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Proposed Strategic Intervention Plan

1. Rationale

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) serves as a guide and a roadmap in order to address various
issues, concerns and challenges confronted by schools, involving community and stakeholders'
. Schools struggles to acclimatize to the new normal, characterized by adjusted program
of activities due to unexpected natural disasters and the pandemicc, heat index,blended and
asynchronous learning, and health matters concerning faculty, staff, and students. Inadequate if
not lacking infrastructure,materials, equipments and human resources such as classrooms,
restrooms, clinics, and teaching materials, teachers further stir the adversities,
challenges,impeding students' progress, the teaching learning process.. The situation is
aggravated by recent natural disasters like earthquakes and typhoons, pandemic which have
damaged facilities and learning materials. Consequently, there is a pressing need for intervention
through a plan to address these issues and concerns, thus facilitating student improvement. The
success of the SIP truly rely on the active involvement and empowermentof teachers and
students, and other stakeholders with their performance directly impacting the program's
outcomes and development per se.

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