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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Department of Electrical Power and Control
Course: Entrepreneurship for Engineering

Fusion Feather Co. Business Plan

Prepared by

No Name ID no
1 Abdukreim Seid UGR/16674/11

2 Temesgen Girma UGR/19612/12

3 Wendimagegne Ashenafi UGR/19581/12

4 Tsion Tsegaye UGR/19900/12

5 Haileyesus Bekele UGR/19784/12

Submission Date: 1/26/2024

1. Introductory Page

Fusion Feather Co. Business Plan

Company Name: Fusion Feather Co.

Company Logo:

Contact Information:
- Address: ASTU, Adama, Ethiopia
- Phone: +251911111111
- Email:
- Website:
2. Executive Summary

Business Overview:
Fusion Feather Co. aims to establish a thriving poultry business that specializes in the production and
distribution of high-quality poultry products. The venture will be located at Collage, Adama, with a focus
on meeting the growing demand for fresh and ethically sourced poultry products in the market.

Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide consumers with premium poultry products while maintaining a commitment to
sustainable and humane farming practices. We strive to contribute to the local economy by creating job
opportunities and fostering growth in the agricultural sector.

Products and Services:

Fusion Feather Co. will offer a range of poultry products, including fresh chicken, eggs, and value-added
products such as marinated chicken cuts. Our emphasis on quality, ethical practices, and customer
satisfaction will set us apart in the market.

Market Potential:
The poultry industry in the region exhibits significant potential for growth, driven by increasing consumer
awareness of healthy eating habits. Fusion Feather Co. aims to capture a substantial market share by
positioning itself as a trusted and sustainable source of poultry products.

Financial Overview:
The initial investment for Fusion Feather Co. is estimated at 200,000 Birr with a detailed breakdown
provided in the financial plan section. Revenue projections indicate steady growth over the next five
years, reaching 10,000,000 Birr by the end of Year 5.
3. Environmental and Industry Analysis

The Environmental and Industry Analysis delves into the external factors and industry dynamics that can
impact Fusion Feather Co.

Macro-Environment Analysis:
- Economic Factors: The poultry industry is influenced by economic conditions, including
consumer purchasing power. Fusion Feather Co. will monitor economic trends to adapt pricing
strategies accordingly.
- Sociocultural Factors: Increasing health consciousness and demand for protein-rich diets present
opportunities for Fusion Feather Co. We aim to align our products with changing consumer
- Technological Factors: Incorporating advanced technologies in poultry farming, such as
automated feeding systems, will enhance efficiency and production output.
- Legal and Regulatory Factors: Compliance with local and national regulations governing poultry
farming and food safety is crucial. Fusion Feather Co. will ensure adherence to all relevant

Industry Analysis:
- Market Trends: The poultry industry is witnessing a trend towards organic and free-range
products. Fusion Feather Co. will capitalize on this by emphasizing ethical farming practices.
- Competitive Landscape: Key competitors include established poultry farms and distributors.
Fusion Feather Co. aims to differentiate itself through quality, sustainability, and customer-
focused branding.
- Potential Risks: Disease outbreaks, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating feed prices are
potential risks. A robust risk management strategy will be implemented to mitigate these

3.3 SWOT Analysis:

- Strengths: Ethical farming practices, commitment to quality, and a diverse product range.
- Weaknesses: Initial dependence on external suppliers for inputs.
- Opportunities: Growing consumer demand for organic poultry products.
- Threats: Disease outbreaks and market competition.

Fusion Feather Co. will closely monitor these factors to make informed decisions and capitalize on
opportunities in the dynamic poultry industry.
4. Business Description

4.1 Company Background:

Fusion Feather Co. is a startup poultry farming business located in Collage, Adama. Founded in 2024, our
company is committed to providing high-quality poultry products to meet the increasing demand for
locally sourced, ethically produced poultry.

4.2 Vision Statement:

To be a leading and socially responsible poultry farming venture, recognized for sustainable and ethical
practices while contributing to the local community's economic development.

4.3 Mission Statement:

Fusion Feather Co. is dedicated to producing premium poultry products through ethical farming practices.
We aim to ensure food security, promote sustainable agriculture, and contribute to the overall well-being
of our community.

4.4 Business Objectives:

- Establish a state-of-the-art poultry farm by 2024.
- Achieve an annual production capacity of 2,000,000 Birr by 2025.
- Secure 45% of the local poultry market share within 2025.
- Implement sustainable and organic farming practices by 2026.

