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Received: 4 December 2019 | Revised: 25 February 2020 | Accepted: 26 February 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jph.12889


Assessment of glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates as

potential natural antifungal compounds against citrus sour rot
disease agent Geotrichum citri-aurantii

Merve Kara | Emine Mine Soylu

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty

of Agriculture, Hatay Mustafa Kemal Abstract
University, Hatay, Turkey In this study, the antifungal effects of six different isothiocyanate (ITCs) compounds
Correspondence (methyl, allyl, butyl, ethyl, benzyl and 2-phenylethyl ITCs) were investigated to be use
Merve Kara, Department of Plant against the citrus sour rot disease caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii in vitro and semi-
Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Hatay
Mustafa Kemal University, 31034 Hatay, commercial (in vivo) conditions. Antifungal activities of the vapour phases of different
Turkey. ITC compounds were examined on the arthroconidia germination and mycelial growth
of G. citri-aurantii. Mycelial growth of G. citri-aurantii was inhibited in a concentra-
Funding information tion-dependent way. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of benzyl, methyl, allyl
Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Grant/Award
Number: MKU BAP 13381 and ethyl ITCs on mycelial growth were 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.10 µl/L, respectively.
Arthroconidia germination of G. citri-aurantii was completely inhibited by benzyl, me-
thyl, allyl and ethyl ITCs at concentrations of 0.05, 0.07, 0.07 and 0.07 µl/L, respec-
tively. Light microscopy observations revealed that the ITC compounds, at completely
inhibiting concentrations, caused considerable morphological changes in the fungal
hyphae. Under in vivo conditions, the average rotting area caused by G. citri-arantii
was inhibited 100% by ethyl, methyl and allyl ITC compounds at concentrations of
8.0, 12.0 and 12.0 µl/L, respectively. Results suggest that ITC’s may be useful and
effective natural antifungal compounds to control the citrus sour rot disease agent.

antifungal activity, citrus, Geotrichum citri-aurantii, isothiocyanates

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N and other equipment in fruit packing facilities can infect healthy
fruits. The mycelium and arthroconidia which are located in rotten
Sour rot is caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii and has been reported and soft tissues allow the transmission of the disease from infected
as an important postharvest disease of citrus fruits found widely fruits to healthy fruits (Brown, 2003). The characteristic sour smell
in orchards (Brown, 1988). Arthroconidia of the pathogen, which of sour rot attracts fruit flies which causes fungi to spread to other
belong to the Saccharomycetes class of the Ascomycotina order, healthy fruits. The first symptoms of sour rot are similar to green
constitute by infecting the fruit surface via wind or splashing rain. and blue mould rots. Lesions are first water-soaked, later to become
Also, the fungus generates the most infections on injured fruits and clear-dark yellow in pigment and have a lightly swollen appearance.
on fruit located close to the ground. Dropped fruits are suitable for The pathogen causes the fading of colour and degrades the fruit to
severe infections due to contact with the soil. Arthroconidia of the a slimy and aqueous mass (Brown, 2003; Liu et al., 2009).
pathogen are also an important source of inoculum for the next year. Various fungicides have been widely used for a long time to mini-
The pathogen can enter the fruits from wounds opened by mechan- mize losses occurring in postharvest fruits. The control measures em-
ical means or insects (Brown, 2003). Fruit pallets, washing brushes ployed to manage other important postharvest decays are usually not

