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The Tortured Land

A Solo Adventure for Dungeons &

Dragons (fifth edition)

All text by Paul Bimler
Art by Dominick Critelli, William McAusland,
Patrick E. Pullen, Michael LaBossiere, Brett Neufeld
Maps by Paul Bimler

Playtested by: David La Boon, Kristina Chun, John Todsen

David Bond, Scott Niedjela, Scott Sirota, Randoulph Castor

Dedicated to my Mum Margaret and my Aunty Norma

Who instilled in me a love of books and learning.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
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Welcome to the next solo adventure NEED?
in the series that was started with All you will need for this adventure
The Death Knight’s Squire. This is a level 4 PC, ideally created using
adventure sees your PC continuing the guidelines in the Player’s
their quest across Faerun, exploring Handbook and, if you like, one other
the area north of the Moonsea known core sourcebook (not including
as The Ride, and venturing into The Unearthed Arcana). You can use any
Tortured Land. This adventure is race and player combo you like, but
designed for a single level 4 player, keep in mind that this adventure is
without a DM, and comes after the designed to be balanced for core
Level 3 adventure Citadel of the classes. If you are using a homebrew
Raven. It can also be played as a class, and find the adventure too
standalone. The written narrative easy, then perhaps you need to
entries in this book serve in place of examine aspects of your class to see
the dungeon master, and guide you whether they are OP. The adventure
through the adventure. has been extensively playtested to
Based on feedback, this adventure is make sure it is not too easy, nor
written to be a little more ridiculously difficult to complete.
challenging than our previous
gamebooks, and contains a few hard
to deadly encounters. Bear this in TOKENS
mind as you set out on your quest. It If you are playing a tabletop style of
is definitely not a pushover! adventure with printed map, find
something to function as PC and
monster tokens: game tokens, coins, FEATS
dice, anything with a bit of weight. Every class has combat feats; a
fighter’s action surge, a bard’s
PROGRESS POINTS cutting words, a barbarian’s rage, a
Some of our previous adventures rogue’s sneak attack… the list is long
used a mechanic named Progress and varied. Use these in your combat
Points, and future adventures will encounters. You do not need to be
also. However, this book does not use prompted by the text to do this.
that mechanic as it doesn’t fit with
the story. Time is not so much of a HOUSE RULES
factor here. As you will discover, Death saves:
survival, useful items, and avoiding There are no death saves in this
exhaustion are more relevant factors adventure, unless there are two or
as you journey across The Tortured more PCs (see below), or an NPC
Land. ! present. If you die, you will simply
have to roll up another PC and try
All battle maps utilise a standard 5 ft. Max HP:
grid. When moving diagonally, treat To balance out the above rule of no
every other square as 10 ft of death saves, and to account for the
movement. fact that there is only one of you,
we’ve added the additional rule that
when you level up, you take max HP
COMBAT SHEETS instead of rolling. It keeps the
All encounters in this adventure are combat a bit more interesting and
managed via the use of custom means you’re not so squishy! So, take
combat sheets, which are found at the max HP for every level of your PC
back of the book (but don’t look (and your con mod too).
now!) They progress you through a
series of events that make up each
encounter, and which can take many
different paths.
You will need to roll dice, saving
throws and all other appropriate rolls
for yourself AND any enemies. Keep
in mind that a few of the encounters
in this adventure would be
considered ‘deadly’. You will enter
some dangerous places in the course
of this adventure, and if you blunder
into somewhere you shouldn’t be,
you may end up paying for it with
your life!
MULTIPLAYER AND serve as the framework for a multi-
week campaign.
If you are playing with a friend as a I have given options throughout the
two-player party, death saves are adventure for casting spells (eg: “Do
allowed, but also, ignore the Max you know the spell Detect Magic? You
HP rule. To make the game more could use this to see whether this weapon
balanced, you should also consult the is enchanted or not.”). So if you’re
Multi PC Conversion Table at the playing a mage, think about what
back of the book, after the Combat
Sheets section. This contains
adjusted monster numbers for every
encounter, depending on whether
you are adventuring with 2, 3 or 4
When the narrative text calls for
skill checks, all PCs will get to try,
but the DC is raised by 2.
Also, keep tabs on who is interacting
with whatever is going on in terms of
what’s happening in the story - it
could be both of you, or, if
appropriate, it could be just one of
you while the other stands a little
way off observing.
You can also run this adventure as a
DM’d campaign. The DM keeps the
Adventure Book to themself, runs the
combat, and both DM and players
have the maps visible. The DM spells could be useful in a solo
controls the maps and reads the adventure. (Hint: combat spells are
entries to the player. what you should probably focus on,
DM IDEAS: DMs, if you are although you will get occasional
running this adventure for any opportunities to use other spells as
number of players then obviously well). When in combat, you do not
you have free license to read need to be prompted by the text
whatever entries you want and entry to cast spells.
examine the elements of the book in So, feel free to cast spells even if the
depth. Whole encounters of your text does not call for it. Use common
own could easily be inserted into the sense. For example, if you want to
adventure, as long as you know the cast Feather Fall to prevent fall
start and end entry numbers. damage, but the option is not given,
Theoretically, this adventure could still go ahead and cast it, avoiding
the damage. Even if the options are basically impossible). This rule is
not given, if you think the spell is circumvented if you happen to find
appropriate for the situation and all some aid to vision within the
the conditions are met, then go with adventure.
it. Ask the question “What would a
DM do?” Also, keep track of your
spell slots. OTHER ISSUES
Any issues where you are not sure of
the judgement or how you should
RESTING AND play it, just exercise common sense
HEALING and ask yourself…
Opportunities will be given to rest at WHAT WOULD A DM DO?
certain points. Follow normal rules This should be your guide when in
for resting and recovering hp. doubt.
If you have healing abilities (Lay
hands, Goodberry, Cure wounds etc GO WITH IT
etc), or healing potions, use those Feel free to improvise. The last thing
when you like and as appropriate, I want this adventure to be is too
following normal 5e rules. You do prescriptive. You might decide that
not need to be prompted by the text the monster you are fighting does
to use these. something different, even if its not so
great for your PC. If it’s in the spirit
SKILLS of the game, go with it.
Skill checks will be asked for when Sometimes you may need to roleplay
appropriate. something your character would
definitely do in this circumstance. In
that situation, you have my
NON-DARKVISION permission to perhaps look an entry
PCs or two ahead to see what the
If you are playing a character without outcome is, and decide which is the
darkvision, then you will need fairest outcome for your character.
torches. When you are in combat Try to keep this sort of thing for an
situations in dark places, you will not emergency, however, when you are
be able to wield a two-handed certain you must play it in this way.
weapon or a shield and a weapon
simultaneously, and you will not be
able to use two-weapon fighting, CHARACTER
unless that space is illuminated in CREATION
some way. Outside there will always If you are new to our adventures,
be a small amount of light. So, when please create a level 4 character,
you are entering dark spaces, it is equipping them with gear according
presumed you are always kindling a to class. In addition to that, let’s say
torch (otherwise entering such spaces they’ve already completed one quest
and encountering scenarios is and received 300 gp, which they will
get a chance to spend early on in the just stick with creating a character
book. For ability scores, use point- using the Player’s Handbook, as the
buy or standard array. PHB already contains numerous
If you have played our previous solo options for character creation. For
adventures, you might have a PC the sake of my own sanity, I do not
who has completed those quests and include feat options for non-core
collected loot and other items. If this classes in the adventure text. I can’t
is the case, use that PC. possibly account for every known
XP in this adventure is not awarded class and their feats by level and still
by defeating monsters, it is awarded keep the adventure entries at a
by milestone. Expect to advance your manageable size! So if you are
PC to Level 5 at the successful playing a non-core class, and in
completion of this quest. general really, accept that you won’t
Also, come up with a compelling be able to do everything you can
personal backstory and background think of – that’s just the nature of
for your character as well, just this style of play – and enjoy The
because its fun, and helps you to Tortured Land for what it is.
enjoy the adventure. Your backstory Fair warning – in true gamebook
will give the events within your style, there are one or two choices in
quest a unique flavour and context, this adventure that will result in
so this is highly encouraged. sudden death, so choose your options
There are no restrictions on race or wisely. Don’t rush when considering
class – go with whatever you’re your options, especially if the
feeling, but keep in mind that this outcome appears to be potentially
adventure is designed to be balanced deadly.
with core classes. If you’re With all that out of the way, let’s get
new to D&D into the adventure!
BACKSTORY North of the mountains is The
The vast, bitterly cold expanse of Tortured Land - a barren, icy
steppes known as The Ride has been wasteland, inhospitable to all but the
your home for the last month. most twisted, hardened creatures.
During this time, the only people you You say your farewells to the Erakan
have been in contact with are a small people and set out for the village,
tribe of barbarians known as the keeping the sun’s path across the sky
Erakan, who welcomed you into their as your guide.
village with open arms. But now you Taking your time, you walk for three
crave solitude, and so you strike out days, enjoying the solitude once
into the wind-whipped tundra once more. By nightfall on the third day,
more. This north, it is cold year- you see a cluster of lights some way
round and those hardy souls who off, which you reason must be
make this land their residence are Bearfoot.
few and far between. The Erakan Not quite ready for civilization yet
told you of a village to the east. Your (although this barely qualifies) you
scant knowledge of their language spend the night camped out on the
suggests that the village is called steppe, surprisingly warm in the tent
Bearfoot, but you can’t be sure. you obtained from the Erakan. You
With nothing better to do, you set bank stones high around your
out for Bearfoot which lies just south campfire so that they are protected
of a small mountain range. There you from the wind - and from far-off eyes.
plan on picking up supplies and After cooking a basic but hearty meal
continuing east. Perhaps you will over the embers of your fire, you turn
visit Ilinvur, or perhaps pass it to the in for the night. Sleeping peacefully
north on your way to Vaasa. East under the stars, it occurs to you that
seems to be the way you are going. you have become very attached to the
empty space of The Ride and are looking town guard, however. This
starting to feel quite at home man looks hardened, battle-ready.
in it. The wide open plains have a Only the strong survive out here on
beauty all their own. The Ride, and it is certainly wise to
You sleep soundly, only waking once have your best warriors manning the
when you heard an animal snuffling gates of a village so exposed.
just outside your campsite. Always “From the Erakan settlement to the
primed, you have become highly alert west,” you say. “Is this the village of
to any sounds that don’t belong and Bearfoot?”
always waken when something is “Bearclaw,” he replies. “Hold on, I’ll
nearby. Breaking camp the next open the gate. We don’t get many
morning, you shoulder your pack and visitors this time of year, especially
look east towards Bearfoot, which on foot.”
sits upon a slight rise. The man descends the tower quickly.
When the sun clears the horizon and His friendliness and eagerness are a
touches the plain, you are about half welcome change. It’s not the
a mile out from Bearfoot. You suspicious treatment you are used to
wonder what awaits you in this small when entering cities of late.
town. It has been a long time since A large wooden gate creaks open to
you visited anything resembling a reveal the main street of Bearclaw.
town. You hope to get in, get the You thank the guard and enter the
supplies you need, and then leave, town.
continuing east. A night’s sleep in an The first thing you notice is the wind
actual bed might be nice, but you - or rather the lack of it. The
certainly don’t want to linger here. buildings shelter you from the
At least, that’s your intention as you relentless, icy breeze that scours
approach the gates of Bearfoot. everything on The Ride. It is nice to
Now proceed to Entry 1. be out of it for a change.
Despite the hour, the town is quiet,
1 but you do see a few faces peering
The town is ringed by a wall of out at you as you make your way
wooden stakes about ten feet tall. down the main street. A tavern
Approaching the western side of the bearing the name The Crackling
settlement, you see it is manned by a Hearth sits halfway down this street,
single guard standing atop a tower and you also see a general supplies
about twice as tall as the store, named Durfar’s General
fortifications. Supplies. Towards the end of the
“Good morning,” you call out. street, what appears to be a temple
“Morning,” the man returns, in a bears a thick totem pole at the apex
thick northern accent. “Where are of its entrance. The image of a
you coming from?” You see he is warrior wearing a necklace of
dressed in leather armour and wears crystals sits there cross-legged,
a broadsword strapped across his looking impassively out over the
back. He is not your usual lazy- town. A little further down, an
interesting-looking shop name 4
Kannoth’s Rare Books and Tomes Boldly, you stride up the causeway
sits. that leads to the front gate of this
Where will you visit? isolated fortress. As you get closer,
To pay a visit to The Crackling faces appear at the small windows
Hearth, go to 53. which dot the stone walls, and you
To have a closer look at the temple, realise that your approach has not
perhaps trying to decipher what gone unnoticed.
deity it is devoted to before visiting, Halting about five metres from the
go to 244. gate, you announce yourself in a loud
Or to simply enter, go to 86. voice.
To pay a visit to Durfar’s Supplies A disembodied voice replies, “What
Store, go to 108. business do you have with Lord
Or, to visit Kannoth’s Rare Books Bragol, traveller?”
and Tomes, go to 152. How will you reply?
“I have come to test my prowess
2 against your Lord.” Go to 313.
Hopping nimbly across the rolling “I am on an important mission, and
scree, you ride the moving surface, wondering if Lord Bragol can assist
keeping your balance well. in any way.” Go to 213.
Soon, you reach the bottom of the “I am merely travelling through and
scree and are on solid ground once looking for a hot meal. In return, I
more. Looking down the slope you can share stories and good company.”
see that there is a little way to go to Go to entry 188.
the bottom of the Pass.
Turn to entry 320. 5
You cannot detect any signs of life
3 from within this glade. All appears
You feel drawn towards this illusion, quiet.
and unbeknownst to yourself, wander However, having been on the ride for
off the path and into thigh-deep some weeks, you are well aware of
snow! the cunning of creatures forced to
Finally, you finally recover your wits survive in this harsh wilderness.
and curse yourself for being so easily Cautiously, you edge forward.
led astray. Then you begin searching Turn to entry 185.
for the way back to the path.
Make a survival check, DC 17. If you 6
possess a compass, you may make You make your way up the valley
this check with advantage. towards the stronghold of the ice
If successful, go to 223. mage Aurilana. You wonder if your
If unsuccessful, go to 312. approach has been noticed already.
There is nowhere really to hide in
this open, frigid landscape, but that
doesn’t deter you from your quest,
and soon you reach the foot of the 8
mountain on which the stronghold You cannot recognize the
sits. architecture, but you can see there is
You begin your ascent, pulling your a fair bit of activity going on around
cloak around yourself tightly as a here. If you do journey this way, you
wind whips around the rocky crags might be accosted by its inhabitants.
and buttresses of this harsh, Take the codeword structure.
inhospitable peak. What will you do now?
Soon you are approaching the keep You can inspect the books on the
itself. You stop some way off and table by going to 141.
survey it. You can descend the ladder that
Turn to entry 301. leads down to the floor below. Go to
Or you can leave this tower and
continue your quest. Go to entry

"Ach, look who's coming to
challenge, Gruggus!" says one of
the half-orcs, visibly drunk.
"Fancy your luck do ya matey?
Oh, well, put your stake down, roll
up your sleeve and let's see what
you've got!" Despite their macho
talk, the half-orcs are friendly and
welcoming, but also keen for a bit
of light-hearted competition.
Gruggus, the one who you will
face, is built like a brick outhouse
with thick arms, and he plonks
himself down opposite you, lifting
and draining a large tankard of ale
in one draught, before calmly placing
7 one elbow on the table and fixing you
As quietly as you can, you creep with a cheeky grin. "Come on then,
across the courtyard area towards traveller. Do your worst!"
the steps that lead up to the castle There's no backing out now. Choose
entrance. between a stake of 50 or 100 gp, and
Make a stealth check, DC 14. then make an Athletics check, DC 17.
If successful, go to 368. If successful, go to 363.
If unsuccessful, go to 331. If unsuccessful, go to 280.
10 aim for these armoured warriors and
Suddenly you hear an arrow whistle prepare a deadly attack.
past your ear, and then a loud Go to Undead Bannermen Combat
yapping noise. From out of nowhere Sheet, taking one attack (ranged or
two gnolls appear, running towards otherwise) on these unsuspecting
you from opposite sides of the river. warriors, and then proceeding with
They seem accustomed to the snow combat proper.
and move quickly along it,
attempting to trap you in a 13
bottleneck. Gingerly you place your foot on the
Go to Gnoll Encounter (River) and ice and transfer your weight onto it.
do battle with this canine critters! It seems to hold, so you take another
step, moving across the ice, placing
11 one foot in front of the other. You
“Who is this sister you speak of?” will spread your weight very even if
you ask, your interest piqued. you want to make it safely to the
Perhaps this has something to do other side!
with your quest… could she be the Make a Dexterity check, DC 15.
one that the gnolls are bringing the If successful, go to 217.
staff to? If unsuccessful, go to 233.
“SILENCE!” the figure booms. “You
will ask no questions of me, and now 14
you have lingered here far too long! As darkness descends, you set foot on
Arm yourself, adventurer, and the glacier that marks the bottom of
prepare to die!” the Pass of Auril, and begin your
Standing, the figure makes its way climb.
towards you, and as it passes through The moon lights your way, and all is
a shaft of light that filters through still… at first. Then a tide of cloud
the chamber, you see that it is comes pouring over the summit at
decayed, a skeleton which is the top of the slope; the front end of a
somehow animated and draped in storm. Soon you are engulfed in a
ancient robes. From within these swirling maelstrom of snow and
robes, it draws a longsword which it sleet, and can barely see the hand in
grasps in its two bony hands, and front of your face. You call on your
squares up for combat before you! navigational skills to get you out of
Go to Undead Warlord Combat this dire situation.
Sheet and do battle with this Make a Survival check.
menacing foe! If you score 1-9, go to 55.
If you score 10-14, go to 343.
12 If you score 15-18, go to 247.
You are not one to wait and If you score 19-20, go to 68.
determine whether such grim-
looking foes are friendly or not!
Taking advantage of surprise, you
15 survive this crossing! Despite its
You know this mark, and it fits with beauty, this terrain is the harshest,
what you have encountered so far on the most inhospitable you have
this quest. This is the mark of Auril, encountered so far. On the far side of
also known as the Cold Goddess, this icy colossus lies the Tortured
Icedawn, the Frostmaiden. She is Land, a tundra even more savage
known as an enemy of Ulutiu, due to than the one you have crossed to
her siphoning his power while he lay reach this point. You do not know
in slumber. whether what you seek lies there, but
You naturally wonder why these you are determined to find out.
gnolls bear this mark. Certainly, you You consider your course of action.
have never heard of gnolls Will you press on, climbing the Pass
worshipping human gods. The dog- of Auril to reach the Tortured Land
like humanoids invariably worship beyond? If so, go to entry 14.
Yeenoghu, who also holds domain Or will you find a place to make
over ghouls. This is most odd. camp for now, leaving the crossing
Take the codeword frigid. until the morning? Go to entry 222.
Storing this information away, you
turn your mind to finding a suitable 17
campsite. Proceed to entry 97. Make a Dexterity save, DC 15.
If successful, go to 192.
16 If unsuccessful, go to 310.
You make your way through the
forest towards the low mountain 18
saddle which you know as the Pass of You make your way back down to
Auril. the first floor.
If you have the codeword redberry, To inspect the door that leads off to
take note of this entry number and the north, (unless you have already
go to entry 109, returning to this investigated this room) go to 158.
entry afterwards. To leave the castle and continue your
If not, continue reading below. quest, go to 220.
It grows dark as you near the
mountains, huge monoliths of ice and 19
snow. You feel their chill well before You push your way loudly through
you reach them. the door, making a quick survey of
Finally, you arrive at the foot of a the room beyond.
long, upward-sloping glacier. Frozen Three armoured figures are seated at
spires tower high, either side of the a table, clad from head to toe in
icy mass, piercing the evening sky, rusted plate. As soon as you enter,
and strange lights seem to dance in they all stand as one and draw
the heavens above. A haze of snow swords.
swirls in the upper regions of these “What fool would dare to enter our
mountains, and as you survey this lord’s chambers unbidden?” one of
scene you wonder if you will even them growls in a rasping voice.
Before you know what is happening, as The Tortured Land; only white,
they are advancing on you. featureless plains and jagged peaks.
Go to Undead Bannermen Combat Looking west, you think to yourself
Sheet and do battle with these three that the north side of the Pass of
warriors! Auril must not be too far away, and
you wonder if that route would prove
20 to be a safer path.
You feel your leg snag on something Will you head straight north from
– a tripwire! here? If so, go to 294.
To your horror, three logs swing out If you would rather head west
from the wall, pivoting on some sort towards the north end of the Pass of
of turning stake. They all bear Auril, go to 348.
vicious spikes and you have only a
fraction of a second to get out of the 22
way. It doesn’t take you long to spot
Make a Dexterity save, DC 18. If you movement, off to your left: two
fail, take 3d6 piercing damage. If you gnolls, attempting to catch you by
are still alive (or if you succeed), surprise, are advancing with
continue reading below. longbows!
Reeling from this cruel and savage Before you is a frozen river, and to
trap, you pause for just a moment to your right is an area of rocky
gather yourself, then stand, and boulders. You will need to move
putting your head down, continue quickly, or stand your ground and do
your run east, along the ravine. battle!
Ahead, you see the ravine coming to Go to Gnoll (Frozen River) Combat
an end! Is it possible that you have Sheet and do battle!
made it through Poison Pass in one
piece? You grit your teeth and sprint 23
for the end. You stay hidden, watching as the
Go to entry 66. tribesmen pick over the bodies of the
gnolls, wondering if they will pull
21 out an impressive looking staff. But
Ahead, you see several more miles of no, the gnolls carry nothing of
steppe before another range of interest to these barbarians, and after
mountains. And there, in the far dallying a little while the three riders
distance, you fancy you can make out turn their mounts around and gallop
a stronghold of some sort, perched off in a northerly direction.
atop a rocky peak. Something tells You emerge from your hiding place
you that you must head there, that and approach the scene of battle.
whatever you find there will be the Picking over these corpses, you find
answer to the quest which Remigius nothing of interest. You do notice
gave you. For there is nothing else something on their chests, however -
out here on this barren waste known a snowflake symbol, branded there,
bearing six points.
If you have the codeword frigid, go to Catching your breath, you survey the
49. icy steppe that spreads out before
Otherwise, there is nothing else of you.
interest here. Go to 279. Turn to entry 21.

24 26
Somehow you manage to hurl Crouching and stepping through the
yourself out of danger, dextrously broken gap in the gate, you feel your
avoiding the flying stone steps, and foot snag on something! Too late,
land safely at the bottom of the you realize you have triggered a
perilous stairway. Your heart is tripwire and you hear something
pounding, but you calm your nerves releasing above you. Quickly you try
and look down the passage ahead. It to throw yourself out of the way.
ends in a t-junction, and you slowly Make a Dexterity save, DC 15.
make your way towards it. If successful, go to 159.
Reaching the junction, you look left If unsuccessful, go to 347.
and see double doors - the entrance
to the keep that you saw before. 27
Then, turning right, you peer down a You tell the Lord that yes, you do
long corridor that appears to lead to wish to face him in battle.
a chamber from which blue light is Immediately a broad smile spreads
emanating. A soft sound comes to across his face.
your ears - chanting, an incantation “Excellent,” he says, and immediately
of some kind - and you make your stands, heading over to the wall
way towards it. where a shirt of chain mail is draped
Turn to entry 122. over a practice dummy. As he puts it
on, you notice it seems to shimmer
25 slightly. Magic armour?
Several rocks come crashing down on At that moment Nilena appears,
you, the impact cutting large gashes bearing two greatswords, two
in your head and shoulders, and longswords and a shortsword.
leaving you dazed. “You may choose one of those if you
Take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If wish,” Bragol says. “Or you may use
you are still alive, continue reading your own weapon.”
below. One of Lord Bragol’s warriors then
But you can see the plain ahead, and motions you towards an elevated
you run hard for it, eventually area at the side of the hall, a sunken,
reaching the end of the ravine. Cries stone-floored pit, ringed by elevated
of orcish frustration echo in the Pass areas that serve as seating. You are
behind you, and you cannot help but impressed. Lord Bragol has his own
smile with satisfaction. You have battle arena, no doubt for training
survived the perils of Poison Pass! fledgling warriors.
Not many can claim that. Word spreads fast throughout the
compound and it doesn’t take long
before a sizable crowd starts to Bragol motions to Nilena to do this
gather. Men, women, children, young and the warrior-maiden nods and
and old, have all come to see this duel departs.
between you and Lord Bragol. You While Nilena retrieves weapons from
position yourself down one end of the the armoury, you have the chance to
battle arena, preparing yourself to consider.
face this seasoned warrior. Then, Are you certain you want to pursue
emerging from the crowd, Lord this all the way to actual combat with
Bragol appears at the opposite end. Lord Bragol? By his bearing and
His smile gone, he eyes you manner, he seems like he could
ferociously, swinging his greatsword potentially be a formidable opponent.
from side to side, cleaving the air If the answer is yes, go to 27.
with menace! His bear lurks nearby, If you would rather laugh it off and
eager to join the fray. say, “Ah, I was just jesting. I would
“Keep Snout back, Brugorn!” he tells never presume to challenge such a
one red-headed strapping lad, who hardened veteran as you, sir. A warm
bears an uncanny resemblance to the fire and a cup of mead are what I
fighter. “We can’t have the odds really seek, truth be told.” Go to 98.
getting tipped too far in my favour.”
With that he gives you a wink, and 29
then roars, “On guard!” and begins The way forward appears clear, and
advancing towards you. so you move onto the bridge and
Go to Lord Bragol Combat Sheet and begin traversing the icy river.
do battle with this seasoned warrior! Roll a d20+1 and compare the results
to your AC.
28 If it is equal to or higher, go to 268.
Lord Bragol smiles bemusedly at this If it is lower, go to 10.
“I… am taken aback,” he says. “And 30
somewhat tempted. It’s been a while Seeing the little plaything, Aurilana’s
since I was truly tested in combat. defenses fall. The anger drains out of
Do you think you have what it takes? her like water from a broken pot, and
Do you have some enchanted weapon she drops to her knees, sobbing.
in there or some devastating spell “Oh Shar,” she weeps, shaking her
that you are going to fire at me?” head in misery. “What have I done?
You do not answer these questions What have I done?”
but merely hold Bragol’s gaze, You stand there for some time, not
unwaveringly. The red-headed lord knowing what to do. As you watch,
strokes his pet bear’s head casually. you see a transformation occur.
“I will accept this challenge,” he says, Previously young and beautiful,
“if we agree beforehand that the duel Aurilana’s face takes on a wrinkled,
will not be to the death. What say elderly appearance, her posture
you? In the meantime, I can have stooped, her hair thinning and
Nilena fetch weapons for us.” Lord
turning an even paler shade of white, 32
like fresh snow. “Snow,” you answer.
Eventually, taking up the “Well done!” the figure says. “And
staffFrostbringer, you leave the keep now, you may leave without
and walk down into the valley where molestation. Go well, and do not
Shar awaits. Telling her what wander into my stronghold again!
happened, you watch as the old For I hold dominion over these lands
wizard, now a match to her sister, south of the mountains, while my
makes her way up towards her sister holds dominion over the lands
sister’s keep. to the north.”
Now turn to entry 352. To ask the lord for more information
about his sister, risking his ire, go to
31 11.
The half-ogre lies dead at your feet. To promptly leave this room and the
If you had not seen him before, you castle, go to 231.
now see a young tribal warrior
bound and gagged and lying by the 33
large fire the half-ogre had been You dig for all you are worth, but it
trying to start. You cut his bonds is no use. You are buried too deep,
and remove the gag from his mouth. and eventually you begin to suffocate
The warrior speaks Erakan, and from on the air which is no longer
the little you know, you get the breathable. What a way to go!
following: he expresses his Your quest ends here, brave
gratefulness, tells you that he was adventurer. But fear not! There are
alone, foraging for game when the many encounters in The Tortured
half-ogre ambushed him and beat Land, enough that replayability is
him unconscious. He also conveys to assured. So roll up another Level 4
you that he is the son of the chief of a PC and make another attempt to
small Erakan tribe that lives conquer The Tortured Land!
northeast of here, in the direction of
Poison Pass. He points the direction 34
out to you. He says if you are going You set up your camp here at the
that way, to make sure you pass foot of mountains which tower above,
through their tribal encampment their high rocky reaches coated in
where you will be treated like a king. snow and ice.
Then he tells you he must return to Did you pack a fur-lined tent? If so,
his father as he has been gone for go to 106.
some time. If not, go to 177.
Take the codeword saviour, and then
you bid the young warrior farewell 35
and both of you set out, the warrior You try your best to decipher the
north and east, and yourself due Erakan, but the meaning escapes you.
north, towards the Frozen Stones. You know the words “beware” and
Turn to entry 214.
“hungry” but that is all you can make 39
out. Make a Perception check, DC 14.
You shiver, it is icy cold now. Above If successful, go to 75.
you see the fog lifting and a blue, If unsuccessful, you cannot discover
clear sky emerging once more. anything. To open the door (if it is
Climbing the stairs out of the unlocked) go to 150.
underground ruin, and stepping over To proceed down the hallway to the
the low, broken walls, you make your staircase, go to 51.
way back onto the ice and turn north
once more, heading for the 40
mountains. “That sounds like a good idea,” you
Go to entry 361. tell the trapper, and the two of you
set off towards the river. After some
36 time you can hear a river nearby and
You easily recognize this rockslide you begin descending a slope. The
for what it is - an illusion! snow here is deep as you come to a
Forging ahead, you test it with a foot row of trees. Walking through, you
and discover that it is indeed see the river.
spectral. You walk through it, “That’s it,” the trapper says with a
penetrating to the other side, where smile. “Gold in there, if you can brave
the ravine continues! the cold.”
Progress to the next point east on You survey the river ahead which is,
the Poison Pass map, and turn to the amazingly, not frozen.
number indicated. Make a Perception roll, DC 16.
If you succeed, go to 225.
37 If unsuccessful, go to 196.
If you have not yet investigated the
staircase that leads off the first-floor 41
corridor, and you wish to, go to 51. Much to the alarm of the three
To leave the castle and continue your tribesmen who led you back to the
quest, go to 220. village, you stride straight up to the
entrance of this large hut and open
38 the sturdy wooden door, entering the
You try to chant the mantra, but dwelling.
something is wrong - you are unable “Who’s that?” you hear from inside.
to make a sound! There is some sort Emerging in the spacious central
of curse on this room perhaps. room, you see a huge bear of a man
Quickly, you ready yourself for seated at a table, studying a map. He
whatever the ice witch may throw at is clad all in furs and sports a long,
you. red beard. A wry smile curls the
Turn to entry 170. corners of his mouth as he sees you
“And who might you be, traveller?”
he asks.
You introduce yourself and tell this that the passage ends in another
man, who you take to be the chief, staircase.
that you are on a quest to recover the What will you do?
staff of Tolrik Bearclaw. To inspect the door to your left, go
Immediately he stands, offering you a to 158.
seat. To continue to the staircase ahead,
“Come, sit, sit!” he says. “Your arrival go to 51.
is auspicious, my friend! We have
much to discuss.” 44
Go to entry 115. You begin your ascent of the
crumbling stone tower. The higher
42 you go, the stronger the wind gets
Carefully you secure your rope to a and several times you have to brace
large boulder at the top, then slowly yourself against the ancient masonry
begin your descent. to avoid falling over.
The cliff is vertical, with no ledges or As you near the top, you place a foot
footholds for you to take advantage on a stair which proves to be loose
of. You will have to rely on the and slips underfoot! Quickly you
strength in your arms to make this struggle to regain your balance,
descent. trying to avoid taking a tumble down
Make an Athletics check, DC 14. the stairs.
If you are successful, go to 167. Make a Dexterity save, DC 12.
If unsuccessful, go to 90. If successful, go to 353.
If unsuccessful, go to 305.
Walking to the back of the entrance 45
hall, you begin ascending a long, You approach the castle entrance,
curving staircase. Portraits of old wondering what you might find
warriors line the walls, regarding inside this abandoned keep.
you with stoic expressions. You Suddenly you catch sight of
wonder what sort of hardy souls something moving towards you,
chose to make their home this far coming from the right. Some gnoll-
away from the civilized world, and like creatures, three of them in fact,
what sort of horrors did they have to have tried to sneak up on you, but
beat back from their gates? you noticed them in time! They have
You reach the landing at the top of failed in their attempt to catch you by
the stairs. It is utterly dark, and quiet surprise.
but for the whistling of the chill As the ghastly things approach, you
breeze which finds its way in through see that they are not really whole.
cracks in the ancient masonry. Parts of their flesh are decaying and
Cautiously, you move forward. bones are visible. Are they undead?
You wander along a wide, deserted Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat
corridor for some way before you see Sheet and do battle with these three!
a door on your left. Ahead, you see
46 48
You manoeuvre as best you can At the mention of the name
down the constantly moving Grokkung, the tribesmens’ whole
mountainside, stones rolling under demeanour changes. They become
your feet. But this treacherous deferential, bowing their heads
terrain gets the better of you and you slightly. One dismounts his horse
lose your balance, falling heavily and and brings it to you, and indicates
then tumbling, over and over, all the that he will return to the village on
way down. Several larger rocks slam foot.
into you as you careen down the Thinking it unwise to refuse this
slope. courtesy, you mount the horse and
Take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. (If follow the remaining two tribesmen
this kills you, then unfortunately one across the short distance north to the
of those larger rocks connected with little cluster of huts that sits out on
your head and did you in. If you are this open, barren plain.
still alive, continue reading below). You enter the cluster of huts and
Bruised and out of breath, you reach emerge in an inner circular area. One
the bottom of the slope, a little worse of the barbarians shouts a phrase in
for wear. You pick yourself up, Erakan, and moments later you see
gather your wits and survey your movement from the largest hut. A
surroundings. huge, hulking bear of a man emerges.
Go to entry 320. You take this to be Grokkung.
Grokkung approaches you, looks you
47 up and down, and then straight into
“Your doom enters here!” you say your face. He is an intimidating man,
boldly. with biceps as thick as your thigh,
The figure throws back its head in an and he towers over six feet tall.
uproarious, mocking laugh. “Is that “Welcome, stranger!” he booms
so? I admire your valour, young one. suddenly, a broad grin spreading
But honour prevents me from across his face. You are initially
allowing such a challenge to go surprised that Grokkung Bearclaw
unanswered. Arm yourself!” speaks Common, but then you see the
The robed figure stands and draws a logic in it. The chieftain of this
longsword from within its tattered barbarian village must act as an
garments. Now that the beam of light emissary for his people, so the ability
from the window falls on it, you see to speak Common is valuable.
that it is a skeleton, somehow Grokkung invites you inside his
animated although clearly long dead. spacious dwelling, and there you get
It advances towards you. Go to acquainted.
Undead Warlord Combat Sheet and Go to entry 115.
do battle with this hideous enemy!
49 51
These markings are identical to those You head towards the staircase at the
you saw on the chests of the gnolls at end of the corridor. Looking up, you
the Frozen Stones. Clearly, they are see that it curves to the left as it
part of the same cult or band. The ascends to the next floor.
mark, as you know, signifies the You begin your ascent up these
goddess Auril, who is the enemy of wooden stairs. But halfway up, as you
Ulutiu and certainly not a deity that place your weight on one of the
gnolls are known to worship. So stairs, you find the wood has rotted!
something, or someone, has these The stair gives way beneath your
gnolls in their employ! feet, and you fall through.
The plot thickens. You quickly grab at the next stair up
Leaving the gnoll carcasses for the to stop yourself from falling through
elements to take care of, you press on to the ground floor.
northwards. Make a Dexterity saving throw, DC
Go to entry 279. 12.
If successful, go to 254.
50 If unsuccessful, go to 94.
Lord Bragol extends a hand to help
you up. 52
“You fought bravely, my friend,” he You continue trudging in a northeast
tells you. “Now come, share mead direction. The mountains now loom
with me!” large, dominating your view, and
Lord Bragol summons his cleric, everything is covered in hard-packed
who, with the aid of spells and snow or ice. Puffing with exertion,
potions, heals you up to your full hp you see your breath frost up before
value. your face with every laborious step.
You thank Bragol for the duel, and As the day wears on, you notice your
for his hospitality. Facing this eyes becoming tired with all the
warrior in battle, you feel you have white that surrounds you.
learnt some valuable tactical lessons. Do you have a pair of snow glasses?
(Take 1 inspiration as a result of this If so, then you are saved from the
encounter). pain of snowblindness.
After exchanging pleasantries and If not, make a con save, DC 17. If you
taking a little food, you make your fail, then you suffer from
farewell and leave Bragol’s castle. snowblindness. Take a level of
Exiting the gates of his keep, you exhaustion. If you already had one
turn north, heading towards the Pass level of exhaustion (disadvantage on
of Auril. ability checks), then take a second
Eventually the rock formation to level of exhaustion (speed halved). If
your east dwindles, and patches of fir this is your third level of exhaustion,
trees begin appearing. Soon you are then that will result in disadvantage
in the midst of a thick forest. on attack rolls and saving throws.
Go to entry 354. More information on levels of
exhaustion can be found on p.291 of
the Player’s Handbook.
Proceed to entry 194.

