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Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tourism, Economics.

Accounting, Management and Social Sciences (TEAMS), 2022.
BALI INDONESIA, 27-29 October 2022



Naswan Suharsono
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang,

Rachmad Hidayat
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang,

M. Rudi Irwansyah

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia


This applied research was conducted to implement a project-based learning

model (PBL) with five variations of business management activities and five
integrated components to improve the ability to find and manage businesses.
The application of this prescriptive model is to improve operational and
managerial capabilities, as well as business development through improving
product quality and access to markets. The research design used is descriptive-
exploratory, starting from the selection of the type of business, followed by the
identification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as
an action plan to change threats into new business opportunities. The ability to

manage a business is measured from the aspects of resources, capital, products,

markets and future development programs. Data on improving managerial and
operational abilities, as well as business development data for the 20 student
entrepreneurs and alumni were carried out by project assignments and field
observations. The efforts to improve the ability to manage business and the
ability to capture market opportunities are analyzed by SWOT analysis and
component analysis. The results of the analysis show that the ability to find
business opportunities and predict future needs for goods and services can be
developed on campus lecture classes, while operational skills and managerial
abilities can be improved through the process of interaction with economic
business actors in the field.

Keywords: project-based learning, business management, managerial skills, operational

skills. Higher education, Learning outcomes


College and University students are a group of young people who

can be a trigger for the nation's economic progress, but how to make it
happen? The entrepreneurial profession requires ownership of the ability
to manage a business that can be grown and developed by incorporating
the teachings of values and basic principles of entrepreneurship in the
lectures and training of entrepreneurial students in higher education
(Suharsono 2021). However, in reality it is not easy to realize. This
research was conducted to produce an alternative model of project-based
learning that can provide empirical experience, practical assistance and
business development support to students and alumni of UMK business
actors in order to apply the values and basic principles of
entrepreneurship through theoretical mastery and consolidation in

The results of theoretical studies and field observations (Miller and

Breton-Miller. 2016) show that the basic problems faced by pioneering
students and alumni managing UMK are personality and environment.
From the results of previous studies, it was found that one alternative
solution was to apply a project-based learning model (Guo 2020) in

an effort to improve the ability of students and alumni to manage and

develop businesses. This effort needs to be followed up with mentoring
and providing facilities that can provide opportunities to advance
business work practices in the field.


The formation of the entrepreneurial profession requires

pioneering efforts, training, mentoring, environmental support, and
sustainable development (Suharsono, 2018). As recommended by the
Learning and Student Affairs Directorate (2018), the solution that can be
taken is to develop certain strategies and policies in each university to
create an entrepreneurial campus that can improve work competence
and productivity for entrepreneurial students and alumni. Therefore, it is
necessary to work together and jointly develop models of
entrepreneurship education to start a business while still in college and
continue after graduating from college.

In relation to the process of forming the entrepreneurial character,

the PATRIOT learning model has been developed with a prescription on
how to structure scientific content and scenarios for learning activities to
achieve optimal competency standards. As synthesized by Suharsono et
al (2021) that academically, what universities must do is to build a
conceptual framework and learning process based on the phasing of
certain theoretical models or 'life-cycle theory' in an integrated manner
according to their needs.

The integrated learning activities can be scenarios by integrating

independent, interactive learning activities with audio-visual media, the
real world in the field, and the online virtual world combined with
activities for working on training tasks, and assessing productive
performance on an ongoing basis. The implementation of learning
products is carried out in five classes of Entrepreneurship and the world

of micro-small businesses. This integrated learning is designed in online

and offline formats, supported by network facilities with google meet,
online laboratories, and field activities based on the premise that
increasing the ability to innovate creatively, courage to face risks, and
turn challenges into opportunities are the basic characteristics of
managerial behavior. businessman. Field data is obtained through online
interaction and student performance assessments which are then
analyzed according to the characteristics and content. From the results
of these studies, there are recommendations that should be followed up,
namely the need for alternative policies and efforts by higher education
institutions to integrate the development of an entrepreneurial culture
into the tridarma forum by including value learning.

The implication of the problem above is that efforts are needed to

reconstruct the education and professional training system that is more
oriented to the development of an entrepreneurial culture according to
the demands of the times. The final competence of the program is having
the ability to act to be able to help oneself and others as part of the
dedication of university graduates to the nation and society. The question
is, what is the implementation strategy so that the business can be
effective in the field? To answer this, it is necessary to ensure that a
combination of learning activities can produce optimal results. In this
study, the question is whether giving empirical direct experience in the
field has a significant impact on increasing students' basic
entrepreneurial skills? In accordance with the formula of the results of
Suharsono's research above, operationally the research problem is
formulated in the work stages of achieving the target group of prospective
users, and connecting networks from theory to application to achieve
high level competency standards. The focus of the research is on the
achievement of learning outcomes oriented to the independent
entrepreneur profession, by focusing on low-level and high-level
competency tests, from theory to application in the field.

As stated in the standard content of the higher education

curriculum, the entrepreneurial culture development program is included
in the group of higher education investment programs (Boldureanu,
et.all, 2020). Therefore, every type of program related to entrepreneurship
development should be more oriented to empirical reality in the field and
gender-based business groups (Tripalupi et.all. 2020). This research was
conducted as part of a cross-departmental activity and is related to the
pioneering of alternative skills development programs for students in the
field of entrepreneurship. The purpose of Entrepreneurship Education is
to provide students with theoretical and practical experience in order to
apply the principles and values of entrepreneurial culture in the context
of performance in their professional field. The resulting product is
predicted to be used by other universities in Indonesia that open
entrepreneurship development programs and collaborations with
business institutions on the micro, small and medium scale enterprises
(MSMEs) to synergistically build organizational cultural values and foster
the birth of new entrepreneurial groups.


