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Literature Review : Differentiated Approach in Science Learning

Ayu Sri Wahyuni, Master of Science Education, Ganesha Education University, Singaraja,

Absract: Science learning should be carried out in an interactive, inspiring, fun, and
challenging manner, motivating students to participate actively and providing sufficient space
for initiative, creativity, and independence in accordance with the students' talents, interests,
and physical and psychological development. This is in line with the concept of differentiated
learning, namely efforts to adapt the learning process in the classroom to meet the individual
learning needs of each student. However, the application of differentiated learning, especially
in science learning, is still limited. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting a
literature review regarding the application of a differentiated approach in science learning,
both in the aspects of content differentiation, process differentiation, and product
differentiation. The purpose of writing this literature review is to (1) describe the application
of a differentiated approach, (2) explain the results of applying a differentiated approach, and
(3) analyze opportunities for implementing a differentiated approach in science learning. This
literature review was obtained from scientific research articles from 2012–2022 using Google
Scholar and obtained 47 articles with the keyword differentiated learning. Of the 47 articles,
identification, screening, and eligibility were carried out, and then 15 articles were obtained
that met the objectives of the literature review. Based on the results of the literature review
analysis, it can be concluded that (1) the differentiated approach can be integrated with
several learning models such as problem-based learning, blended learning's station rotation,
project-based learning, and paying attention to student learning styles; (2) the application of a
differentiated approach is able to improve student learning outcomes; and (3) a differentiated
approach can be applied in science learning because it is able to accommodate students'
learning needs by taking into account students' interests, profiles, learning styles, and learning

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