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SG GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO KY TI CHON HQC SINH GIOI BINH PHUGC CAP TINH THCS NAM HQC 2023 - 2024 —__ Mon: Ngit vin DE THI CHINN THUC (Thi gian:150 phit, khdng ké thoi gian giao dé) (Dé thi gém c6 Oltrang) Ngay thi: 09/03/2024 PHAN I: DOC HIEU (4,0 diém) Doe vin bin: “Thé gidi cia ching ta cd mudn vin didu thi vj dé kham pha. Cho dit ban dang & 49 tudi nao, ban cing nén pha vo edie gidi han eta nbn thire va luyén cho minh ki ning quan sat bing cdch ra khdi nha, ra ngoai thign nhign va chii ¥ téi moi digu xung quanh. Hay dat cho bin than nhiing edu hoi nhu: “Tgi suo...?” Tai sao khong...?” va thir ty tim céc céu tra 1di hay sy trg gitp ca nhitng ngudi quen biét, Ding bao gidy tur cao ty dai noi ring: “Ti biét hét rdi, anh/chj s® khéng chi cho tdi dugc diéu gi méi diu!”. Vi chi khi ching ta nhin thie duge ring vin con nhiéu diéu cé thé hoc, ching ta méi c6 thé bd sung duge nhigu kién thite méi, Hay nghe nhac cé dién, dén thim cdc vign bao tang va cdc phong trmg bay nghé thuat, hay doc sich vé nhiéu chit dé khc nhau, hay cé nhtmg sé thich nhu khiéu va, choi dan, h@i hoa hay tp luyén mt bG mén thé thao. Dit ban chon cho minh mgt b} mén nao di ban cing nén theo hoc dén cing va tim hiéu khéng ngimg nghi cho dén khi dat duge jén thite sfu sic vé linh vue d6 moi thdi. Dimg chi “cham dén mot lan ri bd x6”. Hay quyét tam rén luyén va cing cé tri t6 mé dé né tro thanh mét phan cd tinh cia ban. Bi dau, trong m6t lin t mo hay thie mic nhu vay, ban sé tim ra duoc niém dam mé cho ban than, C6 khét vong kham pha va tim tdi 1d mt trong nhtng dong luc gitip ban tiép cn véi thé giéi va vuon ra bién én.” (Trich Tim kiém niém dam mé, Hé chiéu xanh di quanh thé gidi, Nha xuat ban Thé gidi, 2017, tr17, 18) ‘Thwe hign cdc yéu cau sau: Cu 1: (0.5 diém) Xae dinh phurong thite biéu dat chinh tia doan trich? Cau 2: (1.0 diém) Theo tac gid, vi sao “Dimg bao gid tur cao tr dai noi ring: “Tdi biét hét ri, anh/chj sé khong chi cho tdi duge didu gi méi dau!"? Céu 3: (1.5 diém). Chi ra va néu téc dung cia mét bién phép tu tir trong cau sau: “Hay nghe nhac cé dién, dén thim cae vién bao tang va cde phong tng bay nghé thuat, hay doc sich vé nhiéu chi dé khée nhau, hay c6 nhiing sé thich nhur khiéu va, choi dan, hoi hoa hay tap luyén mt bo mén thé thao”. Cfiu 4: (1.0 diém), Em hiéu nhur thé nao v mét trong nhimg d6ng Ic gidp ban tiép can voi t PHAN II: LAM VAN (16.0 diém). . . Cau 1: (6.0 diém) Tir ndi dung van bin phin ge hiéu, hay viét mt bai van (Khodng 200 chi) trinh bay suy nghi cila minh vé § ghia cia niém dam mé trong cuge sing. Céu 2: (10.0 diém) Nha van Phdp Ana-t6n Pring-xo ting néi: “Doc mét edu tho nghia la ta gap g0 mOt tam hén con ngudi”. Em hiéu gi vé nhfn dinh trén? Hay lam sang t qua bai tho Doan thuyén dinh ci cia Huy Can. “C6 khét vong khiim pha va tim ti 1a gidi va vuon ra bien lon”? aes Het. (Thi sinh khong dhege sit dung tai ligu, gid thi khong gidi thich gi them) Duge quét bang CamScanner S6 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO _KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOT BINH PHUOC CAP TINH THCS NAM HQC 2023-2024 DE CHINN THUC Mén: Todn (Dé gom cé 01 trang) Thai gian lém bai: 150 phitt (khéng ké that gian giao dé) Negay thi : 09/03/2024 x +8 Lchobiéu tie: p=(2e+4 ve _)( +8 _ (244 ya et4) 4eave a) Rut gon biéu thite P. b) Tinh gid tri cia P khi x=744y3. 2. Tinh gid tr cia a+b biét (a+va® +2024)(+ Vb" +2024) = 2024. Cau 2. (5.0 diém), 1. M6t céng ty van tai dy dinh che $4 tin hang dé huéng (mg phong trio “Huéng vé Mién Trung ‘than yéu”, Nhung khi chudn bj khoi hanh thi sé hang héa da ting thém 6 tin so voi dy dinh. Vi vay céng ty phii bé sung thém 3 xe, Iie nly mi xe chd it hon dir dinh 1 tén hing. Héi ban dau céng ty dy dinh ding bao nhiéu chiée xe dé ché hang, biét cae xe cho s6 tin hang bing nhau. 3y? +2xp 43 =4yvx? 43 3(y-x)=3-3y 3. Cho Parabol (P): y=." va dung thing (d):y=mx+4 (voi m a tham s6). a) Chimg minh dudng thing (d) luén cét dé thi (P) tai hai diém phan biét. mx, = xx) + 2mex, +3 Cau 1. (5.0 diém). 2. Giai hé phurong trinh : { b) Goi x,,x, Ki hoanh 46 giao diém cia (P) va (d). Tim m dé T = a x+y nn gid tr nguyen. Céiu 3. (6.0 diém). Cho duimg tron tim O dudng kinh AB. Trén cing atta mat phing bs 4B, vé céc tiép tuyén Ax,By clia (O) va léy diém C sao cho CA 70% test tuong tng vei 70% sé diém cita ba ing voi s6 long ki te trong tép >255. > 30% test teong ting vei 30% sé diém ciia b Cn 3: Cay ciinh ‘Nha vuon Cénh Hing chuyén cho thué cay cdnh dip tét nguyén dan. Sau tét nha ‘win thu gom Iai s6 Irong cée cay cétnh da cho thué, nhung s6 lugng dy cab nhiéu nha vii van chuyén khéng kip nén phai thué thém céc phurong tign bén ngoai dé vin chuyén vé. Do sé Iugng xe vin chuyén nhiéu nén nha vudn khéng kip phan loai cay canh ma