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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Catanduanes
Gigmoto, Catanduanes


Name: _______________________________________ Section: ___________________ Date: ___________

I -MULTIPLE CHOICE I. Specify the literary element and types and forms of Creative Nonfiction
______ 1. The conversation in a play.
a. Dialogue b. Plot c. Setting d. Scenery

______ 2. The various elements that are used to create particular visual setting for a play.
a. Dialogue b. Plot c. Setting d. Scenery

______ 3. It appeals to the senses (show don’t tell).

a. Density b. Imagery c. Rhythm d. Sound

______ 4. Who wrote a story if it is an autobiography?

a. Author b. Publisher c. Teacher d. Producer

______ 5. Which of the following types of text tells a story?

a. Narrative b. Descriptive c. Persuasive d. Exemplification

______ 6. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a personal narrative?

a. It involves the personal life of the author.
b. It uses figurative language to convey the message effectively.
c. It deals with the chain of events of the life of the author.
d. It deals with the particular aspect of the life of the author.

______ 7. What do you call a piece of writing that focuses on the marginalized members of the society
who are experiencing oppression?
a. Personal Essay b. Reflective Essay c. Testimonio d. Autobiography

______ 8. What form of creative nonfiction if you are to write about the life of Juan Dela Cruz?
a. Autobiography b. Informational Article c. Personal Narrative d. Biography

______ 9. Which type of creative nonfiction that is closely related to magazine and newspaper writing?
a. Travelogue b. Biography c. Blog d. Autobiography

______ 10. What do you call the literary genre deals with stories that depict the reality life and
experiences of the people with a touch of art?
a. Creative Nonfiction b. Fiction c. Literature d. Art
II. Analyze the given statements and choose the best answer that corresponds to the question.
______ 11. Why do writers use figurative language as one of the techniques in writing a text?
a. It is for the purpose of art and aesthetics.
b. To engage their audience using a more creative tone that provokes thinking and
sometimes humor.
c. It provides the writer’s repose.
d. It functions as the other way of expression to impress readers.

______ 12. “Maria is very anxious about her current situation. She doesn’t know what to do.” Granting
that this is told by a narrator, what point of view (POV) is being applied?
a. 1st Person POV b. 2nd Person POV c. 3rd Person POV d. 4th POV

______ 13. What is the most appropriate question that should be asked in order to analyze the characters
and their characterizations in the story?
a. What are the names of the characters?
b. What are the dialogues that they uttered?
c. How did the characters exemplify their roles in the story?
d. Do you like how the characters played their roles?

______ 14. Which of the following guidelines should be taken into consideration when you need to
analyze the Point of View used in the story.
a. The important dialogue should be considered.
b. The character’s speech should be analyzed based on their attitude.
c. Characterization must be internalized.
d. The narrator of the story and the pronouns he/she uses should be considered.

______ 15. Granting that you are reading a CNF story and you came across with this sentence: “I can
hear the loud and endless cries of our people because of this pandemic.” What kind of
figurative language is exemplified?
a. Apostrophe b. Hyperbole c. Onomatopoeia d. Allegory

______ 16. Faustus thinks honestly about repenting, acting upon the advice of ‘the good angel,’ but ‘the
bad angel’ distracts him by saying it is all too late. This is a conflict.
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Nature c. Man vs. Self d. Man vs. Society

______ 17. When the mother said “Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair,” in
Langston Hughes’ Mother to Son, she used.
a. Allusion b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Oxymoron

______ 18. The sentence “Death lays his icy hands on kings” employs.
a. Imagery b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Allegory

III. Directions: If you are to arrange the sentences to form an artistic presentation and a
comprehensive paragraph, what could be the arrangement? Write the letter of the correct answer.
______ 19. 1. There was desultory conversation, but after a while, a silence fell and we sat waiting,
waiting--- waiting.
2. Every chair was filled, and some patients were standing.
3. Finally an old man stood up and remarked, “Well, I guess I’ll go home and die a natural
4. I had been sitting in the doctor’s waiting room for a long time.
a. 1234 b. 3241 c. 4213 d. 3412
______ 20. 1. If you get a present that does not interest him, then your choice of a gift is a poor one.
2. If you select something that he can enjoy or use, he will appreciate it.
3. Whatever the occasion, you should remember what a person likes when you buy him a
present. That way you can buy an appropriate gift.
4. Whenever you buy a gift, you should always consider the interests of the receiver.

