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The development of advanced depolymerisation processes for PET plastic packaging waste, as

demonstrated in the RecyPET project by the ITENE research centre, presents a significant
opportunity for sustainability in the UAE. This innovative approach addresses challenges
associated with recycling multilayer, monolayer, and coloured PET plastics, often difficult to
recycle through conventional mechanical methods.

These advanced recycling processes notably reduce waste incineration and landfill deposition,
contributing to circular economy objectives at both European and national levels. By effectively
recovering PET plastic waste that would otherwise be discarded, these processes align with
sustainability goals and decrease reliance on virgin materials.

Furthermore, these advanced depolymerisation processes support the UAE's commitment to

targets outlined in the Spanish Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Specifically,
the aim to introduce at least 25% recycled plastic in PET packaging by 2025 aligns with the
objectives of the RecyPET project. Additionally, the utilization of recycled content in packaging
materials offers a pathway to exemption from the Spanish virgin plastic tax, promoting
sustainable practices in line with circular economy principles.

However, it's essential to consider the potential negative environmental impacts associated with
these innovative processes. While the focus is on recycling and waste reduction, the use of
chemical compounds and catalysts in depolymerisation processes may raise concerns about
environmental pollution and resource consumption. Proper management of chemicals and waste
disposal is crucial to mitigate adverse effects on the environment.

The next step towards making these advanced recycling methods common practice in the UAE
involves further research and development, as well as investment in infrastructure and
technology. Collaborative efforts between government entities, research institutions, industry
stakeholders, and the public will be essential to promote the adoption of these sustainable
practices. Raising awareness and providing incentives for businesses to embrace circular
economy principles and invest in innovative recycling technologies will accelerate the transition
towards a more sustainable future in the UAE.

APA Citation: ITENE. (2023). ITENE develops advanced enzymatic and chemical
depolymerisation processes for multilayer, monolayer and coloured PET packaging waste in the
RecyPET project. Retrieved from recycling-plastic-pet-processes

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