4.5 Products and Services:

Fusion Feather Co. will specialize in the production and distribution of:
- Broiler Chickens
- Layer Chickens
- Organic Eggs
- Poultry Manure

4.6 Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Our commitment to ethical farming, sustainability, and providing locally sourced, organic poultry
products sets Fusion Feather Co. apart in the market.
4.7 Location:
Our farm is strategically located in Collage, Adama, chosen for its accessibility, favorable climate, and
proximity to target markets.

4.8 Founding Date and Current Status:

Founded in 2024, Fusion Feather Co. is currently in the establishment phase, with full operations
expected to commence by March 2024.

5. Marketing Plan

5.1 Target Market:

Fusion Feather Co. aims to target health-conscious consumers, local grocery stores, restaurants, and
hotels in the Adama Region. Our products will appeal to those seeking high-quality, ethically produced
poultry and organic eggs.

5.2 Market Needs:

The market demands locally sourced, organic poultry products due to increasing health and environmental
awareness. Fusion Feather Co. addresses this need by providing fresh, ethically raised chickens and
organic eggs.

5.3 Market Trends:

Current trends indicate a rising preference for organic and locally produced food. Fusion Feather Co. will
capitalize on this trend by adopting sustainable farming practices and promoting the farm-to-table

5.4 Competitive Analysis:

Key competitors include existing poultry farms in the region. Fusion Feather Co. differentiates itself
through ethical farming, organic practices, and a commitment to quality, giving us a competitive edge.

5.5 Marketing Strategies:

- Establish an online presence through a professional website and social media platforms.
- Collaborate with local grocery stores, restaurants, and hotels to supply our products.
- Implement promotional offers and discounts during the initial launch phase.
5.6 Pricing Strategy:
Adopting a competitive pricing strategy, Fusion Feather Co. aims to offer premium poultry products at
prices that align with market standards. Special introductory offers and loyalty programs will be

5.7 Sales and Distribution Channels:

Sales will initially focus on local markets, grocery stores, and direct-to-consumer through our farm store.
Future plans include expanding distribution to restaurants and hotels.

5.8 Advertising and Promotion:

Utilize digital marketing, local events, and partnerships to create awareness. Collaborate with influencers
and implement referral programs to increase brand visibility.

5.9 Sales Forecast:

The initial sales forecast estimates gradual growth, reaching a monthly average of 500,000 Birr within the
first year of operation.

6. Production Plan or Operational Plan

6.1 Location:
Fusion Feather Co. will be situated on a 200 sqr of land in Collage, Adama, providing ample space for
free-range chicken farming. The location offers proximity to key suppliers and markets.

6.2 Facilities:
The farm will feature well-ventilated coops, organic feed storage facilities, egg collection rooms, and
processing units. Adequate water supply and waste management systems will be in place to ensure

6.3 Production Process:

- Chick Rearing: Acquire day-old chicks from reputable suppliers and rear them in a controlled
environment, providing optimal nutrition and veterinary care.
- Free-Range Farming: Allow chickens access to open spaces for natural foraging, ensuring ethical and
stress-free living conditions.
- Egg Production: Implement proper lighting and nutrition for optimal egg production. Eggs will be
collected daily.
- Processing: Humane and ethical processing methods will be employed, adhering to regulatory standards
for poultry processing.

6.4 Quality Control:

Implement stringent quality control measures at every stage, including regular health checks for the
chickens, testing of organic feed, and thorough inspection during the processing phase.

6.5 Suppliers:
Forge partnerships with reputable suppliers for day-old chicks, organic feed, and veterinary services.
Establishing strong relationships with suppliers ensures the quality and sustainability of our products.

6.6 Technology:
Incorporate technology for farm management, including automated feeding systems, temperature control,
and inventory management. This enhances efficiency and ensures optimal conditions for poultry.

6.7 Regulatory Compliance:

Adhere to local and national regulations governing poultry farming and processing. Obtain necessary
licenses and certifications to operate legally and reassure customers of product quality.

6.8 Milestones:
- Month 1-2: Establish farm infrastructure and facilities.
- Month 3-4: Introduce first batch of chicks.
- Month 6: Begin egg production.
- Month 9-10: Commence poultry processing operations.
7. Organizational Plan

7.1 Ownership Structure:

Fusion Feather Co. will operate as a Shared Company, with ownership distributed among List of
Owners/Partners who will actively participate in decision-making and daily operations.

