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Unit V

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

1. Artificial Neural Networks with Keras,

2. Implementing MLPs with Keras,

3. Installing TensorFlow 2,

4. Loading and Preprocessing Data with TensorFlow


1.Artificial Neural Networks with Keras

1. Neurons and biological motivation

Artificial Neural Network

 A Neural Network is a system designed to operate like a human brain. Human information processing
takes place through the interaction of many billions of neurons connected to each other sending
signals to other neurons.

 Similarly, a Neural Network is a network of artificial neurons, as found in human brains, for
solving artificial intelligence problems such as image identification. They may be a physical device
or mathematical constructs.

 In other words, Artificial Neural Network is a parallel computational system consisting of many
simple processing elements connected to perform a particular task.

Biological Motivation

Motivation behind neural network is human brain. Human brain is called as the best processor even though it
works slower than other computers. Many researchers thought to make a machine that would work in the
prospective of the human brain.
Human brain contains billion of neurons which are connected to many other neurons to form a network so that
if it sees any image, it recognizes the image and processes the output.
 Dendrite receives signals from other neurons.

 Cell body sums the incoming signals to generate input.

 When the sum reaches a threshold value, neuron fires and the signal travels down the axon to the
other neurons.

 The amount of signal transmitted depends upon the strength of the connections.

 Connections can be inhibitory, i.e. decreasing strength or excitatory, i.e. increasing strength in nature.

In the similar manner, it was thought to make artificial interconnected neurons like biological neurons making
up an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Each biological neuron is capable of taking a number of inputs and
produce output.
Neurons in human brain are capable of making very complex decisions, so this means they run many parallel
processes for a particular task. One motivation for ANN is that to work for a particular task identification
through many parallel processes.

2. Structure of Neural Network / Linear threshold units

Artificial Neuron

Artificial Neuron are also called as perceptrons. This consist of the following basic terms:

 Input

 Weight

 Bias

 Activation Function

 Output

Artificial neuron, also called linear threshold unit (LTU), by McCulloch and Pitts, 1943: with one or more
numeric inputs, it produces a weighted sum of them, applies an activation function, and outputs the result.

Common activation functions: step function and sigmoid function

Below is an LTU with the activation function being the step function.

3. Perception

The original Perceptron was designed to take a number of binary inputs, and produce one binary output (0
or 1).

The idea was to use different weights to represent the importance of each input, and that the sum of the
values should be greater than a threshold value before making a decision like true or false (0 or 1).

Perceptron Example

Imagine a perceptron (in your brain).

The perceptron tries to decide if you should go to a concert.

Is the artist good? Is the weather good?

What weights should these facts have?

Criteria Input Weight

Artists is Good x1 = 0 or 1 w1 = 0.7

Weather is Good x2 = 0 or 1 w2 = 0.6

Friend will Come x3 = 0 or 1 w3 = 0.5

Food is Served x4 = 0 or 1 w4 = 0.3

Alcohol is Served x5 = 0 or 1 w5 = 0.4

The Perceptron Algorithm

Frank Rosenblatt suggested this algorithm:

1. Set a threshold value

2. Multiply all inputs with its weights

3. Sum all the results

4. Activate the output

1. Set a threshold value:

 Threshold = 1.5

2. Multiply all inputs with its weights:

 x1 * w1 = 1 * 0.7 = 0.7

 x2 * w2 = 0 * 0.6 = 0

 x3 * w3 = 1 * 0.5 = 0.5

 x4 * w4 = 0 * 0.3 = 0

 x5 * w5 = 1 * 0.4 = 0.4

3. Sum all the results:

 0.7 + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0.4 = 1.6 (The Weighted Sum)

4. Activate the Output:

 Return true if the sum > 1.5 ("Yes I will go to the

Concert") 3.1 Representational limitation and gradient descent


The following are the limitation of a Perceptron model:

1. The output of a perceptron can only be a binary number (0 or 1) due to the hard-edge
transfer function.

2. It can only be used to classify the linearly separable sets of input vectors. If the input vectors are
non- linear, it is not easy to classify them correctly.
A set of data points are said to be linearly separable if the data can be divided into two classes using a
straight line. If the data is not divided into two classes using a straight line, such data points are said to be
called non- linearly separable data.

