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Lesson 28

W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1
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Vanishing Act
Test Record Form

Possible Criterion Student

Score Score Score

Skills in Context: Understanding Characters, Target Vocabulary 10 8

Vocabulary: Target Vocabulary, Words Often Confused 10 8

Comprehension: Understanding Characters, Selection Test 10 8

Decoding: Recognizing Word Roots 10 8

Language Arts: Commas in Sentences 10 8

TOTAL 50 40

Total Student Score × 2 = %

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Test Record Form 4 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 2
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Understanding Characters, Vanishing Act

Skills in Context

Target Vocabulary
Read this selection. Then answer the questions that follow. Fill in the correct
answers on the Answer Document.

A Green Home with Good Taste

1 The Loreto family gathered around the kitchen table for a big
announcement. “I know you’re all curious about why we’re here,” said
Mr. Loreto. Alicia could tell by her father’s grin that he was about to
share some good news with her and her three younger brothers. “Your
mom and I have purchased a lot where we want to build a new home—
a green home!”

2 All four children considered the news in silence. “Is the lot close
to our school and friends?” asked Alicia, voicing what all the Loreto
children were thinking.

3 “Well, we’re not moving to a new town, but you will have to change
schools,” admitted Mr. Loreto. Alicia’s heart sank at the thought of
leaving her friends behind. The twins, Julio and Marcos, gave each
other a look of disbelief that made it clear that they, too, had mounting
concerns about the move.

4 “We chose a spot that is close enough so that you will still be able to
get together with your friends on weekends,” offered Mrs. Loreto when
she saw the children’s dismay. “Our home will have plenty of space for
great sleepovers and a big yard for outdoor activities.”

5 David, the youngest of the Loretos, cheered at the idea of sleepovers.

The twins shrugged as if sleepovers and a big yard might be all right.
Alicia still felt anxious, but she decided to keep an open mind.

6 “An important part of being able to conserve energy is living close to

where we work,” explained Mrs. Loreto. “Our new location will cut our
commute time from forty minutes to ten. Your father and I can even
ride our bikes to work when the weather is nice.”

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Skills in Context 5 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 3
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Vanishing Act
Skills in Context

7 Mr. Loreto suggested they visit the building site and look at the
plans. After a drive across town, the family arrived at a spacious lot
with large trees. Mrs. Loreto showed them where the house would be
built. Then Mr. Loreto unrolled a set of blueprints and explained the
floor plan for the house. The twins celebrated with an enthusiastic
high-five when they saw that each of them would get his own room.

8 “It looks cool,” said David. “But it looks like a normal house. What’s
green about it?”

9 “Lots of things!” said Mrs. Loreto excitedly. “The house has extra
thick walls and insulation to save energy from heating and cooling. The
windows will be insulated, too. They are built with an air space between
two layers of glass. We’ll have solar panels on the roof to collect energy
from the sun. They’ll provide some of our electricity without any cost or

10 “Our builder will use materials like bamboo flooring that help
conserve natural resources,” added Mr. Loreto. “Bamboo grows faster
than trees, so it is a resource that can be easily replenished.” Then
he pointed to a big square structure drawn on the blueprints. “In the
backyard we’ll have a cistern for collecting rainwater. We’ll use that to
water a big vegetable garden.”

11 As their parents described the green home, the boys’ excitement

grew. Alicia was still worried about making new friends. Just then,
three girls who seemed to be about Alicia’s age came out of the house
neighboring the Loretos’ lot. They started playing basketball on their
driveway. As Alicia watched them, her worries gave way to curiosity.

12 Meanwhile, the twins were studying the plans for the backyard.
“Let’s put a trampoline over here,” they said, pointing to a clearing at
the back of the lot.

13 Alicia took a closer look at the plan, too. “If this big rectangle is the
vegetable garden and this square is the cistern, then what’s this?” she
asked as she pointed to a circle labeled P.G.

14 “That’s the garden you kids are going to plant,” said Mrs. Loreto with a
twinkle in her eye. “It will help provide for one of your favorite meals.”
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Skills in Context 6 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 4
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Vanishing Act
Skills in Context

15 The children looked puzzled. Suddenly, David deduced the meaning

of the letters labeling the circle. “I know!” he cried. “The P is for pizza.
It’s a pizza garden!”

