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DESIGN OF POWER SCREW plane tangent to the pitch surface.

Thread friction angle, b – the angle

POWER SCREW/TRANSLATION SCREW - used to included between the sides of the thread
move machine parts against resisting measured in an axial plane in a screw
forces. The usual source of power is a thread.
rotating shaft or a crank. Common Root – bottom surface joining two sides
applications are machine slides (such as of a screw thread
in machine tools), vises, presses, and Crest – top surface joining two sides of
jacks. a screw thread
Flank – the surface connecting the crest
* ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES and roots of a screw thread


1. Large load carrying capability TYPES
2. Compact - Power screws are classified by the
3. Simple to design geometry of their thread.
4. Easy to manufacture; no specialized
machinery is required 1. SQUARE THREAD - Square threads are
5. Large mechanical advantage named after their square geometry. They
6. Precise and accurate linear motion are the most efficient, having the least
7. Smooth, quiet, and low maintenance friction, so they are often used for
8. Minimal number of parts screws that carry high power. But they
9. Most are self-locking are also the most difficult to machine,
and are thus the most expensive.
- are that most are not very efficient.
Due to the low efficiency they cannot be
used in continuous power transmission
applications. They also have a high
degree for friction on the threads, which
can wear the threads out quickly.


1. Raising loads ( screw jack)
2. Loading specimens in testing machine
3. Obtaining required motions in
machining and press working
4. Precise indexing motions
5. Providing motions of operating members
of robots

-Major diameter, Do
-Root diameter, Minor diameter, Di
-Mean diameter, Dp
-Collar diameter, Dc
-Pitch, P – distance from a point on the 2. ACME THREAD
screw thread to a corresponding point on - Acme threads have a 29° thread angle,
the next thread measured along the axis - which is easier to machine than square
Pitch angle, p threads. They are not as efficient as
-Lead, L – distance that a thread square threads, due to the increased
advances in one turn or the distance the friction induced by the thread angle.
nut moves along the axis in one turn - - this thread is in the form of V or
-Lead angle, l – the angle made by the angular thread.
helix of the thread(in a straight thread
at the pitch diameter with a plane
perpendicular to the axis.
-Pressure angle, F - the angle at a pitch
point between the line of pressure (which
is normal to the thread surface) and the
- Buttress threads are of a triangular
shape. These are used where the load
force on the screw is only applied in one
direction. Combination of higher
efficiency of square thread and the ease
1. For high-grade materials and
of cutting of the Acme thread.
workmanship and for well-in and
- also known as the breech-lock thread
lubricated threads, the coefficient of
form, refers to two different thread
friction maybe taken as 0.10.
profiles. One is a type of leadscrew and
2. For average quality material,
the other is a type of hydraulic sealing
workmanship and conditions of operations,
thread form. The leadscrew type is often
the coefficient of friction maybe taken
used in machinery and the sealing type is
as 0.125.
often used in oil fields.
3. For poor-quality material and
workmanship and for newly machined
surfaces which are indifferently
lubricated and which have slow motion,
the coefficient of friction maybe taken
as 0.15.
4. The coefficient of friction for
starting conditions maybe taken as 1 1/3
times the value for the running
5. The coefficient of collar friction
maybe taken as the same as the thread

2. A 4,000 lb is to be lowered by a
double threaded-power screw with 2 inch
pitch. The coefficient of friction for
the threads is 0.1. What torque in (in-lb)
must the screw transmit if mean diameter
of screw is 2.25 inch


1. What is the frictional hp acting on a

collar loaded with 100 kg weight? The
collar has an outside diameter of 100mm
and an internal diameter of 40mm. The
collar rotates at 1,000 rpm and the
coefficient of friction between the
collar and the pivot surface is 0.15.

3. Determine the load applied in (KN), to

a power screw if it has an efficiency of
14.24%, lead of 0.01m and total torque of
50 KN.m. Assuming coefficient of friction
is negligible.

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