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Year 7 French

Revision Booklet 2023

Module 1/2/3

Write a conversation in French between two famous people. You can draw pictures of the people, or cut pictures
from a magazine and stick them below. Use speech bubbles to show the conversation.
You can use some of the phrases below to help you.

Hello Bonjour
Hi Salut
What are you called ? Comment t’appelles-tu ?
I’m called… Je m’appelle….
How are you ? Ça va?
Yes, I’m OK, thanks. Oui, ça va bien, merci.
Not bad Pas mal.
No, I’m not OK Non, ça ne va pas.
Goodbye Au revoir

Learn these classroom objects. You will be tested on them in the next lesson.
1) Look, cover, say and check. Cover the English phrases and look at the French phrases. Can you remember
what they are? Do this several times until you have remembered them all. This may take a long time, but
keep going – it will get easier!

2) RACAWAC ! (Read And Cover And Write And Check) When you have remembered most of them, test
yourself. Cover the English phrases, look at the French phrases and write the English in the box in pencil.
Check your answers. If you got an answer right, tick the I know it! box. If you didn’t get it right, rub out
your answer and learn it again. Keep going until you have ticked all the I know it boxes.

3) Take a break! It is important to take a break and test yourself again later. You may find you have forgotten
some, so try again. This time it won’t take you as long to learn them!

School objects – Les affaires pour le collège

English French English I know it!

What’s this? Qu’est-ce que c’est?
It’s… C’est…
an exercise book un cahier
a calculator une calculatrice
a homework diary un carnet de texts
a pencil un crayon
a rubber une gomme
a book un livre
a mobile phone un portable
a purse un porte monnaie
a ruler une règle
a bag un sac
a pen un stylo
a pencil sharpener un taille-crayon
a pencil case une trousse

Optional extra!
Play noughts and crosses (le morpion) with a classmate.
Say the object in French to get that square.

Letter Pronunciation Letter Pronunciation
(how you say it) (how you say it)
A Ah N En
B Bay O Oh
C Say P Pay
D Day Q Koo
E Euh R Air
F Eff S Ess
G Djay T Tay
H Ash U Oo
I Ee V Vay
J Djee W Dooblevay
K Ka X Eex
L El Y Ee grec
M Em Z Zed

Look at the pronunciation guide to the French alphabet. Read it through several times out loud. Then try to learn the
letters three at a time. Build it up until you know them all. It is sometimes a good idea to make a rap or a song out of
the alphabet. This will help you to remember it!

When you have learnt it, do the exercises in the box below and tick when you can complete all the tasks. You may be
asked to do some of these tasks in your next lesson, so learn them properly!

I can…. Tick when you

can do it!
spell my first name in
spell my surname in
read the whole alphabet
aloud in French
say the whole alphabet in
French from memory

Write the numbers on the lines in French

RACAWAC! - Read And Cover And Write And Check:

French Figure French

un 1
deux 2
trois 3
quatre 4
cinq 5
six 6
sept 7
huit 8
neuf 9
dix 10
onze 11
douze 12
treize 13
quatorze 14
quinze 15
seize 16
dix-sept 17
dix-huit 18
dix-neuf 19
vingt 20

Which are the hardest numbers to remember ?

Choose the five most difficult numbers and write them out 4 times each:

7 sept sept sept sept

Count to twenty from memory! Time yourself. How fast can you do it?

Attempt How long did Which numbers did you find hard?
you take?
First attempt
Second attempt
Third attempt
Fourth attempt
French English French English
to have avoir
I have j’ai
you have tu as
he has il a
she has elle a
one has on a
we have nous avons
you have (plural) vous avez
they have ils ont
they have (f) elles ont

Translation practice.

French English
J’ai un stylo I have a pen
Nous avons deux crayons ______ have _____ pencils
Ils ont _______ règles They have four rulers
Tu ____ trois gommes You have three _______
________ _______ cinq livres We have five books
_____ _______ ______ ______ They (f) have three rulers
____ ____ _____ __________ He has an exercise book
She has fourteen pencils
J’ai treize cahiers
I have a book

For these exercises, you can use the vocabulary at the bottom of the page to help you. If you prefer,
youi can cover them up first and then check them later.