16 “That’s right,” said Mrs. Loreto. “It’s a pizza-shaped garden where

you can plant herbs and vegetables for making fresh, homemade pizza.
Here’s an article I cut out from a magazine that tells how to do it.”

17 David skimmed the article and then ran to the place on the lot
where the pizza garden would be. “Let’s start digging,” he suggested.
“The sooner we plant, the sooner we’ll be eating pizza!”

18 Alicia was about to object to David’s idea, but then she looked
toward the neighbors’ house. “Maybe I could go borrow some shovels,”
she offered.

19 “That’s the spirit!” said Mr. Loreto. “I knew you kids would get
excited about going green.”



Think about the pizza ingredients you would like to grow, such as
oregano, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions. Then find out which
plants grow well in your area and buy seeds or starter plants for your
garden. Draw a planting plan.


Mark off a large circle on the ground in a sunny area and place bricks
around the edge. Then dig and turn the soil to loosen it.


Divide the garden space into wedges, just as you would slice a pizza.
Use bricks to separate the wedges. Plant a different kind of herb or
vegetable in each of the wedges. After planting, add a layer of compost
on top of the soil.

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Skills in Context 7 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 5
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Vanishing Act
Skills in Context


Use the bricks as walkways to avoid stepping on the plants.

Water your pizza garden once a day until the seeds sprout and the
young plants are established. Then check the soil daily and water
anytime it starts to get dry.

Examine your plants regularly. Remove insect pests you find, but leave
ladybugs and other beneficial insects.


When your vegetables and herbs are ready, pick them carefully to avoid
damaging the plants. Then use them in your favorite pizza recipe and
savor your delicious harvest!

1 Which word best describes what the 3 The reader can conclude that Mr. and
children feel when they first hear their Mrs. Loreto have—
parents’ announcement? A made up their minds to find better
A Uncertainty B realized that their children are good
B Anger gardeners
C Despair C considered their children’s feelings
D Excitement in their plans
D decided saving energy is more
important than having friends
2 In paragraph 3, the word mounting

F Distressing 4 Alicia’s main worry about moving is

G Foolish having to—
H Mild F live in a green house
J Increasing G leave her friends behind
H plant and care for a garden
J travel farther to get to school

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Skills in Context 8 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 6
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Vanishing Act
Skills in Context

5 Which feature of the new house will 8 Alicia’s attitude toward moving changes
help the Loretos use less energy for when she—
heating and cooling?
F realizes her brothers like the idea
A The walls G hears they will have a pizza garden
B The floors H sees there are children living next door
C The cistern J understands what a “green home”
D The garden really is

6 The twins get excited about the move 9 According to the instructions in the
when they learn that they will— article, in which step will the children
decide where to place each kind of seed
F have separate bedrooms or plant?
G make new friends easily
H be allowed to have sleepovers A Step 1
J be near their parents’ workplace B Step 2
C Step 3
D Step 4
7 In paragraph 15, the word deduced
10 Based on the article, readers can
A Revealed conclude that a healthy garden—
B Hinted at
C Abbreviated F needs to be circular in shape
D Figured out G may include certain kinds of insects
H needs the minerals found in bricks
J should get its water from a cistern


Skills in Context 9 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 7
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Target Vocabulary, Vanishing Act


Words Often Confused

Use what you know about the target vocabulary and words often confused to
answer questions 1–10. Fill in the correct answers on the Answer Document.

1 What does the word motive mean in the 4 What does the word unpredictability
sentence below? mean in the sentence below?

The police officer determined the thief’s The unpredictability of the book’s plot
motive for stealing the painting from keeps readers guessing right until
the museum. the end.

A Location F Too simple to solve

B Plan G Repetitiveness
C Reason H Lack of mysteriousness
D Theme J Not able to be guessed

2 What does the word frayed mean in the 5 What does the word taut mean in the
sentence below? sentence below?

The fabric on the old chair was stained Brandon’s brother does fifty sit-ups
and frayed. every morning to keep his stomach
muscles taut.
F Ragged
G Dirty A Wide
H Faded B Loose
J Soft C Smooth
D Tight

3 What does the word perilous mean in

the sentence below?