7.2 Management Team:

- Founder/Owner: Abdulkreim Seid
- Operations Manager: Tsion Tsegaye
- Financial Controller: Wendimagegne Ashenafi
- Farm Supervisor: Temesgen Girma
- Sales and Marketing Coordinator: Haileyesus Bekele

7.3 Roles and Responsibilities:

- Founder/Owner: Oversee overall business strategy, decision-making, and resource allocation.
- Operations Manager: Manage day-to-day farming operations, ensuring adherence to quality standards
and regulatory requirements.
- Financial Controller: Handle financial aspects, including budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.
- Farm Supervisor: Monitor on-site activities, coordinate with suppliers, and ensure smooth production
- Sales and Marketing Coordinator: Develop marketing strategies, manage customer relationships, and
explore new sales channels.

7.4 Advisory Board:

Establish an advisory board comprising industry experts, veterinarians, and agricultural specialists. Their
insights will contribute to strategic decision-making and sustainable farming practices.

7.5 Staffing Plan:

Recruit skilled farmworkers, veterinary professionals, and administrative staff. Provide continuous
training to enhance productivity, ensure animal welfare, and maintain a positive work environment.
7.6 Organizational Culture:
Promote a culture of responsibility, ethical farming practices, and employee well-being. Foster a
collaborative atmosphere where every team member contributes to the success of Fusion Feather Co..

7.7 Future Expansion:

Plan for future growth by considering scalability in operations. Anticipate hiring additional staff and
expanding facilities based on market demand and business success.

7.8 Communication Channels:

Establish clear communication channels within the organization to facilitate information flow. Regular
team meetings, feedback sessions, and transparent communication contribute to a harmonious working

8. Assessment of Risk

8.1 Market Risks:

- Fluctuating Demand: Changes in consumer preferences or economic conditions may impact poultry
product demand.
- Competitive Landscape: Intense competition from existing or new entrants could affect market share
and pricing strategies.

8.2 Operational Risks:

- Disease Outbreaks: Poultry farms are susceptible to diseases; implementing strict biosecurity measures
is crucial.
- Supply Chain Disruptions: Interruptions in the supply chain, such as feed shortages or transportation
issues, may affect operations.

8.3 Regulatory Risks:

- Compliance Changes: Evolving regulations in the agriculture sector may require adjustments in farming
practices, affecting costs and processes.

8.4 Financial Risks:

- Market Price Volatility: Fluctuations in feed prices and poultry product prices can impact profitability.
- Debt Management: Challenges in managing debt and interest rates may affect financial stability.
8.5 Environmental Risks:
- Climate-related Issues: Extreme weather conditions can impact poultry health, affecting production

8.6 Technological Risks:

- Technological Disruptions: Dependency on technology exposes the business to risks associated with
equipment failures or cybersecurity threats.

8.7 Mitigation Strategies:

- Diversify product offerings to adapt to changing market demands.
- Implement strict biosecurity measures to prevent disease outbreaks.
- Stay informed about regulatory changes and ensure compliance through regular audits.
- Establish financial reserves to cushion the impact of market fluctuations.
- Invest in sustainable farming practices to minimize environmental risks.
- Embrace technological advancements cautiously, with contingency plans for disruptions.
9. Financial Plan

9.1 Start-Up Expenses

No Expense Item Estimated Cost (Birr)


1. Land and Infrastructure 500,000

2. Equipment Purchase 700,000

3. Initial Stock of Chicks and Feed 300,000

4. Employee Training 50,000

5. Utilities and Operating Licenses 100,000

9.2 Operating Expenses (Monthly)

No Expense Item Estimated Cost (Birr)

1. Feed Costs 50,000

2. Labor Costs 80,000

3. Utilities 20,000

4. Marketing and Promotion 30,000

5. Insurance Premiums 10,000

9.3 Revenue Projections

No Expense Item Estimated Cost (Birr)

1. Sales of Poultry Products 1,200,000

2. By-Products Utilization 100,000

3. Potential Partnerships 50,000

4. Diversification Strategies 80,000

9.4 Financial Projections (Yearly)
1. Income Statement: Detailing revenue, expenses, and net profit projections.

 Total Revenue: 1,430,000 Birr

 Total Expenses: 1,240,000 Birr
 Net Profit: 190,000 Birr
2. Cash Flow Statement: Illustrating the flow of cash in and out of the business.

 Cash Inflow: 1,430,000 Birr

 Cash Outflow: 1,240,000 Birr
 Net Cash Flow: 190,000 Birr
3. Balance Sheet: Providing a snapshot of the farm's financial position.

 Assets: 1,500,000 Birr

 Liabilities: 300,000 Birr
 Equity: 1,200,000 Birr

9.5 Funding Requirements

Fusion Feather Co. requires funding for both start-up and operational phases. The total funding
requirement is estimated at 800,000 Birr. The distribution is as follows:

1. Initial Capital Investment: 800,000 Birr

2. Operational Funding (First Year): 400,000 Birr

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