chi tap két cdc cay cdnh ché vé dé vio mOt khu vyc. Dé thuan tign cho viée quan li, chm s6e va tinh gid tién cho thué cdy cdnh (mdi edy ednh déu duge danh sé, cho thué thi duge dinh cing mét s6, trong nha néu cy cdnh cing loai, cing gid vudn cé nhiéu edy cdnh cing dinh 1 s6). Em hay lap trinh giép nha ven Cénh Hing sip xép Iai ody cénh cho hop Ii theo loai dé tién chim séc, loai cay cénh duge sip xép tirthdp dén cao. Dit ligu vito doc tie tep CAYCANH.INP: ding thtt nhit chita sé nguyén dirong N 1a sé lugng cay einh cho thué, dong tigp theo chira N sé nguyén dung al, 22, ..., av cde s6 cach nhau mét dau cach, day cdc s6 ai, a2, ..., av la s6 ki higu ca timg cay canh. Dit ligu ra ghi vito tp CAYCANH.OUT: | lugng cay cdnh da duge sip xép Iai theo logi,theo thr nr tang din. Vi dy: CAYCANILINP | CAYCANH.OUT Gidi thich 5 125 C65 cdy cdnh duege tap ket, gdm 3 loai 21251 cay la 125 4 1245 C64 cdy canh duge tap két, gm 4 loai 2145 cay duge siip xép la 1 245 Trang 2/3 Duge quét bang CamScanner Ring buge: > 60% test tuong ing voi 60% sé diém cita bai, tmg voi n < 10°, ais10. > 2026 test tong ting véi 20% sé diém cita bei, tng voi n < 10°, aiS10°. > 20% test twong ting vai 20% sé diém cita bai, img vein < 105, ais1O?. Cau 4: Hp qua Do e6 thanh tich cao trong hoe tip, Hing durge cde manh thursng quan thudng rat nhiéu phan qua. Bé ting phan hp dan cdc manh thudng quan dé cc phan thudng trong cdc hop duge danh 36, hp 06 phan thudng 1a hp duge ki higu bing mot s6 nguyén t6 nao dé (mot sé nguyén duong duge goi la mGt sé nguyén 16 khi né chi c6 2 wée sé Ja 1 va chinh n6), cdc hop con Iai khong ki higu biing céc s6 nguyén t6 thi khong e6 phan thuéng. Thdy sé lugng hop qua nhiéu, Hing hdi hop khong biét minh nin duge bao nhiéu phan thudng tir cdc hép kia. Em hay lip trinh dém xem Hung co thé nhén duoc bao nhiéu hép c6 phan thuéng. Dit ligu vio dgc tie tp HOPQUA.INP: dong thit nhat chita sé nguyén dong n, dong tigp theo chia n 36 nguyén duong ay, a2, ..., dn cde 36 céich nhau mét dau cach, day sé A, 825 «+4 &n 1A day ede s6 ki higu cia cic hp. Dit ligu ra dige ghi vao tip HOPQUA.OUT: mot sé duy abit 14 két qua tinh dirge. Vid HOPQUA.INP | HOPQUA.OUT Gai thich C6 6 hép, trong a6 06 3 h6p od phdn theong 12, 3, 5 v2, 3, 5 la cde sd nguyén t6, cén 1, 8, 9 khong phdi la sd nguyén 16 nén trong 3 hp nay khong cé phan thiréng. 6 123589 Rang buge: > 50% test trong ting voi 50% 36 diém cita bai, tng voin < 10a; < 10. > 30% test wong ting vii 30% si tia bai, ting vein < 10%, a; < 104, * 20% test trong tg vdi 20% sé diém etia bai, img vei n< 108, ai < 105. ‘Trang 3/3 Duge quét bang CamScanner 86 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHQN HOC SINH GIOI BiNH PHUOC CAP TINH THCS NAM HOC 2023 - 2024 . Mon: Tiéng Anh DE CHINH THUC ‘Thai gian: 150 phit (khong ké thoi gian phat d8) (Dé thi gdm cé 08 trang) Ney thi: 09/03/2024 SECTION I. LISTENING. (3.0 POINTS) ‘There are two parts in this section. You will hear ench part twice. Part 1. You will hear an interview with a rap musician called Jocy Small, who has just started a new career as a movie actor. (1.0 points - 0.2/ each) 1, What does Joey say about roller-skating? A. He mastered the moves relatively quickly, B, He leamed how to do it especially for the moves. C. He couldn't get used to wearing old-fashioned skates. 2, Because the film was set in the 1970s, Joey had to ‘A. wear clothes that didn’t suit him, B. talk in a way that made him laugh. C. follow the instructions of acting coaches. 3. When asked about his co-star, Joey says that A. he disliked her telling him what to do. B. he appreciated the help she gave him. . he found her rather unfriendly. 4. What advice does Joey have for young actors? A. Make sure you know your lines perfectly. B. Don’t attempt to speak naturally. C. Try to hear what you sound like. 5. How does Joey feel about the future? A. He thinks he’s too young to have definite plans. B. He'd like to concentrate on acting work. C. He's keen to go back to being a rap performer. Part 2, You will hear a man, who works in an employment agency, phoning a woman, who is looking for a job, fill in each blank space with a word or a time. (2.0 points - 0.2/each) JOB DETAILS FROM EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Role: AO . Location: Fordham Medical center, (7, Road, Fordham, Work involves: * Deal with enquiries * Making (8) and reorganizing them. * Maintaining the internal (9) z *(10) administration. Requirement: "ay * A calm and (12) * Good IT skills. Other information: *A (13) job ~ further opportunities may be available. * Hours: (14) am to 1,15 p.m. Monday to Friday. * a5) is available onsite. SECTION Ul: LEXICO - GRAMMAR (7.0 points-0.1/ each) Page 1 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner Part 1; Mark the letter A,B, C, of Don your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined Part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following, questions, 16, A. sodium B. solid C, solitude CD} solvent 17. A. dosage B, voy B. massage 18. A. chaos. 