● Write these dates in English

Écris ces dates en anglais.
1. Le deux juin ______________________________
2. Le cinq mars ______________________________
3. Le dix-neuf janvier ______________________________
4. Le quatorze juillet ______________________________
5. Le trente avril ______________________________
6. Le neuf octobre ______________________________
7. Le dix-huit août ______________________________
8. Le douze septembre ______________________________
9. Le premier mai ______________________________
10. Le vingt-trois juin ______________________________

● Write these dates in French

Écris ces dates en français.
1. The third of July ______________________________
2. The fourteenth of March ______________________________
3. The sixteenth of August ______________________________
4. The fifth of May ______________________________
5. The twenty-first of January ______________________________
6. The thirteenth of February ______________________________
7. The eighth of June ______________________________
8. The first of April ______________________________
9. The ninth of September ______________________________
10. The sixth of December ______________________________

1st premier 16th seize January janvier

2nd deux 17th dix-sept February février
3rd trois 18th dix-huit March mars
4th quatre 19th dix-neuf April avril
5th cinq 20th vingt May mai
6th six 21st vingt et un June juin
7th sept 22nd vingt-deux July juillet
8th huit 23rd vingt-trois August août
9th neuf 24th vingt-quatre September septembre
10th dix 25th vingt-cinq October octobre
11th onze 26th vingt-six November novembre
12th douze 27th vingt-sept December décembre
13th treize 28th vingt-huit
14th quatorze 29th vingt-neuf
NB In French, you do not use a
15th quinze 30th trente
capital letter for the months
31st trente-et-un

1) Say when your birthday is :
Mon anniversaire, c’est le _________________ __________________

2) Say when your friend’s birthday is :

L’anniversaire de (name)______________, c’est le _____________ __________________

3) Say when Christmas is :

Noël, c’est le _________________ ____________________________

4) Say when Halloween is :

L’Halloween, c’est le ___________________ ___________________________

5) Say when Bonfire Night is:

La Nuit Guy Fawkes, c’est le ______________ _________________________.

Now write these five sentences out again in full. Draw a picture to illustrate each one.

1) ________________________________________________

2) ________________________________________________

3) ________________________________________________

4) ________________________________________________

5) ________________________________________________
Prepare to give a presentation to the class in French. You will have to say it from

Here is an example of what you could do:

Bonjour la classe! Je m’appelle

Andy. Ça s’écrit A-N-D-Y. J’ai
onze ans. Mon anniversaire
c’est le douze février. Au
revoir !

Write your presentation in the speech bubble below, and then learn it off by heart.


Answer these questions in French:

Question Answer
Comment t’appelles-tu?
Ça va ?
Quel âge as-tu ?
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ?

Write these months in English


Write these months in French


Write these numbers in French


Write the names of these objects in French

Write these phrases in French

I have
He has
She has
We have
They have

chair chaise (f)
masculine feminine plural pencil crayon (m)
a un une des (some) window fenêtre (f)
the le la les book livre (m)
tape recorder magnétophone (m)
door porte (f)
ruler règle (f)
table table (f)
whiteboard tableau blanc (m)

Write the English. Pay attention to the un/une/des/le/la/les !

the chair la chaise
the chairs les chaises
a chair une chaise
___ tape recorder le magnétophone
the ____ ___________ les magnétophones
___ tape recorder un magnétophone
la règle
une règle
some __________ des règles
les règles
une table
la table
le tableau blanc
un tableau blanc
les portes
la porte
une porte
Write the French. Be careful. Check to see if the words are m/f!
the book le livre
the books
a book
the book
the tape recorders
the tape recorder
some rulers
some chairs
the chairs
a chair
RACAWAC! - Read and cover and write and check!
Use the RACAWAC technique to learn these instructions. It is easier to write the English first.

