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Famous Quotes on Attitude :

 “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston S. Churchill

 “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” – Frances
Hodgson Burnett

 “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde

 “Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” – Matt Cameron

 “A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow.” – Jeff Keller

 “A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” – Patricia

 “The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.” – Voltaire

 “We lost because we told ourselves we lost.” – Leo Tolstoy

 “To be an overachiever you have to be an over-believer.” – Dabo Swinney

 “Your problem isn’t the problem, it’s your attitude about the problem.” – Ann Brashares

 “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” –
John Wooden

 “Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” –
Paulo Coelho

 “Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” – Tom Stoppard

 “Live fast. Die young. Be wild. Have fun.” – Lana Del Rey

 “Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

 “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein

 “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.” – Ralph Marston

 “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” –
Maya Angelou

TOPIC: Meaning of Attitude ,Role Of Attitude In Personality Development ,Positive And

Negative Attitude ,Advantages And Disadvantages of Attitude ,Ways to Develop Positive
Attitude, Difference Between Personalities having Positive and Negative Attitude.

Q1What is an attitude? Explain

In psychology, an attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a

particular object, person, thing, or event.Attitudes are often the result of experience or
Attitude is a powerful force that shapes our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our lives. It is the
lens through which we perceive the world, influencing our behavior and responses to various
situations. Our attitude can determine whether we approach challenges with optimism and
resilience or with negativity and defeatism. In essence, our attitude is a reflection of our mindset,
beliefs, and values.One of the key aspects of attitude is its impact on our emotions and well-
being. A positive attitude can lead to greater happiness, improved mental health, and increased
resilience in the face of adversity. On the other hand, a negative attitude can contribute to stress,
anxiety, and a sense of helplessness. How we choose to view the world and interpret events can
greatly influence our emotional state and overall quality of life.

Attitude also plays a significant role in our relationships with others. A positive attitude can
attract people to us, foster trust and cooperation, and lead to deeper connections. Conversely, a
negative attitude can repel others, create conflict, and hinder effective communication. Our
attitude shapes the way we interact with those around us, influencing the dynamics of our
relationships and the overall atmosphere of our social interactions.

Furthermore, attitude is closely linked to our success and achievements in various areas of life.
Those with a positive attitude are more likely to set ambitious goals, persevere in the face of
obstacles, and ultimately achieve their aspirations. A positive attitude can fuel motivation,
creativity, and a willingness to take risks. In contrast, a negative attitude can breed self-doubt,
procrastination, and a fear of failure, ultimately hindering personal growth and success.

It is important to recognize that while we cannot always control the circumstances we encounter,
we can choose our attitude towards them. This power of choice is a fundamental aspect of
personal growth and development. By cultivating a positive attitude, we can navigate life's
challenges with greater resilience, adaptability, and a sense of empowerment.

In conclusion, attitude is a powerful force that influences every aspect of our lives. By nurturing
a positive attitude, we can enhance our well-being, relationships, and chances of success. It is
through our attitude that we shape our perceptions, responses, and ultimately, our reality. As we
strive to cultivate a positive attitude, we empower ourselves to live more fully, authentically, and

Q1 ?

Answer 1 ,ए , , ,
औ ए -

मनोवृत्ति एक शक्तिशाली शक्ति है जो हमारे त्तवचारोों, कायों और अोंततः हमारे जीवन को आकार दे ती है ।
यह वह लेंस है त्तजसके माध्यम से हम दु त्तनया को दे खते हैं , त्तवत्तभन्न क्तथथत्ततयोों में हमारे व्यवहार और
प्रत्ततत्तियाओों को प्रभात्तवत करते हैं । हमारा दृत्तिकोण यह त्तनधाा ररत कर सकता है त्तक हम चुनौत्ततयोों का
सामना आशावाद और लचीलेपन के साथ करें गे या नकारात्मकता और पराजयवाद के साथ। सोंक्षेप में,
हमारा दृत्तिकोण हमारी मानत्तसकता, त्तवश्वास और मूल्ोों का प्रत्ततत्तबोंब है ।

दृत्तिकोण के प्रमुख पहलुओों में से एक हमारी भावनाओों और भलाई पर इसका प्रभाव है । एक सकारात्मक
दृत्तिकोण से अत्तधक खुशी, बेहतर मानत्तसक स्वास्थ्य और प्रत्ततकूल पररक्तथथत्ततयोों का सामना करने में
लचीलापन बढ़ सकता है । दू सरी ओर, एक नकारात्मक रवैया तनाव, त्तचोंता और असहायता की भावना में
योगदान कर सकता है । हम दु त्तनया को कैसे दे खते हैं और घटनाओों की व्याख्या कैसे करते हैं , यह हमारी
भावनात्मक क्तथथत्तत और जीवन की समग्र गुणविा को बहुत प्रभात्तवत कर सकता है ।