1B. chorus. D. scholarship Part 2. Mark the letter Ay B,C, or D on cate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following question: 19, A. federation (Be compulsory Cy conservation D, doctimentary 20. A. recommend Sh difficulty C.admirable D. advertise Part 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet (a indicate the word(s) CLOS meaning (0 the underlined word(s) in cach of the following quest 21, The candidate turned out to be a loose n, and most of the voters could not place their trust on him. A. incredible B. predictable C. available D, valuable 22, The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and ‘Thomas Hobbes helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modem sense. (A initiate B. lighten C. terminate D, prevent 23. The salesclerk was totally bewildered by the customer's behavior. A. disgusted (CB puzzled C. angry D. upset Part 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in cach of the following questions. 24, It's difficult to tell him to give in because he is so big-headed. Av wise B, modest arrogant D. generous 25. There has been no dis le improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned. A.clear B. obvious C D. insignificant Part 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 26. Mike and Lane are neighbors. They are talking about Lane's party. = Mike: “Thank you for a lovely evening” - Lane: ‘A It depends on you BB. Thank you very much indeed, . Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it D. Youare welcome 27.- Anna : "I don't think I can do this ." " a A. Sure, no way! B. Yeah. It's not casy. C. Oh, come on! Give it a try! D. No, I hope not. 28, Nowadays, the number of people who are out of. is rapidly increasing, A. order B. work C. danger D. luck 29. The problem needs to be urgently, otherwise it will be too late, A. addressed B. focused C. monitored D. checked 30. You'd better drive. I'm too for such traffic. A. experienced B. experience C. inexperienced, inexperience 31. Peter to the operating theatre when the police arrived and arrested him, A. was taking B. was taken CC. had taken D. was being taken 32. By this time next summer, you your studies. A. will have completed B. will complete C. are completing D. completes 33. I saw him hiding something in a bag. ‘A. small plastic black B. black small plastic small black plastic D. plastic small black 34, This factory produced motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006, A. twice as many Blas twice as many Cas twice many D. as many as twice 35. The higher the pollution becomes, ___ lose their natural habitats, Page 2 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner A, the more animals BB, more animals C.many animals. the most animals 36.Noone can decline the ___of the Alaskan wildness A. breath-taking scene B. breath-taken view C. breath-to-take scene D. breath-taking view 37. the whole family slept soundly. ‘A, Hot though was the night air B, Hot though the night air was C, Hot although the night air was D. Hot although was the night air 38. . We tried our best to complete it, ‘A. Thanks to the difficult homework B. Despite the homework was difficult C, Difficult as the homework was D. As though the homework was difficult 39, My arm hurts so much I felt sure 1 it A. should have broken B.musthave broken C. was breaking D. have broken 40. I could hear voices but I couldn’t what they were saying. A. tum up B. bring about C. make out D. try out 41, Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have in the last six months. A. grown up B. gone up C. jumped up D. sprung up 2, ‘ll Mr. Thanh be able to regain control of the company. ‘A. Only with hard work B. Only if he works hardly C. No matter how does he work hardly D. Not until his work hard 43.__as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell. A. That we referto BB, What we referto C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to 44, The criminal knows the of successful robberies. A. trash and treasure B. part and parcel, ins and outs, D, close all 45, Seldom far enough north to disturb South Pacific shipping lanes. A. Antarctic icebergs will move B. will Antarctic icebergs move C. will move Antarctic icebergs D. move Antarctic icebergs will 46. been diverted, they would have arrived early. @ Had the plane not = B. Hadn't the plane. ~—C. The plane had not‘. The plane not had 47. tfyou had followed my advice, your problems well now. A. would have solved B. would solve C. would be solved —_D. would have been solved 48. “Have you seen the film called “Star Wars?”, Helen asked. Helen asked