. Kohnstamm and F. E. C. Scheffer, Proc. Akad. Wetensch. Amst., 13, 1* E. K. Rideal, Phil. Mag., 40, 461 (1920); S. Dushman, J. Am. Chem.
789 (1911); F. E. C. Scheffer and W. F. Brandsma, Rec. trav. chim., 45, 522 Soc., 43, 397 (1921); K. F. Herzfeld, “Kinetische Theorie der Warme,”
(1926); W. F. Brandsma, ibid., 47, 94 (1928); 48, 1205 (1929). Lehrbuch der Physik, vol. III (2), Miiller-Pouillet, p. 197, 1925. See also
11 V. K. LaMer, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 289 (1933); see also V. K. LaMer and M. Polanyi and E. Wigner, Z. physik. Chem., 139, 439 (1928); H. Pelzer,
M. L. Miller, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 2674 (1935); E. A. Moelwyn-Hughes, Z. Elektrochem., 89, 608 (1933).
Proc. Roy. Soc., 164, A, 295 (1938). 1* F. A. Lindemann, Trans. Faraday Soc., 17, 598 (1922).
R7 7_._____i ___ _tfi — 57" _
F I " * 1; -._ ._—_——— M: M77 * T 7 _ _ __ 7_ __.__... __..... ___.. _ . _ . _ ;.-_-- -.- .- - -_ - -- '-‘-"—‘ '——-‘-‘ ‘


It must be remembered, however, that the use of the term
e"E’" to represent the (fraction of the colliding molecules that properties, with the exception that motion in one direction, i.e.,
acquire the requisite activation energy is based on the assump- along the reaction coordinate, leads to decomposition at a
tion that the energy is available in two square terms only, e.g., definite rate. With these assumptions, it is possible to derive
translational energy of each molecule along the line of centers, the concentration and rate at which the activated complexes
as has sometimes been supposed, or vibrational energy. If the pass through the critical configuration of the activated state by
energy from several square terms can contribute to the energy statistical methods, and the product of these quantities, as
of activation, the proportion of molecules becoming activated will be seen shortly, is equal to the reaction rate. It may be
on collision is greatly increased (page 283), and it appears that noted that somewhat similar ideas were put forward by A. Marce-
there is a rough parallelism between the complexity of the lin,“ who considered the rate of a process to be given by the
reacting molecule and the number of energy square terms which rate at which the molecules crossed a “critical surface in phase
must be assumed in order to account for the observed reaction space,” and also by W. H. Rodebush," and particularly by O. K.
rates.“ Superficially, the general theory of unimolecular reac- Rice and H. Gershinowitz,18 who assumed that for a reaction
tions, described above, with certain modifications that have to take place the system must lie in a “certain fraction of phase
been proposed (page 284),“ appears satisfactory; there is, how- space.” None of these authors, however, made use of the
ever, the fundamental problem of why energy from several properties of the potential-energy surface which defines the pre-
degrees of freedom should be able to contribute to the activation cise nature of the activated complex, i.e., the critical region of
energy for a unimolecular reaction but not for a bimolecular phase space, and so were unable to calculate absolute reaction
process, even when relatively complex molecules are concerned. rates. The first successful attempt in this direction was made
Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates.—The method of calcu- by H. Pelzer and E. Wigner" in their calculation of the rate of
lating the frequency factor A, using the so—called “theory of the reaction between hydrogen atoms and molecules, which is
absolute reaction rates,” is elaborated in Chap. IV; it is based involved in the thermal homogeneous ortho-para conversion
on the idea that a chemical reaction or other rate process is reaction. Various other authors?” have also applied statistical
characterized by an initial configuration which passes over by methods to the theoretical treatment of reaction rates, but little
continuous change of the coordinates into the final configuration. progress could be made without a clear conception of the
There is, however, always some intermediate configuration which “activated complex” which H. Eyring showed to be the critical
is critical for the process, in the sense that if this system is intermediate in every rate process. M. Polanyi and M. G. Evans,
attained there is a high probability that the reaction will con- who also treated this problem, suggested the term “transition
tinue to completion. This critical configuration is called the state” for this intermediate phase.“
“activated complex” of the reaction,* and it is, in general,
15 A. Marcelin, Ann. phys., 3, 158 (1915); cf., however, R. C. Tolman, J.
situated at the highest point of the most favorable reaction path
Am. Chem. Soc., 42, 2506 (1920); 44, 75 (1922); E. P. Adams, ibid., 43, 1251
on the potential-energy surface, to which reference was made (1921). See also A. March, Physik. Z., 18, 53 (1917).
on page 4. The activated complex is to be regarded as an 17 W. H. Rodebush, ibid., 45, 606 (1923) ; J. Chem. Phys., 1, 440 (1933); 3,
ordinary molecule, possessing all the usual thermodynamic 242 (1935); 4, 744 (1936).
13 O. K. Rice and H. Gershinowitz, ibid., 2, 853 (1934); 3, 479 (1935);
1‘ C. N. Hinshelwood, Proc. Roy. Soc., 113, A, 230 (1926); R. H. Fowler G. B. Kistiakowsky and J . R. Lacher, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 58, 123 (1936).
and E. K. Rideal, ibid., 113, A, 570 (1927); see also Lewis and Smith, Ref. 2. 1° H. Pelzer and E. Wigner, Z. physik. Chem., B, 15, 445 (1932).
15 O. K. Rice and H. C. Ramsperger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 49, 1617 (1927); 2° R. C. Tolman, “Statistical Mechanics,” p. 259, Chemical Catalog Co.,
50, 617 (1928); L. S. Kassel, J. Phys. Chem., 32, 225 (1928). Inc., New York, 1927; La Mer, Ref. 11. -
* It is sometimes referred to as the “transition state.” See, for example, 21 H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 107 (1935); W. F. K. Wynne-Jones and
M. Polanyi and M. G. Evans, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 875 (1935). H. Eyring, ibid., 3, 492 (1935) ; M. G. Evans and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday
Soc., 31, 875 (1935); 33, 448 (1937); M. Polanyi, J. Chem. Soc., 629 (1937).
9' .' 1' Ii==".'¢’i&‘I$'q‘iEn-nu; ¢viflnv*'i1 1,qL?I,,:,,.


In the foregoing derivation, it has been assumed that all
Consider a process involving the reactants A, B, etc., which
systems passing over the energy barrier proceed to decomposition;
form the activated complex MI in the reaction
for various reasons, however, there is a possibility that some of
A+B+ - - - ->MI->products. these systems will be turned back to the initial state after having
The rate of reaction is equal to the concentration of activated passed through the activated state. It is necessary, therefore,
complexes at the top of the barrier multiplied by the frequency to introduce a factor x, known as the “transmission coefficient,”
of crossing the barrier. If oi’ is the number of activated com- to allow for this possibility. Although K is less than unity in
plexes in unit volume lying in a length 6 representing the acti- reactions involving two atoms, in certain processes accompanied
vated state at the top of the barrier, and 27 is the mean velocity by a change of electron multiplicity and in many unimolecular
of crossing, then 1‘)/5 is the frequency at which activated com- reactions, it is probably close to unity in most other cases. For
plexes pass over the barrier, and hence the present, therefore, it will be assumed that every activated
complex reaching the top of the barrier proceeds to decomposition
Rate of reaction = c1’ (17) with a frequency kT/h and that the transmission coefficient is
The activated complexes differ from normal molecules in the
Thermodynamic Formulation.—If k is the specific reaction
respect that one of the degrees of vibrational freedom is replaced
rate, the velocity of the reaction under consideration is given, in
by translational motion along the reaction coordinate; these
the familiar manner, by the expression
complexes can, however, be treated as normal molecules by
writing their concentration at the top of the barrier as Rate of reaction = ICCACB - ~ - , (20)

C1’ "' C1
h 2
and hence it follows from Eqs. (19) and (20) that

where m* is the effective mass of the activated complex in the It-"T~ C‘

h CACB . .
coordinate of reaction. The factor (21rm*kT)%6/h is the parti-
tion function (page 168) for translation in the reaction path and = .97? K1, (22)
represents the probability of the occurrence of the activated
complex at the top of the barrier. By the use of classical methods where K1 is the constant for the equilibrium, viz.,
the mean velocity (27) of crossing the barrier in one direction,
i.e., in the direction of decomposition, is found to be (kT/21rm*)%,
A + B + ~ ~ - .-J‘-Mi,
and hence Eq. (17) becomes $5 which is supposed to exist between the reactants and the activated
complex, assuming, for the present, that the system isideal so
Rate of reaction -— c; (2Wm?T)%6( kT ) 1 (18)
21rm* 5 that concentrations may be used in place of activities.* The
constant K1 is exactly analogous to any other equilibrium con-
= CI L31’ (19) stant, and hence it may be related to AFR AHT and ASK the
The highly important consequence of the foregoing treatment standard free-energy, heat-content and entropy changes, respec-
is that the effective rate of crossing the energy barrier by the tively, accompanying the formation of the activated state from
activated complexes is equal to kT/h, which is a universal fre- * The corrections to be made for deviations from ideal behavior, as well
quency, dependent only on temperature and independent of the as for quantum-mechanical leakage through the potential barrier and for
nature of the reactants and the type of reaction.” the departure of the transmission coefficient from unity will be considered
=2 H. Eyring, Ref. 21. For review, see idem, Chem. Rea, 17, 65 (1935) ; in subsequent chapters; these factors may, however, be disregarded for the
Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 41 (1938).
r 1

the reactants, by means of the familiar thermodynamic relation-
ships. In this manner, Eq. (22) can be written in the forms with a fair degree of accuracy. For stable molecules, particu-
larly those whose spectra have been elucidated, the partition
k = £111..’ e—AFx/RT functions are known quite exactly; but even in other cases the
values are not seriously in error. The equilibrium constant for
= Fiji.-' 6-—AHt/RT eASt/R’ any system can be expressed in terms of the partition functions
of the molecules concerned, so that Eq. (22) may be written
which may be compared with Eqs. (13) and (14), previously in the form
considered. It is seen that Eqs. (23) and (24) satisfy the require- k ._ khT . FAFfiI. O g‘ 6-30/RT (25)
ments that the reaction rate is determined by the free energy of
activation, but they are an improvement over the earlier relation-
where F1, FA, FE, etc., are the partition functions, per unit
ships in the respect that they give a precise and simple significance I volume, of the activated complex and of the reactants A, B,
to the frequency factor. It should be noted that, according to
etc., respectively, and E0 is the difference at the absolute zero
thermodynamic-requirements, AF‘, AH*7 and AS¢ refer to the
between the energy per mole of activated complex and the sum
free energy, heat content and entropy of activation with reactants
of the energies of the reactants, i.e., the activation energy of
and activated complex in their standard states, although the
the reaction at the absolute zero. The partition functions of the
conventional zero superscript is omitted. The particular
reactants can generally be obtained without difficulty, and the
standard state chosen for expressing the thermodynamic quanti-
evaluation of F; for the activated complex can be made provided
ties must, of course, be the one that is applicable to the specific
that the potential-energy surface of the system has been plotted.
reaction rate. If the concentrations are in moles per cubic centi-
The position of the activated complex, at the top of the most
meter, a unit frequently employed in reaction kinetics, the
favorable reaction path, gives the dimensions from which the
standard state is 1 mole per cc.; but if concentrations of the
moments of inertia can be calculated; and by utilizing the theory
reactants are expressed in terms of atmospheres pressure,
of small vibrations (page 115), in conjunction with the potential-
the standard state is similar to the one most frequently employed
energy surface, the normal vibration frequencies of the activated
in the thermodynamics of gases, viz., gas at 1 atm. pressure. f

complex can be obtained. With this information, it is possible

Partition Functions.—The next step in the development of the
to evaluate the required partition function. Finally, the
theory of absolute reaction rates is to replace the equilibrium
activation energy at the absolute zero (E0) can also be obtained
constant K1 by its equivalent in terms of the “partition func-
from the potential-energy surface, and so all the data are avail-
tions” of the species involved; these may be derived by the
able for the determination of the specific reaction rate by means
methods of statistical mechanics, as explained in Chap. IV.
of Eq. (25). Since the plotting of the potential surface involves
The partition function F of a given molecule, per unit volume,
the use of spectroscopic data only and FA; Fa, etc.,“are also
is a measure of the probability of the occurrence of that mole-
derived from spectral measurements, it is evidently possible,
cule in the specified volume and is equal to the sum of the
at least in principle, to calculate the absolute rate of a chemical
ef""" terms for all forms of energy e, i.e., translational, rotational,
reaction from a knowledge of certain physical properties of the
vibrational, nuclear and electronic, possessed by the molecule, | molecules concerned. Even when the potential-energy surface
each term being appropriately weighted according to the degen-
cannot be obtained, it is possible to estimate values of F; that
eracy of the particular energy level. Provided that the dimen-
are not greatly in error, by analogy with a stable molecule of
sions of a. molecule, from which its moments of inertia may be
similar structure; in these instances the quantity
derived, and its normal vibration frequencies are known, it is
a relatively simple matter to calculate the partition function M‘:_ —- k7,’ _ F: Ag
h FAFB . . .’
m 4.+ *

approximately equal to the frequency factor A in the simple
where the first term on the right-hand side is the partition func-
rate equation k = Ae_E/"T, can be evaluated. The complete
tion for three degrees of translational freedom (page 171) and
statistical theory of absolute reaction rates can thus be used to
the second is that for rotation of a diatomic molecule (page 179).
give both factors, viz., A and E, in terms of which the rate of a
The moment of inertia I of the activated complex is given by
reaction can be expressed; but where insufficient information is
available for the calculation of the latter, it is often possible to _ ...’_”_éZ’l§._ 27
derive the former of these two important quantities.
1_¢%m+mB ()
Comparison of Collision and Statistical Theories.23—In the where 01,3 has here the precise significance of the distance
collision theory of bimolecular reactions the frequency factor is
between the centers of the atoms in the activated state. The
identified with the quantity PZ in Eq. (7), whereas in the statis-
atoms A and B have only translational degrees of freedom, and
tical theory just considered it is virtually equivalent to
so the respective partition functions are
E;£. F. = <28>
The partition function factor F;/FAFB involves certain proper-
ties, e.g., masses, of the reactants in the denominator, whereas
the collision number Z contains similar quantities in the numera- FB = . (29)
tor; it would appear, therefore, that the results of the collision
and statistical theories would be incompatible. It must be It follows, therefore, from Eqs. (26), (28) and (29) and from the
remembered, however, that the activated complex is made up of statistical equivalent of the frequency factor A, that
the reactants, and so their properties also appear in the numera-
tor of F;/FAFB; but, as may be expected, the two methods of
A 2:
W m_ 0%,]; [81rkT (i-—mAmB)
h - FAFB
m+mTi2 (30)
treatment do not necessarily lead to the same result.
In comparing the statistical and simple collision methods of
approach to the problem of reaction rates, it is instructive to which is identical with the collision number given by Eq. (5),
consider first a reaction between two atoms, vz'z., A and B, of as it should be if the statistical and collision treatments lead to
masses mx and mi; and collision diameters ax and 0'3; the collision the same result. It may be pointed out, however, that the
number Z, for a concentration of one atom of A and one of B former procedure gives a clear interpretation of the quantity
per unit volume, is then given by Eq. (5), the mean molecular ax B: it is not merely to be regarded as the mean of the collision
diameter 01,3 being taken as %(aA —l— 0'3). The activated complex diameters of the reacting substances; it is determined by the
for the reaction will be the diatomic molecule AB*; this has configuration of the activated complex. _
three degrees of translational freedom and two of rotation, the The treatment given for two atoms can be extended to reac-
normal vibrational mode possessed by a diatomic molecule tions involving molecules; but as this becomes complicated, oa
being replaced by translation in the coordinate of decomposition. simplified procedure may be adopted. The approximation Wlll
It follows, therefore, that be made, in the first place, of regarding the partition function for
each type of energy as consisting of a number of equal terms,
F __ [21r(mA + ’m3)kT]% §1r2IkT
. ll: h3 t hg ’ ( 26> l one for each degree of freedom. Thus, writing fr, fR and fv 1'01‘
the contribution of each translational, rotational and vibrational
23 Eyring, Ref. 21; C. E. H. Bawn, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 1536 (1935); I degree of freedom to the total partition function F, then
32, 178 (1936); C. N. Hinshelwood, J. Chem. Soc., 635 (1937); R. P. Bell,
Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc., 36, 82 (1939).
F=fififl, lm)
- “* I."-'-‘.""'!'!i§‘~ r— .-__-4:‘- -_,:_ --_f___.;.__._,_=__ _ ____‘ _____ ___ g

both reacting molecules were nonlinear and each contained
where t, r and v are the numbers of the respective degrees of three or more atoms: a similar computation may be made for
freedom which contribute. For the reaction between two reactants of different types, and the results are summarized in
atoms, Table I.
_ FA =ff*, Fa = ff, and F; = f-f<f§; (32,) ‘Q'-
~ - ~.kT..F1Z ...kT.f” FACTOR
" A "' hi FAFB "‘ h 1% (33) Type of Reactant P
I. Two atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 1
and hence the quantity (kT/h)f§,/f{’- may be regarded as identical II. An atom and a diatomic molecule: '
with the kinetic-theory collision number Z2 as shown above. a. Nonlinear complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. fv/jg
If now the most general case is taken, where A and B are non- b. Linear complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (fv/fn)’
linear molecules containing nx and nn (both greater than two) . III. An atom and a polyatomic molecule . . . . . . . . . . (fv/fn)’
atoms respectively, IV. Two diatomic molecules:
a. Nonlinear complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’jv/fe) 3
FA = fi’=fi‘.f%"r°, (34) b. Linear complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 ’j'v/fn)‘
1 1 e

F» = f»"i=-6, (35) V. A diatomic and a polyatomic molecule . . . .. .. ’jv/_fR)4

and VI. Two polyatomic molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qfv/jg)‘

F. = fi'~f%‘if%‘»‘"A+'*B’"’, <36) Interpretation of the Probability Factor.—-The interpretation

the activated complex having one degree of vibrational freedom of the P factors in terms of the vibrational and rotational parti-
less than that for a normal molecule with ni + ne, atoms, Ii, tion functions leads to some interesting conclusions. At ordi-
follows, therefore, that if, as an approximation, the respective nary temperatures, fv is generally of the order of unity, although
values of fr, fa, and fv for A, B and the complex are assumed to if the vibrational frequencies are low, 1I,e., if the atoms are
be the same, then
QkT_ F, ~kT_ fr
A " h FAFB "" hi gig‘ (37)
l loosely bound together, it may be higher. The partition function
fa is of the order of 10 to 100, and so fv/fn is approximately
10"‘ to 10-2. In the case of a reaction between polyatomic
molecules the probability factor should be about 10" to 10“1°:
The collision number Z is approximately equivalent to moreover, the larger the molecule, the larger will be the value
of fe and hence the smaller the P factor. The statistical theory

and so the general case the rates given by the statistical

(%")(§%) l
thus accounts for the low values of P observed for many reac-
tions in the gas phase and in solution: such reactions generally
involve relatively complex molecules. _If one of the reactants
and collision theories differ by a factor (fv/fR)5, I1; has been is an atom or a diatomic molecule, the probability factor will
mentioned (page 6) that in practice the simple collision-theory not be seriously different from unity: for such small molecules,
equation (4) does not hold, and it is necessary to introduce fe may be less than 10, and hence the quantity (fv/fR)3 may be
the probability factor P as in Eq. (7): it follows, therefore, of the order of 10‘1 or 10-2. This explains why the simple
according to the statistical theory, that P may be identified collision theory, with P assumed to be unity, leads to an approxi-
approximately with the quantity (fv/fa)“; thus mately correct value for the rates of the reactions
. 2HI=H2+I, 9
P z (38) and
H2 + I2 =
The foregoing calculation was based on the assumption thar

l l

Processes in which a simple ion, e.g., I", OH", is one of the
reactants also have probability factors close to unity, as may be to the simple collision theory, the reactants are regarded as rigid
bodies with no internal degrees of freedom. But this is true
expected; but it appears that even with relatively complex ions
the deviation from the simple collision hypothesis is not always only if the substances concerned are atoms; and, as seen above,
large. in this case the two methods of approach lead to the same con-
The configuration of the activated complex should, according clusion. If adequate allowance could be made in the calculation
to Table I, have some influence on the probability factor and
of the collision number for the fact that the interacting molecules
hence on the reaction rate. When a linear complex is formed, have, in internal degrees of freedom, energy that undergoes
the rate should be less by a factor of fv/fp. than for a nonlinear changes, the reaction rate would be the same as that obtained
by the statistical method; the fact remains, however, that the
complex, provided that the activation energy is the same in the
latter procedure can be employed without great difficulty,
two cases. If the reactant molecules have to be placed together
in a particular way before they can react, the probability of the whereas no successful attempt has yet been made at a complete
formation of the activated complex will be less than if there is no collision theory, except in so far as the statistical approach may be
restriction, and hence the reaction will be slower in the former
regarded as a collision theory.
instance. There is evidently some correspondence between the Entropy of Activation.25—According to Eq. (24) the frequency
P factors arising in this manner and the steric effects postulated factor A appears to be equivalent to (kT/h) c“SI/R, but this is
by supporters of the collision theory. not strictly correct, since AH1 is not equal to the experimental
A physical picture of the results obtained by the statistical activation energy. It will be shown in Chap. IV (page 199)
theory may be given in terms of the collision theory of chemical that if the specific reaction rate is expressed in terms of con-
reactions. If the reactants are both polyatomic molecules, the centrations it can be represented, for a bimolecular gas reaction,
formation of the activated complex is accompanied by the dis- by either of the expressions .
appearance of three translational and three rotational degrees
of freedom, and the formation of five new vibrational degrees of k :__- 62 %T eA-Sci/R e—E'/RT

freedom and one of translation along the reaction coordinate_

The low probability factor that is found is clearly due to the and
restrictions on the molecule making the energy transitions
involved in the formation of the activated complex. Two k = e2 % eASpt/R 6-3/RT,

molecules possessing the necessary energy for reaction may

approach, but unless the energy can be transferred to the appro- where AS} and ASP1 are the entropies of activation with unit
priate degrees of freedom the activated complex cannot form. concentration or unit pressure, respectively, as the standard
The simpler the reacting molecules the smaller is the number of states, and E is the experimental activation energy. The fre-
degrees of freedom between which energy transitions must
quency factor is thus given by e2(kT/h) e-‘-S3/R, and it is ef
occur, and so the more closely does the probability factor approxi-
interest to see what value the entropy of activation must have
mate to unity.
in order that the simple collision theory should be obeyed, i.e.,
It should be mentioned that fundamentally the collision and
for the condition
statistical theories should always give the same results, provided
that the former were applied in the proper manner.“ According
Z = @255 eA*“°t/R (41)
2‘ Cf. Hinshelwood, Ref. 23; Bell, Ref. 23; R. H. Fowler and E. A. Gug- I

genheim, “Statistical Thermodynamics,” Chap. XII, Oxford University

Press, 1939. - 2‘ Kohnstamm and Scheffer, Ref. 10; Scheffer and Brandsma, Ref. 10;
Brandsma, Ref. 10; La Mer, Ref. 11 ; Wynne-Jones and Eyring, Ref, 21,

- -.-_ _


O1‘ either from the potential-energy surfaces or by making reasonable

assumptions concerning the structure of these complexes. The
Z = 82 ¥ RT 6»-s»*/R (42) entropies quoted are those generally found in thermodynamic
literature, i.e., for a standard state of gas at 1 atm. pressure, and
to be applicable. If the specific reaction rate is expressed in from these the appropriate AS,,1 values have been deduced. In
cc. mole“ secf‘ units, so that the standard state is a concen-
tration of 1 mole per cc., Z is of the order of 10“ for binary TABLE II.~——CoMP.4RisoN or ENTROPY or ACTIVATION AND FREQUENCY
collisions; and since e’(kT,/h) is about 5 X 1013 at ordinary
temperatures, it follows that e“¢i’”, for this standard state, Entropy
should have a value of approximately 2. It is evident, there-
fore, that if the simple collision theory is to be applicable, the Trans. Rot. Vibr. 4 ,
entropy of activation, the standard state being a concentration
of 1 mole per cc. of gas, should be of the order of 1 cal./deg. per
2H __. H2(300°x.) .26 1
2H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52.4 0 0 -14.8 5.3 . . . . ..
mole, i.e., 1 E.U. per mole. Since the collision number involves H21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28.2 9.4 0 ' 1
the square root of the temperature, whereas the corresponding 2C1 —-> Cl4(300°x.) :2‘ A
factor in the theory of absolute reaction rates is directly pro- 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73.2 0 0 -18.0 2.1‘ . . . . ..
portional to the temperature, it is evident that the particular 01.1... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88.7 18.5 0 I
value of AS} which will make the collision theory applicable
H2 + I. = 2H1 (800°i<.)21 .
H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28.2 i ~
depends on the temperature; as a rough generalization, however, I2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42.8 -20.3 — 0.2,~101‘
it may be stated that if AS} has an appreciable positive value 11.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.8 Ni-1 O~'>~.1i~9 i—lQi-4 OOOO <0 1 I
the observed reaction rate should be greater than that given Dimerization of ethylene "
by the simple collision hypothesis, whereas if AS} is appreciably (300°K.):’8 i
72.4 31. 8 1.32 -30.1-1O.01~10"
negative the rate will be less than calculated from this theory. o.H.* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88.8 82.7* 4.* 4*
It has been seen (page 20) that for a reaction involving two Dimerization of butadiene ,
atoms or simple molecules there is a relatively small rearrange- (600°K.)Z29 1 ,
ment of energy between the various degrees of freedom in the 81.2 64.8 81.6 -88.5‘,-17.0.4101"
formation of the activated state: in these circumstances, AS} o.HiiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48.7 51.41 44.0
may be expected to be small, and hence the absolute reaction

* Assumed to be the same as 1-butene.

1‘ Includes contribution due to electron multiplicity.
rate and collision theories give results of the same order. On
the other hand, when reaction occurs between complex molecules order to obtain AS}, use is made of the fact, which may be
and there is a considerable rearrangement of energy among the derived from Eqs. (41) and (42), that for a bimolecular gas
degrees of freedom, there is a decrease of entropy in the formation reaction
of the activated complex and the reaction rate will be lower than AS} = AS,,* + R ln RT (43)
that calculated by the collision hypothesis. These qualitative = AS,,1+ R ln pv. (44)
conclusions may be illustrated by the data in Table II for five In the present case, p is 1 atm. and v is the volume in cubic
reactions of increasing complexity. The separate translational, centimeters occupied by 1 mole of gas at the temperature T, i.e.,
rotational and vibrational entropies of the reactants and of the
'*‘° H. Eyring, H. Gershinowitz and C. E. Sun, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 786 ( 1935).
activated complexes have been calculated by familiar methods
*7 A. Wheeler, B. Topley and H. Eyring, ibid., 4, 178 (1936).
from the appropriate partition functions; the necessary informa- '8 K. S. Pitzer, ibid., 5, 473 (1937).
tion in the cases of the activated complexes has been obtained *° G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. W. Ransom, ibid., 7, 725 (1939).
j 4 i if Q


22,412T/273 cc.; hence, conclusion was reached, along somewhat different lines, by F. G.
Soper,“ and the data compiled by him are recorded in Table III.
AS} = AS} + 20.1 (45)
Since the general arguments given above are applicable to reac-
at 300°K., the entropies being expressed in cal. deg."1 mole-1. tions in solution, as well as to those in the gas phase, some of the
The results in the column headed AS} were thus obtained by former type are included.
adding 20.1 to the values of AS} at 300°K. ; at 600°K. the
corresponding difference is 21.5. The experimental frequency
factors, which should be about 1014 if the simple collision hypo- Reaction 1 P 648/R
thesis is correct, are given in the last column.
In view of the fact that atomic reactions are exceptional, in so Dimethylaniline + methyl iodide. . . — —
far as it is necessary to have a third body to carry ofi’ the excess Saponification of ethyl acetate. . . . . — —
Chlorination of phenolic ethers. . . . ;. .sO1 COO*O\O\~I NUIO COO J.,...
energy produced in the reaction (page 112), it is impossible to Sodium arsenite + tellurate. . . . . . . - -
make any comparison between AS} and the difference between Ethylene + hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . U19‘!-—l'—l—*
the expected and actual values of A; but for the other three Dissociation of hydrogen iodide. . . . UGGXXX :1U1
reactions the experimental data are in agreement with expecta- Isomerization of ammonium cyanate xxx__,
tion. The frequency factor has the value required by the simple Dissociation of nitrous oxide . . . . . . . om l" |-"@@)—l HOCSSNJOQO
I _-

collision hypothesis only if AS}, for a standard state of 1 mole per

cubic centimeter, is zero or has a small positive value: if the The general parallelism between the values of P and eA'“”‘ is
entropy of activation has an appreciable negative value, then the very striking; such discrepancies as exist must be due to the
reaction is slower than the simple theory requires. incorrectness of the assumption that the activated complex has
It is of interest to consider briefly the physical significance of almost the same entropy as the final state.
the entropy of activation: in view of the relationship between Unimolecular Reactions.——The problem of unimolecular reac-
entropy and probability, it is apparent that a negative value of tions is complicated by the fact that few, if any, of those studied
AS?‘ implies a small probability of the formation of the activated are simple processes free from a chain mechanism or other com-
state. lAn analogous conclusion was reached on page 22 from plexity. It appears, however, as mentioned on page 9, that the
a consideration of the rearrangement of the energy among the observed rates are frequently greater than those calculated from
various degrees of freedom that accompanies the formation of the the simple collision theory; the difficulty was overcome by the
activated complex. The two points of view are, of course, two suggestion that several degrees of freedom contribute to the
different aspects of the same fundamental problem: in each case, energy of activation. The statistical theory of reaction rates,
it is clear that every collision with the requisite amount of energy however, requires no distinction, in this respect, between uni-
does not necessarily lead to the formation of the activated molecular and bimolecular processes. If a molecule ABC
complex, and the probability of this formation is an essential undergoes unimolecular decomposition, it will, as the result of
factor in determining the rate of the reaction. acquiring the necessary energy in the proper degrees of freedom
It is to be anticipated that in many reactions the activated in a suitable collision, pass through the activated state ABC1,
state will resemble very closely the final state”; if this were so, which may not be fundamentally different from the reactant.
the entropy of activation AS* would not differ greatly from the The only energy transition involved is the change from one
entropy change AS accompanying the complete reaction. In vibrational to the new translational degree of freedom along the
many instances, therefore, a parallelism may be expected between CO0I'(l1I1&l3€. of decomposition. The probability of the formation
e’-W“ and the probability factor P of the collision theory: this of the activated state, therefore, may well be high; and hence
3° E.g., I. Welinsky and H. A. Taylor, ibid., 6, 466 (1938). 31 F. G. Soper, J. Chem. Soc., 1393 (1935).

the reaction can be more rapid than calculated from the simple results for many unimolecular reactions in lower velocities than
collision theory. would be expected from the simple equations considered above,
The same conclusion may be reached in another manner from is that the transmission coefficient (page 13) is appreciably less
a consideration of the appropriate form of Eq. (25). If, as on than unity. This means that the average frequency at which
page 17, the partition functions are assumed, in the first approxi- activated complexes pass over the top of the energy barrier
mation, to be equal to the product of a number of terms that and decompose will be considerably less than kT/h. The reasons
are identical for each type of energy, the rate equation may, in for the possible low transmission coeflicients will be considered
the simplest case, be written as more fully in Chaps. V and VI.
kT _firiri-? _
'° h f-i~fi’af%""° 6 W’ (46)
the reactant and activated complexes both being taken as non-
linear molecules containing n atoms. The translational degrees
of freedom are identical in initial and activated states, and
those for rotation and vibration will not differ greatly; hence,
Eq. (46) may be reduced to

k = 5,? - ,1; 6-11»/R7, (47)

so that the frequency factor is approximately equivalent to
(kT/h) /fv. If the value is to be the same as given by the simple
collision theory, it should be roughly (kT/h)ffi/fail, and so that
required by the statistical theory is greater by a factor of fi/ffifv.
Since fr is generally of the order of 108, this quantity may be
very large, as is often found to be the case: for reasons given
below, however, the discrepancy is not so large as this result
would imply.
In general, the activated complex will have a looser structure
than the reactant, and hence there will be a greater randomness
of motion in the activated state. Its formation will thus be
accompanied by an increase of entropy, and, as already seen, an
appreciable positive value of AS1 will mean that the reaction
rate is greater than required by the simple collision theory.*
It may be pointed out that not all unimolecular reactions have
high velocities: this is sometimes due to the fact that the acti-
vated complex has a more rigid structure than the initial state
(see page 296), and hence ASI is negative. Another factor, which
* For 5 unimolecular process the specific reaction rate is independent of
the concentration units, i.e., of the standard state, and so AS’; and ASP: are

manner. Suppose it is desired to measure the position and

momentum of an electron; then assume that a microscope is
available in which it can be seen. By illuminating the electron A
CHAPTER II with light of wave length 7\ and observing it in the lens B (Fig. 1),
the position may be found, according to optical theory, with an
QUANTUM MECHANICS - accuracy of 71/sin 0, where 0 is the aperture of the lens. If 2:
THE SCHRODINGER WAVE EQUATION represents a coordinate of position, then
the uncertainty Ax of measurement is 0B
Duality of Radiation.—The fact that light can be diffracted given by
suggests that radiation is a wave motion; but, on the other hand,
photoelectric phenomena and the Compton effect‘ indicate that A
radiation is propagated in the form of corpuscles, generally called A” " aw‘ <1)
“ photons.” A possible method of resolving the paradox becomes In order to determine the position
apparent when the means whereby the different properties are accurately, Ax should be as small as Light
detected are considered. If the method of detection involves possible; i.e., A must be small, and jg 5 A
an object of appreciable size in comparison with the so-called light of short wave length, e.g., ~y-rays, F‘°' P°*‘i‘
wave length of the radiation, as is the case with a diffraction should be used. In these circumstances, '
grating, the undulatory properties are evident, but when the however, the Compton effect becomes appreciable; the electron
detector is small, e.g., an electron in the Compton effect, the undergoes a recoil as a result of impact with the -y-ray photon, and
radiation behaves as a stream of particles. This conclusion its momentum is thereby changed. A photon behaves as a
can be put in another way: if the radiation may be regarded particle of momentum mc, where c is the velocity of light, and
as a stream of photons, then the use of an electron as a measuring since the mass in and energy E of a particle are connected by
device allows the position of the photons to be determined almost the relativity relationship E = me”, it follows that
exactly. When a ruled grating or thin slit is employed, however,
the direction of the photon stream is no longer definite, and the E
diffraction pattern obtained is an expression of the uncertainty
involved. It should be noted, however, that whereas in the
Compton experiment the position of the photon can be found, p being the momentum of the photon. By the quantum theory,
the impact with the electron results in a change of momentum, E = hv where h is Planck’s constant and v is the frequency of
which means, as will be seen below, that the wave length cannot the radiation, and since the product of frequency and wave
be measured with any exactness. With a grating, however, the length (X) gives the velocity of light, it follows from Eq. (2) that
wave length, or momentum, can be obtained accurately but, hv h
as seen above, the position of the photon is uncertain. It P"-'5,-;,-X‘ (3)
appears, therefore, that there is, in general, an inverse relation-
ship between the accuracy of measurement of the position and After the impact, however, the scattered photon has a momentum
momentum, or wave length, of a photon. different from h/A; but it will still pass through the microscope
The Uncertainty Principle.’—-The same conclusion may be lens and be brought to a focus, provided that the momentum
reached for other particles, e.g., electrons, in a somewhat different lies within the range (1 — sin 0)h/A and (1 + sin 0)h/X. It
1 A. H. Compton, Phys. Rev., 21, 483 (1932); 22, 409 (1923). follows, therefore, that the transfer of momentum less than
* W. Heisenberg, Z. Physik, 43, 172 (1927). i (sin 6)h/A from the photon to the electron could not be
detected in the microscope; and hence there will be an uncer- particle properties by saying that the photon is not definitely in
tainty Ap of (sin 0)2h/A in the momentum of the electron; i.e., any part of the wave, but the probability of finding it at any point
AP = (Sl11)\0)2h. (4) is given by the square of the amplitude, i.e., by w2, at that point.
Even before the enunciation by Heisenberg of the uncertainty
principle, L. de Broglie3 had suggested that electrons behave like
The product of the uncertainties of position and momentum is photons and are accompanied by waves controlling their motion,
thus given by just as photons could be regarded as being controlled by electro-
Ax Ap = 2h (5) magnetic waves. In other words, according to de Broglie, an
electron beam might be expected, under suitable conditions, to
and hence is independent of the wave length of the light. Any
exhibit properties, such as diffraction, that are associated with
attempt to gain accuracy of position, therefore, by the use of
wave propagation. If the relationship (3) for the momentum,
light of short wave length, will be offset by a loss of accuracy
vz'z., p = h/X, deduced for light waves, may be assumed to hold
in the determination of momentum. If the latter is measured
for electrons, then since p is also equal to mv, where m is the mass
accurately, by means of light of long wave length, the position
and v the velocity of the electron, the effective wave length of the
can be obtained only with great uncertainty. The relationship
electron beam should be given by
concerning the uncertainty in the determination of conjugate
variables, such as position and momentum or energy and time, h
is quite general, and the product of the two quantities is always
approximately of the order of Planck’s constant, so that
These remarkable suggestions were confirmed, shortly after they
Ap Aq z h. (6) were put forward, by the work of L. H. Germer and C. Davisson‘
and of G. P. -Thomson? it was shown thatan electron beam could
This is the expression of Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle,”
be diffracted and that the apparent wave length obtained from
which has been assumed to be a fundamental law of nature.
the results was in excellent agreement with that calculated from
Electrons as Waves.—The acceptance of the uncertainty
Eq. (8).
principle means that the old mechanics must be discarded,
The Wave Equation.—On the assumption that the wave
since it is no longer possible to assign a definite position and
equation for an electron or other small particle is similar to that
momentum to a particle. The discrepancy is not serious for
for a photon, Eq. (7) may be written in the form
objects of reasonable size, but for small particles, such as elec-
trons, a new mechanics must be used in which a function is 62¢ 62¢ 82¢ 1 82¢
employed expressing the probability of a particle of given momen- W+W+az2 "..:2'@i2’ (9)
tum being at a given point, since it is not possible to say that it is
where u is the velocity of propagation of the electron 'waves* and <I>
at the point. The properties of light were explained by Clerk
is the amplitude: if the latter is real, <I>2 da: dy dz, abbreviated to
Maxwell on the assumption that the radiations consisted of <I>’ d-r, is the probability of finding an electron in the volume
electromagnetic disturbances obeying the general wave equation element dx dy dz, or dr, of the configuration space at the time t.
62w 62w 62w _, 1 _ 62w
3 L. de Broglie, Ann. phys., [10], 3, 22 (1925).
T25 + 6y” + 625 c2 6t2I’ (7) ‘ C. Davisson and L. H. Germer, Phys. Rev., 30, 707 (1927).
where a:,'y and z are coordinates of position, c is the velocity of ‘ G. P. Thomson, Nature, 119, 890 (1927); Proc. Roy. Soc., 117A, 600
light, and w is the amplitude of the wave which is a function of 2:, y
* Sometimes called the phase velocity; it is equal to the velocity of light
and z, and of the time t. This view can be correlated with the squared divided by the velocity of the electron.

‘ l
The velocity u may be replaced by Av, where v is the frequency ALGEBRA or OPERATORS
and A the wave length of the electron waves; and since p = h/A
as derived above, and E = hv by the quantum theory, it follows’ Operator Algebra .-—F or th e f ur ther d evelopment of the
that subject 9 it is desirable to understand
_ the algebra. of operators, and
E hence a short digression will ‘be made for this purpese. ‘If a
U =1 V =—
pr ( 10 ) function u of certain variables 1S changed .1I1t(‘) another unction v
and substitution in Eq. (9) gives of the same or other variables, by the application of adefinite rule,
then the process is called an “operation,” represented by
62¢ 62¢ 62¢ _ pa _62<I> Fu = v, (17)
wtwtw Wmf “U
If the waves have the form of standing waves, such as those on a where F is the symbol for the operator, u is the operand and v 18
string, then <I> must obey the relationship the result.* A simple operation, for example, is to multiply a
function f(x) of an independent variable :1: by that variable: then
<I> = ¢(:z:, y, z) (A cos 21rvt + B sin 21rvt), (12) the operator A is defined by
where ¢(:i:, y, z) is a function of sc, y and z only, and A and B are Q Af(x) = :i:f(a:). (18)
constant.* Upon inserting Eq. (12) into (11) the result is
Another operator, e.g., B, is differentiation with respect to the
62¢ 62¢ 62¢ 4 2 2 independent variable, so that
Q + 6,, + .62, 1,3’ ll’, <13)
so that t has been eliminated. If V is the potential energy of the
B/<4) = <19)
particle, then the kinetic energy T is equal to E — V: further,
Operations are not limited to functions of one variable; e.g., a
function of two independent variables may be differentiated with
T = i-mo” = 52%; (14) respect to one of them. Thus,
<>re.y> = <2")
I 2m
An important operator is the Laplacian operator V’ called “del
and substitution for p2 in Eq. (13) gives squared,” which is represented by
62 62 62]‘
6 62¢ 62 82
(16) V2f($,?/,2) = 5,6 + 555 + 5;‘ (21)
This relationship, which, for a single particle, is known as the The Schredinger equation (16) may thus be written in the form
Schredinger equation, forms the basis of wave mechanics.“
Va), + 81r2m
-H; (E — V)¢ = 0. (22)
* If either A or B is imaginary, the probability distribution function is <I>¢
instead of <I>2, where 5 is the complex conjugate of <I>. The quantity <15 and The sum S of two operators A and B is defined by
similar products are sometimes written |<I>,|-2, where the symbol |<I>| stands for
the “modulus” or “absolute value” of <I>. sf(<,;) = (A + B)f(£l3) = Aftv) + Bf(w). (23)
° E. Schredinger, Ann. Physik, 79, 361 (1926) ; see also idem, ibid., 79, 489; =i= Equation ( 17) should be read “the operation F applied to the function u
80, 437; 81, 109 (1926).
gives the function v.’ ’
and the product P of the same two operators would be given by
If A and B are linear operators, then it can be readily shown
Pf(Iv) = ABf(I) = AlBf(=v)l- _ (24) that linear functions of these operators, such as
This means that the function f(:i:) is first operated on by B and S = C1A + 02B,

then A operates on the result. If A and B are as defined by and products, for example,
Eqs. (18) and (19) above, then
P = c3AB, (32)

AB/a) = = = (25) where ci, 02 and cs are arbitrary constants, are also linear operators.
An important property of certain equations involving linear
If the successive application of two operators produces no change operators is that any linear combination of separate solutions
in the operand, then they are said to be reciprocals of each other: of the equation is also a solution. Let A be a linear operator
they can be represented by A and A-1, for example. so that involving only the same variables, e.g., xi, xi, . . . , a:,,, as does
the operand f(xi, xi, . . . , :z:,.)—abbreviated to f(x)—and sup-
AA-1 = A-1A = I, (26) pose the relationship
where I is known as the “identity operator.” Successive applica-
tion of the same operator is written A", where n is the number of
Af(I1=) = 0 (33)
times A is applied: for example, if A is 6/6:1: then A2 is 62/62:’, i.e., applies. If fi(x) and f2(a:), which are also functions of the same
the second derivative of the function. variables are solutions of this equation, then
It should be noted that the order in which two different Af,(2:) = O and 1 Af2(:z:) = 0' (34)
operators is applied is of importance: in the case given in Eq. (25),
for example, ABf(:i:) is different from BAf(:i:), for the latter is hence, by Eq. (29) it follows that . ,
¢1Af1(Iv) + ¢2Af2(fv) = Al<>1f1(rv) + ¢2f2(fv)l = 0, (35)
Baa) = 5"; [wf(r>l = re) + 4 (21) and so c,fi(x) + c2f2(a:), which is a linear combination of the
If A and B were such that AB and BA are equal, then the operators simple solutions fi(x) and f2(x), is also a solution of (33). This
would be said to “commute”: in the illustration given, however, general rule can be extended to any number of simple solutions
the operators do not commute, and the difference AB — BA is of the original equation.
called the “commutator” of the operators A and B. Hermitian Operators.—If ui and a2 are functions of the
Linear Operators.—An operator is said to be linear if its variables xi, . . . , x.. belonging to a definite class, i.e., if the
application to the sum of two or more operands gives the sum functions satisfy certain specific conditions such as those given
of the results of applying the operator to each operand separately: below, then an appropriate operator A is Hermitian if the
thus, for a linear operator A, following relationship holds:* '

Al-f1(x) = Afi(97) + Af2(Il3); (28)

and if c 1S an arbitrary constant, real or complex. then
or in the abbreviated form
A¢f(11) = ¢Af(w)- (29) ' f 111.41.. dr = f ii.Ka,d¢, (36a)
Combination of Eqs. (28) and (29) shows that for a linear operator
* To obtain the right-hand side of Eq. (36) from the left-hand the posi-
tions of the functions ui and u, are exchanged. giving iZ¢Aui, and then the
Al<=if1(=v) + ef.(w>1 = C1Af1($) + c.A;.(i). (80) complex conjugate of the whole is. taken.
where the bar over the top of a symbol indicates the complex
The limits of integration depend upon the class of function f iZ2(ABu1) d¢ = f u,(i8Ia.) dr. (41)
concerned. In quantum mechanics the functions of particular
interest are those which are single-valued and continuous in the If the product AB is to be Hermitian, then
complete range of variables, which may include infinity. The f ’U,2(AB’u.i) d4 H f ’tli(ABu2) dr. (42)
squares of the absolute values of the functions, e.g., |¢|2, must
be finite when integrated over the complete range of variables. Comparison of Eqs. (41) and (42) shows, therefore, that AB
If ¢ is such a function and ¢ is its complex conjugate, the last can be Hermitian only if AB is identical with BA; i.e., the product
condition requires that I ¢¢ dr, where dr represents an element of two Hermitian operators will itself be Hermitian only if
the two operators commute. A special case of commuting
of the configuration space, should be finite. For functions
operators arises when the two operators are identical: it fol-
satisfying these conditions, sometimes referred to as “well-
lows, therefore, that if A is Hermitian then AA, i.e., A2, is also
behaved functions,” integration in Eq. (36) or (36a) is carried
out over the whole of the configuration space.
Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues.—If in a given class there are
It can be shown without difliculty that linear combinations of
functions f(:t) that when operated on by an operator A are
Hermitian operators are also Hermitian, but this is not neces-
merely multiplied by some constant a, i.e.,
sarily true for the product of such operators. Let A and B be
Hermitian operators suitable for use with a particular class of Are) = are). <43)
functions, so that the resulting functions, e.g., Aui and Bug, also
then the members of the class obeying this rule are known as
belong to this class; then if B is considered as the operator and
“eigenfunctions” of the operator A: these eigenfunctions are
the Hermitian condition of Eq. (36) is used, it is seen that
sometimes said to be the solutions of Eq. (43). The various
f (Aa,)Bu2 <14 = f u2(BAiZi) as (87) possible values of a are called the “eigenvalues” of the operator.
If ¢ and q> are functions belonging to the “well-behaved”
Taking A as the operator, it follows in the same way that
class (page 36), and A is a Hermitian operator, it follows that
f (i31z.)Au, d1‘ = f ii,(I4iiz.) df. (88)
f 84¢ <1. = f ¢(A<,T>) d1". (44)
The complex conjugate of the left-hand side of Eq. (37) is
Further, if the condition of Eq. (43) is satisfied, then
f (41.1) (841,) 47 = f (841,) (Aui) d-r, (89)
the right-hand side of which is seen to be the same as the left-
hand side of Eq. (38), so that the right-hand sides of (37) and so that a is an eigenfunction of the operator A: taking the com-
(38) must be complex conjugates of each other; i.e.. plex conjugates of the quantities in Eq. (45), the result is

I d7’ = I ’l.l1(A_§’L'lI2) d7‘. Kt = a¢. (48)

Since no assumption has been made concerning the operators A Multiply both sides of Eq. (45) by ¢ and both sides of (46) by
and B, except that they are both Hermitian, it follows equally ¢, and integrate the resulting expressions over the whole of the
* If A and u are real, then A = A and 11 = u. configuration space in each case, thus
7 Cf. V. Rojansky, “Introductory Quantum Mechanics,” Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1938. f ¢(A¢) .11 = 8 f it dr (47)

and II. To every dynamical variable there corresponds a linear

f ¢(K.1/) <17 = a f it dr. (48) Hermitian operator, which may be obtained by the following
rules: i
If A is Hermitian, the left-hand sides of Eqs. (47) and (48) a. If the variable is momentum, i.e., one of the p’s, the operator
must be equal; and since ¢¢ and ¢¢ are the same, it follows that is
a = Ci. (49) h _ 6
This can be true only if a is real, so that it follows that for % Fq'
“ well-behaved” functions the eigenvalues for Hermitian operators b. If it is a coordinate of position, i.e., one of the q’s, the
must be real. operation is multiplication by q.*
It will be shown later that these operators for p and q are
General Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.——The next c. If it is any other dynamical variable, e.g., energy, expressible
problem is to deduce the fundamental equation of quantum in terms of the p’s and q’s, the operator is found by substituting
mechanics in a manner different from that already described. the operator for each p and q in the algebraic expression for the
instead of using the wave equation as the basis, certain other variable, the order of the factors being such as to make the
postulates will be made. These postulates, like the axioms of operator Hermitian.
geometry, cannot be proved directly; but since many of the III. If in a given state one of the variables, e.g., the energy,
conclusions, particularly those relating to the energy levels of is known to have a value of a precisely, the function ¢ is an
hydrogen and helium atoms, have been confirmed by experi- eigenfunction of the corresponding operator A with the eigen-
ment, the postulates may be accepted and the results used in value a; thus, _
the study of systems involving many particles. A¢ = a¢. (51)
Suppose a system has f degrees of freedom, so that it can be
described by f independent dynamical variables, e.g., momenta, Such a state is known as an “eigenstate” of the variable)‘
pi, P2, . . . pf, and an equivalent number of independent, To illustrate the application of these postulates, consider a
dynamically conjugate variables,* e.g., coordinates of position, system consisting of a particle, e.g., an electron, of mass m mov-
qi, Q2, . . . qf; then three postulates are made as follows: ing in a field of force corresponding to a potential V(:v,y,z),
I. Any state of the system is described as fully as possible which is a function of position. The q’s are chosen as the
by a function il/(qi, qz, . . . , qf) of the “well-behaved” class, rectangular coordinates ac, y and z of the particle, so that the
such that ¢¢ dqi, . . . , dq; is the probability that the variable state of the particle can be described by a function ¢(:i:,y,z),
qi has a value between qi and qi + dqi, that Q2 lies between Q2 and the operators for the coordinates x, y and z are then multi-
and qz + dqg, and so on. Since each variable must have some plication by x, y and z, respectively. The operators for the
value, the total probability must be unity, so that conjugate momenta p4, p,, and p. in the three directions at right
angles are
f...f,l,¢dq1...dqf=1 (50)

01‘ 21r_i 6:12’ 21ri 6y a 21ri 62

f w <1-»~ = 1. (504) * A mathematically equivalent postulate, which will not be used in this
book, is to replace q by the operator (h/21ri)(6/6p) and use multiplication
the integral being taken over all possible values of the q’s. for p.
* Dynamically conjugate variables are related to one another by the 1' When a state is “degenerate” (cf. p. 47, footnote), two or more eigen-
generalized Hamiltonian equations of motion (see p. 109). functions correspond to the same eigenvalue.
respectively. The Hamiltonian function (H) of a system is an result as do the postulates of page 38. For many purposes, it
expression of the total energy, i.e., T -I- V, where T is the kinetic is convenient to use the form of the Schriidinger equation given
and V the potential energy, in terms of the coordinates and in (54), it being understood that the operator H has the sig-
momenta. Since T is equal to p2/2m [Eq. (13)], then if p is nificance indicated in Eq. (53) or, more compactly, as seen
treated as a vector quantity the Hamiltonian function can be from Eq. (56),
written in the form* h2
H -— - V2 + V.
H = ;,-1;, (pi + P3 + pa + vow). <62)
For a system of several particles, the Hamiltonian operator is
and the corresponding Hamiltonian operator H, the operator usually written in the form
for energy, is therefore, by postulate IIc,
H=__'§2lv2+V (59)
H "' 2:7,
h ' 66$)
2 'l'
h '
2 +
h '
2 ii + V($,?/>Z)-
87l'2 _ mg I V ’

(53) where m,- is the mass and V? the Laplacian operator for the ith
particle, the summation being made for all the particles.
If in a given state the total energy is known to be E precisely, If ¢ is the eigenfunction for the Hamiltonian of a system of two
then, by postulate III, ¢ is a function satisfying the equation electrons, then according to Eqs. (54) and (59) the Schredinger
H¢ = E¢ or H¢ — E¢ = O, (54) equation becomes A
so that energy states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian operator.
Since this operator is Hermitian, as will be seen shortly (page
-9%, (vi + var + (V - mi = 0. <60)
43), then according to the deductions on page 37 the energy i.e.,
values must be real.
Upon expanding the expression (53) for H and inserting in (vi + V%)¢ + (E - W = 0. <61)
Eq. (54), it is found that
h2 62 62 62 r

[ 87r2m (6:32 + 6:,/2 + + V(x>y>z)] lp _' = 02 62 62 2 2 2 2

Vi=5":&+§y'%+-£2-g and V§=5aE+%E+-£3: (62)
xi, yi and zi being the coordinates of one electron and xi, ye and
(-%v2+i/)4-E./i=0. (56) 22 those of the other. If the two electrons are assumed to have
81r2'm __ no mutual interaction, then the total energy E and the potential
V2)/’ '1'" 7' (E — V)‘/’ — 0: (57) V for the combined system may be divided into E1 and E2, and
Vi and V2, respectively, the various constituents being the
which is Schr6dinger’s equation (page 32). In the case under
values for the indicated electrons when isolated. It follows,
consideration the three postulates made above lead to the same
therefore, that under these conditions Eq. (61) may be written
=6 If T . had been written as -27‘
1 1 1
pix + gpfy 1
+Z _
pie), which is alge.

braically equivalent to the form given in (52), the resulting operator would
[vii/» + @017. - V1)¢] + [vhf + 3%” (E. - vet] = 0.
not be Hermitian; this is because p, and 2:, etc., do not commute.

If ¢1 and ¢2 are the one-electron eigenfunctions, i.e., the eigen- and partial integration with respect to qt gives
functions for the Hamiltonian for each particle alone, then
h qh=+w I__f . . .f

Vi¢1 + $217-'7' (E1 - V1)¢1 = 0 (64) I=f.‘.f(¢§;€¢)Gk-—ndT ¢27|'7: aqk ‘T,

' (69)
where d'r' does not include dqk. The “well-behaved” functions
Vi‘-52 + 8",‘-1%!" (E2 —' V2)¢2 = 0, (65) are single-valued and continuous over the complete range of
variables, and so I . . . f Wdr and I . . . I ¢<;T> d~r must be
and from Eqs. (63), (64) and (65) it can be readily shown that finite (page 36). These conditions can be satisfied only when
11/ and ¢ become zero at + w and — w. It is evident, therefore,
lb = c¢1¢-‘Z1 that for “well-behaved” functions the left-hand integral of (69)
where c is a constant. When there is no interaction between two is zero, and hence the expression reduces to
electrons, the eigenfunction for the system is therefore pro-
portional to the product of the single-electron eigenfunctions. I=J~--~J~¢i(-£5-§%)d¢. (70)
This rule can be extended to a system of any number of electrons.
The value of c is generally determined by what is known as the
normalizing condition, which will be discussed subsequently. The complex conjugate of the operator
pk ’ z'.e .’ pk ’ is --—’; - 3-,
27l"l 6q,,

and so it is evident that Eq. (70) may be written

AND FUNCTIONS [=,-"...J'¢pk‘I,dT or -"...f¢l-5k¢dq1...dqE_)
Linear and Hermitian Properties of the Operators.-—The proof 71
that the operators p and q satisfy Eqs. (28) and (29) is simple,
and so it is evident that these operators are linear. Since the Comparison of Eqs. (67) and (71) shows at once that pk must be
sums and products of such operators are also linear, it follows Hermitian. It has been seen that the square of a Hermitian
that the Hamiltonian operator must be linear. operator and the sum of two or more such operators is also
The operator q merely involves multiplication by the variable; Hermitian; it is clear, therefore, that the Hamiltonian operator,
it is thus clearly Hermitian in character, and the fact that p is since it involves the sum of terms of the type of pi and real
also Hermitian can be shown in the following manner. Suppose constants, must also be Hermitian (see page 35). Since the
1/1 and ¢ are two functions belonging to the “well-behaved” Hamiltonian does not involve i, the operator and its complex
class; then consider the integral I involving them, thus, conjugate are identical. It is therefore possible to write

I=f"'f‘pP1¢¢dq1"'dQm (67) f ant dr = f ma d¢ (72)

where the integration is carried out over all the possible values and
of the q’s. Upon inserting the value for the operator pk and f .1/1-It d7 = f ¢H¢ d¢. (73)
writing d-r for dql . . . dqn, this becomes
The importance of H being Hermitian lies in the fact that accord-
_. 1...‘?! ing to the arguments on page 37 the eigenvalues for the energy
I “f I ‘(21.-1 aqk d7’ (68) E in (54) must always be real.
. _4IIIIv%!|\ I . __ hr-— -—"—'*


Normalization and Orthogonality.-—If two functions f1(a:) and
Since the ¢’s are orthogonal, all the integrals vanish except the
f2(a:) have the property that
one involving qt,-, and this particular one 1s equal to umty if the
functions are normalized: 1t follows, therefore that
fJ"1<—a=>f2<x> dz = 0 04>
for a certain interval a, b, the functions are said to be “ortho- 6. = L" <5.-r<=~=> dz, <80)
gonal” in that interval. A set of functions f1(a:), f2(:z:), . . . ,
and hence the coeflicients 01, cg, . . . , 0;, . . . can found
f;(:z:), such that any two are orthogonal in the interval a, b, is
if the expansion is valid. The result may, for convemence, be
called an “orthogonal set” in that interval.
written in another form: if the normalized orthogonal functions
If the condition
1]/1, 1,!/2, . . . , 1!/.-, . . . are eigenfunctions of a given operator,
jf’f?<E>1¢<x> dz = 1 (vs) such as are encountered in quantum mechanics, the eigenfunction
\I/ for any state may be expanded in terms of the vl/’s, thus,
holds, where f;(a:) represents any function of x, then the function
\I/ = cab, (81)
is said to be “normalized.” If both conditions (74) and (75)
are applicable, the whole set of functions are normalized and
mutually orthogonal in the interval a, b. In quantum mechanics, which is the analogue of (78), where
where the functions of the “well-behaved” class are of special C; —-= I d‘T
interest, the interval extends over the whole of the configuration
space, so that the condition for normalization is often written by Eq (80). In general, d1 is to be taken as an element of the
configuration space and integration carried out over the whole
f M.-dr = 1, (vs) of this space. ‘ _
and for orthogonality If \I/ is an eigenfunction that can be expressed in terms of a
normalized orthogonal set and T is its complex conjugate, then
f M df = 0. <17) ‘I’ = 61'/'1 + 62‘/'2 + ' ’ ' (83)
An important property of normalized, orthogonal functions is
that certain arbitrary functions, e.g., those of the “ well-behaved ” and
class, can be expanded into a series of orthogonal functions. ‘T; = 51% "l" 52% + ' ° (84)
For example, if f(:v) is any function that can be expanded as a
If ‘II is normalized,
series of orthogonal functions in a given interval a,b, then

f(33)=¢1¢1+62¢2+"' "l“Ci¢£"l""', (78) .f‘\I'-\i"d1'=_f‘(C1\l/1+62\//2+ ' ' ' )(51¢1+52¢2+ ' ° T )d"
=1. (85)
where the coeflicients cl, C2, . . . , 0,-, . . . are constants and
All terms of the type I 1]/ah dr are zero when i sf 3', on account Of
¢>1, ¢2, . . . , <15.-, . . . are mutually orthogonal functions of
the variable 12:. Upon multiplying both sides of Eq. (78) by <5; orthogonality, and unity when i = j, because the functions are
and integrating over the limits of the interval, the result is normalized: hence, 1t follows that
c151+6z5z+"'+°»5i+"‘=1’ (86)
i _£b div = C1 1:9-5i¢1 dl? + C2 J;b<I>i¢2 d9? + ' ' '
2 ciai = 1’
+0i_£b<;lh¢id$+ ' ' ' - (79)
which may be regarded as the condition that the eigenfunction \I' When two or more independent eigenfunctions correspond to
1S normalized.
the same eigenvalue, i.e., when the state is “degenerate,”* the
It can be proved that the eigenfunctions of any Hermitian arguments concerning orthogonality require some modification.
operator are orthogonal functions in the interval corresponding to The eigenfunctions corresponding to one particular eigenvalue
the complete range Of the variables, e.g., over the whole of con- will be orthogonal to the functions corresponding to another
figuration SPa°e- SUPPOSB % and \//2 are eigenfunctions of the eigenvalue, but those belonging to a particular eigenvalue are
operator A, and the corresponding eigenvalues are a1 and a2; then not necessarily mutually orthogonal. If required, however,
(1) A% = (11% and (2) A¢2 = am;/2_ i (37) they can be orthogonalized without difficulty. Suppose the two
degenerate normalized eigenfunctions 1]/1 and II/2 of the linear
Multiply both Sides of (1) by ‘P2, and integrate over the whole of operator A correspond to the same eigenvalue a; then
the configuration space; then
All/1 = (11//1 and A!’/2 = (“P2,

I *7’2A¢1 dr = <11 f 72% dr. (as) where 1//1 and ¢2 are not orthogonal. If wk; is defined as :1/2 -— bal/1,
then it can be readily shown that ¢§ is also a correct solution;
Further, since A is Hermitian,
but if 1,!/1 and 1% are to be mutually orthogonal, it is necessary
J. lp2A¢i d1’ = I Ihxlh dr = (11 I $2301 d1-_ (89)

BY taking the complex conjugates of both sides of Eq. (87 2)

f wa d¢ = I ~h(¢2 — wo dr
multiplying P3’ %, ilftfigrating and making use of the fact that = I $14/2 dT — b f w. da = 0. <95)
the operator is Hermitian, it is found that
Since 1]/1 is normalized, I $111/1 dr is equal to unity, and so the
condition for orthogonality is
I 'P2A1//1 dr = dz I 1//1% d1". (90)
b = f\P1¢2 d7.
S1n°:,ba$ S1“-0\v11 above, the eigenvalue for a Hermitian operator
mus 9 Teal, Z-6» a2 = dz, Eq. (90) becomes Although :1/1 and 1//2 are not orthogonal, therefore, it is possible
to find a linear combination of them that does satisfy this
I 'p2A'p1 d7 = a2 I %% d1’; (91) requirement.
Matrices.——An important form of the expansion (81) arises
and comparison of Eqs. (89) and (91) gives when a function wk is formed by operating on an eigenfunction
¢,- of one operator by the operator of another variable, e.g.,
al I $21.51 dr = (121.11/1\p2 d1-_ (92)
ll’ = A¢J'2 ~

If <11 sé G2, it follows that where by Eq. (81)

I %% dr = O. (93)
11/ = Z} c.¢.. <97)
H . . _ . .
Offiillfg $121;(:3l:%Fl’lfl11':;(:5l310I1S corresponding to different eigenvalues In this particular case the coefficient c.-, which according to Eq.
course for th BED! 11:11 operator are orthogonal. This holds, of (82) is equal to I ¢3,1l/ dr, is, by (96), I <l>.A¢,- d'r. This quantity
, 6 aml toman operator, so that the ei enfunctions
:11 which are solutions of the Schr6d' '5' g - ~ * An energy level or state is said to be “ n-fold” degenerate when there are
n linearly independent eigenfunctions that are solutions of the Schrodinger
form an orthogonal set. Inger equa Ion Hip T EV’
equation with the same eigenvalue (see p. 39).
is represented by the symbol Ai,-, using the same letter as fo th . - ' l manner, the results will
operator; e.g., r e the subject
_ will be developed
. in a genera1-, 1 , The angu1 ar
be applied here tio spin ai1gul:lrtii(i;<gIii)e_nnugzselglymoving with a
A = f $.A¢,~ d1‘ E A.-,-. (98) e
Ve O91 Y v 3‘tflj ((i1Sti\,If(l:g7‘ frldm the origin, is given by hmt three
X V’
'11 = ¢~¢i = 2 -41': ¢¢ (99)
where r and v are vectors. It can then be shown that '0 e h
components of angular momentum M Z , M0 an d M, 7 about t e
= A11¢1 + A2i¢2 + ' ' ' + Ani¢fl- (999)
origin, are defined by
The set of quantities A,-,- found by expanding all the function
in the manner of (99a) is called the “matrix” of the operator A.s M = ypz _ ZP:/1

It is usually written in the form of a square array* as shown MI = 317:: _ 37171: (102)
below. M: = $1711 - ?/Po (103)
where 2:, y and z are the coordinatesand P,, , Priilentum
and p, are the
A11 A12 A13 ' ‘ ' A1»
A21 A22 A23 ' ' ° A2» corresponding
' t
°f the ““‘?“rEm0 (101) > (102) and
d momenta in qs.


Ass ' ° ° A-8n

C ‘39>£‘i3§§°and1l‘gtaklng
Y -
2:: the ‘?‘d"" °f t we
he factors so as to mak e the results
39 it follows
Hermitian, as required byl posturlggitilgrépage )»
A-n1 A112 A-113 ' ' ' Ann- that the operators for angu al‘ me
Any particular value A.-,- is called a “matrix component” or n 3 _ 3), (104)
“matrix element” of the operator A between the eigenfunctions M‘ = 62 Z <3?!
¢,~ and ¢,-; for 2' = j, the component is referred to as a “diagonal n a_ 3762)
51, (105)
element,” (e.g., A11, A22, etc. M =——-(Z5;
" 21ri
If the operator A is Hermitian, then
A.,~ = f ¢.-A¢,-d»r = f ¢,~K¢.~ <11 = A,-.. (100) h 1 _ :1). (100)
M‘ ='ZrZ'(x 62/ y 51>
In a Hermitian matrix , therefore, components that are symmetri-
ca1 about the diagonal are complex conjugates of each other. If These 0Pe1'a'('°rs do not commute’ an d upon
h inserting the actual
- s commutators
the operator does not contain i, as is the case with the Hamil- values from Eqs. (104), (105) and (106) t e variou
tonian when terms invo
' l ving
' magnetic ' interaction
' ' are negligible
' ' are found to be H A
and the eigenfunctions ¢.- and c/>,- are real, A,-¢ is equal to A,-.-, so
that in this special case A 11-- — A )1-
MM” __ Mum, = $7‘h M,, (107)


Angular Momenta.—Operators connected with angular
momenta are of importance in quantum mechanics. Alt and
* The array constituting a matrix should not be confused ith d MzMz __ MzMz 2 -2-; My: Ah ( 109 )
w foraexample,
nant, although a matrix often forms part of a determinant, as, etermi-
on p. 66.
The tot 8-1 an gular momentum M is related to the comP.°nen(’3 by
lé 1 l
the equation

corresponding to the three components of spin S,, S,, and S3,



W=m+m+m (m) parallel to the :v-, y- and 2-axes, respectively. The total spin
momentum is related to the components by the usual formula
I1 or, in the operator form,
M2 == M2 + M3 + M3. (111)
The product of the operators M, — z'M,, and M, + iM oen be and the corresponding operator is given by
expanded, thus, y S2 = Si + Sj + S2. (114)
(M: - 7:M1l)(M:z: + 'iM.,) = Mi + i(M,,M,, - M,,M,,) _|_ M3; (112) It is possible to determine precisely only one of the three com-
ponents of the spin angular momentum at a time, and by con-
and hence from EqS- (107), (111) and (112) it follows that vention this is taken as the one parallel to the z-axis; i.e., the
z-component of the spin momentum can have the values of
M2 = (M. — »'M.><M. + AM.) + 5”; M. + (113) —|-h/41r and —h/41r only.
By employing the same methods as were used in investigating the Suppose a and B are the eigenfunctions of the operator S,,
nature of p and q, it can be shown that M,, M, and M are linear when the spin quantum numbers are +-,1. and -117, respectively:
and Hermitian. by the foregoing postulates the corresponding eigenvalues must
Electron Spm.-—In order to account for certain fine structures in be +1}-h/2-1r and —%h/21r, respectively. It follows, therefore,
atomic spectra, G. E. Uhlenbeck and S. Goudsmits suggested that
that an electron has an intrinsic angular momentum which is 1 ‘h
S,a = + oz (115)
equivalent to spin. To satisfy the experimental data, it is
necessary to postulate that the square of the total angular
and -
momentum of spin expressed in the usual form for angular
momentum, v'£z., 1 h

M2 = z(z + 1) (£02, Further, since the square of the total spin momentum, as seen
above, is given by
is iibi" + 1)(h/21r) 2, so that the component parallel to any given
axis can have only the values " 1 1
S2 = §<§ + 1)
h 2, (117)
Ll _l._'.'_ it follows that
+2 21r °" 2 2-»
Since the quantum numbers of an electron are usually expressed
S20 = Z
3 h 2 O! and
3 h 2
S2,B = 1
in h/21r units, it follows that the so-called “spin quantum num..
l bers” of an electron can be only -1-; or -,},_ Consider the operator S,(S,, - iS,,) acting on the eigenfunction
~a Spin Operators.-—On the assumption that the spin angular a; upon multiplying out, it is seen that
momentum is analogous to the angular momentum considered
above, Pauli introduced spin operators S3, S, and S, S,(S, — z'S,,)a = (S,S,, -— 1,'S,S,,)a. (119)
3 G. E.llliiflg-21‘f<E<;l;2i;r)1d S. Goudsmit,
Nature, ' Naturwzssenschaften,
- 13, 953 (1925); If the commutation rules derived for the operators of angular
H .I'—__H

momenta may be assumed to apply to spin momenta, then, by

analogy with Eqs. (107), (108) and (109),
In this expression, §,, and §,, may be treated as operators in the
s,,s, - s,,s, = S3, (12011) first and second integrals, respectively; and since, by analogy
with M, and My’ they are Hermitian, it follows that
s,,s, _ s,s,, = s,, (12011) C3 = f <.1s,(s,, -1:s,,)a dw + f <1iS1(S4 — ("S02 dw (129)
s,s, - s,s, = %21 s,,. = f &(s, +1"s,)(s, - 'i$,,)a dw (130)

= f(i(S§ -|- S3 — 2'S,,S,, + iS,,S,,)a dw. (131)
Substitution for S,S,, and S,,S,, from Eqs. (1200) and (120b) in
(119) gives From Eq. (114), Si + S3 = S’ — S5; from (1202),
. 'h h . . . h .
S,(S, — zS,,)a = S, + S,S, — E; S, — zS,,S,) oz (121) '-"LSq;Sy + Zsysx = Sz,

= (s, - 'iS_,,)S,a - % (s, - iS,,)a. (122) and so Eq. (131) becomes

Upon replacing Sza by (h/41r)a, according to Eq. (115), then
C5 = f <82 "” + % S2) a dw-

s,(s, - iS,,)a = 5 (s, - »1s,)a - gr (s., - 'iS,,)a, (123)

From Eq. (118), S2a is equal to -Z-(h/21r)2a; from (115), Sia is
s,[(s, - ’iS,,)a]= - £ us, — 'iS,)a]. (124) -1-(h/21r)2¢z, Whereas Sza is %(h/211')“; 011911931 Eq- (132) reduces t0

It is seen that [(S, — z'S,,)a] is an eigenfunction of S,, and com~ c,,=J‘,,-,<__ _-- 0 (133)
parison of Eq. (124) with (116) shows that p-PP‘
(S, — z'S,,)a = c)8, (125) = I ,;(._ g"14>c.o8 = -592 I dd dw. (134)
Where c is a constant; the value of the latter has now to be deter-
1% 6\+
mined. If the spin eigenfunctions a and ,8 are chosen so as to be According to Eq. (126), the integral of 07a dw is unity, the spin
normalized, i.e., eigenfunctions being normalized, and hence
I a& dw = 1 and IBB dw = 1, (126)
. ,5 = (£02; _ (135)

f <c@><@B'> 44 = 44, (127) .°. C = 5 = £2 (136)

integration being carried out over the spin coordinates co.

and so Eq. (125) may be written
According to Eq. (125) the function cB is equal to (S, —- '£S,,)a;
and the complex conjugate of this, m'z., EB-, is (§, + 11-§,,)& or _
(§,o7 + g'§,,dE). Hence, by Eq. (127),
(s, - »1s,,)a = %h ,3. (187)
06 = f (s, _ 'iS,,)a(§,,-ci) do + f (s, - 'iS,,)a'i(§,,&) dw. (128) * An alternative solution is c = F: = —h/211-: this choice, although not the
conventional one, leads to equivalent results.
By an exactly similar argument, it can be shown that
electrons 1, 2, 3, etc., respectively. Similarly, for any combina-
(s, - 4s.,)B = 0, (133) tion of component spin operators, thus
(s, + 'iS,,)oz -= 0, (139)
and (S, + 48.34 = vs, + 18,) + (8., + 48,) + (8., ,+ (S1,)
+ 4 - - 14
(s. + »1"s..)/3 = 3. (140) = (8., + 4"s..,>4 + (8., +1:s.,,>¢ + (8., + 4"s..,>¢
+ - - - . (145)
By addition and subtraction, it follows from these four equations,
(137) to (140), that The result of such a spin operator acting on the total spin func-
tion of a system of several electrons is thus the sum of the values
Sxa = B1 SIB = a; obtained by operating in turn on this function by the correspond-
ing operator for each separate electron constituting the system.
s,,.1 = ,3, s,,3 = - <1. (142) Complete Electron Eigenfunctions.—The complete eigen-
function of an electron must include the spin contribution, and
1 v' The equation with spin operators corresponding to (113) is a satisfactory solution is to take the product of the positional
eigenfunction, sometimes called an orbital, and the spin eigen-
S2 = (s. - 7:Su)(S= +481) + 21:; s. + S2; (143) function. The orbital is the eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian
(energy) operator; and since the latter depends only slightly
and since the results of operating with (S, + z'S,,) and (S, — iS,) on the magnetic interaction between spin and orbital angular
on oz and B are known from Eqs. (137), (138), (139) and (140), momentum, the separation of the complete eigenfunction into a
it is a relatively simple matter to determine whether a particular product of two parts is justifiable. For any positional eigen-
function involving spin is an eigenfunction of both S2 and S,. function, a, which depends on the quantum numbers, n, Z and
1 The importance of this will be seen later. g m only,* there are two possible spin eigenfunctions, viz., a and )6‘,
Since spin operators, like the corresponding operators for
so that the complete functions may be aa or afi.
angular momentum, are linear as well as Hermitian, it follows Consider a system of two electrons 1 and 2, for which there
that for a system consisting of several electrons, whose spin are only two positions available; i.e., there are only two orbitals,
function is the product of the spin functions of the various a and b, that are possible. (The single-electron eigenfunctions
electrons, can be aa, afi, ba and b,8; and if there is no interaction between
Std): (Sz1+Sx2+Sz,+ ' ' '
the electrons, the complete eigenfunction for the system may be
the product of either aa or afi by ba or bB (see page 42). Products
'= S::,¢ + S:c2¢ + S:|:,¢ + ' ' ' 7*
such as (aa) (a6) and (b0z)(bB) are neglected because these
where S,l, S,2, S,:, etc., are the operators corresponding to the would mean that both electrons occupy the same orbital, viz.,
:2:-components of the spin angular momenta for the constituent a in the former case and b in the latter, and the corresponding
i "‘ The use of the symbol S, or S,,, without further subscript, means that
states would be polar.T One of the possible eigenfunctions is

the operator applies to all the electrons in the system, whether there be one
or many; symbols such as S,‘, S,2, S,,1, S,,2, etc., imply that the operator
refers only to the electron designated by 1, 2, etc.
* The numbers n, Z and m refer to the so-called total, azimuthal and
magnetic quantum numbers, respectively.
'|'This corresponds to the approximate treatment employed by W.
Heitler and F. London [Z. Physik, 44, 455 (1927)] and developed by

thus (aa)(ba) without specifying which electron each orbital
by W. Pauli.“ In quantum-mechanical language, it states that
occupies: suppose electron 1 occupies orbital a and electron 2 every eigenfunction for a system of two or more electrons must be
occupies b; then the eigenfunction is represented by (aa)1(b0z)2. antisymmetrical in every pair of electrons;* i.e., an interchange of
It is equally possible, however, that the position of the electrons
1,! the coordinates of any two electrons results in a reversal in sign
J. is reversed, so that the eigenfunction (aa)2(b0z)1 is just as prob- of the eigenfunction. Applying the rule to the eigenfunctions
able as the previous one. Any linear combination of eigen- for the two-electron system, it is seen that only \I/2, \I/4, \I/6 and 11/,
functions corresponding to the same eigenvalue is a satisfactory
are possible solutions.
solution of the wave equation; two such solutions are A special case arises when the two orbitals a and b available
for the two electrons are identical; i.e., the two electrons have
(1)1 = 715 [(aa)1(ba)2 + (aa)-,>(ba1)], (1433) the same three quantum numbers n, l and m. If b is replaced by
a, it is seen that \I/2 and \I/8 become zero, so that the only eigen-
22 = $;1(44>1((>4>2 - (44>2(b4>11. (14%) functions satisfying the Pauli principle are \I/4 and \I/6; in both
these cases the two electrons have opposite spins. This result
where the factor 1/\/2 is introduced so as approximately to gives the principle in its original form, thus: no two electrons
normalize the complete eigenfunction, the orbital and spin in any system can have the same four quantum numbers. If
eigenfunctions being assumed to be already normalized. In n, l and m are the same, the spin quantum numbers must be
addition to the two eigenfunctions given above, six others are +1 and —-,1, respectively.
equally satisfactory solutions, since neither electron will have Antisymmetrical Eigenfunctions for Many-electron Systems.-—
any particular preference over the other; thus, The general scheme for obtaining) eigenfunctions for two-elec-
tron systems” has been extended by J. C. Slater“ to other
systems. Making the assumption again that the electrons do
‘P3 = ——— (a<1)1(bB)2 + (¢w()2(bB)1l, (14711) not interact with each. other and so obtaining what is called the
“ zero-order approximation,” a possible eigenfunction is the prod-
‘P4 = —— [((w)1(bB)2 — (<w()2(bB)1l, (1475) uct of the single electron eigenfunctions. One example, for an
n-electron system, is 1
‘P5 = —= [((1B)1(b<1)2 + (<1B)2(b<1)1l, (1‘-17¢) ‘1’ = (<1<1)1(b¢¥)2(¢l3)s(d5)4 ' ' ' ("1°l)m (143)

‘Pa = -— [(aB)1(ba)2 — (aB)2(ba)1], (14761) where a, b, c, . . . , n are the n available orbitals, oz and B are
the spin eigenfunctions and the subscript numerals indicate which
electron occupies each particular orbital. An equally good
‘1’1 = 3 - ((15)1(b5)2 "l" (a13)2(b5)1l, (1476)
solution can be obtained by interchanging the coordinates of
any pair of electrons, e.g., 2 and 4, so that the electron 2 now
‘1’s = _‘*l(a13)1(b13)2 _ (a.3)2(bB)1l- (147.1) occupies orbital d whereas 4 occupies b; thus,
‘1’ = (<1<¥)1(b¢Y)4(65)3(dl3)2 ‘ ' ‘ ("»°1)m (149)
The Pauli Exclusion Principle.—The question now arises
whether the eight eigenfunctions given above are possible, and 9 W. Pauli, Z. Physik, 31, 765 (1925).
an answer is supplied by the empirical principle first enunciated * The Pauli principle applies to any pair of identical elementary material
particles in a system; it is not applicable to photons, as for these the eigen-
functions are symmetric.
J. C. Slater [Phys. Rev., 37, 481 (1931)] and L. Pauling [J. Am. Chem.
1° W. Heitler and F. London, ibid., 44, 455 (1927).
Soc., 53, 1367 (l93l)].
11 J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev., 38, 1109 (1931).

so that it is possibl.e to write the general expression sented by (151), (152) and (153) corresponds to the particular
arrangement of spins in (148). Since every one of the n electrons
‘1’ = P(<1<1)1(b°¢)2(6B)a(dl9)4 ‘ ' ' ("(1)43 (150) may have a spin eigenfunction of a or B, it is evident there are 2"
ways of arranging the a’s and ,B’s among the n electrons. There
where P is the permutation operator, representing the operation
will therefore be 2" determinants, similar to that given above,
of interchanging the coordinates of, i.e., the orbitals occupied by,
each of which is a satisfactory eigenfunction for the system of n
any pair of electrons. The resulting eigenfunctions are, however,
not antisymmetrical, as required by the Pauli principle; but the
Bond Eigenfunctions.——Since the great majority of chemical
principle can be satisfied by taking a linear combination of the
compounds, with the exception of substances containing an odd
number of electrons and a few others, are nonparamagnetic and
have singlet ground states, it follows that, as a general rule, the
(1) = 4 1>(a..),(z>..),(¢,3), ~ - - (24)., (1.51) electron spins in stable molecules are coupled to give zero. It
appears, therefore, that in a chemical bond the two electrons
where the factor 1 / is introduced for approximate normaliza- have opposite spins. The case will be considered here of systems
tion purposes and the [+] or [—] sign is used before each term in which all spins are coupled and the number of bonds is a
in the summation according as the particular permutation is maximum. Such systems are likely to be the most stable
obtained from the initial one by an even or odd number, respec- chemically. Suppose, for example, that there are four electrons,
tively, of exchanges in the coordinates of pairs of electrons. with four available orbitals a, b, c and d: in order to obtain a
Any single exchange clearly leaves the value of the eigenfunction system with two bonds there must be two positive and two nega-
unaltered but changes the sign, as required by the Pauli principle. tive spins, i.e., two a and two )6 spin eigenfunctions. Six
This type of zero-order approximation for the many-electron arrangements are possible, thus, '
system will be referred to as an “ antisymmetrical eigenfunction.”
The summation in (151) may be written as a determinant
(a¢Y)1 (b¢Y)1 (¢3)1 ' ' ' ("1<1)1 ‘I'll
1 (a¢Y)2 (501))-> (<?5)2 ' ' ' ("<1)2 ‘I'm
“’=;T-1 I I I I (152) ‘I’v
amamzsae szamanflbs.
‘I’v1 nuances 'CcQ '<bQm°"
. (44). (1)4). (44). - ~ ~ (44). , the corresponding antisymmetrical eigenfunctions being desig-
of which (148) is the diagonal. For convenience, this may be nated ‘P1, ‘III; . . . ‘I/v1. Each of these is a satisfactory solution
abbreviated in the symbolic form" of the four-electron problem, as also a linear combination of
them would be, and the bond eigenfunction is such a combina-
a b c d - - - n
.1... tion obtained in the following manner. Suppose it is desired to
find the bond eigenfunction of a——b c——d; i.e., the electrons
occupying the orbitals a and b form one bond, and those occupy-
implying a determinant whose third and fourth columns contain ing c and d form another. It follows, therefore, that a and b
B’s whereas the first, second and nth columns, among others, have opposite spins and that so, also, have c and d. Of the six
contain a’s. It should be noted that the eigenfunction repre- possible arrangements given above, only I, III, IV and V satisfy
1’ H. Eyring and G. E. Kimball, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 239 (1933). these conditions, and hence only ‘P1, ‘Pm, \I/1v and ‘I'v appear in
the bond eigenfunction. The appropriate sign is obtained by
taking one of the antisymmetrical eigenfunctions, e.g., ‘I/1, as this independent set. In any system of n electrons the number
positive, and by changing the sign for each interchange in the of different structures containing the maximum number of
order of a and B; thus \I'm is negative, \I/1v is negative, each bonds theoretically possible is Q
involving one reversal, whereas ‘I’v is positive, there being two n‘(n — s)! _
reversals. The bond eigenfunction for a——b c——d, designated ‘I54, I
2%"‘""[%(n — 8)]! 2 I
is thus defined as
but the number of independent structures forming the Rumer set
1 is
‘PA = vi (‘1’I — ‘P111 - ‘I’1v "l" ‘I’v), (154)
g (s + 1)n! ,
where 1/\/4 is the approximate normalizing factor. Four elec- [%(n + 8) + 1111201 - 8)]!
trons can give two bonds in three ways, viz., where s is zero if n is an even number and unity if it is odd.
Bond Eigenfunctions and Spin.—If the electrons in any
a——b a b a b
system are equally divided among positive and negative spins,
it is obvious that application of the operator S, to the eigenfunc-
c———d 1 ti c><d tion for the system must give zero. From the chemical stand-
(A) (B) (C) point, it is of interest to know which arrangement of spins gives
zero not only for S, but also for the operator S2. It is known
and the bond eigenfunctions corresponding to B and C, viz., from quantum mechanics that this state is nonmagnetic; and
a—c b—d and a——d b—c, can be derived in exactly the same since, in general, the nonmagnetic state is that of lowest energy,
manner as for A, described above: they are the state for which the operators S, and S’ both give zero will
usually be the most stable one. Application of Eqs. (139),
‘1’B = 7; (‘I'll - ‘I'm _ ‘I’1v + ‘I’v1), (155) (140), (143) and (145) gives the required information. The
operator S, + iS, acting ‘on a gives zero, and on B it gives
and (h/21r)a, whereas S, — iS,, gives (h/21r)B and zero, respectively;
1 the result of performing these operations on a number of elec-
‘PC = ii (‘P1 — ‘I'll + ‘1’v '- ‘1’v1). (156) trons is the sum of the values obtained by applying the operator

for each electron on the complete eigenfunction (see page 55).

The three bond functions are, however, not independent, for it is It can be shown, as a consequence,-that when S, + iS,, operates
01%!‘ that ‘1’c = ‘I54 — ‘I/1.». ; the system with crossed bonds (C) on an antisymmetrical eigenfunction of the type of (152) the
can thus be expressed in terms of those with uncrossed bonds. result is h/2-1r times the sum of the determinants obtained by
A rule of general applicability enunciated by G. Rumer“ is as replacing in turn each column of a’s by zero, which gives zero,
follows: in any system of electrons a simple crossed bond can be and each column of B’s by one of a’S. Similarly, the operator
described in terms of two uncrossed bonds, only the latter S, — iS,, on an antisymmetrical eigenfunction gives h/21r times
being independent. These independent structures, which do the sum of all the determinants resulting from the exchange of
not involve intersecting bonds, comprise a “Rumer set” or a each column of a’s in turn by one of B's, and each column of
“-canonical set”; all possible bond structures can be built up from B’s by zero.“ Two random examples may be taken for purposes
13 G. Rumer, Gfittinger Nachr., 377 (1932); see also H. Eyring and C. E.
of illustration: thus, employing the abbreviated form of repre-
Sun, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 299 (1934). senting the determinantal eigenfunction given on page 58,
Eyring and Kimball, Ref. 12.


2 1; 2)=4((. .
Any function 1,0 can be expanded in terms of the normalized,
orthogonal eigenfunctions 4).; of any operator (see page 44), e.g.,
the operator for energy H; thus,

. .)l lib = 2 ai¢i)

-¢—:ma=_ A_
. abcd_ cd abcd
I (St-_2Sy)(a B a a)_—_ a a)+(a B )8 oz) . <1. = f .5.-(p d4. (158)
‘=1°=‘+ ++ Suppose 1,11 is normalized, as is always possible; then,
'5'? £2
O0-“cbc-1)*.cbc_, Qt:ooh Q&
_ h (a °“P8° ‘"ucs>o~<>~ “acnoQ f w 11¢ = 5.4. J‘ 5.4.» .1. = 1; (153)
— g (3 B a $22
a i
By using these rules, it is readily shown, as in the first example 3.4. = 1. (150)
above, that S, + iS,, acting on any bond eigenfunction corre-
sponding to the maximum number of bonds always gives zero According to the Schrodinger equation, H4), = E.¢,-, and so
as a result; it follows, therefore, that (S, — iS,,)(S, + iS,,)
operating on such eigenfunctions must also give zero. Since the f 3.-H3. .1. = E. f 5.-4.114 = E.-. (151)
result of applying S, to a bond eigenfunction having the maxi-
mum number of bonds is zero, it follows that the operator S2 If the integral I is defined by ~
must also yield zero* [cf. Eq. (143)]. The system corresponding
to the maximum number of bonds, between unexcited atoms in I = f (I/H¢ .1.-, (182)
their lowest states, is thus, in general, the most stable chemically.
it follows from Eqs. (157) and (161) that
The Variation Method.——It is only for the one-electron system,
I = 2 5.4.8.. (153)
as in the hydrogen atom, for example, that a complete solution
of the Schrbdinger equation can be given; but for systems of two If the lowest eigenvalue of H for the eigenfunctions qS,- is E1,
or more electrons, such as are of interest for present purposes, then it can be seen that I has the lowest value (E1) when (i1a1 = 1
exact solution is not feasible. It is the practice, therefore, to and dia. = 0 for i ¢ 1. It may be concluded, therefore, that,
employ approximation methods; one of these, which will be by choosing 1p, the so-called “variation function,” at random, it
discussed here, is the “variation” treatment, and the other, for is never possible to find a function which yields a value for I less
which reference should be made to any of the standard text- than the energy E1, i.e., the lowest eigenvalue for the operator H.
books on quantum mechanics,“ is based on “perturbation Further, the (/1 that gives the lowest value of E1 is the correspond-
theory.” ing eigenfunction ¢1.
If there is more than one state with the energy E1, i.e., if the
* If the system contains an odd number of electrons, then the operation level is degenerate, then a second eigenfunction can be found by
of S, and S” on the maximum bond eigenfunction gives %(h/21r) and %(h/211-)2,
respectively; these are the lowest possible values.
1‘ See, for example, L. Pauling and E. B. Wilson, “Introduction to Quan- S. Dushman, “Elements of Quantum Mechanics,’’ Chap. IX, John Wiley &
tum Mechanics,” Chap. VI, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1935; Son, Inc., 1938.

' )
l,1 |
using the normalized eigenfunction (I/Q, viz., in -— (I (I/21,0; d'r)|,b1
(see page 47), which is orthogonal to (#1, and seeking the lowest
expansion in (164),
: ‘\1' energy by varying 1,02 as before. If the lowest state is not degen- J = I 2 5.->z.~(H — E) c.-x. dr; (168)
11 erate, then this variation will lead to the second lowest level. In
this Way all the levels can be found, in principle, by repeating the and since 6.]/601 = 0, it follows that
variation process; the new function which is being varied at
¢1§'(1HX1d'r -— E1‘ i1X1d'r) + C2 )_(1HX2d’1' _ Ef;(1X2dT)
each stage must always be taken as orthogonal to those obtained
4 (M
previously. +- - - +5.. (fi1Hx,.dr- Efi.x,.dT) =0. (159)
A useful application of the variation principle derived above is
to the case in which the variation function 11/ can be expressed in Similar equations will result for 6.]/602 = 0, etc.; ‘and conse-
terms of the sum of any arbitrary set of linearly independent quently there will be a set of n linear equations Wll1Cl1 may be

1 functions X: thus, Written

1!! = E Cixi. c1(H11 -— AHE) + C2(H12 -' A12E) + ' ' ' ¢n(H1n _ AME) = 0
1 4' C1(Hg1 '— AME) + C2(H22 '“ A22E) + ' ' ' + cn(H2n _' AZWE) = 0
.i-1 The x’s need not be eigenfunctions for H or, necessarily, orthog-
1| i‘
onal, although there would be no loss of generality in assuming
both the x’s and 1,0 to be normalized. Consider the integral J,
H |
defined by 01(Hn1 '-' AME) "l" C2(Hn2 "' AME) ‘l’ ° ' ' + cn(Hnn '"' AME’) = 0:-

J = f ¢(H - E)¢ .1.-; (155) (170)


if ((1 and E are the corresponding eigenfunction and eigenvalue where the following abbreviations (cf. page 48) are employed:
3! for H, then, by the Schrodinger equation, J will be zero. If the
1:. Hi, = I X,-HX, d1" and A.) = I )2,-X; dr. (171)
x’s in Eq. (164) were a complete set of functions, variation of the
ii c’s so as to make J equal to zero would then give the required
Solving the set of Eqs. (170) for c1, the result is
values of 1P and E. Even if the set of x’s is incomplete, it is
still possible to obtain a best value of E by means of the varia- )0 (H12 — A12E) (H13 — A13E) ° ° ° (Hm -' AME).
tion principle. It has been seen above that the lowest value of ' 0 (H22 - A22E) (H23 — A2sE) ‘ ' ’ (H211 * AME)
'| the integral I, defined by Eq. (162), approximates most closely 0 I 5 4 .

to E1, the lowest eigenvalue for H. Hence, it follows from (165) 0 O I ' I

J( 1
that, even if J is not zero, it should at least be a minimum; i.e.,
_aJ aJ aJ _ aJ _ _ 1 0 (H52 f A»2E) (H43 _ AME) ' fr ' (HM " AME) ,_ (172)
%_‘!_;1‘"—§¥54=:-_\‘ '-13
5J—?1801-l-E5C2-l'-(?:35C3-|'- +53‘-5Cn—0. "1' (5.. - 41.11) (H1. - 41.5) - - - (H... - 4..E) .
1. 1 (H21 — A21E) (H22 - A22E) ' ' ' (H211 — A211-E)
If 601, 802, . . . , 60., are independent parameters, not equal to
zero, then J will be zero only if

- "J _
551 — ?l
602 _
— . . . _
-- Z/I
ac” _
— 0. (167) I (H111 -' An1E) (H112 '_ AME) ' ' ' (Han “' ,

Substituting in Eq. (165) the values of at and J given by the Since the numerator is zero, c1 can have a nontrivial value, i.e.,
one different from zero, only if the determinant in the denom-

. -.__. ,_ -J._

- V--


inator is zero; thus
and r,-,- is the distance between any pair of electrons i and j
, (H11 '- A11E) (H12 - A12E) (H13 - A1sE) ' ' ' (Hm "" A1nE) H (cf. Fig. 2). The Hamiltonian operator for the system is,
* (H21 - A21E) (H22 - A221?) (H23 - A23E) ' ' ' (H2n — AME) therefore,
h” 21$” 2,1238’ 8”
O I 0 Q H = - ——8,,2,,,2.
V? — M +2 ——
——— TAB +2“),
— ( 176 )
(Hal _' A111-E) (H112 '_' An2E) (Hn3 _ An3-E) ' ' ' (Hnn — Ann-E)
the relative kinetic energy of the nuclei having been neglected,
=5 0. (173)
because of their large mass, as compared with that of the elec-
Every H and A in this determinant, frequently referred to as the 2
trons. The term 2 §- represents the interaction between
“secular equation” for the problem, has a definite numerical .. ii
value, and so it is an equation of the nth degree in E and has pairs of electrons; and if this is omitted, the Hamiltonian, apart
nroots, viz., E1, E2, . . . , Ek, . . . , En. from the constant terms for the fixed nuclei, can be divided up
In order to find the eigenfunctions corresponding to the E into n separate operators, one for each electron. The omission
values, the root E1, may be substituted for E in the set of Eqs.
(170); and if n — 1 of the resulting equations are each divided of may thus be assumed to give the Hamiltonian oper-
by c,,, it is possible to solve explicitly for the n — 1 ratios cl/0,, ator for the unperturbed state in which there is no interaction
to c,,_1/c,,. This set of ratios, together with the normalizing between electrons. It has been V i
condition for 1/1, vz'z., seen (page 58) that under the " 1;, _
latter conditions the antisym- .
d7‘ = 1656,‘ Ag; = I, ‘ (I74)
metric eigenfunction should be rm
a reasonably satisfactory solu- 1-B].
leads to a solution for all the c’s, and so the eigenfunction 1]/1, tion, and so this may be taken
which goes with the energy value Eh can be determined from as applying to the unperturbed \
Eq. (164). In this way, there is obtained the best possible set of state. As a result of electron rm
approximate eigenfunctions and eigenvalues that can be made spin, however, there are 2" possi- Fm 2._System of two nuclei (A
from a linear combination of n functions designated by xi. The ble eigenfunctions (page 59) cor- and B) and two electrons (i and
same set of Vs and E’s can be arrived at by the perturbation responding to a given eigenvalue; J)‘
method. . i.e., the system of n electrons shows a 2"-fold spin degeneracy.
"_ _-t‘_
APPLICATION OF THE APPROXIMATION Marnons The Four-electron Problem.1°—It is apparent that, in general,
the n-electron system can be treated as a variation problem
The potential energy V for a system of n electrons and n fixed involving degeneracy, and its solution would evidently require
nuclei is given by the setting up of a secular equation, analogous to (173), with

I/~ an»; M
__ __ gfif z,,z1-382 _§f_

where's is the electronic (unit) charge, 7'Ai is the distance of the

2" roots. Even for as few as four electrons the secular equation
would have 2", i.e., 16, roots, and a complete solution would, at
first sight, appear very diflicult. In practice, however, the
16-rowed determinant, for the four-electron problem, can be
ith electron from the nucleus A, rm is the distance between any split up into a number of simpler determinants, because the
pair of nuclei A and B carrying charges 21 and zn, respectively, quantities H01, and Aab; as defined by Eq. (171), are zero unless the
1' Slater, ms. 11.
r"'_ "' v ’ v vv’ A v’


311:1:1; the Spl:l1S isl the same in 111., and '//1» ($66 Page 70). Each
\I/A and \I/B are known in terms of the antisymmetric eigenfunc-
OWQI‘ 01‘ er etermmants making up the secular equation, tions \I'1, \I/ii, . . . , \I/vi (pages 59 to 60), and hence it is pos-
therefore, involves levels with the same resultant spin For
example the 16-rowed determinant for the four-electron problem sible to write the integrals of the type I \I/.i\I/ii dr and I \I/xH\I',i d1‘
SP11t$ UP Into the product of five simpler determinants corre- in terms of those of the form I ‘I/pl/1 d1", I \I'1\I'n d1", I \I'1H\I/1 dr,
sponding to states in which the total spin values are +2 +1 0 f \I'1H\I/n dr, etc. Since each \I/1, \I/ii . . . \I'vi involves a deter-
_1 _ . _ ! 2
and 2,. Pespectlvely. By the use of certain devices the minant, the result would, at first sight, appear to be very cumber-
secular equation can often be solved in the simpler cases without
some; in practice, however, considerable simplification results
SeI;‘(:‘l(:fnd€]:ffi‘cu%1ty) _bl1t it is not. necessary to discuss them here. as a consequence of the inclusion of the spin eigenfunctions.
e c emical standpoint the most important state is the The integral Hm, i.e., the matrix component of the operator
most stable one, vzz., the one for which the operation of S2 and
H between the eigenfunctions ‘I/1 and \I/n, for example, is given by
S, on the bond eigenfunction gives zero. It was shown above
_|_t|:|_I that this is the one with the maximum number of bonds and H1,11 = I ‘I’1H‘I'11 d1’,
h eiice for the four_electron system it - is
- necessary to consider
on y the two independent structures and the antisymmetric (determinantal) eigenfunctions ‘I’; and
‘I/n on page 59 are
a—b c—d and a—c b—d.
(A) (B)
It is evident, therefore, that the four-electron problem has now
‘I’! = -J7, 2 i P.<aa>.<w>.<ca>.<d@>., (180)
been reduced to such an extent that the secular equation of
‘I'll = i P11(a¢1)1(b¢¥)2(¢5)s(d5)4- (181)
particular interest consists of a determinant of the second order’
thus, ’
H1... = I i P1(aa)i(bB)2(ca)3(dB)i]H
I Hii - AME Hm _ AABE
Hm - ABAE HEB - ABBE = or (177) [2 1» Pn(aa)1(ba)2(cB)3(dB)4] 61¢, (182)
where i
where P1 and Pn denote the permutation operators. Since
HAA = f \I»iH\i»i d¢ these permutations include every possible exchange of the coordi-
and nates of pairs of electrons, as explained previously (page 58),
the result will be unchanged if the operators Z i P; an.d Z i Pn
AAA = I ‘I’ii‘I’ii dr, etc.*
are multiplied by another permutation”“operator P. If the
It should be noted that since the Hamiltonian is Hermitian and latter is chosen successively to reverse each P1 in the summation,
ihi and (bi; are real, HA3 = Hnx (See page 35). hence it follows i.e., P = Pf‘, and -P1-‘P1 is the identity operator that leaves the
that ’ ’ original arrangement unchanged, then every term in the first
(left-hand) summation will be the same; it is thus possible to
(HAA — AAAE)(HBB -— ABBE) — (HA3 -- AABE)2 = 0, (178) write
so that if HM, etc., and the corresponding A’s are known, it
should be possible to solve the quadratic for E The Values of 2 P?1P1(aa)1(b5)2(¢<1)3(d3)4 = 4ll(a¢¥)1(b5)2(¢°l)s(dl9)4l, (183)
* The eigenfunctions employed are real, so that (T may be replaced by it
since there are 4! terms in the summation. It follows, therefore,

-\-_I__-__,m. 1i._i-__

that the terms of H1,11 that are not zero are
Hm! = I [(M1)i(bfi)2(¢<1)$(dfi)4lH[3 1“ P'(a°l)1(ba)2(ci6)8(dl6)4li ‘ Permutations

(184) -I [(M1)1(bfi)2(w)3(dB)4lHl(<w=)1(b<1)3(°5')=(d5)4ld’ be
+1‘ Had)1&5)2(ca)3(d5)4]H[(aa)3(ba)1(cB)2(dB)4] dr ab and ac
where the permutation operator P’ replaces P;1Pn.* The
integral H1,11 has now been reduced to 4! instead of (4 !)’ terms, +_|' [(aa)1(bB)2(ca)3(d,5)i]H[(w)1(b<x>=».(¢B)4(dB)21 '1" °d and bd
and a still further reduction is possible by making the assumption
already used (page 55) that the orbital and spin parts of the -I [(6101)1(bB)2(ca)3(dA3)4lH[(aa)3(ba)1(cB)4(dB)2]d7 ab» ed and ad-
_.|-ii: electron eigenfunctions do not interact. One of the 24 terms of The permutations of the coordinates are indicated in the lass
(184), to which the symbol I may be given, is column; thus, “ab and ac” means that the coordinates of a anl
b are first interchanged and then those of a and C, so that t e
I = I [(M1)1(bB)2(¢<1)s(dB)4lH[(a<1)2(b<1)s(¢B)1(d/3)4] do (135) original arrangement of orbitals a1b2c3d47 Sometlmes WntPen
in which there have been two changes of electron coordinates, (abcd) becomes first a2b1c3d42 '5-6-» (biwdl, and then a3b1c2d4, z.e.,
vz'z., 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, so that the expression has a positive (bead), The first and fourth of these integrals have negative
sign. If the Hamiltonian does not operate on the spin eigen-
functions, then the two parts may be separated thus: ' 1 ’ t in erc anges o 1
i;i<l):iti)\i::i;hs1nVI)f Ihregorbi/‘til functions were mutually orthogonal,
I = f(G1bgC3d4)H(agb3C1d4)dTId1B1dwfd2Bgdwfdgdwffifidw, the integrals resulting from tlie exchange iolferrggzrlflflrl-1I;t(_:::SP:;
of electrons would be zero. I1 P1‘a‘3 199,
(186) . 1-
not exactly orthogonal ; but since the departure from 0I'th°89113
where do is an element of spin space. The spin eigenfunctions
ity is not considerable, the so-called multiple-exchange in e-
for the separate electrons are always assumed to be normalized
grals” are regarded as so small as to be negligible. 17 It follows,
and mutually orthogonal (page 44), so that . - b ,
therefore, that only the first of the four integrals. given. a ove
fa1B1dw=O; fa2B2dw=O; fa§dw=1; which is a “single-exchange integral,” need be e011S1deI‘<-X1, 1191109»

ffifidw = 1; (187) H... = -I <a.b.@.d.>H<a1b.c=d~> do (188)

from which it follows at once that I must be zero. It can be the spin contribution being unity. If the numerals are left 01115
readily seen that other analogous terms will be zero unless the and the orbitals are written in the order of the subscripts, Eq.
spins in the eigenfunctions before and after the Hamiltonian (188) becomes
match exactly; in the latter circumstances the spin portion of
the integral is unity.1' The matrix components of the operator Hm = - f (abcd)H(acbd) 01¢, (189)
H (such as Hm, Hi,n, etc.) that are not zero will therefore

and this has been still further abbreviated to

contain orbital functions only. In the case under consideration
H1,11 = '“(a'bCd)lHl(a’cbd)! (190)
* It will be observed that the factor 1/4! in Eq. (182), arising from the or merely to - (be), which implies ‘a single-exchange integral
normalization factors in the antisymmetric eigenfunctions, cancels out with
4! in Eq. (183); this is not a matter of chance, for the approximate normali- involving an interchange in thecoordinates of b and 0.4‘ 2 t
zation factor was chosen partly with this end in view. It is apparent that by a series of operations the ( .) 811:?
1’It will be evident that the total z-component of the spins must be the which might be thought to contribute to the matrix compone
same in the two eigenfunctions; otherwise, all the terms will be zero.
1" Slater, Ref. 11.

LL i
._ -ii
Hm have been reduced to one, and the same treatment can be
The general rule for finding a d_1ag°na1 ‘f°1n_pPnfnl; ii :1}:
applied in other cases. The results can, fortunately, be gen-
eralized in the following simple statement: The matrix element matrix formed from antisymmetnc e1genfunct1_0nS ls 0 If t
between two difierent antisymmetric eigenfunctions is zero coulomb integral and subtract all exchange Integrals egffeln
unless the two eigenfunctions differ only by a single interchange orbitals having the $31119 Spill I_n the elfement Hlybthedog L3;
of S . . . . . . . a and c are associated with the spin function oz, an 8-I1
pins on two orbitals, in Wl11Cl1 case it 1S the negative of the
exchange integral between these orbitals. In the case of H B. so that Eq. (193) follows directly from the rule-
the two eigenfunctions may be written (cf. page 58) LII Since, as shown on Page 60>
i qmm 1
I II ‘PA J4 < I III I ’

(abcd) (abcd) _ H +H'_2H' —2H1,1v

er .3 er B <1 <1 /3 B
the only difference being an interchange of spins on b and c, so
“M " *‘”“ +533. <194>
The d ou ble exchange elements H1 - v and Hm ' iv 919 Zero» and the
that the matrix component is — (bc), as found above. By means others obtained by the 11119 glven above are
of this rule, it is possible to write down directly all the non-
II = - ( ) — (bd) HI,III = -(ed)
diagonal components of the matrix.
It is now necessary to consider the diagonal matrix element, g1lI,III = — -— (bc) H1,1v = _(ab)
z.e., between any antisymmetric (determinantal) eigenfunction HIV,IV = -' (bc) "' Hm” = —(ab)
and itself, e.g., H1,1. Working in the same manner as described Ha = ©@<©© - cw) - ed). = -<@d>- (195)
above, we find that Hence, by Eq- (194), -
Hm = f (abcd)H(abcd)d1- - f (abcd)H(cbad) d».- » = - 2 - 2bd - 2ad -- 2b¢ + /lab + 4¢d) (196)
HM = _g(4?%(aca—l:— bd + ad + bf?) + (ab + cd)- (197)
- f (abcd)H(adcb) d7‘, (191)
Although the evaluation of HAA, etc., in telarms of fhetfioulifigdili
which may be written . ~ '
exchange (resonance) integrals ‘IS I‘6l§.t1V}f y simlpeeiuhan {gout elec-

.Hl,I = (abcd)|H|(abcd) — (abcd)|H|(cbad) -— (abcd)|H|(adcb). (192) -—-Ywi*'

must evidently become comphcate W en mo _ I les
trons are involved. However, by the use of certain genera !
The first integral, which is the matrix component of H between h' h are a direct consequence of the method of treatment glven!
two identical orbital eigenfunctions, is known as the “coulomb ‘T ‘Eheml abor is greatly diminished ' 18 In order to find . the I119/I-I'iX
t ' th ’t
integral,” represented by the symbol Q. It is given this name component of H between any two bondhfilgelfunaloiimpgngg
because it is the result of the coulomb interaction as it would be bond systems are first written down, t 1l1)s,th0I‘_b c_d If a
given in classical theory between every pair of electrons in the HM, the bond systems (A and _A) are 0 _ a .1 t til ais
system under discussion, taking into account the cloud distribu- start is made by assigning a spin of oz arbitrari y 0 B »
tion of electrons required by wave mechanics (see page 31). then the spin of the b’s must be B, "'52-,
The matrix element Hm is thus
a——-b c——d 11-17 °—‘d
_ H... = Q - (M) - (bd) (193) . .
a B
- -
O‘ B
where (ac) and (bd) represent the single-exchange, or resonance, Thus, giving a definite spin to a fixes that of b only, and H011 0
integrals. "‘ Since H is Hermitian, H1,111 = HULL et°~
15 Cf. H. Eyring and G. E. Kimball, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 626 (1933).
é é ____17_l}---—! —— Q


any other electron, so that a and b are said to form a cycle,
designated by the symbol (a/b). For later convenience the spin oz; thus,
numerator contains the orbital associated with spin a and the
a—bc—d a--cb—d
denominator that associated with £3. It is now necessary to
a,35°' “BB0!
-— assign arbitrarily a spin to c, e.g., a; then d must have spin 5, thus:
1 There is here only one cycle, which may be written (ad/(>6);
a—-b c—d a—b c—d hence, it follows that
0! 5 <1 5 <1 B Q 3
Hence, c and d also form a cycle (c/d). The cycle system for the HA, = 5, {Q + =3-[(ab + ac + bd + cd) - (ad + 116)] -— 11-l(a1>)
matrix component HM is thus (a/b)(c/d).* The matrix com- + (ac) + (bd) + (cd) + (ad) + (b<>)ll (201)
ponent itself is then found by the following general expression:
if x is the number of cycles and y the number of bonds, then = %[Q + (ab) + cw) + (bd) + (ed) — W1) - 2<b°>1-(202)
Hm = E; {Q —l— g[Z (single-exchange integrals between electrons in the The solution of Eq. (173) 119W _1‘equireS 0111)’ 3 knowledge of
cycle with opposite spins) — Z (single-exchange inte- the A s. Take, for example, AAA; i.e.,
grals between electrons in the same cycle with the same
AAA = I ‘IIAWA d1’;
spin] — =1: Z (all single-exchange integrals) }.
In the case of HM, it follows, therefore, that since \I/A can be expressed in terms of ‘I11, ‘PHI, ‘PW and ‘PW it
is seen that AAA is given by an expression exactly analogoust .
HAL = {Q + %[(ab + an - 01 - %[(v1>) + (ed) + aw) that for HM in Eq. (194), except that the operator is uni y,
z.'6 ., the symbol A replaces each H in the expression, where
+ (bd) + (ad) + (b¢)]l (198) - - is~ made oftak’ing
AL, = I \Ir,\Ir1 dr, etc. If the approximation
:_ ._. :,_. .}_:‘— = Q - %(¢w + bd + ad + be) + (ab + ed), (199) the antisymmetric eigenfunctions to be normalized and mutually
as found by the detailed method described above [cf. Eq. (197)]. ortho onal terms such as A1 1 between two identical eigenfunc-
By the use of the generalization, it is readily shown that tions ire equal to unity, whereas those between different eigen-
Hnn=Q-%(ab+cd+ad+bc)-|—(ac-I-bd). (200) functions will be zero; thus» 9
' A.ui='i‘(1+1+1+1)=1'
To determine HAB the two bond systems A and B are written
down; and, upon assigning to a the arbitrary spin a, b must have . . - ' t th
It is easily seen that in general the value of A is equal °_ 1°
the spin B as shown above. coefficient of Q in the matrix of H, so that Ann = 1 — ir-
Insertion of these results in Eq. (173) Ewes 9
(A) (B)
a—b c—d a—c b——d _1 (b)l+(b)+(¢d)-El
§I.__-1—._a—1t -,T_.__—.
_:._,. ,_&. ,_

<1 3 vi I"? ‘Q "‘[,(§‘l_“;[§Z§§ I I hi) + <zZ>1+ (ah) tdgbd) - Ea

_ 1
It is now necessary that c should have the spin ,8 and d should have “Q + (§bi<ldia‘-1) §lb<(=i 3-21* = 0- (204)
* This is really a procedure for finding the number of determinantal eigen-
functions that the two bond functions have in common; since the spin of a If the exchange integrals (ab) and (cd) are replaced by on and dz,‘
could have been initially chosen arbitrarily in two ways, it can be readily (00) and (bd) by 51 and B2, and (90) and (ad) by 71 and 'y¢, the
seen that this number is 2*, where :1: is the number of cycles. * Q and B as used here and subsequently should not be confused with the
game symbols previously employed to represent spins.

1 -I-u in


solutions of the quadratic are
that am Bi, B2, ‘Y1 and Ilzey bi retgfigdsfefgytfifi 3;‘;hi?§_;r(?n
, r
E = Q i l%l(¢¥1 -l" 012) " (Bi + 52)l2 + iil(B1 + B2) resonance energy contri u ions o . .
. ’ ' h
-' (‘Y1 + 'Y2)l2 + %l(71 + 72) *' (011 + ¢¥2)l2}%- (205) pairs cd, ac, bd, bc and ad, respectively, when the ot er P311’ 15
Of these two solutions the one with the negative sign preceding removed. AM‘ b
the square root represents the state of lowest energy with respect G
0 7 A1+dLk 4 l
to the separated electrons and so corresponds to the stable
system; hence, Eq. (205) may be written in the form, generally 1
referred to as the London equation,"
- E’ = Q — {%[(<1 — B)’ + (B — 1)’ + (1 — a)2]l”, (296) B356’
O ><
.2-¢’ ad-\-‘H Q .4-
where a is substituted for a1 + (12, B for B1 + 52 and ~y for 71 + 72. Bl
Coulombic and Exchange (Resonance) Energies.—The signifi-
%_B4,__i1E_ _-w}
cance of the quantities involved in Eqs. (205) and (206) may be C A2+a2 i I d C
seen from another angle in the following manner. Suppose two Fm 3 —Coulombic and ex- Fm. 4.-—Coulombic and exchange
of the electrons, e.g., c and d, were moved to an infinite distance change energies for system of energies for system of three elec-
four electrons. tr°ns'
from each other and from a and b. Then the energy of the
electron pair ab would contain in place of Q in (205) a coulombic The Three-electron Problem.—The equation for the energy of
term A for the attraction between a and b, and all the exchange a system of three electrons may be readily derived from that for
integrals other than a1, which is equivalent to (ab), would drop a four-electron system, by imagining one of the electrons, e.g.,
out; hence, Eq. (205) reduces to d, removed. The arrangement in Fig. 3 then becgmes shtgvln

in Fig. 4. The quantities A2, Be, C2 and -az, 5.2 anf 72A agpanci
Eab = A1 + OZ1. and, upon writing A, B and C without subscripts or 1, 1
_..- ¢.-_.§_-bl-4.2-‘.
A similar equation Ea; = A2 + a2 can be obtained for the ener C1 and a 5 and 7 for ab ,6, and 71, it 1S seen that Eq. (205)
7 7
of the electrons c and d, with a and b at infinity; and analogousgy
resu1 ts are derived in a similar manner for the other four possible
pairs of electrons, as shown in Fig. 3. The quantities A1, A2, E = Q - {.1-[(0) - B)” + (B — 1/)’ + (v — “V11”, (299)
B1, B2, C1, C2 are the coulombic energies for the various electron which is identical in form with Eq. (206) except thatnthe qlilelfgg
.=.- »_"_ pairs; and when the four electrons are brought together, so ties oz, B and 7 now each refer to one electron pair 0 7W 9
that the six electrostatic attractions are operative, the total in Eq, (206) they were the sum of the exchange energies for tW0
coulombic energy is equal to Q in Eq. (205), thus: pairs. The coulombic energy Q is now equal to A B + C»
Q=A1+A2+B1+B2+C1+C2 (208) since there are only three possible pairs to consider. _
Systems of More than Four Electrons.—Although the equa-
The total coulombic energy Q is seen to be the sum of the cou-
tions for the energies of three- and four-electron systems will ‘ble
lombic energies of all the separate pairs of electrons in the
mostly used in this book, it is sometimes desirable to deal wit
the problem of five six or more (-3l6Ct1‘0I1“S22.° The method
The energy of the system involving the pair of electrons ab,
employed is in principle, identical with the general procedure
when the other pair is at a large distance, is A1 + 0:1; of this,
A1 is the coulombic energy and hence 0:1 is the exchange energy,
already described (pages 65.5») A SY_Stem 1111/'°1V1l111_g ban °dd
number of electrons 1S treated as one with the next ig er even
or resonance energy, of this pair. In the same way, it is evident
1° A. Sherman and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 2661 (1932? G-
1° F. London, “ Probleme der modernen Physik (Sommerfeld Festschrift),”
p. 104, 1928; Z. Elektrochem., 35, 552 (1929). Kimball and H. Eyring, ibid., 54, 3876 (1939); A- Sherinan, 9- E- “I1 an
H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 49 (1935); Eyring and Kimball, Bet 12-
-_-l-_-_.4 ;

_I——-E __I:
-; __


number, and then the additional electron is assumed to be

moved to infinity, so that all terms containing reference to it - ' l t d
These four functions presumably c0I‘I‘e§P0I1d to 9 S1118 6 an la
-=11=1'= ._;i:an.Ei.Jé.-._ are ignored. The method is thus equivalent to that employed triplet level for these require the total SP1115‘-’ to be 0 and 1’ 0’ _ ’
. 7 ‘ . ts b t
above to derive the energy of the three-electron system. The
number of terms in the secular equation for the energy increases
rapidly as the number of electrons is increased; thus, for a States with as
be treated dlfierel-1t' spms’ whereas
individuals, It ls evl ‘I/1
en an da \I/ 11 nhre combined
six-electron system the determinant that has to be solved is of together. By means of the arguments presented above (pages
the fifth order, whereas for the eight-electron problem it is of 67fl.), it follows that
the fourteenth order. The stable state of the system is that
corresponding to the solution giving the largest negative value H,,, E f ~i/.1-i\i/, at = (ab)lH\(ab) (210)
of the energy with reference to the separated electrons. HII,II E I ‘I’i1H‘I’ii d1‘ = (ab)lHl(ab)1 (211)
Since the Hamiltonian operator for any number of electrons . - t '
can be written down without difficulty (page 67), it should be where (ab[H|ab) is written for J‘ (a1b2)H(aibz) dr. These ma rix
possible, in principle, to derive all the matrix components of H components involve coulombic terms only. If the eigenfunctions
and of unity required for the solution of any secular equation, a and b are normalized, then
provided that the bond eigenfunctions are known. It is obvious, A1,! E I ‘I'i‘I’i d1‘ = 1 (212)
however, that with increasing numbers of electrons and increasing
complexity of both the Hamiltonian operator and the eigenfunc-
A11,11 E I ‘I’ii‘I’1i d1’ = 1- (213)
tions the required integration would become a stupendous task;
in fact, it is only with the one- and two-electron systems, such Further ‘
as are found in H51‘, He and H2, respectively, that anything like ’ H1,n = HII,I = ”(ab)lHl(ba)> (214)
satisfactory results have been obtained. It has been seen above Cl
that the energy equations for three- and four-electron systems an Ar II = AII,I = "(ab)l1l(ba) = S21 (215)
1-. - s.- -\ w- 15¢».- i

are made up of terms which can be identified with the coulombic

and exchange energies between electron pairs, and hence it is where (ab)lH|(b¢l) is the exchange integral I (a‘b’)H(a2b1) df
worth while to consider the two-electron system in molecular and (ab)|1|(ba) is the corresponding matrix component of unity,
hydrogen. Certain results obtained in this case are assumed, - has been denoted bytibia SYTI;bF1l S’.
.;_e_, J‘ (a,b,) (a,b,) d-r, which as
as a rough approximation, to be applicable to other instances.
The secular equation for €:11€d€l'l8I‘%')l6St1(1): ;h:t.$;:de:pe::1rba€ion
The Hydrogen Molecule.“-—In the molecule of hydrogen,
given by the variation me o , 01' y
there are two atoms, each with a 1s-electron; if the wave functions
calculation, is
of these electrons, exclusive of spin, are represented by a and b,
for the first and second nucleus, respectively, then the four
'\v__m-a|-_. ,A-=-.-r -¢.n_.-4,q_.-l¢_q._-k--r ._
combinations of spin lead to four possible eigenfunctions.
H“ " A"‘E Hm _ AWE = 0, V (216)
H11 1 — Aii,iE Hii,ii — AILIIE
Total spin which reduces to
\I/I = (aa) (bfl) 0
HI,I "' E HLII — S2E = Q; - (217)
‘P11 = 0
‘P111 = (adlllzbd)
l Hi,ii " S2E HI-I _ E
' ‘PW = (a5)(b5) _ I-l —*
*1 Heitler and London, Ref. 10; Slater, Ref. 11. ' '
where Hm Hm“, HLn and S2 have the significance '
given above .
The two solutions of this equation are


‘.'_:I___,_.___._. ._

E1 - HI,‘ if (218) The various r values are shown in Fig. 5, where A and B are the
and two hydrogen nuclei and 1 and 2 the electrons.

The eigenfunctions aib2 and U/2b1 are taken 95 equal to the

E2 '1': Hlil : gI'n- product of the orbital functions for 1s-electrons of the hydrogen
atom viz (.,,ag)—%e—~r/M where r is the distance from the electron
1 ‘! 7
It may be noted that the solutions of the two first-order secular to the nucleus and at is the radius of the normal Bohr orbit, i.e.,
equations involving \I'm and ‘I/iv are identical with (219), so h2/41r2mg2 = 0.53 A.; thus,
that E2 must be the energy of the triplet state and E1 that of the
singlet. From what has been already said (page 73) it will be a1b2 = 1 e—(fA1+TB2)/60’
.*3:'-";-. .1:. i._
_. _ _ clear that Hm is the coulombic integral, whereas Hm is the
exchange (resonance) integral; hence, Eqs. (218) and (219) can and
be written in a form analogous to that of (205), vz'z.,
a2b1 = __1__3 e—(rA2+rBi)/0o_

E = _—_
i—:>> ++ Z12 (220) In the first case the electron 1 is assumed to be associated with
where A and oz are the coulombic and exchange (resonance) the nucleus A and 2 with B. In the second case the electrons
energies, respectively. If S2 were zero, as would be the case if are reversed. _
the eigenfunctions were orthogonal and as was assumed in the Proportions of Coulombic and Exchange Energies.-BY
deduction of Eq. (205), then (220) would become identical with introducing the four Schrodinger wave equations for the two

the form to which (205) reduces electrons each associated with either‘ of the two nuclei, mz.,
1 'i2 2 when the electrons c and d are
V%a1 + fin (E0 +
82 ' _
a1 "' 0,
removed to infinity, i.e., when the
A ,. /3's and 'y’s are all zero.
'3‘ B2 For the evaluation of E1 and E2, and similar equations for the orbitals bi, (12 and 92, Where E0 is
it is necessary to know the Hamil- the energy of the hydrogen atom, it is possible, in principle, to
calculate E1 and E2 from Eqs. (218) and (219), ff" Vanous Inter"
A '55 13 tonian operator for the system of two
hydrogen atoms, i.e., two atoms and nuclear distances. In practice, however, it is necessary to
FIG. 5.-—-Distances in the
hydrogen molecule between two nuclei, and also the eigenfunc- evaluate a number of complicated integrals. The first successful
the nuclei (A and B) and the attempt at this task following the original work of Heitler and
electrons (1 and 2). tions (Elbe and GQO1 [cf. Eqs. (210),
(211), (214) and (215)]. The former London was that of Y. Sugiura.” From his equations, it is
neglecting the terms for nuclear interaction, is readily found, 1
possible to determine E1 — 2E0 and E2 — 2E0 as functions of
from Eq. (176), to be rm. Since 2E0 is the energy of two separated hydrogen atoms,
these quantities represent the potential energies, with respect
- 2%’; (vi + vs) - (V. + vi.) + v,, (221) to the constituent atoms, of two possible forms of the hydrogen
molecule. By taking the energy of the separated atomsl as the
where V} and V§ are the Laplacian operators with respect to the arbitrary energy zero, the results give the actual va ues 0
coordinates of electrons 1 and 2, respectively, and E, and E2; and since S2 is known in terms of the internuclear
distances, the separate coulombic and eX<3119»I1g9/Y1‘eS°n9*nce)
V ' 2;’
z -— + s”
H‘ V 82
= -i + —‘ 82 V 82 82
= —- + it (222 energies can be calculated. The results obtained in this manner
- _- fi__5i_"-:_.
A T41 TA2 ’ B 7'B1 Tea’ O TAB 1'12 )
ll Y. Sugiura, Z. Physik, 45, 484 (1927)-

_-,_ _.A_ .

|[ F.

1. .

»»:vi‘n are shown in Fig. 6." It is found, in the first place, that the calculated from Sugiura’s equations. Provided that the inter-
I 1;?
| , ,. 1 stable form of molecular hydrogen is the singlet state whose atomic distance exceeds about 0.8 K, the coulombic energy
energy is given by E1. The triplet state, for which there is appears to be between 10 and 15 per cent of the total binding
-'11:! spectroscopic evidence, is always unstable with respect to energy of the hydrogen molecules; i.e., A / (A + a) in Eq. (220)

hydrogen atoms. In the second place it will be noted th is approximately 0.1 to 0.15. The question arises, in order to
, at the
l‘ 1;‘ minimum 1n the potential-energy curve for the singlet state facilitate the solution of Eqs. (206) and (209), whether the same
l-IF: ..

V: I:I
W occurs when the internuclear separation is 0.80 ,and the ratio may be supposed to hold for A/ (A + a), B/(B + 5)»
'— ¢—?_.-—:_ i._-5

negative potential energy is 74 kcal. These figures should repre- C/(C -l— 7), etc., in these equations. The assumption will,
|n.1 sent the equilibrium internuclear distance and the energy of indeed, be made in Chap. III that this fraction is approximately

..\ dissociation of molecular hydrogen, respectively. The results constant for a number of diatomic molecules, but it is important

'. are in fair agreement with the experimental data, 0.74 and to realize its approximate nature.
‘I 108.9 kcal. - 0.1s————-——ifi


tototal i
': al:-_-_s_,,..|:.-==:?‘"-='-"_.'—*Z._ -1<-.' g b'ndi s=2
W ,r
” I
.| '
' '1 I.
1;,- I
io om

, 1.: -T0121energy
binding '
energy - _
5.. Q
¢ fi_
0' n
Poten .'| I | _|._l
, -s0- _ 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.011
Distance between hydrogen atoms
. | ] FIG. 7.—Proportion of coulombic energy for the H2 molecule. (Hirschfelder and
0 1.0 2.'0K Daniels.)
Interatomic distance
Fm. 6.——Total and coulombic binding energies for the singlet state of Hg. It will be seen from Fig. 7 that p decreases rapidly as the
(Eyrma and Polanyi, from Sugiw-a’s equations.) hydrogen atoms are brought up to their equilibrium positions,
An examination of Fig. 6 also shows that, at interatomic dis- and at a certain point Fig. 6 shows that the coulombic energy is
tances greater than about 0.8 K, the coulombic energy constitutes zero, so that all the binding energy will be of the exchange type.
a small proportion only of the binding energy of the hydrogen This phenomenon is probably inevitable because the repulsion
I .
molecule. It appears, therefore, that two hydrogen atoms are due to the coulombic term will set in before that brought about

1]‘ _-
held together, to a very large extent, by the so-called exchange, by the exchange contribution. It is possible, however, that the
. or resonance, energy. The fraction of the total binding energy internuclear distance at which this occurs is much smaller than
ni that is coulombic apparently depends on the internuclear is given by Sugiura’s equations; for, as seen above, the latter
I distances. The curve 1n Fig. 7 shows the variation with the yield only approximately correct values for the dissociation
distance between the atoms in a hydrogen molecule of p, where energy and equilibrium separation of the atoms {infmolecular
' coulombic energy hydrogen. It may be mentioned that some writers“ have cast
P total binding energy’ (226) doubt on the significance of the exchange energy, which has been
" A. S. Coolidge and H. M. James, J Chem. Phys., 2, 811 (1934).
" H- Eyring and M. Polanyi, z. physik. Chem., B, 12, 279 (1031).

1| 1;,

assumed to constitute such an important part of the total binding

energy. By using suitable eigenfunctions, it is possible to
derive by means of the variation treatment a value for the energy
of the hydrogen molecule in close agreement with that obtained
experimentally, and yet the calculation contains nothing resem-
bling the exchange integrals of the type considered above.” CHAPTER III
It must be pointed out, however, that, if this criticism were valid POTENTIAL-ENERGY SURFACES
for the hydrogen molecule, it would be applicable to the many
problems of structural chemistry in which the concept of reso- lt is now generally accepted that nearly all processes taking
nance has proved so valuable. place at a definite rate, and chemical reactions in particular, are
Admitting, for the present, that the exchange energy, or associated with an energy of activation representing the minimum
resonance energy, constitutes an important part of the total energy the system must acquire before it can undergo the
binding energy, it is necessary to determine whether the pro- appropriate change. In the present chapter an attempt will be
portion, calculated by the Heitler-London theory and Sugiura’s made to obtain some indication of the fundamental significance
equations, is the same for all diatomic molecules. It appears of the energy of activation and the nature of the activated state
clearly established that the fraction p in Eq. (226) increases with special reference to chemical changes involving three or
with increasing principal quantum number n of the s-electrons. four atoms.
The coulombic energy remains almost constant, but the reso-
nance energy diminishes rapidly as n increases. The approxi- ENERGY OF ACTIVATION
mate values of p calculated for various principal quantum Potential-energy Curves and the Activated State.——Consider
numbers, for atomic separations exceeding the respective equi- a reaction involving the atom X and the molecule YZ, viz.,
ibrium values for diatomic molecules, are recorded in Table IV.”
The atoms Y and Z in YZ are joined by a single bond, i.e., by a
pair of electrons with opposite spins; the atom X is supposed to
have an uncoupled electron. As X is brought up to YZ, the
interaction of the three electrons causes a decrease in the exchange
0 12 0.22 0.32 0.40 energy, with the result that the attraction between Y and Z is
diminished and the atoms will tend to separate. The continued
It should be noted that the data quoted above refer to a bond I-|—i'§'
approach of X to YZ is thus accompanied by an increase in the
formed by two s-electrons. If two p-electrons are concerned, the potential energy of the system due to the increasing rep.ulsion of

results are quite difierent. It appears that under these condi- X by YZ and the decreasing attraction of Y and Z. Finally, a
tions the coulombic contribution is by far the more important point is reached at which the atom Z commences to be repelled
and that the exchange energy is relatively small.” and the system attains the condition in which the reaction
'5 H. M. James and A. S. Coolidge, ibid., 1, 825 (1933). X + YZ = XY + Z can take place. If X is brought still
" J. H. Bartlett and W. H. Furry, Phys. Rev., 38, 1615 (1931); N. Rosen closer to Y, so that the distance between them becomes Kthe
and S. Ikehara, ibid., 43, 5 (1933). normal interatomic separation, the atom Z is repelled, afi the
*7 J‘. H. Bartlett, ibid., 37, 507 (1931). potential energy of the system decreases. The variation of
potential energy during the course of the change may be repre-
sentcd qualitatively by moving from left to right along a curve

|- .—_. _--_-.i_-___q.-._ .-_



such as is shown in Fig. 8. It is evident that before the system
the energy of activation must be at least equal to the heat
X + YZ can become XY + Z, i.e., before the reaction under
absorbed in the reaction. This accounts for the fact that
consideration can occur, the reactants must acquire the energy
endothermic reactions generally have relatively high energies of
represented by the maximum of the curve. This conclusion
activation and hence are, on the whole, slow in comparison with
may be stated in the figurative form that the reacting system
exothermic reactions.
must “surmount an energy barrier.” The difference in energy
Chemical Reactions as an Electron Problem.—The foregoing
between the initial state and the maximum of the curve, i.e.,
discussion of the mechanism of activation is based essentially
the top of the barrier, is then the energy of activation (E) of the
on the views of F. London,‘ who suggested that many chemical
Activated state reactions are “adiabatic”* in character and that Eqs. (206)
1 X ---Y ---Z and (209) developed in Chap. II for four- and three-electron
problems, respectively, could be utilized to evaluate, approxi-

mately, the potential energy of a system of three or four reacting

atoms for various interatomic distances. Suppose the atoms
W and X in a molecule WX are joined by a single bond formed
X+YZ i by the two s-electrons, and suppose also that the same type of
r§~<-- P» bond exists in another molecule YZ which reacts with WX, thus,
-. ._ XY+Z.
Decomposition coordinate
Fro. 8.—Variation of potential energy accompanying the reaction WX+YZ=XY+WZ,
X + YZ = XY + Z.
process. The configuration of X-Y-Z at the maximum is called the products XY and WZ also having similar single bonds.
the “activated state” or “activated complex” of the reaction ; Since there is no change in the quantum numbers of the four
valence electrons concerned in the process, the potential-energy
in this condition the atoms are so disposed with reference to one
change during the course of the reaction may be regarded as due
another that Y can become associated either with X or with Z,
to the rearrangement of the four s-electrons. In exactly the
and a very slight displacement will result either in reaction to
same manner, it can be seen that the reactions between X and YZ
form XY and Z or in return to the initial state.
is essentially one concerning three s-electrons; hence, the change in
_ The potential-energy curve depicted in Fig. 8 may also be used
potential energy accompanying the approach of X to YZ and the
in considering the reverse reaction
final expulsion of Z can be treated as a three-electron problem.
» XY+Z=X+YZ. Three-atom Systems.—Suppose the three atoms X, Y and
The activated state is the same as for the reaction between X Z taking part in the reaction X + YZ = XY + Z are disposed
and YZ, so that the same energy barrier has to be crossed; the in the general manner shown in Fig. 9, where r1, r2 and 1'3 are
height of the top of the barrier above the initial state is now the distances between X and Y, Y and Z and X and Z, respec-
E + AH where AH is the difference in heat content between tively. If 1'2 and r3 are made very large, i.e., if Z is removed to a
XY and Z on the one hand and X and YZ on the other, 1I.e. the
1 F. London, “Probleme der modernen Physik (Sommerfeld Festschrift),”
heat of reaction at constant pressure.* It will be evident from p. 104, 1928; Z. Elektrochem, 35, 552 (1929).
Fig. 8 that in an endothermic process, such as * An adiabatic change is one in which there is a continuous equilibrium
between electrons and nuclei, there being no abrupt electronic rearrangement
xY+z=x+Ya involving a jump from one electronic level to another; the whole process
* This result is applicable when reaction rates are measured in terms takes place on a single potential-energy surface. For an adiabatic reaction
of pressure units; if concentration units are employed, then AH must be a single eigenfunction can be used to represent the state of’€i_iT"'Weleetron
replaced by AE, the increase of internal energy. throughout the course of the reaction.

