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“Economic justice and social morality.”

“The MCP- a proletarian culture and identity.”



The Maoist Communist Party is a glorious revolutionary and scientific Party
which aims to counter the problems facing modern communist parties by
upholding fervent left-wing economics, by remaining moral and disciplined,
by upholding the radiant Maoist Proletarian culture and incorporating into
our ideology high moral standards and ethical principles, behaviour and
conduct, in order to fill the gaping void in the heart of the alienated man.

The founding members of the Party had tried to work previously within other
communist organisations (prior to the founding of Infrared), but encountered
a common liberal and uncommitted attitude, loathing of the working masses,
overwhelming domination by professional managerial and graduate students,
lack of congruity with the historical culture and morals of Communists and
socialist states in history, stifling attitudes towards discussion (politically
correct atmospheres), rampant moral laxity and degenerate influences of the
wider culture; all aspects which rendered any serious activity and remaining
in such organisations impossible. They decided to create a new, disciplined
organisation with very clearly defined lines, ethos, and aesthetics, in order to
act in consensus and unity, and one that would be totally free of identity
politics, LGBT ideology, and all forms of bourgeois liberalism.

The new Party was to be grounded in Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong

Thought, be steadfast in its political, moral and economic lines and would
maintain high levels of discipline, exemplary charitable behaviour and
promotion of grassroots red culture. Communism is to be defined in material
reality by the ones calling themselves Communists, and we are determined to
reclaim this term for the good and for the humanity, which intellectually and
rationally we already know it stands for, and to demonstrate this to people
currently with misconceptions, that they might say, "if that is what a
Communist is, then I am a Communist too."

Mao Zedong Thought is the Marxism-Leninism of our era, the era in which
imperialism is heading for its total collapse and in which socialism marches on
towards victory in the whole world. It is the Marxism-Leninism of the era in
which modern revisionism and social democracy of the socialism and planned
economy of the rich is the concrete force of bourgeois ideology, of class
collaboration, and of malthusian degrowth agendas seeking to use

anti-imperialist rhetoric to secure existing extractavist monopolies, in the

midst of the world proletariat's forces. We must be wary of all these dangers.

Mao Zedong's qualitative development of the science of Marxism-Leninism has

raised it to a new stage. Lenin analysed the development of capitalism to its
highest and final stage, imperialism. Mao Zedong developed
Marxism-Leninism to a new and higher stage in the areas of global struggle
against revisionism and, critically, in finding in theory and practice the
method of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat
which prevents the restoration of capitalism and the rise of stagnant and
disloyal bureaucracy.

Lenin said, "Only he is a Marxist who extends the recognition of the class
struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat." In the light of
the Cultural Revolution led by Mao, this has been further clarified.

The MCP holds that there is an objective existence of classes, of antagonistic

class contradictions, of the bourgeoisie in the Party and of the continuation of
the class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat, to which class
struggle will necessarily be applied throughout the whole period of socialism.
As Mao stated, "Lack of clarity on this question will lead to revisionism."

Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought is an invaluable weapon for the

people - not only of China - but the entire world. It allows the masses to seize
power and hold their own Party to account under the authority of Mao,
without being branded as counterrevolutionaries.

The Maoist Communist Party takes Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as

its theoretical basis guiding all its thinking. A total insistence on this guiding
thought of the Party is the basis of the Party's activities; it ensures the victory
of the revolutionary cause. Every member of the Maoist Communist Party
should struggle to defend the Party's guiding thought. If we hold firmly onto
Mao Zedong Thought, our victory is guaranteed.

This Constitution, in legal form, affirms the achievements of the struggles of

the proletarian people of all nationalities throughout history and defines the
basic functional system and basic line of the Party; it is the fundamental law of
the Party and has supreme legal authority. All Party Members and all Party
committees and commissions must take the Constitution as the basic standard
of conduct, and they have the duty to uphold the dignity of the Constitution
and ensure its implementation. Once this Constitution is passed into law, no

legislation may contradict this Constitution and no Party Member or organ can
act contrary to it.
We are confident that our Party can educate the masses, build up support,
represent the interests of the masses in material reality, take advantage of any
emerging revolutionary situation, and eventually build a powerful socialist
state of the dictatorship of the proletariat so as to make a great contribution to

People of all nationalities, unite still to win greater victories!