Although the perceptron rule finds a successful weight vector when the training examples are linearly
separable, it can fail to converge if the examples are not linearly separable.

A second training rule, called the delta rule, is designed to overcome this difficulty.

If the training examples are not linearly separable, the delta rule converges toward a best-fit approximation
to the target concept.

The key idea behind the delta rule is to use gradient descent to search the hypothesis space of possible
weight vectors to find the weights that best fit the training examples.

This rule is important because gradient descent provides the basis for the BACKPROPAGATON algorithm, which
can learn networks with many interconnected units.

Derivation of Delta Rule

The delta training rule is best understood by considering the task of training an unthresholded perceptron;
that is, a linear unit for which the output o is given by

Thus, a linear unit corresponds to the first stage of a perceptron, without the threshold.

In order to derive a weight learning rule for linear units, let us begin by specifying a measure for the training
error of a hypothesis (weight vector), relative to the training examples.

Although there are many ways to define this error, one common measure is

where D is the set of training examples, ‘td’ is the target output for training example ‘d’, and od is the output of
the linear unit for training example ‘d’.

How to calculate the direction of steepest descent along the error surface?
The direction of steepest can be found by computing the derivative of E with respect to each component of the
vector w. This vector derivative is called the gradient of E with respect to w, written as,

The gradient specifies the direction of steepest increase of E, the training rule for gradient descent is

Here η is a positive constant called the learning rate, which determines the step size in the gradient descent

The negative sign is present because we want to move the weight vector in the direction that decreases E.

This training rule can also be written in its component form,


Gradient Descent Algorithm

Gradient descent is an important general paradigm for learning.

It is a strategy for searching through a large or infinite hypothesis space that can be applied whenever

1. the hypothesis space contains continuously parameterized hypotheses (e.g., the weights in a linear unit),

2. the error can be differentiated with respect to these hypothesis parameters.

The key practical difficulties in applying gradient descent are

1. Converging to a local minimum can sometimes be quite slow (i.e., it can require many thousands
of gradient descent steps), and
2. If there are multiple local minima in the error surface, then there is no guarantee that the procedure
will find the global minimum.
Multilayer networks and backpropagation

Firstly, let’s know how do a multi-layer neural network looks like. In a multi-layer neural network, there will be
one input layer, one output layer and one or more hidden layers.

Each and every node in the nth layer will be connected to each and every node in the (n-1)th layer(n>1). So,
the input from the input layer is multiplied with the associated weights of every link and will be traversed till
the output layer for the final output. In case of any error, unlike perceptron, in this case we might need to
update several weight vectors in many hidden layers. This is where Back Propagation comes into place.

It’s nothing but Updation of the weight vectors in the hidden layers according to the training error or the
loss produced in the output layer.


In this post, we are considering multiple output units rather than a single output unit as discussed in our
previous post. Therefore, the formula for calculating training error for a neural network can be represented
as follows:

Error function in multi-layer neural networks

 outputs are the set of output units in network

 d is the data point

 t and o are target values and the output values produced by the network for the kth output unit
for data point ‘d’.

Now that we have the error function, input and output units we need to know the rule for updation of weight
vector. Before that let’s know about one of the most common activation functions used in multi layer neural
networks i.e sigmoid function.

A sigmoid function is any function which is continuously differentiable be it e^x or hyberbolic tangent(tanh)
which produces the output in the range of 0 to 1 ( not including 0 and 1). It can be represented as:

Fig: Sigmoid Function

where, y is the linear combination of input vector and the weight vector at a given node.

Now, let’s know how the weight vectors are updated in multi-layer networks according to Back Propagation
Updation of weights in Back Propagation

The algorithm can be represented in step-wise manner:

 Input the first data point into the network and calculate the output for each output unit and let it be
‘o’ for every unit ‘u’.

 For each output unit ‘k’, training error ‘ 𝛿 ‘ can be calculated by the given formula:

 For each hidden unit ‘h’, training error ‘ 𝛿 ‘ can be calculated by the given formula in which the
training error of output units to which the hidden layer is connected is taken into consideration:

 Update weight vectors by the given formula:

 weight vector from jth node to ith node is updated using above formula in which ‘η’ is the learning
rate, ‘𝛿’ is the training error and ‘x’ is the input vector for the given node.