Pushing your way through a heavy
wooden door, you enter a cosy little
tavern populated by local townsfolk.
Faces turn towards you as you walk
to the bar, most friendly, one or two
"Greetings, traveller!" the barkeep
says. "Welcome to The Crackling
Hearth. What'll it be? We've ale, of
course, brewed in the village, or else
there's mulled elderberry wine, or a
little spirit I brew myself called
Arsekicker. Warms the cockles, I tell
"Don't drink hish homebrew, friend!"
a drunk halfling shouts across the
bar. "It'll bloody well kill ye, shure as
the day ish sshhort!" You chuckle at
these villagers and their banter and
order yourself a drink (the first one is 54
on the house). Sipping on it, you feel You take the eastern route around
warmth spreading through your this large network of rock
body. Looking around the bar, you formations, and begin to climb a
see various characters seated at gentle rise, the snow thinning and
various tables or by a large, roaring the ground becoming rocky and
fire that is set into one wall, heating awkward.
the room. You reach a barren, boulder-strewn
Who will you talk to? plateau, and ahead see a ruined tower
Two large half-orcs, laughing and of some sort. Puffy white clouds
challenging patrons to an arm scuttle across the sky as you
wrestling contest? Go to 9. approach this crumbling structure. It
A sullen-looking priest, sitting alone appears totally deserted.
in a back corner of the room? Go to To approach this tower and scale its
298. precipitous stone stairway, go to 44.
Or, you could join a large group of To bypass the tower and continue
villagers seated around a merchant north, go to 145.
who is narrating what is obviously a
gripping tale. Go to 114.
55 57
You are utterly blinded, and Primed for whatever might happen,
completely disoriented. You wander you begin crossing the bridge. You
forward, trying to find some familiar are unsurprised when you see an
landmark or form of shelter. arrow shearing through the air
Then, suddenly, you place a foot on towards you, and easily dodge it.
what looks like solid ground, and it Two gnolls suddenly appear,
gives way beneath you! You fall approaching the two separate ends of
badly, about 20 ft, down an icy the bridge and obviously meaning to
crevasse, hitting the sides on your cut you off.
way to the bottom. If you have a ranged attack readied,
Take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If you may make it now against AC 15,
you are still alive, continue reading consulting the Gnoll River
below. Encounter map. Take note of
You recover your wits and survey whether it hits and any damage, then
your situation. Thinking that the proceed to Gnoll Combat Sheet
only option now is to find shelter, (River) and do battle with these
you decide to stay in the crevasse and heinous hounds! Use the PC spawn
try to get some rest. At least you are point situated on the bridge.
sheltered in here.
Laying out your bedroll, you soon 58
fall into a restless slumber. You are on edge and possibly suspect
(Because it is so cold in here, and you an attack, or think that assassins
have wandered for hours, you only might be above, zeroing in on you
regain the advantages of a short rest with longbows. Either way, you do
rather than a long rest). not feel safe lingering here and you
Go to entry 116. quickly move on.
Take an Inspiration point for
56 listening to your instincts and not
Carefully you make your way across, wasting time on what could have
testing each board before you place been a deadly diversion. Proceed to
your full weight on it, inching your the next entry number on your path.
way across to the other side. You
happen to glance down at one point. 59
The canyon floor is over 200 feet You begin your ascent of the Pass of
below, and you start to feel dizzy. Auril. The day is bright and sunny,
That’s a long way down! and the peril of your journey seems
Looking back up, you focus on somewhat lessened with blue skies
getting across safely. overhead. You press on up the glacier
Did you succeed on an earlier towards the summit which lies ahead,
Perception roll to visually check this at the top of a long, steep slope.
bridge? After about two hour’s climbing, you
If so, go to 297. pause to catch your breath.
If not, go to 271.
Make a Survival check, DC 14. If you If unsuccessful, you can have a look
possess the book Surviving in the at the next book in the pile by
Snow, add your +2 bonus. turning to entry 193.
If you are successful, go to 187. Or, you could leave the books and
If you are unsuccessful, go to 91. either go to the windows that look
out over the landscape (go to 163), or
60 descend the ladder that leads
The day dawns crisp and clear, and downward from this floor (go to 63).
you wake early, stoking a fire and Or you could leave this tower and
cooking yourself a nourishing gruel continue your quest. Go to entry 323.
over your campfire. You sit for a
while with a hot cup of tea which 63
warms you from the inside. By the Moving over to the circular opening
look of the terrain that stretches in the floor, you descend a rickety old
north towards the mountains, you ladder downwards, into a dark cellar-
are going to need all the warmth you like space.
can get. Reaching the bottom, you look
After breakfast, you search the area around and see old beds, some crates
north of the Frozen Stones. and a table with chairs. Evidently
Make a Survival check, DC 12. people lived here at some stage, but
If successful, go to 328. now the elements have forced their
If unsuccessful, go to 208. way into this ruined structure.
Rubble and stone dust cover every
61 surface, and icicles hang from the
The gnolls lie dead, their blood roof. This place is long since
staining the sacred ground. Still on deserted, the former inhabitants
the alert, you check the area to see if either fled or slaughtered - although
any more of them are hiding behind you don’t see any bodies to speak of.
the stones, but it seems the area is To investigate this room more
clear. It was just these two. closely, make an Investigation check,
Were these part of the band who DC 15.
stole the staff Frostbringer from the If you are successful, go to 250.
temple of Ulutiu in Bearclaw? Or If unsuccessful, go to 147.
were they just random wanderers Or, if you are ready to leave the
who happened to be in the area? tower, you could go to 207.
To search the bodies of the gnolls, go
to 257. 64
To move on, looking for a place to Not wasting any more time, you
camp, go to 97. begin your descent. It is tricky as the
stone is constantly moving
62 underfoot, and your agility is tested
Make a DC 15 Intelligence check to to the utmost.
decode the text of this book. Make a Dexterity or Acrobatics
If you are successful, go to 314. check, DC 17.
If you are successful, go to 2. You need to make three Athletics
If unsuccessful, go to 46. checks to represent your time spent
in digging yourself out. If one of
65 those rolls is 16 or above, go to 133.
As quietly as you can, you exit the If all the checks are below 16, go to
front door of the castle and make 33.
your way towards the gate. However,
you are not stealthy enough and the 68
undead gnolls soon emerge from You press on uphill, seeing if you can
hiding, lumbering their way towards get through this blizzard and find
you… some clear weather, but quickly
Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat realize this will not be possible.
Sheet and finish off these horrid Abandoning this course of action,
creatures! you take off your pack and begin
making a snow cave using some
66 stationary boulders to provide you
Arrows hit the ground behind you as with extra cover from the blizzard.
you emerge from the ravine, a barren Your superior survival skills allow
plain of ice which spreads out into you to construct a cosy sleeping-
the distance. You do not stop place that is more or less completely
running until you are well clear of sheltered from the storm. Add 1
the ravine. Turning and looking Inspiration point.
back, you see about a dozen orcs Crawling into your bedroll, you fall
standing on the high ridge above the into a deep sleep, warm inside your
pass, watching your departure. They snowcave halfway up the mountain.
stay there for a little while then Go to entry 116.
shake their heads and turn, walking
back to resume their stations, waiting 69
for the next poor fool to attempt You watch the path of the weather as
Poison Pass! it nears. It appears to be a tornado or
Turning, you survey the barren twister of some sort, and it is moving
waste before you. fast. You will need to make a choice
Go to entry 21. about which direction to divert your
course towards, and soon too! In
67 order to figure this out, make a
You are buried under a huge mass of Survival check, DC 14.
snow, but miraculously, are within an If successful, go to 248.
air pocket. However, you know you If unsuccessful, go to 365.
only have limited time before you
choke on your own breath, so you 70
start digging straight away. You make your way confidently
Things are dire here. This could through the cobbled area that leads
easily be the end of your adventure. to the steps of the castle entrance.
But then you pause, your Divine 73
Sense activated… something evil You tell the figure that you do not
lurks nearby! Undead, if you are not know the answer to his riddle.
mistaken, and hiding behind one of “A pity,” he says. “If you answered
the buildings ahead! had correctly, I would have let you
You may ready an attack. Then, go. As it stands, I am duty-bound to
proceed to 242. show you the error of your ways!
Arm yourself, adventurer, and
71 prepare to die!”
Roll a d20+3. Standing, the figure makes its way
If the result is equal to or greater towards you, and as it passes beneath
than your AC, go to 269. a shaft of light that filters through
If lower, go to 166. the chamber, you see that it is
decayed, a skeleton which is
72 somehow animated and draped in
Your arrow finds its mark and the ancient robes. From within these
gnoll you were aiming for drops in robes it draws a longsword which it
his tracks, seemingly already grasps in its two bony hands, and
wounded in some way. squares up for combat before you!
Suddenly, you hear a commotion Go to Undead Warlord Combat
coming from up ahead, and look up Sheet and do battle with this
to see three tribal horsemen, clad in menacing foe!
white furs, charging towards the
gnolls and swinging battleaxes. One 74
of them also wields a bow. You hear the door’s lock click open.
With swift and brutal efficiency, the However, as you ease it open,
horsemen dispatch the poor gnolls in suddenly the guards notice your
the blink of an eye. Their battle presence. “Halt, intruder!” one of
prowess takes your breath away. One them utters in a low, hollow rasp.
of them spots you and quickly “You will die before entering my
gallops over. Initially his bearing is lord’s chamber!”
menacing but when he sees that you All three stand, drawing long blades.
are not offering challenge, he softens They advance on you.
and gestures his companions over. To flee through the open door
Another tribesman appears and towards whatever waits to the north,
deftly jumps on the back of his go to 199.
friend’s horse. Now there is one To engage these guards in this room,
horse free, and the barbarians go to Undead Bannermen Combat
indicate that you should mount this Sheet. Place your token just south of
horse and follow them. the northern door.
If you wish to do so, go to 184.
If you would rather proceed on foot,
you make your apologies and they
depart. Then, go to entry 279.
75 The tribesmen look at each other
After a thorough search, you cannot quizzically. You are not sure if they
find anything resembling a trap. have understood your meaning.
To open the door, go to 150. You accentuate this little bit of play-
To proceed down the hallway to the acting by baring your teeth, snarling
staircase, go to 51. and gnashing at the air, imitating a
gnoll. Perhaps the combination of
76 words and actions will help them
Remigius shows you a space in the understand.
monastery where you can set up your Make a Performance check, DC 15. If
bedroll. The floor has been laden successful, go to 111.
with rushes so it is not too hard, and If unsuccessful, go to 321.
the monks who reside there provide
good company, regaling you with 79
fascinating stories regarding the You walk over to the inebriated
myths and history of the local area. halfling who has plonked himself
Despite sleeping on a hard floor, you down by the raging hearth and try to
are kept warm by a cheerful fire strike up a conversation with him.
which the monks keep blazing all "Ah, new in town eh?" he drawls.
night, and you get an excellent rest "Well, you'll have a tough time
in the monastery. You wake up the making friendsh here, I can tell ya...
next morning, have breakfast with one shlip-up, and they never forgive
Remigius, and then prepare to get on ya!"
your way, in search of the thief who Prying a little further, you discover
stole the staff of Tolrik Bearclaw! that the halfling was a guard in a
Go to entry 234. temple, the same one you saw out in
the street. "Then the relic wash
77 shtolen.... not my fault though! How
The beast lies dead, blue blood could I guard againsht... those...
trailing out across the snow. After those ANIMALSH!"
gathering your breath, you look "What animals?" you ask.
down the slope and continue your "Her... you know... the dogsh!
descent to the steppe below. Walking dogsh, bearing weaponsh,
Go to entry 322. yapping like fiendsh!" The halfling
then drains his tankard, stands
78 unsteadily and staggers to the bar. It
Using some sort of implement, you appears the conversation is over!
roughly sketch out the shape of a To talk to the innkeeper, go to 309.
staff in the snow. Or, if you have spent enough time
“Tolrik Bearclaw,” you say. “Staff. I here, you can leave by going to 120.
find.” You point north towards the
mountains. 80
Approaching carefully, you keep your
eyes and ears peeled for any signs of
habitation, but detect none. Perhaps whatever you find there will provide
you’ll be able to make camp here. the answer to the quest which
Evening is not far off as it is, and Remigius gave you. For there is
now that the sun has dipped below nothing else out here in this barren
the horizon, the temperature is waste known as The Tortured Land;
dropping accordingly. A chill breeze only white, featureless plains and
blows steadily across the open jagged peaks.
tundra. Turn to entry 294.
Would your PC be moving with
stealth? If so, make a Stealth check, 83
taking note of the roll, and proceed You reach the sturdy wooden door
to entry 316. and test it - it is open. Pushing it
open gently, you make your way
81 inside the darkened interior. A fire
The old man is somewhat placated by burns low in a hearth, and you detect
the gold pieces you have left him - an unpleasant aroma - the smell of
certainly worth more than the trap disease.
itself. "Who's there?" you hear a fevered
You mumble your thanks and depart voice say. "I've no money, so there's
the cabin, continuing your trek no point in robbing me! Have mercy
north. on a dying man!"
You may take an Inspiration point Making your way further into the
for doing the decent thing and cabin, you see that a man lies on a
leaving a little gold. Deduct the gold bed in a corner of the room. His
from your character sheet, but add an forehead is coated in sweat, and his
Inspiration point. eyes clouded over, hazy and delirious.
Proceed to entry 221. Moving closer, you see that his leg
has been hastily bound with some
82 sort of dressing. He sees you looking
Setting out east, you make your way at it. "I was savaged, friend, in case
across the plain. It takes several you were wondering. By those
hours, but eventually you reach the hideous dog creatures. What are they
north end of Poison Pass, a narrow called?"
ravine leading south back towards "Gnolls?" you supply.
The Ride. Looking north, you "That's the vermin!" he exclaims and
wonder what the path from here promptly falls into a fit of coughing.
holds in store for you. "They came through here several
Ahead, you see several more miles of nights ago, looking for food. Hard to
steppe before another range of find out here, I'll tell you that. Well,
mountains. And there, in the far I tried to fight them off, but they
distance, you fancy you can make out wounded me. Cut me down. And now
a stronghold of some sort, perched I'm infected. Bloody miserable
atop a rocky peak. Something tells wretches! They should have killed
you that you must head there, that
me. I hope the Cold Goddess takes north, however, remains unclear to
them down to the Nine Hells!!!!" you.
You wonder how you can help this Cautiously you enter the pass, your
man. Do you have healing abilities, a eyes scanning all around for any
spell or a Potion of Healing perhaps? signs of danger. Not dallying, you
Or, perhaps you have a herbalist's kit proceed with haste through the
and can clean his wound somehow. If twisting, narrow trail that cuts
you have any of these and wish to through the mountains.
help him, proceed to entry 119. Go to Poison Pass Map. You will
Otherwise, you could look around to progress through this map from left
see if there's anything of use in this to right, choosing your route as you
cabin? Go to 338. see fit. There are four possible routes
Or, you could ask the man for more through Poison Pass, as you can see.
information about the gnolls. Go to On the map, you will see entry
entry 112. numbers on pieces of parchment.
Or, if you want to simply leave, do so Choose your route, turning to the
by going to 221. entry numbers displayed on your
route as you encounter them.
84 Now go to the map and turn to the
Make a Perception roll, DC 12. first displayed entry number on the
If successful, go to 261. left.
If unsuccessful, go to 26.
85 You make your way inside the
After eating a meagre breakfast, you temple. At the end of the room, lit by
quickly break camp, packing your an atmospheric blue light, an idol
supplies away, and then survey the stands atop an altar, similar to the
way forward into Poison Pass. figure depicted on the totem, but in a
You can see why it has such a feared standing position. Behind this idol is
reputation. A long, narrow passage a pedestal that bears a wooden rack.
that snakes its way through the The rack looks as if it was designed
mountains at the bottom of the gully, to display something, but it is
it is flanked by high rock walls. It is currently empty.
the ideal place for snipers to pick off “The Lord of Ice blesses you,
unsuspecting targets, or for a band of traveller,” comes a soft voice to your
raiders to catch their prey in a left. From out of the shadows a
bottleneck. young man in priestly garb emerges.
Beyond Poison Pass, on the other “What brings you to our humble
side of these mountains, is the waste temple?”
known as The Tortured Land, which You explain that you are new in
is presumably where the gnolls who town, and just finding your way
stole Frostbringer have fled to. Their around.
purpose in taking the staff this far The young priest steps back and
looks you up and down. “The
adventuring type, eh?” he says. enchantments on it. Gold we do not
“Perhaps you were meant to come have much of, I’m afraid. But we can
here, friend. Perhaps you have come offer this.”
here to aid us in the time of our You nod, and look around the
greatest need.” temple. You told yourself that you
You ask the priest what he means by would only stay in Bearclaw for a
this. short time, not allowing yourself to
“We have had our soul, our lifeblood be distracted. But you find yourself
taken from us,” he says, looking at drawn in by the offer of a quest…
the floor. “A great relic has been something you have not had for quite
stolen from this temple. some time!
Frostbringer, the Staff of Tolrik Turn to entry 229.
Bearclaw, our forefather and the
founder of this village.” He waves a 87
hand at the empty rack behind the You have reached the entrance to the
idol. “It used to sit up there, behind castle. A sturdy door stands before
the image of our benevolent god.” you with a knob shaped like a bear’s
“Stolen? By whom?” head. Turning the knob, you pull the
The priest sighs. “Three nights ago, door open and quickly move inside
we were invaded by a marauding out of the cold, shutting it behind
band of gnolls… do you know of you. There is a large crate nearby
these creatures?” which you ram up against the door to
You reply that you have heard of stop anyone from following you in. If
them, and the priest continues. there were any gnolls remaining out
“The priests of this temple believe there, they will not be able to budge
they were acting under duress, the door.
fulfilling the quest under the orders Turning, you regard the entrance
of someone much more powerful than hall of the old castle. Tattered
they.” tapestries adorn the walls and unlit
“Who would that be?” you ask. braziers line each side of this large
“That we do not know. What we hall. At the far end, you see a long,
really need is a skilled warrior or curving staircase which ascends up to
mage to venture north - for that is the next floor.
the direction that the brutes departed What will you do?
in - to investigate this, hopefully to To search this room, go to 258.
return Frostbringer to us. In To have a closer look at the
return… we can offer the services of tapestries, go to 162.
a great weaponsmith, a devotee of To climb the spiral staircase to the
Ulutiu and a patron of this temple. next floor, go to 43.
We will have him forge an arcane
weapon for you, to your
specifications. A bow, a sword, a
greataxe… he will craft it for you,
and our mages will place
88 90
“Stop there!” you hear a voice address You shimmy down the rope, trying
you. Quickly turning, you see a burly to reach the bottom before your arms
dwarf approaching, mounted on a give out.
polar bear. As you address him in Unfortunately, by the time you are
Dwarvish, stating that you mean no about halfway down your arms are
harm, his demeanour quickly burning with fatigue, and your grip
changes. fails. You fall about 30 ft to the
“Welcome to the realm of snowy slope below. The snow breaks
Mountainshade!” the dwarf greets your fall somewhat, but still it is a
you, pulling up his polar bear and nasty fall.
dismounting. Coming forward, he Take 2d6 fall damage.
proffers a hand, which you shake. If you survive this fall, you stand and
“What brings you to our fair realm?” survey the remaining distance that
To tell this friendly dwarf the details you must descend.
of your quest, go to entry 181. Turn to entry 320.
Or, if you would rather not, you
could tell him you are just travelling 91
through. Go to 92. Having got your breath back, you
continue up the mountainside, The
89 day is fine and you are confident you
The riders soon greet you, and you will reach the summit before too
see that they are tribal barbarians, long. You put your head down and
not too different in appearance to the focus on placing one foot in front of
Erakan who you spent time with the other, ploughing your way
recently. Clad in thick furs and shod through the deep, soft snow.
with sturdy boots, three young men Suddenly you hear a rumbling, and
quickly rein their horses up before look up in horror to see the
you and give you the once over. One mountainside has collapsed and is
of them says something in a language thundering quickly towards you! You
which sounds a lot like Erakan. You will need to move fast to get out of
take it to mean, “Who are you?” and the way, or the consequences could
“What are you doing out here?” be deadly.
How will you respond? You could make Athletics check to
Use your best Erakan to try and see if you can get out of the path of
explain yourself? Go to entry 339. the avalanche. The DC is 16. If you
Draw a picture of a staff in the snow, are successful, go to 219.
and say the words Tolrik Bearclaw. If unsuccessful, go to 139.
Go to entry 78. You might have some other feat
Or do you have another name you which allows you to move quickly,
could mention? If so, there should such as feline agility or Boots of
have been a number that you noted Striding and Springing. If so, you can
down when you learnt that name. Go make the above check with
to that number now. advantage. There may be still
another method, such as a Potion of 94
Gaseous Form or a spell you can use. In desperation, you grab for the
If you know of another feat or spell wood of the stairs above but your
that sound reasonable, use that. fingers slip, and you fall through the
For the sake of calculation, the air, landing heavily on the bottom
avalanche is approximately 200 ft floor. Instantly you are knocked
wide and 25 ft high, and is far unconscious.
enough away that you have three Take 3d6 fall damage.
rounds to get out of the way. You are You awake sometime later,
situated approximately in the middle, disoriented, but determined to
and so you have 100 ft either side of continue your quest.
you that you have to traverse. If you To leave the castle and continue your
are not wearing snowshoes, this also quest, go to 220.
counts as difficult terrain. If you wish to return to the first
If you can feasibly get out of the way floor, go to entry 18.
in three rounds, then go to 219. To return to the stairs and climb
If not, go to 139. again, avoiding the hole this time, go
to 336.
“You have picked a savage country to 95
traverse, my friend,” the dwarf says. You would recognize Dwarven
“But so be it. A few words of advice: architecture anywhere. This is a
stick to this trail. It will take you large Dwarven keep, situated out
straight to the Pass of Auril. You here in the unforgiving icy tundra.
should probably camp for the night Obviously this is inhabited by a tribe
on this side of the mountains. You of mountain dwarves, as there seems
don’t want to attempt the Pass in the to be a fair bit of industry going on
dark. That would be suicide.” around it. It’s probably about an
Thanking the dwarf for this advice, hour’s walk away.
you move past him and continue your Take the codeword structure.
trek towards the mountains. Then, you may either inspect the
Go to 16. books on the table by going to 141.
You may descend the ladder that
93 leads down to the next floor. Go to
Quickly you run through the 63.
twisting, narrow ravines, fearing for To leave this tower and continue
your life. Poison Pass has certainly your quest, go to entry 323.
earned its name!
Make a Perception check, DC 17. 96
If successful, go to 303. The undead gnolls are finally dead,
If unsuccessful, go to 20. and your quest to retrieve
Frostbringer beckons once more.
You have spent enough time here
and must be on your way.
Exiting the keep through the hole Soon, however, your quest begins to
smashed in the front gate, you leave weigh on your mind again and you
the abandoned castle behind and realize you must be going. You tell
follow the mountain foothills Bragol as much, and he seems a little
towards Poison Pass. downcast.
Go to 183. “I am sad to see you go, friend,” he
admits. “It’s been a while since I met
97 a traveller such as yourself. Perhaps
Night is descending fast, and with it we have gotten a little too
the temperature. The moon comes up comfortable in our warm, cosy keep.
and casts its white glow over the But I wish you well on your quest!”
snowy mountaintops to the north, He pauses then, and considers. Then,
enhancing their striking beauty. Yes, he exclaims, “I have a gift for you!”
this is a harsh place, but it has a Turning to his son Brugorn, Bragol
certain majesty to it. whispers something. The boy
You busy yourself finding a nice flat disappears into a back room, then
area within the stones and make reappears a few moments later with a
camp. With every hour, the cold small pouch. You open it and look
settles in more and soon you see the inside, surprised to see a tiny flute
grass glistening as frost begins to inside.
take hold. You see patches of snow “It is made of the bones of a fire
here and there and reason that, by drake,” Bragol tells you. “The reason
tomorrow, you will probably enter I am giving this to you is that the
country where the ground is Pass of Auril is known for its snow
completely frozen. drakes. But a little tune from this
You may take all the benefits of a flute will send them packing! They
long rest. cannot bear the sound. So keep that
Then, proceed to entry 60. close if you’re heading through the
Pass. You might just need it.”
98 You thank Bragol for this gift and
Lord Bragol is silent for a moment, say goodbye to him and his warriors.
then breaks into an uproarious laugh. Then, you leave his warm fire and
“You had me going there, friend! For hall, and make your way out into the
a minute I thought I was going to courtyard. It is still busy within the
have to don armour and get these wooden walls of Bragol’s Keep.
creaking bones moving! Yes, Children run here and there, a small
excellent idea! Brugorn, bring mead, band of bards play a jaunty tune and
bread, roast oxen! We shall have a merchants have stalls set up selling
banquet!” baked goods and various other wares.
You spend an hour in the company of Lingering for a little while, you
Bragol and his entourage of warriors, eventually make your way to the gate
drinking and eating to your heart’s and, somewhat reluctantly, emerge
content. (Recover one hit die, if you once more into the frozen tundra of
wish, from this nourishing interlude). The Ride. Turning north, you press
on towards the jagged mountain Ahead, you see the gnolls arming
range which marks the border themselves as three tribal horsemen,
between The Ride and The Tortured clad in white furs, charge them
Land. rapidly, swinging battleaxes. One of
After another hour’s travel, the rock them also bears a bow.
formations to your east gradually With swift and brutal efficiency, the
dwindle and then all is unbroken, horsemen dispatch the gnolls in the
white, snowy expanse once more. blink of an eye. Their battle prowess
You continue north, into a landscape takes your breath away, and you
where fir trees, dusted with snow, wonder whether you should go
stretch east and west of the trail. forward and introduce yourself. Are
Go to entry 354. they friend or foe?
To come out of hiding and present
99 yourselves before these tribal
Taking out the little flute given to warriors, go to 230.
you by Lord Bragol, you play a few To stay where you are and wait until
notes. Even to your ears it sounds the warriors have departed, go to
slightly discordant, but also entry 23.
beautifully haunting.
However, the snow drake cannot 101
stand it! Visibly wincing at the “Shar Wintersong is my true name,”
sound, as if a firebrand had been the old wizard tells you as you walk.
applied to its skin, the drake flaps its “My family once ruled these lands.
wings and flies quickly away from My father kept a castle south of the
you, up the mountainside and out of mountains, where he raised us.
earshot. Myself, my brother, and my sister
After gathering your breath, you Aurilana,” she sighs. “But not
look down the slope and continue everyone respected my father’s rule.
your descent to the steppe below. When he died, my brother Agnom
Turn to entry 322. became lord of the keep, and he tried
to restore my father’s rule through
100 force. He was a cruel man, my
Staying well behind but still within brother.”
line of sight, you track the gnolls for “And my sister… she became more
about half an hour, trying to discern and more… distant. Obsessed with
whether they are carrying the staff the Cold Goddess, Auril. I think all
you seek. But they give no clue as to those years in the castle drove her
whether they carry Frostbringer, and insane, but whatever the case, she
you start to wonder how many began to think she was a
parties of gnolls are out here reincarnation of the Frostmaiden.
roaming the tundra. She spent all her hours in her little
Your reverie is interrupted by loud shrine, worshipping, and learning the
shouts, and you rush forward to dark arts of magic from books that
where you can see what is happening. she had Agnom’s men bring to her
from Ilinvur and Zhentil Keep. Both there is any way she can be saved…
she and I studied magic, under the defeated, but not killed, perhaps….
recommendation of our father, long there might be a chance I can get
since dead. And we were both through to her.”
excellent students, learning under “My mission is to retrieve the staff,”
the elder master who father had hired you tell Shar. “I can’t promise
for our education. But after father anything.”
died, Aurilana changed. And now, Shar nods, and tears begin to stream
she has shut us all out, even me. Shut down her face. She looks away for a
out the world, locked herself within long moment, then turns back
her castle.” towards you. Reaching into her robe,
“Why?” you ask. “What is she doing she takes out something - a small
in there?” box, intricate in design - and holds it
Shar is silent for a long while. Finally out to you.
she looks towards you. “This is a plaything father gave her
“Consolidating her power,” she says as a child. When she left to come into
quietly. “She dreams of reclaiming the land north of the mountains, she
the rule of my father, which our left it behind. Perhaps, if you get a
brother Agnom was not able to chance, you could show it to her. It
preserve.” might stir some memory.”
You tell Shar of the staff You open the little box, and inside is
Frostbringer, and she doesn’t seem a miniature landscape, with snow-
surprised. “I know of the staff,” Shar covered trees, tiny boulders, and a
says. “It will increase her power, but stream. It is an illusion of some kind.
the truth is, Aurilana is already very As you watch, the scene comes to life
powerful.” And then Shar’s face takes and begins to move, and a little girl
on a drawn, sorrowful expression. walks across the snow with a dog.
“And she must be stopped.” Stooping, the girl picks up a
You walk with Shar some way north snowflake and holds it in her hand,
in silence. Both of you stop at the then blows it into the air. The
beginning of the valley and gaze up snowflake grows in size until you can
at the stronghold where the ice see every detail, and it shimmers
wizard Aurilana has her lair. with a divine blue radiance. The little
“My sister placed a ward on her keep scene is entrancing, and moving, in a
so that I could not enter, not ever. way.
She cannot face me. In truth, I think When you look up, Shar is gone.
I am dead to her. Certainly she is no Turning north, you see the imposing
longer the sister I grew up with. She keep perched high on the
has become twisted, evil, her mind mountainside, and you set out
disturbed and consumed with the lust towards it.
for power.” Go to entry 6.
Shar turns to you then, her eyes full
of compassion. “Please,” she says. “I
know it is probably a lost hope, but if
102 104
You turn up something of definite You quickly search the bodies of the
worth: one of the kobolds is carrying dead gnolls, but find nothing:
a Potion of Healing! A fat lot of good certainly not any magical staves.
it’ll do the poor creature now though. Not wasting any more time here, you
A Potion of Healing won’t cure an refill your waterskin and forge
arrow through the neck. northward, drawing ever closer to
Quickly you stow the healing potion the valley where the stronghold lies.
and prepare to move on. You enter another patch of wood,
Roll a d20+3. and are caught off guard when you
If the result is higher than your AC, see an old woman standing before
go to 123. you, bearing a long staff that looks
If lower, go to 180. like the staff of a wizard.
“Good day, traveller,” she says in a
103 quiet voice, looking you up and down
The Frostmaiden is another name for warily.
Auril, the Cold Goddess, a vain and Go to entry 355.
evil deity who coveted the power of
Ulutiu, the Lord of Ice. With a view 105
to killing him so she could take over Arriving at the monument known as
his dominion, Auril siphoned off his The Frozen Stones, you scour the
power while he slept. area for signs of life.
Aurilana… was that her birth name, Choose between a perception or
you wonder? This sister of Agnom survival check, DC 14.
Wintersong evidently considered If you are successful, go to 326.
herself a channel of the evil power of If unsuccessful, go to 80.
the Frostmaiden! You wonder where
she is now… 106
To inspect the tapestries (if you have You sleep well, insulated against the
not already done so) go to 162. alpine cold by your cosy tent. Take
To climb the stairs to the next floor, all the benefits of a long rest.
go to 43. Then, proceed to entry 85.
107 proprietor of the shop, greets you as
You notice the change in the man you enter and asks you if you would
automatically. His face transforms like a brandy to help ward off the
into a scowl and he bares his teeth at cold, compliments of the shop.
you, making a low growling sound. He is very cheerful and you soon get
As if this wasn’t alarming enough, chatting.
you then notice a hideous Make a DC 12 charisma check (you
transformation taking place. He can attempt this again if you are
slowly transforms, fur growing on visiting for the second time). If
his body, his teeth elongating, his successful, he will give you a 20%
torso extending and changing shape. discount on anything you wish to
This man is a werewolf! buy. “You’re one of the locals now!”
You have heard of the beast known he’ll tell you after you’ve chatted for
as the werewolf, and know that this a while. Durfar will also change gems
is a powerful foe, certainly beyond and other coins for gp, up to a value
your prowess. of 500 gp.
Go to Werewolf Combat Sheet, and For a list of items available in this
use Werewolf Battle Map B and the shop (and their prices), consult the
notes for that map. Player’s Handbook, p.150. Also, be
sure to read the item descriptions on
108 pp.148-154 to discern what their uses
You push your way through a solid are. The shop also has a selection of
wooden door into a warm, well- the following weapons (in case you
maintained shop. A fire blazes in a want to buy them): Dagger,
hearth at the side of the room, and Handaxe, Spear, Light Crossbow,
around the walls of the spacious Shortbow, Sling, Battleaxe,
interior you see shelves arrayed, all Longsword, Shortsword, Whip, Net.
bearing a wide variety of wares. Bear Prices are as listed in the Player’s
and elk heads peer down from Handbook, p.149. Leather and Hide
mounts on the wall. Most of the Armour is also available. There are
equipment for sale here is survival- also Cleric’s supplies such as holy
based, which makes sense given the water and holy symbols.
surrounding terrain, but there are Additional goods that may be of use
also home-brewing supplies, barrels to you are listed below.
of grain, wine and everything that
the citizens of Bearclaw could Compass (100 gp, weight ! lb) A
possibly need. small metal compass which points to
However, you are more concerned the magnetic north pole. Using a
with things that are going to be of compass grants advantage on
use to you on your travels, and so Survival checks to avoid getting lost.
you restrict your perusal to the A PC with a compass always knows
relevant items. which way is north.
A cheery-looking dwarf who Fur-lined Tent (50 gp, weight 32
introduces himself as Durfar, the lb) This heavy tent, which packs
away into a surprisingly compact warmth spreading throughout your
roll, is made from bear fur and will body, and the cold doesn’t seem so
keep you sheltered against even the bad all of a sudden.
coldest nights. Leave the codeword redberry on your
Smoke Bomb (25 gp, weight 2 lb) Character Sheet. Now return to the
Created by an alchemist, a smoke last entry and continue reading.
bomb is a small round glass bottle
filled with a swirling black cloud. As 110
an action, you can throw a smoke Moving east, you circle around the
bomb up to 20 ft, shattering it on back of the buildings that stand
impact. Thick smoke fills an area in a adjacent to the courtyard, thinking
5 ft radius around where the smoke that there could be creatures hiding
bomb shatters: this area is heavily behind these, waiting to ambush
obscured. The smoke disperses after those passing through the courtyard.
one minute. A strong wind can also But you will need to move quietly in
disperse the smoke after one round. case you alert them to your presence,
Snow glasses (10 gp, weight -) should they be there.
These eye protection devices, crafted Moving around these buildings, you
from bone, are designed to stop snow proceed as quietly as possible.
blindness when travelling through Make a Stealth check, DC 14.
snowy terrain. If successful, go to 284.
Snowshoes (1 gp, weight 1 lb) If unsuccessful, go to 218.
Frames constructed of wood and
sinew can be attached to your boots. 111
Wearing snowshoes allows you to Your communication skills seem to
ignore difficult terrain caused by have worked, and the warriors’ whole
snow. demeanour changes. One of them
dismounts and bids you take his
Choose the items you wish, and then horse and ride back to the village
bid the dwarf farewell and return to with the other two, while he returns
entry 1 to choose a new destination. on foot.
Not wanting to refuse this gesture,
109 you mount and accompany the other
Remembering the Elvish book you tribesmen back to the village. You
read in the ruined tower, you keep a are led inside the cluster of huts into
lookout for the red berries described, a wide, open area ringed by the small
and it doesn’t take long before you dwellings, coming to a halt before
spot them. the largest dwelling there. The two
On a squat, hardy bush, clumps of the tribesmen dismount. You follow suit
little berries grow. You pop one in and are led inside the dwelling.
your mouth, and moments later it is Inside, seated at a table and poring
if your tongue is on fire! They are over a map, a huge bear of a man sits,
extremely spicy and quite bitter, but clad in furs and wearing heavy boots.
then you feel a pleasant, pervasive
“And what have we here?” he says in 114
perfect Common. “Who might you As you near, you begin to pick up on
be, traveller?” the tale which is keeping the
You introduce yourself and tell this villagers enthralled. "Well anyway, I
man, who you take to be the chief, don't know where the thing came
that you are on a quest to recover the from, but it's infested my cellar, and
staff of Tolrik Bearclaw. won't go away! I think it must have
Immediately he stands, offering you a leaked up from underground
seat. somehow, maybe from the tunnels of
“Come, sit, sit!” he says. “Your arrival those horrible drow!"
is auspicious, my friend! We have "Don't be bloody silly Stellan, the
much to discuss.” nearest drow tunnels are in Vaasa!
Go to entry 115. Their realm doesn't extend this far
112 Stellan waves his hand dismissively
The old man considers this. “I hadn’t and begins describing the creature.
seen them in this area before, no,” he "Horrible thing it is, like sticky red
says, straining to remember. “They glue. Marta tried to go near it and it
usually stay east of here. Or out on gave her a terrible headache... she
The Ride. Too many Erakan to the couldn't think straight for the rest of
west. Something must have driven the day. So we've locked the cellar,
them into this area. The promise of and we daren't go down there. But
spoils perhaps? I don’t know.” I'll tell you what..." The man picks up
The old man falls into another fit of and takes a long swig from his
coughing. tankard. "There's a reward for
Leaving him to his devices, you anyone who can get rid of the thing."
depart and continue your journey At this, most of the villagers shake
north. Go to entry 221. their heads. "Not me," you hear, and
"Sounds like your problem, mate!"
113 Gradually they all leave the table.
Striding up towards the castle doors What will you do now? Do you offer
with confidence, you remain on alert, your services to this poor chap? If so
watching for anything hiding in the go to 210.
shadows of the outbuildings which If not, you could go and see if the
flank the wide approach to the half-orcs will accept you as a
castle’s front doors. challenger for an arm wrestle - go to
Are you a paladin? If so, go to 70. 9.
If not, roll a d20-1. Or you could sit down and strike up a
If the result is higher than your conversation with the sullen-looking
passive perception, go to 149. priest in the corner. Go to entry 298.
If equal to or lower, go to 45.
115 which keeps them fed throughout the
“So, you are the one who will retrieve lean months. He expresses his
the staff of my ancestor, Tolrik gratitude that you are taking up this
Bearclaw!” Grokkung says. quest and offers you an interesting
“Excellent, my friend. I hope you piece of information.
have better luck than our warriors “Frostbringer answers the
have had!” commands of one who wears the
You are seated inside Grokkung’s amulet of Tolrik Bearclaw.” Reaching
hut, which is well-appointed. inside his tunic, Grokkung takes out
Weapons adorn the walls and the a necklace: a huge bear’s claw, in a
floor is strewn with fur rugs of gold setting, suspended on a leather
varying sizes. Hot yak stew is cord. Fixing you with a meaningful
brought, and ale, and you are soon stare, he passes the amulet to you.
feeling very comfortable as “When you are faced with the evil
Grokkung tells you what his mage Aurilana, chant the phrase
warriors have learnt recently. Tolrik Akur Kraggung. That will bind
“The gnolls do not work alone, my you to Frostbringer, and Aurilana
friend, as I am sure you have deduced will be unable to use it to fight you. If
by now. They act under the duress of you can then somehow get hold of
one Aurilana, the Ice Mage.” Frostbringer, perhaps you may be
“Ice Mage?” you say, frowning. able to use it against her.”
“Yes, and a fearsome mage she is You stay a little longer in the village
too.” Grokkung waves an arm in a but are soon eager to be on your way
vaguely northern direction. “She has again. With the few hours of daylight
her lair north of the mountains. It is left, Grokkung tells you, you should
there that the gnolls are headed. be able to make it to the base of the
They take the staff to her, and when mountains north of the village. He
she receives the mighty tells you there is an abandoned castle
Frostbringer, her power, which she that used to belong to a warlord,
has been nurturing for years, will which sits on this side of the range.
reach a new level. Her plan is to “Be warned, friend, do not venture
dominate these lands. To become the there! It is cursed, occupied by the
emissary for her cruel mistress, the undead lord who used to hold sway
Cold Goddess, Auril! The enemy of over these lands, many moons ago.
our beloved Ulutiu.” The brother of this same Aurilana:
Grokkung tells you that his tribe Agnom Wintersong. He guards his
learnt of the theft of the staff just wealth doggedly, and he has a band
recently, and have not had time to of undead warriors who remain loyal
send anyone out to track the gnolls. as well! You will never get through
He also says the majority of his him and his guards. Believe me -
warriors are far away to the east, many of my loyal tribesmen have
hunting aurochs for meat to dry tried. Tried, and died.”
before the winter sets in properly. Armed with this information, you set
This is a yearly ritual for them, one out once more from the barbarian
village, looking to make it to the foot the ground and take 1d6 fall damage,
of the mountains by nightfall. but you will be freed.
Take the codeword amulet. OPTION 2: If you have a ranged
Proceed to entry 263. weapon, you can make an attack vs
AC 15. You will have three attempts
116 to hit it. If successful, you will fall to
You push on, gradually making your the ground and take 1d6 fall damage,
way up the slope as the sun climbs but you will be freed.
into the sky. By midday, you have OPTION 3: If you are a druid, you
reached the summit. could wild-shape into a smaller
The view to the north is beautiful in creature that you have seen before
its own way, but bleak. The and slip out of the noose that is
landscape is utterly white, a frozen currently around your ankle. You
waste. Descent on this side will be will fall to the ground and take 1d6
precarious and steep, and you will fall damage, but you will be freed.
need to watch your footing. Once you OPTION 4: A Monk following the
reach the plain, a journey of less than Way of the Four Elements could use
a day should take you into a valley Elemental Attunement to form a
flanked by rocky peaks. You should nearby stone into a crude blade and
reach this area before nightfall. cut themselves free.
Slowly, you begin your descent of the OPTION 5: A caster who has access
north side of the Pass of Auril. to one of the following spells could
Go to entry 228. free themselves.
Burning Hands: Burn through the
117 rope. You will take 1d6 fall damage.
You have fallen victim to a craftily- Enlarge / Reduce: You can reduce
set rope trap, and are now dangling your size and get free of the noose.
in the middle of Poison Pass, You will take 1d6 fall damage.
wondering what will become of you. Fire Bolt: Attempt to hit and ignite
The rope was hidden against the cliff the rope. AC is 11. If you crit fail, you
face and led back behind a boulder. set your leg on fire, taking 1d4 fire
You consider your options. From damage before managing to put it
what you have heard of Poison Pass, out. You can attempt this repeatedly.
you know that if you don’t get free, it 1d6 fall damage.
is doubtless the end of the road for Levitate: You can levitate yourself
you here. You may attempt one of and undo the knot. No damage
the following. incurred.
OPTION 1: If you are strong, you Mage Hand: You can summon Mage
may attempt to pull yourself up and Hand to loosen the knot. You will
cut through the rope with a blade. take 1d6 fall damage.
This will require a successful DC 18 Misty Step: You can teleport away a
Athletics check, which you can short distance. No damage incurred.
attempt three times. If one of your Produce Flame: Burn through the
checks is successful, you will fall to rope. 1d6 fall damage.
Shatter: You can disintegrate the 119
rope. You will take 1d6 fall damage, The old trapper is supremely grateful
Spider Climb: This will allow you to for your help.
climb up the rope and undo it, 1d6 “Thank you, friend. You’ve eased my
fall damage. pain. Ulutiu himself must have sent
Unseen Servant: Summon Unseen you to help me in my time of need.”
Servant to undo the knot. 1d6 fall The man feeds you and you spend a
damage. short while resting in this cosy cabin.
If there is some other feat or spell You may take the benefits of a short
that you think can reasonably, rest.
honestly be used to get yourself out What will you do now?
of this predicament, then do that. If you would like to get moving
If you are successful in getting free of again, heading northwest, go to 221.
this trap, go to 330. Or you could ask him if he knows
If you are not able to get free of the anything more about the gnolls that
trap using any of the above methods, attacked him. Go to entry 112.
go to 333.
118 You push open the door of The
Looking out over the terrain that lies Crackling Hearth and emerge once
below this ridge, you continue along, more in the main street of Bearclaw.
wondering how long it will take you The chilly north wind whips along
to reach The Frozen Stones. By your the street as you consider where you
reckoning, it should take about an will visit next.
hour to reach them from your Return to entry 1 and choose a new
current position. destination.
You are lost in thought when
suddenly, you descend into a slight 121
dip and see, right ahead of you, a Quietly you back away and move out
half-ogre, trying to start a fire. of sight, giving the area a wide berth.
Nearby is a young man, trussed with You have your mission in mind, and
thick rope, his mouth gagged. The regardless of how cruel your decision
half-ogre quickly turns and sees you, might seem to that warrior, the fate
and gives an almighty roar, incensed of a whole village is at stake.
that you have interrupted his dinner! You heartless wretch!
It picks up a wicked-looking blade You move quickly, putting as much
and strides towards you. distance between yourself and the
Go to Half-ogre Combat Sheet. half-ogre as possible.
Go to entry 214.
122 123
Your senses primed, you edge slowly You feel a searing pain as an arrow
up the corridor, although a voice in pierces your shoulder! (Take 1d8+3
your head tells you that your piercing damage) Crying out, you
presence here has already been look up, but cannot see anything.
noticed. Another arrow comes shearing
All along this passageway, large towards you, and you quickly dodge
deposits of ice cover areas of the wall out of the way. The rumours that
and floor, and at times you have to Poison Pass was a dangerous place
move to the side to get through the were all too true!
narrow spaces made by these You realize now that you were
clusters. Gradually you edge towards foolish to spend so much time here
the large chamber that lies to the searching these bodies. Turning east,
north. you bolt down the ravine, out of
“Come, stranger,” you hear a voice range of these unseen assassins.
echo all around you, disembodied and Proceed to the next entry number on
booming, though clearly a female your path. Pray to whatever deity
voice. “Come and join me in worship you hold dear that you can make it
of the Frostmaiden.” out alive!
It is impossible to tell where the
voice is coming from, but peering up 124
towards the chamber, you now notice Quickly you look around for a place
a shape, humanoid, at the far side of to hide, but the only available cover
the chamber. There, kneeling on the is a low shrub. Sighing, you realize
floor before an altar, a robed figure there would be little point in
has their back to you. Looking past attempting to hide here, as it would
them, you see an idol in the shape of be pretty obvious where you had
a white, female figure, clothed in attempted to conceal yourself!
garments that shimmer like ice. The riders arrive at your location.
And there, resting on a wooden stand Go to entry 89.
placed before the idol, you see it. A
silver staff, bearing a large, bluish 125
sapphire at its head. You head towards the ridge which
Frostbringer. lies to the northeast and begin the
“Yes, beautiful isn’t it?” the voice long ascent up to the highland.
resounds again. You edge ever closer The views across the tundra are
towards the chamber. “I am, with the spectacular. As the morning wears
Goddess’s grace, now attuned to it. on, the weather begins closing in and
Come, witness what it can do in my soon the sky is covered with thick,
hands!” grey cloud. Spitting rain turns into
If you have the codeword amulet, go drizzle, and you soldier on through
now to entry 38. the rain. In the distance, you think
Otherwise, go to 170. you can make out an area where
obelisks are arranged in some sort of
pattern. This must be The Frozen 129
Stones. You continue towards the circle of
Make a Perception roll, DC 14, stones, keeping an eye out for a good
If you are successful, go to 206. spot to make camp. There are
If unsuccessful, go to 118. patches of snow on the ground here
and there. You are starting to reach
126 far enough north that the chill of the
You enter the narrow pass, not mountains reaches down to the
dallying at all. The quicker you can tundra. From here, it’s only going to
get to the other side, the quicker you get colder, and with a clear sky, it
can continue your quest to find will be a frigid night ahead!
Frostbringer. You enter the stone circle, seeing
You scan the clifftops warily, looking that these monoliths, which each
for enemies, but you see nothing. stand about 15 feet tall, are arranged
Ahead, the track splits in two. You in a rough circle. They provide some
cautiously approach the junction. shelter from the elements. You
Make a perception check, DC 15. wonder what purpose this monument
If successful, go to 351. was erected for.
If unsuccessful, go to 304. Make a perception roll, DC 14.
If successful, go to 260.
127 If unsuccessful, go to 71.
You prepare an attack, aiming for the
gnoll that is nearest to you. 130
Make your attack roll with Hunkering down, you try your best
advantage, aiming for an AC of 12. to conserve your warmth as the icy
The strange gnoll-like creatures have fog descends. (Perhaps you have
still not noticed you. some item that can ward off cold -
Roll damage, take note of it, then best use it now!)
proceed to 264. The white cloud descends over
everything, seeming to have a mind
128 of its own. You watch a tree nearby
The mark borne by these gnolls is and see the fog touch it. It almost
not familiar to you, but you reason seems to visibly shrivel with the icy
that perhaps it marks them out as touch. And then the fog reaches
belonging to some sort of cult or you…
order perhaps. Maybe their whole Clinging to your exposed skin, the
tribe bears this mark. In which case, fog crystallizes into ice, and it almost
maybe they are part of some larger seems you are being gripped by an
group. invisible, icy hand! This is cold like
Pondering all this, you set about you have never experienced before.
finding a camp. Go to entry 97. If you have nothing to guard you
against the cold, make a Constitution
save, DC 15.
If you fail, take 2d4 cold damage.
If you have the codeword redberry 132
you may ignore any cold damage. Too late you turn, just in time to see
Finally the fog passes. Shivering, you two gnolls loose arrows at you!
stand and try to stamp the cold out, Turn to Gnoll (Frozen River)
but you are utterly chilled to the Combat Sheet, giving your foes a free
bone. You decide the best thing is to attack. Then roll initiative and do
get moving again, and you set out battle as normal.
north once more.
Go to entry 361. 133
Fresh, cold air caresses your face as
131 you break through the top crust of
You take a moment to catch your snow. You can breathe again. That
breath after defeating the creature. was a close call, and you do not want
How many more such terrors does to find yourself in a predicament like
this inhospitable wasteland hold? that again. Dying in battle is one
Gritting your teeth, you see that the thing. Buried alive under snow, well
menacing clouds that were brooding that’s just humiliating for an
over the mountains are now adventurer such as yourself!
descending down towards the plain, You slowly gather your wits and
and what looks like snow is falling begin your trek up the mountain
thickly several miles to the north. once more. Eventually, you reach the
Hopefully you will be able to find a place where you were hit by the
place to camp come nightfall, but for avalanche. Keeping a watchful eye
now there are still miles to be out, you press on.
covered. Perhaps the rocks at the Go to entry 116.
base of the mountains will provide
you with some shelter. 134
Your breath frosting up before your You catch a hint of a scent on the
face, you set out once more, now on air… which has a distinctly canine
guard for any unexpected movement. aroma to it.
After two hours trudging through There is something dog-like ahead.
the snow, you come to a shallow Gnolls perhaps? Whatever they are,
gully which splits in two, offering you cannot currently see them. But if
you two possible ways forward. they are gnolls, you realize there is a
To take the route that bends slightly chance they could have the staff
more eastward around the right-hand Frostbringer in their possession.
side of a hill, go to 249. Take the codeword alerted and then
To proceed straight ahead through proceed to 185.
the gully, go to 295.
Keeping your course, you ignore the
man and continue north, focused on
your quest. But then you hear a
snarling sound, and you turn,
looking through the trees at the You then begin relating your quest
man… who is a man no longer! to return the staff Frostbringer to
A werewolf stands in his place, and Temple of Ulutiu. And the more you
the beast narrows its eyes and then speak, the wider the dwarf’s eyes
breaks into a sprint, coming straight grow.
for you. Go to entry 181.
You have heard of the beast known
as the werewolf, and know that this 138
is a powerful foe, certainly beyond Shar quickly moves to your side and
your prowess. inspects your wounds. She bids you
Go to Werewolf Combat Sheet, and lie down. If you were bitten, the old
use Werewolf Battle Map B, and the mage takes time to cast a ritual to
notes for that map. remove the curse of lycanthropy
from you. This old but powerful
136 mage restores you to your full hit
These markings are identical to those points. Then, standing, she takes a
you saw on the chests of the gnolls at step back and looks you up down,
the Frozen Stones. Clearly they are assessing you carefully.
part of the same cult or band. The Turn to entry 355.
mark, as you know, signifies the
goddess Auril, who is the enemy of 139
Ulutiu and certainly not a deity that You cannot move fast enough. You
gnolls are known to worship. So brace yourself for impact, and a wall
something, or someone, has these of snow hits you at speed, sending
gnolls in their employ! you tumbling and burying you under
The plot thickens. a mass of snow. You tumble a long
You leave the gnolls to stain the way down the slope, hitting a
snow with their blood and continue boulder or two as well as being
north. Turn to entry 182. crushed by the weight of snow on top
of you.
137 Take 5d6 bludgeoning damage.
The dwarf eyes you warily. “Relic? If you are still alive, continue reading
What relic?” he asks. “From the look below.
of you, I see that you are not some Do you possess a Potion of Snow
opportunist. There is a purpose to Breathing? If so, go to 227.
you. Tell me more, friend, perhaps I If not, go to 67.
can help. I am one of King Hugram’s
Bloodblades. If your quest is worthy, 140
we will offer what help we can. There You straighten up and enter the
are many terrors out here in the room. Clearing your throat, you
frozen waste, and those who battle address these warriors in a clear
them need all the allies they can voice.
find.” “Excuse me, good sirs, but might I
inquire what this place is?”
The warriors do not move at first, 141
and you wonder whether they have You take the top book and begin
even heard you, or if they are really reading. This book appears to be
alive or merely empty suits of written in some sort of code. The
armour! They don’t even move. letters are those of Common, but
Then, after a pause that seems like an they have been re-arranged to form
eternity, the guard nearest to you what looks like gibberish.
slowly turns his head towards you. To attempt to decode this text, go to
“Begone from this place, intruder!” he 62.
intones in a low, deep growl which To ignore this book and look at the
chills you to the soul. “My lord does next one, turn to entry 193.
not suffer trespassers!”
“Your lord?” you ask. “And who 142
might that be?” Moving away to the right, you leave
As one, the three guards all stand the area of the gate and inspect the
and turn towards you. Within their rest of the wall which surrounds this
helmets, you see glowing red eyes. imposing stronghold.
“That is one question too many!” the Looking up, you see numerous arrow
warrior says, and in unison, all three slits where archers would have fired
draw their swords. “You were given out their shafts, picking off the
a chance to leave. Now, you will die!” enemies exposed below. Long, dark
Quickly arming yourself, you face oil stains mark the walls from the
these three ghoulish warriors and battlements down where scalding hot
prepare for battle. oil would have been poured down on
Go to Undead Bannermen Combat those attempting to scale the walls.
Sheet and engage these three foes! You are just about to give up this
survey of the castle walls when you
see a small opening in the stone at Gradually afternoon turns to
the base of the wall. Something has evening. The mountains now loom
managed to burrow through here: large in your view, and the sky is
you hesitate to think what would be turning hues of pink and orange as
capable of such a feat. you reach a point where the west
To enter through this opening, go to road rejoins the trail north. In the
318. snow you see tracks: several
To return to the large wooden gate, creatures have travelled this way
go back to 340 and choose an option today, humanoids, and larger
there. footprints that could belong to some
sort of four-legged predator. A bear
143 or a sabre-tooth perhaps.
As the tribesman comes near bearing Putting your head down, you press
rope, intending to bind you, you on, determined to reach the
stand staunchly facing him, and snarl mountains by nightfall.
with anger, showing him that you Turn to entry 354.
will not allow yourself to be bound
by any means. 146
The barbarian backs off, intimidated You approach the sturdy-looking
by this display. wood cabin, visually inspecting the
Turn to entry 156. outside as you approach. From the
items hanging outside the cabin -
144 traps, animal skins, barrels of oil and
You stand in a hallway on the first other supplies - you discern that this
floor of an abandoned castle, having must be a trapper's cabin.
just visited a room directly north of As you near, you hear something.
here. Groaning, coming from within.
To continue to the staircase at the Someone inside the cabin is obviously
end of the corridor, go to 51. in a lot of pain!
To go back down to the entrance hall Will you enter to see what is going
and leave this place t o continue your on? If so, go to 83.
quest, go to 220. Or, if you would prefer to move on,
not wanting to get caught up in any
145 trouble, go to 221.
Leaving the tower behind, you press
on. Slowly the rock formations to 147
your west dwindle, and to your You have a good look around this
surprise, hardy foliage begins to dormitory but see nothing of
show itself once more. Swathes of fir interest.
trees, dusted in snow, stretch out to Roll a d20+3.
your left and right, painting a If the result is equal to or higher
picturesque scene in this otherwise than your passive Perception, go to
unforgiving environment. 174.
If lower, go to 164.
148 150
“Wherever the wind takes you, eh?” Are you attempting to move through
Lord Bragol says. “I like that. A true the door with stealth? If so, make a
wanderer. There are not many like Stealth check, DC 12.
you left in the world. Adventuring If successful, go to 236.
souls, not tied to any place, any If unsuccessful, or you choose not to
cause. I admire you. I envy you, make a stealth check, go to 19.
actually. Come, warm yourself by the
fire.” 151
Lord Bragol offers you hot food and a “Just a traveller, eh?” the dwarf
place to rest. His companions regale drawls, eyeing you suspiciously.
you with stories of the frozen north, “Very well. I’ll let you on your way,
some of which are almost too but beware… do not attempt to cross
incredible to believe. the Pass of Auril tonight. That would
You may take the benefits of a short be suicide. Fare thee well, traveller!”
rest from this interlude. Bidding the dwarf farewell, you
Eventually, you decide it is time to watch him manoeuvre his bulky
leave and continue your mission. mount back up the track and lumber
Making your way out of Lord off through snow and fir trees. A
Bragol’s stronghold, you turn your short while later, he has disappeared
sights northward and focus once from view, and continue your trek
more on your quest. towards the Pass of Auril.
Turn to entry 145. Go to entry 16.

