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• Unit 3: Critical, Creative and problem-

Grade 10 Life solving skills.

• When you study and do tasks, you
Orientation: need to solve problems. The best way
Term 2 to solve problems and to find answers
to think critically and creatively.
• If you think critically, you evaluate and judge ideas. You have to keep an open mind, but you do not
accept everything as true. You ask questions about what you reading, hearing or seeing:

• Is this a fact? Can you prove it is true by seeing it, touching it, hearing it or counting it, for example.

• Is than opinion? An opinion is what someone thinks about a particular thing. Opinions should be
supported by facts to prove it true.

3.1 Critical • Is it a belief: a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true. You
cannot prove that a belief is true or untrue.

Thinking. •

Is it a generalisation: a general statement about a group of people or things that is based on only
few people or things in that category.

Is it core information: Do you need this information to solve a problem?is It relevant?

• Who/What said this? Is the source reliable.

• How is this the same/different from something someone else says.

• When was this written or said? Is the information upto date, or could there be newer information.
• If you think creatively, you generate, produce, or make many
new ideas. You offer new suggestions and solutions. You think in
different ways. You give unusual or other ideas. You find many
solutions to a problem. There are ways you can learn to think
• Look for many possible answers rather than one.
3.2 Creative • Brainstorm ideas: This means coming up with many different

Thinking. ideas, then choose the best courses of action.

• Draw pictures/illustrate.
• Ask yourself questions… What? Suppose I view it this way?
• Ask the same question at least 20 times and give different
answers each time.
• This is the basis of academic thinking and writing.
• Creative thinkers are curious-they want to know all kinds of things. They think
differently. Creative thinkers:

• Want to know why things are the way they are.

• Enquire motive, solutions, events and facts.

• See a need to improve things and find a way to do so.

Creative • Do not judge new ideas that seem strange or silly.

• Find problem-solving interesting, fun and challenging.

Thinkers. • Not afraid to make mistakes.

• Do not give up, but keep on trying.

• People who think creatively know that what might be a problem for one
person can be a solution or an opportunity for another. For example, people
noticed that you could glue your fingers together which was a problem. But
surgeons began to use superglue to glue wounds together which was a
• The best way to solve problems is to think critically and
creatively. There are steps you can follow to solve
• 1. Know what the problem is then find answers.
• 2. Write down what you know. What are the facts? What
3.3 Problem information do you have?
• 3. What information do you need? Gather information.
Solving. • 4. List the possible solutions, options or choices.
• 5. Decide on the best solution. Give a reason for your
• 6. Check how well you have done. Is your solution
correct? If not, try again.
Statement: Yes/no
1. I hate to be criticized or given advice.
2. I like to argue or fight just for any reason, without using
3.I like to debate issues in a logical way.
Are the statements below true 4. I find and use information to solve problems.
(yes) or untrue (no) for you? 5. I never reflect on or think about me decisions or
Cope the table and write down mistakes.
your answers. 6. I prefer to be given the right answers, rather than finding
7. I see error in other people’s thinking.
8. I see the logical links between ideas and do things
9. I solve problems in an orderly or systematic way
10. I think for myself.
11. Think of new ideas and do things differently.
12. I understand the effects of my decisions or solutions.
Unit 4: Youth and Civic Organisations.

• Be a volunteer, community projects and

volunteering are part of our African Philosophy
of Ubuntu. Ubuntu means caring and sharing.
Volunteers work together with communities to
create a better world. This helps stop poverty,
disease and the violation of human rights.
• Public or community organisations work towards
improving life for everyone. Youth service
development and volunteerism are ways to
contribute to building a just and equal South
That you take actions on social
and environmental issues.

responsibility That you know your rights
come with responsibilities.

That you are aware that

opportunities comes with
Get Get to know yourself.

Learn Learn news skills.

means to give Broaden Broaden your interests.

freely of your
Become Become more confident.
time for the
benefit of Get Get opportunities to explore career options.

others and:
Add Add valuable certificates to your cv.

Help Help to build South Africa.

Local Youth Offices.

Lovelife ground breakers

Example of South African Youth Council.

youth and
civic Youth Development Network.
Southern African Association of Youth
National Youth Development Agency.
Big Brother Big Sister of South Africa.

Boitshoko Volunteers, Poly clinic itsoeseng,

Example of children of fire, Vukiyibambe Youth Volunteer
programmes: Abstain and be faithful Aids Groups Kwazulu

Gauteng Volunteer association.

Visit a youth project, civic organisation, community
service or find one on the internet. Use your critical
thinking skills to find out:
1. What is the aim of the organisation or project?
Activity 15: (2)
Evaluate a
2. What contribution does it make? How does it
community help the community? (4).

Service 3. What are the strengths of the organisation or

project. project? (3).

4. What are the weaknesses; where and how can

they improve? (6)

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