इसके अलावा, दृत्तिकोण जीवन के त्तवत्तभन्न क्षेत्ोों में हमारी सफलता और उपलक्तियोों से त्तनकटता से जुडा
हुआ है । सकारात्मक दृत्तिकोण वाले लोग महत्वाकाों क्षी लक्ष्य त्तनधाा ररत करने , बाधाओों का सामना करने में
दृढ़ रहने और अोंततः अपनी आकाों क्षाओों को प्राप्त करने की अत्तधक सोंभावना रखते हैं । एक सकारात्मक
दृत्तिकोण प्रेरणा, रचनात्मकता और जोक्तखम लेने की इच्छा को बढ़ावा दे सकता है । इसके त्तवपरीत, एक
नकारात्मक रवैया आत्म-सोंदेह, त्तवलोंब और असफलता का डर पैदा कर सकता है , जो अोंततः व्यक्तिगत
त्तवकास और सफलता में बाधा बन सकता है ।

यह पहचानना महत्वपूणा है त्तक यद्यत्तप हम हमेशा हमारे सामने आने वाली पररक्तथथत्ततयोों को त्तनयोंत्तत्त नहीों कर
सकते हैं , हम उनके प्रत्तत अपना दृत्तिकोण चुन सकते हैं । पसोंद की यह शक्ति व्यक्तिगत वृक्ति और त्तवकास
का एक मूलभूत पहलू है । सकारात्मक दृत्तिकोण त्तवकत्तसत करके, हम अत्तधक लचीलेपन, अनुकूलनशीलता
और सशक्तिकरण की भावना के साथ जीवन की चुनौत्ततयोों का सामना कर सकते हैं ।

त्तनष्कर्ा , दृत्तिकोण एक शक्तिशाली शक्ति है जो हमारे जीवन के हर पहलू को प्रभात्तवत करती है ।

सकारात्मक दृत्तिकोण अपनाकर हम अपनी खुशहाली, ररश्ते और सफलता की सोंभावनाओों को बढ़ा सकते
हैं । यह हमारे दृत्तिकोण के माध्यम से है त्तक हम अपनी धारणाओों, प्रत्ततत्तियाओों और अोंततः , अपनी
वास्तत्तवकता को आकार दे ते हैं । जैसे-जैसे हम सकारात्मक दृत्तिकोण त्तवकत्तसत करने का प्रयास करते हैं ,
हम स्वयों को अत्तधक पूणा, प्रामात्तणक और आनोंदपूवाक जीने के त्तलए सशि बनाते हैं ।

Q2 Discuss Negative Attitude .

A negative attitude is a mindset or outlook that is characterized by pessimism, cynicism, and a

general sense of dissatisfaction or discontent. Individuals with a negative attitude tend to focus
on the drawbacks, limitations, or problems in a situation rather than the opportunities or
positives. This negative perspective can color their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in various
aspects of their lives.

Here are some common traits and characteristics associated with a negative attitude:

1. **Pessimism:** People with a negative attitude often expect the worst outcomes in any given
situation. They may anticipate failure, rejection, or disappointment, which can lead to a self-
fulfilling prophecy.

2. **Cynicism:** Negative individuals may have a distrustful or skeptical view of others'

motives and intentions. They may be quick to criticize or doubt the sincerity of others.

3. **Complaining:** Individuals with a negative attitude tend to focus on what is wrong or

lacking in a situation rather than what is going well. They may frequently complain about their
circumstances, blaming external factors for their unhappiness.

4. **Resentment:** Negative individuals may hold onto grudges or feelings of bitterness

towards others or past events. This can prevent them from moving forward and finding
resolution or peace.

5. **Victim mentality:** People with a negative attitude often see themselves as victims of
circumstances beyond their control. They may feel powerless to change their situation and may
blame external factors for their lack of progress or success.

6. **Lack of resilience:** Negative individuals may struggle to bounce back from setbacks or
challenges. They may be easily discouraged, give up too quickly, or believe that obstacles are

7. **Isolation:** A negative attitude can lead to social withdrawal or alienation from others.
Negative individuals may struggle to build and maintain positive relationships due to their
pessimistic outlook and tendency to focus on the negative aspects of interactions.
It is important to note that a negative attitude is not fixed or permanent. With self-awareness,
effort, and a willingness to change, individuals can work towards cultivating a more positive
mindset. Strategies such as practicing gratitude, challenging negative thoughts, seeking support
from others, and focusing on solutions rather than problems can help shift towards a more
positive attitude.