311-: _
distance, the potential energy of the system will be equal to that
represented in Fig. 10 that the energy of the system will, there-
of the molecule XY with the atoms separated by a distance r1.
fore, be calculated. It is apparent that r3 is the sum of r1 and
Let the energy in this state be A + oz, where A is the coulombic
r2, so that there are only two dis- ___ ___ _________ ________
portion and as that due to exchange forces (page 78). Similarly,
tances which can vary independently. )
if X is removed to a distance, B + [3 gives the corresponding
The representation of the variation 1+------------15 --------- ---H
energy of the molecule YZ, with the atomic separation equal to
r2. With Y removed to infinity the potential energy of XZ, of the potential energy with intera- FIG-10-—Linearsy-uemofthree
when the atoms are r3 apart, is C + y. From the results tomic distance now requires a three- atoms’
obtained in Chap. II it follows,* therefore, that for the given dimensional model, and the result is called a “potential-energy
surface.” For practical purposes, however, it is more convenient
atomic separation, the potential
Y to draw a contour diagram in which the various contour lines pass
energy of the system X, Y and Z,
r r with reference to the energy of the through points representing configurations having the same
energy; such diagrams are, nevertheless, often referred to as
‘ 2 separated atoms as zero, is
_""''*"_'"-1:-_.;‘_' _= "'!:‘€-='E_p"=-___;
.v_ _:-— potential-energy surfaces.
E=Q- {i.‘r[(<r-6)2+ The process of evaluating the potential energy as given by
x r3 z (B — 1)’ + (7 — <1)2l}"’, (1) Eq. (1) can be greatly simplified by means of the following
F1°" 9'_Sy3:112nf;1V°1vi“g threewhere Q is the sum of the coulombic L graphical construction which, it
energies, i.e., A + B + C. If A //’, _v§(a_7) must be emphasized, is indepen-
and ac, B and ,8 and C and ~y are known or can be calculated P 1: __ Jig E dent of the configuration of the
for the three molecules XY, YZ and XZ, for various interatomic ,8--§(a+7) atoms.’ Let the lengths of the.
distances, as is the case with the hydrogen molecule (page 81), lines LM, MN and NP which
it should be possible to evaluate E for all possible configurations 7’ “ make angles of 60 deg. with each
of the three atoms X, Y and Z. If there is no restriction on the other, be proportional to the
values of r1, ra and r3, which vary independently, it would require a /4~._50~ 60.’, values of the exchange energies
four-dimensional figure to represent the results diagrammatically; *—— --1 ~ - - 1 ~ a, ,8 and 1/, respectively: draw
N - )3 M .
fortunately, it is possible to introduce a simplification based FIG. 11.—Graphical determination L0 perpendlcular to N2” and
on the fact, which will be proved later, that the system X, Y, Z of resonance energy contribution. p6I‘p(-3I1dl(3U.l3,I‘ t0 L0. Ill 08.11 be
has the lowest potential energy when the three atoms are in a <A“<"'“"d Elma-> readily shown that LO is equal
straight line.T In other words, the activation energy is least to% \/8 (oz -— 7) andPOisB —- -5-(oz + 'y), so thatPLis
when X approaches YZ along the line joining the atoms Y and (Q2 + B2 + 1/’ - 003 - BY -" WY)”,
Z, and hence this must be the configuration of the three atoms
which is identical with the term W
by which the reaction mainly occurs. It is for the condition
{%[(<1 — B)” + (B - *1)’ + (*1 - <1)2ll%
* Strictly speaking, Eqs. (206) and (209), pp. 76 and 77, give the sum of
the kinetic and potential energies of the electrons; in view of the almost
in Eq. (1), and thus represents the resonance-energy contribu-
stationary nature of the nuclei, these equations may be regarded as giving tion to the system of three atoms.* In order that PL may have
the potential energies of the systems of three and four atoms, respectively. the largest possible value, for given values of LM and NM,
In any case the difference in energies for various internuclear separations, compatible with the type of construction shown in Fig. 11, NP
which is important from the standpoint of activation energy, is the differ- must be small; the exchange energy ~y for the atoms X and Z
ence in potential energies.
T This is true for s-electrons but may not hold if p-electrons are involved 2 W. Altar and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 661 (1936).

(cf. p. 222). * The construction of Fig. 11 and the evaluation of PL caiflbe expedited
by the use of sliding rulers (J . O. Hirschfelder and F. Daniels, unpublished).
' |



should therefore be small. This condition is obtained when the
distance r3 between X and Z is as great as possible, for given be a minimum when the distances r5 and 1'6 in Fig. 12 are as large
_ _'?'='1:_- values of r1 and ra, i.e., when X is on the straight line passing as possible for particular values of T1, T2, Ts and 1‘4- This 0011611-
through Y and Z. It follows, therefore, that the resonance tion will arise when all four atoms are in one plane; hence, it may
energy for the whole system has its largest value when the be assumed that in the reaction WX + YZ = YX —|— WZ, involv-
configuration of the three atoms is linear. Corresponding to ing s-electrons, a planar activated state will occur more frequently
the small 7 there will also be a decrease in the numerical value than any other, and the energy of this configuration may be
of the coulombic energy C, but this is of much lower magnitude. used to calculate the activation energy of the reaction.
The net result of the linear configuration is to make the potential
energy of the system have its lowest, i.e., largest negative, value.
The Semi-empirical Method.<"*—The first attempts to plot
It follows, therefore, that in the reaction between X and YZ
potential-energy surfaces and hence to calculate activation
the lowest energy barrier, corresponding to the activated state,
energies from molecular and atomic properties were made by
will be realized when X ap- H. Eyring and M. Polanyi who examined the relatively simple
___.’ '5 Y proaches YZ along the linejoining
31+/5', the centers Y and Z.
H + H2 = H2 + H2
Four-atom Systems.—A sys-
kl '5 tem of four atoms W, X, Y and representing the conversion of para- to ortho-hydrogen brought
'1 ,2 Z may be represented as in Fig. about by hydrogen atoms. In order to evaluate E by Eq. (1),

12 where the four are not neces- the first requirement is obviously to know how the binding
9.. *3‘ 1:’)
+ sarily all in one plane. As be- energies of the separate diatomic molecules, represented by the
fore, the energies of the individual formulae XY, XZ and YZ, are divided into their coulombic and
___ Bztflz if F diatomic molecules WX, YZ, exchange (resonance) contributions for various atomic separa-
W '4 _ _ Z XY, WZ, WY and XZ are seen tions. In the particular reaction under consideration, each of
FIG. 12.-—Sys::)iinsinvolving four to be A1 + ab A2 _|_ a2’ ‘B1 + these molecules is H2, and it appeared possible that the values

of the two kinds of energy could be obtained from Sugiura’s

51,32 + 52,01 + ’Y13»l1dC2 + ‘Y2,
respectively. As shown on page 76 the equation for the potential solution of the Heitler-London integrals (see page 81 and Fig. 6);
energy due to the interaction of the s-electrons of all four atoms the results were, however, not satisfactory. This is not surpris-
when brought together will be given by an equation identical ing; for not only is Eq. (1) itself approximate, but, as seen on
with Eq. (1) except that Q is given by page 82, Sugiura’s equations give a value for the heat of dis-
sociation of molecular hydrogen that is about 35 kcal. smaller
Q=A1+A2+B1+B2+C1+C2 (2) than the experimental value. After considering various possi-
and oz stands for a1 + a2, ,6 for B1 + B2 and 'y for 71 + ya. It is bilities, Eyring and Polanyi developed the following procedure
apparent that, bearing in mind the altered significance of the quan- which has become known as the “semi-empirical method.”
tities ac, ,8 and 7, exactly the same geometrical construction as was The total potential energy of a diatomic molecule, with reference
used for three atoms (see Fig. 1 1) may be employed to evaluate the to the energy of its constituent atoms, can be obtained from
exchange-energy contribution to the potential energy of the sys- spectroscopic data; then, in most cases, the assumption is made
tem. The argument that the distance PL in Fig. 11 should be that the coulombic energy is a constant fraction (p) of the total
,. a maximum for the activation energy to be a minimum applies for the interatomic distances which are significant in the reaction,
iv equally here; and it can be readily seen that, for given values of 3 H. Eyring and M. Polanyi, Z. physik. Chem., B, 12, 279 (1931). See also
,1J 0:1 + 0:2 and B1 + 62, the sum of the exchange energies 71 + ya will H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 2537 (1931); 54, 3191 (1932); Chem. Rev.,
ii 10, 103 (1932).

_—=w1. _

f<l)lr all the molecules concerned.‘ In some instances (cf. page 255),
3. owance is made for the variation of the fraction p with the sufficient points are obtained for the potential-energy contour


1 .
istance between the atoms. Although such a variation does
099111‘ (Page 83), it is generally small over the range of distances
that are important for the reaction. The assumption of a
diagram to be plotted; since it is the region in the vicinity of
the activated state that is of particular interest, it is the usual
practice to calculate the energies for interatomic distances
constant fraction of coulombic energy is admittedly an approxi- between about 0.5 and 4

mation, but it will be seen in Chap. V that the activation energies Simplified Potential-energy Surfaces.5——-Some of the main
11 calculated on the basis of different assumed proportions of features of a potential-energy surface may be made evident in a
,1 coulombic energy do not vary greatly; hence, it seems unlikely relatively simple manner by considering only configurations in
1 in 1111 that, except in special circumstances, the assumption can lead which the distance between the atoms Y and Z in the molecule YZ
1: I
to serious errors, especially in the vicinity of the activated state. are kept constant while the distance between X and Z is dimin-
I '1
It was mentioned above that the total energy of 3, diatomic ished. The potential energy can then be expressed as a function
molecule for different atomic distances can be derived from of one coordinate, 0212., the X——Z distance. Suppose, for example,
spectroscopic measurements. The most convenient method is that in the reaction between atomic and molecular hydrogen,
-151 to make use of the function proposed by P. M. Morse“ which leading to the para-ortho conversion, the two atoms in the
1'1 FH-
gives the dependence of the binding energy E of a diatgmig hydrogen molecule are held in the positions they occupy in the
. 11
.. 1 molecule on the distance r between the atoms, with reference normal state and a third hydrogen atom is brought up to them
to the energy of the separated atoms as zero; it is from various directions. The potential energies may be calcu-
‘ . .11.|
lated, asdescribed above, and a series of contour lines of con-
E = D/[e—2a(r—r0) _ 2e—a(r—ro)],
stant potential energy for the system of these atoms can be
where D’ is the heat of dissociation of the molecule plus the zero- plotted. The result obtained on the assumption that the cou-
11' I point energy, rt is the equilibrium interatomic distance of the lombic energy is 20 per cent of the total binding energy is shown
normal molecule and a is 0.1227w@(1i/D)%, the quantity (.00 being in Fig. 13.* An atom of hydrogen coming up to the molecule
the equilibrium vibration frequency and p the reduced mass of from a great distance, in any direction, will be attracted at first
. -
the molecule. In general, both D’ and wo, which are expressed in by the van der Waals forces; but as it comes into the region
wave numbers (cmfl), as well as ro, are obtained from spectro- shown in the diagram the attraction changes to repulsion. A
:I."a. -._'-,3
-_—_. '_.i,_- ;_
scopic measurements; since these are known, it is possible to hydrogen atom will have average energy in one direction not

. calculate the energy of the diatomic system for any separation exceeding kT, and at room temperature this will amount to
I 1 of the two atoms. Provided that the requisite data are available somewhat less than 1 kcal. per mole. It follows, therefore, that
for the three molecules XY, YZ and XZ, it is possible to deter- as an average hydrogen atom approaches a hydrogen molecule
1 mme the quantlliles A "1" CY, B -1- 13 and C -1- 7 for any particular the former will commence to reverse its direction of motion when
Values Of T1, T2 and T3 by means of the appropriate form of Eq. (3). its center is approximately at a distance from the latter repre-
1 1
As explained above, the assumption is now made that the sented by the 1-kcal. contour line. The “kinetic theory shell”
coulombic energy is a certain fraction of the total binding energy, of the hydrogen molecule is thus, approximately, in the position
1 and so A, B and C and a, B and 'y are obtained separately. By shown in Fig. 13. The effective “collision” diameter of the
ifieans of Eq. (2), together with the simple geometrical device molecule would thus be about 3 A, at ordinary temperatures.
1;hustrated ‘H1 Fig. 11, or by the use of the equivalent sliding rulers,
‘J. O. Hirschfelder, H. Eyring and B. Topley, J. Chem. Phys., 4,170,
e potential energy of the system can be readily calculated for (1936).
a given value of ri and r2. This procedure is repeated until * Only half the contour diagram is shown in the figure, the lower half
4 P. M. Morse, Phys. Rev., 34, 57 (1929). being exactly the mirror image of the upper; the whole potential-energy
surface is, in fact, cylindrically symmetrical and has a plane of symmetry.

1L -t-_
.___._ . __l__

An atom having energy greater than the average will be able to
11-:1 approach more closely to the molecule, but it is clear from the as the one to the right. It will be noted that the contour lines
diagram that this will be easiest if the atom advances along the in the diagram indicate a small depression in the vicinity of the
line joining the two nuclei of the molecule. This is another way activated state, the rim being at about 7.5 kcal. and the bottom
1‘ of presenting the argument, given above, that the potential- at something less than 5 kcal. of energy. This basinlike depres-
energy barrier will be lowest when the three interacting atoms lie sion at the top of the barrier is a common feature of potential-
on a straight line. energy surfaces, and its significance will be considered more fully
It is of interest to follow the history of an atom approaching at a later stage.
1 in this most favorable direction: the potential energy of the The equipotential lines for the approach of a chlorine atom
system is seen to increase gradually until a value of about 7.5 to a molecule of hydrogen, with fixed interatomic distance, are
kcal. is reached, after which there is a fall, indicating a slight
1 kcal. ‘\

// 2

,.-v""Ar3 WW

,;*"“ K

5 ‘L
(‘A _

M_~_._-.'_.-_1 .
1 .-1 9 10 11 ._. ; area>15 kcal.
1, 1112131415 1 Reaction shell Bohr orbit Q53 A /’
“Shaded area >15 kcal.
\ Reaction shell
Kinetic theory shell
s‘ Kinetic theory shell Bohr orbit 0.53 A FIG. 14.—Pot-ential-energy contours for approach of a chlorine atom to a rigid
1 hydrogen molecule. (Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley.)
,1. FIG. 13.——Potential-energy contours for approach of a hydrogen atom to a rigid
hydrogen molecule. (Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley.)
depicted in Fig. 14. The general conclusions to be drawn are
attraction. It is clear that only atoms possessing energy in similar to those described in connection with the reaction between
excess of 7.5 kcal., the activation energy, will be able to advance atomic and molecular hydrogen and need not be discussed further.
close enough to the molecule of hydrogen to undergo some The diameter of the “kinetic theory shell” is 4 to 5 A,, and the
attraction. The position marked “reaction shell” represents apparent activation energy is 8.5 kcal. 1
the top of the energy barrier, and it is in this region that the Complete Potential-energy Surface.‘*——The next step in the
activated state will exist. For the purpose of drawing Fig. 13, examination of potential-energy surfaces is to consider the case
it was assumed that the distance between the atoms in the in which there is no restriction concerning the distance between
1| '
hydrogen molecule remains fixed; but in actual fact this is

1!1 the two atoms in the molecule YZ. In order to realize the most
1,1 probably not the case (see, however, page 151). As the incoming favorable conditions for the reaction, however. it is necessary
‘,1 atom approaches the “reaction shell,” the two atoms in the that X should approach YZ along the line of centers; i.e., X, Y
1 molecule are forced apart, and consequently the activated state and Z should lie on a straight line. By use of the methods
is formed, which may be represented as in which the
‘Eyring and Polanyi, Ref. 3; Eyring, R18f- 3; S99 511801 idem> Trans-
-._ central atom is just as likely to unite with the one to the left
Faraday Soc., 34, 3 (1938); E. Wigner, ibid., 34, 29 (1938).

described on page 91 and on the assumption that the coulombic
energy is a constant fraction of the total energy, for various distances apart but X is far away from Y, i.e., r2 is small and ri
interatomic distances, obtained from the appropriate Morse large.
equation, the potential energy of the system is calculated for a . X....-I-1------Y-7:?-Z.
series of values of ri and r2. The results are then plotted on a
contour diagram with ri, i.e., the X—Y distance, as abscissa and The final state, with ri Small and T2 1arge> f'e'>
r2, i.e., the Y——Z distance, as ordinate, the various contour lines X7?‘-Y------'3?-----Z, .
passing through points of equal energy. For the present the
is thus seen to be at the top left-hand corner Of the dlagram ' . Z
two axes will be taken at right angles, and the type of diagram
is evident that in the course of the reaction X -1- YZ = XY '1' 1
the system must pass from the
40 lower right-hand corner to 1
the upper left-hand one of the
i_. _i-~—-—- — —- L potential-energy surface. The
1 3* T1 N path requiring the least energy -<-—-——- ‘Fl I

1.8 -
XH ,9
is clearly indicated by the bI‘0k9I1
.2: /’5;_
line; the system Passe? up tbs Potenerentiagl y
1.6 - 1 20 . bottom of the “horizontal, I
Q ' 50
25 or “east-to-west,” Valley, 1 " 7 5 1
.. 0

_ Reaction coordinate
, 1 K through the gap at the top of Fro. 16.—Profile of reaction path,

50 4°] so
1. *8 1
. -.
1 1
118 pass. we 13¢ Sgaliow ‘$111’ i‘11Z“1i.‘;‘.g. 2i‘?%‘Z“{.‘1-is;‘*~Zf.§§Z.i?P.Zf-
i,l18Il Out
0f t 9 asln a
6 tivation energy.

1 ‘to
1-I1-3-~ o-15
-0- ---y— 1

other gap and finally down the _

0.8 1-

0.6 -

2Q A_

\ ‘
18 _ _ _T

8 ,8

“vertical,” or “north-to-south,” Va‘Hey' By followlngbl fife
_ . . . . - - e 0
reaction path, 2.e., the broken line, 1I1:f:1g. liif, e1Stlpllfiatoms
obtain an lI1d1C8.l3lOI1f of] the relative 1X):1£0;$ brought up to YZ
. \ 6,, __ Z
- t eac ion. 1
0.8 I-I '0
I-1 SI-1
/ / En/ Q
1‘ ~1 I-1 ‘£3
'-1 21> dumqig tthe COh1ei1?veve(en Ye afnd Z is seen to be hardly affected at
X‘-‘Y distance (rl)
FIG. I5.—Typical potential-energy- surface for a three-atom reaction. iihet if 1?Iizex comes closer the atoms Y and Z begin to be f0I‘0ed
' 7

rs ,t dls a consequence of the repulsive forces between X and Z,

obtained is shown in Fig. 15; it is seen to consist of two valleys,
arliirh become appreciable. When the activated state iS
- _. _ _. _t-_?. _ _ -_ _ _

each parallel to one of the axes, separated by a pass shaped

W 1011 e dnoaiit the top of the energy
reac ' pass ’ the distance between X-
somewhat like a saddle. At the top of the pass, called the
“saddle point,” there is sometimes a shallow basin with gaps and Y is comparable with that between Y and Z , so thatG Y will
-’ '
. . - ' . If t -
leading to the respective valleys. A section through the diagram be in a position to attach itself either to X or to Z 1 00111
b'nes with Z then reaction occurs. If the profile of the path
parallel to the ri axis at large values of r2 gives the normal
1 d 1'3. wn in one plane 1 it would look something like. that in
potential-energy curve for the diatomic molecule X~Y; a £18re 16. and Without going into the corrections necessitated by
similar section parallel to the ra axis will show the dependence of 1g'. ’ t. ’ of zerg-pOll1l1 energies, the so-called “classical”
the potential -energy of YZ on the atomic separation Y--Z.
Zzzfgaeiii a(::i;1ivation* of the process would be represented by the
The lower right-hand portion of Fig. 15 represents the
_. _. _ _ w_=, =_
_ .Z_ _ energy of the reactants, since Y and Z are then at their normal * The quantity that has been called the “classical” a0tiV&t1011 energy
actually refers to 0°K. /" "

—__-— r_:



height of the top of the pass above the level of the initial state
‘ l are derived
(see page 86). Conventionally, potential-energy curves are generally known’ and those of the activated l31OI(Tl1Ii1e)i)6 described
from theflpotelfitial-energy surface
pter It may be by the met that
mentioned 0 Othe activation, .
_,.-_.=_T- _-i

generally represented qualitatively as in Fig. 17; the ends are

turned up to indicate vibration of the nuclei, i.e., the variation later m is C a ' ' that obtained
of potential energy with interatomic separation, in initial (left) energies considered here are_I10t (111199 theTS;"m;_ iie ancy which
and final (right) states. This type of diagram will be used experimentally as described in Ch&P- 1- _ 9 ls p _ ’ d
frequently throughout this book, the ordinate being the potential d the difference in heat capiwlty 9f actlvated an
energy and the abscissa described as the “reaction coordinate”; :ta(.)tIhs A is of a small order of magnitude and may be
the latter is virtually the reaction path drawn in one plane. ml
neg l:cted forlthe present‘’ it is considered more fully‘ in Chap‘tions
Successive - -
Reactions. __The stu d Y of successive reac
Classical and Zero-point Activation Energies.—The London
involves no new problems, since ' each stage h as its own P otential-
1 W Activated 1 W1 equation gives the potential
-4 =1
state energy of a system with
1 respect to the energy of the |_ 1 L _ -l X+Y+Z1
separated atoms as zero, :=-7-"*5-'
_ _.-_-
whereas the activation energy \

as generally quoted is the T‘“__/
1 energy of the activated state /
ntial gy state
with reference to the initial
I-_.-.,_' p Final C
A state 1 state; this point is illustrated
Potenerentgyial _..-_.-°tq- -
diagrammatically in Fig. 18

Reaction coordinate
17.—-—Potential-energy curve; for the reaction X + YZ =
1<.. U‘l<- - -"'""'
X+YZ 1
conventional method of representing the
variation of potential energy during the XY+Z. The potential
course of a reaction. energy of the activated state XY+ Z .
as given by Eq. (1) is repre-
sented by E ; and the so-called “classical” activation energy Reaction coordinate _
at the absolute zero, which is the difference between the potential ' l” igllthe
Fici. 18.—- Classica d “true” activation
activated State is ener8i9$-
not shownThe zer°'p°mt energy

energies of the lowest levels of the activated and initial states,

without reference to zero-point energies, is Ea. It is seen that energy sur f ace independent
. of the others. Certain
.d ationpoints Of
of the
i_.ILs.-_-8'- —-A
E + E, is numerically equal to D’, which is the heat of dissocia- Special interest ansel however, frolfillieiie 0:11:81 ff)I11I‘ successive
tion of YZ plus the zero-point energy (cf. page 92). The true potential-energy curVeS' Suppose . - h t
activation energy at the absolute zero (E0) is the difference t
S ag ’ es of which the third, for
- example» requlres the hlg
f the'comple’f»8es
between the lowest observed vibrational levels in activated and
activation energy; the pOtent1f"al—enerl%Zw(iiu1iiie 19 the four
initial states, as shown in Fig. 18. The zero-point energy cor- reaction W111 ihen b? of the Orindsb A B C and D. The
responding to any particular vibrational mode of frequency v is potential barriers being represen 6 y 3 ’ E E EC
approximately $1111 per molecule, where h is Planck’s constant‘ ' ' ies for the separate reactions are ii,_ B3
hence, it follows, if there is no interaction between the various aciivgtloh
3.11 _ _ D; ll (tmtelig
e activation
. energy
- - , for the over-all
t R reaction is °E.
st acquire
degrees of vibrational freedom, that This is the energy which the inlitilal £eZZ‘tr£:1e: Sepanggting them
l EQ=E¢+2%hVa—2-%-hvi
before they can surmount theTh1g estents to which the inter-
where va and 11,- represent the frequencies in activated and initial from the final Products P. d P eaj: present at equilibrium is
H18dl&lZ6dp1l')OdLH:3Sggeigcinin height between the equilibrium
states, respectively. The vibrational modes of the reactants are
indicate Y 9 1
potential energy for these substances and that of the reactant R.
If the former, e.g., for PA, is less than the latter, so that the a mass point sliding on an inclined surface. Strictly speaking,
reaction, i.e., R —> PA, is exothermic, the equilibrium will favor the cases are not quite comparable, for on the potential-energy
the formation of an appreciable concentration of PA. In other surface the movement of the particle occurs in three dimensions,
cases, e.g., PB, the amount of intermediate will be small. It whereas the interatomic distances are plotted in the plane of the
may be noted that according to classical ideas the reaction under diagram. To make the agreement exact, it would be necessary
consideration would be expected to follow the complete path to measure the distances along the actual surface, instead of in
of the potential-energy curve, the various stages taking place in a plane; the discrepancy is not great and need not be considered
turn. The essential point emphasized in this book is, however, further.
that the highest barrier must be surmounted before reaction takes The simplest case to consider is that of a system of three
place, and the presence of intermediate states is inconsequential
atoms. In order that the potential-energy surface shall have
the properties mentioned above, the essential condition is that
ll **_ Tit" S “ the axes of the coordinates representing the distances between the
atoms X and Y and between Y and Z should be skewed in such a
manner that the kinetic energy of the mass point, when expressed
I-4 in terms of the corresponding rectangular coordinates, is the sum
of two square terms with no cross terms. That is, the kinetlc
i as|<-,_r=1- l |<0- Om l<—§::1— energy should be expressible as %m2'I2 + %"?/Z12, Where m ls Tfilated
Poteenerntiagy P1
w-—->' 1

to the mass of the system and x and y are rectangular coordlnates
P, P ,
corresponding to the actual coordinates on the potential-energy
Reaction coordinate surface. Consider the general case of three particles of masses
FIG. 19.—Potential-energy curve for successive reactions. ml, mg, m3, lying on a straight line; the distance between ml and
except in so far as such a state contains an appreciable fraction mg is r1, and the distance between ma and ma iS T2, as S110“/11 111
of the total molecules, which makes them really part of the Fig. 20.
initial state. It is possible for systems to pass over the highest
barrier without necessarily having been through the intermedi-
ate states. @s @s @s
l<________ ,1..._____-_>l<--------------- -- rz -----------"'-->l
PROPERTIES or POTENTIAL-ENERGY Summons FIG 20.—System of three particles lying on a straight line.
Diagonalization of Kinetic Energy. ’—The potential-energy
The internal kinetic energy T of the system relative to its
surface can be made to give information concerning the mechan-
center of mass is
ics of the reaction, i.e., the distribution of vibrational and rela-
tive translational energy in the system. By drawing the axes T -1._ mil?“ 1*” +1. (’”1+m2>’"~"* (r + 'm1+m2
m‘ S r1)21
of the coordinates at an appropriate angle, so as to diagonalize 2m1+m21 2 m1+m2+’m3 2
the internal kinetic energy, the free frictionless motion, under (4)
the influence of gravity, of t a particle, or mass point, sliding where the first term is the energy of particles 1 and 2 With
on the surface can be made to represent the analogous “motion” respect to each other and the second term 1s_that of 1 and 2
of the reacting system. The word “motion” here refers to the combined with respect to 3. UPOII multlplylng Out, Eq- (4)
CF‘*1: mutual transformations of kinetic and potential energies of the becomes
system, which can be compared with the analogous changes for
T = fi ['m,1(m,2 —|— + 2TI’L1’m:;f'1i'2 + 'm3(7n1 + 'm2)7‘~%la
7 J. O. Hirschfelder, Dissertation, Princeton University, 1935.
where M = ml + mg + 7)?/3. Let the variables r1 and r2 be
plotted on skewed axes, as shown in Fig. 21; then, r2, If ml, mg and m3 are equal, as is the case for the reaction
H -|- H, = H2 + H, then 0 is 30 deg. and the angle between the
r1=x—-ytan6 (6) axes should be 60 deg. The factor c is unity, so that r1 and r2
and may be plotted directly along the two axes. The only case
r2 = cy sec 0, (7) where rectangular coordinates give the necessary conditions, i.e.,
where :1: and y are the rectangular coordinates corresponding to 0 = 0 deg., is when mi/mg or ma/m2 is small. Unless ml/ma
r1 and r2/c, and c is a reduction factor. If these values for r1 is equal to unity, however, the reduction factor c will still be
and r2 are inserted in Eq. (5), it can be shown that if the cross necessary. Thus rectangular coordinates are approximately
i<............. --x ............ __,' terms, involving rm, are to applicable to the reaction H + BP2 = HB1‘ + BI‘, but the factor
* ‘ ’i " ' s e '—- -' vanish, it is necessary that c is very different from unity.
- >1
sin0 = ______. 8
/~ /0 ma + ms ( )
-<19 This gives the condition for
diagonalization. Further, if
,1 ' the constant c is chosen so as to
FIG. 21.~—Construction of potential- make the coefficients of it and
energy surface with skewed coordi- the Same’ which is the second ->4 .
nates. . . .
condition necessary to make it \‘\
possible to represent the system of three atoms by a ball sliding on
a surface, then /%\2"’i*-1.
X-"Y distance
C _ [m1(m2 + ma) % FIG. 22.——Interconversion of relative translational and vibrational energn
777/3(7n/1 + "7/2)] (9) Interconversion of Translational and Vibrational Energies.8——
Hence, from Eqs. (8) and (9) it follows that The diagonalized potential-energy surfaces obtained as described

H . __ i 77117713 g M.
above can be utilized to give information of various kinds, and
Sin 6 [(7711 “l” 777/2) (777/2 + 7713)] (10)
some of these will be considered first in a general manner, specific
cases being discussed later. Suppose the mass point, or particle,
With the values for c and sin 0 given by Eqs. (9) and (10), it is
representing the initial system X + YZ is propelled“ directly
found that
along the bottom of the “east-west” valley from east, to west.
T = fmi’ + -fmzi’, (11) Since the system has no lateral motion, it will have_at the com-
where mencement no vibrational energy but only translational energy
of X relative to YZ. If there is comparatively little attraction
m ?__ 777/3)_ (12)
between X and Y, the valley will rise steeply at the end; end
if it has a slight curvature, as is generally the case, the particle
It is seen, therefore, that the condition which is being sought is
will be reflected back, with a zigzag motion, z.e., to and fro
given by Eqs. (9) and (10); the latter gives the angle through
which the coordinates are skewed, and the former gives the 3 H. Eyring, H. Gershinowitz and C. E. Sun, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 786 (1935);
reduction factor for plotting the sloping coordinate in terms of H. Gershinowitz, ibid., 5, 54 (1937), see also O. Oldenberg and A. A. Frgstg
Chem. Rev., 20, 99 (1937); E. Rabinowitsch, Trans. Faraday Soc., 33, 8
across the valley (see Fig. 22). This means that under these
conditions, as a result of the close approach, or “collision,” of in the valley beyond the saddle point representing the activated
X and YZ, the translational energy of X is converted into state, there is a possibility that the reacting system may be
vibrational energy of YZ. If the YZ molecule has some vibra- reflected back even after passing over the energy saddle; this is
tional energy in the initial state, the path representing the inter- one of the factors sometimes responsible for the deviation of the
conversion of energy on collision will be of the form shown in transmission coefficient from unity.
Fig. 23. It should be noted that the paths indicated on the Suppose, however, that the mass point representing the react-
potential-energy surface are reversible, and so in the directions ing system X -|— YZ has suflicient energy to permit it to succeed
opposite to those represented by the arrows of Figs. 22 and 23 in entering the valley representing the products XY + Z.
there is a conversion of vibrational to relative translational It is evident that even if the energy was initially entirely trans-
energy. lational in character, i.e., the motion was parallel to the X—Y
If there is considerable interaction between X and Y, so that distance axis, there will be a zigzag movement in the further
the potential-energy diagram consists of two deep valleys with a valley showing that the excess translational energy of the reactant

I \ X+Y+Z
...-->- -
<a,,,% s2

“*2. "\
\\ H i

-$- '°*' +
/* I {
\\ >(,_\ 4’ \ ‘ /I
\ \ “< -—-——--<—— X+ YZ
\ X+YZ /74)
_ L-L 7* l

X---Y distance I
I X---Y distance _ _
FIG. 23.——Interconversion of energy; system possessing some vibrational energy FIG. 24.—-Excess translational energy of reactants converted into vibrational
in addition to relative translational energy. energy of resultants.

relatively low energy pass, representingthe activated state in has been converted into vibrational energy of the product XY
between, it is easily possible for a system X + YZ, with suflicient (Fig. 24). If the potential-energy surface has been constructed
energy, moving up the “east-west” valley to pass over into the in the correct manner, the motion of a particle sliding on it W111
other valley, i.e., to react. Nevertheless, owing to the shape give a true representation of the behavior of the system.‘ In
of the surface in the vicinity -of the activated state and to the actual practice the molecule of reactant YZ has some vibra-
initial distribution of energy in the X + YZ system, there may tional energy at the start; and provided that the particle ‘IS
be an interconversion of translational into vibrational energy endowed with the equivalent to-and-fro movement, its motion will
with the result that although the total energy exceeds that still give a true picture of the distribution of translational and
necessary for activation the system is reflected back before it vibrational energies in the reacting system. By rc\f61‘S1I1g the
.nm-¢._- -_ -_.-_- can reach the top of the pass. In other words, the system under procedure, it is possible to find the optimum proportions of the
these conditions has insufficient relative translational energy two forms of energy which the system should have initially in
for X to come close enough to YZ for the activated state to be order that reaction may occur with the least expenditure of total
formed. It may be noted that if there is a considerable bend energy. The mass point, initially at rest, i.e., with zero relative
translational and vibrational energies, is allowed to slide from

the saddle point representing the activated state down the _ . . ' ' . t th
“east-west” valley of the reactants. The extreme zigzag tional and vibrational energy, as shown 111 Flg 35> 9; ersn 8
movement across the valley will indicate the required amount of X —|- YZ valley and then passes over into the X + Va 93’,
vibrational energy, and the speed at the bottom gives the h t l tional energy being converted into vibrational, does
the ranian leading to XY + Z occur. It can be readily seen
translational energy of X relative to YZ.
Combination of Atoms.—The removal of energy by a third Ehetrsfig
3 gfficiency of Z in facilitating the. combination of X and
body is of importance in reactions involving the combination of Y depends on the shape of the potential-energy curve.’ Ifl Y
two atoms, and the potential-energy surfaces constructed in the and Z interact to an appreciable extent, the east-west gy

XY+Z H relatively low, so that Passage from one O 6 O t ch

difficult. If, on the other hand, Y and Z do I101? flttrac ea
\ X+Y+Z /

r' ¢'e /

\\ /

\ 1/
R‘?d. X-I-Y-l-Z
stance '_§\\

Y\ \ -\\
\\ ‘~\
’ X+ Yz '

\\ \

\ ‘>- \\
g _ 1 A-J‘ / I /
{R //1' I //
X---Y distance \
FIG. 25.——Atom-combination reaction; Y and Z are capable of interacting and so /7*
§- ‘\
-< L7’ ‘ "'
facilitate the combination of X and Y. -
X---Y distance
manner described above are of value in this connection. For the F IG ' 26 .—Atom - combination
. - ’ Y and Z do not1; interact
rea.ction' to any (“non
th curved appre-
reaction ciable extent. Reaction occurs only if the system en erg e
ruled”) region of the surface.
X—l—Y+Z=XY+Z, other to any extent the “east-west” valley will be shallow, and
_ _=_._fi- _,-_ :_ _- ._-_? _ ._,=-i_ _-r

for example, the appropriate surface is the same as that for the in fact the plateau may be fegarded Virtuafny as(ۤten;61;1g 955;
reaction X + YZ = XY + Z just discussed. The initial state the whole right-hand P°1‘t1°1l of the sur “CE 5g‘ Ssh; out
is now the plateau at the “northeast” (top right) corner, and probability of a system leaving the plateau an pa 8
the final state is the (approximately) “north-south” valley, as through the “north-south” valley will be greatly decreased.
before. If the mass point representing the reacting system were
imagined to slide directly from the plateau into the valley, the
to-and-fro motion would in general return it to the plateau and The Para-ortho Hydrogen Conversion.°——The potential-energy
there would be no reaction. This is-‘equivalent to saying that the surface for the reaction
third body Z does not remove the energy liberated in the forma- H + H2 = H2 "l" H2
tion of the molecule XY, and so the latter dissociates immedi- i.e., the interconversion of the ortho- and Péraforms Of: llygri)‘
ately. Further, if theisystem slid into the “east-west” valley gen, has been studied in some detail, and so it Wlll.b8 utilizg 0
approximately at right angles to the contour lines, the result illustrate specifically the general arguments considered a ove.
would generally be similar. Only if the mass point leaves the The surface which satisfies the conditions that a mass point
plateau at a suitable angle, i.e., with sufficient of both transla-
9 Eyring and Polanyi, Ref. 3; Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley, Ref- 5-

" .1. -=7-_



1011 is Stlifill iigdicate the distribution of the relative trans-
an ' . - . and r2 is approximately 0.78 A.* Since there has been little
e V1 ratlonal en-elgy 111 the System 1S shown in
Fig. 27; it has been calculated on the assumption that 14 er (,3 1; extension of the r2 distance above the equilibrium value of 0.74
ofthebind'i ing energy is - additive,
~- 2.6.,
~ coulombic,i. in .1’na,tu1~e_
- n the gap through which the reacting system must pass lies almost
The t wo va 11 eys representing - H + H2 and H2 + H respectivel on the straight line at the bottom of the “east-west” valley,
and th e s h all ow basin,' about 2.5 kcal. deep, at the ’ itop of the y’ parallel to the r1 axis. This means that a particle released from
energy pass, are clearly seen. At the borders of the diagram the the activated position would slide down this valley with very
little lateral movement. It follows, therefore, that the activa-
tion energy of the reaction must be almost entirely translational
in character. A result of this nature is to be expected, for the
vibrational quanta of the hydrogen molecule are about 12 to 13
~ .. 7 //////////
kcal., and as the energy of activation is of the same order this
would have to be almost completely vibrational or completely
translational; the latter condition is evidently the one applicable.
\ F‘ G)-0

"ls N’ UV If the activation energy for the reaction is less than about
12 kcal., which it probably is, then it would, of course, have to be
41: exclusively translational.
To follow the mechanics of the system when it enters the
activated state, use may be made of the property of the skewed
potential-energy surface which determines the amounts of
vibrational and relative translational energies of the system.
W4 0_25_6; 7 fi= he __ W _
'-§"-\s-"P" 14 15 0/ 212 A N5 .5“13: The principle of the method, which involves the classical equa-
tions of motion, is as follows. Suppose the kinetic energy T
.o 7/” '*-“\'=> -- .
* =-~-~-»
- -.- _--.._ _ 1‘ x
HQ 2
9or. O‘2’?-;0-l=».
Angstriims —>r1
1.5 .2» 2.5 ..
of the initial system to be known at any point; then, by means of
Eq. (11), it may be expressed as a function of the rectangular
Fro. 27.—Potent'ia 1- energy surface for the system of three h dm t coordinates, i.e., in terms of at and 11]. Further, since the poten-
on 14 per cent coulomb . _ Y _ gen a oms based
lc energy (El/T1"-U. Gershinowztz and Sun.) tial-energy surface has been determined, the potential energy
valleys rise steeply corres pending ‘ to th 1 ' V, at the same point, is also known in terms of 2: and y; the
hydrogen atoms ferced closer togethe: ItliIaLiiS1t)li1e b:g‘:i?§ W0 sum of T and V then gives the Hamiltonian H of the system
w?- separation of 0.74 At their inner sides the valle s r‘ 1 i rium
1 (see page 40) in terms of :1: and y, and of their derivatives
steeply toward a plateau in the “nort y we ess with respect to time at and 1]. The generalized equations of
corner at a l eve 1 of 108.5 kcal.,, this heeet,”
- region
. or top right-hand
represents com l t, motion are '
dissociation of the system into three atoms of h d p8 e
The h ' ht f th .
y rogen ' - - SE
elg O e ge-P at the ‘BOP of the barrier through which
kthe system haS 1; e Pasb~ before reaction - can occur is . at about 14
cal. per mol , d t ,, _
. 6H
energy of the Piocaegs - * hllsnlzlhould ‘be the “Classical actlvation
e activated state, 1'1 is about 1.25 A., q = 1%’ (14)
* For '20 per cent additive ener '
gy the height of the pass is abo 1; 7 k 1
which is much closer to th ~ ' i . u ca" - * These distances give the dimensions of the activated complex in its
po t entia
- I-energy surface are
e ekpenmental
unchanged Value, but the main features of the equilibrium state; the constituent atoms presumably vibrate about /the
equilibrium position as in a normal molecule.
where p is the momentum and q the coordinate of a particle‘ in the
enough to indicate which of the alternatives will occur in this
present case the latter can be :1: or jg, and the corresponding
instance; but the problem is theoretically soluble by classical
;IZOIE611;3(€; age p, and p,,,. parallel to the a:- and y-axes, respectively,
methods, and it is probable that, if a quantum-mechanical
t s ouf t us be possible, from the known expression for H in
treatment could be used, it would lead to a similar result.*
erms E ta?’ ?/, 5'? and 1/, to evfllllate P; and 15,, by difierentiation with For practical purposes, however, it is of interest to consider the
respec o :1: and y, respectively [Eq. (13)]. The initial values of
problem statistically and to determine the number of particles
Pa and py are known from the mass of the system and the details
of the motion at the commencement, and hence the new values entering the energy basin at various angles that go out of the two
gaps. The proportions will depend upon the relative heights
Px + Zia 515 and Pg + 15,, 5t, after the lapse of a given time interval
gt, mayl be (iialculated. . The values of pi and pg so obtained may and cross sections of those gaps: more particles will pass out
of a. wide gap of low energy than would be the case if the gap
9 emp 03/9 150 determine ‘:0 and y, by means of the two forms of
Eq. (14). Since the original coordinates :2; and y are known .0 1.1 e _ e
tl’18.pOS1t1011.0f the system after the lapse of 3, time jntervai
53, 1-6» I1? + Iv 5i and y + 3] 6t, can be found. The Coordinates
of the point and the new values of p, and pg are now known, and
so the calculation can be repeated and the position found at the
end of another small time interval, and so on. By continuing
this procedure many times, the path of the particle representing
the reacting system may be traced out completely from one
valley to the other.


3 ée
‘\ \ \


Q“: is :1

The actual computations are tedious and have been carried out
04%ii §§-~\\§
0-8 F‘ ___ 7 )"\>'\ _ \

~*-— fie c
only in the one case of the reaction under discussion, and even rp ‘ " Activated mm.‘-' ‘\~e_
then not completely.“ The results for the H + H2 = H2 _|_ H . 14.5
.6°° 15.0 J

0.7 Y
reaction are shown in Fig. 28 which represents an enlarged per- 07 08 09 10 11 1.2 1.3A
tion of the “southwest” (lower left) corner of Fig 27' the path rbc—>-‘Distance between the atoms b and c
of a system having 300 cal. more translational energy than is FIG. 28.—Path of H—H—H system in the basin at the top of the potential-
energy barrier. (Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley.)
required for reaction is indicated by a series of arrows. Although
the system ‘has sufficient energy to permit it to go over the top were narrow and in a position of high energy. In the case of the
of the pass into the shallow basin and then out of the gap on the process H + H2 = H2 + H, the two gaps must be on the same
other side, this does not take place at once. The particle level of energy, so that half the systems reaching the activated
representing the system 1S reflected back and forth at the sides state may be expected to undergo reaction. It is not impossible,
of the basin, which means that there is a continual conversion however, that the potential basin at the top of the energy pass
of translational into vibrational energy, and vice verse, As a, is a consequence of approximations and assumptions (see page 91)
result, the system will wander about the potential basin for some made in the evaluation of the energy surface, and that the true
time, and eventually either it will pass through the gap into the
* The principle of the quantum-mechanical treatment, which is diflicult to
‘ north-south” valley, which means that reaction has occurred carry out, is to consider the particle representing the system as a wave
or it will return to the valley whence it came. In the example going into a medium of varying refractive index. The latter is proportional
shown_ in Fig. 28, the calculations have not been carried far to 1 /u, where u is the velocity of the wave in the medium, and hence to p /E
(see p. 29), which is equal to [2m(E —- V) /E1”, where E is the total and V
1° Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley, Ref. 5; for further details see Hirsch-
felder, Ref. 7. , ’ the potential energy. Reflection would be indicated by the refractive index
becoming imaginary; i.e., V > E.
1__T-_H-_. _ _.



;u_cth_ that the activated state lies at the top of the pass
.ic 1 is possible to look down directly
- -
into both valleys. into vibrational motion until it reaches the condition when
of React
the tyigigs Invo1 ving
' Three Particles.11——The
- .
simplest, ,
reactmn ri = 1'2; the translational energy will then suddenly be redistrib-
uted among the vibrational and translational degrees of freedom
in the left-hand part of the potential-energy surface. The same
X+Y+Z=XY+z general arguments apply to any type of motion on the developa-
is the one involvin h dr . . . ble surface.
lowest potential engrgg agiilplzigcliibahzlge tilsietlizstluliinin of Suppose that the system is initially at the right-hand end
of the “east-west” valley, i.e., consists of H + H2, and that
three atoms fan on one straight line, and information cbvndgrniiig
its total energy is sufficient to permit it to dissociate into three
S t e o served. that when the energy of the atoms. This dissociation energy is the sum of the normal heat
Y3 em Of three hydrogen atoms is relatively high e r t of dissociation, i.e., 102.3 kcal. per mole, the zero-point energy,
than about 45 kcal., there are two areas one on, eagi; g-Ea er i.e., 6.2 kcal. per mole, and the rotational energy. If it is
the median line, in which the contours are almost C S111 1 of postulated that the system is to remain in the original valley,
the energy must be distributed in the xi and yi directions in such
the axes of the diagram-* This means that in these rleaid e t‘i0
energy. may be expressed as the sum of the two indgpeliiiieiii a way that the part along the yi coordinate is less than the
P0teI1t1&1 terms, each being a function of a single coordi t dissociation energy. Since the surface is developable in this
It is then possible to consider the transfer of ener b tna 8. region, there can be no transfer of energy between the :z:1- and yi-
two degrees of freedom, vz'z., relative translational ggnde Yheen directions, and so the system cannot dissociate before it reaches
tional, associated with the two distances ri and r ' thes fivl til?‘ the median line. When it does reach this line, however, it will
relative translation of the linear molecule consi2s,ting if lihr e pass into the other valley, where the coordinates are xi and yg.
It will be seen from Fig. 27 that, provided that the energy
ggoglshreszglaeisthtiSotential energy 011 e particular surface ca: exceeds about 45 kcal., there is no pass to surmount between
_ _ sum of two terms each depending en 3,
single coordinate, the surface is said to be develo able ' t the valleys, and hence the activation energy is zero. As soon
of those coordinatcs.1‘ At the right of the mellian l1'n enhls as the system passes the median line, the energy will be develop-
==1.121;’-:_ surface may be regarded as developable in terms of the ee 11133 t e able in terms of x2 and Z/2; i.e., there is a redistribution of energy
xi, which determines the translational energy and y whiizlh Hiate between the translational and vibrational degrees of freedom, and
the vibrational energy; to the left, it is developablg in t gives there is a definite probability that enough energy will be trans-
$2 and ?/2, the latter being chosen perpendicular to the erms '0 ferred to the yrdirection to make the system dissociate, i.e.,
There is no transfer of energy between the coordinates xiraiiiadxfi pass on to the plateau in the “northeast” corner which repre-
fig: tritweefl $2 anfil ?/3; but when the system crosses the median
1 sents H + H + H.*
, ere 1S a redistribution from the one set of coordinates to By the principle of microscopic reversibility, this will also
3:: im gdgeaiiiliglesgegtiligmf E“111$. 27 that, starting from give the probability that a system of three atoms will react to
give a molecule and an atom. The mechanism of the process
energy greater thah 45 kc; h 0 1 see hydrogen atoms with
is the reverse of that already considered for the process
only, i.e., is moving Parallel tolthas re ll We tralglatlonal energy
e Ti-axis, there will be no transfer H+H2=3H.
11 Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref, 3,
* It may be mentioned that the system must pass over a small ridge at the
Surfaces °f thls WPB are Called “ruled surfaces.”
";These are a good approximation to the “normal” coordinates of th edge of the plateau, owing to the presence of the rotational energy; this, as
system. e will be seen later, provides the energy barrier at the top of which is the
activated state (p. 127).


Of the initial energy of the system of three hydrogen atoms an
appropriate amount must be in the ya-direction, i.e., vibrational with the reacting atoms.” It is possible that the similar prop-
erty of acting as a means for the transfer of energy (cf. page 290),
Lanergly, and. when the system crosses the median line, this is
_rans erred into translational energy in the 2:1-direction, which exhibited by molecular hydrogen in many cases, is to be attributed
is not convertible into vibrational energy. It may be noted to an analogous cause. The suggestion has been made that
that on account of the symmetry of the potential-energy surface hydrogen molecules are much more eflicient than others for the
the reaction can take place equally well if 3, certain amount of transfer of energy because of their small moment of inertia, so
the initial energy is in the yrdirection; the 3H system passes that a large amount of vibrational energy can be transferred to
first into the “east-west” valley, then crosses the median line rotational energy in a single quantum.* From the discussion
given above and on page 294, it is probable, however, that the
and emerges as H H2 along the other valley. ability of any molecule to transfer energy is connected with its
Iilthe third particle in the system is not a hydrogen atom, but
ano er, e.g., helium, as H + H + He = H2 _|_ He, it would be tendency to form a complex with one or other of the reacting
necessary to have a new potential-energy diagram.” In this substances.
instance, it 1S found from Eqs. (9) and (10) that the angle Nonlinear Configuration of Three Hydrogen Atoms.14——The
treatment already given of the reaction H + H + H = H2 + H
b9l1W6B11 Ti and T2 Coordinates should be 50°46’ and the reduction
involves the assumption that the mechanism of the process
factor c 1S 0.79. Since a normal helium atom cannot form a
valence bond with a hydrogen atom, the “east—west” valley consists in a hydrogen atom 1 approaching an unstable configura-
tion of atoms 2 and 3, with the result that 1 and 2 form a stable
olf gig. 27 disappears; instead, there is a high plateau with a
molecule and atom 3 departs. This covers the cases in which
s a ow valley due to the van der Waals attractive forces that
the atoms are moving in a straight line or at such small angles as
occur at relatively large values of 1'2, via, about 3.8 and as r2
are included by the transverse vibrations of the activated state
is decreased the surface drops rapidly.* From the nathra of the
(cf. page 120). If the amplitude of these vibrations is very
new surface, which is similar to that shown in Fig. 26 it is
large, i.e., for atoms approaching at very sharp angles, it is no
apparent that helium, or in fact any other inert molecule, cannot
longer permissible to assume that the surface is developable in
be anything like so efficient as a hydrogen atom in carrying
terms of two coordinates. In these circumstances, there may be
away the excess energy in a linear collision. Much of the region
‘C‘0l1tI‘1bL1l31l'1§ to the reaction of three hydrogen atoms, i.e., the another region of the potential-energy surface that is effective
_._, -_I- ._ for the reaction, and this would imply an additional mechanism
t eaStf“WeSt _Van§Y, 1S here shut off by the high plateau; the for the process. Such a situation actually arises for the con-
I1'3.l'lS er of vibrational energy,‘ along yg, to translational energy,
figuration in which one of the hydrogen atoms is in a direction
aong xi, which is an essential factor in the stabilization of
perpendicular to the line joining the other two. The pair moving
the System H2 + H formed from 3H, is now much less probable. along the line react, and the third carries off the excess_energy-
Ii: thttsystelll 2H + He has suflicient translational energy in the
d1I‘90t1011 $1, It ls possible for transfer to vibrational energy along VIBRATION FREQUENCIES or ACTIVATED STATE
ya to occur, and H2 + He will be formed, as explained on page 107
Normal Vibration Frequencies.15—It has been seen from the
HYd1'°g°11 as Energy RQIHOVEI-—It appears, therefore, that treatment on pages 91 to 93 that the potential-energy surface
the reason why atomic hydrogen is effective for the purpose of
carrying ofl the excess energy of the reaction 2H = H2 is because 13 Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8.
of the ability of the additional atom to form a chemical bond * The quantum of rotational energy, for a diatomic molecule, is inversely
proportional to its moment of inertia. In general, the smaller the moments
12 Gershinowitz, Ref. 8. of inertia of any molecule, the larger the rotational quanta.
=|= The van der Waals forces exist,
. _ the ease of the system of
of course, in 14 Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8.
(tlhree hydrogen atoms, but the attraction is unimportant compared with that 15 See E. T. Whittaker, “Analytical Dynamics,’ ’ 3d. ed., Chap. VII,
ue to valence forces, and so can be ignored. Cambridge University Press, 1927.
--—— ----- ----


>¢ %i_
gives the energy of the activated state and the interatomic from (18) gives
distances of a linear system of three atoms in this state. It can
L = T "" V ='- E U/' '_' 2 biiqiqia
also be utilized to determine the normal vibration frequencies
ij if
of the activated complex. These quantities are important
for the evaluation of zero-point energies and for other purposes where L is the Lagrangian, or kinetic potential, of the system.
necessary for the theoretical derivation of reaction rates, as will Differentiating Eq. (19) With 1'9SPeCl3 to (11 and Q1, 1'eSPe‘_3t1Vely>
be seen in Chaps. IV and V. The method used is based on what gives
is known as the “theory of small vibrations” which applies to 6L .
aql = - -
aizqi (20)
stationary points on a potential surface, i.e., to maxima or
minima, where the system is at equilibrium and a small change
in the coordinates produces no change in the potential energy- and
The general expression for the potential energy V of any system
6L _ _ _ _. 21
for displacements q,- and q,- in the coordinates 2' and j is given by 5;-1 — ibizqn ( )

6V 1 6’-’V
V—V0+2§q:qi+§;'(%?5é"]_q¢Qi+"', (15) and if Eq. (20) is differentiated with respect to the time t, it is
seen that
and at equilibrium the second term on the right-hand side is zero,
since 6V/641,- is zero. Neglecting third- and higher order terms, _6 .__
aql = . .
.. (22)
which are likely to be small for vibrations that are small com-
pared with interatomic distances, Eq. (15) reduces to
where q, is the second differential with respect to the time. It
1 62V follows, therefore, from Lagrange’s equation of motion, vzz.,
*-ei'=é»fii 6 . 6Le 6L () 23)
If the activated state is chosen as the origin of the coordinates at aq. aqr ’ (
and the potential energy V0 at this point is taken as the reference that Eqs. (21) and (22) give
zero, then Eq. (16) can be written in the form
2(ai,-41+ b1.~q,~> = 0- <24)
V = Z b.-,-qa-,
(17) 1'
By differentiating Eq. (19) with respect to qz and Q2, I‘6SP80tiVe1Y,
which gives the potential energy due to vibrations, i.e., displace- it follows in exactly the same way that
ments about the equilibrium position, in the activated state. In E (a2J'qi "l" b2iqJ') = 02 V
Eq. (17) the terms b,-,- are one-half the force constants, 62V/6g, 6q,-, i
for any particular type of vibration, and q,- and q,- represent the and altogether there are n linear equations of this type with z
corresponding displacements. The kinetic energy T of the varying from 1 to n, where n is the number of vibrational modes
system may be represented by an analogous expression of the system in the activated state. Since the motion under
consideration is periodic, i.e., vibrational, the solution of these
T = 2 aifqiqji (18) equations will be of the form
where a,;,- is related to the masses and coordinates of the particles Q; = A,'62"'i"t = A,'6'N,* (26)

constituting the activated complex. Subtraction of Eq. (17) * In this equation. 11 is used in the conventional manner for ‘V -1-

_ _ —— ;;1


A being written for brevity in place of 21rv, where v is the frequency be divided into two independent parts: the first part (T1) iS due t0
of the motion. If this is substituted in Eq. (24) and the similar
the linear modes of vibration, and the other (T¢) to the doubly
equations, there will be obtained n equations of the type degenerate bending vibration. The value of T z is given by Eq-
(4), and since Eq. (29) reduces in this case to a quadratic, the
2 (—a,-,-A,~>\2 em + b,;,-A,- 42"“) = 0, (27) normal coordinates are obtained directly. The Velue-9 Of “11,
1' 1 an and an are thus seen to be the coefficients of rfi, T%2 and rfi,
z.e., respectively; i.e.,
l F‘ Tl,
E‘ aii '_ ma): (31a)
2 <b.~.~ - av>A,- = 0. <28)
j= 1
an = (aw)
This gives a set of n linear equations in the A’s; and if they are
to have nontrivial solutions, it follows that +
a22 m2)‘ (316)
I , b ii "' a11>\2 b12 -' £11232 ' ‘ ‘ bln — a/1n>\2
1 521 — a2i7\2 522 "' a22)\2 ‘ ' ' b2» - a2»7\2 . The kinetic energy of the bending vibration is
. . . = 0, (29) 7'17‘; . mlmzms 2 32

where ¢ is the bending angle between r1 and re and I is the

y bnl '_' an1>\2 bn2 _' an2)\2 ' ' ' ban — ann>\2
moment of inertia of the linear molecule; thus,
which is an equation of the nth degree, giving n values for X2. I = .51; [m1(m2 + m3)T% + 2m1'm3r17‘2 + m3(m1 + m2)rgl'
If n is 3 or more, a direct solution of Eq. (29) is not possible
unless there are certain simplifying conditions that sometimes The quantities r1, T2, mi, 777/2, 777/3 and have the same significance
arise on account of symmetry. An indirect solution may be as before (page 101). The appropriate value of ‘ti,-, for the deter_
" - -*1—-"-~.-@myI'=1;-5n-"i;-=1~I;=E . _
achieved by taking a series of values for A2 and evaluating the mination of the frequency of the bending vibration is the coeffi-
determinant D in each case; the values of D are then plotted as cient of <1»? in Eq. (32)- _
ordinates against the >\2’s as abscissae, and the n values found for
System of Three Atoms.16—If the potential-energy. surface has
which the resulting curve crosses the A2-axis, i.e., for which been plotted in some detail, it is possible to derive the bi,-s
D = 0 as required by Eq. (29). If the n solutions for A2 are directly. Consider, for example, the system of three hydrogen
known, the corresponding vibration frequencies can then be atoms to which Fig. 27 is applicable. For 14 per centadditive
readily calculated, since A is equal to 21w; the vibration frequency (coulombic) energy the coordinates of the activated state are
is thus given by 1-1 = 1.25 K. and r2 = 0.78 X; and so in the neighborhood of this
point the potential energy V, due to linear motion, with refer-
P -— Zr‘ ence to the activated state as zero, may be represented '00 3» first
approximation by
In order to solve Eq. (29), it is necessary to know the a’s V
sf1 (T1
._._1 25)2 +f, 20.1 --1.25 )(rfl--0.78)
‘5'f22(7‘2 — 0.78)2, (34)
and b’s‘for the given system. For a linear system of three
atoms, such as has been the basis of most of the previous treat-
1° Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley, Ref. 5; L. Farkas and E. Wigner,
ment of the activated state, the internal kinetic energy can Trans. Faraday Soc., 32, 703 (1936)-


where fn, fl; and f22 are the force constants, which are related to
the b,-,-’s, and the quantities in the parentheses are the respec- the direction of the decomposition coordinate, h0WeVe13 <1?“
tive displacements from the equilibrium position. The three placement leads to a decrease of potentlel energy and hence bo
unknowns fn, fm and fgg, which are required, may be evaluated decomposition. In general, an activated complex can ‘e
from the potential-energy surface by taking the energies at considered as having one normal mode of vibration less éhan is
three points, having different coordinates r1 and 1'2, and solving possessed by a stable molecule of the same type; as will e selen
the simultaneous equations. From the appropriate values of in Chap. IV, this missing degree of freedom is replaced y
O11 (= é-f-11), O12 (= _/~12) and O22 (= -Li-fgg), l'iOg€llh6I' I/l'lOS€ Of G11: another which is equivalent to a translational movement along
an and am, it is possible to derive two values of A2 from Eq. (29), the decomposition coordinate. _ _ _
which give the frequencies 11, and 11; of the two linear vibrations An equivalent procedure to that described above for obtaining
the b-- terms is to write the expression in Eq- (1) for the energy
(Fig. 29). It is found that one of
' I ' T ‘V8 the frequencies, identified with of a ‘system of three interacting particles involving s-electrons
in the form
-<9} Q > < Qv,
11;, has an imaginary value; this
means that the force constant E=pe+b+o-%1—m& (%)
along the corresponding normal
i . W coordinate is negative. For this where p is the coulombic fraction of the total binding energy I
T T type of motion, therefore, the - (§)OSS1l)é8-+[_)3,1I‘S
represented by a, b and c for the thiee ‘ ' oltlheét L131;;
F1e- 29-—Vib1'eti<>I1_e1 modes Of e system is in unstable equilibrium. thus,ais equal toA —l—a,bt0B+5an Ct‘) '7'
linear triatomic system. The bendin fr n .
g eque cy 11¢ is R is given by a _
doubly degenerate, because the molecule can bend in two
perpendicular planes with the same frequency. The potential R=twa-w“+®—®“t®—aWW- 90
energy V¢ for this vibration is given by
The second differentials 62E/391391, for '5 =j = 1’ '5 =-7. = 2
V¢ = %f¢¢’, (35) and i = 1 and j = 2 which are identical with fii, f22 end fiz,
where f¢ is the force constant and if, is the corresponding b term.
By finding from the potential-energy surface the change in the
. ’
be '
the dimensions of the activa e comp ex; s1
are all known, the b.-,- values can be determined.
. d

potential energy corresponding to definite values of the bending

angle ¢, it is possible to calculate the force constant from Eq.
(35). To determine the a,-,- term from Eq. (32) the moment of FOUR-ATOM REACTIONS
inertia of the activated complex is calculated from its known Potential-energy Surface in Bond SPa°e-17—The represem
dimensions. The bending frequencies can now be evaluated . ' ' ° ‘ t
tation of a system of four Partlcles Tequlres Six E1‘3%€pZ:;1ei:s
in the usual manner, although in this instance Eq. (29) reduces parameters (see page 90); and although the po en ia e .
to one of the first order. The results show that the linear for various configurations can be calculated, their representetlen
triatomic activated complex has three vibrational modes in would require a surface in more than three dimensions and so is
which it is stable, and one (1/1) in which it is unstable. Examina- difficult to visualize. In order to overcome this difiiculwi it is
tion of the potential-energy surface leads to the same conclusion. necessary to abandon the use of configuration space to represent
It is seen that any displacement of the coordinates of the acti- the variation of the potential energy of the reeelling Slcstem alI11_d
vated st_ate in any direction except that of decomposition results to adopt a form of representation in ‘ bond space ; for t 1S
in an increase of potential energy; in all these directions, there- purpose the potential energy is given in terms of two bond
fore, the activated complex behaves as a stable molecule. In
1" Altar and Eyring, Ref. 2-

__.___ i-


energies instead of six distances. Consider, for example, the
data required for the preparation of these scales are obtained
reaction between two diatomic molecules WX and YZ; thus:
from the Morse equation for the diatomic molecules WX, YZ,
W—-X W X WY XZ WZ and XY, respectively. These scales are linked
7 !

l : _’ l l together in such a way as to represent a model of a planar

Y--Z Y---Z Y Z configuration of four atoms ; as has already been shown (page 90),
initial activated final
state state state.
If the energies of the diatomic molecules are a-1 for WX, a2 for 0‘§‘=‘¢
YZ, bl for WY, b2 for XZ, cl for WZ and ca for XY, then in 04*-

the initial state, when WX and YZ are relatively far apart,

31*!‘ H
a1 + a2 = a has its maximum value, whereas bl, b2, c1 and C2 are
almost zero ; in the final state b1 + b2 = b is a maximum, and
the other binding energies are all very small. In terms of the
energies of the diatomic molecules, therefore, the reaction
starts with a maximum value of a and proceeds to a maximum
value of b by the path requiring the least expenditure of energy;
this important fact, together with the form of the analytical
Ii} A (

expression for the energy (page 76), permits the reaction path
to be plotted in terms of two variables in the so-called “bond
space.” Different values of the bond energies a and b are
taken, and the value of c, equal to c1 + 02, that together with
them gives the lowest potential energy of the system is found; ~ 7'
1 /24% :7-.
'¥ 4’, *-
the corresponding values of E are then plotted against a and b, ‘Lil r *
and the equipotential lines so obtained give the potential-energy
via \>.\<
surface in bond space. It can be readily seen from the argu-
ments on page 89 (cf. Fig. 11) that the lowest value of E for a
(1 sf,

v.=I '-i
given a and b is obtained when c is a minimum, provided that c
is the lowest of the three quantities a, b and c. The latter
condition is almost invariably applicable, since cl and C2 are taken I;
as referring to the pairs of atoms that have the greatest separa- I,II _
tions (see Fig. 12). It is necessary, therefore, to find the lowest FIG 30 —Sliding rulers for determining four-atom system of minimum energy
value of c, viz., c1 + 02, for given values of a and b and then to (Altar and Eyring.)
calculate the corresponding energy E by means of the London the potential energy of a system of four electrons is a minimum
equation (1). when they lie in one plane. A particular case, for the reaction
The determination of the smallest value of c for a given a and H, + lei = HI + HC1, is shown in Fig. 30. By mogirgs Eh?
b is greatly facilitated by means of a mechanical device con- scales on their hinges or slides, varying ai, 02, bl all 2 11
sisting of six hinged or sliding scales; on each of these scales is keeping the sums (Ii + 612 (= 11) and bl + be ( = b) constant’
marked the value of one of the six bond energies, v'iz., a1, a2, it is possible to find the configuration giving the lowest valfie
bl, b2, 01 and 02, as a function of the interatomic distances. The for cl -|— C2 (= c). In other words, without varymg four of t 9
six dimensions of the model, it is possible to adlllet the e°hfi8111‘e'


tion so that the sum of the remaining pair of dimensions viz the POTENTIAL-ENERGY SURFACES 125
gggighfisi is be Hllnlflluilligh ghe process is then repeated with as seen on page 122, the system starts from the region where a
e com ina ions o e istance corresponding to a1 and a2 is a maximum and goes to that in which b is a maximum, by the
adding up to the same a, and of b1 and b2, giving the same 1;. easiest possible path. The highest point that the system has
until an absolute minimum for the given values of a and b is to surmount in this path is the position of the activated state;
found. The procedure is then repeated with new values of and the potential energy at that point, with reference to the
a and b until enough figures have been obtained. The potential initial state, gives the activation energy of the reaction.
energies for the various a’s and b’s and the appropriate c’s that To determine the dimensions of the activated complex, it is
kcal. necessary to know the actual values of the bond energies a1, a2,
b1, b2, c1 and c2 that give the activation energy. The distances

110 — (2%
'00 r1, rt, 1'3, r4, rt and rt corresponding to these energies can then
be readily derived from the Morse curves of the six diatomic
l, ¢.@ molecules; from these dimensions, it is possible to evaluate
the moments of inertia of the activated complex that are
_ "~’<s* required for the statistical calculation of reaction rates (Chap.
ll IV).
Vibration Frequencies.——The activated state for a four-
particle system, like that for one of three particles, is an equilib-
energies "
+H 125 rium position, since the potential energy is a minimum in all
r i directions except along the reaction path where it is a maximum.
HI an '
160 — It is thus possible to apply the theory of small vibrations to

\ calculate the vibration frequencies in the activated state, the

170 - \ 1'56
\\ b,-,- terms being obtained by the procedure outlined on page 115.
mo. . I I‘ 7“"“r"'* Of the six normal vibration frequencies of a nonlinear system of
160150 140 130 120 110 kcal. four atoms, five are in one plane whereas the sixth is a twisting
H2-1-ICI bond energies vibration out of the plane. It is possible to treat these groups
FIG . 31 .—- Potential
’ - energy surface in
- bond space for the reaction
. H2 + IC1 =
HI + HCI. (Data from Altar and Eyring.) separately, so that the sixth-order determinant that has to be
will make the energy a minimum are then used to calculate the solved divides into a fifth-order determinant and a linear equa-
actual value of E, by means either of Eq. (1) or of its equivalent tion. The values of a,-,- are derived in the usual manner, by
geometrical construction (page 90). writing out the kinetic energy of the system and transforming to
The data so obtained are plotted on a series of equipotential normal coordinates; the procedure is not simple, but it has been
curves as a function of the bond energies a and b, i.e., of the worked out in some detail.“ The solution of the fifth-order
determinant is carred out by the graphical method described on
gfeleeulee + YZ and WY + XZ, respectively. The type of page 118; it is found that four of the frequencies are real, but
iagram obtained 1S shown in Fig. 31; it is very similar in form
to the potential-energy surfaces in configuration space for three- one has an imaginary value, as in the case of the activated com-
particle systems, but the coordinates have now a different plex consisting of three atoms. The sixth normal vibration
significance.* The reaction path is shown by the dotted line'
I the coordinates are the distances rt and 1'2; and these are, of course, related
* It inay be pointed out that there is no fundamental difference between to the energies of the bonds XY and YZ, which are a and b for a system of
potential-energy surfaces in configuration and bond spaces. In the former three atoms.
1* Altar and Eyring, Ref. 2.

frequency is given by the solution of the linear equation for the
Symmetrical Activated Complex.19—-If the activated complex Rotational-energy Barriers.2°-—-Reactions involving the combi-
possesses a certain degree of symmetry, the calculation of the nation of two atoms to form a molecule, or those in which a
vibration frequencies can be simplified by reducing the order of the molecule dissociates in a unimolecular manner, or, in fact, all
L determinant. In a reaction of the type reactions of the type
| A2 + B2 = 2AB, AB=A+B or A+B=AB,
A—-lé». where A and B may be atoms or molecules, present a special
of which H2 -|- I2= 2HI is an example,
the system has two planes of symmetry problem in connection with the subject of potential-energy
surfaces The usual form of “surface,” which is actually two-
in the activated state; one of these
planes is shown at LM (Fig. 32), and the dimensional for two atoms, is . .. . ._. _
B. , _ B other is the plane of the complex, which the simple potential-energy j ‘
is normal to LM. As a result of this curve, such as is shown in Fig.

symmetry, the six modes of vibration 34; this curve has no maximum, C
E__._. _._-. . _._ .
1.-,G_ 32___A,,,,va,ed ,,,,m_ can be divided into three classes. The except at infinity, and so it A+B
plex A=Bz with plane of six vibrations, which are shown in would appear that the position "'_"
symmetry‘ Fig. 33, can be classified into three of the activated state cannot be
groups according to their behavior when subjected to symmetry determined. It is important to
_—-_.-. .

operations. First, reflection in the plane of the molecule changes bear in mind, however, that the PotEenerentiagl y
the sign of the bending vibration I, but leaves all the others curve gives the potential energy I
unchanged; second, reflection in the LM plane changes the sign of a system of two atoms as a
of the displacements in V and VI but does not affect the others. function of the distance between A---B distanee (r)
them only for the case in which FIG. 34.———Potential-energy curve for
The three classes of vibration thus consist of: (a) I; (b) II, III
and IV; and (c) V and VI. Since these can be treated sepa- the two atoms are approaching diatomic molecule‘
or receding along the same straight line. In general, this situa-
A A A¢lA AT¢A \A /A tion will not be encountered, for the atoms will have a relative
®:> +> l:> 11:» angular momentum, which is equivalent to a rotation in two
degrees of freedom, when they come together. The kinetic
£3” B_B.iBltB as energy of rotation for each quantum state and for each inter-
I II III DI V yr atomic distance must be added to the potential energy given
FIG. 33.——Modes of vibration of activated complex A2B2. (Altar and Eyring.) by the simple curve shown in Fig. 34. The result will be that a
maximum will appear as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 35;
rately, the problem of the evaluation of the vibration frequencies
here I is the original potential-energy curve, and II shows the
is reduced to the solution of a third-order, a second-order and a
result of adding the rotational energy. A different curve is
linear equation. This is, of course, a much simpler problem than
obtained for each value of the rotational quantum number, but
the solution of a fifth-order determinant, and hence it is advan-
the general form may be taken as being the same in all cases.
tageous to make use of the classification based on symmetry
considerations. From left to right, curve II represents the change of potential
energy in the dissociation AB = A + B; from right to left, the
1° A. Wheeler, B. Topley and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 178 (1936).
2° Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8. J _

3-‘;-._ ‘r._-_—__l4 __''‘I:-'

change in the association reaction A + B = AB. The same
1|I'Mii reverse reactions in each case.* It is seen, as expected, that
activated state is, of course, applicable to both reactions; it
TH the interatomic separation in the activated state decreases with
t is seen that by the inclusion of rotational energy its position has
increasing rotational quantum number.
,1 _|. been shifted from infinity to an apparently definite position,
The next matter to consider is the most probable value of J
which depends on the rotational quantum number J in the
ill |'

. ' ._ |
1' l for the activated complex at any temperature, for it will then
ll., lij"Jil . - activated state. As the yalue of J becomes larger, the rotational
be possible, by means of Fig. 36, to find the most probable inter-
energy increases and it is evident from Fig. 35 that the inter-
Ll I atomic distance in the activated state; this, incidentally, is
il_|' _;'" 1 — Q
atomic separation in the equivalent to the “collision diameter” in an association reaction.
activated state will become The probability of the existence of any particular rotational-
Li‘. smaller. The actual separa-
| ' -

:, tion for each J value may be 20 -

ml 5
obtained in the following
llj‘Iii: _ III manner. The total energy e
l '. /W“ I-I
. the
represented by curve II is
l' I
_|4 "
'i| I; sum of the electronic and Deuterium
'|. "
enerentialgy vibrational energies (e, + e,,), 10 -
,. “l
as given by the Morse equa- J
\' ' tion, and the rotational energy Hydrogen’
5 __ .
lg. ‘ " A___B distance W "n J 61. As seen on page 92, the
(pl '
in FIG. 35.—Potential-energy curve for f0rm9r C311 b6 6XpI‘€SS€d as
jli l
diatomic molecule" (I) without rota-
. '. . ,
tional energy, (II) including rotational
a functi‘ on ' -
of the lnteratomlc
energy. distance r, and so also can Q
CO ,§... 3;... Q. >0
the latter; for if there is no g:‘lUl""
interaction between the various forms of energy, the rotational FIG. 36.-—-Interatomic distances in the activated state for different rotational
quantum numbers. (Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun.)
‘ ._..
energy is

il. energy state is given by the quantity (2J + 1) e-‘J/"T, where

pl 2
-i : 6.! == J(J + 1) -7 (38) 2J + 1 is the multiplicity of the state and e; is the rotational

energy with reference to some standard state. If the latter is

.'\| I
| where I, the moment of inertia of the molecule, is equal to chosen as the energy of the dissociated atoms, then it can be
are, ii being the reduced mass. It is thus possible to write an seen from Fig. 37 that the probability of the activated state is
'1. equation for e corresponding to each value of J with r as the only (2J + 1) e""*/"T, where ~
l. - variable. Since the energy in the activated state is a maximum,
61* = 6,] -' — Ga);
it follows that de/dr must be zero; and so if the resulting expres-

i sion is differentiated with respect to 1' and the derivative set

equal to zero, the solution gives the interatomic distance r;
in this equation, D is the dissociation energy and 6,, is the vibra-

l for the maximum in the potential-energy curve corresponding to

a partic_ular rotational quantum number J. By repeating this
procedure a number of times, it is possible to calculate r1 for a
tional energy, in excess of the zero-point value in each case.
The rotational energy 6,; corresponding to any value of J can be
obtained from Eq. (38), Fig. 36 being used to give the interatomic
distance required for the calculation of I, and e,, is derived from
series of J’s, and the results may be plotted as shown in Fig. 36,
* It will be evident that the curves have definite significance for integral
where the curves are for the reactions 2H = H2 or 2D = D2, or the values only of the rotational quantum number.

the Potential-energy curve or the equivalent Morse equation
may be taken as equal to the areas under the appropriate curves
gj§°le,tlf 13: ls srnown for a particular reaction, it is possible to
in Fig. 38, approaches a limiting value 81r2IkT/I12 (cf. page 179) ;
—?"ET‘=m-.—E=é:_=— ll 8- J 6.1 an thus to determine the probability of the activated
thus, .
~ quantum numbers at any
l particular temperature. The
2 (2.1 + 1) e""*/"T = §'l'%f_T, (40)
% J=0
i necessary Calculations have
y been made for the reactions where T may be regarded as the average moment of inertia of the
0 /£3
‘ 2H=H2 and 2D=D2 3,1; activated complex. It is thus possible to evaluate T, and, putting
6? 1-- this equal to ;uf§, the mean interatomic separation in the activated
500°K., and resulting plots
ntenerial gy
of (2J + 1) @—:~-(D-..>1/hr state (F1) can be evaluated; for hydrogen, this is 4.4 K, and
lj'o against J are shown in Fig. for deuterium 4.1 In general, for the association of two
— i<"§"
-I w»-=- —- 38-l The most probable particles, atoms or radicals, the apparent collision diameter,
value of the rotational quan- corresponding to the dimensions of the activated state, will be
_ " A---B distance M o *' tum number in the D2 a,@1;i_ determined by the angular momentum; at room temperature, it
FIG. 37.—Potential-energy curve for vated COII1pl€X lS jL1Sl7 OVBI‘ 10, will be about 4 to 5 A.
diatomic molecule showing effective - - .
activation energy due to rotation. and by examlnatlon of F1g- 36 The activation energy for an association reaction is given by
_ this is seen to correspond to an the value of e,;* corresponding to the mean separation in the
interatomic distance of about 4.9 Similarly the most activated state; this is so small that it may be neglected, so
protiable interatomic distance for the H2 activated complex is that the combination of two atoms or radicals generally requires
4.8 . These figures give the most probable collision diameters; little or no activation energy. For the reverse dissociation
reaction, it is evident that the activation energy may be taken
as equal to the energy of dissociation D, reckoned from
Deuterium . the lowest vibrational-energy level. This rule applies to uni-
I molecular reactions, unless the process is accompanied by an
electron transition or other reorganization within the molecule;
Hydrogeh I _ these would result in a reduction of the activation energy.
J+1 Combination of Free Radicals.21——-The union of two free
radicals presents a special modification of the case of the combina-
lee l 1 I
tion of atoms; in this instance the separation of the centers
0 5 10 15 20 25 of the approaching radicals in what may be regarded as the
FIG. 38.—Determination of the most probable rotational quantum number in the activated state is so large that the vibrational and rotational
activa-ted state- (E1/Fina, Gershinowitz and Sun.) degrees of freedom may be assumed to be the same as in the free
but ea more useful datum is the mean collision diameter, for it radicals themselves. There is probably no activation energy
is evi int from Fig. 38 that the activated state is distributed over in the true sense of the term; the radicals attract each other at
a num er of rotational levels. At appreciable temperatures the large distances chiefly on account of polarization forces, and this
sum of the probabilities for the difierent rotational levels which is opposed by the centrifugal force of the rotation of the two
e I radicals considered as equivalent to two atoms. The superposi-
If 'I'As in Fig. 36, points on the curves have physical significance only if
they correspond to integral values of the rotational quantum number J. *1 E. Gorin, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 9, 691 (1938); cf. H. Eyring, J.
O. Hirschfelder and H. S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 479 (1936).
in-In iii 77 _.i



:::;".2‘;::?;:::.i.i‘:‘.§z:.:;:;:;r ‘>3 3
e activated complex. The distance
between the centers of gravity of the radicals in this activated
is now as”/2r4, where a is the electronic charge and a is the
polarizability of the hydrogen molecule; by working in exactly

tion, between two radicals at iiilrti

by a ivealttraCtl0n"due
to p'OlaI-Ha‘
y large distances is given
the same manner as described above, it follows that in the
activated state

J<J+i>h* “
r* l 81r2mHoze2 ] ’ (45)

_ § ~
. 9A + 6B,
where mg is the mass of a hydrogen atom. The corresponding
activation energy is then -
ggsrg(3;23:1:1; tar; the golarizabilities and 9.3 and 913 'l3l16_i011iz3,- .MJ+D%4
0 _ e ra icals A and B, and r is their distance Eact. = E1». — Erin. 1287r4m%a82*'

apart. The centrifugal force in the Opposite di1~e¢tiOn I-esultin

from rotation, on the assumption that the combination of the t g STABLE AND UNSTABLE COMPLEXES
radicals behaves as a diatomic rotator, is W0
Potential-energy Basins.—It was mentioned on page 96 that
potential-energy surfaces frequently have a basin, or depression,
81r2#r2 , ( at the top of the energy pass between the valley representing
E’_'_"3“"I_n='gr‘“_%i-‘_ reactants and that for the resultants. It is possible that the
where J is the rotational quantum number, which can have an shallow basins of this type are to-be ascribed to the decrease_
integral value including zero, and ii is the reduced mass of thy in the proportion of coulombic energy at small internuclear
ro tt.
a or By. subtracting ' Eq. (41) from (42), differentiating
. ..e separations (cf. page 83) where such basins appear. For the
the result with respect to r, and equating to zero, so as to give
construction of the potential-energy surface the assumption is
thztva lue of r * for the maximum
' - the energy curve, it
in . IS
. found made, as described on page 96, that the fraction of coulombic
energy is constant, and this may yield somewhat misleading
' J4 results. It is not certain, therefore, if the depressions have any
we iEL real significance; it is nevertheless of interest to consider what
__ r_ -:;'= -I;.‘=4; -_ _. rib __ #aAaB (5.; + 93)
uJ+nm (Q) they may mean.
The H3 Complex.”—In the case of the reaction between H and
The quantity that expresses the apparent activation energy is H3, the floor of the basin is about 1.5 kcal. below the rim; this
now found by inserting this value for r in the equations for the
would suggest that a linear molecule H3, which is 1.5 kcal. more
polarization and rotational energies and subtracting thus:
stable than the activated complex, may have some (existence.
It can, however, be no more than transient, because the potential
-'—»- _._

E-3. = Ea — Er... - W +1)"2]% ,3. <44) energy of the H3 molecule would be actually greater by 12 kcal.
72<»a:»%[aia. A B
than its constituents H + H3. It is evident, therefore, that the
linear H3 molecule would be metastable, and it would have to
gfizpaiaplication of this result will be considered more fully in
acquire energy approximately equal to the small depth of the
basin, v'iz., 1.5 kcal., before it decomposed; the life period of the
re;JI'l€_6 f0Il‘)egJ01ng treatment was first used in connection with the

metastable H3 molecule may thus be expected to be Very short.

u ctiont denween H2 and I-15*; here again the separation in the
This life period, which may be regarded as a measure of the
ac iva e state 1S presumably large. The polarization energy
3’ Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8.



il _ ._-"..___;2:-':-if


time of duration of a collision between H and H3, can be calcu-
if lated theoretically by utilizing the fact that the mean life is the C13 molecules In some of the attemp ts to develop a mechanism
for the photochemical- '
reaction of hydrogen
_ and _ chlorine, . the
:1 1 reciprocal of the specific rate of the reaction H3 = H3 + H; this
rate can be obtained by the statistical mechanical methods C13 molecule has been P°S'°‘~1 lated as an intermediate, but It 18
described in Chap. IV. For the purpose of this computation, it not generally agreed that this is necessary. t _ the chemistry
is necessary to know the moment of inertia and the normal The (31-1,, C0mpleX.25—A case of special interes in _ 1
of the hydrocarbons arises from a consi‘d erat‘ion of the P otentia -
:._,.-__.3,_.- _3_.-.
vibration frequencies of the H3 molecule and of the activated
"“""£59.'-'—I.-—_%''—'-‘ ;'.‘=-' 4.;
state; these quantities can be derived, by the methods already energy surface for the reaction be- H
, >
outlined, from the potential-energy surfaces. In this manner a tween methane and atomic hydrogen,
1| mean life of 6.3 X 10"” sec. has been found for the H3 molecule, Ha “““““““ Q’ / H
., CH4+H = CH3-{-H3.
F 1;,. on the assumption that the coulombic energy is 14 per cent

Es? f3?i°‘il33i°l3Z2 .21:.:i~::PPrs:1rra

of the total binding energy; for 20 per cent additive energy the
mean life is calculated to be 2.7 X 10-12 sec.” Comparison of 13118 assump Jon 3‘ . methane.
these values with those calculated for the activated state in the
atom .apprOach€S thlf I11IethCnlfoiind§h:nd the problem is treated as
absence of a minimum shows that the H3 system must roll direction of one of t e it ng i >6 one each from CH3, Ha’ and
about the basin 10 to 100 times (cf. Fig. 28) before dissociation essentially one of thr(el<:1.eC gfrégol-u;;1ce energy resulting from the
into H3 and H occurs. The calculations of the mean life must,
H5 (F1g'39).' Tiheta 111 liblblem makes very little difference to
_ i_._i—-
of course, be regarded as approximate in view of the general
limitations of the potential-energy surface obtained by the semi- Efimifiiiezif
e cI<l)liifl-iiiisiilinlso' The result of
3 the computation is Shown
empirical method. r , - ' '5

The C13 Comp1ex.“—Although the H3 molecule has a very A E =7.6 kcal.

short life, it is possible that other triatomic molecules of a similar 2

nature, e.g., C13, are stable. Consideration of the potential-
_-2 4 6 8 lo 12

energy surface for the reaction X + X3, where X is a halogen,

shows that the X3 molecule is from 2 to 4 kcal. stable with respect
to its constituents X and X3. In the process Cl + C13 = C13, i%i
for example, it appears that AH is -4.1 kcal. This figure is
'—- -.-1__..=

derived from a potential-energy surface constructed on the

assumption that 10 per cent of the binding energy of the halogen
1-‘F-I 59

1.\_ .-1-(iii.
molecule is additive. In view of the fact that the electrons A-ngstrol
_*:_ _.:T_-;.—'_;i_ <_- ;_, —_=.,-,.3._T.
_n:_-;.-,_:1-:~3-,- _.
concerned in the reaction are probably 3p, the coulombic energy
' 1'0 0.7I 0.8I 0.91. 1.0l 1.11 1.20
i 1.3l”’”l1.4 1.5| 1-6
may well be a much larger proportion of the total (cf. page 84); Ha-H5 distance in Angstriims (r1) '
- _ f t ll sy St 6 m of a hydrogen . mm and “
this would have the effect of making the molecule C13 even more FIG. 40'__P10terlm:i'
mo ecu e ?irri1:tl?:n:urf(CZri?.r
- ' Kaiizmann, Walter and Eyrwa.)
stable than is indicated above. If these conclusions are correct, _ b ' taken as
in F1g_ 40, the energy of the system CH4 + Hf einisent pur-
then it follows that many reactions, such as photochemical
zel-0_ The interesting aspect -of this diagram, OI‘ PI’
processes at room temperature, in which dissociation of the _ . - ' t th to of the
poses, is the relatively deep basin appearingbal eh Iiievel of
chlorine has been postulated as a primary step, should involve
_r;-=1:-B- A-I
energy pass. Since the bottom is 8 kefil 6 Ow e
23 Hirschfelder, Ref. 7; see also N. Rosen, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 319 (1933) ; CH4 + H 2 it appears possible that a stable molecule, which may
G. E. Kimball, ibid., 5, 310 (1937).
*4 G. K. Rollefson and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 2661 (1932). 25 Gorin, Ref. 21; E. Gorin, W. Kauzmanni J- Walter and H‘ Eyrmg 0 , J

1?’;-_ Chem. Phys., 7, 633 (1939). ,-

1 Yi__7_7__ T 7 I T 7 _ _|


be formulated as H——H—CH3 may exist The deco .t.
of this sub s t ance into
' 1 ' . m p_°S1 Ion
CH4 and H would require an activation AAA = I ‘I’A‘I'A d1‘, A313 = J‘\I/B‘I/13 d1’,
ener f ' . .
n re
to the t°P of the rim over Wh1ChI1)ilefK?(?Ll;l1(I11ghthe 1;CH5 complex
AA}; = ABA = f‘I/A\I'B d1‘,

where the \I/’s are the eigenfunctions for the states A and B. If
entering the valley parallel to the H __H _a a.Ve* 0TPass before there is no interaction between the two states or, as is frequently

Stability stated, if the eigenfunctions A and B do not overlap, the terms

- . of the H“H'"CHa molecule wofildxjcco UH inf OI‘

§=-.3-. 3-.:a,-'*_, _-H35?-._- '_ interesting phenomena in rea t' ' ' H33, and A31; are zero; the solutions of Eq. (47) are then
hydrogen (see page 257). C Ions mvolvmg methane and
(a) E3 = 1% and (b) EB = IE3 (50)
Equation (50a) gives the potential-energy surface of the system
Crossing of P°t°nfia1'°ne1'8'.Y S\1I‘faCes.2°—In the reaction
»l WX+YZ=XY-|-WZ,
having the bond assignments of the initial state, and (50b)
gives the corresponding sur- 3 . ,
the bond assignments in the initial face for the bond assignments B A
by A and B, respectively’ thus, an d fi na l states are represented of the final state.* The two \ 5 *
surfaces defined in this manner \ / ZEF
intersect along a line for which X __+§B
(A) (B) E3 is equal to EB; and the l
and since a third state, inv l ' lowest point on this line 3
which is a combination of A a)n:lHi§ i(srl(if>ss:iiblk::OIi;(}i1S (cf. page 60), represents the energy of activa-
Systfim is given by the solution of the secular :q€ii1aiiii€)3iiO(f1;l;)3 tion for the reaction in which B I
of_ Cha
H119 . II. It is
' fI‘OII1'13l11S
' equation
- that Eq. (206), which the configuration A passes into
B_ If the configurations Qf the FIG. 41.—Crossing of potential-energy
gives e complete potential-energy surface is d ' d
one solution of the equation ’ enve ' Hence’ initial and final states overlap surfaces'
to any appreciable extent, it is necessary to include the exchange
HM _ AME HAB _ AABE integrals HAB and Axe; as a result there will be a rounding off of the
Han — ABAE H33 — ABBE I = 0 (47) surfaces along the line where they cross. This is seen diagram-
4 -. '=-=-.
be reaction
as recI:)1::§£-Brlsgofihe
t‘ - matically in Fig. 41, which shows a profile of the potential-energy
for Iiloteiifitizl-energy surface
surfaces A and B and the rounding ofi at the crossing point that
68) that the quantities H and A are defined by e reca ed (page results from the interaction of tne eigenfunctions for the states A
Hui = I ‘I'AH‘I/A d7‘, HBB = I x1/BH\I,B d7,’ and B. The consequent decrease in activation energy, E313, is
equal to the resonance, or exchange, energy in the activated state.
HAB = HBA = I \I'_3H\IIB df, (48) It arises because at the crossing point the system is degenerate;
* It is possible fr th h - there are two eigenfunctions \I/3 and ‘I113 for the two difierent
’ om e S ' ape
that decomposition of the potentlahenergy Surface in F' . 40 3
parallel to th C Hof CH _ 5 in 3 o CH3 -
H3, i.e., passage along the lg
valley ways of assigning the bonds, but the energy is the same
8 —— 5-axis m ht
value would, however, be at lelgst 6Ni;gu8riic:lsmaller actwatlon energy; the * The same conclusion may be reached by considering two independent
-‘ 74

2° R. A: Ogg and M. P l ' states A and B; for each the wave equation is of the form H111 = E1]/3.
M_ G. Evans and M. P0(ia3$;;13f'al-¢1zd€zl;9§é)c:, 31, 604, 1375 (1935); Upon multiplying both sides by 1//3 and integrating over the configuration
Warhurst, ibid., 34, 514 (1938); 36, 5'93 (11939). )3 M. G. Evans and E space, it is seen that I a,b,-H50; d-r = E I ¢,-¢,- d-r, which is the same as
E = H31/Ace.
where the surfaces cross. Application of perturbation theory , - ' d b drawing perpendicu-
or the variation theorem then leads to two values for the energy The quantity oi - -H6 + 1/) is obtaine _y .
' EA + EAB (upper) and EA — EAB (lower), where EA and lars from P and Q on to RS, as Shclwn In F lg .42. The- determina-
h '
_ b the construction s own is
EB are now, of course, equal. There is consequently a splitting tion of thle _resfnant(;eate1:i¥l1;€Z thg exchange energies a, B and '7
into an upper and a lower surface, as indicated in Fig. 41, cor- evident. t is c ear , . d. Her the
. ' f th t tal bin ing 6 gy»
responding to the two solutions of Eq. (205), Chap. II; the lower constitute a large Pmpmtmn O 8 O '
- ' It is only in
surface contains the actual reaction ath resonance energy may . We 11 be quite considerable.
1 tively small compared
p .
Magnitude of the Resonance Energy.——It was seen on page 75 special cases, 6-9» If bet-1} B and 7 are re a h
. _ batic process (Cf- Page 149)’ that t e
that the quantity AAA in Eq. (50) is approximately equal to the with oz, or for a non adi&_
coeflicient of Q, the coulombic energy, in HAA; and according to resonance energy is neghg1ble'
Eq. (197), Chap. II, the latter, and hence in this case EA, is POTENTIAL-ENERGY PROFILES
given by . ;fa¢e,"—A useful method of
of Potential-energy S“
11 of a chemical reaction 0 f the type
- '
E.= jig = Q +[(ab) +<cd>1- am) + (bd) + (ad) + (ban <51) representing the pet _
-_. - I
1...;-+ -— _ L "F
=Q'l"Jb_'i.l'Jn; (52)

i f
where J1, is the sum of the exchange integrals for the bonded
a,_%(fl_,_7,) atoms and J,. is the correspond-

£3“;/(gxl mg sum for the nonbonded
" _—=*4*“,
:s% _ _“'="1!-"T ,< \\ atoms. Upon writing, as on yj Ln

I 4-»

»’ 3 \ \ pages 75 and 76, a1 + 012 =

f’//’ <1 for (ab) + (ed), 61 + B2 = a 1. 1-W 1' '1 '

1 Q as‘ for (ac) + (bd) and 71 + 72

= 7 for (ad) + (bc), it follows
y //’ jg-p:\\ that
/ \ \\
FIG, 43.——Sections
YIIIZ distance 1
through a poten 1-,‘ia -en ergy
surface '
\, .\' '9->Z\ 606/ \ ‘ EA = Q + la -"' "l"
' (53) X + = + Z; where X ’ Y and Z. are theeither atoms
reaction’ ls the01'
P ,5 R
Fm. 42.—Gi~aphi<>a1 determination of If the resonance energy is in- radicals
_ (e.g.,
. CH3)
. which
' do not change
t, in
f some of the factors
resonance energy in the activated state. following'
_ 3 it brings _ to .hght the na_ “re S Oose Fig. . 43 represents
cluded, then the energy of determining the activation energy “pp
the upper surface is given by Eq. (205) Chap. II, thus, - for the reaction - under c0n$1'deration;
the potentmkenergy Surface ' ° f tential energy of the
E = Q + 1313 [(a - B)2 + (/3 — 1)’ + (1 — <1)"’ll"; (54) a section at 1' shows the Vi:I‘i[fi3e10(Il1is€anI§: Yfiz when X is far
and hence the value of the resonance energy is molecule YZ as a function o - -
- ' of the familiar
away . The _ lowest , part Of the- curve, which 1; I’ ‘n isFig. 44 where the
Em = E -' EA = {ii-[(<1 — B)’ + (B - 1)’ + (‘Y — <1)’l}” form for a diatomic molecule, is sh0WI1 =1 1
. d the abscissae - the Y--Z distances;
_ _ _
— la - %(B + v)]- (55) Ordmates are the energy an ' c rve of the initial
%5__f -m=_-‘-$-Dt-Q‘_;.?“Z-+
The magnitude of this energy can be readily derived from a simple this may be regarded as the Potentlal energy u - 1
geometrical construction, similar to that described on page 89 ht 1 1- 1-,0 YZ the potentia —
state of the reaction. As X is broug e 039. i-
t ns of Fig. 43 Parana1

. - f
for determining the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (55). energy curves are giVeI1 by 3' Senes 0 Sec 10
21 Ogg and Polanyi, Ref. 26; Evans and Polanyi,' Ref. 26.

._ _____.___*


§> I; fiigally, when X is close enough for the activated state X—Y and Y—Z are those for the activated state. The inclusion
‘-—_-.-_. -_,_
--— —- to be formed, the section would be at I. The she, e of resonance energy results in a rounding ofi, as shown by the
of the resulting curve, on the assumption there is no reactiolh dotted line in Fig. 44, so that there is a continuous energy
would be of the form of I in Fig. 44; and if X does not interact; transition from X + YZ to XY + Z. The maximum of the
appreciably with Z, this is similar to that of the potentia]- actual curve represents the activated state; and the activation
Energy curve I’ for the normal YZ molecule, Tho jncregse in energy E, disregarding zero-point energies, is equal to the vertical
energy from the lowest portion of I’ to that of I is due to the distance from this maximum to the bottom of I’, which represents
repulsion energy between X and YZ in going from tho initial the initial state, X being separated at a large distance from YZ.
" "\:»-="E~ -=21._a=~i&;.Q:_?~- =+»~-;=HZ_-~;'*E-_ to the activated state. The curve obtained in the manner described above, and which
Consider next a section at II’, through the bottom of the is a section through the potential-energy surface at the activation
‘ J ‘ ~ “east-west” valley of Fig. 43 ; in point, may be called a “potential-energy profile.’ ’
going from right to left, i.e., as Factors Afiecting Form of Potential-energy Profile.28—From
Z is brought up closer to XY in an examination of Fig. 44, it can be seen that the value of the
which the atoms retain their activation energy is determined by four factors which will be
I equilibrium separation, the po- discussed in turn; they are
H tential energy rises on account of 1. The strength of the bond broken Y—Z.
A 1 the repulsion between XY and 2. The repulsion energy between X and YZ.
Poteenerntialgy 3. The repulsion energy between XY and Z.
E g I The corresponding “I-epu1_
I XY+Z II sion curve,” as it is frequently 4. The strength of the bond X—Y.
\-/i -*4! called, for various Y—Z dis- 1. The stronger the bond Y—Z, the greater the energy of dis-
I X+YZ _
I tances 1S shown, in part, at II’ on sociation of the molecule YZ and hence the higher will be the
Y---Z distance I ' - . . energy level to which the right-hand side of I becomes asymptotic.
FIG. 44.—Potential-energy curves Flgl 441.1 Dlfierent curves’ s1m1'
igcgg the ;eIacltion_XH+ iiz = XY + Z_ ar in s ape but at higher levels, This means that, the greater the strength of the Y-—Z bond, the
andg T_
an 0 anyz
- ; '
ms '
elwood, Lazdler '
3..I'€ Obt3.lIl6(l - tl'l8
If S€p3,l‘8,— steeper will be the curve I and hence the higher the activation
zmm.) _ _
d_ 0 _ tion is increased. For the energy, since the curves I and II will now intersect at a higher
lmenslons correspondlflg to the activated state the repulsion energy level.
curve, provided that no reaction occurred, would be given by 2. The effect of the repulsion energy between X and YZ, as
the section through the potential-energy Surface at H. th- already seen, is to raise the potential-energy curve from I’ to I;
- s h own at II in
curve is . Fig.
. 44.I The d1ffGI‘8l1C6
, , is
between the lowest the greater the repulsion, the higher the position of the curve
portions of II and II 1S equal to the energy required to stretch tho and so the greater will be the activation energy. _
X—Y br<:)I:7<iid£:l>I€1h1tts
State - €}(11L11l1bI‘1L1H1
. . . .
distance . the activated
to that in . 3. An increase in the repulsion energy between XY and Z
_ 7 P _ a e atom Z is far away, z.e., when the Y—Z will have the effect of making the curve II rise more rapidly as
distance is large. the distance Y—Z is diminished, and this will bring about an
As stated above the separate curves I ' increase in the energy of activation.
. * d II 1
is no reaction of X + YZ to form XY -1-‘:nZ or Ireirleat lhlfri 4. The position of curve II’ is determined by the potential
the crossing of the curves shows that reactidn does actuaIlIe’tal: energy of XY in its equilibrium state and hence by the heat of
place. If there were no overlapping of ' the eigenfunetigns ef dissociation of the molecule, or, in other words, by the strength
initial and final states, i.e., if the resonance energy were zer t1: of the X—Y bond. The greater the strength of this bond, the
' 1:
m‘e1'S<->0 1;?1011 Of the ‘curves I and II would give - the activation
. °’ . 6 28 Evans and Polanyi, Ref. 26; see also C. N. Hinshelwood, K. J. Laidler
point for the reaction, since at this point both the distances and E. W. Timm, J. Chem. Soc., 848 (1938).

—*- 1- _.-_ .
lower will be the potential energy of XY. The difierence in
level between II and II’ is small, being equivalent to the ener Fig. 45. The difierence between them is equal to the heat
required to stretch the X-—Y bond from the equilibrium sepnrif change accompanying the reaction under consideration, i.e., AH
tion to that in the activated state; and so the position of onrve 11 at constant pressure or AE at constant volume. Curve I, which
is determined almost entirely by the X—Y bond strength An gives the variation of bond energy Bi of YZ, is raised above I’
increase in this factor will result in a vertical lowering of II and by R1, the repulsion energy between X and YZ, and curve II
hence a decrease in activation energy. , for the repulsion energy R2 between XY and Z is raised above
It is evident, therefore, that positive increments in the factors II’ by B2, which is the energy of stretching the X—Y bond. The
1, 2 and 3 should increase the activation energy for 3, renetinn potential energy of the system having the bond assignments
of the type under consideration, whereas an increase in 4 will of the initial state is thus given by R1 + Bi, and that with the
produce the opposite efl"ect. The first three of these factors bonds as in the final state by R2 + B2; the point where the two
curves cross then gives the activated state, from which the energy
|-- - e n . have been classified as the
of activation E may be obtained.
l H I “inertia” and the last as the
For a homopolar diatomic molecule the bond energy is given
“driving f0I‘06" of a chemical by the appropriate Morse equation; and, for an ionic compound,
reaction. The resonance
use may be made of equations of the form
effect will, of course, help to
lower the activation energy in
m 82 —-r/
any case, and this lowering will
Poteenerntialgy be greater the larger the value
\L/l__ymuwmn l+*l

X+YZ _

3, N4NwL_
of the exchange integral HAB.
Construction of Potential-
energy Profiles.2°—By neg-

B = - -7; + br-9,
Y---Z distance lecting the resonance energy,
hFIo. 45.—Fotential-energy curves in which the first term on the right-hand side gives the coulombic
it is possible, in many cases, to
3 OWIIIE repulsion and bond energies. attraction between singly-charged ions and the second term
(Ogg and Polanyi.) draw an approximate poten-
represents the repulsion energy of their two inert-gas-like shells.
,_ _ _ _=.:'§ tial-energy profile for a reaction
from empirical data, without the necessity of making any assump In these equations, 2; is the electronic charge and r is the inter-
t‘ . . . . _
Ion as to the division of the bond energies into coulombic and
. -
nuclear separation; the constant b is determined by the condition
exchange contributions. Since the reaction will tend to follow th that dB/dr is equal to zero when r is equal to rt, the normal
most favorable path, it is necessary to consider only a linear cone internuclear separation. The constant p in Eq. (56) may be
figuration of the three atoms involved; as already seen (page taken as 0.345 X 10—8 cm. The repulsion energy can be calcu-
30), the potential energy of the system under these conditions lated” by means of the equation .
is a minimum. Taking into consideration the four factors
R = br_° — c1'“° (58)
gtgiiiaetermfiine activation ‘energy, if resonance is neglected,
curves 9111169 ‘Jan be given to the position and nature of the where b has a significance similar to that of the same term in
Eqs. (56) and (57) and cr-5, which is negligibly small at distances
levels of ti; H_1g_t_uI{ the energy Profile. The potential-energy
_ . e ini ia and final state, z.e., YZ in the normal state of the order of those existing in the activated state, is due to the
with X at infinity and XY in the normal state with Z at infinity van der Waals attraction. If one of the reacting species is an
are indicated by the horizontal lines I’ and II’, respectively, in ion and the other a molecule or radical, then an electrostatic
’° See Ref. 26. attractive term -0182/274 must be included; the quantity a is
3° Cf. M. Born and J. E. Mayer, Z. Physik, 75, 1 (1934).


the polarizability of the molecule or radical. The potential- . - han es in energies of fie tivation
energy curves for R1 + B1 (= EA) and R2 + B2 (= EB), having clusions concerning parallel 0 g_ - ‘ 1 t e
been drawn with the distance Y-—Z as ordinate, the relative an d h ea1; ehenges in certain reactions of an ana o2§°uS yp '
positions are fixed by the fact that the difference in level between Consider for example, the reaction
I’ and II’ in Fig. 45 is equal to the heat evolved in the reaction. M+C1.R= M+Cl"+R,
Applications of this approximation method for deriving activa- . - d R ' an alkyl radical; if the
tion energies will be found in Chap . V . where. M is an alkfil Ilngteél is Slriall, as is probable, then
The Repulsion Energy.31—In certain cases, e.g., reactions of 1‘€p11lSlOI1 between _Habe the Same irrespective of the nature
the type . curve Ilk(F,ig. 4t5)l W1The slope of the repulsion curve II will also
ofthea aimea. _ __ 1
. tion on the energy sea e
Na-l—Cl-R=NaCl+R, be the same in each case,* but Its PO51
where R is an alkyl radical, it appears that the energy of repulsion will depend on the heat change 6 ' "
of the reactants is very small; for example, a sodium atom can accompanying the particular
apparently approach a chlorine atom, held by a homopolar bond reaction. Two curves IIa and
to another atom, up to the normal distance of the ions in sodium IIb for the alkali metals, desig- .__
chloride without undergoing appreciable repulsion. In reactions nated by Ma and Mb» respec" 8116 '-
for which this is true, the term R1 can be neglected and the calcu- tively, are shown in F1g- 46-
If the binding energies Of the I
M,Cl+R I
lations are consequently simplified; hence, it is of interest to see
under what conditions the repulsion energy becomes small. ions are not very difierent, PotPg?ential
Equation (53) for the potential energy, omitting resonance then it follows that the diffei'— Hi’ ATQ
energy, i.e., when B and 7 are small, may be written ence in the heats of reaction is MbCl+R 1
given by AQ1 as Shown; the i
E.i=A+B+C+[a—%(/3+v)l, (59) corresponding change in the
, . ' ,
I R---Cl distance
F . 46.——Potential-energy eurvtes f°¥
where A, B and C’ are the coulombic energies of the three actlvatlon energy ls reacltfion between two different alkaih
possible diatomic molecules, YZ, XY and XZ, respectively. The There is evidently a relation- metals and R-Cl. (Evans <1"*iP°l“"1”')
quantity A + a represents the total bond energy B1 of YZ, and ship bleltvieen thg tilrgkqxaiagi-AE = x AQ, Where x lies between
hence the remaining terms B + C — i}(,6 + 1/) must be equal ties W ic can e that for the
' _ t ' t be expected, therefore, .
to the repulsion energy R1. For this to be small, it is clear
either that B, C, [3 and -y must all be small or that zerf) anii
Senes O relaldltibns
. Iof 1Iii 0N8» K1
’ - ’ - ewe with 3’
11 given halide’ e'g"
th same order
R - Cl, the energies of actiggtgonezgfsliuig also hold if the
B+(7~%(B+v)- as the heatls ofdreictiosggen relfain unchanged while the radical
If the coulombic energy is 33 per cent of the total, this condition alkali meta
_ an
_ e . II F - .45) 1S-" amos
1 1-,
is satisfied; and hence it is probable that the repulsion energy is R is Vaned; m these clrcumstelnfxiif, icsurcgszentiiallli between the
small when the essential reaction occurs between electrons unaffected because the brepufsfile radical R but the position of
whose principal quantum numbers are 3 (cf. Table IV, page 84). halogen atom and the car on Oth f the R—-—(,3l bond, Varies. It
Heats of Reaction and Energy of Activation.3’—The assump- I’ which dependS'0n the It€f11(:gl3.l36‘l)'3.l
tion that the energy of repulsion is small leads to interesting con- is apparel;/i tiaéllf (£161: varied thereatoms i.e.,beMa orparallelism
should R1 in the
reaction ' > ' - - . if the
“ Ogg and Polanyi, Ref. 26; Evans and Warhurst Ref. 26 .
between the heat change and the energy 0f ac tW ation ’ but
ii J. Horiuti and M. Polanyi, Am Physicochim. i}.R.s.s., '2, 505 (1935); - - (Of M+Cl") an<1
Ogg and Polanyi, Ref. 26; Evans and Polanyi, Ref. 26. * It should be observed that the repulsion between C1
the radical R is not negligible-
. ,3


central atom, i.e., Cl, is changed, this parallelism does not
the initial state. The fraction K is called the “transmission
necessarily exist. This may be seen fi om Fig. 47; the curve
coefiicient”; it is important in connection with the statistical
for the strength of binding of halogen to the radical R is altered
theory of reaction rates to be described in Chap. IV and applied
in shape, and there is also a change in the shape and position
in later chapters. Suppose the initial, activated and final states
of the repulsion curve. In the particular case shown the heats
of reaction and energies of activation change in opposite direc- are represented in Fig. 48; let A be the number of systems arriv-
ing in unit time at the activated state directly from the initial
tions. The former increases in going from Cl to Br, whereas
the latter decreases, as has been actually observed for the reactions state and B the number coming directly from the final state, and
F e . between CH3Cl and CH3Br, suppose p.- and pf are the probabilities of reflection from left
to right and from right to left, respectively. The resulting con-
| M+ Cl_R and C6H6Cl and
dition is then shown in Fig. 48.34 On the assumptlon that the
vapors with sodium vapor.“
_ _*_ M+Br-R A , 1; D > A (1-pf)
COEFFICIENT 2/°iPf2 ) , "Apt. pf (1—pf)
MB . . .
Mc1+R HR The possibility that systems
ential with sufficient energy to reach -4PiP/2(1:Pz) < C pip’ i
the activated state may be I
: B
. ( B
AJQ_ I reflected back to the initial B (1:p-) < '

Distance M---Cl (or Br) T

state on account of the
curvature of the potential-
t C B/Ii .
. (1-pl-) ' < BPiPf ' )
C’ 6 Bp;pf
re§1?.;§7tZ§ZZZ“§Z1'§?§§iy .§.‘$iXfZ§§’§ energy S“1‘fa°e has b_°e_"
either R-C1 or R-Br. (Evans and already noted (page 103); it is
Polanyi.) necessary now to examine this
subject in further detail. As the problems are distinct, it is Initial state Activated state Final Btaté
FIG. 48.—Calculation of transmission coefficient. (Hi1'8¢hf6lde" and Wignem
.-,-\—.-i—. _ _
convenient to consider separately adiabatic reactions, i.e.,
processes that take place entirely on one potential-energy probability of crossing is independent of the number of times
._-.-__- .1-_.1M-=.:_1-._;,'=-. -.1
surface, and nonadiabatic reactions, where there is a possibility the system has previously passed through the activated state,
of passing from one surface to another. it is readily seen that the numbers of crossings of the activated
Adiabatic Reactions.—Suppose that for an adiabatic reaction state from left to right (N1-») and fI‘0m right 1&0 left (N1->1) are
the system of reactants and resultants is in complete thermal given by
equilibrium; equal numbers of systems at the top of the energy N_,,=A(1+nip+p?n2+"') '
barrier, i.e., in the activated state, will then be passing from the I I it Bp.~(1 + mm + Pip? + ' ' ") (60)
first valley to the second and from the second valley to the first. = (A + Bp.~)(1 —"1- t (61)
Of the systems moving from the first valley, i.e., the initial N,._,=A (1+ . + 22+---)
state, to the second valley, i.e., the final state, at equilibrium, a ‘ ”’ pp’ pp"+B<1+p.-p,+p%p;+---) <62)
fraction K only will have come originally from the initial state = (Ap, + B)(1 - PiP.f)_1- (6?)
and will proceed directly to the final state without returning to At thermal equilibrium the number crossing in one direction is
3“ M. Polanyi et al., Z. physik. Chem., B, 11, 97 ( 1930) ; Trans. Faraday Soc., equal to the number going in the other direction, i.e.,
32, 633 (1936); F. Fairbrother and E. Warhurst, ibid., 31, 987 (1935); J. L.
Nl—>r = N?-Pl;
Tuck and E. Warhurst, ibid., 32, 1501 (1936). a4 J_ O, Hirschfeider and E. Wigner, J. Chem. Phys., 7, 616 (1939)-
|. —:-u-_-‘='_

“VI‘“i. T_'
—-IIIiI—' -


and hence from Eqs. (61) and (63) POTENTIAL-ENERGY SURFACES 149

if the transition from one surface to another were not possible.

B = Au _ P.f)(1 _ Pi')"1. (64) Reactions in which there is a relatively large probability of
Substituting the value of B from Eq (64) in (51) giv crossing from the lower to the upper potential-energy surface
- es
are called “nonadiabatic.” They generally occur when the
Nl—>r = * p,;)_'1_ I
reaction is accompanied by an electronic transition, e.g., a
The numbe f 1; - - . . . . change of multiplicity; the eigenfunctions of initial and final
r O sys ems that have 0r1g1l'l3.l3€d in the initial state
and Proc
initial Susi,d is‘)
t th e final State (Nt——)f),
. -
without .
returning to the states then do not overlap to any appreciable extent, and the
resonance energy resulting from the mutual interaction of the
electronic systems (page 137) is negligible. Although non-
N='—+f=A(1—p/)(1+p,-p + ?2_|_ . . . adiabatic reactions are probably always accompanied by an
= A(1 — />x)(1 — pi-PJ;)“1.p pf ) electron switch, the reverse is not - A A
By definition the transmission coefiici ' necessarily true. It is possible, as,
i ent K is equal to N,-__, /N _"
and so, from Eqs. (65) and (67), it is seen that I 1 for example, in the decomposition U M I
of nitrous oxide (page 333), that @% A
_ (1 _ Pi)(1 _' Pf)
appreciable resonance may occur in
-».=. -=_4=.—-—-=

K L ‘(1 -P.-P1) l (68) the activated state as the result of ;

For the t a ° ‘ - . other forms of interaction which are A .
is neeessa§y1i2’:i$:L0eHr§g:(fi:;:;n; ti) akppigoach ungy, therefore, it normally so small that they can be Lower eurfeee
be small; 1. ..
9 7 th " ofr returning
. 9 PI‘0b&b1l1ty
3* 11- 19$ Pi an iv“ should b 0 th
to the initial or final
It will be seen in Chap. VI, where 6
Zligfiil affgr having pgassed through the activated state must; be
reactions involving electronic transi- r ~- l
- yuseo
treatment, it has beenq.6s thb'
shovgnafhat .
eforaiiss)f;)€'eI:’1V3£T6-lIl€Cll3.I1lC3.l . . . FIG. 49.——Crossing from
tions are considered, that the trans- lower to upper p0tent;,,1_
1 the interchan EL Vnig Several
degrees of freedom, K is affected by mission coefficient is related to the energy surface in e nonadia-
. . . batic reaction.
, probability of the reacting system
tional and vibrational energy i.e by the curv t ge O transla-
remaining on the lower surface. The question of the probability
as might be Bxpected. If the vibrational II1O€l(il‘i‘€iOf thédvafiley’ of crossing (X) from one surface to another has been considered by
ever, com ed ‘t1 ' .18 rapl ’ _°W"
L. Landau” and by C. Zener.“ Zener derived the following
Probable iiiaiii ih:1‘.""°“ am“? the ’I"‘°‘°“°“ Path» It is expression for this probability:
of unity. Sum coefficlent W111 be of the Order
Nonadiabatic Reactions .—— Wh th . X = e—41r*e*/hv|8i-8/I;
activated state is small, the uppefland ioisgfganie energy m ihe
the potential-energy surfaces for initial 3.Ildurfi?1(2:t(lS,i,nE0 Wh1c.h where 2e is the energy equivalent of the least distance of separa-
(cf. page 137), approach each other closely The s a split tion between the upper and lower surfaces, and hence e is the
be a relatively large probability that the activated re W11 thin resonance energy in the activated state; v is the velocity with
pass from the lower to the upper surface (path ((¢lomFpi;x 4ygi)ll which the system passes through this configuration; and ls. — sf]
*—- _—- :'P
instead of continuing along the coord' t f
’ l .
’ -
is the absolute magnitude of the difference between the slopes
(Path b). The result will be that a sirialilei p)ro dsftimpoiltlgn of the two common tangents to the surfaces. This equation
Systems Coming from the initial state will pass clirectiyl 1?o iihe holds only if e << $11112 where [L is the reduced mass of the system.
final stat 9 , 1'. 6 . , th e transmission
' ' -
coeflicient . be smaller, thane
Wlll 35 L. Landau, Phys. Z. Sowjetunion, 1, 88 (1932); 2, 46 (1932).
3° C. Zener, Proc. Roy. Soc., 137, A, 696 (1932); 140, A, 660 (1933).

The probability of remaining (p) on the lower surface is
equal to 1 —- X, and so it follows that found for example, that in the activated molecule the length
p = 1 __ e—-41r2e3/hv|8i—8/I.
of a bbnd is increased by about 10 per cent of its normal value,
and so in the absence of more precise information this approxi-
If the resonance energy e is small, the exponential may be mate generalization may be employed ‘to obtain the dimensions
expanded and all terms beyond that involving e2 can be neglected, of the activated complex. For a reaction of the type
so that
p = hI)l8,; — which is written in the exothermic direction, the energy of
If there is no appreciable overlap in the eigenfunctions of the tivation has been found to be approximately one-f0uI‘13h the
initial and final states, i.e., if the normal electrostatic-interaction acm of the energies of the W—X and Y—Z b0I1dS- If DW—X
terms in the Hamiltonian operator do not make any appreciable Siid DY-Z are the heats of dissociation of the diatomic molecules
contribution to the energy, the quantity e in Eq. (69) must WX and YZ. respectively, then
arise from perturbation terms in the Hamiltonian resulting E = .;(1)w_x + DY._Z)- (73)
from magnetic and similar interactions (cf. page 336). If e . . . - - 1 V;
were known, it would be possible to calculate p or X; it is desir- Some examples of the application of this rule are given in Tab e_
;-_-.'_ _w_ ¢-. able, however, to average the results over all the velocities, or the agreement between calculated and experimental 9»@t1V9»t1°n
more strictly over all the momenta p, of the system. The mean energies is seen to be fairly good.
value of p is, therefore, given by 3’ T A BLE V -— EMPIRICAL DERIVATIONA OF ACTIVATION ENERGIES


1;” P e—p=/Mr dp Activation energy,

'- J;
. 3-P’/2#kT
- (
m )

Calc. A 05$-
From Eq. (72) it is possible to evaluate 5 by numerical inte-

gration in terms of 41r*’e2;i%/(2kT)%ls.- -— s;|. The actual value H2 + I2 = 2HI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40

of 5, and hence of the transmission coeflicient, depends both on H, + Br, = 2HBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43 >57
H2+H,=H,+H¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 . >15
the magnitude of the resonance energy e and on the ls, —- sf’
1, _|- ()1, = 2ICl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 >34
term; in general, p increases as e increases, and if the latte; H,+ICl=HI+HCl . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 >
exceeds %kT per molecule, then p approximates to unity and
almost all the systems remain on the lower surface. The activation energies of three-center reactions, viz.,-
Although the complete calculation of the potential-energy
nerall small in the exothermic direction, particularly if X
surface is the only satisfactory way of arriving at the properties are gs d yn atom The values lie between zero and 10 kcal.;
of the activated state, it is possible to make approximate esti-
lsnd siliicleoilfile energy of the Y--Z bond is of the order of 50 to
mates of the activation energy and of the dimensions of the
lL00 kcal., it is evident that the activation energy is approximately
activated complex by purely empirical methods. It has been
5 per cent of the strength of the bond broken in the 9X0th@1‘m1°
3’ A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 778 (1935); see also direction. If the interaction between the distant atoms ans Z
M. G. Evans and E- Warhurst, Trans. Faraday Soc., 35, 593 (1939). is neglected, the London equation leads to the conclusion t lat
the activation energy is a definite fraction, depending on t 6

| e _ L L - n_____._i. __


proportions of coulombic and resonance energies, of the energy

of the Y~Z bond. If the coulombic energy is taken to be
14 per cent of the total binding energy, the activation energy is
found to be 0.055D’, where D’ is the dissociation energy plus
the zero-point energy of the diatomic molecule YZ.” For an
endothermic reaction the activation energy is obtained by adding CHAPTER IV
the heat of reaction to the activation energy for the reverse, i.e., STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF REACTION RATES
exothermic, process. The values obtained by taking 5.5 per
cent of the dissociation energy for reactions involving atomic THE DISTRIBUTION or ENERGY
hydrogen are in agreement with the experimental results; but
Postulates of Statistical Mechanics. ‘—The basis ef Statistical
since the latter are in any case small, any fraction between zero ' ' the determination of the probability of the occur-
and 10 per cent would be almost equally satisfactory on the mechamcs ls ' 1 tate of a system. The prediction of the
whole. For reactions involving sodium and other atoms the rence of anypartflcu air Sle as molecule appears impossible, but
energies of activation are considerably larger than those given exact behavlor O t:a.tS"m§l mithods the average behavior of an
by the empirical rule. by means of ‘St? lé “fa lar e number of such molecules can be
It is of interest to call attention here to the fact that the ensemble conslshlng O 1: sogobtained have found applieatiefl in
energy of activation is, in general, considerably less than the determined. Tf elieiibssand chemistry but aforlimited treatment
mziny 3’.Sli)e(():I‘;sIi)ec5sS3i'ty be given, sufiicient the purpose of
-—-4._ -_
energy required to break the bonds in the reacting molecules.
The reason for this is that new bonds are formed in the activated ggvildlling a theory of reaction rates. The fundamental equa‘
state, and the energy of activation is the difference between the
tions originally obtained by Maxwell, Boltzmann and others
energy obtained by the formation of these bonds and the amount
can be derived in various ways, but theimethod employed here
necessary to break the bonds in the reactants. ' b b d presented on the elementary considerations of quantum
W1ll3ha(I31iCS3.Sa6S in 3, previous chapter. The essential
38 J. O. Hirsclifelder and F. Daniels, unpublished. me . _ -
postulates are: (1) The amount of energy in tge ri%'1b13(3II1Il1Hn1S
constant; i.e., there is conservation of energy. ( ) 0 e
ber of particles is constant. (3) There exist definite energy
1 uantum states) as required by quantum mech-amCS'
leve s11(0r q ‘ble levels (states) for the entire system, consistent
(4') A possl ' ostulates have equal a Prieri Probability ;
-—_.- _u ‘_ 4-_. _ - .2-1. _

imth 62:; Iglzreobbrfesponding to one linear independent wave

.e. '

iuiiction is to be given the same weight. . -

A Particle in a Box.——Imagine a single pflftlelei Such as 3'
molecule, inside a rectangular box, the length, helght afgd lsfieabjix
of which are a, b and c, respeetlyely (F15 50)' Insl e e
1 For detailed treatment, see R. H. Fowler, “Statistical M_ecl_‘a'{“cs’f
C bridge University Press, 1936; R. C. Tolman, The Princip es 0
Sifgisistical Mechanics,” Oxford Uflivereity P1'eS_$, 19:2??? I;'ri§I'eF5:i1§Zr:iIt1§
A Guggenheim, “Statistical ThermodyI1am1°S> a_m_ g _ ,,
112'resS‘, 1939-, J - E - Mayer and M ' G. Mayer, “S‘>et1S‘>1°a1 Mechmcsi
Wiley, 1940.
the potential function V(:c,y,z) is constant, and this may be
unchanged in spite of variations in as; since this term is independ-
y taken as the zero for energy ent of y and z, it is evident that it must be a constant. The same
4- measurements, so that V = 0, argument applies to the analogous terms involving y and 2, each
provided that zv lies between of which is equal to a constant quantity. It is possible, there-
U‘ zero and a, y between zero and fore, to divide E into three constant parts, m'z., E;-5, E, and E3,
\ b, and z between zero and c. If corresponding to the energies parallel to the three coordinates, so
,\ ~
T \ the walls of the box may be
\ n\— -w-— -
that Eq. (4) can be split up into three equations of the same
1 // \ regarded as perfect reflectors form; thus, the one in :2: may be written
|(/ J for the moving particle, then the
0 ‘ at C i>'°‘ potential must be assumed to 212 (1 _a2X) __ Ex’ (5)
Fm. 50.;§eac1;r;g;1:lg01$: contain- igcrease suddenly to infinity at 81r2m X 6:132
' t e b ' '
the particle, of mass m, may be treitzdiaasesobeyjhisglilhtgigjg and its general solution is
equation, it follows (see page 52) that X = C sin (Ax + B), (6)
r _ h= aw aw aw where A, B and C are constants. The probability of finding the
s1r2m(5? + a;/2 + 622) (E - V)¢; (1) particle at any point within the box is given by the square of the
absolute value of the function 1/1 at that point (cf. page 31);
and since V is zero within the box,
hence, X2, being a function of the coordinate :1: only, is a measure
of the probability of the particle being in some position along
_ 712 52¢ 32¢ 52¢
81r2m (5? + Ty: + 5;") = El’ (2) the :2:-axis. The probability that the particle should be in the
walls is zero ; and so it follows that X must be zero for as = O
where 1/1 is a function of the coordinates :0, y and z. and :1: = a, these being the x-coordinates for the two walls
It is desirable to separate the three variables, and this can perpendicular to the x-axis. These conditions can be satisfied
be done If the assumption is made that 1,0 can be represented by only if
¢ = X<x>Y<y>z<z>, <3) A='fi‘l'
and B=0, (7)
where. X is a function of :1: only, Y of y only, and Z of z only.
Dlvldlng Eq- (2) l5hI‘0l1gh by wk and then substituting in Eq. (3) where n, must be an integer; it follows, therefore, that to repre-
-._-_.?_ ,i~._ -_., ._, i

sent a satisfactory solution of Eq. (5) the function X, as given

by Eq. (6), must be ~
I12 1 62X 1 d2Y 1 62Z
T 81r2m X . 62:5 + TY ' 3:,/2‘ + ' azz) E- (4) . 711;?!‘
X = C sin -6- at. (8)
Since X is a function of :0 alone, the term involving X does not
change when y and z are altered; similarly, the term with Y is Substitution of this value of X in Eq. (5) now gives
independent of :1: and z, and that containing Z does not vary as
:1: and y are changed. The sum of the three terms must. how-
ever, always remain constant and equal to E, after multiplication
Er " em’ <9)
where n, may be regarded as the quantum number that deter-
by the factor (-—h2/81r2'm). It follows, therefore, that if y and z
are kept constant, the value of (1/X)(62X/611:2) must remain mines the possible values of the energy of the particle parallel
to the as-axis. Analogous equations may be derived for the
- ————


ene1‘8ie§ Eu and E, which depend on the coordinates y and z, respectively, in the two directions. For each positive integral,
respectively; thus,
value of n, and n,,, there will be a point on the diagram cor-
2})? 2 2 responding to a definite quantum state in two degrees of freedom.
E1/ = L‘;/A _ mil
E3 — - If the energy of the system is nx
not to exceed E, then by Eq. "a_
These equations give the permitted levels of translational energy, A
(15) the values of n, and nu 5
Zllongtthi three. rectangular coordinates, of a particle in 3, bQX_ must be such that
to 25/ practice, for gases the three quantities corresponding 4
‘a m are ‘so small, z.e., the separation of successive energy
levels is so minute, that the distribution of energy may he §+§<R (m nx
30 0 Q


regarded as continuous. It is for this reason that under ordinary 2 1. 0 _F' N


and every point in Fig. 51 1

conditions translational energy may be treated by classical 10 ,1 O I 0 .
satisfying this requirement
mrgzhods without any appreciable error.
represents a possible quantum Oll’ 0 0 0 0 0 ‘ Pny
ti0nne;g;y1 Levels_and Degrees of Freedom._—Ignoring the ques- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b
level for energy between zero
it _ 0 ti magnitude of the energy separations for the present, ny
and E in two degrees of free- FIG. 5l.—Representation of trans-
th is seen rom Eq. (.10) that. when the quantum number is n,
dom. The total number of lational quantum levels in two de--
e energy in the :2:-direction is E,(n) ; z.e., there are n quantum grees of freedom.
such points is obtained by
levels, ‘or states, for energies lying between zero and E,,(n)_
drawing the quadrant of a cir cle of radius Z, having its center
According 11° Eq- (19), "1 iS proportional to E”(n) so that the at the origin of Fig. 51; all the points in the quadrant satisfy
number of levels L1 with energy from 0 to E, in one direction,
Eq. (16), and hence the required number of quantum levels
z.e., in one degree of freedom, is given by
(L2), is proportional to its area, which is %(1rl2). It follows, there-
Ll °¢ Elé. (11) fore, that
If the energy E is in two degrees of freedom, e.g. 2: and y that L2 <1 Z2, (17)
is, if two quantum numbers n, and ny are required to specify it, and hence, by Eq. (14),
then L205 E, (13)
_ _ nghz n2h2 for energy in two degrees of freedom.
E - E2 + E” 8,1,", + 8,;’,m (12) If the energy is in three degrees of freedom, then

_ h2 nf, n2 _ h2 nfi n2 nf)
" 5;, <9 + 5%’) (13) E--f;+¢+;
8m as
= 5,12» (14) = ;_,;,,, (20)
where where
nfi n2 nf
I nfi
Z2 = E2 + F2.
n2 12-5-§+E%+E§' -i (21)
1 All quantum states with energy lying between zero and E must
The number of quantum levels, with energy from 0 to E in two
satisfy the condition
degrees of freedom, can be conveniently studied by imagining a 2 2 2
system of two Cartesian coordinates and plotting n,/a and n,/b, %+%+%<n em
_. _ ._X-_ _.
It can be readily seen that the number of quantum stat f
W;h‘20 h th'is holds can be obtained
- by making- a three-d1menS1Ona]
. 6.8 °" This is a consequence of the postulate that, provided that the
P 0 of nz/a, 12,,/b and n,/c and counting the number of points energy remains constant, all possible quantum states have equal
for Wh‘19 l1 n Z , nu and Hz are integral,
- -
lying . . the oetant ef 3,
within probability. The required probability P(w) is virtually identical
sphere of radius Z; z.e., with that for the N molecules to have translational energy
between W — w and W —— w -|- dw and is consequently equal
and hence, by Eq. (20),
L8 °° Z“: (23) to the “concentration” or “thickness” of quantum levels, i.e.,
dL/dw, in the vicinity of the energy W - w. This quantity is
L3 °¢ 117%. (24) given by the appropriate form of Eq. (27), it being noted that E
Th e argument can be extended to any number of degrees cf is now W — w and s is 3N; thus,
r.reed Om’- and 3‘ comp“13°11
- of EqS- (11), (18) and (24) shows that dL = const. X (W — w)%N‘1 dw, (28)
In general, the number of quantum states L, with energy betweeri
0 and E in s degrees of freedom is given by and hence,

La ‘I E%8.* P(w) = -2% = const. X (W — w)%N"1. (29)

1 The number of levels dL, of energy between E and E + dE can
be obtained by differentiating Eq . (25) with respect to E, so th a 1; If, instead of the energy w being present in the additional mole-
cule in a unique manner, there are g levels or quantum states
_ s corresponding to this amount of energy, the probability P(w)
— const. >< 5 E%s—1 dE (26)
will now be g times as great; thus, .
. 1 . = cons t. >< E 1'68- 1 df], (27)
since 9-s is constant. P(w) = const. X g(W — w)%""1. (30)

b Parti C1 e_s fas Thermolneter-l _ It is

- necessary to consider
. next a Upon dividing through the right-hand side by W, which is
ox containing N particles, each of which has ener f 1-, constant, it is seen that
lation in three degrees of freedom. Since each partigdleor Tans-
th t _ _ _ equires w %1v-1
Te? (111311 _Hm numbers for its complete description, the N P(w) = const. X g (1 — -W) (31)
particlesi will require 3N quantum numbers. The numb f
states for which the total translational energy lies betwe er 0 Expanding the quantity (1 — w/ W) 95” " 1 by means of the binomial
and E is' thus propoitional
-~ to E%N. Let the particles . enunderZe1‘° theorem and making use of the fact that 3N is large and w/ W
consideration be N noninteractin g molecules, and suppose an is small, it is found that Eq. (31) reduces to the form
agiditional molecule is added to the box. If the total energy
o the N_ + 1 molecules is ' W, then the probability . . P(w) that P(w) = const. X g e-3”"/2”’. _‘ (32)
the precise amount of energy w shall be uni uel ' th On substituting 7 for the constant quantity 2W/3N, which is the
molecule is Simply equal to the probability 1}(l113,l3 lthlenreni ?X°tra average energy of a molecule in two translational degrees of
N molecules shall have energy W —- w in 3N degrees of freede aining
freedom, it is seen that
* For the detailed calculations of the volume enclosed by a h h
hyperellipsoid in n-dimension 1 YP91‘-Sp
(4 .ere. or P(w) = const. X g e""’/“/. (33)
Mechanics,” p. 128, Chemical éatillggeboseelnlzl 1(;27T0lman’ Statlstlcal The argument developed above is applicable irrespective of the
TE. U. Condon, Phys. Rev., 54, 937 (19.8.8), ' ' nature of the energy w; it may be nuclear, electronic, vibrational,
I_It will be convenient, for the present, to think of the particles as being
unlike; the effect rotational or translational. It will be seen shortly that the quan-
considerations willofbe
like particlesshortlgiiiring
discussed in re ' ' che introduction
' - of Symmetry
tity 7 in Eq. (33) is related to the temperature of the system, so

I-..-._____ _
that the N molecules behave effectively as an ideal gas ther-
mometer for maintaining the temperature of the system in equi-
librium with the single molecule under consideration meter of the wall in unit
. '

i “‘~S‘i*‘°e ”‘r"Lir:2:r.@:::
that Nzr/v

* ofmolecules

strike the Wall
e ti-

It is thus possible to write in thetvczlume v,rRte fiapewif change momentum ' per square
in uni ime. _
P(e,-) = const. X g.-e"*"/ (34) _ . c f ll - thus 2mN:1I2/'1,
is ' ' by definition, Hillel?
and fins»
cgtgfiijggesgie exerted by the molecules; thus,
for the probability that a molecule shall have energy e; of a e
particular kind designated by i. The degeneracy g,- is generally
called the “statistical weight” or “a priori probability” of the ,, _.. Zflif. (39)
state. For a nondegenerate level, g,~ is unity, and Eq. (34)
becomes 7' - ' ' E . 38 ; mem-
The Value of $2 may be ‘le“V"d.Wlt};<-thii1d@l)»l¢r q ili oliendegree
P(e,-) = const. X e"°*’1'. (35) bering that the translational, z.e., lne 1 > bgy sented by
of freedom, e.9-, Parallel to the x'aX1S’ may e repre
If the energy e,- is translational, it is convenient to write in em? it between
follows itthat
Velociity and the
3-, +probability of a molecule
dzt, in a particular direction,having
is 3
place of g,-, i.e., the number of quantum states for the single mole-
cule whose energy lies between w and w + dw, the number of
levels dL as given by Eq. (27) in the requisite degrees of freedom. P(i1)i = const. X 6'%’"‘“/7 6155- (40)
For three degrees of freedom, it follows, therefore, that
The mean value of 52 is then given by
g = dL;, = const. X elfide, (36)
0° e-95”"/1232 dtb
and, hence, the probability that a molecule will have translational ‘£2 £ ‘ 2 (41)
energy between (e)3 and (e + de);; in three degrees of freedom is In e"%"“"’/Y dsi:
P(e)3 = const. X e“‘/“Ye” dc. (37) where the integral in the numerator is taken between 0. and 0° ,
For one degree of freedom, dL1 is e“55 de and so since only those moleculesdgiggiiivghtgzilzléin gggggigztzrfififi

P(e)1 = const. X e*"*e_% de. (38) of the b9X need to be consl nd 0C’) makes allowance for the possi-
integration begcweerén-— soti directions. Upon evaluating the
The Maxwell-Boltzmann Equation.——Before proceeding fur- })rfi,1$gra1(;f vfilcholare standard forms, it follows that
ther, the significance of the constant 7 appearing in the probabil- 7

ity equations must be investigated. To do so, consider the N

52 = $2 (42)
molecules in a rectangular box of volume v. The pressure on
the walls of the box is due to the bombardment of the molecules
which are moving in all directions; since no direction is preferred and insertion in Eq. (39) gives
over any other, the pressure on any one face of the box, e.g.,
that perpendicular to the :1:-axis, which will be the same as that
p = M. (43)
on the others, may be regarded as due to the as-component of
. - 13- f the pressure applies to an ideal
the velocities of all the molecules. If E is the root mean square The fOf€gO1Hgh(;lc€l:1‘i7§'i1(;IE1ai)ly defined as obeying the equation
velocity component in the :1:-direction, the mean change cf momen-
tum from impact of a single molecule under consideration is 21225.5. gas sySTEem,
Pl =tli Ymole
/Ilggilv of gas-
Where N 1,3 itnow
iS clear! therefore’ number,
the Avogadro that 7 isi.e.,
3. 811 O 1
-—:--b—"-—*‘-i —-._-.-. -i;-
- -———-— _


number of molecules in 1 mole. The quantity R/N is the gas
consuant per molecule,_ it. .
1S .
given _
the symbol k and designated "1, "I2, 0 I 0 , ni) ' ° ' ) in each of which the energy is almost
the l3oltzmann constant.” Upon substituting k in the rela- constant, so that
tlonshlp f0!‘ 7, there is obtained the result n = 1%; (46)
"y = kT,
then the number o f ways o f distributing the n elements in such
and hence the probability equation (33) may be written
groups is given by
P(£) =-.. c(_)nSt_ X ge—-c/kT_ n! g ,_ (47)
n1!n2! - - - n,-!
This is the general f0rm of the Maxwell-Boltzmann or classical
law for the distribution of energy. , ' If in the ith group there are available g,- eigenfunctions, i.e., if
Symmetry Restriction.—In the derivation of the probabilit ' g.--fold degenerate, then the n.- elemen t s in
the group is ' this group
equations, no account has been taken so far of symmetr cony can b e arran g ed in g,"*
- different ways - The total number of
siderations; it is important to see if this neglect has an y ' - eigenstates, or quantum levels, for the n elements, which is a
consequences. It is found, in actual fact that differy ‘famous measure of the probability P of this particular distribution, is
metry restrictions lead to three different ty,pes of statisiilcs 1€ym— thus given by
system of particles, but under normal conditions the ' deviatio r a
from the results deduced above are negligible Neverth l (His 9”'.9”'...9*'.
P = const. X -75?! . . ) (48)
is of interest to examine the arguments somevvhat further? essi It
Classical Statistics.—Consider in the fi t l i
= const. X n! H _ (49)
distinguishable elements* Whose icoordinaiziis i)n:,;eb: 23:2: Otf Z e "
by the symbols ql, q2, . . . , QM and Suppose there are availabel n
a number g of eigenfunctions u such that u (ql) u (q) e where H is the sign used for the product of the series of similar
, a b . . . terms. Taking logarithms of Eq. (49), it is seen that
%(qn) are the solutions of the wave equations for the n Zleme t ,
The complete eigenfunction 1,0 for the whole system m tli S. ln P = ln n! + 2 (n,- ln g,- — ln nil) +_const. (50)
be taken as the product of the individual eigenfunctizhs (L_lfS
page 57); hence, neglecting the normalizing factor this leads tb .
I According to Stirling’s formula,
1/ = ua<q1>w»<q2> - - - a<q..>. <45) ln:v!=(a:+-§-)lnx—-:i:+1}ln21r, (51)