a. 1234 b. 3241 c. 4321 d. 3124

______ 21. 1. A computer is basically a machine that can make extremely fast calculations, millions of
them a second, and can store facts in its electronic memory to use in those calculations.
2. For if the programming is wrong, then the answers will be wrong.
3. However, computers can only do what they are told to do. They must be instructed or
4. It is said, with some justice, that a computer is no better than the person who runs it.

a. 2134 b. 1342 c. 3124 d. 4312

______ 22. 1. It shovels information at us in such quantities so relentlessly and with such impact, we
believe it instead of believing our own guts.
2. Television has lied to us about ourselves.
3. We find it harder to understand each other.
4. We find it harder to understand ourselves.
a. 3412 b. 3124 c. 2134 d. 1324

______ 23. 1. Allow plenty of time to get ready so that you wouldn’t be late for your interview.
2. Before you leave the house, check whether you have a pen or an extra personal
3. Dress appropriately and observe proper grooming to create a good impression.
4. To prepare for an interview, sleep early in order to be at your best, both physically and
a. 2134 b. 3421 c. 4132 d. 1324

______ 24. 1. The president has the right to veto laws that Congress passes, and as chief executive, the
president is responsible for all federal law enforcement.
2. Clearly, the president is a powerful human being.
3. Under the Constitution, the President is commander of the armed forces, possessing the
ability to send troops to other countries.
4. While there are checks and balances on these powers, there is no question that the
president possesses considerable influence.
a. 1432 b. 3142 c.4312 d. 3412

______ 25. 1. But beyond these physical needs, when a child expresses a desire for independence or
affection and reassurance, a responsible mother monitors her child's psychological
health and responds with wisdom and balance.
2. A responsible mother is sensitive to her child's varied needs.
3. When her child is hungry, she must make sure food is available.
4. When her child is later tired and grumpy, a mother makes sure a nap or bedtime occurs.

a. 2341 b. 2431 c. 2134 d. 2143

IV. TRUE or FALSE. Determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Choose the
letter of your choice.
______ 26. Literary reportage takes one simple angle and explores it.

______ 27. A report on World War II is an essay.


______ 28. A personal essay must always have a basis in facts.


______ 29. An author showcases his opinions, not just facts, when describing other characters in
his/her autobiography/memoir.

______ 30. Personal essays do not have to have a distinct plot but may still express an underlying story.

______ 31. Literary journalism is a form of creative nonfiction.


______ 32. Poetic devices can provide rhythm to any literary piece.

______ 33. Some nonfiction works do not have dialogues at all.


______ 34. A personal essay can contain opinions.


Direction: Determine the types of elements mentioned in the following statements. Choose your answer
from the choices below. Write the letter of the correct answer.

A. Characterization
B. Characters
C. Rounded or Flat Characters
D. Static or Dynamic Characters
E. Plot
F. Theme

______ 35. It focuses on directly providing a description of the characters citing its most relevant
______ 36. The ones who do not change all throughout the story.
______ 37. Everything that is happening on the play. It is the action and the basic line of the story.
______ 38. It refers to the main idea of the play. It is the lesson that the audience will eventually learn.
______ 39. Associated with characters who are complex on whom you will typically meet every day.
______ 40. These are people, and can sometimes be animals or ideas, that are portrayed by actors in the
a. Characterization
b. Characters
c. Rounded or Flat Characters
d. Static or Dynamic Characters
e. Plot
f. Theme
a. Characterization
b. Characters
c. Rounded or Flat Characters
d. Static or Dynamic Characters
e. Plot
f. Theme
a. Characterization
b. Characters
c. Rounded or Flat Characters
d. Static or Dynamic Characters
e. Plot
f. Theme

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