Journal of Phytopathology. 2020;00:1–11. © 2020 Blackwell Verlag GmbH | 1

2 | KARA and SOYLU

effective against G. citri-aurantii. This pathogen cannot be controlled infected. G. citri-aurantii was isolated from naturally decayed man-
by any of the conventional fungicides (e.g. Imazalil and Thiabendazole) darin (Citrus reticulata cv. Owari Satsuma) fruits that showed typical
registered for use on citrus fruit (Liu et al., 2009). In most commercial sour rot symptoms. Cultures with elongated cells that fragmented
packing facilities in Turkey, guazatine is commonly applied by posthar- into numerous conidia with no mycelial clusters present were puta-
vest drenchers to reduce the incidence of sour rot in citrus fruits before tively considered to be G. citri-aurantii (McKay, Förster, & Adaskaveg,
processing, or before degreeing operations. However, this fungicide is 2012). A pure culture of this fungal isolate obtained from a single
not registered in several countries. The adverse effects of these chem- spore was grown on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Merck). The isolate
icals on human health and the environment, and the acquired resis- was maintained on PDA medium at 4°C.
tances against some fungicides by disease agents, have brought about To confirm the identity of the fungus, pathogenicity tests
the need for the development of environmentally friendly control al- were conducted using the susceptible mandarin fruits (cv. Owari
ternatives and crop protection methods with or without reduced use Satsuma). The inoculum consisted of aqueous arthroconidia suspen-
of conventional fungicides (Lima, Curtis, & Cicco, 2008; Sivakumar & sion obtained from 7-day-old culture plates containing PDA grown
Bautista-Banos, 2014; Soylu & Kose, 2015; Soylu, Kurt, & Soylu, 2010; at 25°C. The arthroconidia concentration was determined by a hae-
Soylu, Özdemir, Ertürk, Şahinler, & Soylu, 2008). mocytometer and concentrations were adjusted to 106 conidia/ml in
Recent studies showed that Brassica vegetables such as cabbage, sterile distilled water. Fruits were inoculated by wounding the equa-
broccoli, cauliflower and radish are rich in numerous health-promoting tor (three wounds per fruit) with a sterile cork borer, dipping them
compounds such as carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids and gluco- in the pathogen conidial suspension for 1–2 min and allowing them
sinolates (GLS), as well as isothiocyanates (ITCs) which can be used for to air dry for 60 min at room temperature (25°C). As a control, only
human health. ITCs are breakdown products of GLS and are typically sterilized pure water treated fruits were used. Control and inocu-
used in the food industry as a food preservative and colouring agent lated fruits were placed inside disinfected 5-L plastic jars to provide
(Jaiswal & Abu-Ghannam, 2016). They are also used in the pharma- high relative humidity (±85% RH). Fruits were allowed to incubate
ceutical industry due to their several pharmacological properties for 5 days at 21°C. A total of 15 fruits were used for each application
such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory and in the experiment having three replications and five fruits in each
chemoprotective effects (Mari, Bautista-Baños, & Sivakumar, 2016; replicate. Finally, the pathogenicity test was assessed 5 days after
Pal Vig, Rampal, Singh Thind, & Arora, 2009). ITC compounds have inoculation; and the average disease severity (%), mean softening de-
been reported to have antifungal capabilities against soil-borne fun- velopment diameter (mm) and mean mycelial growth diameter (mm)
gal pathogens (Kurt, Güneş, & Soylu, 2011; Smolinska & Horbowicz, were recorded.
1999). Although there are few reports on the antifungal activities of
ITC’s against postharvest plant pathogenic fungi such as Botrytis cine-
rea, Penicillium expansum, Alternaria alternata and Monilinia laxa (Mari, 2.2 | Isothiocyanates (ITCs)
Leoni, Iori, & Cembali, 2002; Mari, Leoni, Bernardi, Neri, & Palmeri,
2008; Troncoso-Rojas, Sánchez-Estrada, Ruelas, García, & Tiznado- The pure ITCs were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co.,
Hernández, 2005; Wu, Zhang, Zhang, Zeng, & Lin, 2011), to our knowl- Switzerland. Methyl ITC (MITC), allyl ITC (AITC), butyl ITC (BUITC)
edge the in vitro and in vivo antifungal efficacies of the ITC’s against and ethyl ITC (EITC) represent a series of alkenyl aliphatic ITCs with
the postharvest citrus sour rot disease agent have not yet been studied. increasing side chain length, while benzyl ITC (BITC) and 2-pheny-
The aims of the present study were to determine the antifungal lethyl ITC (PEITC) have an aromatic side chain (Table 1). Stock solu-
activities of individual pure aliphatic and aromatic ITC compounds tions of each ITC were prepared in ethanol.
to different fungal growth parameters such as, mycelial growth
and arthroconidia germination of G. citri-aurantii in in vitro condi-
tions. Moreover, effects of different pure ITC products on disease 2.3 | Effects of ITCs on mycelial growth of
incidence were investigated in in vivo conditions. Finally, the mor- Geotrichum citri-aurantii
phological changes in hyphae exposed to ITC application were also
determined. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on The antifungal properties of ITCs on the pathogen were tested, as-
the use of ITC’s to control the postharvest sour rot of citrus. sessing their vapour-phase effects. A series of concentrations of the
compounds tested were used to determine the effects of ITCs on
the mycelial growth of G. citri-aurantii by inoculating a 5 mm diam-
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS eter agar disc from the margins of a one-week-old actively grow-
ing culture of G. citri-aurantii. Agar discs were placed in the centre
2.1 | Isolation of Geotrichum citri-aurantii and of Petri dishes containing 10 ml of fresh PDA, offering 90 ml of air
pathogenicity space as described by Soylu et al. (2010). Different concentrations
of ITCs (0.0–0.14 μl/L air) were added to the filter paper attached
Isolation was carried out on mandarin fruits (cv. Owari Satsuma) to the lid using a micropipette. Inoculated dishes were sealed im-
which were brought from packaging houses and thought to be mediately with two layers of parafilm and incubated at 24–25°C for
KARA and SOYLU | 3

TA B L E 1 Characteristics of synthetic ITCs used in the experiments

Trivial name of parent Molecular weight

ITC Chemical group glucosinolate (g/mol) Purity (%) Common occurrence

Methyl Aliphatic Glucocapparin 73.11 ˃97 Capparales, metam sodium

(synthetic fumigant)
Allyl Aliphatic Sinigrin 99.15 ˃98 Brassica juncea, B. carinata
B. nigra
Butyl Aliphatic Gluconapin 113.18 ˃99 B. napus, B. campestris,
B. juncea, B. oleracea
Ethyl Aliphatic Glucobrassinapin 127.20 ≥95 B. napus, B. campestris
Benzyl Aromatic Glucotropaeolin 149.20 ≥97 Sinapis alba
2-Phenylethyl Aromatic Gluconasturtiin 163.23 ≥98 B. campestris, B. juncea