149 152
You approach the castle entrance, Pushing the door of this small shop
wondering what you might find open, you enter a dark, musty-
inside this mighty abandoned keep. smelling interior. The shop appears
Suddenly, you see movement from deserted. At least, no-one is in sight
your right and are caught off guard currently, and it is silent in this
by three gnolls rushing you! You just dusty, cramped little shop.
have time to notice that they don’t The store is piled from floor to
appear living - their hide is rotting in ceiling with interesting-looking
places, bones showing through. tomes, and you begin to look through
Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat the stacks for anything that might
Sheet. Allow one gnoll a free attack prove useful.
on you, then roll initiative and As you are looking through, you hear
proceed with combat as normal. motion from out the back, and the
sound of book stacks collapsing,
followed by loud cursing in what
sounds like Orcish, if you’re not
Then, from a door behind the
counter, an elderly half-orc appears,
all clad in furs. When he sees you, he This obscure tome, written by an
is utterly shocked. orcish mage, teaches spellcasters how
“Gruumsh, a customer! Welcome, to channel the energy of the
welcome friend! What can I interest surrounding environment in order to
you in?” enhance their ability to cast cold-
The half-orc, whose name is Brukor, based spells. The caster, while in the
is highly knowledgeable on all environs of the frozen north, gains an
matters concerning the area. He extra 2 spell slots that can be used to
quickly locates the books that he cast spells that inflict cold damage
thinks will be most useful to you. (300 gp).
Most of the books concern
wilderness tracking and survival. Once you are done here, you could
However, as most of the tomes are choose another place to visit.
quite large, you will realistically only Durfar’s General Supplies: go to
be able to choose one to fit in your entry 108.
backpack. Also, as this is one of the The Crackling Hearth Tavern: go to
only sources of local knowledge and 53.
culture, these tomes are very rare
and some of them are the only copies 153
in existence. The prices reflect this Spending a bit of time, you figure out
fact. what the markings say, although you
Brukor shows you three tomes that still can’t make sense of it. It reads:
appear to be particularly useful. You
may select from one of the following. Beware of strangers in the Darkwood!
The Mardagal is always hungry…
Tracking Across The Tundra by
Lathiel Anmar You shiver. It is icy cold now, but
This book will improve your ability above you see the fog lifting and a
to survive on the tundra of The Ride blue, clear sky emerging once more.
and The Tortured Land, giving you a As you climb the stairs out of the
+2 bonus to Perception and Survival underground ruin, you ponder this
rolls while on the tundra. (200 gp) chilling message and its possible
Surviving in the Snow: The Tale meaning. The Mardagal? What is
of a Dwarven Scouting Party by that? You have never heard this
Drinskor Farkdaldrin. word before, but you are certainly on
When traversing a mountain pass or your guard now!
climbing a mountain, this will enable Stepping over the low, ruined walls,
you to gain a +2 bonus to you make your way back onto the ice
Perception, Dexterity or Survival and turn north once more, heading
skills that deal with avoiding hazards for the mountains.
like avalanches, crevasses, getting Go to entry 361.
lost in blizzards or digging snow
caves. (200 gp).
Ice Magic by Zadel Akgrytan.
154 begin riding their horses back
Quickly you search the kobold’s dead towards the village. You follow,
bodies, looking for anything of thinking that you may just pass
worth. through and continue through to the
Make an Investigation check, DC 16. other side.
If successful, go to 102. Eventually, you reach the village and
If unsuccessful, go to 203. move through the first row of huts
into an open area ringed by the small
155 mud and stone dwellings.
Quickly retreating back through the Will you move north through the
small hole through which you village, and out onto the open plain
entered, you emerge on the far side of once more? If so, go to 263.
the wall, looking across the plains Or, alternatively, you could
towards Poison Pass. investigate the largest dwelling in
What now? the village, which looks like it could
To leave the castle and make your be the chief’s residence. If you wish
way across the plain towards Poison to do this, go to entry 41.
Pass, go to 183.
To return to the main front gate to 157
the castle, go back to entry 340 and Keeping the large rock formations to
choose an option from there. your right, you continue north
towards the mountain range that
156 separates these northern reaches of
The tribesman stops dead in his the Ride from The Tortured land
tracks, taken aback at your beyond. The snow thins a little here
intimidating display, and backs away and you are able to make good
towards his horse. progress.
The three young warriors turn and Rounding a large bluff that juts out
into the icy plain, you
are surprised to see a
large structure,
clearly a fortress or
stronghold of some
kind, sitting on a rise
in the middle of this
open area. Spikes line
either side of the
road that approaches
it and the solidly-
constructed castle is
surrounded by a tall
brick wall.
It is clearly inhabited
- plumes of smoke
rise from several chimneys and a Alternatively, you could move
banner flaps in the stiff breeze around the far side of the
coming from the west. outbuildings, seeing if you can get
To approach the front gate of this the drop on anyone who might be
stronghold and announce yourself, hiding behind them, waiting for your
go to 4. approach. Go to 110.
To move past this stronghold and
continue your journey north, go to 160
186. At these words, you see the figure
To stop where you are and see seated on the throne throw its head
whether anyone rides out to meet back and laugh uproariously. “A lone
you, go to 262. adventurer, indeed! As I once was.
Well, my friend, you have blundered
158 into the domain of Lord Agnom
Are you checking this door for traps, Wintersong, and so you will pay for
or simply opening it? it with your life… unless you can
If you are checking for traps, go to answer me this one question…
If you are just opening it, go to 150. Dust of the water, light of weight am I
Dripping in the sun, but in the cold am
159 dry
You hurl yourself forward, rolling on I rivers make, though first upon the
the ground and just managing to ground I lie
avoid a large section of log which Answer swiftly, and perhaps you shall
crashes to the ground behind you, not die.
the impact vibrating through the
earth. Catching your breath, you Do you know the answer? If so,
quickly stand, looking this way and count the number of letters in the
that, trying to see who it was that set word you have in mind, and multiply
this cowardly trap. it by 8. Then turn to that entry
Ahead, you see a series of steps number.
leading up to the main castle. There If you do not know the answer, go to
are outbuildings either side of it. If 73.
something wanted to hide behind one
of those and ambush someone 161
approaching the castle, this would be You look the bridge over, but it
the perfect place for it. appears fairly sound from where you
You are unsure whether anyone or are standing. Seeing no other option,
anything has seen your approach. you gingerly place your first step on
Will you walk straight towards the the bridge and test your weight. The
castle confidently? Go to entry 113. wooden boards hold you up, and so
Or will you approach stealthily, you cautiously proceed across.
trying to move towards the castle Go to entry 56.
undetected? Go to 7.
162 which can only be The Pass of Auril,
You move closer to the tattered old where you plan to cross over into the
tapestries and start inspecting the Tortured Land.
scenes depicted there. Inspecting the trail through the
You see great scenes of battle, and a forest more closely, you see a side
general leading his men against an trail that leads off and ends at a stone
army of what looks like ice giants, or structure: low and solid, this
giantkin. structure has a certain look to it.
On some of the other tapestries, a Something about the architecture
goddess-like figure is shown, dressed sparks a memory.
all in white and ice-blue. She is Are you familiar with this style of
shown blessing three figures: the architecture? Make a history check,
general depicted on the other DC 17.
tapestries, and two women who could If successful, go to 95.
be mages or priestesses of some kind. If unsuccessful, go to 8.
The three are all bowing before the If you have stonecunning, go to 291.
To explore some other areas of this 164
entrance hall, go to entry 258. Your attention is drawn to
To leave this area and climb the movement in your peripheral vision,
stairs that go up to the next floor of and you turn just in time to see it: the
this castle, go to 43. icicles have come to life! Previously
hanging from the roof, three
163 creatures, composed of ice, are now
You move to the gaps in the advancing on you!
stonework that are situated at Go to Ice Mephit Combat Sheet and
regular intervals around this circular do battle with these frosty foes!
tower. Each looks out at a different
compass point. You move to the 165
south one first. In the middle Heading generally northwest, you
distance you see The Frozen Stones, take the lowland route towards The
where you began your journey, and Frozen Stones. A chill wind whips
far beyond that the village of across the tundra but as your path
Bearclaw, just visible through a thick descends into a valley you soon find
haze of snowfall which appears to yourself sheltered from it. The river
have descended there. meanders its way beside the track, ice
Then you move to the north window, forming at its edges. To your east,
the direction you are headed. From the plateau that bears the highland
here you see that the large rock route rises up steeply and you are
formations to your west gradually grateful for having chosen this route.
dwindle, and a mass of fir trees lies After about an hour’s walking, the
beyond that. A trail runs directly path enters a section of ancient
down the centre of this, straight forest. The path, seemingly quite
towards a dip in the mountain range well maintained (you reason that
hunters and trappers from Bearclaw 169
must use it) meanders through the Avoiding the rocks, you sprint hard
wood. and eventually reach the end of the
Make a Survival check, DC 16. ravine. Cries of orcish frustration
If successful, go to 350. echo in the Pass behind you, and you
If unsuccessful, go to 302. cannot help but smile with
satisfaction. You have survived the
166 perils of Poison Pass! Not many can
An arrow flies past you, embedding claim that.
itself in a nearby tree. Looking in the Catching your breath, you survey the
direction it came in, you see two icy steppe that spreads out before
gnolls, one advancing on you, the you.
other standing at a distance. Turn to entry 21.
Go to Gnoll Hunter Combat Sheet
and deal with these cowardly dogs! 170
You open your mouth to address the
mage, but suddenly discover you
167 cannot make a sound!
Your arms are burning from “Yes,” Aurilana says, now turning to
supporting your weight, but finally face you, the staff resting in her
you make it to the bottom of the cliff. hands. Despite her malice, you are
Unfortunately, as your rope was tied struck by her cold beauty, which
securely to the boulder above, it will seems almost otherworldly.
be impossible to retrieve, unless you “There is a ward on my keep… only I
can use Mage Hand or some similar can speak here! No others have that
ability to undo the knot. The top of privilege… And now, I am finally
the cliff is about 55 feet away. attuned to Frostbringer! Let’s see
You turn and survey the remaining what I can craft from the ice, using
slope beneath you. Turn to entry its power!”
320. Holding the staff before her, you see
Aurilana focusing her attention on
168 the gem at its head.
You successfully make your way to Suddenly the ice that is clustered on
the front gate without being waylaid the wall begins to crack. You look
by the undead gnolls. towards the sound and see small
Exiting the keep through the hole creatures forming themselves from
smashed through the front gate, you the ice. They drop to the floor and
leave the keep and castle behind and begin grouping themselves around
follow the mountain foothills the mage!
towards Poison Pass. “Come, brave fool!” Aurilana cries
Go to 183. triumphantly. “See how you fare
against the power of the
Now, go to Aurilana Combat Sheet these malicious mutts are out for
and finally face the ice mage Aurilana blood!
Wintersong! Go to Gnoll (River Encounter)
Combat Sheet and do battle. Use the
PC spawn point situated in the lower
right area of the encounter map.