Termination Criterion for Multi-layer networks

The above algorithm is continuously implemented on all data points until we specify a termination criterion,
which can be implemented in either of these three ways:

 training the network for a fixed number of epochs ( iterations ).

 setting the threshold to an error, if the error goes below the given threshold, we can stop training
the neural network further.

 Creating a validation sample of data, after every iteration we validate our model with this data and
the iteration with the highest accuracy can be considered as the final model.

The first way of termination might not yield us better results , the most recommended way is the third way
as we are aware of the accuracy of our model so far.
2. Implementing MLPs with Keras

In Keras we can build the model in several ways

1. Sequential API : As the name suggest, this API is to build the model in sequential style, i.e. output of
one layer will be fed to the later layer.

2. Function API : This API allows us to completely control the flow of data (doesn't need to be sequential).

3. Subclassig the tf.keras.models class : This will gives a complete control of the overall model. We
can have loops, conditional branching, and other dynamic behaviors in the model.
1. Sequential API

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is a type of artificial neural network that consists of several layers of nodes,
where each node is a neuron that performs a nonlinear operation on its input. Keras is a popular high-level
neural networks API that makes it easy to build, train, and deploy deep learning models.

First, we need to install Keras and its dependencies. You can do this by running the following command in your

pip install keras

Once you have installed Keras, you can start building your MLP. Here's an example of a simple MLP with one
hidden layer:

from keras.models import

Sequential from keras.layers import


# define the model architecture

model = Sequential()

model.add(Dense(64, activation='relu', input_dim=100))

model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))

# compile the model




# train the model, y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=32)

In the above code, we first import the necessary Keras modules, which include the Sequential model and the
Dense layer. Then, we define the architecture of our MLP by adding layers to our model. The first layer is a
dense layer with 64 neurons, ReLU activation, and an input dimension of 100. The second layer is a dense layer
with 10 neurons and a softmax activation.

Next, we compile the model by specifying the loss function, the optimizer, and the evaluation metric. In
this example, we use categorical cross-entropy as the loss function, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as the
optimizer, and accuracy as the evaluation metric.

Finally, we train the model by calling the fit() method on our model object, passing in our training data (x_train
and y_train), the number of epochs to train for, and the batch size to use during training.

You can modify the architecture of your MLP by adding more layers, changing the number of neurons in each
layer, and using different activation functions. You can also experiment with different loss functions, optimizers,
and evaluation metrics to see how they affect the performance of your model.
2. Function API

In addition to the Sequential API, Keras also provides a Functional API for building neural networks. The
Functional API offers more flexibility and allows you to build more complex models with shared layers, multiple
inputs, and multiple outputs.

Let's start by importing the necessary modules:

from keras.layers import Input, Dense

from keras.models import Model

Next, we define the architecture of our MLP using the Functional API. Here's an example of a MLP with one
hidden layer:

inputs = Input(shape=(100,))

x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inputs)

outputs = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(x)

model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

In the above code, we first define the input shape of our MLP by creating an Input object with the shape
(100,). Then, we define the first hidden layer by creating a Dense object with 64 neurons and a ReLU
activation function. We connect this layer to the input layer by calling it with the input object. This returns a
new object, which we assign to the variable x.

Next, we define the output layer by creating another Dense object with 10 neurons and a softmax activation
function. We connect this layer to the previous layer (x) by calling it with x. This returns a new object, which
we assign to the variable outputs.

Finally, we create a Model object by specifying the input and output layers. We pass the input object to the
inputs parameter, and the output object to the outputs parameter.

We can compile and train the model in the same way as we did with the Sequential API:



metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=32)

In this example, we use categorical cross-entropy as the loss function, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as the
optimizer, and accuracy as the evaluation metric.

You can modify the architecture of your MLP by adding more layers, changing the number of neurons in each
layer, and using different activation functions. You can also experiment with different loss functions,
optimizers, and evaluation metrics to see how they affect the performance of your model. The Functional API
offers even more flexibility than the Sequential API, so feel free to experiment and build more complex
3. Subclassing API

Keras also provides a Subclassing API for building neural networks. The Subclassing API allows for even
greater flexibility and customization than the Sequential and Functional APIs. In this tutorial, we will learn how
to implement MLPs with the Keras Subclassing API.