5–7 days. Control consisted of unamended Petri plates containing 2.5 | Determination of the morphological changes
PDA medium. All tests were performed in triplicate, and each experi- caused by ITC compounds in fungal structures
ment was repeated twice.
The antifungal activity was expressed in terms of percentage of The morphological changes occurring on mycelium and germina-
mycelial growth inhibition and calculated according to the following tion tubes were investigated under the Olympus B × 51 microscope
formula: equipped with Nomarski DIC optics. The discs from the fungus cul-
tures were transferred to Petri dishes containing PDA and then al-
lowed to incubate for 2 days at 25°C for mycelial growth. When the
( ) [( ) ]
% Mycelial growth inhibition MGI = FGC −FGA ∕FGC x 100
fungus grew approximately 2 cm from the disc, different concentra-
FGC = Fungal growth diameter in control Petri dishes (mm). tions of the compounds were dropped onto the Petri lids as described
FGA = Diameter of fungal growth in applied Petri dishes (mm). above, and the Petri dishes were sealed with parafilm and allowed to
To determine the fungicidal or fungistatic effects of ITC com- incubate again. The treated fungal structures were observed by prep-
pounds, lids of the Petri dishes that did not show mycelial growth arations of very fine agar blocks from Petri dishes for light microscopy.
were replaced with sterile Petri lids and allowed to incubate again at
24–25°C for 4 days. Activity of the each concentration of the ITCs
was considered as fungicidal if the pathogen did not grow, or fungi- 2.6 | Determination of control potentials of ITC
static if pathogen growth occurred. compounds on disease development in vivo trials

The effects of different concentrations of ITC compounds on sour rot

2.4 | Effects of ITCs on arthroconidia germination of disease development were investigated in vivo trials. Mandarin fruits
Geotrichum citri-aurantii (cv. Owari Satsuma), which are susceptible to sour rot disease and
have a short life after harvest, were hand-harvested at commercial
The inhibitory effects of ITCs on the arthroconidia germination of maturity (a total water-soluble dry matter/titratable acidity (WSDM/
Geotrichum citri-aurantii were determined as described by Soylu et al. TA) ratio of 6.5/1, a juice ratio of 30%–35%, and 8.3 ml CO2/kg hour
(2005). Spore suspension (103 spores/ml) of Geotrichum citri-aurantii of respiration rate) the 3rd week of September from the local or-
was prepared from actively growing culture (5 days old) in distilled chard in the Erzin province of Hatay and used in vivo experiments
sterile water. Three different 50 µl aliquots of the spore suspension as suggested by Ozdemir et al. (2010). Freshly hand-harvested unin-
drops were spread onto the surface of the PDA medium, and dif- jured mature mandarin fruits were chosen as to be homogeneous in
ferent concentrations of ITCs (0.0–0.11 μl/L air) were added to the shape, colour and size. All fruits were rinsed with tap water before
interior of each Petri lid using a micropipette and incubated at 25ºC treatments and left in 2% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 2 min,
for 8 hr in the dark. Sterile distilled water was used instead of ITCs as then rinsed with sterile distilled water. Disinfected fruits were then
a control. Germinated and non-germinated conidia were examined dried in a laminar flow cabinet. In the equatorial region of the air-
under a light microscope. Germination was defined as the point at dried mandarin fruits, three uniformly spaced cuts about 2 mm in
which the germ tube length exceeded the spore diameter. The per- depth and 5 mm in width were made with a sterile cork borer.
centage of spore germination was evaluated under the microscope To determine the therapeutic effects of ITC compounds, inocu-
by counting 100 arthroconidia for each, and repeating this at each lations were carried out immersing fruits in fungal inoculum suspen-
concentration. sion (106 conidia/ml) for 1–2 min. After the inoculation process, the
4 | KARA and SOYLU