Trekking laboriously through the
thick snow, you gradually make your
way towards the bridge that spans
the icy river. It takes you some time,
but eventually you stand before it,
ready to cross.
Make a Survival or Perception check,
DC 12.
If successful, go to 275.
If unsuccessful, go to 29.

Creeping up towards the ring of
monolithic stones, you prepare your
attack. The gnolls come into sight…
one of them is preparing a campfire,
the other is approaching with an
armful of wood. They have not seen
Go to Gnoll Hunter Combat Sheet.
You may make one surprise ranged
attack with advantage, then roll
171 initiative and proceed with combat as
With very little effort you cross the normal. If you do not have any
frozen stream, landing safely on the ranged attacks, you will need to go
other side. straight to initiative and melee as it
Your attention is immediately will be impossible to stay concealed
grabbed by a loud yapping and once you move inside the ring of
yowling, and you look up to see two stones.
gnolls, on either side of the river,
making their way through the snow 174
towards you. It looks as if they were Suddenly you feel a chill air on your
waiting at the bridge in hopes of back, and - too late - realize you are
ambushing you! An arrow whistles not alone in this room!
above your head, and you realize that Turn to Ice Mephit Combat Sheet.
Grant one surprise attack, with
advantage, to your foes, and then You are mindful of your quest, and
proceed with combat as normal. can see from his bearing that this
king means you harm. Wasting no
175 time, you relate the details of your
You are pulled quite some distance quest, your mission to retrieve
through a thick fir forest until you Frostbringer.
see, from your view tied up on the The King falls into silence.
sled, tall wooden gates sliding past. “Gnolls, you say? Hmmm… there
And then, you are within a compound can be only one explanation for this.
of some sort, surrounded by dwarves And if I’m right, it confirms what I
who all gaze with astonishment at have thought for quite some time.”
the new prisoner! “Go on,” you say.
The dwarf who captured you, whose The King regards you for a long
name you still have not learnt, stands moment, and then begins speaking.
you up and frees you from the net. “Some distance due east of here is an
Then, escorted by a dozen or so abandoned castle. It is generally
heavily-armed warriors, you are led avoided both by my warriors and by
inside a large keep. the Erakan barbarians. A long time
The room you are led into is nothing ago, it was occupied by a mighty
short of a throne room, a medium- warlord, Agnom Wintersong, a man
sized gallery where warriors line who ruled over this area with an iron
each side of the hall. At the end of fist. He kept a small army, and they
this gallery is a throne, not situated imposed some sort of order of these
on a dais, on which a middle-aged lands. But they fell victim to a
dwarf, with a thick beard and clad in terrible curse, and now that duty falls
furs, is seated. to us.
“Greetings, friend!” he booms. “The man had two sisters. Those
“Approach.” three children grew up under their
You feel several axe heads prodding father’s watchful eye, who was the
you in the back, and see that you previous castellan, but after he
have no choice but to approach the died… one of the sisters became…
throne. withdrawn. Obsessed with the occult.
Gradually you near the throne, and And especially with the story of
the beaming king nods, apparently Ulutiu and Auril. Do you know it?”
pleased with your appearance. “A little of it,” you say. “Ulutiu is the
“First of all,” King Hugram says, “I’d Lord of Ice. He had his power
like to apologise for Brugli’s abrupt drained from him by Auril while he
manner! He can be rude at times. But slept. She was trying to weaken him
you must understand, we are in the so that she could steal his dominion.”
wilds here! We must protect our “That’s the gist of it,” King Hugram
borders vigilantly. And so, you enter says. “And now, this sister, this
our little realm of Mountainshade… Aurilana, became a devout follower
would you care to tell me what of this goddess. As a result, she
brings you here?” became twisted by a malignant
energy, for this was a dark goddess. 176
She left her other sister, and her The last of the mephits destroyed,
brother, and journeyed north, beyond you survey the room and find
the mountains, where she could be nothing of any real interest. Focused
alone in her worship. And the longer on your quest, you leave this room
she stayed there, the more twisted - and return to the top room of the
and powerful - she became. tower.
“So,” you say after a pause. “You Descending the ruined staircase that
believe she is behind this? The theft leads down from this tower, you are
of Frostbringer?” soon back outside on the icy tundra,
Hugram narrows his eyes. “Perhaps,” and you turn north once more, the
he says. “All I know is, there are line of snowy peaks that stretches
many gnolls in these lands lately. west-east growing ever larger as you
Much more than there were before. approach.
Perhaps she amasses an army. Slowly the rock formation to your
Perhaps she plans something. west dwindles, and the snow deepens.
Perhaps, with the aid of Stands of fir trees become more and
Frostbringer, she will realize a power more frequent, and soon you are
more terrible than any of us can approaching a thick forest which
imagine!” stands between you and the
This is disturbing news indeed. mountain range.
King Hugram bids you take food Go to entry 354.
with him, and platters of steaming
hot stew and roast meat are 177
presented. Eating your fill, you tell You try your best to get a good
the king that you must be on your night’s sleep, but the cold here is
way. If what he says is true, then you pervasive, and you wake several
cannot dally any longer. times during the night, shivering.
“Good luck, my friend,” the King Huddling up into a ball, you do
says. “I hope, for all our sakes, that manage to rest but not fully.
my suspicions are not true. But if Take all the benefits of a long rest,
they are… well, I hope you return but then roll one hit die and deduct
victorious.” this from your hp.
A small detachment of dwarves Then, turn to entry 85.
escorts you to the gates of
Mountainshade Keep, and soon you 178
are back on the trail, headed towards Fortunately, you have enough
the Pass of Auril. The mountains are presence of mind to remember that
now so close you feel you could just the monk Remigius told you to
about reach out and touch them. beware of tricks of the light, mirages
Go to entry 16. and illusions that the mountains
sometimes throw up before an
unwary traveller. If you are not
mistaken, this is a human likeness of
Ulutiu, The Lord in the Ice, whose If you would rather proceed on foot,
temple housed the staff Frostbringer. you make your apologies and they
All that talk of gods and sacred depart. Then, go to entry 279.
artefacts must have gone to your
head. 180
Slowly, as you compose yourself, you You feel a small gust of air whoosh
see the terrain clearly once more and past you, and see an arrow ricochet
the illusion fades. You press on off the ravine wall! Quickly you turn
across the tundra, and ahead you see and look up, but cannot see anything.
that you are approaching a junction Another arrow comes shearing
of some sort where a path to the east towards you, and you quickly dodge
rejoins the one you are on. out of the way. The rumours that
Go to entry 239. Poison Pass was a dangerous place
were all too true.
179 You realize now that you were
Your arrow goes sailing wide of the foolish to spend so much time here
gnoll you were aiming for, but now searching these bodies. Turning east,
you have attracted their attention! you bolt down the ravine, out of
The ugly dogs turn and start range of these unseen assassins.
towards you, raising their weapons! Proceed to the next entry number on
Suddenly, you hear a commotion your path. Pray to whatever deity
coming from up ahead, and look up you hold dear that you can make it
to see three tribal horsemen, clad in out alive!
white furs, charge the gnolls and
swinging battleaxes. One of them 181
also wields a bow. You tell the dwarf the nature of your
With swift and brutal efficiency, the quest, to retrieve Frostbringer and
horsemen dispatch the poor gnolls in return it to the Ulutiu temple. The
the blink of an eye. Their battle dwarf is visibly taken aback by your
prowess takes your breath away. One account; impressed even.
of them spots you and quickly “Frostbringer, stolen?” he splutters
gallops over. Initially his bearing is eventually. “By… by whom?”
menacing but when he sees that you “That I do not know,” you reply. “I
are not offering challenge, he softens am tracking gnolls across this waste,
and he gestures to his companions. good sir dwarf. Gnolls were seen
Another tribesman appears and leaving the Ulutiu temple, and the
deftly jumps on the back of his head monk there, Remigius, thinks
friend’s horse. Now there is one that they might have stolen it. For
horse free, and the barbarians what purpose though…”
indicate that you should mount this “Gnolls, stealing the sacred staff of
horse and follow them. Tolrik Bearclaw?” he exclaims. “I’ve
If you wish to do so, go to 184. never heard of such a thing!”
“It is true,” you say. “And I have been formations - a kind of miniature
tasked with retrieving it. So, I ask mountain range - splits the way
you, will you let me pass?” ahead in two.
The dwarf eyes you for a long time. Will you go west, around the left-
Then he gives a short, brisk nod, and hand side of these formations? If so,
tugs on the polar bear’s reins, go to 157.
moving the huge beast off the path. Or will you go around the right-hand
“Stick to this trail, traveller,” he tells side? If so, go to 54.
you. “It will take you straight to the
Pass of Auril. You should probably 183
camp for the night on this side of the Turning east, and keeping the
mountains. You don’t want to mountains on your left, you make
attempt the Pass in the dark. That your way towards the thin fissure
would be suicide.” that you saw before from the plain,
Thanking the dwarf for this advice, the narrow ravine known as Poison
you move past him and continue your Pass.
trek towards the mountains. After about an hour’s walk, you reach
Go to 16. the entrance to the pass. A trail,
which has somehow remained free of
182 snow, ascends between two steep
Do you have the codeword plunge? If rock walls. Did the gnolls go through
so, go immediately to entry 283. this pass, carrying the staff
The sun reaches its zenith as you Frostbringer with them?
push on northwards, the teeth-like You ponder this as you begin to
mountains that line the horizon make camp for the night, which is
growing ever larger. Snow is descending fast, bringing with it a
everywhere. A few hardy fir trees frigid cold.
stand above the white ground, and Go to entry 34.
rocky outcrops jut out here and
there, but otherwise all is snow, and 184
ice, and cold. The tribesmen lead you on horseback
As you wander, you see a pack of a little way north, and before long
wolves wander across the snow you see a cluster of huts ahead. You
ahead, deftly padding across the soft enter this small village and watch as
ground, sniffing here and there. You the tribesmen dismount and go inside
are downwind of them, and they do a hut, the largest one in the
not detect you. They look thin, as if settlement.
they had been searching for food for A few moments later, a man emerges,
many days, and you feel a pang of a huge bear of a man with biceps as
pity for the poor creatures. It must be thick as your thigh, towering over
harsh surviving out in this cruel six feet tall.
wilderness. “Welcome, stranger!” he booms, a
About an hour later, you come to an broad grin spreading across his face.
area where a series of large rock “I am Grokkung Bearclaw, chief of
this small village of Erakan warriors. dwindle and all is unbroken, white,
Who might you be?” snowy expanse once more.
Something about Grokkung tells you You press on north into a landscape
that you can trust him, and you share where fir trees, dusted with snow,
knowledge of the errand that the stretch east and west of the trail.
monk Remigius sent you on. Go to entry 354.
“I had a feeling you might be on this
mission, friend!” Grokkung bellows. 187
“Please, join me in my hut where we Your sharp eye spots movement on
can discuss further!” the slopes above. Loose snow is
Dismounting, you follow Grokkung beginning to slide, and it is growing
inside his hut. in frequency. There is no doubt - an
Go to entry 115. avalanche is imminent!
You do not wait to see what happens.
185 Quickly you begin making your way
You make your way into this copse of towards the glacier wall. There is an
trees and see a frozen river ahead, area where a rocky outcrop forms a
bisecting the route north. You realize kind of natural shelter that a person
you will have to cross this to could hide behind.
continue your trek north towards the You are 150 feet away from it when
mountain stronghold. Cautiously, you hear the sound behind you. a
you set foot on the ice and move rumbling which grows in intensity.
forward. Looking up the slope, you see a huge
If you have the codeword alerted, turn mass of snow thundering its way
to 22. towards you! You run for all you’re
Otherwise, turn to 132. worth through the thigh deep snow
towards the rocky outcrop and dive
186 behind it, moments before a tidal
The quest given to you be Remigius wave of snow hits.
is high in your mind, and you do not The mountainside is a churning mass
want to waste time with this of white which takes quite a while to
unnecessary diversion. Hoping that subside. You thank the gods that you
the inhabitants of the fortress are made it to the outcrop in time.
friendly, you give it a wide berth, Finally the snow settles and you are
noticing heads watching you above able to continue your trek over the
the battlements. Perhaps raising a Pass.
hand to give a salutation, you press Go to entry 116.
on north towards the jagged
mountain range which marks the 188
border between The Ride and The You wait a while. There is a long
Tortured Land. moment when nothing happens, then
After another hour’s travel, the rock finally the gates swing open,
formations to your east gradually revealing a courtyard and keep
A female guard, clad in chainmail, “Never!” she growls. “I will assert
comes forward. “This way, my friend. dominion over these lands, and you
Lord Bragol welcomes all to his fire. cannot stand in my way!”
Come, warm yourself.” With that, Then, you reach into your pocket and
she turns and walks back inside the produce the little plaything that Shar
compound. Wintersong gave you.
Will you accept her offer and “Aurilana,” you say quietly. “Look.”
accompany her within the Holding it out to her, you open the
stronghold? If so, go to 345. little trinket, and the beautiful little
Or will you refuse the invitation and scene plays out. Aurilana stops in her
press on? If so, go to 243. tracks, momentarily halted in her
189 Make a Persuasion check, DC 12.
You reach a point where the path If successful, go to 30.
that branched off earlier rejoins the If unsuccessful, go to 237.
main path. Ahead you see another
fork, and you edge forward. 191
When you are about halfway to this Searching the bodies of these gnolls,
new fork, a burly orc warrior drops you find no real possessions apart
down in front of you, having from their longbows, but do find a
descended quickly via a rope. strange symbol branded on their
You turn, to see if you can retreat chests: a six-pointed snowflake.
back the way you came, and to your If you have the codeword frigid turn
horror see another orc closing the to 136.
gap, lumbering towards you. But this If not, you may take a longbow if you
one looks diseased, its skin corrupted wish, and then you are on your way
with boils, its bloated body trailing by proceeding to entry 182.
noxious fumes!
You prepare for battle. Perhaps there 192
is a chance you can get out of this, Ducking and rolling, you quickly
fleeing past the orc who stands to move out from under the net and get
your east. Whatever the case, you to your feet, hand on your weapon.
will have to act quickly! “What is your quarrel with me?” you
Go to Orc Ambush Combat Sheet ask. “I mean you no harm, sir dwarf,
and deal with this deadly situation! but I’ll not be caught.”
The dwarf is visibly flustered, and
190 frustrated that you have escaped his
“Yield, Aurilana!” you cry. “You are net. “You will state your business in
defeated!” the realm of Mountainshade,” he
Gritting her teeth, the ice mage demands. “Or you’ll have me to deal
prepares to unleash yet another blast with!” The dwarf places a hand on his
of frigid fury on you. axe as a warning.
To state your business to the dwarf, If you do not, your movement is
telling him about your mission, go to halved until the text says otherwise.
181. As you look down into this valley
“I have no business, my friend. you see a river, ice blue, snaking its
Merely a traveller passing through.” way along the valley’s bottom.
Go to entry 151. Carving a course through the thick
snow, the top of the river appears to
193 be frozen while water runs beneath
Opening the front cover of this book, the transparent ice.
you see that it is written in Elvish. Some way ahead, you see a bridge
If you know Elvish, or you can cast that spans the frozen river. It looks
Comprehend Languages, you may like you will have to cross, and the
read this book by going to 241. bridge seems like the only way.
If you do not, then you could instead To make your way towards the
go to the windows that look out from bridge, go to 172.
this tower. Go to 163. To take your chances walking over
To descend the ladder that leads the thin ice to cross the river, go to
down from this floor, go to 63. 317.
Or, you could leave the tower and
continue your quest. Go to 323. 196
You look towards the river,
194 wondering where the best place to
The narrow gully of Poison Pass is begin looking for gold might be.
close now, just a couple of hour’s Walking towards it, you search for
walk northeast. You reason that you any tell-tale glimmer coming from
will probably reach the base of the the water, and consider how you
mountains by nightfall. might sift through the fine gravel in
Directly to the north is an abandoned the river bed.
castle, which looks like it might once You hear a noise behind you and
have been quite a grand structure. turn, just in time to see a hideous
Now dilapidated, its battlements man-wolf charging you, it’s jaws
crumbling, it sits alone, a little way open and slavering! The trapper has
from the base of the mountains. transformed into a werewolf, and you
Will you head straight towards have no time to prepare an attack to
Poison Pass? If so, go to 293. defend yourself! The werewolf is
Or will you go and investigate the about 20 ft away.
castle? Go to entry 340. Go to Werewolf Combat Sheet, and
use Werewolf Battle Map A, and the
195 notes for that map. Use the furthest-
As you trudge ever further north PC token. Give the werewolf
northwards, you enter a small valley one attack (unless you have some feat
where the snow is thick on the that doesn’t allow you to be
ground, thigh-deep. surprised) and then proceed with
Do you possess snowshoes? combat as normal.
197 “Who enters here?” a voice booms,
You can discern nothing about the seeming to come from all around
strange totem that sits atop the you.
temple building. How will you answer?
To enter, go to 86. “A lone adventurer is all I am. Who
Or to choose a different place to visit, might you be?” Go to 160.
return to entry 1 and choose a new “Your doom enters here!” Go to 47.
option. “Who’s asking?” Go to 356.