If there are no Symmetry restrictions and the elements 1 2 or, if zv is large,

n are distinguishable, this particular solution corr , , i ,
lnx!za:lna:-2:, (52)
one eigenstate, 1'-6-, quantum level of the system Afjigoghs to
in th e assignment
' ’
of the n elements among the' g elementary
ange and substitution in Eq. (50), on the assumption that n and n,- are
functions would lead to a new solution and hence to th large, gives
. . an
possible eigenstate for the n elements. Suppose the 0d'er
tinguishable elements are divided into a series of groupn ‘ls- ln P = n ln n + 2 (n,- ln g, - m in 11¢) + COHST»-, (53)
s, vzz.,
* The word element is used h ' - it being remembered that, by Eq. (46), 2 ni is equal to n. The
sense. ere "1 3 genera-1, and not in the chemical,

most probable state is that for which P, or In P, is a maximum


i -*-' __=b._-_‘

For this condition 5 In P/6n, is zero; hence it follows b differ

entiation of Eq. (53), that , ’ y Eq. (61) states that the most probable arrangement of the
elements is that in which a number n,-, having energy in the
quantum level of e,-, is proportional to g,- e"‘*'/*T, whereas accord-
ing to Eq. (44) the probability that an element will be in the
level of energy e,- is given by the same expression. There is,
Where 9; is taken to be constant. Since the total number of however, no essential difference in the significance of the two
elements n is constant, by the postulate on page 153, then, from equations; and since the conditions specified on page 162 lead
Eq- (46), to an equation similar to that derived by Maxwell, Boltzmann,
etc., they are regarded as forming the basis of classical statistics.
ti5774' = O. (55)
Bose-Einstein Statistics.—In the second case, it may be sup-
posed that there are n particles which are indistinguishable
I ,- is
8;gr ' tlge energylr of each element in
- the ithgroup,
- then the tgtal
and that symmetric solutions only are permitted; these postulates
gy 1S equa to the sum of the energies in all the groups, i.e.,
~s-i_:z- ._, _4_
lead to the statistics developed by S. N. Bose (1924) and by
E = me,-; (56) A. Einstein (1925), and generally known by their names. If, as
before, it is supposed that g eigenfunctions are available, the
and hence, if the conservation of energy is assumed, solution of the wave equation for the whole system is not merely
as given by Eq. (45), but the complete eigenfunction is the sum
of all possible permutations of the n elements among the g
‘SE = 0 = 2 *~'5"~"- ‘I
(57) eigenfunctions (cf. page 58); thus, excluding the normalizing
T factor, _
e mu ip iers is used, as follows. Multiplying Eq. ‘lb = Pu<1(q1)ub(q2) ' ' ' 'u'a(q1»)- (62)
(§5) and (57) by the undetermined constants a and B I'eSpe(;_
tively, and adding the results to Eq. (54), then Since symmetric solutions only are possible, there should be no
change of sign when the coordinates of two elements are inter-
7%" changed, and hence it is not necessary to include any positive
2 (111 + <1 + Ber) 6n; = O, (58)
or negative sign in the summation, as is the case for antisym-
metric solutions. Further, in a symmetric eigenfunction, two
The variations 611,- are quite arbitra '
1 d tf ll or more elementary functions may be the same; thus ua(q,) may
coefiicients in Eq. (58) must each e<ga1a:er§?@i@ 0 OWS that the
be equal to ub(q,-), so that there is no restriction as to the number
of particles in any quantum state, i.e., associated Withmany given
elementary eigenfunction. To find the number of possible
solutions for the whole system, it is necessary first to determine
. _ __ Q»
—- . _":. _
00 7%, — —?_*_Be._;
in how many ways n,- particles could be distributed among the
or, since oz is a constant, g,- eigenfunctions without any restriction as to the number of
the particles associated with each particular function. The
He = const. X g, 8-Be.-_ (61) result may be obtained in the following manner: suppose a box is
This equation is of the same form as Eqs_ (34) and (44). and divided up by means of g,- —- 1 partitions, giving g.- spaces,
it can, if necessary, be shown that ,6 is equal to 1/kT sQ,1;h3,1; in which n.- particles are distributed; then the total number of
th e two equations
' - -
are really identical. .
Strictly ’
speaking, permutations of the 'n,~ particles and the g,; — 1 partitions is
(n,- + g, — 1)! Since the n,- particles are indistinguishable, and
* g 7 __ __ ‘In-


the. order of the g.- — 1 partitions is immaterial, this result is and since the coefficients must be zero,
divided by ml and by (Q: -— 1)! to give the required number of
ways in which ni particles can be divided between g,- spaces, i.e., ni = ' (68)
9; eigenfunctions; the required number is thus
This equation differs from Eq. (60) of classical statistics by
( "l' 1' "- 1)! the inclusion of -1 in the denominator, and the modified form
2.-!(9¢g— 1)iT. (63)
should be employed for distinguishable particles having sym-
This quantity gives the number of different eigenstates in any metrical solutions of the wave equation, such as, for example,
group containing n.- particles; but since the whole number n can atomic nuclei and atoms containing an even number of unit
as before be divided into a set of groups containing n1, n-2, . , , , particles, viz., electrons, protons and neutrons, and also for
11¢, . . . particles,* where n is equal to 2 n.-, it follows that the single photons treated as particles. Provided that the tempera-
ture is not too low or the pressure too high, it is permissible to
total number of quantum levels for the n particles, which is neglect — 1 in comparison with the other terms in the denomina-
proportional to the probability P of the particular distribution, tor, so that the distribution based on Bose-Einstein statistics
is reduces to the classical form.
Fermi-Dirac Statistics.—The third possibility, equivalent to
P = t, X. ('"»1+Qi—l)l.. (n 2 —|- 92 —1)lf . . .
°°nS n1!(y1 - 1)! n,!(g, - 1)! the statistics of E. Fermi (1926) and of P. A. M. Dirac (1927),
is that, as in the previous case, there are n particles which are
(Tl: + ye — 1)!
indistinguishable but that antisymmetric solutions of the wave

n¢!(9i - 1)! S . ' . (64)

equation are the only ones allowed. It follows, therefore, from
s + a -' 1 1
the arguments developed on page 58, that the eigenfunction
for the whole system is, omitting the normalizing factor,
By taking logarithms as before, introducing Stirling’s theorem,
ll’ = Z i Pua(q1)ub(q2) ' ' ' ua(qn)> (69)
and assuming n, n.- and gt to be large, it follows that
the sign being positive or negative according as the number of
In-P = 2l("=' ‘l’ 9~')1I1(n¢ + 9.-) - 11¢ ln n,- — g,- ln g,-] permutations is even or odd. As already seen (page 57), no
two particles can have the same elementary wave functions if
+ const., (65) the complete solution is to be antisymmetric, so that there
and differentiation with respect to n,- then gives for the most can be only one of the n; particles associated with each of the
probable state g; elementary eigenfunctions in any particular group. The

number of complete eigenfunctions as given by Eq. (69), repre-

21111 iii — In (ni + a-)1 in. _= 0. (es) senting the total number of eigenstates or energy levels for the
Introducing the relationships of Eqs. (55) and (57) and using whole system, is thus equal to the number of ways in which
the Lagrange method of undetermined multipliers, as previously the n particles can be distributed among the g eigenfunctions.
it is found that ’ In any particular group of n.- indistinguishable particles and g,-
elementary eigenfunctions the number of possible arrangements
is thus

____9i___, (79)

* Since the particles are now assumed to be indistinguishable there is —

. . . , 7
only one way of dividing them up into these groups.
so that for all the n particles the probability P of the postulated


distribution is given by
that is g-fold degenerate is proportional to the quantity g e-*/“T,
P = const. >< - 91! . - 92! . . . Qt! the total probability of the occurrence of a particular atomic or
"1!(91 - TH)! "2!(92 — Hz)! n,-!(g,; — n,)! molecular species, i.e., the number of that species in a given
. . . (71) volume, is proportional to the sum of the g e-‘/"7' terms, there
being an appropriate term for every type of energy. The
P = const. >< -! (72) sum, defined by

Where, as before, 71 = n.-. Upon adopting the same treatment

f E 2 gt 6-W, <16)
as in the previous cases, it is seen* that is called the “partition function” of the atom or molecule con-
“\ cerned for the given volume. * The great importance of partition
In P = Z [(7% _ iii) 111 (1% — Qt) - "4111 11¢ + gt ln Qt-l + const. functions lies in the fact that from them all thermodynamic

quantities such as equilibrium constants, free energies and
(73) entropies can be obtained; the principles used in deriving parti-
The condition for the most probable state is
tion functions will be‘ considered before their application is
:"'*‘—4--“4"fiuEwE'*=5" Z [in n.» - 1n<g.-- 11.)] an. = 0; <74) discussed.
and, with the aid of Eqs. (55) and (57) and the method of Determinatiop of Partition Functions.—The complete partition
undetermined multipliers, it is found that function for any species may include terms for nuclear, electronic,
vibrational, rotational and translational eneigy, the values of
"1. ""_ ,gFe.-j_—1'
9» (75) which, except the last, can be obtained from spectroscopic data.
For atoms and monatomic molecules the vibrational and rota-
which is the distribution equation for the Fermi-Dirac statistics. tional energies are zero, and so the corresponding partition
It is seen that in Eq. (75) the term 1 appears instead of -1 in functions are merely unity. For diatomic and more complex
1,,-._1s=1-_.=,as=r_-.i:fi€=-‘ the corresponding relationship based on Bose-Einstein statistics molecules, however, especially at elevated temperatures, the
-_. -_-.
and zero in that obtained from classical statistics. The Fermi- number of possible energy levels is extremely high, and the
Dnac equation should be applied to all fundamental particles, summation requisite for the evaluation of the partition function
'l)’tZ., electrons, protons and neutrons, and to nuclei and atoms is very tedious. A number of approximation methods have
containing an odd number of such particles. At relatively therefore been introduced which give results in satisfactory
high temperatures and not too high pressures, Eq. (75) reduces agreement with those derived by the longer procedure, provided
to the classical form, so that for most purposes, i.e.,, under normal that the temperature is not too low: only for hydrogen and
conditions, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law may be deuterium, at temperatures below 250 and 150°K., respectively,
used as a satisfactory approximation for particles of all types are the approximations appreciably in error.
ac-— i%§-. —=l
-_ . _, 1-— I :\ PARTITION FUNCTIONS2 If it is assumed that the different forms of energy distribution
Definition of Partition Functions.—Since the probability that are independent of each other, then the complete partition
any molecule or atom shall have energy e in any quantum state function may be taken as equal to the product of the functions
* In the application of Stirling’s theorem, it is assumed that g,- — n,- is for the electronic, nuclear, vibrational, rotational and transla-
large in comparison with unity. tional energies separately. Suppose the total energy e is the sum
”See Ref. 1; also, W. H. Rodebush, Chem. Rev., 9, 319 (1931)' R H
Fowler and T. E. Sterne, Rev. Mod. Phys., 4, 635 (1932); S. Glasstone, Ann, * This quantity was originally called the Zustandsumme, translated as
Rep. Chem. Soc., 32, 66 (1935) ; L. S. Kassel, Chem. Rev., 18, 277 (1936). the “state sum” or “sum over states”; the term “partition function” is
now more commonly employed.
of the various energies, which are assumed not to interact;
then using a numeral, viz., 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, to represent the type thus,
of energy level and a letter, viz., a, b, c, . . . z to indicate the Gt;-_ = )
number of levels of each type, it follows that
so that
6-¢/kT = 8-(em-I-e2b+ea¢+ . . . -I-cu)/kT
ftl-_ 722,22 _
E a,b,;,...,z ( )
= 2 e-—ei¢/RT E e—ezb/kT E e—¢s¢/IIT . . . 2 e-—eM/kT. kT 8a2mkT “ M’ (82)
G b 6 Z
where A is written for the constant portion he/8a2mkT. Upon
(77a) inserting the value of e,,,._/kT in Eq. (80), it follows that the
Since the individual partition functions are of the form 2 e-*"/H’, translational partition function for one degree of freedom is

it is evident that i f¢r.<i) = J; eflixdn = §\/g (83)

f=f1f2fs ' ' '1'», (78) .'= a.

where f is the complete partition function. It must be empha-

sized that Eq. (78) is only an approximation, since a change Similar equations, for motion parallel to the sides b and c, can be
in vibrational energy leads to an alteration in the spacing of the derived for the other two degrees of freedom, so that the complete
rotational levels, and similarly vibrational and rotational levels partition function for the three degrees of translational energy is
are both affected by the electronic state of the molecule; however, the product of the three terms; i.e.,
the deviations are not serious, and Eq. (78) may be regarded
T-:2_.——.._— —
as satisfactory for present purposes. The evaluation of the
separate partition functions, for various forms of energy, will
1... = 1», <85)
.-7h-FIhft- - =n'€=-5.-_

now be considered. where v = abc is the volume of the box or container. The result
Translational Energy.—The partition function for translational is the translational partition function of a single molecule occupy-
energy is ing a volume v.
Atoms and Monatomic Molecules.—For species consisting of
fin = E Qtn e_“"/"5 (79)- one atom, it is necessary to consider only electronic and nuclear
but, as mentioned above, the levels are so closely spaced that partition functions. The statistical weight g of each electronic
the distribution of energy may be regarded as continuous instead energy level is 2j, + 1, where j,, which has only positive values
of being quantized. For this reason, it is possible to replace given by l i s, results from the combination of the azimuthal
summation by integration, the term dn, the number of levels quantum number Z and the resultant spin s of the electrons.
in the energy range dag, replacing git. (Cf. page 160); thus, For every value of j_.,, there are 23', + 1 possible orientations of
similar energy in a magnetic field; if j, is equal to 4, for example,

_?‘—:.—:~;. _:*'-i:‘
1.. = g dn, <80) then g = 9, and there are 9 orientations, corresponding to m
(magnetic quantum number) values of 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, — 1, -2, -3,
the integration being carried over all levels from zero to infinity. -4. To obtain the complete electronic partition function the
The energy of translation, for one degree of freedom, for a particle value of g must be multiplied by the appropriate e"‘/kT term,
in a box of side a, i.e., at constant volume, is given by Eq. (9), e being the electronic energy in excess of the ground state, and
the results summed over all possible electronic configurations,



as indicated by spectroscopic data. The situation is simplified
by the fact that the quantity e“‘/'*T has an appreciable value th t the electronic contribution must be multiplied by 6 to give
tha combined electronic and nuclear partition function.
only when the temperature exceeds hcfi/4k, where 17 emf‘
I)iatomic Molecules ——The energy of the excited state of a
.1 ‘-r 1|- .-al.
represents the frequency separation between the given excited . ' - 1 1 th 1;
molecule 1S generally so much in excess ‘of the ground elvel tta
level and the ground state.* At ordinary temperatures the
contributions of the higher energy levels are negligible provided the contributions to the partition functions of all but t e ad_e1‘
that 17 is greater than about 1,000 emf‘; i.e., the energy difference may be neglected at temperatures below 1000 ° K.. M . OS.t 13-t-
' lecules have 12} ground terms and so exist in Slllg e
exceeds 0.125 electron-volt (E.v.). At 1000°K., however, it is
tOnt1c'mOf W such molecules however, have multiplet ground
permissible to ignore only those levels for which :7 exceeds
es (ivhich allowance must be made. Instaneee ef - this
3,000 cm.“1; i.e., the energy difference is greater than 0.375 E.V.
The nuclear spin degeneracy of an atom or monatomic mole-
bah vior are found with nitric oxide, oxygen and the OH radical;
tse aap propriate allowances in these instances,
_ together
. dWith
. the_
cule is equal to 2i + 1, where i is the number of units of nuclear
—Tst_ :=.mW
spin momentum; this quantity represents the total number of nuclear spin factors, are most conveniently considers Ii]: con
tion with the treatment of the rotational partition func ion.
possible orientations, of almost equal energy, that may be taken
up by the nucleus in a perturbing field. The exponential factor
i Partition Function ' ——The energy Separations
. ef Sue"
involving the energy is equal to unity for the ground state, since cessive vibrational levels are smaller than for eiectronic levels;
. . ' b f th se
e,,.,.,_ is zero, and hence e"‘/"T is 1. The nuclear spin contribution therefore, it is always necessaryto include a erfo men
of an atom or of a monotomic molecule to the complete partition levels in the sum of terms making up the Parl31t10}Il1 unc th.
. ' ' 3
function is thus equal to 2i + 1. Unless it happens to be degeneratel, as 1S1S(.)II16tI1§'l€S ;neic:.Ze,it is
A few examples may be given to illustrate the rules developed statistical weight of a vibrationaf 61:3 is u y,

above. For the electronic ground state of atomic hydrogen, possible to write for the partition unc ion_
l = 0 and s = %, so that j, is e and 2.7} + 1 is equal to 2; the fvib. = Z e—¢vib./kT, (86)
contribution of this level to the partition function is thus 2,
. ' d'ff ce between the vibrational energy in
since the exponential term is unity. The frequency separations
Whale veevlbaiifl tub]; olf flierlowest level ' It has been derived frem
of the excited levels are so high that these levels can be neglected
except at extremely high temperatures. The nuclear spin of aijibiniium mechanics that for a diatomic molecule, en the assump‘
hydrogen is e unit, and so the spin contribution to the function liion that it is a harmonic oscillator, the actual vibrational energy
is 2; the contribution of nuclear and electronic functions thus is given by
gives a partition function of 4 for atomic hydrogen. Since the ev = hc(v + 2')w2
deuterium atom has a spin of unity, the corresponding partition
function is 6. wh ere h and c have their usual significance . its ’ w is the fundamental
. ground . d
- ' f th molecule in state, expresse
From spectroscopic studies it is known that the chlorine atom
1n wave - I-13) i and v is the vibrational quantum
in the ground state is an inverted 2P doublet, the constituent ' h an integral value, including zero.
terms being 2P.~,§ and 2P;e; the j. values are thus % and e for lower
1'1 G QWW211-.C1fevIe1la3i
7 ' e '1 avliiien vyis zero, the zero-point vibrational
and upper levels, respectively. The 2.7.8 + 1, for the two levels,
are 4 and 2, respectively, so that the electronic partition function energy so is siren by
is 4+ 2e-381'"/"T. No excited level need be considered at any ‘ ea = 1}hCw, v (88)
reasonable temperature. The spin of the chlorine atom is §’-, so
Se that ¢,.,b_, which is defined as 617 - 60, is given by
* By the quantum theory the energy equivalent of radiation of frequency
17 cm.“1 is equal to hci, where c is the velocity of light. evib_ = 5‘, -' 60 =3 hcvw.



where v may b ' t . .
e any
th erefore, that the - In eger
vibrational from . zero
partition to mfimlly
function is ' It follows , sufficient accuracy. The statistical weight of each rotational
level is determined by both the rotational quantum -numbers
and the spins of the nuclei constituting the molecule. For each
fv,,,_ = on e—hcvw/kT
?_ In-,-»_.-,

level of quantum number J, there are 2J +1 possible orienta-

= (1 _ e-new/kr)-i_ (91) tions of similar energy for a diatomic molecule, so that 2J + 1
is the purely rotational degeneracy. This number must, how-
Strictly speakin th' ' - . _
molecule behave? as Qehlgefllrlllfinfig (?SIi:}.)llllCt2J1l)l6 O1(1ilY11f the diatomic ever, be multiplied by the spin factor, and that depends on the
- measurements
U nature of the molecule. If the spin of each nucleus in a homo-
scopic show that this1 condition e er ; an is a though
n Spe(3t1~Q_
- ot satisfied nuclear diatomic molecule is i, there are 2i + 1 ways in which
practice, nevertheless the results given by Eq (91) - . Hin
the two spins may combine, giving a series of possible values
at appreciable temperatures differ little from th , esiiecia 317
’ ose erive for the resultant spin of 2i, 2i — 1, 2i — 2, . . . , 2, 1, 0. Of
from band Spect1'a,_
these the first, third, fifth, etc., correspond to symmetrical spin
The calculation of the vibrational partition funct' f 1
1011 O 3. pg y- eigenfunctions, and the second, fourth, sixth, etc., to anti-
atomic molecule is a much more complicated ' process and ' is ' symmetrical eigenfunctions. In general, the resultant spin for
_b practice
t_ to assume that the energy levels for each’ modeit of
the molecule (t) may be written as 2i — n, where n is zero or an
vi ra ion can be expressed by means of a formula of the
same integer not exceeding 2i ; for symmetrical, i.e., ortho-, states, n
type as for a diatomic molecul ' b is even, or zero, and for antisymmetrical, i.e., para-, states, n
molecule containing n atomse’1::;’ 32 Eqé(§170)' Iln genjral’ a
e- » - rma mo es of is odd. Since there are 2t + 1 possible orientations of the
vibration. For a linear
' - is
molecule, this . increased
. to 3n - 5, molecule for every value of the spin, each resultant molecular
dand itis dec rease dt o 3 n _
_ 7 for a molecule of the type having_ one
spin is (2t + 1)-fold degenerate; as t is equal to 2i — n, the
egree of freedom of unhindered internal rotation Of the t t l degeneracy corresponding to each combination of the two
- - o a,
nuclear spins is 2(2i — n) + 1. The total degeneracy of the
n -6enage}ing
are Stretchmg’ or yelenee,
> or deformation Vibrations
, v'ibrations.
‘ anda the
If remainder
molecule has ortho-states, i.e., when n is even, is thus
3n — as vibrational modes then th ' ‘
, _ _ e vib t 1
partition function may be written ra Iona part of the
gm, (ortho) = i [2(2i — n) + 1] = (i + 1) (2i + 1); (93)
3n-2: n=O,2,4, . . . ,2r

I = H <1 - @"'°“""’?*‘,
(92) for the para-states, it is
9.... (para) = 2 [2(2i — n) + 11 = tat + 1). '
n=1,3,5, . . . ,2i'—1
= i=ll1 <1 - 6*“/*T>~1. ea) The statistical weights due to nuclear spins are thus obtained by
the product being taken over all the modes; wt cmfl is the funda- multiplying the ortho rotational levels by (i + 1)(2i + 1) and
mental frequency of the ith vibrational ' the para-levels by i(2i + 1).
, d The nuclear spin of the hydrogen atom is 1} unit, so that the
and In ls the corresponding value in seciilo e m Wave numbers’
Rotational Partition Functions --Th - - nuclear spin factor is 3 for the ortho-states and 1 for the para-
the rotational partition function of (evfiiaczi. (ileterimnatlon of states; from various theoretical and practical studies, it is
involves a number of complications but it will 1161:) eh moletclrle known that in molecular hydrogen the para-levels are those for
for many purposes- an approximate
- ’ treatment gives
. S results
Own at which the rotational quantum number J is even, whereas the
odd values of J give the ortho-states- It follows, therefore,


that the complete rotational partition function for molecular
hydrogen is _ ' ation , that the -molecule is rigid‘’ for a. diatomic
approxim b molecule
of this type the rotational energy, as derlved Y qua“
mechanics, is expressed by
1.... =
H Eb/18 <21 + 1) 6-~/M’ + 3 i (21 + 1) e""/"T,
,,,... J=1,3,5,...
J(J + um, (98)
where e,; is the rotational energy of the Jth level. ' ~="—8F1—
Since the deuterium nucleus consists of two elementary ‘ h - - of the molecule. For a hetero-
t of inertia
particles, v'iz., a proton and a neutron, whereas that of hydrogen
Xdliflleiif ifidlefzurlbontligrefore, combination of Eqs (97) and (98)
1S a proton only, it is evident, from what has been stated above,
that the former nucleus will obey the Bose-Einstein statistics;

i.e., the total eigenfunction is symmetrical. But the latter will
satisfy the Fermi-Dirac statistics; i.e., the total eigenfunction is
f... = Q.. i <21 + 1)
r . -
antisymmetrical. Since other essential properties of the two where p is_ written for the. quantity I12/8‘"'2IkT and 9"?“ is the
nuclei are identical, the distribution of ortho- and para-states - -1 ll,
nuc 1 ear s p in degeneracy > z ' e " (27, + 1)(2z +. 1). If p is sma
among the rotational levels of the deuterium molecule will be . . f 1 les
i.e. at relatively high temperatures, especlany or mo ecu
opposite to that for hydrogen; i.e., the even rotational levels of having ‘large moments of inertia, the summation in Eq- (99)
molecular deuterium are ortho-states, and odd values of J
may be replaced by integration; hence,
give the para-states. The nuclear spin of deuterium is unity, so
that the spin factors are 6 and 3 for ortho- and para-states, f = g I” 2(J _|__. 1}) e—(J+%)=n dj (100)
rot, DUO. 0

respectively. The complete rotational partition function for

molecular deuterium is thus = 9513, - (101)

1.... = 6 E; (2J + 1) 6-~/'=T + 3 i (2J + 1) e—~/*1’. (96) fro, = gm 8 21kT (10 2 )

J=O,2, ,... J=1,3,5,...

For a heteronuclear molecule there are no ortho- and para-states. If the diatomic molecule is homonuclear, the rotational partition
If 2' and 2" are the spins of the two nuclei, the nuclear spin factor function may be written, in the general case’ as
for the diatomic molecule in all rotational levels is
fro,“ = 9;? 0% (2J + 1) e-p.r(:+i)
(2i + 1)(2i’ + 1);
if 11' is replaced by i, this is the same as the sum of the values for
ortho- and para-states. The rotational partition function of a
+ git... Z (2J + 1) e"""”"_’» (103)
J= 1,3,. . .
heteronuclear diatomic molecule is thus h e I and g" represent the spin factor, i.e., i(2i + 1)
W §r(. 5:'“i)(2,; _|_ the choice depending on the distribution of
an '1. > -
f,.,._ .= (2i —|— l)(21I' + 1) E (2J + 1) e—*~'/"T, (97) . - . Wh is
rotational levels among the 0I"0h0- and Pam St3'te_S _ GT1 P d
small the two sums in Eq. (103) become almost identical, an
the sum being taken over all integral values of J from zero to upon ’ replacing
' summa t‘1o 11 bY integration 1 each is readily shown
infinity.- to be equal '60 1/2P, $0 that I
It was postulated above that the vibrational and rotational
energies are independent. It may be assumed, therefore, as an
1 = 95...... + 9515», (104
fret. 2p
Where ghuc. +_9§l.¢. is (271 + 1)’. This result is sufficiently accu- provided that the temperature does not exceed 1000°K., at which
rate for all diatomic molecules, except hydrogen and deuterium
the first excited level must be taken into consideration (page 172).
down to quite low temperatures; with the aforementioned sub:
In nitric oxide, which is represented in the ground state by a
stances, however, the moments of inertia are so relatively small
“II term, the doublets have a frequency separation of 120 cm."1,
that it. is 0I11.V
above 273 and 200°K., respectively 7 that the which is too large to be ignored; allowance must therefore be
approximations made do not lead to appreciable errors. This
made by including the factor e“"°"/“T, where 17 is 120 cmfl
conclusion may be put in another form by saying that Eq. (104)
Further, molecules having other than E ground terms exhibit
ii applicable only to hydrogen and deuterium when they contain
what is known as A-type doubling, whereby every rotational
t. el normal ‘ortho-para ratio, 2.6., 3 to 1 and 1 to 2, respec-
level is split into two closely spaced sub-levels; it is consequently
tlve Y- Wlth equilibrium hydrogen and deuterium at low necessary to multiply the rotational function by a factor of 2 so
temperatures the approximations cannot be made, and to obtain
as to allow for this doubling. The complete rotational partition
the rotational partition function it is necessary to carry out
function with electronic and nuclear contributions for nitric
detailed summations according to Eqs. (95) and (96), the rota. 3

oxide, may therefore be written*

tional energies being obtained from spectroscopic measurements
For a homonuclear diatomic molecule having a nuclear spin of
zero, such as the oxygen molecule in which both atoms are O1‘ the I rm = g.1gi..<1 + @—'~===/M) 2 <2J + 1) 6-W, (108)
J=1},§,§,. . .
nuclear. spin factor for para-states, i.e., i(2i + 1), should be
zero, this is in agreement with the observation that in the spectra where g,i_ is the electronic statistical weight, which in this case
of such molecules alternative rotational levels are missing Sup- is 2 for the A-type doubling; and gm. is equal to 3, since the
pose the odd values of J give the ortho-levels, which actually do nuclear spins N14 and O16 are l and 0, respectively. The quantity
appear; then the rotational partition function is 1 in the first parentheses is the exponential energy factor, with
e = 0, for the lower. multiplet of the ground level, and the other
term is that for the higher level, with ii = 120 cm?‘ as explained
fmt. = Q‘1;1:.1% + 6_‘~'/kT-
—-_. _- _, l. _- . ,-
above. The summation factor may be evaluated as in the
Where _9=-1w-i _9qu9»1 t0 ('5 + 1)(2i + 1), is unity since 11 is zero. previous cases by the method of integration; the result is found
Upon inserting the value of 6,; from Eq. (98) and making the to be the same as in Eq. (102).
assumption, as ‘before, ‘that p is small, it is seen, after replacing Summarizing the results of the treatment of the individual
summation by integration, that Eq. (105) becomes substances, it is evident that the combined electronic, nuclear
and rotational contributions to the partition function of any
frot. = Z0» (105) diatomic molecule may be represented by
'13iis would give the correct result, including the nuclear spin
a owance, if the molecule had a singlet ground state, as is the 1.... “Z
G. nl1C-
-Uh, ), . .
Ease with most diatomic molecules. Oxygen, however, has a
where gm, is (2i + 1)(2i’ + 1), whether 11 and '5' are the same or
Z ground term, so that the lowest level is a triplet state. Since
different, and a is called the “symmetry number.” The sym-
the energy separation of the three levels is small, their contribu-
metry number represents the number of indistinguishable
fiolns to the partition function may be taken as identical; it
0 ows, therefore, that for the oxygen molecule the rotational * The equation given is not exact, for the two levels of the doublet do
partition function, including electronic and nuclear factors, is not have the same J values and the summations are not identical; at appre-
ciable temperatures, however, the difference is negligible. It should be
3 .
remarked, further, that for nitric oxide the J values are not integral but are
fmt. = $2
half the odd integers, v'iz., %, 3, 5, etc.



orientations of the particular molecule as a result of rotatio
F or 11 omonuclear diatomic
- - substances, e.g., H2, D2, ()2 and N2“' and it is possible to derive only an approximate equation for the
0' is equal to 2; for heteronuclear molecules it is unit It rotational partition function, thus,
should be noted that molecules in which the,two atom yd'fi gel.gnuc: _ Wk g
fmt. U pApc%1
isotopicanyi 6-9-> HD, 016018, N “N 15 Cl35Cl37 must be res Id ed
as hater°nu¢1ea»I‘1 f0!‘ they do not have orthd- and ara-illrte where p,4 and po are defined by expressions similar to Eq. (111),
The electronic and nuclear spin factors gi and g p mus: esf
with the appropriate moments of inertia A, for the two which
coilirsle, be considered separately for every case. mm , 0
are equal, and C, for the third. It is evident that Eqs. (112)
0 ya oniic Molecules.—Equation (109) may be employed for
the rotational partition function of any rigid linear polyatomic and (114) are identical in form, and hence it is apparent that
for an asymmetrical top, with three different moments of inertia,
311° l eculefl for such moleculeiC4 ‘have one moment
' 3 . only;
of inertia vz'z., A, B and C, the rotational partition function may be repre-
e symmetry number is unity for unsymmetrical substances,
sented by the analogous equation
9-9-> HCN and N20, but it 1S 2 for CO2 and C2H2. The nuclear
contribution is always given by the product of the 22' + 1 terms _g~1~!I=-1-<=¢. 1"" .* 115
for all the atoms in the molecule. fm <7 (PAPBP C) 3'5 ( )
Th I'I(:'.altlOI1l3.l
atomic; ' ' '
parltlition -
function - - nonlinear,
for a rigid, . poly. Upon inserting the values for p4, P3 and pg, it is seen that Eq.
1 _ _ o ecu e wit three equal moments of inertia, i.e., a (115) may be written in the form, in which it is often used:
i rigid spherical rotator, such as methane or carbon tetrachloride
1S 7
f....—g'g s is 3ABC
-"(" it kT%
h_,)( l. (116)
t no
__ go.gnuc. If the asymmetrical rotator is planar, as with water and benzene,
jrot. — + - 2 (2J + 1)2 e—pJ(J+1), (110)
there is some simplification, for A + B is equal to C; in the two
instances mentioned, 0" is 2 and 12, respectively. A
where p is defined, as before, by Partition Functions and Equilibrium Constants.—If any sys-
tem in a state A can pass into a state B, and vice versa, as the
P~ (111) result of a chemical or physical transformation, then the equi-
librium constant K, of the system is given by
I being, -‘¢1~$_ Usual, ‘the ‘moment of inertia. If summation is
replaced by integration, in the usual manner, it is found that concentration in final state
K° concentration in initial state (117)
= gel.gnuc. _ 7"” no. of molecules in final state/volume of system
frot. 0_ fi . . . . .- (118)
no. of molecules in initial state/volume of system
= g...g..... ,, smkr i’ It has been seen (page 169) that the number of molecules of any
0' W T ’ (113) kind contained in a given volume is proportional to the complete
the value of 0' being 12 for molecules of the type CR4, It Should partition function of the particular species in that volume, and
b noted ‘that these equations
fe - -
are applicable . there is
only if . no so Eq. (118) may be written
ree rotation within the molecule.
If th_e molecule is of the symmetrical top form e g ammonia K. = fl/-1', (119)
fi/ V -
and chloroform, two of the three moments of inertiaqare e ual' * This equation may be regarded as the general form for frot. of a non-
the expression for the rotational energy is relatively complicgted’ linear molecule. If A = B = C, it reduces to Eq. (112); if A = B, it
! becomes (114).

where ff and f.~ are the partition functions of final and initial
as the sum of 60 and fir, the former being the difference in the -
states, respectively, and V is the volume of the system. Since the
f terms include the translational partition function, which accord- zero-level energies of initial and final states and the latter being
the energy of any level in ' the final state with reference to its
ing to Eq. (85) is proportional to the volume of the system, it
own zero-level; thus,
follows that
e} = 60 + in
_ F1 and so it follows that
where the F terms are the partition functions for unit volume; in F = 916-.//AT _.= 6 __¢,,/kT2g;e —¢I/RT. (123)
other words, in deriving the F functions the volume term is
omitted. By using exactly similar arguments to those given
It i's the final form of this relationship that is frequently employed’
above, it can be readily shown that, for the reversible reaction . - ' 'th the problem of reaction rates.
especially in connection wi
aA+bB+cC+ ---?ilL+mM+nN+ --—,

, II

the equilibrium constant may be written in terms of the partition

functions, per unit volume, of the respective species; thus,
Fl mFn . . .
K. - F§g‘F6N_ _ (121)
It is evident, therefore, that if the partition functions are known T 5
the equilibrium constant of the system can be determined; and J
ential 2 20 Final state
hence the free-energy change for the reaction and other thermo- _, o .1 -l'(''-um‘
dynamic quantities may be derived without difliculty. Initial ma ]
Since the equilibrium constant is a ratio of partition functions,
in which the energy appears in exponential terms, thus, .l
I — Reaction coordinate
2 gfe—¢;/kT F id, 52 .— E ner gy levels for calculation of partition functions.

K. - F5
F’ — 2
1 gie—¢i/RT , (122) ' 52:fle:1:p(;)3{;
It should be noted that although1F1g- ' l d to
to an

ene type of eeerey the .eener-3' ategunl ener y however that

it is evident that any arbitrary energy level may be chosen as ef energy; it ls only Wlth Vlbra 10Ifazero- iiiit energy.’ The
the zero from which the energies of the various levels e,- and e; there ' is any apprewfble
th re lemountded
e regar as thle difference in total
are estimated. For example, suppose the energy curve for any
¢- -.
quantltyf efinmleind l)1I1(13tl)8.l states at the absolute zero.
change is as represented in Fig. 52, in which the various quantum
levels for a particular type of energy are indicated by horizontal enltg-leias0 been
a s een that the complete partition function . should
. ' es; but in
lines. The lowest (zero-level) quantum level of the initial include the nueleer Spm e°.t°"S of the Varlims iepetilirs may be
state, i.e., at the absolute zero, may be taken as the arbitrary most calculations of equilibrium constants t ese ac C Sider
omitted, as may be Shown In ' the following manner. 011
zero of reference; all energies e,- for the initial state and e} for
the final state should then be reckoned from this level in calcu- the simple reaction
lating the partition function. Alternatively, e} may be taken A2 + B2 I:

I .__ __.__...___
j 7--7 ~ —— — 4 — 7 ' 77


for which the equilibrium constant is given by
this chapter is that involved in the statistical calculation of
K _ FgB reaction velocities. In any atomic or molecular process requiring
-‘FA XFB, (124) an activation energy, i.e., one in which the rate is dependent on
where FA, F11 and FAB are the partition functions for unit volume a factor of the type e'°‘/T, the atoms or molecules involved must
Of the meleellles A2, B2 and AB, respectively. Let QA, QB and first come together to form an activated complex, or, in general,
QAB represent the corresponding partition functions, excluding an “activated state” must be formed. As seen in Chap. III,
the nuclear spin effect; the complete partition functions including the complex is regarded as being situated at the top of an energy
this factor are then barrier lying between the initial and final states, and the rate of
FA = '%QA(27:A 'l" De, F1; = -i-QB(2iB -|- 1)e, reaction is given by the velocity at which the activated complex
FAB = QAB(2’IA + + 1), travels over the top of the barrier. It has been shown that the
where 'iA and ie are the nuclear spins of the atoms A and B. The configuration corresponding to the activated state has all the
equilibrium constant, according to Eq. (124), is then properties of an ordinary molecule, except that the normal
vibration frequency in the coordinate of decomposition has an
_ u lQAB(2’5A + 1)(2'5B + 1)l2 g 4Q§B
imaginary value: i.e., the activated complex is stable for atomic

K sQ..(2i. + 1)’]l%Q.1(2iB + 1>21 Q.Q.' (125) displacements in all directions but one, and in the latter it falls
If the terms containing the nuclear spins iii and is had been to pieces. If the energy barrier in the vicinity of the activated
completely disregarded, but the symmetry number, which is state is relatively fiat, then the degree of freedom in the decom-
2 for both A2 and B2 and unity for AB, introduced, the partition position coordinate may be considered statistically as a one-
functions would have been %QA, 1}QB and QAB, respectively. dimensional translation. In this way, the 3n degrees of freedom
Employing these in Eq. (124), in place of the F functions, gives of the activated complex are retained, n being the number of
-—- -it-_-_-

Qin t 4QiBe atoms it contains."‘ "

—x._-._. -
K - -(iQA)(iQB) QAQB, < 1 26> For the statistical treatment of reaction rates, it will be sup-
which is identical with Eq. (125). The equilibrium constant posed that the initial reactants are always in equilibrium with
obtained by the use of partition functions in which nuclear the activated complexest and that the latter decompose at a
spin terms have been omitted, but symmetry factors included, definite rate. It is convenient arbitrarily to define an activated
is thus correct, and the same conclusion can be reached by con- state, and for this purpose it may be imagined to exist at the
sidering any reaction ; it is immaterial whether symmetrical or top of the energy barrier in a potential box of length 5 (Fig. 53);
unsymmetrical molecules or even atoms are involved. The as will be seen shortly, the actual magnitude is immaterial,
only exceptions to this rule are cases in which there is a change since it cancels out in the final expression.
in the ortho-para ratio during the course of the reaction; in these The net rate at which the reaction occurs is determined by
circumstances the approximate equation (104), and those related the average velocity of the activated complexes over the top of
to it, cannot be used, and the more complicated summation the barrier. It was shown on page 161 that the probability

procedure must be adopted instead. * In order to specify a single activated complex in quantum mechanics, it
is necessary to postulate a region of appreciable size at the top of the barrier
THE THEORY or ABSOLUTE REACTION RATES on account of the uncertainty principle. In classical theory, there is no
Statistical Calculation of Reaction Rates.‘-'——The particular such restriction, and for most chemical reactions the flatness of the barrier
application of partition functions that has been the object of makes the restriction unimportant. The consideration of the statistical
average of many complexes, as is undertaken below, has a similar effect.
“H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 107 (1935); Chem. Rev., 17, 65 (1935);
1‘ This is one of the fundamental postulates of the theory developed here;
Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 41 (1938); for earliest applications of statistical
it is supposed that the reaction does not appreciably disturb the equilib-
methods to the study of reaction rates, see references on p. 11.
rium. concentration of activated complexes.
-._ Jig?


P(:i:)i of a molecule having a velocity between ci: and ii: + d:i: in one
degree of freedom is is (kT/2-:rm*)%, where m* is the effective mass of the complex
in the same direction.
P(a'c)1 = const. X e“3'4'"“"’/"1" da':, (127)
The average time 'r of crossing the barrier, which is the mean
where 7 of Eq. (40) has been replaced by its equivalent value life of an activated complex, is equal to the length 6 of the top
kT. On the assumption that there is an equilibrium distribu- of the barrier divided by the average rate of crossing Z as given
tion of velocities in the activated state, the average velocity of by Eq. (129): thus,

l '6 ll = i(—ii'>“~ <13“
The fraction of the activated complexes crossing the barrier in
Activated unit time is equal to 1/1'; and hence if ci is the number of activated
state complexes per unit volume lying in the length 6 of the coordinate
of decomposition, the quantity ci /1' gives the number of complexes
crossing the barrier per unit volume in unit time. If every
Potenerentgiayl —- - -°l=:|
>1 complex that moves across the barrier falls to pieces, i.e., if
the transmission coefficient (page 146) is unity, c;/1' is equal to
Final state
Initial state the reaction velocity; i.e.,
;-._..,,-_- .

4 ii
Rate of reaction = 3-1 = ci (131)
Reaction coordinate
FIG. 53.—Potential-energy curve for reaction showing imaginary potential box
containing the activated state. If the species A, B, . . . , etc., are reacting together to form
thehcomplexes in one direction, e.g., in the forward direction, the activated complex and lo is the specific reaction rate using
‘_*" ‘“a.
‘—-F4‘ ;

is t en concentration units, the actual velocity, i.e., the number of

molecules decomposing per unit volume in unit time, is kciice . . .
- I; Q ""‘"‘*’/"3: as where ci, ce, . . . , are the concentrations, in molecules per unit
Z I (128) volume, of A, B, . . . . It follows, therefore, that
I Q e—}§m:i:'/kT dd,

where the limits of integration in the denominator are taken .

Rate of reaction
= kcA cB - - - —
— c 1 i—
kT % -115
21rm,,, (132)
from <=<> to — so to allow for the fact that the complexes are
moving in both directions, whereas in the numerator the limits and hence, t
are zero to infinity because it is the mean velocity in the direction
of decomposition that is required. Evaluation of the standard _ C; ,kT *4 _i_
integrals gives ~ k cice - - -(21rm*) 5 (133)

T3? kT *4 1 Since it has been postulated that the activated complex is in

= (129) equilibrium with the reactants, it is possible to write the equilib-
rium constant for the system as
so that the. average rate of passage of activated complexes over
the barrier in one direction along the coordinate of decomposition
K, MB _ _ _, (134)

----—' —


where the a terms are the activities of the various s ecie If It is convenient to use instead of F1’, which is the complete
the substances involved may be regarded as behaving igean; the partition function for the activated complex, a new function F1
activities can be replaced by concentrations so that which does not include the contribution fi,.(;1)t due to transla-
tional motion in the one degree of freedom along the coordinate
. . .
(135) of decomposition, i.e., Fi’ = Fif.,,(1,t. The translational par-
tition function f,,_(1,t is given by Eq. (84) as
An alternative method of expressing the equilibrium constant '
to employ partition functions, as seen on page 181' thus ls * >4
7 7 f..<1>* e””,,"T) 1). (1:19)
Kc _- F1’
(136) so that Eq. (138) becomes

h - - . kT F >

$013151ethe lg’ t?I‘fi1S are the complete partition functions

-_ y o owing the device of Eq. (123) and taking the
for unit
k" ). "M. *. (1111)
difference in the zero-level ener ie t f th ' ' '
Eq. (136) becomes 8 sou o epartition functions, It should be noted that the combination of the two terms
4-,- involving the properties of the activated complex along the
coordinate of decomposition, viz., (21rm*kT)%/h, the partition
-Q’.-_i.-s_ K<== FAFB . . .@"‘°””, (137) function, and (kT/21rm*)%, the velocity in the direction of
decomposition, has given the quantity kT/h, which is the same
where E1) is the difference between the zero-level ener er
for reactants and reactions of all types. It is, therefore, a
"wlel ef eetiyeted eemplex and that of the reactants (steer universal constant, with the dimensions of a frequency, for each
13). This quantity is the amount of energy that the reactanesl temperature; it represents the frequency with which any acti-
must eequite) at OOK-, before they can become activated and vated complex crosses the barrier at a given temperature, and
_-u_1%)i,_.,_ Tee-eti Z-e-) E0 ls the energy of activation of the reaction at 0°K. its value is about 6 X 1012 at 30O°K.§
(cf. page 98). It will be seen that since E0 is the energy difference
In order to allow for the possibility that not every activated
per mole, the Boltzmann constant k has been replaced by R
complex reaching the top of the barrier and moving along the
the gee eenetent Per mole. Now that the e"-E"/RT fectci:
has been eliminated from the partition functions it must be
T Since the combination of Eqs. (138) and (139) results in the elimination
remembered that in the evaluation of the F terms ein Eq (137) of 5, there is obviously no restriction on its magnitude. If it had been
the energy zero is to be taken as the zero-level energy ‘of the chosen as equal to h/(211-m*kT)%, which is of the order of 10"‘ cm., fu-41,1
respective species in each case; this coincides, in fact with the would have been unity; in these circumstances, F1’ and F; are identical, and
usual method of expressing partition functions and so introduces hence it would not be necessary to include the additional degree of trans-
no complicatin factor. B ‘ ' lational freedom along the decomposition coordinate in the former.
§An approximate derivation of the kT/h factor from another point of
(137), it is seengthat y combmmg Eqs. (133), (135) and view is as follows. The classical partition function, which is also the
quantum-theory value at appreciable temperatures, for a vibrational mode
__ F1’_
of frequency v is kT/hv. The rate at which decomposition occurs, i.e., the
rate of passage over the barrier, may be taken as equal to the frequency v of
vibration of the activated complex along the reaction coordinate, since
TThe convention adopted here and, as far as possible throughout this every vibration leads to disintegration. The product of the corresponding
b k '
foo is t o use an italic
~ . ,
capital 7
E for energy per mole and the G1-cck letter 5 partition function (kT/hv) and the rate of passage over the barrier v gives
or energy per molecule. kT/h, as found above.
7 :‘ -- - " ' 7

coordinate of decomposition leads to reaction, it is necessary
to introduce the transmission coefficient x; then, k :_ K khT _ FF;Fi~zFo e__E,,R1-, (143)
A B ' ' °
k - K "hT- Fifi _ i 8-30/RT. (141) . - -
and this can be written in the form of Eq. (142), where ff

If the activated complex were a normal molecule with a stiff represents the equilibrium constant between A, B, etc., on 8
vibration or if the value of 6 were chosen, as suggested in the one hand and M1, N and O on the other. ' _ h Id
footnote on page 189 so as to make ft:-.(1)I equal to unity, the Equations (141), (142) and (143), 91' the11'<_*qu1‘(a1entS> S 0“
I partition function would have just the value F1 that appears in give the specific reaction rate of any reaction, in any phase,
Eqs. (140) and (141). It follows, therefore, that provided that the slow process is the surmounting of an energy
barrier; they constitute the basis of what has become known
6-1:0/R1’ as the “theory of absolute reaction rates.”
A B . . .
Leakage through Energy Barriers.‘-—According to the classical
may be regarded as the equilibrium constant for activated and treatment the reacting molecules must surmount the energy
initial states, all the molecules being treated as normal. If this barrier before they can pass to the‘ state of resultants, but
equilibrium constant is represented by the symbol K1, Eq. (141) quantum mechanically there is a definite probability that mole-
reduces to the simple form cules with a smaller amount of energy will succeed in getting
from the initial to the final state. This efiect, known as “tun-
k = K3? K1. (142) neling” or “leakage” through the energy barrier, depends on
It will be recalled that Eq. (142) has been derived on the the curvature of the top of the barrier, and to allow for it requires
assumption that the specific reaction rate is expressed in terms the inclusion of an additional factor 1 — 1;l;(/lvz/kT)2 in Eqs-
of concentrations, i.e., the standard state is unit concentration; (141) and (142). The quantity vi is theimaginary value of the
under these conditions K1 is a concentration equilibrium con- frequency of the stretching vibration along the coordinate of
-. —;——..-1 stant. If pressure units had been employed instead of con- decomposition; it can be calculated from the potential-energy
centrations for the specific rate constant, i.e., the standard state surface by the method described on page 118. Since vz is all
is unit pressure, it can be readily shown that K1 would be a imaginary quantity, 11% is negative, so that the correction term
pressure equilibrium constant. It follows, therefore, that pro- is greater than unity; the higher the temperature and_the smalle}i1'
vided that the same units are employed for k and KI, Eq. (142) the curvature of the surface, the more closely does it approac
is of general applicability. It should be noted, however, that unity. The leakage effect is generally small and can usually be
equations involving partition functions, e.g., Eq. (141), hold neglected without serious error. For a flat surface, i.e., one of
only for concentration units. small curvature the numerical value of 11? is small, and so the
-_. _ _ ._,¢ ._- .- _i
In some processes the formation of the activated complex is behavior approximates to that to be expected from Classical
'—r—__--,. _ .-q.s-u-;TJ'-1_=-3
accompanied by the liberation of other molecules or ions which considerations.
take no further part in the reaction ; thus, A and B, etc., may
combine to yield the activated complex M1, but at the same time
the stable species N and O may be formed. The equilibrium Unimolecular Reactions.—It is of interest to derive at this
between initial and activated states is thus point some actual equations for the specific rates of simple

_ A+B+---=‘M*+N+O; 4 E. P. Wigner, z. physik. Chem., B, 19. 903 (1982); cf. 0- E<=1<art,Phys-

Re, 35 130;; (1930); R. P. Bell, Proc. Roy. Soc., 139. A, 446 (1933)-
application of the methods used above leads to the following 5 £13,;-ing, Ref. 3; J . O. Hirschfelder, H. Eyring and B. T0P19_Y>_ J- Chem-
expression, analogous to Eq. (141), physq 4, 170 (1936) ; A. Wheeler, B. Topley and H. Eyring, zbzd., 4, 178

-_=-_-_ _~. _ 192 THEORY OF RA TE PROCESSES

reactions, based on the application of Eq. (141). Consider, in
the first place, a unimolecular reaction involving the decomposi-
tion of a nonlinear molecule containing n atoms. If the activated k _ xvi (AIBICI)%I[ Ii -m/R11 (146a)
complex is treated as a normal molecule with 3n — 7 degrees of (7 I ' ' 3n~7
11 Vt 6
vibrational freedom, the partition function is the product of the
normal partition function for three degrees of translational ' ' ‘b t'on frequency is large and the tempera-
freedom, for unit volume, v1Iz., £1ternatt;’1tTlr(f(§y};igl:'h§—YIIv/IR?" is not greatly difierent from unity; the
ure no ,
Fm = (21r'mkT)%, (144) par t,'t'
i io n function for vibration is then approximately equal to

imolecular Reactions ' -——For _ a simple bimolecular reaction
m being the actual mass of the activated complex,* the partition involving an atom and a diatomic molecule,
function for three degrees of rotation, as obtained from the
appropriate forms of Eqs. (115) and (116), and that for the
A + Bo _> A---B---C _> AB + 0,
3n — 7 Vibrational modes, vz'z., - - ' . hen the activated complex
Te ;(?(‘;ai;sl0li1n:a1ifir%)3;oi/éidsezrdlatlieaftl sl-velectrons are involved (page
3n—7 d so this configuration will be assumed. Designating
F... = H (i - e"“'I/"T)-1. (145) 89), an‘ f th actants A and BC by means of the suffixes 1
3,11 , 2 various partition functions are as follows:
The partition function for the initial state is given by the product
3 .
of three similar terms, the one for translation being, in fact, (2 mkT)‘/‘?_81r’I¢kT 1 _ -1»;/k -1, (147)
identical with that for the activated state. The value of the Frey: Tia 01h’ H( e~ T)
rotational partition function is also given by Eq. (115) or (116),
by use of the appropriate symmetry numbers and moments of F. g.""'",;.
2 kT)%
ha _ 81212kT
02122 <1 _ 6 —hv:/It’> -1_
inertia. In the vibrational partition function, there are now ' ' (148)
—_ ._ ,_ ._ -. -._i 3n — 6 terms, as for any nonlinear molecule. On the assump- '11 b n that the complex has three and the molecule AB
_ _ ._-._._;zs_-
tion that the electronic factor is the same in initial and activated It W1tolfofialranor
only e The tionala mode‘ the atom
vibrational A makes, of
contribution to course, neither
the partition
states, substitution in Eq. (141) gives for the specific rate constant a ro a i .
. - - . 141 d
function. Insertion of the values <_>f F1 and F‘ In Eq ( ) an
5 1 _ —hv /kT —1 making appropriate cancellations give
gt mt is II” hz _ . ge __ E0/RT_
1 1' ." a k ._ Kg1g2(.m1m,) . I20;A - A (21:-)§§(kT)% H03 1 -__e"“”/"T
H (1 _ e—hu.-/kT)—1

where the suffix 2' refers to the initial state and the symbol 1
to the activated state. If kT >> hv, i.e., at relatively high
temperatures, the vibrational degrees of freedom approach
classical behavior and the (1 -— e“""'/"T)"1 terms may be replaced
a . . .
M be
vibration becomes classical, 6-9-, 9-t_ lg emp
:8.Sh":“.f;.:E:V:; 2. . .2

'f th

large and the temperature not too high.

by kT/hy; Eq. (145) then reduces to When the bimolecular reaction is of the type
This is not the same as the effective mass m* along the decomposition A_-_
coordinate which is used in Eq. (139). AB _|_ ()1) -> ' l AC + BD
0-- U--w

the result is somewhat more complicated. The activated com- 1-,h 'fic reaction rate The difierence between the experi-
plex must be treated as a nonlinear molecule with five vibra- B Spam . ' - d th terms
mental activation energy and E0 Wlll slearly depend an einat/or
tional modes. By use of the suffixes 1, 2 and I for AB, CD and - ' the temperature in the numerator an enom
the complex, respectively, the partition functions are mvohvmg 1; uation' each type of case must, therefore, be
of ti rad eseigarately, For the bimolecular reaction between
171:9: Wmia2 kT% 8283ABC
),,07T(7|' iatilai) ”kT%
( 5
) II(1_e_h,,I/kT)_1,
consi ere -
AB and CD for example, it is found that
5 2
Fi _ gl ( 2 iifi . e—hvi/kT)—1
(150) Eup_=EQ+N[2 _2ehva/kT_1 h _.____""* - , ( 155 )
where N 1S' the AVOgadro number and Earp. and E0 1'9fer to a
g2 §§0 . _ e—l!v:/kT)—1.
mole of each reactant.*
Insertion of these values in Eq. (141) gives the appropriate THERMODYNAMICS or REACTION Rams 6
specific rate constant. Free Energy of Activation.—The constant K1 for the ;qIu1il)il:-
. m -
=i-zé “vi; Classical and Experimental Activation Energies.—The equa- rium between the activated complex, tgeatigdriss figfliire Standard
tions of the theory of absolute reaction rates give the activation
cule’ and the reactants may bl expresse mf Ithe familiar thermo_
energy factor in the form e“E°/RT, but the activation energy free energy of the PIOQBSS (AF ) by means 0
derived directly from the potential-energy surfaces described dynamic equation
in Chap. III is the so-called “classical” value E0 per mole. _AFt = R1111 KI. (156)
It is of interest, therefore, to see what modification is necessary
in order that the factor e"E=/RT may be employed. As seen on The quantity AFI is the stamlardi free energy of the acftivagtion
pmcess, although it. is
. generally called the H free energy 0 ac iva-
page 98, E0 = E0 — N Z e0, where e0 = §-hr per molecule
represents the zero-point energy for every mode of vibration, tion ' ” For the .present,
. it is unnecessary 'to ' speclly the act“?o
and N is the Avogadro number. The product of the vibrational
partition functions and the e"E°/RT term can be rewritten in agree with the units employed 111 BXPPBSSIBE _ _Pt d ced into
view of this relationship between E0 and E0, the result being rate. If the value of Ki glvsll by Eq- (156) ls In ro
(142), it follows that
H(1—e hv/kT) -1 e -E 0/RT =H(1_e_h’/kT)e
e_%h"/H —E'/121' (152) k = Z37? e—AFt/RT’ (157)

= H 2[sinh §-(hr/kT)]“1e“E°/RT. (153) . . - - ~ f ' 1' -

the transmission coefiicient being omitted for the saAl;<;I0___s1}I1Z
It is satisfactory, therefore, when writing the specific-rate ity- Further, if AF‘ is replmd by ">8 equlvalent ' '
equations to replace each vibrational partition function by
* The inclusion of N is necessary because the sP°°i£l°'1'?"° eq“ati°ns given
2[sinh (%hv/kT)]"1 and at the same time E0 by E0. -
above give ' terms of molecule s 0 f reactan s, e c.
the rates in _
._.: The experimental activation energy Em, per mole is obtained 6 W. F. K. Wynne-Jones and H- Eyrms, -7- Chem‘ Phys" 3' 492 (193?
from the expression 1 M G Evans and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 375 (19 )»
Z26 (£936). 33 443 (1937)- E A Guggenheim, ibid., 33, 607 (1937)- t
2 ’ ' ' . -

dl It E,,,_ ’1- The Symbol I a,pplied to a thermodynamic quantity, e.g.,.AFI‘, ASK AH »

. Vii" = rm’ (154) etc invariably refers to the change accompallylllg the a°t{v9'tl°n_pr°cess
with all substances in their standard states. Since no confusion is likely lb
and the relationship between Em, and E0 can readily be obtained . . ' ' ' 1 ft t t oid
arise by the omission of the usual zero supe1‘s01‘1Pti thls 13 e 0“ 0 av
by logarithmic differentiation of the theoretical expression for complexity of representation.

the result is
In accordance with the foregoing discussion. a catalyst is a sub-
k ._= 1:771 e—AHt/RT east/R, (158) stance that permits a homogeneous reaction to take place by a
path requiring a lower free energy of activation than normal
—-\-. a -=5,- (see also page 438).’ _ _ _
where AH* and ASI are the standard heat and entropy changes, Experimental Activation Energy.—For practical purposes, it is
respectively, accompanying the activation process (these are desirable to write Eq. (158) in a form confalnlngi the exlicerl“
frequently referred to as the “ heat of activation” and “ entropy of mental activation energy (page 194) in place of AH ;but be Ore
activation”). As will be seen shortly, the former differs by a doing so it is necessary to decide on the unit employed for express-
small amount only from the experimental activation energy ing the specific reaction rate, for this determines the standard
of the reaction. state. If pressure units, e.g., atmospheres, are employed, Eq.
1-—'*_¢=-l'JL-E—J-__— _=%
Equations (157) and (158) are of fundamental importance in (142) may be written in the logarithmic form
bringing out the essential point that it is the free energy of
activation, and not necessarily the heat of activation, which
lI1 It, = lI1 g + In T "l" In Kat: (160)
determines the rate of a chemical reaction. It is only because in
many gas reactions the entropy factor does not vary greatly that
the heat, or energy, of activation appears to be the important and differentiation with respect to temperature gives
factor. It is evident from Eq. (158), however, that a large E, :dln lo, 1 +dln K01 (161)
value of T AS* can compensate for a high AH1; this is particularly RT’ dT T dT
the case for the denaturation of proteins (see page 442). The
energy of activation is often exceptionally high, e.g., 100 kcal. = '71 ‘ + W‘
( 162l
or more; but the reaction takes place with considerable velocity E, = RT + AH1, (163)
even at ordinary temperatures because the change is accom-
panied by a large increase of entropy. On the other hand, where E0 is the corresponding experimental activation energy.
condensation of a vapor is a relatively slow process in spite of In these equations, AHI is not the value for the standard state ;
the small, or zero, heat of activation because of the marked however, for a system that behaves ideally AHI is independent
decrease of entropy. In the former case the free energy of of the standard state, and so the difference may be disregarded.
activation is relatively low, in spite of the high heat of activation, For the chosen standard state, Eq. (158) becomes
whereas in the latter case it is high, although the heat of activa-
tion is small. In general, any external factor that decreases kp ___. Kg: 6-A111/121' eAS,t/R, (164)
the free energy of activation will increase the rate of reaction,
the applied potential gradient has this effect in the discharge of the suffix p being unnecessary for AH1, as just explained-. Intro-
ions (page 576), and electric fields due to ions or other charged ducing the value of AHI as given by Eq. (163) into (164) yields
species have an analogous influence on many reactions in solu-
tion (Chap. VIII). If AFI is the increase of free energy on activa- j hp = e 5% 6-E,/RT eAs,,I/R_ (165)
tion due to internal factors and AF.,,._* is that brought about by
external factors, such as those just mentioned, the specific-rate
If the specific reaction rate Io is expressed in terms of concen-
equation becomes
_._l-_:_ _.__.

trations, as is generally the case, the corresponding equation

k = B)?’ e--AF:/RT 6-Ar,,,,_f/iii-_ (159) 7 Cf. A. E. Steam, H. P. Johnston and C. R. Clark, J. Chem. Phys., 7.
970 (1939)

( L
' \


for the experimental activation energy* E,,,,_ is
If the rate equation involves 2: molecules of reactant, i.e., the
Eexn. 1 dln K3
process is one of the xth order, and the activated complex involves
RT’ " er T+ dT ' (166) all of them, Ani is equal to —:c + 1; and hence Eq. (173) may
E.,,,_ = RT + AEI (157)
be written
= RT + AH‘ -— p A221, (168)
where AE1 is the increase of internal energy for the activation Io = e” 5”
h e““'°*P-/RT e/>85/R (RT)’="1. (175)
process, and this is equal, thermodynamically, to AH1 — pAv1,
where Avl represents the accompanying increase of volume. The same result may be obtained directly from Eq. (165) by
Since the standard state is now unit concentration, the appro- making use of the fact that k (for concentration units) is equal
priate form of Eq. (158) is to k,,(RT)"1; and hence Eu». (for concentration units) is equal
to E, + (:0 — 1)RT.
k = ICTT e—AHI/RT eAS0I/R, (169) For a bimolecular gas reaction, :2: is 2 and Ani is -1; and so
Eqs. (171) and (175) become
the standard state restriction for AH1 being omitted on the basis
of the approximation that the system behaves ideally; insertion k _= 62 kh_T_ e_Eexp./RT eA3cI/R’

of the value of AHI obtained from Eq. (168) gives

k = kTT g-(Earn.-.'RT+1I Avt)/RT eAS¢I/R. is = e2 5,? e'E'°">-’” emf":/“RT, (176)
“-Ia=. —=$1:
_-4 1c:~ .—
For a gas reaction, p A111 may be put equal to An1RT, where Ani respectively.
is the increase in the number of molecules when the activated For a unimolecular gas reaction, :1: is 1 and Anl is zero; and
state is formed from the reactants; and so Eq. (170) may be hence,
k _= 6 6-—Eexp./RT eASx/R,

k Z: e_(Ant—1) e—Eexp./RT eAS¢t/R‘

the value of AS* being independent of the standard state. As is
Since the quantity ASJ, with unit concentration as the standard to be expected, the same expression is applicable to lc and kp’
state, is a somewhat unusual way of expressing entropy changes since the specific rate of a first-order reaction is independent of
for gaseous systems, it is useful to employ ASPI instead. It can the units employed, and hence of the standard state.
be shown thermodynamically that for an ideal gas system For reactions in solution, it is invariably the practice to use
concentration terms; therefore, the only standard state that
AS, = AS, - An R In RT, (172)
need be considered is that of unit concentration (or unit activity).
and hence in this particular instance It is necessary to employ Eq. (170); and since A121 is virtually
eAS¢I/R = GASPI/R(RT)—Ant’ zero in solution, it follows that
so that Eq. (171) becomes _ kaoln. = e Eh? e-3'-W/RT eesdh, (178)
Ig = 3 (Anx—1) 1%’ e—Eexp./RT eAS,,I/R(RT)—-L\nI_ for all reactions occurring in ideal liquid systems.
_ -zifi
"‘ Since concentration units are commonly employed, the suflix c will not CONSECUTIVE REACTIONS
be appended. The Activated State.-—For a series of consecutive reactions
(cf. page 99) the over-all rate is determined by the rate of passage
of activated complexes over the highest energy barrier, vz'z., C in
Fig. 19, page 100. From the standpoint of the theory of absolute H2021‘. When one of the reactants has no influence on the
reaction rates, it is sufficient, provided that equilibrium is kinetics of the process, e.g., iodine in the iodination of acetone,
established between the various intermediates, to consider only that substance does not form part of the rate-determimng
the equilibrium between the initial state and the rate-determining activated complex; it is concerned, therefore, only in one or
activated state, i.e., the one at the top of the highest barrier; more of the rapid stages that do not affect the measured reaction
all intermediate stages and activated states can be neglected.
Equations (141) and (142) are thus applicable to ta set of con-
secutive reactions, provided that F; in (141) applies to the rate-
determining activated complex, generally referred to as “the
activated state for the reaction,” and E0 is the difference in
energy, between the zero-value levels, of this activated state
and the initial reactants. The quantity E0 is the equivalent
of E in Fig. 19, after making allowance for the zero-point ener-
gies. In Eq. (142), similarly, Kl refers to the equilibrium
between the activated state for the reaction and the initial
One of the consequences of these conclusions is that the
formula of the rate-determining activated complex for a series of
reactions can be derived from the kinetics of the over-all reaction..
If the rate of reaction between A and B is determined by cfi and cfl,
then the activated complex must have the formula A,B,,; this
result follows directly from Eq. (142). It is often found, especi-
ally in complicated reactions, which undoubtedly take place
in stages, that the observed order of the reaction is much less
than the stoichiometric equation would suggest. This means
that the rate-determining stage involves a few molecules only
and the corresponding activated complex is relatively simple.
An example of this type of reaction is that between hydrogen
peroxide and hydriodic acid, vz'z.,
H202 + 2H+ + 2I_ = + I2;

the kinetics of the reaction show the rate to be directly propor-

tional to the concentrations of the peroxide and iodide ions. It
is evident, therefore, that the activated complex has the formula
* For purposes of calculation, any of the maxima in Fig. 19 could have
been chosen as the activated state; if the one chosen is below the highest
one, however, it would be necessary to introduce an additional transmission
coefficient which would be equal to e“AF/RT, where AF is the free-energy
difference between the highest maximum and the one chosen.

_.._‘. .


_.i- -._


Z-—- 5-—ZW-1-_.-g'p-,_. b=-1 _—_ =\ -. Eli.

other For example in some instances, as in the ease Of the

q 7

+ O2 = 2N0?)

the statistical part of the calculations, which giv*es Ashe fefitol‘
CHAPTER V in the rate equation, may be carried through» bu" t 9 ac Iva ‘On
energy has to be taken from experimental measurements of the
temperature coefficient of the reaction velocity. In other
Introduction.—According to the arguments developed in the eases however, the activation energy can be derived from the
1 . 0 '

previous chapters the specific rate constant of any chemical potential-energy surface, but the transmission coefficient K
reaction may be expressed in terms of certain universal con- may be in doubt. Some indication of its value may 11181;‘be
stants, the moments of inertia and normal vibration frequencies obtained by comparing the calculated rate, on the assump ion
of the initial and activated states and the energy of activation that x is unity, with the experimental reaction rate.
of the process. All these quantities can, in theory, be derived HYDROGEN ATOM-MOLECULE REACTIONS1 _ .
directly from spectroscopic data and from the potential-energy Reaction-rate Equations.——The most complete application of
surface of the reacting system, which is also based on spec- the method for calculating reaction rates has been made_ in
troscopic data. It is therefore possible in principle, to calculate connection with processes of the ortho-para-hydrogen conversion
the specific reaction rate of a chemical reaction, provided that type, involving an atom and a molecule of hydrogen or deuterium.
the necessary spectroscopic information is available. The Ten such reactions are possible, vz'z.:
calculation of reaction rates in this manner is the objective (1) H _|_ 0-1-1, = p-H0 + H, and the reverse,
toward which the treatment of the earlier chapters of this (2) D .|_ 10-1), = 0-D, + D, and the reverse,
volume has been directed, but it is in relatively few instances
only that this result can be achieved without reference to any (4) D + HD = DH + D,
experimental data based on actual measurements of reaction 115:1 H —|— = H2 + D,
rates. (6) i)+He=HD+H,
The specific rate of a reaction may be expressed in the form (7)1) + DH = D2 + H,
of the general equation It = A e‘E””; and, as seen in Chap. I, (3) H+D0=HD+D- _
the problem of reaction rates falls into two parts; one the cal- These may be represented by the general equation
—-1=.-e_1—_€—-£_.—':%I-‘T'= '-“4‘l'- 1 culation of E and the other the evaluation of the A term. It is
A + = A---'B'““C *) +
true that, according to the statistical treatment of Chap. IV,
the latter involves the moments of inertia and vibration fre- and the velocity constant is given by the appropriate form of
quencies of the activated complex which, like the activation Eq_ (149), page 193, thus,
energy E, are obtained from the potential-energy surface;
_ QABC M T5 Iaisc _ 0'30 _, hf 1
this connection between A and E is, however, only incidental,
for it might be possible, theoretically, to derive the quantities k = mu 9A9Bc malmn + me‘) IBC “ABC (27r)%(kT)%
necessary to calculate A in an entirely independent manner. H 3 1 - e-""ac_/"T ee-E0/RT (1)
It follows, therefore, that there are two separate aspects to the
problem of reaction rates; and even when it is not possible to ll <1 — e~'"»~B@/*">
1 H_ Eyring and M. Polanyi, Z. physik. Chem., B, 12, 279 (1931); J- O-
combine them so as to calculate the specific rate constant
Hirschfelder, H. Eyring and B. Topley, J. Chem. Phi/8-, 4» 170 (1936)? see
absolutely, it is still interesting to compute one factor or the also L. Farkas and E. Wigner, Trans. Ffilmday 5°C-i 32¢ 708 U936)‘
_ _ l


where M is equal to the sum of atomic masses, ml + me + me;

the factor for the penetration of the barrier (page 191) is omitted. M % IABC__qBC _ 0 ha .
In Eq. (1), mi, me, and me are the masses of the atoms A, B
k = Kin Qilfifo lmxfmn -ll-I 1110)] Inc "ABC (2'"')%(kT)%
and C, respectively, and the suffixes BC and ABC, as applied to
the number of electronic states g, to the moments of inertia I,
1 sinh g-(twee/kT).@'E=”‘." . (3)
' 4; sinh .3-,.(h»./kT)1sinh %(h=»e/kT)1”
to the symmetry numbers <1 and to the vibration frequencies v,
refer to the molecule BC and the activated complex A—B-—C, The moments of inertia of the activated compleX, IABC, ehd of the
respectively. It will be observed that Eq. (1) includes a factor molecule BC Ino, are
in which does not appear in Eq. (149), Chap. IV. If there
were no change in the ortho-para ratio in a reaction, this quantity IABC = % lmA('mn + 'mc)7'fii3 '1' 2'mAmBTABrB° + m°(m‘ + mB)T%C]’
would be unity; but as some of the reactions under consideration
involve such a change, it is necessary to make the appropriate (4)

allowance. Since the equilibrium ratio of the concentrations -

Where rm, and rm; are the distances apart of A and B alld 0f B
of 0-H2 to p-He is 3 to 1, it follows that the rate of the reaction and C in the activated complex; and
_ . ;i. A_
H + H¢(p) = H0(0) + H, must be three times as fast as the
opposite reaction H + He(o) = H2(p) + H. The sum of the I130 = ’ (r0)I3Ci

rates of these two processes would give the value of the reaction . the equilibrium
. . . -
rate if there were no change in the ortho-para ratio, i.e., as Where (r0)B0 1S separation of the atoms B and 4C
given by Eq. (1) with in equal to unity. It follows, therefore, in the molecule BC. The masses employed in Eqs- (3), _( )
that in the para- to ortho-H0 conversion z',, is -2- and in the ortho- d (5) are the actual masses of the atoms, and the Tesllltlhg
to para-H0 conversion it is i. The equilibrium ratio of ortho- an 'fi C 1' ate constant is in cc ' molecule‘1sec.“1units-
. . T0 eehvert
to para-deuterium is 2. Therefore, in the conversion of the III1)fOnl3l1B more usual cc. mole-1 sec?‘ Units» 1t ls necessary to
para- to ortho-form, in is 13-; in the reverse reaction, 3}. In general, multiply by the Avogadro number. h_ h
2}. is equal to the ratio of the statistical weight, due to nuclear Energy of Activation, Etc.-—.The valuifilof ma, 3:13indaztgikiogin
spin (see page 172) of the resultant, to the total for reactant and for the present series of reactions are ei er n, tivel _
resultant. For the six reactants above that are not accompanied and are 1.67 X 10”‘ g. and 3.34 X 1(l 8-, f‘eSP‘(’)°74 £5
by an ortho-para change, the factor in is unity.
The normal frequency wee is the vibration frequency of the
~ W f H , ‘§‘°‘i§“ °‘$i‘.‘;. d;:ie:r.;e.... ...:
an 2-
Sugljfiieiaefethgldiatbmic molecules are known from spectroscople

diatomic molecule BC; and the three frequencies of the activated

measurements to be 4,415.6 cm._1 _ for H2, 3:825 , 0 bor
f HD nd
d Onihe
complex, referred to as vine, are 11,, which is the stretching fre-
quency whose square is real, and the doubly degenerate bending for D2, From the potential-energy surface ase_
frequency 11¢ (page 120). The vibrational-partition-function 3,124.1 ' f linear activated complex and 20 Per eeht 00'1"
portion of Eq. (1) may therefore be written assmllptlon 0 athe dimensions of the activated state are found
_ 6 —hvBC/kT g _ 6 —hvBC /kT
lonbblc en?g1y354 A and rec = 0-753 A-* Hence’ the moment
E‘; i:e:t?:;, can readily calculated for any of the isotobie
at *(1 __ 6-hr./kT)(1 _ e—hv¢/kT)2' (2) -
H (1 _ 6-heme/hr) reactions by means of Eq- (4)- The V1'bration frequencies Of

If the activation energy E0 in Eq. (1) is replaced by EC, the * Provided the configuration of the activated cfmplex Temgigz infillllzgfisé
- -
as in the cases under COIl?1(l£lI‘&tl(;1g; ‘ -tetiligrgglruilibrium
tgieiI£)‘(r)$f‘Ir1(:3t(l13.. su a potential
classical activation energy, then, by the method -described on
for all isotopic forms 0 e 8- I11 ' .
page 194, it follows that (1) may now be written in the form . - -
energy and dimensions of the activated complex 3-Te
thus also independent
of the isotope concerned.



the activated complexes can be derived from the potential- drawn from both high and low temperature measurements of
energy surface; the force constants _f11, fzg, fig and f¢ (page 120) t' t .2
are the same for all the isotopic molecules, and once these are th?1‘;eT~g1g2v\:ar:rSnains only a consideration of the factors K, 9
found it is only a matter of inserting the correct masses in the and _<1ebe fore all the data are available for the calculation of the
. _ h 1 t
equations for the theory of small vibrations (page 115) in order specific reaction rate by mefm-S (3 Eq' _(3)2 ('21 $765) rzild
to obtain the required frequencies. statistical weight gx f0I‘ 3/wmlc hf)’ rogen ls p g ’
The value of EC as derived from the potential-energy surface Qne for molecular hydrogen is .1. It is reasonablze is éisilllilsé
referred to above is 7.63 kcal., and this is independent of the therefore, that gim for the activated comp ex 1S l; met
nature of the isotope involved because the potential-energy lectronic factor Qxnc/QAQBC ls equal to umty‘ T e. Sym ry
surface is almost the same in each case. The activation energy e mber 0' of the initial molecule BC is 2 if BC is either H2 or
u=-I_-=“HF‘.-1.1. E0 can now be obtained by the relationship (page 98) I]? but it,B§s unity when BC is HD. It will be seen from Fig. 27
that the potential-energy surface for the reaction
E0 = Ec + N(Z fill:/I — Z éhv,-),
where vi refers to the vibration frequencies of the activated state,
excluding the one having an imaginary value, and vi refers to makes the activated complex unsymmetrical? the Symmetry
number “BC must therefore be unity in all the 011868 1111 er
the initial state. The results obtained in this way are given in
Table VI. It should be noted that in computing the zero-point consideration. , rf
energy $2 hvi of the activated state, the contribution of the Transmission C08fiC18I1tS--:—'If the P°tent13*l'en§rg3;1 Z“ its
1 lated by the semi-empirical method for t e y I‘0_g
doubly degenerate bending frequency 11¢ must be included twice.
cu lecule reaction is correct, then for the symmetrlcfll
The moments of inertia of the activated complexes are also
reactions, m'z., '
included in the table. According to these results the energy of
activation of the ortho-para hydrogen conversion should be
8.5 kcal. This is in excellent agreement with the conclusion

Reaction g. cm. 2
[ABC lNh
k ca 1.W”
‘Nh v"
Zero-point energy,‘


k ca°’i.
tr '°‘“?S“.ZiS€L‘L“fZ§f..:;i“..: .. is of
- ' fl-1 ' t hould be 1. This conclusion is

rawn ass which represents the metastable molecule ABC, 1S


X 104° ‘iitd Initial emiigy

qul C SyIinmi-2trical'
O 7 the
. ' two
. gaps in the basin, leading
t. 1 to I the thus
state T state i valleys representing initial and. final states, respec 5Vfhy7barin as
the same level. A mass P01I1t Wanderlng 1‘°un_ _ e as ’_
iiidieated in Fig - 28 2 will have an equal probability of passing
out through each gap,, it
- 1S
- evident,
- therefore, th1?. t, on1Y oiiiltin
‘of the activated complexes» arrlvlng from the Va’ ey reprzs thg
. . . - ' _ III 9
O0 iiii-1
the initial reactants, Wlll pass into the valle)’ 1'91-Yesen g _
resultants. The transmission coefiicient will, therefore, be one
(3. EUUGUHUH ++++++++ svs svs u=~o1cn»r=-z>:=~ic.o i82i$‘£%>"<%‘%’S<B‘ pooooooo E>‘5§&‘3% =°%3°1é‘3 _c.o54>o1Gn5>0u1!-‘IP=~-OwJeUn1C§F'-~*io=~io ~1o= o c>ono=c=ow-1 ~1<> ¢»’5§E<=>8
_cng>_~icoo »:=-o1 >o1 cnu>c o coi oa wo<wo »-o o <o»- o o o o cu%§’£5.‘2.E’€>‘'3$
' . H t k, Z. hyszk. Chem. (Bodenstem Festband ,
(isidii-HA (iiieiikigifd Lalrzikas, P€<>¢- R0?» 50°» 152' A’ 124 U935)‘
half, as indicated above. For the unsymmetrical reactions the
two gaps in the potential-energy basin at the top of the pass, will where the F terms do not include the zero-point energies. By
not be at the same level; the probability that the system will introducing the usual values for the partition functions and
enter one valley will, therefore, not be the same as for the other incorporating the zero-point energies in the vibrational factor
and the transmission coefficient will differ from one-half. Td (cf. page 183), it is found that
evaluate this factor, it is assumed that when the system is in
KH+HD _ _ f 2771]) _ SIIIII ,
the energy basin its chances of decomposing in the two different
an, mg + mp sinh %(hvH,/kT)
Ways, 2.6., of passing out through the two gaps, is independent
of the direction in which the system entered the basin. This from which K may be readily determined at any required temper-
assumption is equivalent to postulating that K; + K, = 1, where ature. By means of Eqs. (3) and (8), it is now possible to calcu-
Kf and Kr refer to the forward and reverse reactions, respec- late x for reactions (5) and (6), i.e., K5 and 1:6. The values of
_ —4:_*-n.
tively.* If G,» and G, are the specific reaction rates for the two K7 and K3, the latter being equal to 1 -— x1, may be obtained in an
v‘:-;-i_r—. '_-.A _
reactions,.except for the transmission coefficients, then analogous manner; some of the results for x5 and x1 are given in
Table VII.
kl = K/G; and k, = »<,.G,, (6)
Where 7*?! and kr are the actual specific rates. Since the equi-
i=—. _. .-

librium constant K of any reaction is equal to the ratio of the ATOM REACTIONS
rates of the forward and reverse directions, it follows that Temperature 300°K. 600°K. 900°K. 1000°K.

_7if_ K/G/, x5 0.192 0.332 0.383 0.396

K_k."E’ <7) x
0.819 0.673
0.621 0.621
and since rc; + x, = 1,
Utilizing the various data derived above, the rates of the
GK eight exchange reactions are given in Table VIII for a series of
G;+G.K ' G"*—,+G,K () temperatures; for the purpose of comparison with the other
To evaluate the transmission coeflicients, it is necessary to know reactions, the figures for reactions (1) and (2) give the sum, in
the ‘equilibrium constant for the particular reaction; this is each case, of the conversion of ortho- to para-forms and the
readily derived by the use of Eq. (3). For the reaction (5) reverse.
Discussion.—Where the experimental data are available, the
agreement between observed and calculated reaction rates is
for example, the equilibrium constant can be obtained by means very satisfactory; it is, nevertheless, important to consider how
of the partition functions of the initial and final states (page 181) - far this agreement is fortuitous. The calculated activation
thus, ’ energy derived from the potential-energy surface is very close
to the actual value, as already mentioned; but it must be remem-
F , X F e—Aeo/kT’
K =F (9) bered that the calculated figure is based on an assumed pro-
portion, v'iz., 20 per cent, of the total binding energy as being
*. If there were no basin
' at the top of the energy pass, and hence only one coulombic in nature. It is true that a different proportion would
activated _complex at the saddle, for both forward and I-eve,-Se directions alter the activation energy to some extent; but the essential point
fir and x; would have to be equal; they would then probably both be close)
0 unity.
is that the proportion of 20 per cent is not unreasonable, and
hence it is seen that by making a reasonable assumption it is
_ 1 _ _
(cc. mole"1 sec.'1 units) difference arising in this connection is very small, not more than
-7 1 — 1 *1 I
0.25 kcal. (see Table VI) and is compensated for by the allowance
Reaction 300°K- 500°K- 1000°K. made for the deviation of the transmission coefficient from unity.
k X 10"’ k X 10-1° lg X 19-12 The activation energies for the series of atom-molecule reac-
(1)H+H2=Hz+H. Calc...... 7_3 tions involving hydrogen and deuterium are obviously not very
Obs“-4. . . . ¢O~J O09 different, and so the actual variations in the specific rate constant
l\7r—~ NU!
are determined mainly by the statistical, or frequency, factor.
<2>D+D2=D2+D. Cale .... .. 3.0 3,5 O5 It has been pointed out that almost as good agreement between
,Obs‘ . . . . .. l-‘Q l\'J\I theory and experiment for the relative rates of the eight reactions
(3) H +DH = HD +H. Cale .... .. 2.2


0 52 in Table VIII could be obtained on the basis of the collision

Obs‘ . . . . .. 0:68 theory of reaction velocity, i.e., by taking the collision factor as
proportional to [M/mA(mB + me)], where ill, mi, ms and me —-i—~—

(4) D + HD = DH + D. Cale . . . . .. 2.4 2,4 I-P have the same significance as in Eq. (2), and introducing a
" Obs‘ . . . . . . I-‘Q Orb factor 2 for reactions involving H2 or D2, since collisions at
-_ _.» ._ _. -'.
. 2_1% (5)H+HD=H2+D. Cale .... .. 1.1 1.8 045 either end would lead to the same result.‘ This treatment is
Obs‘ . . . . .. 0,95 equivalent to ignoring the terms in Eq. (3) involving the vibra-
tion frequencies and assuming that the ratio of the moments of
(6) D + H= = DH +H Calc.. 7.1 95,22 inertia, Ime/Iee, is equal to mA(mB + me)/M. It happens, in
Obs‘..... l tQ|--I CHM the particular reactions under discussion, because of the nature
(7)1) +DH = D2 +H. Calc . . . . .. 3,0 2_5
of the substances concerned, that this approximation can be
Obs‘ . . . . . . made without serious error; but this does not invalidate the
f=.° 3%
method based on the theory of absolute reaction rates as given
<3>H+D==HD+D. Cale .... .. 1.5 as rP~ in Chap. IV. If it can be shown that in every case the collision
Obs‘. F-‘O l\D\I ~theory gives results which are as good as, or better than, those
derived from statistical considerations, then the latter method of
possible to calculate an activation energy which is a good a.pprQXi_ calculation might be regarded as unnecessary, but nevertheless
mation to the experimental value. not incorrect. It will be shown, however, that the reaction-rate
Mention has been made of the fact that in the unsymmetrical theory described here succeeds where the collision theory fails
reactions the two saddle points, i.e., the gaps in the basin at the completely to give an adequate interpretation of measurements
top of the energy barrier, do not correspond to the same energy- of reaction velocities. The criticism considered above -cannot
in the calculations described above the value used for the therefore be regarded as invalidating the theory of absolute
aclflvatlon energy was based on the height of the first saddle reaction rates. -
point encountered. It has been suggested‘ that the greater of
. he two energies should be employed, because the system must,
t 0
in any ‘case, pass over both points before it can react, and the Exchange Reactions.—When para-hydrogen or ortho-deu-
transmission coefficient should then be taken as unity The terium is heated at a temperature of about 600°C., the equi-
librium between ortho- and para-forms is established relatively
3 Geib aiid Harteck, Ref. 2.
4 Farkas and Farkas, Ref. 2. ‘ Guggenheim and Weiss, Ref. 5.
5 E. A. Guggenheim and J. Weiss, Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 57 (1938). 7 H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 2537 (1931); J. O. Hirschfelder and
F. Daniels (private communication).
r; i


1; rapidly; the over-all reactions are
follows that the effective energy of activation for the three
H2+H2=H2+H2 reactions considered above is 52 + 7 kcal-, '1'-9-i aPP1‘°X1mal?elY
1' and 59 kcal (cf. Fig. 54) If this argument is correct, the activation
.i l
D2+D2=D2+D2) energy for the reaction between two molecules of hydrogen (or
respectively. Similarly, if a mixture of molecular hydrogen deuterium) should be appreciably greater ‘than thils value.
and deuterium is heated, the equilibrium concentration of Calculations have been made for this reaction by t e semi-
<-_.f_ .-_:—"'.__.-<__--_, _4-_
hydrogen deuteride (HD) is soon formed, so that the reaction, empirical method, treating the system as one of four electrons;

s analogous to those just mentioned, vz'z., the activation energy is found to be approximately 90 kcal., based

on the assumption of 10 per cent coulombic energy, and hence is
'! in agreement with expectation.
all occurs readily. The fact that the apparent order of the reaction
is found to be close to 1.5 in each case shows that the processes COMBINATION or HYDROGEN ATOMS8
Reaction in Absence of Third Body.———F0r the reaction between
l 1 I mi L

1 H=H—H two atoms A and B, viz.,
A -|- B —-> A-—-B --> AB,

ii+HI I-T-Z +11, (para) , the theory of absolute reaction rates gives
l ':.
\ (ortho)
_ [21r('mx + mB)kTl%
‘ :..4‘._.'__'—'|‘;
PoteenerntialgyI 1 h3 -
ll|' %H,+n, (ortho)
i .<- s->l+=- k2 = Ki gAB '
n gags (21r'm.:ikT) §§ (2'FmBkT) ff]

h“ h‘* ‘
Reaction coordinate
1 I FIG. 54.—Effective activation energy for the ortho-para conversion of molecular
2 (2J + 1) e".r*/“T
hydrogen or deuterium.

do not involve two molecules of hydrogen (or deuterium), for if +

."}f'. (11)
so the reactions would be of the second order. It appears,
I therefore, that there is a rapid establishment of an equilibrium where the g and in terms are, as previously, the electronic and
l nuclear spin statistical weights and axe‘ is the symmetry number
‘l between hydrogen (or deuterium) molecules and atoms, thus,

of the activated complex; since A and B are atoms, their sym-
Hg Q: 2H OI‘ D2 -.1‘ 2D, metry numbers are unity. Apart from the translational energy,
followed by reactions of the type the partition function for the activated complex contains terms
l for rotational energy only, since the single degree of vibrational
H + H2 = H2 + H, freedom generally possessed by a diatomic molecule _is here
which have been considered above. The activation energy of replaced by translation in the coordinate of decomposition. If
this stage is known to be about 7 kcal., but since the formation the initial state of the system, i.e., the separated &_t0mS, ls taken
of the equilibrium concentration of 1 g.-atom of hydrogen atoms as the zero of energy, then the rotational contribution to the par-
from molecules requires the supply, to the latter, of half the heat tition function is E (2J -l" 1) 9-‘-'*/M‘; Where ‘-'* is ‘J’ - (D _ 6”)’
of dissociation per mole of hydrogen, i.e., about 52 kcal., it
3 H. Eyring. H. Gershinowitz and C. E. Sun, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 735 (1935)-

as seen from Fig. 37 (page 130). As explained in Chap. III, the
actual rotational energy e; is given by 6,; = J (J + 1)h2/81211, molecule would radiate its excess energy, on the average, once in
where I1, the moment of inertia in the activated state, is equal to 10“ oscillations. The probability that a molecule formed from
iir§, the interatomic distance r; in the complex being obtained two hydrogen atoms will not dissociate is thus 10*“, and hence
by the method already described (page 127). The value of D, the transmission coeflicient x will be of this order of magnitude.
the dissociation energy, should be known, and 6-,, is obtained If x in Eq (12) is taken as 10*“, the specific rate for the combina-
from the potential-energy curve, or from the Morse equation, tion of hydrogen atoms would be 3 cc. mole“ sec.-1; although
L_._.~.__- ._, _

for the stable molecule AB. It should be noted that since the this uantity has not been determined experimentally, it is
separated atoms by assumption have zero energy the correspond- knowi that on a glass surface9 the specific rate is about 108 cc.
ing term e“E°/RT does not appear in Eq. (11). m0le“1 sec "'1 A difference of this order between the homo-
For the reaction H + H = H2, the nuclear spin factor 11 is eneous and heterogeneous reactions is not unreasonable.
unity, since the ortho-para equilibrium will always be established g It is on account of the relatively long life of an excited oscil-
in the system. The electronic statistical weight gm of the lator that reactions between two atoms, without the intervention
‘activated state, which is virtually H2, may be taken as the same of a third body, are much less common than was time
as for molecular hydrogen, i.e., unity, whereas the values of gi expected. If the excited molecule 1S deprlved Of ‘ts excess
and gs for atomic hydrogen are each 2. Since the activated energy in a collision with another atom or molecule, then it may
s-_¢_ — state is a symmetrical molecule, the symmetry number aiei will be stabilized It is for this reason that the recombination of
be 2. atoms almost invariably occurs by way of a three-body collision;
Upon inserting the data in Eq. (11) and multiplying by N some aspects of this subject have been discussed in Chap. III,
to obtain the specific reaction rate kg in cc. mole“1 sec."1, it is and further reference to the reaction between three hydrogen
found that atoms will be made below. The combination of two free radicals
might, at first sight, be thought to be similar to tlhefrezicitligiii
kg = K X 2.78 X 1014. . (12) between two atoms; the difference, however, l1€S. in t. e ac .
Unfortunately, there is no direct method of evaluating the trans- in the former case, provided that the free radical 1S relatively
mission coefficient K, and consequently it is necessary to speculate com lex * the resulting molecule has many vibrational degrees
concerning its magnitude. When the two hydrogen atoms com- of frleeddm and a redistribution of energy between them occurs
, 0

bine to form a molecule, the heat evolved in the reaction, which in a relatively short space of time. The energy can then ‘be
is more than 100 kcal. per mole, must be dissipated if the molecule removed in a collision before it can return to the bond at which
is to be stable. As long as this energy is in the vibrational the redissociation process would otherwise occur. _ _ _
degree of freedom, there is complete certainty that in the course Dissociation of Molecular Hydrogen.1°—The d1SS001fi»l110I1
of a vibration the molecule will redissociate into atoms. The reaction ~
value of 1c depends, therefore, on the ratio of the time of oscilla-
AB—>A---B-—>A'l"B V
tion and the time elapsing before the molecule can lose part of its
excess energy. It appears that for a diatomic oscillator with a involves the same activated state as the reverse process just
dipole of reasonable size the time elapsing before it loses its considered. The partition function, the energy of the separated
excess energy is about 10* to 10-3 sec. -For a substance like atoms being taken as the zero level, is the same as the numerater
hydrogen, which has no dipole moment but only a quadripole in Eq. (11), and hence the specific reaction rate kl is given by
— ?_ ._——'_- _-fl:.| \'_*

moment, the mean life of the vibrationally excited molecule 9 1. Amdur, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 2347 (19_38)- _
may well be of the order of 1 sec. Since the vibration frequency 1- The combination of methyl radicals in pairs requires the presence of a
is about 10“ se-c.“1, it is evident that an excited hydrogen third body.
1° Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8.

I --—-_____._.____--_.... _ -
?_.._ _ _ _ _ _.- — ""


x l27I'(’m/A + 2 + e_¢J=r/kg’ atoms reacting under certain conditions, thus,
k1=KingAB. . ha fi_:0'AB__J=0
H + H + H ——> —-> H2 + H,
gm l21r(mx + mB)kT]% “BI 2 3,r21,,,kT 2 2
to give an atom and a molecule. The rate of the reaction may
. . W 1 1 kT be calculated by a method based on the theory of absolute
(1 e_h"AB/IZT)—eI . eeD/RT . I. reaction rates. In order that the activated complex, which is

Attention may be called to the term em” in the denominator‘ probably formed by the passage over a low rotational barrier
this arises because the energy of the initial state a molecule of as in the case of the combination of two hydrogen atoms, may
hydmgen, is —D per mole with reference to the postulated pass into one valley, cross the median line and then find its way
energy zero ; the term e_E/“T in the partition function thus becomes out of the other valley representing an atom and a molecule, it
e"’R’" in this instance. Just as for the atom combination reac- is necessary that the energy formed in the reaction should be
tion, in is unity, since there is no change in the ortho-para re,tie_ properly distributed between two degrees of freedom (page 103).
The terms 9331/9AB 9-I.1d frxs/0.1131 are both also equal to unity, since In writing the partition function of the activated state, there-
fore, the contribution of two of the vibrations is replaced by a
ari._ -

the electronic multiplicities and the symmetry numbers are

certainly the same in the initial and the activated molecules factor H which gives the probability of the complexes having the
Inserting the rotational partition function for the activateel required energy distribution for the reaction. According to the
state, as found for the previous reaction, and knowing the moment statistical theory of reaction rates the specific rate will be given
of inertia and vibrational frequency of the molecule AB make by
it possible to evaluate the rate constant from Eq. (13), [21r(m1 —l— me + m3)kT]% V
In the reaction 9: '1“ .
3 “ g,- ;(21rm1kT)9= _ (21rm2kT)/2 , (21rm3kT)%_
° / 3/

H2 = 2H h3 h3 h3
it is found that 3
2 k
kl = K X 3.6 X 1014 e"”/"T sec.-1, (14) -H <1 - e'h”I/*T)“1 H5. (15)
the rate constant being independent of the concentration unit
where 27 = (kT/21r;i)3'5 is the average velocity of the activated
b ecause the process is~ of the first order. Since _ the activated
. S complexes across the median line of Fig. 27 (page 108). For the
state is the same for both forward and reverse reactions and lc /k
reaction of three identical, e.g., hydrogen, atoms, the masses
is equal to the equilibrium constant of the reaction H -* i2H2
ml, me and me are of course equal. The symmetry numbers
it can be readily seen that the transmission coefficient :<2iii_E ,
of the initial state have not been included in Eq. (15) since
(11) and (13), and hence in Eqs. (12) and (14) must be t(hS.
they are unity, and nuclear spin factors have been omitted
same. If this is taken, as before to be about 10*“ it f ll e
since there is no ortho-para change. The electronic multiplicity
that the specific rate for the dissoeiation of molecular’ hydiio OWS
- . en gr of the activated state is taken as 2, since the system of three
kl: 15 3»PPI‘°X11T1at@lY 3e"””"' sec."1. In view of the relatisely atoms presumably has an unpaired spin, i.e., s = 1}, and the
l arge V_8»1 He Of D, over 100,000 cal., this
. reaction
. . not have an
will multiplicity is 2s + 1. Since each hydrogen atom has a multi-
appreciable velocity until very high temperatures are attained
_ =iw_ -—:|- _!—.;I
plicity of 2, it follows that g. is 8; hence, gr/g, = -}r. The sym-
Three-atom Reactions.“-—-It has been seen in the discussien
metry factor or is probably 2, since, on the assumption that the
on page -112 that there is a definite probability of three hydrogen
complex is linear, the activated state may be regarded as being
11 Eyring, Gershinowitz and Sun, Ref. 8. situated on the median line of the potential-energy diagram, i.e.,
when the distances r1 and re between pairs of adjacent atoms are

—»--—-- _J
equal. It can be seen from Fig. 27 and the accompanying
discussion that r1 and r2 must lie between about 1.5 and 4 A.; coeflicient, and using a value of 4.4 X 10-8 cm. for r_;, as indicated
for the purpose of calculating the moment of inertia I; of the on page 131, K is found to be rt.
linear complex a mean value of 3 may be employed. The Before the rate constant can be evaluated by means of Eq.
value of ll, the reduced mass in the coordinate of decomposition, (15), it is only necessary to know the two vibration frequencies
required for the evaluation of 1'7 is not known with certainty; in the activated state; if they are very low, e.g., 100 emf‘, then
if the activated complex were moving parallel to the median the classical value kT/hr of the partition function may be used.
line, the reduced mass in that direction would be em, where m Further, v may be replaced by (f/m)”/21:-, where f is the force
is the mass of each atom. On the other hand, if the motion constant and m is related to the mass of the oscillator; hence, the
were along a valley and parallel to either axis, /1 would be firm, partition function is 21rkTm”/f%h. For the two degrees of
and hence the reduced mass is not likely to differ considerably vibrational freedom the partition function, included in the
from 0.6m. numerator of Eq. (15), will then be proportional to m. By taking
According to the methods of statistical mechanics," the into consideration the mass dependence of all the terms iii Eq.
partition function factor H can be written as (15), it is readily seen that, all other factors being equal, Ice is
proportional to m"%. If the reaction of three hydrogen atoms
H = 11-2 jlbdw ddy fdzaj;"dne"”’"", (16) is compared with that of three deuterium atoms, then pro-
vided that the vibrations are behaving classically, the ratio
where the integrals represent the weight factors and h-2 is for
normalization purposes; :1: and y are the coordinates and p, and p, of the rates should be \/2 to 1. This anticipation is in agree-
the corresponding momenta. The energy E is given by ment with experiment,” and so it may be assumed that the
vibration frequencies in the activated state are about 100 cm.“1'
E = =1-n(Ii>i + iii) + V(rv1, 2/1), (17) Upon introducing these and the other known values in Eq. (15),
it being the reduced mass parallel to the axis, i.e., §m; the first it is found that for three hydrogen atoms
term on the right-hand side of Eq. (17) represents the kinetic Ice z 3 X 1015 cc.’ mole"2 sec."1,
energy and the second the potential energy of the mass point
moving on the potential-energy surface. The limits of the which may be compared with the experimental value of approxi-
integration are determined by the requirements of the dis- mately 101° cc.” mole” sec._1.14 The presence of a hydrogen
tribution of energy before and after crossing the median line atom, which is capable of carrying off some of the energy pro-
in order that reaction shall occur. By considering only systems duced in the combination of two other hydrogen atoms, thus
having potential energy in excess of 45 kcal., i.e., those requiring produces a very marked increase in the reaction rate.
no activation energy, it is found that It was seen on page 115 that there is a possibility of the forma-
tion of a triangular activated complex as the result of two
H ~ 2'???’ X 1.64 X 10*. hydrogen atoms moving in a line and a third one coming toward
them symmetrically in a direction at right angles. The rate of
F=""=“‘="“ "-=1;-nz.r-—.-p,r.-
If all systems crossing the median line actually reacted, the formation of molecular hydrogen by this mechanism will not
partition function, represented by H’, would be 21l'p.kTT,r/hz, be so great as that involving the linear complex considered above;
where r; is the distance between two hydrogen atoms at the since it provides an alternative mode of reaction, however, the
rotation ridge representing the activated state (cf. page 127). rate must be added to that given above, but it will alter it by a
The ratio H/H’ may be taken as a measure of the transmission factor of less than 2.
_._ _?q..-J
12 See, for example, R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, “Statistical 1* I. Amdur, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 856 (1935).
Thermodynamics,” p. 79, Cambridge University Press, 1939. 14 H. M. Smallwood, ibid., 56, 1542 (1934); Amdur, Ref. 13; J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 60, 2347 (1938); W. Steiner, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 623 (1935).


._-._ ¢_ ._ :.i-,_- .-¢-._.,-
HYDROGEN MOLECULE-ION REAc'rioNs15 where r is the distance between the centers of the molecule and
the ion a is the polarizability of the hydrogen molecule, mu is
The Formation of H§'.—It is of interest in connection with
the mass of the hydrogen atom and J is the rotational quantum
reactions taking place in hydrogen exposed to a-particles to
number As already shown in Chap. III, the distance between
have information concerning the relative rates of the reactions
the molecule and ion in the activated state is given by Eq. (45),
(1)H2+H;*=H2+H++H ‘ page 133, and the corresponding activation energy [Eq. (46),
and page 133] is
J-»(_] + 1)2h4 20
E '1281r4m§,as’ ( )
The former is undoubtedly slow since the process is endothermic = J2(J + 1)2a2kT, (21)
to the extent of approximately 61 kcal., and so the activation where a2 is defined by '14
energy must be at least this amount; at ordinary temperatures,
therefore, reaction (1) will be quite undetectable. It will be “2 I V1281:-4m§roz82kT. (22)
shown, however, that reaction (2), on the other hand, can take
The rate of the reaction can now be written down in terms of
place very rapidly.
the theory of absolute reaction rates. Since the two reactants
The interaction of a hydrogen atom with a hydrogen molecule
are relatively far apart in the activated state, the rotational and
requires an energy of activation of about 7 kcal. (page 206), and
vibrational degrees of freedom in this state may be taken to be
the activation energy for reaction (2) is probably very small
the same as for the isolated molecule and ion. In the reaction-
compared with this value, since at large distances the molecule
rate equation, therefore, the corresponding partition functions
is attracted by polarization forces to the ion and this attraction
will cancel, and so the partition function for the activated state
may persist to small distances between the molecule and ion.
needs to contain only terms for translation and for the combined
In these circumstances the separation of the reacting species
rotational and polarization energy. When the rotational
at the activated state will be large, so that both of the reactants
number J is zero and the rotational energy is zero, there Can be I10
may be considered to rotate as freely as when they are com-
effective activated state;* it is convenient, therefore, to separate
pletely separated. The conditions are similar to those arising
the probability of this state, Which is 60/H’, '5-6'» unity» from
in the combination of free radicals (page 131), and the apparent
the remainder of the partition function, and the latter is written
activation energy will be the result of the superposition of the
centrifugal forceof rotation and the attraction due to polariza-
tion, acting in opposite directions. The polarization energy,
between the molecule and ion, at relatively large distances of
separation is given by The rate equation is then
0182 (21rmi1i+kT)%
E901, = E47 h3
IG 1 A K(2fl_,mH:kT)% 0 (21;-m,H,+kT)%;
and the rotational energy is
h“ h=
J J 1 he °° kT
. -Erot. '7" (87r2>:ln_.LHT)2 2' X [1 +21 (2.! + 1) 6-E/W] -7; (24)
1‘ H. Eyring, J. O. Hirschfelder and H. S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 479 * This is because the only force acting is the attractive force due to polariza-
(1936) tion and this would lead to an apparently negative activation energy.
. ,.


If the value of E g iven b y E q. (21) is utilized the quantity . -
lts imply that a structure 0f
in the square brackets may be replaced by A, where but triangular." In fact the resu _ h eat
- type, with
this - the formula H-»Cl
. , should be stable wit resP
A E 1 + E + 8-J2(J+1):a:.
to H2 + ' ted out that the results of calculations of the
J=1 It mus e pom ' ' ' 'dent from
- _ t e atthe
Heitler LondoDii£ yllgei 3:01. bestdissociation
approximate. as IS eV1
energy of hydrogen
Since the numerical value of a2 is small , viz ., 2 . 76 >< 10-3 / T , the
summation A may b e rep l aced by an integral,
' the
thus, (PageVaéigfs
’ ehOd ee
al 1't is not
. known -how much
b importance
In view can be
of the
A = J; (2J -l" 1) 6_"'("+1)’“’dJ = g (26) ““”“°“"’d "° the ¥‘l’i°l“S‘°“s Eiiliinilliofiiegeem worth while,
OII1 ll 2 .
for natulflf (to
thfle Prgteiwz) see (whale
8 and results may
one p-electron as be
of three by treehhg
p (21rakT)z?41r2mn8; (27)
3' eys em _ ' . d 1 in the semi-
forming a lineag €.(‘.l3l\7.%'(»€(;I. c<)CrrliglIex,HeIin aPP y 8
and if this value is inserted in Eq. (24), the result is . - e In ‘ , .

mm, as em'Iehncraela:tieh:
e inveisfirliliig a molecule of hydrogen and 3' halogen
It = K FJH2mH2+ 21rmna%8. (28) atom, vz'z., A

Upon assuming the transmission coeflicient to be unity and

=H+HX, D+X=D+DX»
inserting the known values of the masses and the polarizability Dliie-l:))f=D+HX, He+X=H+DX’
. - blems
of the hydrogen molecule, it is found that ' l , 'll be considered as three-electron pr0 ,
lc = 2.07 X 10*“ cc. molecule“ sec.“ zireifslgglenhzrofiglmglex of the form depleted 1h Flg‘ 55’ where
= 1.25 X 1015 cc. mole“1 sec._1, X
es """"""1 """""3 ------------ “re _“;__t_-3"-*1 cule (AB)
so that the velocity of the reaction H2 + H; = H3" + H should
be Very high.
55-—srmof :r:.zr;::i:;.;“'&sr" 6"
' OI‘! 8 H10 G

(1 .-
or deuterium atoms. The. potential-
A and Brfaeje-e ltiirhileciigiiethe same for all four reactions with any
Three-electron Problem.—The equations on which the energy eu ’ t o ic data for the
potential-energy calculations in Chap. III were based involved ehe halogen’ may be plotted fIil)IX)1fh§r~SII;g 120:0 From the
the assum p tio n th at s-electrons only were concerned in ' the molecules
reaction. For such electrons the form of the ei enf t' surface theA2'0r B2: 2.6.’rrnd
dimensigns Hzihdle
8185 of
thethe activiated
normal state,frequencies
Vibration and henee
g unc ion,
which gives the electron distribution about the nucleus of the
t . . the Hhongent (inc lefzhelfieegults obtained for the energy of aellivalllen
a om, IS symmetrical, and the question of directed valence does may e Dun ' - 6' 11 ' ections' unless
not arise. For a p-, or higher, electron, however, the eigenfunc- in various case; age discussgc(l)£rrStll;1ea(§g ttzzlngoeper Gen; of the
tion i s no l onger symmetrical,
' ' '
and the situation ' not so simple.
is otherwise state t e assump . 1 bio
. . lecules concerned is cou om
By applying the Heitler-London method of calcul t' h binding energy of all the m0
a ing t e first- (additive) In gziufie Reactions ____The interatomic distances in
order perturbation energy between H and HCI, considered as a
.. 1'1 '
three-electron problem with two s- and one go-electron 't h
, i as theHydhogeznd tale are
act1‘_’ed‘ZpeSndent of r1the
= nature
1.40 andof T2the
= 1-30 -e-3 of
isotope they ere’ of
been found that the activated state having the lowest potential
energy is not linear, as would be the case for three s-electrons course, in
I concerned . The moments of inertia I for various hydrogen-
1° A. Wheeler, B. Topley and H. Eyring, ibid., 4, 178 (1936).
11 J, L. Magee, ibid., 8, 677 (194°>- 3
chlorine systems, calculated from these dimensions are giv
' Tabl e IX, together
In. . -
with .
the normal vibration . ’ en
frequencies- unity, and the quantity g111;c/gxgsc is assumed also to have this
11;1:1itlhe fstretching frequency, and 1)., is the doubly degenel-at‘; value; the symmetry factors for H2 and D2 are 2, but in all other
cases they are unity. The transmission. coeflicient x is probably
value 1
. u in frequfanfzy
pl’ ivhlchfor
case it 1S required hasthe
. .
‘magma’? close to unity, and it will be assumed to have this value. The

of the correction for penetration of the energy barrier vibration frequencies required for the evaluation of the rate
constant are known (Table IX) and upon making the approxi-
q _" __ IX - —-PROPERTIEQk or HYD ROGEN_ CI-ILORINE ACTIVATED COMPLEXES mation that E. is 7.0 kcal., i.e., E0 is 5.9 kcal., the calculated
specific reaction rate at 298°K. is found to be 7 X 109, compared
System I X 1040’ ,, cm -1 _1
g. cm.’ " ' 1 "¢r °m- vz, cm.'1 with an experimental value of 8 X 109 cc. mole“ sec.'1 If E0
is taken as 5.3 kcal., which is in harmony with the temperature
H-H-C1 variation of the reaction velocity at 1000°K., the calculated
H-D-Cl 332 f’§§§ 1 551 72°‘. rate constant at this temperature is 1.1 X 1013, and the observed
1 *-

D-H-C1 15 11 2 '496 415 7%?


D-D-Cl 16 I 33 1 ’7c9 git; Z32? specific rate is 5.5 X 1012 cc. mole—1 sec."1.‘°
’ 2 By taking E. to be 7 .0 kcal., as before, the relative rates of the
The difference in the potential f '
initial states, i.e., the so-called “ clas:i:::.l%’ya<?ti\fd1t(io?ictlvatedEan'd H2+Cl=H+HCl and D2-l-Cl=D+DCl
found from the potential-energy surface to be 11 6 kenfrgy dc, ls
can be derived by using the moments of inertia and vibration
the determination of E0 the necessary zero- oiiit ca " ‘im for
frequencies in Table IX; these are 5.6 and 3.3 at 0 and 25°C.,
obtained from the vibration frequencies of tn}; initizflleafiifs 358
ac - respectively. The process in which hydrogen is concerned is
vated states. For the reaction I
faster than that involving deuterium. Measurements have been
H2+Cl=HCl+H made of the rate of combination of atomic chlorine with molecu-
lar hydrogen and deuterium, in the presence of carbon monoxide
th - '
thzsjeggepgglt ' of H2 and ‘of H—H—Cl are required;
and under the influence of light; if it is assumed that the
I . an 5.1 kcal., respectively, and so it follows that
ii ratio of the rates gives the ratio for the two aforementioned
E0 = 11.6 + 5.1 - 6.2 = 10.5 kcal. A reactions, the experimental values are 13.4 at 0° and 9.75 at
32°C. Although the calculated and observed results are in
' ltBmayalbiel compared with
- .
the experimental Value of
1 qualitative agreement, the discrepancy suggests that the fre-
y g 3* 31'891‘ Proportion of additive energy quencies derived for the activated state are too large. A possible
than the 20 per cent. assumed in the above calculations, as would
explanation of this discrepancy may be found in a consideration
be quite reasonable in view of the fact that the chlorine electron
of the triangular activated complex as an alternative to the
ls i 3 1;
W03dabepreil3'E:d(‘Z';151159 - activation
84), the theoretical . . energy linear one.” In the former case there would be three degrees
of rotational freedom and two of vibration in the activated state,
_ ._ i_ _

that observed. ence would be In better agreement with

522:. ‘FJ..ZhZ."E’“°ii>“““£*' be
instead of two and three, respectively. Since the rotational is
Th 'fi . .
larger than the vibrational partition function, the frequency
_ _ q- , W ic is for a reaction of factor (kT/h)F1/F1 would be greater for the triangular than for
exac tly 311311131’ general type. The nuclear spin
. factor in is
1° Cf. Rodebush and Klingelhoefer, Ref. 18; W. Steiner and E. K. Rideal,
I W. H. Rodebush and W. C. Kl' lh f J . Proc. Roy. Soc., 173, A, 503 (1939); J. C. Morris and R. N. Pease, J. Am.
(1930); see also J. C. Morris and R. i\Ilg(i’ezi):eeI.T .P(li}i;m.3S7(9t3 Chem. Soc., 61, 396 (1939).
' 9 ' ' ' . -- 1 ,
2° Magee, Ref. 17.

the linear complex; further, the relative increase would be greater
th e activated complex is now D'—Cl_‘H’ instead of D—H_C1'
the smaller the mass of the hydrogen isotope concerned. The . - d 20 er cent
mass dependence of the rate constant is changed from an order of
and the eseenml Parts °f tins Siurfacei tits? 0311 thiit apart
additive energy» are Shown In Hg‘ -56' IS fe th exichange
m-% to m"'2, so that the ratio of the rates with hydrogen and
from _ zero-point
. energies,
- the activation energy OCII‘. 9ca1 cu1 ate d
deuterium will be increased. The calculated ratio will thus be
_ reaction 1S approximately 5 kcal. The correspon 1I1g
in better agreement with experiment.
value for the alternative prO0eSS
The activation energy of the reverse reaction, e.g.,
D + HCI = HD + Cl
H+Hm=m+oi '
can be obtained directly from the results given above, provided ‘ f th data already given to be about 9 kcal."1 and
that th e h eat c h ange in
' the process 1S
' known (cf. page 86). For is
so ltheveichaiirgle reiaction
' might be expécted
. to be the more mpld '
. ' 1 b t n atomic
the reaction as written, AH is +1 . 9 kcal . , and so the calcul ated of the two simultaneous reactions taking p ace e wee
energy of activation would be less by this amount than that for A
the reverse change.
The equation of the theory of absolute reaction rates, of the
form of Eq. (1), together with the data in Table IX may be
utilized to calculate the ratio of the rates of the three analogous
isotopic reactions
D+Hm=HD+q Z. 0.

and F _,p5
-1,5 5
H+DCl=HD-l-Cl. A _ __ ,__: 1‘: =1
The result obtained in this manner for kH+H(}l:kD+HCl:kH.|..1)C[ is
1.5:1.1:1.0 , W h ereas t h e ratio ' of the experimental
' rates 1S' y 10’
3 : 1 : 1.3 21; it will be noted that there is a considerable discre anc
between the observed and calculated values for the H +P HCI Y
and D + HCI reactions. This is analogous to that noted above °-808 ~. 16_ '5 2.4131
in connection with the H2 + Cl and D2 + Cl reactions, in which 12 2°
HC1-~-H distance ,
the same, or similar, activated complexes are involved. , 1;‘ b tween atomic hydregen

Exchange Reactions.22—In addition to the reactions 'ust or eu i

FIG. 56.TP0<tien1tie:iiii3fi1iGir§.iY1dsililggfggfffir chillgrirdtc 1((Slte1;.er and Rideal.)
sidered, the isotopic forms of hydrogen and hydrogen J chloride con- _ - ' 11 the 1 artition
can take part in the exchange reaction I functions would also favor the exct 831158 rocess i-S actually the
D+HCl=H+DCl. mental results, however, show tha IS P _ .
slower of the alternative reactions. The explanation egg
This process involves a different potential-energy surface from discrepancy appears to lie - in
- the low transméssion co t 90 deg
th at applicable
' - '
to the other reactions, for the configuration of f r the exchange reaction. The axes in F1g- 5 ere 9' _ "
21 G. K. Rollefson, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 144 (1934); Steiner and Rideal, an0 d this is approximately the" correct angle. requ1red> accordmg -
Ref. 19.
- ' sh tential-
l50 Eq- (10), Page 102’ for a point Ifiasé Slhintiieorleactinlgosyetem.
*2 Steiner and Rideal, Ref. 19. energy surface to represent the mec elllee


- 7~i-%- It is seen that the shape of the surface is such that a system

possessing mainly relative translational energy coming up the On the assumption that 14 per cent of the binding energy is
“east-west” valley will be reflected back, as shown in Fig. 56, additive, the energy of activation 1S about 2.7 kcal. No allow-
‘I in the vicinity of A. It follows, therefore, that many of the ance has been made for zero-point energies, but the difierence
reacting systems which have suflicient energy to pass through between the values in initial and activated states is, in general,
1 the activated state will be returned to their original condition; quite small. The experimental activation energy of approxi-
i.e., the transmission coeflicient will be appreciably less than mately 2 kcal. is in satisfactory agreement with that calculated.
unity. Although the potential-energy surface is probably not The potential-energy surface in bond space has been plotted
exact in the region A in which reflection occurs, since the inter- for the exchange reactions of the type
atomic distances are so small that the semi-empirical method of H2 + HCI = H2 + H01,
.||. construction breaks down (cf. page 83), it is probable from the
general nature of Fig. 56 that the equipotential contour lines of which an illustration is
are perpendicular to the reaction path shown; this is all that is""3
4.-* *fi_"L‘:*'—'_
necessary for the transmission coeflicient to be small. '
The H——Cl—-H Complex.—It was mentioned on page 222 that On the basis of 17 per cent coulombic energy, the classical
Heitler-London calculations for two s- and one p-electrons point activation energy, i.e., zero-point energies ‘being neglected, is
to the possibility of a stable triangular complex H—Cl—H (or found to be 53 kcal. ; an alternative calculation, based on_20 per
H—Cl—-D). The existence of such a substance might account cent additive energy, gives 43.6 kcal. for -E6) and after making the
for the marked effect of hydrogen chloride on the recombination necessary allowances E0 is found to be 50.6 kcal. for the H2 + HC1
of hydrogen atoms. It is clear, from the shape of the potential- reaction and 48.9 kcal. for that between D2 and HCI. The
energy surface, that a simple collision between H and HCI will experimental value for the latter process at 1000 K. 1S approxi-
rarely lead to the formation of H—-Cl——H unless a third body is mately 57 kcal. h
present to remove the excess energy; it is suggested, therefore, The reaction
that the combination occurs as a wall reaction and that the H2 -|- C12 = 2HCl
resulting complex is readily desorbed, eventually reacting in the
gas phase, thus: has been treated in an approximate manner only, the system
being regarded as one of four s-electrons.‘ The activa ion
H + H——-Cl—H = H2 + HCI energies based on different assumed prop0rt10I1S Of Coulomblc
or energy, if the zero-point terms are neglected, are as f0l10WSI
H—Cl—H + H——Cl—H = H2 + 2HCl. r 7 | 7
Coulombic energy, per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1: 5 . :3 5
In this Way, it is possible to account for the accelerating influence Activation energy, kcal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4 . _-
of hydrogen chloride on the combination of hydrogen atoms‘ if
this explanation is correct, a pronounced influence of the walls All that is known experimentally is that the value is greater tgan
of the reaction vessel should be observed. 36 kcal., for this is the energy of activation of the reac 1011
Other Hydrogen-Chlorine Reactions.”——Approximate calcu- between molecular hydrogen and atomic chlorine (page 23.3)»
lations have been made of the activation energy of the reaction and it is known that the reaction between hydrogen and 0111011119
occurs almost exclusively through atoms of the latter.
_ H+Cl2=HCl+Cl. Hydrogen-Bromine Reactions.”4——The reactions between the
” Eyring, Ref. 7; J. C. Morris, unpublished.
isotopic forms of molecular hydrogen and atomic bromine may
*4 Wheeler, Topley and Eyring. Ref. 16.

*~-- ~- -
U M 1 K ?""’* *’*"' 47’ 7" 7' I" + 7 7


be treated in a manner exactly analogous to that for the corre-
sponding reactions with chlorine. In the activated state the TABLE XI."-CALCULATED AND QBSERVED Si>EciFic REACTION Rxrns
i ‘ 314-num’ "|~cuuI__' "_ _ l__1— -33% 4»

distance r1 (from hydrogen to hydrogen) is 1.5 K; that of 7'2 499°K. 574. 5°11. 612°:-:c.
(from bromine to the adjacent hydrogen) is 1.42 The Specific rate * t I "
corresponding moments of inertia and vibrational frequencies Obs. l Calc. Obs. Calc. Obs. Cale.
are recorded in Table X.
1,(H, + Br) 1.16 >< 106 1.01 >< 106 (1.25 >< 101) 3.01 >< 101 3.46 >< 10"
-I-3%? 3 7.1 4.2 5.4 2.9 4.8 2.5
System I X 10‘°g. cm.’ 11,, cm.'1 11¢ cm."1 vz cmfl k(D2+Br)

H-H-Br 10.34 ‘ 2,340 The value of AH for the reverse reaction

H-D-Br 12.15 1,670 7602' H + HBP = H2 + BI‘
D-H-Br 18.43 2,340 54011
D? D-B1‘ 20.19 1,670 320 A 54011 is 16.4 kcal., and so the activation energy must be of the order
1 of 4 kcal. or less; experimental data indicate that the value 1S
From the potential-energy surface, the classical activation actually quite small. By assuming it to be zero and employing
energy E. is found to be 25.1 kcal., on the assumption of 20 per the data in Table X in the rate equation based on the theory
cent coulombic energy, so that for the reaction of absolute reaction rates, the specific rate constants are cal-
culated to be 3.6 X 1013 and 4.5 X 1013 at 500 and 900°K-»
H2+ Br = H + HBr
respectively, and the experimental results are 1.3 X 1013 and
E0 = 25.1 —|- 4.6 — 6.2 = 23.5 kcal.
2.5 X 1013 cc. mole“ secfl. If E0 were taken as 1 kcal. the
where 4.6 kcal. is the zero-point energy of the activated state, agreement would be almost exact. O
calculated from v, and 11¢, (doubly degenerate) in Table X. The Approximate energies of activation have been derived for
experimental energy of activation is about 18 kcal.”; the differ- other hydrogen-bromine reactions; these are given in Table XII,
ence is quite appreciable, but better agreement would have been where they may be compared with the experimental results.”
obtained by assuming a higher proportion of additive energy or The values in the columns headed I, II and III are based on
' ——lh“@
——- by basing the calculations on a triangular, instead of a linear,- the assumption of 10, 14 and 20 per cent coulombic energy,
structure for the activated complex. respectively.
Taking E. as 20.5 kcal., in order to be in agreement with TABLE XII.—CALcULA'i*i=in AND OBSERVED ACTIVATION ENERGIES
experiment at 574.5°K., the results in Table XI have been cal-
culated by means of the appropriate form of the statistical Calc., kcal.
equation for the rate constant. The ratio of the rates for the Reaction Obs., kcal. 9
reaction involving hydrogen and deuterium, respectively,
assuming the same classical activation energy, are also given.
H +Br¢ =HBr+Br
As before, the calculated ratios Ian/Ion are too low; but they H2 _|_ B1-2 = 2HBr >43 45 39 26.5
would be improved, as explained above, if the activated complex
were triangular instead of linear. Exchange Reactions.2’—The potential-energy surface for the
exchange reaction q
*5 M. Bddenstein and H. Liitkemeyer, Z. physilc. Chem., 114, 208 (1924);
F. Bach, K. F. Bonhoeffer and E. A. Moelwyn-Hughes, ibid., B, 27, 71 H + HBr = H + HBr
(1934); see also Morris and Pease, Ref. 18. 2° Morris and Pease, Ref. 18.
2' W. Steiner, Proc. Roy. Soc., 173, A, 531 (1939).
-— 4 j ~*~ -"—'— —


involving the activated complex H——Br—H or D—-Br_H on the Attention may be called to the difference in behavior between
assumption of 20 per cent coulombic energy, is shown in Fig. 57 chlorine and bromine in connection with the reactions under
the activation energy of the reaction is seen to be about 3 kcal: discussion; in the latter case the exchange process is the more
Since the energy of activation of the reverse process just con- rapid, whereas in the former the alternative reaction, leading
sidered, i.e., to molecular hydrogen or hydrogen deuteride, is the faster.
Part, at least, of the difference can be attributed to the respective
transmission coefficients, as may be seen by comparing Figs.
is almost zero, the ‘latter might be expected to be faster, whereas 56 and 57. In the region A, where a system approaching along
the reverse is true in the reaction between deuterium and hydro- the bottom of the “cast-west” valley is liable to be reflected,
gen bromide. This result appears to be due to the very low the equipotential lines in the case of the bromine reaction are
l _ '|* 7 J i — not perpendicular to the “east-west” valley, as they are for the
A I reaction with chlorine. The mass point representing the reacting
I system will thus be trapped in the potential-energy basin at the
//\ top of the pass between the two valleys, as indicated by the dotted
line in Fig. 57, and the transmission coeflicient will be determined
.. 5' ip by the same considerations as were discussed in connection with
0. the hydrogen atom-molecule reactions on page 207. For the
-10-5 symmetrical reaction H + HBr = H + HBr, the value of x
5 _15‘ I 7 '-' >§

i, \ is clearly 0.5; for the exchange reaction D + HBr = H + DBr

H-dis-tBarnHce 4 ‘»"@“*‘" * 1’"’< = the gaps in the basin are at slightly different levels and the
A 3/’ transmission coeflicient will differ slightly from this value, but
l 10" it will never be so small as for the corresponding reaction with
chlorine. .
1 | 0
1.0 1.5 2.0 A ‘Hydrogen-Iodine Reactions.2*—Later, it will be seen that
H Br---H distance interaction between hydrogen and iodine does not involve iodine
FIG. 57.—Potential-ener 81’ surface for the reac tion between atomic hydrogen
(or deuterium) and hydrogen bromide. (Ste'iner.) atoms; there is therefore no object in making at this point a
detailed calculation of the activation energy of the reaction
value of the bending frequency of the activated complex D-Br-H,
2222., 70 emf‘, compared with 480 emf‘ for the analogous fre- H2+I=H+HI-
quency of the D——H—Br complex (Table X); the ratio of the
partition functions, as a consequence of this difference, leads to a The approximate results for this process and for the reaction
factor of 10 in favor of the exchange reaction. The physical between atomic hydrogen and molecular iodine are given in
significance of the low bending frequencylof D—Br—H and the Table XIII. The figures for the reaction
correspondingly high partition function is that there is a con-
siderable probability of forming the activated state even when H-l'HI=H2+I
the line of the approaching deuterium atom makes an appreciable
are based on a AH value of 32.7 kcal. The results in the columns
angle with the direction of the axis of the molecule; with the
headed I and II involve 10 and 14 per cent coulombic energy,
D—H—Br complex, however, the atom must approach very
respectively. -
nearly along the line of centers if the activated state is to
be formed. 23 Wheeler, Topley and Eyring, Ref. 16.

’* v ’ ' "WW7" —


TABLE XIII.—-CALCULATED AND OBSERVED ACTIVATION ENERGIES and the values for H2, D2 and I2 are 0.456, 0.913 and 748.5 X 10'4"
_ l —- _ Int , -~ i

g.em.2, respectively. The classical activation energy, on the

A Calc., kcal.
Reaction Obs., kcal. ~22 22 2 assumption that 14 per cent of the binding energy of the diatomic
I ‘ II molecules is additive, is found to be 48.3 kcal. For the reaction
between H2 and I2, therefore,
H2+I=H+HI O0 ¥§ E2 = 48.3 -1- 7.8 — 6.5 = 49.6 kcal.,
H+HI=H2+I Orb) i-lib
H-I-I2=HI+I OH:-P M009 mam I-*~IO OO~Ii-F- the zero-point energy of the activated state being 7.8 kcal.
I ' I — — -1 I
and that of the reactants 6.5 kcal., i.e., 6.2 for H2 and 0.3 for
It must be admitted that the agreement is not always good, but I2. For the reaction with deuterium, the corresponding zero-
the calculated values are at least qualitatively correct. point energies are 5.6 and 4.7 kcal, respectively; hence,
The reaction E2 = 48.3 + 5.6 — 4.7 = 49.2 kcal.
H2 + I2 = 2HI It will be noted that in both instances the zero-point energy is
apparently greater in the activated state than in the initial
has been treated in some detail as a four-electron problem, state ; this result is somewhat surprising and would imply an error
the question of directed valence of the iodine being neglected; in the potential-energy surface leading to an incorrect assignment
this would probably introduce an error of not more than about of vibration frequencies. This error may also account for the
5 kcal. As seen on page 126, the six normal vibration frequencies high values of the activation energy compared with the experi-
can be divided into three groups as follows:* mental result of 40 kcal.” The formula for the specific rate
constant, based on the theory of absolute reaction rates, omitting
I II III the factor for leakage through the barrier, is
System 2
(21rm1kT)% 81r2(8w3ABC)”(kT)§§
3'1 V2 V3 P4 V5 1:5
,0 K h“ _ has,
H=+I2 994 80 1,230 9654' 1,400 1,730 (21r'm1kT)‘/"2 (21rm2kT)% 81.211127" 81r2I2kT
D. + I2 700 80 915 0787 990 1 225 ha hi‘ /1201 h20'2
I i — 5
<1 _ e—hvI/kT)—1
The activated state is presumably planar and symmetrical
with respect to the plane (see Fig. 32, page 126), and hence ° (1—e1-II» "/*7 kTl—
)1(1—e —-h "'/ kT)1
- 7 ' kT
h e_E°/RT» (29)
three interatomic distances are sufficient to give the required where the numerator refers to the activated complex and the
configuration; these are H——H = 0.97 A., H—I = 1.75 and denominator to the reactants; the suflix I is used for the activated
I—-I = 2.95 A. The three moments of inertia of the activated state, and 1 and 2 are used for hydrogen and iodine molecules,
complex are respectively. The symmetry number 0'; is 4, whereas 0'1 and a2
Complex A X 104°” B X 10“* C )< 1940 g_cm_z are each 2, and so their resultant is unity. The nuclear spin
H212 921.5 6,9 9g3_4 factor is omitted since there is no change in the ortho-para ratio,
D2 I2 922.2 13.8 935,7 2° M. Bodenstein, Z. physilc. Chem., 13, 56 (1894); 22, 1 (1897); 29, 295
(1898); cf. W. C. McC. Lewis, J. Chem. Soc., 113, 471 (1918); see also L. S.
_ The value of a used in the Morse equation for HI, on which the calcu- Kassel, “Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas Reactions,” p. 154, Chemical
lations of vibration frequencies were based, is somewhat in error; the effect Catalog Co., Inc., 1932; C. N. Hinshelwood, “Kinetics of Chemical Change,”
on the results recorded is, however, relatively small. Oxford University Press, 4th ed., p. 100, 1940.
and the electronic factor is also taken as unity. Since the cal-
culated frequencies are known to be in error, there is little purpose Discussion of Results of Hydrogen-Halogen Reactions.--An
interesting application of the results derived above is to determine
folfietesiilng (29) by means of them; but some indication of
va ue o e results may be obtained by taking the frequencies whether the over-all reaction represented by
vs and v2 150 be 180 and 1,000 cmfl and leaving the others Hg + X2 =

unchanged. The observed reaction velocity at 700°K. requires

where X is a halogen, takes place through the molecular halogen
E2 to be 39.7 kcal., and by use of this figure and the modified
or whether the atoms are involved; the alternative possibility
vibration frequencies the reaction rate constants at 575 and
is primary dissociation,
781°K. have been calculated; the results are compared with the
experimental data in Table XIV. X2 = 2X2


T’ OK’ Obs‘ A log k 1 Cale. and
575 -0.33 = . . . . .. -2 85 ~ (4) H + X = HX.
, 700 - - - - -- <1-808) The last of these steps, involving the combination of two atoms,
’ 781 3.13 I . . . . .. 322
will have a very small, or zero, activation energy (page 131);
_ It must be admitted that the agreement obtained in this way and, provided that the excess energy is removed in a three-body
1S somewhat artificial, but it shows that with reasonable assump- collision, this need not be discussed further in relation to the
tions the method described for the calculation of the absolute rate-determining step. Consider the reaction between hydrogen
rates of reactions is capable of yielding satisfactory results. and iodine; the activation energy for the molecular reaction (E2)
. Hydrogen-Fluorine Reactions.3°—Approximate activation ener. is calculated to be approximately 48 kcal., and for that involving
gies have been calculated by the semi-empirical method for iodine atoms (E2) it is about 40 kcal. To determine which of
reactions between hydrogen and fluorine. The results are the two processes will predominate, it is necessary to assume
summarized in Table XV; the values in columns I and II are that a stationary state is soon attained in which the iodine
based on 10 and 14 per cent coulombic energy, respectively. molecules and atoms are in equilibrium (cf. page 212) ; the dis-
sociation energy per gram-atom of iodine, i.e., 17 kcal., must
' then be added to E2 to get the efiective energy of activation for
the reaction with iodine atoms when the initial material is
_ CaIc., kcal.
Reaction Obs., kcal. 2 molecular iodine. It follows, therefore, that
I II E¢22mi2 =-' + = kC3~l. '

H+F2=‘rHF+F __
The activation energy for the process involving atomic iodine is
H2+F=HF+H 8 thus appreciably greater than that in which molecular iodine
H2+F2=2HF >25 011-1 OOUI O05»- O‘-->09 WOO- reacts directly with the hydrogen, and so it is evident that
_ ‘r _ __ W
mechanism (1) is the correct one. It is of interest to note that
fLittle is known from direct observation concerning the energy since the reaction
0 activation of the reaction between hydrogen and fluorine; it can
be said definitely, however, that it is large.
has an activation energy of almost zero (Table XIII) the reaction
3° Eyring, Ref. 7.
between hydrogen atoms and iodine molecules would require an



effective activation ener
3}’ Of Only 51.5 kcal -2 2' - e -2 the d‘issociation
' '
energy perit would
gram-at f . Particular
_ as an alternative to the stage involving atomic chlorine, must
therefore, bZ1:aS?er1gg’:1€£g8£1.d In this case, be considered.“ The C12 molecule is probably linear like the
take place Via hydrogen atoms than friafiilgéin-halogen reaction to metastable molecule H2, and so a possible configuration of the
3 08611 a oms activated state for the foregoing reaction is as shown in Fig. 58.
For the hydmgen bromine—
' t .

the reaction involving b,.Oming‘6aa€:OI1T<::i:he activation energy for The energy in excess of that of the separated molecules was
found to be 31 kcal., on the assumption that 10 per cent of the
Eammic = + = kcal.’ binding energy of the diatomic molecules is additive; if this
the heat of dissociation of 1 mole of ' result is compared with those already given for the reaction
bromine being 45 2 kcal so
that the energy of dissociation per gram-atom is .22_5 k.:3a1_ between hydrogen and atomic chlorine, it would seem that C12
The calculated act' t‘ molecules are unlikely to act as chain carriers. It may be
E W3’ Ion energy for the molecular reeotien noted, however, that if the dimensions in the Cl-Cl-Cl-H-H
( 1) and Esiomis are not very different and henee th 1 1
and atomic reactions ' hi; 7 . e mo ecu ar complex were changed somewhat, e.g., if the Cl-—H distance were
It _ f _ mig be expected to occnr simultaneously
1S ound in practice that the reactio ' taken to be 1.45 A. and the H—H distance 0.90 A., the activation
'i-T"“-'‘-—'’ !=3l:d-_1*‘Q'4.1»-r
predominates. n V13’ bromme atoms energy for the reaction between C12 and H2 would be lowered to
The activation energies ' for the alternative reactions with ' oi Cl Cl H H
chlorine are 54 or 45 kcal for E i<------~---1.74 ------ —-->l<---------1.74-------—->I<------1.28----—>l<---0.76---if
- 1, based on 10 or 14 er c t FIG. 58.—Possible dimensions of linear activated state in the reaction between
1 ~
energy, respectively, , approximately
whereas E...,m.. is P en triatomic chlorine and a hydrogen molecule.
+ 2 X 56.8, z.e., about 36 kcal In this instance th t
' should und bt dl
reaction 2 '' . e a omic 20.5 kcal. It is not impossible that the C12 complex may play a
mo, 1 hl , on 9 Y 0<30_HI‘.1n preference to that involving part in the photochemical hydrogen-chlorine reaction, and
ecu ar c orine, a d th t _
from the accepted mech n 3‘' thls ls actually the case is evident mechanisms involving this substance have been proposed; there
f .
chlorine reaction. amsm or the photochemlcal hyd1'°g911- does not, however, appear to be a unanimous opinion on this
It is generally agree (1 t hat, following - . matter.
the primary dissociatio
of chlorine molecules into t . n it The calculated activation energy of the reaction between
reaction Occurs in which thi elghtsztabsorbed light, a chain molecular hydrogen and molecular fluorine is 50 kcal., and so the
ages are reaction between H2 and F2 will not occur at ordinary tempera-
(-71+ H2 = HC1+ H tures. The reactions involving hydrogen or fluorine atoms, viz.,
and H2+F=HF+H and H+F2=HF+F,

H + <112= H01+ Cl. require almost no activation energy; but starting from the
The activation energy of the se ' molecular species the effective values would be approximately
229) and so it is evident~ thmconhe
‘ dSl5ePisabot2k
u cal. (page
equal to half the heat of dissociation of fluorine or of hydrogen,
determining. first Stage must be rate-
Cale I t d t b The act'ivat‘ion energy of this
. reaction has been respectively, i.e., about 40 or 50 kcal., respectively. It seems,
ll 9» 6 0 e about 10 kcal., b t th therefore, that the reaction between hydrogen and fluorine should
—-—- 7- _ _, _ f
somewhat lower (see Page 224). u B actual Value ls probably be very slow at ordinary temperatures, although a chain reaction
It was noted on pa89 134 th at there 1S
' evidence
' for the existence might be expected if hydrogen or fluorine atoms were formed to
of a relatively stable C12 moleeule any extent. In view of the marked reactivity of fluorine in other
. , a d th ' ' - -
pation as a chain carrier by means (1)1f theerggiiiitdon of its particl- connections, this conclusion appears somewhat surprising; it
has been found, nevertheless, that gaseous hydrogen and fluorine
C13 + H2 = C12 '|" HC1 —|- H
31 G. E. Kimball and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 3876 (1932).
——- _
'-'1 ‘
-_. .


can be mixed at ordinary temperatures and all
. . dt the over-all stage (2) more rapid than (1). If kl and kg are
appreclable perlods without reaction occurrinzwe Afiieitzgseiiol
the specific rate constants and E1 and E2 are the efiective acti-
minutes, explosions frequently result; these may be attributed 1;
vation energies, then
catalytic mfiuences Wh1Ch lead to local heating d h
suflicient ’ afn ence ZG2 = e-(E:-—-E1)/RT, (30)
reaction tglldggulifiiz of atoms may be formed to P91111111 a chain k1
The Hydrogen-Iodine-Monochloride Reaction The 1;‘ on the assumption that the frequency factors for the two bimo-
--— reac
between hydrogen and gflSe0us iodine monochloride, Ion lecular reactions are the same. In the present instance, E2 — E1
would be about 5 kcal., and hence at 500°K. the ratio of the two
2191(9) + HA0) = 12(9) + 2HCl(g), rates would be
__--c undoubt dl t k ' . .
suggested Y a es place In Stages’ the f°11°W1I1g have been % = 65,000/1,000 z 150’
<1) H2 + 101 = HI + HC1 so that the second stage, according to the foregoing calculations,
may be expected to be about 150 times as fast as the first.
(2) HI + ICI = H01 + 1,, A detailed theoretical study“ of the reaction
the first being slow and the second ‘d H2 + ICI = HI + HCl
activation, 34 kcal., is consequehizi); 'att'fi1ge1;1g§&St11I‘6(t;1hh68g3 of
has been m-ade by plotting the potential-energy surface in bond
sta .33 A '
foufelectrOgIL1;>;1‘::1I:1fSt<F1atg'<ia;t1r11e1fi1 . reactions
of tlhe l13W0dP3.»I‘13l3,1 0 ,8 mt as space (page 121); the calculations were carried out for both 17
e o ec 1; ' ' - and 20 per cent additive binding energy, with the results given
of 39 and 41 kcal., respectively on tlfecalsguiir :i:di1VaFi): energles
below. The dimensions and moments of inertia found for the
coulombic ehe1‘g3’- Although ,these results pare b)y per cent activated state are given in Table XVI.
exact, th ey imp
' 1y 1;hat both stages take place with . Comparable
no means
occurs in Stages, viz.’ P rob 8-bl c th at the second reactlon
- actually
i | —

(3) I+IC1=I,+c1 t.
H—H 1-c1 H—Cl H—I

H—Cl H—I X A10,0 X Bmm X C10,0

and ' l 1'1, 1'2, 1'3, 1'4, 1'5, rs, ‘ 2 2 2
per g. cm. g. cm. g. cm.
(4)c1+ HI = HCI + 1, cent F
__—r-._=@_ _ .;:_
the iodine atoms resulting from the equilibrium I2 2 21 The
potential-energy calculations show that of these ste s r. 1;‘ 17 0.803 2.34 1.60 2.26 2.21 2.48 254.9 264.6
20 0.791 2.35 1.56 2.37 2.17 2.55 * 264.2 I-I @~1 QKI 274.2
(3) 1s the slowest, the activation energy being about i)6’k Gale Ion
to this is added 17 kcal., i.e. half the heat of d‘ ‘ca. If
molecular iodine, the effective energy of activation 011?Soclafilon of The values of the s1x' normal frequencles,
' five real an d one
r imaginary, were obtained by the method described on page 125;
by the two-stage mechanism becomes 17 + 15 _ea;310E (2)
Although this is still not very different from that T ca]. these together with the classical activation energy E, and the
value E0, after allowing forthe zero-point energies, are recorded
first Stage of the reaction > it is nevertheless suflfieizciunteg
1en o matilee
in Table XVII.
Z. %.%i";:.::? as
2 -

, . J. “;;~;
re an
_ _
. M. Yost, 1.b1.d., 57, 2723 (1935).
34 W. Altar and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 661 (1936) ; A. Sherman and
N. Li, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 58, 690 (1936).