fruits were dried for 1–2 hr for fungal penetration. ITC compounds As seen in the Table 3; methyl, allyl, butyl, ethyl, benzyl and 2-pheny-
(methyl, allyl and ethyl ITCs), which have the greatest effect on the lethyl ITC compounds showed antifungal activity at varying concen-
pathogen in in vitro conditions, were used. Five inoculated mandarin trations of 0.0–0.14 μl/L. The strongest antifungal activity was shown
fruits were placed in plastic jars (having 5 L air capacities), and dif- by benzyl, methyl, allyl and ethyl ITC compounds, followed by butyl
ferent concentrations of ITCs (0.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0 and 12.0 μl/L) and 2-phenylethyl ITC compounds. At the lowest concentration used
were applied. Subsequently, all jars were tightly closed and wrapped (0.01 µl/L), the highest and the lowest inhibitory effects were obtained
with two layers of parafilm and kept at 25°C for five days. During with benzyl ITC (54.4%) and allyl ITC (35.8%). Benzyl ITC at 0.06 µl/L,
the experiments, all jars were kept in horizontal positions to prevent methyl ITC at 0.08 µl/L, allyl and ethyl ITCs at 0.10 µl/L, butyl ITC at
the fruits from coming into contact with each other. At the end of 0.13 µl/L and 2-phenylethyl ITC at 0.14 µl/L concentrations completely
this period, the fruits were removed from the jars and the average inhibited mycelial growth of G. citri-aurantii (Table 2 and Figure 1).
lesion diameters (mm) were measured. All tests were performed in Based on the inhibition rates of mycelial growth of fungus at
triplicate, and each experiment was repeated twice. Positive control different concentrations of ITC compounds, effective concentra-
consisted of fruits which were inoculated with fungal suspension; tions for a 50% and 90% reduction (EC50 and EC90 values) of myce-
negative control consisted of uninoculated healthy fruits. lial growth and conidial germination for each ITC compound were
determined by Probit analysis (Table 2). The EC90 values of benzyl,
methyl, ethyl, allyl, butyl and 2-phenylethyl ITC compounds were
2.7 | Statistical analysis determined as 0.044, 0.061, 0.072, 0.084, 0.10 and 0.170 µl/L, re-
spectively (Table 2).
Effective concentrations for a 50% and 90% reduction of myce- In the experiments conducted to determine the fungistatic or
lial growth and conidial germination (EC50 and EC90 values) for fungicidal effects of the ITC compounds, benzyl ITC at 0.06 µl/L,
the ITC compounds were calculated by probit analysis (Lesaffre & methyl ITC at 0.08 µl/L, allyl and ethyl ITC at 0.10 µl/L concentra-
Molenberghs, 1991) applied to the percentage of conidial germina- tions were determined to have fungistatic effects.
tion and mycelial growth inhibition, respectively. All data regarding
the infected fruit percentages were subjected to one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS statistical software (SPSS Inc.). 3.3 | Effects of ITCs on arthroconidia germination of
Comparison of means was performed using the Duncan test at Geotrichum citri-aurantii
p ˂ .05.
The results obtained from studies investigating the vapour effects
of ITC compounds on the germination and the % inhibition of the
3 | R E S U LT S asexual spores (conidia) of G. citri-aurantii, known as arthrospores,
are given in Table 3 and Figure 2.
3.1 | Geotrichum citri-aurantii isolates and It was observed that ITC compounds inhibited the conidial ger-
pathogenicity mination of fungi below the concentrations that inhibit mycelial
growth (Table 3 and Figure 2). According to the results obtained,
White, circular, rapidly developing and relatively sparse colonies at conidial germination rates of fungus decreased with increasing ITC
the end of the nutrition medium were observed by microscope, and concentrations.
based on morphological and taxonomic characters such as hyphae At the lowest concentration used (0.005 µl/L), the highest and
and conidial structures, the fungus was identified as Geotrichum citri- the lowest inhibitory effects were obtained with methyl ITC (25.6%)
aurantii (Hernandez-Montiel, Holguin-Pena, & Latisnere-Barragan, and ethyl ITC (2.3%). The complete inhibition of conidial germination
2010; McKay et al., 2012). Once single spore cultures were obtained, by ITC compounds was recorded at the concentrations of 0.05 μl/L
inoculation tests were conducted to verify the pathogenicity of each of benzyl ITC, 0.07 μl/L of methyl, allyl and ethyl ITCs, 0.8 μl/L of
fungal isolate. According to the results from pathogenicity test, butyl and 0.10 μl/L of 2-phenylethyl ITC (Table 3 and Figure 2).
the average disease rate of sour rot in mandarin fruits (cv. Owari According to statistical analyses, the antifungal activities of ITC
Satsuma) was 96%, the average softening development diameter was compounds on conidial germination significantly increased depend-
30.83 mm, and the average mycelial growth diameter was 18.23 mm. ing on the concentrations, and the difference between the concen-
trations was statistically significant (p ≤ .05).
The inhibition rates of 50% and 90% (EC50 and EC90, respec-
3.2 | Effects of ITCs on mycelial growth of tively) of different concentrations of ITC compounds on arthroco-
Geotrichum citri-aurantii nidia germination are given in Table 3. According to values estimated
by Probit analysis, EC50 and EC90 values of benzyl, allyl, methyl, ethyl,
The results obtained from the studies investigating the vapour ef- butyl and 2-phenylethyl ITC compounds were determined as 0.013–
fects of ITC compounds on mycelial growth and % inhibition of 0.036, 0.018–0.050, 0.015–0.052, 0.024–0.053, 0.018–0.064 and
G. citri-aurantii are given in Table 2 and Figure 1. 0.023–0.089 μl/L, respectively.
KARA and SOYLU | 5

TA B L E 2 Activity of pure ITC compounds at different concentrations in the vapour phase on mycelial growth (mm) of Geotrichum

Effects of different ITCs used on mycelial growth (mm)

Concentrations (µl/L) Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Butyl ITC Ethyl ITC Benzyl ITC 2-Phenylethyl ITC