198 200
Turning towards the door you You move towards the north door,
entered by, you attempt to sneak out attempting to sneak past the guards.
of the room. But as you move However, due to the small confines of
towards the door, suddenly you hear the room, it will be a miracle if your
a loud, booming voice. presence is not noticed as you
“Halt, intruder! Who are you to enter approach the north door.
unbidden into my lord’s castle!” Make another stealth check, DC 19.
All three guards then stand in If successful, go to 300.
unison, turning towards you and If unsuccessful, go to 204.
drawing swords. Within their
helmets, you see points of blood-red 201
light, and they advance on you. You set out northwest towards the
Go to Undead Bannermen Combat Pass of Auril, anticipating the
Sheet and do battle with these foes! dangerous weather and terrain you
might encounter there. However, the
199 idea of a gully that orcs use for
Take the codeword guards. ambush doesn’t appeal to you. You
Quickly moving through the north would much rather face the wrath of
door, you quietly shut the door the weather than the danger of an
behind you and survey the chamber unseen attack.
you have entered. Your mind turns to your quest, and
You are within a throne room. To the retrieval of Frostbringer, the staff
your left and right, large tapestries of Tolrik Bearclaw. All you know so
depict battle scenes on far is that it was taken by a band of
mountainsides. Directly ahead is a marauding gnolls who stole into the
throne on a dais, and a figure is village some nights ago. You wonder
seated there, draped in tattered what their motives were, and how
robes. There is an ancient, musty they organized themselves so well to
smell and the air is freezing cold, slip past the village gatekeepers -
chilling you to the bone. Dim light hardened warriors themselves, you
from a large circular window behind thought. Perhaps they had help.
the throne illuminates the silent Perhaps they were sent here by
chamber. someone who held the promise of a
reward - or a threat - over their
heads. There is more to this than 204
meets the eye, you reason. Gnolls are “Stop!” one of the guards barks. “You
not known for their cunning. may not enter my lord’s chamber!”
In the hazy blue distance, the All three guards stand and draw
mountains sit, picturesque and their swords. As they turn their
serene, giving no hint of the dangers helmeted heads towards you, you see
that lie within. About half a mile their eyes as blood-red points of
ahead, you see something moving: a light.
column of cold weather, rotating, Go to Undead Bannermen Combat
churning like a whirlpool. It looks Sheet and do battle with these
like some kind of ice tornado! guards. Place your PC token at the
What to do? Will you divert your top of the map, just south of the
course to avoid it? Go to entry 69. north door.
Or will you stick to the path you are
on, hoping that it changes direction? 205
Go to entry 289. Staying close to the wall, you creep
north, moving slowly and quietly,
202 trying to stay undetected. If you can
You do your best to creep towards just get within bolting distance of
the area where the noise is coming that door…
from without being seen. However, But as you move, you slip and
the wind suddenly changes, and quickly put a hand up to steady
whoever is ahead suddenly growls yourself on the wall, dislodging a
with menace. Standing up from loose stone. The sound of it falling
where you are crouching, you see a alerts the gnolls to your presence!
huge half-ogre, bearing a three- Barking in alarm, the three gnolls
headed battleaxe, striding towards turn and see you by the wall. They
you across the tundra. break into a run, coming at you. Now
You will have to fight this massive that they are approaching you can
brute! Go to Half-ogre Combat see that parts of their bodies are
Sheet. decayed, rotting… Are they undead?
Regardless, you will now have to do
203 battle with these wretched creatures!
You rifle the dead kobolds but find Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat
nothing. Sheet and use Map B, placing your
Unnerved, you leave these corpses PC at Location 2.
and quickly move on.
Roll a d20+3. 206
If the result is equal to or higher A sound from ahead makes you
than your AC, go to 123. freeze. You hear a low muttering, a
If lower, go to 180. guttural voice cursing and debating
with itself. Quickly you duck down
and begin to make your way
stealthily forward, using rocks and
tussock as cover. Not an easy job, as goo, and pays you the promised 75
this highland terrain is fairly bare. gold pieces. After feeding you and
Make a Stealth check, DC 14. letting you rest a while (take a short
If successful, go to 287. rest), you leave and continue your
If unsuccessful, go to 202. exploration of Bearclaw.
Return to Entry 1 and choose
207 another location. You may visit the
You go back towards the ladder that temple, the supplies store or Kannoth’s
you descended to this floor and Rare Books and Tomes, but The
prepare to climb back out and exit Crackling Hearth has gone pretty
the tower. quiet now, the patrons having all
Roll a d20+3. departed for their homes.
If the result is equal to or higher
than your passive Perception, go to 210
174. You seat yourself at the man's table.
If lower, go to 164. He regards you with some surprise.
"What?" he asks.
208 "I couldn't help overhearing your
You make a thorough search of the story," you say. "I might be able to
area north of the Frozen Stones but help."
find nothing. Where would the The man's face transforms into an
thieves have gone, what direction expression of delight. "Really? If you
would they have taken? could, I'll reward you with all the
You remember the monk Remigius’s gold I have!"
words, and consider your options. You confirm that yes, you will help
The northwest path leads towards him. The man quickly finishes his
the Pass of Auril, known for its drink and together you leave The
treacherous weather and avalanches. Crackling Hearth.
The northeast path will take you Turn to 235.
towards Poison Pass, which is
notorious for its bands of marauding 211
orcs, known for ambushing You wait until the brute has his back
travellers. turned, and then, staying low, move
Which is the lesser of the two quickly on him, attacking while you
hazards - death by ambush or by have a chance!
avalanche? Go to Half-ogre Combat Sheet. You
To take the northeast path towards may make one attack before rolling
Poison Pass, go to 224. initiative.
To take the northwest path towards
the Pass of Auril, go to 201. 212
Eager to treat yourself to at least one
209 night of comfort, you head back to
Stellan Smithhand is overjoyed at The Crackling Hearth and pay for a
having his cellar cleared of the red room.
Deduct 5 gp from your inventory. 213
You take a meal in the tavern: You wait a while. There is a long
potato-topped fish pie with mountain moment when nothing happens, then
herbs and root vegetables, finally the gates swing open,
accompanied by a goblet of hot revealing a courtyard and keep
mulled wine. In the almost too-warm beyond.
interior of The Crackling Hearth you A female guard, clad in chainmail,
are the only customer and you relish comes forward, giving you the once-
the pleasant glow that comes as a over. “An important mission, eh?
result of excellent food and wine. Very well, keep your secrets,
Soon you feel yourself begin to nod traveller. But how do you think Lord
off, so you say goodnight to the Bragol can help? Is it lodgings you
Innkeeper and head up to bed. seek? If so, they will be freely offered.
A comfortable bed with clean linen is Lord Bragol turns no-one away. But
a decadent luxury for a travel- I suspect you want to ask for
hardened soul such as yourself, and something more. Hmmmm….”
after soaking in a hot bath and She regards you for a while longer,
washing the cares of the road away, then seems to reach a decision.
you fall into bed and into the deepest “Well, whatever it is, you can ask
sleep you have known for some time. him yourself. Come, warm yourself
At some point during the night, you by the fire.”
dream that you are lost in the middle Will you accept her offer and
of a white-out blizzard. Trudging accompany her within the
through a mountain pass, you stronghold? If so, go to 345.
traverse a snowy expanse that never Or will you refuse the invitation and
seems to end. Always there is a face, press on? If so, go to 243.
shimmering, just out of sight, in the
sky above you. The face is female, 214
beautiful, but is laughing at you, The day wears on and the land
defying you. Determined, you always begins to dip down towards the plain
press on, but never find the end of the stretches all the way to the
the pass, and you are becoming northern mountain range, which has
colder and colder… been slowly growing in size as you
You awake the next morning feeling travel towards it. You are nearing
well-rested, but the memory of that the ring of sacred monoliths known
dream lingers with you. You cannot as the Frozen Stones, looking down
shake the feeling that it was on it as you descend from the
significant in some way. highland path.
Take the benefits of a long rest. Then After about half an hour’s walk, you
turn to entry 234. arrive at the ancient site.
Turn to entry 105.
215 218
You exit the abandoned keep and Anticipating some sort of ambush,
make your way out of the compound you move quietly to the east, around
through the hole smashed in the the far side of the outbuildings. As
front gate. Leaving the keep behind, stealthily as you can, you proceed
you follow the base of the mountain forward, until you are almost at the
foothills, leading towards Poison gap between two of the buildings.
Pass. Approaching this alleyway from
Turn to entry 183. behind, your suspicions are
confirmed when you see three gnoll-
216 like creatures standing hidden, their
You take a moment to get your backs to you, looking out onto the
breath back. This was a savage courtyard beyond. These vile beasts
encounter, but you are also aware were lying in wait for one such as
that you are in a dangerous position yourself to come strolling past!
here, so you do not want to linger But then, disaster! As you pass one of
too long. the buildings, you accidentally bump
Consult the Poison Pass map once against the corner of it, and a loose
more, and proceed to the next board clatters to the ground.
appropriate numbered entry, Now alerted to your presence, the
according to your choice. gnoll-like creatures round on you,
and you see that they are decayed,
217 their flesh rotting. They appear to be
Keeping your weight evenly undead of some kind.
distributed, you cautiously tread Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat
across the ice, watching as cracks Sheet and use Map B, Location 1.
appear around your feet. Eventually,
staying calm, you reach the far bank 219
and collapse into the snow, relieved Somehow you manage to get clear of
to be over the frozen stream. the avalanche which thunders past in
A loud yapping startles you, and you a billowing mass of snow. Panting
look up to see two gnolls, on either with excitement, you take a moment
side of the river, making their way to gather your wits, and to check
through the snow towards you. It whether any further avalanches are
looks as if they were waiting at the triggered.
bridge in hopes of ambushing you! When all is still, you set out once
An arrow whistles above your head, more.
and you realize that these malicious Turn to entry 116.
mutts are out for blood!
Go to Gnoll (River Encounter)
Combat Sheet and do battle. Use the
PC spawn point situated in the lower
right area of the encounter map.
220 224
You make your way back to the front You set out on the path northeast,
entrance of the castle in order to and soon the ground is covered in
leave and continue your quest. snow. In the distance, storm clouds
Do you have the codeword remains? gather over the mountains, fists of
If so, go to 315. slate grey fury that threaten to
If not, go to 215. pound down their icy wrath. A thin
fissure cuts through the rock of the
221 mountain as if a mighty sword had
You leave the cabin, your mind on cleaved down on it. That must be
your quest to recover the staff. Poison Pass, the site of the orc
Trudging through snow that is now ambushes Remigius told you of.
thigh-deep you feel fatigue creeping Your mind turns to your quest, and
into your bones, but you press on the retrieval of Frostbringer, the staff
regardless. of Tolrik Bearclaw. All you know so
Are you wearing snowshoes? If not, far is that it was taken by a band of
make a Constitution save, DC 12. If marauding gnolls who stole into the
unsuccessful, take one level of village some nights ago. You wonder
exhaustion (disadvantage on ability what their motives were, and how
checks). they organized themselves so well to
Proceed to entry 239. slip past the village gatekeepers -
hardened warriors themselves, you
222 thought. Perhaps the gnolls had help.
You are not so foolish as to attempt Perhaps they were sent here by
the crossing at night. Searching for a someone who held the promise of a
campsite, you soon find a flat area, reward - or a threat - over their
relatively clear of snow, some heads. There is more to this than
distance from the bottom of the Pass meets the eye, you reason. Gnolls are
of Auril. There is even a stream with not known for their cunning.
running water nearby. After making Wind whips across the barren steppe
camp, you take provisions and then and you scan the landscape ahead.
settle down to sleep. There appears to be about a day's
Go to entry 59. travel to the mountains.
Roll a d20+4, and match it against
223 your passive Perception.
You finally make your way back to If it is higher, go to 276.
the path, using your navigational If equal or lower, go to 357.
skills, and are on your way again.
A short while later, you approach a 225
junction where the eastern path You look towards the river, but then
rejoins the one you are on. hear a noise from your left. Turning
Go to 239. to look at the trapper, you gape in
horror. He is morphing, changing
into a horrible beast. As you watch,
you see fur growing on his body, his 227
teeth elongating, his torso extending You find yourself trapped,
and changing shape. This man is a miraculously, in a pocket of air
werewolf! within the mass of snow. Before the
You have heard of the beast known avalanche hit, you had the presence
as the werewolf, and know that this of mind to drink the potion that Lord
is a powerful foe, certainly beyond Bragol gave you, and you’re glad that
your prowess. you did. Amazingly, you can breathe
Go to Werewolf Combat Sheet, and underneath all this snow. Now you
use Werewolf Battle Map A, and the just have to dig yourself out
notes for that map. somehow.
It takes a long time, but finally you
226 manage to dig yourself out.
Looking the bridge carefully over, The effort has drained you, and you
you can see that about two-thirds of sit for a while, getting your strength
the way across, one of the ropes back.
appears frayed, and at the halfway You recover and get going again.
point are a few boards which could be Half an hour later you are back
rotten. Noting this, you set out where you were when the avalanche
across the bridge. hit.
Go to entry 56. Turn to entry 116.

You cautiously begin your descent
of the north side of the Pass of
Auril. As you do so, you hear a
wind whipping across the
mountainside, and fancy you can
hear something… a female voice
on the wind? Is that singing, or
chanting? Either way, the
disembodied voice is eerie and
sets your nerves on edge.
You descend further and pull
yourself up just in time to avoid
toppling over a cliff edge! A sheer
drop of just over 50 ft is below
You survey your options. If you
secure your rope to a boulder you
could lower yourself down
without too much effort, but you
will lose your rope. Due to the
smoothness of the cliff face,
however, you will need to be strong twisting gullies. To the northwest,
to succeed in this method. the Pass of Auril is a low saddle
Alternately, some way to your right between two mountains, and a very
is a steep slope of loose scree, which hard climb. You’ll be exposed to the
you could make your way down, elements there and will need to be on
although that will not be easy either. the lookout for crevasses, avalanches
If you lose your footing, you could and severe weather.”
create a cascade of stone, or you “Poison Pass it is, then,” you say.
could tumble roughly all the way to Remigius raises a finger. “You might
the bottom, which could injure you. think that, but Poison Pass is home
Your agility will be tested to the to orc raiding parties who are ever
utmost. on the lookout for travellers they can
Which path will you choose? relieve of their money. And their
To attempt to descend the cliff using lives. So it’s a choice between dying
your rope (if you have one), go to under snow or dying under a hail of
entry 42. arrows,” Remigius concludes with a
If you decide to go down via the wry grin.
scree, go to 256. The priest takes you into the temple
storerooms where he provides you
229 with two things: a set of heavy furs
Overjoyed that you have decided to to keep you warm (add to your
accept the quest, the priest, who inventory, 5 lb), and provisions: hard
introduces himself as Remigius, helps bread, cheese, dried meat and root
you prepare for the journey. ginger to chew to aid digestion and
“The area north of here is fraught also to keep you warm.
with peril,” he says. “Some of our Having concluded your conversation
men tracked the gnolls as far as The with the priest, you may now wish to
Frozen Stones, a monument some visit some of the shops on the main
five miles north of here. It is an street (if you haven’t already).
ancient, sacred place. Remigius tells you that, as this is the
“On these frigid plains, as I’m sure quiet part of the year, you will
you are well aware, your greatest probably only have time to visit one
enemy is the cold. Take care to look of these shops as business generally
after yourself at all times, and if you shuts at midday, and time has gotten
are near or on any mountains, be on on. If you do, take note of this entry
the lookout for avalanches. They are number, and then choose one of the
a constant threat. Also, the lights following shops to visit. When you
this far north sometimes play tricks are finished at those shops, you may
on you. Beware of illusions. If your return to this entry. Choose between
path leads you to the mountains, Kannoth’s Rare Books & Tomes
there are two ways you could (entry 152) or Durfar’s General
progress. Poison Pass is to the Supplies store (entry 108), and then
northeast and leads into the return here. If you have already
Tortured Land through a series of
visited these, then they are probably 231
closed by now. With the undead lord’s blessing, you
The priest offers you a bed for the make your way from his throne room
night in the small monastery that and waste no time in making your
adjoins the Ulutiu temple. It is free, way to the front door of the castle.
and you will be fed, but it is certainly Go to entry 220.
not the luxurious bed you had been
looking forward to. 232
Alternately, the priest tells you that “You don’t understand!” you cry, as
The Crackling Hearth has very the dwarf straps you down on his
comfortable rooms for 5 gp a night, sled. “I am on an important mission,
which will cover accommodation and to return the staff of Tolrik Bearclaw
meals. to the Temple of Ulutiu!”
If you think your character would be This gives the dwarf pause.
fine sharing a room with the monks, “Frostbringer, stolen?” he breathes
then go to entry 76. quietly. “By whom?”
If you think that they would rather “That’s what I’m trying to find out!”
spend at least one night in comfort you say. “Now release me, and let me
before heading into the wilderness go on my way!”
once more, then go to entry 212. Make a Persuasion check, DC 12.
If successful, go to 334.
230 If unsuccessful, go to 270.
You come out from your hiding place
and hail the tribesmen, who seem 233
startled at your presence. One of Carefully you shift your weight onto
them quickly rides over. Initially his each leg as you step, taking care to
bearing is menacing but when he sees keep it evenly distributed.
that you are not offering challenge, But then, to your horror, you see a
his attitude softens and he gestures large crack form and two large pieces
to his companions. of ice buckle inwards, depositing you
Two of them jump on a horse into the freezing river below!
together, indicating that you should You quickly scramble to get out of
mount the spare horse. These the river but you are now drenched
tribesmen do not speak your to the bone and cold will be setting
language, but it is evident they want in quickly.
you to come with them. Take the codeword plunge.
If you wish to do so, go to 184. You barely have time to contemplate
If you would rather proceed on foot, these thoughts when you hear a loud
you make your apologies and they yapping and yowling. Looking up,
depart. Then, go to entry 279. you see two gnolls, on either side of
the river, making their way through
the snow towards you. It looks as if
they were waiting at the bridge in
hopes of ambushing you! An arrow
whistles above your head, and you You assure the priest that, no matter
realize that these malicious mutts are what, you will try your best. He re-
out for blood! iterates his promise to you that when
Go to Gnoll (River Encounter) you return, an enchanted weapon will
Combat Sheet and do battle. Use the be forged according to your
PC spawn point situated in the lower specifications.
right area of the encounter map. Saying your final goodbyes, you
shoulder your pack and set out from
234 the north gate of Bearclaw.
You are ready to leave Bearclaw and Two paths lead out from Bearclaw
track the gnolls who stole the staff of towards the Frozen Stones. One
Tolrik Bearclaw. At the northern end follows an unnamed river that runs
of town, another guard mans the down from the Pass of Auril and
gate. He is bald and well-built, but traverses the lowland, going through
not as talkative as the guard a forest for one part of the journey.
manning the gate you arrived by. He The second ascends a ridge and takes
merely gives you a grunt which you the highland, overlooking the plain.
translate as “good luck.” To take the lowland route to The
You stand at the northern gate of Frozen Stones, which goes by the
Bearclaw and look out over an river and through forest, go to 165.
expanse of grassland that leads To take the highland route to The
towards a range of mountains Frozen Stones, which travels along a
spanning the horizon. On the other ridge, go to 125.
side of those mountains is the frozen
steppe known as The Tortured Land. 235
The further north you go from this The man introduces himself as
point, the colder it will get. You also Stellan Smithhand, a local grain
see some ominous-looking slate grey merchant and family man.
clouds blowing in from the northeast, “Thank the gods you’ve agreed to
darkening the mountain tops in that help,” he says. “My house isn’t far,
area. just at the western edge of town.”
Remigius joins you as you stand by You ask Stellan to describe the
the gate, preparing to depart. He beings that have infested his cellar,
comes near. spoiling his supply of grains which
“Good luck, dear friend,” he says. “I was supposed to get him through the
cannot tell you what this means to winter.
us. If you can retrieve the staff, you He shudders. “Terrible things they
will have saved not only the spirit of are. Red, sticky things, like great
this village but the Order of Ulutiu blobs… No idea where they came
as well! We are one of the few from.”
remaining temples left in all of Following Stellan, you finally reach a
Faerun. Who knows, maybe the Lord humble little shack. You follow him
of Ice will return from his sojourn inside and see a woman and three
and bless us all!”
children, all huddled by the fire. 237
They look at you with alarm. “Childish nonsense,” Aurilana sneers.
“Nothing to worry about, my love,” “I left such weak sentiments behind a
Stellan assures his wife. “Our friend long time ago. Now, arm yourself,
here is going to help us with the little meddler, and prepare to pay for your
problem in the cellar!” insolence!”
The wife smiles faintly at this. You have not been able to appeal to
Stellan leads you towards a narrow Aurilana’s emotions, and so the battle
opening. Looking down, you see a must go to the death - yours or hers.
staircase leading to a door below. Return to Aurilana Combat Sheet
Stellan passes you a key. and finish this!
“I don’t think they’re too bright,” he
says. “So if you’re stealthy, you might 238
be able to catch them by surprise. Stealthily you creep up behind the
Good luck, friend. There’s 75 gold gnolls, getting yourself within
waiting for you when you return!” shooting range of them.
You look down the narrow staircase As they are facing away from you,
towards the door and slowly begin and you are coming quietly behind, it
your descent. is not too much trouble to get the
Turn to Red Goo Combat Sheet. drop on them.
You prepare your ranged attack.
236 Make an attack roll against AC 13.
You ease the door open, and If successful, go to 72.
immediately notice that it is light If unsuccessful, go to 179.
inside the room. Peeking inside, you
see a bizarre sight. 239
Seated at a table are three warriors in Eventually, after an hour or so of
full armour, visors down. They do hard going, the path ascends
not talk or even move. Before each upwards and you notice the snow
one is a plate of what could have once thinning somewhat. You ascend back
been food but is now reduced to dried up to the level of the plains that lead
remains and dust. The whole scene is to the mountains, relieved to be back
lit by four braziers, one in each on easily traversable ground once
corner of the room, and on the right- more.
hand side of the room is a fireplace, Sometime later, you are surprised to
which burns with a dull light. There see a small cluster of huts ahead. As
is a foul smell in this room as of you approach, you see a group of
rotting flesh. To the north on the far horseman set out from the small
wall is a large door. settlement, galloping across the
To attack these warriors, go to 12. steppe straight towards you!
To ask them what this place is, go to Will you attempt to hide from these
140. approaching riders? If so, go to 124.
To attempt to creep past them to the Or, if you will face them openly, go
northern door, go to 200. to 89.
240 As they lurch towards you, you also
Finally, after another hour’s trek see that their skin is decaying, the
through the snow, you reach the bones of their ribcages showing
entrance to the pass. A thin trail, through.
which has somehow remained free of Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat
snow, cuts into the mountain Sheet, and use your readied attack
between two steep rock walls. Did before rolling initiative and
the gnolls go through this pass, proceeding with combat proper.
carrying the staff Frostbringer with
them? 243
You ponder this as you begin to You make your apologies to the
make camp for the night, which is warrior-maiden. She wishes you luck,
descending fast, bringing with it a and you strike out north once more
frigid cold. across the frozen plain, towards the
Go to 34. jagged mountain range which marks
the border between The Ride and
241 The Tortured Land.
This book is a treatise on healing After another hour’s travel, the rock
plants that grow in this area. It formations to your east gradually
speaks of the realm of dwindle and you enter a landscape
Mountainshade, which is an area just where fir trees, dusted with snow,
north of here, surrounded by fir stretch east and west of the trail.
trees, and mentions a specific type of Turn to entry 354.
hardy tree, the berries of which can
be eaten to improve resistance to 244
cold. You approach the temple. The
Take the codeword redberry, then entrance to the low building is
decide on your next action. marked with a squat totem. A single
You could go to the windows that figure is depicted on the totem. It
look out from this tower, to see what appears to be a giant of some sort, in
the view offers. Go to 163. a crouching position, wearing a
To descend the ladder that leads necklace of blue and white crystals,
down from this floor, go to 63. To see if you can recall what deity
Or, you could leave the tower and this is, make a Religion check (DC
continue your quest. Go to 323. 16).
If successful, or if you already know,
242 go to 332.
Having readied your attack, you If unsuccessful, go to 197.
continue towards the castle entrance.
But as you pass the outbuildings on 245
your right, you spy three repulsive Turning, you make your way quickly
creatures - gnolls - who make back towards the last junction, but
ragged, hollow barking noises when then you hear a skittering sound,
they see you! something hitting the rocks, and you
realize that arrows are falling around 248
you like rain! You decide to move off to the right,
Make an Athletics or Dexterity out of the path of the ice tornado.
check, DC 14. If you fail, deduct 2d8 Watching anxiously, you see that the
piercing damage, then consult the column of swirling wind and sleet
Poison Pass Map once more, veers off to the left, away from you,
navigating your way to the alternate and you breathe a sigh of relief.
route. Setting your gaze on the mountains
ahead, you trudge on through the ice
246 which now covers the ground.
Merging with the shadows, you slink Go to entry 195.
out of the southern door and re-
emerge in the corridor, the guards 249
none the wiser. You strike out east, following a
To continue to the staircase at the valley which dips down into the
end of the corridor, go to 51. landscape. Soon you find yourself out
To go back down to the entrance hall of the wind, but the cold down here is
and leave this place to continue your pervasive and the ground thick with
quest, go to 220. snow. As the sun passes its zenith
and dips towards the horizon, you
247 realize that daylight is a scant
Although lost in the blizzard, you commodity this far north. Within an
have enough sense to be able to turn hour of departing on this path, the
back in the opposite direction and brightest part of the day is already
make your way back down the gone. You stop to eat, munching on
glacier. hardbread, and then get moving
After an hour or so you reach the again, conscious that to stay
bottom of the glacier and waste no motionless out here is to die.
time finding a campsite. Erecting a About half an hour after stopping for
shelter, you unfurl your bedroll and lunch, you enter a scant forest of
quickly fall asleep. ancient, gnarled trees. Navigating
Go to entry 59. your way through, you are surprised
to see a hut ahead.
It appears
Will you
investigate this
hut? If so, go to
Or, will you try
to pass by
unnoticed? Go to
entry 221.
250 Make a religion check, DC 18. If
You move to the crates and check to successful, go to 103.
see if the lid is tightly secured. It is If unsuccessful, you cannot recall any
not, and cautiously you lift it, placing information about this name.
it to the side. The whole crate is To inspect the tapestries (if you have
filled with rotted food supplies, bags not already done so) go to 162.
of spoilt grain and shrivelled To climb the stairs to the next floor,
vegetables. go to 43.
Roll a d20+3.
If the result is higher than your 252
passive Perception, go to 174. You quickly descend within the
If equal to or lower, go to 164. ruins, eager to escape the storm, but
also mindful that something could
251 lurk in here. Keeping a watchful eye,
You find the sorts of things that are you make your way down the stairs
to be expected in the entrance hall of and into a dark, underground
an abandoned castle. Old, rusting passage. Here you are sheltered from
suits of armour stand sentinel over the savage weather above, and you
this lobby, probably ornate in their can feel the temperature dropping as
time but now unusable after decades the freezing fog descends over
of neglect. Small wooden tables hold everything. But there is enough
the stems of withered flowers in shelter here that you are spared the
simple vases. worst of the effects. You congratulate
Then, on a stand, you find a visitor’s yourself for choosing wisely.
book. Flicking through its pages, you Scouting about, you can see
see that the castle was active some something written on the wall here.
fifty or so years ago. The lord of the You move closer and see scratched
castle was apparently one Agnom markings. It appears to be in Erakan,
Wintersong, a great warrior and but there are several words you don’t
general. There are many recognize. With your rudimentary
exhortations and messages of praise knowledge of the language, however,
to this man, who was obviously a you may be able to decipher what it
great warrior. says.
One message in particular catches Make an Intelligence check, DC 12.
your eye. Written in a beautiful, Alternately, you can take a success
flowing hand, it is from Agnom’s on the following check if you have
sister Aurilana, and thanks him for a the spell Comprehend Languages or
lovely birthday celebration. It ends possess a Helm of Comprehend
with the phrase “May the blessings of Languages (which you may have
the Frostmaiden shine down upon picked up in an earlier book).
you.” If you are successful, go to 153.
Curious, you think. If unsuccessful, go to 35.
Have you heard of the Frostmaiden
253 pottery. But nothing of any real
You are safely on the far side of the significance.
canyon, and turn your attention to To climb the stairs that lead to the
the trail ahead. Setting out once next floor, go to entry 43.
more, you are nearing the beginning To have a closer look at the
of the valley in which the stronghold tapestries (if you have not done so
is situated, perched high on a already), go to 162.
mountainside in the hazy distance.
You walk for a good while longer. 256
Eventually, you see a small copse of Backing away from the cliff, you
trees ahead. There seems to be a make your way east along the edge of
frozen river running through this the drop towards the scree slope.
glade of fir trees, and you edge Reaching it, you place a tentative
cautiously ahead, scanning the foot on it and notice that the stones
landscape ahead, and sniffing the air shift quickly underfoot. You are
for evidence of habitation. going to need to be extremely agile
Choose between a Survival or to make your way down here. One
Perception check to detect signs of misstep, and you could go tumbling
life in the landscape ahead. The DC is all the way down.
14. To return to the clifftop and get
If you are successful, go to 134. down that way, go to 42.
If unsuccessful, go to 5. To continue down the scree slope, go
to 64.
You manage to grasp at the wood of
the next stair up and stop yourself
from falling through. Steadying your
nerves, you strain hard, praying to
gods that the wood you are grasping
will hold your weight, and pull
yourself back up to safety.
To scale the remaining stairs up to
the top floor, go to 336.
If you would rather not risk it, you
can retreat to the first floor by going
to entry 18.