N FREQUENCIES AND ACTIVATION From these results, it would appear that the calculated rate
___ _ __ ENERGIES
I I _7 I
constants are too small by a factor of approximately 350; this
Additive discrepancy may be due to an error in the vibration frequencies
energy, per cent cm - -1 cm . —1 cm. _ 1 cm -1 cm -1 cm -1
' - - kcal. kcal recorded in Table XVII. If the lowest figures were reduced
still further, it is possible to improve the agreement between
4 391 1 580 1 426 48 I the observed and calculated A factors without appreciably
4 696 1322 1 344 55 fig 1933: gig 353
in |
altering the activation energy. It is important to remember,
The activation ener gies ' - however, that the experimental data for A and E are based on a
for the
(500°K.) may be calculated by the II1€l3heOX(T)Ei‘l1/r(?Il3bhapagelllggriiltiure study of the reaction between hydrogen and iodine monochloride
are 36.6
the Slowand 29.0incilhé
Stage 1< 1. I‘;3(:;J)(f§1:3:1)lI\1/'€%)};tW:£;l31€1P1§3V1OLlSly
- . 8 i ese
to give iodine and hydrogen chloride, the assumption being
made that the rate measured is that of the reaction leading to
iodine monochloride is the reaction under cd,nsr'(()lgen1;'and gaseous the formation of hydrogen iodide and hydrogen chloride. Since
experimental activation energy, about 34 kcal 1 ;r?n10n1’;.t?en the the two stages in the over-all reaction may well be taking place
agreement with the result of the semi-em iric Sal IS actory at rates of the same order of magnitude, it is not certain that
calculations. p 8' p0tent1a'l'energY the measured quantities may be applied directly to the reaction
being discussed and for which the calculations were made.
be The rate inconstant
Written for f0rmr::.cE1gn(l;e;t)w<:a7fi
the Same the '2' H2tal.1nd Igil may
and2refer toH d I - i . 3 ere e Su Xesl HYDROCARBON-HALOGEN REACTIONS
2 an Cl’ respectlvelfi this may be reduced to
_-q._ t_
Ethylene-Halogen Reactions.35—-Processes in which a halogen
1,: K .111 .<w:,(ABC)% h“ molecule is added to, or removed from, a double bond, e.g., as
/'\mlmz \/ QI I112 81r2kT in the decomposition of ethylene iodide
H (1 _ 6-2121/hr)-1 C2H-112 = C2H4 + I21
6 ___ e—hv1/kT)—1(1 __ e_h,2/kT)_1 6
are of importance; a number of them have been studied experi-
The values of the fre que - mentally and have presented some interesting problems in
f t
and the calculated activatildiiyengfgiials fis:hii:(li1:ai3t(i ffriill? Eq. (31) reaction kinetics. In order to determine the activation energy
’ 15 Y cequation of the ethylene iodide decomposition reaction, it is more con-
7° = A 6_E”"’ cc. mole"1 sec."1, (32) venient to consider that of the reverse process, i.e., the addition
are given in Table XVIII together with tho of an iodine molecule to a double bond. If E1 is the activation
measured rate constants and’ activation
_ _ energy, Se based on the energy of the direct reaction and E2 that of the reverse process,
TABLE XVIII -— CAL CULATE then the difference is equal to the heat of reaction (page'8), the
- ._f. :0 0 D AND OBSERVED FREQUENCY FACTORS activation energy being greater in the endothermic direction.
1 A calc. If direct thermochemical data of the heat of reaction are not
Temp., o K. A0,” l _ available, an approximate figure can be derived by using a set
E = 36-6 kcal E = 29.0 kcal. of consistent bond strengths.
The reaction between ethylene and iodine may be considered
1015 _ _ X 1012 1012 in the simplified form of the addition of an iodine molecule to a
1015 '
X 1012 1012
E35coo.-1'06 1-1 -1 -1 0:1»/O60:on -P XXX 1015 1-P-1 >-a=~ Or-*1-1 £0631-A X 10 12
L 1 J i i I I _
1-P~|-P~|-P [Q1- BQQ P-*\lO XXX 1012 35 A. Sherman and C. E. Sun, ibid., 56, 1096 (1934); A. Sherman, O. T.
Quimby and O. Sutherland, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 732 (1936).
double-bonded carbon system, thus,
is given in Table XIX under the heading of E2; the value for the
\ / \ / reverse process, i.e., the decomposition of ethylene iodide into
I C-—I ethylene and molecular iodine, obtained from E2 by adding the
+ I -—> I heat of reaction, is given under E1. Calculations, similar to
O=O I C—I,
/ \ / \ those just described, have been made for the addition of molec-
so that the problem may be considered as one involving four ular bromine and chlorine to a double bond, and the correspond-
electrons; for the sake of simplicity, and as an approximation, ing activation energies are also recorded in Table XIX. In
they will be treated as s-electrons, having no directional proper- all cases, the coulombic energy is assumed to be 14 per cent of
ties. _ The two carbon atoms remain bound throughout the the total binding energy of the C-—C and C——X linkages, X
reaction, but at the commencement they are held by a double representing a halogen; the constants for the Morse equation
bond Whereas at the end a single linkage binds them together. were derived from spectroscopic data concerning these bonds.
The interatomic distance must, therefore, change during the TABLE XIX.—Ac'riv.».'rioN ENERGIES or ETHYLENE-HALOGEN REACTIONS
course of the reaction ; in order to simplify the calculations
the assumption is made that the carbon atoms remain at a Reaction E 1, kcal. E2, kcal.
constant distance of 1.46 apart: this is taken as being roughly
the mean between the single- and double-bond distances. If this C2H4BT2 = CQH4 + BI‘:
is the approximate distance between the carbon atoms in the C2H4Cl3 = CgH4 + C12

, activated state, there will be no appreci- ‘ — D

Ci:-;£‘—c able error in the activation energy, The two results in parentheses are approximate experimental
although the potential-energy surface values; the agreement is seen to be quite fair, and it could be
may be somewhat incorrect at other artificially improved by changing the proportion of additive
points. The iodine molecule is now energy.
supposed to approach the C—C bond Catalysis by Halogen Atoms.3°——In addition to the direct
symmetrically in the plane of the carbon decomposition of ethylene iodide already discussed, it is known
1____y_____I atoms, as shown in Fig. 59. At the
that a catalyzed reaction involving iodine atoms also plays an
1+-----—---r2 --------->1 beginning, r2 is the normal interatomic important part, and it is of interest to consider this process.
F16. 59.—Addition of i6- distance in molecular iodine taken as The iodine atoms are formed by the dissociation of the molecules,
dine molecule to a doubl . . I
bonded carbon system °' 2.66 A., and 1'1 1S large; in the course and then follow the stages
-_,-q,—_ __ _ _ of the reaction, r1, which is the perpen-
dicular distance between the C-——C and I—-I bonds decreases I + C2H4I2 -—‘ C2H4I + I2,

until the C—I distance becomes the normal value for a C--I C2H4I = C2H4 + I, '

bond, taken as 2.10 A., while at the same time r2 increases in which the ethylene iodide is decomposed and the iodine atoms
to 2.86 By making the simplifications postulated above, it are regenerated. The second of these reactions is assumed to be
is possible to express the potential-"energy changes of the four- so rapid that the activation energy of the first determines the
electron system in terms of the two parameters, vz'z., r1 and r2, rate of the catalytic decomposition. The effective or over-all
only. The potential-energy surface for the reaction can thus activation energy of the process is obtained by adding half the
be drawn and the activated state identified in the usual manner. heat of dissociation of molecular iodine to the activation energy
. The activation energy obtained for the reaction being con- of the rate-determining stage, as is the case in the hydrogen-
sidered, assumed to be equivalent to the ethylene-iodine reaction,
" Sherman and Sun, Ref. 35; Sherman, Quimby and Sutherland, Ref. 35.



halogen reactions. To calculate the activation energy of reaction is given by E1 in Table XIX, or whether the catalytic decomposi-
(1) above, it is convenient to consider the reverse process which tion by halogen atoms, for which the activation energy is Ea
is simplified in the following manner: The radical C2H4I may in Table XX, will predominate. In the case of ethylene iodide,
I the two calculated activation energies, v'iz., 30.0 and 28.0 kcal.,
be regarded as CH2I-CH2 with a free electron on the second respectively, are so close that the two mechanisms would be
carbon atom ; then the reaction with molecular iodine becomes expected to occur simultaneously in the same temperature
essentially a three-electron problem. The iodine molecule region; this anticipation is borne out by experiment.- For the
may be considered to approach the carbon atom along the line decomposition of ethylene bromide, it is not possible to predict
joining the iodine nuclei as shown in Fig. 60. At the commence- the course of the reaction exactly. The activation energy
ment, r2 is the normal I—-I distance, and r1 is large; but as the calculated for the catalytic decomposition is 45 kcal., compared
reaction proceeds, r1 approaches the single bonded C—I distance with 50 kcal. for the unimolecular decomposition, and so the
—C I - I former may be expected to take preference; it is not impossible,
I<-------- —-r, ------- -—>1<----- -- r2 -------—>I however, that both types of decomposition may occur side by
Fro. 60.-—Approach-of iodine molecule to carbon atom with free electron. side. The situation is more definite with ethylene chloride;
and r2 becomes large. The potential-energy surface can be here the activation energy for the catalyzed reaction is 53 kcal.,
drawn and the activation energy derived in the usual manner, as against. 80 kcal. for the unimolecular decomposition. It
by employing the semi-empirical procedure with 14 per cent of is evident, therefore, that the former mechanism should pre-
the binding energy assumed to be additive. The activation dominate. In view of the relatively high activation energy,

energy for the forward reaction‘ as written (E1) and for the the reaction will have a measurable velocity only if the tempera-
reverse (E2) are quoted in Table XX, together with the values ture is at least 700°K. It may be concluded from the results in
for the corresponding processes involving bromine and chlorine. Tables XIX and XX that ethylene bromide will have an appreci-
The efiective activation energies for atomic reactions, obtained able rate of decomposition at a lower temperature and the iodide
by adding half the heat of dissociation of the halogen molecule at a still lower temperature, as is found to be the case in practice.
to E2 in each case, are given in the column Ea. Addition of Triatomic Halogen to Double Bond.3"—The sugges-
tion has been made that the photobromination of cinnamic acid
in carbon tetrachloride solution takes place in the following
F _
manner: the primary photochemical step
Reaction I E1, kcal. E2, kcal. Ea, kcal. Br2 + hv —~> 2B1‘

CgH4T + I2 = C2H4Iz + I is followed by the thermal reactions

C2H4Br + BT2 = C2H4BT2 + BI‘
Br + Br2 = B1‘:
CgH4Cl 1- C12 = C2H4CIg + OONP‘ ©0000
The approximate figure observed experimentally for the atom Br, + Ph-CH:CH-COOH = Ph-CHBr-CHBr-COOH + Br.
reaction involving iodine, given in parentheses, is seen to be in
Some indication of the activation energy of the last stage, which
good agreement with the calculated value.
would presumably be rate-determining, can be obtained by
By examining the results in Tables XIX and XX, it is possible
considering the general scheme of the addition of the Br2 molecule
to foretell in any particular case whether the decomposition of
the ethylene halide will occur by the unimolecular mechanism, 3" Sherman and Sun, Ref. 35; cf., R. M. Purkayasta and J. C. Ghosh, J
i.e., the direct decomposition, for which the activation energy Ind. Chem. Soc. 2, 261 (1926); 4,, 409, 553 (1927); W- H- Ba-1161' and F-
Daniels, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 738 (1934).
to 3' ""C=C'* b°hd system. This may be treated as a five- second stage will be similar to the activation energy for the
electron problem, and the representation of the potentia]-
ehelrgy lshrface 13 Simplified hy Supposing that the linear Br2
mo ecu e. approaches the -—C=C—— system in one plane, as C2H4BP + Bfg =' C2H4BI2 + Bl‘,
depicted in Fig. 61. As in the case of the addition of the halogen
molecule (page 244), the carbon-carbon bond distance is assumed which is only 2.3 kcal. (see Table XX).
to have the constant value of 1.46 Reaction between Br Calculations similar to those described for Br2 have also
and the carbon-carbon system is accompanied by a deereaeg been made for the addition of C12 and I2 to a double bond; the
gglfibzhxfiglofiélz Zincreise of r1;tl1ence, the potential-energy surface results are given in Table XXI, although they are of no immedi-
e in erms 0 .ese two parameters. By making ate practical interest.
1.46 3. of the diatomic bonding energy REACTIONS
is coulombic in character, the Reaction E, kcal.
CZH4 '+' I3 = C-1H4I2 + I
activation energy of the process C2H4 + Br2 = C2H4Br2 + Br 35.6
under consideration is found CQH4 + C13 = C2H4CIg +
_-. . to be 35.6 kcal. The reaction
B1'mii—Br between Bra and ethylene will In no case, therefore, in the addition of a halogen to a double
IX "" “'72 "" -">I<' ---- -—r2 ----- -->| bond, is the reaction involving the triatomic molecule likely to
FIG. _ 61.—Approach of triatomic thus presumably require an take preference over that with the diatomic molecule.
bromine molecule to a double bond. activation energy of about 35
Addition of Halogens to Conjugate Double Bonds.38——It is well
_ . kcal., which is appreciably
greater than that given in Table XIX for the addition of Br2 to known that the reaction of a diatomic molecule with a con-
ethylene; it is improbable, therefore, that Bra, molecules will play jugated double-boiid system frequently ‘results in 1-4 addition,
an important part in the bromination of ethylene. Although it is rather than addition in the 1-2 or 3-4 positions. Thus,
unlikely that the results obtained here for the activation energies of CH2—"CH CH—CH2 + X2 = CH2X—CH=CH——CH2X.
the 9»dditi011 Of Bra and BP2 to a double bond will hold exactly for 1 2 3 4
the bromination of cinnamic acid in solution, it is not improbable
that the difference in the two activation energies will be of the Various explanations of the phenomenon have been proposed by
same order. ‘It appears, therefore, that the mechanism given organic chemists,” but there seemed to be a possibility that
above, involving reaction between cinnamic acid and Br2, is the calculation of the activation energies required for 1-4 and
incorrect. A more probable mechanism is the foll ' 1-2 addition, respectively, might throw some light on the subject.
bromine atoms are formed in the primary photochemicalosvtargi: The valence angle between a single and a double bond of a
and these react thus: ’ carbon atom is 125°16’; but since there is the possibility of free
rotation about the single bond joining the 2- and 3-carbon atoms,
the exact configuration of a conjugated system of double bonds
Br + Ph-CH:CH-COOH = Ph~CHBr-CH-COOH, is not known. For the purpose of the present calculations, it
followed by will be supposed that the chain of carbon atoms is in the most

Ph'CHBr-(IJH-COOH + Br. = Ph-CHBr-CHBr-COOH + Br. 38 H. Eyring, A. Sherman and G. E. Kimball, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 586
(1933); see also L. S. Kassel, ibid., 1, 749 (1933).
The activation energy of the first stage will undoubtedly be small 3° See, for example, J. Thiele, Ann., 306, 87 (1899); E. Erlenmeyer, ibid.,
for it is of the nature of an association reaction, and that of the 316, 43 (1901); A. Lapworth, J. Chem. Soc., 121, 416 (1922); W. O. Kermack
and R. Robinson, ibid., 121, 427 (1922).
favorable state for the attachment of two atoms, e.g., of bromine,
in the 1- and 4-positions. The four carbon atoms will then be in shown in Fig. 64; the reaction path is indicated by the arrows,
one plane, and the 1- and 4-atoms will lie on the same side of and the activation energy is seen to be about 31 kcal. If the
the line joining the 2- and 3-atoms, as indicated in Fig. 62. molecule of bromine does not approach in the same plane as the
By assuming that the C——C distances have the fixed value of four carbon atoms, as postulated above, the activation energy
would be higher; for example, if the direction of approach is
1.46 .31., the valence angle still being
125 deg., and that the bromine mole- perpendicular to this plane, the activation energy is calculated
/ cule approaches the conjugate double- to be 65 kcal., whereas if the line of approach made an angle
1 \4 bond system in the symmetrical of 109 deg. with it the energy of activation would be 40 kcal.
O manner depicted, the configuration
The activated complex in which all six atoms are in one plane
can, as in the previous cases, be com- 2.1 - I I /4
pletely specified by two coordinates /
rl and r2. Initially, r1 is large and 1-2 /
is the normal interatomic distance in A2.s- ,4
HI <------->|
,_.~: --Br molecular bromine, taken as 2.28 A.; _. 31 30 /
FIGI“ég';;\§d'i;;;I;': bro in the course of the reaction, 1'1 de- I
mine 'mOk;cu1e to L4 Garbo; creases while 1'2 mcreases until the ,4) l T

atoms. C—Br distance is that correspond- 35 /

ing to a single bond (1.91 231.). If, 31 ,4
as in other instances, the influence of the potential energy of !°UQ! ._
N // '

the system of all electrons except those immediately concerned so / h

in the reaction is ignored, the problem reduces to one of the ,4 3o,,I31 as 40
rearrangement of six electrons, as in Fig. 63. The carbon atom betDiscentwtaeenncersofgravi2.9
ty — /
pairs 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 are joined by additional pairs of electrons 4
in each case; these are not shown, for their positions are pre- ‘ I I I
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 .3.
0 C czc Distance between bromine atoms (r2)
0‘ 0. L). FIG. 64.—Potential-energy surface for addition of bromine molecule to 1-4 carbon
atoms. (Eyring, Sherman and Kimball.)
I / C C C C

Br Br
thus has the minimum potential energy, and this may be regarded
as giving the path by which the majority of bromine, or other
Br I Br
Fro. 63.——Addition of bromine molecule to 1-4 carbon atoms as a six-electron diatomic molecules, will react with a conjugated system. of double
problem. bonds.
The 1-4 addition of hydrogen has been treated in the same
sumably unchanged by the reaction. If the directional effect
manner, and the energy of activation has been calculated to be
of the p-electrons is neglected, it is possible to calculate the
64 kcal.
potential energy of the system by an extension of the method
The activation energy for 1-2 addition has been derived by
already described for four electrons in Chap. II. The potential-
a similar procedure, on the assumption that the adding molecule
energy surface for the reaction involving 1-4 addition of bromine
approaches in the plane of the four carbon atoms in the manner
to a conjugated double-bond system, obtained in this manner,
shown in Fig. 65. The potential energy is again reduced to a
on the basis of 14 per cent of additive energy of binding, is
function of two parameters only, and the activation energy for
the addition of bromine is found to be 42 kcal. and for hydrogen
such an angle with the plane of the ring as corresponds to that
about 82 kcal. In this case, also, if the molecule being added
made by the new C———H bonds in the product, 1:2-dihydro-
approached in any other direction, the potential energy of the
benzene. The carbon-carbon distances are supposed to remain
activated state would be greater.
constant throughout the reaction, in which r1 decreases as r2
. Comparing the calculated activation energies for 1-4 and increases. The various integrals required for the solution of
1-2 addition, it is evident that the former reaction would be
the problem are evaluated from the Morse potential-energy
expected to occur more readily than the latter. It should be
equations, the assumption being made that the value of these
noted, however, that the energies of activation for the addition
integrals is a function only of the distance between the two atoms
of bromine are of the order of 30 to 40 kcal., so that the homo-
concerned. On the basis of 14 per cent of additive energy, the
geneous reaction would take place very slowly at ordinary tem-
potential-energy surface indicates an activation energy of about
peratures. Actually the addition 95 kcal. It is improbable, however, that this result is correct,
\é 1s relatively rapid, so that the for the calculations suggest that the final state, i.e., 1:2-dihy-
process must lnvolve a catalytic drobenzene, is 85 kcal. less stable than benzene., i.e., AH for
II I I ,_:| | I I
mechanism; this is in agreement C6H6 + H2 is +85 kcal., whereas the thermochemical data
l<- --->|
with experiment, for it has been indicate that the dihydro-compound is slightly more stable.

E’ found that the reaction between Satisfactory resonance energies, which are believed to repre-
F1‘;o1§fl;;‘:;1‘ii';°c‘;rbgil alzxgine gaseous bromine and butadiene sent the difference between the observed heats of formation and
takes place largely on the surface those calculated from bond strengths, may be obtained by
of the reaction vessel.“ A detailed consideration of the potential
assuming that the exchange integrals between all pairs of elec-
energies for possible surface reactions is too complicated to be
trons other than those on neighboring atoms are zero; it seems
carried out at present, and unfortunately the approximate
possible, therefore, that similar r 4
treatments that have hitherto been attempted do not lead to
agreement might be obtained C
conclusive results.
by employing the same approx- H \°
Addition to Benzene.“-——In the reaction between hydrogen and
imation in the case under ex- , e
benzene, m'z.,
amination. If the exchange C2Y _.__r1 1Z—t

CeHc "I" H2 = CaHa,

integrals between electrons on Ha I I
nonbonded pairs of atoms are I 6
it is necessary to consider eight electrons, one on each atom of neglected, i.e., if the exchange
the hydrogen molecule and six, which do not form unique bonds, integrals (lb, b6, Cd, d6, 6f, fa, eg,fh FIG. 66.—Addition of a hydrogen
on the carbon atoms of the benzene ring. The secular equation and gh (Fig. 66) are the only ones m°I°°“l° t° b°"‘_“e“°'
for the eight-electron problem is of the fourteenth order, but included, AH is calculated to be 26 kcal., which is much closer
1n the present instance this can be simplified, as a result of to the experimental value. By increasmg the C——H bond energy
symmetry, to the product of fourth- and tenth-degree equations; to a small extent, the agreement can be improved still further.
the latter only has to be solved in order to give the potential Although the approximation that interactions between neigh-
energy of the activated state. The molecule of hydrogen is boring atoms only need be considered for initial and final states
assumed to approach the benzene molecule in a direction making gives a reasonably satisfactory result for AH, it cannot be
applicable to the whole potential-energy surface, for it would
‘° G. B. IIeisig, .Am. Chem. Soc., 55, 1297 (1933); see also A. Sherman lead to an activation energy of 36 kcal. This value is clearly
and H. Eyring, ibid., 54, 2661 (1932).
" A Sherman, C. E. Sun and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 49 (1935).
too low, for it is less than is required for the hydrogenation of
ethylene, i.e., 43 kcal., and the latter process is known to take
. - _-__


place more rapidly than that between hydrogen and benzene. ' h
value for a C—H bond; at the completion sf the pI'0$BSE(,) thg
Further, an activation energy of 36 kcal. would mean an appreci-
positions are reversed, for T2 1S HOW large all T1 13 39118 a three-
able homogeneous reaction rate at temperatures below 500°K.,
normal C-—H distance. The system may be regal‘ 8 8-
whereas, in actual fact, it is necessary to use a catalyst» to hydro-
electron problem one electron being on each of the two hydrogin
genate benzene in the temperature range of 500 to 550°K.42 . . ’ -
atoms immediately concerned in the exchange and one on 3
Another possibility, which seems very reasonable, is to set
carbon atom. The potential-energy surface has been calculate
the exchange integrals for all nonadjacent atoms,“ except eh
as a function of T1, T2 and 9, it being H
_ vi-:
and fg, equal to zero; this gives an activation energy of about assumed that 10 per cent of the energy of \
80 kcal. with a relatively small value for AH. It might be
the H—H bond is additive but that the ,1 ,-2
imagined that equally good agreement could be obtained by - c AH'3
‘"1-—-.'—*-- ‘__
neglecting the electrons a, b, c and d altogether, so that the
system was reduced to one of four electrons; the reaction would
now be essentially the same as that between ethylene and
exchange energy (if the C'_H . bond vanes H“
with the angle 6; the values, iirthe 18-W61‘
case, are obtained with the aid of the
/ ,6I‘


integrals proposed by J. H. Van Vleck.“ F1G_ 67___Exch,,,,ge
hydrogen, but as already noted, the latter process is more rapid For any. given angle, however, the coulombic gerzgégn beggiregn a
than the hydrogenation of benzene and involves a different energy 1S assumed to vary with the C——H methang
AH value. It seems, therefore, that results in best agreement distance in the same way as does the total _
with experiment are obtained by taking into account only the binding energy, given by the Morse curve, for this bond. The
exchange integrals eh and fg, which it is evident cannot be activation energy for the reaction is found to be 37 kcal., and
neglected, in addition to those for electrons on neighboring the activated state has a symmetrical configuration, as may be
atoms. expected, with .
Hydrogen Exchange Reaction.'“——The exchange type of and 9 = 90 deg. It appears, therefore, that as the hydrogen
reaction, atom H approaches the methane molecule, the distant atom
H+CH4=CH4+H, H5 is repelled while at the same time the other three hydrogen
atoms are forced into a plane, as indicated i_n.Fig. 68. The
in which the approaching hydrogen atom becomes attached to the activated state occurs when Ha and H6 are eqllldlstant from the
carbon and in doing so drives ofi one of the hydrogen atoms of carbon atom and the three other hydrogen atoms are in the Same
the original methane molecule, is one which may be represented plane as the carbon. _ _
diagrammatically by Fig. 67, where r1 is the distance from the Inversion Reactions.4°——The calculation made in connection
approaching hydrogen to the carbon atom and r2 is that between with the inversion of methane may be applied to the I‘&06II1iZ8»I»i0Il
the carbon and the hydrogen atom which is eventually expelled. of optically active alkyl i0did9S, 6-9-= RRIRHCL by means of
The valence angle between the C—-H bond that is broken and iodine atoms in the gas phase. The mechanism of the process
any of the other C——H bonds is 0; symmetry considerations is that the iodine atom approaches the alkyl iodide just as the
show that this must be the same for all three possible cases. hydrogen atom does in the methane molecule in Fig. 68, and a
At the beginning of the reaction, r1 is large and r2 has the normal
45 _]_ H_ Van Vleck, ibid., 1, 183 (1933); see also H. H. Voge, ibid., 4, 581
4’ See, for example, G. Dougherty and H. S. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem., 27,
(1936). _ .
533 (1923); P. Sabatier, Ind. Eng. Chem., 18, 1006 (1926). 4° Gorin et al., Ref. 44; E. Bergmann, M. Polanyi and A. Szabo, Z. physik.
4* Cf. L. Pauling, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 362, 606 (1933). Chem B 20 161 (1933); R. A. Ogg and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday Soc.,
“ E. Gorin, W. Kauzmann. J . Walter and H. Eyring, ibid., 7, 633 (1939).
31 , (1935); cf . F . O . Rice and E. Teller, J. Chem. Pkg/s.. 6. 489 (1938).
symmetrical activated complex is formed with the R, R’ and R’'
tion of a free radical, thus,
radicals in a plane passing through the central carbon atom and
an iodine atom symmetrically disposed on each side. There is d-RR'R"CI + I = RR'R"C- + 12»
an equal probability that each of these two atoms will be expelled followed by
from the complex; half the activated complexes will thus revert
RR'-R”C- + I2 = l-RR'R"C1 + 1»
to the original state, and the other half will have an inverted
configuration. If the initial molecule RR'R”CI was optically is POssible. The first stage is probably_rat<>-d@;@H“iI}ing> fining”
active, the product will thus be racemic, for the inversion reaction activation energy may be estimated in the o owing ma _ . .
can take place equally with either d- or l-forms. The energy Since the reaction involves the breaking of a C—I bond, Tequlrlng
of activation of the inversion process will depend on the strength 40 kcal., and the making of an I-—I bond, giving up 34 kcal-> the
of the bond formed between the approaching iodine atom and process is endothermic to the extent
the central carbon atom, as may be seen from the following of 6 kcal. Apart from this, the
considerations. The activated state may be regarded as a normal activation energy for a reac- '2
planar CR3 or CH3 radical with an iodine atom, or other atom, tion between a molecule and an Ha. I I H13}:,6 C/H
atom, e.g., H2 -I" H 01‘ H2 ‘I’ Cl’ is
Ha + H—\c—i~i,, -—> ii,---@' --— Hp —> /
H,,,—C —H + ii, about 8 kcal.; and so tile energy of
activation of the? réactlon between
F 69 —-Model for reac-
tionmbetween atomic hydrogen
/ | \ d-RR'R”CI and iodine atoms should and methane,
b b t 14 kcal. The free radical
Initial state Activated state Final state
FIG. 68.—Mechanism of inversion type of exchange reaction between a hydrogen nfeghaiilism is thus a possibility in this particular instance.
atom and methane. Hydmgarbgn-Hydrogen Reactions.4"—-The potential-energy
surface for the reaction
on each side; since the planar configuration is the stable one
for the free radical, the potential energy will be mainly dependent
on the atoms concerned in the exchange. One of these has to be
has been considered (page 135) in connection wit}; the p()[,SSltl)}l(é
brought closer to the central carbon atom and the other pushed
existence of the stable complex CH5, and further TU eren°e_ 0 _
farther away, and the amount of energy required to accomplish
subject will be made below. In the meantime the activation
this process is clearly dependent on the strength of the C—I energy for the complex reaction will be COl'lS1CI6_I‘€d.. The con-
bond, or of the C———H bond in the ease of methane. It may be
figuration of the reactants is assumed to be as in Fig. 69, and
supposed, as a rough approximation, that the energy of activation
the problem may be treated as one of three electrons, one- electron
for the inversion reaction is directly proportional to this bond
being on the carbon atom and one on each of the two hydrogen
strength; since the energy required for the inversion of the
atoms, shown to the left of the carbon (Ha and Hal BY mlmmlz‘
methane is about 37 kcal., that for the optical inversionof the
ing the energy with respect to the valence angle 6 for eaclic valufi
compound RR’R”CI, brought about by iodine atoms, should be
of r1 and 1'2, it is possible to draw a potential-en_ei gy dSL1I aeelix
approximately 37 X -F394;, i.e., 15 kcal., the strength of the C—H
terms of these two coordinatps only. The activate comp @-
and C——I bonds being taken as 100 and 40 kcal., respectively.
has the dimensions ri = 1-40 A‘! T2 = 1-17 A and 0 = 105 deg"
The experimental values are of the order of 14 to 18 kcal., which
and the energy, on the basis of the same assumptions as on
are in good agreement with the calculated figure.
page 255 concerning the proportion of coulombic energy, is
It may be noted that in addition to the inversion mechanism
proposed above, an alternative one, involving the actual forma- 47 Gorin et al., Ref. 44-
— gs, 41% —d-— -fif-— --— 1-

. j _,
. ,.i
--. _:. _.:_-

1- :.-v:.~_

9.5 the
for kcal.reactiorer

great th an th e initial
' ' ' state. - -
The activation energy

as the first stage; this process is similar to

E .. H + CH3-H (i.e., CH4) = CH3- + Hr,
D"I'CH4=CHa-I-HI) for which the activation energy, as calculated above, is 95.
may b e expected to be about 1 kcal. greater because of the kcal. The subsequent stages, in which atoms and radicals are
difierence in the zero-point energies of C——D and C H bo d involved, probably require only small activation energies.
. . —— n s
'. -,-._'_—-.,_' ,._ _,
in the activated state. From the investigation of vario The suggested relative stability of the CH3—H—H complex

us (page 135) can be used to account for some interesting phenomena
I Pmcesses apparently involving the reaction under discussion as
the rate-determining stage, the activation energy is found to b observed in connection with the ortho-para hydrogen conversion I

II 13 + 2 kcal‘) Whlfih
Valge ' ' in
18 ' good agreement with - the calculated

The reverse of the reaction under consideration, i.e.,

e and the hydrogen-deuterium exchange reaction in the presence
of water vapor, ammonia or methane.“ Water or ammonia
causes little decrease in the rate of conversion of ortho- to para-
hydrogen induced by excited mercury atoms at ordinary tempera-
CH3 "I" H2 = CH4 —I- H, tures, but above 150°C. the rate is slowed down markedly by
has been studied by a number of workers and the energy of act' methane. This suggests that methane removes hydrogen atoms
. 3
vation found to be 11 + 2 kcal 48 This means that the heat f
1.. from the system to a very appreciable extent; thus, at 238°C. it
. - '
reac tion must be between zero and 6 kcal.; the theoretlcal
Value appears that methane reduces the concentration of hydrogen
\'_ atoms to one-eighth the value in the absence of the hydrocarbon.
I; estlmated from the Pffiential energy surface is 7.4 kcal. It is possible, therefore, that the methane acts as a catalyst for
I The reaction between deuterium atoms and ethane at ord'n
l a the recombination of hydrogen atoms by the reaction
t empera1; ures 1S
' accompanied- .
by the formation _"Y
of exterrsrve
amounts of deuteromethanes 4° and it h b

H + CH4 = CH3—H——H,


the initial Stage of the process, is as een suggested that

I -
followed by
CH;»,——H—H + H = CH4 + H2,
D + CH3-CH. = CH,,D + CH,’
b or by
h' h }SOI~“:1l::e;g1ous
Zbgge ' 1 ' -
to the inversion -
type of reaction .
consrdered 2CH3-—H——H = 2CH4 + H2.
e ane. In the present case the deuterium atom
approaches one methyl group of the ethane, and as a result eh Before the complex CH3-——H-—H can be formed, the system must
other is eventually expelled ' since the strength of the C C bo Z pass over an energy barrier of about 10 kcal. in height (see
is little less than that of C——H ' the activation energy— of th'
n Fig. 40, page 135), and this would account for the influence
. -
iéeac tion should
be at least 30 kcal. Theexperimental
value is of the methane becoming noticeable at 150°C. and increasing
be.2 S0:'518»h,t
k l. and) so it seems thoat an alternative mechanism should as the temperature is raised. At 280°C., however, the effect
g - 116 P0$$1II>111ty is based on the reaction reaches a maximum and decreases beyond this temperature.
Such a result is not unexpected since the bond between methane
D + CH3-CH3 = CH3-CH? + HI) and the hydrogen atom is relatively weak, and hence the equi-
“I H. von Hartel and M. Polanyi,- Z. physzk.
- Chem , B, 11, 97 (1930). H_ S_
librium will be in favor of the dissociated form at moderately
Taylor and C. Rosenblum, J. Chem. Phys., 6, 119 (1938). I high temperatures.
I. ‘° N. R. Trenner, K. Mo 'k d H - - It is of interest to mention that the low hydrogen-atom con-
E. soW, R. Steacier ibid. 1 6 9 381 ( lI;3a8).an I S. Taylor’ ‘bid.’ 5’ 203 (1937); centration in the photochemical decomposition of ammonia has
H- 3- Taylor, J. Phys. Chem., 42, 763 (1938). 51 A. Farkas and H. \V. Melville, Proc. Roy. Soc., 167, A, 625 (1936).


’ 1


been attributed to the formation of an NH4 radical." It is
where mi, mg and m; are the masses of A and B and of the acti-
established that if this is formed the four hydrogen atoms cannot
vated complex, respectively, and 0; is the symmetry number
be equivalent, since no exchange reaction occurs in the presence
of the latter. Upon replacing the summation in the square
of deuterium atoms.“ It appears possible, therefore, that a
brackets by integration, as on page 222, it is found that
complex NH2—H———H is formed, analogous to CH3—H——H. In
—*“_=-._.‘:-_. _ view of the similarity in strengths of the C—H and N——H bonds
and of the interatomic distances, it is possible that the calcula-
tion which led to the conclusion that CH3——H—H is stable would
1. =.2%3%P<.>1rfs,g12_[....(,j_A_;'3,)] (-'1%;;_, BflB) <35,
6 Vi 56 #

lead to an analogous conclusion concerning the NH2——H——H where 1‘(§) is the gamma function of %.
complex. For the combination of two methyl radicals to form ethane,
Combination of Free Radicals and the Dissociation of Ethane.“ <1; is 2, and the polarizability of the free methyl radical may be
The rate of combination of methyl radicals to form ethane can taken as 2.5 X 10-24 which is slightly greater than the value for
be calculated by means of the theory of absolute reaction rates the bound radical, i.e., 2.25 X 10"“ cc. The ionization potential
in a manner exactly analogous to that employed in connection of the radical has been calculated as 8.4 volts,-"5 and insertion of
with the reaction between a hydrogen molecule and molecule ion these data in the correct units in Eq. (35) gives for the specific
(page 220). As explained in Chap. III (page 131), the apparent rate of the combination of two methyl radicals at 873°K. a
activation energy Em. in the reaction between two free radicals value of about
arises because of the action of opposing rotational and polariza-
tion energies, and the result is k = 2 >< 10-11 cc. molecule“ sec.-1,

E... _ [JU + 1)h’l” + $.91“

72(,,2,.)a[a.aB(alsB/.q,. (33) on the assumption that the transmission coefficient is unity. It
should be pointed out that this figure is a maximum because it
has been assumed that the radicals rotate freely in the activated
where ax and (Z13 and 9x and as are the polarizabilities and

ionization potentials of the free radicals A and B, respectively, _u. state. If this rotation is restricted, so as to be of the nature
of a weak vibration, or a libration, the specific reaction rate
is the reduced mass of the activated complex and J is the rota-
would be lowered by a factor of 2 or 3. Further, at moderately
tional quantum number. For the reasons given previously
low pressures an appreciable proportion of the activated com-
(page 121), the rotational and vibrational partition functions
plexes may redissociate before they are stabilized by collisions
in the rate equation cancel, and hence
with another molecule; the transmission coefficient would thus
(21rm;k T) % be less than unity and so would serve to decrease the rate to some
iiH;a1.i,_ _
2 extent.
"’ " (2nrmxkT)% (21rmBkT)“ The result derived above may be utilized to calculate the
h“ ' ha rate of dissociation of ethane into two methyl radicals; for this
purpose, it is necessary to determine the equilibrium constant of
[1 + Z (2.1 + 1) e-E/W] the reaction K, for ls; = k;,K, where lo; is the specific rate of the
>< ’=‘ 0* A A-"hT, (34) forward reaction, i.e., dissociation of ethane, and kl, is that of
* The numerical factors in the equations given in references (44) and (54)
5” A. Farkas and P. Harteck, Z. physik. Chem., B, 25, 257 (1937). differ somewhat from those in Eq. (35); the discrepancy, however, is not
“ H. S. Taylor and J. C. Jungers, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 452 (1934).
*4 E. Gorin, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 9, 691 (1938); Gorin et al., Ref. 44.
5‘ R. S. Mulliken, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 492 (1933).

_i =i:_-. -—n—
the reverse reaction as determined above. It follows, therefore,
that tion as being equivalent to a harmonic oscillation (libration)
whose force constant is obtained from the potential function for
_ kf ._ F9382 -Am;/121' this barrier in the vicinity of the minimum. The function is of
K _ kl, " FT, “ ' (36) the form
where AEO is the heat of reaction, at constant volume, at the
absolute zero, and Fen. and Fem, are the partition functions for V = %V0(1 — cos 30) (40)
unit volume of methyl radicals and ethane, respectively. The where V is the potential energy corresponding to the angle of
term Fen. is defined by rotation 0; the maximum height of the barrier (V0) is 3,000 cal.
The lowest frequency is then found to be 306 cm."1, which is
I Fem = Ftr.Fvib.Fmt (37)
equivalent to 887 cal. per mole. The height of the barrier
in the usual manner; but in Fem, it is necessary to include the preventing rotation is about 2,560 cal. above the lowest level,
contribution of internal rotation, thus: allowing for zero-point energy, and so the contribution to
FC211; '= Ftr.Ffib.Fmt.Fint. rot. Fm. .-0.. of the levels below the top of the barrier preventing
rotation is given by
I The vibration frequencies of the methyl group were taken
from those in methyl iodide,“ mIz., 1,252, 2,860, 1,445 and 3,074 3(1 + e—hv/kT + e-2hv/kT + e—2,56o/RT)_ (41)
cmfl, the last two being doubly degenerate; and from these
Ffib. was calculated in the usual manner. The rotational par- It will be noted that the third term is not e-3""/"T, since the
tition function of the methyl group was obtained from the energy would be equivalent to 3 X 887, i.e., 2,661 cal. per mole,
equation which would bring the level above the top of the barrier. The
factor 3 in front of the expression arises because there are three
F... — 8" 2 (8jh,
.8312], 54
) , (39) equilibrium positions, resulting from rotation of one methyl
group with respect to the other, about which the restricted‘
the moments of inertia, assuming a planar configuration, vz'z., rotation can occur. To this quantity must be added the contri-
I, = £1, = 6.3 X 10"“ g. cm.2, being derived from the known bution for the internal rotational levels of energy exceeding
ngrmal C—H distance. The symmetry number a for the methyl 2,560 cal. per mole. If the partition function for a 0ne-dimen-
group is 6, since the molecule is flat, and the plane of the molecule sional rotator is used, this becomes
is a plane of symmetry. (81r3IkT)%
e—2,560/RT ,__T_,
Te evaluate Feb, for ethane, the frequencies“ employed were
993, 1,460, 2,927, 1,380, 2,960, cmfl, and the doubly degenerate
where I is equal to £13, i.e., 5.4 X 10“4° g. cm? -
frequencies 827, 1,480, 3,000, 1,005, 1,575 and 3,025 cm."‘.
Insertion of the partition functions derived in this 'n1anner
Equation (39) was used for the rotational partition function, the
into Eq. (36) gives, for the equilibrium constant between ethane
mements of inertia being Iz = 40.1 and I, = 10.8 X 10"“ g. cm.2;
and methyl radicals,
the Symmetry number for ethane is 18.58 The partition function
for internal rotation is computed by regarding energy levels of K = 2.5 X 1025 X e"‘*E°’RT,
height less than that of the energy barrier preventing free rota- with concentrations in molecules per cubic centimeter. If the
" H, Spener, “ Molekiilspektren,” Vol. I, p. 85, Verlag J. Springer, Berlin, value of lob for the combination of methyl radicals, given above,
I935. ' is used, it is seen that the specific rate constant la; for the dis-
5" J. B. Howard, J. Chem. Phys., 5, 442 (1937). sociation of ethane is
58 J. D. Kemp and K. S. Pitzer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 59, 276 (1937).
10,- = 5 X 10“ X e_A’-f°/"T sec."1
This value may be reduced by a factor of 2 or 3 by taking into
Morse curves for the difference between C—C and C=C bonds,
account the restriction of free rotation in the activated complex,
on the assumption of a definite proportion of coulombic energy,
as mentioned previously.
Diene-addition Reactions.59—-The simplest type of reaction, and the integrals ab and cd are obtained from the C-—C poten-
tial-energy curve. As a first approxi- a
for theoretical consideration, of the addition of an unsaturated
mation, it is assumed that the distances '5: ‘"\\'b
compound to a hydrocarbon with a pair of conjugate double
af, fe, ed and bc in the initial state are f \‘-._ b
bonds (Diels-Alder reaction) is the addition of ethylene to
l butadiene, thus: all equal to the normal distance be-
tween double-bonded carbon atoms, '5:
and a correction is then applied for
i on
/ CH2

the compression of the single bond fe ¢ ,// °
from its normal value in butadiene '5» ,/’7p
» I + '“’ 7

\ CH2 CH /CH2. viz., 1.41 A., to the double-bond 4 _
distance. FIG. 71.——Symmetrical ap-
proach of ethylene to buta-
CH2 If the coulombic energy is taken as diene; Ta is the I1<>Pma1d<>\1b1e-
10 per cent of the total binding bond distance‘
If the electronic structures of the reactants and resultants are
energy, the energy of activation of the reaction is found to be
considered, it is seen that the process involves the rearrangement
17 kcal., whereas for 15 per cent coulombic energy the result is 15
of six mobile electrons, and these only need to be considered in
kcal. These values are in good agreement with those obtained
order to evaluate the potential energy of the system. The
experimentally“ for a number of Diels-Alder reactions, as may be
Rumer set of five independent bond eigenfunctions (cf. page 60),
seen from the data in Table XXII. "
5!/1, II/2, Illa, ll/4 and fl/5, can then be represented as in Fig. 70. The

’/1" '10!" '1 K"

e\ c e c e /c

+ isoprene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Energy, kcal.
d d d Acrolein -|- butadiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.7
V1 392 'Pa ‘P4 ‘P5 Acrolein + cyclopentadicne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2
FIG. 70.—Representation of five independent bond eigenfunctions for addition of Crotonic aldehyde + butadiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.0
ethylene to butadiene.
The calculated activation energy does not take into account
initial state can be defined in terms of ih and 1!/2, and the final the influence of the group, e.g., —CHO, substituted in the
state is given by (03; all five representations are required to define ethylene molecule; this would, of course, have some influence
the activated state. If the ethylene molecule is supposed to on the results, but the effect is evidently small.
approach the butadiene molecule in a symmetrical manner as The possibility has been examined“ of calculating the activa-
depicted in Fig. 71, the fifth-order secular equation reduces to tion energy for diene-addition reactions by determining the
-—-r nu-| q-.-@- one of the fourth order; further simplification can be made by lowest point at which the surface, for the variation of the poten-
neglecting exchange integrals between nonadjacent carbon atoms. tial energy E2 of the final state with the distances of the bonds
The exchange integrals af, fe, ed and bc are derived from the ab and cd, cuts the repulsion-energy E1 surface, for the symmetri-
'*° M. G. Evans and E. Warhurst, Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 614 (1938);
M. G. Evans, ibid., 35, 824 ( 1939). °° G. B. Kistiakowsky and J. R. Lacher, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 58, 123 (1936).
'1 Evans, Ref. 59.
74 —7-' f’ _"_


cal approach of bc to afed (cf. page 142). This would give energy in the activated state; this is not unexpected since two
the correct activation energy if the resonance energy in the bond eigenfunctions only, represented by
activated state were negligibly small. The E2 curve is deter-
mined from the potential energy required to extend the two a c a—c
C-——C bonds ab and cd; the other distances may be regarded as
merely changing the zero to which the potential energy is
1'. l and
referred. The necessary zero correction can be estimated from are sufficient to describe fully the initial, final and activated
the Morse equations for C——C and C=C by considering the states. When the olefin molecules concerned in the reaction
changes in length of the bonds de, ef, af and bc from final to possess a pair of conjugated double bonds, however, there is
initial states. The repulsion curve E1 may be calculated by the resonance among several structures in the activated state.
approximate relationship (cf. page 144) According to quantum-mechanical calculations the resonance
energy in a radical of the type that might well represent the
E1 = Qab + Qcd — %'(aab + and); activated complex is about 15 kcal. An activation energy of
38 — 15, i.e., 23 kcal., would thus appear to be reasonable. The
where the Q terms refer to the coulombic energies and the a’s to experimental values for the dimerization of butadiene, methyl
the exchange contributions; in this expression the interactions butadiene and pentadiene are all of the order of 25 kcal.
between all nonadjacent carbon centers have been neglected. Dimerization of Ethy1ene.—It was shown on page 195 that the
Since Q + a represents the C-—C bond energy, it is possible, if question of the frequency factor could be approached from the
the usual assumption concerning the relative amounts of the two standpoint of entropy, and this aspect of the subject is well
forms of binding energy is made, to derive Q and a separately, for illustrated by the dimerization of ethylene.“ It has been known
various distances of separation, by means of the Morse equation. for some time that the observed rate of polymerization of ethylene
Working in this manner the lowest crossing point of the E1 and to butylene is about 2,000 times slower than the value calculated
E2 curves is found to correspond to an activation energy of from the simple collision theory, using the experimental activation
-1=,-=' 12,._;-‘12._:,-_-,
37 kcal. for 15 per cent coulombic energy and 32 kcal. for 10 per energy of 35.0 kcal. This discrepancy is immediately removed
cent of this form of binding energy. These values are much by the application of the absolute reaction rate theory, in the
higher than those recorded in Table XXII, and so it is evident form of Eq. (158), Chap. IV; thus,
that in reactions of the type under consideration it is not per-
missible to neglect the resonance energy in the activated state. kp = E’??? e—AHI/RT eAS,,I/R’ (44)
Such a conclusion is not surprising when it is realized that the
complete description of this state requires resonance between the transmission coefficient being assumed to be unity. The

five canonical structures, as shown above. primary product of the bimolecular association of ethylene is
It is of interest to mention that the dimerization reactions undoubtedly a butylene, and it is probable that its structure is
of ethylene, propylene, butylene and amylene all require activa- similar to that of butene-1; the reasonable assumption may
tion energies of about 38 kcal ;°2 this is very close to the calculated
therefore be made that if the activated complex is linear it will
value recorded above for the addition of ethylene to butadiene,
have the same entropy as this particular butylene. The differ-
resonance energy being neglected. It appears probable, there-
ence of entropy between a mole of butene-1 and two moles of
fore, that in these dimerization processes there is little resonance
ethylene is -30.1 cal./deg. (see Table II, page 23), the standard
*2 H. M. Stanley, J. E. Youell and J. B. Dymock, J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 53, states being the ideal gases at 1 atm. pressure and 25°C. in each
206 (1934); M. V. Krauze, M. S. Nemtzov and E. A. Soskina, Compt. rend. case. This gives ASPI under these conditions; but to evaluate
U.R.S.S., 3, 262, 301 (1934); J. Gen. Chem. U.S.S.R., 5. 343, 382 (1935).
*3 F. P. Jahn, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 798 (1939).


the entropy change at other temperatures it is necessary to the specific reaction rates at various temperatures; the results
know the change in heat capacity accompanying the formation obtained are recorded in Table XXIII.
of the activated complex. The value required is the difference Since the standard state for entropy has been taken as 1 atm.
in heat capacity between one mole of activated complex and pressure, the rate constants given by Eq. (44) are in terms of
two moles of ethylene, and this can be estimated very approxi- atm.“ sec."1 units; for the purpose of comparison with the
mately ; as Will be seen shortly, any error introduced in this experimental data,“ which are quoted in the last column in atm.-1
manner cannot ‘be serious. Although the activated complex hr?‘ units, it is necessary to multiply by 3,600. Further, since
more vibrational modes than the two ethylene molecules, Eq. (44) gives the rate of formation of butylene, it is necessary
it is probable that the frequencies are small, so that the vibra- to introduce a factor 2, for the rate is required in terms of the
tional contributions to the heat capacities are much the same disappearance of ethylene.
in initial and activated states. The difierence in the heat
capacities lies, therefore, primarily in the three translational

and three rotational degrees of freedom which disappear when 1 la, atm.'1 hr.'1
two molecules of ethylene are converted into the activated com- T, °K. Q -AS}, E.U. AH1, kcal. e e
plex. Taking the contribution of each degree of freedom as Cale. Obs.
_t_._ ___, equal to the classical value of 111R, it follows that AC,,1 is about
—3R cal. The entropy of activation, at constant volume, at 623 34 . 50 33 .03 0.0070 0.0056
any temperature T may then be evaluated from the expression 673 35 .00 32. 73 0.0545 0.0374
723 35.38 32.43 0.316 0.243
773 35.78 32.13 1.45 1.3
AS,,1 = -30.1 - 3R ln 5%, (45)
The agreement between calculated and observed velocity
the result obtained above being utilized so that AS} is -30.1 at constants is very striking. It may be mentioned that if the
298°K. values of ASPI and AH1 that hold at 723°K., viz., 35.38 E.U.
The variation of the heat of activation AH1 with temperature, (calories per degree) and 32.43 kcal., respectively, are assumed to
on the assumption that AC} remains constant at —3R, is apply over the whole range of temperatures, the general agree-
expressed by the Kirchhoff equation, thus: ment between experimental and calculated specific reaction
rates is still good.*
AH‘ = AHJ + TAC,,1 (45)
= AHQI — 3RT. (462) Polymerization of Butadiene.°5—The experimental rate con-
stant for the dimerization of butadiene over the range of temper-
Inserting Eqs. (45) and (46a) in (44), taking logarithms and ature from 440 to 660°K. may be expressed by the equation
differentiating produce
k = 9.2 >< 109 >< 6-23-69°-'RT cc.mole*1 sec.'1 5
d In Ic —2RT + AH 1 ‘*4 R. N. Pease, ibid., 53, 613 (1931).
ldT RT2 0 ' (47) * According to Burnham and Pease (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 453, 1940)
_ d ln (rm) AH 1 the polymerization of ethylene is inhibited by nitric oxide, and the process
-- MT/rr = - -7%’ <48) consequently involves achain mechanism; the observed reaction rate may
thus be two or three times too high, and the agreement with the calculated
so that AHof can be obtained by plotting the experimental values rates may not be so good as appears from Table XXIII. It is nevertheless
of ln kT2 against 1/T; in this way AH11* is found to be 36.74 kcal., much better than is obtained from the simple collision theory.
and so 1 at any temperature may be calculated from Eq. (46), "5 W. E. Vaughan, ibid., 56, 3863 (1932); Kistiakowsky and Lacher, Ref.
60; J. B. Harkness, G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. H. Mears, J. Chem. Phys.,
All the information is now available to permit the calculation of 5, 682 (1937).
The frequency factor is thus 9.2 X 10° compared with a value of butadiene is thus 2B - A + 2R1», — RD, and this must not
about 1014 derived from the simple collision hypothesis 11;. was be greater than the energy of activation of the reaction, i.e.,
stated briefly. in Chap. I that the discrepancy does not arise in 23.7 kcal. The value of B — A has been estimated from
connection with the theory of absolute reaction rates and this thermochemical data to be --24.5 kcal., and Rn and RD have
subject will now be treated in some detail. The assobiation of been calculated by the method of molecular orbitals to be 5
two molecules of butadiene results in the formation of a ring and 30 kcal., respectively; thus, A must be less than 93 kcal.
compound, 3-vinyl cyclohexene, thus, Although there is some doubt as to the exact strength of a C-—C
bond in the middle of a hydrocarbon chain, it is definitely less
CH2 on, than this figure, and so the formation of the di-radical appears
/ possible.
—._- __.- CH2

l —~> on
_i._ ,. _

+ On account of resonance in the di-radical the structure may be

CH—CH=CH2 on-oH=CH2
/§_§\ represented by the symmetrical configuration
CH2 \CH2/
I 0 \

and the question arises as to whether the activated complex has a 11.¢.4<>H4<5H_@H._¢H.__€>H;.¢H4£>H..
structure which is similar to that of the product 2' e in the form
1 2 3 4 5 e 7 s
of a closed ring, or whether it is a free di-radical vi; In addition to the four degrees of translational freedom of the
7 '1
activated complex, there are three degrees of_ rotation and three
I of internal rotation about the 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 bonds, respectively,
on2—cH=cH-on.-on,-oH_oH=CH2, leaving 50 degrees of vibrational freedom. The appropriate
ring closure taking place subsequently by the union of the two frequencies, which have been assessed by comparison with
free valences. Preliminary calculations indicated that in order known frequencies of similar bonds in other molecules, together
to account for the experimental results by the theory of absolute with the entropy contributions derived from the corresponding
reaction rates, on the assumption that the activated complex has partition functions, are recorded in Table XXIV.
a ring structure, vibration frequencies must be postulated which
Eire too low for a molecule of this type. It is necessary, there-
_°1‘_e, '90 00_ns1der the activated complex as a di-radical; and thus Type of vibration Number Frequejllcy’ Entropy’
it is required, in the first place, to see if such a structure is cm. E.U.
_ __ E_ _

possibleenergetically. It can be readily seen that the formation

of the di-radical depicted above from two molecules of butadiene H——-C stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3,000 0.12
H—-C-—H bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 ,440 1.16
lgvoilves the opening of two double bonds into single ones and H—C———C bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 950 13.27
t e. ormation of a single bond in the middle of a hydrocarbon ——C stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1,000 ‘ -1.34
chain. If B is required to convert a double into a =C stretching . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,335 1.45
C—- ——C bending. . . . . 320 \ 5.14
zlgglf Blond 3.t11(lI) A 1S the energy of the single bond, an amount
C—— OOOO bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 . 5.14
the bondslnusrh e suppllied to perform the necessary changes in C===-C‘--==C bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 4.95
f th . ese are, owever, not the only energies concerned, torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 7.20
01‘ 6 resonance energy 2R1». of two butadiene molecules must Cr-'-C torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w w wie 407 4.24
be supplied while at the same time the resonance energy RD n

of the di-radical will become available. The energy of formation The total vibrational entropy is thus 44.0 E.U. per mole. The
of the di-radical activated complex from two molecules of translational entropy is 43.7 E.U , and that due to internal
and external rotations, on the assumption of 1.40 A. for the
C";C bond distance and 1.53 for the normal single-bond however, gives a satisfactoryexplanation of thg l‘iSLl1{ltS 1I:.nSt0::1e
distance, is 51.4 E.U.; the latter value includes the contribution of the termolecular reactions in which nitric oxi e a es p -
of the symmetry factor, i.e., 2, and the estimated electron multi- Reactions Involving Nitric Oxide.—For a reaction of the type
plicity, z'.e., 4, of the activated complex. The total entropy
of the activated complex is thus 139.1 E.U. per mole at 1 atm.
pressure. The entropy of two moles of butadiene is 177.6 E.U. where X is hydrogen, deuterium, oxygen, chlorine or bromine,
. - - 1 t
under the same conditions, and so AS,,1 is -38.5, as recorded in the specific reaction rate according to the theory of abso 11 B
Table II, page 23. By utilizing Eq. (176), page 199, it reaction rates is given by
follows that for the bimolecular reaction, involving two mole-
A (21rm’1zfT)% 81r2(81r‘°’A,€fI)%(kT)% ii (1 _ 64121/kT)—1
cules of butadiene to form a di-radical activated complex, the
frequency factor A in the equation is = A e"“’***P~””' is given by .
k ___ K
91' H (2,m2€T)%
3 I . _
(811-jag.-kT) I '
(1 _ e—hvi/kT)——1

A E 2e” all e“PI/"RT = 2.8 X 101° cc. mole"1 sec?‘ ow

, $ e—Eo/RT, (49)
at 600°K.; the factor 2 is introduced because the specific rate is
given in terms of moles of butadiene and two molecules are con- where x is the transmission coefficient; g1 and g,- are theteleftrtgjlls
cerned in the formation of the activated complex. This result multiplicities of the activated and initial states, respec ive ibu_
is very close to that obtained experimentally and recorded at the a1 and ox are the symmetry factors. The nuclear spin con
beginning of this section. It may be mentioned that analogous tions are omitted since the reactions are not accompanied by 911;-IY
calculations have been made for an assumed cyclic activated change in ortho-para ratio. ‘In general thesulflfix 11; refers :1);t:
complex, but the frequency factor obtained in this manner is too initial state and I to the activated complex, t edt gee $1: acti_
low by a factor of about 10“. of inertia of the latter are indicated by A, an . e _
vated complex contains six atoms; and since there are three
.ordinary degrees of translational. freedom ‘and one degree of
Introduction.—Apart from the three-body collisions in which translation along the decomposition coordinate, the partltloll
one atom or molecule carries off a large proportion of the energy function will contain 11 vibrational terms; these are included
liberated in the reaction between two other bodies, generally in the numerator of the rate equation. The denomlnfl-1301‘ IS
at-oms or radicals, all the known gaseous reactions of the third made up of the products of the partition functions for three
order involve two molecules of nitric oxide. The interpretation diatomic molecules, and since these all have the same form the
of these reactions by means of the collision theory has been
abbreviated method of formulation has been employed 111
attempted,“ but with little success; in the first place, the tem- Eq. (49). If those quantities which are functions of temperature
perature coefiicient of the reaction rate is negative in at least one
are separated from the others, the latter being represented by
case, vz'z., the nitric oxide-oxygen reaction, and in the second G, Eq. (49) reduces to
place, the observed rates are considerably below the calculated
values. The application of the theory of absolute reaction rates, 11
(1 __ e—hvt/kT)—1 e—E'o/RT
3‘ L. S. Kassel, J. Phys. Chem., 34, 1777 (1930); Kinetics of Homogeneous k 1: ]13 -J" *1
Gas Reactions," Chemical Catalog Co., Inc., Chaps. IV and IX 1932'
o. N. Hinshelwood, “Kinetics of Chemical Change,” Oxford UI1l,Ve1'Sil;}: H (1 _ e—hvi/kT)—1T%
Press, 4th ed., Chap. VI, 1940.
‘T H. Gershinowitz and H Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 985 (1935)-

a --—-—-—- —-
H (1 _ e-Ii».-/hr)-1 partition function contribution then increases appreciably as the
temperature is raised.
!“ ‘I1 T” = G @‘”"”"', (51) The Nitric Oxide-Oxygen Reaction.—In order to proceed with
H (1 _ 6-hp;/hr)-1
the calculation of the rate constant, it is necessary to know some-
thing of the configuration and vibration frequencies of the
the transmission coefficient K bein '
_ 8 léaken as unity. U 1; k’ activated complex. The problem is too complicated to be dealt
logarithms and differentiating with respect to 1 / T it isli)2:61?that?
with by the methods of Chap. III, and so a reason-
|II l
3 able structure must be postulated; for the reaction
d H (1 _ 6-1:»;/kT)-1 between two molecules of nitric oxide and one of
d(1/T) 1“ '“‘11 i T" = — %’; (52) oxygen the one depicted in Fig. 72 may be assumed
H (1 _ e—hvI/kT)- 1 as the basis of subsequent treatment. Since the
oxygen atoms are held together by a single bond,
and so if the quantity free rotation about this bond will be possible,* so 012----? Q
2-—:2- O
that the 11 vibrational modes of the activated state Fro. 72.—
Assumed ac-
3 11 become 10 vibrations and 1 internal rotation, the tivated com-
In '° +1“ H (1 - @"'"""")** + % ln T - lnH (1 - 6-,“;/kT)—1 partition function for the latter being (cf. page 263) plex for the
reaction be-
tween nitric
(53) (8-ir3IDkT)% oxide and oxy-
ii Plfgted against 1/T, the slope of the resulting straight line h gen.

:I1£fi)3L.lSl I'(E)If16;l€0({iRl£.3allhd.E2Il?8;n(?fnl1(3eIl p€'I?3,l)IE1?ZSbe evaluated “'°’“ where In is the moment of inertia of rotation about the O—O
bond. The rate of reaction is given by anlequation similar to
of Iglioggugggfssiiggvgg acl<))(n‘sied(-iii; ithef ti11i&Iltll3atlV6 application (49), except that the partition function for one of the vibrational
qualitative implications. If th,e vilir:.tibnn:r::<: all Golfafziliilsr modes in the numerator is replaced by the contribution for
internal rotation. It will be seen that the factor which is
f1‘@qu011f‘y, the partition function (1 — 9-'1"/kT)—1iS almost unit
£0 ll -"i t’ 1 . . Eq. (50)Y temperature-dependent in the new rate equation now contains
re(1;:ceS\t1O>Pt%;1é0fn)a‘mmodes, and under these conditions
T3, instead of T”, so that the plot of the quantity
3 10
lg = TC; e—Eo/RT_ (54) ln k + ln H (1 -— e"'“"/"T)“ + 3 ln T —— ln H (1 — e"‘”I/W)“
. (55)
It 1S evident that. if ‘E0 is small or zero, the specifig reaction
rate will decrease with increasing temperature, as is actually found against 1/ T gives -E0/R. Upon substituting the numerical
in the reaction between nitric oxide and oxygen. If E is not values for the universal constants and expressing molecular
small, but 11011 too large, the rate constant will increase with weights M in grams and moments of inertia in gram-A.’ per
igglggritlxsil fjaclgil Iiegiperatures gut as the temperature is mole units, it is found that
effect 70f the Tag factor in an en start to decrease. The
when the_Vibrati0n' he e enominator 1S offset to some extent * Since the two nitrogen atoms in N204 are joined by a valence bond, it
is possible that there may be some attachment between these atoms in the
- quencies are relatively low; the vibrational activated complex: if this is so. there will be no free rotation in the molecule.



small or zero, for an activation energy as low as 200 cal. per

k = 1.6 >< 10” >< Q ___,_M* i . ___(ABC)"11>’"‘ mole would have given the slope of the line appropriately
9i 3
H Mi “I ‘ H (Ii/(Ti) marked in the figure. The very small energy of activation may
10 at first appear surprising, but when it is remembered that both
nitric oxide and oxygen are paramagnetic, and so behave virtu-
.11 ‘
1 __ e-hvx/kT)—1 1
I3I - 1. . T3 ally as free radicals, the result does not seem unreasonable.
(1 __ e-hvi/kT)—1 By introducing the approximation explained above for the
vibrational partition functions in Eq. (56) and putting E0 equal
in cc.’ mole-2 sec.'1 units. The vibration frequencies of the to zero, the rate equation becomes
activated state may be expected to be similar to those of N204
and as a first approximation they will be assumed to be the same“;
In the temperature range of interest, vz'z., 80 to 660°K the effect
;,=.a 3_Mi_ *<¢1gvaia*f[(,_,-..,/.T,-.,<i~_6z<._1i>2. (58,
gs T3
of frequencies greater than 900 cm.—1 is negligible; further, the [[ M. 0'1 ]] (I/<1.-)
.1 _ ____ VI

i The moments of inertia of the reacting molecules can be derived

1 i
from spectroscopic measurements, but the evaluation of those
@ 1 Q & § _ ‘ cal
of the activated complex requires a knowledge of its configuration
and dimensions. The N=O and O—O distances in Fig. 72
5 39.5 - “““““ -_ _ are assumed to be 1.22 and 1.32 X, which are close to the normal
+ 39.2 --i._.s

° °

E<>=° O
values, and the N——O separation is taken as 5 A., by analogy
,_ 1 I with the H—H separation in the activated state for the combina-
2 3 tion of hydrogen atoms (see page 130). “This figure, like the
Fro - 73 - —Dei-'iva t‘ion o f the activation
- - 1000/T
energy for the reaction between nit;-ie others and the vibrational frequencies, is not critical; the largest
oxide and oxygen. reasonable variations would not affect the final result by a factor
lowesf frequency IS replaced by the free. internal rotation in the of more than about 10. The free rotation about the O—O bond
;<TJmp ex, and so there are only seven vibrational frequencies of in the activated complex will have relatively little efiect on the
204 that need be considered as applying to the aetivated State_ principal moments of inertia, and so the complex may be treated as
a rigid molecule without incurring serious error. The symmetry
numbers of oxygen and the activated complex are 2 in each
the respective partition
O 'n'1 no functions
OX1 -e andareOxygen .are sounity;
efiectively high that
this case, while that for nitric oxide is unity. Upon introducing the
has the effect. of simplifying the expression for obtaining E0, moments of inertia in Eq. (58), the following result is obtained:
and the quantity . 7
7 la = - H (1 — e_"'1/"T)_1 X 3—————-'2
>7<,_,l0" cc.” mole” sec?‘ (59)
ln lc + 3 In T — In H (1 _ 6-hi-1/kT)—1 (57)
where gr is the product of the electronic multiplicities of the two
when Plotted ageinst 1/ should be a straight lineof slope molecules of nitric oxide and one of oxygen and g; is that of the
""_E:o/R. Upon introducing the seven frequencies given and activated complex. These electronic statistical weights are
Illfgglzgsnglathe known values of lo _at different temperatures, the derived from spectroscopic measurements; the normal state of
- s own in Fig. 73 are obtained; it is clear that E0 is very nitric oxide is 211 and, the separation of the levels being taken
5‘ G. B. B. M. Sutherland, Proc. Roy. Soc., 141, A, 342 (1933). into account, the statistical weight at ordinary temperatures is


3.1. The oxygen molecule is in a 32 state, but as the three levels
i are very close together, the corresponding statistical weight may overtakes the increase in the denominator resulting fI‘OII1 the
be taken as 3.0, so that gr is 3 X (3.l)2. The activated state lies T3 term.
somewhere between 2NO + O2, on the one hand, for which the TABLE XXV --— CALCULATED AND OBSERVED RATES FOR THE NO'O=

electronic statistical weight would be the value in the initial state, REACTION
I i.e., 3 X (3.1)2, and 2NO2 on the other hand, when the statistical
l k >< 10-’,

i weight would be 4.* It follows, therefore, that g;/gr will be

i eefl mole" sec?‘
between unity and 4/[3 X (3.1)’], i.e., between 1 and 1/7.2. T, °x. _
There is a possibility that the activated state may have the same
Calc. 0138-
electronic multiplicity as N204, which is unity; under these
circumstances, g;/gr would be 1 /[3 X (3.1)2], i.e., 1/28.8; but 80
as there seems no possibility of making an a priori decision 143 i-‘O0
as to the correct value of this factor, the intermediate result 228 i-it~3rF~
1 '1] 1/7.2 will be used in the calculations. As these, in any case, 300

cannot be exact Within a factor of 10, the error, if any, will not 413
be serious. The vibration frequencies of the activated state 613
have been already given, and thus the data necessary for the 662 *° .'°“°F'°. ‘<’°. ’ QHOMQOWNQ t<>t~DtOiJ>_\I_Q_Q["‘ Qo@ @l—|—lQ@
calculation of the specific reaction rate are available; the results
I 3," |
obtained, on the basis that the transmission coeflicient is unity, The Nitric Oxide-Chlorine Reaction.—The reaction
are recorded in Table XXV, together with the experimental

values for the same temperatures.” 2N0 + C12 = ZNOCI

Comparison of the experimental and calculated rate constants
n be treated in a manner essentially similar to that described
shows satisfactory agreement, which lends support to the unex-
Zliove for nitric oxide and oxygen, the activated complex being
pectedly low activation energy as well as to the general method of - ' ' 'th
ll treating reaction rates. The calculated values are seen to pass
[I. chlorine molecule replacing the oxygenbmo go“ 9' lo with the
through a minimum at about 560°K., and it is a very striking
,1,. frequencies cannot be fixed closely 7 ut Y ana gy t t.
fact that such a minimum has been observed at 627°K. A slight
data on the spectra of similar molecules, the seven I‘(-3pI'8S€I8Oa ivg
revision of one vibration frequency would make these tempera-
frequencies may be taken as 200, 300, 300i_500, 500» an
tures identical, without materially affecting the magnitude of
700 cm.-1 As before, the plot of the expression
the rate coefficient. As indicated above, the minimum is to be
ascribed to the fact that as the temperature is raised the parti-
tion functions of the vibrational modes increase greatly and the In k + 2 ln T — 1nf[<1 — @"'"*""')"‘ .1 (60)
resulting increase in the numerator of Eq. (58) eventually
* Each NO2 molecule has one uncoupled electron so that the spin quan-
against 1/ T is a straight line; from .ltS slope, E0 ls fistgllatiég
tum number is %; two molecules may couple in the activated complex to to be 4,780 cal. per mole. In the activated complex tde hl—:
give a resultant spin of 0 or 1. The multiplicities of these two states i.e., distance is taken as 2.5 A., as in a partly dissociate Cfi0I‘lI18
22' + 1, are thus 1 and 3, respectively; and hence the total is 4, provided that molecule, and the N—Cl distance as 4 ; by using these glues
the energies of the triplet and singlet states are not very different. the moments of inertia of the activated state can be estimated,
°° E. Briner, W. Pfeifier and G. Malet, J. chim. phys., 21, 25 (1924); M.
Bodenstein et al., Z. Elelctrochem., 24, 183 (1918); Z. physik. Chem., 100, 87,
and, upon inserting these together with the moments of inertlfl
106 (1922). of nitric oxide and chlorine obtained from spectroscopic measure-
ments, Eq. (58) l)8COII16S _

II -ll - litiijii-'11- “___ __ .

E. I1 7
.'| 1, = (1 _ 6-1»,/hr)-1 X 6-4.780/RT (61) chlorine at the same temperature; this deduction is in agree-
ment with experiment."
in cc.’ mole-2 sec.-1 units. Since the chlorine molecule is The reaction between nitric oxide and hydrogen has an appar-
normally in a singlet state, the limiting values of g;/g; are 1 and ent activation energy of about 47.0 kcal., and for such a high
4./(3.l)2; taking the former value, for simplicity, the rate coeffi- value the rate constant is much too large to be accounted for by
-ix-.——_xT~r-i I3

i. cients given in Table XXVI are obtained, the assumption being the methods used above for the reactions involving nitric oxide
made that the transmission coefficient is unity. with oxygen and chlorine. It is probable that the hydrogen
reaction has a much more complex mechanism than the others.”
I. In view of the similarity between nitric oxide and oxygen, both
being paramagnetic, and the complexity of the hydrogen-oxygen
k >< 10-8, reaction, a relatively complicated mechanism for the nitric
O cc.’ mole” sec.-1 oxide-hydrogen reaction, perhaps involving chains, would not
T, K. ~
be unexpected.
Calc. Obs.

333 Collision Treatinent.—According to the collision theory of
355 27 unimolecular reactions” (see page 9), the reacting molecule
401 NNQHU1
acquires its energy of activation in several degrees of freedom by
451 5*!MN)@091
soc 453 collision with another molecule; thus, _
i-1 ss-
O1®0ON>i-I _ N'~li>O @l\DrF
1 , 130 A+A—+A*+A,
— ' T

The experimental data" are not very reliable, but it is evident where A* represents the activated molecule. If cir is the con-
that the calculated specific rates are within a factor of 5 to 10 centration of A molecules, then the rate of formation of activated
of the observed values. Closer coincidence could be obtained molecules is given by lclcfi, where kl is the specific rate of the
by a different choice of frequencies for the activated state, but activation process. A certain minimum amount of the energy
in the absence of more exact information the general agreement so acquired must pass into one or more of the bonds that have to
of the last two columns of the table may be regarded as providing be broken if the molecule is to decompose; thus,
support for the application of the theory of absolute reaction
rates to termolecular reactions. A*—->B-|—C, .
Other Termolecular Reactions.—There are not enough data
for the nitric oxide-bromine reaction to permit the calculation so that the rate of reaction is lc,c,,*, where cu is the concentration
of E0; because of the heavier halogen atom the vibration fre- of the activated molecules and la, is the rate constant. In the
interval elapsing between activation and decomposition, the
quencies will probably be lower than for the corresponding
chlorine reaction, and so also will be the activation energy since activated molecule may become deactivated as the result of a
the Br—Br bond is weaker than the Cl—Cl bond. It follows collision with an A molecule; the rate of deactivation is thus
from Eq. .(61), therefore, that the rate of the reaction between "1 M. Trautz and V. P. Dalal, Z. anorg. Chem., 102, 149 (1918).
nitric oxide and bromine should be greater than that with 7* C. N. Hinshelwood and T. E. Green, J. Chem. Soc., 129, 720 (1926);
7° M. Trautz et al., Z. anorg. Chem., 88, 285 (1914); 97, 241 (1916); 110, J. W. Mitchell and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 378 (1936).
237 (1920); A. von Kiss, Rec. trav. chim., 42, 112, 665 (1923); 43, 68 (1924). 7“ F. A. Lindemann, Trans. Faraday Soc., 17, 599 (1922); see also Hinshel-
wood, Ref. 66, Chap. V.



k{c.u=c.i. In the stationary state the rate of formation of activated It follows, therefore, from Eq. (63) that
molecules 1S equal to the sum of the rates of decomposition and
_ k1IC2CA
deactivation; i.e.,
i ""'"" " (67)
19162 = 1920.0 + ki6.u=Cii, (62) 1 lo’, 1
so that the rate of reaction is given by at = as + ‘68)
The plot of 1/lc...,i., obtained from the experimental data, against
_ £12 _ _ kits’ 1/ci, should give a straight line; but in actual fact this is not
dt ‘ “ <63) quite true, as shown in Fig. 74.* This result has been explained
I This is the equation for a reaction of order between 1 and 2; if
_ r _

ci 1S large, i.e., at relatively high pressures, and the rate of
dBB»0tiV%1IJi0I1 kiC.u=C.1i is large in comparison with the rate of
decomposition I€2C.4=I=, i.e., if I62 may be neglected in comparison '05)

with kicx, Eq. (63) becomes
1/. . “‘°°‘;»=*>‘i
_ £72
dt _— '°1k=
'-'51- 64. (64)

Under these conditions the reaction is consequently kinetically

of the first order. At low pressures, when ci is small, the rate 1/7.-A .
of deactivation is small in comparison with the rate of decomposi- Fro. 74.—Theoretical and experimental specific rates of unimolecular reaction.
tion; i.e., k§ci*cx in Eq. (62) can be neglected in comparison with
Ii726.u=. Equation (63) then reduces to in terms of the collision theory by postulating that kg, the specific
rate of the decomposition of the activated molecules, is not
d constant but depends on the energy these molecules have in ex-
$ = kici, (65) cess of a certain minimum value. Before discussing this subject,
so that the reaction becomes of the second order. This change it is necessary to consider another aspect of the collision theory.
from first- to second-order kinetics as the pressure is lowered Mention has already been made (page 9) of the fact that the
has been observed in a large number of cases, and the results have frequency factor for unimolecular reactions is often much
been taken as providing general support for the theory outlined larger than that given by the simple collision theory. This
above. As long as the process is first order, the time to complete difficulty was overcome by the suggestion that, since most
a certain fraction of the reaction is independent of the pressure; unimolecular processes involve relatively large molecules, several
but as it approaches second-order behavior, the rate of change (n) square terms can contribute to the energy of activation.“
falls off with decreasing pressure. I * The figure is frequently drawn in such manner as to indicate that the
Suppose that an apparent unimolecular rate coeflicient lam, theoretical and experimental curves become asymptotic at high pressures,
which is not a constant at all pressures, is defined by the i.e., when 1/cg is small; this is, however, misleading, for it suggests that at
expression . low pressures the rate constant is greater than would be expected from the
simple theory, whereas it is probably the same.
“ C. N. Hinshelwood, Proc. Roy. Soc., 113, A, 230 (1926); R. H. Fowler and
Rate of reaction = — 6%}? = k,,,,,_e_,. (66) and E. K. Rideal, ibid., 113, A, 570 (1927); cf. G. N. Lewis and D. F. Smith
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 47, 1508 (1925).


The probability that a molecule will have energy E is now much
larger than e_"’R", and the rate of reaction is given, as a first It follows, therefore, that the probability for a particular oscil-
approximation, by the expression lator to have m quanta when s oscillators possess J quanta
is the ratio of these quantities; 2.6.,
1. _ Z <§;ff>1),- <69)

(5 - 1" +_8 " 1)’? s (~l__-".’-")H, (70)
-: L. _.-.-_-i Q;
(J'—m)!(.1+-S-1)! .7
where Z is, as before, the collision number (page 5). By choosing if j is very large. The rate at which the required energy gets
a suitable value for n, it is possible to fit the experimental data; into the particular degree of freedom is proportional to this
in general, the number of degrees of freedom required to account probability, and so I02 is also proportional to it; thus,
for the results is consistent with the known size of the molecule.
It may be pointed out that Eq. (69) is applicable only when there 102 = kg (i%7_n)'_1. (71)
is an equilibrium between normal and activated molecules; i.e.,
it can hold only in the high-pressure region and so must not be The total number of quanta j may be taken as proportional to E,
used when the rate shows an appreciable falling off. the total energy possessed by the molecule, whereas m 1S pro-
According to the development of the theory by O. K. Rice and portional to the minimum requisite energy E0 that the bond
H. C. Ramsperger“ and by L. S. Kassel,“ it is supposed that the must have prior to decomposition; it follows, therefore, that
rate constant kg is a function of the actual energy possessed 0-1
by the molecule in its various degrees of freedom; the larger is = k; -- <72)
this energy, the greater the probability that the requisite amount
will pass into a given bond and hence the greater will be the Since all the energies from E0 to infinity are possible, it is neces-
specific rate of the decomposition reaction. The statistical sary to integrate between these limits ; this has been done
weight of a system of s degrees of vibrational freedom containing graphically, on the assumption of a Maxwell-Boltzmann distri-
j quanta of vibrational energy is equal to the number of ways bution of energies, and it has been shown that by choosing
in which j objects can be divided among s boxes, each of which reasonable values of s it is possible to account for the experimental
may contain any number; the number of different configurations results.
1S Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates.——It was seen in Chap. I
that the large frequency factors of unimolecular reactions can
U+8—D{ if necessary be accounted for by the statistical treatment of
j!(s — 1)! reaction rates. It is of interest, therefore, to see whether or not
the general ideas of the theory of absolute reaction rates can
The statistical weight for states in which the s oscillators have be extended to cover other aspects of the problem of unimolecular
j quanta among them and some particular one has m quanta is reactions. In the reaction A = B + C, the system must pass
similarly found to be through the activated complex At which is the same for both
forward and back reactions; thus,
(j — m + s —- 1)!‘
(J — m)!(-8 - 1)! A <1‘ At -—> B -I- C-

'5 O. K. Rice and H. C. Ramsperger, ibid., 49, 1617 (1927); 50, 617 (1928). When two molecules of A collide in such a manner that suflicient
7‘ L. S. Kassel, J. Phys. Chem., 32, 225 (1928); “Kinetics of Homogeneous energy passes into the appropriate bond or bonds, one of the
Gas Reactions,” Chemical Catalog Co., Inc., Chap. V, 1932. See also molecules may form the activated complex of the reaction ; thus,
E. Patat, Z. Elektrochem., 42, 85 ( 1936).
If".- _l-|


and at reasonably high pressures there will be a sufficient nuinber
-.--it-_ _.- —-1 -1 -.
' the correct degree of freedom in the activated complelfi *
of collisions for the equilibrium concentration of At to be main- energhm sa e of the activated complex OVBI‘ the Petentlal
tained. By following the treatment of Chap. IV, the equilibrium
I" lL):.i(irier)r;iiSlti1§g in decomposition. This is equivalent to saying
constant, for the system involving the initial and activated
'th that the specific rate constant kl may be small in com-
4 i
states, may be expressed as
el 'ehn with k or that kg may be small relative to It1, respectively;
_ av: _ ex _ Ft’. $581Zymbols Ia: and Ice have virtually the same significance as on

I! K Ci CA FA , page 281. If the energy-transfer process is rapid, as it generally

r will be at fairly high pressures, leg wil1 be relatively srrilall, anlt
I -'- C1 = CA %
if it is neglected in comparison with kieA_1I1 Eq- (63):; E reg“
where the symbol I refers to the activated state. By Eq. (132), is the same as Eq. (64). The reaction will be of the rs ‘or 615
Chap. IV, d the velocity will depend on the rate at which activate
an the ban~ier- Eq_ (77) and the equations in
I $4 Ejoiigglelfiizillllthién be applicable, with the transmission coeflicient
I Rate of reaction = c; ,,,)
-E (75)
F’ kT *1 1 apiigoiilgaiiitisllxtis decreased, the number of activating col-
= C‘ Fl, (21rm*) 6 (76) lisions, which is proportional to the square of the pressure of E111:
= CA 5% , 5}? e—E'o/RT, (77)
gas, diminishes more rapidly than the rate of passagedorer .
barrier, and so the transfer of energy will become rate- e ermin-
I I.
. - - -
ing. The consequence 1S that it 1S necessary to in ro uce a
' t d .
where F; is, as before, the partition function for unit volume, ' ' ffi - - ~ '
t h ch is less than unity and whose va lue
If; the contribution of the degree of freedom along the coordinate :1mnsn¢l1SsSe(1)1n1fli):
epen p(f*l-iguiier - 1 Since the
_ transmission coefficient x
I of decomposition being excluded; the zero-point factors have
of both forward and reverse reactions must be the saiéifi ‘(S83
I been eliminated from the partition functions in the usual manner. 216) the necessary information concerning x can be o alne
It is seen from Eq. (77) that the reaction rate is proportional
rom a cdnsideration of the reverse reaction.. If two. particles,
to the first power of the concentration of the reactant A; hence,
atoms or molecules B and C come together with suflicient energy
the process will be kinetically of the first order, provided that the
I to form At, the resultant will be stabilized only if there islavailahle
I fundamental assumption implied in Eq. (75), that passage over
another substance, e.g., a molecule Of A, t° remove t edexcess
the energy barrier determines the rate of reaction, is correct.
energy An extreme case of this type occurs when two hy rogen
The reaction is of the first order, in spite of the fact that activa-
a toms associate‘ as seen on page 215 ’ the transmission coefficient.
tion involves collision between two molecules, because the
ma then be as small as 10-14 in the absence of a third body.
activated state consists of the single molecule At and not of the If vcy is the frequency of collisions between _ the activated. .mole-
double molecule A21. cules AI and normal molecules A, and ac IS the Prebablllty 9f
Transmission Coeflicient in Unimolecular Reactions.——In this
d e activation occurring on collision ’ the transmiSSi0I1 . eeetfieient
treatment, no account has yet been taken of the transmission fer the process under consideration may be written
coeflicient; this, however, plays an important part in uni-
molecular reactions and so must be given consideration. If = ._"‘£_""_., (78)
the reaction is of the type postulated above, i.e., the type in K A + acvc

which a molecule of A dissociates into B and C, there are two

stages that might be rate-determining: ( 1) the activation process * The possibility that under certain conditions the redistribution of egergg
_ 1 er
among internal degrees of freedom becomes rate-determining is cons
involving the transfer of energy of the colliding molecules into later.


where A is the frequency factor of the reaction, which may be put
degrees of freedom occurs, and a, is the probability of transfer
equal to kT/h. This relationship gives the fraction of the total
number of systems crossing the energy barrier, i.e., A + a,,v,,, per internal collision for the ith degree of freedom, there being a
in unit time that become deactivated and hence yield A mole- total of m such degrees of freedom. Since Vi does not depend
cules. Since 11,, depends on the pressure of the gas, it is evident on the pressure, it follows that in these circumstances K will not
that a transmission coefficient of this type, which applies also vary with the total pressure of the reacting system. Such 3-
to the direct reaction, i.e., A —+B + C, is pressure-dependent. condition apparently exists in the cis-trans isomerizations requir-
_. _.=, Z;
._, _. .
It is apparent that at low pressures kl and I01 (page 281) will ing high activation energies (page 331). It may be remarked
be small, since the K included in both of them will be much less that the three cases considered here are extremes, and conditions
than unity; under these conditions, lcici in Eq. (63) can be may, and no doubt frequently do, arise in which none of the
neglected in comparison with kg, and Eq. (65) results. The three processes mentioned is completely rate-determining; the
behavior is then intermediate between the types discussed above.
unimolecular process should thus become of the second order
at low pressures. When the circumstances are such that the slow stage of a
reaction involves transfer of energy, the activated molecules
As long as the reactant A decomposes into two, or more, mole-
cules of product, there is very little possibility of the activation may no longer be regarded as being in equilibrium with the bulk
energy returning to the bond that was broken in the reaction. of the reactant. The problem of calculating the net rate of
In the case of isomeric change, however, there is only one mole- passage of systems over the energy barrier should then be treated
cule of product, and unless the energy of the activated molecule quantum mechanically by the methods employed in the study
is transferred rapidly to the various internal degrees of freedom of cis-trans isomerization," although another possible approach is
of the product, and subsequently removed by collisions with outlined on page 327. _ _
other molecules, the energy may return to the point of reaction Quite apart from the nature of the rate-determining step, the
and the process will be reversed. If the slow stage is the transfer transmission coeflicient of a unimolecular reaction may be low if
of energy from internal degrees of freedom to translational the process is nonadiabatic in nature and involves the crossing of
energy of a colliding molecule, the treatment of the transmission potential-energy surfaces. It is possible, although not definitely
coeflicient is similar to that already given; this is apparently the I . established, that the low frequency factor for the thermal
case in the low activation energy cis-trans isomerization processes decomposition of nitrous oxide can be accounted for in tlns
at low pressures (page 329). The transmission coeflicient and manner (page 336). The small transmission coefficient found
the specific rate depend on the total pressure. On the other experimentally, even at high pressures, for the low activation
hand, if the transfer of energy between internal degrees of energy cis-trans isomerization has also been explained by the
freedom is rate-determining," the transmission coeflicient will aid of considerations based on the crossing of potential-energy
be given approximately by the equation surfaces (page 328). _ _
Transfer of Energy.—It is necessary now to consider the
mechanism by which the molecules of reactant acquire an ade-
quate amount of energy in the correct degree of freedom, for
K — - igzivi 1 (79) as just seen this may become the rate-determining stage of ‘the
A -I" am reaction at low pressures. Some information on this subject
can be obtained by considering the efficiencies of various atoms
where Vi is the frequency of “internal collisions,” i.e., the fre- or molecules in removing the excess energy of association reac-
quency with which the possibility of transfer of energy to other tions; it was seen in Chap. III that the hydrogen molecule formed
'" Cf. E. A. Guggenheim and J. Weiss, Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 57 (1938)_
"J. L. Magee, W. Shand and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 677
by the combination of two atoms could be stabilized only if _ th t of the
for which the forward Irates ar’e kl andtlcxeland Tleer3eZs(s)mpOSi_
some of the vibrational energy was removed as kinetic, or other, reverse reactions are ki and km respec W y‘
energy by collision with another atom or molecule. According tion of the activated complex, thus,
to the potential-energy surfaces (Figs. 24 and 25) the reverse
process, vz'z., the conversion of kinetic energy of one molecule
into vibrational energy of another, is equally possible. It . - f _ B a treat-
appears, therefore, that the molecule of reactant undergoing then takes place with the Speclfic rate k2’ as be Ore y
unimolecular decomposition may acquire its energy as the result T ABLE XXVII -- RELATIVE EFFICIENCIES OF GASES IN TRANSFERRING
of the transfer and rearrangement of energy on collision. This ENERGY IN UNIMOLECULAR DECOMPOSITION _
I l

point of view is supported by the fact that certain gases are O Azomethane
particularly effective in maintaining the high pressure rate of a Added gas F20(250°C-) NM653 C‘) (310°C.)
unimolecular reaction. For example, in the presence of hydrogen
the rates of decomposition of propionaldehyde and other alde- 116 0.40 0.66 0-07
hydes and of ethers remain high even when the partial pressures om om -M
gr .... ""
of the reactant have fallen to a considerable extent. The
addition of nitrogen or of helium, on the other hand, has only a
relatively small influence on the falling off of the reaction rate O2
dd did

observed at low pressures. The effect of added gases has been add.-%
I-l —*l—*@ '1-do

studied in various unimolecular reactions, and it has been

E}, __ IIII 61:3.
CH ....
‘ 0000
found that no amount of the gas can increase the specific rate C0
2 . N)
to a value greater than its limiting value at high pressures. 4
r-1:-> 01¢» 0.46
It appears, therefore, that the added molecules do not interfere f§’° 0-46
with the over-all chemical reaction and that their function is to
maintain the equilibrium concentration of activated molecules. K‘ .
ment analogous to that given previmlsly (Page 281)» it is readily
It may be mentioned, however, that the added substances which found that
are most effective in this connection are those having some dc _ klcfi -|— ICXCACX _ 80)
tendency to interact with the dissociating molecule (cf. page 115); --8-;=k2C;—k2k1cA+k;{cx+k2 (
this matter will be considered shortly in some detail.” 3'--Q_-_‘_- p

The relative efliciencies of various molecules in transferring - - ' with chan es in the con-
energy into the degree or degrees of freedom required to form the
fd§ti}a1ti1§nV(ilrXta(h.lil(li t'il:.,riilcc:Od1ndadf, it is possigle to calculate
activated complex may be derived in the following manner:
the values for lax, representing. the effectiveness of X moliecultels
Suppose that the unimolecular decomposition of A proceeds in
in transferring energy in collisions; this may be compare Wilt
the presence of a foreign substance X with Which, under the
kl for the efiiciency of the A molecule itself. Some‘ of the resu s
conditions of the experiment, it does not react appreciably; the f k /k obtained in the unimolecular decomp0s1’01011 Of fillorlne
formation of activated complexes can then occur in the equi-
ntilondcxidle 8° nitrous oxide“ and azomethane” are given ill
librium process
Table XXVII.
A + A 7-‘ A* + A
and ' 8° W. Koblitz and H. J. Schumacher, 'zlnd., B, 25» 283 (1936 _
81 M. Volmer et al., ibid., B, 19, 85 (1932); B, 21, 257 (1933), B, 25, 81
A + X 7-‘ A1 + X,
7° Cf. J. Franck and A. Eucken, Z. physilc. Chem., B, 20, 460 (1933). 62 D_ V, Siekman and O. K. Rice, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 603 (1936)-


The data show that there is nothing specific about molecules
of the same type as those undergoing decomposition, and in fact general similarity between the results in Tables XXVII and
'1 in some instances the foreign gas is even more effective in main- XXVIII is sufficient to be of definite significance.
taining the equilibrium concentration of activated molecules. TABLE XXVIII.—RELA'rivE EFFICIENCIES or GAsEs IN CATALYZING THE
The efliciency for the transfer of energy is, on the whole, least COMBINATION or HAi.oGEN ATOMS
for the inert gases; this is to be expected, in accordance with the
discussion on page 115, since they have no tendency to combine He A Hg N: O2 CH4 CO2
chemically with the reacting substances.
l Bromine . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.68 2.85 4 0 5 7.15
If the property possessed by foreign gases of maintaining the .1 4.6
I -if

equilibrium concentration of activated complexes, and thus

Iodine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.94 2.16
as 5.67 6.57 9.85

preventing the falling off in rate of a unimolecular reaction, is to Another aspect of the transfer of energy in molecular collisions
‘- -_IK-.-Tin-SE}
be attributed to their ability to transfer some of their- energy to is found in connection with the influence of foreign gases on
l .'\
vibrational energy of the reacting molecule, then some parallelism the dispersion of sound at high frequencies. The dependence
is to be expected between their efliciency in this respect and for of the velocity on the frequency is attributed to the slow rate of
the removal of excess vibrational energy in association reactions. exchange of energy between external, i.e., translational, and
The same potential-energy surface is applicable for the association internal, i.e., vibrational, degrees of freedom. The influence of a
process foreign gas in preventing dispersion of the velocity of sound is
A +B +X—->AB*+X—>AB +X* consequently regarded as a measure of its efliciency in trans-
ferring energy. Some experimental values of these efficiencies,
4 as for the reverse unimolecular reaction
relative to those of the gases in which the velocity of sound is
AB+X*->AB1+X->A+B+X, being studied, are given in Table XXIX.“
where X* represents a foreign molecule with a relatively large
amount of translational energy.‘|' It follows, therefore, that the
ability of a foreign molecule to bring about exchange of transla- Added gas Chlorine Nitrous oxide Carbon dioxide

tional for vibrational energy in a given molecule must operate

in both directions. It is thus of interest to examine the relative N:

efliciencies of various gases in facilitating the combination of
halogen atoms; the experimental results are given in Table D,
f XXVIII.“ H, 5()
0 H
It is seen that as in Table XXVII the inert gases have the CO 107
smallest efficiencies, as is to be expected. An exact parallelism CH4 200
::.3§._.§ -eoc-
O3!-"¢O'l\3Q3' \1U3l"'‘U'\°5'
between the results for the efficiency of transfer of energy in the HCI 200 .... 500
two opposite directions is, of course, not to be expected unless NH; ...... 12.5 .......
H20 . .. ... .... 2,000
the same reaction were under consideration in both cases. The 1_ V t I ' I -

fIf X is an atom, the energy will be purely translational; but if it is a Although the inert gases are still relatively ineffective, the
molecule, the excess energy can be in other degrees of freedom to some influence of helium is sometimes greater than might be antici-
extent, -
" E. Rabinowitch and W. C. Wood, Tram. Faraday Soc., 31, 689 (1935);
pated; nevertheless, when there is a tendency for reaction to
32, 907 (1936); J. Chem. Phys., 4, 497 (1936). 84 A. Eucken, Oester. Chem.-Ztg., 1 (1935); see O. Oldenberg and A. A.
Frost, Chem. Rev., 20, 99 (1937); E. Patat, Z. Elektrochem., 42, 265 (1936).


occur between the foreign gas and that in which the velocity of corresponding to the energy E, through which the system has to
sound is being measured, the eflticiency of the former is relatively pass. Suppose that Fig. 75 represents a cross section of the
high. It should be noted that some discrepancy between the potential-energy surface at the saddle point, and let E0 be the
results from the dispersion of sound and those from the rate of minimum energy necessary for the formation of the activated
chemical reaction is not unexpected, for in the former case the state. The width of the gap is related to the energy difference
temperatures are so low that most molecules are in low energy between E and E0, and this may be represented by an expression
:. _ f7_ ._A '.-.—.
_-1$:. —_2\.:= -:~.?
states. The systems concerned are thus to be represented by of the form (E — E0)"; for low values of E — E0, when the
1 *1 1
mass points moving far down the potential-energy valleys, and vibrations are harmonic, n is 0.5, but it increases as E increases.
11 unless the reactivity of the foreign gas is vei'y high the surface The probability P of activation, which is one of the factors
will not be bent to any considerable extent in this region. The involved in the rate constant k1 on page 281, is thus given, in
general relationship between efliciency of energy transfer under general, by
these conditions and reactivity found at high temperatures may
- A A A. thus be less clearly marked here. P <== (E — E0)" dE (81)
In the simplest case of the ap- for an energy between E and E + dE. The total probability
‘ proach of an atom or molecule X for a molecule of energy between E0 and E is thus given by
to a diatomic molecule AB, a trans-
‘iE __E fer of energy takes place when the (E - E0)» dE <-I (E - E.)»+1, (82)
' molecules are sufficiently close for which may be compared with Eq. (72) on page 285. In order
the system to be in the curved to determine the rate of formation of activated complexes and
____.E° region of the potential-energy hence the rate of the reaction, it would be necessary to integrate
surface. The molecule AB now the probability (E —- E0)" dn over all energies between E0 and
, F becomes excited vibrationally, and
infinity; since nothing is known of the distribution of energies
FIG. 75.—Cross section of potential- X lgses an equivalgnt, amgunt Qf
energy surface at saddle point. . . in the nonequilibrium condition or of the value of n over an
energy, which must be exclusively energy range, it does not seem possible, however, to make a
1 translational if X is an atom. In the case of a polyatomic reacting
I quantitative test of the result without introducing some funda-
molecule the vibrational energy has to go into one or two particular
mental assumptions.
bonds, of the many possible, before the activated complex can
Entropy Changes in Unimolecular Reactions.—Since the rate
be formed. It would be necessary, in these circumstances, to
of a unimolecular reaction can be expressed as lccx, where la is the
use a many-dimensional potential-energy surface and to consider
specific reaction rate, it follows from Eq. (77) that
the curvature in the region corresponding to the bond in question.
It may be inferred, from this argument, that the effect of a k = £127: , 5% e—Eo/RT (83)
foreign gas would be related to its reactivity with the particular
bond which has to be broken, rather than with the molecule = 5,55 KI (84)
as a whole.
From the present point of view the rate of activation, which = all e—AHt/RT 6&8:/R’ (845)
determines the over-all rate of the reaction in the low-pressure
region, may be expected to be a function of the total energy of and if AH1 is replaced by the experimental activation energy,
the colliding system. The greater this energy, the more easily Eq. (85) becomes [cf. Eq. (177), page 199]
will the system be able to find its way to the activated state.
The probability of activation will depend on the width of the gap, k = K6 F5 e—E,;p,/RT east/E, (86)

~1 the transmission coeflicient x, previously omitted, being now

on the assumption that the transmission coeflicient is unity. In


included. It was stated in Chap. I that the activated complex

1- 1 these reactions the activated complexes may contain more bonds

I fl

in a unimolecular reaction may be expected to resemble the

than the original molecules, thus,
I1 initial state ; and hence the entropy of activation should, in
111 general, be small. An alternative way of stating this conclusion H /O-CO-R’ H\ /ox /o H\ /CO-R’
1, I
is that the frequency factor A should be of the order of 1013 to
10“ sec.“1 It should be noted that since the specific rate of a
unimolecular reaction is independent of the concentration units,
/ \
-> cs’ to —-> co + o
/ \ / \
-—- _r R O-CO-R" R (I) R’ R CO-R",
these are not mentioned in connection with the frequency factor,
and further that the value of AS‘ is independent of the standard CO-R" I
state (see page 199). Although it appears from recent work Initial state Activated state Final state
that simple unimolecular reactions, free from chains or other so that three degrees of internal rotation in the initial state have
complications, are rare, the results in Table XXX“ may be taken become vibrations in the activated state. Such a change will
as being in accordance with expectation. be accompanied by a decrease of entropy; this is, of course, in
i TABLE XXX.-—ENTBOPY CHANGES IN UNIMOLECULAR GAs REACTIONS accord with the greater restriction to movement in the activated
complex than in the molecule of reactant. It is of interest to
Decomposition of I Temp., °K. A, sec.“ E, kcal. 1 AS1, E.U.
1 _-
mention that reactions which involve the breaking of a ring,“
and which may consequently be regarded as the reverse of the
N10; 300 10" —
CH;-O-CH; 780 10“ decomposition of ethylidene diacetate type of reaction, are
n-C;H1~O-NO 500 10" accompanied by a relatively large increase of entropy. The
CH;-N; 500 101‘ value of AS* for the decomposition of ethylene oxide and of
C¢H;I 550 1013 — trioxymethylene are +7.5 and +17.5_ E.U., respectively. High
CH;-N: N-CH; 600 101‘ I-4 entropies of activation in certain reactions involving the forma-
(CH:):O 700 10“ ‘
tion of methyl radicals, e.g., decomposition of azomethane, are
SIM84 »-c>o 1-c.oz~:>+-as -1mco ¢~zc>o XXXXXXXX 10“
u-snoozwenso o_io$_c»§n~150’O3¢»Q>UI'~lU\~I wo=_c1-Ao wiozo N1¢J10 t~DNO IO1 ‘attributed to the large amounts of rotational energy of the
methyl radicals.
1 In the calculation of the AS?‘ values in Table XXX, it has been
assumed that the transmission coeflicient x is unity; the reaction *7 H. C. Ramsperger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 49, 912, 1495 (1927); O. K. Rice
rates seem to be so high that this approximation is justifiable. and H. Gershinowitz, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 479 (1935).
1 In many cases, however, frequency factors of the order of 101° or
less have been observed; these low values are often due to small
transmission coeflicients, for the reasons explained on page 287,
but in other instances it is possible that the process of activation
may be accompanied by an appreciable decrease of entropy.
For example, in the decomposition of ethylidene diacetate,
and of other esters of the general formula R-CH(O-CO-R)2,8‘
entropies of activation of — 10 to —- 18 E.U. have been calculated
*5 Data_from H. J. Schumacher, “Chemische Gasreaktionen,” T. Stein-
'1 kopf, 1938; Patat, Ref. 84.
3° C. C. Coflin, Can. J. Res., 5, 636 (1931); 6, 417 (1932).

5 -__m_..__ .. _ _
T4 fi


between the energy of this state and that of the normal 6‘S@

state is almost entirely free energy. Suppose a number N1

of the excited mercury atoms are raised by thermal collisions
to the still higher 6“P1 state, where the energy referred to the
ground state is E2. In such a process an amount of energy


N1(E2 — E1) /N is converted from thermal energy of the mole-
cules of the inert gas to the free energy of excitation of the
Photochemical Reactions.—The reactions considered hitherto mercury. This increase of free energy of part of the atoms must
involve atoms and molecules that remain in their lowest electronic be balanced by a decrease, at least equal in amount, caused -by
states; reaction may thus be regarded as being restricted to one radiationless transitions from the first excited level to the ground
potential-energy surface. This is actually the lowest of a f-4
state of the other mercury atoms. The decrease in free energy,
number of surfaces, but the others are so high that they make no
appreciable contribution to the reaction. In photochemical 1
1 caused by N2 such transitions, is given by N2(E1/N) ;* and hence
N1(E2 — E1)/N must be equal to or less than this quantity.
processes, however, the reacting system acquires electronic Since N is the sum of N1 and N2, it follows that
energy as a result of the absorption of radiation, and so is raised
to a higher level; this acquisition of energy is generally accom- £V_1/__E_L1_ N2\(E2_E1),

panied by dissociation of the absorbing molecule, which may

N<E2 and N1> E,
occur directly or indirectly. The atoms or radicals resulting in It is seen, therefore, that the second law of thermodynamics
this manner then undergo reactions that are determined by .,,;.A ._ i_1 i,_. places an upper limit on the efficiency of excitation by radiation-
purely thermal considerations, such as have been discussed in less transitions; and it follows that the number of quanta of
the earlier chapters. The kinetics of the photochemical hydro- energy, E2/N, that can be emitted is restricted in the same way.
gen-bromine reaction are, for example, fundamentally the same Chemiluminescence.—In photochemical processes a chemical
as those of the thermal reaction, although in the former case change is initiated by the absorption of radiation; there is an
bromine atoms are produced by the absorption of the appropriate interesting type of reaction in which the reverse occurs, viz., in
radiation, whereas in the latter they result from the dissociation which a chemical change is accompanied by the emission of
of molecular bromine at elevated temperatures. In general, radiation in the form of light. Such reactions are said to exhibit
therefore, the theory of reaction rates offers little that is new in “ chemiluminescence ”; they involve two or more potential-energy
connection with photochemical reactions; the primary step, i.e., surfaces, and under certain conditions a transition from a lower
the result of light absorption, is best studied by the aid of to an upper surface can take place. Having found its way to
spectroscopy, and the subsequent stages are amenable to treat- the upper surface the resultant system, after the occurrence of a
ment by the theory of absolute reaction rates in the same way chemical change, can return to the lower surface with the emis-
as for any other reactions. sion of radiation; it is this radiation which constitutes chemilu-
Eficiency of Radiationless Transitions.1—By means of the minescence. Two simple types of behavior may be considered,
second law of thermodynamics, it is possible to derive certain
restrictions concerning the efliciency of excitation of normal or * In reactions that do not involve a new kind of molecule, no concentra-
excited atoms or molecules by ordinary thermal collision proc- tion terms should be included in the free-energy expression, since normal
and excited atoms or molecules cannot be regarded as separate components.
esses. Consider one mole of mercury atoms, i.e., N atoms, in the If they could be, then energy-rich molecules could possibly be separated
excited 63Pd state dispersed in a foreign gas; the difference E1 from those of low energy by a suitable membrane; such a membrane would
1 M. G. Evans, H. Eyring and J. F. Kincaid, J. Chem. Phys., 6, 349 (1938). constitute a Maxwell demon and would consequently be contrary to the
298 second law of thermodynamics.


11 1
one of which may be illustrated by means of Fig. 76. When is the energy of the quanta that are emitted. If AF is greater
.11 the. reacting system on the lower surface, i.e., A1, reaches the than E, it is clear that there is no restriction in the photon yield
1 1
1 ‘P
activated state A11, there is a probability of crossing (cf. page in the reaction. It is apparent from this discussion that it is
1 1‘ ,1
148). The reacting molecules that pass to the upper surface possible for an endothermic reaction to be chemiluminescent,

1 11.1 .
provided that it is accompanied by a decrease of free energy;
i A, A; the maximum light yield is determined by the relative magnitude
of this quantity and the quantum of emitted radiation. How
nearly the maximum efliciency is approached is determined by
the reaction mechanism.
x B2
Alkali Metal-Halogen Reactions.——A particularly interesting
Poteenerntialgy A1 hv group of chemiluminescent reactions, involving an alkali metal,
generally sodium, and a halogen, or certain halides, has been

A, B1 studied by M. Polanyi and his collaborators? These reactions

Reaction coordinate C fall into three general classes involving alkali metal vapor and
FIG. 76.—-Chemiluminescence involving crossing of potential-energy 3u1'face3_ (1) the halogen itself, (2) an inorganic halide or (3) an organic
in this manner and finally reach B2 can return to the state B1 halide. In the first two classes the reactions are always accom-
'="—-_.~7-“.7,‘~-'=—F,._-r*qi".—5-“_:., =£-
. ,
representing the reaction products in their lowest energy state,
2 panied by luminescence, but with the third the emitted radiation
by emittmg radiation of frequency v as shown. Another possi- is appreciable only when the halide contains more than one
halogen atom. In all the chemiluminescent processes with
. g bility that may be considered
sodium as the alkali metal, the light emitted has been found to
1 , is that the transition from the
correspond to the sodium-D line, indicating that one stage in
‘ lower to the upper surface
in the reaction is accompanied by the formation of excited sodium
occurs as the result of the
.5" atoms. In falling back to their ground state, these atoms emit
absorption of suitable radi-
the characteristic radiation.
ation in the initial state, i.e.,
I If the reaction between sodium and chlorine is taken as typical
from A1 to A2 in Fig. 77. The
E. Poteenerntialgy 1 hvi of class (1) the first step is apparently
system A2 then undergoes re-
1 1 A, L
action to form B2, and this Na + C12 = NaCl + Cl, (1)
returns to the lower state B1
1 v B1
Reaction coordinate - with the emission of radiation. for the process occurs at about the rate predicted by the simple
collision theory, it being assumed that the activation energy is
_ F1? 77.-—Chemiluminescence _resul_t- . The maxlmum photon y
fiifialrgtlilteebwrvtlon of radwtwn 111 in a chemiluminescent reaction zero. The observed rate is actually slightly greater than that
calculated in this manner using ordinary collision radii, and
can be calculated by means of
the results obtained above concerning radiationless transitions. the reason for this will be considered later (page 310). The
The conclusion may be generalized in the form occurrence of reaction (1), has been confirmed by chemical

I EN /< AFE ’ 2 M. Polanyi, “Atomic Reactions,” Williams and Norgate, London, 1932;
H. Beutler and M. Polanyi, Z. physik. Chem., B, 1, 3 (1928); S. von Bogdandy
and M. Polanyi, ibid., B, 1, 21 (1928); M. Polanyi and G. Schay, ibid., B, 1,
where N1/N gives the photon, or fractional light, yield, i.e., the
30 (1928); H. Ootuka and G. Schay, ibid., B, 1, 62, 68 (1928); H. Ootuka,
fraction of the excited molecules that emit light, AF is the ibid., B, 7, 407 (1930); M. G. Evans and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday S00,
J decrease of free energy in the chemiluminescent reaction, and E 35, 178 (1939). I
1 1

evidence for the presence of chlorine atoms in the reaction mix-


ture. The heat evolved in the process is, however, only 40.7 the excited sodium atom produced in this way then radiates
kcal., and so it is incapable of exciting a sodium atom for which its excess energy in the normal manner. Since the excited
an energy of at least 48.3 kcal. is required. sodium chloride molecule exists for an appreciable time before
The chlorine atoms produced in (1) can, theoretically, react passing its excess energy on to a sodium atom, the efl’ect of
with sodium atoms to yield sodium chloride; but, like other quenching materials will be greater than if they had Ito rerrlgzg
processes involving the combination of two atoms (cf. page 214), the excess energy from the actual emitters, z.e., t e exci
the reaction is exceedingly slow in the absence of a third body, as sodium atoms. _ _
-:=.2;n'__..—__-_='.£-;j="._‘:ET."-_1—':‘".=:“€-_. —=
will be seen shortly. If the influence of the walls in this con- A careful consideration“ of the possible potential-energy

nection is made small, the chlorine atoms react with N312 mole- surfaces for the sodium-chlorine system has shown, however,
cules, thus: that there are three possible mechanisms for the reaction between
1. _1,
Na, and Cl; two of these lead directly to excited sodium atoms,
.1 ..,‘1
11 <
N812 + Cl = NaCl + Na. (2) and the third corresponds to the process mentioned above in
which excited sodium chloride molecules are formed. The exist-
The evidence for this reaction is partly based on the fact that
ence of the latter is sufiicient to account for the results of quench-
the intensity of the luminescence diminishes with increase of
in experiments for these do not completely exclude the direct
L 1- temperature, on account of the dissociation of the Nad molecules,
1 -" fofmation of excited sodium atoms ‘by re&0ti0I1 (2)- Befme
and the heat of dissociation calculated from the results is in
considering the various possible reactions between Na: and Cl,
excellent agreement with the value obtained from spectroscopic
it is desirable to examine the interaction of sodium atoms first
data. Further, the chemiluminescence varies with the second
with chlorine atoms and then with chlorine molecules.
power of the pressure of sodium vapor, consisting mainly of
atoms, as is to be expected if reaction (2) occurs. ' _ m*¢_¢1' 1
If the sodium chloride produced in this manner were in its
lowest (ionic) state, the heat liberated would be about 75 kcal., ,1‘
Z ’,
, m+_Q1»,-1_
which is sufficient to excite the sodium-D line. It would appear, , 1 Na 91 I(Na)—E(Cll
at first sight, that the excited sodium atom is produced directly E
in reaction (2); but quenching experiments suggest that this is 1 ,2
probably not the case. The effect of quenching substances is
appreciably greater than would be expected if the process
involved collisions between the added materials and sodium 1 Na Cl
atoms. The suggestion has been made, therefore, that the Na---Cl distance (r) .
energy produced in reaction (2) does not pass into the sodium FIG. 78.—Potential-energy Surf aces for atomic sodium-chlorine reactions.
atom but into the molecule of sodium chloride which becomes (Magee.)

excited vibrationally (NaCl *) ; thus: Reaction between Alkali 1VIeta1 H&1°8f'>n AtFT§"WTI3E
normal ground state of SOd111II1. ClllOl‘1(l(-3. 51 Xisggnce
N33 + Cl = NaCl* + Na. (2a)
(polar) form Na+Cl", but there is a possibility 0 6 B
The excited molecule is then supposed to transfer its additional of a homopolar state NaCl with a higher potential energy
vibrational energy, on collision with a sodium atom, into elec-- The variation with Na——-Cl distance of the potential energies
tronic energy of the latter, i.e., of the two lowest states (12) of sodium chloride is shown in
Fig. 78, curve I b 8 in 8 for Na+—Cl" and II for Na—Cl. The
NaCl* -1- Na = NaCl + Na*; (3)
a J_ L_ Magee, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 687 (1940)-

form ef curve I is given, at least 3~PP1‘°XiII1e1>ely, by the expression or the reverse dissociation process

V—-82 1, Na+Cl" = Na + Cl. (6)

— 7-1-1"", (4)
Apart from the partition functions and the frequency factor
where r is the distance between the Na+ and Cl“ ions .5 is the kT/h, the rates of these reactions are determined by the activa-
electronic charge, and b and 11 are constants The fii'st term tion energy and by the transmission coefficient; these two factors
-82/r, represents the coulombic attraction of the ions and will be considered in turn. U
. _ _ _
the second, br"", is the repulsion contribution (see page 7 143); Activation Energy.——It has been seen (page 127) that in the
the latter 1S negligible at distances appreciably greater than the association of two atoms to form a homopolar molecule the influ-
equilibrium separation, and so the potential energy at the right- ence of rotation is important since the angular momentum acts
hand portion of curve I falls off inversely with the distance ,~_ as an additional potential and introduces a maximum in the
As a result, the attraction between ions extends to greater potential-energy curve; this maximum represents the activated
gfgarlfzsi then f°1' at°m$> Where the falling off is exponential, state for the particular rotational level. In the formation of a
at lar omc ciiirves do not approach their asymptotic values homopolar molecule, however, the angular momentum, which
for thgehscpara 110118. Curve II is the potential-energy curve depends on 1/r’, cannot introduce a maximum in the attractive
_ e omopo ar molecule of NaCl; there 1S evidently Very potential curve which varies as 1/r; the influence of the former
little attraction between the sodium and chlorine atoms and it is merely to distort the latter. The position at which most
is not certain whether or not the curve has actually a minimum restriction in the reaction under consideration occurs is at the
°°1'1‘e$P°I1ding to a stable homopolar state. crossing point of the curves for polar and homopolar states.
_ The d.1St8.I1C6. between curves I and II at infinite value of r, The systems Na and Cl or Na+Cl* must reach this point before
i.e., corresponding to complete dissociation into Na+ and Cl“ in reaction can occur, and hence this may be regarded as the acti-
the former case and Na and Cl in the latter, is clearly equal to vated state ; it is evident, therefore, that the activation energy
for the association reaction (5) will be effectively zero, whereas
I(Na) — E(Cl),
that for the reverse process (6) will be the heat of dissociation of
where I(Na) is the i°niZati°11 Potential of sodium atoms and polar sodium chloride into sodium and chlorine atoms. Accord-
E(C1) is the eleetrell effinity of atomic chlorine. For sodium ing to the theory of absolute reaction rates, therefore, the specific
chloride the values are 118.2 and 86.2 kcal., respectively, so that reaction rate for the association process is

;:@.:1:%.:';: .:@.:.W: :.:r as I H

ions but when combilfieiioltiil ‘e atoms are more stable than the
h0m»Op0lar form The e ionic state is more stable than the
It _ x kl’
h FMFCI: (7)

- Petelltlal-energy curves must, therefore, the F terms being the partition functions for unit volume. It
cross, and they do so for a value of r of about 10.5 (see Table is of interest to recall the result obtained on page 17 that for
XXXI, page 307). There is, of course, no actual crossing as the combination of two atoms the absolute rate theory leads to
Owmg resonance a separation takes place as indicated by lthe the same expression as does the simple collision theory, apart
gzgri gslefsagés 713 (CL {gage 136); there are thus two potential- from the transmission coeflicient. It should be noted, however,
between odi 1 e 0Wer clng the one representing the reaction that the correct numerical value for the reaction rate would
_ _ . S um and chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride be obtained only if the collision diameter were taken to be about
in its polar state, vzz_, 10.5 A., i.e., the atomic separation at the crossing point; the
use of ordinary kinetic-theory diameters would give results
Na + Cl = Na+Cl-', (5) that are too small (cf. page 310).
Transmission Coeflicient.4—It is now necessary to consider the where the symbols e, v, s,; and s; have the same significance as
transmission coeflicient 1c, which it is convenient to examine before (page 149). The interaction energy e, arising from the
from the standpoint of the dissociation reaction; the value for resonance between initial and final states, may be expressed
the association process must, of course, be the same (see page approximately as
287). Of the molecules that pass the crossing point from left
to right, a certain fraction p will have come from the normal . = I M<1>x<2>HX'<1>X'<2> df <10)
(polar) Na+Cl- molecules, the remainder coming from the where M (1) is the orbital of the valence electron on M, and X12)
homopolar state. Not all of this fraction will have originally that of the valence electron on X; X’ is the Velenee Qrbital
i-'imPA .-n==_%5l.'_=£%4?_. _=.i*!§*_- _ :_ started as Na+Cl' molecules; some will have originated in the when occupied by two electrons. The symbol H represents the
dissociated state and will be passing from left to right because perturbation-energy operate!) given by
they were not stabilized in the molecular form. If 0' is the frac-
tion of those systems which originally came from the dissociated H=_L+1
rm; rm rm
1. 1,
state and are stabilized, so that they do not recross from left to
right, then and hence involves the distances between electrons and nuclei.
In order to evaluate e at the crossing point, it is first necessary
K=nv (3) to have some indication of the value of rm; at this P°int- In
gives the fraction of those molecules passing through the acti- its vicinity, it is obviously reasonable to ‘neglect. thile reilullsion
vated state, in the direction of dissociation, which originally term in Eq. (4); further, since curve II (Fig. 78) is a Ir(1i0S_ 0I‘_1-
started as Na+Cl_ molecules. In the absence of a third body zontal, the potential energy relative to the separate lens IS
to remove the excess energy, the fraction is very small. The approximately the same as at infimty, z.e., I(Na) — E(Cl)-
mean life of an oscillator of the type of Na+Cl- is known to be Hence, at the crossing point, ~
about 10‘1 sec., estimated from the dipole moment, and hence
it must oscillate roughly 1012 times during its life period. The I(Na) - E(Cl) ~ -% (12)
probability that the molecule shall be stabilized, and hence the
value of 0', is thus approximately 10v”. It is evident that x
,6 I(Na) f MCI), (13)
must be so small that the rate of reaction will be exceedingly
slow in the absence of a third body. If the latter is present, where r represents the distance between the nuclei of sodium
however, it may be supposed that every collision between sodium and chlorine at the crossing point. A similar equation is, of
and chlorine atoms leads to reaction, the product being either course applicable to all the other alkali halides, and the values of
Na+Cl" or NaCl ; in these circumstances, 0' is approximately r recerded in Table XXXI have been calculated from the
unity, and p gives the value of the transmission coefficient. known ionization potentials of the alkali metals and the electron
The Zener-Landau equation (page 149) gives the probability X affinities of the halogens. '
that a molecule will make the transition from a lower to an TABLE XXXI.—-IN'rEnNUcLEAR DISTANCES AT Cnossme POINTS
upper state at the crossing point between two potential-energy
surfaces. In the case under consideration, p is equivalent to the
5' ‘ Li,.3i _

Na,A _

K.A , R112
I 1

08.11 I ————»

probability of the system remaining on the lower potential-

I-* 76.5 “ 495 I *
energy surface, so that it is equal to 1 — X, thus, I-ll‘-‘ 25.0 I 35.2 1 120
p = 1 _ 6-4:-*e*/hula;--ail’ Q9 I 18.4 22.9 42.3
H'21 c>~ioo1- -i<o<o~i “@922 OFQCHO5 13.1 15.7 22.2
4 Magee, Ref. 3. . 1 j 7 I

* No crossing.
4...... _ l= __ _i._ ____,__ _


These figures give the efiective collision diameters for the
and halogen, i.e., reaction (1) (page 301), or in its general form
reactions between the various alkali metal and halogen atoms;
the values are seen to be greatly in excess of the normal atomic M+X2=MX+X, (14)
diameters, and it is apparent that, apart from the inability to will now be examined. » The reaction is very similar to that
estimate the transmission coefficient, simple collision theory between M and X, the additional X atom having only a relatively
would give results for the reaction rate which are seriously in small influence. The chief effect of the additional atom is to
error. alter the value of r,,, the internuclear separation at the crossing
Utilizing the data in Table XXXI, J. L. Magee5 has made an point; this arises from the difference in the electron aflinities
approximate evaluation of the integral of Eq. (10), assuming between X and X2. The value for the latter will be less than
ls-orbitals, and has obtained the results given in Table XXXII for the former; and hence, as will be evident from Fig. 78, the
for the values of the resonance energy between ionic and homo- separation between the atomic and ionic surfaces at high values
polar states at the crossing point; very large values are indicated of r will be increased. It follows, therefore, from Fig. 7S and
by “v.l.,” and very small ones by “v.s.” from Eq. (13), that 1', will be increased. The electron affinity of
the X2 molecule may be regarded as less than that of the atom X
by an amount equivalent to the binding effect of the additional
(cal. per mole)
valence electron; the latter quantity is equivalent to one-half
Li Na K Rb 3 Cs the bond energy, or heat of dissociation, of! the molecule X2, so

F 12 4 2 10*" v.s. ...

_*"—-1";-"'*r.T,—" ';- E(X2) z -' %D(X2)» (15)
Cl 228 219 10-‘ v.s. T v.s. ‘-1
Br v.l. 2 v.l. 10 1 v.s. where D(X2) is the heat of dissociation of the halogen molecule.
I v.l. v.1. 287 170 17 By use of this approximation the value of re for the system
Na + C12 is found to be 5.5 It is clear from what has been
According to Eq. (9), p becomes larger as e increases, and in already said in connection with the M + X reaction that for
fact p approximates to unity when e becomes equal to kT. At such a small value of r, there will be no restriction at the crossing
500°K., kT is about 250 cal. per mole, and p for sodium chloride point and p may be taken as unity. Further, in the reaction
(e = 219 cal.) is calculated as 0.93; for lithium fluoride, however, (14) under consideration, 0' will also approach unity, since a
when e is 12 cal., p is only 0.008. It will be seen by comparing third body, the additional chlorine atom, will presumably act
Tables XXXI and XXXII that, in general, a large value of the as a stabilizer by assisting in the removal of the excess energy.
nuclear separation at the crossing point will mean a small It follows, therefore, that the transmission coefficient x can be
transmission coeflicient. If r,, is small, however, there will be taken as unity, and the specific reaction rate will be given by
no restriction at the crossing point. the expression '
Since the rates of the alkali metal—halogen atomic reactions kT
in the absence of a third body have little practical interest, the 10 T ‘

actual results will not be calculated. Sufiicient information

has now been obtained, however, to consider other aspects of
<22m2kT>%.8w*<s1~AB0>%<kT>** f[ (1 _ 6-2.,/.2-,-1
the alkali metal—-halogen reactions. "3 T "3 _ 2- 2- (16)
(2'#7l@MkT)% (2'"'mX=kT)%. . 8"'2IX=kT . 1 -- -1».-/hr -1,
Reaction between Alkali Metal Atoms and Halogen Mole- i h='» 2 0 ' h“ 2 n2 ( 6 )
cules.—The first step in the reaction between alkali metal vapor
the activation energy being zero. Since the energy is approxi-
5 Magee, Ref. 3.
mately the same in activated and initial states, there 1S no
additional potential operative in the former case. The diatomic is much more complicated than the one discussed in the previous
molecule X2 accordingly retains its rotational and vibrational section, on account of the fact that the excited states are so
degrees of freedom in the activated state, so that it behaves relatively low that they cannot be neglected. For convenience
virtually as a single atom. The partition functions are thus of representation of the potential-energy surfaces, the reaction
similar to those concerned in a reaction between two atoms, and may be considered as taking place in two stages, the first being
Eq. (16) reduces to one that is formally the same as that given the formation of the complex M——M——-X, mIz.,
by the simple collision theory* (see page 5), thus
M2 + X = M—M—-X, (19)
k = 7'2 [81rkT , (17) and the second its decomposition, thus
although rc has here the significance of the internuclear separa-
M—M—X = MX + M. (20)
tion at the point where the two potential-energy surfaces cross. First Stage.-—The potential-energy surfaces for the first stage
Equation (17) has been used, together with the values of rc are shown in Fig. 79 for a linear approach of X to M2; the
obtained in the manner described above, to calculate the specific . i m

rates of the reactions between Na and C12 and between Na and

I2. The results in Table XXXIII, which are in cc. mole“ secfl,
\/— -M++X-
are seen to be in excellent agreement with the observed rates. 4 "-M +x'
T.’ C" M-M"+x"
Xfik-miv~\_l§ ." '?“"'="“_c
REACTION c _. ,2,; t
Reaction Calc. Obs. B

Na + Cl:
ow» can XX I-‘I-5 co :2: A l
N8» + I2 I ca» l—*!-5 XX I-1|-5 oo 22 M2 X distance _
' I I M

FIG. 79.—Potential-energy surfaces for the linear M:——X system; M 15 311 9-111311
Since the values of r, employed in Eq. (17) are at least twice metal and X is a. halogen. (Maaee-)

as large as the corresponding figures for the mean diameters abscissae give the distance from X to the mid-point of M2.
employed in the kinetic-theory equation for the collision number, For the system consisting of an atom of X and a molecule of M2,
the rates calculated here are about four times those given by the the potential-energy curve is relatively flat, like.II in Fig. 78."‘
simple collision theory and are closer to the experimental results.
There is here, however, a possibility of splitting into two levels,
Reaction between Alkali Metal Molecule and Halogen Atom. as shown on Fig. 79, viz., E and H, the latter having a slightly
The reaction
higher energy at the shorter M2-—X distances. Corresponding
M2+X=MX+M (18) to curve I for M+—X- in Fig. 78, there are here two potential-
energy curves, one for M—M"'——X", i.e., when the M 8110111
* As a consequence of the absence of an additional potential in the acti-
vated complex, one of the rotational degrees of freedom in the initial state
nearest to X“ is ionized, and one for M+-—M——X_ When the
is equivalent to a vibrational degree in the activated state; the vibrational further atom is ionized. These two curves must approach each
terms, therefore, cancel. The rotational contribution of X2 in the initial other for large M2—X distances, but for small separations the
state cancels one in the activated state, thus leaving the contribution of two
* To avoid complicating the diagram the curves for M—-M + X are
degrees of rotational freedom'in the numerator.
discontinued beyond the crossing points.