1.1. The organisation shall be referred to by the acronym "MCP" which may
never change, and the guaranteed first and primary meaning of this forever is
the "Maoist Communist Party". At present there is one additional meaning
permitted to be understood by this acronym, that being "Maoist Culture
Promoters", which may be used where the situation is more appropriate such
as in media programmes and boards of representatives within other
organisations or institutions. At any rate, the "Maoist Culture Promoters" is an
alias of, media and advertising front for, and is totally subject to the control of,
the Maoist Communist Party and its government.
1.1. a) This enables two ways to interpret the acronym, “MCP”,
depending on context. MCP will become a sort of double entente. When
speaking with strangers, or on public platforms, the acronym may be
presented in what can be perceived as a more benign fashion. In this
way, the Maoist Cultural Promoters "media cooperative", as it were, will
be the media wing and serve as a public front for the Maoist Communist
Party's propaganda, as potentially the Infrared media cooperative will
for the CPUSA in the future. The advantage of this way of presenting
ourselves to th eoutside world will be that less people will call us a
LARP, and it also emphasises that we are also not exclusive, ie. there can
be delegates from ourselves working to promote Maoist culture and our
morals within various Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations
holding membership in theirs and ours, so there could be a board of
MCP Prepresentatives sitting in GPGB-ML, in a future Infrared
dominated CPUSA, and other such friendly groups, for example.

All the while the interests and propaganda published are directed by the
central Maoist Communist Party, whose structure of Political Bureau
Standing Committee, Executives, CCDI, etc. and shall work with a unity
of will and direction, pushing a common line in all the different
organisations her member sparticipate in. The continuity of symbolism
and branding, flags and aesthetic allows total harmony with all past
activity, and the Maoist Communist Party and Maoist Culture Promoters
having the same acronym allows the whole operation to be referred
to as a single entity of the “MCP”. This would resolutely respond to all
issues raised in August 2022, but in a sensitive way, and would not
create rupture with the past activity and legacy of the organisation in
the vulgar way that the attempt to morph the MCP into the PSWP did.

The August Congresses demanded some update to prevent confusion of

the MCP with the Maoist Communist Party of China. To a great extent, a
clear distinction already exists, with the MCP referring to
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, not
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and our usage of the hammer and sickle on
our flag instead of the image of the young Mao used by the MCPC.

Although not formally mentioned, it is thought that a large part of the

motive behind pushing this legislation through was the fear that
presenting as a “Communist Party” may be intimidating to some
propagandised members of the working class, or may appear as a LARP
due to its small size.

Unlike the actions of those who, by their own admission, erred in trying
to transform the MCP into the PSWP, and implemented changes prior to
a Congressional approval, this arrangement is far less drastic and far
more conservative and faithful to the MCP than those undemocratically
thrusted upon - what was at the time the MCP - with no prior notice, by
Lucas Mason, founder of the now defunct-PSWP [Who is now in good
standing with us]. Yet, this addition more than satisfies all of the
concerns included by raising this motion in August 2022.

1.2. The Chinese names of the MCP shall be, "毛思想共产党", and "毛文化宣传组",
corresponding to the interpretations of the acronym as "Maoist Communist
Party", and "Maoist Cultural Promoters" respectively.