You find the usual suits of old rusted
armour, standing to attention along
both sides of the entrance hall. Small
tables bear vases containing the
stems of withered flowers. There are
also a few rotting rugs and broken
257 260
The gnolls carry their weapons and Just in time, you catch sight of two
basic survival equipment. Initially gnolls. One is advancing on you, the
your investigation turns up nothing, other standing at a distance nocking
but searching further you find an arrow into a longbow!
something of interest: a mark that Go to Gnoll Hunter Combat Sheet
both of them bear on their chest. It and deal with these cowardly dogs!
appears to be a religious symbol of
some kind, and it is not so much 261
tattooed there as branded. It appears Making your way carefully inside the
to be a crude depiction of a gate, you catch sight of something
snowflake, with six points. and freeze in your tracks. A tripwire
Something or someone burned this extends across the bottom of the
mark into these creatures. crude opening in the gate, obviously
To try and discern the meaning of set up by someone still inhabiting the
this mark, make a History or place. You have no idea what it is
Religion check, DC 14. (If you have attached to, but it must be some sort
succeeded at one Religion check of trap. Carefully you step over it and
already in this adventure, you may make your way stealthily inside.
make this check with advantage). Ahead, you see a series of steps
If you are successful, go to 15. leading up to the main castle. There
If unsuccessful, go to 128. are outbuildings either side of it. If
something wanted to hide behind one
258 of those and ambush someone
Make an Investigation check, DC 14. approaching the castle, this would be
If successful, go to 251. a perfect place for it.
If unsuccessful, go to 255. You are unsure whether anyone or
anything has seen your approach.
259 Will you walk straight towards the
A quick inspection reveals that the castle confidently? Go to entry 113.
barrels contain wine and sacks of Or will you approach stealthily,
grain, simple food provisions. There trying to move towards the castle
is nothing of any real note here. You undetected? Go to 7.
turn your mind back to your quest: Alternatively, you could move
finding the staff Frostbringer, around the far side of the
presumably in the possession of the outbuildings, seeing if you can get
mage Aurilana Wintersong. the drop on anyone who might be
Quietly, you move towards the hiding behind them, waiting for your
staircase which leads down from the approach. Go to 110.
Go to entry 282.
262 To engage these gnolls in combat, go
Curious as to what might happen if to Gnoll Witherling Combat Sheet
you simply stay where you are, you and use Map B, remembering to
take off your pack, dumping it on the deduct any damage you did from any
ground, and wait. gnolls you wounded. Your PC will be
Nothing happens for quite some at location 1.
time. You watch the wind-swept Or, you could make a run for the
battlements, and see sentries there, front entrance of the castle, Go to
looking your way every now and 265.
After a while, it becomes evident that 265
no-one is going to emerge from the Take the codeword remains.
stronghold. After all, what reason do Taking advantage of the gnoll’s
they have to talk to you? You realise distraction, you quickly make a run
that if you want to find out what for the door of the old castle. The
goes on in there, you will have to go miserable creatures seem absolutely
to the gate and announce yourself. terrified of you - your surprise attack
If you choose to do this, go to entry has caught them off-guard - and they
4. have run into the courtyard to get
If you would rather move on past the away from you. Seizing the moment,
tower and continue north, go to you bolt for the steps that lead up to
entry 186. the entrance, taking them two at a
263 Make a Perception check, DC 12, if
You leave the village and emerge you succeed, you notice that the steps
once more on the barren snowy plain, are very icy, and adjust your run
which stretches uninterrupted accordingly. You reach the castle
towards the mountains. The narrow entrance. Go to 87.
gully of Poison Pass now appears to If you fail the Perception check, you
be just a couple of hours walk away. do not notice that they are coated in
Go to entry 52. ice and get a nasty surprise when
your foot slips on the treacherous
264 steps!
The gnolls, now alerted to your If you failed the Perception check,
presence, round on you, yapping in make a Dexterity save, DC 15.
alarm and anger. Now that you can If successful, go to 288.
get a good look at them, you see that If unsuccessful, go to 319.
they are decaying, their faces rotting
and parts of their ribcage showing. 266
They appear to be undead! Suddenly, you see the werewolf take
They seem totally caught off-guard a blow to its chest, but it is no attack
by your attack. Whether it hit or not, that you have made. The creature
you have caught them on the back howls in pain, and then another
foot. attack hits it square in the chest
again, some sort of magical bolt. You opposite sides of the river. They
feel a breath of chill air coming from seem accustomed to the snow and
the werewolf, and see that it is much move quickly along it, attempting to
weakened, and then turn to see that trap you in a bottleneck.
an elderly woman bearing a staff is Go to Gnoll Combat Sheet (River)
quickly striding towards you. She and do battle with these canine
lifts her staff once more and another critters!
beam of ice slams into the werewolf,
dropping the beast to its knees. You 269
stagger back, amazed at the power of An arrow pierces you deeply, and you
this diminutive woman. stifle a cry of agony. (Take 1d8+2
The werewolf struggles to its feet, piercing damage) Looking in the
but the wizard is upon it now and direction it came in, you see two
finishes it off with a swift blow from gnolls, one advancing on you, the
her staff, which shimmers with an ice other standing at a distance.
blue radiance. The werewolf sprawls Go to Gnoll Hunter Combat Sheet
dead on the ground, and as you and deal with these cowardly dogs!
watch, it transforms back into the
man that you met originally, the 270
trapper. The dwarf laughs bitterly, shaking
Turning, the old wizard regards you his head. “Frostbringer, stolen? I’ve
thoughtfully. never heard such nonsense in all my
Are you wounded? If so, go to entry life. Now quiet, or I’ll gag you! I’m
138. taking you to see King Hugram
If not, go to 355. Orcbasher, Lord Regent of our realm
of Mountainshade. He will decide
267 what is to be done with you.”
You take out the small plaything There is little that you can do but
given you by Shar Wintersong. consent. The sled moves smoothly
“Aurilana,” you say quietly. “Look.” across deep snow, taking you deeper
Holding it out to her, you open the into the fir tree forest.
little trinket, and the beautiful little Go to entry 175.
scene plays out. Aurilana stops in her
tracks, momentarily halted in her 271
rampage. You feel a board give way under you,
Make a Persuasion check, DC 12. and to your horror, your foot goes
If successful, go to 30. through the bridge! Splintered wood
If unsuccessful, go to 237. falls into the canyon below, and you
quickly grab at the rope of the bridge
268 to save yourself.
Suddenly an arrow pierces your flesh, Reeling backwards, you watch
making you cry out in pain! from out helplessly as an item falls from your
of nowhere two gnolls appear, both pack and drops down into the deep
coming quickly towards you from canyon.
Choose an item from your inventory Progress to the next point east on
to drop out of your backpack and into the Poison Pass map, and turn to the
the canyon. That item is now gone, number indicated.
so remove it from your inventory!
You may elect to roll a dice and 274
count down that many items to select The ice goblins are in pieces,
the item randomly, or you may wish fragments of their bodies scattered
to simply choose the item. across the stone floor of the keep’s
You clamber back onto the wood of entrance hallway. You look down the
the bridge, and then, much more hallway that appears to lead to a
cautiously, make your way slowly to chamber from which blue light is
the other side, feeling a massive emanating. A soft sound comes to
surge of relief when you finally reach your ears - that of chanting, a mantra
solid ground once more. of some kind - and you slowly make
Turn to entry 253. your way towards it.
To your right, you pass a
272 passageway which leads to a
Moving quickly through this narrow, stairwell, but your attention is fixed
rocky ravine, you keep an eye on the on the chanting from ahead which is
clifftops above, wondering whether growing louder. You continue up this
you will be peppered with arrows. passageway, towards the chamber
But the attack never comes. Perhaps which lies beyond…
the orc bandits are in a different part Go to entry 122.
of the Pass.
Near the end of this ravine, you make 275
a grisly find. Lying on the ground Casting your eye about, you notice
are the corpses of three kobolds, tracks in the snow - two-legged dog
skewered with multiple arrows. tracks! It seems there are gnolls
To search these kobolds, go to 154. about. Perhaps they wait nearby,
If you would rather not dally here, go waiting for someone to cross the
to 58. bridge so they can attempt to
ambush them.
273 Will you still cross, but perhaps with
You make your way towards the an attack readied so you cannot be
rocks and reach out to place a hand surprised? If so, go to 57.
on them, to begin your ascent. Or will you wait here to see what
But your hand goes straight through. happens, perhaps trying to discover
It takes a moment for you to their hiding place? If so, go to 327.
realize… this is an illusion!
Now emboldened, you walk through 276
it, penetrating to the other side, Suddenly, you are taken aback to see
where the ravine continues. the ground before you come to life,
and a long, serpent-like shape
materialize out of the ice itself.
Rearing up before you, this creature 279
lunges at you, fangs of blue ice You trudge on through the snow for
slashing at your face! another hour or so, watching as the
Proceed to Ice Serpent Combat mountains to the north grow ever
Sheet. Give the creature one free larger. The exertions of the day are
attack on you (due to your being beginning to take their toll on your
surprised), then roll initiative and body, and you feel yourself getting
proceed with combat as normal. somewhat light-headed from a
mixture of the cold and the
277 featureless terrain.
You continue towards the circle of Suddenly, as you gaze over the
stones, keeping an eye out for a good landscape ahead, you see a strange
spot to make camp. There are sight. Hovering over the mountain
patches of snow on the ground here range ahead is the giant head of a
and there. You are starting to reach man, a god-like figure, partially
far enough north that the touch of
the mountains is coming down to the
tundra. From here, it’s only going to
get colder, and with a clear sky above
it could be a frigid night ahead!
Suddenly you pull up short, looking
straight ahead at a dog-like creature,
standing on its hind legs and staring
straight at you! The thing narrows
its eyes and growls menacingly, then
gives a short, violent bark! From
behind a stone to the north, you see a
second one of the creatures appear,
carrying a load of firewood. It
promptly drops the firewood and
takes a longbow from its back,
nocking an arrow!
It looks like you will have to fight
these two! Go to Gnoll Hunter
Combat Sheet.

Making your way back towards the
door you entered by, you attempt to
sneak out of here without being
noticed. Make a further Stealth
check, DC 19.
If successful, go to 246.
If unsuccessful, go to 198.
shrouded in mist. You feel drawn wears a helmet adorned with spikes
towards this vision. and a hand-axe dangles from his belt.
Make a wisdom check, DC 15. “Stop where you are!” he commands
If successful, go to 178. in a deep, booming voice. “You enter
If unsuccessful, go to 3. the realm of Hugram Orcbasher,
what is your business here?”
280 Somewhat taken aback, you consider
Unfortunately, Gruggus is just too what to tell this dwarf.
strong for you and he finally “I am on an important mission to
succeeds in getting your knuckles retrieve an ancient relic. Kindly let
down to the table. me pass sir.” Go to 137.
"Oosh, that wasn't easy friend," he Or, you could make up a story that
says, wiping sweat from his brow. you are simply a traveller heading
"You're stronger than you look. But north, looking for adventure. Go to
anyway... pay up!" 151.
Grumbling to yourself, you push
your stake across the table to 282
Gruggus who gathers it all in You pad quietly down the stairs,
happily. listening out for any sounds. And,
"Nice to know you, eh! Let us know straining your ears, you fancy you
next time you're in town!" can hear something… the sound of
Cheeky sod, you think, and look quiet chanting, coming from
around the bar, considering your somewhere beyond the bottom of the
options. Who will you grace with stairs.
your presence next? Suddenly, to your horror, the ground
The large group of villagers who begins to move beneath your feet! At
were listening to their friend's tale first you think it might be an
have now dispersed, but you could earthquake, but then you quickly
talk to the drunk halfling. He could realize that the stairs themselves
be quite entertaining. Go to 79. have come to life and are attempting
Alternatively, you could seat yourself to hurl you down to the passage
at the bar and see what tidbits of below. This staircase must be some
information the innkeeper has to kind of mimic!
offer. Go to 309. Quickly you try to run to get to the
If you have spent enough time here, bottom of this staircase before you
you can leave by going to entry 120. come to peril on these undulating
stone steps!
281 Make an Acrobatics check, DC 17.
Suddenly your attention is alerted to If you are successful, go to entry 24.
someone approaching quickly from If unsuccessful, go to 349.
your east! You turn just in time to Alternately, you may have some
see a dwarf, mounted on a polar bear, flying or jumping feat or spell, but
emerging from the undergrowth. He you must still manage to get clear of
the stones. If this is the case, make a
Dexterity saving throw, DC 17, and 284
then cast the spell or use the feet, Anticipating some sort of ambush,
going to the same entry numbers for you move quietly to the east, around
success and failure as those above. the far side of the outbuildings. As
stealthily as you can, you proceed
283 forward, until you are almost at the
Your plunge in the icy river has left gap between two of the buildings.
you freezing and you must start a fire Approaching this alleyway from
immediately. Make a Survival check, behind, your suspicions are
DC 15, to find wood and get a fire confirmed when you see three gnoll-
going in this wooded hollow. like creatures standing hidden, their
Alternatively, if you have a bottle of backs to you, looking out onto the
Firebelly Tonic, you may take a swig courtyard beyond. These vile beasts
of that and it will warm you from the were lying in wait for one such as
inside out as your body heat dries yourself to come strolling past.
your clothes. As yet they have not noticed your
If you can do neither of these two, presence.
then make a Constitution save, DC What will you do?
16. If you fail, take one level of To make a surprise attack on them
exhaustion. If this is your first level from behind, go to Gnoll Witherling
of exhaustion, then that means Combat Sheet, using Map 2, Location
disadvantage on all ability checks. 1. Make an attack before rolling for
Page 291 of the Player’s Handbook initiative, then proceed with combat
will provide more information on as normal.
exhaustion levels. Or, you could try to make it all the
Now return to entry 182 and way to the castle entrance without
continue reading from where you left being noticed by the gnolls. Go to
off. entry 368.

Quietly you ease the door to the
courtyard open. Glancing about
furtively, you cannot see the gnolls
You look towards the front gate
where a section of the gate has been
smashed with a battering ram, big
enough for you to crawl through.
With stealth and a bit of luck, you
might be able to make it there
without encountering the gnolls.
Make a Stealth check, DC 14.
If successful, go to 168.
If unsuccessful, go to 65.
286 288
As slowly and quietly as you can, you As your foot hits the step, you feel it
creep away from the Snow Drake, sliding on thick ice that coats the
who gazes regally out over the stone, and you quickly adjust your
frozen steppes below, not noticing weight so that you don’t go flying.
you. Thankfully, you are able to keep your
Finally, you are far enough away that balance and moments later you stand
a few rock formations block you from at the entrance to the castle.
the view of the dragon-like beast. Go to entry 87.
You continue on towards the steppe
below. 289
Go to entry 322. You stick to the path, not wanting to
lose your direction in this icy
287 wasteland, and continue north-west.
Creeping carefully up, you see that Watching the column of icy weather
the land dips away ahead into a small as it approaches, you see that it
depression in the plateau. The begins to veer off to the left, away
grunting and muttering get louder as from the main path, and you allow
you approach. Cautiously, you move yourself a slight smile, pleased at
even closer, using a bush as cover, your decision. Maybe if you had
and then poke your head out to get a moved off the trail, you would have
view of the terrain ahead. walked right into the path of the ice
In the area to the north, amongst a tornado. You continue on your way.
shelter of boulders, you see a burly Go to entry 195.
half-ogre, trying to start a fire and
cursing at the wind for frustrating 290
his efforts. Nearby is a young man, a You approach the stone doors that
warrior, trussed with thick rope, his stand at the front of the tower,
mouth gagged. By chance, the young preparing yourself to face an enemy
man catches sight of you and his eyes you know to be extremely dangerous.
go wide. You put your finger to your As you near the keep, you are
lips and shake your head. The startled to see the door open,
prisoner appears to be some sort of seemingly of its own accord, to
tribal warrior, possibly Erakan. The reveal a passageway beyond.
half-ogre has not noticed you. (You may ready an attack here, cast a
What do you wish to do? spell. drink a potion - whatever you
Make a surprise attack on the half- need to do to prepare yourself for
ogre? Go to 211. what may come).
Stealthily move away and leave the Pausing, you consider your options.
poor warrior to his fate? Go to 121. It appears your arrival is expected.
Finally, weighing things up, you see
no option but to proceed inside.
Cautiously, you do so.
As you step inside the entrance, the
door slams shut behind you with a
mighty boom! Then, lit by an
ethereal blue light, you see the
passageway ahead which appears to
lead into a large chamber.
Suddenly, from out of the shadows
three beings, seemingly composed of
ice, but in the shape of goblins, jump
out at you and attack with clubs!
These guardians of the keep advance
quickly on you.
Go to Ice Goblin Combat Sheet and
do battle with these three!

The features of Dwarven architecture
are as familiar to you as the heft of a
greataxe, and you feel heartened that
your brethren have a foothold this far
north in the frigid wastes. There is a Then you chance upon something
good chance you will be accosted by curious: a scattering of ruined walls,
them as you proceed towards the coated in snow, stand out here in the
Pass of Auril. middle of nowhere. This was a house
What will you do now? or a waystation or some point, but it
You may inspect the books on the has now succumbed to nature. What
table by going to 141. could have been out here, on this
You may descend the ladder that barren steppe? Moving closer you
leads down to the next floor. Go to notice, in the midst of this ruin, a
63. staircase leading underground,
To leave this tower and continue beneath these ruined remnants. The
your quest, go to entry 323. wind whips around the walls, making
eerie echoes. Or is it the wind after
292 all? You have a bad feeling about this
With a new determination you set place, and are keen to get going
out, determined to reach this again!
stronghold that you can see amongst Turning to the north, you suddenly
the peaks to the north. There is a reconsider this idea. Some way off,
chill wind out here which cuts and approaching fast, is even more
through even your thick layers of foul weather. A wide bank of fog is
clothing, and you pick up your pace, bearing down on you, a white mass
trying to warm yourself up. What that covers everything in its path. If
you wouldn’t give for a warm inn and you didn’t know better, you’d think
a crackling fireplace! was a creature, some sort of
elemental, and you fear being frozen Choose between an Athletics or a
where you stand! Dexterity check, DC 15.
Quickly you consider your next If you are successful, you manage to
course of action. run quickly along the trail until you
To take shelter inside the ruin, go to are out of harm’s way.
entry 252. If you are unsuccessful, you take 2d6
If you don’t fancy entering this ruin, bludgeoning damage from being
you could take your chances with the pelted with these deadly projectiles.
ice fog. Go to entry 130. When you are done getting yourself
out of danger, proceed to entry 240.
You press on, taking the northeast 294
route towards Poison Pass. The You strike out, head down against a
thought of orcs and potential ambush chill wind which is whipping down
is high in your mind as you approach from the rocky peaks to the north.
the narrow ravine that you were Walking for several hours across a
warned about. featureless tundra, you glance up
You have been walking about an every now and then to behold the
hour when suddenly you hear a stronghold, perched high on a rocky
cracking, splintering sound from just mountain set inside a valley of
to your right, which makes you jump. similar inhospitable peaks. Whoever
Overhead, you hear the cawing of a lives there does not like company,
bird, and you look up. that much is clear!
You are surprised to see a flock of After walking for about two hours
large birds circling directly overhead. straight you come to a canyon, a deep
They look like oversized eagles. As gash in the earth that runs east-west
you watch, you see one of them drop across your path. The only way
something and realize that it is a across is a rope bridge which looks
large stone. It is coming straight for reasonably well constructed.
you. You move quickly out of the You take a moment or two to survey
way, but then notice several other
birds dropping similar large stones,
raining them down on you where you
walk. As soon as a bird drops a stone,
it flies some way off, lands and picks
up another, then ascends back into
the air. They follow you as you move
across the terrain.
Perhaps you have strayed into their
nesting area, but whatever the case,
you are going to need to move
quickly to avoid being struck with
these large stones!
it closely, as, if it can’t bear your smaller ones follow, bickering
weight, it would be a long fall to the between themselves. Every now and
bottom! then the larger one turns and gives
Make an Investigation check to the smaller ones a good clip around
visually inspect the ropes and boards the head, and they fall silent again for
on this bridge, looking for weakness. a short while. You watch their
The DC is 15. progress along the valley below,
If you are successful, go to entry 226. wondering what you should do.
If unsuccessful, go to 161. To follow behind the gnolls, staying
Alternately, you could cross the out of sight, go to 100.
canyon using an appropriate magical To get in range so that you can make
item or spell, if you possess it. The a ranged attack, go to 238. Your PC
width is about 60 ft. If you choose to would understand, however, that
get across this way, progress to entry going up against these three would
253. be a hard battle, possibly even a
deadly one.
You follow the natural slope of the 296
valley as it progresses north-east, Throwing caution to the wind, you
descending into a long, shallow gully gird yourself for battle and stride
that dips below the plain. Soon the boldly out the front door of the
wind drops off as you enter this castle. Within moments, the undead
sheltered area, but you notice that gnolls appear and come slavering
the snow gets much thicker. towards you, chomping their rotting
You stop for a lunch of hardbread jaws.
and cheese and then get on your way Go to Gnoll Witherling Combat
again. Eventually, you enter a rocky Sheet.
area where your progress is slowed
by a maze of boulders and rocky 297
outcrops. Knowing where the weak points are
Hearing something from ahead, you in the bridge, you successfully avoid
freeze in your tracks. The sound of these, stepping over the rotting
dogs, barking, snarling at each other. boards, and being especially light-
Thankful for the lack of wind, you footed as you pass that section of the
crouch low and move slowly forward bridge where the rope has worn thin.
to the nearest boulder, then slowly A little while later, you are safe and
raise your head above and survey the sound on the other side of the
scene before you. canyon!
The land dips down even further Go to entry 253.
from this point, and in the gully
below you see a trio of gnolls. One is
quite a bit larger than the two that
follow it, and this one forges ahead
through the snow while the two
298 could try your luck arm-wrestling a
You seat yourself at the priest's table burly half-orc, go to 9.
and introduce yourself. He looks up You could go and try to strike up a
and gives you a faint smile, then conversation with the drunk halfling,
introduces himself as Farius, a priest although he doesn't look like he'll be
at the local temple to Ulutiu. "The very coherent. Go to 79.
Lord of Ice, the Eternal Sleeper," he Or, you could sit at the bar and try to
tells you. "Worshipped by many chat to the innkeeper. Go to 309.
around here, for many centuries. If you feel you have spent enough
Some think him dead, but he is not. time here and wish to leave, go to
We feel his presence here, in the 120.
ground, in the mountains, in the very
air itself. He lives here in the north. 299
You won't find his presence in You extend a hand to Lord Bragol,
Waterdeep or anywhere to the who lies on the stone floor at your
south... but he is here, mark my feet, breathing heavily, a look of
words." shock on his face.
You listen patiently to the old priest “You have bested me, friend,” he
who is obviously passionate about his pants. “That was well met. You fight
god. You ask him why he appears so like a true champion!”
sullen. “Thank you,” you reply, pretty out of
"My friend," he says, "I cannot begin breath yourself.
to tell you the reason. I am trying to Lord Bragol takes your hand, and
put it out of my mind. If you really you help him up.
want to know, you should visit the In the hour or so that follows, Lord
Ulutiu temple, a little way down the Bragol summons his cleric, who
street from here. But before you tends to your wounds with spells and
go..." the priest takes out a small healing potions. (Restore your hp to
piece of parchment. "I can see that maximum).
you are a righteous soul. Take this “And now, my friend, I must grant
small verse, this stanza. Commit it to you your prize! For no-one bests me
memory. In times of peril, when the in combat and goes unrewarded.”
cold assails you, it will serve you You are taken aback - you certainly
well." weren’t expecting this level of
You take the piece of parchment. On generosity. But you won’t say no to it
it are written a few lines of text in either. You wait expectantly as
Common. Add it to your inventory: Nilena departs to fetch whatever
"Parchment Verse." If you are ever Lord Bragol has in mind for you as a
assailed by the cold, this hymn to reward. Nilena soon returns, bearing
Ulutiu will grant you advantage on a small box. The outside is a deep
Survival checks to resist the cold. blue velvet, and you wonder what
What would you like to do now? The treasure such a small box could hold.
table that was listening to the Smiling slightly, she goes down on
villager's tale has dispersed, but you one knee, holding the box out to you.
Taking it, you slowly remove the lid. unsuccessful, choose another option
Inside is a delicate silver chain. below.
“A Periapt of Proof against Poison,” To attack the warriors, go to 12.
Lord Bragol tells you. “It will protect To ask the warriors what this place
you against any kind of poison… you is, go to 140.
cannot be poisoned in any way while To sneak back out of the room into
wearing this! I have a feeling such an the corridor, go to 278.
artefact might be of use to someone
as widely travelled as yourself! There 301
are all sorts of fiends and miscreants You cannot see any sign of
who like to tip the scales unfairly in movement outside the keep. Two
their advantage… well, this levels large stone doors stand at the base of
the playing field, does it not?” Lord the tower. You give the keep a good
Bragol beams broadly. look-over but can only see one other
(See DMG p.184 for all the details potential entrance: a tower window,
regarding this item). high on the keep’s right-hand side.
You thank Bragol for this generous To approach the stone doors at the
gift, telling him that you’ll treasure it front of the keep, go to 290.
as a fond memory of your encounter. If you have some way of reaching the
After exchanging pleasantries and tower window, go to entry 325.
taking a little food, you make your
farewell and leave Bragol’s castle. 302
Exiting the gates of his keep, you You continue through the dark,
turn north, heading towards the Pass silent forest, thinking over the quest
of Auril. that Remigius has given you. So,
Eventually the rock formation to gnolls stole this staff. You wonder
your east dwindles, and patches of fir what use they would have with such
trees begin appearing. Soon you are a relic. Then, you remember that
in the midst of a thick forest. Remigius said that he thought they
Go to entry 354. were acting on someone’s orders. If
so, who would that person be? Who
300 even lives out here in this cold,
You reach the north door without inhospitable terrain?
being noticed, staying in the shadows Your reverie is broken by a
and moving as quietly as a ghost. growling, slavering sound coming
Unfortunately, when you try the from up ahead.
handle, you find it locked! The You freeze, watching as three wolves
guards remain seated, motionless, as emerge from the undergrowth,
if in a trance of some kind. baring teeth and licking chops.
If you have thieves’ tools, you could Cautiously, they begin advancing
attempt to pick the lock. Make a towards you, spreading out in order
thieves’ tools check with a DC of 16. to surround you. They appear to
If successful, go to 74. If have on thing on their minds: dinner!
Go to Wolves Combat Sheet.
303 306
Glancing down, you see a hair-thin The old man is cursing you
trip wire across the ravine floor, at vehemently as you stow the trap in
about shin height. At the last your pack, but you ignore him. Your
moment, you leap over it, narrowly mission is too vital to take the trivial
avoiding triggering whatever was in concerns of a trapper too close to
store. heart.
Ahead, you see the ravine coming to Closing the door on the old man, you
an end! Is it possible that you have depart the hut and continue your trek
made it through Poison Pass in one north.
piece? You grit your teeth and sprint Proceed to entry 221.
for the end.
Go to entry 66. 307
You allow yourself to be bound,
304 reasoning that it is probably the only
You approach the junction, way these tribesmen will let you pass
considering which direction you through. Besides, taking them on in
should take, left or right. combat seems suicidal. There are
Suddenly you hear a whipping noise three of them, and they are well-
and glance down to see a rope loop built. You have spent long enough
quickly closing in on your legs! among tribespeople in this area to
Make a dexterity save, DC 15. know that there is a base level of
If successful, go to 329. warrior training that is quite high in
If unsuccessful, go to 117. comparison with other societies, and
you reason that it is not worth
305 risking your neck trying to fight
You fight to maintain your balance your way out of this situation.
but your efforts are futile. Falling The barbarian binds your wrists
backwards, you land hard and tumble behind your back, and then has you
down the stairs, the unforgiving walk ahead, while he and his fellow
stone steps knocking the wind out of tribesmen ride behind you, guiding
you. you towards the village.
Take 1d6 bludgeoning damage. After a short while, you reach the
Catching your breath, you attempt village, and you pause in the central
the stairs again, more carefully this area which is ringed by huts. The
time, and finally reach the top once tribesmen seem to want you to keep
more. Looking up, you see that the going, however, and they goad you
staircase ends at an entrance to a forward, directing you towards the
lookout, at the very top of the tower. other side of the village. It appears
You make your way towards it. you are being escorted through.
Go to entry 324. They don’t want you to stay!
To go along with this course of
action and walk through the village
to the other side, go to 342.
To stay where you are and yell out, "The descendant of the Lord of the
“I am on a quest for Tolrik North," the innkeeper replies. "Bit of
Bearclaw!” go to 367. a legend around here. Tolrik
Bearclaw. Town's named after him.
308 It's his staff that was stolen recently."
Moving quickly along this ravine, "Stolen?" you say.
you follow its twisting course "Yes, from the temple. Look, I've got
through the dry rock of Poison Pass. a lot to do young'un. Can't believe
Soon, however, you come to a stop, you haven't heard about that... but if
seeing something ahead. you want to know more, head down
A rockslide is blocking your to the temple. They'll fill you in. The
progress. Spanning the width of the whole town's practically in mourning
ravine, there appears to be no way because of it!" With that, the
past this obstacle! innkeeper leaves the bar area and
To attempt to climb over the heads into a room out the back. The
rockslide, potentially making bar is more or less empty now that
yourself a slow-moving target, go to everyone has had their breakfast ale!
entry 273. Seeing nothing else for it, you depart
To retrace your steps and take the and head back out to the street.
other route, go to 245. Take note of the name Grokkung and
If you are a spellcaster, go to 36. the entry number 48.
Then go to entry 120.
Making your way back to the bar, 310
you plonk yourself down on a stool The net drops down over your head,
and attempt to engage the innkeeper and then, as if it had a mind of its
in conversation. He tells you various own, wraps itself around you,
tidbits of local knowledge, including completely immobilising you from
information about orc raiding parties head to toe. It is obviously imbued
that have been journeying down from with magic of some kind. Your arms
The Tortured Lands to the north. are pinned in place and your body is
"Steer clear of Poison Pass, my made rigid, like a tree trunk.
friend, if you know what's good for “Now you will come and answer to
you. They've set up camp there, and King Hugram,” the dwarf says. “No-
they're raiding settlers in the area. A one presumes to enter his kingdom
dangerous lot they are." without declaring themselves.”
You ask the innkeeper if he has any Will you tell this dwarf who you are
other interesting information. and what your mission is? If so, go to
"If you come across the local Erakan, 232.
make sure you mind your manners. If not, continue reading below.
Mention the name Grokkung and The dwarf manoeuvres your body
you should be all right." onto a small sled and ties you down
"Who's Grokkung?" you ask. securely. He makes sure your
belongings are well-secured also, and
anything else you might have with this should keep you alive long
you. Finally, he mounts his polar enough to dig yourself out.”
bear, shouts, “Ha!” and you feel the You thank Lord Bragol and put the
sled moving underneath you, potion in your backpack (add it to
carrying you deeper into the fir tree inventory).
forest. After taking some food (Lord Bragol
Go to entry 175. insists you eat) and resting for a
while by his fire, you prepare to
311 depart.
You tell Lord Bragol the details of You may take the benefits of a short
your mission to retrieve the staff rest for your stopover here.
Frostbringer. You mention Making your way out of Lord
Remigius’s assertion that it was Bragol’s stronghold, you turn your
stolen by gnolls, and that they fled sights northward and focus once
north with it. more on your quest.
He frowns. “What could gnolls Turn to entry 145.
possibly want with an Erakan relic?”
he says. “That doesn’t make sense.” 312
You can’t help but agree with Lord You have gotten yourself thoroughly
Bragol. He regards you for a long turned around, disoriented, and it
while, then speaks once more, takes you what seems like an age to
stroking the head of his bear as he find the path once more.
talks. By the time you do, you are weary to
“I like you, traveller. Not many the bone.
would accept such a quest when they Take a level of exhaustion. You may
have no vested interest themselves. It have more than one level of
was noble of you to take that quest exhaustion. Consult the table below
from the monk. I want to help you to find out what the penalty is.
somehow, if I can.”
Lord Bragol then mutters something 1: Disadvantage on ability checks.
to a young man seated by his side, 2: Speed halved.
who stands and goes to a chest at the 3: Disadvantage on attack rolls and
side of the chamber. Moments later saving throws.
he returns with a small vial of ice-
blue liquid, which he hands to you. Consult p.291 of the Player’s
“This is a Potion of Snow Breathing,” Handbook for detailed information on
Bragol tells you. “Avalanches are the different levels of exhaustion.
common in the area north of here, Finally, you reach what appears to be
where you are headed. In some ways, a junction where an eastern path
they are even more dangerous than rejoins the one you are on.
the orcs of Poison Pass. But if you Go to 239.
must go to The Tortured Land, then
that is what you must face. If you are
buried beneath an avalanche, then
There is the sound of uproarious Take the codeword icicle.
laughter from behind the gate. To read the next book, turn to entry
“You?” a female voice scoffs. “In 193.
single combat against Lord Bragol? To go to the windows that look out
Don’t be foolish! Why would you from this tower, go to 163.
throw your life away so needlessly?” To descend the ladder that leads
Suddenly the gates swing open and a down from this floor, go to 63.
female warrior stands there, looking Or, you could leave the tower and
you up and down. “Still, I am sure he continue your quest. Go to entry 323.
will admire your bravery. Come,
warm yourself by the fire, traveller.” 315
Will you accept her offer and Remembering that you left the three
accompany her within the undead gnolls out in the courtyard,
stronghold? If so, go to 345. you pause, considering how to
Or will you refuse the invitation and proceed.
press on? If so, go to 243. To quietly make your way out of the
front door and attempt to stealthily
314 leave the keep compound, go to 285.
You’ve encountered far more To stride out into the courtyard with
complex codes than this before, and no regard for personal safety, go to
it is only a matter of moments before 296.
the text reveals itself to you.
This book, marked out in columns, is 316
a roster detailing watch duties for an If your stealth roll was 13 or over, go
order of rangers who evidently to 277.
inhabited this tower at some stage. If your roll was below 13, or you
By the dates, it seems this tower fell chose not to roll, go to 129.
into disrepair about a year ago. The
last few entries are confusing, but 317
you surmise that the rangers here You ignore the bridge and instead
were set upon by elemental ice make your way towards the part of
beings, under the control of a the river that seems the narrowest,
powerful female mage. From all possibly the easiest to cross.
indications, it seems the rangers, After a short while, you reach it.
tasked with keeping an eye on Surveying the crossing, you can see
goings-on here in this part of the that this it will be impossible for you
north, were overwhelmed by Ice to jump as the soft snow does not
Mephits and Ice Goblins. provide any kind of launching point,
(continued across…) even for someone as dextrous as a
monk or a mage using the Jump
spell. It seems unavoidable that you
will have to step on the thin ice shell
that covers the river. However, if you
have some sort of magical item which What to do?
will help you get across, that could To hit these creatures from behind
also be an option. with a surprise attack, go to 127.
If you have an item such as Boots of To crawl back through the wall and
Striding and Springing, or a spell make your way away from this castle,
such as Levitate, go to 171. go to 155.
To proceed with crossing the river To attempt to approach the castle
here anyway, go to 13. without being seen by these gnoll-
To change your mind and proceed to like creatures, go to 359.
the bridge, turn to entry 172.
318 Your foot lands on the step and, to
You lower yourself down and your horror, slides out from under
shimmy through the tight space, you. Flying up into the air, you land
emerging on the other side of the hard on the stone stairs. The impact
wall. Standing, you get your bearings knocks the breath out of you,
and survey the scene before you. You Take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
stand east of the castle, looking Thankfully you are back on your feet
towards the back of some before the gnolls can reach you, and
outbuildings. To your left and you stagger as quickly as you can to
forward is the inside of the large the castle entrance.
wooden gates you saw before. And Go to entry 87.
directly in front of you, standing and
staring vacantly towards the 320
courtyard before the castle, with You look down the slope. The
their backs to you, are three very landscape is covered in snow and ice,
strange-looking creatures indeed. and as the sun reaches its zenith, the
They appear to be like gnolls, but sound of cracking, moving ice echoes
their bodies are decaying, partially across the mountainside. You reckon
decomposed. They have concealed you have about half an hour left to
themselves at the side of one of the reach the bottom, where a wide plain
outbuildings, waiting for anyone who awaits you. Sidling your way down
might happen to wander past the steep slope, you begin your
through the courtyard area on their descent.
way to the entrance to the main keep. You marvel at the icy formations that
Who knows how long they have been cling to rocky outcrops that protrude
waiting here for? They appear to from the snow, seeing all sorts of
have nothing better to do. shapes, strange creatures and forms
(continued across…) that suggest all sorts of objects.
Then you freeze in your tracks. One
of these icy formations looks a little
too real. And then it slowly begins to
move, stretching and unfurling its
wings, as if just waking up. You
realize in horror that, without steppe before another range of
realizing it, you are standing about mountains. And there, in the far
twenty feet away from a dragon-like distance, you fancy you can make out
beast who now turns its elongated a stronghold of some sort, perched
head this way and that, perhaps atop a rocky peak. Something tells
sensing a disturbance. So far it you that you must head there, that
doesn’t appear to have seen you. whatever you find there will provide
Your blood runs cold. the answer to the quest which
You are looking, you realize, at a Remigius gave you. For there is
Snow Drake! You have heard of these nothing else out here on this plain
creatures, but never thought you known as The Tortured Land; only
would be facing one. white, featureless plains and jagged
If you possess a flute made from the peaks.
bone of a Fire Drake, go to 99. Looking east, you think to yourself
Otherwise, make a Stealth check, DC that the north side of Poison Pass
18. must not be too far away, and you
If successful, go to 286. wonder if that route would prove to
If unsuccessful, go to 366. be a safer path.
To continue on your current path, go
321 to 292.
Despite your best efforts, the To follow the foothills east, and try
tribesmen do not understand your to locate the north exit of Poison
attempts to communicate and regard Pass, go to 82.
you with suspicion. Then, when you
are starting to wonder whether 323
things will turn nasty, one of them Descending the ruined staircase, you
dismounts and comes towards you are soon back on the frozen tundra.
bearing a length of rope. Placing his Turning north once more, you make
hands together, he indicates that he for the saddle that must be the Pass
wants to bind you. of Auril.
To submit to this course of action, go Soon the rock formation to your west
to 307. dwindles until all is just white, with a
If you have no intention of allowing smattering of fir trees. Ahead, these
yourself to be bound, you could grow thicker, and you see that you
attempt to intimidate this tribesmen. will soon enter the forest that stands
Go to 143. between here and the mountain
322 Go to entry 354.
You finally reach the bottom of the
mountain and breathe a sigh. You 324
have made it through the Pass of Reaching the top of the staircase, you
Auril in one piece. enter a small room at the top of the
But your jubilation is short-lived. tower. A slight draft blows through
Ahead, you see several more miles of here, but it is mostly sheltered.
In the centre of the room is a table When you are about a hundred yards
with a pile of books on it. Around the away, you hear it: a doglike yipping
sides of the room are gaps in the and yowling. Something is here,
stone, windows that look out onto maybe the gnolls that Remigius
the surrounding landscape. And by spoke of. You wonder if they might
the south wall is a small hole where have the staff with them. If so, then
you can see the top of a sturdy ladder this has a been a short mission
protruding. From the ceiling, large indeed! Perhaps you can be back in
icicles hang. Bearclaw by nightfall if you can
What is your next course of action? recover the relic now.
Inspect the books on the table? Go to Due to your knowledge of these
141. creatures’ presence, it should be
Look out the windows? Go to 163. fairly easy to creep up on them and
Descend the ladder? Go to 63. make a surprise attack. Make a
Or you may leave this tower and Stealth check, DC 10.
continue your quest. Turn to entry If successful, go to entry 173.
323. If unsuccessful, go to 362.