Let's start by importing the necessary modules:

from keras.layers import Layer, Dense

from keras.models import Model

Next, we define a custom class for our MLP by subclassing the Layer class:

class MLP(Layer):

def init (self):

super(MLP, self). init ()

self.dense1 = Dense(64, activation='relu')

self.dense2 = Dense(10, activation='softmax')

def call(self, inputs):

x = self.dense1(inputs)

x = self.dense2(x)

return x

In the above code, we define a custom class called MLP, which subclasses the Layer class. In the constructor (init),
we create two Dense layers, one with 64 neurons and a ReLU activation function, and another with 10
neurons and a softmax activation function. We store these layers as member variables of the class using the
self keyword.

In the call method, we define the forward pass of our MLP. We first pass the input tensor (inputs) through the
first Dense layer (dense1), and then pass the output through the second Dense layer (dense2). We return the
output tensor (x).

We can create an instance of our MLP class and use it to build a Keras model:

inputs =

Input(shape=(100,)) mlp =


outputs = mlp(inputs)

model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

In the above code, we first define the input shape of our MLP by creating an Input object with the shape
(100,). Then, we create an instance of our MLP class called mlp, and pass the input object to it. This returns
the output tensor of our MLP, which we assign to the variable outputs.

Finally, we create a Model object by specifying the input and output layers. We pass the input object to the
inputs parameter, and the output tensor to the outputs parameter.

We can compile and train the model in the same way as we did with the other APIs:


metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=32)

In this example, we use categorical cross-entropy as the loss function, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as
the optimizer, and accuracy as the evaluation metric.

You can modify the architecture of your MLP by adding more layers, changing the number of neurons in each
layer, and using different activation functions. You can also experiment with different loss functions,
optimizers, and evaluation metrics to see how they affect the performance of your model. The Subclassing API
offers the most flexibility and customization, so feel free to experiment and build even more complex models.
3. Installing Tensor Flow

2 here's a step-by-step guide to install TensorFlow 2:

1. First, you need to install Python on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from
the official website

2. Once you have installed Python, you can use pip (the package installer for Python) to install
TensorFlow. Open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

pip install tensorflow

This will install the latest version of TensorFlow available on the PyPI package index.

3. Alternatively, you can install a specific version of TensorFlow by specifying the version number in the
pip command. For example, to install TensorFlow version 2.7.0, you would use the following

pip install tensorflow==2.7.0

If you want to take advantage of your GPU for faster computation, you can install the GPU version of
TensorFlow. First, make sure you have the necessary CUDA and cuDNN libraries installed on your system.
Then, use the following command to install the GPU version of TensorFlow

pip install tensorflow-gpu

Once TensorFlow is installed, you can test it by opening a Python shell and running the following command:

import tensorflow as tf

print(tf. version )

This should output the version number of TensorFlow that you have installed.

That's it! You should now have TensorFlow 2 installed on your system.
4. Loading and Preprocessing Data with Tensor Flow

Loading and preprocessing data is a crucial step in machine learning and deep learning pipelines. TensorFlow
provides several tools and APIs for loading and preprocessing data efficiently. Here are some common

1. Loading Data: TensorFlow provides a API that makes it easy to load and process data. This API
provides several classes for reading data from different sources, such as files, numpy arrays, or tensors. For
example, to read data from a CSV file, you can use

2. Data Augmentation: Data augmentation is a technique used to increase the diversity of the training set
by applying various transformations to the data. TensorFlow provides several APIs for data
augmentation, such as tf.image, which provides methods for image processing, such as flipping,
rotating, and resizing.

3. Normalization: Normalizing the data is an essential preprocessing step that helps to ensure that the
input features are in the same scale. You can use the tf.keras.layers.Normalization API to normalize the

4. Batching: Batching is a technique used to split the data into small batches and process them in
parallel. TensorFlow provides several APIs for batching, such as

5. Shuffling: Shuffling the data helps to prevent the model from overfitting to the order of the examples
in the training set. You can use the API to shuffle the data.
6. Caching: Caching the data in memory can help to speed up the training process. You can use the API to cache the data.

