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Bloom and TOS Required Competence (Longer Version)

Bloom's Competence Tables of Specifications Competence

demonstrated/ comprehen Abnormal Industrial Theories of
Question Cues knowledge sion application analysis synthesis evaluation Pscyh Psych Psych'l Assmnt Personality
analyze P
apply P P P P
arrange P
assess P P
associate P
calculate P
change P
classify P P
collect P
combine P
compare P
complete P
compose P
conclude P
connect P
contrast P
convince P
create P
decide P
define P
demonstrate P
describe P P P P
design P
differentiate P P P
discover P
discriminate P
discuss P P
distinguish P P
divide P
estimate P
evaluate P P
examine P P
experiment P
explain P P P
extend P
formulate P
generalize P
grade P
identify P P P P
illustrate P
infer P
integrate P
interpret P
invent P
judge P
label P
list P
measure P
modify P P
name P
order P
plan P
predict P
prepare P
quote P
rank P
rearrange P
recognize P P P
recommend P
relate P
rewrite P
select P P
separate P
show P P
solve P
substitute P
summarize P P
support P
tabulate P
tell P
test P
use P
what if? P
when P
where P
who P
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