325 327
With some effort, you reach the Knowing that gnolls possibly lurk
tower window. An icy wind whips nearby, you pause, scanning the area
around you as you haul yourself for any sign.
through the small portal, falling You could use this pause as a chance
through onto a stone floor beyond. to prepare yourself for any battle that
Taking a moment to gather your might be imminent, for example by
senses, you see that you are in a Wild Shaping if you are a druid, or
storage room of some kind. Barrels casting Mage Armour or Mirror
are stacked in one corner, and in the Image on yourself. Or you could
other are various sacks and urns. simply ready an action.
On the western side of the room you Suddenly, you see an arrow shearing
see that a staircase leads downward. towards you from the other side of
To search this room, go to 259. the river! Being primed for action
To descend the staircase, go to 282. you easily dodge it, ducking out of
the way, and then from behind you
326 hear a horrid yowling as another
On the air, you catch the scent of gnoll reveals itself, rushing out from
wood fire coming from the direction the scrub towards you. He has a
of the monoliths. Someone - or longbow across his chest and is
something - must be camped out brandishing a spear at you.
there! Taking your time, you change Go to Gnoll Combat Sheet (River)
your approach to the monument so and begin battle with the gnolls,
that the standing stones block any using the PC start point south of the
sight of you from those that might be bridge.
within the circle.
328 330
Surveying the hard ground as best You are free of the trap, and breathe
you can, you discover tracks leading a sigh of relief. But you are mindful
off northwest and northeast. They of the danger you are in here and do
appear doglike, possibly left by the not dally any longer. Choose from
gnolls who stole the staff from the the two routes ahead and pick an
Ulutiu temple. But you cannot tell entry number from the map. Move
which path they took. quickly!
Then it occurs to you that perhaps
they split their party in two in order 331
to confuse anyone who might be Moving quickly and quietly, you
following. Which path did the staff make your way across the courtyard
take, though? The tracks tell you towards the entrance to the
nothing in that regard. abandoned keep.
You remember the monk Remigius’s But as you move, you slip on an icy
words, and consider your options. patch of ground and upset a nearby
The northwest path leads towards bucket.
the Pass of Auril, known for its From your right, you hear a ragged
treacherous weather and avalanches. barking and quickly get to your feet.
The northeast path will take you Three gnoll-like creatures are
towards the Poison Pass, which is running towards you. You notice
notorious for its bands of marauding that parts of their flesh appear
orcs ambushing travellers. decaying, and bone is showing
Which is the lesser of the two through. Are they undead?
hazards - death by ambush or death Regardless, it appears you will have
by avalanche? to do battle with these creatures.
To take the northeast path towards Got to Gnoll Witherling Combat
Poison Pass, go to 224. Sheet.
To take the northwest path towards
the Pass of Auril, go to 201. 332
You are familiar with this god, or at
least have some knowledge of him. It
329 is a lesser deity known as Ulutiu,
You quickly roll out of the way of the Lord of Ice, The Eternal Sleeper.
rope trap. A sack of rocks, attached Ulutiu is worshipped in cold parts of
to a pulley fixed to the rock wall, Faerun, but he is an obscure god. He
comes plummeting down. You’re not is known as the father of the giant-
sure how you triggered this, or kin races and the god of glaciers,
whether someone was lying in wait, polar environments, and arctic
but you move along quickly, not dwellers.
really eager to find out. You enter the humble little temple.
Choose your path and move to the Go to entry 86.
next appropriate entry number on
the Poison Pass Map.
333 “I am tracking gnolls across this
Dangling helplessly from the rope waste, good sir dwarf,” you say,
noose that suspends you from the stretching out the crick in your neck.
ankles, you wonder what horrible “Gnolls were seen leaving the Ulutiu
fate awaits you. You don’t have to temple, and the head monk there,
wonder long. Remigius, thinks that they might
A mob of burly orcs appears and cuts have stolen it. For what purpose
you down. After rifling your clothes though…”
and belongings for any valuables, “Gnolls, stealing the sacred staff of
you are stripped of your weapons and Tolrik Bearclaw?” he exclaims. “I’ve
beaten to within an inch of your life. never heard of such a thing!”
You fight back valiantly but are “It is true,” you say. “And I have been
hopelessly outnumbered. tasked with retrieving it. So you
Then, escorted at bladepoint, you are must let me continue.”
taken to the caves of this savage orc The dwarf eyes you for a long time.
tribe and become a slave, chained to a Then he gives a short, brisk nod, and
rock in the court of the Orc chief. tells you the following.
You are always searching for an “Stick to this trail, traveller,” he tells
escape and perhaps one day you do you. “It will take you straight to the
succeed in escaping, but you have Pass of Auril. You should probably
failed in your mission to retrieve the camp for the night on this side of the
staff Frostbringer. mountains. You don’t want to
NOTE: If you are particularly attempt the Pass in the dark. That
attached to this PC, you may attempt would be suicide.”
a Stealth check at DC 18 to escape Thanking the dwarf for this advice,
your life of slavery. If you succeed, you move past him and continue your
you may advance this PC to level 5 in trek towards the mountains.
preparation for the next adventure, Go to 16.
even though you failed in this one. If
you fail, your PC is killed while 335
attempting to escape. The experience You hear rustling in the
gained in the frigid north is still undergrowth directly to your right
valuable, and you may continue with and turn to see what approaches, but
this PC. Of course, you can always you are too late! As you turn, you see
roll up a different Level 4 PC and a stout dwarf, mounted on a polar
attempt this adventure again! bear, throwing a net over your head!
You quickly move to avoid being
334 trapped in the net.
The dwarf considers your story for a Go to entry 17.
long moment, then appears to make a
decision. He moves to your side, 336
kneeling down and untying the Carefully you ascend the remaining
ropes, then frees you from the net. stairs to the top floor, which brings
you into a large bedchamber.
Carefully moving about in case you but their minds are those of children. I
step on any other weak floorboards, suspect Shar is the only one of the three
you inspect the furniture and knick- that possesses any amount of sanity, and
knacks in this room. An opulent four- as for my husband and his
poster bed occupies a large part of warmongering… well, the truth is that I
the far wall. The wall adjacent is fear for my life…”
where a large window looks out over
the snowy plain, back south towards This cryptic entry intrigues you no
Bearclaw. It is eerily peaceful in this end, and you commit it to memory
bedchamber, and for a moment you (you may take the diary with you if
consider lying down on the ancient you wish).
bed, which will probably provide you There is really nothing else of
with a much more comfortable sleep interest in this chamber.
than what you will get in your tent, What will you do now?
out on the tundra. To return to the floor below, go to
Touching the covers of the bed, still 18.
perfectly made, you see dust rise into To leave the castle entirely and
the air in a thick cloud, which makes continue your quest, go to 220.
you cough and splutter. Perhaps not.
Moving around, you find some 337
interesting items, such as a glass “Tolrik Akur Kraggung!”
chess set on a marble board. You chant the phrase given to you by
Inspecting the game, you see that it Grokkung Bearclaw, and feel the
was left at an interesting juncture, magic from the amulet around your
with the white queen in a very neck begin to pulsate.
powerful position. Suddenly, Aurilana drops
Ornamental weapons adorn the Frostbringer. “What have you done!”
walls, and the floor is festooned with she cries. “You have destroyed my
thick, expensive-looking rugs. But all bond with it, somehow!”
of this is too heavy to carry. “The Amulet of Tolrik Bearclaw,”
Then, you find a small book, a diary. you tell Aurilana, showing her the
Opening this near the end, you jewel given to you by Grokkung
quickly discern that it is a lady’s Bearclaw. “Give up this fight,
diary… possibly the wife of the Lord Aurilana… before you force me to
who made this castle his home. One destroy you.”
entry in particular catches your eye. Aurilana shows her bared teeth. “You
will pay for that, meddler!”
Aurilana is becoming more and more Screaming with fury, she unleashes
distant from us, as her magic grows more on you once more.
powerful. She has disappeared into the If there are any left, you notice the
northern wastes, The Tortured Land, Ice Minions now await your
saying she will build herself a castle command. Perhaps with these little
there. The woman scares me. Agnom and animated shards, you will have a
his sisters are powerful, there is no doubt, chance of defeating her.
What will you do now? a formidable fortress. It towers over
To take out the plaything that Shar the landscape, an imposing sight
Wintersong gave you, in the hope of from any angle, and the battlements
stirring some memory, go to 267. that remain, crumbling and broken,
Or, return to the Combat Sheet and still form an impressive sight. In
fight to an icy death! your minds’ eye, you can see men-at-
arms walking those battlements,
338 gazing out across the icy tundra, on
You begin searching around the the lookout for an orc army or a
cabin for useful-looking supplies. horde of marauding berserkers.
“Eh? What are you doing?” the old But those battlements are empty
man croaks “So, rather than help me, now, and a chill wind is the only
you’ll rob me eh? What sort of thing that moves around this castle.
character are you, you wretch!” Eventually, you reach the outer wall
There is little of use to you here, but and approach a set of huge wooden
one thing catches your eye. A bear gates that tower thirty feet high. The
trap. bottom corner of one of these gates
“Don’t even think about taking that, has been smashed in by a battering
friend! That cost me a pretty penny!” ram which has been dropped and left
You may take the bear trap if you here, forming a hole through to the
wish, but you could always leave the other side.
old man a little money to What will you do?
compensate. To make your way through this hole
To leave him 2 gold pieces for the and into the keep beyond, go to 84.
trap, go to 81. To inspect more of the outer wall, go
To simply take the trap and leave, go to 142.
to 306. To leave and follow the base of the
mountains to Poison Pass, go to 183.
In the scant Erakan you know, you 341
try your best to explain why you are You stop, waiting for the trapper to
there. catch up. If he is this far north, he
Choose between a Persuasion or an must be a hardy soul indeed! And as
Intelligence check, DC 15. far as trapping goes, you haven’t seen
If successful, go to 111. much wildlife up this way.
If unsuccessful, go to 321. “Greetings!” he says enthusiastically,
extending a hand. You offer yours
340 and he gives it a good shake. “You’re
You decide to strike out for the a long way north, friend. Don’t
castle, and you leave the route usually see others this far up.”
headed for Poison Pass to investigate “What are you hunting up here?” you
the abandoned structure. ask.
As you near it over the next hour, “Bear,” he replies. “The pelts are
you see that this must have once been worth a lot around here. Can never
have enough fur. Protects against the more fatigued. Finally you resign
cold, of course. Tents, clothing, yourself to the fact that you are lost
shoes… you name it. What brings and decide to dig a snow cave.
you up here?” Once you have dug out a large
You quickly make up some story enough cavity, you crawl inside,
about prospecting for minerals, unfurl your bedroll and collapse into
which he seems to buy without too a restless sleep. You are absolutely
much effort. exhausted.
“Fair enough. There’s actually a river (Because it is so cold in here, and you
nearby where gold can be found. I’ve have wandered until the early hours
turned up a couple of small nuggets of the morning, you only regain the
myself when the hunting’s been slow. advantages of a short rest rather than
Could take you there if you like.” a long rest).
You consider the trapper’s offer. Go to entry 116.
Does the idea of a little gold
prospecting sound appealing to you? 344
If you agree to go along with the As you deal the final blow to the
trapper to check out the river, go to warlord, his skeletal frame disappears
40. and the tattered robe collapses to the
If you tell him you intend to travel ground in a heap.
further north towards the mountains, The chamber falls utterly silent.
go to 107. Searching around the room, you find
two items of interest. A locket
342 containing the portrait of a young
Submitting to the will of the lady is draped over one arm of the
tribesmen, you continue walking throne. She is dressed all in white
through the village’s central area, and bears a crown on her head. An
past the huts on the northern side of inscription reads, “To my darling
the village, and emerge once more on brother. May your valour always
the barren snowy plain, which stay true. Love, your sister Aurilana
stretches uninterrupted towards the Wintersong.”
mountains. The narrow gully of Rifling through the robes of the now-
Poison Pass now appears to be just a departed warlord, you find an amulet
couple of hours walk away. - a red gem set in silver. The setting
Go to entry 52. is fashioned like a shield, and the gem
is in the shape of a heart. It is a
343 beautiful piece of jewellery, and
Lost in the blizzard, you wander for merely holding it imbues you with a
hours downhill, trying to return to sense of fearlessness!
the bottom of the glacier, but instead You have found an Amulet of Valour!
end up in an unfamiliar flat area. Once per day, you may call on the
Everything looks the same - white in Gods to grant you courage in battle.
all directions. Completely This amulet will allow you to make
disoriented, you become more and two attacks with advantage in any
combat encounter (but it can only be centre of attention. Nilena
used in one encounter per day). Once approaches the man with you in tow.
it has been used, it will regain its As you approach, you notice the man
charge at dawn the following day. seems to be petting a tame bear!
Take note of all this on your “My Lord,” she says, bowing deeply.
adventure sheet, and then continue The man laughs good-naturedly.
by going to 37. “Now now, girl, I’ve told you that
isn’t necessary.” He catches sight of
345 you. “Who’s this?” he asks.
The warrior, whose name is Nilena, “A traveller, roaming the steppe,”
leads you through the gates of the Nilena says.
stronghold and into a busy Bragol pouts appreciatively.
compound. Right there in the “Indeed,” he says thoughtfully. “It
courtyard is a forge where smiths takes a hardy soul to walk this far
forge steel and iron into cartwheels, north. What brings you to these
pots, tools and weapons. A baker has parts, traveller?”
a stall with hot breads and pastries To tell Lord Bragol of your quest, go
available, seemingly free of charge, to to 311.
all those who pass, and groups of To tell him that you are simply a
youngsters drill with wooden swords wanderer, going wherever the wind
and practice archery. takes you, go to 148.
“Lord Bragol is a great man,” Nilena To tell Lord Bragol you have come
tells you. “A father to orphans, a to test your prowess against him, go
friend to those who have none.” to 28.
“Where is he from?” you ask. “How
did he come to be here?” 346
“He was once a Zhentarim soldier, in The undead warriors like at your
the city of Mulmaster,” she tells you. feet, a pile of amour and wrecked
“But he tired of the corruption, the bodies.
exploitation of the citizens. He came To check what is beyond the door to
here, far from the corrupt south, to the north, go to entry 199.
create a refuge for the downtrodden.” Or, to return to the hallway to the
Looking around, it occurs to you that south, go to entry 144.
Lord Bragol seems to have achieved
his aim. 347
Nilena leads you inside the keep You try your best to get out of the
proper, and up several flights of way, but as you move you are hit by a
stairs. Finally, you emerge in a large large section of log which drops onto
chamber with a huge fire pit in its you from above, landing on your
centre. There, seated amidst cushions back. It knocks the wind out of you
on the far side of the pit, and and you are crushed under its weight.
surrounded by warriors, is a large Take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
man with a mass of red hair and a You take a minute to catch your
thick beard who seems to be the breath, then, with great effort,
wriggle out from under the large the quest which Remigius gave you.
piece of wood and get to your feet. For there is nothing else out here in
Ahead, you see a series of steps this barren waste known as The
leading up to the main castle. There Tortured Land; only white,
are outbuildings either side of it. If featureless plains and jagged peaks.
something wanted to hide behind one Turn to entry 292.
of those and ambush someone
approaching the castle, this would be 349
a perfect place for it. You are picked up by one of the
You are unsure whether anyone or moving stone steps and hurled to the
anything has seen your approach. base of the stairs, landing heavily on
Will you walk straight towards the the hard ground. For good measure,
castle confidently? Go to entry 113. a smaller step slams into your
Or will you approach stealthily, midriff, winding you, but you manage
trying to move towards the castle to roll away quickly enough to avoid
undetected? Go to 7. further injury. Still, you have
Alternatively, you could move sustained a few knocks.
around the far side of the Take 2d4 bludgeoning damage.
outbuildings, seeing if you can get Calming your rattled nerves, you
the drop on anyone who might be stand, then turn and look down the
hiding behind them, waiting for your passage ahead. It ends in a t-junction,
approach. Go to 110. and you slowly make your way
towards it.
348 Reaching the junction, you look left
Setting out west, you make your way and see double doors - the entrance
across the plain. It takes several to the keep that you saw before.
hours, but eventually you reach the Then, turning right, you peer down a
north end of the Pass of Auril. You long corridor that appears to lead to
look south and see a precipitous a chamber from which blue light is
climb, descending from a snowy emanating. A soft sound comes to
summit, and you think to yourself your ears - that of chanting, a mantra
that this peak could have held even of some kind - and you slowly make
more dangers than Poison Pass. your way towards it.
But your way lies north, and you Turn to entry 122.
turn and survey the land before you.
Ahead, you see several more miles of 350
steppe before another range of Keeping an eye out, you see that
mountains rises up from the land. there are many tracks on this path,
And there, in the far distance, you but a few stand out. Doglike tracks,
fancy you can make out a stronghold but only in pairs, can be seen quite
of some sort, perched atop a rocky frequently, obviously heading
peak. Something tells you that you northwest, in the same direction as
must head there, that whatever you you are. You reason that these are
find there will prove the answer to possibly the gnolls that the priest
Remigius told you of. It seems they to make the journey south once more,
came this way as well! You wonder and you only encounter a few orcs
how far ahead they might be. and other beasts of the frigid north.
Perhaps you’ll find some camped out But they seem to give you a wide
at The Frozen Stones. Or, perhaps berth as soon as they catch sight of
they have moved on from there. Frostbringer in your hands.
You are just considering how you Finally, entering Bearclaw through
might deal with such creatures when the north gates, you make your way
all of a sudden you hear a growling, to the Temple of Ulutiu where the
slavering sound coming from up monk Remigius is overjoyed - and a
ahead. On the other side of a shallow little surprised - to see you.
stream, three large wolves emerge “To be honest, I didn’t expect you to
from the undergrowth, baring teeth return,” he confesses. “I thought The
and licking their chops. Cautiously, Tortured Land would consume you.
they begin advancing towards you, Your deeds will be immortalized in
spreading out in order to surround our history, my friend!”
you. They appear to have on thing on Spending a few days in Bearclaw
their minds: dinner! while a weapon is forged for you
Go to Wolf Combat Sheet. according to your specifications, you
get to know the weaponsmith well,
351 and while away the hours by the
Ahead on the ground, you see the warmth of his forge as he works your
outline of a large rope loop cleverly new weapon into an elegant, finely-
concealed in the dust. Someone has crafted shape. If you specified a
set up a potential trap here! wooden weapon (such as a staff or
Carefully you step around the outside bow), then a carefully selected tree is
of this rope loop and proceed to the chosen and a fine piece of wood is
junction. shaped into the weapon you desire.
You are now presented with two The weaponsmith will then shape
ways forward. Choose
which route you would
like to take and go to
appropriate entry
number on the Poison
Pass Map.

You make your way
back to the village of
Bearclaw, feeling
triumphant at having
succeeded in this
dangerous and difficult
quest! It takes three days
ornate silver ornamentation for the perhaps. Your breath frosts before
wood. your face as you labour through
When the weapon is crafted, it is thigh-deep snow.
passed to the priests of the Ulutiu Roll Perception, DC 18. If you have
temple, who, under the auspices of the codeword structure you may make
the God in the temple, Ulutiu, utter this check with advantage.
sacred enchantments, staying up all If successful, go to 281.
night. If unsuccessful, go to 335.
(You may add a +1 weapon of any If you are a dwarf, or you know
kind to your inventory! This will aid Dwarvish, go to 88.
you greatly in future adventures in
this series). 355
After a long while, the old crone
Finally, as always, you decide it is speaks.
time to leave the village of Bearclaw, “Why have you come here?” she asks.
but you do so reluctantly. The people “Is it because of my sister?”
are warm and welcoming. Perhaps
you spend a little more time than you
normally would. But finally, you do
leave, setting your course eastward.
There, some miles off, lies the city of
Ilinvur. Perhaps more adventure
awaits you there!
Proceed to the Epilogue.

You manage to regain your balance
just in time and avoid taking a nasty
Catching your breath, you see that
the staircase ends at an entrance to a
lookout, at the very top of the tower.
You make your way towards it.
Go to entry 324.

You press on towards the craggy
mountain range that pierces the
darkening sky, looming over the icy
landscape. The sky is clear and stars You say nothing, unsure of how to
are beginning to prick through the answer this.
curtain of evening. There is still a “I know what she has done,” the
little daylight left, enough for you to woman says. “I am Shar Wintersong,
continue for another couple of hours Aurilana’s sister. The mage who lives
in her keep, high on the mountain, inadvertently wandered into its
the stronghold you have no doubt territory.
seen. And it can only be for her that Go to Ice Serpent Combat Sheet.
you have come.”
“If she is the one who has stolen the 358
staff Frostbringer,” you say, “then The last of the wretched undead
yes. It is her that I have come for.” gnolls falls dead before you. With
Shar is silent for a long time. Finally, them out of the way, you proceed to
she speaks. the castle entrance unhindered.
“Come with me,” she says, turning Go to entry 87.
and walking north, beckoning you to
follow. 359
Turn to entry 101. Staying close to the wall, you creep
closer to the castle. Perhaps you can
356 make a run for the entrance and
“Who is asking, you say? I admire make it to the door before the
your bravery, friend. I am none other creatures have a chance to get to you.
than the great warlord Agnom Make a Stealth check, DC 12.
Wintersong, and you have foolishly If successful, go to 265.
stumbled into my lair. For such folly, If unsuccessful, go to 205.
you will pay with your life! But it will
be an honourable death, meeting 360
your end at the blade of a renowned You catch your breath, relieved that
warrior such as myself! you survived the encounter with
The robed figure stands and draws a these ferocious forest beasts. But you
longsword from within its tattered do not linger. You are keen to be
garments. Now that the beam of light away from here before the smell of
from the window falls on it, you see warm blood attracts any other
that it is a skeleton, somehow creatures to your location.
animated although clearly long dead. Quickly you leave, continuing along
It advances towards you. Go to the path.
Undead Warlord Combat Sheet and The forest path twists and turns,
do battle with this hideous enemy! taking you down shallow gulleys and
across small rivers.
357 Eventually, after about three hours of
You get the sudden instinct that walking, the forest thins and finally
something is amiss, and freeze on the ends, and ahead you see, not too far
spot, senses honed for danger. Your away, a ring of stones that look
eye is drawn to the ground before deliberately arranged in some sort of
you, which appears to be moving! ritualistic circle.
From the ice itself, a snake-like shape This must be the monument known
materializes and rears up before you! as The Frozen Stones. Cautiously
Whatever this creature is, you have you approach the circle.
Proceed to entry 105.
weapons and prepare themselves for
361 combat!
You trek north for several hours, You have lost any advantage you
seeing nothing. No beast crosses may have gained by surprise. Go to
your path, and you hear no sound but Gnoll Hunter Combat Sheet and
the wind whistling past your ears. To proceed straight to combat!
the north, the stronghold, perched on
the side of a desolate mountain 363
within a valley of rocky peaks, grows You relish the look of shock on
larger in size as you near it, and you Gruggus's face as his fist hits the
can make out details. Whoever lives wood of the table. You can't help a
there does not like company, that broad grin spreading across your
much is certain. lips.
Eventually you reach the top of a Gruggus shakes his head. "But I...
slight rise and look down at a small how..."
forest of dark green pines that covers "Pay up!" you demand, taking a long
about a mile of land before you. You draught from your own beverage.
will need to travel through this forest "Come on, brother," the second half-
to reach the mountain range on the orc, Duggus, says. "You were beaten
other side. fair and square, now pay the victor!"
You descend a long slope and Reluctantly, Gruggus produces a
eventually enter the forest. Tall firs pouch - these two half-orcs look to be
sit motionless, crowned with snow, fairly well-off (trappers by their
and you weave your way through attire) - and pay you an amount equal
them, moving deeper and deeper into to the amount you staked.
the dark interior of this small forest. Collecting your stake and your
About an hour later you hear a voice, winnings, you thank the lads for a bit
off to your left. “Ho there! Traveller!” of healthy competition and turn to
Looking in that direction, you see a consider who you will grace with
man headed your way. He is dressed your presence next.
like a trapper and carries an axe over The large group of villagers who
his shoulder. were listening to their friend's tale
To wait until the man reaches you, have now dispersed, but you could
go to 341. talk to the drunk halfling? He could
To ignore him and continue walking be quite entertaining. Go to 79.
north through the forest, go to 135. Alternatively, you could seat yourself
at the bar and see what tidbits of
362 information the innkeeper has to
Creeping carefully towards the offer. Go to 309.
monolithic stones, you spy the gnolls If you have spent enough time here,
preparing a campfire. However, as you can leave by going to entry 120.
you approach, they catch your scent
and look up, straight at you! Barking
with alarm, they take up their
You move quickly through this part wounds and moving back to the path
of the Pass, wondering what other you just left.
hazards these orcs will throw at you Proceed to entry 195.
before you reach the end.
And then you see it. Ahead, a few 366
hundred yards away, the tight, You try your best to sneak away, but
narrow ravine opens up and an icy the drake sees you. It narrows its
plain lies beyond. Your heart lifts and eyes, bares its teeth, then lets out a
you break into a run. hideous, cracked roar which sounds
There is a guttural cry from above, like a wall of ice being torn asunder.
and you look up to see about a dozen Flapping its great wings it takes
orcs on the ridge above. There is a flight and bears down on you!
shouted command, and then each lifts You will have to do battle with this
a rock above his head, preparing to formidable beast. Go to Snow Drake
hurl the crude missiles at you! Combat Sheet.
You will have to run hard to get
through this last bit of the ravine! 367
Choose between an Athletics or Planting yourself in the middle of the
Acrobatics check, DC 15. You can square, you stand staunchly before
either dodge the rocks as they come, the tribesmen on their mounts, and
or run for all you’re worth. yell at the top of your voice “I am on
If you are successful, go to 169. a quest for Tolrik Bearclaw!”
If unsuccessful, go to 25. They seem shocked at this initially,
but then they become angry and
365 begin manoeuvring their horses
You move left off the path, eager to towards you, trying to force you on.
avoid the violent-looking bluish “Ho!” comes a deep, booming voice,
twister that is progressing your way followed by a string of angry Erakan
quickly. To your horror, however, at expletives. You turn to see a great
the last minute the twister swings hulking man who has emerged from
towards you and within moments a large hut and is reprimanding the
you are caught within an icy young tribesmen. They mumble
maelstrom! something that sounds like an
Dropping to your knees you curl into apology and then receive another
a ball to try and shelter from the fury scalding from the large man, who
of the storm, but it is futile... shards you reason must be the chief of the
of ice rip pummel you where you village.
huddle on the ground, piercing your The barbarian comes close to you,
flesh. It is as if the Gods of Winter looks up and down, then draws a
are taking your presence here as a long, curved dagger, Your heart
personal affront. pounding, you force yourself to stand
(Take 1d8 piercing damage). strong as he moves around your back
Finally the storm passes, and you and, to your relief, cuts your bonds.
gather yourself, tending to your
“Forgive me, friend,” he says in Shar Wintersong waits for you there,
perfect Common. “Those young and you exchange a look which tells
warriors can be impulsive sometimes. her everything she needs to know.
I am Grokkung Bearclaw, chief of Shar nods, tears falling from her
this village. Please, come with me.” eyes, and slowly begins making her
Chief Grokkung motions for you to way up the path you have just
follow him back inside his hut. Glad descended. You watch her go, your
to be free of your bonds, you follow heart full of pity for the old woman.
the large man inside his spacious Now turn to 352.
Go to 115. EPILOGUE

368 As reward for this quest, advance

You move as swiftly and stealthily as your character to Level 5, in
the frozen north wind, using corners preparation for the next quest in this
and other obstructions to reach the series, Drums At Daggerford.
entrance to the abandoned keep
without being noticed by anything The author sincerely hopes you have
that might be lurking. enjoyed The Tortured Land, and
Take the codeword remains and then hopes you will recommend it to your
go to 87. fellow solo adventure enthusiasts.
Please check out our other solo
369 adventure products:
The power-hungry ice wizard,
Aurilana Wintersong, lies dead at The Death Knight’s Squire
your feet. You stand there for some Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
time, regarding her body, wondering Citadel of the Raven
how the lust for domination can drive The Saviour of Sharn
people to destroy themselves, time Tables of Doom
and time again. Slowly, her features The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox
begin to transform, the charm which
preserved her youth gradually Also, come find us on our Facebook
subsiding until an old, withered group: Dungeons & Dragons Solo
woman lies before you. In this form, Adventures.
she bears a close resemblance to her See you very shortly, for our Level 5
sister Shar. solo adventure Drums at Daggerford.
Finally, you take Frostbringer and
walk from Aurilana’s keep, taking the
path that leads down into the rocky
valley below.
Oblex Spawn (x2)
Tiny Ooze, Lawful Evil

Armour Class 13
Hit Points 18
Speed 20 ft.