0.0 85.3h 83.0j 83.3l 83.7k 84.0g 82.0l

0.01 53.0gD 53.3iD 43.0kBC 41.7jB 38.3fA 44.3kC
0.02 42.7fD 47.7hE 34.0jBC 28.3iA 33.3eB 37.3jC
0.03 40.7fD 39.0gD 30.7iB 26.0jA 26.0dA 33.7iC
0.04 28.3eCD 31.0fDE 26.0hBC 24.3gB 19.7cA 32.3iE
0.05 21.3dB 26.0eC 22.0gB 21.7fB 13.7bA 29.7hD
0.06 13.0cB 22.7dD 21.0gD 18.0eC 0.0aA 27.3gE
0.07 6.0bB 19.7dD 18.0fD 13.3dC 0.0aA 26.0fgE
0.08 0.0aA 12.7cC 15.0eD 10.3cB 0.0aA 24.0fE
0.09 0.0aA 7.0bB 11.7dC 7.7bB 0.0aA 20.7eD
0.10 0.0aA 0.0aA 9.0cB 0.0aA 0.0aA 12.7dC
0.11 0.0aA 0.0aA 5.3bB 0.0aA 0.0aA 10.6dC
0.12 0.0aA 0.0aA 2.3aB 0.0aA 0.0aA 7.3cC
0.13 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 3.3bB
0.14 0.0a 0.0a 0.0a 0.0a 0.0a 0.0a
EC50 0.020 0.023 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.019
EC90 0.061 0.084 0.101 0.072 0.044 0.170
The values obtained are the average of fungus colony diameter (mm) values of 3 Petri dishes. Similar small letters next to average values in the same
column or similar large letters next to average values in the row indicate that the difference between the applications is not statistically significant
(Duncan's multiple range test, p ≤ .05).
Effective concentrations of ITC compounds, inhibiting mycelial growth by 50% (EC50) and 90% (EC90), were determined by Probit analysis with the
help of SPSS statistical program (version 11.5, SPSS Inc.) using the values of mycelium diameters obtained at different concentrations for each ITC

3.4 | Effects of ITC compounds on morphologies of effect on the pathogen, as a result of mycelial and conidial germina-
hypha of Geotrichum citri-aurantii tion experiments in in vitro conditions, were used. Benzyl ITC has
not been applied to fruit because it is not effective in preliminary
It has been observed that ITC compounds, at the concentration experiments in semi-commercial conditions.
which ensures complete inhibition of the fungus, cause quite severe As seen in Table 4, methyl, allyl and ethyl ITC compounds showed
morphological deterioration on the mycelium (Figure 3). Fungicidal antifungal activity at a varying concentration range of 0.0–12.0 μl/L.
MIC of vapour of ITC caused cytoplasmic clotting, discharge out The strongest antifungal activity is shown by the ethyl ITC com-
of hyphae, darkening in hyphae with increasing intensity of cyto- pound, followed by methyl and allyl ITC compounds, respectively.
plasmic structure and the cytoplasm became empty afterwards Regarding to the complete inhibition concentrations of the average
becoming fully darkened and deformed into a necrotic mycelium lesion diameter of the fungus, ethyl ITC was the best at a concentra-
(Figure 3c,d) compared to control hyphae. While the thickness of tion of 8.0 μl/L, methyl and allyl ITCs also completely inhibited each
healthy hyphae is about 7.5–10 μm in diameter, ITC applied/exposed at the concentration of 12.0 μl/L (Table 4). Methyl, allyl and ethyl
hyphae's thickness is about 5–7 μm in diameter with a thinning of ITCs were found to cause phytotoxicity in the fruits at the concen-
about 20%–33%. tration of 16.0 μl/L (data not shown).
Based on the inhibition rates of the average lesion diameter of
different concentrations of ITC compounds, the effective concen-
3.5 | Effects of ITC compounds on disease trations for inhibition of mycelial growth of each ITC compound EC50
development in in vivo trials and EC90 (50% and 90%, respectively) were determined by Probit
analysis (Table 4). According to the results obtained, the EC90 val-
The results obtained from the studies in which the effect of the ITC ues of the ethyl, methyl and allyl ITCs were determined to be 7.386,
compounds of different concentrations on the average lesion area of 13.269 and 13.416 μl/L, respectively.
G. citri-aurantii in semi-commercial conditions are shown in Table 4. Evaluation of the average % inhibition of the lesion diameter of
ITC compounds (methyl, allyl and ethyl ITCs) which have the greatest G. citri-aurantii treated by pure ITCs was given in Figure 4. Ethyl ITC
6 | KARA and SOYLU

100 F I G U R E 1 Activity of pure ITC

compounds at different concentrations
90 in vapour phase on inhibition of mycelial
80 growth of Geotrichum citri-aurantii (%)

Inhibition (%)

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.13 0.14
Concentrations (µl/L)
Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Butyl ITC
Ethyl ITC Benzyl ITC 2-Phenylethyl ITC

TA B L E 3 Activity of pure ITC compounds at different concentrations in the vapour phase on arthroconidia germination of Geotrichum

Effects of different ITCs used on arthroconidia germination

Concentrations (µl/L) Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Butyl ITC Ethyl ITC Benzyl ITC 2-Phenylethyl ITC