Here is an example of how to load and preprocess data using TensorFlow:

import tensorflow as tf

# Load the data

dataset ='data.csv', [tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.int32], header=True)

# Data augmentation

dataset = x, y, z: (tf.image.random_flip_left_right(x), y,

z)) # Normalization

normalization_layer = tf.keras.layers.Normalization()

normalization_layer.adapt( x, y, z: x))

dataset = x, y, z: (normalization_layer(x), y, z))

# Batching

dataset = dataset.batch(32)

# Shuffling

dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=1000)

# Caching

dataset = dataset.cache()

# Train the model, epochs=10)
1. The Data API

The Data API in TensorFlow is a set of tools and APIs for building efficient and scalable input pipelines for
machine learning models. It provides a simple and flexible way to read and preprocess data from various
sources, such as CSV files, image files, and databases, and feed it to a machine learning model for training or

The Data API is built on top of the module, which provides a collection of classes for building input
pipelines. These classes can be used to read and preprocess data in a highly parallel and efficient manner, allowing
you to take full advantage of your hardware resources.

Here are some of the key features of the Data API:

1. Efficient data loading: The Data API provides a number of tools for efficient data loading, including
support for reading data from various file formats, shuffling, batching, and prefetching. These tools
allow you to minimize the time spent on input processing and maximize the time spent on training your

2. Flexible data preprocessing: The Data API supports a wide range of data preprocessing operations,
such as data augmentation, normalization, and feature engineering. These operations can be applied in a
highly parallel and efficient manner, allowing you to easily preprocess your data on the fly as it is being
read from disk.

3. Customizable pipeline construction: The Data API provides a flexible and extensible pipeline
construction framework, allowing you to easily build custom input pipelines that suit your specific
needs. You can easily add new preprocessing operations, data sources, or data formats to your
pipeline, and the API will take care of the rest.

4. Multi-GPU and distributed training: The Data API provides built-in support for multi-GPU and
distributed training, allowing you to scale your input pipeline to multiple GPUs or even multiple
machines. This can significantly reduce the time required to train large models on large datasets.

Here is an example of how to use the Data API to build an input pipeline for a machine learning

model: import tensorflow as tf

# Define the input pipeline

dataset ='data.csv', [tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.int32], header=True)

dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)

dataset = dataset.batch(32)

dataset = x, y, z: ((x, y), z))

dataset = dataset.prefetch(

# Define the model

inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(2,))

outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(inputs)

model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

# Train the model

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse'), epochs=10)
2. TFRecord Format

TFRecord is a binary file format used in TensorFlow for efficient storage and loading of large datasets. It is a
flexible and extensible format that is designed to be fast, scalable, and platform-independent. The TFRecord
format consists of a sequence of binary records, each containing a serialized protocol buffer message. Protocol
buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data, developed by

The TFRecord format is commonly used for large-scale machine learning tasks, where datasets can be very
large and difficult to store and load efficiently. The format is especially useful when dealing with datasets that
contain a large number of small files, such as image datasets.

Here are the main steps for creating and reading TFRecord files in TensorFlow:

Creating a TFRecord file: To create a TFRecord file, you need to define a schema for your data and then
serialize the data into binary records. Here is an example of how to create a TFRecord file:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define the schema for the data

feature_description = {

'feature1':[], tf.float32),

'feature2':[], tf.string),


# Serialize the data into binary records

with'data.tfrecord') as writer:

for data in dataset:

example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={

'feature1': tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[data['feature1']])),

'feature2': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[data['feature2'].encode('utf-8')])),



Reading a TFRecord file: To read a TFRecord file, you need to define a schema for the data and then parse the
binary records into tensors. Here is an example of how to read a TFRecord file:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define the schema for the data

feature_description = {

'feature1':[], tf.float32),

'feature2':[], tf.string),


# Parse the binary records into tensors

def parse_example(example_proto):
return, feature_description)

dataset ='data.tfrecord')

dataset =

The parse_example function takes a binary record and returns a dictionary of tensors. The TFRecordDataset
class reads the TFRecord file and returns a dataset of binary records. The map method applies the
parse_example function to each binary record to parse it into a dictionary of tensors.

3. The Features of API

APIs in TensorFlow, an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, have some unique
features that make it easier for developers to build and deploy machine learning models. Some of the key features
of TensorFlow's API include:

1. High-level abstractions: TensorFlow's API provides high-level abstractions for building machine learning
models, allowing developers to focus on the overall structure of the model rather than the low-level
details of the implementation.

2. Compatibility with multiple programming languages: TensorFlow's API supports multiple programming
languages, including Python, C++, and Java, making it easier for developers to integrate machine learning
models into their existing software systems.

