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What is stuffing box squareness

108. How do you check stuffing box squareness
109. What type of mechanical seal is preferred for hot oils
110. What type of mechanical seal is preferred for Sulphur duty
111. What is seal flushing fluid
What is its purpose
Name few seal flush plans
112. What is seal quenching fluid
What is its purpose
Name few seal plans
113. What is stuffing box cooling water jacket
Why it is used
114. Why seal coolers are used
115. Name few MOC of seal faces
116. What is seal ring and mating ring
117. How many elastomers are used in a mechanical seal assembly
118. Name few snap ring in a mechanical seal
119. What is snap ring in a mechanical seal
120. What are the usual problems faced with mechanical seals
121. Does the rotor axial float have something to do with mechanical seal
122. What is double mechanical seal
Why it is used
123. Name the two types of double mechanical seal
Where is it used
124. What do you mean by barrier fluid
Name few barrier fluid
125. What do you mean by buffer fluid
Name few buffer fluid
126. What is the difference between barrier fluid and buffer fluid
127. Where do we use cyclone separator in mechanical seal
128. What is pumping ring in a mechanical seal
What is its purpose
129. What is the difference between inside mounted seal & outside mounted seal
130. What is seal balance ratio
131. What is the seal balance ratio for balanced/unbalanced seal
132. Difference centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump
133. How do you measure valve lift in reciprocating pump
134. What is the necessity of pulsation dampener
135. Name few types of pulsation dampener
136. How do you fill up gas in a accumulator
137. Explain overhauling sequence for reciprocating pump
138. What is web deflection
How do you measure web deflection
139. How to check big end bearing & small end bush clearance
140. What do you mean by stroke length
141. What is gudgeon pin
142. What is cross head slide/shoe
143. Name few ways of locking arrangement of piston/plunger
144. How to ensure in-line concentricity of crankshaft to cylinder bore

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