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Mata Pelajaran: B. Inggris Kelas: IX Hari/Tgl: Waktu :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

Text for questions numbers 1-4

Many scientists think that the increasing greenhouse gases in our

atmosphere result in increasing the average temperature on Earth.
The result, they believe, will be a warmer Earth. This predicted
increase in global temperature is known as global warming. Earth’s
average global temperature increased during the 20th century. Many
scientists project that the warming trend that began in the 20th
century will continue throughout the 21st century. However, not all
scientists agree that the observed global warming is due to
greenhouse gases. Some scientists believe that the warming is part of
natural climatic variability. They point out that widespread
fluctuations in temperature have occurred throughout geologic time.
Taken from:
1. Earth’s average temperature …………….. during the 20th century.
A. fluctuated C. decreased
B. stayed the same D. rose

2. Scientists predict that the Earth’s average temperature will …………….. throughout the
21st century.
A. stabilize C. begin to decrease
B. continue to increase D. fluctuate more sharply

3. Based on the text above, many scientists believe these are the causes of Earth’s increased
average temperature, except ….
A. The presence of greenhouse gases C. The stability of temperature
B. The natural climate change D. The fluctuations in temperature

4. What do those scientists who do not believe the Earth is experiencing global warming use
as evidence to support their claims?
A. The fact that widespread fluctuations in temperature have occurred throughout time.
B. The fact that the average global temperature has increased in the 20th century.
C. The increasing of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
D. The fact that Earth is warmer than before.
Text for questions number 5-8
Plastic Pollution

Ten million tons of plastic waste go into the ocean every year. Plastic pollution kills millions of
animals. Including birds, fish and other marine life. Scientists believe that there will be more
plastics than fish in the ocean by 2050 if nothing changes.

Plastic pollution is the excess plastic found in the ocean, beaches, lakes and rivers. It harms
living things. The world produces more than 300 million tons of plastic every year. Plastic is
often used in disposable or single-use products that are thrown away. It ends up as a pollution in
the environment. Some plastic can be recycled. However, less than 9% of all plastic gets
Humans use a lot of plastic because there are many benefits. Plastic is a valuable resource that
makes our lives easier. It is inexpensive and durable. Many things we use each day are made
from plastic. Think about the things you use regularly. Toothbrushes, sandwich bags, and straws
are all made from plastic. Other items made from plastic can even save lives. Medical
equipment, bike helmets, and seat belts are just a few examples.
The problem with plastic is that we often use and waste more than we need. Single-use plastic is
the kind of plastic that is used only once before it is thrown away. More than 40 percent of all
plastic trash is single-use plastic. These are the examples of single-use plastics: grocery bags,
water bottles, plastic packaging, straws, food wrappers, plastic forks and plastic spoons.
A lot of single-use plastic ends up in the ocean or other bodies of water. This can harm the
animals that live there. Around 800 species of marine mammals are affected by plastic trash.
Some get entangled in plastic. Some animals can ingest plastic debris.
Adapted from
5. Which statement is TRUE based on the text above?
A. Plastic has more advantages and brings convenient for our lives.
B. Plastic is cheaper product and can decompose shortly.
C. Less than 40% of plastic is disposable product.
D. Plastic can’t be recycled.

6. What are the effects of plastic pollution for marine life?

A. The waste can make fish and plants in the sea grow well.
B. The waste can be swallowed by marine mammals.
C. Some animals can be disentangled from plastic.
D. It protects the marine life’s existence.

7. Based on the text above, which products are made from plastic for our safety?
A. Grocery bags C. Medical equipments
B. Food wrappers D. Straws
8. ‘Plastic is often used in disposable……….. ‘ (First paragraph line 2-3).
It means that plastic is a…..
A. product which is thrown away after used for many times.
B. product which can be recycled.
C. product which can reused.
D. product which is used once.