3. Flexibility: TensorFlow's API is designed to be flexible and modular, allowing developers to build
custom models and integrate them with other tools and frameworks.

4. Distributed computing: TensorFlow's API supports distributed computing, allowing developers to train
and deploy machine learning models across multiple machines and devices.

5. Pre-built models: TensorFlow's API includes a library of pre-built models for common use cases, such
as image classification and natural language processing, making it easier for developers to get started
with machine learning.

6. Visualization tools: TensorFlow's API includes tools for visualizing and monitoring the performance of
machine learning models, making it easier for developers to identify and fix issues.
4. TF Transform

TF Transform (TFT) is a library in TensorFlow that enables data preprocessing, cleaning, and feature
engineering for machine learning models. TFT is designed to be used as part of the TensorFlow Extended
(TFX) platform, which is a production-ready framework for building scalable and deployable machine learning

TFT provides a set of pre-built transformations for cleaning and preprocessing data, such as scaling, normalization,
and one-hot encoding. It also enables custom transformations to be created and added to the pipeline,
allowing developers to tailor the preprocessing steps to the specific needs of their application.

One of the key features of TFT is its ability to process data in a distributed and scalable manner. It uses
Apache Beam, a distributed data processing framework, to parallelize the preprocessing steps across multiple
machines. This makes it possible to handle large datasets and improve the efficiency of the preprocessing

TFT also integrates with other TensorFlow components, such as Estimators and Keras, making it easy to
incorporate data preprocessing and feature engineering into the overall machine learning workflow.

Overall, TF Transform is a powerful tool for data preprocessing and feature engineering in TensorFlow,
enabling developers to clean and transform data in a distributed and scalable manner, while also providing the
flexibility to create custom transformations tailored to their specific application.

5. The TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) project

The TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) project is a collection of preprocessed, ready-to-use datasets for machine learning
applications, provided by the TensorFlow team. The goal of TFDS is to make it easy for developers to access
and use high-quality datasets, without the need for extensive preprocessing or data cleaning.

TFDS includes a wide range of datasets, covering topics such as computer vision, natural language processing, and
audio analysis. Some of the popular datasets available in TFDS include MNIST, CIFAR-10, and the IMDb movie
review dataset.

One of the key features of TFDS is its ease of use. The datasets are packaged as TensorFlow Dataset objects, which
can be easily imported into a TensorFlow workflow using a simple API. The datasets are also automatically
split into training, validation, and test sets, with consistent shuffling and batch sizes.

TFDS also provides a range of useful features for working with datasets, including data augmentation,
caching, and preprocessing. These features can help improve the quality of machine learning models, while
also reducing the time and effort required for data preprocessing.

Another benefit of TFDS is its community-driven approach. The project is open source, and developers are
encouraged to contribute new datasets, as well as improvements and bug fixes to existing datasets.

How to use The TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) project?

Using TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) is a straightforward process that involves importing the dataset,
configuring any required parameters, and then using it in a TensorFlow workflow. Here's an example of how
to use the CIFAR-10 dataset in TensorFlow:

import tensorflow as tf

import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

# Load CIFAR-10 dataset

dataset, info = tfds.load('cifar10', split='train', with_info=True)

# Configure dataset
dataset = dataset.shuffle(1024).batch(32).prefetch(
# Define model

model = tf.keras.Sequential([

tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=(32, 32, 3)),



tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')


# Compile model




# Train model, epochs=5)

In this example, we first import TensorFlow and TensorFlow Datasets. We then load the CIFAR-10 dataset
using the load function, specifying the train split and the with_info flag, which includes information about the
dataset such as the number of classes.

We then configure the dataset by shuffling the data, batching it into groups of 32, and prefetching it to
improve performance.

Next, we define a simple convolutional neural network model using the Keras Sequential API, and compile it
with the Adam optimizer and the sparse categorical cross-entropy loss function.

Finally, we train the model on the CIFAR-10 dataset using the fit function, passing in the configured dataset
and specifying the number of epochs to train for.

This is just a simple example, but it demonstrates how easy it is to use TensorFlow Datasets in a TensorFlow
workflow. By using preprocessed datasets like CIFAR-10, we can focus on building and training machine
learning models, rather than worrying about data preprocessing and cleaning.

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