1 aI


one for. M—M+—_X" will clearly have the lower potential energy, curves in this figure are the same as the analogous ones in Fig. 79,
. as depicted in Fig. 79; neither M—-M+——X" nor Mi"-M-X—
is excited, and so both are in E states. It is now necessary to
and the right-hand asymptotes differ by the corresponding heats
of reaction. The lowest curve, as is to be expected, is for the
turn to the excited states, viz., *M—M"'——X" and *M+—M_X—; dissociation of M—M+—X" (at A) into M and M+—X". The

11 these exist in both Z and doubly degenerate II states but thé complex M+—M—-—X‘ (at B) will dissociate into Mi‘ and M——X‘“,

potential-energy curves are otherwise exactly analogous to those and this will obviously be expected to have a relatively high
Just considered. To avoid complexity in the diagram, only those energy, as shown. The right~hand side of the potential-energy
] n
for the II states are shown, the corresponding E curves being curve, for which *M—M+——X"' is the stable form (at C), repre-
Just below. All the curves approach each other for large M2—X sents M* + M+——X—; and this will be above the lowest curve by
distances, but at short distances the ones for *M——M+—X— W111 an amount equivalent to the excitation energy of M. Since there
be the lower. are II and Z states for the system *M—M+—X‘, as mentioned

ivi*+M-x‘ above, although the II curve only is shown in Fig. 79, there will
T, / M +M -x
IR 4- — be corresponding Z and II curves for the system *M——M‘*'—X-,
and both are depicted in Fig. 80, that for the Z state being the
::-'-‘L’ lower. It will be seen that the curve for M+—-M—X“ intersects
E the E curve for *M—-M+—X", and since both represent Z
.5“-.{ states there will be interaction with the formation of distinct
r '-
ii .-
B M+M*-x' upper and lower surfaces as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 80.
It follows, therefore, that the decomposition of M+—-M—X"
A from B will result largely in the production of M* and M+—X“,
i.e., excited M and MX in its normal (ionic) state. The same
distance A products are obtained from the complex M*—M+—X— in the II
FIG. 80.—Potential-energy surfaces for the linear M—MX system. (Maggg)
state ; the curve does not intersect with any other II curve, and so
VVhen a normal atom of approaches a normal molecule of M2,
there is direct decomposition from the equilibrium state at C
the potential-energy curve 1S seen to cross that for M—M+_X—
to yield M* and M+—X", as seen in Fig. 80.
Zillai $13126 l:>0th 011I‘VeS represent states, interaction is pos- In reviewing the foregoing discussion, it is clear that a normal
f ti, W1 tl e result that reaction will proceed to the formation
molecule of M2 and a normal atom of X can react on three
['1 P 19 C°If1P_ex M——M —X“ at the point A. If, however, there potential-energy surfaces: one, via the complex A, will lead
|_ I
|' is a restriction at a, some of the molecules will proceed to b
to M and M+X- in their electronic ground states, the heat of
when a crossing will take place to the curve for M+—-M—X-,
reaction presumably passing into thermal motion of thepmolecule
with the result that the complex M+-—M--X- will be formed
M+X". This corresponds to the mechanism of Polanyi ct al.,
at B.
referred to previously (page 302). The other two modes of
thT:e H l(11PP9I‘§surface for M—-M—-X cannot interact with reaction via the complexes B and C, respectively, lead directly to
e wo ower ( ) states, because of symmetry restrictions;
excited M atoms; and hence it appears that part of the lumines-
but a crossing is possible to the II surface for =|=M___M+__X_ at c_
cence observed in the alkali metal—halogen reactions is due to

the °°mP1eX *M—M"'~X" is thus formed at C. , the emission of radiation by excited alkali metal atoms produced
Second Staqe.—-It is now necessary to consider the second stage
In-_-_,|\ directly in the chemical reaction. It will be seen shortly that
of the reaction, vz'z., the decomposition of M—-M—X- the
owing to the lack of restriction at the crossing point a (Fig. 79)
appropriate potential-energy curves, with the M——(MX), dis-
I tances as abscissae are shown in Fig. 80, The minima, of the
most of the reaction on the E surface of M-—M——X goes through
A and leads to normal M and vibrationally excited M+~—-X-;
hence, the process involving B does not occur to any great
sufiiciently small for there to be no restriction at the crossing
extent, but that through C is nevertheless of considerable
importance. point (i.e., p m 1). If this value of rt is used, it is found that the
specific rate for the reaction through C is given by
Reaction through A.—-As seen above, in connection with the
M + X reaction, the restriction at the crossing point depends kc = %(3.04 X 10“)
to a large extent on r,, which, in turn, will be determined by I(M2) = 2.03 X 10“ cc. mole-1 sec.-1 (23)
—E(X), as seen from Eq. (13). The value of r, will be smaller
Total Reaction. The total specific rate for the reaction on the
than that for the simple reaction M + X owing to the large
two surfaces, one leading to normal and the other to excited
ionization potential of M2 as compared with that of M. Approxi-
sodium atoms, is thus
mate calculations show that for reactions involving lithium and
sodium molecules, at least, r,, is sufficiently small for p to be taken k = 12,, + he = 3.08 >< 1014 + 2-03 >< 10“
as unity; for potassium, rubidium and cesium, however, there may = 5.11 X 1014 cc. mole-1 sec.-1,
be an appreciable restriction to crossing at a.
which may be compared with the experimental value of 1.5 X 1014.
Owing to the lack of restriction at a for reactions with sodium,
It will be noted that according to the discussion presented here
the crossing at b (Fig. 79), to attain the system at B, can be
somewhat more than one-quarter of the reaction between sodium
neglected, and so it is necessary to consider only reactions
molecules and chlorine atoms leads to the direct production of
via A and C. The II state, as already mentioned, is actually
excited sodium atoms. Similar calculations have been made for
doubly degenerate, and hence reaction through C must be
the reactions of sodium molecules with bromine and iodine atoms,
weighted twice with respect to that through A; this introduces
and the results are presented in Table XXXIV, together with
factors of § and 2%, respectively, in the equations based on the
those obtained by experiment.
theory of absolute reaction rates, and on the assumption that the
activation energy of the reaction is zero, as is probable from TABLE XXXIV.-—-SPECIFIC RATES or M2 + X REACTIONS
the position of the crossing point a, the specific rate of the
Reaction I Calc. Obs.
reaction through A is given by

1kTF1 . N2, + Cl 10“ 2 >< 101*
7“ 3 n FM,F2 (21) N2. + Br 101* >< 10"
Na2 + I M0001 I-IOH XXX 10“ Q»-*|-~ M0101O5 X 10“
As in the case of the reaction between M and X2, this reduces
to the same form as Eq. (17), except for the factor 1} that is The discrepancies may be due to taking too large values for rc
introduced. If r,, is taken as 8.2 A., the value of k4 for the specific in the reaction leading to unexcited atoms; but the agreement
--.-i'Td~-_.~uJ-Tv=r+-;—.2:-=.1-. i'-_:- reaction Na2 + Cl has been calculated in this way to be is, in any case, much better than that obtained by the simple
k4 = §(9.25 X 10“) collision theory. The collision diameters employed are con-
= 3.08 X 10“ cc. mole"1 sec?‘ (22) siderably less than. 1-,, and the calculated rates. are. too low.
It should be noted that the collision theory predicts increasing
Reaction through C.-—-The activated state for this reaction may reaction rates in passing from chlorine to iodine, on account of
be taken as the point c (Fig. 79); and here again the activation the increasing atomic radii, and hence is contrary to experiment.
energy is zero, and Eq. (17) will be applicable, with the intro- No such discrepancy exists in the method of treatment described
duction of % as the weighting factor. The distance r,, at the cross- here. _
ing point is calculated from I (M2*) — E(X); for the reaction Attention may be called to the fact that the potential-energy
between Na2 and Cl, this is estimated to be 4.7 A., which is curves in Figs. 79 and 80 and the calculations are based on a
linear M-M-—X complex. The results have also been worked
out for the approach of X along a line perpendicular to the line the excess energy in re&0ti0I1 (2§) is 15 kssl- This Problem
joining the two M nuclei, and the general conclusions are similar will be considered in the next section.
to those already given. Li ht Yields in Luminescent Reactions."—It has been seen
Reactions between Sodium Atoms and Inorganic Halides.°—- thatgin the sodium-cliloriiie reaction the ratio of the specific rate
Sodium vapor reacts with the vapors of mercuric chloride and of the process leading to vibrationally excited sodiuini Chl((;l‘1(III€i
bromide and of cadmium chloride with the production of lumines- and normal sodium atoms to. that in which eigzite S1? llt-llhe
cence. The primary process in the reaction with mercuric atoms are produced directly 1S 3.08 to 2.03f. ‘wing (1 the
chloride, which may be regarded as typical, is possibility of deactivation, however, only a raction a o to
excited sodium chloride molecules can Pass their energy °n _ ’
Na + HgCl2 = NaCl + HgCl; (24) and so excite, a sodium atom; the fractional llght Ylsld 4’ 13»
but the energy liberated, 25 kcal., is, as in the reaction with therefore, given by
molecular chlorine, insufficient to excite the sodium-D line. 3,03 +2.03
The over-all rate of reaction is faster than collision theory 4’ 3.11 ' (27)
predicts, indicating that there is in this case, also, no activation
energy. The radical HgCl is formed in reaction (24); but Because of the conservation of the translational and rotational
this does not react with Na2 molecules, as is the case with the energy of the complex as a whole, there are only three degrees
._-w. ~:&~‘- chlorine atom in the sodium-halogen reaction, for the peculiar of freedom into which the heat of reaction is allowed to ' go:
temperature and pressure effects, mentioned on page 302, are (1) relative translation of. the products, (2) 1‘°t3ifi°n_;f thgizdiggg
now absent. It appears, therefore, that the second stage in the chloride, and (3) vibration of the. sodium c ori e. H
reaction is may be assumed to be the most important. The probability
that a system will have energy w in one degree of freedom when
Na + HgCl = NaCl + Hg; (25)
the total energy is W in s degrees °f freedom» ls glvsn (see Page
-_q -P~\_-A- 0-.

and if the NaCl were in its lowest state the energy evolved, 159) by
63.0 kcal., would be suflicient to excite a sodium atom. This P(w) = const. X (W "' 'w)%'_1- (28)
excess energy is presumably carried by the sodium chloride as
vibrational energy and is transferred to a sodium atom, which The probability of the vibrational degree of freedvm (8 "12)
is thus excited electronically, as the result of a collision (cf. having energy between E’, the lowest energy that will excite
page 302). luminescence, and E 1S, therefore,
The reactions between sodium atoms and the inorganic E E
W _ %=—1 d , dw
halides are distinguished by a low luminescence efficiency; as er ( _ w)%=—1dw
w) w “ J;
fir: dw
A (29)
an example, the reaction between sodium and iodine may be 1: (W
contrasted with that between sodium and mercuric chloride.
= E g E’_ (30)
The reaction
Na2 + I = NaI —|- Na (26)
For the reaction between Na: and Cl the energy E avallabls
has a heat of reaction only 1 kcal. in excess of the excitation is 74 kcal.; and since the minimum amount E necessary to
energy of sodium, but the light yield is four times as great as excite a sodium atom is 48 kcal., it follows that
for the reaction with mercuric chloride, in spite of the fact that
° I-I. Ootuka and G. Schay, Z. physik. Chem., B, 1, 68 (1928) ; E. Horn,
_ 75*T
(1 ._ - 48 = 0.35. (31)
M Polanyi and H. Sattler, ibid., B, 17, 220 ( 1932).
7 Magee, Ref. 3-
—i**“*** I


Insertion of this value in Eq. (27) gives, for the fractional light
yield, ¢ = 0.61, which is lower than the experimental value 0.8. the second, or third, halogen atom is removed by the ‘sodium-
It may be pointed out that the calculations are inevitably The removal of the first halogen results in the formation of a
approximate since Eqs. (29) and (30) are based on the assumption free radical, thus,
of random distribution, whereas in the processes being con- CCl3BI‘ + Na = -C012 + NaBr
sidered certain states are favored. OI‘

If the reaction occurs between the alkali metal and a halide, CICH2-CH2Cl + Na = -CH2-CH2Cl + N201,
there is no possibility of direct excitation; hence, it follows from
with the liberation of a small amount of ‘energy; but in. the
Eq. (27) that the fractional light yield ¢ will be equal to a. The
next stage there is a considerable gain, resulting from the pairing
result is that ¢ is lower than for the corresponding reaction in
of the two odd electrons, thus,
which the halogen itself is concerned. As seen above, E for
reaction (25), involving mercuric chloride, is 63 kcal.; hence, -CCl3 —|— Na = ICCI2 + N301
it follows that OI‘
-CH2-CH2Cl + Na = CH2:CH2 + NaCl,
¢ — 2 - 53 ,5 45 0.23. (32) so that the excess energy may well be suflicient to excite a sodium
The experimental value is actually lower, viz., 0.1; but that atom. _
calculated is less than would have been the case if there had been Although not always accompanied by luminescence, processes
direct, in addition to indirect, excitation. involving an alkali metal and an organic halide will be discussed
Much valuable information on the mechanism of the chemi- here 9 since they are of the same general nature as the reactions
luminescent reactions with alkali metal vapors could be obtained already considered in this chapter. No activation energies
by careful quenching experiments. In particular, there should for these reactions have been measured directly, but it has been
be a difference between reactions in which the halogen itself inferred that they are not zero from the fact that the reactions
or a halide takes part. Further, owing to the restriction at the occur more slowly than those in which halogens or inorganic
appropriate crossing point analogous to a in Fig. 79, the reactions halides take part. Approximate values‘ have been obtained
between chlorine and rubidium and cesium vapors can presum- in a number of cases by assuming the simple collision theory
I-iai~vl.2s,'.I:nm|a.: ly

ably occur only by mechanisms involving direct excitation of the to be applicable' the activation energies obtained in this manner

alkali metal; the quenching phenomena should thus differ for the reaction between sodium vapor and the vapors of methyl
markedly from those observed with lithium and sodium where and phenyl chloride bromide and iodide are given in Table

indirect excitation is possible. XXXV.

Reaction between Alkali Metals and Organic Halides.—
- - ._


Reactions of the type Sonitm -

Na + Cl-R = Na+Cl" + R, (33) 8 CH Cl 9.7 k al. CH Br 4.7 kcal. CHJ ~0 kcal-

where R is an alkyl or aryl radical, are generally not accompanied CJ-I5Cl 10.2 kgal. C6I“I5Br 4.6 kcal. C¢HaI 1-7 kcal-

by luminescence, for the energy produced is not sufiicient to

excite the alkali metal atom. If the organic halide contains An examination of the data for the number of classical colli-
two or more halogen atoms, however, luminescence is often sions necessary for reaction, the so-called “collision yield,”
observed? and this is attributed to the energy produced when 9 H van Hartel, N. Meer and M. Polanyi, Z. physik. Chem., B» 19» 139
8 C. E. H. Bawn and W. J. Dunning, Trans. Faraday Soc., 35, 185 (1939);
(19323. J Heller and M Polanyi ibid B 32, 633 (1933); F. Fairbrother and
’ . . , .’ , O Q

J. N. Haresnape, J. M. Stevels and E. Warhurst, ibid., 36, 465 (1940). E. Warhurst, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 987 (1935), J. L. Tuck and E- W31‘
hurst, ibid., 32, 1501 (1933).
_ _

A_. _—._ .;_

which is an approximate measure of the activation energy, in a The energy E1 of state (1) for any linear configuration of the
large number of instances, shows that the rate of reaction is centers can be expressed in terms of the ‘energy B1 of the X—.—R
favored by: bond and the repulsion energy R1 arising from the repulsion
1. Increase in the atomic number of the halogen. forces between Na and X—R: thus,
2. Increase in length and, particularly, branching of the
hydrocarbon chain. E1 = B1 + R1;

3. Introduction of negative groups into the alkyl radicals.

4. Introduction of a double bond in the 2-3 position. and, similarly, for state (2)
5. Removal of a double bond from the 1-2 position. E2 = B2 + R2.
There appears to be a parallelism between the reactivity of an
alkyl chloride with sodium vapor and the atomic refraction of the It has been suggested that a sodium atom is able toapproach
halogen atom, as may be seen from the data in Table XXXVI.1° a halogen atom, held by a homopolar bond to the radical R, up
to the normal bonding distance without incurring any appreciable
repulsion (cf. page 144) ;12 if this is the case, R1 can be neglected,
Halide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH2Cl CH2Cl2 CHCI2 CCI4 and the problem is simplified because it is possible to represent
Atomic refraction . . . . . . . . . 6.19 6.33 6.47 6.61 the potential-energy surface in terms of one parameter, viz.,
Collision yield . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,100 the X—R distance. _
The method of constructing the surfaces corresponding to
Similar results have been obtained in other instances; and the configurations (1) and (2) follows closely the procedure
it appears that the greater the polarizability of the halogen atoms described on page 142; the values of B1 are obtained from the
or, more probably, the greater the ionizability of the C—X Morse equation for the C—X bond in the halide, derived from
bond, where X is a halogen atom, the more readily does the spectroscopic data. The bond energy B2 is calculated from
reaction with alkali metal vapor occur. The greater the ioiiiz- Eq, (56) or (57), Chap. III, and the repulsion energy R2 is given by
ability of the bond, the greater will be the resonance in the 2
activated state between the structures R2 = ‘$73’ + 177-92 (36)
Na—Cl_—R+ and Na+—Cl“—R,
where the first term, involving the polarizability oz of the organic
and so the lower will be the activation energy, and hence the
radical represents the attraction arising from the influence
“collision yield,” to which it is related. The results can thus
of the icharged halide ion on the R group and the Seeefld term
be explained, at least qualitatively.
is the normal repulsive contribution, which may alternatively
Calculation of Activation Energies.——Attempts have been made

be represented by be-’/P. '

to calculate the activation energies for reactions between sodium
Having evaluated E1 and E2 for various values of r1, the X—R
vapor and alkyl and aryl halides, R-X, where X is the halogen,
distance, the curves are adjusted relative to each other along
by using the method described on page 142.11 The reaction is
the energy coordinate so as to give the correct value of the heat
considered as a transition between the linear bond configurations
of reaction; the point of intersection is then assumed to give the
represented by
energy of activation. The results obtained for methyl and
_ (1) Na——X-—R and (2) Na+—X“—R. phenyl halides are given in Table XXXVII; for those in column I
1° Haresnape, Stevels and Warhurst, Ref. 8. the repulsion term br“° was used in calculating R2, Whereas fel‘
11 R. A. Ogg and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 1375 (1935) ; M. those in II the modified exponential form was employed. The
G. Evans and E. Warhurst, ibid., 35, 593 (1939). 1* M. G. Evans and M. Polanyi, ibid., 34, 11 (1938).
values in column III were. obtained after making an all owance on the one hand and of the organic halides on the other. The
for the repulsion term R1 (cf. page 143), which was neglected in values for the latter group are probably much smaller than for
the other calculations. the former so that I (Na) — E(Cl2) is considerably less than
I(Na) _ E’(R. ()1)- the result of this may be seen in the potential-
TABLE XXXVII.—~CALouLA'rEi> AND “OBsEBvEi>” ACTIVATI on ENERGIES ‘ energy curves in ,Fig. 81. Apart from any possible change in
shape the curve for Na———Cl——-R is lower than that for Na——-Cl
_C1.’hence the rising (repulsion) portion is reached before the
Calc., kcal.
R-X Obs., kcal. crossing point representing the activated state. There is con-
I II III sequently a small, but definite, activation energy. It should
be noted that Tc for Na—X—R is less than for Na—X—X; the
CHaCl i- 17.7 Pl result of this is twofold. In the first place, there will be no
CH2Br 14.2 ~1-J
CHaI @006: r-*-QM 12.7
appreciable restriction to crossing, so that x is almost unity;
l~3~I01 ooi-*0 Oi-P-£0

C,HiCl I-I ~16 I-5

Na++ oi‘-oi <3 oi‘-in
C2H5Br ~

COOP‘ \IQOO I-‘#PQ ~10>l\')

- -.1
Na+Cl-Cl I
The general agreement between calculated and observed results Na) -E (Cl'R)
is only fair; and in view of the uncertainty as to the form of
the repulsion curve R2, which has a marked effect on the cal- Eact. ---I-E24-*

culated activation energies (compare columns I and II), the

-3'; Na+Cl-R
results cannot be regarded as very significant. It must be
remembered, too, that no allowance has been made for resonance I Na+- Cl-—X
at the crossing point of the E1 and E2 surfaces, representing the Na-—Cl'X distance
activated state, and for this reason the calculated activation FIG. 81.—Potentia1-energy surfaces for the linear Na—Cl-X system. (Magee.)
energies must be in error. In making a comparison between
in the second place, the effective diametei' to be used in the
observed and calculated values, it must be borne in mind that
kinetic-theory expression for the collision number [Eq. (1/)1
the former are derived on the basis of the assumption that
will not differ very greatly from the normal.mean diameter.
the simple collision theory is applicable. In view of the results
It is probable, therefore, that the simple collision theory Wlll
obtained with the reactions between sodium atoms and halogen
be approximately applicable to reactions involving an alkali
molecules, this procedure may be open to question; but, as
metal atom and a simple alkyl, OI‘ er)’12 hshde- I
will be seen shortly, the errors arising in this way are probably
It is reasonably certain, in any case, that reactions of the type
Two Types of Reaction.—The experimental results" on the
Na + Cl-R = NaCl + R cis-trans isomerization reactions of ethylenic derivatives, which
involve a rotation of 180 deg. about the double bond, show that
have an appreciable activation energy, whereas those involving a
13 G_ B_ Kigtiakowsky et al., Z . physilc. Chem., A, 152, 369 (1931); J. Am.
molecule of chlorine or of an inorganic halide, e.g., HgCl2, have
Chem Soc. 54, 2208 (1932); 56, 638 (1934); 67, 269 (1936); 58, 766, 2428
none. The explanation of this behavior may lie in the difference (1936); B. ,Tamamushi and H. Akiyama, Z. Elektrochem., 43, 156 (1937);
between the electron affinities of chlorine and mercuric chloride 45, 72 (1939); Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 12, 382 (1937)-
- i


these processes can be divided into two classes. It can be seen
Singlet and Triplet States of Ethylene.—The ethylene mole-
from the data in Table XXXVIII that in one group of reactions
l cule has a singlet ground state; and since a rotation of 180 deg.
the specific reaction rates are given, approximately, by the
about the double bond leads to an equivalent structure, this
must also be a singlet state. The variation of potential energy
k z 104 6-25,000/RT Sec-1’ of these two states of ethylene with the angle 0 of rotation about
whereas in the other the double bond may thus be represented schematically by
two curves IA and IB of the parabolic type shown in Fig. 82.
The lowest excited state of the ._. ,.
In other words, one group is characterized by a low frequency ethylene molecule is presumably I
factor A and a low energy of activation E.,,,. in the equation a triplet“; and there is reason for
lc = A e_E°==1>-”"', whereas in the other these quantities are high; believing that in this state the
energy depends very little on E IA In
the actual specific rates, however, do not differ very greatly A
at the experimental temperatures, about 300°C. rotation, especially if 0 does not m
differ considerably from 90 deg. B ‘~C
TABLE XXXVIII.——KiNE'rics or Cis-'rBANs IsoMEBizA'ri0N REACTIONS The potential energy of the
triplet state is thus represented, 0° 180°
Reactant Te:np., Press., A , Em,’
approximately, by a horizontal 0 2 A
mm. kcal.
line III in Fig- 82; and there FIG. 82.——Potential-energy curves
Maleic acid (l) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 to 150 is reason for believing that its for rotation of ethylene about the
¢ u Q o u o Q Q Q 0 n
15.8 . . . . double bond.
Dimethyl maleic ester (g). . . 270 to 380 45 to 330 I-1!-4 09*!XX I-—l—l 2?.’ 26.5 position is well below the crossing _
Dimethyl citraconate (g). . . 280 to 360 30 to 500 10" 25.0 point of curves IA and IB. The existence of a low triplet state
Butene-2 (g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 to 420 100 to 1,440 2(?) 18.0(?) for ethylene is not surprising when it is remembered that this
Methyl cinnamate (g) . . . .. . 290 to 387 X 1010
substance is isoelectronic with the oxygen molecule, and the latter
5 to 500 OI 41.6
B-Cyanostyrene . . . . . . . . . .. . 308 to 378 20 to 450 X 1011 46.0
is actually a triplet in its ground state.
Stilbene (g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 280 to 338 4 to 400 O’-i-POO X 10" 42.8 Reaction Mechanism. 15-—If the potential curves in Fig. 82 may
Stilbene (Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 214 to 223 .. .. .... .. . 101° 36.7 be supposed to apply generally to ethylene derivatives, then
Monochlorostilbene (l) . . . .. . 226 to 246 .. .. .. .. .. . 10" 37.0
Dichlorostilbene (l) . . . . . .. . 175 to 196 . . . . . . . . . . . §°Y".“° co»-1 101° 34.1
curves IA and IB may be regarded as those of cis— and trans-
XXX forms, respectively. The isomerization process thus involves
I i
I - - r

1 the transfer of the system from one curve to the other, and this
The reactions in both groups are kinetically of the first order,
can clearly take place in two ways. In the first method the
and for such reactions the frequency factor A is normally about
system moves from IA to IB without change of multiplicity;
10.13 (see page 296). In view of the large discrepancy between
i.e., the molecule remains in a singlet state throughout. If
this figure and that found, viz., 104, for one group of cis-trans
it were not for resonance, the activated state would be at the
isomerizations, it is highly probable that the reactions in this
crossing point of the two curves; but the considerable interaction
group are nonadiabatic in character. If the isomeric change
between the two equivalent structures results in a marked
involves a crossing from one potential surface to another, it is
lowering of the potential energy, so that the actual reaction path
p0SSll)l8,‘1f the interaction between the two states is small, for F is shown by the dotted line, the point A being the activated
the transmission coeflicient to be so low as to account for the
state. The alternative method whereby the cis-trans isomeriza-
difference between the observed frequency factor and that to
14 R. S. Mulliken, Phys. Rev., 41, 751 (1932).
be expected for a normal unimolecular reaction.
1‘ J . L. Magee, W. Shand and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 677 (1941).

F-_i .M_


, \
| |

tion may occur is for the system to undergo an electronic transi- tinuum of translational levels. In the reactions under consider-
tion from the singlet to the triplet state at B and then back to ation, this is not the case because each of the three potential
1»: the singlet state at C. In view of the small interaction between curves shown in Fig. 82 represents a series of well-quantized

singlet and triplet states the probability of transfer is small, rotational-energy levels. By making the approximation that
and hence the reaction will have a very low transmission coeffi- the energy levels for rotational motion about the activated
cient with the result that the frequency factor will be small.
n It can be seen, in general, therefore, that it is reasonable to
state are very closely spaced, the reaction can be treated as
classical. Since the quantization restricts the motion, the
suggest that the former mechanism, through the activated classical rate should be somewhat larger than would be obtained
state A, represents that with the high activation energy and high by introducing the appropriate restrictions.
frequency factor, whereas the alternative mechanism, through
For the reaction of low activation energy, the activated state
B and C, is that with low activation energy and frequency factor.
will occur at either B or C; the passage at one of these will be
By taking the torsional frequency we of ethylene to be 825 cm.“1
rate-determining, and it is assumed that the point B is the
and using the known dimensions of the molecule, the correspond-
critical one. The specific rate of the reaction can be written
ing force constant fo can be calculated by means of the formula
in the familiar form (page 190)

V9 = %r \/:%: (37) k = K 5,-27-l - 6-K»/M, (39)

where I, is the reduced moment of inertia for rotation about the where F; and F; are the partition functions of initial and acti-
double bond. The result is 3.75 X 1012 dynes per radian; and vated states, respectively; the latter corresponds to the partition
on the assumption that the potential energy V is a parabolic function of a normal ethylene molecule with the exception that
function of the angle of rotation, thus, the degree of freedom of torsional vibration has been removed.
If the properties of the activated molecule are identical with
V = %fv9’, (33) those of the normal molecule, with the exception of this torsional
the potential-energy curves can be drawn. . The crossing point motion, the translational, vibrational and rotational contribu-
of the curves IA and IB obtained in this manner is found to be at tions to the partition function cancel leaving only that due to the
63 kcal. per mole above the minima. If the resonance energy torsion; it follows, therefore, that Eq. (39) can be reduced to
is about 20 kcal., as is not unreasonable in view of the similarity
k = K 5% (1 _ e—h»a/kT) e-E»/RT (40)
between the two interacting structures, the activation point
should be at approximately 40 to 45 kcal. above the ground level.
This is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental activation where va represents the torsional frequency of the normal molecule.
energies for one group of the isomerization reactions. The The Transmission Coeflicient.—The transmission coeflicient is
exact position of the potential-energy curve for the triplet state the product of two factors: one (p) giving the probability for
cannot be estimated readily, but it may be set at about 20 kcal. the transfer from the singlet to the triplet state at B, and the
above the singlet minimum in accordance with the activation other (a) correcting for the fact that a certain fraction of the
energies in the second group of reactions. reacting systems which pass the point B and make the transition
Reaction with Low Activation Energy.—In most reactions, will return to the initial state. The latter factor depends, in
there is ~a classical motion along the reaction path, or at least on this case, on the ease with which the activation energy can be
one side of the activated state; a unimolecular decomposition, transferred to other molecules and so will depend on the pres-
for example, leads from a quantized vibrational level to a con- sure. If the product is not deactivated, it can clearly return
to the initial state since it will have sufficient energy to do so.
A i _
'-"i-i""‘ *"* ' " wv


J.—_.___,_ _

At high pressures, it may be supposed that all systems passing so the behavior in this case is virtually classical; the frequency
the point B become deactivated, and so under these conditions factor for the cis-trans isomerization is calculated as 1.9 X 10‘,
0' is unity, and the transmission coefficient x is equal to the p which is less, by about a factor of 10, than the value ah'eady
factor. As on page 306, p is the probability that the system derived. In butene-‘Z, however, the energy levels along the
will remain on the lower of the two potential-energy surfaces reaction coordinate are probably widely spaced, and the fre-
into which IA. and III split at the crossing point B (Fig. 82), so quency factor, introducing the quantum restrictions, is estimated
that it is given by Eq. (9). If the resonance energy is small, as to be 2.7 X 103. This is an improvement on the result obtained
it is for the processes under consideration, this becomes (cf. by classical methods, but it still differs appreciably from the
page 150) experimental value. It must be pointed out that the frequency
4'/r2e2 factor for the isomerization of but-ene-2 is much smaller than
” _ hv|s.- = 5,1’ (41) for the other substances studied so far, and so it may be excep-
tional in certain respects.
Upon taking v as 1013 radians per sec. and Is, -— sf] as 40 kcal,
Low-pressure Reaction.—At fairly low pressures the trans-
per mole per radian, which are reasonable values, it follows that
mission factor 0" is of importance and must be considered; the
p = 1.04 X 10-68, (42) value of a is equal to the ratio of the rate at which the molecules
where e is now expressed in calories per mole. become deactivated, after passing the point B, to the total
The connection between singlet and triplet states is due to rate of all the reactions, including returning to the initial state,
spin-orbit interaction; its extent is small, values of less than that the molecules are able to undergo. Deactivation can occur
.1 cal. having been calculated for ethylenic derivatives. It is as a result of collision with other molecules or by the transfer
seen, therefore, that p, which at relatively high pressures is of energy to other, generally vibrational, .degrees of freedom in
equal to the transmission coeflicient, is of the order of 10-7. the activated molecule. If 11,, is the collision frequency for all
The value of the reciprocal of the torsional partition function, the molecules present in the system, the frequency of collisions
i.e., 1 — e-"”v/"T, in Eq. (40) is somewhat less than unity;and since between activated and normal molecules will be 11., e"°”"', since
kT/h is about 1013, it follows that the frequency factor, which a fraction e"E°”"' of the molecules are activated. The probabil-
according to Eq. (40) is approximately equal to ity of deactivation in a collision is 01¢, and so the rate of deactiva-
tion by collision is given by a,,v,, e—E°”"'. Similarly, if v; is the
Ki}? (1 _ 6-1»,/hr)’ frequency with which the possibility arises for transfer of energy
to the ith vibration and oz; is the corresponding probability of
will be. about 105 to 10° for the isomerization reaction of low deactivation, the rate of transfer of energy for the activated
activation energy. Detailed calculations give 3.7 X 105 for the molecules is given by am e"E°””. Since the energy is still in
cis-trans change of dimethyl maleic ester and 2.5 X 105 for the molecule, however, it can return to the original, i.e., torsional,
butene-2; the former figure is seen to be in good agreement degree of freedom after a time 1'; for the ith vibration; and hence
with that obtained by experiment (Table XXXVIII), but for it is not certain that the transfer of energy will result in deactiva-
the latter there is still a considerable discrepancy. tion. The energy must ultimately be removed by collision, and
An attempt has been made to introduce the quantum restric- therefore the rate of deactivation by transfer of energy to other
tions mentioned above on the basis of the quantum-theory degrees of freedom, represented by the symbol co, is given by
postulate that electronic transition, e.g., from singlet to triplet m
states, can occur only between energy levels that are in resonance,
co = S aw; 6-3”/RT 1 *c"c"* ~: (43)
i.e., levels that are almost exactly matched. It appears that
in maleic ester the torsional levels are very closely spaced, and
1 1 - + 01.». 6-H"

i__—_'-:=_Qw.'_—~ _. _ __,


where m is the number of vibrational modes into which the is probably due to the transmission coeflicient being less than
activation energy can go. In addition to the transfer of energy unity, as will be evident shortly. The value of x in this case is
by collision and by internal rearrangement, all the molecules also given by Eq. (44), but it is probable here that the awe
that have passed the activation point have the possibility of terms are much larger than for the low-activation-energy reac-
returning; the total rate at which this may occur is equal to tion. A possible reason for this is that in the activated state
the reaction rate, i.e., A e"”/RT, where A is the frequency factor, the angle of rotation 0 is now 90 deg., and the torsional motion
i.e., about 105. The sum of the rates of all the reactions that is no longer to be regarded as a vibration, but as a rotation
an activated molecule can undergo is thus which can interact strongly with the other vibrations of the
(A —|— 01611,, + 2 (Milli) 6_E°/RT;
molecule. The probability of the transfer of energy to vibra-
tional modes within the molecule will thus be quite appreciable.
and hence, according to the definition given above, It should be mentioned that the high-activation-energy reactions
o__, —Eo/RT
oz,,v,,+wem ,_ (44) are apparently not pressure-dependent, and this can be readily
explained if the aw; terms in Eq. (44) play the dominant part.
A + am + 2 aw: In other words, for this type of reaction, most of the molecules
after passing through the activated state are deactivated by
If it is assumed that all the aw; terms are zero, i.e., that there is the rearrangement of energy within the molecule. In view of
almost no transfer of energy from one internal degree of freedom the fact that it is not possible to make estimates of the as and we
to another, Eq. (44) reduces to terms the value of x cannot be calculated, but it is reasonably
safe to say that it will be somewhat less than unity.
<1 = Xgtjc, (45) Choice of Reaction Path.—In view of the fact that two alter-
native reaction pathsare available for the cis-trans isomerization
which is of the form found experimentally. In the isomeriza- of ethylene derivatives, a question arises concerning the condi-
tion of dimethyl maleic ester the rate becomes pressure-dependent tions that determine the particular path a given substance will
at about 1 atm. ; the collision frequency 11,, is then of the order take. It appears from Table XXXVIII that compounds con-
of 10°, and so it follows, since A is approximately 105, that ac taining benzene rings prefer the high-activation-energy path;
must be about 10"‘. The experimental data for dimethyl maleic a possible explanation of this fact is that when the double bond
ester give a value of 5 X 10"‘ for a.,, so that the correspondence becomes a single bond, i.e., at the activated state, in the singlet
with theory is satisfactory. For butene-2, however, the agree- level the energy of the molecule depends on the ability of the two
ment is poor; but this may be due to the neglect of quantization electrons thus made available to form other bonds. In mole-
which is of greater significance with this substance than with cules with phenyl groups attached to the ethylenic carbon atoms
the maleic ester. there is ample opportunity for resonance, and so the singlet
Reacfion of High Activation Energy.—As in the case already activated state has a lower potential energy than would be
considered, the activated state will differ from the initial state the case for molecules, such as butene-2 and maleic ester, where
by the torsional vibration only; and hence the specific rate is similar resonance cannot take place. The resulting decrease
given by an equation of the same form as (40), the main differ- in the activation energy for the upper path for benzene deriva-
ences lying in the activation energy and the value of the trans- tives makes this route the more favorable of the two alternatives.
mission _coefficient. If the latter is taken as unity, it is evident An interesting possibility, which does not appear to have been
that the frequency factor will be about 1013, which is somewhat observed, would be a cis-trans isomerization in which the reaction
larger than that actually found by experiment. The difference path changed as the experimental conditions were altered.

_ _-.


Tunneling in Rotation about Double Bonds.—In view of the data. The possibility of interpreting the cis-trans isomerization
fact that the ammonia molecule penetrates a narrow potential results in terms of quantum-mechanical leakage must thus be
- in-n-— barrier as a result of quantum-mechanical leakage, or “tunnel- ruled out.
ing,” at a frequency of about 101° per second in an inversion type
of reaction, it is necessary to consider whether the two different THERMAL DECOMPOSITION or NITROUS Oxinn
cis-trans isomerizations could be explained by leakage at different Potential-energy Surface.-—The dissociation of nitrous oxide
energy levels. For high levels the barrier is narrow (Fig. 82) into a molecule of nitrogen and an atom of oxygen is a reaction
and the frequency would be high, whereas at a lower level the that is accompanied by an electronic transition. The normal
tunneling frequency would be much lower. It is thus possible state of nitrous oxide is 12, whereas that of a nitrogen molecule
to account qualitatively for the two mechanisms observed, is 12 and of atomic oxygen “P; these products can be obtained
although it is not clear why there should not be a large number of only if there is a change in the electronic state of the oxygen,
such mechanisms. for the decomposition of ‘E nitrous oxide would otherwise
The appropriate form of the rate equation for inversion by lead to an oxygen atom in the ‘D state. The problem of the
leakage through the barrier at the nth level of the torsional construction of the potential-energy surface for this reaction
vibrator is analogous to Eq. (40), thus, falls into two parts: (1) that for the dissociation
kn = éhfi __ 6-Ilv/kT) e—(n+§'§)hv/IZT,
N20 = N2(‘Z) + O(1D),
and (2) for the system N2(1Z) and O(3P). The potential
where A../h represents the tunneling frequency at the nth level function for the dissociation of nitrous oxide must satisfy a
and v is the torsional vibration frequency; the quantity (n + rill" number of conditions, among them being the following: (1)
is the vibrational energy, in excess of the minimum of the poten- Removal of an oxygen atom to infinity must leave the function
tial-energy curve, in the nth level. The quantity A,,/h can be for a normal nitrogen molecule. (2) Removal of a nitrogen
derived by the method employed by D. M. Dennison and G. E. atom to infinity must reduce the potential to that of 42 nitric
Uhlenbeck“ in connection with the ammonia problem, and oxide. (3) The minimum must correspond to the correct
hence kn can be estimated. For ethylene, the energies of the dissociation energy and interatomic distances. (4) It must yield
tenth and twentieth levels are 25 and 48 kcal., respectively, which the known vibration frequencies. A. E. Stearn and H. Eyring"
correspond approximately to the activation energies for the were able to devise a function that satisfied these conditions;
cis-trans-isomerization mechanisms; the corresponding frequency utilizing the known interatomic distances and normal vibration
factors, as given by Eq. (46), are 7.2 X 103 and 5.2 X 10“, which frequencies, they constructed the potential-energy surface shown
are in fair agreement with those obtained experimentally. It in Fig. 83. The angle between the axes is 58°54’; and the reduc-
appears, therefore, that for ethylene the rate of tunneling is of tion factor for 1'2, the N—N distance, is 0.968 in accordance
the right order of magnitude to be of importance in isomerization with the requirements of Eqs. (9) and (10), Chap. III.
reactions. With ethylenic derivatives, however, there is no such According to this diagram, it appears that the molecule of
correlation between calculated and observed frequency factors. nitrous oxide will remain in a hollow in the lower left corner,
The large values of the reduced moments of inertia for the which represents the equilibrium state, until it acquires enough
torsional vibration result in a much decreased rate of tunneling, energy to travel up the valley parallel to the r1-axis, which
and the_ frequency factors calculated are smaller, by many represents dissociation into N2(1Z) and O(1D). Examination
orders of magnitude, than those derived from the experimental of the surface, however, does not indicate a maximum in the
1° D. M. Dennison and G. E. Uhlenbeck, Phys. Rev., 41, 313 (1932); see path over which the system has to travel, and so if it actually
also F. T. Wall and G. Glockler, J. Chem. Phys., 5, 314 (1937). 1' A. E. Stearn and H. Eyring, ibid., 3, 778 (1935).
1 — —- — -'— -_ -


followed this path the activation energy would be equal to the

heat of dissociation, i.e., about 90 kcal. The experimental
energy of activation is, however, about 52 kcal., and the difference
is accounted for by the fact that the N2(‘2) + O(=*P) surface

found by the fact that the difierence in energy between the “P

and ‘D levels of atomic oxygen is known to be 45 kcal. The
potential-energy profile for the dissociation

cuts the one under consideration at a position well below that N20 = N202) +
corresponding to the formation of ‘D oxygen atoms.
It is now necessary to construct the surface for a 3P oxygen is obtained by taking a section of Fig. 83 passing through the
atom approaching a 12 nitrogen molecule. At large distances bottom of the valley parallel to the r1-axis. This is shown by
the oxygen attracts the nearer nitrogen atom of the molecule the curve in Fig. 84; on the same diagram is the repulsion curve

by the van der Waals and coulombic forces, but it repels it by an

1eo------- -
P N,(‘z)+o (‘Di

4--_-:_-_.-_I___-1_.:-_, _ _.~ -". =~i:.;_E_,=;-. *-P:v.- :I1;
Ii >.

ante: _.-._
It ' Q
'| 0
,, < _|
I . '8 O
I ‘|
| i
1‘ iii

|'\ F
fll_ i

!.-;. 98,,, N2(‘Z)+O (3P)

‘I <1‘

'1.-- oi‘!.--*_-;i i<- -$11-- ->1
-- 1,) 260 | |
_ .. I ___ _ ,
1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5
3.0 A
1.0 1.21.4 1.6,1.8 20 2.2 2.4 as 2s N---O distance
I; Angstriims —> FIG. 84.—Crossing of potential-energy surfaces for Nz(12) + O(1D) and
Fm. 83.—-Potential-energy surface for the N¢O(12) —> N,(12) -|- O(11)) 1-eactiom N202) + O(*P). (Stearn and Eyring.)
(Stearn and Eyring.)
_ ___
ii lt for N2(12) and O(3P) obtained in the manner described above
amount equal to one-half the sum of all the exchange integrals from the Morse curve for nitric oxide. Neglecting the resonance
between the two atoms (see page 144). If the additive (cou- at the activated state, which is likely to be small in view of the
lombic) potential energy is taken as 0.14, i.e., 14 per cent, of electronic transition from a singlet to a triplet state, the point
I the Morse curve value for nitric oxide in its normal state and the where the two curves cross gives the “classical” activation
repulsive energy as 0.43, i.e., -}(1 -— 0.14), of this value, then energy of the reaction as 52.8 kcal. The N——O distance in the
the net repulsion is 0.29 of the total energy as given by the Morse activated complex is seen to be 1.73 If the vibration fre-
curve for normal nitric oxide. Each point on the repulsion quencies in the normal and activated states are taken into
curve for Nz(12) and O("'P) is therefore obtained by taking consideration, it is found that E0 is 50.0 kcal., whereas at a tem-
-0.29 times the corresponding potential energy for nitric oxide. perature of 900 to 1000°K. the value of E should be 52 kcal.,
This gives the form of the required curve as a function of the
I; N distance and its position, relative to the potential-energy
surface for nitrous oxide dissociating into N2(12) and O(1D), is
which is in excellent agreement with the experimental value.
Reaction Rate and Transmission Coeflicient.—According to
M. Volmer, the rate of decomposition of nitrous oxide at rela-


tively high pressures can be expressed by the relationship“
action of the spin of an electron in oxygen with its orbital mag-
lg = 4_2 X 109 6-53,000/121' Sea-1; netic moment; and (2) spin-spin interactions of the electrons
inside the oxygen atom. An examination of the problem shows,
and so it is evident that if the entropy of activation has only
however, that in neither case is the resonance energy of the
a small negative value, as is very probable, the transmission
correct value to account for the apparent transmission coeflicient.
coeflicient x must be approximately 10-4; if the value of x were
It is possible that a way out of the difficulty may be found
.-_ .,_ L
umty, the frequency factor would be of the order of 1013, instead in the conclusion that the activation energy for the dissociation
of 10° found experimentally. The statistical equation of the
of nitrous oxide is several thousand calories greater than the
theory of absolute reaction rates reduces to
value of 53 kcal. given above“; if this is the case, the frequency
3 factor would be increased by 102 to 103 to account for the observed
I i4 H (1 _ 6-I»;/AT)-i kT reaction rate, and K would be as high as 10"1 to 10". In any
I6 = x »4 ,. W 2 . h e—E'o/RT, case, the dissociation of nitrous oxide is pseudo-unimolecular,
H (1 _ e—hva/kT)—1 and hence the transmission coeflicient would be less than unity
if the transfer of energy to the reacting molecule in a collision
where the subscripts i and I refer to the initial and act vated were a slow process, as explained in Chap. V. If the low value
states, respectively. The normal vibration frequencies in the of x were due to this cause, it should approach unity at higher
initial statelare taken as 1,288.4, 2,224.1,.and 589 (doubly degen- pressures; this may be one of the factors responsible for the
erate) cm. , whereas those in the activated state are found unusual phenomena associated with the dissociation of nitrous
q— 4fi_r:|—~

from the potential-energy function to be 2,005 and 361 (doubly oxide at high pressures.
degenerate) cm."1; the moments of inertia are- 6.67 X 10*” and
10.14 X 10"” for I.- and I1, respectively. Upon taking QUENCHING or FLUORESCENCE
E0 as 51.2 kcal., obtained by subtracting the vibrational-energy
terms from the experimental value of 52.0 kcal. for the energy Quenching in Solution.—It is generally accepted that the
of activation at about 940°K., the insertion of lc = 0.00192 sec.“1 quenching of fluorescence is brought about by the transfer
obtained by Nagasako and Volmer in Eq. (47) gives K as of electronic energy from the excited molecule to kinetic energy
of the quenching molecule in a collision between the two. There
1.88 X 10-4. is evidence that in solution, at least, the quenching process
involves more than mere collision; it appears that a definite
— If E0 is taken as 50 kcal., as indicated by the potential-energy activated complex is formed between the fluorescing and quench-
curves, then x is found to be 3.5 X 10-4. The transmission ing species, and the rearrangement of energy presumably occurs
coeflicient thus appears to be about 10-4. within this complex. Measurements on the quenching of
Use of the theory of nonadiabatic reactions outlined in Chap. fluorescence by ions in solution show the process to be bimolecu-
III, together with the slope of the potential-energy curves at lar, and the variation of the reaction rate with ionic strength is in
the point where they cross, a value of 10"‘ for x indicates that
agreement with that found for chemical interaction.” It will
the separation between the resulting upper and lower surfaces
be shown in Chap. VIII that, for an ionic reaction in dilute
should as small as 5 cal. per mole. Of the many possible
types of interaction capable of giving resonance energy 6 of this
1° Cf. R. F. Hunter, Proc. Roy. Soc., 144, A, 386 (1934); R. M. Lewis and
magnitude, the 91113’ Ones that appear probable are ( 1) inter- C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 168, A, 441 (1938); C. N. Hinshelwood, Trans.
13 M. Volmer and H. Kummerow, Z. physik. Chem., B, 9, 141 (1930); N. Faraday Soc., 34, 70 (1938).
Nagasako and M. Vohner, ibid., B, 10, 414 (1930). 1° R. W. Stoughton and G. K. Rollefson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 2634
(1939); see also idem, ibid., 62, 2264 (1940).

solution, the specific reaction rate Ic depends on the ionic strength

9 of the medium and is given by
log k = log 1., + 1.02%. \/Ii, (48)
where Z4 and ze are the valences of the reacting species. The
rates of quenching of the fluorescence of quinine sulfate (z = 2), CHAPTER VII
" —-P"‘__.
1-‘_ _,5?‘ fluorescein and acridone (z = 0) and anthracene sulfonic acid
(z = ——1) by various ions have been shown to vary with the HETEROGENEOUS PROCESSES
ionic strength in accordance with the requirements of Eq. (48). Many reactions involving gases are known to occur more
The requirement of the formation of a definite activated rapidly as heterogeneous processes on the surface of a solid, which
complex in these particular cases of the quenching of fluorescence acts as a catalyst, than as homogeneous reactions in the gas phase.
is in harmony with the conclusions reached in other instances It is generally agreed that the primary function of the catalyst is
of the transfer of energy in gas reactions (cf. pages 112 to 115). It to adsorb the reacting molecules, with the result that the reaction
is probable that the variations in the so-called “ quenching radii,” can now take place by a more economical reaction path, requiring
or “quenching cross sections,” of various molecules could be a smaller activation energy than the corresponding homogeneous
explained by the variation of the interaction between the excited process. Since adsorption of the gases must play an important
molecule and the quenching substance. part in heterogeneous gaseous reactions, this subject will be given
_- .-. —-— It should be mentioned that the actual quenching process some consideration.
in solution is often so rapid that the rate-determining step
in the over-all reaction is the diffusion of the molecules toward ADSORPTION
one another. The rate is then a function of the difiusion con- The van der Waals and Activated Adsorption.—It has been
stants and hence of the viscosity of the medium.” accepted for some years that there are two main types of adsorp-
*1 Cf. J. M. Franck and S. J. Wawilow, Z. Physik, 69, 100 (1931); B. tion of gases by solids. The first, known as the van der Waals
Sveshnikow, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 3, 357 (1935); 4, 453 (1936). adsorption, involves forces of a physical nature, such as the
“dispersion forces” discussed by F. London (1930); but in
the second type, sometimes referred to as “chemisorption,” the
forces concerned are similar to those taking part in ordinary
chemical bond formation. Adsorption of the van der Waals
type is generally accompanied by small heat changes, e.g.,
5 kcal., or less, per mole, whereas the heat evolved in chemi-
sorption is of the order of the amounts concerned in chemical
_.-1_-' ¢—=_ .ap-—

reactions, vz'z., 10 to 100 kcal. per mole of gas adsorbed. It

was pointed out by H. S. Taylor1 that adsorption of the latter
type is frequently a slow process associated with appreciable
heat of activation and hence may be called “activated adsorp-
tion.” In view of the relatively high heats of activation, which
are frequently of the order of 20 kcal., activated adsorption
will naturally take place slowly at low temperatures; under
these conditions the van der Waals adsorption will predominate,
1 H. S. Taylor, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 578 (1931); Chem. Rev., 9, 1 (1931).
1 for this requires very little activation energy. As the tempera- capable of undergoing activated adsorption; if it were not, e.g.,
I. ture is raised, the rate of activated adsorption should increase, one of the inert gases of the atmosphere, there would be no
and its extent should become appreciable.
potential-energy curve corresponding to II in Fig. 85.
¢ The difference between the van der Waals and activated The concept of activated adsorption provides a satisfactory
adsorption can be readily explained with the aid of a potential- explanation of many phenomena associated with adsorption;
energy diagram. As the gas molecule is brought up to the sur- for example, the heat of adsorption is often small at low tempera-
l . . face from a distance, there is a small van der Waals attraction, tures but becomes large at higher temperatures. This is due

as shown by the slight dip in curve I in Fig. 85; any attempt to to the fact that the van der Waals adsorption is the dominating
decrease the distance of separation below the equilibrium value factor under the former conditions, whereas activated adsorption,
for the van der Waals adsorption leads to gradually increasing or chemisorption, accompanied by large heat changes, becomes
repulsion. If there is a possibility of more intimate, i.e., chemi- more important as the temperature is raised. The actual rates
cal, association between the gas and the surface, there will be of adsorption of gases are frequently high at low temperatures,
another potential-energy curve, vi'z., II in Fig. 85 ; and the e.g., hydrogen on a mixture of manganese and chromic oxides
at —78°o., but are relatively low on the same adsorbent at higher
F“ ‘H1 temperatures? The curious vari-
I1 .
“u‘" A.',-"*'__§'.
'___i‘._;;__,——?"- 1.‘T ations often observed in the ~
amount of adsorption with chang-
ing temperatures (Fig. 86)
- i flffw are explained in the following
Potenerentiagl y manner. Since adsorption is an
->u-qv-_ n-. -
l exothermic process, the extent

should decrease with increasing Voladsumeorbed


1 1 | M

Distance from surface to adsorbed unit temperature, and this is true of

F10. 85.—Potential-energy curves for van der Waals and activated adsorption. the van der Waals adsorption I Temperature '
at the lowgst temper3,tureS_ FIG. 86.—Yariati0n of amount of

minimum of this curve represents the equilibrium state for AS the temperature is raised’ adsorption with temperature.
-‘_..-_'_----*.1¢-_"‘.-_-. -
1 activated adsorption. The change from the van der Waals however, the rate of activated adsorption and the amount
to activated adsorption occurs at the crossing point of curves I adsorbed in this manner during the course of the experiment
and II, somewhat rounded off on account of resonance, at A; increase, so that there is an increase in the total adsorption.
f and the energy at this point, in excess of that for the separated At still higher temperatures the normal decrease in the extent
metal and gas molecule, is the activation energy E for the latter of activated adsorption with rising temperature becomes manifest.
41 type of adsorption. The heats of adsorption are indicated by Although the adsorption of hydrogen on tungsten powder is
AHw and AHA for the van der Waals and activated adsorption, a slow process that increases with temperature and hence appears
respectively. The fact that the extreme right-hand of curve II to require a definite activation energy,4 it has been suggested
'; is above that of I implies that the process of activated adsorption that no such activation energy is associated with the adsorption
l is accompanied by partial or complete dissociation of the mole- on a clean surface of the same metal.‘ The rate of adsorption
F cule of adsorbed gas. The energy difference between the
ll horizontal portions of the two curves is equal to the heat of 2 H. S. Taylor and A. T. Williamson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 813 (1931).
dissociation taking place in activated adsorption. It has been 3 See, for example, A. W. Gauger and H. S. Taylor, ibid., 45, 920 (1923)-
‘1 W. Frankenburger and A. Hodler, Trans. Faraday Soc., 28, 229 (1932).
assumed in this discussion that the gas under consideration is ‘ J. K. Roberts, Proc. Roy. Soc., 152, A, 445 (1935). -

-:>&4-$;I:|b-f=.:aTna\-._ -_. ,-

. __


appears to be almost independent of temperature, and so it these atoms. The potential energy can then be expressed as a
has been concluded that the adsorption of hydrogen on tungsten function of two parameters (see Fig. 87), v'iz., the distance
requires no energy of activation; if the surface is covered with between the two hydrogen atoms (r1) and that between the
oxygen, however, it is believed that an energy of activation is
concerned in the adsorption. It will be seen later (page 353) 1.6 ,

— -_.-_?. _§_‘~4 -4412* that there is some doubt concerning the conclusion that the
rate of adsorption is independent of temperature ; but even if
the energy of activation for adsorption on tungsten were zero,
the results throw no light on the nature of the adsorption of
hydrogen on other metals, e.g., nickel, copper and iron, or on E?‘
I 4m~u—% '* 3.
1390 I ', 1

certain oxides for which an energy of activation is believed to be . \

4,-I"'w I

involved.“ inAngstrtims

118.8 - 4.0
I-IHr-n '0he1:-
Q - on T 8-9‘
Calculation of Activation Energies.—An attempt to calculate _g,-. * -4 - _ __ -— —< ~ -4
the energy of activation accompanying the chemisorption of 10-° __ A _
O O5. I at my
hydrogen on carbon, using the method for constructing the Distan
potential-energy surface described in Chap. III, has been made 0.4 I I I I I . J
<_____ __,_1_________>_ in the following manner.’ The 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
H-—-——;—?—H reaction between a molecule of Distance in Angstrtims between centers of C-C and H-H
1--—:—=;_+-——l_1A-:_—n-l=—- FIG. 88.——Potential-energy surface for adsorption of a hydrogen molecule on two
hydrogen and a carbon surface carbon atoms. (Sherman and Eyring.)
may be represented as
centers of the two carbon and two hydrogen atoms (re), a definite
H—H H H value for the C—C distance being assumed; the essential features
e_____L_.___e can-_ —— N‘cr~_uucn
o-o —~> c-o
I I of the surface are shown by the typical example in Fig. 88. The
FIG. 87.—Symmetrical approach kcal.
of hydrogen molecule to two carbon and the potentia] energy’ if the 45
atoms fixed on the surface. .
system is treated as a four-
electron problem, may be calculated approximately by the
London equation. The Morse functions for H—H, C—C and
C——H are known; and, on the assumption of 10 per cent coulombic
energy, it is possible to construct a potential-energy surface L
for a definite C—C distance. In order to simplify the calcula- Actienervationgy - 11
tions the hydrogen molecule is supposed to approach the two '64
carbon atoms in such a manner as to keep the system always
__ J _| | . . -1 I ,
symmetrical about the perpendicular bisector of the line joining 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 A
C---C distance
5 H. S. Taylor et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 813 (1931); 54, 602 (1932); FIG. 89.—Dependence of activation energy for adsorption of a hydrogen mole-
56, 1178, 2259 (1934); Trans. Faraday Soc., 30, 1178 (1934); A. F. Benton, cule on the C-——C distance. (Sherman and Eyring.)
ibid., 28, 209 (1932); P. H. Emmett and S. Brunauer, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
56, 35 (1934); P. H. Emmett and R. W. Harkness, ibid., 57, 1631 (1935); see
activation energies for the adsorption of hydrogen on carbon
also O. I. Leypunsky, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 2, 737 (1935); J. Chem. for a series of C—C distances from 1.5 to 4.5 were obtained
Phys. Russ, 9, 143 (1937). in a similar manner and the results plotted in Fig. 89, curve I;
7 A. Sherman and H. Eyring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 2661 (1932). it is seen that a minimum occurs at 3.6 A., and this should -repre-
sent the most favorable separation between the carbon atoms
5.6 kcal. for the activation energy for the adsorption of hydrogen
_._i._ i,_-_.,-_ ,£

on a surface for the adsorption of hydrogen.

on carbon.
In the calculations described above the potential-energy curves
It may be somewhat unexpected, at first sight, that this
used were those which gave satisfactory calculated values for
optimum distance is considerably larger than the normal H—H
the energies of activation for the hydrogenation of ethylene
separation in molecular hydrogen; the
and acetylene. This procedure is, however, not completely IIII
reason for this may be seen quali- 5'1 H
satisfactory; for there is reason to believe that the C—H bonds
tatively in the following manner. Con-
formed in the adsorption process are appreciably weaker than \
sider the case in which the C—C \\Y//
ordinary C—H bonds which require 96 kcal. for dissociation.
distance is the same as the normal ,/ \\
Suppose the adsorption process involved the breaking of a
H———H distance in molecular hydrogen, \
I\,/ \
H—H bond and a C—C bond, requiring 103 kcal. and 70 kcal., /
I\ \\l
as shown in Fig. 90; there is a large Cm\\ _______
l/ ____C(2)
respectively, and their replacement by two C—H bonds; if jiiiiiiiiig

interaction between H (1) and C (2) and F,G_ 90___(;,,,.b0,, atoms

the latter were ordinary bonds, the heat evolved in adsorption
——-‘*r*'-u—-—- i—-

between H (2) and C (1), so that the 7 011 Surface Separated by the
would be 2 X 96 -— (103 + 70), i.e., 19 kcal. Although the . . normal internuclear distance
terms in the London equation are rela- in molecula, hyd,0ge,,_
_-_. _. -. H—H bond is broken, the C~—C bonds are not; and so the heat
tively large. As seen in Chap. III, this
of adsorption for this particular mechanism should be much
will lead to a relatively high activation energy. In the extreme
greater than 19 kcal. The experimental value is, however,
case, where the carbon atoms are very far apart, the reaction
about 1 kcal.; it is thus probable that the C—H bonds are much
would virtually involve the dissociation of the hydrogen mole-
weaker than those normally existing in an organic compound.
cule and the activation energy would again be large. The
An estimate of the bond energy may be made in the following
interatomic C—-—C distance of 3.6 evidently provides the best
manner. According to experiment,
compromise and gives the minimum activation energy.
H2 + 2C = 2(C——~H) -|- 1 kcal., H _____ __H An examination of Fig. 88 reveals
another result of some interest; it will
where 2C represents two carbon atoms on the surface and C---H
be seen that as the hydrogen approaches
implies the adsorption of a hydrogen atom. Since the heat of
the surface, the distance between the
dissociation of molecular hydrogen is 103 kcal., the energy
hydrogen atoms remains unchanged
of the C-—H bond will be 1}(103 + 1), i.e., 52 kcal. The cal-
until the molecule is quite close to the
culations of the activation energy for adsorption were, therefore,
line joining the carbon atoms. A slight
repeated using a value of 52 kcal. for the C——H bond formed in
extension occurs but the hydrogen mole-
adsorption; the results are depicted in Fig. 89, curve II. The c ------------c
FIG_ 91'__Path of hydm_ cule must apparently reach the C—C
change introduced by the altered strength of the C~H bond
gen molecule approaching 3.XlS l)6fOI‘8 there 1S &ppI‘6C13.blG (3Xp3.I1-
is not very great, and it is of interest to note that the C——C °’111’°11 111°“ °11 the s‘11'1“°°' sion; the hydrogen atoms now move
_- _.- .-§_ _i
distance of 3.6 is still the most favorable for adsorption of
away from the surface until they occupy their equilibrium posi-
hydrogen. The potential-energy surface shown in Fig. 88 is
tions as shown in Fig. 91. During this process of separation of the
the actual one for these conditions, on the assumption of 10 per
hydrogen atoms the C~—H distance remains almost unchanged.
cent coulombic energy ; the activation energy is seen to be
The process of desorption of hydrogen from carbon will, of course,
8.8 kcal. By taking the coulombic energies of the C——H and
be represented by the reverse of the path depicted in Fig. 91.
C——C bonds as 14 per cent of the total, an activation energy
Calculations of the activation energy for the adsorption of
in better agreement with experiment is obtained for the reaction
hydrogen on nickel have also been made ;8 on the assumption
between ethylene and hydrogen ; and the same proportion gives
3 A. Sherman, C. E. Sun and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 49 (1934).



—__-. _ ._-q?_. _
that the proportion of coulombic binding is 14 per cent in the centers and the influence of promoters may be determined by
H—H bond, 20 per cent for Ni——H and 30 per cent for Ni—Ni the lattice spacings in the catalytic surface."
(cf. page 84), an activation energy for hydrogen adsorption of Rate of Adsorption and Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates.-—
24 kcal. was obtained, for a Ni—Ni separation of 2.38 on the An adsorption process may be considered simply as a bimolecular
surface. The heat of adsorption for the same model was found reaction involving a molecule or atom from the gas phase and
to be 4.6 kcal., which is probably lower than the true value. an atom of the solid or, in general, an active point occupying
Strictllg speaking, two different Ni—Ni distances, viz., 2.49 and a fixed position on the adsorbing surface.“ Reaction, i.e.,
3.52 ., are possible, as may be seen from the lattice planes adsorption, then involves the formation of an activated complex
represented in Fig. 92, and the activation energy for adsorption between the gas molecule and the point on the surface, and the
of hydrogen has been calculated for both these distances ;° rate of the process is given, in the usual manner (see page 187),
the coulombic energy was taken as 11 per cent of the total by the rate of passage of this complex over a potential-energy
binding energy for H—H, 37 per cent for Ni——Ni1° and 24 per barrier. The height of the barrier is, of course, the energy of
cent 7 the mean of the other two values 7 for the Ni-—H bond. activation for adsorption. In the most general case, the adsorb-
The activation energy obtained for the 2.49 separation was ing centers on the surface will not all have the same activity and
g<-2.49» Q hence may be regarded as consisting of several types; the centers
2.49->0 0 belonging to each type will have a characteristic potential-energy
C03 I‘ 04-249—>0
2 49 surface and their own heat and entropy of adsorption.
Knpq.gQQ C D ., __ C
‘n C '“e Consider the adsorption sites of a particular type: at any

"e given instant in the course of adsorption, their number is sup-

._ ._- Ja_-. 4:|-_ .,h
../. posed to be N,, but this will diminish as the surface becomes
covered to an increasing extent. Let N, be the number of
(110) (100) (111) molecules in the gas phase, and N1 the number of activated
FIG. 92.—Representation of lattice planes in a nickel crystal. complexes on the sites under consideration; if V cc. is the volume
75 kcal.; that for 3.52 was 57 kcal. It is evident that hydrogen of the gas phase and S sq. cm. the area of the surface, then
atoms will become adsorbed preferentially on atoms separated
by 3.52 A., and hence adsorption should occur primarily on the Concentration in gas phase, c, = N,/ V molecules per cc.
(100) and (110) planes. Although the calculated activation Concentration of adsorption centers, c, = N,/S sites per sq. cm.
1- -1____.,___.,_-._.; energies are undoubtedly too high, the general conclusion appears Concentration of activated complexes, 0; = N1/S molecules per
to be supported by the work of O. Beeck et al.;11 it has been sq. cm.
found that the catalytic activity for the hydrogenation of According to the postulates of the theory of absolute reaction
ethylene on a nickel surface film in which the (110) planes of rates an equilibrium may be supposed to exist between mole-
the crystal are oriented parallel to the supporting material is cules of gas, adsorption centers and activated complexes, so
five times as great as that for a film having randomly oriented
crystals. It is possible that the special properties of active 1’ Cf. R. W. G. Wyckoff and E. D. Crittenden, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 47,
2866 (1925); R. E. Burk, J. Chem. Phys., 30, 1134 (1926); A. A. Balandin,
11 G. Okamoto, J. Horiuti and K. Hirota, Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Z. physilc. Chem., B, 2, 289 (1929) ; B, 3, 167 (1929); see also H. S. Taylor,
Tokyo, 29, 223 (1936). “Twelth Report of the Committee on Catalysis: National Research Coun-
1° Cf. N. Rosen and S. Ikehara, Phys. Rev., 43, 5 (1933). cil,” p. 47, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1940.
11 O. Beeck, A. Wheeler and A. E. Smith, Phys. Rev., 55, 601 (1939); A. E. 11 K. J. Laidler, S. Glasstone and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 659 (1940);
Smith and O. Beeck, ibid., 55, 602 (1939); Proc. Roy. Soc., 177, A, 62 (1940); see also G. E. Kimball, ibid., 6, 447 (1938); M. Temkin, Acta Physicochim.
see also G. H. Twigg and E. K. Rideal, Trans. Faraday Soc., 36, 533 (1940)_ U.R.S.S., s, 141 (1938).

- em


that, provided that the various components of the system behave
If the zero-point energy contribution is extracted from the
partition functions (cf. page 188), Eq. (7) becomes
K " (ii. " <N./inv. 11) 1), = cgcs .
a s

fl’ ,
= i</.7I/>1 where 61 is the energy of activation for adsorption per single
molecule at the absolute zero ; the value of the energy in the
=§&| :-.r=q|._1tfl-Iu: p4-,_.r-,_$ -=,h;'_-:1 where the f terms are the complete partition functions of the partition function for each species is now reckoned from its
indicated species. If F, represents the partition function for own zero-point level. If the surface is nonuniform, Eq. (8)
unit volume of the gas undergoing adsorption, i.e., may still be regarded as applicable, but f1, f, and e1 will be
weighted averages for all the types of adsorbing centers on the
——--—-_,._- _, .?
F, = (3) surface; it will be seen later that f;/f, is approximately unity
for an immobile adsorbed layer, and so the only effective correc-
tion necessary is in the activation energy (see page 394).
then it follows from Eqs. (1) and (2) that Immobile Adsorbed Layers.—In the foregoing treatment the
adsorption centers on the surface have been regarded as reactants,
1 = F,AL,
c,c, ,8 <4) and hence it is implied that every adsorbed molecule uses up
one active center. This is equivalent to saying that the gas
and hence adsorbed on the surface forms an immobile layer; i.e., a molecule
is assumed to stay wherever it is adsorbed until it is desorbed.
CI = coca Pfzi“
The translational contribution to the partition function of the
activated state f; is thus unity; and the remainder, due to vibra-
According to the theory of absolute reaction rates, the rate of tion and rotation, may be represented by bi. Further, the
adsorption of gas on sites of the ith kind per square centimeter adsorption centers are presumably atoms of the metal, or other
is given by substance, constituting the surface, and they probably have
kT vibrational energy only; hence, the partition function f, may
"1<~'> = C0680’) -If ' I-,-13:’ (6) be taken as unity. Substitution of these values in Eq. (8) gives

U1 = C068 E}? . §)71l1_ e—'€l/kT

where f1 differs from f1’ in the usual manner (page 189) by the
removal from the latter of the contribution to the partition
function of the degree of translational freedom in the reaction
kT b
= ""°‘ 5 h A ' (2mkf')s 5 @"‘”‘T» ' (10)
coordinate. If the surface were uniform and all the adsorbing
centers had equal activity, c, would represent the total number
"T" ‘bi
of bare sites per square centimeter, and f; and f, would be appli- where F,, the partition function of the gas for unit volume,
cable to all activated complexes and adsorbing centers, respec- is split up into the translation contribution for three degrees
tively; the resultant rate of adsorption over the whole surface of freedom, (21rmkT)%/I13, and the vibrational and rotational
would then be factors, represented by b,. It is probable, in view of the immo-
bility of the activated complex, that there will be no rotation
U1 = coca T ' F{I?"' in this state; hence, by, will be virtually a vibrational partition
function, and its value may be taken as unity, apart from a


symmetry factor. Similarly, the vibrational part of b, will

between initial and activated states may thus be represented

not differ greatly from unity, and hence b, can be replaced by
[cf. Eqs. (1) and (2)1 by
the rotational contribution, i.e., 81r2IkT/I120 for a diatomic
molecule; Eq. (10) then becomes ' ,0; g __ F1’
K C, N,/V 5 F,’ (14)
kT 1/ _
”1 = ""°' ‘ h 5' (21rmkT)%al8rr2IkTe '1/H’ (11) where F, and F1’ are the partition functions for unit volume of
‘ hi 5' has gas and per square centimeter of activated complex, respectively;
1-pi|—‘=—w_—,¢_. ¥_g,:_
by the methods used in the case of immobile molecules, it follows
where 0' and 0'1 are the symmetry factors of the gas molecule that
and of the activated complex, respectively, or
U1 = C9 £2’
h . F0
FHA 6 —¢1/kT .1
o h‘1
vi = C008 at l 81r2I(21rmkT)% e—n/kT' (12) Since the activated complex is still in the gaseous state, it
will have vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom similar
So far it has been assumed that in the formation of the acti-
to the initial gas molecules; hence the ratio of the partition
vated state the gas molecule attaches itself to one adsorption
functions F;/F, reduces to the ratio of the translational terms.
center only; this will be the case for monatomic molecules, and
In the activated state the molecule has only two degrees of
possibly for more complicated molecules in certain instances, but
translational freedom, i.e., over the surface, whereas in the
in many cases two adjacent sites are required for adsorption.
gaseous state it has three such degrees of freedom. The values-
Under these circumstances, Eq. (12) will still give the rate of

of F; and F, are therefore (21rmkT)/I22 and (21rmkT)%/hi’, respec-

adsorption if c, now represents the number of such dual sites
tively; it follows, therefore, that '
per square centimeter, and this may be related to the number of
single adsorption centers in the following manner. Each site vl — ca
h .
I1 6'-G1/kT. ,
will have a certain number, say s, adjacent sites, so that the
total number of dual sites will be %sc,, the factor % arising from
the fact that otherwise each pair is counted twice. The initial If c,kT is replaced by the pressure p of the gas, to which it is
rate of adsorption of a gas molecule requiring two centers is equivalent if the latter is ideal, then, in the special case of
thus 1},-s times the rate given by Eq. (12), i.e., adsorption requiring no activation energy, Eq. (16) becomes

, U1 = ' .
= 1 .01.. h4 . —¢i
"1 1‘8°""*ei 8»/r2I(21rmkT)% 6 "*3 (13)
This result is identical with the classical Hertz-Knudsen equa-
where c, still represents the number of single adsorption centers tion for the number of gas molecules striking 1 sq. cm. of a surface
per square centimeter. It will be shown later that this equation in unit time; it would also give the rate of adsorption provided
may also be valid when dissociation accompanies adsorption. that the adsorbed layer were mobile and there were no activation
Mobile Adsorbed Layer.~——It is of interest to compare this energy of adsorption.
result with that which would be obtained if the molecules were Test of Adsorption Equations.—In order to test the validity
mobile in the adsorbed state, and hence presumably also in of the equations based on the theory of absolute reaction rates,
the activated state. The adsorption centers need no longer be it would be necessary to have reliable data for the rates of
regarded as reactants, the activated complex being the gas adsorption of gases on surfaces of known area; unfortunately,
molecule just before it strikes the surface. The equilibrium such data are very scanty. All the examples that will be con-


sidered here refer to adsorption processes that involve the dis-
reliability of the results obtained. Application of the equation,
sociation of the diatomic gas on adsorption, but it will be shown
on the assumption that each molecule of hydrogen is adsorbed
later that Eq. (13) is generally applicable to such processes.
on two centers and s being taken as equal to 4 and c, as 1015
An approximate comparison of observed and calculated rates
sites per square centimeter, gives the rate of adsorption as
of adsorption has been made by M. Temkin,“ who derived an
9.84 X 10" e-E1/111' molecules per sq. cm. per sec. for a pressure
expression similar to Eq. (13); he showed that the measurements
of 10-4 mm. at 79°K.; this value may be compared with the
of O. I. Leypunsky“ were in general agreement with those to be
maximum rate of adsorption of 5.9 X 1012 molecules per sq. cm.
expected from the theory of absolute reaction rates for an
per sec. derived from the measurements of Roberts. The calcu-
immobile adsorbed layer. A more precise comparison can be
lated and observed rates would agree if the activation energy
made using P. H. Emmett’s data for the adsorption of nitrogen
for adsorption were about 2.0 kcal.; but since the experiments
and hydrogen on an iron-—aluminum oxide catalyst (the so-called
show that the rates of adsorption are almost the same at 79° and
“catalyst 931”).1° The surface area of such a catalyst cannot
295°K., the activation energy should be zero. Another possibility
be determined by direct measurement, but a reliable estimate
is that only one site in about 105 can act as an adsorption center
can be made from the curve showing the amount of gas adsorbed

in the rate-determining stage, but this would seem to be unlikely.

against time. In Table XXXIX are given the observed and
The discrepancy of 105 between calculated and experimental rates
of adsorption is, therefore, difficult to understand, particularly
_ _
L' in view of the satisfactory agreement obtained in other instances.
_ , Rate of adsorption It is possible, however, that in the work with hydrogen on
Gas Temp., °i<. E, kcal. tungsten the rate measured was not that of adsorption, but of
Cale. I Obs. another process, such as the rate of access of hydrogen to the
surface under the experimental conditions.* If this is so, the
N2 544 14 .4 O0 101“ ‘ 01‘ conclusion that the rate of adsorption is independent of tempera-
H2 194.5 10.4 es" ‘Q00 ><>< 1015 I-‘CM O0:-i XX
II-ll-l O ture and that the activation energy for adsorption is thus zero
is open to doubt; the activation energy for adsorption might be
calculated rates for approximately half-covered surfaces, expressed as high as 2 kcal. and the adsorption process still be faster than
as molecules per second on the surface present in the experiment. the over-all observed rate.
The agreement is seen to be satisfactory on the whole; it is Rate of Desorption.—The variation with pressure of the
probable that the recorded activation energy (10.4 kcal. per amount of gas adsorbed by a solid at constant temperature has
mole) for the adsorption of hydrogen is too high, and a value of been represented by the empirical classical isotherm or by the
8.9 kcal. would give almost exact correspondence between familiar equation first deduced by I. Langmuir“ on the basis of
observed and calculated rates of adsorption. I a kinetic interpretation of adsorption of a single layer of gas
It appeared possible, at first sight, that the data obtained molecules. The same result has been obtained by Volmer, 1°
by J. K. Roberts" for the rate of adsorption of hydrogen on a who assumed the adsorbed molecules to be mobile, and by
clean tungsten wire of known area might provide a satisfactory
test of Eq. (13), but there may be some doubt concerning the * Somewhat similar suggestions were considered in a footnote to p. 76
of a preliminary paper by J. K. Roberts [Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 30, 76
1‘ Temkin, Ref. 13. (1933—1934)].
15 Leypunsky, Ref. 6. 11 I. Langmuir, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 38, 2221 (1916); 40, 1361 (1918).
1° Emmett and Brunauer, Ref. 6; Emmett and Harkness, Ref. 6. 1° M. Volmer Z . physik. Chem., 115, 253 (1925); see also G. S. Rushbrooke
1" Roberts, Ref. 5. and C. A. Coulson, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 36, 248 (1940) for a thermo-
dynamic derivation for an immobile layer.
R. H. Fowler” using statistical methods. The same isotherm is
derived below from the theory of absolute reaction rates. functions I1/fa should be approximately equal to unity; hence, if
Desorption from an immobile layer may be regarded as involv- the rate of desorption is expressed in the general form
ing an activated state in which a molecule attached to an adsorp-
¥L'I.2 4k-z.¢."_‘. T:"§"r "_"1'._ '\l.- ._.
tion center acquires the necessary configuration and activation where E2 is the activation energy for desorption per mole of gas,
energy to permit it to escape from the surface. As a result B should be equal to c..(kT/h) by Eq. (21)- For a fgrfflce that
of the equilibrium between adsorbed and activated molecules, it is almost completely covered, 0.. may be taken as 10 molecules
follows that if N, and N1 are the numbers of adsorbed molecules per sq. cm., and so the rate of desorption may be calculated; the
and of activated complexes and c, and c; are their respective values of B obtained in this manner are compared in Table XL
concentrations, in molecules per square centimeter, then

K _<>i_ N1,
/S JG,
.60 Na/S fr’ (18) Rate of desorption
Gas Surface Temp., °x. E, kcal. ‘
and hence B (calc.) B (obs.)
C; = Ca 1%‘: (19)
CO Pt 600 32.0 >< i0== 2.79 >< 10"
0, W 2000 165.0 i-#1-\ i-~l\')G991 >< 10% 13.4 >< 10“

the f terms being the complete partition functions. According

-—i|-—eA zq_-1 to the theory of absolute reaction rates, the rate of desorption with those derived experimentally, the rates being expressed as
v2, per square centimeter of surface per second, is given by molecules becoming desorbed per square centimeter per second.
The difference between observed and calculated values for carbon
monoxide is not serious, but with oxygen it is greater than
_ Ca
U2 — 717' fir
would be expected. It must be remembered that there may well
be more rotational and vibrational freedom in the activated
where f; no longer includes the partition function for translation than in the adsorbed state, and this would tend to make the
across the potential-energy barrier. If the difference of the zero- partitioii-function factor greater than unity; the calculated rate
level energies is extracted, it follows that of desorption would then be larger than is given in Table XL.
The Adsorption Isotherm.—-For adsorption equilibrium at any
l 122 = c, lg-l e"‘=/*1’, (21) temperature, the rates of adsorption and of desorption, as given
by Eqs. (8) and (21), must be equal; hence,
where £2 represents the energy of activation for the desorption
of a single molecule at the absolute zero.
kT _. - ...,.,;.
kT I _.. <2»
This equation may be tested by the data on the rates of
. go —- _“i._ e/RT
desorption of carbon monoxide from platinum and of oxygen from "cs-c,Fgf8e ( 23 )
tungsten.” If both the activated complexes and adsorbed
molecules are assumed to be immobile, the ratio of the partition where e, which is equal to e2 —- e1, is the heat (evolved) of adsorp-
tion per single molecule at 0°K. If 0 is the fraction of the adsorp-
1° R. H. Fowler, ibid., 31, 260 (1935); R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, tion centers that are covered by adsorbed molecules, 1 —- 0 is
“Statistical Thermodynamics,” p. 426, Cambridge University Press, 1939. the fraction still bare at any instant, and
*1 I. Langmuir, Trans. Faraday Soc., 17, 641 (1922) ; I. Langmuir and D. S.
Villars, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 51, 486 (1931).

hence, by Eq. (23),
clusion that in the most stable configuration the distance between
9 2 the absorbed hydrogen atoms is much greater than in a normal mol-
1?, = <2 8*/*1 <25) ecule (see page 343). It follows, therefore, that in these instances
As seen above, f, may be taken as unity, and F, may be repre- adsorption is accompanied by dissociation of the adsorbed
sented by molecule. It is probable that many cases of activated adsorption
involve dissociation, and hence it is necessary to consider what
F0 Z
kT if bu. .‘ effect this will have on the equations for the rates of adsorption
and desorption and on the adsorption
. . . G ———— --G
Further, since the adsorbed molecules are supposed to be immo- isotherm. Two main types of behavior / \
bile, the partition function f, may be replaced by b,, the con- may be distinguished: (1) that in which / \
the molecule undergoes dissociation in I \
tribution of the internal degrees of freedom. Finally, upon I \
writing p/kT for c, in Eq. (25), the latter becomes the course of adsorption but the atoms I’ \\
remain on adjacent sites; (2) that in I \
0 -_ ha .1)“ ¢/kT which dissociation results from the jump s---------—-s
Fm 93__ActiVa1ted state
1-0 1’ (21rm)%(kT)% b, 6 ’ (27) of one or both of the atoms constituting for adsorption of gas mole-
the molecule from one site to another °“1° (G1) °11 1w° °"11‘1°°11°
which is identical with the expression derived by Fowler. This _ ' 't (S2).
In the first case the activated complex 81 es
gr relationship may be written as
may be depicted as shown in Fig. 93; G2 is the adsorbed gas mole-
0 cule and S2 represents the two adjacent sites. The equilibrium
ff, = “P, (28) between initial, activated and final states may be written as
where, for a given system, a is a function of the temperature G2 + S2 .1‘ (G2S2)1 r‘-G—S-----------S—G.
only; (28) is, in fact, an isotherm identical with that of gas surface activated adsorbed atoms
Langmuir, as may be seen by rewriting it in the form state
The rate of adsorption is given by an equation similar to (7)

9 = ii. or by any of the succeeding equations that are equivalent to

1 + ap (29) it, and that of desorption by one identical with
If the surface is covered to a small extent only, then 1 — 0 z 1; \
Eq. (20) or (21); the adsorption isotherm will
hence, Eq. (28) reduces to \ then be identical with Eqs. (27), (28) and (29).
\ When dissociation results from the jump of
6 = an (30) 5 ______ __\s an atom from one site to another, two possi-
the extent of adsorption being proportional to the pressure. vaf;I(;}-Stat¥:4f-;-{’;°I:li- bilities may arise: the actual adsorption of
Although Eqs. (29) and (30) were derived from (7), which of an atom (G) J;,.,,,,I: the molecule may be rapid and the jump of the
J was based on the assumption that each adsorbed molecule one adsorption site atom slow, or the adsorption of the molecule
r occupies only one center, a similar result would be obtained to another‘ may be the rate-determining stage. In the

from Eq. (13), for the case of a gas molecule requiring two former case, the activated state may be considered to be as
adjacent sites for adsorption. depicted in Fig. 94, so that the adsorption and desorption equi-
1 Adsorption with Dissociation.-—The application of quantum librium can be represented as
i mechanics to the system consisting of a molecule of hydrogen . -3-G2 + S2 -—: (GS2)f '3
and two surface atoms of carbon or nickel has led to the con- gas surface activated adsorbed
state atom
_ 4, ,,_ —7*—


The rate of adsorption can be readily shown, by the method used
rium between initial and activated states, it is found that the
in deriving Eqs. (7), etc., to be given by
rate of adsorption is given by h
vi = Ca%6s % ' égi 3-61/kT;
._ kT
U1 —CqC;7z-'1-;,-0-"6
fiif -£1/kT’ (38)
where the symbols have the same significance as previously.
Similarly, the rate of desorption is where c, is the concentration of dual sites. Similarly the rate
of desorption is
vz = ca Eh! e'"/“T. (32)
, ,2 a a . khT 8
1'2 (39)
When equilibrium is attained, v1 is equal to v2, hence
where c,’ is the concentration of single S’ sites. By equating
ca fa Q n (38) and (39), the adsorption isotherm is seen to be
Z = Cglé 6/hr.

If, as before, 6 is the fraction of the surface covered, now by ca

E, = Cay‘ ‘
fa 6‘/kT.
adsorbed atoms, it follows from Eq. (33), by the arguments
used in deriving Eqs. (27) and (28), that“
This equation is identical in form, as is necessary, with (33)
~¥_=-!:- I-${.‘e_s.- 0 _ 11% .b“ /kT and hence leads to equations of the same type as (34) to (37).
1-79*?” (21r)i4(kT)% b,%"‘ ’ (34) However, the expressions for the rates of adsorption and desorp-
or ' tion are difierent; thus, according to Eq. (31) the rate is
=|-w-7 ___‘ proportional to the square root of the gas pressure, whereas accord-
0 —
1'*_—6 - ap $6., (35) ing to (38) it is proportional to its first power. In most of the
_ _ apae . examples that have been studied the exponent is unity rather
.. 0 _ -Z-1
+ W, (as) than one-half, so that the second mechanism, in which the
adsorption of the molecule is rate-determining, appears to be
At low pressures, or in general when the surface is sparely covered, the more common. That this is so is confirmed by the agreement
between calculated and observed values for adsorption rates
0 = aplé. (37)
__ in Table XXXIX. Agreement was obtained by the use of
In the second type of dissociation, when the adsorption of Eq. (13), which is equivalent to Eq. (38), whereas if Eq. (31)
the molecule is rate-determining, the processes may be repre- had been used there would have been large discrepancies between
the calculated and observed values. It may be noted in particu-
1"‘-'-.__. __:

sented by
lar that the application of Eq. (31) to Roberts’s data on the
G2 + S2 -=‘ (G2S2)*, adsorption of hydrogen on tungsten (page 352) leads to rates
(G2s,)1 + 2s’ .—: 2GS’ + S2, which are faster than those derived from Eq. (13) and therefore
where S2 is a dual site on which the molecule of G2 is first adsorbed still more in disagreement with the experimental values.
and S’ represents a site to which each atom finally jumps. The Adsorption with Interaction.—In the foregoing treatment the
over-all change is seen to be, as before, the adsorption of G2 possibility of interaction between adsorbed molecules or atoms
on two S’ sites in the form of atoms. By considering the equilib- has been ignored, and this may account for the deviations fre-
i\,_ _- ,_ =_4-_ ~_:s;_§,R_. _-I'l|ra-
*2 Cf. Fowler, Ref. 20. quently observed from the behavior to be expected from the
adsorption isotherms given above. In particular, it has been


.__‘-u .- _4-._a-.1


found that the variation of the constant a with temperature is represented by a quadratic lattice, as shown in Fig. 95;). 1111
in the opposite direction to that expected. Such deviations order to simplify the problem, only interactions between par 1c es
can be explained in two ways: (1) They may be due to interaction that are near neighbors are considered; for example, the inter-
between the adsorbed particles. (2) The variability of the actions between a and b and between _‘ *c
surface may be responsible. Both these factors probably b and c are included, but not those
play an important part in adsorption processes. between a and c. It is supposed
Allowance may be made in a number of ways for the inter- that there is a repulsion energy V a (‘b
action between adsorbed molecules; two of these will be con- between such near neighbors, and _J
sidered. Before proceeding with the problem, however, it is the corresponding Boltzmann term ~ A - 9- I '
necessary to understand clearly the difference between mobile e—V/kT is represented by the sym- F1G.95.——Si:;fa€_e I‘181I;I;386Ilt9d ass
and immobile surface layers.” A mobile layer is one in which bol n. The energy of adsorption qua 8' ‘° a me‘ _
the energy of activation necessary to enable a molecule to move for an atom adsorbed on a site that 1S surrounded by empty sites
from the site on which it is adsorbed to a neighboring unoccupied is called e. _ _ _
site is small in comparison with its thermal energy. The mole- The partition function per molecule of gas, writing kT/p in
cules will, therefore, move freely on the surface, and they will place of the volume occupied v, is
distribute themselves according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann
statistics. Experimental evidence of the occurrence of this fa g (21r’";l€T)% . kpT bu’ (41)
type of adsorption has been obtained in certain instances.“
If, on the other hand, the activation energy required for move-
where b, as before, represents the vibrational and rotational
ment from one site to another on the surface is much greater
term; similarly, for an adsorbed molecule that has no near
than the thermal energy of the adsorbed molecules, the latter
will tend to remain at the positions on which they were originally
adsorbed; the layer is then said to be immobile. fa = b,, e"/"T, (42)
The treatment of mobile and immobile layers involves finding
a solution of the problem of the distribution of adsorbed mole- there being no translational contribution on account of the
cules on the surface, for any number of such molecules. An immobility in the surface layer. If a function 5 is defined as the
exact solution has not yet been developed; but the following ratio of the partition functions in the adsorbed and free states,
approximate treatment, based on a special technique that was then it follows from Eq. (42) that
first used in the study of order-disorder phenomena in alloys,
gives a good qualitative picture of the conditions on a surface.” = Q2 -¢/hr (43)
8 fa 8 . I
Consider an immobile film, and suppose the adsorbed atoms are
|,_. A. ._.
attached at definite positions on the surface, which may be Consider one particular point on the adsorbing surface, such
as a in Fig. 95, which may or may not be occupied by a gas
*3 Cf. J. K. Roberts, “Some Problems in Adsorption,” Chap. II, Cam- molecule In order to obtain the partition function for the
bridge University Press, 1939.
system consisting of this central site and its s near neighbors,
2‘ M. Volmer and G. Adhikari, Z. physilc. Chem., 119, 46 (1926) ; Z.
Physik, 35, 170 (1925). four in the case of Fig. 95, it is necessary to include all the
2‘ R. Peierls, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 32, 471 (1936) ; J. K. Roberts, possibilities as far as the occupation of the 8 + 1 Sites is involved-
I-~-= :§-I ?¢-L Proc. Roy. Soc., 161, A, 141 (1937); Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 34, 399, 577 Suppose in the first place, that the central site is unoccupied;
3 _ .
(1938); 36, 53 (1940); see also I. Langmuir, J. Chem. Soc., 511 (1940); then the following possibilities arise, as far as the other sites are
L. Tonks, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 477 (1940).
1---—-— __--_..-.._.....__. _ _ __ _ _1~_ L


1. The neighboring sites may all be empty, in which case the 3. When two sites adjacent to the central one are occupied,
partition function will be unity. the partition function is £3§"n’, i.e., £(1;<I>_)2, and the weighting
2. One of the s neighboring sites may be occupied by a mole- factor is ;P.
cule; the quantity if then gives the partition function relative 4. If n sites are occupied, the total partition function is
to a molecule in the gas phase, apart from the influence exerted ;P£(n<P)"-
by molecules on the remainder of the surface. To allow for this The sum of all these terms gives the total partition function
effect the factor §' is introduced, and the partition function for for all the different possibilities: thus, -
the given configuration of the molecule on the site adjacent to
_ _,
the central one is Si‘, Which may be represented by <I>. The f = s + '1P£(n<1>) + iP£(n<I>)’
situation in which one neighboring site is occupied may, how- + - - ~ :.Ps<»<I>)~+ - - - +3P£(n‘1’)' <46)
ever, arise in s different ways; and so the partition function must = so + »<1>>~. <47)
be weighted by this factor, giving as a result §P<I>, where the
symbol {P stands for the number of different ways in which one The ratio of the partition functions (45) and (47) is clearly
site can be chosen from a total of s possible sites. the ratio of the probability of the central site being empty to that
3. Two of the neighboring sites may be occupied, in which of its being occupied, and this is equivalent to (1 — 0) / 6; it
-=. _T‘ *_:a,er.__;—.:-r5_u:_
case the partition function for each configuration is <I>2; and since follows, therefore, that
this situation may arise in ;P different ways, the resulting parti-
9 _ 1 + 17<I> 8.
tion function is §P<I>2.
4. In the general case, if n sites adjacent to the central one are
1'1‘? " 5(1 + <I>) (48)
occupied, the partition function is ,§P<I>". Substituting for 5 the value given by Eqs. (41) and (43), the
The total partition function for the case in which the central result is the adsorption isotherm
site is empty is, therefore, equal to the sum of s + 1 terms; i.e.,
0 ha b. 1 <1» *
f=1+iP<I>+%P<I>’+§P<I>"'+ - - - +.:P¢>"+ - - - +:P<1>' 1 - 0 ' P (21rm)%(kT)% ‘b, MT (1%l—7:I>-)’ (49)

=j,;P<1>» (44) which differs from Eq. (27) by the inclusion of the interaction
factor [(1 + 1;<I>)/(1 + <I>)]'.
= (1 + <I>)‘. (45) Simplified Treatment of Interaction Effects.-——The introduc-
tion of interaction effects in this manner leads to somewhat
It is necessary to consider next the case in which the central unwieldy expressions, and it is useful to have a simpler treat-
site is occupied; the various possibilities with regard to the ment. In the study of binary solutions (cf. page 412), it is
surrounding positions are as follows: found that a very satisfactory approximation is to consider that
1. The surrounding sites are all empty; in this case the par- the interaction terms make the most important contribution
tition function is E. to the energy of the system and that the entropy remains almost
2. If one neighboring site is occupied, the partition function unaffected. It is of interest, therefore, to apply the same
is £2§'n, i.e., £n<I>, where 17 is the factor derived above that allows approximation to the essentially similar problem of molecular
for the repulsive interaction between two neighboring molecules interaction in an adsorbed film. Consider, in the first place, an
and §' still refers to interaction by more distant molecules. Since immobile layer in which each molecule, as it exists in the gas
there are s ways of choosing the occupied site, the factor {P must phase, occupies one site on the surface. At each stage of the
be employed to weight the partition function. adsorption process the number of occupied sites adjacent to
any given site will be, on the average, Os, since 6 is the fraction
action decreases the heat evolved in adsorption by an amount
of the total surface that is covered with adsorbed molecules.
36V it is reasonable to suppose that the energy of activation
The influence of the molecules occupying the 0s sites will there-
for adsorption will be increased by a definite ffeetien 0‘ 0f thls
fore be to diminish the heat evolved in the adsorption of a single
quantity. This represents the fraction of the repulsive force
molecule by an amount s0V, where V is, as before, the repulsive
operative between the initial and activated states; any subse-
interaction energy. If e is the heat evolved in the adsorption
quent interaction efiects will not influence the activation energy.
of a molecule of gas on the bare surface, then when a fraction 6
The activation energy per molecule e1 for adsorption on a bare
of the surface is occupied,
surface will thus be increased by an amount as0V, so that the
Heat of adsorption = e — s6V, (50) total is e1 + as6V. Molecular repulsions will, on the other hand,
tend to diminish the activation energy for desorption by a frac-
so that the heat of adsorption on an immobile film should be a
tion 1 — oz of the total interaction effect, and so the activation
50 linear function of the fraction energy for this process becomes 62 "' (1 _ ¢¥)39V- The rates
|*___""—i‘ —-—- of surface covered. The heats J
of adsorption vi and desorption v2 obtained by making the

mole of adsorption of hydrogen on

'—~ nko
clean tungsten for various pro- _,il.;<‘!;<‘J<-“-
y o
-- Q Q portions of covered surface have T’ X I X X -X"
30- °° been measured by J. K.
Roberts” whose data are plot- ' -K X X X

- O
O ted in Fig. 96; it is seen that
- x x X X
the results approximate very F,
adsorption closely to a straight line, and jg x X X in
83_ hence it appears that the hy-
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Fraction of surface covered drogen forms an immobile layer
Fro. 96.——Heats of adsorption of on 3, tungsten surface, The . ‘ . llwith
FIG. 97.—Quadratic lattice
- at adJ9-eellt
no two
~t 1‘ Posltlons
' ' ¥ ' <1
occuple by 8‘d sor bed
hydrogen on tungsten‘ (Roberm) falling off in heat of adsorption
with increased extent of coverage is thus attributed to inter- appropriate alterations in the activation energies in EqS- (8)
action between the adsorbed species. and (21) are thus
It appears, therefore, that a possible method of allowing for
n_Z.-_ . .
:. ,rmn\*z§n;u_L.§|Ln;.,_
interaction effects is to replace e in Eq. (27) by e — s0V, instead vi = cf‘ h Pix? @'(“+“*"">/"T, (52)
of employing the interaction term involving 1; and <I>; thus, the
adsorption isotherm would be written and
U2 = ca Egg-[¢2-(i—a>s@V1/kT_ (53)
9 ha be (¢—a6V)/kT
1-0 P (21rm)%(kT)% ' b,“ ' (51)
At equilibrium, when the two rates are equal, the ratio of covered
This more exact adsorption isotherm may be derived in the
to uncovered surface is given by the method used in deriving
following alternative manner, which is analogous to the treat-
Eq. (27) as
ment adopted in the study of diffusion (page 530) and of electrode
0 ha ba ¢—8
processes (page 575). Since, as seen above, the molecular inter-
1-0 P i(21rm)’*"(kT)% ' be e( mm’ (54)
" J. K. Roberts, Ref. 5.
where e, as before, is equal to 62 - 61, the heel? Of adsorption

-i-—" —*—l4


per molecule on a bare surface. This result is seen to be identical
with Eq. (51). isotherm Eq (23) is written in the abbreviated form
It may be pointed out that the argument employed above
$1 :_-' Ac”,
involves the tacit assumption that for an immobile film the
energy of activation, like the heat of adsorption, varies in a
linear manner with the fraction of surface covered. If, on the
other hand, the molecules in the adsorbed layer were mobile,
A E W’ ii?“ “;“%.ih:hi:§?.’;..1:..?.;“..
poison, the correspon ing iso erm
we ' t ' di t the

they would tend to arrange themselves in the configuration of

gal, = Apfigp,
lowest energy, but this tendency would be opposed by thermal Ca
motion. For a surface such as is depicted in Fig. 95, however,
the influence of this motion can be neglected in the first approxi- where 4,. IS. (fa?/Fflpfs) 6 /kT. (I;et)£ebSeur1;l:e.0 ighgug equal
- ep ll I» 1 ber of

mation. It is evident that up to 0 = 0.5 the molecules can adsorption sites on 1 sq- 0111- _ f
t _|_ C -|- ¢ ~ but if the poison covers the large!‘ Part o
arrange themselves in such a E 6' rf ceG C.1 géy be neglected 1 so thatLis appr0XiII1ete1Y
. equal
\ way (see Fig. 97) that no two
\ are in adjacent positions; ac- i<>e¢Su+a§>
s OP‘, Upon substituting the Value of C“? glven by Eq'
(55a), it is seen that
cording to the approximation
made above that all inter- , = __i_._,
8 1 "l" Avon?
actions except those between
near neighbors may be ignored, hence, Eq. (8) for the rate of adsorption of gas beeemes
\ the interaction energy will then
be zero. When 6 exceeds 0.5, LC; , _ _ fli e-'-ei/kT_

however, interaction must play vl 1 "l" Avon? h F9!‘


Fraction of surface covered

I a part, since every molecule
1.0 that is now adsorbed must find .
parison with A,,c,,,,; and upon substi u ing
- - 1 ' d 'n com-

FIG. 98.—Variation of heat of adsorp- Itself surrounded by four mole-

tion with fraction of surface covered, 011168, f0I‘ l3l18 quadratic lattice above,
allowing for molecular interaction.
_ shown in Fig. 97; the heat i L Cg _ _fIF19P 6-—(ei"l"¢P)/kT_
of adsorption, which has hitherto remained constant, should vl cap h faPFU

now fall to e — 4V (Fig. 98). The effect of taking into account . . re of the
the thermal motion of the molecules and assuming a Maxwell- The rate of adsorption is seen to Very as tho pressu ,
Boltzmann distribution of energy is to round off the corners gas and inversely as the pressure of the strongb’ . adsorbed polson’
(Fig. 98) to an extent depending on the value of V/kT.?’ ' ' f d or tion isof1I1C1‘83,S€d"fI‘0II1
ani the helat of &Cii1SV3£1£,:;)Hh;)aI"t&(:VOi)Ved) adsorption of e1the to
Adsorption on a Covered Surface.—For certain purposes in £1 GP, W fp

connection with the problem of heterogeneous reactions (see poison‘ ' th tivation
page 382) it is desirable to consider adsorption of a gas on a sur- The influence of a strongly adserbed Pelsoh ofn egg a r0_
face already covered to a large extent by another substance, for adsorption
enoftgy potential energy isdiagram
immediately evident
If the surfaceroiii PP by
1S covered
e.g., a poison. In the simplest case the adsorption of gas and pfla 6 - ' . . 1 t nt

poison-may be supposed to occur on the same sites, which may 1-, t abefore
a stronglyf adstolibedoszlgsdztggibeel considerab
either e the
ex eactivated
be dual or single; hence, Eq. (8) is applicable. If the adsorption 1S
2" J. S. Wang, Proc. Roy. Soc., 161, A, 127 (1937). neceSTa;yC&£rfOI‘II1
comp e on the surface or the gas molecule - be finally
l -
adsorbed. The potential-energy 0uI‘Ve for adsorption on a
3:->551 jélljofacfli reipresented by the full line in Fig, 99, is thus
0 . 8 otted line ' - surface covered by a poison s
8 for .3,dSOI‘pt10I1 on a covered Sm-face_
The Potentlal ellfirgies of activated and final i e d v, = L 2 6-(irii-Am)/iT_ (50)
states are raised by an amount ep numerically eiquiiliitoatliorlljedé can
of d t. _ _ ' e ea
the Zs1<;1;i;3io€if (gigtidlstqrptifon) (Z; the poison. It 1S.3,ppa,1‘e111; that
In view of the large change of entropy accompanying adsorption
is eiexanignation
An + e where 01f
e isthe
thon or d Soriitmnvalue
SlfOl‘1‘6SI})1Ol1dll1}% on the polsoned
for the Surface
clean surface. and desorption (cf. page 397), AFQ is often a small negative quan-
tity; hence, AF11 -—-AF; may be little different from AFJ. For
i rves s ows, owever, that the activation
energy for desorption remains unchanged. a strongly adsorbed poison, however, AF§ will have a large
negative value, and the rate of adsorption of the gas will be
I _ _

markedly decreased.
Since the activation energy for desorption is unaffected by the
,1 6,, \\
poison,* the rate of desorption of gas from a poisoned surface
is still given by Eq. (21); and, from this and Eq. (58), it follows
' \
that the appropriate “isotherm” is
\ Ii

G g L C", . F 01>f<1 (e—-ep)/IZT’ 61
Poteenerntialgy \ \\ I’
C cap Fafap 6 ( )
Gaseous F
. state 5
where e, as before, is e2 — e1 the heat (evolved) of adsorption per
Adsorbed molecule of the gas on a bare surface. The effective heat of
, state
F 99 P Reaction coordinate adsorption on the poisoned surface is, according to Eq. (61),
IG. .—- ote n t’"11-energy curve for adsorption
- .
on a poisoned $u1'fa,¢g_ equal to e — ep’ in agreement with Fig. 99; the heat evolved in
It b
e su ' -
the heat of activation, because the gggdfptidglgf 312;:iiifise ln
. adsorbing the gas is reduced by the amount required to desorb
the poison.
By utilizing the methods developed in this section, equations
- . ‘ ecu e analogous to (58) and (61) can be derived for various types of
ls iccompanled by the transfer of a poison molecule from the
s t th
- -
or 3' SOTP
Ion on a bare s u rface. It can
1°; Peidllg s(li1own* that A, 1S equal to 3-AFi>°/kT, Where AF; is
of adsorption, e.g., involving dual sites or dissociation, of both gas
and poison. An illustration is provided later (page 384) by the
treatment of the decomposition of ammonia, adsorbed on a dual
1 B - site, on a surface poisoned by hydrogen in the form of atoms.
, S ‘Tm ar free e_n_e1‘gY Of adsorption per molecule of the
poison’ and upon Wntmg Eq- (8) in the alternative form CHEMICAL REACTIONS ON Summons .
1)1 = C068 kTT e_AF11/kT, The Rate-determining Step in Heterogeneous Reactions.—-
From the standpoint of the theory of absolute reaction rates, it
l is sufficient to consider the equilibrium between initial and acti-
\ wh ere AF 1 1 1S
' the free energy of activation
- - per molecule for
adsorp t'ion on a bare surface, it
- follows from Eq. (53) that for a vated states only and to disregard all other aspects of the reaction,
* - . .
For any 6qU.1l-1bI‘.ll1II1 A + B .1‘ C, the quantity (FC/FAFB) 3-E0/RT is * This would be strictly true only if in the activated state for desorption
equal to the equilibrium constant and hence to e"'AF°/RT where A170 is th the molecule of poison is not involved. If the poison forms a bond with the
standard free-energy change (cf. p. 188). ’ e surface while the adsorbed molecule is in the process of being desorbed,
the activation energy for desorption would be decreased.
4 7 4 4 i i 7 7



but it is frequently of interest to examine the mechanism of Adsorption or Desorption as Rate-determining:-In general the
the process in more detail. A reaction occurring at a surface process 2 or 4 may be expected to be the slow step in a heter0-
may, in general, be separated into five steps, the slowest of which geneous reaction if the activation energy of adsorption or desorp-
will determine the rate of the over-all process. The successive tion is high or if the surface reaction 3 is rapid because of a low
stages are activation energy. Such a rapid reaction is g611e1‘anY_ to _be
1. Transport of the gaseous reactants to the surface. expected if the adsorbed particles are atoms, the combination
2. Adsorption of the gases. of which requires little or no activation energy. The high-
3. Reaction on the surface. temperature heterogenous ortho-para hydI‘0geI1 Zlonverslond
’ 29

4. Desorption of the products. and the establishment of equilibrium between hy fflgenf 33111
5. Transport of the liberated products from the surface into deuterium” are probably reactions in which desorption o t 3
the bulk gas phase. product is the rate-determining step. Themechanism sugges e
Difiusion as the Rate-determining Step.—The stages 1 and 5 for the ortho-para conversion is the chemisorption of hydrogen
are ordinary diffusion processes, and if either of them were the on the surface of the catalyst, which involves dissociation iiitao
rate-determining step the temperature coeflicient of the rate atoms, followed by a rearrangement of the latter to_give equi;.1 —
would be of the same order as for gaseous diffusion. The rate rium amounts of ortho- and para-molecules. T1118 Sl1gge$_1°n
of diffusion of a gas does not vary exponentially with the tem- is supported by the observation“ that there is a parallellsm
perature, however, as do the rates of heterogeneous chemical between the activity of a. surface in inducing the ortliijo-para
reactions, but it increases in proportion to the square root of conversion and its capacity for the activated adsorp.i0n 0
the temperature. Further, surface reactions generally have hydrogen. If the proposed mechanism is correct, it is very
activation energies of the order of 30 kcal. (see Table XLIV, probable that the actual combination of the ‘atoms on tthe
page 390), whereas for the diffusion processes the values are surface will be rapid, and hence the slow stage in this reag 10?
- -Gir- probably very small. The retarding influence of sulfur trioxide should be adsorption of the reactant or desorption o pro -
on the combination of sulfur dioxide and oxygen on a platinum Adsorption or desorption is probably also the slow stage 111 9
surface was at one time attributed to the necessity for the heterogeneous establishment of equilibrium between hydrogen
reacting molecules to diffuse through a layer of trioxide before and deuterium. The surface reaction presumably 1{1V1)1Vej;_t'he
reaching the surface. If the rate of combination on the surface combination of adsorbed atoms and so should require litt ehac iva-
were rapid compared with diffusion, so that the latter represented tion energy. It is significant that the kinetics of the oirt irpara
the rate-determining step, the results could be explained. It hydrogen conversion process and of the hydrogen- en 81111111
_ .‘-.__._.-, _?_.,_
has been pointed out,” however, that the layer of trioxide would reaction are very similar. _ . d
have to be of visible dimensions in order to account quanti- The catalytic production. of ammonia ‘from nitrogen sin
tatively for the observed retardation. It is improbable, therefore, hydrogen, and the decomposition of ammonia, appear to 1I1V0tZB
that diffusion to the surface is the slow stage in the reaction. adsorption and desorption, respectively, of nitrogen ‘as _6
It may be noted that the rate of diffusion to and from the rate-determining step.” It has been observed that isotopic
catalyst is often of importance in technical gas reactions when exchange between deuterium and the hydrogen in aII1m0I119»
the circumstances are such that the velocity of gas flow is the
2° K. F. Bonhoeffer and P. Harteck, Z. physila Chem-, B» 4» 113 (1929);
factor determining the over-all rate at which the product is K. F. Bonhoeffer and A. Farkas, ibid., B, 12, 231 (1931)-
obtained. Diffusion is also frequently the rate-determining so A_ J_ Gould, W. Bleakney and H. S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys., 2: 362
step in the case of solid-liquid reactions, owing to its relatively (1934). _ _
81H_ S_ Taylor and A. Sherman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 1614 (1931):
slow rate in solution.
T ans. Faraday Soc., 28, 247 (1932)-
*8 I. Langmuir, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 38, 1145 (1916). T" H. S. Taylor and J . C. Jungers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 660 (1935)-
:5! .F|,


takes place even at ordinary temperatures on an active iron
catalyst such as is used for the synthesis of ammonia. The in the usual manner. Equations for the rates of surface reactions
:—3i.-‘_5-7-;'.%>_P-;§|_.Tr; ‘4_'- exchange reaction probably involves activated adsorption of have been derived by I. Langmuir et al.,“ from kinetic consider-
- ti
both the ammonia and the deuterium, accompanied by dissocia- ations; and it will be shown that analogous, but more explicit,
all J tion, thus, equations may be obtained by using the method described
-. i-.
in the earlier sections of this chapter of regarding the surface
ht." NH3 (gas) Ii‘ NH2 (ads.) + H (ads.) as one of the reactants. By means of these equations the rates

l’ and of a number of heterogeneous gas reactions have been calculated

* i D2 (gas) T-°‘ 2D (ads.), and found to be in agreement with the experimental values. For
.1.‘ '1‘;-* present purposes, it is convenient to consider various reactions

followed by reassociation and desorption,

according to the number of molecules, v'iz., one or two, involved
NH2 (ads.) + D (ads.) .1‘ NH2D (gas). in the chemical change.
if-:‘_.- _. ._ Unimolecular Reactions.——Suppose the reaction involves one
“‘ Adsorption of the NH2D, dissociation into NHD and H and molecule of the gaseous reactant A, and S represents the active
jf§ recombination with an adsorbed atom of D will result in the center on which reaction occurs. The activated complex consists
, I .
f01‘II13~ti0I1 01° NHD2 ; finally, ND3 can arise in an analogous of an adsorbed molecule which has acquired the appropriate
manner. It is evident, therefore, that dissociation neither of amount of energy and the proper configuration; the equilibrium
hydrogen nor of ammonia can be the rate-determining stage between initial and activated states may be written as
E! in the synthesis or decomposition of ammonia, respectively, on
active iron catalysts. By a process of elimination the conclusion A + S Ti (A—S)1 —> products,
ii is reached that the observed reaction rates must be attributed and hence, by the arguments used on page 347,
-I to the slowness of the activated adsorption and desorption
F” of nitrogen. This view is supported by measurements on the 3. = ll 6-a/kr A
".1: velocity of activated adsorption of nitrogen by an iron catalyst;33 cgc, F,,f, ’
if to the activation energy of adsorption derived from these data where so is the energy of activation per molecule at 0°K. and
is added the heat of adsorption, the result, which is the activa- the other symbols have the same significance as before. The rate
:-;l tion energy of desorption, is 49 to 57 kcal. in the temperature of reaction according to the theory of absolute reaction rates is
region of 400°C. The observed activation energy for the decom- then
position of ammonia on an iron surface is about 54 kcal.,“ which
suggests that desorption of nitrogen is the rate-determining step v = 0,0. all - F'%.-8 e“"/"T. (62)
in this reaction.
—-~_.-: ._-_,I-.=-=. .,
Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates.—The problem of a chemi- It may be noted that this expression is formally identical with

cal reaction taking place on a surface is formally the same as Eq. (8) for the rate of adsorption; the activated states are,
adsorption, the initial state being a molecule, or molecules, in however, different in the two cases, although since both consist

the phase and the activated state an adsorbed molecular of immobile molecules attached to the surface their partition
species. The activated complex is, as usual, regarded as being- functions will be of the order of unity, in each case, at ordinary

in equilibrium with the initial reactants in the gas phase, so temperatures.
that the rate of reaction can be expressed in terms of the latter
35 I. Langmuir, Trans. Faraday Soc., 17, 621 (1922); C. N. Hinshelwood,
33 P. H._ Emmett and. S. Brunauer, ibid., 55, 1738 (1933); 56, 35 (1934). “Kinetics of Chemical Change,” p. 145, 1926, p. 187, 1940, Oxford Uni-
34 E. Winter, Z. physzk. Chem., B, 13, 401 (1931). versity Press; H. S. Taylor, “Treatise on Physical Chemistry,” p. 1074,
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1931.’


First-order Kinet'£cs.——The application of Eq. (62) may be
considered under two sets of conditions. In the first place, if per square centimeter. In Table XLI the calculated results are
the surface is sparsely covered by adsorbed molecules, c,, the compared with those observed for relatively even surfaces; the
concentration of bare sites on the surface, is practically constant values given are the ordinary first-order rate constants which
and is almost identical with the number of sites per square refer to the particular amount of surface used in the experi-
centimeter of completely bare surface. In these circumstances, ment. Although the calculated and observed rates are in satis-
c, in Eq. (62) may be taken as constant, and the rate of reaction, factory agreement, it will be noted that the former are somewhat
for a given surface, is seen to be directly proportional to the too small for the decomposition of phosphine and nitrous oxide
concentration of tho reacting material in the gas phase; the This may be due partly to the roughness of the surface, which
process is thus kinetically of the first order. Numerous examples would make the number of reaction centers greater than the
of this type of behavior are known. value employed, and partly to the fact that there is some
If the expressions for the partition functions are introduced TABLE XLI -—-OBSERVED AND CALCULATED FIRST-ORDER SURFACE REACTION
into Eq. (62), it follows that the rate equation for a unimolecular, RATES
'-"'37 _ 1

first-order reaction involving a diatomic molecule is

Specific reaction rate, sec.“
1sh4 Deeomposi- Surface T, <>K_ ,
tion of Calm ()bs_


where s is the total number of possible sites adjacent to any PH ; Glass

reaction center, 0' and 0; are the symmetry numbers of the mole- HI , Platinum MG0000Obi-P

cules of reactant and of activated complex, respectively, and N 30 11 Q0!-‘N |-l>l~Dl:O XXX I—l-—*i—l OOO-awa: I--I [Q1-Ir-P O30~l XXX i—l)—*1-Il DOC G34

. l I
1 i — J ~
I and m are the moment of inertia and mass of the reacting
molecule. For a nonlinear polyatomic molecule, the rate is freedom of movement in the activated state. By taking
the partition function for the latter to be unity, it 1S assumed
that there is no movement of any kind in the activated state;
" = ""°';; ' 81r2(81r‘*ABC)?%(21rm)%(kT)% 67”’"13 (64) with relatively complex molecules such as phosphine and nitrous
-_._- .-_._.-.~_.x_ ._ ._-—-“.—_

where A, B and C are the three moments of inertia of the reactant. oxide, rotation or libration in the activated state may well_be
In both these equations, c, is the number of reaction sites per appreciable, and the inclusion of the appropriate contribution
square centimeter of surface, and the factor is is introduced to the partition function would increase the calculated reaction
when the reacting molecules are attached to two sites in the acti- rates.
vated state. By the use of known, or reasonable, values for the Zero-order Kinet'£cs.—-When the surface is covered by adsorbed
moments of inertia and s to be 4 in each case, the specific molecules to an appreciable extent, the value of c. varies with
reaction rates for the surface decomposition of phosphine,“ the pressure of the gas, and the behavior to be expected‘ is
hydrogen iodide" and nitrous oxide“ have been evaluated, the apparent from a combination of Eq. (62) and the adsorption
assumption being made that in each case the surface is smooth isotherm; upon substituting the following value for 0,6, obtained
and sparsely covered, so that there are about 101‘ individual sites from Eq. (23), viz.,
&i$I F421%_l%If4
4fi‘I—_L .‘i__-_._-w_x

3‘ J. H. van’t Hoff and D. M. Kooij, Z. physilc. Chem., 12, 155 (1893); c,,c, = ca 11% e"/“T, (55)
cf. Tem_kin, Ref. 13.
*7 C. N. Hinshelwood and R. E. Burk, J. Chem. Soc., 127, 2896 (1925). in (62), it follows that
“ C. N. Hinshelwood and C. R. Prichard, Proc. Roy. Soc., 108, A, 211
(1925) . ,, = ca Eh! ,‘l%,,-<»+->/hr, (56)

where e is the heat evolved in the adsorption of one molecule of When the surface is almost entirely covered, ca is equal to the
reactant. If the surface is almost completely covered by number of activated centers per square centimeter of surface,
adsorbed molecules, ca may be taken as constant, and the rate which may be taken as 1015. In Table XLII are given a number
of reaction as given by Eq. (66) is seen to be virtually independent
of the pressure of the reactant; the process is then said to obey TABLE XLII.—OBsErivEi> AND CALCULATED ZERO-ORDER SURFACE REACTION
zero-order kinetics. It will be apparent that Eq. (66) treats 1

. _ r

the reaction from the standpoint of adsorbed molecules, instead Decom- Specific reaction rates
of gas molecules, as the initial reactant; the “surface activation position Surface E, kcal. T. °K. A
energy,” i.e., the difference in energy between the activated of Calc. Obs.
state and the adsorbed re- ¢; _ _ _ _

NH,“ W as 1018 10"

_ I

Acfivated actants, is so + e. The same

state | conclusion can be reached from NH," w 41.5 1316 io=1 was XX 1019
NH,“ Mo 53.2 122s 1018 5to 20 >< 1018
an examination of the po- HI“ Au MF" ca 38
oPPo l“‘9°.° .° C'>U\|~P~@ XXXX 1011 5.2 >< io==
so I tential-energy curve for the 4 — _
Ii _

surface reaction shown in Fig. of calculated and observed rate constants, expressed as molecules
100. The difference in energy
I F5-¢-
_- per square centimeter per second, for zero-order reactions calcu-
Potenerentiagly Gaseous oi->1 between the activated state
lated from Eq. (67), making use of the data collected by Topley.
reactant -L _ and the initial gaseous re-
The agreement is seen to be satisfactory except for the decompo-
‘}§§'§§§’§f ‘actant, which is equivalent to
sition of hydrogen iodide on gold; the discrepancy may be due
Reaction coordinate
~ - ~ th e experlm
' ental activation to the adsorption of hydrogen on the surface, for this would
FIG. 100.-——Potential-energy curve energy: 50 per m0le- The have the effect, as explained later, of increasing the activation
illustratin s the “surface activation heat 0f adsorption of the
energy and so would make the calculated reaction rate too low.
energy", reactant is e, and hence it is
Bimolecular Reactions.—In a surface reaction between two
seen that the energy which an adsorbed molecule must acquire
molecules, it is presumably necessary that the molecules shall
before it can pass over the energy barrier and react is es + e.*39
be adsorbed on adjacent sites. The reaction may thus be con-
Since both f; and fa may be taken as unity, it follows that
sidered as occurring between one molecule of each of the reactants
Eq. (66) may be written as
A and B and a dual site S2 on the surface of the catalyst, thus,
qr- in-_
v = ca (‘YT 6-E/RT’ (67)
A + B + S2 :1 (A—B—S2)* -—> products.
where E is the observed activation energy per mole. An equa- It is first required to determine the number of dual sites in
tion of the same form as (67), with a frequency factor assumed terms of the number of available single sites per square centi-
to be 10" per second, in place of kT/h, was proposed from general meter (0,) and other factors. If the fraction of the surface
considerations by B. Topley.“ covered by reactant A is 6 and that covered by B is 0’, then
the number of bare sites adjacent to any given site will be
* The quantity that is here called the “surface activation energy” has
sometimes been referred to as the “true activation energy,” and co has been s(1 — 6 -— 0’), where s, as before, is the total number of possible
called the “apparent activation energy”; the latter terms are, however, 41 C. N. Hinshelwood and R. E. Burk, J. Chem. Soc., 127, 1051 (1925).
misleading and will not be employed here". 42 C. H. Kunsman, E. S. Lamar and W. E. Deming, Phil. Mag., 10, 1015
3° Cf. C. N. Hinshelwood and B. Topley, J. Chem. Soc., 123, 1014 (1923); (1930).
Hinshelwood, Ref. 35, 1940. 4“ R. E. Burk, Proc. Nat. Acad. Scz'., 13, 67 (1927).
4° B. Topley, Nature, 128, 115 (1931). 44 C. N. Hinshelwood and C. R. Prichard, J. Chem. Soc., 127, 1552 (1925).

.-\ _.-‘ _ ,-.__- .


i-—- _.-


sites adjacent to any given site. The number of dual sites per known, e.g., for a smooth sparsely covered surface, it is possible to
square centimeter is thus %c,s(1 — 0 —- 0’), the factor 5 arising calculate the reaction rate from Eq. (72).
from the fact that in the foregoing each dual site is counted The velocity of the reaction between nitric oxide and oxygen
twice. The fractions 0 and 0’ may be expressed in terms of on a glass surface has been measured at 85°11. and found to be
the concentrations of adsorbed molecules, or atoms, of A, i.e., Ca; represented by the expression
and of B, i.e., car, as follows, v = 9.4 >< 10"2’cNo6o, e”‘°/*7’ molecules cm."2 sec.-1
ca with concentrations of the reacting gases in molecules per
0 Ca + Cw + 0. (68) cubic centimeter.“ In this equation, eq is the activation energy
and at 0°K., a slight adjustment having been made, by means of the
I C41’ theoretical equation (72), to the experimental activation energy
0 Ca + Ca’ + ca, observed at 85°K. (cf. page 195). The dependence of the rate
_.-_ -v_._ - _q
and so the number of dual sites per square centimeter may be on the product of the concentrations of the reactants suggests
written in the form that the activated complex consists of a molecule of NO and
one of O2 adsorbed on neighboring sites on the surface, so that
1 2
Concentration of dual sites = 1%; (70) Eq. (72) should be applicable. The ratio of the partition func-
tions for the adsorbed, immobile, activated complex and for the
where L stands for ca + 0,,’ + c,, the total number of sites per adsorption centers, i.e., f;/f,, may be taken as unity, and Fm
square centimeter of bare surface. The theory of absolute and F0, may be calculated in the usual manner for diatomic
reaction rates then gives the velocity of the bimolecular surface molecules, the vibrational contributions being very little differ-
reaction as ent from unity at the experimental temperature. Both nitric
If .
v = és C0(Zc kT
h .Fa;$a"f8 e—eo/kT,
oxide and oxygen have multiplet ground states (cf. page 178),
and allowance should be made for these in deriving the partition
functions; but since the electron multiplicity of the activated
where c, and 0,» are the concentrations of A and B in the gas complex is unknown, it may be assumed that the values cancel
phase, F, and F,’ are their partition functions for unit volume each other; this approximation cannot be in error by a factor of
and f; and f, are the partition functions for activated complex more than 2 or 3. Since the experimental results suggest a
and for the reaction sites, respectively. Since L is the sum of sparsely covered surface, the number of individual reaction
ca, ca’ and 0,, it is possible to express Eq. (71) in terms of c,,, c,’ sites, c,, is about 1015 per square centimeter. If every site is
and c, by substituting the appropriate values of ca and ca» surrounded by four others, i.e., s is 4, and if two adjacent sites
given by the adsorption isotherm, Eq. (65). It is convenient, in are involved, it is found from Eq. (72) that O
this connection, to consider a number of special cases.
v = 14.8 X 10—2’cN0cQ, e"°/"T molecules cm.-2 sec.“1,
1. Sparsely Covered Surface.—When the surface is sparsely
in good agreement with the experimental result.
-_ _.;-=_;._-,._._Z-.-_+1

covered, i.e., when the sum of ca and 0,,’ is small, L is practically

equal to c,, and hence Eq. (71) becomes 2. One Reactant More Strongly Adsorbed than the Other.——If
the reactant A is more strongly adsorbed than B, then car may
v = §sc,c,'c, %7 - e_‘°/"T. (72) be neglected in comparison with ca, and L may be put equal to
ca + 0,; Eq. (71) then becomes
This represents the simplest type of second-order kinetics, the
» = rs .i"i;°;. ~ '32’ ~ Fit». <*'3>
, 2

rate of the heterogeneous reaction being directly proportional

to the concentration of each of the reactants: provided that c, is *5 M. Temkin and W. Pyzhow, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 2, 473 (1935).

._.,_ 4
Upon writing the adsorption isotherm, as on page 367, in the
abbreviated form 0,/0, = A0,, where A is equal to (f,/F,f,) e‘/"T, derived by the method of Langmuir, v = k'pB/pi, where pi
and using this relationship to eliminate 0, from Eq. (73), it is and pi, are the partial pressures of the reactants A and B, which
found that are proportional to 0, and 0,’, respectively. Several instances
of this type of kinetics have been reported."
_ 1 69694:‘ _. kT. ft _ -to Equation (78) may be applied quantitatively to the reaction
" "8 1 + A0, h F,F,'f§ 6 M‘ (74) between carbon monoxide and oxygen on the surface of platinum.
Further, since L is approximately equal to 0, + 0,, as already At 572°K. the observed rate“ is equal to
seen, it follows [cf. Eq. (56)] that 0, = L/ (1 + A0,); and substi-
0 molecules cm.-2 sec.-1
v.,o._ = 7.10 X 1014 C—°i
tution for 0, in Eq. (74) gives

L , kT The temperature coeflicient corresponds to an activation energy

v Z _+?a1?dacU)2 . V h . F‘fl;;tU'f8 e_‘°/kT, of 33.3 kcal. in this temperature region; the use of this value in
which is equivalent to the more familiar form Eq. (78) gives the calculated rate as
0 molecules emf” sec.“1,
v,,,,_ = 4.33 X 1015 63$
_ k’2m>B
"" <76) CO

in satisfactory agreement with experiment. The reaction

where k’ and B are constants at a definite temperature. It is between hydrogen and oxygen on platinum shows a similar
of interest to note that if 0,’ or pg is kept constant as 0, or pg behavior, but the data are not sufficiently precise to permit an_
is increased the reaction velocity should pass through a maxi- application of the theory.
mum; behavior of this kind has been observed in the reaction Bimolecular Reaction with a Single -Reactant.—When both
between hydrogen and carbon dioxide on platinum.“ reacting molecules are the same, it can be readily seen that the
3. One Reactant Very Strongly Ads0rbed.—If the reactant A general equation (71) simplifies to the form
is so strongly adsorbed that it occupies most of the available
surface, the fraction 0,/0,, which is equal to A0,, is much greater v = is cf:
2 2 . kg’ _ Fgtfl e-eo/RT, (79)
than unity ; in Eq. (75), therefore, unity may be neglected in
comparison with A0,, and hence where L is equal to 0, + 0,. If the surface is sparsely covered,
L -'== 0,, Eq. (79) reduces to
L . £3’ . .h
v = gs A2 kT . Fa-£1018 6-“/kT_ (77)
= 1 2 £?_7._IL -to/RT
v §s0,0, h F3]; e , (80)
If A is expressed as (fa/F,f,) e‘/"T, Eq. (77) becomes
and the reaction behaves kinetically as a straightforward second-
order process. At the other extreme, when the surface is
almost completely covered, L is approximately equal to 0,, and
where sf, is equal to eo + 2e. The experimental activation energy hence L = A0,0,; insertion of L/A for 0,0, in Eq. (79) then gives
will thus be greater by 2e than the value for a sparsely covered L kT
surface of the same material. The reason for this increase is that v = 1]-gs F - 71- - 1%?‘ e“‘°/“T. (81)
two molecules of A must be desorbed before the activated complex
4’ For example, see G.-M. Schwab, “Catalysis,” (translated by H. S.
can be formed. Equation (78) is equivalent to the expression Taylor and R. Spence), p. 227, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1937:
4° C. N. Hinshelwood and C. R. Prichard, J. Chem. Soc., 127, 806 (1925). Hinshelwood, Ref. 35, 1940.
*8 Langmuir, Ref. 35.
The reaction is clearly of zero order, since it is independent
activation for the reaction on a clean surface and s,, is the heat
of the concentration, or pressure, of the reacting gas. Alter-
of adsorption of the product or poison. The experimental
natively, if L is replaced by 0,, then
activation energy (s,,,,_), the gas being considered as the reactant,
0,, kT f _¢ is thus equal to so + s,. By utilizing the adsorption isotherm,
v=ir-91,‘?-1%,-I6 °/kT- (82) equations (55) and (55a), together with the appropriate form of
equation (58), and putting L equal to 0,,,, since the surface is almost
In this equation, as in (66), the reaction is treated from the stand-
completely covered by poison, the rate equation takes the form
point of the adsorbed molecules; if the value of A, given above, is
inserted in Eq. (82), the result is v _..___ ca kTT . %: e—(eo-I-e)/RT,

Q) = -5-Sc“ _k_'?_7 . ' 6-(eo'i"2¢)/RT,

where s is the heat of adsorption of the reactant. This equation
which may be compared with Eq. (66) for a unimolecular reac- again considers the reaction from the standpoint of adsorbed
tion. In the present case, 0, is also constant, since the surface is molecules of reactant, and the
almost fully covered, and the velocity of the reaction is inde- surface activation energy is - I _| I —

pendent of the pressure of the reactant, as already recorded. seen to be so + s, which is

The surface activation energy is seen from Eq. (83) to be so + 2s;
the same conclusion may be reached from the potential-energy
equal to s,,,,, + s —- s,,.
The potential-energy curve 14-,
curve in Fig. 100, it being remembered that two adsorbed mole- for reaction on a poisoned ,' 6"‘ \\ I

cules are involved in the reaction. surface is shown by the dotted \\

' /W

Retardation by Poisons. 1. Unimolecular Rea0tz'ons.—When line in Fig. 101, which may be Potenerentialgy ~ -r * " J:-__-
J? |*""':s“
”"' '7
/ \
the product of a reaction or another substance, e.g., a poison, compared with the full line for ' f 7 |
which may be present in the system, is strongly adsorbed, the the same process on a relative- -L-—
process is retarded. For a unimolecular reaction occurring on ly bare surface. As in the case ' _ Reaction coordinate ___
Of Fig. 99 the former Qurve Fro. 101.—Potential-energy curves
a single site, the problem is similar to adsorption on a covered - for reaction on clean and poisoned
surface, considered on page 366. An equation exactly analogous raised on account of the neces- ,,,,,,,,,es_
to (57) is applicable, except that f; is the partition function sity of desorbing the poison be-
f'or the activated state and s1 is the heat of activation for the fore either the reactants or the activated complex can be adsorbed.
reaction; the rate equation may then be written in the more The values of the surface activation energy and of the experimental
familiar form activation energy for the poisoned surface are seen to be in agree-
ment with those given above. If the substance which is strongly
1) — Fro
2 adsorbed on the reaction sites could be continuously removed, the
experimental activation energy should diminish. This expec-
where pp is the partial pressure of the poisoning substance. tation is in agreement with the results obtained in the decompo-
If the poison is very strongly adsorbed and virtually covers the sition of alcohols on bauxite both in the presence and in the absence
whole surface, this becomes of water. When the latter, which is a reaction product that is
strongly adsorbed by the catalyst, is continuously removed, the
v = k’ %; (85) activation energy is reduced by 13 to 16 kcal.; this amount is
comparable with the heat of adsorption (or desorption) of water
For such a surface an equation similar to (58) is applicable,
vapor. Results of a similar kind have been obtained in other
the exponential term being e-(“+‘='>, where so is the heat of

—%|_ i4
In Eq. (62) the quantity 0, represents the concentration of
reaction centers, irrespective of whether they are single or dual and the energy of activation is 44.3 kcal.* . By taking this
sites; for the present purpose, however, it is necessary to restrict value as equivalent to so + 261» and ‘3011S1de1‘1118 fir fa and fill?
0, to the concentration of single sites, and then the concentration to be unity, as usual, the rate of reaction for a smooth surface
(L = 1015 per square centimeter, s = 4) is 08410018-lied from
of dual sites is given by Eq. (70). When this value is inserted in
Eq. (62), the rate of a unimolecular reaction on dual sites becomes Eq. (89) to be

l_ "Q-S
1 .61/ii. kql. . ft 6 —eo/kT. ow = ()_92 >( 1022 53-I53 molecules cm?’ sec?‘
7) L h Fgfs cf CH2

-4:1§_§—<_ If the surface is almost completely covered by a reaction prod- at 1423°K. Equally good agreement can, of course, be obtained
uct or other substance acting as a poison, then L can be replaced at other temperatures, since the experimental activation energy
by 0.,,,, the surface concentration of poison, which may be adsorbed is employed in the calculations.
either as molecules or as atoms. Since the latter case is of 2. Bimolecular Rea0tz'0ns.—If two molecules of a single react-
experimental interest, it alone will be considered; according ant are involved, Eq. (79) is still applicable, but L is equal to
to Eq. (33), e, + 0,, + 0,,,. If the poison is fairly strongly adsorbed, 0, may
be neglected in comparison with 0,,, and so L will be given by
5'1 _ ii i_ ¢/xiv 0, + 0,,. When this value is inserted in Eq. (79), it is seen that
6. C” f.Fop” 6’ ' (88)
hence, Eq. (87) may be written __ 1 63¢? _ kT_ ft -so/ur_ 91
v = _%_8L Ci‘; . . e—(¢o-I‘-2:’)/kT v_-2-sc8+C0P h Fiifle ( )

aP Upon substituting the value Ao0.0,, for 0,,,, Eq. (91) becomes
-:__.—_'___.r; x _.-_.___". -_. _'. i
= k’ g, (90)
2 8
Q) =_- %.s 1 -P6912900; » ° 6 —¢o/kT.
where 0, and 0,, are the concentrations of reactant and poison,
respectively, in the gas phase and pi and pp are their partial If the relationship 0, = L/(1 + A-1160?); 5-9-, Eq- (56), is utilized»
-<- .- =2,-_-&—F -
pressures. The experimental heat of activation is seen to be it follows that
so -1- 2s,,; two atoms of poison must be desorbed in order that a
dual site may be available for the reactant. _
U -— %'3
+ Apcap)2
ft, _.../hr9
F2]-.9 (
93 )
The rate of decomposition of ammonia at low pressures on
a platinum surface varies as the pressure of the reactant and O1‘

inversely as that of hydrogen, which acts as a poison; both _. r__PL_, , 94

Eqs. (85) and (90) satisfy these conditions, but the latter is v_k(1+BPP)2 . ()
probably applicable, since hydrogen is adsorbed atomically on where pi and pp are the pressures of reactant and poison, respec-
platinum at high temperatures. It should, therefore, be possible tively, the latter being preferentially adsorbed.
to calculate the rate of reaction by means of Eq. (89). According
to the experiments of G.-M. Schwab and H. Schmidt“ the * The figure 140 kcal. given by C. N. Hinshelwood and R. E. Burk
observed rate at 1423°K. is [J. Chem. Soc., 127, 1114 (1925)] appears to apply at higher pressures when
the reaction kinetics are more complicated, as found by G.-M. Schwab and
~ v.s.. = 2.60 X 10“ £73 molecules cm."2 sec.“1, H. Schmidt [Z. physilk. Chem., B, 3, 337 (1929)]. The high temperature
CH: coefficient obtained under these conditions may be due to the operation of
4’ G.-M. Schwab and H. Schmidt, Z. physik. Chem., B, 3, 337 (1929). a chain reaction [cf. G.-M. Schwab, “Catalysis” (translated by H. S. Tay-
lor and R. Spence), p. 316, 1937].