French English French English

Listen to Écoutez
Close Fermez
Read Lisez
Open Ouvrez
Take Prenez
Look at Regardez
Work Travaillez
Which are the hardest instructions to remember ?
Choose the three most difficult instructions and write them out 4 times each:

open ouvrez ouvrez ouvrez ouvrez

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate instruction, and then write the English meaning.

French English
_________________ la porte.
_________________ les cahiers
_________________ la fenêtre.
_________________ la porte.
_________________ un stylo.
_________________ le tableau blanc.
_________________à deux.
_________________ le professeur.
________________ le livre à la page 15.

Possessive adjectives

Masculin Féminin Pluriel

my mon ma mes

your ton ta tes

his her son sa ses

Par exemple : mon frère (masc.singular)

ma sœur ( fem. singular)
mes parents ( plural)

* Exception : mon amie, ton école Use “mon, ton, son” if the noun is singular and begins with a

Les couleurs:

masculine feminine Masc & plural fem & plural

1 blanche blancs 2
bleu 3 4 bleues
brun 5 bruns 6
7 grise gris 8
jaune jaune 9 10
marron 11 marron 12
13 14 noirs noires
orange 15 orange 16
17 rose 18 roses
rouge 19 rouges 20
vert 21 22 vertes
23 violette 24 violettes

Les animaux

Ma famille et les descriptions physiques

Can I…

1 ask if someone has any brothers and sisters

2 say whether I have any brothers and sisters
3 say what they are called
4 G recognise statements in the negative
5 G use the je/tu/il/elle form of the verb
6 talk about my family and friends in more detail
7 G use mon, ma, mes and ton, ta, tes
8 ask if someone has any pets
9 say what pets I have
10 say if I don’t have any pets
11 say what my pets are called using qui
12 ask my partner if they’ve chosen a word/picture
13 say that I’ve chosen a word/picture
14 G use some plural forms
15 talk about my height and what I am like
16 G use intensifiers with adjectives
17 G use simple adjective agreements (feminine singular)
18 G use the je/tu/il/elle form of the verb être
19 talk about hair and eyes
20 G use simple adjective agreements in the plural

Ma famille et My family
Vocabulaire Les yeux et Eyes and hair
mes copains and friends Les adjectifs Adjectives les cheveux
J’ai … I have … Je suis ... I am ... J’ai … I have …
Je n’ai pas … I don’t have … Tu es ... You are ... Tu as … You have …
Tu as …? Do you have …? Il est ... He is ... As-tu ...? Do you have ...?
As-tu …? Do you have ...? Elle est ... She is ... Il a … He has …
un frère a brother petit (petite) small Elle a … She has …
une sœur a sister grand (grande) tall
les yeux bleus/gris/ blue/grey/brown/
un frère quis’appelle ... a brother called ... de taille moyenne of medium height
marron/verts green eyes
deux sœurs qui two sisters called … actif (active) active
les cheveux blonds fair hair
s’appellent … bavard(e) chatty
les cheveux bruns brown hair
Je suis … I am … gourmand(e) greedy
les cheveux noirs dark hair
fils unique (m) only child (male) marrant(e) funny
les cheveux roux red hair
fille unique (f) only child (female) paresseux(paresseuse) lazy
les cheveux courts short hair
mon ami my friend (male) sportif (sportive) sporty
les cheveux longs long hair
mon copain my friend (male) sympa nice
les cheveux mi-longs medium-length hair
mon demi-frère my half-brother/ timide shy
les cheveux frisés curly hair
stepbrother un peu a bit
mon frère my brother assez quite Je n’ai pas de I don’t have any
mon grand-père my grandfather très very cheveux. hair.
mon oncle my uncle
mon père my father
mon amie my friend (female)
ma copine my friend (female)
ma demi-sœur my half-sister/
ma grand-mère my grandmother
ma mère my mother
ma sœur my sister
ma tante my aunt
ma famille my family
mes parents my parents
mes grands-parents my grandparents
Voici ... Here is/are ...

