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Computer Networks

Lab Project Report On

“College Campus Network Infrastructure ”

In partial fulfillment
For the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology

(Computer Science with AIML)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Pooja Varshney Riya Gupta

(Assistant Professor) SID : 91901

(III Year, VI Semester)

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology


Declaration………………………………………..………………………. 3

Certificate………………………………………..………………………... 4

Acknowledgement……………………………...…………………………. 5

Abstract……………………………………………………………………. 6

Introduction………………………………...…………………………....... 7

System Analysis …………………………...…………………………........ 10

Overall Description ……………………………………………………..... 11

Implementation Details and network design…………………………… 13

Testing Services…….………………………………………...................... 17

Future Scope…...…………………………………..................................... 22

Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 23

References……………………………………...………………………….. 24


I declare that my 6th semester report entitled ‘Campus Network ’ is my own work

conducted under supervision of Ms. Pooja Varshney.

I further declare that to the best of our knowledge the report for B. Tech 6th

semester does not contain part of the work which has submitted for the award of

B. Tech degree either in this or any other university without proper citation.

Student’s sign Submitted to:

Ms. Pooja Varshney

(Assistant Professor)


This is to certify that the project report entitled ‘Campus Network Architecture’

is a Bonafide report of the work carried by Riya Gupta under guidance and

supervision for the partial fulfilment of degree of the B. Tech CSE with AIML at

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur.

To the best of our knowledge and belief, this work embodies the work of

candidates themselves, has duly been completed, fulfils the requirement of the

ordinance relating to the bachelor degree of the university and is up to the

standard in respect of content, presentation and language for being referred to the


Ms. Pooja Varshney Dr. Sohit Agarwal

Assistant Professor HOD, CEIT


Working in a good environment and motivation enhance the quality of the work

and I get it from my college through our Computer Networks project. I have been

permitted to take this golden opportunity under the expert guidance of Ms. Pooja

Varshney from SGVU, Jaipur. I am heartily thankful to her to make complete my

project successfully. She has given us her full experience and extra knowledge in

practical field. I am also thankful to my head of department Dr. Sohit Agarwal

and all CEIT staff to guide us. Finally, we think all the people who had directly

or indirectly help as to complete our project.

Student Name: Riya Gupta

SID: 91901


In an era where digital infrastructure forms the backbone of educational

institutions, the design and deployment of a robust computer network within a
college environment present a complex yet vital challenge. This project outlines
the comprehensive development of a college computer network, leveraging Cisco
Packet Tracer to simulate an effective network architecture tailored to meet the
diverse needs of an academic institution. The network design focuses on
optimizing performance, enhancing security, and ensuring scalability to
accommodate future expansion and technological advancements.

The project provides insights into various concepts such as topology design, IP
address configuration, and how to send information in the form of packets to the
wireless networks of different areas of a University.

The aim of this project is to design the topology of the university network using
the software Cisco Packet Tracer with the implementation of wireless networking


● Motivation

The word “digital” is very significant in today’s world, with an increase in the

development of technology the entire world is moving towards the digital era.

The educational institution plays an important role in this digitalization, hence

the campus should adapt to digital means of networking as well and become a

“digital campus”. Going wireless plays an important role in this digitalization.

The wireless network makes the connection easy with a reduction in the use of

wires or cables. A wired connection makes it difficult to keep track of all the

devices and to manage the cable connection, which is not only chaotic but also

challenging to handle.

Campus networking via wireless connection becomes an important part of

campus life and provides the main way for teachers and students to access

educational resources, which gives an important platform to exchange

information. As laptops and intelligent terminals are widely used, demand for

access to information anytime and anywhere has become more and more urgent,

but traditional cable networks cannot meet this requirement. Then wireless

network construction becomes necessary and essential. The wireless network is

one of the important components of a digital campus and wisdom campus. It

provides an efficient way to explore the internet with a mobile terminal for
teachers and students regardless of cables and places. This is an important mark

of the modern campus as a supplement of a cable network. With the development

of network and communication technology, cable networks on a university

campus bring much convenience for teaching and research work. But for mobility

and flexibility, it has obvious shortcomings. A wireless network can overcome

these drawbacks and has been applied to the university campus.

● Project Statement

In this mini-project, we defined a simulation of campus networks based on

wireless networking. This is the network design of our College Computer

Network Design. We have divided our network into 4 different departments i.e.

Main server room, IT department, Computer department and Internet lab.

The major aim of this project is to show the wireless connectivity that is used in

universities to make the network efficient and mobile at the same time. Mobility

is the major concentration of this project. In order to provide equal functionality

to all the users (college staff and students), we have added DHCP, DNS, IoT,

Email and FTP servers for the maximum utilization of resources.

