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Principles of Marketing
Module 14
ABM • Principles of Marketing
Grade 11/12: Module 14
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Medel Lachica Balino, T-III

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Lorna O. Gaspar, EPS in Charge of ABM

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

In your previous lesson, you are done with marketing mix. I hope you are
excited to have a career in marketing or run your own business as an entrepreneur
or a businessman. These careers are some of the highest paid in the world today.
Aside from making more income than many employees, you are helping to boost the
economy of the nation.

This module would provide you with information and activities that will help
you understand and explain the relationship between market analysis, planning,
implementation, and control and analyze the company’s situation, markets, and
environment (the marketing audit and SWOT analysis).

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Define market analysis, planning the marketing programs, implementing the

marketing efforts, and controlling the marketing efforts.

2. Explain the relationship between market analysis, planning (the marketing

programs), implementation, and control (the marketing efforts)

3. Define marketing environment, marketing audit and SWOT analysis.

4. Explain marketing environment, marketing audit and SWOT analysis.

5. Illustrate SWOT analysis.

6. Analyze the company’s situation, markets, and environment, the marketing audit
and SWOT analysis


Activity 1:
Direction: To check your prior knowledge about the topic, and solicit questions that
you want to know about it, fill in the Know and Want to know components of the
Know-Want to know- Learned (KWL) chart legibly. For the Know component, you may
write word/s or phrase. For the want to know component, state your responses in
interrogative or question form. You may list as many responses as you want for each
component. Write your responses on a yellow paper.

KWL Chart

Topic Know Want to know Learned

Concept of
Marketing Process
Relevance of the
marketing process
in the operations of
the business


You have already learned Market Opportunity Analysis and Consumer

Analysis on the previous chapters or modules. Let’s try to differentiate it with our
new topic today. The Market Opportunity Analysis and Consumer Analysis deals
with the strategic marketing process, tactical marketing process, marketing
microenvironment, marketing macroenvironment, identifying strength and
weaknesses, identifying opportunities and threats, market research , consumer
markets, organizational markets, market segmentation, target market, and
positioning. The strategic marketing process seeks to establish a clear and concerted
direction for all marketing activities of an organization or company. In addition, the
tactical marketing process ensures that the strategies are implemented successfully.
Some of the topics in the chapter or module entitled Market Opportunity and
Consumer Analysis are also discussed in our module today which is entitled
Managing the Marketing Effort.

If we will look at the main title of this chapter it is focused on the Marketing
Process. This chapter is also entitled “Managing the Marketing Effort”. When we look
at the subchapters it is focused on market analysis with focus to SWOT analysis,
marketing planning, marketing implementation, and lastly the marketing control. All
the things you will study here are all part of the market analysis. The main goal of
this market analysis is to discover unfulfilled customer needs with the end mind to
have more sales of course with the reasonable expenses and bigger market share
among competitors.

Let us try to study this marketing process. The marketing process is the
process of discovering unfulfilled customer needs. It involves (1) analyzing marketing
opportunity or opportunities, (2) Selecting target markets, (3) designing marketing
strategies and (4) planning marketing programs, and (5) organizing, implementing,
monitoring, and controlling the marketing effort or the results.
Analyzing Selecting Designing
marketing target marketing
opportunity markets strategies

Organizing, implementing,
and controlling
the marketing

Figure 1: The Marketing Process

To further understand this chapter or module, let us use the following


Metro Corporation is a Filipino company established in 2010. It is a

participant in the local hair care industry. It currently offers two types of shampoo
for the female segment of the market:

*An anti-dandruff shampoo

* An anti-split ends shampoo

Now the company intends to develop one of two new products to augment its
hair care line: a hair damage-repair shampoo or an aromatherapy shampoo.

We will first tackle the first three (1) analyzing marketing opportunity or
opportunities, (2) selecting target markets, and (3) designing marketing strategies.
These all fall under Market Analysis.

Market Analysis

1. Analyzing Marketing Opportunities

The Microenvironment

To decide between the two shampoos variants, Metro Corporation first needs
to evaluate the company’s microenvironment (the word micro means small).

The internal organization or the company itself is assessed. This is to

determine the availability of resources for a new product development Relationships
among the functional areas (these functional departments were taught in the subject
Organization and Management, please search in the internet for examples of
functional departments if you forgot about it or you may ask your teacher about
it) are reviewed to ensure support. Among others, the following questions should be

*Does the company research and development possess the technical expertise and
know-how to develop the new products?
*Does manufacturing have the necessary equipment, machinery, and manpower to
produce the new product?
*Does the company employ sufficient qualified and well-trained personnel to handle
the marketing of the new product?
*Will top management consolidate necessary human and financial resources to see
to its completion?

