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I was an Imparfait student

We’ve already seen one way to talk about the past in french : the passé composé

J’ai acheté une maison

I bought a house

But if you want to describe something you used to do or how something used to be,
you’ll use a verb form called imparfait.

Let’s start by looking at the je, tu, and il / elle forms

1. Quand j’etais à l’université, j’étudiais le français.

When I was in college, I studied French.
2. Quand tu étais étudiant, tu habitais à Paris.
When You were a student, you were living in Paris
3. Quand il était jeune, il aimait étudier.
When he was young, he loved studying.

Je travaillais à Paris

I worked in Paris

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C’était le plus beau des voyages!
We’ve seen how to use c’est to talk about how things are right now. Use c’était to
talk about how things were in the past!

C’était la belle vie.

It was the good life

In French, se souvenir is always followed by de.

1. Tu te souviens de tout.
You remember anything.
2. Elle se souvient des vacances en Espagne.
She remembers the vacation to Spain.

Nous nous souvenons de notre grand-père.

We remember our grandfather.

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Weather 2

An Unusual Future
Some verbs, ones that are used super often, go through a transformation before
adding the future endings!

Ils auront un examen


They will have an exam


Tu iras à la campagne

You will go to the countryside in

two days

Je serai dans mon jardin

I will be in my garden

S’il fait beau, nous irons à la plage!

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To say if in French, use the word si

Si j’ai le temps, je t’appellerai

If I have time, i will call you

Si tu étudies, tu auras une

bonne note

If you study, you will get a

good grade

Just like in English, you use the present after si, then the future to say what’ll

Si tu as froid à la tête, mets un chapeau !

Sometimes your fingers are freezing, or your head feels too warm! To complain
about what specific body parts are cold or warm, use avoir froid à and avoir chaud

J’ai froid aux mains J’ai trop chaud à la tête

My hands are cold My head is too warm

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Future Tense

Let’s talk about Future Tense

To talk about the future, follow this pattern:

Subject Verb (parler)

Je Parlerai

Tu Parleras

Il / Elle Parlera

Nous Parlerons

Vous Parlerez

Ils / Elles Parleront

Some verbs have an irregular base,but still use the same endings.

1. Je serai heureux.
I will be happy.
2. Nouus aurons temps.
We will have time.

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Le film que je regarde est intéressant

We’ve already seen phrases like un acteur qui chante. Similarly, we can also use
que in a sentence to say that.
Le sac que tu portes est lourd

The bag that you’re carryingis heavy

How do you know if you should use qui or que? Ahelpful tip is that qui is followed by
verb, while que isn’t!

C’est à moi!
The expression être à means to belong to. Remember to use it with pronouns like
moi and toi instead of je or tu!

Cette maison est à moi.

This house belongs to me.


quoi sert cet objet?

To say that something is used for, use servir à followed by a verb.

Cet appareil sert à prendre des photos.

This devices is used for taking picture.

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