2.1. The objects of the MCP are:
2.1.1. To be an organisation of Communists that uphold
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as a third and higher stage of
Marxism-Leninism, of universal significance. To hold a materialist view
of reality and history, believing in an externally and objectively existing
reality, outside of the subjective mind and taking this as the
fundamental premise of all analysis. Consequently opposing the
imposition of narratives on reality.
2.1.2. To support and defend the actions and aims of Marx, Engels,
Lenin, Stalin and Mao, and to publicly associate with such figures'
legacies and personalities. To repudiate accusations of any Communist
state engaged in Hitlerite genocide, deliberate extermination of any
racial or ethnic group and to question widely accepted figures
concerning numbers of deaths in famine in the Soviet Union and China.
2.1.3. To support the Chinese side of the Sino-Soviet split, uphold the one
China policy, condemn separatism in Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, and Hong
Kong, reject narratives of Tibetan or Uyghur genocide, to maintain
China is a socialist country to this day whilst permitting political, social,
cultural and moral criticisms of Deng Xiaoping and Reform and Opening
Up. To oppose Khruschevite revisionism and the alliance of the Soviet
Union with global social democracy and the stale, sluggish, lifeless,
ideologically disloyal, technocratic Soviet bureaucracy post-Stalin.
Consequently, a large focus of the Party's activities will be investigation
and study into the Sino-Soviet split and its resulting Cultural Revolution,
drawing out its implications and upholding its positive content from
when it was grasped in the rural grassroots, whilst condemning urban
phenomena such as factional violence in the first two years, attempted
imposition of pure culture from the Party centre, etc.
2.1.4. To oppose western leftists and the ideology of the professional
managerial class and to be sympathetic with, and to support the work of
Infrared - though not being a part of it and maintaining some minor
differences. This entails opposing moral relativism and consequentialist
approaches of the well-intended ends justifying evil means to achieve
2.1.5. To oppose imperialism and support patriotism as well as to reject
belief in racial supremacy and descrimination based on racial
background. To support multiracial civilisation-states (such as Russia
and China), reject ethnonationalism, but advocate strong national
identity and pride, and a homogeneity of morals, ethos and values. To
resist attempts to dilute or unravel unique national cultures, but with
an understanding that cultural outlook and worldview is not racially
2.1.6. To oppose Abimael Guzmán (also known as Chairman Gonzalo),
his murderous practice, his usurping MLM ideology, his opposition to

Mao’s Three Worlds theory, his view that Mao turned revisionist in later
life, his liberal followers, and all forms of terrorism, fascistic ideological
violence and inhumanity, voluntarism and left wing adventurism.
2.1.7. To be friendly towards family and religion and oppose
discrimination on the basis of religious background, provided morals
are aligned with the Party's (even in a branch in alliance with a
particular religion).
2.1.7. a) To support the existence of a marriage uncorrupted by
capital and inheritance, as an exclusive, monogamous,
permanent and lifelong heterosexual covenant between male
and female, for the sake of procreation and/or nurture of
children, born or adopted, or to be fruitful otherwise spiritually
if the marriage is Josephite and abstinent. To support the
flourishing of families with increased ease and all provisions to
enable this.
2.1.7. b) To not advocate the persecution of religion, to support
the admission to the MCP of those of any religion, or of none
(falun gong/falun dafa, satanism and freemasonry however are
not included as religions, and are prohibited), provided their
moral outlook is in alignment with the Party's.
2.1.8. To oppose LGBT (both the astroturfed ideology, and also the
practices in and of themselves), contraception, abortion, pornography
and prostitution.
2.1.9 To support Russia in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

2.2 The Party seeks to represent the interests of the masses in material reality and
organise them under a cohesive and unified line. Hence it works to create a
membership of those who will remain devoted and loyal to the MCP, its aesthetic, and
wish to preserve its use of the hammer and sickle, its acronym, flag, colour scheme,
public support for the five heads of Marxism and public defence of the legacies of
socialist regimes, and classifies those who cease to endorse one of these aspects as no
longer satisfying conditions for Party Membership.

3.1. Party Membership is open to all lay persons of any, or no religion and both
sexes who:
3.1.1. Are in agreement with the objects, morals and aesthetic of the
3.1.2. Are living a chaste life, not cohabiting outside of marriage, not
involved in same gender sexual relationships or unions, and who are
not dressing or presenting themselves apart from their biological sex.
This is known as the rule of life of the Party and ensures Communists
can be respected and set an example in audible and consistent conduct,
raise our profile, break the mould and dispel common misconceptions
about us by being living proof to the contrary.
3.1.3 Are not addicted to any substance or behaviour (also a
requirement of the rule of life).
3.1.4 Conduct their speech in an honourable, respectable and dignified
manner, treat people with good faith as much as is possible, and
restrain swearing and vulgarity (also a requirement of the rule of life).

3.2 Individual members may in their minds disagree personally with elements
of para 2., but should be respectful of the Party's stated position and not
challebge it publicly. All applicants to membership confirm their allegiance to
the line of the MCP, or if private edisagreements are held mentally, that the line
is submitted to publicly.