Voilà ... That is/Those are ...

Grammaire 
 The usual way to form the plural of a French noun is to add -s on the end – just as in English.
 You also have to remember that the article before the noun (e.g. le, un) changes according to
whether the noun is singular or plural.

A Make each noun plural.

2. Copie les bonnes phrases
Irregular plurals
Exemple:la sœur  les sœurs (the sisters) 1. ___________________________ qui
-al  -aux
un crayon  des crayons (some crayons) 5 unes’appelle
tante Monique.
-eau  -eaux
6 un 2.
___________________________ -eu  qui -eux
1 le père 7 la tante
s’appellent Henry et Luc.
2 la mère 8 le grand-père
3. ___________________________ qui
3 un frère 9 une famille
s’appellent marie et Ellen.
4 l’oncle 10 la grand-mère
4. ___________________________ qui
s’appelle James.
 ‘My’,‘your’,‘his’,‘her’, etc. are called possessive adjectives
5. Je(les
n’aiadjectifs possessifs
pas de frères et de): sœurs. Je suis
singulier ___________________________
masculin féminin
my mon frère ma sœur mes parents
J’ai un frère qui s’appelle James.
your ton frère ta sœur tes J’ai
deux frères qui s’appellent Henry et Luc
his/her son frère sa sœur ses parents
J’ai une sœur qui s’appelle Monique.
 J’aimon,
With singular nouns which begin with a vowel or h, you use deuxtonsœurs qui s’appellent Marie et
or son.
A Je n’ai pas de frères et de sœurs. Je suis
Circle the correct French possessive adjective.
1 C’est mon/ma/mes mère. 6 Ce sont ton/ta/tes frères?fils unique.
2 Où sont mon/ma/mes 7 Où est ton/ta/tes portable?
lunettes? 8 J’ai mon/ma/mes anorak.
3 Tu as ton/ta/tes sac? 9 C’est ton/ta/tes animal.
4 Où est ton/ta/tes soeurs? 10 Où sont ton/ta/tes devoirs?
5 Où sont mon/ma/mes parents?

1. Frères et sœurs
1. Lis les phrases. Vrai () au faux? ()
1. J’ai un frère et une sœur. 
2. J’ai deux frères. 
3. J’ai trois sœurs. 
4. J’ai trois frères. 

5. Je suis fille unique. 

1 2 3 4 5

2 Ma famille
3. Copie les mots dans les bonnes cases.
Mon Ma Mes
masculine feminine plural
My father : My mother My parents :

My My My

grandfather : grandmother : grandparents :

My brother : My sister : My brothers :

My sisters :

Ma Mes Mes Ma Mon

mère sœurs parents grand- père
Mon Ma Mon Mes Mes
frère sœur grand- frères grand -
père parents

4. Copie les bonnes phrases

1. ________________________________.

Mon grand-père s’appelle Bruno.

2. ________________________________.

Ma grand mère s’appelle Susie.

3. ________________________________.

Mon père s’appelle Jacques.

4. ________________________________.

Ma mère s’appelle Julie.

5. ________________________________.

Mon frère s’appelle Henri.

Voici mon frère.

Voici ma mère.
Voici ma grand-mère.
Voici mon père.
Voici ma sœur.
Voici mon grand-père.

5. Portraits
10. Lis, dessine et colorie.
Je m’appelle Sylvie. J’ai les
yeux verts et les cheveux
longs et roux.

Je m’appelle André. J’ai les
yeux marron et les cheveux
longs et noirs.

Je m’appelle John. J’ai les
yeux verts. J’ai les cheveux
bleus et verts, mi-longs !

11. Complète le poster !

Il est de taille moyenne.

Elle est assez petite.

Il est très grand.

Elle a les cheveux longs et blonds.

Il a les cheveux bruns et frisés.

Il n’a pas de cheveux.


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