Text for questions number 9-11

Scientists believe that the climate is changing and that it will probably be a lot hotter in the near
future. If it happens, then the world will completely change in a negative way. Plants won’t grow because
there won’t be much rainwater. Lots of animals will become extinct because they won’t have any food
and some hot countries will become deserts. But why is the climate changing? And what can we do?
The earth produces gases that protect our world. They are called ‘greenhouse gases’ and they
surround the planet. Greenhouse gases are good because they help keep the earth warm. But if we produce
too many of these gases, they will have a bad effect on the environment because greenhouse gases make
the climate hotter.
Climate change is also caused by ‘carbon footprint’. Carbon footprint is a measure of how much
CO2 you produce in your everyday life. A big carbon footprint means that you produce a lot of CO 2 and
that isn’t good for the environment. You can reduce it! For instance, cycle and walk to school or work
instead of going by car.
CO2 (Carbon dioxide) is the main greenhouse gas. We all produce CO 2. Do we use electricity? Does
your family have car? Then we all contribute directly to global warming.

9. Why do we need greenhouse gases in our daily life?

A. Because they maintain the temperature level on Earth.
B. Because greenhouse gases protect our world from carbon dioxide.
C. Because we need more oxygen from greenhouse gases.
D. Because they protect all living things on Earth from dangerous solar heat.

10. Which is one of the bad effects from climate change according to the scientists?
A. There will be much rainfall.
B. Lots of animals will become existing.
C. There will be many meadows in hot countries.
D. Plants won’t grow due to lack of rainwater.

11. Which statement is INCORRECT based on the text above?

A. Climate change will make more animals disappear.
B. Using too much electricity will prevent climate change.
C. Greenhouse gasses are produced by the earth to make earth warmer.
D. Cycling or walking is a way for decreasing greenhouse gases.

Text for questions number 12-15

Rivers are very important to our planet. They provide us with food, water, transport routes
and are also used as energy source. The water in rivers provides the home for fish, plants and
animals. But, what will happen to living things if the rivers are polluted.
There are many different causes of water pollution. Farmers put pesticides and fertilizers
on their crops to help them grow better. When rain falls, it washes these pesticides and fertilizers
through the soil and they end up in the rivers. These harmful substances encourage algae to grow
and turn the water green, lead to pollution.
Acid rain is another cause of water pollution. Fumes that contain nitrogen oxides are
produced from vehicle exhausts. Power stations that burn coal produce sulphur dioxide. When
these two substances mix with water in the air, they turn into acids, then fall as acid rain. Acid
rain damages trees and buildings and also kills wildlife in the rivers.
Millions of fish and sea birds are killed when ships leak oil into the seas and oceans,
creating a water slick on the surface. This is called accident pollution. In many parts of the world
people dump toxic (poisonous) chemical and other dangerous waste products into rivers and
seas. These chemical are often difficult to treat. Factories often use water for cooling processes.
Warm water is then discharged back into the rivers, raising the temperature of the water and
lowering the level of dissolved oxygen.
Over 70% of the world is covered in water, but most of this water is salty and not suitable
for drinking. Over one billion people do not have access to clean drinking water.

12. What does the second paragraph tell us about?

A. How the farmers’ activities pollute the river.
B. How pesticides and fertilizers pollute the air.
C. Many different causes of pollution.
D. Harmful substances cause algae to grow.

13. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. Tips for stopping water pollution
B. Different causes of water pollution
C. The importance of water for living things
D. Acid rain causes water pollution

14. These statements are TRUE based on the text above, except ....
A. Algae can create water pollution
B. Vehicle exhausts can create acid rain
C. There are less than 70% of the earth covered by water
D. Acid rain can kill living things in the rivers

15. How does acid rain occur based on the article above?
A. It occurs when emissions from vehicles and power stations contact with the water in
the air.
B. It occurs when cars produce nitrogen oxide and nitrogen oxide is released to the air.
C. It occurs when nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides mix in the air without water.
D. It occurs when fumes are absorbed by the soil.