3.3 Persons in Holy Orders/clerics of various religions may be appointed as

Associate Members of the Party and serve as Chaplains, consultants, advisers
and supervisers. Local national branches may wish to establish clerical
supervision, counselling and approval of their members with clergy of a
nationally significant religion in that country. Other countries may have no
such establishment and integration of religion at all where it is not culturally
appropriate. Regardless of whether clerics are established by law in an
advising/approving/supervising role, every national branch must maintain the
Party’s policy on freedom of religious conscience in admitting those of any or
no religion provided the necessary moral outlook and willingness to live out
the Party's rule of life.
3.3.1. Associate Members shall have the right to speak and advise at all
meetings but shall not have the right to vote or propose legislation.
3.3.2. As mentioned in para 3.3.1., Associate Members cannot propose
legislation at their respective level, but according to the discretion of
each national branch, may be afforded privileges in reviewing, vetting,
approving and vetoing policy proposed by Party Members, out of a
mark of respect, and to ensure it will not offend the dominant religious
sensibilities of the country.

3.4. Persons who are broadly in agreement with the objectives and rule of life
of the Party, but do not qualify for Party Membership or Associate Membership
(such as currently being in the midst of battling drug addiction or some other
vice) may become Affiliate Members.
3.4.1. Affiliate Members shall be affiliated to their local national branch
(where one exists) and to the Party as a whole and shall be invited to
branch and international meetings and events.
3.4.2. Affiliate Members must be sponsored for membership by an
existing Party Member.
3.4.3. Affiliate Members shall have the right to speak at branch
meetings and congresses, at the international Annual General Meeting
(occurring in one of the biannual Congresses), at Extraordinary General
Meetings and international Party Congresses, but shall not have the
right to vote or propose legislation at any.

4.1. An aspirant for membership must:
4.1.1. Provide at minimum forename and surname, at any time
generally, and also any other information requested on approved
application forms in use at any specific time.
4.1.2. Be interviewed by their own local branch Chairman (if existing)
or closest to him, ideally in their native language.

4.2. The local branch Chairman must be satisfied that the aspirant fulfils the
conditions for membership and is resolved to keep the rule of life of the Party.

4.3. After appropriate consultation, which must include consultation with the
relevant Chaplain if in a country where they are part of the Party’s structure,
or other pastoral discernment, and consultation with the international
Chairman general, national branch Chairmen may apply to the Central
Committee for permission to exclude from membership any Party Member,
Associate Member or Affiliate Member who fails to continue to satisfy the
conditions of membership.

4.3. Associate and Affiliate Members shall be appointed to their membership

by the International Central Committee and local branch Central Committees.

4.4. Any dispute must be referred to the international Central Committee,

whose decision shall be final.

4.5 In order to ensure that amongst our membership trust in the Party is not
undermined, faith in the integrity of the Party from infiltration is preserved,
and that harmonious re-integration of those who make mistakes can occur, any
person who has been involved in groups emerging from deviations from or
disagreement with the wider MCP (namely, at the time of writing, the now
defunct breakaway project of the PSWP), will be restricted to Affiliate
Membership for a period of 1.5 years from when they become reinvolved with
the Party again. This provides a period to demonstrate loyalty and
trustworthiness aside from any power motives. Those who take part in radical
experiments and wish to return at some point must accept the MCP's take on
the conflict publicly even if privately they believe their position to be correct, if
it is indeed the MCP they wish to rejoin. It is not possible to rejoin as if nothing
ever happened and expect people not to hold suspicion as to true intentions
and agendas or to experience scandal. The trust must be rebuilt and such
individuals not immediately admitted to voting or governing roles.


5.1. There is a degree of autonomy on how national branches of the Party
organise themselves beyond the minimal requirements. The minimal
requirements are that each national branch will have a Central Committee,
composed of a Political Bureau and its Politburo Standing Committee which it
elects from amongst itself. The final national Standing Committee of each
branch is to contain 5-10 members which automatically gain seats on the
international MCP Political Bureau, ex-officio. The national Standing
Committees shall each elect 2 executives, being the national Chairman and
Premier. The local branch should also have a National People's Congress
comprised of their national Central Committee, junior and senior Party
Secretaries and also non-Party delegates of various interests, whose
application to the seat is approved by the same Congress.

5.2. The Political Bureau of national branches takes suggestions from lower
organs of the national Party and proposes policies to the National People's
Congress for approval. These national Congresses are composed of delegates
(typically including junior and senior Party Secretaries, and members of
non-Party interest groups whose membership to the NPC is approved by the
same Congress, which vote but cannot propose policy or run for election), as
well as the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee. Motions are created
by the delegates, and ones that pass in the House of Delegates are submitted to
the Political Bureau who can approve or block the motion. If passing in the
house of the Political Bureau, it is submitted to its Standing Committee which
can approve or block the motion, if passed by the house of the Standing
Committee, it is submitted to the Executives (Chairman and Premier) who can
approve or block the motion. If the country has clerics by law established, a
council of them may have the full proposal submitted to them to have the final
say of whether it is acceptable to their sensibilities or not. If a motion passes all
the way from the bottom to the top, it is passed into national Party law.

