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The sudden absence of the Islander Footwear Factory in Cebu has garnered the people's
attention. Islander Footwear is a brand that was initially created in the Philippines. Everyone
thought that Islander Footwear was shutting down. However, the company clarified that only the
factory in Cebu was closing.

Hence, they will continue to make slippers for Filipinos, although the other brands
overpowered their brand since most people nowadays like international brands rather than local
ones. This study will inform people about the brand and show how and what the company may
do to make it known to its target market.

The study's main objective is to develop new market strategies and plans to revive the
brand Islander Footwear. It is for them to make their business grow and improve since nowadays
there is a thing called trends that the standards of the people nowadays follow.

Statement of the Problem

What would be the most effective IMC Campaign to revive The Islander Footwear brand?

1. What market strategies will you use to attract your target market to buy your product?
2. Do you think the designs of your product fit the generation nowadays?
3. What can you offer the target market to make them buy your product?


The study's objective is to determine the thoughts of the target market on Islander
Footwear’s quality, design, and price. Achieving these objectives may help the brand to improve
its product’s quality and design.

 Promoting the brand through social media platforms.

 Rebrand and release new product designs that fit the target market's taste.
 Offering deals to gain the customer’s loyalty.
Theoretical Framework

1. Shifting Loyalties Theory

- The target market is the younger generations or Gen Z. Rebranding, releasing new
designs, and producing more advertisements may help them improve and grow their
brand. In that way, their target market may shift their loyalty to their brand.
2. Consumer Behavior Theory
- Observing their target market’s interests may help them produce and release new
designs so that they will reach their target market’s expectations.

Significant of the Study

 The Company. The company would benefit from this study since they would know what
to improve in their product.
 The employees. They would catch up on what the company wants to do for their product
and how they will uniquely promote it on social media platforms.
 The resellers. The resellers would benefit in a way that they would know the changes that
will occur in the brand and their product.
 The newbie business owners. They would benefit from this study because it would help
them how they are going to improve their brand and product.

Scope and Limitations

The study will follow the specific demographics when gathering the data. The number of
respondents will be limited to 20 respondents, and they will be surveyed by filling out Google


- Middle-Class people
- 18-50 years old
- Male and Female
- Metro Manila, NCR

- The data gathering will be conducted from March to April 2024.

Category and Brand

- The study will only focus on the quality and awareness of the Islander Footwear.



This chapter contains the research design and the methodology used in conducting the
study. It includes the sampling technique, sources of data, the research subjects, the population
of the study, the instrument utilized to gather data, and the statistical tools employed in the data
processing. This chapter shows how the researchers came to the necessary data for this study and
how these data were analyzed, interpreted, and presented as efficiently as possible. The
discussions focus on the following topics: 1) Research Design, 2) Population and Sample, 3)
Sampling, 4) Research Instrument, 5) Data Gathering Procedure, and 6) Analysis of Data.


This study utilizes the descriptive research method to determine how Islander Footwear
would revive its brand in the Philippines. It determines whether following the trends nowadays
would help them to inform people about their brand and make people buy their products if they
reach the standards of their target market. This descriptive research would use a quantitative
approach to assess the feedback from the respondents.



The researchers have equipped purposive sampling as the method of distributing and
collecting the data. Purposive Sampling is a sampling plan that selects participants according to
age, experiences, location, status, and characteristics. The researchers selected this sampling
because data gathering and analysis would be more efficient since the purpose of the study is to
revive the brand of Islander Footwear, which characteristics, status, etc., would be efficient for
determining the market plans and strategies for Islander Footwear.


The researchers made use of questionnaires containing fixed-alternative questions.

Questionnaires were used because they are more efficient, and the responses can be analyzed
quickly. The following are the questions that were used in the questionnaire.

1. What are you looking for in footwear?





2. Do you have relatives who love footwear products?


-Don't have
3. Have you bought footwear in Islander Footwear?



4. If you answered YES, where did you buy it?

-Online Stores

-Facebook Marketplace



5. Is Islander Footwear familiar to you?



6. If yes, where did you learn about the Islander Footwear?



-Outdoor Advertisements

-Social Media

7. What footwear brand do you like?





-Others, please specify.

8. Do you think design matters when purchasing footwear products?



9. If yes, what designs do you prefer when purchasing footwear products?

-Simple Designs

-Elegant Looking Designs

-Fluffy Designs

-Others, please specify.

10. What colors do you prefer when purchasing footwear products?

-Black and White

-Assorted Colors

-Warm Colors

-Pastel Colors

-Others, please specify.

11. What kind of footwear/slippers do you prefer when purchasing footwear products?

-Slip-on Slippers

-Closed Back Slippers


-Traditional Slippers


1. Questionnaire Formulation. The researchers started working on their questionnaire

based on their Statement of the Problem. The researchers used related questions to achieve the
respective goal of their study.
2. Distributing. After completing the questionnaire, the researchers distributed it to their
respondents based on their Audience's scope and limitations.
3. Data Analysis. The researchers collected the questionnaire distributed to respondents.
Each questionnaire was checked by the researchers who gathered the data. The researchers
analyzed data, and the result was obtained.


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