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1. Author Name : Nurul Khotimah
2. Year : 2023
3. School : SMA N 1 Gumelar
4. Class :X
5. Time Allocation : 1 Meeting 2 x 45 minutes : 180 minutes
6. Skill : Reading
7. Number of Students : 30 – 40 Students

Phase E

Elements: Reading – Viewing

At the end of Phase E, students use spoken, written and visual texts in English to
communicate according to the situation, purpose and audience/reader. Various types of texts
such as narratives, descriptions, procedures, expositions, recounts, reports and authentic texts
are the main references in learning English language in this phase. Students use English to
express desires/feelings and discuss topics that are close to their daily lives or hot issues
according to the age of the students in this phase. They read written texts to learn
something/get information. Implicit inference skills when understanding information, in
English started to develop. Students produce more diverse written and visual texts, with
awareness of the goals and target readers.

Learning objectives:

The learning objectives of this module are:

1. Identify the context, main idea and detailed information of descriptive, recount, procedur
al, expository and narrative texts presented in multimodal form.
2. Communicate simple ideas and opinions deeply various discussion activities, collaborati
ve activities and presentations.
3. Write descriptive, recount, procedural, expository and other texts Narrative uses text org
anization structure and features proper linguistics, and present it.

Indicators of Achievement of Learning Goals:

1. Students are able to producing oral descriptive text and written descriptive text multimoda
l about sports matches in accordance with the context and goals to be achieved.
2. Students are able to identify the explicit meaning of various written recount texts in multi
modal form about sporting events.
3. Students are able to demonstrate effective communication in delivering ideas and opinion
s with simple reasons for talking about a sporting event being presented in multimodal for

Main Concepts: Chapter 1 : Sport Event

1. Before taking part in learning, students were not yet capable to identify context, main ide
as and detailed information from an oral and verbal recount text presented in multimodal
form about sports event
2. Before participating in learning, students find it communicate simple ideas and opinions
in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally to tell about a spo
rts event.


1. Have faith, be devoted to God Almighty and have noble character
2. Global diversity
3. Creative
4. Critical reasoning
5. Independent


1. Means

The means used in learning descriptive text, spoken text like monologue or dialogue.

2. Infrastructure:

The infrastructure used in learning this material is audio player tool.

The target students in this learning module are: regular / typical students: general
Problem Based Learning (PBL)
1. Students can identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal
recount text presented in multimodal form about sports event
2. Students can communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative
activities and presentations orally to tell about a sports event.
Students are skilled in understanding and analyzing descriptive text according to the topic th
at has been presented
1. What is the effect of watching sports games on your health?
2. How can you say if someone is a loyal fan of a team or a player?
3. Did you also watch the game?
4. What do you think about the game?
5. What do you think about the spectator of the game?
Initial Activities (15 Minutes)
1. Prepare students
2. Open with greetings and pray to start the lesson
3. Checking student attendance
4. The teacher tells stories in English about his experiences watch a game then connect.
5. The teacher asks students to look at the pictures in the picture Student Book.
6. The teacher asks students to describe what it's in the picture.
7. The teacher asks students to choose more activities they like and explain why.
Core Activities (150 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to identify words and expressions what they learned when they
did Task 1 Part A and write it into the Vocabulary Box.

2. The teacher facilitates students learning the words is in the table.

3. The teacher asks students to group together to sort them

4. The teacher says that the class will play a game to practice talking about what they usually
experience spectators when watching sports matches such as in picture in Student Book.
5. The teacher gives each a set of sense cards group and ask students to put them in order clo
sed on their desk.

6. Identify the explicit meaning of various written recount texts in multimodal form about sp
orting events.

7. The teacher asks students to listen a video entitled “Hilarious! Indonesian Supporters Shou
t Make Other Supporters Awkward” from link watch?v=Wn5ibO

8. The teacher asks several things related to the video broadcast. The following are questions
that can be asked Teacher:

 Who do you think recorded the video?

 How would it feel if you were there?
 What did the spectators do during the game

Final Activity (15 Minutes)

1. The teacher directs students to read a book text about someone's experience watching a sp
orts competition.
2. The teacher asks students to rearrange the paragraphs thus forming a cohesive and coheren
t text.
3. Teachers and students check the arrangement of paragraphs and ensure the correct arrange
ment of paragraphs that form cohesive and coherent text.

1. The teacher explains that students need to do releksi for what they have learned.
2. The teacher explains that they do the releksi not only important to them but also important
for teachers because the releksi students give a picture of the teacher how the participants felt
educated about the material that has been explained, the way the teacher convey learning, an
d things that have been learned students.
3. The teacher asks students to write down things not understood from the subject matter the
y have learn.
4. The teacher asks students to relekspoint points or things they have learned in this chapter.
5. The teacher informs students that the releksi they did followed that directions provided in
student books.

1. Teaching materials
2. Student Worksheet

1. The teacher asks students to read the piece descriptive text about the 2020 Tokyo Par
alympic Olympics which is in the Student Book.
2. The teacher asks students to compare coverage of the 2020 Japan Paralympics with
Other Paralympics, such as Rio de Janeiro in 2016,London in 2012, or Beijing in 200
8 (participant students must choose one).
3. The teacher asks students to look for similarities and differences in the following mat
ters, and the reasons for which causes these differences.
 What is the bargaining process?
 How are the preparations in terms of transportation,
 volunteers, medals, impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, relay
 torch.
 Competitions, including sports (are there any branches
 new sport), participating national teams,
 number of athletes)
 Recap of medal wins
 Activity Calendar
 Place of implementation
 Marketing, including logos, mascots, short animations,
 and others.
 The process of broadcasting events to all corners of the world.
 Concerns and controversies


Class X English Package Book Work in Progress
Class X English Package Book Work in Progress
1. Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih 2022. Work in Progress.
Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan
Asesmen Pendidikan Pusat Perbukuan.
2. Alifah Syifa Ramadillah. 2022. Silabus Kurikulum Merdeka Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10.
Diakses pada 12 September 2023


Teaching materials:

1. Recount text

a) Personal recount text is one type of recount text in addition to factual, autobiographi
cal, biographical, literary, and historical recount. It retells the writer’s past experienc
es with the aim to either inform or to entertain the audience. It often consists of orien
tation, series of events, and reorientation

Question to Think About :

What is the effect of watching sports games on your health?

How can you say if someone is a loyal fan of a team or a player?

b) Identify the explicit meaning of various written recount texts in multimodal form abo
ut sporting events.
c) Explain ideas and opinions accompanied by reasons simple experience of watching s
porting events using learning media in the form of sense cards.

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