5.3. The general structure of the local Party branches in descending order and
increasing number, below Political Bureau, is as follows: Senior Party
Secretaries, Junior Party Secretaries, Auxiliary Party Secretaries, Party
Members. These roles should be associated with larger geographical areas the
higher the rank, by some organisation system, whether it be village, county,
town, province, etc. For example, in Britain the aforementioned roles are
associated with geographical Dioceses, Archdeaconries, Benefices and Parishes
respectively. More or less of these roles may be applied according to the size
and robustness of the Party in a given country. An example of how this has
been done in Britain can be seen here:

5.4. Where the local Party branch is by law established with a nationally
significant religion, meetings and elections will be held in the appropriate
place of worship such as Parish Church, Mosque, Synagogue, etc., or its
accompanying hall, if it has one. More senior and larger attended meetings can
be held in more senior buildings with more space, such as the Cathedral. For
secularly established branches, some community meeting places of increasing
order and size will need to be found to host these.

5.5. The lower ranks of the Party vote from amongst themselves the necessary
amount of people to be elected to the next rank. Eg. Junior Party Secretaries
elect Senior Party Secretaries from amongst themselves, as the Political Bureau
does for the Standing Committee and as the Standing Committee does for the

5.6. The national Standing Committees of all the local branches who
automatically comprise the international Political Bureau ex-officio, shall elect
from amongst themselves 10 members to compose the international Politburo
Standing Committee. The international Politburo Standing Committee elects
from amongst itself 2 members to serve as international general Chairman and
Premier for the whole Party. This is pictured here:

5.7. Legislation is passed up for approval on the international scale in the exact
same manner as on the national scale. A motion must be suggested by a
member of the international Political Bureau, however suggestions for the
international Party policy can be made by members of the national Party, but
much reach approval within the national branch itself, and then can be
brought by one of the members of its Standing Committee to the Political
Bureau of the international Party. Legislation proposed is then approved by the
first layer of Congress, including the Political Bureau and the designated
non-Politburo Congress delegates who vote but do not propose policy or run
for election (to be approved for their seats at the AGM and whose seats, never
comprise more than half of the Political Bureau membership). Legislation
agreed upon in this house can then be submitted by to the Standing Committee
who approve or veto it, and then if passing that house, may be submitted to the
Executives, who approve or veto it. A veto here refers to the disapproval of a
whole house by overall majority, not a disapproval individually. Individual
members of the Standing Committee for example may oppose a motion, but if
approved by a majority of the Committee, the motion will pass that house. If all
houses are in agreement on a proposal, it becomes international MCP law,
which is binding upon all local branches. There will be no clerical consultation
at this level, as all laws made act upon national branches which align with
various, and no religions.

5.8. Any legislation proposed on the national or international level must

include full details on how it will be implemented at the time of submission,
elsewise would have to get a further elaboration approved at a later date fully
explaining how any change will be made, which the proposing body can be
held to being faithful towards when carrying it out. This is so that vague
notions cannot be approved without Congress participants knowing exactly
what the implications will be and how the measure will look when it is carried
out. This protect both the person who proposes legislation being accused of
doing something else, or sneaking in an agenda and shoehorning things not
approved in its name, and also protects to Party from bad actors who may use
deliberately sparse language to be able to spring upon the Party unexpected
results once a motion is passed that those who were voting for it were unaware
of or did not imagine would occur in such a way.


6.1. Biannual international Party Congresses will be held each year, one of
which will contain the AGM also and the other will just be a legislative
Congress. Each Congress will see the approval of proposed legislation rising up
from the broad Party to the Political Bureau, to its Standing Committee, and
finally, to the Executives. If it is approved in all houses, it will be made into law,
as mentioned in para 5. Congresses by themselves only deal with approving
legislation, whereas a Congress with an AGM deals not only with legislation but
also with elections, reviews and reports.

6.2. At one of the two Congresses per year should be held the Party Annual
General Meeting. At any rate this should never be later than fifteen months
after the previous Annual General Meeting.