0.0 87.3h 88.0h 86.7j 85.0g 82.3g 85.0k

0.005 65.0gA 78.7gC 71.0iB 83.0gD 66.0fA 72.0jB
0.01 55.7fB 62.0fCD 58.3hBC 72.7fE 51.3eA 63.7iD
0.02 41.3eBC 43.3eC 40.3gB 56.3eE 35.7dA 51.0hD
0.03 35.0dB 38.0dC 35.0fB 42.3dD 22.7cA 40.7gD
0.04 23.3cB 22.7cB 29.0eC 22.3cB 6.3bA 33.3fD
0.05 12.7bBC 10.7bB 24.7dD 14.7bC 0.0aA 26.3eD
0.06 4.0aB 2.7aB 11.0cC 3.3aB 0.0aA 21.3dD
0.07 0.0aA 0.0aA 5.0bB 0.0aA 0.0aA 15.3cC
0.08 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 9.3bB
0.09 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 2.3aB
0.10 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA 0.0aA
EC50 0.015 0.018 0.018 0.024 0.013 0.023
EC90 0.052 0.05 0.064 0.053 0.036 0.089
The values obtained are the average of germinated arthroconidia values of 3 Petri dishes. Similar small letters next to average values in the same
column or similar large letters next to average values in the row indicate that the difference between the applications is not statistically significant
(Duncan's multiple range test, p ≤ .05).
Effective concentrations of ITC compounds, inhibiting mycelial growth by 50% (EC50) and 90% (EC90), were determined by Probit analysis with the
help of SPSS statistical program (version 11.5, SPSS Inc.) using the values of mycelium diameters obtained at different concentrations for each ITC

had the highest effect (18.9%) at the 4.0 μl/L concentration, and 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
methyl ITC showed the lowest effect (6.3%). At the concentration of
8.0 μl/L, a 100% effect of ethyl ITC on the pathogen was observed; Postharvest decay of fruits and vegetables presents a major fac-
it was followed by methyl and allyl ITC compounds, at 36.0% and tor causing postharvest losses and limits the duration of the stor-
28.3%, respectively. When the concentration was increased three- age and shelf life of produce. There is a growing interest in the use
fold (12.0 μl/L), methyl and allyl ITC compounds inhibited mycelial of natural antimicrobials for pathogen control due to the gener-
growth of the pathogen by 100%. ally accepted safe status of these compounds. Among the most
KARA and SOYLU | 7

F I G U R E 2 Activity of pure ITC 100

compounds at different concentrations
in vapour phase on inhibition of 90
arthroconidia germination of Geotrichum 80
citri-aurantii (%)

Inhibition (%)






0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Concentrations (µl/L)
Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Butyl ITC
Ethyl ITC Benzyl ITC 2-Phenylethyl ITC

F I G U R E 3 The effect of volatile (a) (b) (c)

vapours of ITC on hyphal morphology.
(a–c) Apparently healthy hyphal growth
(arrow) in control plates. (d–f) The
effected hyphae exhibited abnormalities
(arrows) including vacuolation (d), leakage
of cytoplasm (e) and vacuole-mediated
organelle degradations (f) especially at
the hyphal tips. (a) Bar: 20 µm; (b–f) Bar:
40 µm

(d) (e) (f)

potent antimicrobials from plant origin, isothiocyanates (ITCs) are antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic have been re-
hydrolysed products of sulphur containing compounds called glu- ported in several researches (Mari et al., 2016; Zhang, 2004). The
cosinolates, which occur naturally in cruciferous vegetables, such isothiocyanates (ITCs) were found to inhibit the growth of fungi,
as broccoli and cabbage (Mari et al., 2016). Strong bioactivities yeast and bacteria at very low concentrations. Recent reviews
of glucosinolates such as antifungal, antibacterial, bioherbicidal, reported a wide range of phytopathogenic fungi susceptible to
8 | KARA and SOYLU

different ITCs. Among several ITCs, the literature reports that the the lowest concentration of benzyl ITC (0.06 μl/L) had the high-
allyl, benzyl, butenyl, propenyl, 2-phenylethyl and methyl ITCs have est activity in inhibiting mycelial growth of the pathogen. These
remarkable antimicrobial activities (Mari et al., 2016; Pal Vig et al., results are in harmony with Drobnica et al.’s (1967) findings that
2009). benzyl ITC was one of the most effective ITC against Aspergillus
Similar to other studies (Smolinska & Horbowicz, 1999), the in- niger, Penicillium cyclopium and Rhizopus oryzae. In another similar
hibitory effect of the ITCs on the G. citri-aurantii isolate tested in study, benzyl ITC at a concentration of 0.05 mg/ml was reported
our investigation was usually dependant on the concentration used. to inhibit mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata by 80% isolated
When the effects of ITC compounds in the vapour phase on my- from tomato fruit and was inhibited by 100% at a concentration of
celial growth of G. citri-aurantii in vitro conditions were examined, 0.1 mg/ml (Troncoso-Rojas et al., 2005). Allyl (AITC), phenyl (PITC)
and benzyl isothiocyanates (BITC), which were employed in the
TA B L E 4 The effect of pure ITC compounds at different study conducted by Azaiez, Meca, Manyes, and Fernández-Franzón
concentrations on the average lesion diameter (mm) of sour rot (2013), inhibited the growth of three mycotoxigenic Fusarium re-
caused Geotrichum citri-aurantii on mandarin fruitsa ducing 2.1%–89.7% of the mycelial growth and toxin production by
ITC compounds used the fungal agent depending on the dose and time of exposure. The
lowest antifungal effect was observed in the application of phenyl-
Concentrations (µl/L) Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Ethyl ITC
ethyl ITC. It has been noted that even at the highest concentration
0.0 25.7e 25.7e 25.7d of phenylethyl ITC (0.1 mg/ml) inhibition was 50% (Troncoso-Rojas
4.0 24.1eA 24.0deA 20.8cA et al., 2005). Kurt et al. (2011) reported that volatiles of ITC com-
6.0 19.5dB 22.4dB 12.2bA pounds (methyl, allyl, butyl, ethyl, phenyl, benzyl and 2-pheny-
8.0 16.5cB 18.5cB 0.0aA lethyl ITCs) were highly effective in inhibiting mycelial growth of
10.0 10.9bB 11.3bB 0.0aA Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Methyl ITC inhibited mycelial growth by

