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Format for a Capstone Project in the Physical Education Graduate Program:

1. Title Page: Include the title of the project, your name, the name of your
institution, and the date.

2. Abstract: Provide a summary of your project that highlights the main

objectives, methods, findings, and implications.

3. Introduction: Introduce the topic and provide background information on the

relevance and importance of the project. State the research questions or

4. Literature Review: Review previous research and scholarly works related to

your project topic. This section should demonstrate your understanding of the
current knowledge and gaps in the field.

5. Methods: Describe the research or project design, including the participants or

sample, locale, data collection methods, instrumentation, statistical tools, ethical
considerations, and any procedures used. Provide clear and detailed information
to enable replication.

6. Results: Present and analyze the data or findings of your project. Use
appropriate tables, charts, or figures to illustrate the results.

7. Discussion: Interpret your results and relate them to previous research and
theory. Discuss the implications of your findings and any limitations or challenges
encountered during the project.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, contributions, and implications of

your capstone project.

9. Recommendations: Offer suggestions for future research or actions to address

any identified issues or gaps in the field.
10. References: Include a list of all references cited in your project, following a
specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

11. Appendices: Include any additional material or supporting documents that are
relevant to your project but not included in the main body, such as interview
transcripts, survey instruments, or additional data tables.

It is important to consult with your program advisor or the specific requirements of your
institution to ensure that you adhere to their guidelines and expectations for the
capstone project format.

Sample Title for a Mini-Capstone Project:

Enhancing the Curriculum Design and Program Management

of the Senior High School Physical Education Course

Ricardo Danilo E. Corteza Ed. D.


Physical education is a crucial component of a well-rounded education,

promoting physical fitness, skill development, and overall well-being in students. As
such, it is essential to continuously evaluate and improve the curriculum design and
program management of physical education courses to ensure that they are effective
and engaging for students.

In this capstone project, we will focus on enhancing the curriculum design and
program management of a senior high school physical education course. By using a
combination of research, data analysis, and stakeholder input, we will identify areas for
improvement and develop a plan to implement changes that will enhance the overall
effectiveness of the course.

1. Conduct a comprehensive review of the current senior high school physical

education curriculum and program management practices.
2. Analyze student performance data and feedback to identify strengths and
weaknesses in the current course structure.
3. Consult with teachers, administrators, and students to gather feedback and
insights on potential areas for improvement.
4. Develop a plan to enhance the curriculum design and program management of
the physical education course.
5. Implement the proposed changes and evaluate their impact on student
engagement, performance, and overall satisfaction.


1. Review of Literature: Conduct a review of current research and best practices in

physical education curriculum design and program management.
2. Data Analysis: Analyze student performance data, surveys, and feedback to
identify trends and areas for improvement.
3. Stakeholder Consultation: Interview teachers, administrators, and students to
gather input on current strengths and weaknesses of the course.
4. Curriculum Redesign: Develop a revised curriculum that incorporates best
practices and addresses identified areas for improvement.
5. Program Management Improvements: Implement changes to program
management practices, such as scheduling, equipment management, and
assessment strategies.
6. Evaluation: Assess the impact of the changes on student engagement,
performance, and satisfaction through surveys, focus groups, and performance
data analysis.

Expected Outcomes:

1. A comprehensive review of the current physical education curriculum and

program management practices.
2. Identification of key areas for improvement based on data analysis and
stakeholder input.
3. Development of a revised curriculum and program management plan that
addresses identified weaknesses and incorporates best practices.
4. Implementation of changes and evaluation of their impact on student
engagement, performance, and satisfaction.
5. Recommendations for ongoing improvements and monitoring strategies to
ensure the continued effectiveness of the physical education course.


By focusing on enhancing the curriculum design and program management of a high

school physical education course, this capstone project aims to improve student
engagement, performance, and overall satisfaction with the course. Through research,
data analysis, and stakeholder input, we will develop and implement changes to
enhance the effectiveness of the course and provide a roadmap for ongoing
improvements in the future.

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