6.3. The Annual General Meeting shall be responsible for:

6.3.1. Reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
6.3.2. Receiving a report from the international Chairman general.
6.233. Receiving a report from the international Treasurer general, to
include a presentation of the accounts for approval.
6.3.4. Approving a budget (and setting the central subscription, if in
force at the time)
6.3.5. Such other business as may be brought forward by the Central
Committee or requested by branches.
6.2.6. Electing Central Committee members; Politburo Standing
Committee, Premier and Chairman.
6.3.7. Review and approval of applications of designated non-Politburo
delegates to participate in the international Congress' lowest house and
AGM (to a maximum of ½ the number of members on the international
Political Bureau at the time, and only in voting, not proposing positions
or running for offices).
6.3.8. Appointment of Treasurer by consent of Chairman and Premier
6.3.9. Making arrangements for the next Annual General Meeting.

6.4. A notice of the upcoming Congress, Annual General Meeting, or both, shall
be sent by the Premier to all national branches no later than six months before
the date of the meeting.

6.5. Motions and other items for inclusion on the agenda shall be sent by
members of the international Political Bureau (members of national Politburo
Standing Committees) to the Premier no later than two months before the

6.6. Nominations for election to vacant positions on the Central Committee

shall be invited by the Premier no later than two months before the Annual
General Meeting. Nominees shall notify the Premier of their standing for

election in advance of the Annual General Meeting, with the names of the
member nominated, and two other members who support the nomination.

6.7. The Premier shall send the agenda for the Annual General Meeting to
branches no later than one month before the meeting.

6.8. Elections to the Central Committee shall be held following the receipt of
the relevant nominations (see para 6.6.) and election shall be secured by a
simple majority of the voting members present.

6.9. Both sole Congresses, as well as Congresses with an AGM will be subject to
external inspection by the CCDI. New CCDI members are appointed by an
existing member of the CCDI and are not subject to the Central Committee's
control. They also may not be members of the Central Committee. The CCDI
may comprise of up to five people, terms are indefinite and only ended by
resignation or malpractice.

7.1. The international general Central Committee shall comprise:
7.1.1. The international Party Chairman general (Executive).
7.1.2. The international Party Premier general (Executive).
7.1.3. The international general Political Bureau Standing Committee
(10 members, 2 of which are the Executives and 1 of which must be the
international Treasurer general).
7.1.4. The international general Political Bureau, comprising:
7.1.4. a) All members of the Politburo Standing Committees of
national Party branches.
7.1.5. The Political Bureau will elect from itself the Standing Committee,
and the Standing Committee will elect from itself Executives and a

7.2. All members of the national Standing Committees are part of the
international Central Committee in its Political Bureau and elections shall be
held at the Annual General Meeting.

7.3. A simple majority of members present and voting at the Annual General
Meeting shall secure election.

7.4. Central Committee members shall hold office for the following year and
may stand for re-election without term limit.

7.5. The Central Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day

management of the affairs of the Party and any matters not specifically
reserved to the Congress or Annual General Meeting under para 6.

7.6. The Central Committee shall have power to co-opt up to two additional
members to undertake specific tasks. To become permanent appointments,
these must be ratified by a vote at the next Annual General Meeting and
election shall be secured by a simple majority of the voting members present.

7.7. The Central Committee shall have power to exclude from membership any
MCP Party Member, Associate Member or Affiliate Member who fails to
continue to satisfy the conditions of his respective membership. This exclusion
shall only be used following discussion of the international Chairman general
with the national branch Chairman and Chaplain concerned (where
applicable, or else, whoever was involved in pastoral and supervisory roles for
the member concerned), see para 4.3., and an application from the said
branch Chairman to the Central Committee.

8.1. The Party shall designate a bank account, to be administered by the
international Treasurer general, for the handling of the MCP International's
funds. Financial business on behalf of the MCP International shall be
transacted through this bank account alone.

8.2. The Party shall have a financial operating period of 1st January to 31st
December each year.

8.3. The international Treasurer general shall keep records of the financial
business of the Party.

8.4. Finances must be examined by an independent examiner from the CCDI at

each Annual General Meeting.

9.1. A minimum of five persons in one nation eligible for full membership of
the Party (see para 3.1.), may apply to the international Central Committee for
permission to form a national MCP branch, and submit a flag design based
upon the standard MCP flag template with some pattern or symbol of national
significance included.