12.0 0.0a 0.0a 0.0a 100% at the concentrations of 732, 1,024 and 1,460 μmol/L. In
b addition, these data were supported by Mari et al. (2008) who re-
EC50 8.139 8.582 5.331
ported that ITCs (allyl, butyl, benzyl, 2-phenylethyl and 4-methylth-
EC90 13.269 13.416 7.386
iobutyl-ITCs) in the vapour phase significantly inhibited conidial
The values obtained are the average of lesion diameter (mm) values
germination and mycelial growth of Monilinia laxa in in vitro condi-
of the disease developed in 3 different mandarin fruits. Similar small
letters next to average values in the same column or similar large letters
tions. Lewis and Papavizas (1971) also reported that vapours of the
next to average values in the row indicate that the difference between ITC’s (allyl, methyl, butyl, phenyl ethyl), sulphides and disulphides
the applications is not statistically significant (Duncan's multiple range caused appreciably reduced mycelial growth, zoospore motility and
test, p ≤ .05). germination of root rot disease of peas caused by Aphanomyces eu-
Effective concentrations of ITC compounds, inhibiting lesion diameter
teiches. According to in vitro test, ITC vapours were more effective
of disease by 50% (EC50) and 90% (EC90), were determined by Probit
analysis with the help of SPSS statistical program (version 11.5, than those of sulphides in inhibiting mycelial growth, zoospore mo-
SPSS Inc.) using the values of lesion diameters obtained at different tility and germination. Among treatments, allyl ITC and methyl ITC
concentrations for each ITC compound. were more effective than butyl ITC or phenyl ethyl ITC.




Inhibition (%)






F I G U R E 4 Effect of pure ITC
0 4, 0 6 8 10 12 compounds at different concentrations
Concentrations (µl/L) on inhibition (%) of formation of lesion
diameter of sour rot caused by Geotrichum
Methyl ITC Allyl ITC Ethyl ITC citri-aurantii on mandarin fruits
KARA and SOYLU | 9