Answer 2 ए , औ

, औ

औ ए गई :

1. ** :** ग
, , -

2. ** :** औ

3. **त्तशकायत करना:** नकारात्मक दृत्तिकोण वाले व्यक्ति त्तकसी क्तथथत्तत में जो अच्छा चल रहा है उसके
बजाय उस पर ध्यान केंत्तित करते हैं त्तक क्या गलत है या क्या कमी है । वे अक्सर अपनी पररक्तथथत्ततयोों के बारे
में त्तशकायत कर सकते हैं , अपनी नाखुशी के त्तलए बाहरी कारकोों को दोर्ी ठहरा सकते हैं ।

4. ** ग :**
ग औ

5. ** :** ग

ग ए

6. ** :**
, ,
ए ग
7. ** ग :** ए ग ग

औ ए ए

Q3 Ways to Develop Positive Attitude

ABC Components of Attitude Attitudes are a combination of three crucial components as

explained below.

Fig. 1: Components of Attitude

 Emotions component: It refers to how we feel, what emotions do we experience related to the
object of our attitude. It is also called as the affect component of attitude. Emotions in our
attitude can bring out both positive and negative changes and influenceour decision making and

Behaviour component: It refers to how we behave with regard to the focus of attitude. For
instance, a positive attitude towards persons with disabilities will make us behave in a positive
way when we come across such a person in our college or workplace.

Another example would be our attitude of respect towards people serving in the defence forces.
We admire them as we have associated feelings of pride for people who are protecting us and our
behaviour towards them would be accordingly marked by respect towards them.
Zajonc (1968) explained behaviour attached to an attitude with the help of exposure effect. He
explained our tendency to develop more positive feelings towards objects and individuals when
we are exposed to them. We can develop a positive attitude towards a product simply by
repeatedly being exposed to it. Thus, advertisements of soft drinks in summers and hot drinks in
winters may increase our positive attitude for those drinks and lead to buying coke in summers
and coffee in winters.

 Thoughts component: It refers to what thoughts are associated with the focus of attitude and
how we mentally store information about it. It is also called as the cognitive component of
attitude involving our ideas and beliefs about the attitude. With repeated exposure to an event or
a situation we form strong mental constructs around them, and if not changed, such attitudes can
become stereotypes.

Common gender stereotyping examples are “girls are not 66 Self and its Correlates good at
sports and boys are messy and unclean”.

These attitudes can develop into strong inflexible stereotypes which lead to stubborn mindsets,
those that are difficult to mend and create rift in people and society. Thoughts around these
attitudes seldom change as they are passed on to us by generations with people confirming to
them and we do not see any reason to change them too. When confronted to change our attitudes,
we feel something is wrong as no one has changed it before.

Q4 Advantages And Disadvantages of Attitude or What is attitude and its benefits and
side effects?

Answer 4 Attitude is a specific disposition that combines factors like beliefs,

opinions, moods and emotions. Sometimes, attitude is referred to as an outlook or
mental state that affects the way people perceive the world around them and the
way they experience life, work, relationships and more
The disadvantages of a bad attitude cast a shadow over every facet of
life. Negative thinking and pessimism drain energy, leading to chronic fatigue and
low motivation. It contributes to poor mental and emotional health, increasing the
risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.
Q5 Difference between Personalities having Positive and Negative Attitude.

Answer 5 Positive thinking versus negative thinking is an interesting comparison as it forces us

to evaluate our own mindset, find meaningful reasons to move forward and re-focus our daily

What we think determines what we believe. Rewiring our brain and thought process can
positively transform our life.

Mastering our own emotions unlocks the ability to positively influence our current & future
actions to live a more productive & healthier lifestyle.

We cannot control every negative event, however, we can definitely control how we react to
each of them.

सकारात्मक सोच बनाम नकारात्मक सोच एक त्तदलचस्प तुलना है क्योोंत्तक यह हमें अपनी मानत्तसकता का
मूल्ाों कन करने , आगे बढ़ने के त्तलए साथाक कारण खोजने और अपने दै त्तनक इरादोों पर त्तफर से ध्यान
केंत्तित करने के त्तलए मजबूर करती है ।

हम जो सोचते हैं वह त्तनधाा ररत करता है त्तक हम क्या त्तवश्वास करते हैं । हमारे मक्तस्तष्क और त्तवचार प्रत्तिया
को पुनः सोंयोत्तजत करने से हमारा जीवन सकारात्मक रूप से बदल सकता है ।