9.2. Branches must uphold the bare minimums of the governing structure
mentioned in para 5., most especially possessing a Political Bureau and
Politburo Standing Committee is indispensable, of which the Standing
Committee must contain the two Executives and a Treasurer. The Standing
Committee members are ex-officio members of the international Political
Bureau, according to the same paragraph. Other roles are there for the
branches disposal, and may be made use of to greater or lesser extents
according to their discretion and needs, and supplemented with creative local
solutions in the lower ranks, but remain a suggested and commended

9.3. Each branch shall be guided by the principles and shall ensure the
9.3.1. Branches should hold at least one legislative Congress and an
Annual General Meeting per year (ordinarily these would be the same
event), which will be responsible for the approval of policy into local
Party law, election of officers and appointment of Chaplains and
acommittee of clerics to refer to, who are Associate Members (where
appropriate in the national context), and the management of all branch
9.3.2. Branches shall designate a bank account through which all
financial business shall be transacted and shall ensure that their
accounts are independently examined by a member of the CCDI on an
annual basis and that the international Central Committee is notified.
9.3.3. Subscriptions collected from Party Members and Affiliate
Members (if in force at the time), along with any other income derived
through the work of the national Party shall be divided equally between
the local branch Central Committee and the international Central

9.4. Local branch Central Committee members shall hold office for one year
and may stand for re-election without term limit.

9.5. Nominations for election to vacant positions on the local branch's national
Central Committee shall be invited by the branch's national Premier no later
than two months before the branch Annual General Meeting. Nominees shall
notify the branch Premier of their standing for election in advance of the

Annual General Meeting, with the names of the member nominated, and two
other members who support the nomination.

9.6. Elections to the Chapter Committee shall be held following the receipt of
the relevant nominations (see para 9.5.) and election shall be secured by a
simple majority of the voting members of the appropriate body (eg. Political
Bureau elects Standing Committee, Standing Committee elects Executives, etc.)
present at the branch Annual General Meeting.

9.7. National branches should endeavour to meet at least four times a year in
person for an act of worship (where applicable) and fellowship, and also the
consideration, education in and activities contributing to matters related to the
objects of the Party, as well as work in the community and charity to raise our
profile and the good association with the image of Communists.

9.8. If the branch has in its local Party by law religion established, the branch
shall appoint Chaplains to pastorally care for each level of Party authority as
well as a group of clerics with a final veto on national Party policy. If not
already an Associate Member at the time of their appointment, the Chaplains
and advising clergy shall be appointed to Associate Membership of the Party.
The Chaplain or advising/supervising clergy shall have the right to speak,
guide, question and suggest at branch meetings but shall not have the right to



10.1. An Extraordinary General Meeting or Extraordinary Congress of the

Party are for urgently arising and pressing matters of election or legislation
respectively, which cannot wait until the next AGM or Party Congress. Either
may be called in the same way at any time by the request of a majority of
members of the international Central Committee, one third of the local
Chairmen of branches or 15% of the whole Party.

10.2. The date and venue for such a meeting shall be arranged by those
requesting the meeting.

10.3 The business of such a meeting shall be indicated to the international

Premier general who shall take immediate steps to inform all members of the
Party. At least two weeks’ notice shall be given.

10.4. Only previously notified business may be conducted at an Extraordinary

General Meeting, or previously submitted motions be voted on at an
Extraordinary Congress.

10.5. The meeting shall be chaired by the international Chairman general.

10.6. Elections to offices at Extraordinary General Meetings and resolutions at

Extraordinary Congresses, other than those to which para 12. applies, may be
passed by a simple majority of those present and voting.

10.7. The international Chairman general, shall, in the event of an equal

number of votes being cast for and against a candidate or motion (or a motion
under para 12. attaining exactly 66.7% of the votes cast), have an additional
casting vote.


11.1. The interpretation of this Constitution rests with the international Central
Committee. The decision of the international Central Committee shall be final.

11.2. Any dispute within a local national Party branch or between branches
shall be referred to the international Central Committee, whose decision shall
be final.


12.1. This Constitution shall not be altered or added to except by the consent of
two thirds majority of the members voting in every house at a biannual Party
Congress or at an Extraordinary Party Congress.