me __ the film called “Star Wars”, A. if Thad seen B. have I'seen C.haveyouseen Dif had I seen 49, One of the visitors wanted to know during his childhood. ‘A. where he lived B. where didhe lived C. where he had lived D. where did he live 50, The audience, enjoyed the perférmance. A. they themselves were students B, most of whom were students C. most of them were students D, they were mostly students 51. The accident was the mistake of the driver. A, causing many people to die B, caused great human loss C. to cause many people die D. which causes many people to die 52. Peter regretted the proposal to work for a company in Hanoi. A. to be accepted B.being accepted CC. tohave accepted —_D. having accepted 53, Everyone here has been to London, 2 A, hasn't he B. haven't they C. have they D. has he 54, It is the organizer's request that A. everyone arrive here in time B. everyone shall arrive here in time C. everyone must arrive here in time D, everyone arrives here in time 55, Their office consisted of three rooms, ‘was used as a conference room. ‘A. the largest of which B. larger of which C. the largest of them D. largest Part 6. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence, 56, We were defeated because we were : (NUMBER) Page 3 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner 57. Whatever happens, don't let this failure. you. (HEART) 58. He was not a particularly good teacher, but his students loved him because he had such a lively (PERSON) 59. Patricia's skill in playing the piano is quite No one in this group can play the difficult pieces With similar mastery. (COMPARE) 60. There was a sudden of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. (BuRsT) 61, The Eiffel Tower is ‘one of Paris's most familiar landmarks. (QUESTION) 62. He is completely not only is he lazy but also he is dishonest, (EMPLOY) 63. Have our arguments convinced you or do you need any more 2 (ASSURE) 64, Your carelessness may do harm (o people who live near you, (CALCULATE) 68. Those people were arrested by the police because they entered the restricted place__. (LEGAL) Part 7. Each of the following sentences has an error, Find the errors and correct them, 66. In spite of their frightening appearance, the squid is shy and completely harmless. 67. [strongly object the idea of students in the final year working part-time jobs. 68. Linoleum is a trade name for the waterproof floors covering most often used in kitchens. 69. Before the invention of the printing press, books have been all printed by hand. 70. Almost the plants known to us are made up of many cells, specialized to perform different tasks. 71, [always look back on the time where I spent with my family on a farm in California. 72. People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of security. 73, Americans annually import more than $3 billion worthy of Italian clothing, jewelry, and shoes, 74, Never before have so many people in the United States interested in soccer. 75. For such a demanding job, you will need qualifications, soft skills and full commit Part 8. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or a particle. 76. The history teacher asked us to comment____ the events taking place in Afghanistan, 71. The high price of all kinds of goods could deter people _buying them, 78. As there are no substitutes ___ this product, we want to develop it further. 79. Peter was extremely absorbed _reading his book, 80. The movie bears little resemblance ___the original novel, 81. The car pulled __beside me and the driver asked me the way to the post office, 82. A number of doctors came __ suspicion of unethical behavior. 83. She's very pleased that they were able to sell their house___a profit. 84. I'll tell you as long as you promise not to give___ my secret. 85. This increase in imports bears testimony ___the success of industry. SECTION III: READING (6.0 POINTS) Part 1. Read the passage below and choose the best answer fo each question. (2 points - 0.2/ each) If’S COOL TO CAMP Pave 4 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner For many of us, life is full of man-made sounds: traffic, machinery, television and other human beings. It is ‘not surprising (86) ‘that camping continues to (87) in popularity, as it teaches us to take our focus off these distractions and (88) to enrich our lives. According to a recent report, one holiday 89) eight in Europe is a camping holiday. Despite that, some would still have you believe that camping should be considered an alternative holiday that you are driven toward because money is (90) - Nonsense. It is a lifestyle choice to be embraced and enjoyed, for it (91) ‘us the freedom to explore in our own time and (92) our own speed. The opportunities available for (93) camping with some forms of recreational activity are