16. Which is NOT the importance of rivers based on the text above?
A. Use for transport routes
B. Use as energy source
C. Provide the home for marine life
D. Create algae to clean the water

Text for questions 17-19

Zero Waste
Being aware of the harm we are causing to our planet is the first step towards switching to
a more sustainable lifestyle. Every day, the media outlets report on the over-growing plastic
pollution accumulating in oceans worldwide, and the tremendous impact it has on the
environment and even on our health. Farming has been proven to have a huge carbon footprint
because of the large amounts of energy it consumes. Similarly, livestock breeding for human
consumption emits vast amounts of gases that contribute to global warming. So, what can we do
to stop harming the environment? Zero waste can be the answer.
The zero waste movement is based on five actions called the ‘5 Rs’.
1. Refuse the things you don’t need.
2. Reduce consumption and purchasing, and try to just buy stuff that is really indispensable
since we already own enough things and huge amounts of them.
3. Reuse, and try to repair as many things as possible, so don’t buy disposable objects, and try
to give a second life to the ones you already have – this is also called ‘upcycling’.
4. Recycle everything you can.
5. Rot, meaning ‘recycle’ all organic materials, turning them into compost you can use as
In many cities around the world, local groups have formed to follow the Zero Waste
philosophy. Their common missions is to promote sustainability by organizing talks and meet-
ups to share insights and educate the community. A Zero Waste Week takes place every year in
many countries all over the world. In the UK, for example, it takes place in the first week of

Adapted from :


17. What changes should people make in their shopping habits based on the article above?
A. They shouldn’t buy indispensable stuffs.
B. They shouldn’t purchase nondisposable products.
C. They should refuse to purchase eco-friendly products.
D. They should only buy things that are really necessary.

18. What should people do with organic waste?

A. They should throw it away.
B. They should reduce to use it.
C. They should turn it into compost.
D. They should stop reusing it.

19. These are the common mission of local groups who have already followed the Zero
Waste activity, except ….
A. They advocate people to apply the Zero Waste in their daily life.
B. They encourage people to follow the Zero Waste philosophy.
C. They share the insights of the importance of Zero Waste.
D. They obstruct people to do the Zero Waste in their life.

How to protect the Earth at Home

Take a realistic approach to protect the Earth and first consider what you can do in your own
home. This is much more manageable. By doing simple things at home will make impact for the
1. Use cloth bags at the grocery store and for all your grocery needs. Store them at your
home or in the trunk of your car so you always have them in hand. Doing this will reduce
the use of plastics.
2. Explore the idea of purchasing energy-efficient appliances. They may cost more upfront
but in the end will save more your money because they use less energy. Replace regular
light bulbs with energy efficient counterparts. You pay a little more, but the life of the
bulb is significantly longer.
3. Set up a compost bin. Add a few less things to the landfill by composting your kitchen
scraps. All plant-derived food, coffee grounds, and tea leaves can be composted. Have a
small container in your home to place items in. When the storage container gets full,
transfer the waste to an outdoor bin. Then use it to fertilize the soil of your garden.
4. Grow an organic garden. Plant some fruit and vegetables at your garden, then share your
harvest with your neighbours. If you don’t have space or time to grow a garden, shop
locally and support local farmers.
5. Reduce the use of car travel. Walking or riding your bike will help to protect our
environment. If you must travel by car, shop for a fuel efficient vehicle and keep up-to-
date with emissions checks.
6. Reuse clothing. When possible, look for hand-me-down for your children’s clothing.
Offer them in resale shops or pass the clothing items on to friends and family. Consider
doing this with the old toys too.

20. Why is it advisable to replace the regular bulbs?

A. Because the regular light bulbs are more expensive.
B. Because regular light bulbs are energy saving products.
C. Because we will waste more energy when we use regular light bulbs.
D. Because the life of the energy-efficient light bulbs is significantly shorter than the

21. Which statement is INCORRECT based on the text above?

A. Organic waste can be used to enrich the soil.
B. We must stop travelling by own vehicles to reduce the emissions.
C. Using cloth bags when we shop is one of ways to protect our earth.
D. We can offer our old stuffs for others.