If the product is very strongly adsorbed, so that 0, can be
neglected in comparison with 0,,, L becomes virtually equal to Similar equations may be deduced for the cases in which the
0.,,; it is then found that two reacting molecules are different; these are analogous to
Eqs. (93) and (94), except that 0,0,, replaces 0§, where 0, and 0,1
_ 1
U — gs
L.-. Zap
Ci ._kT. -(1 -. 0/kT
he Fgfae are the concentrations of the two reacting gases, and F,F,i 1S
used instead of F’. No cases appear t0 be k110WI1 in which
where A, is (fa,/F,,f,) er/kT. The same result may, of course, equations of the rdsulting type are applicable, but the 1‘6&0lJi0I1
-Q-A414v-i|n_- be obtained from Eq. (93) by neglecting unity in comparison between sulfur dioxide and oxygen on platinum is the nearest
with A,0,,, since A, will be large for a strongly adsorbed sub- approach. The product, i.e., sulfur trioxide, undoubtedly
stance. The general form of this equation is equivalent to retards the reaction, but the reaction rate is not inversely
v = k'pZ/12,3, where A denotes the reacting substance and P the proportional to the square of its pressure; the reaction is prob-
retarding material; the latter retards a bimolecular reaction ably too complicated for the simple treatment given above to be

according to the second power of its pressure, and not to the applicable. t
!_I"_1“?—Ji_ ¢
first, as has frequently been assumed. However, if the retard-
Dissociation of Hydrogen on Tungsten.—When a tungs en
ing gas is composed of diatomic molecules which are adsorbed in
filament is heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen, the latter 1S
the form of atoms the equation takes the form
converted into the atomic form which evaporates off from the
_1 L.cl7.kT. ft --co
surface of the tungsten and is generally adsorbed. by the glass
" is A: 1,; ch Fa " ’"’ ‘Q6’ walls of the reaction vessel.” The rate of formation of atomic
hydrogen has been found, over a range of temperature (1148
where A, has the value (fa,/F,,%f,) e"/"T. The reaction rate
now varies inversely as the first power of the pressure of the to 1420°K.) and pressure (3 X 10"“ to 3.7 X 10” mm. of meg
poison. The quantity Ag’, which appears in both Eqs. (95) cury), to be proportional to the square -root of the pressure.

and (96), involves e-2*»; and so the heat of activation is in each This result indicates clearly that the activated complex of the
case so -|- 2c-,, where s, is the heat of adsorption of a molecule reaction consists of hydrogen atoms, not molecules (cf. page 359);
of poison in the former case and of an atom in the latter. hence, the rate equation should be
Behavior of the type represented by Eq. (96) has been recorded kT f1
v =__ CH’}¢§c' T . fig e —¢o/RT.
for the decomposition of nitric oxide on platinum and on a
platinum-rhodium alloy surface, which is retarded by oxygen.”
At 1483°K. on pure platinum the rate is given as The partition functions of the activated state and of the reaction
centers on the surface may both be taken as unity; for even if
2 . the former consisted of a free hydrogen atom, it would be hemmed
v,,,,, = 2.2 X 10”‘ £59 molecules cm?’ sec.-1
02 in by its neighbors and so have no freedom of movement. The
Since the oxygen is adsorbed atomically on platinum, Eq. (96) vibrational partition function of molecular hydrogen is also
should be applicable. Upon assuming ft, f, and fa, to be unity virtually unity; Eq. (97) may thus be written in the form
and taking the activation energy to be 14 kcal.,“ the calculated
kT_ W 1 W _ _ -11:,/i=ir_ (98)
rate is found to be
C2 " = °“'”°‘ h 7 (2rmkT)" . 8r”IkTl% 6
v,,o,_ = 2.9 X 10"‘ E13’ molecules cm.-2 sec."1, I13 2h2
in excellent agreement with experiment. The mechanism of the formation of atomic hydrogen on a
5° P. W. Bachman and G. B. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem., 33, 447 (1929). tungsten surface appears to be the adsorption of a molecule;
‘1 G. E. Green and C. N. Hinshelwood, .7. Chem. Soc., 1709 (1926). 52 1_ Langmuif, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 34, 1310 (1912); 31,417 (1915).
51 G, Bryce, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 32, 643 (1936)-

in-.1-m"- has-—
then an atom jumps to anothersite, becomes detached from the
surface. In view of the agreement between observed and
surface——th1s constitutes the activated state-——and finally, escapes
calculated rates in Table XLIII, the latter being based on the
—‘--.airs-;. *-. ;“'.
into the gas phase. Since the 1n1t1al state in the reaction is
assumption of a bare surface, this fraction must be relatively
2H2 and the final state is H, the process is endothermic to the large.
extent of one-half the heat of dissociation of molecular hydrogen
Comparison of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions.“
i.e., 51.5 kcal. at O°K. The activation energy of the process
The reaction rate per square centimeter of surface for a second-
under consideration should thus have at least this value' and
order heterogeneous reaction may be written [cf. Eq. (72)] as
if E0 is assumedoto be 51.5.kcal., it is possible to calculate the
rate of the reaction, at various temperatures, by means of Eq.
(98). The surface 1S assumed to be sparsely covered, so that
vim. = cxcnc. Big-7 ' fi @‘”“°"""', (99)
c. may be taken as 101‘ per square centimeter. The results,
where the reactants are designated by A and B; the partition
expressed as atoms cm?’ secfl, are compared with the experi-
functions of the activated complex and of the reaction centers
mental rates 1n Table XLIII, the pressure p being in millimeters
have been taken as unity. For the corresponding process
TABLE XLIII.—-DISSOCIATION or Hxnnoemr on A Tmvesrnn Sonmcs occurring entirely in the gas phase, the rate equation, according
to the theory of absolute reaction rates, is
H Rate of dissociation
Temp., °K. , E . Whom, = CACB B-I-gr ' ‘ 6_Eh°m'/RT.
I cm. Obs.
It follows, therefore, that
1015‘/,5 1015‘/_
1243 1015 1016 p
iii = Z13; eAE/RT, (101)
1378 1016 1011
1420 s~>§°:'-59l'F5Q®fi0 XXXX 1011 arse GO!-*©G5 XXXX 1011
r i
Where AE is equal to Ehgjn, — Em, i.e., the amount that the
of mercury. It is of interest to call attention to the fact that activation energy of the homogeneous reaction is greater than
in this particular reaction the simple assumption that the that of the heterogeneous process. For 1 sq. cm. of smooth
activated state consists of hydrogen atoms permits the absolute surface, c, is about 1015 whereas the partition function F; for
rate of dissociation of hydrogen on a tungsten surface to be the activated complex of the homogeneous gas reaction is at
calculated with an accuracy probably as good as that attained least 1024 (for hydrogen) and is often of the order of 103° per
by experiment. cubic centimeter; taking 102’ as a mean value for Ft, it follows
According to the observations of R. C. L. Bosworth“ the that ~
surface is almost fully covered with hydrogen under the con- 52%; z 10—12eAE/RT, (102)
ditions employed in obtaining the data in Table XLIII. Since
the formation of atomic hydrogen is not of zero order, it is
the heterogeneous rate being that for 1 sq. cm. of surface and
apparent that, even if the surface as a whole were largely covered,
the homogeneous rate for 1 cc. of the gaseous reactants. It is
the active centers on which reaction occurs can be only sparsely
obvious, therefore, that, if a heterogeneous reaction is to be as
covered. If the experiments on the extent of coverage of
fast as a homogeneous one involving the same reactants at the
the surface are correct, therefore, the active centers must consti-
same pressures, either a very large surface, v'iz., 1012 sq. cm., must
tute a fraction only of the total number of tungsten atoms on the
be employed or alternatively the activation energy for the
5‘ R. C. L. Bosworth, ibid., 33, 394 (1937).
5‘ K. J. Laidler, S. Glasstone and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 667 (1940).



heterogeneous reaction must be considerably less than that It is of interest to inquire next into the circumstances that
for the homogeneous process. At a temperature of 500°K make it possible for the activation energy of the heterogeneous
f0!’ example, the reaction per square centimeter of surface will reaction to be less than for that occurring Wholly in the gas
have the same rate as the gas reaction per cubic Centimeter 0111 phase; this may be most easily seen with the aid of a potential-
if the activation energy of the former is about 27 6 kcal les: energy diagram. The full line in Fig. 102 represents the varia-
than that of the latter. At lower temperatures the difference tion of potential energy in the decomposition coordinate for
would need to be smaller, e.g., 16.5 kcal. at 300°K the homogeneous reaction, and the dotted curve represents
4 _-».%_-eTa#i%.-_—"_."i, the change during the course of the heterogeneous reaction. The
. ACTIVATION ENERGIES FOR HOMOGENEOUS AND difference between Elm, and Em. is seen to be equal to the
HETEROGENEOUS REACTIONS difference in potential energy between the activated state in
Decomposition of Surface Eh t kca] E kcal
6 '7 ° 110711.; 5
Activated state 1 T I-I
( gas)
HI A11“ 25.0 44 Q
Pt" 14.0 ' Activated
N20 A11“ 29.0 53 5 state
Pt" 32 . 5 ' (adsorbed)
ll \\ "

NH= W“ 39.0 >80 I

om. zl:

-___.___:,‘ t_11
08°‘ 47.0 enerntigayl A Ehet.
“in—-§=I—1~—-_.’ _-__i
a_*_, .1_g?_%—_\ -‘_.‘l_ ?_ M0" 32 to 42 /\\

CH4 Pt“ 55 to so >30 Pote \

-i— \ §____ """
Reactants \\ ,1 \ _ /.1’
(gas) Reactants \\ 1/ Products‘
It may §»PPe_9»I‘ Surprising, at first sight, in view of the much (adsorbed) Products (gas) I
______: .-..__ . A_~.

smaller activation energy necessary for a heterogeneous reaction (adsorbed)

to have the same rate as the corresponding homogeneous one, Reaction coordinate
Fm. 102.—Potential-energy curves for the same reaction as a homogeneous and
rflafitlons are frequently so much faster than those as a heterogeneous process.
fold. (1? rlfihp 3139 fentlrely 111 the gas phase.‘ The reason is two- the gas phase and on the surface, and hence is equal to the heat
-_._--in-._7- _,.
- _ e sur ace area of the catalyst is very large, so that
the reaction 1S not restricted to 1 sq. cm. as has been assumed of adsorption of the activated complex. If the reactants undergo
ilrgtézlie above calculations. (2) The activation energy for 9, activated adsorption, it is very probable that the activated
complex for the reaction on the surface will consist virtually of
in th:geI190ES reaction is generally less than for the same process
ener . gas p ase. This is illustrated by the observed activation atoms or free radicals, and these are likely to have a high energy
of adsorption. Under these circumstances, Em is liable to be
bothgilest or a number of reactions, which have been studied
very much lower than Ehom. The decrease in the activation
8 erogeneously and homogeneously, given in Table XLIV.
energy for the hydrogen-oxygen reaction and the decompositions
as - ‘ .
57 EC. Illllinsgelwood and C. R. P1'l0h3,1‘t1,-J. Chem. Soc., 127, 1552 (1925). of hydrogen iodide and methane on surfaces, as compared with
58 H.‘ . ins e wood and R. E. Burk, ibid., 127, 2896 (1925). the same homogeneous reactions, has been explained somewhat
69 inshelwood and Prichard, Ref. 38.
in this manner.“
6° glam, J..CIwm. Soc., 127, 327 (1925).
61 E. ‘TLIlI1Sl'l8lWO0d and R. E. Burk, ibid., 127, 1116 (1925). '4 M. Polanyi, Z. Elektr0chem., 27, 143 (1921); H. S. Taylor, J. Phys.
Q: C. . rnold and E. Burk, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 23 (1932). Chem., 30, 145 (1926) ; Schwab and Pietsch, Ref. 63; Z. physik. Chem.,
_.1-nl;- ._?_, _. _ _
Q1:-QA 1
. H. Kunsman, zbzd., 50, 2100 (1928). 126, 473 (1927); Z. Elelctrochem., 32, 430 (1926); see also W. G. Franken-
t " G.-M. Schwab and E. Pietsch, Z. physik. Chem., 121, 189 ( 1926). burger, ibid., 39, 269 (1933).


If all the active centers of the surface are covered by one
surfaces and of the existence of active centers on which reaction
of the products of the reaction or by some other material that
occurs preferentially. Mention may be made in particular of
is strongly adsorbed and so acts as a poison, the heat of activa-
the phenomena associated with the interaction of hydrogen and
tion is increased by an amount equal to the heat of adsorption
carbon dioxide on the surface of platinum at about 1000°c.
Ff the. poison, as seen above. There is some compensation
The total adsorption of hydrogen at this temperature is con-
or this increase, however, through the increase of entropy
siderable, but that of carbon dioxide is negligible in comparison;
accompanying the desorption of the poison; the situation is
H441--._4.4£ at relatively high pressures of carbon dioxide, however, the
very similar to that considered on page 368 in eonneetien with
reaction rate varies as the pressure of the hydrogen and inversely
the rate of adsorption on a poisoned surface. As in that instance
. . _ as that of the carbon dioxide.“ It is evident that the kinetics
the free energy of activation for reaction on such a surface is1
of the reaction is determined by the preferential adsorption of
greater than the value for an unpoisoned surface by an amount
the latter, although, as far as the total surface is concerned, the
equal to the standard free energy of desorption of the poison.
hydrogen gas is adsorbed in larger amounts. It appears, there-
It will be noted that in all poisoned reactions a function of
fore, that the chemical reaction occurs only at certain points,
the concentration (or pressure) of the poison in the gas phase
and on these centers carbon dioxide is the more strongly adsorbed
appears in the denominator of the rate equation, so that the
of the two reactants. Further, a platinum surface that has
greater the pressure of the retarding gas the slower the reaction
been poisoned in this manner by carbon dioxide for the reaction
between it and hydrogen remains quite unaffected in its catalytic
NONUNIFORM SURFACES action on the decomposition of nitrous oxide.
- -_.

Quantum-mechanical Treatment.‘*’—The subject of the non-

h Active Centers.—In the preceding discussion the assumption
uniformity of surfaces has also been considered from the theo-
as been made that all the adsorption sites or reaction centers
retical point of view. The potential energy of a system of three
on the surface are the same. The more or less regular decrease
to eight sodium atoms, arranged in definite configurations, taken
in the heat of adsorption with increasing extent of coverage
as equal to the energy of the corresponding number of s-electrons,
of the surface was attributed to increasing repulsign between
has been calculated by the method described in Chaps. II and
the adsorbed molecules (see page 364). It is possible, however
III, on the assumption that 28.3 per cent of the binding energy
that the variation of the heat of adsorption can be explained iii
is coulombic in nature. The results show that in the gradual
another manner, taking into account the improbability of a
-_ _._-_.J__,

building up of a unit body-centered cube of sodium, by the

uniform surface. It has been pointed out“ that a surface must
gradual addition of atoms, appreciable activation energies may
consist of regions of varying degrees of unsaturation; isolated
be involved at certain stages. The growth of the incomplete
atoms at peaks on the surface and those along edges of crystals
crystal unit may therefore take place at a measurable rate.
will clearly be the most unsaturated, and adsorption will take
Further, the potential energy of the unit cell of sodium was
place preferentially in such positions. Since the most isolated
found to be greater than that of the bulk crystalline metal, and
points may be expected to give the highest heats of adsorption,
hence the abnormal activity of incompletely crystallized portions
there should be a falling ofi in this quantity as adsorption pi-e-
of a surface can be readily understood. Similar calculations
ceeds, quite apart from any efiect of molecular interaction on
have been made in connection with the growth of the unit cell
the surface.
of copper, and the results indicate that the activation energies
In addition to the evidence of heats of adsorption, there is
would be higher than for sodium. The crystallization of small
ample experimental proof of the nonuniformity of most catalytic
aggregates should, therefore, require a relatively high tempera-
145‘*5 H926)‘
H. S. Taylor, Proc. Roy. Soc., 108, A, 105 (1925),. J. Phys. Chem., 30,
“ Hinshelwood and Prichard, Ref. 46.
°" H. S. Taylor, H. Eyring and A. Sherman, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 68 (1933).

‘ —-— -—
ture; and hence the lack of uniformity of the surface may be
expected to persist under normal conditions. Raising the tem- , . ‘ ' d the cor-
A relationship between the energy °f a°t1‘_’atg)nb an do tin a
perature of a metal results in sintering and a reduced activity nding number of centers may be derive y 3 P 8
for adsorption and catalysis; the rate of growth of crystals is respod ure Slmd
pro<(:3e ' ilerG toM that used10 bySuppOSG
Schwab F. H. that
Constable“ and by
at a particular
increased under these conditions, and the number of unsaturated r an .- - - . .
atoms is consequently diminished. E. t leiliii energy of activation for a given reaction 1S less by.aI1
Variation of Interatomic Distances!“-—A second factor that amo
can iint dE than at a site on a coII1Plete1Y flat Surface; accordmg
gives rise to nonuniformity in the adsorptive properties of a to Constable the extra activity - - arises
- from th.1Sb f_&0 t that the
surface, and hence to changes in the heat of adsorption, is the atom is displaced to some extent from its eqlllbl Tlulmtlzi f On;
. . . - ' 6 1'
variation of interatomic distances. It was seen on page 343 The distribution of active centers .W1ll then e rea digtances
that the activation energy of adsorption was a function of the ' ' f view to the distribution of interatomic
distance between adjacent adsorbing centers on the surface, and thls pomt O hie on the nonuniform surface, and the latte?
presumably the heats of adsorption will vary in a similar manner. about abmlilan Sea well represented by a Gauss error fuI10ti0I1-
It is evident that if a surface is not smooth and the space lattice Tall Ii1r1(1)m%€I?,Of centers c, di for which the activation energy
is distorted, as will particularly be the case if impurities are is between E and E + dE 168$ ' than at a simi
' '1 ar si‘t e 0n a flat
present, a whole range of interatomic distances may be involved. surface, is then given by the relationship
Preferential adsorption will take place in those regions where the
optimum separation of centers exists, and the heat of adsorption c. di = a’ F” dE, (105)
will decrease as the less favorable regions become covered. where a’ and b’ are constants. If 62 is, as Stated abovfi tlie.
Reaction Rates on Nonuniform Surfaces.—It was seen on _ . - th f cc an e 18
activation energy for a point on the smoo SUI‘ H
page 349 that since the ratio of the partition functions fi/f, is the value at any active center, then .
approximately unity the only correction necessary in Eq. (8),
I~ for the rate of adsorption, or in fact of any surface process, on a £2 -' € = E; (106)
1 nonuniform surface is in the activation energy. The quantity _ . - _ 5 b written
and since e2 is a constant, it follows that Eq (19 ) can e
c,e"‘/‘T must be replaced by a sum of terms for each type of site in the form .
on the surface; thus, Eq. (8) becomes es d,‘ = a, eb‘ de, (107)
_ - - ' ° E , 104 and
v = c, -khT -1% 2 0,“, e“‘*'/‘*7’, (103) a and b bemg cimstants? S‘-lbgltutlng Ilahlllllién ralle (iéquiition
1'-r changing the integration limits accor 2 Y,
_-- .
where cm) is the number of sites of the ith kind per square becomes
centimeter of surface and e,- is the activation energy, per mole-
cule, for these sites - The summation maY be reP laced by
,, = ca ¥ e,(t-;.%) (,6 A (108)
g ei
integration, thus,
_ ca kT a . bem“
h . Fa _ —fl)
-1;-6 -(ea-11)/FT 2

v =: c, tr 1 "' "" ‘*.,,,,. dz,.

h FaJ;1c,e
-—- - -- (10)
~ 4
the limits of integration being chosen so that e;,, written ei, is . - ' ' t form
and this can be put into the alternative, 3'PP1'°X1ma 8
the lowest activation energy, i.e., for the most active reaction
v = COB e"”' e-E"RT- (110)
sites, and e,-,, written e2, is the highest value, i.e., for a flat surface.
6° F. H. Constable, Proc. Roy. Soc., 103» A» 355 U925)‘
6° See Ref. 12. . 9 -
—‘C- 4.-—
7° E. Cremer and G.-M. Schwab, Z. phystk. Chem., A, 144, 243 (1 29)»
-.“"i.__'_ G.-M. Schwab, 'ibid.. B, 5, 405 (1929)-

_.._. _T..€.i


The equation for the specific reaction rate is then
where Ani is the increase in the number of molecules accompany-
'° = B 6”” @"”"‘"', (111) ing the formation of the activated state, E is the experimental
where B is a constant and E’ is the difference in the activation activation energy, equivalent to Em previously discussed, and
energy, per mole ‘of reactant, for the least active and most AS} is the standard entropy of formation of the activated
active centers. Since Eq. (111) is of the form la = A e-E/RT complex, the standard states being unit concentration, i.e.,
1 mole per cc. of gas, and 1 mole per sq. cm. of reaction sites
-.-_-aq....1-_. 4_-. _

it is evident that E’ may be regarded as the effective, or mean’

activation energy for the whole surface; and since the frequency and activated complexes. For a reaction involving one molecule
factor A in the rate equation is equivalent to B e"E' it appears of reactant, or for the adsorption of a single gas, Eq. (114)
that for the nonuniform surfaces the factor A may be expected becomes
to be an exponential function of the experimental aet,iVa,i»,iOn k = 62 %7 6-K/RT eAS,I/R. (115)
energy. A relationship of this kind has been found in the
dehydrogenation of alcohol on copper oxide snrfaeee and of Since the reactant has three degrees of translational freedom,
cyclohexanone, decaliii and other substances on various surfaces.“ besides rotation, in the gas phase, whereas the activated complex,
_ It has been Seen (Page 21) that the frequency factor is related for either adsorption or reaction, is generally immobile, there
in an exponential manner to the entropy of aetivatien of a will be a considerable loss of entropy accompanying the formation
reaction; it follows, therefore, that in the cases under considera- of the activated state. The extent of this loss can be readily
tion there is a simple connection between the activation energy estimated in the following manner: for a reaction not involving
of the process and the entropy of activation This is another dissociation,
illustration of the fact, also noted in other connections (page 409)
Kc; ft A 1 g 6-E0/RT’
that entropy and @1161‘gy (heat-content) changes are frequently Fafg (21r'mkT)% 81r2IkT (I16)
related to one another. ha ' h2


—|’_1-I ud“~4£u-e;\

it being assumed that the reactant is a diatomic molecule; the

Entropy of Activation in Adsorption.—According to Eq (7) partition function of the reaction sites and of the adsorbed
._A4|, tthe specific rate of adsorption or of a surface reaction in general activated complexes, together with the vibrational contributions
or a single site on the surface is given by of initial and activated states, are assumed to cancel each other.
This will be very close to the truth provided, as appears to be
kT - __*_
k = _- f generally the case—for one reason or another——that the activated
h Fgf. (112) complex is immobile. Since AF} -* —RT ln K}, it follows
kT from Eq. (116) that ,
fi_-_ _. I—_

— —,7K*, (113)
)3 h2
and by the methods described on page 198 this may be written AF} = ln % — ln WW + E0,

in the form
.. AS} =
_ _ 6(AF.3)] P
It = e—(Anf—1) Eh? e—E/RT ens}/R, (114)
= -R111(27rm'}ia3Te)% R ln §%l’- (118)
Constable, Ref. 69; E. Creme Z. I ‘k Che .
.4. Balandin, ibid., B, 19, 451 (1035). Mm ' m" A’ 144’ 231 0929)’ If the adsorbed molecule contains more than three atoms and is
7’ Kimball, Ref. 13. A
nonlinear, so that it has three moments of inertia, A, B and C,

the rotational term , 2'. e . , th e last term on the right-hand side

of Eq. (118), becomes
300°K the moments of inertia as 10-4” 8- em-2 and m as 1 atomic
R In 8r2(8w3ABhC)%(kTe)%_ (119) - " unit,
weight - are Swen- m " T3’ble XLV. t- -
Aeeei-ding to the foregoing results the process of &dSOl'pf10I1 ii;
If the adsorbed molecules were mobile on the surface, the entropy ' bile layer should result in a decrease of entropy o mo
change, due to the loss of one instead of three degrees of trans- :1?an lmilig E . U . per mole for a particle of this type; fer heavler
lational freedom , Wou ld be one-third of that given by the first molecules the entropy change would be still ' larger . It Enuitenfi
term on the right-hand side of Eq (118) F bered however, that these values are to a grea e _
reaction is accompanied b d' . ' ' . urther,
' if the surfaco tlimem
e resu lt of the unusual standard states which are convement
y issociation, which results from the
jump of one or both the atoms constituting the adsorbed mole- for the present purpose. . t.
By expressing the equation for the rate of_ adS0PP {$1 ‘er
for a surface reaction in the form of Eq. (115), It 18 P0531 e 0
IN ADSORPTION calculate AS ¢ from the experimental rate and the energy of
. . ° . ' 1 d. This
Type of Degrees of AS I E.U. per activation, provided that the correct umts are emp Oye _ _
layer freedom lost ° , mole magi beXLV comparedObtained
with by
the inserting the correct
value, analogous to thatmasses

Immobile . . . . . . . . 3 translational —R In (Zn-mkTe) % mbmeents of inertia in Eqs. (118) and (119). Such a treatment,
however, would not reveal anything . ‘new, for thist.)
- clomparisosiigd
- is
Immobile n -
( on 24 (kTe) :4A ecisely the same, except that a different sym o ism 18 11 _»
linear molecule). 3 rotational —R In 8T2(81r3AB,g) 5 10.] pr that already made previously for rates of adsorption, desorp-
fazison and chemical reaction. One Point ef interest may’ however’
Immobile (linear . - ‘ ' th t th
be meI1l51°ned- In ‘new of the “fumptligimneililz miilecul:
molecule) . . . . . . . 2 rotational —R ln 8“. *1k
ha Te — 6.0
activated complexf for ti-Lidsorlhtlolld bse little difference between
Immobile (with r s ou
—R ln ( 2Fmk T8) Y‘ att?Jche(ii to ldhfi3nSallrsf?:fes ' theeentrepy of activation for desorption
dissociation)... . 3 translational A
— 56.4
actnfiitethan be numeridally small or zero. This eXPeet3-tion
_ (21rmkTe)3'5 .Sh§u
1S orne o
uttsby the limited experimental results that are available.
Mobile . . . . . . . . . . 1 translational —R ln h — 37.6

_ I i _

cule from one site to another (page 357), the equilibrium constant
between normaI and activated
' '
states is

K; = (120)
The entropy changes are then half the values given by Eqs.
(118) and (119 ),' when dissociation
' ' ' '
occurs simulta l
adsorption (cf. page 357), however, the values areneous y with
clearly the
same _ as those d erived
' '
above . The entropies of ac t'ivation
calculated from these equations th '
, e temperature being taken as

M _ A

from each other. Diffusion in a liquid may be treated as a rate

process requiring a definite activation energy,_as will be Seen 111
Chap IX but the magnitude of this energy is generally of the
order. of ,5 kcal. The great majority of chemical reactions
CHAPTER VIII occurring in solution, however, require an ‘energy of act1Vat10I1
of 10 to 20 kcal., and so it is evident that this must be the energy
REACTIONS IN SOLUTION of the second of the three stages enumerated above; step (2) 1S
THEORY or ABSOLUTE REACTION RATES consequently the rate-determining one for most reactions between
dissolved substances. It is probable that processes involving
Collision Theory in Solutions.——The early applications of the the recombination of ions, which occur very" 1‘aP1d1Y, 1‘eqfllre
collision theory to reactions in solution, such as the hydrolysis very low activation energies; if such reactions could be studied,
of acid amides and esters in aqueous solution and the formation it would no doubt be found that diffusion of the ions is often
of quaternary ammonium salts from m- and p-nitrobenzyl the rate-determining step. There are, in addition, two types
chlorides and trimethylamine in benzene solution, led to the of reaction in which diffusion is at least important, if not
conclusion that the observed velocities were much less than was completely rate-determining; these are certaln 03868 Of the
to be expected theoretically. If the equation lc = PZ e"E’R"' quenching of fluorescence in solution (cf., however, page 337)
is applicable, then, provided that the collision number Z for a and heterogeneous reactions between a SOl1Cl and aliquid. Since
bimolecular reaction is the same in solution as in the gas the rate of difiusion is related to viscosity, the kinetics of processes
phase, the values of the probability factor P are as low as 10"‘ that are dependent on diffusion will involve the viscosity of the
to 10-1°. At the time these results were obtained, it was com- medium. For ordinary chemical reactions, whose rates can be
monly believed that P was approximately unity for all bimolecu- conveniently studied in solution, the viscosity appears to play
lar gas reactions, and hence the small probability factors in little part; and so it may be assumed, for the present, that.the
solution were attributed to the influence of the solvent. It rate-determining step in solution is the same as for reactions
was found, however, that many processes for which P was small in the gas phase, vz'z., the formation from the reactants of an
in solution required values of the same order to account for activated complex which subsequently decomposes.
their velocities in the gas phase. It appears, therefore, that Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates.1——The treatment of
there is no fundamental difference between a reaction occurring chemical reactions in solution by the theory of absolute reaction
in solution and that between the same substances in the gaseous rates should
- 2 in principle, be the same as for_ gas reactions, with
state. This should not be taken as implying that the solvent the modification that the partition functions of the reacting
has no influence ; its effect is important, as will be evident shortly, species and the activated complex should contain terms which
but it is improbable that the solute molecules deactivate the allow for the influence of the environment. There, 1S some
activated complexes to any appreciable extent, as was at one uncertainty, however, concerning partition functions of mole-
time supposed. Deactivation resulting from collisions with cules in the liquid phase, and so it has been found more convenient
the solvent is always just balanced by an equivalent number of to treat reactions in solution from a less fundamental point of
activating collisions. view It must be pointed out, however, that the difficulty lies
The Rate-determining Step in So1ution.—A chemical reaction solely in an inadequate knowledge of the properties of liquids;
in solution involves the possibility of at least three slow stages: for when the theory of the subject has been developed sufficiently
(1) diffusion of the reacting molecules to one another; (2) reac-
tion between the molecules, with the intermediate formation 1 W. F. K. Wynne-Jones and H. Eyring. J. Chem. Phys., 3, 493 (1935);
A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, ibid., 5, 113 (1937) ; K. J. Laidler and H. Eyring,
-=1!-1"—4IZ51-'.1_">-1‘H49_-%£‘-1I;,. _,-. i‘-1’ of an activated complex and (3) diffusion of the products away Ann. New York Acad. Sci, 39, 303 (1940)-

“'—',_“ -‘_-._ . _


and accurate partition functions can be derived, it should be the specific reaction rate, which is equal to x(kT/h)KQ1, may be
possible to calculate the absolute rates of reactions in solution represented by ko, so that Eq. (4) may be written in the form
just as for those occurring in the gas phase.
It has been seen in Chap. IV that the specific rate of the general k = kc QM
(mac ' . ' . '-. <5)
This equation is applicable to the given reaction in any one
A+B+O+-"-WF+N+o+~-~x+Y+z medium, where loo is the rate constant at very low pressures,
+... for the gas reaction or, in very dilute solution, for the reaction
where M1 is the activated complex, N, O, . . . are intermedi- in the liquid phase, when the substances concerned behave
ates, and X, Y, . . . are the final products, is given by the ideally. Since most reactions that are discussed in this chapter
expression are of the type
kT A+B-—>MI—>X+Y,
k = K T K1,
i.e., in which the two reactants combine to form the activated
where K1 is the constant for the equilibrium between M1, N, complex M1, with no intermediates, Eq. (5) will be, for present
O, . . . and A, B, C, . . . In this equation (cf. page 190) K1 purposes, reduced to the form
is not the true, i.e., the thermodynamic, equilibrium constant,
but the corresponding quantity involving concentrations; it k=a%@, @
follows, therefore, that Eq. (1) should be written <11
where oz; represents the activity coeflicient of the activated
k K CMICNCQ ' ‘ ', complex.
h CACBCC . - .
Activity Coeficients.—If it is required to compare the velocity
where the c terms are the concentrations of the indicated species, of a reaction in one medium with that in another, care must be
the activated complex being treated as a molecule with one taken in defining the activity coeflicients. The most convenient
degree of vibrational freedom less than normal. The true procedure is to compare the rates in one solvent or in a series
equilibrium constant K01 is defined by of solvents with that in the gas phase; hence, the activity coefli-

cients in solution must be defined with respect to the ideal gas

Kn‘ - aMtaNa° ' ' I ¢Mlc"6° ' ' I. 9‘Mi“N°‘° ' ' i (3) at 1 atm. pressure as the standard state. The appropriate
aAaBaC ' ‘ ' Q6360 ' ' ° aAa1;ae ' ' - ,
activity coeflicient a is then defined by
where the a terms are the activities and the a terms the activity
coefficients. By combining Eqs. (2) and (3), it is seen that ~conc. of solute in the vapor above the solution
a -' . . > (7)
conc. of solute in the solution .
__ £7: QAQBQC . . .
k _ (K h K01) aivifawao ' ' 3* (4) the pressure of the solute above the solution being so low that
which is the most general form of the specific rate equation. the vapor may be regarded as behaving ideally. It is to be
For an ideal gaseous system‘ the activity coefficients are unity, understood, of course, that according to Raoult’s law the con-
and so Eq. (4) becomes identical with (1); under these eenditions centrations should be expressed in mole fractions. In the study
of solutions, it is often the practice to take the pure liquid
* It is particularly interesting to note that this equation is really a form
as the standard state; the corresponding activity coeflicient 7
-=|+-fi~H-nd_é—;_Ha%_-,.-_ _ {!Ig%4 Elf Eq- (159), P- ofis equal to e"’-‘F1/RT, where _.AFi is the Standard is then defined as follows:
ree energy of activation due to internal factors, and the activity coefficient
conc. of solute in the solution if it wereideal_ (8)
—'——v- -—-—‘i_*2.,_- .-n

fractlon “AQBQC - - - /vlmxdwwo . . . is equivalent to -—AF,,e* due to

external factors, e.g., the medium in which the reaction occurs. 7 T I colic: of solute in the actual solution


If the relationship between oz and 'y is represented by the expres-
where kg, is the rate constant in the given solvent at infinite
Sion 01 = 437, then Eq. (6) becomes ' dilution when the activity coefficients are all unity. The same
result may be obtained from Eq. (6), since this applies to any
k = k Bafin
~_- - __-
one medium; if ko refers to the highly dilute solution, then as
0 51 71 (9)
Since B is equal to on/"y, it is clear from Eqs. (7) and (8) that it is identical with f, and so Eq. (13) is identical with the well-
must ‘be a constant for every substance at any given tempera- known relationship first derived in different ways by J. N.
ture; it follows, therefore, that Eq. (9) can be written in the form Bronstedz and by N. Bjerrum.*"
Influence of Environment.—As implied by the foregoing dis-
k = ks <10) cussion, there are several aspects of the influence of the environ-
ment on the rate of a reaction. (1) The magnitude of the velocity
Since kf, is dependent only on the reactants A and B and the in solution may be compared with that in the gas phase. (2)
activated complex, it is evidently a constant for the given The rates in different solvents may be considered. (3) The
reaction, at'a definite ‘temperature, irrespective of the nature reaction may be examined in one particular solvent, e.g., water,
of the medium in which lo is measured. For two different and the activities of the reactants and of the activated complex
solvents, designated by suffixes I and II, it follows that changed by altering the ionic strength or dielectric constant
of the medium. The equations already derived show that the
kl _ (viva/v¢)1 problem reduces to an evaluation of the activity coefficients under
kll (VAYB/71 >11’ (11)
different conditions; these can be determined experimentally as
where the activity coefficients are in each case referred to pure far as the reactants are concerned, but there are no means
A, B and the activated complex as the standard states. It is whereby the activity coefficient of an activated complex can be
_,_. -.,-
possible to write Eq. (11) in a different form by making use obtained by direct measurement. Provided that the solution is
4--,-;-—=.-~u-q._.4-1-1E of the fact derived from Eq. (8) that the ratio of the 1/’s in two dilute, the activity coefficient of an ion can be related to the
solvents is equal to the ratio of the concentrations of the solute charge by means of the Debye-Hiickel equations; if these apply
in the vapors above the two solutions; this is also equal to the to the complex, then, since its charge is known to be equal to the
ratio of the partial pressures of the solutes in the solutions, and so algebraic sum of the charges carried by the reactants, its activity
E _ 7l'A1I'B coefficient can be calculated. The activity coefficient can also
kn " T, <12) be changed by altering the dielectric constant of the medium,
where 1r for each species is the ratio of the partial pressures in e.g., by_the addition of ethyl alcohol; and the value can again
be derived from the appropriate equations based on the Debye-

solvents I and II at the concentrations involved in the reaction.
The Bronsted-Bjerrum Equation.—For the comparison of Hiickel theory. It is in connection with the studies .of ionic
rates of a particular reaction in a given solvent under such reactions, therefore, that a comparison can be made between
conditions that the activities are altered by the addition of salts, the observed and calculated effects of environment on reaction
it lS.COl'lV6I1l6IllJ to define the activity coefficient f with respect to velocity. For processes involving neutral molecules only or
the mfinitely dilute solution as the standard state. By adopting ions and neutral molecules, a quantitative treatment can be
the method. given above, i.e., by expressing a in terms of f carried through if the molecules are highly polar; but in other
and the activity coefficient of the dilute solution with reference instances qualitative discussion only is possible. Reactions in

to the ideal gas, it follows that solution are, therefore, most advantageously considered with
reference to the type of reactant concerned. Before doing so,
k = kg ‘-1%?’ (13) 2 J. N. Bronsted, Z. physik. Chem., 102, 109 (1922); 115, 337 (1925).
3 N. Bjerrum, ibid., 108, 82 (1924). .

val-\;=='—|¢-;5aT2'|- T
however, certain general aspects of the problem of solvent must be unity. It is easy to see how this might arise for a
influence on reaction rates will be examined. unimolecular reaction, for which Eq. (16) becomes
Reaction Rates and Solubility.——According to the work of O.
Dimroth‘ on the intramolecular transformation of the aci-form hen.
kg-at N
of 1-phenyl-5-oxytriazole carboxylic ester into its neutral form
in a number of solvents, the specific rate constant is related to If the reactant and the activated complex have similar structures,
the solubility si of the reactant by an equation of the form then out and at will not differ greatly and the rate of reaction
in solution will be almost the same as that in the gas phase.
Ic = const. 2-; (14) This is apparently true for the decomposition of nitrogen pent-
3A oxide in a number of solvents,“ as is shown by the results recorded
which is in agreement with the rule originally proposed by in Table XLVI. The energies of activation E are also almost
J. H. van’t Hoff (1898). The activity coefficient y of a solute, constant.
with reference to the pure liquid as the standard state, is equal TABLE XLVI —-DECOMPOSITION OF NITROGEN PENTOXIDE IN Gas PHASE
to the reciprocal of the saturation solubility, expressed in mole AND IN SOLUTION AT 20°c.
r I

fractions, in the given solvent. Substituting 1/s for the 7 terms

I Solvent k X 10° E, kcal-
in Eq. (10), it follows that
(Gas phase) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-7
k -— kg
I 31
$8’ Nitromethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 24-5
‘‘ -..__;R l.2'-

Bromine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 24-0
This equation would become identical with Eq. (14), for a Pentachlorethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . l 25.0
Carbon tetrachloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24- 1
single reactant, if s; were constant; the solubility of the activated Ethylene chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 24-4
complex is presumably, in this instance, almost independent Chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 24 - 5
of the solvent employed. This result is probably fortuitous, Ethylidine chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-9
however, for it has been established that Eq. (14) and similar Nitrogen tetroxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o:>c.oi<>w _w §-*[l—:>*w~1oac.oi\'»-01 » u=-w»>o 1o = ocn moow o
-_.pu-n equations are of very limited applicability.5
Comparison of Reaction Rates in Gas Phase and in Solution.-— In propylene dichloride and nitric acid solutions the decomposi-
It will be seen from Eq. (6) that the ratio of the specific rate tion of nitrogen pentoxide is unusually slow,7 the rate constants
of a given reaction in solution to that of the same process taking being 7.35 X 10"“ and 1.97 X 10* respectively at 45°,* and
place in the gas phase is given by the energies of activation are high, viz., 28.0 and 28.3 kcal.
These results may be due to the formation of complexesbetween
7% aAaB the reactant and solvent; as will be seen shortly (page 415), such
kg at’ ( w) compound formation may increase the energy of activation of
where 10,, the rate constant in solution, is written for lc and the reaction.
The isomeric change of d-pinene to dipentene is a unimolecular
lo, the specific rate in the gas phase is substituted for loo. If
process that has been studied in solution as well as in the gas
the two rates are to be equal, the activity coefficient factor
pl13.S6.8 The rate constant at 218°C. is 5.1 X 10-4 for the gaseous
‘O. Dimroth, Ann., 377, 127 (1910).
5 Eyring and Daniels, Ref. 5.
‘ H. Eyring and F. Daniels, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 1472 (1930); see also
7 H. Eyring and F. Daniels, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 1486 (1930).
E. A. Moelwyn-Hughes, “Kinetics of Reactions in Solution,” Oxford Uni-
* The specific rate in the gas phase at 45° is 4.73 X 10"‘.
versity Press, 1933.
3 D. F. Smith, ibid., 49, 43 (1927).
—~i—»“—- '—“2—H._
reaction; and values of 7.8 >< 10*‘, 8.0 >< 1O'5 and 8.7 X 10"
have been obtained in petrolatum, acetophenone and a-methyl- It appears, from experimental data on the solubilities” of various
naphthalene solutions, respectively. In this reaction the gases, that the entropy factor B is approximately 104 for a
reactant and product are both hydrocarbons and their solu- number of substances; if this figure is substituted for BA, BB
bilities, as well as those of the activated complex, will be similar and B;, it is seen that1°
in different solvents; it is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that
aA/a1, and hence the ratio of the rates in the gas phase and in % z 102. (22)
solution, will be of the order of unity.
The solubility s, of a substance in the gaseous phase in a A bimolecular reaction should thus be somewhat faster in solution
liquid solvent may be represented by an equation of the form than in the gas phase, provided that E AH, is negligibly small
and the activation energy is the same under both conditions.
80 = Be—AH;/RT The facts seem to indicate that any effect of this kind is small.
where B is equal to e45/R, AS being the standard entropy,* and The information obtained from gas solubilities may be applied
AH, is the heat of solution of the given solute in the particular in a somewhat different way. It has been established empirically
solvent. _The quantity s, is almost the same as the reciprocal that heats and entropies of solution are related in a linear manner
of the activity coefficient with respect to the ideal gas as standard by the equation
state; and so if the corresponding value of 1/s, as given by T AS = p AH, + 0, (23)
Eq. ( 18) is substituted for the oz terms in Eq. (16), it follows that where p and <1 are constants. Since the factor B in Eq. (18)
k, B is equivalent to e“”*, it follows from Eqs. (21) and (23) that
It “ sfig " 3.5. ‘”""’ <19) E3 = es AS/R = 62¢/nr, (24)
where E AH, is equal to AH; — AH, —- AHB, 7%
_ If the reaction rates in solution and in the gas phase are written provided that Z AH, is zero, as assumed above; the quantity
in the familiar form lo = A e“E””', then Ea is equal to <1; -— 0,, — ae. For many gases the value of a
lies within the range -470 to -840 cal. at 25°C. ; and by taking
I0, A,
E = -A_;e_(Es_Eg)/RT, an approximate mean value of -650, it is seen that“
gf Q’, 6650/RT.
where E’, and ‘E, are the activation energies for the reaction in
solution and in the gas phase, respectively. Comparison of
Eqs. (19) and (20) indicates that the difference in the activation At ordinary temperatures, the rate of a given bimolecular reac-
energies 1S equivalent to Z AH8, which represents the difference tion in solution may thus be expected to be two or three times
in the heats of solution of initial and activated states. If as fast as in the gas phase. It should be emphasized that this
AHA + AHB is equal to AH¢, so that Z AH, is zero, the energy conclusion can hold only for the condition that Z AH, is small
of activation for the given reaction should be the same in solution or zero and the energy of activation is the same for the gas
as in the gas phase, and reaction as for that in solution. If the activated state differs

greatly in polar nature or internal pressure from the reactants,

so that the B values in Eq. (21) or the 0- values in Eq. (24) are
9 J. Horiuti, Z. Elektrochem., 39, 22 (1933).
=0: ' _ _
The increase of entropy AS refers to equal volume concentrations in 1° M. G. Evans and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 875 (1935).
gas and solution. 11 Idem, ibid., 32, 1333 (1936); R. P. Bell, ibid., as, 496 (1937); as, 324
ier- (1939); Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc., 36, 82 (1939).
not similar, then the foregoing conditions will not apply. Fur- it follows from (28) that
ther, if either the reactants or the activated complex are appreci-
ably solvated in solution, the energy of activation will probably (H -— H,-) -— T(S — S.-) = RT ln -y, (29)
be different from that in the gas phase (cf. page 416). so that the problem can be divided into two parts, viz., the
It may be concluded however that, in general, apart from evaluation of (1) the heat and (2) the entropy of transfer from
processes of an unusual character, the rate of a bimolecular the actual solution to the ideal solution at the same concentration.
reaction should be of the same order in solution as in the gas The concept of “regular solutions,” introduced by J. H.
phase. This is apparently true for the decomposition of chlorine Hildebrand", has permitted a simplification of the subject in
monoxide, although it is not strictly a simple bimolecular reac- certain cases. A regular solution is defined as one in which the
tion, the decomposition of ozone uncatalyzed and catalyzed by distribution and orientation of the molecules of solute and solvent
chlorine, and the decomposition of ethylene iodide, all in carbon are completely random, there being no association or com-
tetrachloride solution. Certain Diels-Alder reactions have bination. For such a solution the entropy of mixing the con-
approximately the same rates in benzene, carbon tetrachloride stituents is given by R(N1ln N1 + N2 ln N2), which is the same
and carbon disulfide as in the gas phase, and this is also true as for an ideal solution, and so S — S; is zero ; Eq. (29) then
for the conversion of para- to ortho-hydrogen catalyzed by oxygen reduces to
and by nitric oxide in aqueous solution.“
H — H, = RTln "y, (30)
REACTIONS BETWEEN NEUTRAL MOLECULES for a regular solution. For a_liquid system, H — H; may be
Regular Solutions.—For an ideal solution, which is defined as replaced by E — E, where the E terms are the internal energies,
one obeying Raoult’s law, the relationship since the change in volume on transferring one mole of solute
from the ideal to the real solution is probably negligible. Fur-
F, — F° = RT ln N (26) ther, the difference in internal energy may be replaced by the
difference in potential energy, so that it is possible to write
holds for each component, where F; is its partial molal free energy
Eq. (30) as
in the ideal solution, F° is the value in the standard state, i.e.,
pure liquid, and N is the mole fraction. For a real solution AE = RT ln 'y, (31)

F’-F° = RTlna, I (27) where AE is the difference in potential energy between one mole
of component in the actual solution and in the ideal solution.
where a is the activity; hence, Attractive Forces.——The difference in potential energy depends
on differences in the molecular volumes of the components
17-F‘.-=RTln%=RTln'y. (28) and on the attractive forces between the molecules. These
forces may be divided into two groups: there are those, on the
The evaluation of the activity coeflicient 7 thus requires a knowl- one hand, of short range, generally called the van der Waals or
edge of the partial molal free energies in the actual solution London (dispersion) forces, which exist for all molecular species;
and in the ideal solution at the same concentration of the com- and, on the other hand, there are the long-range forces, due to
ponent under consideration. Since, by thermodynamics, electrostatic attraction, which are of appreciable magnitude only
~ AF=AH—TAS, for molecules having relatively high dipole moments. Dis-
regarding, for the present, the electrostatic forces, since these
1’ For review and references, see R. P. Bell, Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc., 86, are supposed to be absent from regular solutions, the attraction
82 (1939). i
13 J. H. Hildebrand, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 51, 66 (1929).
between molecules may be regarded as being entirely of the van
der Waals type, the attraction potential being given by k/r°, from ordering appear to be quite small and so may be neglected
where is is a constant and r is the distance between the two in most cases“; hence, Eq. (34) may be employed, as a first
molecules.“ On this basis, neglecting the repulsive potential, approximation, for solutions of all types.*
which operates at very small intermolecular distances, and In order to apply the activity coefficient derived from Eq. (34)
assuming that the molecules possess spherical symmetry, G. A. to the study of reaction rates, it would be necessary to have
_.,-4_ ._,_ Scatchard“ and J. H. Hildebrand and S. E. Wood” derived information concerning the properties of the activated complex
relationships that may be written in the form that is not available. Although the activated complex must have
properties intermediate between those of reactants and resultants,
2 there is little doubt (see page 419) that it frequently resembles
RTI = ( N2” ) [_ LEE. .112 E] one much more than the other; if a simplifying assumption of
n 71 U1 Nivi '1" N202 (U1v2)% + v1 + U2 ’ (32)
this type is made, it is possible to arrive at some interesting
where v is the molar volume and N the mole fraction of the
general conclusions. .
species designated by the subscripts 1 and 2. The E terms are
Reaction Rate and Internal Pressure.—The quantities E/v in
potential energies related to the attractive forces between the
Eq. (34) are approximately equal to a/v2, where a is the van der
._ ._ ._, _

molecules; E11 and E2, refer to attraction between molecules of

Waals attraction constant, and hence to the internal pressure,
the same kind, and E12 refers to that between molecules of
or cohesion, of the liquid. If the solution under consideration
difl’erent kinds.
is not too concentrated, the term N101 for the solute may be
If the approximation is made of taking the attraction between
neglected in comparison with N202 for the solvent, and so Eq. (34)
two different molecules as the geometric mean of the attractions
can be written
between similar molecules, then
RT III ')'1 = 2)1(.P1% — Pg%)2 = 01A,
E12 = (E11E22)%, (33)
where P1 and P2 are the internal pressures of the two constitu-
and Eq. (32) becomes
ents of the solution; A is an abbreviation for the expression
(PW — PW)’, and since it is always positive it depends only
RTI = m__...N2”2) 2 $4
_ .121 % 2
. on the numerical difference in the internal pressures of solute
n 71 vi Nivi + N2112 vi 212 (34)
and solvent. Upon taking logarithms of Eq. (10), it is seen that
The potential-energy terms E11 and E22 may be replaced by the
energy of vaporization of the liquid, so that it should be possible ln k = const. + ln 7, + ln 71, — ln 7;; (36)
to evaluate the activity coefficient of each component of a
mixture from a knowledge of its molar volume and heat of if the values of ln 7 given by equation (35) are inserted, it fol-
vaporization. It must be emphasized that Eq. (34) applies lows that ' a regular solution, i.e., to one in which the molecular RT ln k = const.--|— v,,AA + vBAB — v1A; (37)
distribution 1S random; various attempts have been made to
at constant temperature. The influence of a solvent on the
allow for the possible “ordering,” i.e., lack of randomness, in
reaction velocity is, as seen above, dependent on its effect
solutions that are not regular. 17 The entropy terms that result
on the activity coefficients, and according to Eq. (37) this
14 F. London, Z. physilc. Chem., B, 11, 221 (1930). is determined by the molal volumes and the A (internal pressure)
- ——- -. - . _" —-_—- 1‘ G. Scatchard, Chem. Rev., 8, 321 (1931).
1° J. H. Hildebrand and S. E. Wood, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 817 (1933). 18 Cf. Kirkwood, Ref. 17.

. .17 E. A. Guggenheim, Proc. Roy. Soc., 148, A, 304 (1935) ; G. S. Rushbrooke,
zbzd., 166, A, 294 (1938); J. G. Kirkwood, J. Phys. Chem., 43, 94 (1939).
* It has been estimated that when the departure from random distribution
is so large that the liquid system is on the point of separating into two phases,

I the error of Eq. (34) is only about 15 per cent.


terms. Since the molal volumes generally do not vary greatly, directions. This is confirmed, in a general manner, by the
it is seen that the specific rate constant is determined, to a great results in Table XLVII.“
extent, by the difference between the internal pressure of the
solvent and the internal pressures of the reactants and activated TABLE XLVII.—INFLuENcE or SOLVENTS 0N SPECIFIC REACTION RATES
complex. If the internal pressure of the solvent is close to the 1 _

values for the reactants, i.e., if AA and AB are small, but appreci- Triethylamine and A°et‘° ::;‘Yd"d°
ably different from that of the activated complex, the factor S°1""’“" ethyl iodide (100°o.) ethyl alcohol (50 Q)
v_,AA + vBAB -— v¢A; will have a relatively large negative value;
Inw- hence, according to Eq. (37), the reaction rate in this solvent Hexane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00018 0.0119
will be small. If, on the other hand, the solvent has an internal Carbon tetrachloride . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 0.0113
pressure the same as that of the activated complex but different Chlorobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.023 0.0053
from the internal pressures of the reactants, then the expression Benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0058 0.0046
0AA, + vBAB — v2A¢ will have a large positive value, and the Chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.0040
Anisole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 040 0 . 0029
reaction rate will be high. By making the assumption that Nitrobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70. 1 0.0024
the activated complex resembles the products of the reaction _ _-_ l

the following rule concerning solvent influence, first enunciated
empirically by M. Richardson and F. G. Soper, 19 can be readily It is clear that, as a rough approximation, the higher the
understood”: if the reaction is one in which the products are internal pressure of the solvent the slower is the esterification
substances of higher internal pressure than the reactants, then it but the more rapid is the formation of the quaternary ammonium’
¢.--_. -_ -_
is accelerated by solvents of high internal pressure. salt, as is to be expected from the discussion above. There
In react-ions of the Menschutkin type, involving the formation are, however, marked deviations which are no doubt due to
of a quaternary ammonium salt from a tertiary amine and an the fact that in the derivation of Eq. (34), from which Eq. (37)
alkyl halide, e.g., was obtained, electrostatic forces were neglected; this is certainly
not justifiable, as will be seen later. Nevertheless, the rule
NR2 + R’I ——> NR’R§" + I",
concerning internal pressure and the influence of solvent on
the internal pressure of the activated state is likely to be greater reaction velocity is in qualitative agreement with experiment in
than the internal pressures of the reactants,* whereas in the many instances; among these, mention may be made of the
esterification of ethyl alcohol by acetic anhydride, dissociation of sulfonium salts into sulfide and halide” and of the
reaction of the trichloracetate ion with the solvent, e.g., water,
ethyl alcohol or aniline, to yield chloroform.” In both these
reactions the activated state has probably a lower internal
2C2H5OH + O ——> 2CH2-CO-OC2H5 + H2O,
pressure than the reactants, and solvents of high internal pressure
/ tend to slow down the reaction rates.
Solvation Effects.—An important matter to consider in con-
it is probable that the reverse is the case. The effects of solvents nection with the influence of solvent on reaction velocity is the
on these two reactions might thus be expected to run in opposite possibility of solvation of the substances concerned in the
1° M. Richardson and F. G. Soper, J. Chem. Soc., 1873 (1929).
21 Data from N. Menschutkin, Z. physik. Chem., 6, 41 (1890); F. G. Soper
’° S. Glasstone. ibid., 723 (1936).
and E. Williams, J. Chem. Soc., 2297 (1931).
* In general, for reactions of the type A + B -—+ C, the activated com-
2” E. D. Hughes and C. K. Ingold, ibid., 244 (1935). -
plex may be expected to resemble C rather than A -|- B.
23 F. H. Verhoek, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 571 (1935).


reaction.* Suppose curve I in Fig. 103 represents the poteii-
tial-energy curve for a given reaction in a particular solvent in It is evident that solvation of one or more of the reactants will
which none of the reactants or the activated complex is solvated. result in an increase of the activation energy, and the reaction
will be retarded. It can be read ly seen, further, that if both
the reactants and the activated complex are solvated, there
-x——-—-—%| may be little change in the activation energy, and the influence

on reaction velocity will be small. Attention may be called,
finally, to the fact that the solvation of the products has no
direct influence on the rate of reaction.
The effect of solvation of the activated complex may account
ntial _-_ -_ -__£q for the abnormally high rate of the Menschutkin reaction in
nitrobenzene, as recorded in Table XLVII. As already seen,
'__.._.__._1_ in the combination of an alkyl halide with a tertiary amine the
> Reactants activated complex undoubtedly resembles the product; it is,
I i _ 1' 1 _~_
therefore, probably solvated to a considerable extent in such
Reaction coordinate
Fro. 103.—Potential-energy curves for a reaction in which the activated complex solvents as nitrobenzene, whereas the reactants are unsolvated.
is not solvated (I) and solvated (II). Apart from changes brought about in the activity coefficients,
If in another solvent the activated complex is solvated but the it is to be expected, therefore, that the rate of the reaction under
IT i
l 1
" v-In

reactants are unaffected, the potential-energy curve will now consideration will be high in nitrobenzene.
H be as shown at II; provided that no other factors enter which Entropy of Activation.-—The existence of the solvation factor is
|i -._- _=

4? brought to light in an interesting manner in the study of the

have an appreciable influence
on the activation energy of the reaction between triethylaminc and ethyl bromide in acetone-
w reaction, the maximum of the benzene mixtures.“ It was seen on page 199 that according to
curve will be lowered by an the theory of absolute reaction rates the specific rate of a reaction
I-I amount AH equal to the heat in solution may be written
I21 of solvation of the activated k = e _Eh_Z: e——Eexp./RT eASt/R;
complex. The energy of ac-
Potenerentiagl y '_ “"" tivation when the complex
1 \

. _.-_________)l
. _ mfg
s.$31_,.Lm_____ is solvated (En) is thus lower
consequently, the frequency factor A in the equation

,1 .1 ___t. than that (E1) for the reaction k := A 3-Eexo./RT

'l| Reactants
II -—-f- —._-\—-#
in a solvent in which there is may be expressed by
-— —- —— - no solvation. Apart from the
A E .1; <32

Reaction coordinate .
Fro. 104.—Potential-energy curves Influence of other factors,
:‘:.:;r::.:a"<;*; ::r§.ri‘:.;::s:;1." therefore Solvason .°f the

'fi 1
I’ .1
and so, provided that the specific reaction rate and the experi-
1» I
activated complex will tend
to bring about an increase in the reaction rate. mental energy of activation are known, it is possible to calculate
If the reactants that are unsolvated in I are solvated in II AS1, the entropy of activation. The results obtained in this

but the activated complex is solvated in neither, then the manner for the triethylamine—ethyl bromide reaction are recorded
potential-energy curves will have the form indicated in Fig. 104. in Table XLVIII.“
"‘ Systems of this type cannot, of course, constitute “regular solutions.” 24 A. von Hemptinne and A. Bekaert, Z. physik. Chem., 28, 225 (1895).
fl 2‘ Wynne-Jones and Eyring, Ref. 1.

i _5i1I__


It is seen that the entropy of activation remains almost con-
clearly that the activated complex in this reaction must be
stant over the range from 20 to 100 per cent of acetone in the
very similar in structure to the quaternary ammonium salt
solvent*; as long as there are sufficient acetone molecules to
obtained as product, in agreement with the assumption already
surround the activated complex, the entropy of activation
should not change appreciably, and this is presumably true
provided that the solvent contains at least one-fifth of acetone. DIPOLE MOLECULES
In view of the polar nature of the complex, it will probably Influence of Dielectric Constant.—The attractiell between twe
be solvated to a negligible extent in benzene, and the change dipolar molecules, due to the so-called “orientation effect,”
in the solvation is accompanied by a marked decrease in acti- is proportional to iv‘, where it is the dipole moment; hence, it 1S
vation entropy in this solvent as compared with those containing evident that the effect of electrostatic forces will become much
more marked as the dipole moment increases. By neglecting
the short-range van der \Vaals forces and attributing the devia-
tions from ideal behaviorisolely to electrostatic forces, J. G.
Acetone, E,,,,, ASI, Kirkwood” was able to calculate the free energy of transfer of a
per cent kcal. E.U. - strong dipole from a medium of dielectric constant unity to one
of dielectric constant D. This quantity is related to the activity
100 11.7 -43.3 coefficient a for which the dilute gas, i.e., a medium of dielectric
80 12.1 -42.3
50 12.0 -43.6
constant unity, is the standard state; for a symmetrical charge
20 12.2 -44.4 distribution within the molecule the result is, for a single molecule,
0 11.2 -50.1
AF=kTlna _. "2. D"1
T, 2D+,, 4
appreciable proportions of acetone. It will be recalled that a
large negative entropy of activation means a slow reaction where r is the molecular radius. The general accuracy of this
(page 22), and hence the change in passing from the acetone equation has been confirmed by the determination of activity coef-
solutions to pure benzene is in harmony with the general prin- ficients from the vapor pressures of solutions of polar substances
ciples already deduced. It is true that the activation energy in nonpolar solvents; the Plet ef In Q against (D - 1)/(21) + 1)
decreases to some extent at the same time, but this is insufficient usually approximates to a straight line, although deviations
to compensate for the change in the entropy of activation. are sometimes observed in media of low dielectric constant.”
Although the entropy change of the complete reaction in If to the expression in Eq. (40) is added a quantity for the
this case, i.e., triethylaminc and ethyl bromide, is not known deviation from ideal behavior due to nonelectrostatic forces,
for the purpose of comparison with the entropy of activation, the result is -
the data are available“ for the analogous reaction 2 1)-1
kTlna- ~ if,-2D+1+<I>. (41)
C5H5N(CH3)2 + ""-> +' I_.
The corresponding activity coefficients may be substituted in
From the known reaction velocity in nitrobenzene at 60°C. the Eq. (6), when it is seen that, for the reaction A + B —> M1 -—>
entropy of activation is -36.1 whereas the difference in entropy products,
between products and reactants is -37.1 E.U. This indicates
lllk =lI1I€0 1 D - 11:(,r§:+';§
/1’ #3 __ E
7.13 Z33
+ kT’ (42)
* An-error of 1 kcal. in E,,,,_ would correspond to an error of about
3 E.U. in ASI. 2" J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 351 (1934).
26 H. Essex and 0. Gelorimini, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 4s, ss2 (1926). *3 For summary, see A. R. Martin, Trans. Faraday Soc., 33, 191 (1937).
where Z <I> is written for <I>2 + <I>2, - <I>;.2° If the noneleetl-o-
benzyl bromide (II) in alcohol-benzene mixtures; those in Fig.
static forces are small in comparison with the others, Z <I>
106 are for the same reactions in benzene-nitrobenzene mixtures.“
may be neglected as a first approximation; it is then apparent
From the standpoint of solvent influence, the hydrolysis of an
that the plot of log k against (D — 1) / (2D + 1) should be a
ester may be regarded, at least approximately, as a reaction
straight line for the same reaction carried out in different media.
between two dipoles, the ester and the water molecule; such
The dielectric constant D is actually that of the solution, but
processes should, therefore, obey Eq. (43). The values of
if this is dilute it may be replaced by that of the pure solvent;
log Ic for the hydrolysis of tert-butyl chloride (I),31 the acid
this has been done in the cases considered below.
catalyzed hydrolysis of orthoformic ester (III)"'2 and the alkaline
hydrolysis of ethyl benzoate (II)33 in alcohol-water mixtures
are plotted as a function of (D - 1)/(2D + 1) in Fig. 107.
4.5 The plots in Figs. 105 and 107 are very close to linear in accord-
4.0 I H
ance with theoretical require- 5.0
ments, but those for measure-
4.0 | . | ments in benzene-nitrobenzene l 111
I mixtures (Fig. 106) show con- 4'0“
as - H I
siderable deviations. It has al- -
6+ 9° ready been seen that the solvent 30- H . O

kg I-O log
k mm—h—

influence in the Menschutki £5


6+0 CD ‘ca I
reaction can often be correlated 6-Ik-log !°.O
3.0 with the internal pressure; this
| .

2.5 , implies that the nonelectro- ' I

O static forces play an important 1.0 -
I 2.5 —- part, and so it is not justifiable
I I _ | I

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 l

0.5 to neglect them, as has been 0 . I I I I
ll-_1. D-i done in the derivation of Eq. M75 0480D-1 M85 0490
2D+1 2w; ' ' 2D-I-1
Fro. 105.—Dependence of specific Fro. 106.—Dependence of specific (43) The Omlsslon of the (I) FIG. 107.-—Dependence of specific
reaction rates on dielectric constant reaction rates on dielectric constant lJ6I‘II1S IS probably OfS€I‘10llS 0011- reaction rates on dielectric constant in
in benzene-alcohol mixtures. in benzene-nitrobenzene mixtures.
sequence in the Menschutkin a1°°h°1'“’a'°°" mixtures‘
The accuracy of Eq. (42) may be tested in another manner by reaction because the tertiary amines have only relatively small
writing K0t(kT/h) for kt, as seen in Eq. (5), the transmission dipole moments. Thus the approximation made in the deduction
coeflicient being taken as unity ; thus, the <I> terms being neglected, of the relationship between log lc and (D - 1)/ (2D -|- 1) is not
Eq. (42) becomes completely satisfactory, and hence a linear plot is hardly to be
expected for the Menschutkin type of reaction.
_ kT 1 1)-1 2 For solvents such as benzene-nitrobenzene mixtures, which
l“'°'1“K°I+1“hikT'2i>+i2%’ (43) contain a number of small dipoles, the microscopic dielectric
so that the plot of log lc against (D - 1) / (2D + 1) should be
linear._ The results in Fig. 105 are for the reactions between 3° G. Muchin, R. Ginsberg and C. Moissejewa, Ukraine Chem. J., 2, 136
pyridine and benzyl bromide (I) and between triethylaminc and (1926); see Chem. Zentr., 2, 2376 (1926).
31 E. D. Hughes, J. Chem. Soc., 255 (1935).
2° Laidler and Eyring, Ref. 1; see also Stearn and Eyring, Ref. 1. 3’ H. S. Harned and N. M. T. Samaras, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54, 9 (1932).
3“ R. A. Fairclough and C. N. Hinshelwood, J. Chem. Soc., 538 (1937).


constant may differ from the measured value because of the
segregation of one or other of the solvents. Such segregation and with the general conclusions reached by N. Menschutkin“;
may also arise because of preferential solubility of reactant or as is to be expected in view of the influence of solvation and of
activated complex in one solvent or the other, on account of nonelectrostatic forces, the parallelism ‘is. not exact. The
van der Waals forces. Hence in reactions of the Menschutkin hydrolysis of esters or alkyl halides ylelds lenle Prednetei nenee,
type, the reaction velocity in nitrobenzene may be greater than in these instances, increase of reaction rate with increasing
is to be expected from the dielectric influence of the medium. dielectric constant of the medium 1S also to be eXPeeted; tne
This is in agreement with the results in Fig. 106 for the forma- results in Fig. 107 confirm this expectation.
tion of quaternary ammonium salts in nitrobenzene-benzene It will be realized that it is not always Peesible to Say Whether
solutions. The effect of benzene may be expected to be in the
. . - -
the solvent influence is governed primarily by the Vantgerrzzzao?
reverse direction; since the ammonium salt is sparingly soluble or by electrostatic forces; if the former 1S the _c&Se, e
in this solvent, the activity coefficient of the activated complex is reaction should be determined mainly by the internal pressure
probably exceptionally large (cf. page 406), so that the reaction of the medium but in the latter case the dielectric constant
rate will be lower than is required by Eq. (43). The departure should be the fmportant factor. In many instances, however,
from linearity of the plots in Fig. 106 may thus be explained. the dielectric constant and integnal pressure \l;aI;n1(I31e &g1O?lbPt1;>;1g
Since the small solubility of salts in nonpolar solvents is mainly ll l nner since or a po ar su s _
due to differences in dielectric constant, it is clear that the devia- §ii,i;e§l1§§r§reer§i§i.,d tb the dipole moment, and a distinction
tions in benzene solution are due to the neglect of the factors between the two effects cannot be made. ‘In general, po l ar
considered above. lvents have high internal pressures and high dielectric con-
Even if Eq. (43) is not quantitatively exact, it may be utilized :t)ants and hence such media favor reactions in which the
to indicate qualitatively the influence of solvents in terms of activated complex is more polar than the reactants.
their dielectric constants. The slope of the plot of ln lc against
(D - 1)/(2D + 1) is given by REACTIONS BETWEEN IoNs
Dependence on Ionic Strength and Activity Coefficient.-—The
d In 79 . 1 III /1% I112 ‘
activity coefficient of an ion in a medium of known ionic strength
d[<1> — 1)/<20 +1>1 " _ F1‘ “L Fa‘ " ET)’ ‘441 . - ' ' '
and dielectric constant depends Pnmanly en Its enenge, ence
' h
and this may be positive or negative, according as the dipole by making reasonable assumptions concerning the dimensions
moment of the complex is large or small in comparison with the of the activated complex formed in a reaction between ions,
sum of the moments of the reactants.* For reactions in which ‘t ' ossible to estimate its activity coeflicient with greater
the final products are ionized, it is reasonable to suppose that I lsrgc than can be achieved in any of the cases already dis-
the dipole moment of the complex is large ;]‘ and inasmuch sfigsled yTwo models for the activated compleX have been
as (D - 1)/(2D + 1) increases as the dielectric constant D ro osed and atpresent there seems to be no way of deciding
increases, reactions of this type should be accelerated by solvents Hetvrireen them‘1 fortunately 9 however, the conclusions .drawn are
of high dielectric constant. much the same for both. The two ions involved in a bimolecular
This is in agreement with the results for the rate of formation reaction are assumed to be spherical; and When they eeme
of quaternary ammonium salts shown in Figs. 105 and 106, t ther to form an activated complex, either the latter can be
* As a first approximation, 1-13 = rfi + 1% ; i.e., the volume of the activated rggjrded as retaining the structure of the double sphere, each
complex is equal to the sum of the volumes of the reactants. aft carrying its individual charge, or the two spheres may be
TAn estimate by A. E. Steam and H. Eyring [J. Chem. Phys., 5, 113
gssumed to merge into one single sphere having a charge equal
(1937)] gives the dipole moment of the complex formed by benzyl bromide
and triethylaminc as about 6 X 10'" e.s.u. to the algebraic sum of the two ions concerned. The two types
34 Menschutkin, Ref. 21.
of structure lend themselves to different theoretical treatments, approaches zero, i.e., at high dilution, Eq. (47) beC0m6S
both of which are instructive.
Double-sphere Activated Complex.-—The arguments of G. ox” = k’cRc£ e“*“’=a'B/D"T'. l (49)
Scatchard,“ using statistical mechanics, are based on the deriva- By definition, the activity coeflicient f is equal to 0°/c, so that
tion of the Bronsted-Bjerrum equation by J. A. Christiansen“
and may be put in the following form. Consider the reaction 11.13%» = infi‘/'_§ - in"_*EP; (50)
between the ions A and B carrying charges zii and 2B, respec- fx 6: CI
tively, which may be positive or negative; the activated complex, hence, from Eqs. (47) and (49),
designated M1, will then carry a charge zA + 21;; thus,
j'Aj‘B — 82zAzB( -_ 8-0:? . eta)

Aza + B‘B -—+ M1(’.<i+‘i-:0 -—> X + Y. 1“"f,“"1>kTr 1 1+~a ()

The concentration of activated complex is taken as proportional z 822.1213 _ K _ (52)
to the bulk concentration of A ions (cir) multiplied by the average DkT 1 + K0»
concentration of B ions (cg), at a distance r from it, where r For the application of Eq. (6), giving the efiect. of the medium
is the distance between A and B in the activated complex. The on the reaction rate, it is necessary to know a, 2.6., the activity
required concentration of B ions is found by the method of coefficient in terms of the dilute gas. This isequal ‘B0 (if, Whfire
Debye and HliCk€l to be B is the activity coefficient of an infinitely dilute solution with
(CB), = <1» @“”""B"*T, (45) reference to the ideal gas;* hence,
where C3 is the bulk concentration of B ions, 11/, is the mean elec- (XACXB f__ fAfB _ BA6B_

trostatic potential at a distance r from the A ion and s is the unit ax fi 51

charge. The concentration of activated complexes is therefore The quantity involving the B terms is given by
given by
0; = k'c,icB e_'P'*==n/"7', (46) ln 6i@- =
5, c_2c£ — ln civil 0 2 (54)
where k’ is the proportionality constant. Upon using the Debye-
Hiickel expression for i//,, this becomes the second term on the right-hand side, with the subscript g,
being for the ideal-gas state where the dielectric constant is

ct = ICICACB exp < ._ _ 6;” . 1 icxa), unity. The Debye-Hiickel treatment being applied, it follows
that ' _
a being the mean distance of closest approach of the ions. The B BB ___ 32252/'B _ 1 '
Debye-Hiickel term x is defined, in the usual manner, by the
and so it is possible to derive from Eqs. (52), _(5§) and (55) the
8N1r82 value of the a factor in Eq. (6). In this way, it 1S found that
"’ " i‘,Fo‘(TI>T:T" P <48)
where N is the Avogadro number, and g is the ionic strength of 3% z
1 8224213 K (56)
the medium, i.e., 5- E czz for all the ions in the solution. When x
"‘ The definition for B here differs from that on page 404; but the same
“ G. Scatchard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 52 (1930).
symbol is employed, for both quantities are used to relate activity coefli-
“ J. A. Christiansen, Z. physik. Chem., 113, 35 (1924).
cients in solution to those for which the ideal gas is the standard state.
where kg is the rate constant in the infinitely dilute, i.e., ideal,
gas; this equation should hold, of course, only if all forces other It follows, therefore, that
than those of electrostatic origin can be neglected.*
Spherical Activated Complex.-—For the spherical activated
I M, 1_ 1 +a <zA+zB>*]+?&, <59)
complex, it is more convenient to adopt a different method of
n BI 2kT D TA TB Till kT
deriving the activity coefficientf” the principle used is to con- ' ' f th s herical activated complex and
sider the free energy of transfer of an ion from a medium of Wh-(:8ZBTl 1iStstl:l:a:g:1uST(he
ZA i ° fai>nili)ar activity coeflicient f, .referred
. - - ' t
dielectric constant unity to that existing in the solution. Sup- to the infinitely dilute solution as the standardhstiihe, lfifiltlggfi
pose the ion is first discharged in a vacuum (D = 1) ; then the by the ordinary Pebye-Hflckel treatment, Wlt 6 a
free-energy change, according to the method of M. Born“ is of a nonelectrostatic term, as
equal to -226’/2r, where r is the radius of the conducting sphere
representing the ion on which the charge is assumed to be 822% K . ill. (co)
1“f‘” 2DkT S1 + Kai + kT’
located. The resulting uncharged radical is then transferred
to an infinitely dilute solution, where it experiences an increase of h nce i'f a mean value a is assumed for the distance of closest
free-energy <I>' due to the van der Waals forces and other forces agproli ch of the various ions, it follows that
between it and its neighbors in the solution. The radical is
In _fAfB __ 32ZAZB _ K + (61)
then recharged in the solution of dielectric constant D, when the ft DkT 1 + ta kT
free-energy change is z2s2/2rD. During the recharging process
. . \ ' ' lving the oz
the solvent molecules round the ion will become polarized by the U t d ng the value of the 6XpI‘€SS1011. invo
charge and will orient themselves with respect to it; this electro- tel*)i(ili1s,1del'i)vd1<:lc1from Eqs. (59), (61) and (53) into Eq. (6), the
striction effect will necessitate the introduction of a second non- result is "
electrostatic term <I>", so that the total free-energy change for ,2 1 5; 2% (ZA + av]
the transfer of a single ion from a vacuum, or infinitely dilute gas, lnk=lnk0+%(j"'1)|:¢A+1~B 1*; 2(1)
to an infinitely dilute solution is 822 z _ K _ 62
+Dl:£ll3 1+,<a+ kT ()
2 2 2 2
AF — 82: + 37; + <1>,' + <i>,,". (57) _ . . - t h d’
If this equation 1S c<i11;Par{el<1:1 with é5((:3g;nl;)8i::>{d invsiia £61282
_ ac iva e -,
This quantity is clearly related to the activity coefficient B double Sphtmf HI1I?d’:l1€ Oiionelectrostatic part involving the ‘F51
by the expression AF = kT ln ,6; and so for any ion represented that, lpadifiefgnce is in the second term on the right-hand side of
by the subscript 2', Zaghon {This difference is, however, not serious; for if .
TA = TB = TI:
2 3 1 B A 1 n

th(fiioi“lvii)eSigri;S1l):rSiil:)e(S(frHei31glil€il?—lfi:3I‘alle equations derived above

* The expression in Eq. (56) differs somewhat from the final form given can be tested in two waysl (1_) The dielectric constfigt mgiigfi
by Scatchard since the latter relates the specific reaction rate in the given kept almost constant and the influence observed on 8 1&3) The
solution to that in an infinitely dilute, i.e., ideal, solution in the same velocity of varying the iomc Strength 0f the medium?‘ th
3’ Laidler and Eyring, Ref. 1.
effect on the rate constant extrapolated to zero ionic streng I
3“ M. Born, Z. Physik, 1, 45 (1920). ~ ll infinite dilution, of changing the di<‘->1@<=t1'1° °°“S"a"“T‘ may
hzlsfjludied The first of these problems has been dealt with by
J. N. Bronsted et al.,” using the Br¢nsted-Bjerrum equation
(cf. page 404), thus, and the rate constant, at least in dilute solution (cf. page 440),
should be independent of the ionic strength of the medium; this
k = kg,f‘:‘Tf", (63) has also been verified in a number of instances. The experi-
mental results, together with the expected theoretical slope, for
where kg, is the rate constant for the infinitely dilute solution. reactions of different ionic types are shown in Fig. 108 which is
If the Debye-Hiickel expressions for the activity coefficients taken from the Work of V. K. La Mer.4° . _
are introduced into Eq. (63), then Deviations from Eq. (67) are observed as the ionic strength
of the medium is increased, especially if ions of high valence are
_ , s2zAzB _ x ,_
Ink-lnk0+DkT 1+Ka (64) 0.60- A A ,,- A
This is the form to which both Eqs. (56) and (62) reduce if O0

the dielectric constant of the medium remains unchanged. Upon

inserting the values of K as given by Eq. (48) and neglecting
0.0 I
xa in comparison with unity in the term 1 + KG, Eq. (64) becomes
.° 11
ln k = ln kf, + 2Az,izB \/Q (65) I
-_ I O

- nu
where A is a constant for a given solvent and temperature; thus, i


_ N2 3(21r)% g logk- 5 M
[Y C j In-I
A (DRT)8%(1,000)%' (66) C

Upon utilizing the known values of N, 8, D, R and T and intro- I O O O l

ducing the factor for converting natural to ordinary logarithms, A

_.- ._.,-_-:1 -_-._
is found to be approximately 0.51* for aqueous solutions at -o2o- O V ° ' l
25°C.; Eq. (65) may, therefore, be written O0
~ log k = log kf, + 1.02zAzB (67) -0.40 . i .
0.1 0 0.2 0.3
It follows from Eq. (67) that the plot of the logarithm of the Square-root of ionic strength
FIG. 108.—Dependence of reaction rates on ionic strength- (La M61'»)
observed specific reaction rate, i.e., log la, against the square
Rate-determining Reaction zAzf
root of the ionic strength of the medium, i.e., x/Ii, should give 1_ (3o(NH,),Br++ + Hg** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _+2
a straight line of slope 1.02zAzB; the magnitude and sign of II, SgO3_" + I- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ +1
III. NO2ZN'C02'CzHs“ -|- I‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +0
ZAZB will depend on the nature of the reacting species, and so l IV , CH;'C02C2H5 + OH“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
the slope should vary according to the type of reaction. This V, H502 + H+ + BI'_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2
VI. Co(NH;);Br'*+ -|- OH“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
theoretical deduction has been amply confirmed for a variety of
processes involving positive or negative ions or both. If one present; this is, of course, to be expected, for in the deduction
of the reactants is a neutral molecule, then ZAZB should be zero of the equation the solutions have been assumed to be very
3° For reviews, see V. K. La Mer, Chem. Rev., 10, 179 (1932); J. Franklin dilute In media of low dielectric constant the formation of
Inst., 225,' 709 (1938). associated ions causes marked discrepancies.‘ This has ll6E;I1
* The actual value for an infinitely dilute solution of dielectric constant
78.54 at 25°c. is 0.509. noted particularly in the reaction between sodium bromace a e
*° La Mer, Ref. 39.
___ _


and sodium thiosulfate.“ At very high dilutions, reaction
-- - ' ' "bl to calculate by means Of EqS- (53)
occurs between BrAc- and S2037 ions, so that zAzB is +2; at
appreciable concentrations, especially if the dielectric constant min lirgllothzdsldifie: Idflstslie (plot of log 760 against 1/D which are
3? eicellent, agreement with experiment. The most compre..
is low, the ion complexes (Naf, BrAc-)°, (Naf, S203-)“ and _ . . . - d 'th the
(2Na+, SeO3_)° are formed and zAzB changes to zero. The hensive studies in this connection §1&:fiil;ifi;1at:1ai(:3nS“'l13 The
repulsion between two negatively charged reactants BrAc_ and reaction between bromacetate an I J.) ns containing urea’
S205" is decreased by the formation of the complex ions, and the results
specific reaction rate is increased at the same time. The ve glycine Obtamed In Vanous
and sucrose cover aaqueous
range 9 1?Cd‘?19loctric
6 constant from
_ _ trength
marked catalytic activity of the lanthanum ion on this reaction TY 20 to 140. The rate constants extrapolated to zero ionic s
in aqueous solution is similarly attributed to the fact that the are shown by the points in Fig.
1.95 .
La+++ ion enters the activated complex which is now (BrAc_, 1()9;44 the straight line drawn
La+++, S207)” instead of (BrAc", SeO§_)""_.42 through them corresponds to 185 _
Influence of Dielectric Constant.—— If the ionic strength of the 7- =_- 5.1 in Scatchard’s equa- '
medium is zero, then \/1; is zero and the terms in E s 56 tion. Equally good agreement
and (62) involving this quantity disappear; the specific q- rate
( ) between theory and eXPe1‘1menl3 1-75 ""
constant, extrapolated to zero ionic strength, is thus a function may be obtained by means Of Eq- '
of the dielectric constant at constant temperature. The plot of (69) if the radii of the bromace- -I2
tate and thiosulfate ions and
In Ice against 1/D should be linear with a slope of I, o
of the activated compleX are
id In Ice _ 82zAzB taken as 3.3 A., 1.7 and 5.0 1-55"
d(1/D) kTrl’ (68) A., respectively. It. has been .
according to Eq. (56), and of pointed out“ that in th.e_¢le' 1.45
duction of Eq. (56) the activities
_dln ko __ g 82 2} z§, (2,, +zB)2
I [TA + TB If 761 , are the
to taken to beconcen
volume pmllorlzlonal
ra ions, 1'35'oo'bs
. -06101
. / 0612
- OOT4
1 I
according to Eq. (62). Since ri, 13,, 1'3 and r cannot be very whereas the values given by 1D
F10. 109.-—DeDeI1denee °f_ specific
the theoretical treatment are rate of the bremacetate-thiosulfate
different, these two expressions may be regarded as ivin
- d'1 t‘ - stant of the
results of the same order of magnitude. It is at once apparent g g probably reletedd t° the m°le f~§§§ii.°.§.°n<Lf iii; can
' _ Th iscrepancy IS _
from Eq. (68) that if the ions A and B are op ositel h d
p .y c arge fr:1;C::i‘i1dus
n for dilute solutions in the same solvent, but m °°mpar"
the slope of the line is positive, whereas it is negative if the ions . . - - . to make an
have the same charge; the same general conclusions may be ing the results in different media it rndy be ngcissiri the bmm_
reached, in a less obvious manner, from Eq. (69). The experi- appropriate allowance. The experlmental 9‘ ad 0 d t.
, - 1 tt, n a sa is-
mental results are in harmony with the theoretical deductions; acetate-thiosulfate reaction have been Pep 0 9 i 3' Onding to
by making reasonable assumptions as to the values of the ionic facto;3(T5 ZtraightIt is line
of interest,
is obtained,
to noteItsthat
in this
plot the rate
1‘ =1 0 °

‘1 A. N. Kappanna, J. Ind. Chem. Soc., 6, 419 (1929) ; D. Straup and

E . J. Cohn, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 1794 (1935); V. K. La Mer and M. L. 1 1932 ;
Kamner, ibid., 57, 2669 (1935); S. Eagle and J. C. Warner, ibid., 58, 2335 Straup and Cohn, Ref.141; Lafllvfier Z111 7
(1936); H. M. Tomlinson, Dissertation, Columbia Un' ' Warner, Ref. 41; Tom inson, e - - _ t h d,
" V. K. La Mer and M. L. Kamner, J. Am. Chem. iversity,
Soc., 57, 1939.
2662 (1935); 44 La Mel‘, Ref. 42; See also Eagle and Werner’ Ref‘ 41’ G‘ Sca ° M
V .
. K. La Mer, J. Franklin Inst., 225, 709 (1938). ' J. Chem. Phys"! 7» 657 U939)‘
45 Scatchard, Ref. 44-
_ _


constant for the reaction in sucrose solution, which is somewhat Entropy of Activation.—Many reactions in solution have small
to the right of the lower end of the straight line in Fig. 109, now frequency factors A in the equation lc = A e‘E°=P/RT; this means
falls much closer to the new line; nevertheless, some deviation either that the standard entropy of activation AS* has a rela-
from the theoretical behavior is not unexpected in a medium of tively large negative value or that the transmission coeflicient
such low dielectric constant, as explained below. is small. The latter is probably true in a number of instances,
Observations on the reaction between bromphenol blue and but for the present it will be supposed that a -“slow” reaction
hydroxyl ions in mixtures of methyl or ethyl alcohol and water implies a negative entropy of activation. It has been seen in
are also in general agreement with expectation from theory.“ Chap. I that small frequency factors must occur for bimolecular
In this reaction, somewhat different 1* values, vz'z., 2.6 and 2.8 A., reactions involving fairly complex molecules having a large
respectively, are obtained for the methyl and ethyl alcohol-water number of degrees of freedom; values as low as 10-5 can be
mixtures; the significance of this small discrepancy is not clear, accounted for in this manner. If one of the reactants is a
but it may be due to the influence of nonelectrostatic forces. simple ion, however, specific reaction rates that agree, within a
The two reactions already considered involve ions of the same factor of 10, with those calculated from the simple collision
sign; the catalytic decomposition of the trimethyl-sulfonium hypothesis may be expected; this is found to be the case, for
cation by hydroxyl ions” and the combination of ammonium example, in the reactions between hydroxyl, phenoxyl and
and cyanate ions“ involve ions of opposite signs, and the rates benzoxyl ions and alkyl halides.“ .
of these reactions in media of varying dielectric constant show When reactions take place between two ions, an important
the expected variation. contribution to the entropy of activation arises from electro-
Deviations from the straight-line plot of log lo against 1/D static forces; these give rise to high or low frequency factors
are frequently found at low dielectric constants; this is probably according as the charges on the ions are opposite or the same.
due to a great extent to the treatment of the solvent as a homo- The quantitative relationship between the magnitude and sign
geneous medium of uniform dielectric constant. It is probable of the charges and the entropy of activation will be considered
that in a mixture of water with a solvent of low dielectric constant shortly. _
the molecules of water will be preferentially oriented around the The entropy change accompanying any reversible process
ions; the dielectric constant in the vicinity of the ion will thus may be defined thermodynamically by the equation
be different from that in the bulk of the medium, which is the
value determined experimentally. As long as the solution con-
tains a large proportion of water, the error will not be very
AS = <70)
significant; but when the dielectric constant is apparently
reduced by the addition of a relatively large amount of a solvent and hence the theoretical deduction of AS* can be made to
of low dielectric constant, the difference between the value depend on a derivation of the corresponding change in the free
in the bulk of the solution and that around the ion will be con- energy. As seen above, it is only for ionic solutions that any-
siderable. The observed reaction velocities at low dielectric thing like a complete theory is available for the calculation of
constant should thus correspond, as found experimentally, to free energies, and even then only for solutions of relatively low
those for media of higher dielectric constant. concentration. The absolute reaction rate theory equation (see
Chap. IV) is
4° E. S. Amis and V. K. La Mer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 905 (1939).
4" J. L. Gleave, E. D. Hughes and C. K. Ingold, J. Chem. Soc., 236 (1935). 1. = 5,21’ 8-M"/hr, <71)
“J. C. Warner and E. L. Warrick, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 1491 (1935);
W. J. Svirbely and A. Schramm, ibid., 60, 330 (1938); J. Lander and W. J. *9 Cf. Moelwyn-Hughes, Ref. 5; Chem. Rev., 10, 241 (1932); G. H. Grant
Svirbely, ibid., 60, 1613 (1938).
and C. N. Hinshelwood, J. Chem. Soc., 258 (1933).


where AF¢ is the standard free energy of activation per molecule;
this may be put in the form solution, the factor A should increase e1°e’R times, i.e., about
one-hundred-fold, for each unit of —zAzB. The general agree-
kT AFI ment of this approximate rule with experiment is shown by the
results in Table XLIX51; the column headed “Entropy factor”
the transmission coefficient being taken as unity. Comparison gives the rough e“:/R values to be expected from this rule, and in
of Scatchard’s equation (56) with (72) gives the last column are recorded the data obtained from the approxi-
mate experimental values of A by means of the relationship
_ Bl’ _ _ 82zAzB 1 822523 K
AF: — (111 h III kg) D - 1 + Ka; between this quantity and emit/R given above.
and the three terms on the right-hand side may be identified
. Entropy eASI’R,
with three types of free-energy changes,” vz'z., AFOI for the ideal Reaction ZAZB factor (experimental)
gas reaction, AFJ as the dielectric effect and AFJ as that due
to the Debye-Hiickel ionic interactions; thus, or(i-i.o)g++ + CNS" - 106 ~ 106
CO(NH3) ;,Br+"' + OH_ '-' 104 2 X 104
NHI + CNO" - t 102
AFQt = (I11 5711-7 '- ln kg)! "
RH+ + c1~ _ 102
C10‘ -|- C10; 10"’ “
AF; = - 2 (1 _ 5)
1 (75) C6H5C5C-CO0“ + I; 10” “
CH2cl-CO0_ + S20?“ 1C|_4 1 _
and C0(NH3) 5Br++ + Hg++ 10's "' $43!-H
O>O>\'l|-P~ XXXXQQ
Aso;—- + TeO{“ . Q);-pl\3i—1r—~i-1r—*l\DbJ
' 10-1= ~1 -1
°5E3<’S<"5° =
I _ 32ZAZ§. x _

AF“ D 1 + xa (76)
If the medium is supposed to remain unchanged, then differ-
Differentiation of the free-energy term AFD1, as expressed by entiation of Eq. (76), for AF,,1, with respect to temperature gives
Eq. (75), with respect to temperature, gives
AF?‘ 3 6lnD 1 6lnV 1
2 (W);
ASJ = 1%? a1) (77) “Sf T" <2 6lnT+2 wfi) (79)
for the entropy of activation resulting from ionic interaction.
for the dielectric contribution to the entropy of activation Upon neglecting the term involving the variation of the volume
at constant ionic strength. In an aqueous medium, D is about V of the solution with temperature and inserting the value of
80, and 6 ln D/6T is ——0.0046; if the distance r is taken as 6 ln D/6 ln T, i.e., -1.37 at 25°C., for water, it follows that
about 2 X 10*“ cm., it is found from Eq. (77) that
AS»: =="- —1OzAzB E.U. per mole. (78) AS} = -1.55 I
As seen on page 417, e(kT/h) e“I”* is equivalent to the fre- If KG in Eq. (76) is neglected, i.e., for a dilute solution, and the
quency factor A in the equation k = A e-E/RT; hence, it follows value of K as given by Eq. (48) is inserted, the result is
that, for a reaction between two ions A and B in dilute aqueous AF I
fig}? I-— "‘1.02ZAZB ’\/5
465° La Mer and Kamner, Ref. 42; La Mer, Ref. 42; Amis and La Mer, Ref.
51 For references, see Moelwyn-Hughes, Ref. 5, Chap. VII; see also idem,
Proc. Roy. Soc.. 155. A, 308, 1936,



so that
dielectric effect to the heat of activation is
Q-_‘-g-% = 1.58%, \/§. (82)
A Arm =_ - W + W; (1 + T
8225213 822523
For media of constant dielectric constant,
If in addition to maintaining the ionic strength constant the
AS¢ = AS017 + AS}, (83) medium is varied so as to keep the dielectric constant inde-
since ASi>* is zero ; hence, pendent of temperature, i.e., if 6D/6T is zero, it follows that
(AH I _ 8221213 322,421;
ASI - AS 1 1>)1>—- _"7_E"-"|”"TlT> (86)
- 23R 0 A 1.58z_izB (84)
and hence
and so the plot of AS1/2.3R against fl should be a straight
line of slope 1.58zAzB, provided that the solutions are not too AHJ - <..~.H.*>,. - T 8,131” - 2
concentrated. Since the frequency factor A is equal to
For reactions in solution, AH1 is related to the experimental
activation energy by the equation E.,,_,,_ = AH* + RT (cf. page
199), and so Eq. (87) should give the difference between the
experimental activation energies in a medium of fixed com-
as already seen, it follows that log A is equal to AS*/2.3R plus
position and one of fixed dielectric constant. The relationship
a constant term ; the plot of log A against ’\/ii should thus
has been found to be in agreement with the results of measure-
satisfy the conditions derived above. Measurements on the
ments on the conversion of ammonium cyanate into urea in
rate of the reaction between bromphenol blue and hydroxyl
various solvents.
ions in aqueous solution have given results in agreement with
It can be readily derived from Eq. (76) that, for a medium
expectation.“ .
of constant composition,
If the medium is so adjusted that the dielectric constant does
not vary with temperature, it follows from Eq. (77) that AS»: 3 6lnD 1_8lnV 3
will be zero ; if the results so obtained are extrapolated to zero AH"’=AF"*i2'a1n:r+2 a1nT+2i’ (88)
ionic strength, AS} will also be zero. The total entropy of
activation should thus be equal to ASOI for the ideal reaction giving the contribution of ionic interaction to the heat of activa-
and hence should be independent of the constant value of the tion. If the 6 In V/8 ln T term is neglected, as before, and the
dielectric constant of the medium. This expectation has been value of 6 ln D/6 ln T given above is inserted, it follows that,
confirmed experimentally. for an aqueous solution at 25°c., -
Heats of Activation.“-—-If the thermodynamic relationship /111,1 = —O.55AF,,*, (89)
AH = AF + T AS is utilized, it follows from Eqs. (75) and (77)
that for media of constant ionic strength the contribution of the and hence, from Eq. (81),

5’ Amis and La Mer, Ref. 46. §A§IZR% = 0.562123 \/:1» (90)

53 W. J. Svirbely and J. C. Warner, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 1883 (1935);
Svirbely and Schramm, Ref. 48; Lander and Svirbely, Ref. 48; L. O. Win-
The total heat of activation AH1 is the sum of AH01 for the
strom and J. C. Warner, ibid., 61, 1205 (1939) ; La Mer, Ref. 42; J. C. Warner,
Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 39, 345 (1940). ideal reaction, AHD1 for the dielectric effect and AH,4 which
is under consideration; for a medium of constant dielectric



constant, AHJ, as given by Eq. (86), is constant and hence it REACTIONS IN SOLUTION 439
is seen that
tion decreases with increasing ionic strength of the medium,
AH* = const-. + AH,1, (91) and hence the rate of reaction increases. The increase in
since AH01 is also constant. It follows, consequently, from entropy more than outweighs the increase in heat of activation,
Eqs. (90) and (91) that the plot of the experimental activation and so the net result is a decrease of free energy. ~
energy, equal to AH1 + R T, against the square root of the ionic REACTIONS BETWEEN IONS AND NEUTRAL MOLECULES
strength, for media of constant dielectric constant, should be a
straight line of slope 2.3RT >< O.56zAzB, for aqueous solutions Influence of Ionic Strength and Dielectric Constant.“—If one
at 25°c. For nonaqueous solutions the linear relationship of the reactants e.g., B, is a neutral molecule, its charge is zero ;
qj . e ., ZB —
— O - Equation (56) __ is then no longer applicable, but
between E.,,,,_ and \/Ii should still be found, but the slope should
according to (62) a straight line of slope
depend on the nature of the solvent. The theoretical deductions
are here, also, in agreement with experiment. d ln kg _ 8222, (1 1) (95)
Finally, consideration will be given to the variation of AHi d(1/D) 2kT TA T1
as a function of dielectric constant at zero ionic strength. It should be obtained for the plot of ln lc against 1/D. Since 7:;
has been seen that, if the dielectric constant is maintained will, as a general rule, be greater than ri, the slope will be posi-
independent of temperature, AS1>* is zero ; under these conditions, tive so that the rate of reaction between an ion and a neutral
therefore, AH1,1 is equal to AFDi. Further, at zero ionic strength, molecule should decrease with increasing dielectric constant of
AHJ is zero; hence, the medium Examples of this type of behavior are to be found
in the reactions between alkyl halides and hydroxyl“ OI’ halide
AH1 = AHQI + AH»: + AH“: (92)
ions“ and between water and a sulfonium cation.“
= AH01 + AFD1. (93) According to Eq. (67) a reaction involving an ion and a neutral
molecule should not be affected by the. ionic strength of the
.. AHI
_ __
AH01 _
_ 82ZAZB
___ 1
(94) medium‘ it will be clear from the deduction, however, that this
can be true only provided that the solutions are dilute. At
The experimental activation energy should thus depend on the
a reciable concentrations a definite dependence of the rate
dielectric constant of the medium in the manner indicated by
cgiiistant on the ionic strength is observed experimentally, and
Eq. (94), and this expectation has also been confirmed by
the theoretical relationship may be derived in the following
measurements on the isomerization of ammonium cyanate in
manner In writing the value of ln oz it is necessary to include,
methyl alcohol-water mixtures.
in addition to the factors ln B and ln f, aS.giV6I1 by Eq$- (55) a11_d
Attention may be called to the fact that according to Eq. (67)
(52), and the nonelectrostatic contribution E 1131386 alidllg
the rate of reaction between two ions of the same sign will increase
tional electrostatic term hp, llltrodufied by I 11919 ith Wfilcal
with increasing ionic strength, at constant dielectric constant,
becomes appreciable at high salt concentrations. n e n
although it is seen from Eq. (90) that the energy of activation
equation for an ion and a neutral molecule the other electro-
also increases under the same conditions. This result provides
an illustration of one of the fundamental bases of the theory of 54 Laidler and Eyring, Ref. 1. _ _
as C_ A_ Lobry de Bruyn and A. Steger, Rec. trav. chi-m., 18, 41, 311 (1899),
absolute reaction rates, vz'z., that the velocity of a reaction
E D Hughes C. K. Ingold and U. G. Shapiro, J. Chem. Soc., 225 (1936).
is determined primarily by the free energy, not by the heat, of ‘so E_ Bgrgmann, M. Polanyi and A. Szabo, Z. physik. Chem-, B» 20:
activation (page 196). It will be seen from Eq. (73) that for a 161 (1933). F_ Juliusburger, B. Topley and J. Weiss, J. Chem. Phys., 3,
reaction between ions of the same sign the free energy of activa- 437 (1935).
5" E. D. Hughes and C. K. Ingold, J. Chem. Soc., 1571 (1933)-
== E. Hiickel, Physik. Z., 26, 93 (1925)-
static terms cancel, and the Hiickel term is the only one involving Upon introducing the values of ln QA and ln ax, as given by (96),
the ionic strength of the medium that is left. It is at once and of ln ap, [Eq. (100)] in Eq. (6), it follows that
apparent, therefore, why it must be included in the treatment of
concentrated solutions. The complete expression for ln aA for ___ 322: 1_ *1 1
the ionic reactant A is now written [see Eqs. (58) and (60)] l“'°"h"“°+§1E?('5 1)(i~,,1~,) kT rf’; 21>.,+i
I _ 2.22} (_1__1) _s2zfi _, x +b ‘PA, 96 +(b,. - b, +j%-z‘?7,),.+%i,'?- (101)
“°’*'2r,kT D 2DkT 1+i<a **‘+fi ( )
and a similar equation holds for the activity coefficient of the The Debye-Hiickel term involving x/ (1 + xa) has been eliminated
activated complex which has the same charge as A. by the assumption that the mean distance of closest approach a
The activity coefficient of the neutral molecule B is obtained is the same for the A ions and the activated complex, and a
by considering the free energy of transfer of an uncharged value r is used for the mean of the r.- terms in Eq. (100). It is
particle from the vapor to a medium of dielectric constant D0 seen from Eq. (101) that, provided the dielectric constant is
which is that of the solution containing the substance B, but unchanged, log k at appreciable concentrations should vary in
in which no ions are yet present. This is given by the Kirk- a linear manner with the ionic strength, instead of with its square
wood equation (25), modified by the introduction of nonelectro- root as for reactions involving two ions. The work of J. N.
static terms, as Brcnsted and W. F. K. Wynne-Jones” on the hydrolysis of acetals
___ I
by hydrogen ions confirms this deduction.
If the Kirkwood and electrostatic terms are small, then, for a
AF ' 21i>o., +11 + 5%‘ (97)
J The next step is to determine the free-energy change resulting
medium of definite dielectric constant, Eq. (101) may be written
it from the introduction of the ions into the solution of non- ln k = ln kn + b9. (102)
k = k, e'"‘, (103)
ii electrolyte; this is given by the approximate expression of P.
Debye and J. McAulay5° which relates the free energy of the where b is equal to bi + bM — b;, the quantity bM representing
process to the change of the dielectric constant of the solvent the Debye-McAulay correction 326/DrkT. If bu is small,
resulting from the addition of the nonelectrolyte: thus, then all terms involving powers of b higher than the first may be
2 . 2 neglected in the expansion of the exponential, so that Eq. (103)
AF = 5-I-g (98) reduces to

where n.- is the number of ions per cubic centimeter of the ith k = k1>(1 + bu). (104)
kind, of radius r; and valence 2;; 5 is defined by Under these conditions the plot of ls, instead of log k, against 9
D = — 071,3),
should be a straight line; this has been found to be the case
in the hydrolysis of ethylene acetal and other acetals and of
where D0 is the dielectric constant of the pure solvent and D several esters, in the hydration of ethylene oxide and in the
is that of the solution containing n3 molecules of nonelectrolyte decomposition of diazoacetic ester.“
per cubic centimeter. The activity coefficient of B, obtained Before considering other aspects of reactions in solution it
from the relationship AF = kT ln 013, is then given by will be opportune to summarize here the effect of dielectric
_ _1.i*%.D<>'" £2? constant and of ionic strength on reactions of various types;
~h‘°’”"kT rg 21>.,+i kT 202 T. (100) “J. N. Br¢nsted and W. F. K. Wynne-Jones, Trans. Faraday Soc., 25,

‘° P. Debye and J. McAulay, ibid., 26, 22 (1925). 59 (1929).

"1 Cf. J. N. Bryzinsted and C. Grove, J- Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 1394 (1930).
the results of the theoretical treatment of the present chapter
this is done by utilizing the experimental specific reaction rate
are given in Table L.”
(lo) in conjunction with Eq. (71) of the theory of absolute reaction
TABLE L.-INFLUENCE or DIELECTRIC CONSTANT AND IoN1c STRENGTH rates. The heat of activation AHI can be derived from the plot
oN REACTIONS or DIFFERENT TYPES of ln lc/(kT/h) against 1/T [cf. Eq. (158), page 196]. It is then
possible to obtain the value of AS‘? by means of the familiar
Effect of increasing
thermodynamic relationship. The results obtained in this
Reaction type Dielectric Ionic Examples manner from measurements at about 50°C. on the inactivation
constant strength of yeast invert-ase at different pH’s are quoted in Table LI.“

I. Two dipolar molecules form- Increase No effect R;N + RX TABLE LI.—INAoT1vATioN or INVERTASE AT 50°C.
ing a polar product. p H20 + RX
Hydrolysis of k, sec.'1 A pH AH1, kcal. ASf. E.U. AFI, kcal.
II. Two ions:
_ p 52.35 84.7 25.0
a. Same sign. Increase Increase BrAc' + S205“ ow — 86.35 185.0 , 25.7
OH“ + brom- - 110.35 262.5 25.5
phenol blue oac.0o~i wow-1or ><><X>< I-1 -*)—*l-I oooo-
Q9!-PCJICTI ooze-1 74.35 , 152.4 I 24.4
b. Opposite sign. Decrease Increase OH” + Me3S+ ‘ I

III. Ion and neutral molecule. Decrease Increase OH‘ + RX

It is seen that in spite of the variation of AH1 between 52 and
OR“ + RX
110 kcal., the free energy of activation remains almost constant.
X" + RX
Me2BuS+ + H20 Further, it will be observed that the exceptionally high energies
of activation are compensated to a very great extent by large
i r 1 _‘

THE DENATURATION or PRoTEiNs°3 increases of entropy accompanying activation. The result is

that AF-I is relatively small; hence, according to the theory of
Heat and Free Energy of Activation.—One of the most inter- absolute reaction rates, the reaction will be rapid at ordinary
esting applications of the theory of absolute reaction rates is
temperatures, in spite of the high heat of activation. Attention
in connection with the problem of the denaturation of proteins may be called in passing to the fact that with increasing pH
and the inactivation of certain enzymes. The temperature both AHI and AS1 pass through maxima at a pH of about 4.0;
coefficients of the reaction rates are often very large, leading this matter will be considered more fully later.
to energies of activation of 100 kcal. or more; in spite of these
A further illustration of the essential importance of the free
exceptionally high values, the reactions occur with appreciable energy, rather than the heat of activation, is to be found in
velocities at ordinary temperatures. Further, the experimental connection with the inactivation and reactivation of trypsin.
activation energies frequently vary markedly with pH, and in From the observed velocities at pH 6.5, the value of AHI was
certain instances, e.g., denaturation of egg albumin by concen- found to be 40 kcal.“; but from measurement of the equilibrium
trated urea solution, the energy of activation is apparently constants at pH 2 to 3, AH for the whole reaction appears to be
negative. Many of these apparent difficulties can be removed 67.7 kcal.“ Unless the change in AH1 due to pH exceeds 27.6
by determining the free energies of activation of the reactions; kcal., these results mean that the energy of activation of an
"2 For data, see refs. 55, 56 and 57; also, D. P. Evans and H. O. Jenkins, endothermic reaction is less than the heat absorbed in the
Trans. ‘Faraday Soc., 36, 818 (1940).
. 63 Stearn and Eyring, Ref. 1; A. E. Steam, Ergebnisse Enzymforsch., '5‘ Data from H von Euler and I. Lauren, Z. physiol. Chem., 108, 64 (1919).
7, 1 (1938); H. Eyring and A. E. Stearn, Chem. Rev., 24, 253 (1939). *5 J. Pace, Biochem. J., 24, 606 (1930). ,
°° M. L. Anson and A. E. Mirsky, J. Gen. Physz'ol., 17, 393 ( 1934). I


reaction; in that case the energy of activation of the reverse
broken, and the resulting loosening of the structure must be
process, i.e., the reactivation, should be negative! In spite
accompanied by a large increase of entropy. If the loosening
of this, however, the reverse reaction is slower than the forward
has already occurred, to some extent, in the activated state,
reaction, although the AHI of the latter is much larger. The
there will be a large entropy of activation, as found experi-
explanation of these results is to be found in the fact that the
mentally. In very acid solutions, the salt bridges will be broken
entropy of activation for the reverse reaction has a large negative
spontaneously as a result of the neutralization of the basic
value, so that AFI is about 27 kcal., in spite of the negative
groups of the protein; the entropy of activation for the denatura-
value of AH1.
tion process, as measured by the influence of temperature on the
The occurrence of high heats of activation accompanied by
reaction rate, will thus be small under these conditions. The
large increases of entropy, leading to free energies of activation
free energy of activation is not greatly dependent ‘on the pH.of
in the range of 20 to 30 kcal., is very common in connection
the solution, and so AHI changes in accordance with the varia-
with the denaturation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes,
tion of ASP It can be seen, in general, that AHI and ASI should
especially in regions of pH close to that of maximum stability.
be a maximum at the pH of maximum stability of the protein
This fact is brought out by the data in Table LII for a variety
and should fall off on either side; this is in agreement with the
_.,_.___. _

of substances. ~
results in Table LI. _ _
TABLE LII.—DENATURATioN OF PRoTEiNs AND INACTIVATION or ENZYMES Another way of considering the problem IS. to. realize that
salt bridges may be broken either by neutralization resulting
Reactant Catalyst pH I AH1,
kcal. ASI,
En’ ‘ kcal.
AF1, from a change of pH or by the supply of energy; 111 the f°1'm§1'
case most of the heat change is treated as the heat of neutrali-
7 5

Egg albumin . . . . . . . . . .. Water 315.7 25.4 zation and does not appear in the measured AH1, but in the
.-1-q_.-2_V‘-,a_t , Hemoglobin . . . . . . . . . . .. Water 152.0 24.5 latter the heat involved is the difference between the strength
Hemoglobin . . . . . . . . . . .. 3N (NH4)¢SO4 1-I
275.8 25.2 of the salt-bridge bonds and that of any bonds formed subse-
Pepsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0965050! 0-l>\I®QrJ=~O> UII—‘\ICJOCJ1¢.OO>l\') O>®OOr—*
113.3 21.9 quently with the solvent. In aqueous solutions, particularly
Rennin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89.3 208.1 22.1
Trypsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.5 40.2 44.7 25.75-
if salts are present, there is virtually no interaction DGIDWGGI;
' " F , '1

the broken bonds and the solvent, and hence the value of AH
Although AHI for the denaturation of egg albumin is as high will be high, especially in the region of pH of maximum stabil-
“- _—.;_~=uL-
as 130 kcal. at pH’s of 5.0 to 7.7, it is only 35 kcal. in acid solu- ity. On the other hand in urea solutions there is considerable
tions of pH 1 to 1.7 at 25°C. The entropies of activation are combination between the urea and the free bonds of the protein;
also correspondingly less, so that the free energy of activation and if the heat evolved in this process 1S greater ‘than _that
is still about 24 kcal. Similar results have been recorded for the required to break the salt bridges, the heat of activation will be
denaturation of hemoglobin. negative, as has sometimes been observed. In these circum-
Significance of Entropy of Activation.—The explanation of the stances, since the activated complex is even more ‘restricted
high entropies of activation and their dependence on pH is said than the native protein, the entropy of activation is a large
to lie in the existence of salt bridges, formed between acidic negative quantity. . _
and basic groups, in the native protein, which are broken on The argument that breaking salt, and other, bridges 1S accom-
denaturation. At the pH of maximum stability the number of panied by an increase of entropy which offsets to a great extent

such bridges is believed to be a maximum, and the protein has a the corresponding heat change must not be taken to imply
very restricted configuration. As a result of heating or of the that all bridges contribute to the entropy increase on breaking.
addition of small amounts of acid or alkali, the bridges are If the first bridges broken resulted in a considerable loosening
of the structure, and hence a large entropy increase, the free
energy of activation would be so small that the denaturation This means (cf. page 190) that the activated complex contains
process would occur with extreme rapidity; in fact, denaturation,
five protons less than the normal state, so that the equilibrium,
under these conditions, would be spontaneous, and native protein if the water is disregarded, is to be represented by
would be unknown. It appears, therefore, that the process of
activation consists in the breaking of those bridges which are P : (P“5)* + 5H+,
not accompanied by much increase of entropy; those that do
where P is the active pepsin and (P“5)I is the activated complex
make an appreciable positive contribution in this respect will
which contains five protons less than P, According to the
break spontaneously. The unusual fact, recorded above, that,
discussion on page 402 the velocity of reaction (v) is given by
for the inactivation of trypsin, AH for the equilibrium exceeds
AH1 for the activation process means that after activation
many bonds open spontaneously; the large positive value of
5 = K1 -fig - ll
(Z1-{+ h
T ASI is now presumably greater than the corresponding AHI, where K1 is written for Koi/a¢.’ If the pepsin is regarded as the
and so this part of the denaturation process is very rapid. It is only reactant, the specific rate is
seen, therefore, that although there may be a further increase of
heat content in going from the activated to the final state, as K1 - *
' = _ kT 106
observed, the free energy may be decreased owing to the large k aH+5 h ’ ( )

gain of entropy.* so that it appears to be inversely proportional to the fifth power

Choice of Standard States.—It was stated above that the of the hydrogen-ion activity. To obtain a true constant,
recorded values of AH1 and ASI, and to some extent AFI, for however, it is necessary to take both the pepsin and the hydrogen
the denaturation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes vary ions in their standard states; the specific rate is then
with the pH of the solution; since these thermodynamic quantities
refer to changes with the reactants and the activated complex .'c = lc'aH+5 = Ki (107)
in their standard states, the result is perhaps somewhat sur-
prising. The difficulty lies in the fact that variable standard If the values of the specific rate obtained by this procedure
states are being chosen, particularly with reference to the hydro- were utilized to derive AH1, AS1 and AFI, in the usual manner,
gen ion, for this is usually taken as the concentration, or activity, the results would be found to be independent of the pH of the
in the reacting system. The specific reaction rate of any process medium, apart from extraneous effects due to the variation of
is only a constant, at definite temperature and pressure, provided ionic strength or dielectric constant.
that the rate equation includes the activities of all substances
which take part in the equilibrium between initial and activated INFLUENCE OF SUBsT1TUENTs oN REACTICN VELCCITY“
states. These statements may be illustrated by reference to the Effect on Activation Energy.—It is well known that in many
studies of the deactivation of pepsin; from experiments made in simple reactions with organic compounds, e.g., hydrolysis,
media of constant pH, it was found that the reaction rate is alcoholysis, esterification, bromination, etc., the introduction
proportional to the pepsin concentration and inversely pro- of substituents into the molecule of reactant produces definite
portional to the fifth power of the hydrogen-ion concentration." changes in reaction velocity which can frequently be correlated
*The correctness of these theoretical considerations is independent of with the electronic properties of the substituent group. The
possible-uncertainties in the particular experimental results quoted. changes in the specific rate are sometimes accompanied by
°" J. Steinhardt, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab, Math.-fys. Medd., 14 changes in the energy of activation, and if the substituent is
[11] (1937); Nature, 138, 74 (1936); see also V. K. La Mer, Science, 86,
68 C. N. Hinshelwood, K. J. Laidler and E. W. Timm, J. Chem. Soc.,
614 (1937).
848 (1938).
near the point of reaction in the molecule there are often varia-
tions in the frequency factor. In several instances a parallelism YZ, and between XY and Z, and the increased strength of the
has been observed between the changes in the two quantities” X—-Y bond, which is a consequence of the decreased repulsion
which, in a sense, is similar to the connection between heat and between X and Y, will all tend to lower the activation energy.
entropy of activation noted in other cases?“ It is possible, Any increase in the latter is thus due to the predominating effect
however, that the changes in bond strength resulting from the of the attraction of the reactant X for YZ, and the 1lI:1[;0I‘i13»I1';ll(ie
introduction of various substituents affect the energy of activa- of this factor is shown by the experimental proof t a in 6
tion; there will, at the same time, be small changes in the majority of reactions studied the influence of a substituent on
vibrational frequencies which affect the partition functions in the energy of activation is in the direction to be expected from
the absolute-reaction-rate equation. its effect on the attraction of the reagent to the seat of the reac-
Apart from the influence of substituents on the frequency tion (see also page 459). The formation of quaternary %I}Il1IIl0I1ll.;IoI1
factor, their effect on activation energies is more clearly under- salts provides an example of this type of behavior. e resu S
stood, and the problem has been approached from several angles. in Table LIII are for the activation energies of the reac ions
It was seen in Chap. III that the activation energy for a reaction between triethylaminc or pyridine, representing the reactant X,
of the type and methyl, ethyl or isopropyl iodide, representing YZ, in
benzene solution; thus,
X -|- YZ —-> X-----Y------Z —> XY + Z
_ _ + -
depends on four factors: (1) the strength of the bond between R3]_\I -|- -‘I-£'—-is-—> R3N'R' + I.

Y and Z ; (2) the repulsion between X and YZ; (3) the repulsion The figures show a pronounced rise in the activation energy asdtllle
between XY and Z and (4) the strength of the bond between number of methyl groups substituted in the iodide is increase .
X and Y. Suppose that by introducing a substituent into the
molecule YZ the repulsion between X and YZ is decreased and TABLE LIII.—ACTivATioN ENERGIES FOR THE FoRMATioN or QUATERNARY
the attraction between Y and Z is increased; this may be imag- AMMONIUM SALTs

ined as happening if X is a negative ion, or the negative portion Amine , Eexp.; kca'1'
of a dipolar molecule, and the substituent has the effect of
increasing the positive charge on Y and the negative charge Triethylamine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Methyl
on Z, thus: ‘ Ethyl
I Isopropyl
+5 -6 -5 +6 'd' e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Methyl
X“ + Y—Z -—> X—Y + Z-. Pym m Ethyl ,
As a result of this substitution the four factors that determine Isopropyl F-4!-‘P-‘P-‘P-‘ wwefirs O OGOHP-*1
the energy of activation will be altered; the increase in the
strength of the Y—Z bond will tend to increase the energy of The observed results are attributed to the positive inductive,
activation,* whereas the decreased repulsion between X and i.e., electron-repelling, effect of the methyl groups, S0 that
as the alkyl radical becomes more complex the charge on the
°° R. A. Fairclough and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 538, 1573 (1937);
E. W. Timm and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 862 (1938).
. jcarbon atom which attracts the approaching base 1S made more
7° See Evans and Polanyi, Ref. 11; Bell, Ref. 11; I. M. Barclay and J. A. negative, i.e., less positive. In accordance with the. discussion
V. Butler, Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 1445 (1938). above, this change should be accompanied by an 1I101'6fl$e Of
* For this particular reaction, in which Z comes off as an ion, it is the activation energy.
ionic character, or ionizability. of the Y—Z bond, rather than its strength,
which is important. =1 C. A. Winkler and C. N. Hinshelwood, J. flhm. Soc., 1147 (1935)
K. J. Laidler and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 858 (1938).

__._i ?-Z-_M_i._M _- _.i



Influence of Repulsion.—In passing from the weak base Alkaline
pyridine to the stronger base triethylaminc, the attraction for O
the same alkyl iodide increases and the activation energy is seen II -0H‘
to be decreased. The influence on the activation energy of the R C OR'~ -
strength of the base, ‘which is related to the negative charge on
the mtrogen atom, is brought out clearly by the results in OH" H—OH
Table LIV for the reaction between methyl iodide and a series of
substituted dimethylanilines in nitrobenzene solution. The
order ‘of the substituents gives that of increasing negative
R—C-—— P? --> R—~ R’OH
inductive effects and consequently of gradual weakening of the OH m—O+ o-—o=o5+
base, accompanied by a decreasing negative charge on the nitro- Acid *
gen and hence a diminished attraction for the alkyl iodide." O
ll —H+
Substituent E,,,,_, kcal, H—OH H"'
P-OCH: 11.7 The effect of a substituent in the acidic, i.e., R, group of the
P-CH: 12.3 ~ ester on the activation energy is in the same direction in each
(H) 12.3
P-Br 13.7 case,“ showing that the charge on the carbonyl carbon atom
p-Cl 13.9 operates in the same way in both types of hydrolysis. In
alkaline hydrolysis the charged ion attacks this carbon atom,
The change in repulsion between X and YZ, due to alteration where the effect is less. In acid hydrolysis, however, it is the
of the attraction between Y and Z brought about by a sub- uncharged water molecule that attacks the carbonyl carbon
stituent in YZ, is apparently important in certain catalyzed atom, and the proton attaches itself to the oxygen atom of the
prototropic changes. For example, the activation energies OR’ group. The repulsion terms are undoubtedly different
in the prototropic changes of substituted acetophenones in the two cases; the activation energies are thus found to differ—-
2: by about 5 to 7 kcal.—in spite of the fact that the same bonds
*1 CH3'fi'C6H4X H----"CH2'C'C6H4X CH2:C-C6H4X are formed in each case. Bearing in mind that the attraction
"* H
0 + H+ 9»---H _°H+ + tn and repulsion due to an ion will be considerably greater than
that of a water molecule, it is possible to construct the following
yary in the direction determined by the attraction of the catalyz- table showing the change in activation energy to be expected
ing proton, although this is the direction of increasing strength of when a group with a negative inductive effect, e.g., NO2, is
attachment of the mobile hydrogen atom.“ Benzene substitution introduced into the radical R of the ester.
generally follows the same rule, for the ease with which the _ —n-

hydrogen atom goes off appears to be of little importance. A Approach of Alkaline Acid
similar situation exists in the hydrolysis of esters, although the
mechanism is here more complicated. The alkaline and acid ‘-1 1 <1>(2)
OH" to C (of CO group).
H20 to O (of OR group).
Marked decrease . . . . . . . .
Increase . .. .. ...
hydrolysis may be represented as follows: (3) H+ to O (of OR group). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Increase
(4) H20 to C (of CO group). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decrease
'” Laidler, ibid., 1786 (1938); cf. D. P. Evans, H. B. Watson and
L. Williams, ibid., 1345 (1939).
*'°*'_—“ --._-—M ‘—‘i———:—
'3 D. P. Evans, V. G. Morgan and H. B. Watson, ibid., 1167 (1935). '“ C. K. Ingold and W. S. Nathan, ibid., 222 (1936); E. W. Timm and
l C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 862 (1938).


On balance, the effect of the substituent would be expected character of the Y--Z bond, rather than its strength, that is
to be greater in alkaline than in acid hydrolysis. This is in the determining factor. In cases of this kind the influence of
agreement with the fact that the influence of substituents is substituents on the reaction velocity will depend on their effect
known to be very much more marked in alkaline hydrolysis. on the strength or ionizability of the Y--Z bond; as seen on
In acid hydrolysis the effect of (4) would probably outweigh page 448, the introduction of groups that strengthen this bond,
that of (3) when a substituent is introduced into the R group, or decrease its ionic character, increases the activation energy,
and so a small decrease in the activation energy is to be antici- and therefore in these circumstances the influence of substitu-
pated if the substituent is one with a negative inductive effect. ents will be in the opposite direction to that observed when the
Influence of Bond Strength or Ionic Character.——When the repulsion between X and YZ is the dominant factor. The
attraction between X and Y is relatively small, i.e., when the existence of this effect may be seen by comparing the results in
repulsion is large, the energy of activation will no longer be Table LV for the alcoholysis of acyl chlorides with those for the
determined primarily by the repulsion energy between X and alcoholysis of the corresponding triarylmethyl chlorides, both in
YZ; the strength, or ionizability, of the Y—Z bond will now methyl alcohol solution."
play an important part. This point may be illustrated by the
data in Table LIII; it has been seen that as the attraction TABLE LV.——AcTivATioN ENERGIES or ALCOHOLYTIC REACTioNs
between the nitrogen of an amine and the carbon atom of an alkyl
Acyl chloride E,,,_, kcal. Triarylmethyl chloride E.,,,,_, kcal.
group is diminished, by the introduction of methyl groups into
the latter, the activation energy increases. It will be observed, p-No,-C.H.-Co-Ci 11.10 (p-N02-C6Hs)aC'Cl 16 . 71
further, that when the halide is isopropyl iodide and the attrac- ,,_(;1.(;,H,.(;Q.Q1 13.35 (p-Cl-C6H5)aC-Cl 1 13.43
tion is small, the activation energy is almost the same for reaction (;,H,.C0.(;1 14.40 <C.H.).C-Ci 13 .42
with either pyridine or triethylaminc. Although there is a
difference of 4.6 kcal. for the interaction of methyl iodide with (C6H1=.)2C-Cl 12.45
these two bases in benzene solution, this is reduced to less than
1.0 kcal. for the isopropyl iodide. Similar results have been In the alcoholysis of the acyl chloride the introduction of a
obtained in nitrobenzene solution where the difference in activa- negative, i.e., electron-attracting, group diminishes the repulsion
tion energies for isopropyl iodide and the same two bases is of the hydroxyl group of the approaching alcohol molecule, while
about 0.7 kcal. causing the chlorine to ionize less readily; the fact that the energy
In general terms, it can be seen that, if the repulsion between is lowered shows that the change in the repulsive energy is the
X and YZ is relatively large, it may require less energy to extend more important. In the other reactions, however, the effect of
the YZ bond than to force X right up to Y. The two possible substituents is in the opposite direction, the energy of activation
activated complexes may be represented as decreasing as the ionic character of the C—Cl bond isincreased.
The difference in behavior in the two cases lies, apparently, in
X----Y----Z the larger positive charge carried by the carbonyl carbon atom
for the first case, when X is forced up to Y, and than by the carbon atom of the triphenylmethyl chloride, because
of the attachment of the former to an oxygen atom. The attrac-
<{_i _. -M_ _1--i. _—.|-?_. ‘___M-, . x-------Y-------z tion for the approaching group is large in the former case and
for the.second, when the bond YZ is extended; the potential I i\ small in the latter. In accordance with the arguments already
energy of the latter configuration is smaller than that of the developed, therefore, the change in repulsive energy will deter-
former. For the reactions under consideration the atom or “ G. E. K. Branch and A. C. Nixon, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 58, 2499 (1936);
radical Z comes off as an ion; therefore, it is probably the ionic A C. Nixon and G. E. K. Branch, ibid., 58, 492 (1936).
mine the energy of activation in the reaction with the acyl the nature of the change in the ionic character of the C—Cl
chloride but the alteration of the strength or, more correctly, the bond should determine the direction of the change in activation
ionizability of the C——-Cl bond will be the determining factor energy. Increasing the number of methyl groups, i.e., increas-
in the triphenylmethyl chloride reactions. ing the positive inductive effect, in the R radical will increase
The interaction between alkyl halides and hydroxyl or alkoxyl the ionizability of the C-—-Cl bond and so should diminish
ions provides an interesting illustration of what is probably an the activation energy for the reaction of the halide with water.
intermediate type of behavior, for the effects of repulsion and This is in agreement with experiment, for isopropyl and tert-butyl
bond strength appear to cancel each other. In the reaction halides are much more readily hydrolyzed by water than are
R-C1 + oi-i- _> 12.011 + Ci—, the corresponding methyl or ethyl halides." The results
recorded in Table LV which showed that the reaction between
for example, the change of R from methyl through ethyl to triarylmethyl chloride, i.e., a substituted alkyl chloride, and
isopropyl should increase the activation energy if repulsion has alcohol, i.e., a substituted water, is governed by the bond
the dominating influence (cf. page 449); but if the ionic character strength, are consequently in harmony with these conclusions.
of the C—Cl bond were the determining factor, the change in The point of view considered here is essentially similar to that
activation energy should be in the opposite direction. It will adopted by E. D. Hughes and C. K. Ingold" for the discussion of
be seen from Table LVI that for a number of reactions of this reactions of the type
type the energy of activation is almost the same for the three
halides.” X+YZ=XY+Z,

TABLE LVI.—ACTivAT1oN ENERCiEs OF ALKYL HALIBE REAcTioNs where X is a nucleophilic reagent.* It is suggested that two
mechanisms are possible; the first, designated by SN2, is bimolecu-
. R = Methyl, Ethyl, Isopropyl, lar and takes place thus,
Reaction kcal. kcal. kcal.
X + YZ _> X------Y----Z -> XY + z,
R-Cl—|-OH" 23.00 23.00
R-B1'+OH_ 21.00 21.70 whereas the second SN1 is unimolecular, the slow stage being
R-I + C6H5'O" 22.12 22.00 22.10 ionization of YZ by the breaking of the Y—Z bond, thus.
R-I + C6H5'CH2'O_ 20. 57 21 . 80 21.41
YZ —> Y+ + Z‘,
If the reactant were a water molecule instead of a negative followed by the rapid reaction
ion, the repulsion eflect should be larger, since the latter exerts X -|- Y"' —-> X——-Y4‘. _
a'greater attraction on the carbon atom of the alkyl halide
Intermediate cases have been observed and instances have been
than does the neutral water molecule. If the two factors under
found in which the change from the SN2 to the SN1 type occurs
consideration, viz., repulsion between the reactants and the
as the number of substituent alkyl groups is increased, e.g.,
ionizability of the C-—Cl bond, balance almost exactly in the
in the hydrolysis of alkyl halides. It is evident that the two
reaction with hydroxyl ions, then in reactions of the type
schemes of Hughes and Ingold are analogous to the two types
R-Cl + H2O = R-OH + HCl of cases considered above; in the SN2 type of reaction the repul-
I‘ Grant and Hinshelwood, Ref. 49; Hughes, Ingold and Shapiro, Ref. 55; '” Cf. E. D. Hughes, ibid., 255 (1935).
K. A. Cooper and E. D. Hughes, J. Chem. Soc., 1138 (1937); see also D. "8 E. D. Hughes and C. K. Ingold, ibid., 244 (1935) ; see also E. D. Hughes:
Segaller, ibid., 103, 1421 (1913); 105, 106 (1914) ; P. C. Haywood, ibid., Trans. Faraday Soc., 34, 185 (1938). _
121, 1904 (1922). * A nucleophilic reagent is one that transfers to or shares electrons with a
foreign nucleus; bases and reducing agents are nucleophilic in character


sion energy is the important factor, whereas in the SN1 type
distance between this carbon atom and the point of operation
it is the ionizability of the Y-Z bond that determines the
of the dipole of the substituent and 0 is the angle between the
activation energy. The arguments for one point of view may,
line joining these two points and the direction of the dipole,
therefore, be used equally for the other.
then the electrical potential, which is a measure of the work
Activation Energy and Dipole Moment.—In reactions such
done in bringing a unit charge from infinity up to the carbon
that the energy of activation is affected directly by the electron-
atom, is defined by
attracting or -repelling influence of substituent groups, it is
to be expected that there should be some connection between up = g cos 0. (109)
the activation energy and the dipole moment, or other electrical
property, of the substituent. Such a relationship has been If the electrostatic potentials obtained in this way are plotted
proposed by W. A. Waters" and by H. B. Watson and his against the activation energies for the alkaline hydrolysis of
collaborators“ in the form of the equation substituted benzoic esters, the benzoylation of substituted
amines and the formation of quaternary ammonium salts, the
E = E0 -' C01 + bu”), (108) results fall almost exactly on a straight line. The slope of this
where E0 is the activation energy for a given reaction with the line for the first reaction is almost identical with the magnitude
unsubstituted molecule and E is that for the substituted mole- of the charge carried by a mole of hydroxyl ions, and hence
cule; [L is the dipole moment of the substituent group, and b and it is concluded that the change in the energy of activation is
c are constants. This expression has been found to hold reason- almost entirely accounted for by the work done in bringing up
ably well for m-substituents in the acid-catalyzed prototropic the hydroxyl ion against the field produced at the point of
change of acetophenone, in the alkaline hydrolysis of benzoic reaction by the dipole of the substituent group. In a number
esters and in the benzoylation of aromatic amines. In some of instances, e.g., the hydrogen-ion catalyzed esterification of
cases, where measurements have been made at one temperature substituted benzoic acids, the hydrolysis of substituted benzyl
only, a similar correlation has been found between log Ic and ii; halides and the reaction of the latter with potassium iodide, a
if the frequency factor is the same for a given series of reactions, similar connection exists between the potential and the logarithm
this is equivalent to a relationship between the activation energy of the specific reaction rate. If the frequency factor is approxi-
and the dipole moment of the substituent.“ mately the same for all the reactions in any one series, as is
It has been pointed out that, since the dipole moment is a probable, this means that the linear relationship between 11/ and
vector quantity, it cannot be altogether satisfactory to connect E is also applicable in these cases.
the activation energy with the actual moment without taking In some reactions the behavior of 0- and p-compounds is
into account the direction in which the latter operates. The exceptional; this may be attributed in the latter instance to
I proposal has been made” to consider, instead of ;i, the electro- the time-variable electromeric effect which does not reveal
static potential produced by the substituent group at the carbon itself in the dipole moment, for it exists only in the activated
atom to which the reacting center is attached. If r is the complex. Another disturbing factor is that the mesomeric
-.~-_ ___

7° W. A. Waters, Phil. Mag., 8, 436 (1938). '

efl’ect, which should be included in the measured dipole moment,
8° W. S. Nathan and H. B. Watson, J. Chem. Soc., 893 (1933) ; J. F. J. is frequently changed by the presence of other groups in the
Dippy and H. B. Watson, Chem. and Ind., 54, 735 (1935); J. Chem. Soc., benzene nucleus.“ The abnormality of 0-compounds has been
436 (1936). much discussed, but the situation is still by no means clear.“
*1 D. P. Evans, V. G. Morgan and H. B. Watson, ibid., 1174 (1936);
E. G. Williams and C. N. Hinshelwood, ibid., 1079 (1934); see also Nathan *3 G. M. Bennett and S. Glasstone, Proc. Roy. Soc., 145, A, 71 (1934).
and Watson, Ref. 80. 8‘ For reviews, see H. B. Watson, “Modern Theories of Organic Chemis-
82 H. O. Jenkins, J. Chem. Soc., 640, 1137, 1780 (1939). try,” p. 205, Oxford University Press, 1937; Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc., 35,
~— _1:—-
243 (1938).
Rates of Ortho-, Meta-, and Para-substitution.85—-It is gener-
ally agreed that the operation of the positive inductive and reaction, then the electrostatic interaction is equal to e,,e,,/rD,
resonance (electromeric) effects of a substituent in a benzene where e,, is the charge on the carbon atom, r is the distance of
ring makes the electron density on the 0- and p-carbon atoms separation of the charges and D is the dielectric constant of the
greater than on the in-atom; the result is that electrophilic medium between them. If AFi is the free energy of activation
reagents VV1ll.i'1(.311d to react in the 0- and p-positions, rather than of the process in the absence of any electrostatic effects, then
in the m-position. By making a number of simple postulates, it is reasonable to suppose that as a consequence of the attraction
it has been foundpossible to calculate the distribution of charges, between the charges e,, and e, the free energy of activation will
and hence the dipole moment, in the molecule from the ratio be reduced* to AF1 -|- e,,e,,/rD, where r and D now refer to the
of the amounts of 0-, m- and p-products obtained in nitration. activated state. There is much evidence for the view that the
Further, in the reverse calculation the relative amounts of 0-, effective agent in nitration reactions is the ion NO33 and hence
m- and p-nitro compounds have been derived from the dipole the charge en of the reagent may be taken as equal to the unit
moments. The assumptions, which appear reasonable, are: electronic charge 4.8 >< 10-1° e.s.u. Since in the activated state
the NO‘; ion must approach very closely to the carbon atom
X (1) The inductive effect of the
(-6e,-— gar) at which reaction occurs, the value of r will not be very different
substituent X causes equal charges
from the normal C—NO2 distance; the latter is 1.46 A., but r
3 er to be induced on the six carbon
(“'2"’r+‘i) atoms of the benzene ring. (2) will be taken as 1.6 A., for in an activated complex there is
generally an extension of about 10 per cent over the equilibrium
The total induced charge 6e; is
(8; + 8r) (gi -Q-er) interatomic distances. Finally, it is necessary to consider the
balanced by an equivalent charge
magnitude of the dielectric constant of the medium between
—6e.- on the substituent X. (3)
the charges; it is evident that, in view of the very close approach
The resonance efl’ect produces a
fe,) fe,) charge e, on each of the two 0- of the charges in the activated state, this cannot be related in
any way to the dielectric constant of the solvent. This antic-
and the one p-carbon atom, but
(ei.,_er, nothing in the m-position. (4) ipation is supported by the fact that the ratios of the amounts
bras, 110,_Di,,t,;bu»,i0,, of The total resonance charge of 3e,
1 I i‘

of 0-, m- and p-forms produced in nitration are generally inde-

c arges in _ benzene derivative. is ba,1an¢ed by _ 36’ on the Sub_ pendent of the nature of the solvent used.“ Since there is no
(R1. and Eyring.) tit t X -2-d _ 3 actual matter between the charges of the reagent and of the
. _ _ s uen group an 1,-e, on the
carbon atom to which it is attached. The charge distribution carbon atom acting as reaction center when the activated state
will thus be represented by Fig. 110; since e.- may be identified is formed, it is reasonable that D may be taken as unity.
with em, the charge in the m-position, it follows that According to the theory of absolute reaction rates, the trans-
mission coefficient being omitted, the specific rate is given by
6° = er = em + er,
where e,,, = e.-, and 1,, = 5:: 6-<4r*+¢.e-/21>)/hr; (113)
61 = em — %(ep — e..), (111)
e, = -66,, —— %(e,, - em), (112) but in order to make use of this relationship it is necessary to
where e,, and e1 are the charges on the substituent X and on the know something of AF1, the free energy of activation in the
carbon atom to which it is attached, respectively. absence of electrostatic effects. If the assumption is made
When an electrophilic reagent, with an effective charge e,,, * This is a reduction, in spite of the positive sign, because en is a positive
approaches any carbon atom Y which is acting as a center of and e, a negative quantity in this example.
85 T. Ri and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 433 (1940). 3° Cf. M. L. Bird and C. K. Ingold, J. Chem. Soc., 918 (1938); G. A.
Benford and C. K. Ingold, ibid., 929 (1938). '


that for the nitration, or other substitution reaction of benzene
the charge e,, represents the difference between the charge on and
the carbon atom in the presence and absence of the group X
% = 6:5,, 35 = e_°P°"/’D"T. (119b)
so that e,, is zero for benzene itself, it follows that 7 H H

It is seen, therefore, that from the proportions, viz., mo, :0... and
kT __ 1
'°H = 776 “F”"'. (114) xv, of 0- , m- and p-compounds formed in the nitration of CGH5-X
and the ratio of the amounts, i.e., ax/an, obtained in the com-
Where kn is the specific rate of the nitration at any given carbon petitive nitration of C,H5-X and
atom for benzene itself. Combination of Eqs. (113) and (114) benzene, it should be possible to (ex) X
gives the ratio of relative specific rates for any carbon atom as calculate ea, em and ep. From these I
k the values of 65 and e,, the individual '3‘
76:: = e—e,,e»/rDkT.
charges due to induction and reso- (8,)
nance, can be estimated by means of
Since the molemlle C5H5'X under consideration has two 0-
tWo rn- and one p-positions, whereas benzene has six identical
- . J Eqs. (110), (111) and (112), and hence (,0) £4)
positions, it follows that the ratios of the actual velocities (v) the complete charge distribution in ..
under similar conditions of 0-, m- and p-substitution as (mm- the CGH5-X molecule may be deter-
pared with benzene, are given by ’ mined (cf. Fig. 110). -
The accuracy of the distribution (em) (_) l<~:~rJ¢-3:-I
vs 1 k, of charges derived in this manner em '
may be tested by calculating the
v...___k.,,_ _, ,_ dipole moment of the molecule (ep)
Fm 1u__Ca,cu1ation of
Q" 7,;-%@'°"”"‘T. (1165) C,H5'X. If r,, 1S the distance from dipole moment of benzene
1;, _
‘TI-I __ __ .
E: = %. e
_ 6p8n/rDkT. X ‘to the adjacent carbon atom and M°g2‘;§:g_)dis'
Obi-09:-1 rb 1S the distance from the latter to
The ratio vs/vn gives the relative amounts of nitration in the any point, chosen for convenience as O, the center of the ring
“P03115101! Of C6H5'X and of benzene in a competitive reaction. (Fig. 111), then it follows that the dipole moment is given by
Suppose ax and an represent the total amounts, i.e., o, m and p
[J = e,(r, + rb) + em, + 2e,,(1j-rb) —2e,,,(1},r1,) —- eprb, (120)
0_f C6H5'X and of benzene, respectively, nitrated in a giveii
tlIIl6,.3.I'lCI xo is the fraction of the former which is in the 0-form; where the first and second terms give the contributions of the
then it follows that group X and the carbon atom to which it is attached andthe others
Z2 _ “X represent the moments along the X——C,H5 axis due to the charges
UH _ xo Er? on the two 0- , two m- and one p-carbon atoms, respectively.
and hence, by (116a) and (117), Cancellation of terms in Eq. (120) gives

kc a [L = e,,(r;, + r,,) + (e1 — e,,,)r;,, (121)

E = 33;, i = 6-2.2../rmT_ (118)
and so [1 can be readily calculated from e,, e1 and em and the
Similarly, for the m- and p-reactions, known interatomic distances.
There appear to be two substances only, viz., toluene and
km Cl
E = 3$mi = e“’"'°"/'D"T, (l19al ethyl benzoate, for which competitive nitrations have been
performed in the presence of benzene and for which the amounts
of m-compound obtained on nitration were sufficient to be
-._ _j_. ,_
determined with any degree of accuracy. There are many would differ from those in Table LVII by no more than 5 per
instances, however, where such small quantities of the m-sub- cent.
stituent were isolated that the extent of substitution in this For those substances for which competitive nitration in the
position has been taken as zero; this is not strictly true, however, presence of benzene has not been carried out, an alternative
and there is evidence that in some instances 0.3 per cent of procedure may be adopted to determine the charge distribution.
m-product is obtained." For the purpose of the calculations, If (119bl is divided by (119a), it follows that
the results of which are given below, a proportion of 0.2 per cent
has been assumed throughout.* The charge distribution in a 2 :_p = e—(ep—em)e»/1-DkT, (122)
number of compounds, obtained by means of Eqs. (118), (119a)
and (1191)), and the corresponding dipole moments, derived from
(121), are given in Table LVII; they were obtained, as explained kTlnxm”
227 pg
~ (6PTD
, (3)
above, from measurements on the rates of nitration and the
amounts of nitro compounds in competitive nitration with hence, if em can be obtained from other considerations, e,, could
benzene. be calculated from a knowledge of the ratio of p- and m-com-
pounds produced in nitration. The assumption is made,
therefore, that the inductive contribution to the dipole moment
IN 10‘1° E.S.U.
of a monosubstituted benzene is equal to the moment 11,1-L88 of
X = CH9 CO-OC2H§ F Cl Br I the corresponding tertiary aliphatic compound, so that _
I-lali. = -66,-(T1, + T3) = """6em(rb + T27);
8. (-0.0491) (0.0770) (0.0303) (0.0473) (0.0440) (0.0194)
e,,. -0.0128 0.0049 0.0933 0.115 0.110 0.0909 and hence em may be readily calculated. The charge distribu-
8, -0.0582 0.0950 0.0035 0.0271 0.0805 0.0005
61 0.0478 0.0198 0.181 0.247 A 0.244 , 0.218 tions and dipole moments obtained in this manner are recorded
8.. 0.137 -0.430 -0.473 -0.558 -0.508 -0.419 in Table LVIII.
,.(5.1i5.) 0.48 -1.31* -1.20 -1.54 -1.08 ‘ -1.27 D.
;1(obs.) 0.44 -1.91 -1.45 -1.55 -1.53 -1.301). TABLE LVIII.—CHARoE DISTRIBUTION IN BENZENE DERIVATIVES
IN 10'" E.S.U.
* The discrepancy between the calculated and observed results arises hereJ because the 1 Y ‘ 3

method employed gives

' '
essentially '
the dipole moment of the bond adjacent to the benzene
ring. When allowance is made for the whole ester group. as in Table LVIII, the agree- X=N02 COOH CO'OCHa CO-OC2H1 CH2Cl CHCI: CCla*
ment is much better.