as varied as Europe’s many thousands of miles of hiking trails, cycling routes, canals, rivers and lakes. Whether your chosen form of activity is recreational or competitive, a social hobby or a way of escaping the crowds, there can be nothing more pleasurable than sitting outside your tent after a day of activity with only the hhum of dragonflies and gas stove (94) the peace. ‘And just remember: whatever form of camping you choose as long as you are out there enjoying yourself and surroundings, the (95) of the world can wait. 86. A, therefore Benevertheless C50 D. through 87. A. enlarge B. grow Co raise D. stretch 88. A. contributes B. gives C. supplies D. helps 89. A. from B.on C. for Dain 90, A. hard B. rare Co tight D. slim 91. Aclets B. opens C. allows D. enables 92. A, of 93. A, mixing B. attaching C. adding D. uniting 94, A. stopping B. annoying C, disturbing D. breaking 95. A. outside Brest C. other D. remains Part 2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question, (2.0 points - 0.2/ each) As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. ‘The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society. The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the tun of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools. extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, comporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies, Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home, Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as. well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twenticth-century United States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was viewed a8 a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date. 96. The paragraph preceding the passage probably discusses : A. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the nineteen century Pace 5 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner (B)the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century C. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century D. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen oa eaginp j 97. Itcan be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was. . ‘A. the growing number of schools in frontier communities B. an increase in the number of trained teachers , the expanding economic problems of schools D. the increased urbanization of the entire country 98. The word “means” in paragraph | is closest in meaning to 2 A. advantages B, probability C.method 99. The phrase "coincided with" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_ A. was influenced by B. happened at the same time as C. began to grow rapidly D. ensured the success of ; 100. According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920's was that D. qualifications ‘A. most places required children to attend school B, the amount of time spent on formal education was limited C. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education D. adults and children studied in the same classes 101. “Vacation schools and extracurricular activities” are mentioned in paragraph 2 to illustrate AA. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools B. the importance of educational changes C. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs D. the increased impact of public schools on students 102. According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that__. A. different groups needed different kinds of education. B. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them C. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress D. more women should be involved in education and industry 103. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to : A.consumption —_B. production C.homemaking —_D. education 104, Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of. . ‘A. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States B. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States C. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States D. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States 105, All of the following statements are true EXCEPT, A. immigrants played a part in changing American education system in the 20th century B, many foreign people found it easier to settle down in American thanks to schools © prior to the 20th century, public education had never had any influence on students’ lives. D. among the changes in American education system last century, one centred on women Part 3: Read the text below to decide if each statement is TRUE or FALSE, (2.0 points-0.2/ each) Are Zoos A Good Thing? Zoos are hugely popular attractions for adults and children alike, But are they actually a g00d thing? Critics of 200s would argue that animals often sufter physically and mentally by being enclosed. Even the best artificial