Text for questions number 22-23

It’s Your Planet

Why don’t you care about your world? It is difficult to see what you can do to
stop people cutting down hundreds of trees everyday in the forests, or how you can
stop all the fumes from traffic and factories that cause pollution in the atmosphere
and global warming.
But you can do little things yourself. Can you say that you never drop litter on
the streets? You could always try picking up the things that other people drop,
especially in our parks. They might learn from your actions.
Just think of all the money we’ll save if we don’t need to pay people to clean up
the streets. And there’s no need to put your empty cola cans in the rubbish for
someone to collect every week. Why not recycle your cans, bottles, plastic and
paper? Then we’ll have a cleaner planet.

22. What is the writer simple advice to reader to save our planet based on the text above?
A. Do the reforestation
B. Prevent the reforestation.
C. Pay people to clean up the streets
D. Pick up the litter

23. These statements are TRUE based on the text above, except ....
A. We can recycle cans, bottle, plastic and paper to save our planet
B. Fumes from traffic and factories cause pollution
C. Cutting down the trees can cause global warming
D. We can’t drop litter in the trash can.

Text for questions number 24-26

How to Make Bregedel Tempe

Here is the way how to make delicious Bregedel Tempe.

The ingredients:
 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon Royco
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying
1. First, mash the tempe with a fork.
2. Second, put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco, followed by
an egg.
3. Next, shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.
4. Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil,
five or six at a time.
5. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with chili
or sauce.

24. What is the aim of the text above?

A. To describe about Bregedel Tempe.
B. To tell us how to purchase Bregedel Tempe.
C. To give an explanation about Bregedel Tempe.
D. To tell the steps how to make delicious Bregedel Tempe.

25. What should we do after the oil is hot?

A. We should boil the Bregedel Tempe.
B. We should mix Tempe with the other ingredients.
C. We should fry the Bregedel Tempe.
D. We should pour the mashed Tempe to the bowl.

26. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent…” (last line).
The underlined word means. . .
A. able to soak up liquid easily.
B. not allowing fluid to pass through.
C. impervious to water.
D. not liable to be washed away by water.
Text for questions number 27 – 28

Read the jumbled sentence below!

1. You can make Samyang Korean Noodles with the help of a microwave.
2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles.
3. First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle.
4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes.
5. Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.
6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.
7. Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.

27. The best arrangement of the sentences above is:

A. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
B. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
C. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
D. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3

28. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell the procedure of purchasing instant noodles.
B. To give explanation about how to use microwave properly.
C. To tell us how to make fresh and delicious Korean beverage.
D. To tell the steps how to cook Korean Noodle cuisine.

Text for questions number 29-32

Like all big cities, Paris has a traffic problem: lots of cars, lots of traffic jams and lots of
pollution from exhaust fumes. So in 2007, the city began a scheme to improve the situation.
Under the Velib scheme (bicycle freedom) people can take a bicycle, use it for as long as they
want, and then leave it at the same or another bicycle station. The first half-hour on the bike is free,
but if you don’t return it after 30 minutes, you have to pay. But it’s only €1 a day or €29 a year! The
bicycle are heavy (25 kg), and they are all grey and have baskets. There are about 20.000 of them in
the city and around 1.450 bicycle stations. So there are a lot more Velib stations than the 298 metro
Paris is not the first city to have a scheme like this – not even in France, where Lyon started a
‘free’ bicycle scheme many years ago. And not everybody thinks it’s a great idea. One Parisian said,
“These bicycles are only for short journeys. If people want to travel across the city, they won’t use a
bicycle – they’ll use their cars.”
A city spokesman said, “The bicycle scheme won’t solve all our traffic problems, of course.
But it might reduce pollution levels in the atmosphere. Traffic, together with factory fumes, is a big
problem. Everyone knows about global warming and dramatic climate changes – we know this is
partly because rainforests are disappearing. But it’s also because there’s so much pollution in the
world and we can help improve the situation right here. The bikes might help people to lead a
healthier life, too. There aren’t any simple answers to traffic problems and pollution in cities. But
unless we do something now, there will be more traffic jams and temperatures will continue to rise,
so the problems in our environment will get worse.
29. Why does Paris government begin a Velib scheme?
A. To reduce traffic jams and pollution levels
B. To improve climate changes
C. To earn some money for government
D. To increase the pollution from exhaust fumes