The EC50 values of the benzyl, ethyl and butyl ITCs, which were Oawa (1971) tried to elucidate the particular biochemical mech-
showing the strongest antifungal activity, were determined as 0.014, anism of fungicidal activity of several ITCs using three different
0.014 and 0.016 μl/L, respectively. These results are similar to those strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast). They reported that
of Wu et al.’s (2011) findings which reported that the combination of ITCs act by inhibiting the oxygen uptake by yeast through the
allyl and ethyl ITCs had a fungitoxic effect against spore germination uncoupler action of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria of
and mycelial growth of P. expansum and Botrytis cinerea. Authors also yeast, that is inhibiting the coupling between the electron trans-
pointed out that the optimized combination showing the lowest EC50 port and phosphorylation reactions and thus eventually hindering
values at 0.08 and 0.14 μg/ml air for inhibition of conidial germination the ATP synthesis.
and mycelial growth of P. expansum, respectively. It showed the low- It was also observed that the ITCs caused severe morphological
est EC50 values at 0.07 and 0.12 μg/ml air for conidial germination and deformations on the mycelium of fungus at concentrations that would
mycelial growth of B. cinerea, respectively. Mycelial growth of both provide complete inhibition. It is thought that this damage caused by
fungal species was inhibited by higher ITC concentrations than conid- different ITCs at the level of cell membrane and cytoplasmic content
ial germination. In our study, the different reaction of G. citri-aurantii on G. citri-aurantii probably resulted from the ITCs causing cytotoxic
mycelia and conidia to ITC exposure is, to some extent, probably due effects by destroying the fungus membrane. The activity of plant orig-
to the morphology involved in mycelia and conidia. The hyphal wall inated volatile compounds, such as essential oils or their components,
is perhaps thicker than the conidial wall; hence, the volatile penetra- results in structural modifications and alterations of hyphal morphol-
tion in these structures was easier. Similar results were reported with ogy mainly by partitioning the lipid layer of the cell membrane due to
conidia of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Inyang, Butt, Doughty, their hydrophobic nature. In addition, this kind of compound can effect
Todd, & Archer, 1999). In that study, the exposure of 1 μl of 100% v/v the permeability of the cell membrane, subsequently causing leakage of
of the ITCs of phenylethyl, 2-chlorophenyl, and phenyl consistently the cell components (Laird & Phillips, 2011; Shao, Wang, Xu, & Cheng,
inhibited conidia germination during the incubation period of this fun- 2013; Soylu et al., 2010; Soylu, Soylu, & Kurt, 2006). Morphological
gus while mycelium growth always took place. changes within the fungal cell wall and cytoplasm were also reported
The current results revealed that MITC (0.08 μl/L), AITC and as a result of the direct impact of these kind of compounds with the
EITC (0.10 μl/L) together with BITC (0.06 μl/L) showed a fungistatic enzymes responsible for the cell wall synthesis (Rasooli, Rezaei, &
effect on mycelial growth of G. citri-aurantii according to the inhibi- Allameh, 2006). Oxygenated monoterpenes and terpene hydrocar-
tion tests. These results are in accordance with the studies which bon such as citral, thymol, carvacrol and p-cymene were reported to
reported that the ITC compounds have fungistatic and fungitoxic assist the entry of oxygenated monoterpenes into the cell by modi-
effects against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Sacc.) Arx & fying the cell membranes (Nguefack et al., 2012). Vapours from the
DL Olivies, Rhizoctonia solani JG Kühn, Gibberella zeae (Schwein) decomposition of cabbage tissue, an amendment which suppressed
Petch (Syn. Fusarium graminearum), Fusarium oxysporum, Cochliobolus root rot disease of pea, adversely effected the morphology of the
sativus (S Ito & Kurib) Drescher ex Das (syn. Bipolaris sorokiniana) fungus, the development of oospores and the mycelial growth (Lewis
and various soil-borne plant pathogens such as Pythium irregu- & Papavizas, 1971) . Furthermore, the application of plant originated
lar Buisman (Angus, Gardner, Kirkegaard, & Desmarchelier, 1994; volatile was shown to act as a signalling compound to stimulate the
Dhingra, Costa, & Silva, 2004; Motisi, Montfort, Dore, Romillac, induced defence mechanism in avocado, the gene expression and the
& Lucas, 2009; Ramos et al., 2012; Sarwar, Kirkegaard, Wong, & enzyme activities of pathogenesis related proteins such as chitinase
Desmarchelier, 1998; Smolinska et al., 2003) and sclerotia forming and 1,3-b-glucanase (Bill, Sivakumar, Korsten, & Thompson, 2014;
fungi (Rahmanpour, Backhouse, & Nonhebel, 2009). Sellamuthu, Mafune, Sivakumar, & Soundy, 2013). Although several re-
Different glucosinolates hydrolysis products respond differ- ports were available on the morphological changes caused by essential
ently to the microbial population but ITCs are the major inhibi- oils, to the best of our knowledge, our study is showing for the first
tors of microbial activity (Mayton, Oliver, Vaughn, & Loria, 1996). time that ITCs resulted in structural modification and alterations of hy-
The antimicrobial activities of ITCs may be associated to their phal and cytoplasmic morphologies. These results coincide with Lin’s ,
chemical structure. The toxicity and range of activity vary with Preston, and Wei (2000) findings which reported fumigation with allyl
changes in the isothiocyanate R-group. Greater toxicity is often ITC causes metabolite leaks in bacterial cells.
related to increased volatility (Lewis & Papavizas, 1971). Previous Numerous studies have evaluated the vapour-phase activity of
studies reported that aromatic forms are more biologically active AITC in vitro tests, obtaining important information on the growth
than aliphatic forms due to their higher penetrability and increas- inhibition of some food borne pathogens and on the duration of
ing volatility (Kurt et al., 2011; Pal Vig et al., 2009). In our study, treatment (Manyes, Luciano, Manes, & Meca, 2015; Sotelo, Lema,
the strongest antifungal activity was also displayed by aromatic Soengas, Cartea, & Velasco, 2014; Wilson, Bergaentzie, Bindler,
benzyl ITC with an EC 50 value of 0.013 μl/L based on the inhibi- Marchioni, & Lintz, 2013). The best conditions of AITC application
tion rates of the conidial germination of ITCs. These results are in in in vitro experiments are not always comparable with those ob-
agreement with Kurt et al.’s (2011) findings reporting that benzyl tained in in vivo experiments. In semi-commercial conditions, ethyl
ITC showed the highest inhibitory effect on sclerot germination ITC (8 μl/L) had the highest activity at the lowest concentration in
of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with an EC 50 of 75.1 μmol/L. Kojima and inhibiting the average lesion diameter of sour rot disease caused
10 | KARA and SOYLU

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VI. Plant Protection Congress of Turkey (5-8 September 2016, neglected procedure in medical statistics. Statistics in Medicine, 10,
Konya). The author would like to sincere thank Prof. Dr. Soner Soylu 1391–1403.
for statistical analyses and constructive scientific criticism of the Lewis, J. A., & Papavizas, G. C. (1971). Effect of sulphur-containing
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How to cite this article: Kara M, Soylu EM. Assessment of
borne fungal pathogens. Journal of Phytopathology, 147, 119–124.
Smolinska, U., Morra, M. J., Knudsen, G. R., & James, R. L. (2003).
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Isothiocyanates produced by Brassicaceae species as ınhibitors of antifungal compounds against citrus sour rot disease agent
Fusarium oxysporum. Plant Disease, 87, 407–412. Geotrichum citri-aurantii. J Phytopathol. 2020;00:1–11.
Sotelo, T., Lema, M., Soengas, P., Cartea, M. E., & Velasco, P. (2014). In
vitro activity of glucosinolates and their degradation products against
Brassica-pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Applied and Environment
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Soylu, E. M., & Kose, F. (2015). Antifungal activities of essential oils
against citrus black rot disease agent Alternaria alternata. Journal of
Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 18, 894–903.

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