environments can't come close to matching the space, diversity, and freedom that animals have in their natural habitats. This deprivation causes many 200 animals to become stressed or mentally ill. Capturing animals in the wild also causes much suffering by spliting up families. Some zoos make animals behave unnaturally: for example, marine parks Pace 6 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner often force dolphins and whales to perform tricks. These mammals may die decades earlier than their wild relatives, and some even try to commit suicide, On the other hand, by bringing people and animals together, zoos have the potential to educate the public about conservation issues and inspire people to protect animals and their habitats. Some zoos provide a sale environment for animals which have been mistreated in circuses, or pets which have been abandoned. Zoos also carry out important research into subjects like animal behavior and how to treat illnesses, One of the most important modern fimetions of zoos is supporting international breeding programs, particularly for endangered species. In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty in finding mates and breeding, and they might also be threatened by poachers, loss of their habitat and predators, A good zoo will enable these species to live and breed in a secure envionment. In addition, as numbers of some wild species drop, there is an increased danger of populations becoming too genetically similar. Breeding programs provide a safeguard: zo0-bred aninrals ean be released into the wild to inerease genetic diversity. However, opponents of 200s say that the vast majority of captive breeding programs do not ¢ animals back into the wild. Surplus animals are sold not only to other zoos but also to es or hunting ranches in the US or South Affica, where some people are willing to pay a lot of money for the chance to kill an animal in a fenced enclosure. Often, these animals arc familiar with humans and have very little chance of escaping. So, are zoos good for animals or not? Perhaps it all depends on how well individual zoos are managed, and the benefits of zoos can surely outweigh their harmful effects, However, itis understandable that many people believe imprisoning animals for any reason is simply wrong. 106, Modem zoos can offer animals a living environment that is as good as their natural habitats. 107, Dolphins and whales usually live longer in zoos than in the wild. 108, People who have visited zoos are more likely to support animal conservation and protection. 109. Zoos protect animals from being used for scientific research. 110, Endangered animals kept in zoos are less likely to meet a mate and breed. 111. In their natural habitats, animals suffer problems related to human activity. 112. Endangered species often lack genetic diversity in their population, 113, Zoos promote genetic diversity by breeding animals and then releasing them back into the wild. 114, Animals that have been bred in captivity quickly adapt to life in hunting ranches. 115. The author thinks that, on balance, zoos are generally a good thing. SECTION IV. WRITING (4 points) Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. (1 points- 0.2/ each) 116, Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk. vs Having 117. The film fell short of my expectations. x The film didn’t 118, He spoke so loudly that all of us could hear him clearly, %3 So 119. | regret not having been in touch with Brian when I was in Dublin. va [fonly, Pave 7 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner 120. Keith certainly ean't be held responsible for the accident. mlnnoway Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a sia meaning to the first one, using the piven word. Do not change the given word. (1 points -0.2/ cael 121. Jane’s lawyer suggested that she should ignore all the reporters. (ATTENTION, ‘> Jane's lawyer advised aa pat i i ie her hous q | 122, Sue got the builders to repair and decorate hei iin. mSue 123, The boys laughed at the man in spite of his old age. (FUN) ‘= The boys his old age. 124, My grandmother was the most hard-working person I've ever known, (MORE) lve than my grandmother. 125. | saw Jude Law for a brief second in the street. __ (GLIMPSE) in the street, wl Part 3: Essay writing (2.0 points) Some people think that some video clips on the Internet encourage violent behavior in young children, Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Write an essay to give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. You should write at least 150 words to express your opinions. HE END = - Thi sinh khéng duegc ste dung tai lig = Gicim thi khong gidi thich gi thém. Page 8 of 8 Duge quét bang CamScanner

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