12.2. To bring forth a motion to alter the Constitution, the amendment to be

submitted shall be sent by members of the international Political Bureau
(members of national Standing Committees) to the Premier no later than two
months before the Congress, or simply as soon as possible if it is an
extraordinary Congress. The one proposing the amendment will move the
motion standing in his name at the designated time on the agenda. The
Chairman will then sustain or resist the amendment. If he sustains it, it
proceeds immediately to vote as per para 12.1. If he resists it, the amendment
will lapse unless 25% of the Congress participants stand in their place or
elsewise indicate they wish the debate to continue to which the Chairman will
organise speakers in turn, for and against the motion, to give their case. If
many people want to speak, or all of one side has exhausted their speakers, so
the debate cannot continue in a balanced way, the Chairman will test the mind
of Congress to see if the matter is deemed sufficiently debated, if 25% of the
participants do not stand, the Congress proceeds to voting by houses. If the
passes in all houses according to the requirements of para 12.1., it will be
added to the Constitution. If 25% of people stood to indicate they wish the
debate to continue, it shall, and the Chairman will proceed to test the mind of
Congress after every five speakers until Congress is satisfied the amendment is
sufficiently debated and can proceed to voting hy houses, or until all willing to
speak have been exhausted after which voting by houses will automatically

12.3. Once this Constitution is approved, protected from alteration are those
aspects which are considered moral, ideological or aesthetical (not merely
cosmetically, but in the deeper sense of how we make sense of world in
coherent and unconscious way, but this does include major changes to the flag
which are not just improving quality of the same design, changing the
protected acronym and primary understanding of its meaning, etc.), as they
are defined as being intrinsic to the nature of what the MCP is. this especially
applies to para 2., which in content must remain the same, even if phrasing is
altered. The general principle is that they may be added to and elaborated
upon but not changed or subtracted from.

12.4. Procedural matters are under no such protections aside from those basic
functions which define a Communist Party; the general existence of Chairman,
Premier (and them having vetos), Politburo Standing Committee and Political
Bureau comprising the Central Committee and remaining the main thrust of
the Party Congresses and AGM. But any changes even to mundane and

non-ideologically important procedures still must reach the sufficient

majorities mentioned in para 12.1.


13.1. Party organisations and all in authority must earnestly study
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, firmly put proletarian politics in
command, combat bureaucracy and liberalism, uphold morality absolutely,
promote the red culture, maintain close, down to earth ties with the masses
and wholeheartedly serve the people.

13.2. Every organ of the Party must apply the principle of efficient and simple

13.3. No laws or administrative regulations/practices may contravene this


13.4. All Party organs and institutions must abide by the Constitution and other
laws. All acts in violation of the Constitution or other laws must be investigated
by the CCDI who will commend a conclusion to the international Central
Committee and a decision will be made by the Central Committee, potentially
involving dismissal, which shall be final.

13.5. No organisation or individual is privileged to be beyond the Constitution

or other laws, including the members of the Central Committee, and especially
the Executives.

13.6 Aesthetical elements not free to be disposed of include:

13.6.1. The acronym, “MCP”.
13.6.2 Our Maoist aesthetic, including the use of Chinese characters
alongside native vernacular languages and translations of red songs,
other media from the Cultural lRevolution, and usage of its propaganda
style as our starting point and basis for further development.
13.6.3. The usage of the hammer and sickle.
13.6.4. The flag of the organisation (in content and design, not
necessarily aspect ratio, quality or resolution).
13.6.5. Our colour scheme.
13.6.6. Our public support for the five heads of Marxism.
13.6.7. Our public defence and association with socialist regimes.
Note: Protected characteristics can never be subtracted from, only added to or
supplemented in a non-contradictory and non-abolishing way, or with
non-contradictory materials, that preserve the characteristic in its full.

13.6. Note on propaganda: Party propaganda should obviously relate to Mao

Zedong Thought in a clear way and incorporate predominantly features of the
Party aesthetic as well as adoptions and implementations and developments of
it to specific contexts, whilst maintaining clear likeness and origins in the
original. The vast majority of propaganda should be for external use dealing
with misconceptions and such but also motivational propaganda should be

made for internal use as well. The Party promotes the use of Chinese
characters alongside local language in propaganda as it draws intrigue, points
to our Maoist roots and can be a universal common thread across all branches
as characters are related to meaning not sound, so can be read in the
vernacular way and rearranged in the order of the vernacular language.

全世界无产者, 联合起来!

Published by authority.

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