It will be noted that diflerent values are recorded for ea and 8., 1 (0.203) (0.0594) (0.1002) (0.1125) (0.088) (0.122) (0.118)
8... (0.191) 0.0411 0.0929 0.101 0.114 0.117 0.0870
ep, whereas the simple theory requires them to be the same; 4, 0.248 0.0871 0.123 0.131 0.070 0.-104 1 0.0892
the latter neglects, however, the effect on the 0-position of the 41 0.105 -0.0342 0.0473 0.0502 0.180 0.130 0.0900
8, -1.23 -0.810 -0.003 -0.053 -0.017 -0.083 -0.524
proximity of the carbon atom to which the substituent X is ,.(0a1<=.) —3.03 -1.02 -1.83 -1.98 -1.69 -1-95 ,—1-41D-
attached. For the purpose of calculating the dipole moment, ep }|.(ObS.) -3.81 -1.00 -1.80 -1.91 4 -1.82 -2.04 -2.111).
w as emp l oye d to give
' e.- + e,-,' but if
' ea had been used, the results _ 7- — rvl i

* These results are based on p.,|i_ for methyl chloroform. which may a°°°1"1t f°1' the
87 A. F. Hollemann “Die direkte Einffihrung von Substituenten in den unsatisfactory value of [.|.(C8.lC.).

Benzollcern,” Leipzig, 1910.

Calculation of Relative Amounts of Substituents.—Since dipole
* In the majority of cases, it is reported that within an experimental error
of 0.2 per cent no m-product is obtained; the proportion of 0.2 per cent has moments of monosubstituted benzenes can be calculated with
been assumed here arbitrarily because it leads to satisfactory results. fair accuracy from a knowledge of the moments of the correspond-
38 Cf. L. E. Sutton, Proc. Roy. Soc., 133, A, 668 (1931).


ing an;
m_ te t-b 1;(ym
t 1 compiounds, z.e.,
' 11.11.,_ ‘and. the. pI‘0p0I‘1310l1S.
. of 0-,
P" poun s produced in nitration it should d t1 and so, at constant temperature, it is possible to write
be possible to reverse the procedure. If the values of Zlaiild ey
glven by Eqa (111) and 112 t' ~ - ln k = const. — $1-5%, (128)
(121), it follows that ( )' respec Wely’ are Inserted m
the transmission coeflicient x also being regarded as remaining
"W = "6@m("b + re) - %(ep —- em)(r. + 271.); (125) constant. This equation may be written in the form
and 6 ifb 12,14 and /14f.
,0 are 1; nown, it' 1S
' possible
- to calculate ep
1 6 AF1
m y means o Eqs. (124 d 125_ ln k = const. RT I: (ax )]Tdx, (129)
these quantities leads directly loalan ievaliiatifin kcllfozliige bof
f . _ .
means 0 (122) An analogous equation, in which ea replaces . P "1 Y where X is some continuous parameter representing an intensity
@111» gives 160/Iv». and so the ratio of 0- - d _ factor such as pressure or electric field strength, the assumption
derived. It is,evident that if the S4i11:nV:'f1,eSp,,€::ni,S(;a;,nfbe being made that 8(AF1)/6x remains constant over a range of
e,, and e, as the simple theory requires, the amounts of 0- 51?; this parameter. Writing gt as an abbreviation for the quantity
p-compounds would be the same; this is known to be inc t 6(AF1)/6x, which gives the effect of X on the free energy of
and the reason, as indicated
' ' - the interaction
above, 1S - - orrec ’
between activation, (129) becomes
th - b
Xisoafiigcfisdatoiéihand -
the adjacent . the substituent
one to which .
tion _ bt _ .d e correctvalue of e, to be used in the calcula- ln k = const. — %dx. (130)
is o aine by the empirical relationship
Influence of Substituents.—Imagine a series of reactions,
_ e —e
69 - 6» + -17”; (120) designated by the superscript A, in which the various processes
are fundamentally the same except that there is a change in the
this gives values for e, very close to those in Tables LVII d
group substituted in one of the reactions; the parameter X
.§i*:..*;;°*;rr 0‘ 2;; *"" aid
niro- c oro- rom- d ‘d- 0 be
have been calculated in this manner‘ the) rgsriiltsloail b1:lnze(§:)e§
an which may represent the electrostatic field at the reaction center,
will have a series of special values )5}, X2, X‘; . . . xi‘, etc. It
_ 7 follows, therefore, that for the reaction of type A, Eq. (130)
agreement with those observed, as is to be expected in viefiv of
can be written in the form
the satisfactory values for the dipole moments obtained in 1;},
reverse calculation. e I
ln 10$ = const. - 1?,-"T-dxg. (131)
Consider another group of reactions, indicated by B, and suppose
General Treatment.89—The general case of the eflect of
the same changes are made as in the previous case by introducing
external parameters, of which the change of a substituent
substituents; the appropriate form of (130) is then
is a special instance, may be considered from another aspect
According to the theory of absolute reaction rates
ln 1? = const. - -%,i;dx?. (132)
I Q lg = K kTT e—AFI/RT; (127)
If the two groups of reactions are not very difierent in type,
“ M. G . Evans and M. Polanyi,' Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 875 (1935); e.g., they may both depend on the approach of an ion or polar
32, 1383 (1930); M. G. Evans, ibid., 34, 49 (1988). part of a molecule of the same sign, then dxfi‘/dxfi’ is likely to
be the same for all the substituents; in many cases, it may, of


course, be equal to or very close to unity. Replacing this ratio ing the same assumptions as before, vz'z., that dx;4*/dx? is a
by a constant C, it follows from Eqs. (131) and (132) that 4 constant for any substituent 2', then Eqs. (131) and (135) give

ln kg‘ = C Z3; ln lo? + const.

(133) ln 105- = 0 5-Q10 K? + const. (130)

If, as has been supposed, the two reactions A and B are funda- Further, if gs/gift is a constant, i.e., if the change in the activa-
--51..-_.1-l=-;_._- .-_____
- _ ___
mentally similar, the influence of the parameter XA on the tion free energy in going from one substituent to another is a
activation free energy of reactions of the type A, i.e., gfi, will be definite fraction of the corresponding change in total free energy
related in a definite manner to the influence of XB on the free for an analogous equilibrium reaction, then, as before,
energy of activation of the B reactions; gB*/gfl may thus be
taken as constant, so that Eq. (133) becomes log kg‘ = :2: log K? + const. (137)

log kfi‘ = as log I0? + const., (134) It is possible, in an exactly analogous manner, to relate the
influence of a series of substituents on the equilibrium constants
where :2: -is a constant for the given two groups of reactions. of two groups of reactions; in this way, the equation
This equation should relate the influence of a series of substitu-
ents on the rate of a given reaction A to that of the same sub- log Kg‘ = x log K? + const. (138)
stituents on the rate of a related process B. is obtained.
Rate Constants and Equilibrium Constants.—Instead of com- Experimental confirmation of Eqs. (134), (137) and (138)
paring the influence of substituents on two reactions, their effect can be found in a variety of published data.“ The empirical
on one reaction may be compared with that on the equilibrium equations proposed by H. S. Taylor” and by J. N. Brgzinsted and
constant of a related process. As an illustration, the change K. J. Pedersen” to relate the specific rate constant k,- of a reaction
of the specific rate of the reaction” catalyzed by an acid, or base, to the dissociation constant K;
of the acid, or base, vz'z.,
R-CO-OCH3 + N(CH;».)9 —> R-CO-O“ + N(CH3)Tl',
lo; = GKfi, (139)
resulting from different substituents R, may be compared with
where G and as are constants for a series of acidic, or basic,
the influence of the same substituent on the equilibrium constant
catalysts for a given reaction, are clearly identical with (137).
of the system,
Entropy Relationship.—The question of the connection
R-CO-OH + H20 :11 R-CO-O‘ + H9O+, between specific reaction rate and equilibrium constant may be
considered from a somewhat different point of view which leads
i.e., on the dissociation constant of the acid R-CO-OH. The
to results of interest. It was shown in Chap. III that in a series
variation of the equilibrium constant K with the parameter X
of analogous reactions the change in activation energy, e.g., in
may be represented by an equation analogous to (132) ; thus,
passing from one substituent to another, may be a definite fraction
of the change in the heat of reaction. This was a consequence
ln K? = const. - -1% dxli’, (135) of the dissociation curve I in Fig. 46, (page 145) remaining the
Where gs is now equal to 6(AF,-) /6T for the given equilibrium, AF; 91 For reviews, see L. P. Hammett, Chem. Rev., 17, 125 (1935); Trans.
being ‘the standard free-energy change for the complete reaction Faraday Soc., 34, 156 (1938); “Physical Organic Chemistry,” McGraw-
concerned in the equilibrium, i.e., ionization of the acid. Mak- Hill Book Company, Inc., 1940.
92 H. S. Taylor, Z. Elektr0chem., 20, 201 (1914).
9" L. P. Hammett and H. L. Pfluger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55, 4079 (1933). 93 J. N. Bransted and K. J. Pedersen, Z. physik. Chem., 108, 185 (1924).

same, while the repulsion curve II moved vertically without If the change in substituent from 1 to 2 produces the same
change in the heat of reaction of the equilibrium process as
_—._ ?,=%_

change of shape. A similar

phenomenon occurs when sub- it does for the reaction whose rate is being measured, then
" stituents leave curve II un- AH1 -— AH2 may be regarded as equal to the change in the heat
changed but merely alter the of the latter reaction. As stated above, the change in the heat
._;v4E position of I, as shown in Fig. of activation, i.e., AH 11 -— AH2*, should be a definite fraction of
112; this condition would arise this quantity ;9‘* and if the fraction (x) is supposed to be the same as
I I when the substituted group as appears in Eqs. (139) and (143), i.e.,
11 affects the strength, or ionic
Potenerentiagl y 13-H11 — AHJ = :v(AH1 — AH2), (145)
ZIQ character, of the bond broken
' in the rate-determining step then Eq. (144) reduces to
of the reaction. It is readily
A181: — A/S21 = :v(AS1 — AS2). (146)
_ seen that here, also, the change
Bond distance
FIG. 112.—Potential-energy curves AE, In energy of actlvatlon The change in entropy of activation for a series of reactions
for reaction in whichasubstituent alters for 3, Series of analogous re- should thus be a definite fraction of the corresponding change
I but leaves H unchanged’ actions would be a definite in the standard entropy of a related equilibrium process. Equa-
fraction of the change AQ in the heat of reaction. tion (146) has been confirmed by the results recorded for the
Consider two reactions in the series, the rate constants being iodination of acetone in the presence of a number of acids as
kl and lea; then, by the theory of absolute reaction rates, catalyst. In Table LIX the suffix 1 refers in each case to the
hydrogen ion (HaO+) as catalyst, the acid given in the first
gl = e(AS1I—AS2t)/R e-(AH1t—AH2I)/RT. (140) column representing the other, designated by the suffix 2; the
AS values are the entropies of dissociation of the respective
_ In 1..
AS11 - ASJ~ AH11
- AH.¢ > (141) acids.”
ka R RT
it being assumed that the transmission coeflicient is the same in
both cases. For any related equilibrium process, the mass
action constants K1 and K2 are connected by an analogous Catalyst Asi AS AS11 - As; As, - As, ‘ ,,
K. Ha0"' 10.4 0
ln K2 -As, -R As. _ A AAH, RT
- AH2 , (142) CH9-COOH 24. 2 30.1 30.1 .46
C2Ht-COOH 26.7 30.9 30.9 ' ‘ .53
where AS and AH are now the standard free-energy and heat- CHaCl-COOH 21.2 25.1 1-1|-1)-1 25.1 ' .43
CHCI2-COOH A 16.9 (13.0) (13.0) (.50)
content changes, respectively, for a complete reaction. Accord- r' —' l

ing to Eq. (139), V " 1

The results are in agreement, at least approximately, with the

kl __ Q
ln E - :1: ln K2; (143) requirements of Eq. (146); the entropy of ionization of dich.lor-
acetic acid, given in parentheses, is estimated on the basis of an
and hence, from Eqs. (141) and (142), assumed mean value of :1: equal to 0.5.
As.1'- ASJ AH11 - AH; As. - As. _ ,6 AH. - AH2_ 94 See, however, R. P. Bell and E. C. Baughan, Proc. Roy. Soc., 158, A,
it R RTW “’ R 5 RT 464 (1937).
(144) ‘*5 Wynne-Jones and Eyring, Ref. 1.
It i I


Influence of Pressure on Reaction Velocity. 9“—An important
variable parameter, the influence of which on reaction rates ammonium salts or the esterification of ethyl alcohol by acetic
may be considered by the aid of a suitable form of Eq. (130), is anhydride, the effect of pressure is much more marked. When
pressure. The free energy of activation AFI may be written as the activated complex has a much lower entropy than the
equal to F1 — F.-, where these two quantities are the actual reactant, as is the case with slow reactions, the former will
free energies in activated and initial states, respectively. Sub- presumably have a much more rigid structure than would be
stitution for AF1 in Eq. (128) and differentiation with respect to the case in a normal reaction. It may be argued, therefore,
pressure then give that the quantity V. — V1 will be greater for a slow than for a
normal reaction, and so the increase in reaction rate with increas-
dlI1IC___i1 OF; (IF:
ing pressure should be greater in the former than in the latter
41>“ RT(@p 41»). (147) case.
at constant temperature. It is known from thermodynamics If these views concerning the relationship between entropy
=-:' r—:;-:=-—:-:1;
that 6F/6p is equal to the molar volume, so that Eq. (147) can of activation and the influence of pressure are extended to
, be written unimolecular reactions, it is apparent that, since the latter are


d ln la .- — 1 — I generally accompanied by an increase of entropy, increase of


.1. - V RTV 1?}? 949 pressure either should have little effect or might possibly decrease
the reaction rate. Observations on the decomposition of

For a bimolecular reaction the activated complex may be expected phenylbenzylmethy allyl ammonium chloride show that there
to have a smaller volume than the sum of the values for the is a 1.5-fold decrease in velocity when the pressure is increased to
. _

reacting molecules, since they 3,000 atm. It is of interest to note that the rate of the reverse
become associated to some ex- (bimolecular) process is accelerated 5 times by the same increase
il tent, 1I.e., Vi > V1, and so in- of pressure, while the factor calculated from the effect of pressure
-1 f
crease of pressure should on the direct (unimolecular) reaction and on the equilibrium
| 1
¢i>°° increase the reaction rate. constant is 6.5. .
"Q9 Measurements on a variety
1 .

I _k_£ ¢ “ 0
It has been seen (page 419) that there is reason for believing
, 1,, ~* ,, ,,e,ct\° ~ of bimolecular processes con- that in reactions of the Menschutkin type the activated complex
.~§1o‘f‘“’\ firm this view :97 if the re- resembles the quaternary ammonium salt. As an approximation,
i‘lkL-. I’ i ' ' "D ii
action is a “normal” one (cf. therefore, V1 for this type of reaction may be taken as being
Unimolecular reaction page 6), i.e., if it is one the same as that of the product, so that V; —- V1 is roughly equal
having a small positive value to the decrease in volume accompanying the formation of the
l of AS1, e.g., the reaction be- quaternary ammonium salt. For the reaction between pyridine,
| l FIG. 113.—Variation with pressure tween Sodium ethoxide and on the one hand, and ethyl and isopropyl iodide, on the other
l of the ratio of the specific reaction (kp) at ethyl i0dldB OI‘ the hydrolysis hand, the decrease in volume is 54.3 and 55.1 cc., respectively,
ll pressure p to that (ki) at 1 atm. pressure. of Sodium monochloracetate
(Perr1'n.) ,- per mole of product. If these figures are put equal to Vt -— VI,
5 by sodium hydroxide, then

then d ln It/dp is found to be 2.22 X 10-3 and 2.25 X 10‘3 per

the increase of velocity with increasing pressure is relatively atmosphere, respectively; the experimental values are 0.69 X 10'“
ll small (Fig. 113). For the so-called “slow reactions” having and 0.75 X 10'“.
large negative values of AS1, e.g., the formation of quaternary ;
Another approach to the problem of the influence of pressure
’° Evans and Polanyi, Ref. 89; Steam and Eyring, Ref. 1. on reaction rates is the following.” If the cross section of the

1:! "For summary, see M. W. Perrin, Trans. Faraday Soc.. 34, 144 (1938). Q
reactants may be regarded as remaining virtually constant on

E 9" A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, unpublished.

._. -1 -‘_ _
-- --


activation, the change in volume AV? is then essentially pro-
ll portional to the change in over-all length. Consider, for exam- In the case of unimolecular reactions the activated state may
ple, the bimolecular reaction between a tertiary amine R’R”R”~N be regarded as being formed when the bond which is broken in
and an alkyl iodide R-I; the relative positions of the molecules the reaction is extended by 10 per cent of its original length
1 -' at their closest approach, but before the activated complex is (cf. page 459), so that, by use of the assumption of constant cross
formed, may be represented as in Fig. 114. The dotted curves, section, it follows that

.-_w4:i|;.f14}-_. _4;—.-kin
indicating the minimum distance to which two nonbonded atoms
can approach, are supposed to be 0.5 in each case from the
Avr _ 0.101"
-27 V, (152)
outside of the atoms shown by the full circles. When the where bl is the length of the bond which is broken, V is the molar
= 2'! activated state is formed, the N atom and the R group come into volume of the reactant, and El is the effective length of the
1‘. contact, so that there is a decrease of 1 in the over-all length; molecule defined by

R’ “ El=Zb-I-r1+ra+1; (153)
F; Z b is the sum of the bond lengths in the chain containing the
WO. \ / \

I 6‘ \ // \
activated bond, r1 and r2 are the covalent radii of the two ter-
Q13} Y minal atoms, and 1 is added for the envelopes, each 0.5
Qyw , / \
in thickness, surrounding them.
The values of AVI calculated by means of Eqs. (151) and ( 152)
l “ \\\ R /\._-,Z 1
are recorded in Table LX; the corresponding figures for AVI

. A
4 Q R"
Fro. I14.——Closest approach of a tertiary amine R R R -N to an alkyl iodide
? R-I prior to the formation of the activated complex.
l 1
P . AVf, cc.
l= Reaction ressuze L-
l it follows, therefore, in view of the postulate concerning the
constancy of the cross section, that mnge’ a m Calc Obs

1 .
Z V Decomposition of phenylbenzylmethylallyl
AV* - — 37,) (149)
ammonium bromide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 3,000 -l- p

Pyridine and methyl iodide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 3,000 — —

where Z V is the sum of the molar volumes of the two reactants Pyridine and cetyl bromide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 1 ,000 —
and E l is defined by Acetic anhydride and ethyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 1,000 — 0 0 0 01 |—4P- 10-1 OCJ1OJ\-P'-
Zl=Zb+Z'r+2. (150) Ethoxyl ions and ethyl iodide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 3,000 —- I-Il—*l-l!-I —
Alkaline hydrolysis of chloracetate ions . . . . . . 1 to 3,000 — O01-¢nl\'JU1¢|O I — Oil-PI-i>t\DO'>CD
In this equation, Z b is the sum of the bond lengths, in angstrom Alkaline saponification of: _'
units, from the ends of the reacting molecules farthest from the Ethyl acetate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 to 500 -11 — 5.5
reacting group, or atom, to that group, or atom, and Z r is the Ethyl o-methyl cinnamate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 500 - 12.3 -13
Ethyl benzoate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 1 ,500 -10.7 -13.6
sum of the covalent, or ionic, radii of the end atoms and of
Ethyl 0-methoxybenzoate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 1 ,500 -13.7 -13
the reacting atoms, or ions (cf. Fig. 114); the additional 2 is I I 1 I is 1' 1 I " . i 1 ii

accounted for by the envelopes, each 0.5 distant from its * On the assumption that the N—Me bond is broken; for any other N—R bond the
value would have been 2.7 cc.
corresponding atom, as shown by the dotted curves. Com-
bination of Eqs. (149) and (150) gives observed were obtained by means of Eq. (148) from measure-
ments of the specific reaction rates at various pressures.”
AV‘ 1. +EZVr +2‘ (151) 9° Data from E. Cohen and H. F. G. Kaiser, Z. physik. Chem., 89, 338
(1914); A. L. T. Moesveld, ibid., 105, 455 (1923); A. L. T. Moesveld and

The agreement between observed and calculated values is where

satisfactory on the whole, and the rules given above may be
regarded as a first step in the direction of the calculation of the 7X.R (rC_€:_£(_:;YA)2
influence of pressure on reaction rates in solution.
is the electrostatic interaction of the charge 8 on the ion X“
CALcULATioN or AcTivATioN ENERciEs1°° and the dipole of the C—-Y bond whose moment is p.¢_Y; the
Halogen Exchange Reactions.-——If, as has been suggested, for term r¢_y is the distance between the central carbon atom and Y,
halogen exchange reactions of the general type and A is the distance between the carbon atom and the point of
operation of the dipole in the bond, which may be taken as equal
X“ + R-Y-—>R'X + Y"
to the radius of the carbon atom, vz'z., 0.77 The energy of
l occurring in solution there is little or no resonance energy in polarization of the carbon atom in the field of the ionic charge X-
the activated state, it should be possible to calculate the activa- is given by
tion energies by the method described on page 142. The energy 2
of the bond R-Y, which deter- 5,, . 3. (rx‘ic),, (150)
I mines the shape of the dissoci-
ation curve I in Fig. 115, is a being the polarizability of the carbon atom, i.e., 9.3 X 10-”,
obtained from the Morse curve and rx_¢ is the distance between the ion X“ and the central
for the C—Y bond;* similarly, carbon atom. Finally 1);; gives the nonelectrostatic repulsion
the displacement of the repul- which is taken to be analogous to the repulsive forces in crystals;
sion curve II above II’ is given it is given by b e_’/P, where b and p have the same significance
I by the Morse curve for the C—X as the corresponding terms in Eq. (56), Chap. III. The
III bond. The extent to which I calculation of the interaction energy E, between the ion and the
is raised above I’ is determined surrounding solvent molecules is simplified by the approximation
l ‘L-%ii_'!_;;I partly by the energy of inter- of considering only one molecule of solvent as being concerned,
I _Y__ .___fi,__
R.X+y- action E... of the ion X and the and an equation analogous to Eq. (154), viz.,
homopolar molecule R-Y, and
Ea = 70 + 6: + 71:
R-Y distance partly by the energy E, re-
Fio. 115.—Potential-energy
reaction X_ _,_ R_Y _,R.Xcurves_,_ Y__for
' '
separate ‘the ion X- is assumed to apply. All the information is now available in
- from its surrounding solvent principle, for fixing the shape and position of the curve I. The
molecules. The value of E... for X" and R-Y is given by form of curve II is determined by the appropriate value of
E... + E,, obtained in a manner similar to that already described,
l Em = 'Yx,R -l“ 5x,R + ‘fix, (I54)
and its position above II’ is given by the Morse curve, as already
W. A. T. de Meester, ibid., 138, 169 (1928); R. O. Gibson, E. W. Fawcett explained. The distance between I’ and II’ is equal to the heat
and M. W. Perrin, Proc. Roy. Soc., 150, A, 223 (1935); E. G. Williams,
M. W. Perrin and R. O. Gibson, ibid., 154, A, 684 (1936); E. W. Fawcett of reaction, and for the halogen exchange reactions under dis-
and R. O. Gibson, J. Chem. Soc., 396 (1934). cussion this may be taken to be very small or zero.
1°° R. A. Ogg and M. Polanyi, Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 604, 1375 (1938); Utilizing this method, R. A. Ogg and M. Polanyi‘°1 calculated
A. G. Evans and M. G. Evans, ibid., 31, 1400 (1938). the minimum value of the energy for the point at which the
* The ‘Morse curve for the C——Y bond, obtained from spectroscopic curves I and II intersect, and this was taken to be the activation
data, gives the energy of dissociation into C and Y atoms, whereas it is prob-
ably the energy of dissociation into ions that is required for the reaction energy of the corresponding exchange reaction. The results
under consideration. 1°‘ Ogg and Polanyi, Ref. 100.

obtained are recorded in Table LXI under the heading of E

(calc.), while under E (obs.) are given some mean experimental
values; the latter depend to some extent on the nature of the
group R, but its influence is not likely to be vei'y great.
. E (calc.), E (obs.), VISCOSITY AND DIFFUSION
Reactlon kcal. kcal.
' -|- R-F 39 . .
Holes in Liquids.—Both diffusion and viscosity can be treated
' + R-Cl 31 22
r‘ + R-Br 28 19 by means of the theory of absolute reaction rates, but before
‘ R-I 25 17 proceeding with the development of the equations it is con-
" R-F 31 23 venient to consider certain aspects related to th_e theory of the
" R-Cl \ 28 22 liquid state. Just as a gas is assumed to consist of molecules
‘ ++++ R-Br 26 18
. l r
moving about in empty space, so a liquid may be regarded as
made up of “holes” moving about in matter ;1 in fact, holes
Tlie order of the calculated activation energies is similar to
are to be considered as playing the same part in a liquid as
that of the experimental values, but there is a constant difference
molecules do in the gas phase.* _
of about 8 kcal. between them. This may be due, among other
Suppose the N molecules forming a liquid are all bound to
causes, to the neglect of the resonance energy in the activated
each other by “bonds,” the total energy of which is %NE ; to
state; if it were so, this would have to be 8 kcal. It was seen in
vaporize a single molecule would require 4E, provided that the
Chap. V (page 256) that for raeemization and inversion reactions
other molecules adjust their positions so as to leave no hole in
in the gas phase, which are similar to those under consideration,
the liquid. If a hole is to be left, however, the vaporization of
an appreciable amount of energy is required to force the three
a single molecule would require an energy E ; and so E — 4E
valences of the carbon into one plane in the activated complex.
i.e., 1}E, is the energy necessary merely to make a hole of molecu-
An analogous energy contribution will presumably be required
lar size in the liquid, without vaporizing a molecule. It follows,
in the halogen exchange reactions in solution, but in the foregoing
therefore, that the same energy is required to make a hole in
treatment this has been taken to be negligibly small.’ If this
the liquid large enough for a molecule as to evaporate a molecule
energy were included, the discrepancy between observed and
without leaving a hole. The latter quantity is equivalent to
calculated activation energies would be even larger than in
the energy of vaporization per molecule, i.e., AE...,_' per mole,
Table LXI.
where AE.,,_ = AH..,., — RT; the quantity AH", is the normal
latent heat of vaporization, and RT is the correction for the
external work done in vaporizing 1 mole of liquid, the vapor
being assumed to behave as an ideal gas. The energy required
to form a hole of molecular size in a liquid is thus equal to the
energy of vaporization per molecule of the latter.
1 H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 283 (1936); J. O. Hirschfelder, D. P.
Stevenson and H. Eyring, ibid., 5, 896 (1937).
* The holes in a liquid probably occupy a volume that is less than that
occupied by a molecule.


Free Vo1ume.——-A liquid may be treated as if it were composed 20% — 2d is the distance the central atom is free to move along
of individual molecules each moving in a volume vf in an average each axis, and the free volume is (20% -— 2d)“, i.e.,
potential field due to its neighbors, and the partition function
of a molecule in the liquid may be represented by the expression’ 2); = 8(1))‘ — (1)3.

It may be supposed that a similar equation will hold for other

F, = £ % vib, 6-20/RT, (1) types of packing of the molecules in the liquid, so that, in general,

v, = c3(v** — d)“, (5)

where bi is the combined vibrational and rotational contribution
and E0 is the difference in energy, per mole, between the mole- where c may not necessarily equal 2 and may vary with. the
cules in the liquid and in the gas at 0°K. and hence may be temperature. Differentiation of Eq. (5) with respect to v gives
identified, very approximately, with AE.,,,,_, as defined above.
The volume 0; is called the “free volume,’ ’ and Eq. (1) may be O III 2); __ C ,
taken as defining this quantity. According to thermodynamics
the derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to volume,
" <6’
and hence it follows from Eq. (3) that
at constant temperature, gives
id’| |‘"'d'"*| rid the negative of the pressure,
| | and hence it can be shown J
[P + tam = cRT. (7)
that for a liquid the external
(® pressure p is given by It is a reasonable approximation to replace 6(AE.,,,,,)/6v by
___-- at _--- ----- U} ----- AE.,,,,/v; and, further, the pressure p can generally be neglected
FIG. 116.—Determination of the free p = RT __if6lnF (2) in comparison with this quantity, so that Eq. (7) becomes
volume of a molecule from the volume av T’
inhabited and the diameter.
where v 1S equal to the total
-‘Lg = CRT. (8)
volume of the liquid divided by the number of molecules con-
tained in it. It follows, therefore, from Eqs. (1) and (2) that If v is replaced by V/N, where V is the molar volume of the
liquid and N is the Avogadro number, then
_ O III U; _ O A.E,,,,,, cRTV3'§
111% = ’ (9)

It is now necessary to derive a relationship between the free by means of which the free volume of the molecules inthe liquid
volume v; and the volume v inhabited by a molecule in the can be calculated.
liquid. Consider, for simplicity, cubical packing in the liquid; Another method of deriving this quantity makes use of the
one molecule may be regarded as oscillating about the origin, difference in velocity of sound in liquid and gas.“ For most
and the six nearest neighbors are supposed to be fixed in their liquids the velocity of sound is greater by a factor of 5 to 10
mean positions along three axes. One of these axes is depicted than the average kinetic-theory velocity of the molecules; this
in Fig. 116; each molecule is seen to be at a distance of 0% from difference can arise in the following manner. Suppose that
the origin. If d is the incompressible diameter of each molecule, there are three molecules A, B and C in a line, and suppose the
' H. Eyring and J. O. Hirschfelder, J. Phys. Chem., 41, 249 (1937); J. O.
wave front travels from the inner edge of the molecule A to the
Hirschfelder, J. Chem. Ed., 16, 540 (1939). 3 J. F. Kincaid and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 6, 620 (1938).

adjacent edge of B by the velocity of sound (um) applicable to VISCOSITY AND DIFFUSION 481
an ideal gas; this is given by kinetic theory as
under the influence of an applied force; if f is the force per 1'1

RT $2 square centimeter tending to displace one layer with respect

ulaa = <J
M ) 7 (10) to the other and Au is the difference in the velocity of the two
layers, then by definition
where "y is the ratio of the specific heats of the d
the molecular weight. As A collides with B however gas an
the siMnal
1 2 ' g
is transmitted almost instantaneously to the opposite edge of B; 12 =
- Q1
Au’ (13)
thus, although the wave front E r

where 1; is the coeflicient of viscosity. For the purpose of the

l""""i"""l moves apparently through present treatment the motion of one layer with respect to another
| the distance 0%, it effectively
is assumed to involve the passage of a molecule from one equi-
travels a distance 0%, as seen ,.b . . . _ . . .
-1 1 rium position to another such position in the same layer. In
I Cg in Fig. 117. It follows, there-
order that this passage shall occur, it is necessary that a suit-

l<.,§-»l fore, that able hole or site shall be available, and the production of such a
FIG. 117.——Determination of free
volume of a molecule from velocity of _ =
u"<1- K $6 , (11) site requires the expenditure
sound. um‘ of energy since work must be
W done in pushing back other
where um. is the velocity of sound in the liquid" hence from
molecules. The jump of the )1 _f__,.

Eqs. (10) and (11), , ,
moving molecule from one

- <.) <9) »
34 $2 equilibrium position to the
_ v RT7
next may thus be regarded 3.1 A
so that the free volume of a liquid can be calculated from the
velocity of sound in it.
-1* .
as equivalent to the passage i
of the system over a po-
tential-energy barrier. Let A cules
~Fro. 118.—Distances between mole-
in a liquid; X is the distance
Both methods given above for calculating the free volume be the distance between two between two equilibrium positions for
are to some extent approximate, but the one depending on ;l. equilibrium positions in the viscous flow.
measurements of the velocity of sound is probably the better

direction of motion , the distan ce between . n eig
' hb oring molecules
of the two. in the same direction being X3; the latter is not necessarily equal
to A, but it may be so approximately. Finally, the mean distance
V1scosiTY b t . . .
e ween two 3.d_]3.C€I1l} molecules in the moving layer in the
Flow as a Rate Process.4—~Since the flow of a liquid is a rate direction at right angles to the direction of motion is A (F'
process, in so far as it takes place with a definite velocity under 118). It is reasonable to suppose that the potential-energy barrier 2 18-
given conditions, it seems reasonable to suppose that the theory 1S a symmetrical one, and so the distance between the initial equi-
of absolute reaction rates can be applied to the problem of librium position and the activated state, i.e., the top of the barrier
viscosity. Consider two layers of molecules in a liquid, at a is
(Fig. 119), i.e., half the distance between the initial and final
distance 711 apart, and suppose that one slides past the other I positions of the molecule. The applied force acting on a single
molecule in the direction of motion is f>\2>\3, since A2); is the
‘Eyring, Ref. 1; R. H. Ewell and H. Eyring, ibid., 5, 726 (1937)' for
review, see R. H. Ewell, J. App. Phys., 9, 252 (1938); cf. also J. Freiikel,
effective area per molecule; hence, the energy that the moving
Z. Physik, 35, 652 (1926). . mo l ecu l e acquires
' when it has reached the top of the potential-
energy barrier is f)\2>\,-,» X 5)., i.e., 5-f>\2>\_»,7\. The effect of the force

*'—————- — -' _ --_ . ._. _ _.__._ __ ..________i______ ________________________ _____ _______.__

-— ' _ _ ,_ .__\£,\;T.n ' ' .4‘ I \- "hi “_£~ _

. .



3 causing the flow of liquid is thus to reduce the height of the

energy barrier in the forward direction by an amount 1§f)\2)\3)\,
and the height in the opposite direction will be raised by the
and the specific rate in the backward direction will be
kb = lg 3-$5./7\z7\a>~/kT.
same amount (see Fig. 119).
Each time a molecule passes over the potential barrier, it moves
If e0 is the energy of activation at O°K., i.e., the height of the
through a distance A; and since Ic; and k give the numbers of
barrier, when no force is acting on the liquid, then, according
times a molecule traverses the barrier per second, in the forward
to the theory developed in Chap. IV, the number of times a
and backward directions, respectively, it follows that the distance
moved by the molecule per second, and hence also the rate of
Shearing force (fl) motion of the layer, is given by kfk in one direction and k;,7\
/ in the other. The net rate of flow in the forward direction as a
\ Without shearing result of the application of the force f, which by definition is
\ " force ‘I
l‘ Au, is thus equal to (lo, — kb)>\; and consequently, by Eqs. (16)
\ With shearing and (17),
\\L/' force
\ ,_ Au = xk(e}§/7\2)\a)\/kT _ e—}§fM)\3)\/IQT)
Energy \
J éfizrlal

Slnh ‘WT
Initial 1 ‘ T
Bwt9______ \\\
_1<_-_ _-
2 2,3 _\>_;g/ ;i\IrPP;-v1—'-ifl—rl-—°_.'aI'-i ';
If the relationship from Eq. (13) for the coeflicient of viscosity
I‘ \\
N>v- Final
l<------------ --A ------------ --site is introduced, it follows that

Direction of flow —-> I if

. _ >,,j _
FIG. 119.—-Potential—energy barrier for viscous flow, with and without shearing - ” 2>\k sinh (f>\2>\3>\/2kT)' (20)
For ordinary viscous flow, f is relatively small, of the order of
molecule passes over the barrier, and hence moves in any direc- ‘
1 dyne per sq. cm.; and since X2, X3 and A are all of about molecu-
tion, per second is given by
lar dimensions, i.e., 10"8 cm., it follows that 2kT >> fA2)\37\.
. k ,= Bhfi _ % e-—eo/kT, It is thus possible, in expanding the exponentials included in
Eq. (20), to neglect all terms beyond the first; the result is
it being assumed that the transmission coefficient K (page 190)
is unity and the tunneling factor (page 191) being neglected. ‘)7 =3 fin
In this equation, F; and F are the partition functions, for unit >\2>\3>\ lo . (21)
volume, of the molecule in the activated and initial states, If the expression for the frequency k, as given by Eq. (14), is
respectively; the value of the former does not include the contri- now inserted in (21), this becomes
bution of the degree of translational freedom normal to the
barrier (page 189). Since the height of the barrier is altered by 7\1h F /M.
= -—-- - —— ‘° .
%j'A2)\3)\ when the force causing the liquid to flow is applied, the " >\2>\,,>\2 F16 (22 )
specific rate of flow in the forward direction, i.e., in the direction Although A is not necessarily equal to A1, the two quantities
of the force is are of the same order of magnitude; and if, as a first approxima-
tion, they are taken to be identical, Eq. (22) can be written as
kl. = El?’ . 1% 9-(¢o—Vzf7\2)\aA)/kT

77 = )_\?)_\?A_1 F eeo/kT.
. E
= k e}"§f7\2)\a>\/kT,
4 i i,...______
The product 7\2)\3)\1 is approximately the volume inhabited b
y a
single molecule in the liquid state, and hence it may be put equal The partition function for a molecule of liquid may be written
to V/N, where V is the molar volume and N is the Avogadro [¢f- Eq. (1)1
number; substitution in Eq. (23) then gives
F = vib, 6-E0/121', (30)
IIN . F;
n = 7 F een/kT.
where the first term on the right-hand side is the translational
This equation may be written in another form by utilizing the contribution of a single molecule moving in its free volume vf;
identity (see page 188) b; is the combined rotational and vibrational partition function.
The chief difference between a molecule in the initial state and
KI -_-_- F}; e—¢o/kT, (25) one in the activated state for flow is that the latter has one
degree of translational freedom less than the former (cf. page 189),
and the thermodynamic relationship and if the product of F,,-,,,_ and Fvib. is almost the same in the two
states, as it generally will be since the corresponding degrees of
K1 = 6-./AF:/RT’
freedom are not afl’ected, it follows that*
where AF1 is the standard free energy of activation per mole. It Ii _ (21r'm,fT) }§(20%. (31)
follows from Eq. (24), therefore, that

. 77 = ,% eAFI/RT. Substituting this term in Eq. (24) gives -

Further, since AF1 may be replaced by AHI — T ASE it is seen N (21rmkT)%v;3'=*/ e‘°/kT .
11 = -17 (32)
According to Eq. (9) the free volume may be represented, at
,7 = 6-./381/R) east/1zr_ (28) least approximately, by the expression

Since the molar volume of a liquid does not vary greatly with RTV%
the temperature, and AS‘ being taken as constant, Eq. (28) ””‘ = (33)
takes the form where AE,”, is the molar energy of vaporization, c is the packing
17 = B egvis./RT. number as defined on page 479 and V and N have the same
significance as above. It follows, therefore, that Eq. (32) may
A relationship of this kind was suggested empirically by S. be written
Arrhenius‘ and by J. de Guzman“ and derived theoretically in a
manner different from that given above by E. N. da C. Andrade;7 $5
there is little doubt that it is in excellent agreement with experi- 1; = ggg (21rmkT)% e‘°/kT. (34)
ment for many liquids.
Upon taking c as equal to 2, i.e., for cubic packing, inserting the
‘ Cf. S. Arrhenius, Meddel. Vetenskapsakad. Nobelinst, 3, [20] (1916)
6 . * Strictly speaking this equation should involve pt, the reduced mass of
J. de Guzman, Anales soc. espafi. fis. quim., 11, 353 (1913). See also
Ewell, Ref. 4, for references to similar equations. the reacting system in the direction of motion, instead of m; the equation
h . . .
'12. N. da c. Andrade, Phil. Mag., 11,497, see (1934). olds, however, 1f only one molecule is supposed to be moving, as appears
L to be generally the case.

-— *-_-._@_

known values for N and k and expressing R in calories, so that ature coeflicient of fluidity at constant volume is insignificant in
AE,“. is also in calories, Eq. (34) becomes comparison with that at constant pressure.“ Further support
54 V for the relationship between the fluidity and the number of
1, = 1.09 >< 10-3 >< Vi,‘f7\%l eE/RT, (35) holes can be obtained in other ways. The essential difference
between a solid and a liquid may be regarded as the 111tI‘0d110l>10T1
where M is the molecular weight of the substance under con- of holes (cf. page 477), so that if V is the molar.volume of a
sideration and E is the activation energy per mole for viscous liquid and V, is that of the unexpanded solid, the difference, i.e.,
flow.* The molar heats of vaporization of many liquids are V -— V,,, is proportional to the number of‘holes in the liquid and
about 5,000 cal.; if the molecular weight of the substance is 121 hence to its fluidity. Since the fluidity is the reciprocal of the
and its molar volume is 125 cc., at ordinary temperatures, then coeflicient of viscosity, it follows that
. 1, ~ 0.4 >< 10-3 6E/RT. (36) c
H 1] = _?__
V -— V8) ( 37 )
It is of interest to record that according to E. N. da C. Andrade
the viscosity of many liquids can be expressed by means of an where c is a constant. This result is identical in form with the
equation of the form 17 = aV% eb/T; a is found by experiment equation A. J . Batschinski” and found by him to
to be approximately 0.4 X 10-3 for many substances, and hence hold for a large number of nonassociated liquids.
if the molar volume V is taken as 125 the result is approximately The entropy of fusion of monatomic solids, and also of some
one-fifth of that given by Eq. (36).
others of a complex nature which rotate equally in liquid and
It should be noted incidentally that in Eq. (35) the term T% solid states, is known to be approximately 2 1:E.U:13 . This result
appears in the nonexponential part of the velocity equation; it may be accounted for by supposing that a liquid is a random
follows, therefore, that the factor B in Eq. (29) cannot be mixture of molecules and unoccupied equilibrium positions or
independent of temperature.
holes, there being a constant ratio between_the number of
Viscosity (or Fluidity) and Holes in Liquids.°—If a hole is molecules and the number of holes at the melting point. ‘If N
necessary for a liquid to flow, as was postulated on page 481, mgleculgs’ where N is the Avogadro number, are mixed with ny.
it is reasonable to assume that the fluidity of a liquid will be
holes the increase of entropy, which should be equivalent to
proportional to the number of holes. In the interpretation of
the entropy of fusion, is given by
the Cailletet-Mathias law of the rectilinear diameter, it has been
suggested that the expansion of a liquid is largely due to the .
AS = —Nk ln
N - nhk ln
"h . ((38)
introduction of holes into the system.” It follows, therefore,
if the view that fluidity is related to the number of holes is
correct, that the fluidity of a liquid at constant volume should and if this is put equal to 2 cal. per degree per mole,-it is found
remain constant irrespective of changes of temperature and that nh is equal to 0.54N. It follows, therefore, that for simple
pressure. It is of interest to record that the data on viscosities substances having an entropy of fusion of 2 E.U., the process of
at high pressures show that for nonassociated liquids the temper— fusion is accompanied by the introduction of a definite number
of holes; if the fluidity is a function of the number of holes alone,
* A bimolecular flow mechanism, which is, however, improbable, would the fluidity or viscosity of such substances should all be the
give a factor of 1.09 >< 10*“/‘\/2 = 7.71 X 10", since pi which then appears 11 Data from P, M. Bridgman, “The Physics of High Pressure,” The Mac-
instead of m in Eq. (34) is m/2.
millan Company, 1931-
3 Andrade, Ref. 7.
9 R. E. Powell, W. E. Roseveare and H. Eyring, unpublished.
12 A. J. Batschinski, z. PhZ/$'5k- Chem-, 84, 643 (1918)- _
13 E. Kordes, Z. anorg. Chem., 160, 67 (1927); see also J. O. Hirschfelder,
1° Eyring, Ref. 1.
D, P, Stevenson and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phus., 5, 896 (1937).
same at their respective melting points. The viscosities of Making the same approximation as before that
mereuiy, cadmium, lead, bismuth, carbon disulfide and carbon
tetrachloride and of some of the lower parafiins are approxi- 2kT >> f>\2>\3>\
mately 0.02 poise at their melting points. and introducing the value of kl from Eq. (39), this equation
In view of the relationship between fluidity and the number reduces to
of holes, an alternative treatment of viscosity by the theory of
absolute reaction rates is possible.“ The total activation energy ¢ . A12?“ - ” Ll”? (21rmkT)'% e_‘-‘-‘f/"T. a
for viscous flow may be regarded as consisting of two parts:
(1) the energy required to form the hole, (2) that required for If the ratio of the X terms is taken as being independent of the
the molecule to move into the hole. In view of the foregoing temperature and if ¢1 and ¢2 are the fluidities at constant volume
discussion, it is evident that for many substances the latter con- at the temperatures T1 and T2, respectively, then
tribution to the activation energy is small, and this is shown
1 —
1 _— ¢, 1
R lI1 E; + §l11 T2:
more definitely by the following treatment. The number of
equilibrium positions, or holes, available is obtained on dividing
where AE,» is the activation energy per mole for molecules to
v — vs, where these quantities refer to a single molecule, by v;,,
move into the prepared holes. It is possible, therefore, t-o
the increase in volume per equilibrium position. The average
derive AE; from viscosity data at constant volume at two temper-
velocity of the molecules parallel to the direction of flow (cf.
atures; it has been found in this way that for a number of sub-
page 186) is (kT/21rm)%; the distance moved forward by the
stances, e.g., metals, hydrocarbons, phenyl halides, carbon
molecule in each jump is X, and hence the specific rate of flow of
disulfide and carbon tetrachloride, the value is of the order of
molecules in a forward direction in the absence of a shearing
500 cal., which is about one-fifth to one-tenth of the total activa-
force is
tion energy for flow. It follows, therefore, that most of the
- . 1 kT % energy is required for the preparation of the holes into which
the molecules move. Alcohols have AE,» values of 3 to 4 kcal.,
= kl e-Ae//kT, which is approximately the energy required to break a hydrogen
bond. For hydroxylic compounds and assr eiated substances
where Ae; is the activation energy required for a single molecule
generally, there is, therefore, an appreciable activation energy
to flow into a hole that is already available. If a shearing force is
necessary for the movement of the molecule, apart from that
applied, the specific rate in the forward direction is
required to make the hole for the molecule to flow into; the
kf = kl 6-—(Ae/—}§f)\2)\a>\)/kT, reason for this is considered more fully on page 505. For
water, AE; is negative, and this suggests a change in structure
and the specific rate in the backward direction is
or coordination number with temperature at constant volume
1,, = 7,, 6—<A¢1+%/ma/kT>_ (42) (cf. page 505).
It can be shown by the arguments on page 487 that, at the
Upon utilizing Eq. (13) in the reciprocal form ¢ = Au/f)\,, melting point of a substance for which the entropy of fusion is
where qb is the fluidity, and the definition of Au on page 481, it 2 E.U., the fraction (v -— v.)/vi, is equal to 0.54; further, if the
follows that quantity XMX3/X1 is replaced by (V/N)%, where V is the molar

volume of the liquid at the melting point, Eq. (44) becomes

¢ __ M1 c - A’
— 1.)“ e/kT 2 sinh
.' f>‘97)3>‘ (43)
V 3:? “I _-
14 Powell, Roseveare and Eyring, Ref. 9. qb,-,. = 0.54 (W) (21rmkT) A e AEI/RT. (46)


If AE, is taken as about 500 cal., as recorded above for substances
whose activation energy for flow is required mainly to make a the free volume is supposed to be A3, Eq. (23) takes the -form
hole for the molecule to move into, then according to Eq. (46)
the fluidity at the melting point (¢,,,) should be of the order of X 2 kT 55
100; this is in agreement with the fact mentioned above that the "s <47’
viscosity is approximately 0.02 poise.
and if all the )\’s are taken to be equal, then
Comparison of Gas and Liquid Viscosities.15—In the suggested
mechanism for viscosity, it is necessary that the molecule, after 2 kT $5
making a jump from one equilibrium position to the next, should
,, z 1l.".£\_§_L, (43)
remain at the latter point long enough to dissipate the energy
which is of the form
it possessed while passing over the energy barrier. The mole-
cule must, therefore stay at each potential-energy minimum 11 = BT”. (49)
until the Maxwell distribution of energy is restored. If this
condition is not fulfilled, then it is probably more satisfactory According to this equation the viscosity should increase in la
to assume the mechanism to involve the transfer of momentum manner approximately proportional to the square root of the
from one layer to the next by molecules passing back and forth temperature; this is the type of behavior actually observed
between them; this mechanism is generally regarded as applicable with gases. The familiar equation for the viscosity of a gas is
to the flow of gases. If the actual activation energy eo — -§f)\2)\37\
1;“, = §n5ml, ' (50)
in Eq. (15) is relatively large, -e.g., more than about 2kT, then
the molecule will undergo sufficient collisions between passages where n is the number of molecules per cubic centimeter, 6 is
over successive barriers* for equilibrium statistics to apply, their mean velocity, m is the mass of a molecule, and Z is the
but for lower activation energies this condition will not hold. mean free path. The mean velocity, according to kinetic theory,
It has been suggested" that the momentum-transfer theory is given by »
applies to liquids as well as to gases, with the modification that
in the former case the vibrational energy is transferred, instead,_ 5=
? 1 (51)
of translational energy as for the latter. Excellent numerical 1rm
agreement between the experimental results and expectations and hence
based on this theory were obtained for metals, but it is of interest
to note that it is just for these substances that eo —- 1}f)\2>\37\, as ,... = 9%’ (21rmkT)”. (52)
estimated from the experimental results, is small, so that gaslike
transfer of momentum is not unexpected. This equation resembles (47) and is of the same general form as
In the extreme case, when so is zero, as for gases, and by writing Eq. (49).
(21rmkT) '/§)\/h for the ratio of the partition functions F/F1, i.e., Free Energy of Activation for Flow and Energy of Vaporization.
For a molecule to take part in flow a hole must be available;
1‘ Eyring, Ref. 1. this hole is not necessarily the full size of a molecule but will
* The time between successive passages in the forward direction is
be some fraction represented by the additional volume required
by the activated state as compared with the initial state. The
. E“. = .5. , L e(¢0-"}ifMM7\)/kT_
Icy F; kT ‘
work required to make a hole of molecular size is equal to the
energy of vaporization AEVlD- (see page 477), and so the fi'ee
1° Andrade, Ref. 7. ' energy of activation may be expected to be some fraction of
the energy of vaporization.


According to Eq, (27),
of vaporization of a molecule. It is a remarkable
eAFvim:/RT _ W.. significance of which will be discussed later, that the
is obtained for water and other associated liquids, even
--- AFm.f
. __ "Vv
— RT ln iv» (54) as for nonpolar substances such as hydrocarbons."
Theoretical Calculation of Viscosity.——-The relationship
and hence it is a reasonably simple matter to determine th AE,-,,. and AF..,_* derived above may be used to calculate
free energy of activation provided that th ' ' e viscosity of a liquid, provided that its molar volume and
kcal of a liquid are kno t 6 Vlscoslty and mplar
wn a any temperature. A COII1p3.I'l$()11 of vaporization are known, for combination of Eqs. (27)
(55) gives I ~
lo -_ 3' - - ' ' I * --—-A. . g,

I 1
,7 = % eAxv,,,_/2.45R1'_

The use of Eq. (55) permits the derivation of the free energy of
I A activation for viscous flow with an error of not more than 6 per
AF*on,., _) cent, and hence the viscosity can be predicted within less than
l . ‘ ,*i.isAF“" about 30 per cent by means of Eq. (56); this is a striking achieve-
° A I ’
A O ABq$9
ment of the theory of absolute reaction rates.
Energy of Activation for Flow and Energy of Vaporization.18—-
UI 4 1
,.. 1
O ‘J ::: 0':
0 -.'l
0 ’r-

"°0 Since the energy of activation for viscous flow is related to the
0 n'¢ " O

° A work required to form a hole in the liquid, the experimentally
no D i observed activation energy E.,,,_ may be expected to be some
o ‘ sI
, , ' ~ fraction of AE.,,,,_;* thus,
° 5 15 kcal.
10 * AEvap.
Energy of vaporization (AE,,,p_) Evie. = (57)
FIG. 120.-—R 6l flbtiovna
t' between free energy of activation
- - fo. viscous
. flow and energy
porization. (Roseveare, Powell and Eyring )
The same conclusion may be reached in a general manner from
f _ . . . _ 0
0 the Values Of AFWJ obtained in this manner with the energies Eq. (55) by assuming a linear relationship between the heat
°f V9190!‘1Z_9-5°11: in Fig- 120,* has brought to light the important and entropy of activation (cf. page 409). If the value of E.,,.
relationship given by Eq. (57) is now inserted in (35) the result is

AE,,,,,,_ M 3'6 T% '

AF»/a.f = 2.45, (55) 12 = 1.09 >< 10-3 >< W-ET; 6AE"'"’"/"RT » (58)
which has been found to hold for nearly 100 substances, exclud-
In order to determine the factor n, which gives an indication of
ing 111815818 but including associated liquids The free ener the size of the hole necessary for viscous flow, the viscosities
th ' of a hole for a molecule to‘ flow into
. 1S. thusgya
rac ion, somewhat more than one-third, of the energy 1" Powell, Roseveare and Eyring, Ind. Eng. Chem., 33, 430 (1941).
1“ Ewell and Eyring, Ref. 4.
t * In this figure» squares are used to represent substances that are gaseous * It may be pointed out here that the activation energy for viscosity,
a 0 d'
substgnlglgfy '
temperatures, triangles .
for alcohols and circles for other i.e., AE,.;,_, differs from the free energy of activation, AFv;,_I, considered in the
previous section, on account of the entropy change accompanying activa-
tion for viscous flow (see page 505).
-. ..-.—.—.;._......i...-


were computed from Eq. (58), by use of integral and half-integrai VISCOSITY AND DIFFUSION 495
values of n from 2 to 5, and the resulting figures for log 1; plotted ' i . 121 in which values of
against 1 / T. For any value of n the plot was either a straight ccglstantl t}'j[l,hll)<§il1lli1gtSpbIiilitSlla.(i'llaVnpll)1tif as abscissae and those
line or, in some cases, a curve slightly convex toward the 1 / T
Sf ED: aas ordinates; lines having Slopes °l 3 and 4’ respectively’
axis; the value of n that gave a plot parallel to the straight line
are shown, and most of the points are seen to fall between them,
of the computed data for log 17 against 1 / T was taken as the
as is to be expected. _ .
correct one. From an examination of the results for a number
It may be mentioned that the ratio AEM»./Eva-f as gbéalifig
of substances, it is clear that for most nonassociated liquids,
in this manner is generally somewhat lower than n ounl dygeen
apart from metals, n lies between 3 and 4. It appears that for
method described previously. If the value.of AE,,.,,£ ta ratio
nonpolar molecules which have spherical or approximately
taken at a lower temperature than the boiling Pollzh 9 0ndi_
spherical symmetry n is nearer 3; but for polar molecules and
would have been higher, since A.Ev$D- 15 larger und“ ese C
others, e.g., long-chain hydrocarbons not having spherical
symmetry, n is about 4.* It is doubtful, however, if a sharp kcal.
10 ~
distinction can be drawn, since the value of n increases with the A

temperature. 1° The fact that for such a wide variety of non- A


associated substances the ratio of the heat of vaporization to Q

the activation energy for viscous flow lies within relatively nar- D

row limits is very striking; taken in conjunction with the dis- E

onvia. A A O A A
cussion on page 477, this suggests that the energy required to ‘A A
A n=3
make a hole for a molecule to flow into is approximately one- O1 _ AA A |
A 11:4
quarter of the energy of vaporization. A ° 2
00¢ . |
An alternative method of comparing Eva, and AE.,,,,, is to O

employ the value of E... derived from the experimental variation 0 0 :. ° A6)
of viscosity with temperature; it follows from Eq. (29), for O O
0 d - no 0° . O ' ' ___ J
example, that, provided the entropy of activation for flow does
not change with temperature, 0 5 10 15 RC8].

Energy of vaporization (AEvap.l

U d ln 17 . FIG. 121. _ Relatgglgogzxgzg,
' b 1; energy - Powell
of activation
(Roseveare, for '
Eyrmg.)flow and energy 0f

so that Eva, can be determined from the plot of log 17 against tions whereas E... is approximately constant. It has been Slgllwil
1/T, i.e., in a manner similar to that employed for obtaining that AE,,“/E.,,_ for methyl, ethyl and propyl formates, met 5'1,
the experimental energy of activation for a chemical reaction. ethyl and propyl acetates and. methyl pI‘Op1OI18.13E3 gs
The values of E... as found by this procedure are almost constant, respective boiling points, butit lI1CI‘0&S€S20tO 4 a emp
for normal liquids, over a range of temperature under ordinary which are four-fifths of the boiling points. _ _
conditions. The energy of vaporization varies only slowly with ' ‘d_ Mtel/T.
Liqui tals 21—Although most
the S1Opes differ metals give
appreciably fromlinear
those plots of
of other
temperature, and so the ratio AE,,.,,_/E.,;,_ should be approxi-
mately equal to 3 or 4 in the temperature range for which E.,,,_ is 19g g.a1tIj1S atib of AE /Evil. varies from 8 to 25, or mom,
hqm .S’ e r t 1 as dginpared with the normal value of 3
* Compounds possessing very long chains present a special problem which
is treated later (page 497). l;(6r4d1fiIlle:IllP:1all‘sallierefore
. 2 l that the unit of flow in metals l3
1° Cf. F. Eirich and R. Simha, J. Chem. Phys., 7, 116 (1939).
2° Eirich and Simha, Ref. 19.
=1 Ewell and Eyring, Ref. 4.
. _. #_-___ _ AA, -2"-q—


much smaller than the unit of vaporization; since the latter
is the neutral atom, it seems probable that the former is the is of interest and is in harmony with modern ideas concerning
metal ion stripped of its conductance electrons. If this view is the structure of metals.” _ _
correct, then the following relationship may be expected to Long-chain Hydrocarbons.”-—Although the activation energy
hold, for viscous flow is approximately one-quarter of the heat of vapor-
ization of a series of paraffin hydrocarbons, at least. up to C18H38!
AE.,,,, volume of ion N
a closer examination of the results shows their significance to
K X volume of atom A‘ 3 to 4’ (60)
be more important than is at first evident. If the heats of
or, if the atoms and ions have spherical symmetry, vaporization are plotted against the number of carbon atoms
in the chain, the values for the first eight hydrocarbons fall ‘on a
"IT; X
Tion 3
~ 3 130 4, (61) straight line; but with increasing chain length increasing diver-
gences are observed. It is probable that, on account of the
where Tion and r,,..,.,, refer to the radii of the ion and atom, respec- r g _ »

tively. The experimental data, which are not too reliable for 5.0- W
the energies of vaporization, are given in Table LXII; for the ,1 Q,»
polyvalent metals mercury, tin and lead the ions were assumed \

4.0 -
to be Hgt, Sn++ and Pb++, respectively.


3.0 — gap
1‘ , . *-

Metal AVG!‘age AEvap- 7 E,-ig_ , AEvap. AEmp. rion 3 Heat

inkN Q
temp., °c. kcal. kcal. E,,,,,_ A Em rmm

Na , 500 23.4 1.45 1.0 —

K I 480 19.0 1.13
Ag 1400 60.7 4.82 0 |_ I l 1 I I ls -
Zn 850 26.5 3.09 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cd 750 22.5 1.65 ’ Number of carbon atomfs _ fi d extra_
Ga 800 34.1 1 . 13 FIG.~ 122.—Relation between e_nerg_y Of 8»et1Val>10I_1 01‘ Vlseous Kow an nn and
polated heat of vaporization with increasing chaln l9I1gl5h- ( ‘mama
Pb p 700 42.6 2.80 Ermine-)
Hg 250 13.6 0.65
Hg 600 12.3 0.55 tendency of the longer chains to become coiled, one-quarter
Sn 600 15.3 1.44
r-l[\')[Q1|- I0r-10-I1
of the heat of vaporization is no longer a measure of the energy
Sn 1000 14.5 1.70 required for the formation of a hole for a molecgle to kfgloljvcllnig
WOIO UIO OWIO QOD O>O>l\DO0¢O OUIO>U'l\1F-l O0!-IBO KOI-l>\')CA9tO ~JO l\') 0JOUIO <OU1©OIK-]‘!~-P1~-\I>l0€!»JOZ>O<‘D|—l\D
' I i I 1* I I L I fij_
It is reasonable, therefore, to assume, if the.hy roe?-r 0 hole
Although the results in the last column show some variation, moved as a single unit, that the work required to orm ‘a o
it is quite evident that they are generally within or close to the would be one-quarter of the extrapolated heat of vaporization
range 3 to 4. It is important to point out that with metals the (AE’ ) based on a linear relationship between this quantity
energy of vaporization probably cannot be so definitely inter- and the number of atoms in the chain. The values of 4 AE:raD-
preted as the work required to make a hole the size of an atom are plotted in Fig. 122, the d0'0t@d P01‘l5l°ll representing lllle
as is in the case of nonmetallic liquids; nevertheless, the qualita- 2’ See, however", N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney, Rel» PTOQWS3 Phi’/8"
tive concept of the metal ions flowing free of conductance electrons Physical S00. London, 5 46 (1933)-
" W. Kauzmann and’ H. Eyring. J- Am» Ch@m- 30¢-1 62, 3113 (1940)-


extrapolated region, together with the experimental data for _'
The activation energy of flow for such a unit, estimated from the
the activation energy for viscosity E.,..._. It is seen that for the
value of 11- AEQ,,,_, is 6 to 7 kcal.
shorter hydrocarbons the two quantities coincide, so that these
It will be seen shortly (page 510) that the number of holes
substances behave normally, the whole chain being the unit of in a liquid is proportional to (V -— V.)/V,; and for substances,
flow; as the number of carbon atoms increases, however, the
such as hydrocarbons, for which the fluidity is determined almost
values of %AE(,,,,_ and of Ev... diverge. This result suggests entirely by the number of holes, it follows that
that as the molecules get longer they commence to move in
sections rather than in single units; the work required to form V — V,
a hole for the unit of flow is thus less than the 4AE{,,,,_ that T = ¢¢; (62)
would be necessary if the unit consisted of the whole molecule. where c is a constant and V and V, have the same significance
25- . . 2- . as on page 487. The molar volume of a solid hydrocarbon is
I probably closely proportional to its molecular weight, so that
I |

IQ o ___ I V may be put equal to Mv0, where vo is a constant specific volume

of J . for all solid long-chain paraflins and M is the molecular weight;
/ ""_ further, if vl is the specific volume of any liquid hydrocarbon,
_ 1 " 1
I its molar volume V is equal to Mvi, and hence Eq. (62) can be
/ written
F-I - 1
/ 47% = c¢;
U! " / .'. U1 — Cl = b¢,
where a and b are constants for all long-chain paraffins. If
0 1 1 1 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 the fluidity of a hydrocarbon depends only on the number of
Number of atoms in chain
F10. 123.—Relation between length of chain and length oflunit of flow. (Kaua-
holes present in the liquid, it follows from Eq. (64) that the plots
mann and Eyring.)
of the specific volume of any hydrocarbon against its fluidity
should fall on one straight line, irrespective of the temperature
If the work done in forming a hole for the actual unit of flow
and pressure. This is found to be the case for paraflins contain-
is assumed to be one-quarter of that required for a molecule
ing up to 14 carbon atoms in the chain; but for longer chains the
of the same size, i.e., AEf,.,,,,_, it is possible to estimate the average
observed fluidity is less, i.e., the viscosity is greater, than would
length of the unit of flow from Fig. 122. For any value of the
be required by the relationship of Eq. (64). The increase in
heat term, i.e., the ordinate, the abscissa corresponding to E.,,,_
viscosity over the expected value with long chains is also evident
gives the actual number of carbon atoms in the chain, whereas from the fact that up to about C12H26 the viscosity at the melting
that corresponding to -1- AEf,,,,_ gives the average number of
point has the approximately constant value of 0.02 poise (cf.
carbon atoms in the unit of flow. The results obtained in this page 498); but with longer chains the viscosity is in excess of this
manner are shown in Fig. 123; the dotted line shows the plot figure. The explanation of this behavior, which is developed
that would be obtained if the whole chain were the unit of flow. more fully below, is connected with the suggestion that the unit
It is evident that with increasing chain length the flow unit of flow is smaller than the whole chain; for the molecule to flow,
becomes a decreasing proportion of the whole chain, and in it is necessary for the movements of all the units or segments to be
very long chains the unit attains an average length that is coordinated, and the probability of this occurring will decrease
approximately constant and contains 20 to 25 carbon atoms. as the length of the whole chain increases. The consequence

will be a higher viscosity than would be the case if all the units vicinity of 8 kcal. for all the substances under consideration.
moved together automatically. If the work required to produce a hole for the molecule to flow
Long-chain Polymers.—Studies of the viscosities of a number into is one-quarter of the heat of vaporization, the value of the
of linear polyesters have brought to light the interesting fact latter is about 32 kcal. The heats of vaporization of simple
that.the. activation energies of flow are very low, about 8 kcal., esters containing the same number of methylene groups per
considering the average length of the molecules present in the -—CO-O—group as do the polyesters are known; and hence the
system, and further that the values are almost independent of number of atoms, including oxygen atoms, in the unit of flow
the molecular weights of the polymers. The results are in can be calculated by proportion. The numbers obtained in this
harmony with the view expressed above that in very long mole- manner are 34, 33, 30 and 28 atoms, respectively; it follows,
cules the unit of flow is a segment of approximately constant therefore, that there are approximately 32 atoms in each seg-
length; the actual length of the unit can be estimated in the ment of flow. The molecular weight of a segment is thus about
following manner. According to P. J. Flory“ the viscosities of 500, and hence its molar volume V in Eq. (66) may be supposed
the linear polyesters may be expressed in terms of the “weight to have the same value; if the mean values of A and B given
average chain length” Z, which is a measure of the avera e above are used, it follows from Eqs. (65) and (66) that
. . _
number of atoms in a chain, by an equation that can be put in
the form AS‘ = 6.8 — 0.5Z%. (67)

A B C It is seen, therefore, that in activation a moving unit gains

ln"l=1?‘l‘EZ%+R-Tr (65) 6.8 E.U., less an amount depending on the average length of the
where R is the gas constant and A, B and C are constants for a whole molecule.”
series of polymers, independent of temperature. This equation In spite of the fact that the moving segments have approxi-
may be compared with Eq. (28) written as mately the same length and that the activation energy is almost
the same in each case, it is seen from Eq. (65) that the viscosity
Nh ASI AH? depends on the total chain length. Although the flow of a long
chain is believed to be merely the resultant of the motion of
so that C may be identified with AHI and ASI can be related to segments of definite size that jump from one equilibrium position
A, B and Z. Some of the values of A, B and C (or AHl) for a to another at a given rate, independent of how many segments are
joined together in the chain, it is necessary that there should be
. ___ i I _ some coordination of the movement of the segments if the chain
AH1, as a whole is to progress. The fraction of successful jumps, which
Polymer unit n A B
kcal. determines the actual fluidity of the polymer, should be inde-
pendent of temperature but should be a function of the amount
"‘O'(CH2)10‘O'CO'(CH2)a'C0-— -27.8 0.510 of cooperation of the segments constituting the chain, whereas
-0'(CH==)1o'0'C0-(CH=)i-CO—~ -28.3 0.527 the total number of jumps in unit time depends on the size and
_0'(CH2)10'O'CO'(CH2)2'CO-— -2s. 9 0.516 UINJO
nature of the segments and on the temperature and pressure;
_O'(CH2)2‘0‘(CH2)2'O‘CO'(CH2)4'CO— CJ'lO>\l® -27.8 0.457 seem Saws
rrlnl -— .. . '
'* W
number of polyesters are given in Table LXIII; n is the number <l> = F(Z)G(P.T). (63)
of methylene groups per —CO-0---group in the chain. It is seen
where the function F may be taken as the same for all linear
that A is approximately -28, B 1S about 0.5 and AHl is in the
molecules, assuming the same type of cooperation to be necel-
*4 P. J. Flory, ibid., 62, 1057 (1940).
“ Kauzmann and Eyring, Ref. 23.
— ....___E’-Tflli-L-T-if W _ _ ..__. ......_.__1'_ .7. l_____!l "W ' .. .. ___ I W W


sai'y, and the function G depends on the nature of the polymer. ent of the nature of the straight chain, and the approximation of
According to Eq. (67), F(Z) is of the form e"°Z%, where a is taking it to be equal to 0.25, i.e., B is 0.5, in other cases will be
equal to B/R and has approximately the value 0.5/2, i.e., 0.25. made below.
Since e"” becomes equal to [1 — (:1:/n)]'" when n is large and very Liquid Sulfur.28——It is well known that the viscosity of liquid
much greater than x, it follows that sulfur, which increases normally with increasing temperature
just above its melting point, undergoes a marked increase at
F(Z) = e"“Z% ~ (1 - %Z}°)n- (69) about 160 and 190°C. At still higher temperatures, the variation
of viscosity with temperature is normal once again.” From
The quantity on the extreme right of this equation is, mathe- the experimental results the activation energy for viscous flow
matically, the probability that n successive and independent below 160°C. is found to be 7.04 kcal. It is probable that the
events, each having a probability (1 -— aZ%/n) of success, shall sulfur molecule, as in the solid state, consists of puckered rings
all be successful. The experimental facts are, therefore, in of formula S8, and the ratio of AEW./E.,,,, may be expected to
agreement with the view that the fluidity is related to the be approximately 3, as for cyclohexane. The value of AE,.,,,_
probability of the coordinated movement of all the segments at 120°C. has been found to be 2.59 kcal. per g.-atom“; and hence,
constituting a long chain. for the S8 molecule, AE.,,.,,_ should be 20.7 kcal. In the range
According to the foregoing deduction the probability of failure 90 to 160°C., E... is 7.04 kcal., as seen above; and hence AE..,,,_/E.,,,,
of any unit to move in coordination with the others is given by is approximately 3, in agreement with expectation.
Eq. (69) as aZl'4/n, and the following considerations provide Above 250°C. the temperature coefficient indicates a higher
a theoretical basis for this result.*“ A freely twisting hydrocarbon activation energy than below 160°C.; the actual values depend,
molecule containing Z links encloses an average volume oi however, on whether the measurements are made during heating
3.4Z% >< 10'“ cc., while the chain itself occupies a volume V2 or cooling. In any case the relatively high activation energy
of 20Z X 10'“ cc.” Of the total volume enclosed by the freely shows that the unit of flow is now larger than at the lower
twisting chain containing n segments, the portion V1, equal to temperatures; this unit might be either a large ring or a chain,
and of these possibilities the latter seems more likely to be
-1- (3.4Z%), is available for each segment. In order that move- correct. It is probable that while the temperature of the liquid
ment may be successful the segment must be located within some is being raised some of the sulfur—sulfui' bonds are being broken,
definite region of the volume V2 that the molecule will occupy so that part of the apparent activation energy for flow is due to
after moving under the action of the shear force. The proba- this factor. On cooling, however, the recombination process
bility of failure is the probability that the segment shall be in the takes place slowly, and the heat of activation obtained under
portion V1 of the total space V1 + V2 in which it might be, and these conditions represents more closely the true value for flow.
this is given by The viscosity measurements then indicate that E,,,,_ is about
10 kcal., and so, on the assumption that AEvap./Evi5_ is equal to 4,
as would be expected for a long-chain substance, the heat of
v,+V.”"V. 2017.2 " n ’ ll vaporization of the unit of flow will be 40 kcal. The experi-
which is in agreement with the result given above. The value mental heat of vaporization at 350_°C., in the region of which the
of the constant a derived in this manner is 0.17, compared viscosity measurements were made, is 2.05 kcal. per g.-atom ;31
with the experimental result of 0.25 for the linear polyesters.
23 Kauzmann and Eyring, Ref. 23; Ewell and Eyring, Ref. 4.
It should be noted that a may be expected to be almost independ-
2’ L. Rotinjanz, Z. physilc. Chem., 62, 609 (1908).
2° Kauzmann and Eyring, Ref. 23. 3° W. A. West and A. W. C. Menzies, J. Phys. Chem., 33, 1880 ( 1929).
1" W. Kuhn, Kolloid-Z. 76, 258 (1936). 31 West and Menzies, Ref. 30.


substances, and the values decrease rapidly with increasing
and so it may be concluded that the segment of flow contains temperature. The plot of log 17 against 1/ T is not linear, and
40/2.05, i.e., about 20, sulfur atoms The total average length of hence the energy of activation for viscous flow is not independent
the chain of sulfur atoms may be calculated approximately of temperature. The results for water are given in Table LXIV,
from the entropy of activation; it being assumed that the entropy the value of the ratio AE,,,,_/E.,,., being included; it is seen to
of the flow segment is small, Eq. (67) can be reduced to the increase from 2.0 to 3.9 as the temperature is increased from 0°
to 150°C.
AS’? = -0.52%, (71) TABLE LXIV.—Viscosi'rY DATA FOR WATER
and so the weight average length of the chain can be calculated AEVB .
Temp” oc. millilgoises E,,;,,,, kcal. AE,,,,,,_, kcal. , -————Evi:
directly from the entropy of activation. The constant B, equal
to 0.5, has been taken with some justification (page 502) to be
the same as for the linear polyesters for which Eq. (65) was 0 17.95 5.06 10.18
proposed. Since the heat of activation for flow is known, the 50 5.49 3.42 9.61
corresponding entropy may be derived from the viscosity and 100 2.84 2.80 8.98
the molar volume by means of Eq. (28); this is found to be 150 1.84 ,
2.11 8.28 1
1 1 1 '

-37 E.U. in the case of sulfur, so that Z, the weight average

length of the sulfur chain, is about 5,500 atoms. If the viscosity The relatively high value of E.,1,, at 0°, which is about twice
measurements obtained while the temperature of the liquid that expected, is to be attributed to the fact that, in addition
was being raised had been used, E... would be 18.35 kcal.; to the normal work required to make a hole, it is necessary for
and hence, by the arguments used above, the unit of flow would the hydrogen bonds, whereby a water molecule is attached to
be 36 sulfur atoms long. The entropy of activation under the surrounding molecules, to be broken before the activated
these conditions is calculated as -55 E.U., and the weight state for flow can be attained. There is consequently what
average length of the whole chain of sulfur atoms would be might be termed a “structure activation energy,” in addition
12,000. At any temperature, there is probably an equilibrium to the normal activation energy, for the flow of water and other
mixture of chains of varying length, and as the temperature is associated liquids. As the temperature is raised, there is a
raised the average chain length will become smaller. decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds that have to be
It has been suggested that the increase in viscosity of liquid broken before flow can occur, and hence the activation energy
sulfur above 160°C. is due to the breaking of the S8 rings and decreases; the value observed for water at 150°C. is probably
the formation of relatively short irregular chains which tangle free from any appreciable contribution due to structural changes.
with one another.” The idea of long sulfur chains, however, The high activation energy for the flow of water and other
seems more probable, especially in view of the fact that sudden associated liquids accounts for the high viscosities of these sub-
cooling of the liquid leads to the formation of plastic sulfur which stances. When the compound contains two or more hydroxyl
is known to have a fiberlike structure. groups, as in glycerol and glycol, for example, the viscosity is
Associated Liquids.”-—The behaviorof associated liquids, such very high on account of the relatively large number of hydrogen
as hydroxylic compounds, is abnormal in several respects; the bonds which must be broken in the formation of the activated
viscosities are very much higher than for analogous nonassociated state for flow.
Entropy of Activation for Flow.—In view of the high activation
3’ B. E. Warren and J . T. Burwell, J. Chem. Phys., 3, 6 (1935); see also
N. S. Gingrich, ibid., 8, 29 (1940). energy for flow of associated liquids, it is a striking fact that the
33 Ewell and Eyring, Ref. 4. free energy of activation shows no such abnormality (page 492).


The explanation is that AFl is equivalent to AHl — T ASl and that AV may be replaced by V/n’ ; hence,
that the high value of the heat of activation AHll is compensated
by the large positive value of ASI, so that AF1 remains normal. Each = + %,

If, as suggested above, the unit of flow even in associated liquids

is a single molecule and the formation of the activated state -= -‘§- + 1’-,» -Evan.

TI, Tl
involves the breaking of a number of hydrogen bonds, it is
AE..,,,,_/n being written for E,1,_ as on page 493; Eq. (32) may now
evident that the entropy of the activated state will be appreciably
greater than that of the initial state. In other words, the entropy be expressed in the form
of activation for flow ASl should be relatively large and positive, ,0 = JTY (21rmkT)Pévf}§ e(AEv&D./n+pV/11')/RT
in agreement with the experimental fact that AFl is normal in
spite of the high value of AHl for associated liquids. In order to determine the quantity n’, representing the ratio
It has been seen above that for molecules of spherical, or of the increase of volume accompanying flow to the total volume,
approximately spherical, symmetry, AE.,,.,,_/E.,,.._ is about 3, T H the method adopted is to use the experimental value of 17 obtained
compared with a value of 4 for nonspherical substances; this at low pressure, together with the known energy of vaporization
means that the energies of activation for flow are relatively large AE,,,,,,, and the free volume v, derived from the measured velocity
for the former, and hence, in accordance with the conclusions of sound in liquid and gas (page 479), and so to determine n
just reached for associated liquids, the entropy of activation for from Eq. (75). The term involving pV/n’ is neglected, since p
flow should be comparatively high. This is in agreement with is small, and the method is virtually identical with that described
observation and suggests, as might be expected, that the sym- on page 493. The value of n obtained in this way is now em-
metrical molecules are well packed in the normal liquid state. ployed together with the experimental data for 17 at high pres-
Among the molecules for which n is 3, mention may be made of sures to calculate n’ from the complete equation (75) at various
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide and argon, which probably pressures and temperatures. The energies of vaporization must
have a close-packed spherical structure in the liquid, and of in all cases be corrected to the particular pressure by means of
benzene, naphthalene and cyclohexane. the available P-V—T lata for the liquid. The calculations have
Influence of Pressure on Viscosity.34—In the derivation of the been carried out for a number of substances; the results for
viscosity equations given above, the use of EvlS. for the activation all the cases studied, except for water, which behaves in an
energy for flow involved the assumption that in the formation exceptional manner, are given in Table LXV.“
of the hole for a molecule to flow into no appreciable work was
done against the external pressure. In view of the fact that TABLE LXV.—VALUEs or n’ FOR NORMAL Liouins
the viscosity of a liquid varies with the pressure at constant
temperature, it is evident that the production of a hole is accom- Pressure, n-Pentane Iliffiggl Benzene Isopentanel Mercury
panied by an increase in the total volume of the system. If kg. /cm.” (30°C.) (52.6,,C_) (25°C.) (50°c.) (0°C.)
AV represents this increase of volume per mole of activated
state for flow, i.e., for a mole of holes, then, at constant external 1,000 5.5 8.0 '
pressure p, ' 2,000 25.0
4,000 23.0
Eact. = Evin. + P AV- 6,000 21.2
The quantity AV will be some fraction of the molar volume V, so 8,000
10,000 lI—l|-* Q©¢O®O>O> ®|-P-~lCJ1€Q¢ '~I"~IO'JO5i-> O3l\'J®C\1
34 Ewell and Eyring, Ref. 4; D. Frisch, H. Eyring and J. F. Kincaid,
J. App. Phys. 11, 75 (l940)_ 35 Data from Bridgman, Ref. 11.
_ 7- J-"L ---- ----I'P - -m ~ *


It is evident that n’ is approximately independent of pressure, lent relationship is 6E/6V = (a/,6)T - p, where a and 13 fife
and the results, except for metals and associated liquids, fall the coefficients of thermal expansion and of compressibility,
within the range of about 6 to 8. By taking a mean value of respectively. The calculations have been made. for a range of
n’, it is possible to determine the ratio n’/n, since n is already pressures for ethyl ether, mercury and n-pentane, and the
known, for a series of substances; the results are quoted in results are depicted graphically, together with the experimental
Table LXVI. data, in Fig. 124; the agreement between observed (full lines)
TABLE LXVI.——COMPARISON or n AND n’ FOR Liooins and calculated (dotted lines) values is satisfactory, and so it is
possible to predict with fair accuracy the influence of pressure
Substance n n’ n’/n on the viscosity of normal liquids.
n-Pentane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .
Diethyl ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I
Benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 100 I _

Isopentane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-l>OJCJ\1J> OUIOOO

Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 |—*1¥>€.O|-P~|-i N)wO U1~I~1 ro1- \1- ¢1- - 1-lO ~IO>0O

Pentane/=71 If
(mil ipoises QO

The constancy of the ratio n’/n for the nonmetallic liquids \\

and the relatively small divergence in the result for mercury in ._.
\ \‘\
spite of the large variation of n and n’ are very striking; this Viscosity /
conclusion, as well as the fact that n’/n is not unity, must have M rcury. /

toinoo|;___e._-_"1 ’ / -*Ethyl ether ‘
an important significance. The quantity Ae,,,,,,_ is the amount of /’ |
energy* required to form a hole of molecular size, and 1/n is I 1 1 . 1 1 .
the fraction of this amount expended in the formation of a hole 0 2 4 6 8 10 x 10°
Pressure (kg/cm?)
large enough for viscous flow to occur. By the definition of n’ FIG. 124.-—Observed and calculated variation of viscosity with pressure.
the size of this hole is approximately a fraction 1/n’ of a hole of (Frisch, Eyring and Kincaid.)
molecular dimensions; it might be expected, therefore, that The behavior of water iii relation to Eq. (75) is exceptional;
n’/n should not differ markedly from unity. The fact that this the value of n’ is not independent of pressure, the results for
is not so means that the energy required to form a hole is not 0°C. being given in Table LXVII for different values of n. The
proportional to its size. From the results in Table LXVI, it
appears that the work required to form a hole of approximately TABLE LXVII.—VALUEs or n’ FOR WATER AT 0°C.
_ - - , .J

one-seventh the size of a molecule is about one-fourth the energy Pressure, kg./cm.’ n = 2 n = 4 7% = 5-4
of vaporization per molecule. If seven of these holes are com-
bined to form one of molecular size, energy roughly equal to 1,000 16.1 124
(-1- - 1)e.,,,,,., i.e., 0.75e..,,,_, would be liberated. 2,000 32 16 14
By assuming n’/n to have the constant value of 1.75, it is 3,000 19 1""

possible to use Eq. (75) to express the variation of the viscosity 4,000 14
of a liquid_ with pressure, the only data required being the energy
5,000 10 Es: ~ioo1- -100 qooco io<:>~1
-- —- , 1 _ 1I'"""' II— 1 IIIIIUIUI F r"1.* _ I __ |—_-1 I

of vaporization as a function of volume or pressure. A conven-

decrease of n’ with increasing pressure may be attributed to
* Arm, is the energy of vaporization per molecule, i.e., AE,,,,,_/N, changes in the structure of water. It is probable that at low
where N is the Avogadro number.
pressures water has a four-coordinated open structure, and no
' Tu“ :___________________ H _'________ __ _ __ _ _ _ i _


for movement of a molecule in the forward direction is diminished
appreciable extra volume is requiredifor flow to occur, i.e., n’
by §_f>\27\, whereas it is increased by a similar amount for move-
is large. As the pressure is increased, the open structure presum-
ment in the opposite direction. It follows, therefore, according
ably collapses, and at high pressures the activated state requires
to the discussion on page 483, that
the same fraction of the molecular volume for flow as a non-
hydmxylic compound. The value of n’ approaches a constant Au = )\k(e%fi‘*"/"T — e_%-"Q"/'*T), (79)
at high pressures and it is of interest to note that for reasonable
, 0
and on expansion by making the assumption that 2kT >> f)\2>\
values of n, viz, 4 to 5, the fraction n’ /n is slightly less than 2,
and utilizing the appropriate value of k, it is found that
as is the case with normal liquids. A similar type of behag/.10;
might be expected for alcohol and other substances in W ic F
77 = AJA2 . F? ecu/RT.
hydrogen bonds occur in the solid state.
The number of holes nh per mole of liquid is equal to (V —— V8) /Uh,
If, as an approximation, A is put equal to A1 the result is
where V and V, are the molar volumes of liquid and unexpanded
solid, respectively, and vh is the increase in volume required to —- F 20/ T

form 3. single hole. 111., i.e., v./N. is the volume of a single 1) __ X2)“. F; 6 k 7

molecule, according to the arglllnent on Page 487» then vh IS or, alternatively,

equivalent to v,/n’, i.e., V./N"1', and hence
11 = —-
MM 6 AF:/RT . ( 82 )
.,,, = 1/__IT/_l/2 NH’; (76)
Upon adopting the same procedure as before, )\2)\1 may be put
= .V___..;V» 1.’. <77) equal to the cross-sectional area of the units taking part in
two—dimensional flow; if these may be identified with the mole-
cules, >\2)\1 may be replaced by A /N, where A is the cross-sec-
It was seen on page 489 that for many simple substances n;,/N at
tional area per mole. It is thus possible to write
the melting point is equal to 0.5-1, and hence
n’ 1/l;_l/Q = (154, (78) -,7 = hi];/I eAFi/RT, (83)

which is the two-dimensional analogue of Eq. (27). The values

where V is the molar volume of the liquid at the melting point. of AFR the free energy of activation for flow in a unimolecular
For a number of nonmetallic substances, <Vm‘ - V8)/ V8 15 9-PPTOXP film, have been computed from experimental data of surface
mately 0.1, and hence n’ is about 5 or 6, in general agreement viscosity, and the results are compared in Table LXVIII with
with the results in Table LXVI. For mercury, sodium, potas-
sium rubidium and cesium, (Vm — V.)/V, 1S about 0.25, and TABLE LXVIII.—CoMPARisoN or FREE Ennnems or ACTIVATION FOR
so n’, as found above for mercury, is in the vicinity of 25.36 Two- AND THREE—DIMENSIONAL FLOW
Viscosity in Unimolecular Fi1ms.37——The equations already substance
AF for film,
AF for liquid,
. -
derived for the flow of three-dimensional liquids may l)€.II1OCl1fi€d kcal. kcal.
so as to be applicable to the viscosity of surface films, z.e., w ‘en
movement is possible in two dimensions only. The shearing Myristic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.30 5.77 (70°) 1.80
force acting on a single molecule at the interface is now f)\2; Palmitic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 5.92 1.84
and since this acts over a distance ék, the energy of activation
Stearic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.03 A 0.30 1.75
Oleic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.36 6.22 (20°) 1.67
3° Powell, Roseveare and Eyring, Ref. 9. Cetyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.20 5.80 2.62
37 W. J. Moore and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 6, 391 (1933)-

I 1



the values for viscous flow in the same three-dimensional liquids. where c is a constant. The general accuracy of this equation
The free energy of activation for flow is approximately two to has been confirmed by the experimental work on surface films
three times as great in the surface layer as it is in the liquid in of E. Boyd and W. D. Harkins ;38 further, the observed magnitude
bulk; it is probable, therefore, that the unit of flow is somewhat of the constant c is in agreement with the expected value. It
may be seen from Eq. (88) that c is equivalent to AA /RT ; and
greater in the former circumstances. This may be due to the
lateral association of the hydrocarbon chains of the surface
if AA is taken to be equal to the area of cross section of a single
hydrocarbon chain multiplied by the Avogadro number, c is
molecules or to solvation of the polar groups. If the latter, each
found to be 0.054 at 25°C. The experimental values range
molecule of liquid spread on the surface would have to drag
between 0.022 and 0.076.
with it a number of molecules of the underlying liquid in the
Non-Newtonian Flow.3°——It has been seen that, provided
process of flow. In any event, the free energy of activation
2kT >> f)\2>\37\, the quantity f disappears from the viscosity
would be greater than for the three-dimensional flow in the pure
equation; the viscosity is thus independent of the shearing force,
as required for a Newtonian liquid. If the structure of the
Compression of the unimolecular surface film, i.e., by increas-
system is fairly rigid, as is the case with certain gels, lyophilic
ing the surface pressure, is comparable with increase of external
sols and glasses, the value of f must be large and hence f)\27\3)\
pressure for liquid viscosity. Upon rewriting Eq. (83) and
becomes greater than 2kT ; in these circumstances,
splitting up AF1 into AHl and the entropy term, it is readily seen
t at
sinh 1% ~ @%e=~*/'=T, (90)
77 .—-: B eAHI/RT,

provided that AS1 is assumed to be constant. The quantity provided that f)\2)\3)\ is approximately equal to, or greater than,
AHI may be replaced by AE1 + p AA, allowance being made for 2kT, and Eq. (22) becomes
the fact that there is an expansion AA in the formation of the 7' =
h F
1 . E e(eo-}6f)~zM)i)/kT.
activated state, so that external work must be done against the
surface pressure; by identifying AEI with the experimental
activation energy Ev... for surface viscosity at zero pressure, This equation may be written in the form
Eq. (84) becomes n = Af @‘“"””", (92)
1) -'..= B e(E'vis.+PAA)/RT

= B eEvis./RT_ epAA/RT. where A is equal to )\1hF/)\kTF1, a is e0/k and b is 1}7\2)\3)\/k. It

is clear from Eq. (92) that the viscosity is now no longer inde-
If the quantity B eE"*=-'1", which is the surface viscosity at zero pendent of the shearing force, and hence the flow will. be non-
pressure, is designated as no, it follows that Newtonian.* It should be noted that, since the quantity a — bf
appears in the exponential term, the viscosity should decrease
11 = "70 eP“""', (87) with increasing shearing force; this is in harmony with the
experimental observations.
In 11 = In 170 + %4- (ss) 3“ E. Boyd and W. D. Harkins, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 1188 (1939). '
*9 Eyring, Ref. 1; Ewell, Ref. 4.
lf AA may be taken as constant for a given substance and
* Another possible interpretation of non-Newtonian flow, based on a
independent of pressure, as will probably be the case over a change in structure or flow mechanism as the rate of flow changes, is con-
considerable range of surface pressure, it follows that sidered by W. Kauzmann and H. Eyring [J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 3113
A log 11 = log 170 + pc, (89)
The viscosities of suspensions of raw milled rubber have been composition and the viscosities of its . COI1St1l3l16I.1lZS,. but none
found to obey Eq. (92) closely for shearing forces from 84 X 104 can be regarded as satisfactory, especially for liquid_ systems
to 190 X 104 dynes per sq. cm., and approximately for even exhibiting appreciable departure from ideal behavior. _ If
larger forces, approximate values of A, a and b being determined viscous flow consists of the movement of one molecule at a time
empirically by a graphical procedure.“ For the particular from one equilibrium position to the next, then provided that
rubber system employed the best agreement with experiment was the two molecular species in a mixture do not interact with one
observed when the following values were used: A = 1.65 X 10*‘, another, i.e., for an ideal system, it can be shown from Eqs. (14)
a = 5.10 X 103 and b = 1.28 X 10-3. Since a is equal to so/k, to (21), on the assumption that the Ns are the same for both con-
where so is the activation energy for flow of a single unit when stituents, that
the shearing force is small, the corresponding energy per “mole” d> = Ni¢i + N24": (93)
is given by aR, where R is the gas constant. It follows, there-
fore, that E.,i._ for raw milled rubber is 5.1 X 103 X 2, i.e., where ¢ is the fluidity of the mixture and ¢i Bind ¢2 M6 the Values
10.2 kcal. If the unit of flow is chainlike in form, its heat of for the two constituents, whose mole fractions are N1 and N2:
vaporization will be four times this quantity (cf. page 497), i.e., respectively. It will be noted, however, that Eq. (93) IIIYOIVBS
40.8 kcal. The chains in rubber presumably consist of a number the tacit assumption that the free energy of activation, which as
of isoprene residues ; and since the molar heat of vaporization of already seen is a definite fraction of ‘the energy requlred 150
isoprene is 4 kcal., it is probable that the segment of flow consists make a hole for the molecule to flow into, is the same in the
of about 10 residues. Each molecule of isoprene contains a mixture as in the pure liquids. It is unlikely that this will be
chain of four carbon atoms, and so the unit of flow is a chain of the case, and it is more reasonable to take an average value, 01.2.,
approximately 40 carbon atoms. The entropy of activation N, AF; _|_ N2 AFJ, as applicable to the mixture. Since Eq. (27)
for flow is calculated to be -42 E.U., by means of Eq. (28); and, for a pure substance may be written as M
by utilizing the simplified equation (71) for the relationship ¢ = (V/hN) 6-—AFt/RT,
between AS1 and the weight average total chain length, the latter
in raw milled rubber is found to be about 7,000 carbon atoms.“ an analogous equation for the fluidity of a mixture would be
The factor b in Eq. (92) is equivalent to 1}>\2>\37\/k; and since
b for raw milled rubber is 1.28 X 10-3, it follows that the “viscous ¢ = %%2 6--(NiAFit+N2AF2I)/RT,
volume” X27131 is equal to 3.5 X 10"1° cc. According to the
calculations made above the segment of flow consists of 40 carbon where V1 2 is the average molar volume of the components. It
atoms, and so its length is about 50 X 10_8 cm. The diameter is of interest to note that if V1 and V2 are not very different, V1.2
of the chain is about 5 X 10"“ cm.; and if the distance moved will have approximately the same value; Eq- (94) can then be
by a segment in each jump is approximately the same, the written in the form
viscous volume might be expected to be 1.25 X 10'“ cc., which
is much smaller than the experimental value. An explanation log ¢ = N1 log <1». + N2 log <12, (95)
of this discrepancy is probably that a small section of the rubber
which is the equation proposed by .Kendall.“ _
molecule resists the shear on a large area.
A test of Eq. (94) has shown that it 1S obeyed only bydI_I11§_<t11i'B$
Viscosity of Mixtures.——Numerous attempts have been made
of similar liquids; systems consisting of markedly 15511111 at
to derive an equation relating the viscosity of a mixture to its
substances, e.g., benzene and alcohol, have much lower viscosi-
4° H. M. Smallwood, J. App. Phys., 8, 505 (1937); data from M. Mooney,
Physics, 7, 413 (1936). 4’ See J. Kendall and K. P. Monroe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 39, 1789 (1917)-
41 Kauzmann and Eyring. Ref. 23. 43 J. Kendall, Meddel. Vetenslcapsakad. N0belinst.. 2, [25] (1913)-
_ _J..-_. _-..-:I$:..*__,i..:__ .;* ' . ._.;-'-7.". ' " -— - --- ---


ties, and systems in which compound formation occurs, e.g., is evident that the two properties must be related. The classical
chloroform and ether, have viscosities greater than the calculated treatment of diffusion in solution is based on the assumption
values. Comparison of the deviations of the observed free that van’t Hoff’s equation P = cRT, relating the osmotic
energies of activation for flow in mixtures from the linear additive pressure P to the concentration c, is obeyed, that osmotic pressure
law. required by Eq. (94) with the deviations from Raoult’s law, is the driving force of diffusion and that Stokes’s law is applicable
both at 50 moles per cent, where the departures from ideal to the movement of solute molecules. The first two assumptions
behavior are generally a maximum, shows a close proportional- are probably justifiable only in extremely dilute solutions, and
ity for a number of liquid systems ;“4 the deviation in AF1 for the last can hold only when the diffusing molecules are very much
viscosity is apparently equal to AF,,,/2.45, where AF.,., called the larger than those of the medi-
“excess free energy of mixing,” represents the departure from um. In spite of its limitations
\ ' ' T

Raoult’s law.“ It is an interesting fact, which must have the resulting Stokes-Einstein

important significance, that the same ratio, viz., 2.45, appears 150 - \ \
equation, vz'z., \
here as does in connection with the relationship between AF1 for /
kT C. /
viscosity and the energy of vaporization, or the work required to D - %J (98) /
form a hole in the liquid. If use is made of this connection i—l OO -_
between the deviation from Eq. (94) and the excess free energy of has been frequently employed ; /
mixing, this equation may be modified, thus, D is the diffusion coeflicient /
. V e—[(m AFi1+Nz AFzx)—-AF,»/2.45]/RT, defined by the relationship* 50- \\\
¢ = __h]1\;. (96)
dc - \\ 1
or, since AF’? is equal to AE.,,,,,_/2.45, ds = —DA (Eat, (99) \\
0. 1 1 1
¢ = e"(N1 AE'i~l-N2 AE2—-AFm)/2.45RT_ ' the quantity
where ds 1S ' of Benzene 0.25Mole 0.50
fraction0.75 Phenol
Solute that Crosses aboundary FIG. 125.——Observed and calculated
Equations (96) and,(97f) can be tested provided that the vapor of Cross section A in the time fluidities of benzene-phenol mixtures.
pressures of mixtures are available at the desired temperatures, dt when the concentration (Romeam Powell and Ewing.)
so that AF... can be calculated. As is to be expected, since the gradient is dc/dx, the distance :1: being measured in the direction of
correction term was derived empirically, the modified mixture diffusion. A more satisfactory treatment of diffusion in solution,
law of Eq. (97) gives excellent agreement with experiment, which is free from the objections of the classical approach, is
even for systems consisting of a hydrocarbon and an associated by means of the theory of absolute reaction rates.
substance. The observed fluidities for mixtures of benzene The process of diffusion is very similar to that of viscous flow,
and phenol are shown by the circles in Fig. 125, and the full except that in the former case unlike molecules are involved.
line gives values calculated by means of Eq. (97); the dotted In order to diffuse in solution, a molecule of solute and one of
line is for the ideal mixture law of Eq. (94)- solvent are required to slip past each other. Suppose the
distance between two successive equilibrium positions is )\,]‘
so that this is the distance through which a molecule of solute is
Diffusion as a Rate Process.4“—The problem of diffusion can
be treated in a manner similar to that used for viscosity, for it * The negative sign is employed because diffusion occurs in the direction
of decreasing concentration.
44 Powell, Roseveare and Eyring, Ref. 17. . ilt is not possible to say a priori whether these equilibrium positions
4‘ Cf. G. Scatchard, Chem. Rev., 8, 321 (1931). refer to the solvent or solute; for large molecules or ions, they are probably
‘° Evring, Ref. 1; H. S. Taylor. J. Chem. Phys., 6, 331 (1938). those of the solvent (see page 520).

transported in each jump; the change of the standard free energy The resultant flow is from left to right and amounts to
with distance can then be represented by the curve in Fig. 126.
In the present discussion the assumption is made that the v = —N712k 3% molecules sq. emf‘ sec.-1 (102)
standard free energy is the same in the equilibrium positions
that the molecule occupies in the course of diffusion; since the It will be seen from Eq. (99) that the resultant flow per square
concentrations at the initial and final positions must be different, centimeter (A = 1) per second (dt = 1) can be expressed in terms
as otherwise diffusion would not occur, this condition can hold of the diffusion coefficient as
only if the solutions are ideal. The following treatment is
,.... .1 . . . , applicable, therefore, to ideal d
v = —DN 5; molecules sq. emf‘ sec.-1, (103)
Pir°°ti°“ °f diff“si°”,. systems, or to solutions so
dilute that they behave virtu-
the Avogadro number being introduced to change moles to
ally in an ideal manner; the
molecules. It follows, therefore, that
corrections to be made for
departure from ideality will be I DN (E
dc = N>12k 3;,
d (104)
considered later. It will be
¢ C+Ad-Q noted that if the standard
Stenerandargyd 01‘
‘ l< _-_¢——¢--___
71 —_-—__—_--
>1 dx free energy is the same in
' Distance M initial and final states and the D = Wk. (105)
Fm. 126.——Free-energy barrier for dif- energy barrier is assumed to be As already mentioned, this equation can hold only for ideal
fusion in an ideal solution. Symmetrical’ the free energy of
solutions or dilute solutions that approximate to ideal behavior.
activation will be the same in the forward and backward direc- _ If 71 and for diffusion may be identified with the correspond-
tions; the specific rate constant It is, therefore, the same for flow ing quantities for viscosity, as is particularly the case for self-
in either direction. diffusion, it is possible to introduce Eq. (21) with the result
The concentrations in moles per cubic centimeter of solute
molecules in initial and final states of diffusion are c and c + )11kT
D =
)1dc/d:z:,* respectively, since dc/da: is the concentration gradient >\2>\a1I (106)
and )1 is the distance between the successive equilibrium positions.
It is of interest to compare this with the classical equation (98) '
The number of molecules moving in the forward direction, i.e.,
‘the latter contains 61rr in place of >\2>13/>11 in the former, and
from left to right, through a cross section of 1 sq. cm. is given by
although these quantities are of the same order of magnitude
v; = Nc)1k molecules sq. cm.“1 sec?‘ (100) . _ O - 2
ma, 10 8 cm., the actual values may well differ by a factor of
where N is, as before, the Avogadro number and lc is the specific about 10. Strictly speaking, the two equations are not com-
reaction rate for diffusion, i.e., the number of times a molecule parable, because the Stokes-Einstein equation is based on the
moves from one position to the next per second. Similarly, assumption that the diffusing molecules are large and that the
the rate of movement in the backward direction, i.e., from right medium may. be regarded as being continuous, the laws of classical
to left, is hydrodynamics being applicable. In the deduction of Eq. (106),
however, it has been supposed that the diffusing molecules and
v¢,.= N (0 + )1 71k molecules sq. cm."1 sec."1 (101) those of the medium have similar dimensions. .
_ VVhen a large molecule or ion diffuses or migrates electrically,
* Since the concentration decreases in the direction of diffusion, dc/dz is
negative and thus c + 71(dc/dx) is less than c.
in a solvent consisting of relatively small molecules, it is unlikely

that the rate-determining step will be the jump of the solute so that Eq. (107) becomes
molecule from one equilibrium position to the next, since the
work required to produce the necessary space would be very 1), = (198)
large. It is much more probable, therefore, that the jump of
the solvent in one direction is the rate-determining process;
the large molecule of solute then moves in the opposite direction According to the Stokes-Einstein equation (98) the factor a
into the space left vacant as a result of the motion of the solvent in Eq. (108) should be 6; but, as stated above, this involves the
molecule. This conclusion is in agreement with the observation approximation of considering the solvent as a continuous medium.
It appears probable, however, that in the diffusion of large mole-
that the temperature coefficient of diffusion of large molecules
and of the conductance of large ions is the same as the tempera- cules in a solvent consisting of small molecules a will not be
greatly different from six.
ture coefficient of viscosity of the solvent. It is clearly the
movement of the solvent molecules that determines the rate of Test of Diffusion Equations.—Since Eq. (106) should be
diffusion of the solute in these instances. The manner in which exactly applicable to self-diffusion, it can best be tested by the
this can occur is depicted diagram- data for the diffusion of heavy into light water.“ From the
IT!‘ measured viscosities and diffusion coefficients at 0 and 45°C.
I,» -----~~\ matically in Fig. 127; the small sol-
the quantity 712713/711 was found by Eq. (106) to be 1.43 X 10" cm.
/’ \\ vent molecule A will move as shown
/’ by the arrow, in a series of jumps at 0°C. and 1.38 X 10-7 cm. at 45°C. Further, by assuming
\,1 I 711712713 to give the effective volume of a single molecule (cf.
"T, \
4-*1’ from one equilibrium position to
page 484), this quantity could be calculated from the molar
a B /\ In 1‘ I, another, until it has reached the

volume. Combining the values for 712713/711 and 711712713 the

7"’ I position shown by the dotted circle.
+_ A The large solute molecule B will following results were obtained?“ A
FIG. 127.—Diffusion of large then Cllff11S6 130 11116 l€fl3 130 fill 11-116
;‘}°:;°:,l,°s(f£ln‘:‘:§of§cu‘;°)’X;fe“‘ space vacated ‘by the solvent mole- 0°C. 45°C.
cule. It 1S evident, therefore, that
the solvent molecule must move through a distance of at least X1 — X 10-8 Cln.
(>1,>.,)% pk!-—* 0111:- 11>» XX I-*1-* co- QQ
1-P~1—* oi»o-4 >< 10*‘ cm.
1r'r, where r is the radius of the large diffusing molecule, in order
that the latter may move from right to left a distance of approxi-
mately 71, where 71 is the distance between successive equilibrium The fact that 711 is smaller than (712713) *5, and hence probably
positions of the solvent molecule. If the solute molecule were smaller than both 712 and 713, is in agreement with the expectation
small, however, e.g., B’, it would move from right to left a distance that the plane of flow in diffusion will tend to coincide with the
of approximately 71 in each jump of the solvent molecule, and so plane of the water molecule, since flow in this direction will
it follows that take place most easily. Application of Eq. (98), based on
71 Stokes’s law,‘ gives a value of r of 0.78 X 10'“ cm. at 0°C. and
D1 = D3
0.73 X 10*” cm. at 45°C.; these results are clearly too small for
‘ 1 a molecule of water.
where D; and D, are the diffusion coefficients of large and small In the case of diffusion of a solute molecule through a solvent, the same solvent and a is a factor of the order of it is not necessarily true that 71 and k will be the same for viscous
unity which allows for the fact that the molecule A may not take
the shortest path in its journey around B. The value of D, *7 W. J. C. Orr and J. A. V. Butler, J. Chem. Soc., 1273 (1935).
is given by Eq. (106), which may be put in the form D, --= kT/7111, *8 Eyring, Ref. 1.
**— - 4 '7.-1 _ 1 —I| IIr_"|I|Iu||l|l-al-L ' --I J"'—-w ~ — --—“ Il*;*|-t-_—~-=_:—_—_ _- - __


exponential variation of the coeflicient of diffusion with tempera-
flow of the solvent as for diffusion,* and so Eq. (108) will not be
ture is to be expected, as is the case with viscosity.“ Further
strictly true. Nevertheless, even if the 71% terms in the expres-
as with diffusion, the unit process of flow requires the provisiori
sions for D and 1; do not cancel, it is evident that the product D17
of additional space, although the hole that has to be made is not
in different solvents will be related to the quantity 711/712713. It
necessarily the full size of a molecule. The energy of activation
appears, therefore, that some relationship between Dn and the
for diffusion per mole (Edie) may thus be taken as a fraetien
molar volume of the solvent would not be unexpected,“ and
it is of interest to record that in the diffusion of iodine, Dn 1/" Of the energy of vaporization, as follows:
increases with the molar volume when pairs of solvents of similar Earn. =
nature are compared; a few illustrations are recorded in Table
LXIX.5° An examination of the accurate data” on the difiusion of
tetrabromethane in tetrachlor-ethane shows that the exponential
AND THEIR MOLAR VOLUMES re1ati°nShiP h0ldS accurately, the activation energy being
3,490 cal. The variation of the viscosity of tetrachlgrethane
Solvents Molar volumo D11 with the temperature gives an activation energy of 2 995 cal
for viscous flow, a value that is almost exactly one-third of thé
Dibromethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 , 1,232 molecular heat of vaporization of this substance. The data for
Tetrabromethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 , 1,544
tetrabromethane are not available; but, upon assuming the same
Chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 1 ,062 Trouton constant as for tetrachlor-ethane, the heat OfiV3,p()1'jZa,-
Carbon tetrachloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 , 1,128
tion is estimated as 11,230 cal., and hence the activation energy
Ethyl acetate. . . . . . . . . 98 850 for viscosity should be one-third of this value viz. 3 745 cal
Isoamyl acetate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 933
It is of interest to note that the mean of the values for’ the two
halogenoethanes, via, 3,370 cal., is almost exactly equal to the
Temperature Coeflicient of Difiiision.——The specific rate con- activation energy for diffusion; it appears, therefore, that in the
stant for diffusion is given, according to the theory of absolute process of diffusion the motion of one molecule past the other
reaction rates, by the expression demands a free energy lying between those required by the two
1. (100) molecules in their separate viscous flows.
It has been seen (page 505) that the activation energy for
the viscous flow of water diminishes with increasing temperature
where F; and F are the partition functions of the system in the a fact that has been explained on the basis of the hydrogen-bend
activated and normal states, respectively, and eo 1S the activation structure of the liquid; an analogous behavior is clearly -to be
energy per molecule at 0°K. It is clear, therefore, that an expected for a solute diffusing in an aqueous solution The
results for the diffusion of mannitol in water“ are in harmony with
* The specific rate k for diffusion involves the free energy of activaticn
of the rate-determining process, and this will probably be related to the expeetethgn; the activation energy falls from 6,600 cal. between
mole fractions of both constituents and their ' respec tiv e AF: values (cf. 0 and 10 C. to 3,800 cal. between 60 and 70°C. These values
p. 515). It is only for very dilute solutions or for very large molecules, as
implied above, that the free energy of activation for diffusion might be the “ Cf- H- Braune » Z - physik - Chem -. 110 147 (1924)' R. s. Bradle J
value for the solvent and hence the same as that for the viscosity of the
Ch . s06 . 2 1910 (1934),- E. Rabinowitch,
(15517). - - ’ Trans. Faraday’ Soc., 33, Y1h25-
solvent. Under these conditions 71 and lc would be the same for viscosity
and diffusion. 53
]()JohP<:n§;rhd gr. R. (§3I%‘11I1S,Z.PhyS'
Chem., 103, 404 (1923).
4° Taylor, Ref. 46. '
5° C. C. Miller, Proc. Roy. Soc., 108, A, 724 (1924).
19, 14s (1910). 8 er an ' E' C‘ Schefier’ P’°°' A°“d- S°"'- Aimwrdam,
— 1 __ ___‘



are approximately 1 kcal. larger than the corresponding activation from experimental determinations of the diffusion coeflicient
energies for viscous flow; this difference can be readily understood at two or more temperatures, it is possible, by means of Eq. (113),
in view of the large size of the mannitol molecule and the fact to calculate 712 e“i’R or its square root. Some results obtained
that it has a greater capacity than a water molecule for forming in this manner are quoted in Table LXX." With the exception
hydrogen bonds. The data for the coefficients of diffusion in TABLE LXX.-——EN'rEoi>Y Facron FOR DIFFUSION
aqueous solutions at several temperatures are limited, but the
results in general lead to activation energies for diffusion in D_fi .. t A >< i0=, E, ices‘/R)%,
1 uslon Sys em cm.’sec.'1_ kcal. A
satisfactory agreement with those for the viscosity of water
in the same temperature range.“ 1-4
Water in water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 5.30
It has been observed that solutes possessing large diffusion Phenol in methyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 3.15
coefficients invariably have small temperature coefiicients;55 it Phenol in benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16 3.08
is evident from (105) and (109) that the diffusion coefficient Tetrabrom- in tetrachlor-ethane . . . . . . . . . . 1.68 1 . 68
Q1-1-*1- 1 -1 1F~O1P~1P~O
may be expressed by Bromine in carbon disulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.43 15.36 ' I

D = )\2___
kT F, e—¢o/IIT,
h F of the value of 71(e“i/R) 3'4 for the self-diffusion of water, the
results in the last column indicate that AS‘? cannot differ appreci-
so that, in general, a high value of D implies a small activation
energy and hence a small temperature coefficient, as found in ably from zero; i.e., el-‘-SI/R is approximately unity, and the figures
practice. The same inverse relationship between the diffusion given are roughly equal to 71, the distance from one equilibrium
coefficient and its temperature coefficient has been observed in position to the next in diffusion. The high result for water, which
connection with the diffusion of bromoform and iodine in various is greatly in excess of the value to be expected for 71 (cf. page 521),
media. Qualitatively, the significance of this fact is that the means that the formation of the activated state for diffusion
more slowly diffusing substances have to form relatively large of a water molecule is accompanied by an appreciable increase
holes for the activated state; the activation energy and hence of entropy. This is as anticipated and is in harmony with the
the temperature coeflicient of diffusion are consequently large.“ conclusions reached from a consideration of the viscosity of
Since (F;/F) e"‘°/"T is equal to KI, in the usual manner water (page 506).
(page 188), it is possible to write Eq. (111) as Absolute Values of Difiusion Rates.”-—The absolute mag-
nitudes of diffusion coefficients can be determined by evaluating
D '.= X2 E’? eASx/R e—AHI/RT; the partition functions in Eq. (111) ; if the degree of freedom.cor-
responding to the diffusional movement is assumed to be a
and since diffusion is accompanied by a negligible volume translational one, as in the case of viscosity, the ratio of the
change, it follows (cf. page 198) that partition functions F;/F will be of the form given by Eq. (31).
Upon writing Earn./RT in place of so/kT and replacing Edie.
1) = @112 5,?-7 69$‘/R e-W’, (113) by AEm./'11, as previously explained, Eq. (111) becomes
___ _ h A -Agvgp, nRT
where E is the observed activation energy for diffusion derived D " *2 h 5' (2rmkT)%v,% 6 I (114)
from the equation D = A e_E”"'. Since A and E can be obtained
Q 1
>12 kT *4 _,
=.' v‘-f—;-5
n e AEvap'/ RT.
5‘ Taylor, Ref. 46. - __
=5 W. Oholm, z. physik. Chem., so, 309 (1904); '10, 373 (1910); Méadrz.
Vetenslcapsakad. Nobelinst., 2, [23, 24. 26l (1912). 5" R. M. Barrer, Trans. Faraday Soc., 35, 644 (1939).
5° Taylor, Ref. 46. 5“ A. E. Steam, E. M. Irish and H. Eyring, J. Phys. Chem., 44, 981 (1940).

11 ,
_.,_,.,_._,___.._. ..__.r...,_—-----._.... --in-..--_-_. .__._- i __ _7 _ __ _._____


The distance 7\ may be taken as approximately (V/NP5, where nitude, it is about twice the observed value. A discrepancy
V is the molar volume, and the free volume may be estimated by of this nature is frequently to be found with organic liquids;
one of the methods described on page 478; hence, it should be it may be due to the approximation employed, in evaluating the
possible to evaluate the diffusion coefficient provided that AEW. ratio of the partition functions, of taking the rotational and
is known, n being taken as 3. It must be remembered, however, vibrational contributions to be the same in the normal and
that in general diffusion involves molecules of two types, viz., activated states. l_For a structureless liquid, it is likely that
solvent and solute; hence, mean values of X, 21,54 and AEW. there will be more freedom of rotaticn in the initial than in the
might reasonably be employed. For A and v;%, weighed arith- activated states; the ratio of the rotational contributions to
metic means of the values for the two pure components are F’;/F involved in Eq. (111) will thus not be unity, but somewhat
obtained from the expressions less. The effect of taking rotation into consideration would
>. = N1)\1 + N232 (116) thus be to reduce the calculated diffusion coefficients to some
extent. It will be seen later that where the solvent has structure,
as in the case of water, the rotational contributions should
v,% = N1vf1% + N211/2% (117) operate in the opposite sense and make the diffusion coefficients
where N1 and N2 are the mole fractions of the substances indicated calculated by Eq. (115) too small.
by the subscripts; the mean value of AE,“, was calculated from When the solutions are dilute, the values of )\, vf and AE.,,,,,_
the equation may be taken as those of the pure solvent; this has been done in
AEvap.% = N1 AE1% + N2 AE2%- (118)
calculating the diffusion coefficients of various solutes in benzene.
Some of the results obtained, n being taken as 3, are given in
The mass m employed in Eq. (115) was taken as the reduced Table LXXII.
mass of the two constituent molecules treated as a combined
unit.* The results quoted in Table LXXI were obtained in the AT 280.5°K.
INTO TETRACHLOR—E'1‘HANE D >< 10‘ cm.” sec ‘1
Solute 5
D X 105 cm.’ sec.'1 Calc. Obs.
Teomp" M >< 1015 v;% X 109 E, kcal.
| K‘ Calc. 7 Obs. Carbon tetrachloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .51
Iodoform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 12
273.4 3.12 3.45 9.35 0.54 0.35 Methyl iodide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.06
233.0 3.15 6.92 9.72 0.92 0.50 n-Amyl iodide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.41 -
303.5 3.19 7.59 9.52 1.42 0.74 Ethylene chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.77 ~
324.1 I 3.23 8.13 9.38 1.89 ‘ 0.95 Brombenzene........... 1 1.45
11 1 ..> . '~ 1 1 : 2: 4-Trichlorbenzene . . . . . .. . 1 .34
Naphthalene . . . . . . . . . . O O GO JO O O CO CJ1OJ¢O\IlDrP©>-Fil:\DC/OCOI-*0 O>rP© 1. 19
manner described for the diffusion of tetrabromethane into the
corresponding chloro-compound. Comparison of the figures In Table LXXIII are recorded the results for the diffusion of
in the last two columns of the table shows that, although the brombenzene, bromoform and iodine in various solvents; the
calculated diffusion coeflicient is of the correct order of mag- value of n found to hold for viscous flow was used as far as
* This implies that the unit of flow involves one molecule of solute and possible, such values being marked by an asterisk. In other
one of solvent, which is probably not correct (cf. p. 534), but the error cases, n has been assigned by analogy with chemically similar
is small. substances for which the values are known. It is seen, as before 7
' _'_" ' '_“_ ‘ _'“ "" ""' """ "" _‘ """-'- —--——-_._-.- " .-- --i._-_-u-1-4-4---.-._.._,..._ _- ._. ..__. .



that although the discrepancy between the calculated and the hydrogen bonds are broken to a considerable extent in the
experimental diffusion coefficients is not great, the former are formation of the activated state, it is apparent that there will be
always somewhat larger than the latter. more freedom of movement in the activated than in the initial

D X 105 cm.” sec._1 D X 105 cm.2 sec."1

Solvent n 5 -
Calc. Obs. Temp., °K. , Calc.
5 I 5 5 5 Obs.
Diffusion of brombenzene (280.5°x.): v; from Eq. (12) 1:; from Eq. (9)
Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 3.50
Hexane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 1-*1-1 2.49 273.0 0.096 0.26
Cyclohexane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3* Hi 1.16 296.2 0.18 0.61
Toluene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 1.59 316.4 0.29 0.97
m-Xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I-P~' I030-‘JO? QOHKO O O1 1 1.52 335.0 0.42 1.35
Diffusion of bromoform (293°K.): 343.2 0.50 I- l©©Q© ©®O'>>>l\9Cn<O0 OO@ 1.56
Acetone . . . . . . . . . . I 2.69
Ether 1-F-1-P~ I-—*r-I 3.39
Benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3* I 1.69 state. As seen above the inclusion of the rotational contribution
Methyl alcoho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.93 to the partition function would, in these circumstances, lead to
Amyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 @l\3CJQ\1l\9 <OO>'~10 0 rP~|-P 0.52 diffusion coefficients larger than those given by Eq. (115) which
Diffusion of iodin e (293°K.): was used to derive the results in Table LXXIV.
Chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y 4* 2.12
Ethyl acetate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 2. 15 TABLE LXXV.'—'DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN WATER
Carbon disulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 3.12
Heptane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4* 1-r-—4|-* I 5 2.77 D X 105 cm.” sec?‘
Benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3* 1.93 Solute Teonlzp” 5 1 5
Brombenzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i—*O 1-‘NJQO \1\1hP|-l>®l"F-‘CO 1.20 ' Calc. Obs.

Difiusion in Aqueous Solutions.59—The most complete data on Methyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 1 . 37

Amyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 0.88
diffusion in water are those for mannitol, and these may be Phenol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 I . 0.80
compared with the results derived from Eq. (115). For the Glycerol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 0.83
purpose of the calculations, n was taken as 2.4 throughout, and Pyrogallol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 , . 0.61
a mean value of 9,700 was employed for AE,,,,,,,_. Since the Urea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 i 1.18
two methods for obtaining free volumes described at the begin- Caffein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 . ' 0. 57
Urethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 . 0.87
ning of this chapter give different values for water, both have Glucose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 0.57
been employed in obtaining the results given in Table LXXIV. Sucrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 »>:o u=~o o=»4>.:<o o 57
It is seen that better values for the diffusion coefficient of man- Various dyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 0. 17 to 0.58
nitol in water are obtained by using Eq. (9) to obtain the free Various proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280-290 'o o<:>o oc>o o oa woawoawo oa o 0.04 to 0. 13
volume, but in any case the calculated values are now always
less than those found by experiment. Since water has a struc- Some miscellaneous data for diffusion in water are collected
ture, and it appears from the viscosity studies (page 505) that in Table LXXV; the free volume calculated by means of Eq. (9),
5° Steam, Irish and Eyring, Ref. 58.
which gave the best results in connection with mannitol (Table
__?_ _


LXXIV), has been used throughout. The observed diffusion
coefficients are those recorded for the most dilute solutions that
have been studied. Calculations have also been made for the
.33: 23:3: "Pi; 5*»
th te
then the Cllzan 11 is “13.
_ » F71 ilstanee inthe direction of diffusion,
ge in n 71 etween initial and final states in the
. . .

I . . . _
rates of diffusion of the gases acetylene, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
fihefiigtary act of dlffuslon ls Aid 111 71/div); It follows, therefore,
and hydrogen in water; the values are in each case approximately e corresponding change in free energy is
four times those found by experiment.
__ d ln -'y
Diffusion in Concentrated (Nonideal) Solutions.“-As AF — )\RT—&-H-2-1 (119)
explained on page 518, the equations developed so far have
= dln'y1 (ZN
neglected any deviation from ideal behavior, and this approxima-
tion is probably justified in the cases considered hitherto. The ‘R’"“r§?*"ai5 fl20>
fact that activity, and not concentration, is the driving force in
1 L 5 r
**fi“’ um
Direction of diffusion > A where N1 is the mole fraction and G1 is defined by

\\ hlon-ideal G E dlnq/1.

\ Ideal 1 RT dN1 (122)

\ /
If AF 5 1 is
' th e free energy of activation
. . in . each (l1I‘€(3t1()[1
. , for an
_.A_._ _§._. // ideal system, then, when the solution is not ideal,
Free 1 I

2-411'" /
AFII = AFOI + -Li-AF (123)

11 . \\ _ /
/ -"
1-,,» _ AFQI -|- -5-A dN
_ E5 G1, (124)

Distance (x)
AFII being the free energy of activation for the forward direction
FIG. 128.—-Free-energy barrier for diffusion in ideal and nonideal systems.
imilarly, AF1,I for the backward direction 1S given by
diffusion is brought out clearly by consideration of a system
forming two layers, liquid or solid, in equilibrium. In spite of _ dN
Mb‘ - A-F0‘ — 55% g;‘G1. (125)
the marked differences in concentration that generally exist,
there is no diffusion across the boundary. It is clear, therefore, The net rate
v of diffusion of constituent
~ 1 from left to right '
that the cause of diffusion is the difference in free energy between then a modified form of Eq. (102), 1)1:Z_, is
different parts of the system. For systems that depart appreci-
ably from ideality, so that the standard free energies are different .v = NC1)\kf _ N (61 + X dc .
Mel, molecules sq. cmfl secfl,
in initial and activated states, a modified treatment must be
adopted. One procedure is to calculate the total free energy (126)
arising from nonideal behavior; then, since the energy barrier is wher k dk - . . .
symmetrical, one-half of this quantity will contribute to the and Eacgivllrd bd?Il':c'31e Speelixfic rates for diffusion in the forward
free energy of the activation process in each direction. The . 0113' ccordlng 190 the theory of absolute
variation of the free energy between initial and final states in iiizflon rates, these may be defined in terms of AFft and Apbi’
the act of diffusion is shown in Fig. 128; AF represents the free-
energy change arising from nonideality. If d ln 71/da; represents kT
6° Stearn, Irish and Eyring, Ref. 58. '°’ = T "'“’I’" (127)



and hand term of Eq. (134). Upon inserting the value of a, Eq. (135)
I65 = E7-Z: 8_AF31/RT.
___ ‘ dN1 _ G1 _ dC1
I) —- —NC1X2k H;-' fi 8-1?‘

Upon introducing the value of AF} given by Eq. (124), ls,-

becomes Writing N1(dc1/dz) in place of c1(dN1/dzc) in the first term on
l / EA“; the right-hand side, "‘ it follows that
kf = %1 6-Ami./Br e hf‘ dz RT (129) i__j‘_
_ 4.

~10-u-7l rqcfi rn_-z_:;_,_


1. v = -1v>.% ‘£1 (12% + 1) (137)
= kill 6-AFoI/RT 6-Q’ (1296,)
As seen on page 519, the rate of diffusion can also be represented by
where a is written for -191 (E713 - 1%, to simplify the representation.

v = -DiN 3%; (138)
! The specific rate for either forward or backward direction for
hence, it follows that
an ideal system, which has previously been given the symbol 1
.1 .l'
I Io, is defined by
5|1 D1 = 1% (1%-,1 + 1) (139)
k ._= fi_,?_' 6-Ami/121" (130)
According to Eq. (105), A210 is equal to the coefficient of diffusion
and so Eq. (129a) may be written >5 in an ideal svstem; if this quantity is represented by D‘{ and the
value of G1 is introduced from (122), Eq. (139) becomes

k; = k e—°‘. (131)

Similarly, the analogous expression for k1, is 1

D1 = D2 (1 + N1 9%,?) (140)

k1, =-5 lc e“. (132) 1

= D2 (1 + 33%) (141)
If these values for k; and k1, are now substituted in Eq. (126), the
result is = D2 gll-:1‘-1%, (142)
v = Nc1>Jc(e'“ — e“) — NWk 3% e°‘ molecules sq. cm.'1 sec.-1 where the activity a1 is equal to N1’)/1. Equations (140) to (142)

(133) are identical in form with that derived by L. Onsager and

5. R. M. Fuoss for dilute solutions of electrolytes.“ 2
Since 2RT >> )\(dN1/d£l3)G1, the quantity oz is much less than Attention should be called to the fact that the foregoing deduc-
unity; the exponentials may thus be expanded and all terms tions are based on the assumption that one molecule only is
beyond the first neglected. Hence, involved in the rate-determining stage of the diffusion process;
"';9‘!. !.4-1 if a molecule of each constituent had been involved, AF in Eq.
5 = ——Nc1>Jc(2a) - N>\% 2%‘ (1 + 5.) (134) <

* Strictly speaking, a small correction f

1 = —-Nc1>\k(2a) - N>.2k d£31, (135) 11,
ing from
“ also
A. R. Gordon van
if oz is neglected incomparison with unity in the extreme right- Rysselberghe,
' >
. \_._.. ..\ ‘_...




(119) would have included a similar term, with a negative sign Since A is small, the fractions involving 7 may be simplified,
for the change with distance of the activity coefficient of the 1

thus: -
second component. In view of the agreement with experiment
'y1 ~ _§_dln'y1
obtained by means of Eq. (142), as described below, it seems
>1 d'Y1~ 1 2 dx (146)
probable that one molecule only is concerned in each activated "Y1+§"d—x'
jump in diffusion. This should not be taken to imply that all ii and
the jumping is done by one molecular species; actually both
types of molecules must take part in the process, although each d7i
elementary rate-determining act involves only one or the other
and not both.
4” 2_.1+1.<L!n_*v1.
2 dx
An alternative method” of deriving Eq. (142), which is the I 71 2 da;
same in principle as that already given but is somewhat 1
' 1 The net rate of diffusion v, which is obtained by subtracting
simpler to carry through, is based on the use of the general equa-

the backward from the forward rate, is then given by
tion (4), Chap. VIII, for nonideal systems. For the present
purpose the specific rate for diffusion may be written as l
v = Nc1)\k11(1 -— g -
4-_£¥.' .1- 1
h K171-kn”, (143) in
_. N <01 + A 494
dz) M00 (1 +2 A . @171
d:c——)- (148)
where kn is the specific rate in an ideal system, 7 is the activity
If the term involving X3 is neglected, as it will be very small, this
coeflicient of the diffusing molecule in its initial state and 71
equation reduces to
that in the activated state. If 71 is the activity coeficient of
component 1 in its initial state, then in the final state, after dl d
U = —NC1)\2k0 --5&1! -' N)\2k0 8%:
having jumped through a distance A, its activity coeflicient will
be 71 + )1 d'y1/dx; further, if, as assumed above, the energy 1!
barrier is symmetrical, "‘ the activity coeflicient in the activated
— _ 0
dx (C1 d__.1“
d ‘Y1 + 1)‘ ( 150 )
state will be 71 + 1}) dv1/dx. It follows, therefore, that 12;, the
As before, the units in the parentheses may be changed from con-
rate in the forward direction, is
centrations to mole fractions, so that
Uf = Nc17\k11 '———lxL7i';; 2 d (N1 dl
v = —Nx2k0a-9; -dimfi + 1), 5 (151)
*1 + 2 ' .17
and the rate v1, in the backward direction is which is identical with Eq. (137) and so leads to the same final
d‘Yi Test of Difiusion Equations for Nonideal Systems.°3—A con-
., 4 N .1... 1 44) ,1, dd’; A d1/1
(141 venient method of testing Eq. (142) is to multiply both sides
by 1), the viscosity of the system, thus,
s 71 + § . ‘a
D111 = 51., dl
of the shape convenience. " Powell, Roseveare and Eyring, Ref. 17.

.~ .5 . ’ 5-'7'.’ 'i"1eT .3‘ 4?

.1» ' ' ‘ -'
", #5 - 5~.--"'=='.- "-.1»-2'“;
.44‘ My '.* /"T:
-- -Ry. c ".3
. r . '.4‘---a.
is _.-1»: -¢., "..-v 3» ..a-g» '0 ,1. -_ ;_- . -_ 5
.. ',, ti--_ ,1 V
k '.', -! |_ ,;'
. ',- 1.-_"9._‘$‘_!-
. '5. . ." -1 ' 5. 3 _ F-." 1 —. @ '_-P. '2\.;.--
"" " - '.-#1 '- - = 1'1. --1» *1‘-~.-‘.1 . , .. .‘-f'.*l*‘.. 7--H
, 51377.. '. "1-."I-“*1 '4???‘ I‘ .' ' -'-‘-_"‘ '- ‘ t -,,/12",. - :3;-'. 5l- '
§‘ -I J‘; A 51'
IK,I! ' _
b' ill‘
5""-P '"'- -3"‘ ~-T.“ -.“.‘» .--.:1~J‘~ "Ii. 5’ 1... up__r
‘i-7*1?‘-"' ifIi} ;.I4 I'~Q‘~“ ‘-‘IP55.
‘‘5-1". SQ '9qi*-fly
- — - ""'~


and to replace DQ1; by its equivalent, as given by Eq. (106), for pressure of the constituent 1 from the values of D11; over the
an ideal system; it follows, therefore, that - range of concentrations.
_ ll]. (Z1- Difiusion in So1ids.°“——A1though diffusion in solids is funda-
Dm l)l\2>\3 d lll N1 mentally similar to diffusion in liquids, certain complications
arise in the former case; these are due to the existence in solids
The activity of the component 1 is proportional to its partial of rifts arising from mechanical defects and of interfaces between
vapor pressure pl in the mixture, and so Eq. (153) can be written grain boundaries through which diffusion can sometimes occur.
Diffusion in a solid may, therefore, take place either as “volume
1),’,/d In Ni
d ln pl ___
M3 kT.
X1 i
(154) diffusion,” i.e., homogeneously through the crystal lattice, or-
as “grain boundary diffusion,” or “interface diffusion,” which
The values of MR2 and A3 are mean values for the constituents may occur along rifts at the interface between the grain and the
of the mixture; and if they are taken to be a linear function of surrounding material or at the interface of the crystal. The
‘ i '— — ‘___’
importance of distinguishing between these types of diffusion
lies in the fact that they will occur at very difierent rates; con-
~ l sideration of the rates and activation energies of diffusion can
sometimes be employed to identify the type.
The theory of absolute reaction rates may be applied to
2.0 — Dr]
difiusion in a solid in the same way as it has been to liquid
difiusion (page 518), and the same equation D = Wk derived;
the specific rate constant k is given by an equation of the form
of (105), and therefore [cf. Eq. (111)] _

1.5 - 1) = X2 1%’-1 -1%.! e"‘°/"T. (155)

' o
If, as before, the movement over the barrier is assumed to be
d ln a, _ equivalent to a translational degree of freedom, Eq. (155) may
1 190/FLT,
1 0
O be written in a manner analogous to (115); this is equivalent to
1. 0 , I ,
the expression _
Chloroform 0-5 Ethel‘ D = aT}é e—E'/RT,
Mol e fraction
Fro. 129.—-Variation of D17 with concentration in the chloroform-ether system. which is similar to the equation proposed by O. W. Richardson
(Roseveare, Powell and Eyring.)
for the difiusion of hydrogen through platinum.“ On the other
the mole fraction (cf. page 526), it follows that the plot of the band, if the degree of freedom corresponding to the diffusional
left-hand side of (154) against the mole fraction should be movement in the solid phase is regarded as a vibration, there
a straight line. This has been confirmed in a number of instances will be one degree of vibrational freedom more in the initial
for which vapor-pressure data are available; one of the most than in the activated state, so that Eq. (155) can be written as
striking cases is the ethyl ether-chloroform system, the results D = A2 Bi? (1 __ 6-!»/kl‘) 6-en/kT_ (157)
for which are shown in Fig. 129. Alternative methods of
testing Eq. (154) are to assume the linear relationship and either °‘ A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, J. Phys. Chem., 44, 955 (1940).
to calculate Dm from vapor-pressure data or to derive the vapor °‘ O. W. Richardson, J. Nicol and T. Parnell, Phil. Mag., 8, 1 (1904).

