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Group Three’s project plan


Project Summary: Survey on Attitudes towards Generative AI in Thesis Writing for ULIS English
Language Education Program, Class QH.2023

Project duration

Start date: 28/4/2024 End date:

Project team - Roles and responsibilities

Name Phone Email Role/ Responsibility

Phùng Quang Thịnh 0326328804 Leader

Nguyễn Việt Quân Designer

Nguyễn Hà Linh 0828786668 Task Manager

Nguyễn Hoàng Long 0942048599 Secretary

Nguyễn Việt Dũng 0973121105 Supporter

Nguyễn Phúc Hưng Information Seeker


Name: Phone: 0904520511 Email:

Trần Thị Long

Project communications

● Zalo
● Google Meet
● Google Docs
● Google Drive

Project brief (Purpose, Targeted audience)

- To assess the awareness and attitudes of students in ULIS English Language Education Program, Class
QH.2023, regarding the use of Generative AI tools in thesis writing.
- To determine the prevalence, potential benefits, and challenges of using Generative AI for academic
- To gather student feedback to develop recommendations for the responsible and effective use of
Generative AI in the learning environment.
Targeted audience: Students in ULIS English Language Education Program, Class QH.2023.

Project outputs (format? length? due date? specific requirement?)

- Format:

+ Report: The primary output will be a research report. It should be a formal document, likely in a word
processing format like .doc or .docx.

+ Presentation: A separate presentation summarizing the key findings of the research report should be
created. This can be in formats like PowerPoint (.pptx) or Google Slides.

- Length:

+ Report: Aim for a concise and informative report, ideally within 10-15 pages. This includes the
introduction, methodology, results, discussion, recommendations, and references.

+ Presentation: The presentation should be visually appealing and clear, with around 10-12 slides
effectively conveying the most important points from the research.

- Due date: …

- Specific Requirements:

 Report:
o Use clear and concise language.
o Include proper citations and a reference list following a chosen style guide (e.g., APA,
o Organize the report logically with headings and subheadings.
o Proofread carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.
 Presentation:

o Include visuals like charts, graphs, or images to effectively represent data.

o Maintain a consistent and professional design throughout the slides.
o Clearly state the research purpose, findings, and recommendations.
o Practice your presentation beforehand to ensure smooth delivery within the allocated time.
Outline (Main points – What are you going to do?)

I. Introduction

 Briefly introduce Generative AI and its potential applications in education.

 State the purpose of the study: to investigate student awareness, attitudes, and experiences
regarding Generative AI use in thesis writing.

II. Literature Review

 Summarize existing research on Generative AI in education, including its benefits and challenges.
 Discuss ethical considerations surrounding Generative AI use in academic writing.

III. Methodology

 Research Design: Explain the use of a survey research design.

 Participants: Describe the target audience (ULIS English Language Education Program, Class
 Data Collection: Explain the development and deployment of an online survey questionnaire.
 Data Analysis: Describe the methods for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from the
survey (if applicable).

IV. Results

 Present key findings from the survey, including:

o Rate of Generative AI use among students.

o Student perceptions of the benefits and challenges of Generative AI.
o Student attitudes towards the responsible use of Generative AI.

V. Discussion

 Interpret the findings in light of the literature review.

 Discuss the implications of the research for Generative AI use in thesis writing and education.
 Address limitations of the study.

VI. Recommendations

 Based on the findings, propose recommendations for:

o Encouraging the responsible and effective use of Generative AI in thesis writing.

o Guiding students on proper citation practices when using AI-generated content.
o Informing program faculty about student experiences and perspectives on Generative AI.

VII. Conclusion

 Summarize the main findings and reiterate the significance of the research.
 Briefly outline avenues for future research.

VIII. References

 List all sources cited in the report according to a chosen style guide.

- Reasons for choosing the topic:

+ Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field with significant implications for education. This research
explores a current and relevant topic with the potential to inform future practices.
+ The findings can inform program leadership and faculty about student perspectives on Generative AI,
potentially leading to the development of guidelines or resources for responsible AI use in thesis writing.

- Major problems/ Research questions

1. Have you ever heard of Generative AI tools? (Yes/No)

2. If yes, have you ever used a Generative AI tool for your thesis writing? (Yes/No)
3. If yes, for what specific purposes have you used Generative AI in your thesis writing? (Multiple
4. To what extent do you believe Generative AI can be helpful in the thesis writing process?
5. Do you believe there are any ethical concerns surrounding the use of Generative AI in thesis
writing? (Yes/No)
6. What are the biggest challenges you see in using Generative AI for thesis writing?

(Those questions have been now under discussion.)

- Action plan (what are you going to do to answer the questions/ find solutions for the problems?)

1. Develop Survey Instrument:

 Design a questionnaire using a platform like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey.

 Include a mix of question formats:
o Yes/No questions to assess basic awareness and use (e.g., "Have you ever used Generative
AI for your thesis writing?").
o Likert scale questions to measure perceptions and attitudes (e.g., "How confident are you
in the ability of Generative AI to produce accurate information?").
o Multiple choice questions to identify specific purposes and challenges (e.g., "For what
purposes have you used Generative AI?").
o Open-ended questions to gain deeper insights into student perspectives and concerns (e.g.,
"What are your thoughts on the potential role of Generative AI?").

2. Data Collection and Analysis:

 Collect survey responses electronically.

 Organize and analyze quantitative data using statistical software (e.g., SPSS) or online tools.
 Analyze qualitative data (open-ended responses) through thematic analysis to identify recurring
themes and patterns.

3. Report Writing:

 Prepare a research report summarizing the findings.

4. Presentation:

 Create a concise presentation summarizing the main findings of the research.

 Use visuals like charts and graphs to effectively communicate the results.

Project timetable

Week Details Deadline By whom Signature

1 - Oversees project 10/5/2024 Phùng Quang Thịnh

planning and ensures team Nguyễn Hà Linh
members are informed of
their tasks.
- Finalize the survey

2 - Monitors survey 17/5/2024 Nguyễn Hoàng Long

distribution and response
- Oversees data collection
- Maximize Response Rate

3 - Data Analysis: Identify 24/5/2024 Nguyễn Việt Dũng

key trends, patterns, and Nguyễn Phúc Hưng
themes from the data.
- Draft Report &
Presentation: Start drafting
the research report,
focusing on the
introduction, methodology,
and results sections.
4 - Finalize Report & 31/5/2024 Nguyễn Việt Quân
- Refine Presentation:
Finalize the presentation
slides, ensuring clarity,
visual appeal

References (sources)

1. Pham, N. C., Li, Y., Hossain, T., Schapsis, C., Pham, H. H., & Minor, M. (2023, March
9). (PDF) Understanding Mental Health Services and Help-Seeking Behaviors Among
College Students in Vietnam. ResearchGate. Retrieved May 25, 2023, from

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