अपनी भावनाओों पर काबू पाने से अत्तधक उत्पादक और स्वथथ जीवन शैली जीने के त्तलए हमारे वता मान और
भत्तवष्य के कायों को सकारात्मक रूप से प्रभात्तवत करने की क्षमता खुल जाती है ।

हम हर नकारात्मक घटना को त्तनयोंत्तत्त नहीों कर सकते , हालााँ त्तक, हम त्तनत्तित रूप से यह त्तनयोंत्तत्त कर
सकते हैं त्तक हम उनमें से प्रत्येक पर कैसे प्रत्ततत्तिया करते हैं ।

S Positive Attitude Negative Attitude


1 People with positive attitudes remain In contrast, those with negative attitudes may be more
hopeful and see the best even in pessimistic and disagreeable, and typically expect the
difficult situations. worst outcome in tough situations

2 Positive people love to be challenged. Negative people favor the easy road. Because
They understand that there is no growth obstacles increase the likelihood of failure, they try
without struggle. Positive people to avoid them like the plague. To negative people,
embrace difficulty, and look for ways to hard times don’t make you, they break you
overcome them..
3 Positive people focus on giving their Negative people want things to come easy to them.
best effort, regardless of the situation. If they have to try hard, they believe they just aren’t
They understand that there are many good at it and give up. They are more likely to give
things they cannot control, but effort is their absolute best if they know people are watching
not one of them. No matter what, the them.
positive person strives to give their best
— even if it isn’t much.

4 Negative people become jealous and threatened by

the success of others. To negative people, when
Positive people are inspired by the others succeed it means they are failing.
success of others, they look at those
who are excelling and ask themselves
the question, “What can I learn from

5 Positive people embrace feedback. Negative people get offended when they receive
Because they are always striving to correction or feedback. Instead of seeing it as means to
get better, they are open to learn improve, they interpret feedback as a sign of their
anything that will enhance their skill incompetence

6 Positive people focus on things they Negative people center their focus on things they can’t
can control. They understand that control. For example, they ruminate over past
their happiness is dependent on how conversations, beat themselves up on past mistakes, and
they choose to respond to what allow their fear of the future to stop them in their tracks
happens to them. Positive people today.
believe that they give power to what
they focus on, so they use it wisely.
7 Positive people know that the only Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore,
thing that doesn’t change is change. they don’t try to improve because they believe, “What’s
They believe that they can change, the use?” Additionally, negative people don’t allow
and that other people can change. others to change. Once a negative person puts a label on
something, it’s very difficult for them to see it in a
different way.

8 Positive people know that the only Negative people believe that people are fixed;
thing that doesn’t change is change. therefore, they don’t try to improve because they
They believe that they can change, believe, “What’s the use?” Additionally, negative
and that other people can change. people don’t allow others to change. Once a
negative person puts a label on something, it’s very
difficult for them to see it in a different way.

9 A positive person isn’t afraid to A negative person not only thinks small, but they
swing for the fences because they also try to convince others that their dreams and
don’t fear striking out. aspirations are too big.

10 Positive people build others up Negative people tear people down to make
when they aren’t around. themselves feel good.

11 Positive people have effective self - Negative people are their own worst enemy. They
talk. They are aware of the story struggle to see the bright side of anything, even if
they tell themselves, and don’t allow they are successful. They are also masterful at
their own thoughts to discourage focusing on all the negative aspects, and
them. Additionally, they are realistic diminishing their own confidence.
with their expectations. Positive
people don’t feed themselves lies
about their weaknesses or how
difficult the situation is. Instead,
they tell themselves what they need
to do to succeed.
12 Positive people carry themselves Negative people carry themselves small. They hang
like champions. They are purposeful their heads, and look down. Just by looking at them,
in the way they interact with people you would think they are mad, sad, or indifferent —
and their facial expressions show definitely not happy

13 Because they are team players, Negative people have a hard time fully supporting
positive people will get behind and ideas they feel won’t be successful. When an idea
support ideas that are not their’s — that wasn’t their’s doesn’t succeed, they are sure to
even if they might disagree with it. give their teammates the “I-told-you-so” expression

14 Positive people have an attitude of Negative people struggle to see the silver-lining in
gratitude. They can see the good in a difficult situations. They don’t often take the time to
situation, and don’t take things for stop and notice the positive aspects of a situation

15 Positive people like to spread Negative people say, “Why would I compliment
positivity. They pay close attention people for things they are supposed to do?” What
to when others do well, and they are they don’t understand is, it’s not about the
quick to tell them. Positive people compliment, it’s about showing the other person
don’t underestimate the power of that you notice them. A simple compliment can
encouraging words strengthen relationships and motivate the person to
do even better.

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