30. In Velib scheme, people who live in Paris ....

A. must use bicycle to be healthy
B. can take and use bicycle and leave it at the same or another bicycle station
C. must rent expensive bicycle if they want to travel around the city
D. should hire grey bicycle if they want to travel across the city

31. What should people do if they use bike for more than half an hour?
A. They should pay € 29 a day
B. They should pay more than € 1 a day
C. They should pay € 1 for an hour
D. They should pay € 1 a day

32. Unless we do something for our environment, what will happen in the future?
A. Environment will get worse
B. Pollution levels will be reduced
C. Global warming will be prevented
D. The dramatic climate change will not happen

Text for questions number 33-39

Complete this email with the correct formula of First Conditional Sentences!
Thanks for your message. It was great to hear your news. I’m very busy at the moment
because my exams will start next week. I prepare myself by studying with my best friend, Hana.
If I 33a)………. (get) bad grades, I 33b) …………… (start) my course in September. But, if I 34a)
………….. (do) well enough in them, I 34b) …………….. (be) able to go to my favourite senior
high school in this town. So, I’m working hard now. My best friend, Hana 35a) …………
(contact) her aunt if she 35b) ………….. (not pass) the exams for guiding her before entering the
senior high school. But, if Hana 36a) ….. (pass), she 36b) ………. (continue) her study in USA.
Thanks for inviting me to come and stay with you during summer. I 37a) ……… (come) if
the flight 37b) ……… (not be) expensive. I think, it 38a) ……….. (be) fun if Hana 38b)………
(join) with us. I will ask her to come with me. I’m sure, if she 39a) …….. (be) free, she 39b)…...
(agree) to spend the summer together.
33. A. will get (a) – start (b) C. gets (a) – will start (b)
B. get (a) – will start (b) D. would get (a) – started (b)

34. A. did (a) – would be (b) C. do (a) – will be (b)

B. will do (a) – be (b) D. will do (a) – am (b)

35. A. will contact (a) – don’t pass (a) C. contacts (a) – won’t pass
B. will contact (a) – won’t pass (b) D. will contact (a) – doesn’t pass

36. A. pass (a) – will continue (b) C. will pass (a) – continues (b)
B. passes (a) – will continue (b) D. passed (a) – would continue (b)

37. A. will come (a) – isn’t (b) C. will come (a) – isn’t be (b)
B. come (a) – will be (b) D. comes (a) – isn’t (b)

38. A. will be (a) – joins (b) C. will be (a) – will join (b)
B. is (a) – will join (b) D. be (a) – will join (b)

39. A. is (a) – would agree (b) C. is (a) – will agree (b)

B. will be (a) – agrees (b) D. will be (a) – will agree (b)

Complete the sentence with the formula of first conditional sentences!

40. Unless she …….. (study) hard, she …. (not pass) in the test.
A. does study – won’t pass C. will study – doesn’t pass
B. studies – won’t pass D. studies – doesn’t pass

41. If I ….. (not be) at home, you ….. (not visit) me.
A. am not be – won’t visit
B. am not – won’t visit
C. won’t be – don’t visit
D. won’t be – aren’t visit

42. If they …….. (not talk) to you, what ……………(you - do) ?

A. don’t talk - do you do C. don’t talk – will you do
B. don’t talk – you will do D. won’t talk – do you do

43. They …. (come) if we …. (invite) them.

A. will come – invite C. come – will invite
B. will come – will invite D. come – invite

44. If it ….. (rain), ……. (they arrive) late?

A. rains - they will arrive C. rains – will, they arrive
B. will rain – do they arrive D. will rain – will, they arrive

Text for questions number 41-45 (Change the sentences by using ‘unless’
45. If we don’t cut down a lot of trees, our earth won’t be worse.
46. If the air pollution increases, many living things will die.

47. We will prevent the climate change if we stop the deforestation.

48. If she doesn’t pass the test, her parents will get angry.

49. The marine animals will die if the temperature of the sea goes up.

50. sister/ lend/ if/ her/ ask/ I/ will / mobile/ me/ my / her /.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The correct order of the words above is …..

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