,| l

If the frequency v of the atoms in the solid is small, so that are, however, about one-half to one-third of the expected mag-
hv << kT, expansion of the exponential, only the term involving nitude for this mechanism of diffusion. On the second model
the first power of the exponent being retained, gives the lattice must be slightly deformed in order to permit rotation
of a pair of atoms; the free energy AF necessary to make a hole
1) = X21» @—E/RT, (158) of sufficient size is given in terms of the compressibility by
which is of the form of the equations of I. Langmuir and S.
Dushman“ and of J. A. M. van Liempt." AF= I) "1EdV, (161)
Difiusion of Metals through Meta1s.68—For the purpose of
studying the diffusion of one metal in another, Eq. (157) may where B is taken as one-half the arithmetic mean of the com-
be employed; A is taken as ( V/N)%, where V is the gram-atomic pressibilities of the two molecules passing each other plus one-
volume and N is the Avogadro number; v is taken as the average half the compressibility of the surrounding molecules and V
vibration of frequency of the atoms in the lattice, and this is is the arithmetic mean of the volumes of the two atoms passing
three-fourths of the Debye limiting frequency. It follows, each other. It is clear, however, that Eq. (161) will give a value
therefore, that which is higher than the free energy of activation of the process,
' % since a fraction only of the mean atomic volume is adequate to
D = . 5%, (1 _ 6-30/4T) e—eo/kT (159) permit rotation to take place; this fraction may be represented
by 1/oz, so that
= A 6-E/1"", (160)
where 0 is the Debye characteristic temperature. By use of the
ZTF-1' = d,
appropriate values of V and 0 for a number of metals the mag-
nitude of A in Eq. (160) was calculated to lie in the range of where AF is given by Eq. (161) and AF1 is obtained from the
0.0013 to 0.0042. From experimental diffusion data, however, data by means of the equation
the quantity A is found to have values of 10"‘ to 10, and hence
it appears that there has been an over-simplification in writing D = )‘2 iffj e--AF:/R1

Eq. (159), the effect of the atoms other than those which are
passing each other having been neglected. based on the relationship D = Mk and the value of k from the
Two other models of the diffusion process may be considered: theory of absolute reaction rates [cf. Eq. (130)]. A selection
(1) the diffusion of individual atoms into empty lattice positions, of the results obtained in this manner, together with the cor-
and (2) the rotation past each other of a pair of atoms, the addi-- responding activation energies E..,_, is given in Table LXXVI.
tional free volume in the activated state being provided by com- It is seen that the value of a generally lies between 5 and 10,
pression of the neighboring atoms. The first of the processes the average for a large number of cases being 7.6; this can be
would require an activation energy of the same order as the interpreted to mean that on the average a hole about one-eighth
energy of sublimation,"' since this energy is required to make a of the mean atomic volume is sufficient to permit diffusion
hole the size of an atom. The observed activation energies past each other of a pair of atoms. It will also be observed that
a for self-diffusion of a given metal is, on the whole, smaller than
" I. Langmuir and S. Dushman, Phys. Rev., 20, 113 (1922). for the diffusion into it of another metal; this can be explained
'7 J. A. M. van Liempt, Z. anorg. Chem., 195, 356 (1931); Rec. trav. chim., by the fact that the more nearly perfect the lattice, i.e., the purer
51, 114 (£932). the metal, the larger the free energy required to pass to the
‘*8 Steam and Eyring, Ref. 64.
"' This is based on the assumption that the energy of the crystal is mainly comparatively disordered activated state. In accordance with
the sum of the binding energies of pairs of atoms. this view, it has been found that in the case of diffusion in
_ if-—


alloys the value of oz increases, i.e., AF* decreases, with increasing that for surface diffusion the formation of the activated state
concentration of the alloy. will involve the breaking of about one-half as many bonds as
for the solid solution type of diffusion; it should be noted,
therefore, that AH1 in the former case (62.4 kcal.) is approxi-
t I
mately one-half that for the latter (116.0 kcal.). Since the
Difiwsgmeml ‘"‘ii‘."" f:; 1": £5.11 ~ entropies are small in both instances, the free energies of activa-
tion are seen to be in roughly the same proportion as the heats of
Diffusion into copper:
Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 1000 19.7 A 36.0
Palladium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 1000 21 . 9 39.5 *
Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 1000 22. 5 37.2
Nickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 1000 29.8 40.0 1
Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 1000 31.2 33.2 Types of diffusion AF1, A111, A51,
OOOEIUJKIUI vii -"l\')l-‘W kcal. kcal. E.U.
Diffusion into lead: _ 1

Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . 558 15.2 13.0

Solid solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.7 116.0 5.18
Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . 558 15.4 16.4
Grain boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.9 86.0 4. 58
Bismuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 18.6 ‘ 19.0 F-Al-‘P-9
Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.1 62.4 3.68
Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. .. . 558 24.0 20.0
Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ... 460 19.0 15. 6 ‘°$° .°'."’° ~1cac :ocn
Difiusion into gold:
Efiect of Pressure on Solid Diffusion.—Though very little is
Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. . ,1000 27.4 _ 33.8 10.7
Palladium . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . 1000 37 .4 42. 5 10.2 known of the effect of pressure on diffusion in solids, important
Platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1000 39.0 43.9 1 10.7 information regarding the mechanism of diffusion could be
Self-diffusion : obtained from such data. Two models, which probably cor-
Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... . 558 28.0 21.0 respond to those already discussed, may be considered. Suppose,
Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1000 51.0 46.4 I-4 in the first place, that a hole appears at the required point
Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... .. . 1000 57.2 43. 5
UIQCO i§@C-IO without changing the density of the remainder of the system ;
i.e., the expansion is transmitted through the whole of the solid.
The activation energies in Table LXXVI are, on the average, The behavior will then correspond to that postulated for viscous
one-half to one-third the sublimation energies of the solute flow in a liquid, and increase of pressure will have an appreciable
metals; this result may be compared with the ratio of the vapor- effect in retarding the rate of diffusion. In the second model,
ization energy of a liquid metal to the activation energy for the necessary cavity for flow is made by compressing the
viscosity which is in the range of 9 to 20 (page 496). The neighboring molecules; as this stress gradually disappears with
interlocking of the atoms in their lattices in the solid state makes increasing distance from the hole, because of the crystalline
the formation of the hole more difficult than in the liquid. structure, there would be relatively little expansion of the system
Surface Difiusion.°°—Measurements have been made of the as a whole. In this case the effect of pressure will arise chiefly
difiusion of thorium through tungsten, as well as into grain from any modification of the structure of the solid that may be
boundaries and on the surface, and the results are of interest; produced by pressure, and the diffusion coefficient may either
these are recorded in Table LXXVII, AFI being obtained with increase‘ or decrease; in any event the change may be expected
the aid of Eq. (163), AH* from the temperature coefficient, in to be relatively small. The limited experimental evidence
the usual manner (cf. page 522) and ASi from the thermodynamic indicates that the influence of pressure on diffusion in solids is
relationship between the three quantities. It is to be expected very small, and hence the results favor the second of the models
°° I. Langmuir, J. Franklin Inst., 217, 543 (1934). considered.



Effect of Concentration on Solid Difiusion.-—The rate of diffu- hence the view that atoms are involved may be regarded as
sion in solids must be determined, as in liquid diffusion, by an established.
activity rather than a concentration gradient. This is brought Deviations from the square-root dependence of the diffusion
out by the fact that two solid solutions of very different composi- rate on pressure may be expected in two sets of circumstances.
tion may be in equilibrium with each other; i.e., no diffusion Diffusion of gas into the interior of a solid will presumably
takes place from one to the other. The effect of nonideality on involve adsorption on the surface as a first stage; at very low
diffusion in liquids has already been considered (page 530), and pressures the rate of adsorption at the surface from which diffu-
the same arguments are applicable to solids. If it is supposed sion occurs may be slower than diffusion into the solid, and
that only one of the components of the system moves, Eq. (142) hence the former process will be rate-determining. It has been
is applicable, vz'z., seen in Chap. VII that the rate of adsorption is in general pro-
portional to the gas pressure, and so the same should be true, as
1), = D2 2% = Mk g-:%- (164) found experimentally, for the over-all rate of diffusion at low
pressures. As the pressure is increased, the rate of adsorption
1 The data for confirming this relationship are meager, but a will increase proportionately; but that of the diffusion process,
rough test may be made by plotting log a1, where the activity a1 being dependent on the square root of the pressure, will increase
is determined from the ratio of the vapor pressure of the con- less rapidly. It is clear that at a certain gas pressure the diffusion
stituent of the system to that of the pure solid p1/pg, against step will become rate-determining, and the over-all rate of
log N1 and comparing the curve so obtained with the plot of D diffusion will then be proportional to the square root of the
against the mole fraction N1. The fact that curves of the same pressure.
general form are obtained for the vapor pressures of zinc-copper Deviations from the square-root relationship may also be
alloys and for the diffusion of zinc into them may be taken as expected when the surface is completely covered by adsorbed
being in harmony with Eq. (164). . gas; the concentration of the activated state for diffusion,' and
Difiusion of Gases in Metals."°—The rates of diffusion of gases, hence the rate of diffusion under these circumstances, may be
particularly of hydrogen, have been studied in a number of expected to be independent of the gas pressure. The same result
instances; the values vary to a considerable extent with the will be obtained if the gas forms a compound on the surface
nature of the metal, and this suggests that the process is a of the metal; the rate of diffusion will then depend on the dis-
lattice diffusion, for diffusion along rifts or interfaces would sociation pressure of the compound, which is constant at a-

l probably be much less specific. The fact that the rate of

diffusion has been found to be independent of grain size is
definite temperature, and not on the external pressure, provided
that the latter is greater than the dissociation pressure. An

» evidence in favor of the same conclusion. At high gas pressures

the rate of diffusion of hydrogen and other gases into metals
is proportional to the square root of the pressure; this result
instance of this type of behavior is the diffusion of oxygen
through nickel at 900°C. at oxygen pressures in excess of 0.25 mm.
of mercury.
suggests that the activated complex, and hence probably the dis- Passage of Gases through Membranes.'"—-—The diffusion of
solved gas, is in the form of atoms rather than of molecules (cf. gases through membranes such as rubber, resins and plastics
page 387). If the activated state for diffusion were the molecule generally satisfies an equation of the type D = A e"1‘”"' and
or two atoms associated together, the rate would be directly hence apparently involves the passage of the gas molecules from
proportional to the gas pressure rather than to its square normal to activated states. In these circumstances, Eqs. (111)
root. The square-root relationship appears difficult to reconcile and (112) should be applicable, and ).(e“l/R)” may be calculated
with any mechanical picture of diffusion of molecules, and 71 R. M. Barrer, J.'Chem. Soc., 278 (1934); Trans. Faraday Soc., 35, 628,
7° Stearn and Eyring, Ref. 64. 644 (1939).


by the method given on page 525. The results for a number of
constant undergoes a rapid decrease. Anomalous dispersion
cases are recorded in Table LXXVIII. The large values for
occurs only with substances possessing a permanent dipole
)\(eA$I’R)% in all these instances implies an appreciable entropy moment; although it has been observed with a number of liquids,
of activation, and hence it appears that diffusion through both in the pure state and in solution, it is most easily detected
membranes of the plastic polymers is accompanied by the break- in glasses or other highly viscous systems and in certain solids
ing of bonds in the latter. This conclusion finds support in the just below their melting points. The explanation of the amm-
relatively high activation energies. alous dispersion of dielectric constant is based on the concept
of the “time of relaxation of a molecule”;"'2 this is the time
required for the dipolar molecules to revert to random distribu-
tion after the removal of an electric field that has caused them to
i l

Gas Membrane A’ _ I ,E’ Me Asli/R) }/2 become oriented in a definite direction. It is evident that if
cm.’ sec. 1 kcal. , A the electric field has a relatively low oscillational frequency the
dipoles will rotate fast enough for them to become completely
H. g Butadiene-acrylonitrile
. . . poly mer 55
s . 70 ‘
1 1 . 50
130 oriented in every half cycle; but as the frequency is increased it
N 2 , Butadiene-methyl methylacrylate 37 1 1 .50 150 value will be reached at which such orientation cannot occur,
polymer and the dielectric constant of the medium will fall. The theo-
H2 Neoprene 9. 4 74 retical treatment given by P. Debye,” based on the foregoing
A Neoprene 55 185
theory of dielectric relaxation, leads to the following equation
N 2 Neoprene 78 215
v-1»-i I-~v-~cQ QO\1l\D for the molar polarization P:*

It is of interest to record that for the diffusion of hydrogen 'u'2.- 1 )2

and helium through silica and glass the quantity >\(e*’*Sl/”)% is

P‘".+2 d 5 °‘+3kT 1+5”
very small, vz'z., approximately 0.04 This means either that where e is the dielectric constant of the medium, M the molecular
A is much smaller than an atomic diameter or that activation is weight, d the density, a the polarizability, it the dipole moment
accompanied by a decrease in entropy, or both. It is difficult and 11 the square root of -1 ; w, the circular frequency, is equal
to see how an appreciable decrease of entropy could arise unless to 21rv where v is the oscillation frequency of the electric field,
the activated state involved formation of a covalent bond and 'r is the relaxation time of the dipoles, as defined above; the
between the diffusing gas and the membrane material; this is, of symbols 1r, N, k and T have their usual significance. At high
course, improbable for helium. Another possibility is that frequencies, for which the dielectric constant may be written
diffusion through the membrane was not the rate-determining em, Eq. (165) becomes .
step in the process.
s»;;.1g _ 41;” 0,, (155)
which is the usual equation for electron polarization;
Time of Relaxation of Dipoles.—In general the dielectric con- be expected under these conditions the orientation polarization

stant of a substance is independent of the frequency of the electric

72 P. Debye, “Polar Molecules,” Chap. V, Chemical Catalog Co., Inc.,
field em-ployed for its measurement, but under certain circum- 1929.
stances the phenomenon of “anomalous dispersion” of dielectric 73 Debye, Ref. 72. _ _ _ _
constant is observed; at a certain frequency, or rather within a * In order to avoid confusion with the use of D for diffusion coefficient in
small range of frequencies, the value of the measured dielectric previous sections of this chapter, it will be necessary to use e here f0!‘ the
dielectric constant.
due to the permanent dipoles becomes zero, and the only contri- value (em) is taken as equal either to the dielectric constant in a

bution is the induced polarization. For low frequencies on the solid at low temperatures, when there is no orientation of the
other hand, Eq. (165) takes the familiar form dipoles, or to the square of the refractive index. It is thus

'- possible to evaluate 1 corresponding to maximum dielectric loss

.‘*° "' 1 . M _ 41'N #2 by means of Eq. (172), and this is regarded as the relaxation

60 +72 dl‘ 3 ‘ °‘ + ;TT ' (167) time of the molecules.

which is used for the determination of dipole moments' in In the further development of the theory of dielectric relaxa-
between the high and low frequencies, there is the region of
anomalous dispersion i.n which Eq. (165) must be employed.
tion, Debye regarded the rotation of the dipole in an electric
field as equivalent to the rotation of a sphere in a viscous medium,
. It has been shown by Debye that for such frequencies the dielec- and assuming Stokes’s law for the frictional force acting on such
ls |
tric. constant e ‘may be regarded as made up of a real (e') and a sphere the equation
an imaginary ('le") part, vz'z.,
¢ = %, (173)
6 = 6' — 1%”; (168)
—‘4 w and it follows from Eqs. (165) to (163) that where 1) is the viscosity of the medium and r is the radius of the
sphere, was deduced. This equation was found to be moder-
C’ 2 Gm + ) ately satisfactory for a number of solutions and even for some
and " pure liquids“; but it is evident that it cannot be expected to
hold in general for pure substances, on account of the inter-
‘ - "fig iv, (170) molecular action, as well as for other reasons. This failure of
where Eq. (173) is made clear by a consideration of the results obtained
with an isobutyl bromide glass. The relaxation time at 118.6°K.
50 'l" 2 60 + 2
it = 6-F+ 2 wr = an 21rvr. (171) was found to be 0.9 X 10"‘ sec.; if the value of r3 is taken
to be 16 X 10'“ cc., which cannot be seriously in error, the
The values of e’ and e" for various frequencies can be derived viscosity 1;, derived from Eq. (173), is 0.7 X 102 poises. The
from the measured dielectric constants; it is found that, in the actual viscosity of the glass has not been measured at 118.6°K.,
region of normal dispersion, e", which is a measure of the “dielec-

but it is known that there is no discontinuity between liquid

' loss, H is
tried ' very small. When anomalous dispersion
. . becomes and glass; if the values for the viscosity of the former are
evi ent, however, the value of e’ increases rapidly, reaches a extrapolated to 118.6°K., the result is 0.9 poise, i.e., about
II1&X1ln11m_ and ‘then falls off again as the dielectric constant 100 times smaller than that calculated from the relaxation
acquires its high-frequency value. It can be shown from time." It is apparent, therefore, that the simple macroscopic
- ,2;-.-_ Eq. (170) that e" will be a maximum when 2: is unity, and hence viscosity is not the factor in terms of which it is possible to
from (171) explain the hindrance to rotation of a dipolar molecule.
1 __ e -|- 2 Application of the Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates."-—The

7? _ 6:: + 2279“: (172) general conclusions given above concerning the variation of
I dielectric constant with frequency remain unaltered even if
where '11,, is the frequency for maximum dielectric loss; this is
approximately in the middle of the region of anomalous dis- 7‘ J. L. Oncley and J. W. Williams, Phys. Rev., 43, 341 (1933).
persion. The dielectric constant at zero frequency (co) is '5 W. O. Baker and C. P. Smyth, J. Chem. Phys., 7, 574 (1939).
7° Eyring, Ref. 1; A. E. Steam and H. Eyring, ibid., 5, 113 (1937); F. C.
generally obtained by extrapolation, and the high-frequency Frank, Trans. Faraday Soc., 32, 1634 (1936).
the concept of the relaxation time is changed in the following with temperature and AS? from the difference. The results for
manner. Just as with viscosity and difi’usion, it is convenient Permitol, a glassy substance consisting of isomers of tetra-
to regard dielectric relaxation as a rate process involving the chlordiphenyl, in the temperature range from 281.7 to 307.7°i<.
rotation of the dipolar molecules about two mean equilibrium are given in Table LXXIX." It will be observed, in the first
positions. It may be supposed that the molecules librate about
one such position until they acquire the activation energy
which permits them to pass over an energy barrier to the other..
According to the theory of absolute reaction rates the number of Temp., °K. 1/7; A AFf, kcal. AHf, kcal. A ASI, E.U.
times such a rotation will occur per second is given by sec. 1

k = 1% e——AFt/RT (174) 281 . 7 103 10“ 56. 5 156

289 . 9 104 10“ Y—‘i—|> 53 . 2 147
298 . 5 105 1036 42 .0 110
= Big: eASI/R 6-A111/Br’ (175)
307.7 s cioico E5352 XXXX 10° »-co oio 3-160;-‘co XXXX 1031 ~i<o w Zoioovoi 34.6 87
~ I

where AF1, AH1 and AS‘ represent, as usual, the standard free place, that the entropies of activation are very large; this result
energy, heat change and entropy of activation. The average implies that a large number of molecules surrounding the one
time required for a single rotation is 1/lc, and this may be identi- which rotates are involved in the process of orientation. It is
fied with the so-called relaxation time 7', so that possible that the rotation of a single dipolar molecule requires
some rearrangement of other molecules, a definite cooperation
% = Eh! eA8t/R 6-AH:/RT (176)
being necessary before the rotation can take place; the formation
of the activated state will thus be accompanied by a consider-
This equation is of the form able increase in entropy. It appears, therefore, that in some
respects the rotation of a dipole in an electric field is similar to
gt = A @—E/RT, (177) the rotation or other movement which brings about viscous flow
in water at low temperatures (cf. page 505).
and so ln l/1- should be a linear function of 1/T, as has been In spite of the high heat of activation, the efiect of the large
found to be the case. It is of interest to note that the values entropy increase is to make the free energy of activation rela-
of the energy of activation for dipolar rotation obtained in this tively small; the value decreases with increasing temperature,
manner, m'z., at least 10.0 kcal. and generally very much greater suggesting a gradual change in the mechanism as the temperature
(see Table LXXIX below), are considerably higher than the is raised. At the higher temperatures the free energy .of activa-
activation energies for viscosity, which are generally of the tion in Table LXXIX is not very much larger than is "associated
order of 2.0 kcal. and rarely more than 8 kcal. The treatment with viscous flow, and it may well be that eventually dipolar
of dielectric relaxation as a rate process, therefore, leads to orientation and viscosity involve the same or similar activated
the same conclusion as that recorded above, that macroscopic states. This would account for the agreement sometimes found
viscosity is not adequate to account for the rotation of molecular between the macroscopic viscosity and that calculated from
dipoles iii an oscillating electric field. Eq. (173). It is significant that in spite of the high activation
Valuable information concerning the nature of the rotation energy for dipole orientation in Permitol a definite parallelism
process ' may be obtained by dividing up the free energy of has been observed between the relaxation time and the viscosity
activation into its constituents, i.e., the heat and entropy terms;
7" Cf. Frank, Ref. 76; data from W. Jackson, Proc. Roy. Soc., 135, A, 158
AF* is obtained from Eq. (174), AH¥ from the variation of log 1/7' (1935). .
—n-in}-Q1-__—:|_?;-_ _7?__ ___, _________ ---
k __,_
- - -— _ _ -Jr.A" - .__L_'
_..‘!-II--nu-nll-II-7 —ii— —,————; ;--_.. 1- _-._‘,==w-q..._,_;
- _..- _..._...
......_......_. .. -_._ -- ._.,..-.i.._._-
—_. -_...



of the medium; this result suggests some fundamental connec- is not always true, for in the orientation of water molecules in
tion between the ultimate mechanisms of orientation and flow. ice there is only a small increase of entropy. The relaxation
The rotation of dipoles in isobutyl and isoamyl glasses is times, calculated in the usual manner from the dispersion of the
also accompanied by large entropy increases, as shown by the dielectric constant, together with the free energy, heat and
results in Table LXXX78; the free energies of activation are, entropy of activation for the dipolar orientation of ice at tem-
peratures not far below the melting point, are given in Table
TABLE LXXX.——Dii>oLE ORIENTATION or GLAssEs LXX.XI.7° It may be noted for purposes of comparison, that
Temp., AFI, AHf, ASf,
for viscous flow in water at 273°K., AF1 is approximately 3.8 kcal.
Substance and AH1 is 5.06 kcal. The heat of vaporization AE,,,,,,_ is about
°K. kcal. kcal. E.U.
10 kcal., at this temperature, and so the heat of activation for
Isobutyl bromide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.6 23.1 A 167 dipolar orientation is approximately of the order of the work
Isoamyl bromide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.0 I-POO rPCX> 18.0 106 required to make a hole of molecular size. Further reference
1 _

to the subject of the rotation of the dipoles in water will be made

however, even smaller than those for Permitol. It is somewhat in Chap. X in connection with the problem of the conductance
surprising to find that an increase of one CH2 group causes of the hydrogen ion.
such a marked change in the entropy of activation, as well as 7° Stearn and Eyring, Ref, 76,
a considerable decrease in the heat of activation. It is sug-
gested. that the slight structural change is sufficiently anisotropic
to make the isoamyl compound rotate preferably about its long
axis only. If this is the case, the ratio of AE..,,,_/E.,.,, for isoamyl
bromide should approach that of a long-chain molecule, whereas
that for the isobutyl derivative should be smaller (page 494) ;
the experimental results are 4.3 and 3.5, respectively, in general

Temp., °K. 1-, sec. AFf, kcal. AH1, kcal. ASf, E.U.

227.3 A - ~13.2 13.1

240.5 - ~13.2 , 17.5
251.3 ~13.2 13.0
259.3 - ~13.2 1 17.9
272.3 001--*l\D.tO. ;2.-LO>CDrP-1Q XXXXX b-*b—*P—*l- 4)-4 OOOOO
9°9° °?°?° I-Fl-F~UIOi-¢ ~13.2 17.6
‘ 1
1 ' '—" 7 1 M i M — 1 1 I

agreement with anticipation. Mention may be made of the

fact that the free energies of activation for viscous flow in
the two bromides under consideration are about 2.5 kcal., which
is more _than half the values for dipole orientation, although
the heats of activation differ by a factor of at least 10.
In the cases already considered, dipolar rotation is accom-
panied by a large increase in the entropy of activation; but this
.7“ Baker and Smyth, Ref. 75.
-‘ _ -> --—
""""-" "' "" I ~ _ -_
'--- --491._---2.. .... ---_-,.,. 4,, _,, _‘ _J {___

free energy of the final state is diminished by (1 - a)w, as shown
in Fig. 130. The number of ions crossing the energy barrier
-' .:-§\_ _
in unit time in the forward direction, i.e., in the direction of the
:A“ r_cI_._. .il_._
applied field, is given by
CHAPTER X Rate in forward direction = NXck e°"°/'17’, (1)
ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES where Ic, which is equal to (kT/h) e-AF1'1"’ [see Eq. (157), page 195],
The passage of electricity through a solution and the deposition is the specific rate in either forward or backward direction, for
of material on the electrodes are both rate processes and hence an ideal system, in the absence of the field; N is the Avogadro
should be susceptible of treatment, at least to some extent, by
the methods used in the earlier chapters. The conductance of I Direction of field )_
an electrolyte depends on the rate at which the ions travel
through the solution, and the potential attained at an electrode / \ _
ll \\ Without field
l when a metal or other substance is deposited at a definite rate / \

equivalent to the current flowing is determined by the slow step energy 1/ \\ I »With field
in the processes involved in the discharge of an ion. Limited \\ // \"

| ,...
up if

aspects only of these problems have been treated so far, but the Free
discussion in the present chapter will indicate the applicability c dc

of the theory of absolute reaction rates to electrochemical

I —
l C-I-la;

l<------------ A -----
Fro. 130.—Free-energy curve for mobility of an ion with and without an applied
Ionic Mobility.1—In its simplest aspects the treatment of ionic electrical field.
mobility is similar to that of diffusion; as in Chap. IX, it is number. The rate in the backward direction is given, in an
assumed that there is a series of equilibrium positions, and that analogous manner, by
passage of the moving unit, in this case an ion, from one position
to another requires a certain activation energy. The full curve
Rate in backward direction = NX (0 + A k@—(1—<=>w/kT_ (2)
in Fig. 130 represents the change in free energy from an equilib- as
rium position to an adjacent one separated from it by a distance
A; if the concentration gradient is dc/dx then the concentrations It will be observed that e“"’/"T appears in Eq. (1) because the
at the two points are c and c + A dc/dx, respectively. Suppose electric field facilitates the movement of the ions in the forward
an electric field is now applied so that there is a potential gradient direction, but since it retards migration in the opposite direction
which facilitates the movement of the ion from left to right; the term e"(1"°‘)“’/"T is employed in Eq. (2). Combination of
the free-energy changes are now indicated by the dotted curve. Eqs. (1) and (2) then gives for the net rate of movement from
The free energy in the initial state may be regarded as being left to right
increased by an amount aw, where w is the work done in moving
the ion from one equilibrium state to the next and a is the fraction Net rate = N7\ck e°""/"T - N). (7; + >. k g—(1-—a)w/kT_ (3)
operative between the initial and activated states; similarly, the
1 Cf. A. E. Stearn and H. Eyring, J . Phys. Chem., 44, 955 (1940). As a general rule, kT will be greater than w, and so in expanding

if 552

___ — - -_.. ,__.,._,g- _ "._.-|ilI.j|np-I-I'I'i¢.4-1 -I-ufli-<l lllv Bi ‘-


the exponentials it is permissible to drop all terms beyond the given direction by an applied potential gradient ¢ can also
first power of w/kT; Eq. (3) then becomes be expressed in terms of the ionic speed; if the latter is l; for a
potential gradient of unity, then
_ aw dC (1 — a)’w
Netrate — N)\ck<1 +ET1)”NA(C+xd?)k[1 — i,z—:l.,——-] Rate of transport of ions = N651.-¢, (11)
(4) and equating (10) and (11) gives
_ Nkckw dc ___ (1 — a)w _
""iT"N1”°z75l1 "Tl <5) _ D,'Z,'8
la — (12)

It has already been assumed that kT >> w, and so (1 — a)w/kT

The equivalent conductance A, of an ion is related to its speed
will be much less than, and hence can be neglected in comparison
under unit potential gradient by l; = A,-/F, where F is the
with, unity; upon making this approximation, Eq. (5) reduces to faraday2; further, N5 is equal to F and Nk is equal to R, and so
it follows from Eq. (12) that
NXckw dc
Net rate = —ET—— — NWk 65- (6) 1). ‘.172 =1:
A. = %,-- (13)
If the potential gradient of the electrical field is ¢, then the work
done w in moving an ion of valence z, i.e., carrying a charge Diffusion Coeflicient of an Electrolyte.-—-Even in the absence
zs, where 3 is the electronic charge, through a distance A is given of an applied electrical field, a potential gradient will arise
in the diffusion of an electrolyte if one ion travels faster than
the other. In this case, it is not permissible to neglect the
' w = )\4>zs, (7)
second term in Eq. (9), but it may be rewritten in the form
and insertion in Eq. (6) gives
Net rate of diffusion of ith ion — ND1',§;,bz’F - ND, %: (14)
N... - N1”,§;“,¢Z~* . . W. 51;. <5 ND- {F RT dc;

It has been seen on page 519 that Wk is equal to the diffusion

= "i5”i~— (“<1 "‘ <15)
NA, RT d 1
coefficient D, and hence Eq. (8) becomes
= T (‘*1 - F ' (16)
__ NDc¢zs dc the value of A; from Eq. (13) being introduced. The potential
Net rate — —W—- -— ND 35- (9)
gradient ¢, due to the difference in the speeds of the two ions,
will operate in such a direction as to accelerate the slower moving
If the applied field causes appreciable movement of the ions,
ion and to retard the one that would move faster in the absence
the second term on the right-hand side may be neglected in
of a field; it follows, therefore, that the sign of the first term
comparison with the first, so that
in the parentheses in Eq. (16) will be different for positive and
negative ions. At equilibrium the two ions must diffuse at the
Net rate = (10)
same rate; supposing the positive ion to be the one with the

1 See, for example, S. Glasstone, “The Electrochemistry of Solutions,”

Since this equation is applicable strictly to a single ionic species, 2d ed., D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., p. 74, 1937.
the suffix 1} has been added to the diffusion coefficient, concen- *In this equation, R is expressed in volt-coulombs per degree since F is
tration and valence. The number of ions transported in a in coulombs and the potential gradient is in volts per centimeter.
-1 — -- — —+-=--- ._.-..-._. ._.. ..__.-..._ . . I---_...-. -- - ..__ ._- - ,__, __ ,,_ __ ______ _ _ _fi __


higher diffusion coefficient, it follows from (16) that
correction for departure from ideal behavior could be made
N RT d N _ R d_ by the method described in Chap. IX; for solutions that are
"1i&("°+¢ "' z717%) = %"(°—¢ " z dx <17) not too concentrated, the result, similar to Eq. (141) (page 533),
In the simplest case, i.e., for a uni-univalent electrolyte, 0+
is equal to c_, and hence
1) = 1)., (1 + %-1-I), (23)
NA+( RT dc) NA ( RT dc) would be obtained, D0 being the diffusion coefficient for the
F "°¢" F5115 “ F " °¢"ir".7.z§ <18) ideal solution and 'y the activity coeflicient of the electrolyte in
a solution containing a mole fraction N of solute. Equation (23)
. _ RT.dC‘A+"A_
'° ‘"1’ F da: A++A_ (19) is analogous to those derived in a different manner by L. Onsager
and R. M. Fuoss.‘1 It may be mentioned, without going into
The rate of difl’usion of the electrolyte as a whole is equal to details, that Eqs. (22) and (23) are in general agreement with
the equilibrium rate of diffusion of either ion, and the appropri- experiment; the former gives the diffusion coeflicient of an
ate value is given by either side of Eq. (18); if the Avogadro electrolyte in dilute solution and the latter represents the varia-
number N is omitted, the result is the rate of diffusion in moles, tion of the coefficient with concentration.5
instead of in molecules, per second. Inserting the value of Ionic Mobility and Viscosity.—The fact that the activation
c¢ given by (19) in Eq. (18), the result is energies, calculated from the ionic mobilities, of most ions in a
Rate of diffusion of electrolyte in moles per second given solvent are the same, e.g., 4.0 to 4.2 kcal. in water at
25°c., and that the values are almost identical with that for
2RT g A_|_A_. _dc
viscous flow of the solvent, suggests that the rate of migration
F2 11+ + A; ' 115' (20)
of an ion in an applied field is determined by the solvent mole-
Alternatively, the rate of diffusion may be written in terms cules jumping from one equilibrium position to the next. Since
of the diffusion coefficient [cf. Eq. (99), page 517], as the molecules of solvent have to move in the intense electric
field of the ions, it is probable that the free energy of activation
Rate of diffusion = —D 55; (21) will not be the same as for viscous flow of the pure solvent;
the value of Ic, the specific rate constant for the movement of
from Eqs. (20) and (21), it follows that an ion, will therefore differ to some extent from that for vis-
cosity. The difference is likely to be greater the smaller the ion
' 1) — 2RT AM" ,
F” 'A,+A_ (22) and the higher its charge, i.e., the more intense the electric field
in its immediate vicinity. The approximation can be made,
where D is the diffusion coefficient of the salt. however, -of regarding lo for ionic diffusion, either natural or
Equations (13) and (22) are identical in form with those under the influence of an applied potential gradient, to be the
derived by W. Nernst on the assumption that osmotic pressure same as the corresponding quantity for the flow of the solvent, as
is the driving force responsible for the diffusion of ions.“ The on page 519. Further, if the ions are not too large in comparison
results obtained here are, of course, applicable to ideal solutions with the molecules of solvent, the values of X will be nearly
only, i.e., for systems in which the activity coefficient is the equal for both cases ; it is then possible to introduce into Eq. (13)
same in‘ successive equilibrium positions for diffusion. The the following relationship between the diffusion coeflicient D
1 W. Nernst, Z. physik. Chem., 2, 613 (1888); see also, M. Planck, Ann. ‘L. Onsager and R. M. Fuoss, J. Phys. Chem., 36, 2687 (1932).
Physik, 39, 161, 561 (1890): R. Haskell, Phys. Rea, 27, 145 (1908). 5 Cf. A. R. Gordon et al., J. Chem. Phys., 5, 522 (1937); 7, 89, 963 (1939);
see also P. van Rysselberghe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 60, 2326 (1938).

l T
.- _ ___ E. .3 _ -- - —1—-'——' ..-_.....--. __.. 4.-:._.-..x_-._ ___. -.4; _, -.-___ _Z- —


of the ion and the viscosity 17 of the medium [cf. Eq. (106), Am is approximately constant in a number of solvents ;" as
page 519], v'iz., might be anticipated from the discussion above, the Am product
is not completely independent of the nature of the solvent.
D. -_. ABET
M3 n , (24) In certain instances, further, very marked deviations from
Walden’s rule have been observed, and these require special
with the result
explanation. A particular instance of abnormal behavior is
K 2
Am = _1_. . (25) provided by the hydrogen ion, as may be seen by comparing the
A253 results in Table LXXXII for the product Am for hydrogen
and sodium ions at 25°C.
It should be noted that k is here expressed in ergs per degree
while R is in volt-coulombs, i.e., joules, per degree so that k/R TABLE LXXXII.—IoN CONDUCTANCE-VISCOSITY PRODUCTS IN VARIOUS
is equal to 1.66 X 10“1"; since F is 96,500, it follows that SOLVENTS

Solvent H20 CH;OH C2H5OH CH;-CO-CH; CH;NO¢

A,-11 -’-= 1.55 >< 10-7 gt Z5.
2 3
Hydrogen ion.... 3.14 0.78 0.67 0.28 0.39
The term )\27\3/X1 for self-diffusion in water (page 521) is known Sodium ion . . . . .. 0.45 0.26 0.20 0.22 0.36
to be about 1.4 X 10-7, and so it follows that Am should be of
the order of unity; this is in general agreement with observation It is apparent that although the conductance-viscosity product
(see Table LXXXII). for the sodium ion is almost constant, except for the somewhat
If allowance were made for the fact that the specific rate higher value in water, the values for the hydrogen ion are
constant for ionic diffusion is somewhat less than that for viscous abnormally high in hydroxylic solvents and especially in water;
flow of the solvent, because of the increased free energy of this is in harmony with the fact that the conductance of the
activation resulting from the electric field of the ion, the value of hydrogen ion in water is greater than that of any other ion, except
Am would be somewhat smaller than is given by Eq. (26) and the hydroxyl ion, by a factor which generally exceeds 5. It
would, consequently, be in even better harmony with the experi- may be mentioned, too, that, although most ions have an activa-
mental results. Introduction of the treatment for the diffusion tion energy for ionic mobility of about 4 kcal. in water at 25°,
of large particles given on page 519, which is also applicable to that for the hydrogen ion is only 2.8 kcal. It is evident, there-
the migration of large ions, would also lead to a value of Am fore, that the migration of the hydrogen ion through aqueous
smaller than that required by Eq. (26). solution involves a mechanism different from that applicable to
Since the factor A1/X213 will not differ appreciably from one other ions. '
solvent to another, it is evident that the product Am should be Abnormal Ionic Mobi1ities.—The exceptionally high mobility
approximately constant for a given ion, irrespective of the of the hydrogen ion in hydroxylic solvents and particularly in
nature of the solvent*; this is in fact the rule proposed by water has long attracted interest, and the possibility of a type
P. Walden“ and generally referred to by his name. It is true of Grotthuss chain conduction was suggested many years ago
that for many ions, especially those of large size, the value of to account for the abnormal value!‘ This point of view has
been developed more explicitly in recent times, by utilizing
* According to Stokes’s law or to the results derived on p. 519 for large
particles, the product Am should be precisely constant in all solvents, pro- 7 Cf. H. Ulich, Fortschritte der Chemie, Physik and physikalische Chemie,
vided that the radius of the ion remains unchanged. 18, [10] (1926); Trans. Faraday Soc., 23, 388 (1927).
°P. Walden, Z. physik. Chem., 55, 207, 246 (1906); “Salts, Acids and 11 See, for example, H. Danneel, Z. Elektrochem., 11, 249 (1905); A.
Bases, etc.,” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., p. 283, 1929. Hantzsch and K. S. Caldwell, Z. physik. Chem., 58, 575 (1907).

7 _.— Aid-— —~ -_—4..._..g-_- ~——|--|-A... . ___?.44p.|1-,,.ALA_L_ .--__L-,,, ' \-=1-(Ti-Q.-cxfllilflwifllliv--4a |--- __ _ _ _ _ ___ . _ . .___..,.._,,...,_-.... . 7 E. A __ .. -A-._ -1.. _. —-
. * 7

!. ____



modern ideas concerning the structure of water and the nature The resulting H30)“ ion can now transfer a proton to another
of the hydrogen ion in solution.” It is probable that at ordinary water molecule, and in this way the positive charge will be trans-
temperatures each oxygen atom in water is surrounded, on the ferred a considerable distance in a short time; hence, the hydrogen
'1 -
average, by four hydrogen atoms disposed in an approximately ion acquires an exceptionally high conductivity. It will be
l. tetrahedral manner. Two of these hydrogen atoms may be observed that after the passage of the proton the water molecules
regarded as belonging to a particular oxygen atom and are at are oriented in a manner different from that which existed while
a distance of about 0.95 A. from it, whereas the other two, the proton was being transferred. If the prototropic process
which belong to other oxygen atoms, are about 1.81 away. of conduction is to continue, therefore, each water molecule
The higher the temperature the less is this structure maintained, must rotate after the proton has been passed on, so that it may
the disorder increasing as the temperature is raised. Ionization be ready to receive another proton coming from the same direc-
results when one of the two more distant hydrogen atoms comes tion. The combination of proton transfer and rotation of the
0.86 closer to an oxygen atom, so that there are now three water molecules can thus account for the abnormal conductance
hydrogen atoms at a distance of 0.95 from the central atom of the hydrogen ion in aqueous solution.
whereas the fourth is at a farther distance. The hydrogen Absolute -reaction-rate Theory.1°—A complete theoretical
ion is thus to be represented by H3O+, although it is still part treatment of the rate of proton transfer would involve a calcula-
of the structure of the water. Transfer of the hydrogen atom- tion by means of quantum mechanics of the height of the energy
or, more correctly, a proton—-from one water molecule to another barrier over which the proton has to pass in going from a hydrogen
I leaves the oxygen atom of the former molecule with one close ion to a water molecule, but such a procedure is too difficult to
and three distant hydrogen atoms, and this constitutes the OH“ carry out for the complicated system involved. The method
ion. When water contains an acidic substance, e.g., hydro- employed here, therefore, is to calculate the mobility as a function
chloric acid, in solution, the H3O+ ions that are formed are of the barrier height and then to determine this height from the
believed to fit into the structure just as well as in pure water, experimental mobilities.
and the interatomic distances can, as an approximation, be The passage of a proton over an energy barrier has been dis-
regarded as unchanged. When a potential is applied, it is cussed by several authors, and it was at one time suggested that
supposed that the H3O+ ions travel through the solution to the exceptional mobility of the hydrogen ion was due, in part,
some extent in the ordinary diffusion manner, involving passage to quantum-mechanical leakage, or “tunneling,” through a thin
of solvent molecules over an energy barrier from one equilibrium barrier.“ If this were the case, the mobility of the deuterium
position to another, as considered above; but in addition there ion D301‘ should be very much smaller than that of H301‘ since
is another mechanism that permits of a more rapid ionic trans- the extent of tunneling would be greatly diminished. Actually,
port. This involves the transfer of a proton from an H30)“ ion the conductivity of the deuterium ion is also abnormally high,
to an adjacent water molecule, the proton moving through a although not so large as that of the corresponding hydrogen ion.
distance of 0.86 A. and thus forming another H3O+ ion, as It appears, therefore, that the energy barrier is relatively flat;
follows: hence, it can be treated classically, the quantum-mechanical
leakage being neglected.
Before applying the theory of absolute reaction rates to the
I + —> |+
H—O-—H <l>_H H—O H—— —H. problem of the conductance of the hydrogen ion, there are two
91'3-El eO——H points to consider: (1) the magnitude of the mobility due to the
“E. Hiickel, Z. EleIctrochem., 34, 546 (1928); J. D. Bemal and R. H prototropic change, and (2) the nature of the slow process. The
Fowler, J. Chem. Phys., 1, 515 (1933); C. Wannier, Ann. Physik, 24, 545, 1° A. E. Stearn and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 5, 113 (1937).
569 (1935). 11 Bernal and Fowler, Ref. 9
1-Iul-an-4..-.._-.u-a__~ _.,_.___._._ _... _ . __ __ __ __ ._ _ _ T . .i _ _._ L ___ __ _ , —~_..._ _ ________ _ _ _
_1,-_,___. ___;_,:_ _ __ _ __ ___ "___



abnormal contribution to the conductance may be taken as from initial to final states in the absence of an applied field
the difference between the measured value for the hydrogen ion and the dotted curve corresponds to the conditions when the
and an estimated amount due to the normal difiusion transfer. field is operating. The specific rate of transfer of protons in
It has been suggested that the latter may be taken as equal to the any given direction will be, according to the theory of absolute
ionic conductance of the sodium ion in the same solvent,” and reaction rates,
this view receives support from the fact that in media such as k = 6% e—AF1/RT, (27)
acetone and nitromethane, in which hydrogen ions have a normal
conductivity, the values are very similar for sodium and hydrogen
ions (Table LXXXII). On this basis the prototropic contribution the transmission coefficient being taken as unity. Since the
to the conductance of H3O+ ions is 349.9 - 50.9 = 299.0 recipro- process takes place equally in all directions, there is no net
cal ohms at 25°C. There is reason for believing that of the transfer of protons. When a field having an efiective potential
two processes involved in this type of conduction, z'iz., proton gradient of q5 is applied, the specific reaction rate at an angle 6
transfer and rotation of the water molecules, the former is to the direction of the field, i.e., as shown in Fig. 131, is given by
k = B}? e—(AFx-6Ft)/RT’ (28)

Direction of field >

°Q»_'\\__ /
<z¥> .' " \ /
Q‘ x*I:I"B /
< / 1/ \ -Without field
HA / \

\ ,
,\\ B -H‘
\‘A: ,With field
/ \ -1.-

ll: 4, \
\/ Free
{I'- Q? /
\ \ <-q>'\\
Y T. I E Q. I | | l .Y__.<__- \/ /
Direction of applied field ‘J

FIG. 131.-—-Transfer of a proton from a hydrogen ion (H3O+) to a water molecule.

l Distance Z F
Transfer of Protons.—The model representing the proton FIG. 132.—Free-energy curve for the transfer of a proton with and without an
applied electrical field.
transfer from one water molecule to another is depicted in Fig.
131; the proton that moves is initially in the position A and where 5F* is defined by
finishes in the position B, and hence it is regarded as moving
through the shortest possible distance, i.e., 0.86 A., without 6F1 = ¢ cos 0 X d X 23,060; (29)
disturbing the oxygen atoms. In order to make the argument d is one-half the distance across the barrier, i.e., 1} 0.86 = 0:43
general, it is supposed that the O—H linkage, the length of A., and the factor 23,060 converts electron-volts into calories.
which is increased as the result of the proton transfer, is inclined
Upon inserting the value of 5F* given by Eq. (29) mto (28),
at an angle 0 to the applied field. The potential barrier over
it is seen that
which the proton has to pass is shown in Fig. 132, in which the
full line represents the change in standard free energy in passing k = El? e—AF$/RT ea cos 0’ (30)
1’ Hiickel, Ref. 9.
. ,.



where and hence

l4 _ 1 .~._- .-B.E..
a = ¢ >< 0.43 >< 10-8 >< --—-2?}’£§0 (31) Rate of transfer
E ,4
= 0.50 >< 10-4 >< %- (32) J
= 3.1 >< 10-8 >< -— F“ “T °
1 I (1 + a cos 6) cos Hsin 6d6 (36)
. 1.

Since the rotation of the molecules probably occurs rapidly,
'1 jg’ sin 0 d6
in comparison with the process under consideration, a proton = 3_1 X 1()-8 X kTT e"'“I"*T - g cm. secfl (37)
..> i,

in crossing the potential barrier has virtually traveled the
'.4-.-flurln u v

- —--T__-l- 1: :L— distance from one oxygen atom to a position on the further side
of an adjacent oxygen atom. This distance may be taken as the This expression applies to each proton of the H,~,O+ ion ; but
average dimensions of a water molecule in any direction, and since there are three protons that can move, the result should

thus may be estimated by dividing the molecular volume of be multiplied by 3, i.e.,

water by the Avogadro number, to give the mean volume of a
single water molecule, and extracting the cube root, i.e., Rate of transfer = 3.1 X 10”” X #, 6_“I”"'- (33)
_i_- %=31><
6.023 X 1023
10'8cm ' The equivalent conductance of any ion is equal to the speed in
cm. per second multiplied by the faraday, 96,500 coulombs
It follows, therefore, that for every proton which crosses the (cf. page 555); and hence the abnormal contribution A’ to the
energy barrier a unit positive charge is transferred through a
distance of 3.1 X 10-8 cm. The distance traveled in the direc-
I conductance of the hydrogen ion will be given by

tion of the field is 3.1 X 10'“ cos 0, and hence the total distance A’ = 3.1 >< 10-8 >< 9.65 >< 104 >< 0.50 >< 10-4 >< %-57? e-“I/“T
covered per second by all the protons that pass over the barrier
is obtained when the specific rate, given by Eq. (30), is multiplied
by this distance; thus,
= 3.12 >< 10* >< ¢ e-“*””. (40)
Distance traveled in direction of field Since A’ can be derived from experimental data on the conduc-
tances of hydrogen and sodium ions, as previously explained,
= 3.1 X 10-8 X cos 0 kT77e"AFt/RT e°°°°” cm. sec."1 (33) it is possible by the aid of Eq. (40) to calculate AF1 — RT ln ¢
for various temperatures; the results are given in the third column
This process takes place in all directions, including directions
of Table LXXXIII (see page 566).”
opposite to the field, and hence it is necessary to take the average
In order to evaluate AF1 itself, it is necessary to know ¢, the
over all angles 0 in order to obtain the net distance moved in
eflective potential gradient between a hydrogen ion and a water
the direction of the field per second; i.e.,
molecule when the over—all potential gradient is 1 volt/cm., the
Rate of transfer = 3.1 X 10‘8 latter being the value assumed in the calculation of the ion
kT t J: e“°°°° cos Gsin 0d0 conductance. It has been suggested“ that
X T e*'“ ”"' fr cm. sec?‘ (34)
o sin 0 d0 ¢ = %. (41)
For all reasonable values of ¢, the quantity a will be very small
where D is the dielectric constant at the experimental tempera
[cf. Eq. (32)], and so it is possible to write
13 Stearn and Eyring, Ref. 10.
e“ °°°” w 1 + a cos 0, (35) 14 Hiickel. Ref. 9.

’ II
ture, and by using this relationship the results for AFI given in
the fourth column of Table LXXXIII were obtained. water at 0°C., cH,O+/cH,0 is equal to e"11-35°”"', which is con-
The entropy change of the over-all process siderably smaller than the factor arising from the difference of
1 4,900 cal. in the free energies of activation. It appears to be
H30+ + H20 —"> H20 + H3O+;
established, therefore, that in pure water, at least, rotation is the
f 1 faster process and the prototropic change is rate-determining;
including rotation, will be zero; but it is reasonable to suppose
that there will be some restriction in the activated state for _|.
the same general conclusion is, presumably, applicable to all
proton transfer, so that the entropy of activation for the rate- aqueous solutions.
determining stage will be negative. If this is the case, the heat Influence of Solvent on Abnormal Conductance of Hydrogen
of activation AHI should be less than the free energy AFI. Exper- -<01?4
Ion.—The values of Am in Table LXXXII indicate that the
appropriate hydrogen ion, vz'z., MeOH; and EtOH§", is abnor-
_-___..-_-_, -|.,-_-. ,.- . - TABLE LXXXIII.—ABNoRMAL CONDUCTANCE or THE HYDROGEN ION mally mobile in methyl and ethyl alcohol solutions, respectively.
I _
This fact is seen more clearly from a comparison of the actual
Temp., °K. A’ AF cfiqlln 4)’ AFi, cal. AHi, cal. ion conductances of hydrogen and sodium ions in these media;
the data are recorded in Table LXXXIV, where AH is the con-
273 196.5 1,508 3 , 350 ductance of the hydrogen ion and A’ is the difference between
291 270.5 1 ,431 3,349 2’822
298 299 1 ,409 3,355 2,482 TABLE LXXXIV.—-IoN CONDUCTANCES AT 25°c.
323 383 1 , 352 3,389 1,907
348 449 1,345 3,452 1 ,430 Solvent AH AN, A’
373 489 1 ,389 3,573 885
401 - 519 1 ,435 3,584 535 MeOH 142 45. 7 96.3
429 523 1 , 521 3,811 211 EtOH 59.5 18.7 40.8
r (D20 242.4 41.5 200.9)

imental values of AH¢, derived from the variation of A’ with

temperature, are recorded in Table LXXXIII. It appears that the values for hydrogen and sodium ions and so represents the
the decrease in entropy accompanying the formation of the abnormal contribution. The values for deuterium oxide are
activated state increases with increasing temperature ; this is also included. The abnormal conductance may be attributed to
not unexpected in view of the greater randomness in the structure a prototropic change, just as in aqueous solution, viz.,
of the solution, i.e., the initial state, at the higher temperatures. R~OH;* + R-OH -> R'OH + R-OH";
Comparison of the Two Stages.-—The assumption that the
transfer of a proton from an H;~,O+ ion to a molecule of water is It is of interest to record that in the presence of a small quantity
the rate-determining stage in the abnormal conductance has of water the hydrogen ion is not abnormally mobile in alcoholic
led to a value for the free energy of activation of the process solution, the conductance of H3O+ in ethyl alcohol being 16.8,
of about 3,500 cal. (Table LXXXIII); and comparison of this as compared with 18.7 reciprocal ohms for the sodium ion.“
figure with that obtained for rotation of a water molecule in ice It is true that the proton-transfer process
at 0°C., viz., 8,400 cal. (see page 550) would suggest, at first sight, H3O+ + EtOH -> H2O + EtOH;
that the rotation might, in fact, be the slow process. It must
be remembered, however, that there is a considerable difference is possible; but it is known from equilibrium data that the rate
in the concentrations of hydrogen ions and water molecules in 15 H. Goldschmidt, Z. physik. Chem., 89, 129 (1914). The difference
water. It can be shown from the ionic product that, in pure between the equivalent conductances of C-,»H5OH§'" and H301‘ in ethyl alcohol
is given as 42.7 reciprocal ohms.

_ ._; _ _. _ ._

of the reverse reaction very greatly exceeds that of the forward the dissociation constant of R'OH as a base, i.e.,
reaction, and so the transfer of protons by this mechanism will
aR.OHz"' X Goa-/anon,
occur to a negligible extent only. Since most of the hydrogen
1 ions are present in the form of H3O+, the abnormal conductance varies by a factor of 20,000 whereas that of the corresponding
l in these circumstances will not be appreciable. As the amount acid R-OH§, i.e., aR,OH,+ X anon/aR_0H,+, alters by a factor of
of water is increased, it will be increasingly possible for the proton approximately 3. It appears, therefore, that the strength of
to pass from H;-,O+ to H2O, and the abnormal mobility will the base is the determining factor; and hence the relationship,
become evident. Similarly, in pure alcohol, in the absence of similar to Eq. (43), vz'z.,
water, the passage of protons from EtOH; ions to EtOH mole- log A’ = const. + as log K, (44)
cules will result in an increase of conductance.
Prototropic Change and Acid-Base Catalysis. 1°—The proton- where A’ is the abnormal conductance and K is the dissociation
Q-1._1—+.41~+;4§_-4_,- A

transfer process responsible for the abnormal conductance of constant of the solvent molecule as a base, might be expected
the hydrogen ion is analogous to the rate-determining prototropic to apply. The experimental values of log A’ are plotted against
change involved in general acid and base catalysis. For reactions
_-___.. - .-p -.-_"
of the latter type the relationship (cf. page-467) 11,0
k = 010, (42) 2.4 4-
_ 2.2 -—

log lc = log-G -|- as log K, (43) <

is applicable, where k is the specific reaction rate, K the dis- 2-0 _ Me OH
sociation constant of the acid that provides, or the base that
1.8 *
removes, the proton, and G and :5 are characteristic constants
for each substrate. In the prototropic reactions under con- 1.5 "E1911 1 ., ., .1 _.
sideration, e.g., 20 19 18 17 16
-log K
R-OH; + R'OH —> R-OH —|_— R-OH;", FIG. 133.—Dependence of abnormal conductance of the hydrogen ion on the
acid base dissociation constant of the solvent as a base. (Baughan.)

a similar relationship might be expected to apply between the ~— log K, in Fig. 133, and the results are seen to fall approximately
rate of the reaction, as measured by the abnormal contribution on a straight line which can be represented by the equation
to the conductance, and the dissociation constant either of the log A’ = 5.54 + 0.193 log K. 8 (45)
acid ‘R-OH; or of the base R-OH. It does not appear to be
possible to decide a priori whether to regard the rate of the It was seen in Chap. VIII (page 469) that for a series of reac-
process as being determined by the acid or the base, for this tions to which the Brensted relationship was applicable the
will depend on the relative influences of the energy of breaking difference in the heats of activation AH1 could be regarded as
the O—H bond in the acid and the repulsion between the proton approximately equal to a fraction :1: of the difference in the heats
and the base. A decision can be made, however, from the experi- of the complete reaction AH, i.e.,
mental fact that in the series AH1I '-' AHQI = 23(AH1 -"

H2O, D20, CH3OH, C2H5OH, From the temperature coefiicients of the mobilities of H3O+ and
1° E. C. Baughan, unpublished. D3O+, it appears that, for these two ions, AH1* — AH2* is 230 cal.
On the other hand, the difference in the heats of ionization,
which may be taken as AH1 — AH2, is 940 cal.; and if as is 0.193 The expression 6(AF1)/6p may be replaced by its thermodynamic
as given by Eq. (45), it follows that :c(AH1 —- AH2) is 180 cal., equivalent AV1, i.e., the increase in volume accompanying the
in fair agreement with the value of 230 cal. obtained directly. formation of the activated state (page 470); hence, Eq. (50) may
Influence of Pressure on the Abnormal Mobility of Hydrogen be rewritten in the form
Ion.17—Equation (39) for the abnormal conductance of the
hydrogen ion in water may be written in the form 5%(1n1v --3-15 V) = -§-,-575 (51)
11' = A 8-H‘/RT; (47) If AV1 is independent of pressure, it is seen that the plot of
ln A’ — §- In V against p should give a straight line; the experi-
and it can be seen from Eqs. (31) and (39) that apart from con- mental results are quoted in Table LXXXV and are plotted
stant quantities the term A is the product of two lengths, one in Fig. 134. The values of A’ are obtained from the difference
being half the distance 0.86 X 10-8 cm., averaged over all in the equivalent conductances of hydrochloric acid and sodium
2.60 -‘—-———-———---___. chloride at infinite dilution.
AT 20°c.
V _ 1

Pressure, A’, V, ,
_ /
2 // kg. /cm.2 recip. ohms cc. log A % log V
-39: N /
/ 1 278. 6 1 . 0000 2 . 445
og /
500 295 . 0 0 . 9766 2 . 447
1,000 0 0.9582
1,500 9 0.9421
2,000 7 0.9257
10’00 1500 20’00 2500
2,500 0 0.9134
Iii I ;
Pressure (kg./cm.2)
Fro. 134.——Dependence of abnormal conductance of the hydrogen ion on pressure.
The actual plot is seen to be a curve, rather than a straight
line, which suggests that AV‘ is a function of pressure; the
values of 6 and the other the average distance 3.1 between initial tangent gives AVI at small pressures, and this is found
neighboring oxygen atoms. It is therefore permissible to write to be -4 cc. per mole. Of this amount, 2.9 cc. arises from the
A = const. X V35, (48) increase of ln A’ with pressure and 1.1 cc. from the change in
ln V. '
where V is the specific volume of water, and so The general equation (43) may be regarded as equivalent
A’ = const. X V94 e-“'1/RT. (49) to the relationship
- AF1t '— AF21: = "- AF2),
Upon taking logarithms of Eq. (49) and differentiating with
respect to pressure, it is seen that 4 where the AF terms are the free-energy changes for the complete
reaction; hence, it also follows that
" (@134)
..2(@1nHp V) 1- RT
-1 [MAF9]
(50, d(AFi) O(AFi
* ap "‘ CC ap *—= III AV,-, (53)
" Baughan, Ref. 16.
where AV; is the increase in molar volume accompanying ioniza-

- J
' -- ~'~—---!II-*~ ' ' _ ,...-,..2h‘— __ _ _ ." ..
_ ' --I-¢,_ -\'_'K --_--A- ---_ ___ -.-q,_ _ 7‘ _ L_
_ I 4-_-, 44 -_ ___ _ _ ‘___ _* _ W i if i i___-_
_.. ifl_
_ A
___.-.- ..__... ____>__,_t_


tion. Since 6(AF*)/6p is equal to AV*, it follows that
1} AVI = 5 AV,:, (54)
the weighting factors allowing for the different numbers of
protons available in each case. The abnormal mobilities of
1 OMe- and OEt- should then be 30 and 12 reciprocal ohms,
where :1: has the same value as in Eq. (45), i.e., 0.193. The
respectively; these calculated values are probably too large.
volume change accompanying the ionization of water at room
Types of Grotthuss Mechanism.—It can be seen that, in
temperatures and at atmospheric pressure is -21 cc. per mole;
general, abnormal ionic mobilities are to be anticipated when-
and hence, according to Eq. (54), AV* should be -0.193 X 21,
ever there exists in solution the possibility of a prototropic or
i.e., -4.05 cc. per mole, in excellent agreement with the result
anionotropic change (see below) of the type considered in this
obtained from Fig. 134.
chapter. It is important to note, however, that the possibility
Abnormal Mobilities of Other Ions.-—In addition to the hydro-
of such a process is not a suflicient condition for abnormal
gen ion, the hydroxyl ion exhibits abnormal conductance in
I-—,_-,_- *1- ' u-q.p_- qv-._- . -_

mobility; it is necessary, in addition, that the transfer of the

water, but the corresponding ions, mIz., OMe"' and OEt"', in
proton or anion shall be able to take place with a relatively
methyl and ethyl alcohols, do not show this behavior. This is
11 high speed. In the case of proton transfer, this appears to be
exemplified by the results in Table LXXXVI which include the
1 determined by the dissociation constant of the solvent molecule
1 values for the chloride ion to be used for purposes of comparison.
as a base.
TABLE LXXXVI.——IoN1c CONDUCTANCES or ANIONS Three types of Grotthuss mechanism leading to abnormal
conductance may be distinguished:

Solvent Ion A .AQ1-, 1. Transfer of a proton or a deuteron from a positive ion

recip. ohms
to a neutral molecule.
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH‘ 200 75 2. Transfer of a proton or a deuteron from a neutral molecule
Methyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMe‘ 53.3 51.3 to a negative ion.
Ethyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OEt‘ 24.5 ‘ 24.3 3. Transfer of a charged unit other than a proton or a deuteron.
The abnormal mobilities of H3O+ and D3O+ in H2O and D20,
I 1

The abnormal conductance of the OH‘ ion may be accounted respectively, and of the R-OH; ions in the corresponding alcohols
for by the prototropic process fall into class 1; and, as already seen, the effects can be correlated
with the strengths of the solvent as a base, in accordance with
H20 + OH_ "-> OH“ + H20,
the requirements of the Brsdnsted relationship. It is probable
a proton being transferred from a water molecule to an hydroxyl that the absence of abnormal mobility of the NH? ion in ammonia
ion, in a manner exactly analogous to that involved in connection and of the anilinium, pyridinium and m-chloranilinium ions in
with hydrogen ions. By the same argument, some abnormal the respective amines can be accounted for in an analogous
mobility might be expected for the OMe“ and OEt"' ions; but manner by the low self-dissociation constants, i.e.,
it can be shown that the effects should be relatively small in
these instances. If the abnormal conductances vary with the aR-NH3+ X aR-NH“!aR.NH2’

dissociation constant of R-OH in the same manner as do those of the free bases concerned. It is of interest to mention that
of the corresponding hydrogen ions,“ it follows that there is direct experimental evidence that the ionic product
‘ A’oH— 2 X A'rr'o+ of liquid ammonia, and hence the basic dissociation constant of
2 >< 4'54? 7 3 >< 1'...84.+’ (55) NH3, is small.“
1° Baughan, Ref. 16.
1° Cf. K. Fredenhagen, Z. anorg. Chem... 186, 1 (1930).
. ‘ :--_-;f;;;:_;-_---- ____.._ ___ _ -....-':- ---"&I--14‘ _' -IF -- i_4p - -"' -— "-'-""- ' ' " _‘i"""“ ""‘ " ‘


Processes of class 2 include the transport of OH‘ in water, as sumably be due to the process
seen above, and of HSOI in H2SO4;2° the latter can be repre-
sented by + X_ -"> X_ + CH3'X,

I H2SO4 ‘l‘ HSOI _’ HSOI ‘l‘ H2804. where X represents NO2 or CNS. Since the compounds CH3-NO2
and CH3-CNS do not ionize to any appreciable extent, the reac-
In agreement with expectation the HSO; ion shows the greatest tions must inevitably be slow and their contributions to the
known abnormal conductance, since H2SO4 is a very strong acid. mobilities of the NO; and CNS‘ ions will be negligibly small.
The small abnormalities observed for OR‘ ions in the correspond-
ing alcohols can be explained by the weakness of the R-OH acids. _ ELECTRODE PHENOMENA
The anions F‘ in HF, NH; in NH3, and H'CO-O‘, CH3-CO-O‘
and CH2Cl-CO-O‘ in the respective acids have normal mobilities; Static (Equilibrium) Electrode Potentials.—The discharge of
an ion at a static electrode, i.e., one at which there is no net
the first two fit in with the general scheme since HF and NH3
flow of current, involves at least two stages, and hence two
have low self-dissociation constants, but the behavior of the

l carboxylate ions is exceptional. The dissociation constants of energy barriers. In the first place the solvated ion in the bulk
the acids are sufficiently large for a high mobility to be expected,
1<----------- --V -------- -- ‘
but it is possible that as a result of association of the molecules of
=<"aV-->1 )1 '
acid, thus,

D |

011.,-o C-CH3, Potentia U: 2>

\ / . C
<— Distance from electrode
the speed of rotation is too small or the protons are too strongly FIG. 135.——Potentia1-energy barriers at an electrode surface. (K'imball.)
bound to be transferred to an anion.
.‘ Fast reactions belonging to class 3 may include Cl‘ in SbCl32‘ of the solution must be transferred to the electrode surface, in
F and I‘ in I2,” although the experimental evidence, particularly which state it is probably unsolvated. Secondly, the adsorbed
in the latter case, is not conclusive. The mechanisms may be ion must combine with an electron, provided by the electrode,
l and thus be discharged. Other processes, such as migration
SbCl3 + SbCl;; -> SbCl;( -1- SbCl3 of the resulting atom to a suitable position in the lattice, in
and the case of a metal, or the formation of molecules and their
evolution as bubbles, in the case of a gas, generally follow; but
these need not be considered for the moment. The potential-
The mobilities of NO; in CH3-NO; and of CNS‘ in CH3-CNS energy curve for the discharge of a positive ion, for example, may
are both normal; if there were any abnormality, it would pre- thus be represented, approximately, as in Fig. 135. The potential
energy at A is that of an atom of the metal, B is that of the
’°L. P. Hammett and F. A. Lowenheim, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 2620
(1934). . ~
adsorbed ion and C represents that of the ion in solution. It is
not known which of the two barriers is the higher, but this is
l *1 Z. Klemensiewicz, Z, physik. Chem., 113, 28 (1925); Z. Klemensiewicz
and z. Balowna, Roczniki Chem., 10, 481 (1930) ; 11, 583 (1931). immaterial for present purposes. The reverse process, i.e., the
*2 G. N. Lewis and P. Wheeler, Z. physik. Chem., 56, 179 (1906); W. A. conversion of an atom of metal into an ion in solution, follows
Plotnikow, J. A. Fialkow and W. P. Tschalij, ibid., A, 172, 304 (1935). the same two stages, i.e., from A to B and B to C, in the opposite
ar ‘-—-_


direction; at equilibrium the forward and reverse reactions and
will occur at the same rate. When this condition is attained,
the reversible potential V of the system will act between A and Rate of reverse reaction = kg e‘<1‘°‘>""""*”, (61)
C, i.e., across the two energy barriers; part of this potential will where a+ is the activity of the ions in the bulk of the given solu-
facilitate the discharge of the positive ions, and the remainder tion. The activity of the atoms on the electrode is, of course,
hinders the reconversion of atoms into ions. unity in accordance with the chosen standard state. If V is
In the absence of any external factor, such as the electrode the equilibrium reversible potential, which may now be repre-
potential, the specific rate kl of the discharge process, i.e., the sented by V., the two rates are equal, and hence
direct reaction, may be written, in terms of the theory of abso-
6-V,F/RT = a+ _% (62)
lute reaction rates, as
=._ a+ e—AF°/RT, (63)

where AF°, which is equivalent to AFJ —- AF21, is the standard

and the specific rate I52 of the reverse reaction is free energy of the over-all direct process, i.e., the transfer of
1.. = 4,1" <55 ions from the solution to atoms on the electrode. It follows,
therefore, that
where AF11 and AFJ are the corresponding free energies of
V, = Q,-£9 — -1-BFZ ln a+, (64)
activation. If a is the fraction of the potential V that is opera-
tive between the point C in Fig. 135 and the activated state, the quantity AF°/F being clearly equivalent to the standard
assumed to be at D, then the potential aV will facilitate the potential V0 of the electrode; thus,
forward reaction. This means that there is a free-energy
change of aVF per mole,* where F is the faraday, due to external T 5,,
V. = V, - R715 (55)
factors, and hence the specific rate of the forward reaction
becomes which is the familiar equation for the potential of a reversible
hi = kl eaVF/RT. (58) electrode giving a univalent positive ion.*
Dynamic Electrode Potentials.23—-When there is a net flow of
Similarly, the fraction 1 — a of the reversible potential, i.e.,
current at an electrode, the rate of one reaction exceeds that
the portion acting between A and D, will retard the conversion of the other; for example, at a cathode the rate of the forward,
of atoms into ions, and so the specific rate of the reverse reaction i.e., discharge, process is greater than that of the reverse, i.e.
becomes ionization, process. The magnitude of the current flowing is
kg = k2 e—(1—a)VF/RT.
determined by the difference in the two rates; thus, -since each
The actual rate of reaction is obtained by multiplying the univalent ion carries a unit charge 8, the cathodic current I6
specific rate by the activity of the reactant;’[ if the standard is given by Eq. (60) as
state chosen for the ionic species is the familiar one of a hypo- I,, = sale, e°“""""', (66)
thetical ideal solution at unit concentration and that for the * It should be noted that the sign of the electrode potential V has been
atoms is the pure solid, it follows that chosen in accordance with the convention proposed by G. N. Lewis and
' Rate of forward reaction = a1]c1 e°“’F/RT (60) M. Randall (“Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Substances,”
1923) and adopted by many writers on physical chemistry. For the alter-
*For ions of valence of z, the corresponding free-energy term is ZaVF. native convention, the term e“V"”‘T in Eq. (58) should be replaced by
1'The result should be divided by the activity coefficient of the activated e“'”"RT, and then (65) would become V, = V5 + (RT/F) ln a+.
complex; this cancels out when the rates at equilibrium are equated. 23 G. E. Kimball, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 199 (1940).


and the anodic current I,, is If this value for a is inserted in Eq. (68), the result is

it-_. ,-.
Ia = 8152 e—(1—a)VF/RT, D [aokl eaVF/RT _ [C2 e—(1—a)VF/RT]
8 _

and hence the net current, assumed to be cathodic, is I- --6 D 8 (72)

I = I6 _ Ia = 8[ak1 eaVF/RT _ k2 e—(1—a)VF/RT], (68)
-.__,__ _ ._,_.n.
8 (an ._ 1% e“VF/RT)
where a is written in place of a+ for the activity of the positive
ions in the immediate vicinity of the cathode. Since there
. . ~ - (73)
i I 3 L —-aVF/RT
1S a flow of cathodic current, the concentration of positive ions
in this region will be less than that in the bulk of the solution.
The potential V will thus correspond to the activity a, which According to Eqs. (62) and (63), I61/kg is equal to e‘AF°/RT; and
1S less than that, represented by ao, existing in the body of the since, by Eqs. (64) and (65), AF“ is equivalent to VOF, Where
electrolyte. V5 is the standard potential of the electrode, it follows that
The loss of ions from the vicinity of the electrode is made k5 = eAF°/RT = eVoF/RT’ (74)
up partly by normal transport of ions by the current and partly 1
by diffusion. If to is the transference number of the discharged
cations, the rate at which ions are brought up by diffusion must and hence Eq. (73) may be written
11':3.i.?¢-1‘-%_|-__*I “"*‘"-“‘*"I
be equlvalent to (1 — i¢)I, i.e., to tI Where t is the effective I 8[a0 __ e—(V—V0)F/RT]

._i . _ _-. _ transference number of all the other ions. If D is the diffusion
t_1%_ + 7:1: 6-—aVF/RT
coeflicient of the ions (cations) being discharged and 6 is the
thickness of the so-called “diffusion layer,” on one side of which
the activity of the ions is an whereas on the other it is a, the rate This equation should represent the variation of the electrode
of diffusion is given by potential V with the current I, when the net flow of current is
in the cathodic direction; as it is somewhat complicated, it may
. . D
Rate of diffusion = F (ao - (1), be simplified in two limiting cases. If kl is small, so that the
discharge of the ions is the rate-determining stage, the term
and hence the corresponding diffusion current I,1 is t6/D may be neglected in the denominator of Eq. (75), and the
latter then becomes
Id = % (ao — a). (59) I = 8[a0k1 ea!/F/RT _ k2 6--(1—a)VF/RT]. V‘ (76)

As seen above, this must be equal to tI ; and upon utilizing the This is seen to be identical with Eq. (68), except that ao, the
value of I given by Eq. (68), it is seen that activity of the ions in the bulk of the solution, replaces a, the
value in the immediate vicinity of the electrode; this condition
can hold only for very small current strengths or, in the case of
51431 em/RT - 15 5-<1—@>W"1 = if <5. - 5). <75) hydrogen-ion discharge, if the solution is well buffered.
tkz e—(1—a)VF/RT _|_ __ an.
The other limiting case, which is most frequently encountered,
vb arises when the diffusion is the rate-determining stage of the
.'. (Z '— - ~ ~ _
tkl eaVF/RT + _-Z;
' (71) electrode reaction. In these circumstances, kl is large and
the term kfl e‘“"F’RT in the denominator of Eq. (75) may be


I = _8.t%. [ac ._.. 6-'(V—-V0)!’/RT]. Introduction.-—-When an electrode, immersed in a solution of
its own ions, or of the ions of a gas with which it is saturated,
_--q- ._.

If both k1 and kg are large, so that the cathode potential V is is at its reversible potential, the rate of deposition of ions on to
the reversible potential corresponding to the activity a of the the electrode is equal to the rate of re-ionization of the deposited
ions in the immediate vicinity of the electrode, then it follows substance; under these conditions, there is no net flow of cur-
from Eq. (65) that e'<"""°)"’“" is equal to a; hence, Eq. (77) rent, and the resultant rate of deposition is zero. If material
may be written is to be deposited at an appreciable rate, or, in other words,
in order that an appreciable current may flow from electrode to
I = % (an — a) (78)
-_. -. _. -.

solution, or vice versa, it is necessary to impose an additional

electrical potential on the system; the magnitude of this excess
which is identical with (69). _- .-in0-nu . - potential determines the net rate of deposition, i.e., the current
The results derived above have been based on the assumption strength. The difference between the actual potential required
that the electrode is a cathode; if the anodic current exceeds to permit current to flow at a particular current density and the
the cathodic current, however, the net current will be iven b reversible value for the electrode in the given solution is called
the negative of Eq. (68); if the treatment already desiribed the “overvoltage” or “overpotential” at that current density.“
followed, the analogue of Eq. (75) is found to be In assessing the reversible potential, it is the general practice
I 8[e—(V—Vo)F/RT _ ac], to suppose that the substances deposited are in their standard
t% + loll e—aVF/RT (79)
states; a gas, e.g., hydrogen or oxygen, is supposed to be at 1 atm.
pressure if this is the external pressure at which electrolysis
occurs. The overvoltage obtained in this manner is, of course,
and for difiusion-controlled anodic reactions,
important from the practical point of view; but for theoretical
sD treatment it is preferable to define the overvoltage as the poten—
I = 3? [“““""°""'" — ac] (80) tial, under the experimental conditions, in excess of the reversible
D potential of the electrode under the same conditions. In this way,
= §i3— (a — ao). (31)
polarization phenomena resulting from changes in concentration
In ‘this case, since the electrode dissolves, the value of a, the of the electrolyte or from the fact that the solution may be
activity in the vicinity of the anode, is in excess of that ao supersaturated with gas, since this may be necessary before
. 7 7
in the ‘bulk of the electrolyte, so that a — ao is p()sitiVe_ bubbles can form, are excluded from the true overvoltage. As
An interesting modification of Eq. (80) arises when 3, meta] the latter is probably related to the energy of activation of the
dissolves in an acid solution containing little or none of the ions slowest stage involved in the process of deposition of material on
of the metal; under these conditions, an may be put equal to the electrode, it may be called the “activation overvoltage.”25
aero. .S11'1C6 most of the current is transported by the hydrogen The deposition of metals, except those of the iron group, generally
ions, t 1S practically unity and so Eq. (80) becomes requires only a small overvoltage, but appreciable values, rising
sometimes to as much as 1 volt, accompany the liberation of
_ I = % 6-—(V -—Vo)F/RT. hydrogen and oxygen.
2‘ Cf. Glasstone, Ref. 2, Chap. XVII; Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc., 34, 107
This gives the value of the anodic current resulting from the (1937); F. P. Bowden and J. N. Agar, ibid., 35, 90 (1938); K. Wirtz, Z.
dissolution of the metal; an application of this relationship will Elektr0chem., 44, 303 (1938).
be considered later. 25 Bowden and Agar, Ref. 24; Proc. Roy. Soc., 169, A, 206 (1938).

_IIc._. n1-l h


The Rate-determining Step.——In the electrolysis of many ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES 583

aqueous solutions the over-all reaction is the conversion of water where the constant depends on the hydregen-ion concentration
into hydrogen and oxygen, and the various stages involved of the solution; the potential Va Of the Tevereible (equilibrium)
at the cathode are as follows: (1) the transport of H3O+ ions electrode would then be
to the electrode layer; (2) the transfer of ions or protons to the
electrode; (3) discharge of the ions or protons by electrons; (4) ’ V, = El; In n, + const., (34)
the combination of the hydrogen atoms on the electrode surface
to form molecular hydrogen ; (5) the evolution of the hydrogen
molecules in bubbles of gas. The slowest of these stages deter- n being the number of hydrogen atoms per square centimeter of
mines the overvoltage corresponding to a given current density. surface at the reversible potential. The overvoltage w, equal to
That stage 1 is not rate-determining is shown by the fact that V — V8, is then given by
the overvoltage depends on the nature of the metal used as
cathode and is very small at an electrode of platinized platinum; w = ll]. ?;;'
further, the activation energy for the transport process is less
than 3.5 kcal. (see page 566) which is much smaller than that Combination of Eq. (85) with the result I = knz then leads lie the
usually associated with overvoltage (see Table LXXXVII, expression
page 588). Although stage 5 probably plays some part, it is I = k,n§e2w1l'/RT (86)
apparently of relatively minor importance in determining over-
voltage; the evolution of chlorine gas bubbles, as a result of the or, more generally,
electrolysis of chloride solutions, for example, requires only a I = I0 e2wF/RT = I0 ea:-2F/RT, (87)
small overvoltage. The suggestion that stage 4 is the slow
process was originally made by J. Tafel,2° but this view leads where I0 is a constant and a is equal to 2. According to Eq. (87)
to expectations in disagreement with the facts. If the electrode the overvoltage at a given current density should be independent
surface is sparsely covered with atomic hydrogen, the rate of the hydrogen-ion concentration, and this is, ill general, true-
of the reaction 2H = H2 is given by kn”, where It is a constant Further, the plot of co against ln I should be a. straight line Of
and n is the number of atoms of adsorbed hydrogen per square slope RT/2F. But it has been found experimentally for a
centimeter of electrode surface. If the rate of the reverse number of metals that although the plot is linear, the slope is
process, i.e., the dissociation of hydrogen molecules into atoms, 2RT/F ' i e oz in Eq. (87) is 0.5 instead of 2. In order to account
is negligible in comparison with that of the direct reaction, as it for this,discrepancy, it has been suggested that stage.3, via, tlfie
will be at appreciable current densities, the current flowing I is neutralization of the hydrogen ion, 18 the 810W nrogesfi 111 '_e
proportional to the rate of formation of molecular h.ydrogen; it is formation of gaseous hydrogen at an electrode an ence IS
thus possible to write I = lcnz. The potential V of any atomic the fundamental cause of overvoltage; it has been shown, on the
hydrogen electrode may be written in the form"' basis of these views, that oz might reasonably have the value
0.5 as found experimentally. Many workers in the field of
V = EFZ ln n + const., (83) overvoltage have, however, felt some difficulty in accepting the
suggestion that the addition of an electron to a hydrogen ion
2° J. Tafel,.Z. physik. Chem., 54, 641 (1905).
or to a proton is a slow process requiring an activation energy
* Strictly speaking, the activity, and not the concentration, of atomic of the order of 10 kcal. It appeared possible, therefore, that
hydrogen should be used; under the conditions specified, however, i.e., a further insight into the mechanism of the hydrogen-electrode
sparsely covered surface, n is probably a measure of the activity. process might be obtained by applying the theory of absolute
reaction rates.

Overvoltage and Absolute Reaction Rates.”-—According to the potential across the electrode double layer is zero, and the

Eq. (58), the specific rate lc§_ of the discharge of an ion under fall of potential between the solution and the electrode is equal
the influence of an electrode potential V is to that across the solution double layer, i.e., the reversible
potential. When there is a resultant flow of current, however,
lei = k1e“”'”"', (88)
the electrical equilibrium across the electrode layer is disturbed
where kl is defined by and a difference of potential, equal to the overvoltage, is set up.
If the slow stage in the discharge of hydrogen ions is the passage
I01 = £21 e'“1t-'1"; (88a)
of protons across the electrode double layer, i.e., if the potential-
energy barrier closer to the electrode is the higher of the two
but if this is applied to the problem of hydrogen-ion discharge,
(Fig. 136), there is no disturbance of equilibrium across the
with V equal to the total potential operative between the solu-
solution double layer, and the specific rate of the process will be
tion and the cathode, it appears that the overvoltage should
depend on the hydrogen-ion concentration at constant current f‘ ‘ e "* ‘“* 1'
-<----- --w ---- -->'
density. There is much evidence, however, to show that, r<---aw--
provided the hydrogen-ion concentration of the solution is

not too low or the current density too large and extraneous energy

ions are not present to any great extent, the overvoltage is

independent of the pH of the electrolyte from which hydrogen-
ion discharge occurs. It follows, therefore in order to satisf Potentia '(_ _ Electrode _ _>]
7 Y _ s°1ution_ _>' double-layer
the experimental requirements, that in this instance the specific- double-layer y
rate equation should be written
-<-Distance from electrode
kg = kl eawF/RT’
FIG. 136.——Representation of double layers at the electrode surface. (Kimball,
Glasstone and Glassner.)

where w is the overvoltage portion only of the total cathode given by Eq. (89). It follows, therefore,_that the specific‘ rate
potiential.” The significance of this result is that, at least of discharge of hydrogen ions, i.e., the direct reaction, will be
under the conditions where the overvoltage is independent of the given by
hydrogen-ion concentration, the total electrode potential is
kg = kl eawF/RT; (90)
operative across two double layers and that there are two
potential-energy barriers.” The outer layer, which may be and, similarly, the specific rate of the reverse reaction is
called the “solution double layer,’’ is that at which the reversible
hydrogen potential operates, whereas the overvoltage is efi’ec- 1,; = 1.. @~<1~~>~F/RT, <91)
tive over the inner, or “electrode double layer,’ ’ close to the since the fraction (1 — oz) of the overvoltage operates against
electrode. As long as there is no net flow of current, i.e., if the formation of hydrogen ions from atoms. Without making
the amounts of current passing in both directions are the same, any assumption as to the nature of the species from which the
proton crossing the electrode double layer originates or that
2" H. Eyring, S. Glasstone and K. J. Laidler, J. Chem. Phys., 7, 1053
(1939). different application of the theory of absolute reaction rates,
to which it proceeds, the respective concentrations or, more
based on another mechanism, is given by G. Okamoto, J. Horiuti and exactly, the activities of these substances may be represented
K. Hirota, Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Tokyo, 29, 223 (1936). by cl and 02 units, respectively, the standard state being defined
*8 Cf. A. Frumkin, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 12, 481 (1940). as 1 unit, i.e., atom, molecule or ion, per square centimeter.
2° G. E. Kimball, S. Glasstone and A. Glassner, J. Chem. Phys., 9, 91 (1941). The rates of forward (v1) and reverse (7)2) reactions, in units per
square centimeter, may then be written
applies at many cathodes, oz having the value of 0.5. Since a
v1 = clkl equal?/RT is the fraction of the overvoltage effective between initial and
and activated states of the discharge process, it follows that the fall
of potential between the initial and activated states must be,
U2 =-' Cgkg 6_(1—a)wF/RT. at least approximately, one-half that across the whole energy
The current passing is determined by the difference between barrier;31 i.e., the energy barrier at the electrode surface is almost
__,-._-=_1 these rates; and if each reacting unit may be regarded as carry- symmetrical. This conclusion is of fundamental importance in
ing the equivalent of a single charge, the current density I is deciding the nature of the essential electrode reaction.
given by Nature of Reacting Species.32—The next matter to consider
is the species involved in the electrode process; some information
I = 8(U1 -" U2) on this point may be obtained by calculating the value of cl,
__._.. 8[c1k1 eac-2F/RT __ C2162 e—(1—a)wF/RT],
the concentration of this substance. According to Eq. (92)
1!I the magnitude of the current passing in the forward direction,
where 8 is the unit charge (cf. page 554). If to is small, i.e., for
very low overvoltages, the exponentials may be expanded and i.e., corresponding to the direct process, is
all terms other than the linear one neglected; thus, I (forward) = s(c1k1 6"”'1”); (99)

I= (———1
tr’) ~ [1 — ~——“
3.;>“Fll~ we
It will be seen from Eqs. (92) and (93) that at the reversible
and, at the reversible potential, when co is zero, this becomes

I0 = 361531 (100)

potential, when w is zero, clkl is equal to Cgkg; and if this equality = 861 51%: 6-Ami/zzr (101)
may be assumed to hold also for small values of co, Eq. (96)
becomes the definition of kl given on page 563 being used. Since AF* may
_ 8C1IC1wF
be replaced by AH1 —- T ASI, it follows that
I -— -737-' (97)
IO = 861 E}? eAS11/R e—AH1x/RT (102)
At low overvoltages, therefore, there should be a linear relation-
ship between current and overvoltage; this has been found for = B e-A1111/RT, (1()3)
the evolution of hydrogen and the deposition of metals.“
For higher values of co, the rate of the reverse reaction becomes where B is equal to sc1(kT/h) e“1l/R; the quantities- AS11 and
negligibly small in comparison with that of the discharge process, AH1* are the entropy and heat of activation, respectively, of
so that it is possible to write the direct electrode process. The value of I0 may be deter-
I = 8(C1k1 email?’/RT) = I0 ennui’/RT, mined by plutting ln I, or log I, against 0.», obtained experi-
mentally, for relatively high overvoltages, and then extrapolating
where I0, whose significance will be seen shortly, is equal to to w = 0. The heat of activation AH11 can be derived from the
scllcl. This is identical with Eq. (87) and, as already seen, temperature coefficient of overvoltage at constant overvoltage,
“J. A.-V. Butler, Trans. Faraday Soc., 28, 379 (1932); J. A. V. Butler provided that it is assumed that c1 and ASH are independent of
and G. Armstrong, J. Chem. Soc., 743 (1934); M. Volmer and T. Erdey- temperature. From a knowledge of I0 and AH11, it is possible
Griiz, Z. physik. Chem., A, 159, 165 (1931); M. Volmer and H. Wick, ibid.,
A, 172, 429 (1935). *1 T. Erdey-Griiz and H. Wick, ibid., A, 162, 53 (1932).
3’ Eyring, Glasstone and Laidler, Ref. 27.


/to calculate B, by means of Eq. (103), and the results obtained

from the available experimental data“ are recorded in Table follows that
LXXXVII. The measurements with cathodes of gallium and B =_- 9.6 >< 108 >< ese‘/R. (104)
pf Wood’s alloy were made at 87°C., but all the other values of I0
;'efer to 25°c. Mechanism of Cathode Process.“-—To determine whether

the assumption that a molecule of water is involved in the rate-

- I—_“_"@.w=—' \- _ _
TABLE LXXXVII.—DisciiAncE or HYDROGEN IONS determining stage is in harmony with the experimental value of
B, it is necessary to assess AS119, at least roughly; this can be
Electrode Electrolyte 12 + log I 0 ’
l log B done only if something is known of the nature of the initial and
I ' ’ - A
activated states. The next step, therefore, is to postulate a
MGTCUTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQSO4 more detailed mechanism for the slow reaction at the cathode.
Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.2N NaOH - It is suggested that the so-called “adsorption double layer,”
Gallium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.2N H¢SO., V across which the overvoltage acts, consists of two layers of water
Wood’s alloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2N HQSO4
molecules, one associated with the solution and the other held
jBright platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.2N H2SO4 i
j3right platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2N H2SO4 ‘ by the electrode. The slow stage in the discharge of a hydrogen
Bright platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2N NaOH V 1 - ion is then believed to be the transfer of a proton from a molecule
Bright platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.2N NaOH - of water on the solution side to one attached to the electrode.
falladium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.2N HZSO4 The rate-determining step is then a kind of prototropic change;
Palladium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2N NaOH _~1_~1_c»_oC10-c‘J>O\7=©n®l\-')o@il.\?®oCZJ IQ!-‘I*l—b—l|_\D[’)Q—l[Q oa<oc.oc ~io'>o 1o b
*l—‘F-5 '@€O 5\I€COID—C*QOU>I CIJ-P‘l~®\DI©
such processes are known to be associated with heats of activation
of about 10 to 20 kcal. and hence are similar to those found for
Except for the results with platinum in sodium hydroxide, the cathodic liberation of hydrogen. Even when the proton
which are stated to be very dependent on the condition of the has to move through a distance of the order of a molecular diam-
gurface, and with mercury in the same electrolyte, where the eter, or less, as would be the case in the suggested cathode
low value of a, vz'z., 0.24, indicates the presence of complicating process, the heat of activation is of the same magnitude; this
factors, e.g., the discharge of sodium ions to form a dilute amal- is proved by the stability at ordinary temperatures of the ketc-
gam, the figures in the last column are virtually constant, and B, and enol-forms of tautomeric compounds such as acetoacetic
which involves c1 and ASH, is apparently independent of the ester. It will be noted that according to the foregoing postulate
nature of the electrode and electrolyte. This result suggests the overvoltage acts across two layers of water molecules; and
that the species whose concentration is represented by cl is since it is probable that the activated state lies midway between
the same in all aqueous solutions and at all electrodes, and the them, the requirement that half the excess potential on operates
obvious conclusion to draw is that the substance is water. The between the initial and activated states is satisfied. ,1 '
'—"' ~‘%I
provisional inference is, therefore, that the rate-determining The slow prototropic process, which is the essential cause of
5tep in the discharge of hydrogen ions involves a molecule of hydrogen overvoltage, may then be represented as follows:
Water. As a first approximation, it may be assumed that a
Water molecule occupies 10*“ sq. cm.; this is roughly the mean
area of cross section of a single water molecule in pure water
+. _.___}M
. 6 { A}_ _ _, ___}M9 {if
—>S —>S +
or of a metal atom of diameter 3 The quantity c1 would HO-CI!
initial state aeti iesewe-m
state final state
thus be about 1015 molecules per sq. cm.; and since kT/h at
25° is about 6 X 1012 and s is 1.6 X 10-19 volt-coulombs, it The symbol S refers to the solution and M to the electrode surface,
the Q) sign on M being used to indicate an electron which
33 Bowden and Agar, Ref. 24.
34 Eyring, Glasstone and Laidler, Ref. 27.

\\ ‘I 1
-M...-i.-._.... ...__-___-._.___. --___ _.;____ _


is believed to be available at the cathode.* It is evident that extent of one-half, or of that order, by water molecules and the
the activated state consists virtually of H3O+ and OH" ions, remainder by hydrogen or oxygen atoms.
and it is apparent that the entropy of activation AS11 will be Influence of Electrode Material.-—If the value of I0 given by
very close to that accompanying the transfer of a proton from Eq. (102) is introduced into (98), it is seen that
one water molecule to another, i.e., H20 + H20 = H301" + OH“;
I = 861 ¥ em,‘/R 6-Ami/ar eac-JF/RT. (106)
this process corresponds to the ionization of water in any aqueous
solution. Taking aH,e+ X aeH- as 10'“ at 25° and aH,e as
55 moles per liter, the equilibrium constant is found to be In the absence of strongly adsorbed substances, it appears that
3.3 X 10*“; since AH for the ionization of water is 13.6 kcal., the different overvoltages of various metals must be attributed
it follows that e“’” is 3.3 X 10*‘. According to the foregoing to differences in AH 11, the heat of activation of the rate-determin-
ing process; the higher the value of AH11, the greater the over-
arguments, therefore, eAS*l’R, required for the calculation of B
voltage. If the metal is one that adsorbs hydrogen readily,
by Eq. (104), should have the same value; hence, log B is approxi- _ __ ‘*5 I , _ in

mately 1.5, in satisfactory agreement with the value found from l


overvoltage measurements (Table LXXXVII). The suggestion

that the slow process at a cathode involves the transfer of a
proton from one molecule of water to another is thus consistent energy
with the experimental facts.
_ Iziirfll
In the derivation of Eq. (104), it has been assumed that the _______9_i/_
concentration of water molecules is 1015 per square centimeter; Potentia no -H+H2O—M l A
strictly speaking, this applies to the layer attached to the solu- Ho'+H2gI}M
tion, but the concentration on the electrode surface will probably
HO---H distance
be much the same. In other words the electrode is supposed FIG. 137.——Potentia.l-energy‘curves for the transfer of a proton at a cathode.
to be completely covered with water molecules. If strictly (Eyring, Glasstone and Laidler.)
true, this conclusion would be contrary to the observations
i.e., it forms strong M—H bonds, then the oxygen atom of a
made by various authors on the quantity of electricity required water molecule held on such a surface will have increased affinity
to change a hydrogen electrode to an oxygenielectrode, and for the formation of a bond with hydrogen; the attachment
vice versa;35 from these measurements, it appears that the former of a proton to the oxygen atom will, therefore, be facilitated,
is covered with a layer of hydrogen and the latter with a layer
and the heat of activation of the prototropic change responsible
of oxygen atoms. It must be remembered that neither the for overvoltage will be relatively low. This conclusion will be
calculations on which this conclusion is based nor those in the apparent from a consideration of the potential-energy curves
present discussion are accurate within a factor of at least 2;
for the initial and final states of the rate-determining process
it is not impossible that the electrode surface is covered to the (Fig. 137).“ If the metal attracts the water molecule by form-
* The so-called “electrochemical mechanism,” described by J. Horiuti ing strong M—H bonds, thus increasing the attraction of the
and G. Okamoto [Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Tokyo, 28, 231 (1936); proton, curve I will be less steep and AH1* will be diminished.
K. Hirota and J. Horiuti, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 13, 228 (1938)], has
some features in common with the foregoing scheme. Their theory, how-
Further, if the electrode material adsorbs atomic hydrogen
ever, attributes overvoltage to the slow rate of neutralization of HQ‘. 3° Cf. J. Horiuti and M. Polanyi, Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 2, 505 (1935);
3‘ F. P. Bowden, Proc. Roy. Soc., 125, A, 446 (1929); J. A. V. Butler and J. Horiuti and G. Okamoto, Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Che-m. Res. Tokyo, 28,
G. Armstrong, ibid., 137, A, 604 (1932); G. Armstrong, F. R. Himsworth 231 (1936); J. A. V. Butler, Proc. Roy. Soc., 157, A, 423 (1936); Z. Elek-
and J. A. v. Butler, ibid., 143, A, s9 (1933); A. Frumkin and A. Slygin, tr0chem., 44, 55 (1938).
Acta Physicochim. U.R.S.S., 5, 89 (1936); B. Ershler, ibid., 7, 327 (1937).

\ a
\ 1 ‘J
readily, the position of curve II will be lowered, and this will
also have the effect of decreasing AH1* and hence the overvoltage. it is possible that this process is of importance in determining
Metals, such as platinum, palladium, copper, nickel, iron and the current strength at a given overvoltage. When the electrode
silver, which adsorb hydrogen strongly, should thus have low forms very strong M—H bonds, the heat of activation of the
overvoltages, in agreement with experiment; these substances prototropic process may become so low that the reaction 2H = H2
are, asinay be expected, good catalysts for the 2H = H2 reaction, becomes the rate-determining step. According to Tafel’s calcu-
but this is not to be taken as evidence for the view that atomic lations (page 582), a should then become equal to 2, and values
of or between 2 and 0.5 are presumably due to the fact that the
hyd1‘egen is 1‘eSP011Sible for overvoltage as was at one time sug-
gested. The elements mercury, lead, zinc, tin and cadmium combination of atoms and the prototropic change have velocities
form only feeble M-—H bonds, and hence these metals have high of the same order ; hence, both are effective in determining the
overvoltages. They should be poor catalysts for the recombina- rate of discharge of hydrogen ions. As the overvoltage is
tion of atomic hydrogen, and this has been verified for lead. raised, the rate of atom combination increases as the exponential
The constancy of the quantity B in Table LXXXVII and the of twice the overvoltage and that of the prototropic reaction
prototropic theory of overvoltage imply that the concentratign as the exponential of half the overvoltage; the former process
of water molecules per apparent square centimeter of electrode will thus become very rapid as compared with the latter. It is
surface is approximately constant; this can be true, however, evident, therefore, that the combination of atomic hydrogen
only if the surface is relatively smooth and the apparent and real can only be rate-determining, and hence the ultimate cause of
areas are not very different. If the electrode surface is rough- overvoltage, when the latter is small.”
ened, however, the quantity c1 will be increased and as a conse- It may be remarked that according to the prototropic mech-
quence the overvoltage at an apparent constant current density anism of overvoltage oz is only 0.5 if the energy barrier is approxi-
Wlll decrease. It is well known that roughening an electrode mately symmetrical and the potential fall is uniform. If for
surface decreases the overvoltage, but it is possible that other any reason there is distortion, then a may fall to zero if the
factors besides mere increase of surface are responsible. The activated state is pushed out toward the solution or increase to
number of active adsorption centers probably increases more unity if it approaches the electrode more closely.
rapidly than does the actual surface area. Further, especially Separation of Hydrogen and Deuterium.——The electrolytic
active centers may be developed; this is probably true for separation of hydrogen and deuterium is attributed to the
platinized platinum electrodes. difference in overvoltage for the deposition of the two isotopic
Altemative Electrode Processes.-—The model proposed here forms, and the expected larger value for deuterium has been
does not, of course, exclude the possibility that in certain circum- confirmed experimentally. It is necessary to demonstrate,
stances other steps in the discharge process may become rate- therefore, that the higher overvoltage for deuterium is consistent
determining; for example, on some electrodes the combination with the theory developed above. The free energy of ionization
of atomic hydrogen to form molecules may be the slowest process. of deuterium oxide, i.e., D20 + D20 = D201“ + 0D", calculated
Since a is very close to 0.5 at electrodes of mercury, gallium, from the known ionic product, is about 1,000 cal. greater than
silver, nickel, etc., it is unlikely that the recombination reaction for ordinary water; and hence it may be supposed that the free
is the cause of overvoltage in these cases; but when as is large, activation energies for the transfer of a deuteron and a proton
for example, at platinum, copper and palladium, under certain at a cathode differ by a similar amount. Upon utilizing the
conditions, where values of 0.8 and more have been observed," method described on page 587 and making the same assump-
tions, it is found that ASH is almost identical for proton and
3" C. A. Knorr and E. Schwartz, ibid., 40, 38 (1934); Z. physik, (]hem_ A deuteron transfer; hence it follows that the heat of activation
176, 161 (1936); M. Volmer and H. Wick, ibid., A, 172, 429 (1935)"K,
Wim, ibid., B, as, 435 (1937). ’ for the deuterotropic change must be approximately 1,000 cal.
38 L. P. Hammett, Trans. Faraday Soc., 29, 770 (1933).
I €


greater than for the cathodic prototropic change. On the assump-
tion that the difference is actually 1,200 cal., it can be readily elements of this type form only weak M—H bondS,_S° that the
calculated that the specific rate of the discharge process involving hydrogen and deuterium atoms on the surface,
hydrogen is 7.4 times as great as that for deuterium; this is of electrolysis, have a high energy content and hence are I‘<->a0t1Ve-
the correct order to account for the observed separation coeffi- It is probable, therefore, that the surface reaction
cients. From the limited data available, it appears that AH11 D + H20 : HDO + H, (108)
for hydrogen evolution from 0.2 N sulfuric acid at a mercury
cathode is 18.0 cal., whereas for deuterium discharge it is 20.9 which will lead to the establishment of equilibrium conditions,
kcal. If AS11 for the cathodic process is the same for the transfer takes place rapidly on a high-overvoltage electrode. In order
of a proton and a deuteron, as the approximate calculations that complete equilibrium may be established, it is necessary
suggest, then the difference in the AHI values is larger than that the HDO molecule, which is presumably attached to the
expected. From the value of AH11 for deuterium, log B is found electrode as 0H and D (or 0D and H), should be able to. leave
to be 3.24, which is higher than the results in Table LXXXVII; the surface readily and exchange with H20 molecules; this will
if the heat of activation for deuterium evolution is assumed to be occur if the bonds holding the 0H (or OD) and D (or H) to the
19.2 kcal., however, i.e., 1,200 cal. larger than for hydrogen, surface are weak in comparison with the 0-——D (OP 0-H) bund-
log B is calculated as almost exactly 2.0. A difference of 1,200 It is just at high-overvoltage electrodes, where the strength of
cal., rather than 2,900 cal., in the heats of activation would thus the M—H bond is small, that this condition is satisfied, At
be consistent with the mechanism of hydrogen discharge proposed low-overvoltage cathodes the activity of the hydrogen will be
in this chapter, and the subject merits further experimental small and there will be little tendency for the equilibrium (107)
investigation. If the zero-point energies of the activated states to be attained. . _
do not differ greatly, the difference in the heats of activation for Not only will increase of temperature increase the specific
deuterotropic and prototropic reactions should be equal to the rate of reaction (108), but it will also speed up the recombination
difference in the zero-point energies of the D——0 and H—0 bonds, of hydrogen atoms on the surface and hence decrease their
i.e., about 1,400 cal. This is also in harmony with the arguments concentration. If the heats of activation of the two processes
given above. are such that the first reaction is favored more than the second
It is of interest that the hydrogen-deuterium separation when the temperature is raised, then there will be a closer
factors obtained with different metals fall roughly into the approach to equilibrium and the separation factor will decrease;
same two groups as do overvoltages themselves; at low-over- this is the case at platinum, nickel and silver cathodes. 0n.the
voltage metals, e.g., platinum, nickel and silver, the separation other hand, if increase of temperature favors the atoin-recombina-
coefficient is about 6, whereas at high-overvoltage electrodes, tion process, so that there is a marked decrease in the ‘concen-
e.g., lead (in acid solution), mercury and tin, the value is in tration of atomic deuterium on the surface, the equilibrium
the vicinity of 3.39 The latter figure is very close to that expected state will be less readily attained and the separation factor
if the equilibrium may rise; a result of this type has been observed with a tin
HD -|- H20 +1‘ H2 + HDO (107) cathode.“ _ ,
At a platinized platinum cathode the separation factor is
were established at the cathode, and this is presumably what about 3, in spite of the low overvoltage; at this electrode,.how-
happens on high-overvoltage metals. It has been seen that ever, departure from equilibrium can never be very appreciable,
3° B. Topley and H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 217 (1934); Horiuti and for on a platinized surface water reacts relatively rapidly even
Okamoto, Ref. 36; H. F. Walton and J. H. Wolfenden, Trans. Faraday Soc., with molecular deuterium, or HD. The separati0I11°8»0t01‘ 18 thus
34, 436 (1938)
4° Walton and Wolfenden, Ref. 39.

\ A
never likely to differ to any great extent from the theoretical fact that ac in Eq. (98) is about 0.5 in both cases is readily
value based on the assumption that equilibrium is attained.
understood. If this mechanism for the slow process in oxygen
Although the hydrogen-deuterium separation coefficient is evolution is correct, the value of log B should not be of a very
generally independent of the hydrogen-ion concentration of the diflerent order from those in Table LXXXVII. The only
electrolyte, at a lead electrode it is as high as 6 in an alkaline
experimental data that permit the calculation to be made are
solution as compared with 3 in acid solution; it may be significant those for a platinum anode in dilute sulfuric acid solution:
that the overvoltage of lead is definitely less in media of high pH 12 + log I0 is 1.57, and AH1i is 18.7 kcal. at 14°C., and so log B
than in acid solution, and cathodic reduction is generally more is 3.83. This value is somewhat larger than for hydrogen
efficient in an acid electrolyte. The presence of excess of
evolution; but, in view of the uncertainties associated with the
hydroxyl ions, however, also produces other changes in the
nature of the anode, the agreement is reasonably good.
conditions at an electrode surface.
If there were no formation of surface oxides, it would be
Oxygen Overvoltage.41—Interaction between the evolved expected that metals forming strong M—H bonds should have
oxygen and the electrode material leads to complications in the
high overvoltages, since the attraction would tend to hinder
study of anodic phenomena, but in spite of the difficulties it has the removal of a proton from the surface. It is true that smooth
become evident that there is a fundamental similarity between platinum, palladium and gold, which have the lowest hydrogen
the processes occurring at anode and cathode. The kinetics
overvoltages, have the highest overvoltages for oxygen evolution,
of the deposition of oxygen bears a marked resemblance to
but the parallelism does not always hold. Nickel and cobalt,
that for hydrogen evolution, and both in acid and dilute alkaline
for example, have low overvoltages at both the anode and the
solutions the variation of oxygen overvoltage with current
cathode; the oxidation of the surface is undoubtedly a com-
density at a platinum anode is given by Eq. (98) with oz having
plicating factor.
a value of approximately 0.5, as for hydrogen-ion discharge.“
Overvoltage and Dissolution of Metals.43-—Wh_en a metal dis-
The results are in agreement with the suggestion that the rate-
solves in an acid solution containing practically none of the
determining process for oxygen evolution is a prototropic
cations of the metal, the magnitude of the anodic current is given
change, similar to that postulated for hydrogen evolution but in
by Eq. (82) for univalent ions, provided that diffusion is the
the opposite direction. A proton from a water molecule attached
rate-determining process. In general, for 2-valent ions, the
to the surface is transferred to one in the layer associated with
value of the anodic current is
the electrolyte; thus,
H H I2 = zi5D— e*‘("“"°>F/’”', (110)
S + —> S{ —> S H 0+ -|-
lii-A 11-}lei H-5----~g~e pal l 8
}M, (109) where V is the potential of the dissolving metal in the given
HO— HO— HO—- solution and V0 is its standard potential. Since the electrode
initial state activated state final state
is not coupled with another, there is no actual flow of current;
the sign G9 on M representing the deficit of an electron. The and so the anodic current Ia must be exactly balanced by the
hydroxyl radicals formed on the surface react in pairs with cathodic current IC, resulting from the discharge of hydrogen
the ultimate formation of molecular oxygen, the intermediate ions. If the current due to the passage of hydrogen gas into
stage or stages being relatively rapid. The connection between solution as ions is neglected (cf. page 582), I,, is given by Eq. (98)
oxygeniand hydrogen overvoltage is at once evident, and the which may be written in the form
*1 Eyring, Glasstone and Laidler, Ref. 27.
I2 = 8IC1CZ]1,() €°wF/RT,
*2 F. P. Bowden, Proc. Roy. Soc., 126, A, 107 (1929); F. P. Bowden and
H. W. Keenan, see Bowden and Agar, Ref. 24. 43 G. E. Kimball and A. Glassncr, unpublished.
where c1 has been replaced by amo since, according to the theory PHOTOVOLTAIC POTENTIALS“ i
of hydrogen overvoltage developed above, it is equivalent to
the concentration (or activity) of water at the surface of the Influence of Light Intensity.—When an electrode that exhibits
electrode. If the facts are utilized that co is equal to V — V.,, a photovoltaic effect is illuminated, the electrons liberated by
where V is the actual potential and V2 the reversible (equilib- the action of the light discharge a number of positive ions pro-
rium) potential of the hydrogen electrode in the given solution portional in amount to the intensity of the radiation ; an addi-
and that V2 is equal to —(RT/F) ln aH,e+, on the assumption tional anodic current, equal to sk2J, where J is the light intensity
. . _ 2
that the standard potential of hydrogen is zero, it follows from must then ‘be included in Eq. (68). Following through the
Eq. (111) that treatment given on pages 57717., the corresponding form of Eq.
(77), i.e., when diffusion is rate-determining, is
Ie = 8k1aH,oa§,o+ 6avF/RT.
I =_- [C4 _ ks e—(V—-Vo)F/RT _ k6J, (116)
When the dissolving metal has reached a steady state, the values
Where I64, kt and ks are constants for a given electrode and
of I., and Ia as given by Eqs. (110) and (112) must be equal,
-\ electrolyte. If there is no actual flow of current, so that I
the potential V being the same in both cases; hence,
is zero, then

§31_)_ e—z(V-V0)/RT =._ k1aH2Oa§3O+ eavir/RT_ (113) ks] = [C4 _ ks e—(v-v°)F/1z'r_ (117)

The electrode potential V will, however, differ from the equilib-
Upon solving this equation for V, it is found that rium potential V, of the system, the difference V, — V being
equal to ¢>, the magnitude of the photovoltaic effect. Since
V - j+°a (Z +RT“)1, (Q +111 (11120 + 2111 aw), (114) e"("""°>”"' is a constant determined by the concentration of the
solution, it follows from Eq. (117) that
:'"H'4_-—7:_;h -i1';-&.‘n-Gq-p-2

where Q is a constant for the given metal, equal to 6k1/zD.

Since amo may be taken as constant, it follows that Ice’ = Ia — kw em”; (118)
1*. ¢=A +BlnJ, (119)
V F I C (Z111 aH,e+, where A and B are constants. The photovoltaic effect should
thus be a logarithmic function of the light intensity; this result
where C is a constant. The plot of the electrode potential V is in agreement with experiment for electrodes coated with oxides
against the pH of the solution, i.e., — ln aH,O+, should thus be a or sulfides of gold or copper. When the photovoltaic efieet
.1 '

straight line of slope aRT/(Z + a)F. It has been seen that a is small, e.g., at low light intensities or for pure metals, e¢'/“T
is generally 0.5; hence, for a bivalent metal i.e., z is 2, the may be replaced by 1 + ¢/RT, when it is found that I
it slope should be about 0.012 at ordinary temperatures; this has
fr been confirmed in experiments on the dissolution of cadmium
¢ = A’ + B'J, (120)
in acid solutions. For solutions of relatively low acidity, the so that the photovoltaic potential is a linear function of the light
term a ln aH,e+ in Eq. (114) may be neglected in comparison intensity; this is also in harmony with observation.
with Q + ln amo, and hence it appears that under these condi- “ E. Adler, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 500 (1940).
tions th'e potential of the dissolving metal should become inde-
pendent of the pH of the attacking solution; this expectation
has been realized experimentally for cadmium over a range of
i relatively high pH values.

A Acyl chlorides, alcoholysis of, 453-
Absolute reaction rates, theory of, Added gases, influence on reactions,
184-191 290-294
Acetophenones, prototropic change Adiabatic reactions, 87
of, 450 transmission coeflicient in, 146-
Acrolein, reaction, with butadiene, 148
265 Adsorption, activated, 339-342
with cyclopentadicne, 265 activation energy for, 342-347
with isoprene, 265 active centers for, 346-347
Activated adsorption, 339-342 chemisorption, 339-342
Activated complex, 10, 86, 185-194 on covered surface, 366-369
linear, 3, 88-89 with dissociation, 356-359
rate of decomposition of, 185-187 heat of, 364-366, 392
symmetrical, 126 influence of pressure, 356, 359
triangular, 115, 219, 222-223, 225- with interaction, 359-366
226 isotherm, 355-356, 358-359
vibration frequencies of, 115, 125 layers, immobile, 349-350, 360
Activation energy, for adsorption, mobile, 350-351, 360
342-347 potential-energy curves for, 340,
calculation of, 2-5, 85-152 368
classical, 97—99, 194-195 rate of, 347-353
in consecutive reactions, 99-100, and surface reactions, 371-372
199-201 van der Waals, 339-341 _
for diffusion, 522-525 variation with temperature, 341
and dipole moment, 456-457 Alcoholytic reactions, 453-455
empirical rules for, 150-152 Alkali metal atoms, reactions, with
experimental, 2, 194-195, 197-199 chlorine atom, 303-308
for four-atom systems, 90-91 with chlorine molecule, 301,
and heat of reaction, 144-146 308-310
semi-empirical calculation of, 41, with inorganic halides, 318-323
91-93 with organic halides, 145-146,
in solutions, 473-476 316-317
surface, 376 Alkali metal molecules, reactions
for three-atom systems, 87-90 with chlorine atom, 302, 310-
“true” and “apparent,” 376 316
for viscous flow, 493-495 Alkyl halides, hydrolysis of, 454-455
(See also Heat of activation) Alkyl iodides, inversion reactions of,
Active centers, 346-347, 392-396 255-257
Activity coefficients, 402-404 Amines, benzoylation of, 456-457


Ammonia, catalytic decomposition Bromine molecule, reaction, with Cinnamic acid, photobromination of, Deuterium atom, reaction, with
of, 371-372, 377, 384 hydrogen molecule, 231, 238 247-249 ethane, 258
catalytic production of, 371-372 with nitric oxide, 280-281 Cis-trans isomerizations, 323-333 with hydrogen bromide, 231-
photochemical decomposition of, Brensted-Bjerrum equation, 404- experimental data, 323-324 232
259-260 405 high activation energy reactions, with hydrogen chloride, 226-228
Anomalous dispersion of dielectric Butadiene, polymerization of, 269- 330-331 with methane, 258
constant, 544-546 272 low activation energy reactions, Deuterium molecule, electrolytic
Approximation methods, 62-66 reaction, with acrolein, 265 326-330 separation from hydrogen,
application of, 66-84 with crotonic aldehyde, 265 at low pressures, 329-330 593-596
Arrhenius equation, 1 with ethylene, 264-265 transmission coefficient in, 327, reaction, with bromine atom,
Associated ions, 429-430 Butene-2, cis-trans isomerization of, 331 230-231
Associated liquids, viscosity of, 504- 324,329,331 tunneling in, 332-333 with chlorine atom, 223-226
505 C Cl;-complex, 134-135, 238-239 with deuterium molecule,
Association reactions, 127-133 Classical statistics, 162-165 211-213
activated state for, 127-131 Cailletet-Mathias law, 486 Collision number, 1, 5-8 with hydrogen atom, 203-211
of free radicals, 131-133, 260-264 Carbon, adsorption of hydrogen on, Collision theory, 5-8 with hydrogen chloride, 229
of unsaturated hydrocarbons, 264- 342-345 comparison of, with statistical with hydrogen molecule, 21 1-
272 Carbon monoxide, desorption from theory, 16-25 213
Asymmetrical top molecules, 181 platinum, 354-355 diameter, 93, 305, 307-308 with hydrogen molecule on
Atomic reactions, 16, 106-107, 213- reaction with oxygen on platinum, in solution, 400 surfaces, 371 __

219 381 and unimolecular reactions, 281- rotational partition junction for,
on surface, 371 Catalysis, 197 285 176
Azomethane decomposition, 291, 297 acid-base, 568-570 Compton effect, 28-29 Diagonalization of kinetic energy,
homogeneous, 292-293 Conductance, electrolytic, 552-575 100-103
B in solution, 469 Consecutive reactions, 99-100, 199- Dielectric constant and reaction
CH5-complex, 135-136 201 rates, 419-423, 430-432, 439-
Basin, in potential-energy surfaces, Chemiluminescence, 299-303, 317- Conservation of energy, 153 442
97,108,111-112 319 Contour diagrams, 89, 93 Dielectric relaxation, 544-547
‘-2 Benzene, reaction with hydrogen, light yields in, 300-301, 317-319 Coulomb integral, 72 Diels-Alder reactions, 264-267
ll 252-254 Chemisorption, 339-342 Coulombic energy, 76-77 Diene-addition reactions, 264-267
ll substitution of, 450, 458-464 Chlorine atom, electronic partition proportion of, 81-84, 91-92, 209- Diffusion, 516-544
la Benzoylation of amines, 456-457 function, 172 210 in aqueous solutions, 528-530
Bimolecular reactions, 193-194, 203- nuclear-spin degeneracy, 172-173 Crotonic aldehyde-butadiene reac- in concentrated solutions, 530-
272 _ reactions, with alkali metal atoms, tion, 265 537, 542
on surfaces, 377-382, 385-387 303-308 Cycles, 74 effect of pressure on, 541-543
Boltzmann constant, 162 with alkali metal molecules, 302, Cyclopentadiene-acrolein reaction, at electrodes, 578-580 '
3;-—- - - _._-

Bond energy, 141-143, 452-456 310-316 265 of electrolytes, 552-575

Bond space, 121-124 with deuterium molecule, 223- entropy factor for, 524-525
Bose-Einstein statistics, 165-167 226 D of gases in metals, 542-543
Br;-complex, 247-249 with hydrogen molecule, 95, and heterogeneous reactions, 370
Bromacetate-thiosulfate reaction, 223-226, 238 Degeneracy, 39, 47 layer, 578
429-432 Chlorine molecule, reaction, with Degrees of freedom, 156-158 through membranes, 543-544
Bromine_atom, reaction, with deu- alkali metal atoms, 301, 308- Denaturation of proteins, 196, 442- of metals in metals, 538-540
terium molecule, 230-231 310 447 and quenching of fluorescence, 338
with hydrogen molecule, 230- with hydrogen atom, 228-229, Desorption, rate of, 353-355 in solids, 537-544
231, 238 238 from covered surface. 369 surface, 540-541
Bromine molecule, reaction, with with hydrogen molecule, 229 with interaction, 365 temperature coefficient of, 522-525
hydrogen atom, 231 with nitric oxide, 279-280 and surface reactions, 371-372 theory of, 516-521
Dimerization of butadiene, 269-272 Energy, transfer of, 289-295 Excited electronic states, reactions Halogen atoms, influence on ethyl-
of ethylene, 267-269 zero-level, 182-183 involving, 298-338 ‘ene-halogen reactions, 245-247
Dipole molecules, reactions between, zero-point, 98-99 Exclusion principle, 56-57 Halogen exchange reactions, 473-
419-423 (See also Activation energy; 476
Dipole moments, 456-457 Bond energy; Exchange en- F Halogens, addition to conjugate
of benzene derivatives, 461-463 ergy; Kinetic energy ; Poten- systems, 249-252
Dipole orientation, 544-551 tial energy ; Resonance en- Fermi-Dirac statistics, 167-168 reactions, with alkali metals, 301-
Dipole rotation, 545-551 ergy; Rotational energy) Fluorescence, quenching of, 302-303, 316
Dispersion of sound, 293-294 Energy levels, concentration of, 159 318 with ethylene, 243-247
Dissociation on adsorption, 356-359 Entropy, of activation, 14, 21-25, in solution, 337-338 with nitric oxide, 273-275,
Dissociation reactions, 127-133 196 Fluorine atom, reaction with hydro- 279-281
activated state for, 127-131 for diffusion, 524-525 gen molecule, 236, 239-240 triatomic, 247-249
of ethane, 260-264 for flow, 505-506 Fluorine molecule, reaction, with Hamiltonian equations, 109
Distribution of energy, 153-168 influence of substituents, 467-469 hydrogen atom, 236 Hamiltonian function, 40
Driving force, 142 negative, 267-272, 296-297 with hydrogen molecule, 236 Hamiltonian operator, 40, 67, 80
in protein reactions, 444-447 Fluorine monoxide decomposition, H-Cl-H-complex, 223, 228
E in solution, 417-419, 433-436 291 Heat, of activation, 196
in unimolecular reactions, 295-297 Four-atom systems, 90-91, 121-127 in solution, 436-439
Egg albumin, denaturation of, 444 Environment, influence on reactions, Four-electron problem, 67-76 (See also Activation energy)
Eigenfunctions, 37, 39 405-406 Free energy, of activation, 195-197 Helium, influence on reactions, 114,
antisymmetrical, 57-59, 69, 167, Equations of motion, generalized, for viscous flow, 491-493 291, 293
176 109 Free-radical combinations, 131-133, Hermitian matrices, 48
bond, 59-62 Equilibrium constant, 181-184 260-264 Hermitian operators, 35-37
canonical set of, 60 and reaction rates, 466-467 Free volume, 478-480 Hertz-Knudsen equation, 351
complete, 55-56 Esters, hydrolysis of, 450-452, 456- Frequency factor, 1, 5-9 Heterogeneous processes, 339-399
positional, 55-56 457 abnormally low, 267-272, 296- activation energy for, 389-391
properties of, 44-47 Ethane, dissociation of, 260-264 297, 324-329, 336-337 comparison with homogeneous,
Rumer set of, 60 reaction with deuterium atom, 258 calculation of, 10-13, 191-194 389-392
single electron, 55 Ethylene, dimerization of, 267-269 Functions, expansion of, 44 Holes in liquids, 477-480
spin, 55-56 electronic states of, 325 Hamiltonian, 40 Hydrocarbons, association of, 264-
symmetrical, 165, 176 reaction with butadiene, 264-265 wave (see Eigenfunctions) 272 .
Eigenvalues, 37, 39 torsional frequency of, 326-327 well behaved, 36 dissociation of, 260-264
Electrochemical processes, 552-599 Ethylene halides, decomposition of, hydrogen-exchange reactions of,
Electrode potentials, dynamic, 577- 243-247 G 254-255
580 Ethylene-halogen reactions, 243-247 reactions, with halogens, 243-254
static, 575-577 catalysis by halogen atoms, 245- Gases, diffusion of, in metals, 542- with hydrogen, 254-260
Electrode processes, 575-599 247 543 viscosity of, 497-500
Electron, spin of, 50-55, 57-59, Ethylene oxide decomposition, 297 through membranes, 543-544 Hydrogen atom, electronic statistical
61-62 Ethylenic derivatives, cis-trans iso- Generalized equations of motion, 109 weight, 172
wave nature of, 30-32 merization of, 323-333 Graphical construction for resonance influence on reactions, 114-115
Electronic statistical weights, 171- Ethylidene diacetate decomposition energy, 89 -91, 138-139 nuclear spin degeneracy, 172
, 173, 178-180 296-297 Grotthuss conductance, 559, 573-575 reaction, with bromine molecule,
Electronic transitions, 149 Exchange energy, 3, 76-77, 136-139 231
by thermal collision, 298-299 graphical evaluation, 89-91 H with chlorine molecule, 228-
Energy, conservation of, 153 proportion of, 81-84, 91-92, 209- 229, 238
distribution of, 153-168 210 I'Is-COH1pl8X, 133-134 with deuterium molecule, 203-
interconversion of, 103-106 Exchange reactions, 226-228. 231- Halogen atom recombinations, 292- 211
of particle in a box, 155-158 233 293 with fluorine, 236

Hydrogen atom, reaction, with Hydrogen molecule, dissociation on

hydrogen atom, 213-215, 582, tungsten, 352-353 Interaction on surfaces, 359-366 Lagrange’s equation of motion, 117
592-593 Interconversion of energies, 103-106 Lagrangian, 117
electrolytic separation from deu-
with hydrogen bromide, 231- terium, 593-596
Intermediates, 402 Langmuir isotherm, 356
232 influence on sound dispersion, 293 Internal pressure and reaction rates, Leakage, quantum mechanical, 191,
with hydrogen chloride, 226-228 influence on unimolecular reac- 413-415, 421, 423 332-333
with hydrogen iodide, 233-234 Internal rotation, 275 Light yields in luminescent reac-
tions, 290
hydrogen molecule, 107-112, Inversion reactions, 255-257 tions, 300-301, 317-319
» .11
quantum mechanics of, 78-84
203-211 Invertase, inactivation of, 443 London equation, 3, 88
reaction, with benzene, 252-254
Iodine atom, reaction, with hydro-
I with iodine molecule, 234, 237
with methane, 135-136, 254-
with bromine atom, 230-231,
gen molecule, 233-234, 237-238
derivation of, 67-76
255,257-260 with sodium, 316 M
with bromine molecule, 231, 238
with two hydrogen atoms, 112- Iodine molecule, reaction, with
with chlorine atom, 95, 223-
114, 216-219 hydrogen atom, 234, 237 Maleic ester, cis-trans isomerization
Hydrogen bromide, reaction with with hydrogen molecule, 6, of, 328-329, 331
with chlorine molecule, 229
hydrogen atom, 231-232 234-238 Many-electron problem, 77-78
with deuterium molecule, 211-
Hydrogen-bromine reactions, 229- Iodine monochloride-hydrogen reac- Matrices, 47-48
213, 371
233, 238 tion, 240-243 Matrix components, 65, 69
with fluorine atom, 236, 239-240
Hydrogen chloride reaction, with Ionic character of bonds, 452-456 reduction of, 69-75
with fluorine molecule, 236
Ionic mobility, 552-575
_ _.-,_,.-

deuterium atom, 226-228 with hydrogen atom, 107-112, Maxwell-Boltzmann equation, 160-
with deuterium molecule, 229 abnormal, 559-575 162
with hydrogen atom, 226, 233 hydrogen ion, 559-572 Membranes, diffusion through, 543-
with hydrogen chloride, 229
with hydrogen molecule, 229 and viscosity, 557-559 544
with hydrogen molecule, 211-213
Hydrogen-chlorine reactions, 228- Ionic reactions, entropy of activa- Menschutkin reaction (see Quater-
with hydrogen molecule-ion,
229, 238-239 tion in, 433-436 nary ammonium salt formation)
132-133, 220-222
Hydrogen-fluorine reactions, 236, in gas phase, 132-133, 220-222 Metals, diffusion of, 538-540
with iodine atom, 233-234,
239-240 heats of activation in, 436-439 diffusion of gases in, 542-543
Hydrogen-halogen reactions, 222- influence of dielectric constant on, dissolution of, 597-598
with iodine molecule, 6, 234-238
243 430-432, 439-442 viscosity of, 495-497
with iodine monochloride, 240-
Hydrogen iodide, decomposition, 6 influence of ionic strength on, Methane, reaction, with deuterium
on gold, 377 427-430, 439-442 atom, 258
with methyl radical, 258
on platinum, 374-375 in solution, 6, 20, 337-338, 423- with hydrogen atom, 135-136,
with nitric oxide, 281
reaction, with hydrogen atom, 442 254-255, 257-259
with nitrogen, 371-372
223-234 Ionic strength, influence on reac- Methyl radical, reaction with hydro-
rotational partition function for,
with iodine monochloride, 240- tions, 337—338, 427-430, 439- gen molecule, 258
241 442 Microscopic reversibility, 113
Hydrogen molecule-ion, reaction
Hydrogen-iodine reactions, 6, 233- Isomerizations, 323-333 Mobile adsorption layers, 350-351,
with hydrogen molecule, 132-
238 Isoprene-acrolein reaction, 265 360
133, 220-222
Hydrogen ion, mobility of, 559-572 Isotherm for adsorption, 355-356 Morse curves, 92
Hydrolysis, of halides, 454-455
Hydrogen molecule, adsorption, on of esters, 450-452, 456-457 Multiple exchange integrals, 71
carbon, 342-347 K
on iron-aluminum oxide, 352 I Kinetic energy, diagonalization of, N
on nickel, 345-347 100-103
"1-—-Q-.1-1. -_.. ~
on tungsten, 352-353 Immobile adsorption layers, 349- Kinetic-theory shell, 93 Nickel, adsorption of hydrogen on,
catalysis of halogen-atom recom- 350, 360 345-347
binations, 293 Inertia, 142 L Nitration, 459
dissociation of, 215-216 Inorganic halides, reactions with Nitric oxide, decomposition on sur-
dissociation energy of, 82 Lagrange method of undetermined faces, 386
alkali metals, 316-317 multipliers, 164, 166 influence on reactions, 269


Nitric oxide, reaction, with bromine, Overvoltage, rate-determining step
280-281 Polarization forces, 131-133, 143- Quenching of radiation, 302-303,
in, 582-583
with chlorine, 279-280 144, 220-221 318
reacting species in, 587-591
with hydrogen, 281 Polymers, viscosity of, 500-503 in solution, 337-338
theory of, 584-597
ll-| with oxygen, 275-279 Oxygen, desorption from tungsten, Potential energy, graphical evalua-
on glass, 379 354-355 tion of, 89-91 R
rotational partition function, 179 reaction, with carbon monoxide of ionic compounds, 143
termolecular reactions involving, on platinum, 381 Morse curve for, 92 Radiation, 28
273-281 with nitric oxide, 275-279 from spectroscopic data, 92 theory of reactions, 2
Nitrogen, adsorption on iron-alumi- on glass, 379 Potential-energy curves, 85-87, 98 Radiationless transitions, efliciency
num oxide, 352 sulfur dioxide on platinum, 370, for adsorption, 340, 368 of, 298-299
reaction with hydrogen, 371-372 for successive reactions, 99-100

387 Reaction coordinates, 98

fr‘ Nitrous oxide, decomposition, on Potential-energy profiles, 97-98,
ii rotational partition function for, Reaction rates, collision theory of,
l. gold, 374-375 178-179 139-146 5-8
homogeneous, 291, 333-337 Potential-energy surfaces, 3, 85-152 comparison of collision and sta-

in solution, 407

I‘ P in bond space, 121-125 tistical theories of, 16-25, 211
Nonadiabatic reactions, 146, 289 complete, 95-98 and equilibrium constants, 466-
transmission coefficient in, 148- Para-ortho hydrogen conversion, construction of, 91-100 467
_._._ ‘_ i1.
"';j.fZ-3-' 150 91, 93-95, 107-112, 371 contour diagrams, 89, 93 influence of environment, 405-406
Non-Newtonian flow, 513-514 potential-energy surface, 107-112 crossing, 136-138 of external parameters, 464-473
.}i Normal modes of vibration, 120, 174 simple treatment, 93-95 properties of, 100-107 of pressure, 470-473
5 3l
i. ‘>
Normal reactions, 6 on surfaces, 371 ruled, 112 of solvation, 415-417, 422
Normalization, 44 Particle in a box, energy levels of, simplified, 93-95 of substituents, 465-469
Nuclear-spin degeneracy, 172, 175- 155-158 Pressure, influence, on ionic mobility, and intemal pressure, 413-415,
180, 183-184 quantum mechanics of, 153-156 570-572 421, 423
as thermometer, 158-160 on rates, 470-473 and solubility, 406
O Partition function, 14, 168-184, 218 on viscosity, 506-510 in solution, 199, 400-476
1: definition, 14, 168-169 Probability, a priori, 153, 160 statistical treatment of, 14-16,
Operators, algebra of, 33-38 determination of, 169-170 Probability factor, 7 184-195
T ,1 angular momentum, 48-50 for diatomic molecules, 173-180 and types of reactants, 17-25
>1 on surfaces, 369-396
commuting, 34, 37 electronic, 171-173, 178-180
'-'1 Proteins, denaturation of, 196, 442- thermodynamical treatment of,
H electron spin, 50-55 and equilibrium constant, 181-184 447 13-14, 195-199
Hamiltonian, 40, 67 for internal rotation, 275 Prototropic reactions, 450, 456, Reaction shell, 94
Hermitian, 35-37 nuclear, 172, 175-180, 183-184 568-570

permutation, 67-70 Refraction, atomic, 320 _
l for polyatomic molecules, 180-181 and acid-base catalysis, 568-570
positional, 39 Regular solutions, 410-413
rotational, 174-181
quantum mechanical, 39-43 Relaxation time, 544-547
translational, 170-171
Orbitals, 55 Q Repulsion curve, 140

Organic halides, reactions with alkali
vibrational, 173-174
Pauli principle, 56-57 Quantum mechanics, 28-84
Repulsion energy, 140-144, 450-452
Resonance energy, 136-139
metals, 145-146, 318-323 p-electrons, 222-223
postulates of, 38-42 in atomic sodium-chlorine reac-
Ortho- and para- states, 175-178, Perturbation theory, 62 wave equation, 31-32 tion, 307-308
204 Phosphine, decomposition on glass,
Quantum numbers, 55 graphical evaluation of, 89-91,
Ortho-effect, 457 374-375
F Orthogon'ality, 44-47 Photochemical reactions, 298
Quaternary ammonium salt forma- 138-139
Overvoltage, 581-598 tion, 6 (See also Exchange energy)
Photovoltaic potentials, 599
and dissolution of metals, 597-598 influence of solvents on, 414- Rotational energy, 177
d-Pinene, isomerization of, 407-408
influence of electrode on, 591-592 415, 417-419, 420-423 Rotational energy barriers, 127-131
Plastics, diffusion through, 543-544
oxygen, 596-597 of substituents on, 449 -450, Rotational partition function, 174-
Poisoning, 382-387, 392, 393
457 181

,1 L

Rubber, viscosity of, 514 Statistics, Bose-Einstein, 165-167 i INDEX 51 1

Rumer set, 60 Transmission coefficient, in hyd1‘0-
classical, 162-165 Variation method, 62-66
gen atom-molecule reactions, Vibration, normal modes of, 120, 174
Fermi-Dirac, 167-168
S Steric factor, 7 207-209 _ Vibration frequencies, calculation
Stirling’s formula, 163 in hydrogen-atom recombination, of, 115-121
Saddle point, 96
Stokes-Einstein equation, 517, 519 214-215 classical, 192
Salt bridges in proteins, 444-446
Substituents, influence, on activa- in nitrous oxide decomposition, for four-atom system, 125-126
Schredinger equation, 31-32
Secular equation, 66 tion energy, 447-457 335-337 for three-atom systems, 119-121
for hydrogen molecule, 79 on benzene substitution, 458- ii, in nonadiabatic reactions, 148- Vibrational energy, 173
reduction of, 67-68 464 150, 306-308 Vibrational partition function, 173-
Semi-empirical method, 4, 91-93 on entropy of activation, 467- , in unimolecular reactions, 286-289 174
Single-exchange integrals, 71 469 l Triangular complexes, 223 . Viscosity, 480-516
Sintering, 394 ‘ on rates, 447-464, 465-469 Triarylmethyl chlorides, alcoholysis, of associated liquids, 504-505
Skewed coordinates, 101-103 Successive reactions, 99-100, 199- 453-454 of gases, 490-491
Sliding rulers, 122-124 201 Triatomic halogens, 134-135, 238- and holes, 486-490
Slow reactions, 6, 19-25, 267-272, Sulfur, viscosity of, 503-504 239, 247-249 influence of pressure on, 506-510
296-297, 324-329, 336-337 Sulfur dioxide-oxygen reaction on Trioxymethylene decomposition,.297 of liquid metals, 495-497
influence of pressure on, 470-473 platinum, 370, 387 Trypsin, inactivation and reactiva- of liquid sulfur, 503-504
Sodium atom, reaction, with chlo- Surface activation energy, 376 tion of, 443-444 of long-chain hydrocarbons, ‘497-
rine atom, 303-308 Surfaces, active centers on, 346-347 Tunneling, quantum-mechanical, 500
with chlorine molecule, 301, nonuniform, 360, 392-396 191, 332-333 of long-chain polymers, 500-503
308-310 reactions on, 369-396 of mixtures, 514-516
-—- -. .-__,__I,
_.- ._-.a.C‘k

with inorganic halides, 316-317 Symmetrical top molecules, 180-181 U theory of, 480-486
with organic halides, 145--146, Symmetry number, 179-181 . of unimolecular films, 510-513
318-323 Symmetry operations, 126 Uncertainty principle, 23-30 of water, 489, 505
Sodium molecule, reaction, with Symmetry restriction in statistical Undetermined multipliers, 164
chlorine atom, 302, 310-316 mechanics, 162, 165-168 Unimolecular reactions, 9-10, 25- W
with iodine atom, 316 27, 281-297
Solids, diffusion in, 537-544 T Walden’s rule, 558-559
collision treatment of, 281-285
Solvation and reaction rates, 415- Water, diffusion in, 528-530
entropy changes in, 295-297
Termolecular reactions, 272-281 molecular rotation in, 551
417, 422
Thermodynamics and reaction rates,
I ,1 influence of added gases on, 290-
viscosity of, 489, 505
Specific-rate equations, 191-194 294
Spin (see Electron spin; Nuclear 195-199 Wave equation, 31-32
statistical treatment of, 191-193,
spin) Three-atom systems, 87-90 variation solution of, 62-66
Spin-orbit interaction, 328, 336-337 Three-electron problem, 77, 222-223 Wave functions (see Eigenfunctions)
on surfaces, 373-377
Spin-spin interaction, 337 with p-electrons, 222-223 Wave-particle relationship, 30-31
transfer of energy in, 289-295
Square terms, 10, 283-285 Three-particle reactions, 112-1 14, Well-behaved functions, 36
transmission coeflicient in, 286-
Standard states, 197-199, 446-447 21 6-219
Translational partition function, 289
in protein reactions, 446-447 Z
Statistical mechanics, 153-201 170-171
Transmission coeflicient, 13, 27, V Zener-Landau equation, 149-150.-
postulates of, 153
and reaction rates, 184-195 146-150,190 306-307
van der Waals adsorption, 339-341
Statistical weight, 160 in adiabatic reactions, 146-148 Zero-level energy, 182
Vaporization, energy of, 477, 491-
electronic, 171-173, 178-179 in atomic sodium-chlorine reac- Zero-order approximation, 57
495 Zero-order kinetics, 375-377
for nuclear spin, 172, 175-180, tion, 306-308 Variability of surfaces, 360 K '
‘183-184 in cis-trans isomerizations, 327- Zero-point energy, 98
rotational, 175-181 331
dependence on pressure, 287-289

I h _

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