The heroine of the story uses her wits to

survive a perilous journey.

A Brief
B Dangerous
C Historic
D Scenic

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Vocabulary 10 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 8
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Vanishing Act

Use the glossary to answer questions 6–10.

advice n. suggestions meant to help someone solve a problem or make good choices
advise v. to give advice or suggestions to someone about what to do
affect v. to cause a change or an effect
continual adj. repeated; happening again and again
continuous adj. going on with no end; uninterrupted
effect n. the result of an action
thorough adj. complete; done with great care
through prep. from one side or end to the other

6 Which word correctly completes the 8 Which word correctly completes the
sentence below? sentence below?

If you are new to gardening, the The amount of rainfall will how
gardening expert can you on how well the plants grow.
to get started.
F advice
F advice G advise
G advise H affect
H affect J effect
J effect

7 Which word correctly completes the

sentence below?

We saw the terrible of the big

storm everywhere.

A advice
B advises
C affects
D effects

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Vocabulary 11 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 9
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Vanishing Act

9 Which word correctly completes the 10 Which word correctly completes the
sentence below? sentence below?

To broadcast the local parade, the After a cleaning, the car looked
station scheduled three hours of brand new again.
programming with no commercials.
F continual
A continuous G continuous
B continually H thorough
C thorough J through
D through


Vocabulary 12 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 0
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Understanding Characters, Vanishing Act


Selection Test
Think back to the selection “Vanishing Act” to answer questions 1–10.
Fill in the correct answers on the Answer Document.

1 Why does Justin put a bee in his note to 4 What do the questions Tia asks
his cousin Tia? Grandpa Ray reveal about Tia?

A To surprise Tia and get her attention F She is a city girl.

B To keep Grandpa Ray from seeing it G She is a busybody.
C To remind Tia of fun times at the H She is a forceful leader.
farm J She is a problem solver.
D To show Tia that the problem is
5 Which word best describes Grandpa
Ray’s feelings about the bee problem?
2 What problem does Tia have at the
A Amused
beginning of the story?
B Worried
F Her cousin Justin is missing. C Grateful
G She can’t find any bees to make D Insulted
H She has no ideas for her science fair
project. 6 The way that Justin deals with his poor
J Her cousin Justin is always telling vision shows that he is—
her what to do.
F resourceful
G delighted
H frustrated
3 Which of the following best describes
J incapable
the relationship between Tia and

A Cold and distant

B Reserved and strained
C Polite but competitive
D Teasing but caring

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Comprehension 13 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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First Pass
Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 1
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Vanishing Act

7 What steps does Tia follow to try to 9 By the end of the story, Tia—
solve the mystery?
A is anxious to solve another mystery
A Tries to guess the cause, argues B wants nothing more to do with
with Grandpa Ray honeybees
B Asks questions, takes photographs, C has completed her science project
does research online presentation
C Studies dead bees, watches a TV D is angry that she did not win first
nature program, asks questions prize at the science fair
D Talks to a beekeeper, plans
her project, makes a bet with
Grandpa Ray 10 Which description best fits Tia?

F Serious and bossy

G Timid and nervous
8 Based on information in the story,
H Curious and outgoing
which of these would most likely happen
J Relaxed and unhurried
if all honeybees disappeared?

F The price of honey would go down.

G Many foods would no longer be
H More dangerous pesticides would
be used.
J Millions of dead bees would be
found on farms.

Mark Student Reading Level:

____ Independent ____ Instructional ____ Listening


Comprehension 14 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 2
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Recognizing Word Roots Vanishing Act


Use what you know about recognizing word roots to answer questions 1–10.
Fill in the correct answers on the Answer Document.

1 Read the words below. Which word 4 Read the words below. Which word
contains a root from the Latin word contains a root from the Latin word
that means “hand”? that means “step or phase”?

A Proposal F Progression
B Prescribe G Promotion
C Manicure H Proposal
D Cement J Provide

2 Read the words below. Which word 5 Read the words below. Which word
contains a root from the Latin word contains a root from the Latin word
that means “hear”? that means “throw”?

