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Things you should know regarding this course:

● Watch videos anytime anywhere
● Will be available after course duration
● Ask questions in group
● Don’t rush
● Wait for your turn
● Don’t DM
● World is for go-getters! Get the job done!!
● Never Quit
● What is shopify
● What is dropshipping
● Does Shopify work in the US or UK?
● Shopify and Amazon
● Shopify and Wordpress
● Shopify and marketing
● Investment required
● Shopify Subscription fee
● Domain Name($10-$15/year) and hosting (no concept)
Pros of dropshipping

● Not much capital is required. One of the greatest appeals of dropshipping is that it doesn’t
require a lot of investment to get started because you don’t have to purchase inventory.
You pay for the product only once it’s been purchased and the buyer has paid you.
● It’s simple to manage. Since you don’t have to purchase, store, maintain or ship inventory,
it’s easy to launch and manage your store. This also enables you to spend more time and
resources on your store design and the marketing of your products.
● There are few overhead costs. In addition to not having to purchase inventory upfront,
you also don’t have to pay for other common e-commerce costs such as inventory storage
or fulfillment. While you can technically start a dropshipping business at no cost, Paul Lee,
owner of the six-figure ecommerce store HUSKYBEARD, suggests spending at least $500.
● You can sell a variety of products. There’s no shortage of products available to add to your
dropshipping store, and with no upfront costs, there’s nothing prohibiting you from
providing your customers with a wide selection of items.
● It’s easy to expand. The dropshipping business model requires that most of the heavy
lifting be carried out by your suppliers, which enables you to add to your inventory and
grow your ecommerce business.

Cons of dropshipping

● There are typically low margins. The ease and low cost of setting up and managing a
dropshipping store mean that there’s a lot of competition in the dropshipping space, so it’s
not uncommon for retailers to price items incredibly low.
● You have no control over inventory or supplier issues. When you’re not stocking and
managing your own inventory, it can be challenging to ensure items are always available,
especially when you’re working with suppliers that also provide products to numerous
other retailers. However, certain integrations, such as dropship automation software, can
help you avoid these issues by permitting you to seamlessly integrate suppliers’ inventory
with Sellbrite by automatically syncing inventory.
● Shipping costs can be higher. When you source products from multiple suppliers, shipping
costs can become complicated and pricier. For example, if a customer orders four items
from your store, each of these items may ship from a different supplier across the globe,
which means you’re paying four separate shipping fees. And you’ll likely have to cover the
majority of these various shipping costs because the consumer assumes he or she is
placing an order from your store only — not from four distinct suppliers.
● Customer service can be challenging. Mistakes happen in ecommerce, and when you’re
working with multiple suppliers and not directly managing inventory yourself, it’s a given
that there will be mishaps. You may sell a product that’s currently out of stock, a shipment
may go missing or a customer may receive the wrong item, just to name a few. However,
you’re responsible for communicating with customers and correcting mistakes even if
you’re not directly responsible for the errors.

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