PROBLEM STATEMENT : The existing college network comprises distinct

sections and within this setup, hosts are assigned static IP addresses, posing

management challenges and scalability limitations.


 Outdated Switche

 Lack of Dynamic IP Allocation,

 No Remote Access

The existing infrastructure, while functional, exhibits limitations in terms of

security, scalability, and management. By transitioning to a more robust and

segmented network architecture, the college can address these challenges and lay

the foundation for a more resilient and efficient network environment.

Brief knowledge about our approach

The proposed wireless network is implemented for a university campus. We have

made a virtual visualization of the network using the Cisco Packet tracer which

provides a huge platform for users to test their projects using simulation tools. A

Wireless network in an educational campus makes it easier for teachers and

students to access educational resources, by enabling an important platform to

exchange information.


• Upgrade Infrastructure: Replace outdated switches with modern IP-

based switches to enhance network performance and support future
• Dynamic IP Allocation: Implement dynamic IP allocation to optimize IP
address management, improve resource utilization, and streamline network
• Remote Access: Enable remote access capabilities to facilitate efficient
network management, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
• VLAN Configurations: Introduce VLANs to logically segment the
network, enhancing security by isolating traffic and improving efficiency
by optimizing data flow within each VLAN.
• Server Configuration: Utilize separate servers for DHCP, DNS, IoT,
Email, and FTP services to ensure dedicated resources and efficient service



In present scenario, The existing college network comprises distinct sections and

within this setup, hosts are assigned static IP addresses, posing management

challenges and scalability limitations.


The proposed project aims to enhance the network infrastructure by upgrading

switches to modern IP-based models, implementing dynamic IP allocation for

improved resource management, enabling remote access for efficient network

monitoring, and introducing VLAN configurations to enhance security and

optimize data flow. Additionally, the project includes the utilization of separate

servers for DHCP, DNS, IoT, Email, and FTP services to ensure dedicated

resources and efficient service delivery.


 A proper workstation (any mid-high range laptop will suffice).

 Packet Tracer by Cisco
 8 GB RAM.
 Any 10,000+ Average CPU Mark scored processor.
 16 GB of dedicated hard disk space.
 USB 3.0+ port.



• Switch: A device that connects multiple computers or devices in a

network, directing data packets between them efficiently. It operates on the

data link layer, filtering and forwarding data to the appropriate destination

based on its address.

• Router: Connects different networks together, such as a local area network

(LAN) to the internet. It directs data packets to their correct IP addresses,

managing traffic and allowing devices to share a single internet connection.

• Server: A powerful computer or software system that provides data,

resources, or services to other computers, known as clients, over a network.

It can perform various roles like hosting websites, managing emails, or

storing files.

• Access Point: A device that creates a wireless local area network (WLAN),

allowing Wi-Fi devices to connect to a wired network. It extends the reach

of the network wirelessly, enabling devices to connect without cables.

• Desktop Computer (PC), Laptop , Air Conditioner (AC), Webcam,


• Home Gateway: A networking device that connects multiple networks

and manages data flow between them. It acts as a router, protocol

translator, and provides security and connectivity among different network


The implementation of the College Computer Network is structured to optimize
efficiency, security, and scalability across various departments, including the
Main server room, IT department, Computer department, and the Internet lab.
Below is a detailed breakdown of the implementation strategy, focusing on the
deployment of dedicated servers, network segmentation, and the integration of
IoT components.

1. Departmental Division and Connectivity:

• The network is segmented into four distinct departments, each equipped

with its own switch to facilitate internal connectivity.
• Two departments are connected to one router, and the remaining two are
connected to a second router. This design ensures optimal traffic
management and enhances security by segmenting the network into
manageable sub-networks.

2. Server Allocation:

• Dedicated servers have been deployed for critical services including DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System),
IoT (Internet of Things), Email, and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
• Each server is strategically placed in the Main Server Room for centralized
management and security.

3. Switches and Routers:

• Four switches are deployed, one in each department, to ensure high-speed

connectivity and communication within departments.

• Two high-capacity routers are used to manage traffic between the
departments and the broader internet, ensuring efficient data routing and
internet access.

4. Device Configuration and Services

• DHCP Configuration:

The DHCP server is configured to dynamically assign IP addresses to each

device within the network. This facilitates easy management of IP addresses
and ensures devices can easily connect to the network without manual

• DNS Services:

A dedicated DNS server is used to resolve domain names into IP addresses,

facilitating easy access to internal and external websites and services.