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2)


14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +4, Cha +2

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
deafened, exhaustion, prone
COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Oblex
Spawn Battle Map)
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this
distance), passive Perception 12 1. Place tokens. O: Oblex Spawn, PC: You.
Languages - Roll initiative.
CR ! 2. A DC 18 Nature roll, or a DC 20
Perception roll will enable your PC to
Amorphous The oblex can move realize the Spawn’s aversion to fire.
through a space as narrow as 1 inch 3. The Oblex Spawn will slither towards you
wide without squeezing. by the shortest route and attack. They will
Aversion to Fire If the oblex takes fire attempt to flank you if possible, and will
damage, it has disadvantage on attack move towards the most advantageous
rolls and ability checks until the end of position possible in order to achieve this.
its next turn. 4. A Dexterity check (DC 12) will enable you
to jump on top of the barrels (when you
ATTACKS are adjacent). This will prevent the Spawn
Pseudopod Melee Weapon Attack +5 to from flanking you. If you fail, leave your
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d4+3
token next to the barrels. You can attempt
bludgeoning damage + 1d4 psychic
damage. this move more than once. A jump
constitutes 10 ft of movement. If leaving
melee, it will provoke an attack of
opportunity, even if it fails.
! If you are victorious, go to entry 209.
Large Giant, CE

Armour Class 12 (hide armour)

Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.


17 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)


7 (-2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive

Perception 9
Languages Common, Giant
CR 1 COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Half-Ogre
Battle Map)
ATTACKS 1. Place tokens. O: Half-ogre, PC:
Battleaxe Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, You. Roll initiative.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d10+3 slashing 2. The Half-ogre will immediately
Rock Ranged Weapon Attack +2 to hit, move into melee range and attack.
range 30/50, one target. Hit 1d4 At the end of each of its attacks, it
bludgeoning damage.
will try to push you back. Make a
strength save, DC 17. If you fail,
move your token back 10 ft. If at
any time you crit fail this save,
then you stumble backward. The
half-ogre will then make its next
attack with advantage.
3. If it cannot get to within melee
distance, it will move as close as it
can, pick up a rock (there are
plenty around) and hurl it at you.
! If you are victorious, go to entry
Wolf (x3)
Medium Beast, Unaligned

Armour Class 13
Hit Points 11
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)


3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 13

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
CR !
Battle Map)
Keen Senses The wolf has advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that 1. Place tokens. W: Wolves, PC:
rely on hearing or smell. You. Roll initiative.
Pack Tactics The wolf has advantage
on an attack roll against a creature if at 2. The wolves will move to flank
least one of the wolf’s allies is within 5ft you. Note the Pack Tactics feat.
of the creature and the ally isn’t They will use this whenever
possible. Also note their increased
ATTACKS speed.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 3. If at any time you kill one of the
5 ft., one target. Hit 2d4+2 piercing
damage. If the target is a creature, it must
wolves, have the wolves make a
succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw single Wisdom save as a whole,
or be knocked prone. DC 10. If they fail, the wolves will
! If you are victorious, go to entry
COMBAT SHEET: Gnoll Hunters
Gnoll Hunter (x2)
Medium Humanoid, CE

Armour Class 13
Hit Points 22
Speed 30 ft. !


14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)


8 (-1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft.,

passive Perception 13
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Languages Gnoll COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Frozen Stones Gnoll
CR " Encounter)
1. Place tokens. G: Gnoll Hunters, PC: You. Roll initiative.
Rampage When the gnoll 2. The north gnoll will stay in position and fire its longbow.
reduces a creature to 0 hit The south one also uses longbow, but will also use cover
points with a melee attack on while moving towards you on its turn, aiming to get on the
its turn, the gnoll can take a
opposite side of you, with the PC between the two gnolls.
bonus action to move up to
3. In melee, the gnolls will use spear attacks.
half its speed and make a
4. If you begin making ranged attacks on the north gnoll, it
bite attack.
will use the stones as total cover, only emerging to fire at
ATTACKS you. If it cannot see you, it will take cover again.
Multiattack The gnoll makes 5. You may also use the stones to provide yourself with total
two melee attacks with its spear cover. The south gnoll will then move so he has line of sight
or two ranged attacks with its towards you, and will make a longbow attack (if he can see
longbow. you) until he can engage you in melee.
Spear Melee or Ranged
6. If you kill the south gnoll first, then a game of cat and
Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. mouse will ensue with the north gnoll. Both you and the
Hit 1d6+2 piercing damage, or gnoll will take your turn simultaneously. Each turn, you
1d8+2 when used with two can either 1) emerge from cover to move/attack, 2) stand in
hands in a melee attack. the open until it emerges to shoot at you, when you may
Longbow Ranged Weapon make a readied ranged attack, 3) remain in cover, perhaps
Attack +4 to hit, range 150/600 taking actions to heal.
ft., one target. Hit 1d8+2 piercing
7. Emerging from cover will require a d20 roll every time. On
damage, and the target’s speed
is reduced by 10 feet until the a 1-10, the gnoll will also emerge and loose an arrow at you.
end of its next turn. On 11-20, it remains in total cover.
8. If you come within 15 ft, it will engage you in melee. Re-
roll initiative and continue until one of you is defeated.
9. If you are victorious, go to entry 61.
Ice Serpent
Medium Elemental, Neutral Evil

Armour Class 14
Hit Points 22
Speed 30 ft. !


14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)


7 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +4, Athletics +4

Damage vulnerabilities fire
Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
and slashing from non-magical attacks
COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Ice Serpent
Battle Map)
Damage immunities cold
Senses Darkvision 60 ft, assive Perception 1. Place tokens. I: Ice Serpent, PC:
10 You. Roll initiative.
CR 2 2. You are in deep snow. Unless you
are wearing snow shoes, this area
Icy Grip The ice serpent wraps itself around
the body of its target, restraining them. While counts as difficult terrain for you.
restrained, the target’s attacks are at 3. Your PC may be able to reason that
disadvantage, and attacks on the target are
at advantage. Each round that the serpent
fire attacks could be useful against
restrains the target in this way, it drains the serpent. Before combat begins,
warmth from the target’s body, inflicting 1d6 have them make an intelligence
cold damage. The target may make an
Athletics check (DC 14) at the end of each of check, DC 15. If successful, they
its turns, ending the Icy Grip on a successful discern this and can begin making
fire attacks. If unsuccessful, they
ATTACKS may repeat the check after two
Multiattack The serpent makes two bite rounds of combat.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5
4. Take note of the Icy Grip feat, and
ft., one target. Hit 2d4+2 piercing damage, the serpent’s resistances.
and the serpent makes an Athletics check, 5. If you are victorious, go to entry
the DC being the target’s strength or dexterity
ability score (target’s choice). If the serpent 131.
succeeds on the check, the target is
restrained and the serpent is able to use its
Icy Grip attack, which it does once per round
in place of one of its bite attacks.
COMBAT SHEET: Gnoll Witherling
Gnoll Witherling (x3)
Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 12
Hit Points 11
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)


5 (-3) 5 (-3) 5 (-3)

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities exhausted,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Gnoll
Perception 7 Witherling Encounter Map A, or Map
Languages understands Gnoll but can’t B if specified)
1. Place tokens. G: Gnoll
CR !
Witherlings, PC: You. Roll
Blood Fury When a target is reduced to initiative. If on Map B, you will
one half of its hit points or below (bloodied) have been told in the text which
then the Gnoll Witherling gains a +2
location to use. PC Location 1 is to
advantage to its damage rolls.
the left, Location 2 is to the right.
ATTACKS 2. The gnolls seem hell-bent on
Multiattack The witherling makes two
attacks: one with its bite and one with its
stopping you from reaching the
club, or two with its club. stairs to the castle. They will move
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach in front of you to block your
5 ft., one target. Hit 1d4+2 piercing
damage. progress if they are able.
Club Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 3. If on Map A and somehow you
5 ft., one target. Hit 1d4+2 bludgeoning find yourself higher on the stairs
than a gnoll, you may attack that
REACTIONS gnoll with advantage.
Vengeful Strike In response to an ally
4. When you defeat a gnoll, take
being reduced to 0 hp within 30 ft of the
witherling, the witherling makes a melee note of the Vengeful Strike
attack. reaction.
5. If you are victorious, go to entry
6. If you have already been inside the
castle, go instead to entry 96.
Undead Bannerman (x3)
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Armour Class 13
Hit Points 21
Speed 30 ft.


13 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)


11 (+0) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive

Perception 8
CR 1/8
COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Undead
Undead Legion The bannerman has Bannermen Battle Map)
advantage on attack rolls against a creature
if at least one of the bannerman's allies is 1. Place tokens. B: Undead
within 5 feet of the creature and the allies Bannermen, PC: You. Roll
aren’t incapacitated
ATTACKS 2. Note the Undead Legion feat.
Necrotic Blade Melee Weapon Attack +3 3. If you are victorious, go to entry
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d6+1
necrotic damage.
COMBAT SHEET: Undead Warlord
Undead Warlord
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Armour Class 14
Hit Points 60
Speed 30 ft. !


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)


14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Damage Resistances Necrotic COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Undead

Damage Immunities poison Warlord Battle Map)
Condition Immunities exhaustion, 1. Place tokens. U: Undead Warlord, PC:
frightened, poisoned, unconscious You. Roll initiative.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive 2. If you have the codeword guards then
Perception 10 after 2 rounds, the bannermen from the
Languages The languages it knew in life first room enter combat. There are three
CR 2 of them, and they appear at the start of
the third round on one of the bottom
Rallying Cry (once per day) If in the middle squares north of the door. Roll
presence of his bannermen, the warlord initiative for them and have them enter
can make a rallying cry. This has the effect combat.
of granting advantage to every 3. Every time the warlord makes an attack,
bannerman’s attack in the next round. roll a d8. On a 7, the warlord uses its
Martial Fury As a bonus action, the Martial Fury feature. On an 8, it uses its
warlord can make one weapon attack. If it
Rallying Cry (unless there are no
does so, attack rolls against it have
advantage until the start of its next turn. bannermen present, it which case it uses
Martial Fury)
ATTACKS 4. If you move away, the warlord will
Longsword Melee Weapon Attack +6 to follow, unless you are beyond 30 ft. In
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d10+4 this case, he will produce a longbow which
slashing damage (two hands). he will fire at you. If at the start of his
Longbow Ranged Weapon Attack +3 to
turn you are 30 ft or nearer from him, he
hit, range 150/600 ft.m one target. Hit
1d8+1 piercing damage. will move to melee and attack with
5. If you kill the warlord, go to entry 344.
COMBAT SHEET: Gnolls (River
Gnolls (x2)
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 15
Hit Points 22
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)


6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft, assive COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Gnoll

Perception 10 Encounter - River)
Languages Gnoll 1. Place tokens. G: Gnolls, PC: You. Roll
CR 1/2 initiative.
2. The gnolls were hoping you would be on
Rampage When the gnoll reduces a the bridge for their ambush to work
creature to 0 hp with a melee attack on its successfully. Wherever you are, they must
turn, the gnoll can take a bonus action to make their way towards you.
move up to half its speed and make a bite
3. If you fell in the stream, then your
movement is halved for two rounds while
ATTACKS the water drains from your clothes.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, 4. If you are not on the bridge but on the
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 1d4+2 eastern side of the river, then the gnoll on
piercing damage. the west side of the river has to get to you.
Spear Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack Make a wisdom check for that gnoll, DC
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one
12. If he fails, have him attempt to cross
creature. Hit 1d6+2 piercing damage or
1d8 +2 piercing damage if used with two the river to get to you without using the
hands to make a melee attack. bridge. Make a dex check for that gnoll,
Longbow Ranged Weapon Attack +3 to DC 15. If he fails that then he falls in the
hit, range 150/600 ft.m one target. Hit river and has to spend a turn getting out.
1d8+1 piercing damage. 5. The gnolls come towards you and attack,
but may just pick at you with their
longbows. Roll a d6. If they score 5-6, then
they move to the maximum range that
their longbows will allow and try to pick at
you. If they reach the edge of the map,
they will flee.
6. If you do not have snow shoes, your
movement is halved.
If you kill the gnolls, go to 191.
Ice Mephits (x3)
Small Elemental, Neutral Evil

Armour Class 11
Hit Points 21
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.


7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)


9 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3 COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Ice Mephit
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, fire Encounter Battle Map)
Damage Immunities cold, poison 1. Place tokens. M: Ice Mephits, PC: You.
Condition Immunities poisoned Roll initiative.
2. You can attempt to flee this encounter by
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive
Perception 12 making your way quickly up the ladder.
Make an Athletics check, DC 13. If you
Languages Aquan, Auran
fail, grant an opportunity attack for every
CR " point you fail by, to a maximum of the
number of remaining mephits.
Death Burst When the mephit dies, it 3. The first mephit to attack will cast fog
explodes in a burst of jagged ice. Each
creature within 5 ft of it must make a DC 10
cloud, a 20 ft. radius of fog centred on
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing you.
damage on a failed save, or half as much 4. The second mephit will direct its Frost
on a successful one. Breath weapon directly at the point where
False Appearance While the mephit you were. This forms a co-ordinated
remains motionless, it is indistinguishable attack.
from an ordinary shard of ice.
5. The third mephit will also use Frost
Innate Spellcasting (1/Day) The mephit
can innately cast fog cloud, requiring no Breath.
material components. Its innate 6. In the second round, the first two mephits
spellcasting ability is Charisma. will swap duties: the one who used fog
cloud will use Frost Breath and vice
ATTACKS versa.
Claws Melee Weapon Attack +3 to hit, 7. At the start of each round, all mephits
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d4+1 slashing
who used Frost Breath will attempt to
damage plus 1d4 cold damage.
Frost Breath (Recharge 6) The mephit recharge it. If they fail, they will enter
exhales a 15 ft. cone of cold air. Each melee and use claw attacks.
creature in that area must succeed on a 8. Note the Death Burst feat.
DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d4 9. If you kill the mephits, go to 176.
cold damage on a failed save or half as
much on a successful one.
Lord Bragol
Fighter (Battle Master), Lawful Good

Armour Class 16 (Chain Shirt +1)

Hit Points 44
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)


12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Skills Intimidation +4, Stealth +4 COMBAT NOTES (Use Map:

Senses passive Perception 11 Lord Bragol Encounter Map)
Languages Common, Dwarvish 1. Place tokens. B: Lord Bragol, PC:
You. Roll initiative.
Superiority Dice 4 x D8
2. The combat ends when either you or
CR 2 Lord Bragol reaches 7 hp or below.
If for some reason you fall to 0 hp,
Extra Attack Bragol attacks twice on each turn. take it that Lord Bragol will not
Second Wind On his turn, Lord Bragol can use a have made the final killing stroke.
bonus action to regain 1d10+5 hp. He can only use He will stop short, honouring your
this ability once. previous agreement.
Action Surge On his turn, Lord Bragol can take one 3. Note the Extra Attack Feat. Bragol
additional action on top of his regular action and a gets two attacks on each of his
possible bonus action. He can use this ability once. turns.
Great Weapon Fighting When Lord Bragol rolls a 1 4. If Lord Bragol falls to 15 hp or
or 2 for an attack roll, he can reroll and must use the below, he will use his Second Wind
new result.
Disarming Attack When Bragol hits you, he can
5. Note the Great Weapon Fighting
expend a superiority die to attempt to disarm you.
feat should Bragol ever roll a 1 or 2.
Add the superiority die to the attacks damage roll,
6. If Bragol misses you with an attack,
and you must make a Strength save (DC 14). On a
roll a d100. On a 50 or below, he will
fail, you drop the weapon, which lands at your feet.
Precision Attack If Bragol misses you, he can spend a superiority die (he has 4) to
expend one superiority die to add it to the attack roll. use his Precision Attack Feat.
He does this before any effects of the attack are 7. If Bragol hits you with an attack,
applied. roll a d100. On a 60 or below, he
Menacing Attack When Bragol hits you with an will use either (roll d4) 1-2:
attack, he can expend one superiority die to attempt Disarming Attack; 3-4: Menacing
to frighten you. He adds the superiority die to the Attack. He will use these until he is
attack’s damage roll, and you must make a Wisdom out of Superiority Dice.
saving throw (DC 14). On a failed save, you are • If you reduce Lord Bragol to 7 hp or
frightened until the end of Bragol’s next turn. below, go to 299.
• If you are reduced to 7 hp or below,
ATTACKS go to 50.
Greatsword Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit 2d6+3 slashing damage.
Snow Drake
Medium Dragon, Unaligned

Armour Class 15
Hit Points 60
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)


4 (-3) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Snow Drake
Battle Map)
Skills Perception +2 1. Place tokens. D: Snow Drake, PC: You.
Damage Vulnerabilities fire (Perc check Roll initiative.
DC 13) 2. The drake will immediately take flight and
Damage Immunities cold, poison attack you, swooping in and then flying
Condition Immunities poisoned past to the limit of its movement. Every
time this happens, make a Dexterity check,
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive
Perception 12 DC 10. Whenever this check is
unsuccessful, you are unable to make an
Languages Understands Draconic but
can’t speak. opportunity attack.
3. If you kill the drake, go to 77.
CR 2

Multiattack The drake makes two attacks,
once with its bite and once with its tail.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d8+3 piercing
Tail Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d6+3
bludgenoning damage.
Medium Humanoid (Orc), Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 13
Hit Points 15
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)


7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Poison Pass
Encounter Map)
Skills Intimidation +2 1. Place tokens. O: Orc, N: Orc Nurtured One
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive of Yurtrus, PC: You. Roll initiative.
Perception 10 2. The stat block for the Orc Nurtured One of
Languages Common, Orc Yurtrus is on the next page.
CR " 3. On its turn, the diseased orc to the west will
use its Aggressive feat to get as close to you
Aggressive As a bonus action, the orc as possible, and then make a melee attack.
can move up to its speed towards a As soon as it has made a successful melee
hostile creature that it can see. attack, it will use its next turn to trigger its
Corrupted Vengeance feat. It will only do
this if it can get within 10 ft of you.
Greataxe Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, 4. On its first turn, the orc to the east will
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d12+3 piercing
make its ranged javelin attack on you.
Javelin Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack 5. On its second turn, the orc to the east will
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., use its Aggressive feat as a bonus action,
one target. Hit 1d6+3 piercing damage. then its main action to move to melee and
attack you. If it cannot, it will move to 40
ft away from you.
6. You may attempt to flee this encounter by
fleeing down either one of the eastern
ravines. The orcs will pursue you to the
edge of the map.
7. If you kill the orcs, go to 216.
Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus
Medium Humanoid (Orc), Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 9
Hit Points 30
Speed 30 ft.


15 8 16
(+2) (-1) (+3)
7 11 7
(-2) (+0) (-2)

Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Orc
CR "

Aggressive As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed towards a
hostile creature that it can see.
Corrupted Carrier When the orc is reduced to O hit points, it explodes, and
any creature within 10 feet of it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and
becomes poisoned. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage
and isn't poisoned. (The orc can also trigger Corrupted Carrier as an action).
A creature poisoned by this effect can repeat the save at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. While poisoned by this
effect, a creature can't regain hit points.
Nurtured One of Yurtrus The orc has advantage on saving throws against
poison and disease.
Claws Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d4+2
slashing damage + 1d4 necrotic damage.
Corrupted Vengeance The orc reduces itself to 0 hit points, triggering its
Corrupted Carrier trait.
COMBAT SHEET: Gnolls (Frozen River)
Gnolls (x2)
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 15
Hit Points 22
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)


6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Passive COMBAT NOTES Use Map: Gnoll

perception 10 Frozen River Encounter)
Languages Gnoll 1. Place tokens. G: Gnolls, PC: You. Roll
CR 1/2 initiative.
2. The gnolls come at you by the shortest
Rampage When the gnoll reduces a route and attack. They will use bows until
creature to 0 hp with a melee attack on its they are within melee range.
turn, the gnoll can take a bonus action to 3. The frozen river that runs vertically up the
move up to half its speed and make a bite
centre of the map requires a Dexterity
check, DC 12, to cross safely. You may do
ATTACKS this while performing any other action, but
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, if you fail and fall in, you must spend an
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 1d4+2 action getting out.
piercing damage. 4. If you do not have snow shoes, your
Spear Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack movement is halved.
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one 5. If you kill the gnolls, go to 104.
creature. Hit 1d6+2 piercing damage or
1d8 +2 piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
Longbow Ranged Weapon Attack +3 to
hit, range 150/600 ft.m one target. Hit
1d8+1 piercing damage.
Medium Humanoid (human,
Shapechanger), Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 11
Hit Points 58
Speed 40 ft. in wolf form


15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)


10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4. Stealth +3

Damage Immunities Damage from non-
silvered/non-magical weapons COMBAT NOTES (Use Map: Werewolf
Senses passive Perception 14 Battle Map A or B, as directed. If Map B,
Languages Common (can’t speak in wolf read notes below).
form) 1. Place tokens. W: Werewolf, PC: You. Roll
CR 3 initiative.
2. The deep snow here counts as difficult
Shapechanger The werewolf can use its terrain unless you are wearing snowshoes
action to polymorph into a wolf-humanoid or have some other feat which allows you
hybrid or into a wolf, or back into its true
to not be hindered by it.
form, which is humanoid. Its statistics,
other than its AC, are the same in each 3. On its turn, the werewolf will pursue and
form. Any equipment it is wearing or attack you.
carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its 4. If you are still alive after two rounds of
true form if it dies. Keen Hearing and combat, go to 266.
Smell The werewolf has advantage on
Notes for Werewolf Battle Map B
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell. 1. Step 1 as above.
2. You may either attempt to flee or
stand your ground. This will
Multiattack The werewolf makes two
attacks: one with its bite and one with its
probably depend on who wins
claws. initiative.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, 3. On its turn, the werewolf will move
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d8+2 piercing to attack you.
damage. If target is a humanoid, it must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving 4. If you are still alive after two rounds
throw or be cursed with werewolf of combat, go to 266.
Claw Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 2d4+2 slashing
Ice Goblin (x3)
Small Humanoid (Goblin), Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 15
Hit Points 7
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)


10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +6
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 9 COMBAT NOTES (Use Ice Goblin Battle
Languages Common, Goblin Map).
CR ! 1. Place tokens. G: Goblins, PC: You. Roll
Chill Breath (recharge 5-6) As a bonus
2. The goblins come at you and attack with
action, the ice goblin can breathe a chill
air towards the target. The target must clubs.
make a DC 13 constitution saving throw. 3. Note the Chill Breath feat, which the Ice
On a failed save, the target’s next attack Goblins will use in their first round, and
is at disadvantage. every time they successfully recharge it.
ATTACKS 4. If you are victorious, go to entry 274.
Club Melee Weapon Attack +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d6
bludgeoning damage.
Aurilana Wintersong
Human Wizard (Illusion), Lawful Evil

Armour Class 15 (w. Mage armour, base AC 12)

Hit Points 36
Speed 30 ft.


8 (-1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Elvish, Aquan
CR 2

Life Preservation Devotion to the Frostmaiden has gifted Aurilana Wintersong with unnaturally
long life, and higher reserves of stamina than is normal for a woman of her age. Thus her high hit
point count.
Spellcasting Aurilana Wintersong is a Level 3 Spellcaster with the following spells prepared:
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp
1 Level (2 slots): Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Shield, Thunderwave.
2 Level (2 slots): Cone of Silence, Detect Thoughts, Misty Step.
Frostbringer Ranged Magic Weapon Attack +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit 1d8+1 cold
Magic Missile Ranged Spell Attack Automatically hits, range 120 ft, one (or multiple) targets. Hit
3d4+3 force damage.
Ray of Frost Ranged Spell Attack +6 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit 1d8 cold damage and
target’s speed is reduced by 10 ft. until the start of Aurilana’s next turn.
Shocking Grasp Melee Spell Attack +6 to hit, range 5 ft., one target. Hit 1d8 lightning damage
and the target cannot take reactions until the start of its next turn.
Thunderwave Target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10 ft away from Aurilana. On a successful save, the
target takes half damage and isn’t pushed.
Ice Minion
Tiny Elemental, Chaotic Evil

Armour Class 11
Hit Points 5
Speed 30 ft. , fly 30 ft.


7 14 10
(-2) (+2) (+0)
7 5 7
(-2) (-3) (-2)

Damage Immunities Cold

Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 7
Languages None
CR 1/8

Freeze As a bonus action, the minion can attach to the body of a target,
solidifying around one of the target’s limbs. The target must make a DC 13
Strength save to shake off the minion. shattering its body. On a successful
strength save, the minion is destroyed. On a failed save, the target takes
1d4-1 cold damage and its speed is reduced by 5 ft. until it can make a
successful strength save (to a maximum of the target’s speed being halved).
While attached to the target in this way, the minion’s spike attacks are made
at advantage.The target can repeat the Strength save at the end of each of
its turns. Failing will result in 1d4 cold damage each time.
Ice Spike Melee Weapon Attack +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 1
piercing damage.
COMBAT NOTES Use Map: Aurilana’s Keep
1. Place tokens. A: Aurilana, M: Minions, PC: You. Roll initiative.
2. Aurilana has cast Mage Armour on herself already, making her AC 15. This has also
spent one of her spell slots.
3. Aurilana has cast a Cone of Silence (a ritual she devised) on the southern area of the
temple room. Effect is as follows. You cannot use spells that have a verbal component,
nor speak any words while in this space. The Cone of Silence area is shown on the map,
but it will take a DC 14 Arcana check for your character to realize that moving out of
this area will remove the effects of the spell. You may repeat this check at the beginning
of each of your turns, until you realize that Aurilana is still able to speak where you are
4. The minions will come at you by the shortest route and attack. When they reach you,
leave them on adjacent squares to your PC, but they are considered to be occupying the
same space as your PC. Each round, the minion will use its bonus action freeze feat, and
then attack. For each failed save against the Freeze feat, your movement is reduced by 5
ft., to a maximum of your speed being halved.
5. AT THE START OF THE MINION’S TURN, add 1 more minion to the fray, 1d8
squares from you (in a straight line), until Aurilana either loses possession of
Frostbringer, or until combat is concluded. The minion needs to be able to enter your
space in order to attack (even though its token is left adjacent). If Aurilana is defeated,
the minions fall to the ground, resuming the shape of inanimate ice clusters.
6. If you have the codeword amulet, doing what is specified in the entry where you gained
that codeword takes a full action (meaning you would not be able to move or attack in
the same turn as activating the codeword). And of course you cannot do this while inside
the Cone of Silence. If you manage to get beyond the cone and use the action that
accompanies the codeword amulet, go to entry 337.
7. For diagonal movement, treat every other square of the grid as 10 ft. as usual.
cast Shield as a reaction, negating that damage, and increasing her AC to 20 until the
start of her next turn.
9. IF AURILANA IS DEFEATED, the minions are reduced to inanimate ice once more.
10. AURILANA’S NORMAL ATTACK is to use Frostbringer, or Ray of Frost (naturally)
to make ranged attacks. However, at the start of each of her turns round roll a d8. On
an 8, Aurilana will use Magic Missile instead, directing all 3 magical darts at you.
11. AURILANA’S MELEE ATTACK is to cast Thunderwave at 2nd level if she has spell
slots left, otherwise she will use Shocking Grasp. If she has no level 2 spell slots, she will
cast Thunderwave at level 1. Even if she is in melee with a ranger’s beast companion, she
will engage the PC every time. Then in her next turn she will resume her
Frostbringer/Ray of Frost attacks.
12. If you reduce Aurilana to 7 hp or less, and want to try and save her, go to 190.
13. If you kill Aurilana, go to 369.
Red Goo
3 Oblex Spawn 4 Oblex Spawn 6 Oblex Spawn
(Oblex Spawn)
Half-ogre 2 Half-ogres 2 Half-ogres 3 Half-ogres

Wolves 4 Wolves 6 Wolves 7 Wolves

Gnoll Hunters 4 Gnoll Hunters 6 Gnoll Hunters 7 Gnoll Hunters

Ice Serpent 2 Ice Serpents 2 Ice Serpents 3 Ice Serpents

4 Gnoll 6 Gnoll 7 Gnoll
Gnoll Witherlings
Witherlings Witherlings Witherlings
Undead 6 Undead 8 Undead 10 Undead
Bannermen Bannermen Bannermen Bannermen
Increase AC to 16, Increase AC to 17,
Undead Warlord Increase AC to 16
HP to 84 HP to 104
Gnolls 4 Gnolls 6 Gnolls 7 Gnolls

Ice Mephits 5 Ice Mephits 7 Ice Mephits 8 Ice Mephits

Increase AC to 18, Increase AC to 18,
Lord Bragol Increase HP to 64
HP to 64 HP to 84
Increase AC to 16, Increase AC to 17,
Snow Drake Increase AC to 16
HP to 84 HP to 104
1 more of each 2 more of each 2 more of each
Orc Ambush
type of orc type of orc type of orc
Gnolls Frozen
4 Gnolls 6 Gnolls 7 Gnolls
Werewolf 1 Werewolf 2 Werewolves 2 Werewolves

Ice Goblins 4 Ice Goblins 6 Ice Goblins 7 Ice Goblins

Increase AC to 16, Increase AC to 16,
Aurilana & HP to 64, 2 HP to 84, 3
Increase AC to 16
Minions minions spawn minions spawn
per round per round
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All other original material in this work is copyright [2019] by Paul Bimler and 5e Solo Gamebooks and
published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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