This research uses a descriptive-exploratory design, starting from

the selection of the type of business, proceeding to the identification of
strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as an
action plan to turn threats into new business opportunities. The ability to
manage a business is measured from the aspects of resources, capital,
products, markets and future development programs. Data on improving
managerial and operational abilities, as well as business development
data for the 20 student entrepreneurs and alumni were carried out by
project assignments and field observations. The efforts to improve the
ability to manage business and the ability to capture market

opportunities are analyzed by SWOT analysis and component analysis.

The results of the analysis show that operational skills and managerial
abilities can be developed through a process of interaction with economic
actors in the field and the ability to predict future demand for consumer
goods and services.
In accordance with the prescription in the problem based learning
and instruction model syntax, there are five stages that are passed in the
first year, starting from (1) initial analysis of the business management
needs, followed by (2) collecting data and field information to determine
what business to open. . The next stages are (3) making a prototype of
the Business Plan, with its components, and (4) determining the product
and marketing. The next stage is (5) implementation, to explore field data
segments and facilitate business development.
The field in question is the research subject's place of business,
namely 20 students and alumni of the State University of Malang who
already have a business. The students come from study programs across
faculties registered through the SIPEJAR or MBKM program. The data
sought are five segments, namely: the results of student project
assignments per individual, mastery of the five sub-domains of
entrepreneurial competence, the response of business actors to the
entrepreneurship learning mentoring services provided, managerial
competence tools, and operational competencies in the field.
The data obtained were analyzed using component analysis
techniques and SWOT analysis as needed. To explore data on
determining business objects, business plans, and forming
entrepreneurial character, assistance is carried out in the field. Likewise,
product assessment in terms of increasing added value with the
inclusion of integrated learning concepts and digital marketing.



Various efforts to improve the ability to manage business and the

ability to capture market opportunities are collected and analyzed to
ensure that the implementation of project-based learning models and the
achievement of processes and results can be displayed in the right way.
Data analysis using a descriptive display shows that the ability to find
business opportunities and predict future demand for consumer goods
and services can be developed in the college classroom, while operational
skills and managerial abilities can be improved through the process of
interaction with economic actors in the field. Meanwhile, operational
skills and managerial abilities can be improved by utilizing feedback
information from interactions with expert teams, colleagues on campus
and alumni groups in the field.
The results of field data analysis show that the ability to manage a
business develops in a sustainable manner, with varying acceleration
according to the type of business chosen, as well as internal and external
factors that affect the business. The following is a discussion of the
implementation of the PBLI model in learning in universities.
First, the essence of project-based learning, there are five types of
competency standards set in the development of business management
education. Of the five competencies, the highest proportion is work
behavior offered for both academic education programs and real
entrepreneurs in the field. This Business Management program is a value
system of creative thinking and innovative behavior that can be learned
and taught with specific strategies, ranging from theory to application.
Business activities based on problem-based learning models that are
proven to lead to the development of a work culture and high fighting
spirit, dare to take risks, are accommodating to change, and
professionally increase competitive advantage, as well as strengthen self-
image as an independent human being. The values of the struggle for life
are implanted into the memory of the student's brain so that it can be

used as a basis, a source of driving force, tactics, and tips for facing
future challenges through business development efforts.

Second, the management of business activities, in order to grow

and develop a work culture, requires a set of learning materials and
media that can be uploaded in the form of content-oriented theoretical
knowledge information; principles, rules, and theories. Meanwhile, at the
same time, the research group can also get to know the real environment,
information and professional objects, as well as learning materials that
can stimulate professional action through access to training materials
and feedback prepared in various forms of business. The ability to act in
business management is carried out in stages through discussion points
with the help of designed learning media and a professional environment
that is presented by showing the activities of the human economic
profession to meet their needs. Efforts to produce a true business
management group can only be done in the classroom and in the field in
an integrated manner.
Third, in line with the characteristics of the competence to act in
the form of action, the implementation can be optimized by increasing
the ability to manage resources, capital, products and real and digital
markets through the creation of future business discovery and
development projects.
These findings automatically have implications for the emergence
of changing needs for goods and services and the existence of five new
components in learning that still need to be tested in the field. These
components can influence each other either partially or integrated.
What should be done next is to test its implementation in the field
and its integration in the process of developing business management
capabilities. The results of quantitative data analysis generally show that
there is a significant effect of project-based learning on the learning
progress achieved by students. The results of field implementation show
that the ability to take business actions can be improved through

training assignments that are integrated with previous learning

experiences and the success achieved at each stage of the learning
scenario. The ability to manage the business can be improved through a
collaborative mechanism in group work, together with supervisors and
project partners. The results of the field implementation test are then
used as input for the improvement of integrated field work activities and
the practice of managing their own business with business partners in a
sustainable manner.
What remains to be done in the follow-up of this research is to
carry out further observations on the implementation of business
management project tasks that have been made during business
planning and development in the field. The young entrepreneurs who are
members of this research subject group still need to be monitored for
their development through field activities, on an ongoing basis.


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