• IoT Implementation:

IoT devices, including webcams and air conditioners, are integrated into the
network. These devices can be controlled remotely via smartphones,
enhancing convenience and enabling real-time monitoring and control.

• Email and FTP Servers:

Separate servers for Email and FTP services are established to handle email
communications and file transfers securely and efficiently within the college

• Default Gateway Assignment:

Each department is assigned a specific default gateway, which is the IP
address of the router the department's switch is connected to. This setup
ensures that all outgoing traffic from a department is routed through its
designated router.

5. Unique IP Addressing:

Every PC and device within the network is assigned a unique IP address, either
dynamically through the DHCP server or statically for specific servers and
infrastructure devices. This ensures clear device identification and
communication within the network.

Explanation and Testing of each Service

• DNS The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet.
Humans access information online through domain names, like or Web browsers interact through Internet
Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so
browsers can load Internet resources.

• DHCP: A DHCP Server is a network server that automatically provides

and assigns IP addresses, default gateways and other network parameters
to client devices. It relies on the standard protocol known as Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol or DHCP to respond to broadcast queries by
clients. A DHCP server automatically sends the required network
parameters for clients to properly 8 communicate on the network. Without
it, the network administrator has to manually set up every client that joins
the network, which can be cumbersome, especially in large networks.
DHCP servers usually assign each client with a unique dynamic IP address,
which changes when the client’s lease for that IP address has expired.

• Email: A mail server (or email server) is a computer system that sends and
receives email. In many cases, web servers and mail servers are combined
in a single machine. However, large ISPs and public email services (such
as Gmail and Hotmail) may use dedicated hardware for sending and
receiving email. Email is a very efficient way to stay in touch with
customers and visitors to your website. Your Web Hosting Hub account
allows you to create an unlimited number of email addresses. Instead of
paying for a stamp and putting a message in an envelope, the message is
typed on your computer and sent digitally through the Internet. This makes
keeping in contact much faster as emails are often received almost instantly
after they are sent. To send an email, all you need is an email address, a
programused 9 to write the email, and an internet connection.



• IoT : Internet of things or internet of everything refer to the idea of thing

(object), that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable through
information sensing devices (sensor) and controllable via internet. Things
are physical objects with unique identifiers that are able to transfer data
over the network. Examples of physical objects include vehicles, smart
phones, home appliances, toys, cameras, medical instruments and
industrial systems, animals, people, buildings, etc. Internet of Things is a
new revolutionary and advanced technology where any object becomes
smart object, and where they can communicate information about
themselves without human intervention. The Internet of Things is expected
to make a huge change in our lives; it will help us to perform our tasks and
duties in a better way.



• FTP: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol for transmitting
files between computers over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) connections. Within the TCP/IP suite, FTP is considered
an application layer protocol. In an FTP transaction, the end user's
computer is typically called the local host. The second computer involved
in FTP is a remote host, which is usually a server. Both computers need to
be connected via a network and configured properly to transfer files via
FTP. Servers must be set up to run FTP services, and the client must have
FTP software installed to access these services.
FTP Server Config. Transferring files from PC8 through FTP


Advanced Network Technologies:

 Implement Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for flexible management.

 Adopt Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for reduced hardware dependency.

IoT Infrastructure Expansion:

 Integrate additional smart devices (e.g., lighting, security systems).

 Implement edge computing for faster real-time data processing.

Wi-Fi 6 Upgrade:

 Upgrade to Wi-Fi 6 for faster speeds, increased capacity, and efficiency.

Cloud Services Implementation:

 Move to cloud-based services for scalable resources and remote collaboration.

 Consider hybrid cloud strategies for data sensitivity and scalability.

Fiber Optic Backbone:

 Upgrade the network backbone to fiber optics for high-speed data transmission.


In conclusion, the college network project using Cisco Packet Tracer represents

a significant achievement in establishing a modern, efficient, and secure digital

infrastructure tailored to the institution's needs. Through meticulous planning and

implementation, the network has been segmented into distinct departments, each

equipped with dedicated servers and switches to ensure smooth operation and

enhanced security.

The integration of IoT devices adds a layer of convenience and innovation,

allowing for remote control and monitoring of essential campus resources.

Additionally, the network's scalability and readiness to embrace emerging

technologies such as SDN and NFV ensure its adaptability to future demands and

advancements in networking.

With robust cybersecurity measures in place and a clear roadmap for future

enhancements, the college network stands as a cornerstone of connectivity,

collaboration, and academic excellence. It will continue to support the

institution's mission of providing a dynamic and conducive environment for

teaching, learning, and research, empowering students, faculty, and staff to thrive

in the digital age.







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