F Transcript A Imitate
G Tractor B Impose
H Position C Inject
J Auditorium D Injure

3 Read the words below. Which word 6 Read the words below. Which word
contains a root from the Latin word contains a root from the Latin word
that means “pull or drag”? that means “write”?

A Excitement F Manual
B Exertion G Manipulate
C Exposure H Manuscript
D Extraction J Manufacture

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Decoding 15 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 3
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Vanishing Act

7 Read the words below. Which word 9 Which word best completes the sentence
contains a root from the Latin word below?
that means “hear”?
It is the manager’s job to the
A Audible day’s profits in the bank each evening.
B Deposit
A Audit
C Retract
B Deposit
D Vocabulary
C Extract
D Inscribe

8 Read the words below. Which word

contains a root from the Latin word
10 Which word best completes the sentence
that means “voice”?
F Admission
The reality TV show does not need
G Advertise
writers because it is .
H Adverb
J Vocalize F Managed
G Protracted
H Unscripted
J Positioned


Decoding 16 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 4
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Commas in Sentences Vanishing Act

Language Arts

Use what you know about commas in sentences to answer questions 1–10.
Fill in the correct answers on the Answer Document.

1 Which sentence is written correctly? 3 Which sentence is written correctly?

A Dominic the new student in our A He has already met Mr. Davis the
class, plans to go to theater camp camp director, at a theater camp
this summer. meeting.
B Dominic, the new student in our B He has already met Mr. Davis, the
class, plans to go to theater camp camp director at a theater camp
this summer. meeting.
C Dominic, the new student in our C He has already met Mr. Davis, the
class plans to go to theater camp camp director, at a theater camp
this summer. meeting.
D Dominic the new student in our class D He has already met, Mr. Davis, the
plans to go to theater camp this camp director, at a theater camp
summer. meeting.

2 Which sentence is written correctly? 4 Which sentence is written correctly?

F Yes Dominic is looking forward to F Well I believe, Dominic will be an

theater camp. actor someday.
G Yes, Dominic, is looking forward to G Well, I believe Dominic will be an
theater camp. actor someday.
H Yes Dominic, is looking forward to H Well, I, believe Dominic will be an
theater camp. actor someday.
J Yes, Dominic is looking forward to J Well I believe Dominic, will be an
theater camp. actor someday.

'/ /.

Language Arts 17 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 5
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Vanishing Act
Language Arts

5 Which sentence is written correctly? 8 Which sentence is written correctly?

A Without a doubt, the camp is going F When working, on a skit the campers
to be a great experience for everyone. are dedicated and hardworking.
B Without a doubt, the camp is going to G When, working on a skit, the campers
be a great, experience, for everyone. are dedicated and hardworking.
C Without a doubt, the camp, is going H When working on a skit, the campers
to be a great experience for everyone. are dedicated and hardworking.
D Without, a doubt the camp is going to J When, working on a skit the campers
be a great experience, for everyone. are dedicated, and hardworking.

6 Which sentence is written correctly? 9 Which sentence is written correctly?

F Campers will write skits, make A Young actors can improve, their skills,
costumes, and, perform a play. be creative, and, have fun at the camp.
G Campers will write, skits make, B Young actors can improve their skills,
costumes and perform, a play. be creative, and have fun, at the camp.
H Campers will write skits make C Young actors can improve, their skills
costumes and, perform a play. be creative, and have fun at the camp.
J Campers will write skits, make D Young actors can improve their skills,
costumes, and perform a play. be creative, and have fun at the camp.

7 Which sentence is written correctly? 10 Which sentence is written correctly?

A The counselors, always helpful, are F Gina, Dominic’s sister, wants to go to

all professional theater people. theater camp next year.
B The counselors always helpful, are G Gina Dominic’s sister, wants to go to
all professional theater people. theater camp next year.
C The counselors, always helpful, are H Gina, Dominic’s, sister, wants to go
all, professional, theater people. to theater camp next year.
D The counselors always, helpful, are J Gina Dominic’s, sister, wants to go to
all professional theater people. theater camp next year.


Language Arts 18 Grade 6, Unit 6: Respect and Protect

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