Although the successful launch of new products in the market can be

profitable, there are inherent risks. The product development process is expensive
and time consuming.

It should be noted as well as that other participants in the industry may

also be developing similar products. They could be doing so at a faster and more
efficient rate. The extent of the competition and their resources should also be
evaluated. A new product’s competitive position in the market can be determined
through the use of marketing tools, e.g. perceptual mapping.

The ability of suppliers to provide necessary raw materials at the required

quantity, price, and time should also be considered. The firm should evaluate the
availability of market intermediaries, distribution system and network. This is to
ensure that the new product will be accessible to the customer.

Publics are important to anticipate societal expectations.

Finally, a detailed study of the product’s potential customers shall confirm

the need of the new product. This can be determined through market research,
e.g., focused group discussions and consumer surveys.

Your microenvironment includes your customers, your suppliers, your

competitors and other elements of your distinct business world. Microenvironment
marketing takes these elements into account in figuring out what will boost your
branding and sales according to

In other learning sites microenvironment factors are the customers,

employees, competitors, media, shareholders, and suppliers. For additional
reading regarding these factors or forces please type the word microenvironment
analysis and look for the site

A study of the microenvironmental factors can generate areas of STRENGTHS

and WEAKNESSES for the company. Some possible strengths are superior
financial resources, wide distribution coverage, and strong market need for the new
product. On the other hand, possible weaknesses are: a not so ideal company’s
reputation, the lack of marketing personnel, etc.

The Macro-environment

The macro-environment (the word macro means large or thick) is next to be

The economic situation is reflective of the general business climate. The shifts in
the politico legal scene would project political stability and anticipate the effects of
legislations in the hair care industry.

A careful study of the demographics will pinpoint areas where the product will
provide the greatest benefit. In some cases, failure to consider socio-cultural factors
affects the success of the product. Metro Corporation would have to make sure that
the product does not conflict with societal norms.

Research on technological environment may lead to innovative production

processes or new packaging ideas. These can be incorporated to reduce cost and
enhance the product’s aesthetic and utility. Possible effects on the natural
environment should not be ignored. Package design of the new product should be

The Macroenvironment consist of six different forces. These are: Demographic,

Economic, Political, Ecological, Socio-cultural, and Technological Forces. For
additional reading regarding these forces please type the word
macroenvironment analysis and look for the site

A study of macroenvironment factors will lead to the discovery of

OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS. Opportunities may emerge from the increasing
consumer disposable income, the growing teenage female population or the
premium placed by the youth market on sweet smelling hair. Threats may arise from
pending government regulation banning the use of harmful chemicals in hair-
repair shampoos.

Marketing Audit

Marketing audit refers to the comprehensive, systematic, analysis, evaluation

and interpretation of the business marketing environment. Both internal and
external (meaning the microenvironment, macroenvironment and other parts of
marketing). Its goals, objectives, strategies, principles to ascertain the areas of
problem and opportunities and to recommend a plan of action to enhance the firm’s
marketing performance. The marketing audit is generally conducted by a third
person or third party. For additional reading regarding this type the word marketing
audit and look for the site and

The SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Strengths refer to internal competencies possessed by an organization that will
enable it to achieve its objectives. Weaknesses are areas that limit or inhibit an
organization’s overall success. Opportunities refer to economic, socio-cultural,
political, technological, demographic, and industrial trends and events that could
significantly benefit an organization in the future. Threats are economic, cultural,
political, technological, demographic, and industrial trends and events that are
potentially harmful to an organization’s present and future competitive position.
The aim of SWOT analysis is to capitalize on strengths, reduce weaknesses,
use the opportunities, and neutralize or convert threats into opportunities.

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Figure 2: The SWOT Matrix

You may write the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a

company at the bottom of the words in the SWOT Matrix divided into four sides.

For additional readings regarding this, type the word SWOT analysis
and look for the site For SWOT matrix example type the word
SWOT matrix and look for the site

You may watch in YouTube about SWOT analysis just key in the URL for added explanation.

Let us assume that after evaluation of the microenvironment and

macroenvironment, Metro Corporation decided to develop an aromatherapy
shampoo. This is because it satisfies a real need, has a relatively large and growing
market, capitalizes on the company’s extensive distribution network and the
population’s increasing disposable income, has fewer competitors, and the company
has access to advanced product technologies that are unavailable to competitors.

2. Selecting Target Markets

After identifying marketing opportunities, Metro Corporation will select its

target market. The objective is to select the most logical and probable customers of
the new product. They are the ones who will purchase the product with the greatest
frequency and at the greatest volume. To identify the target market, perceptual map
can be used to determine the specific segment it should target, in comparison to
existing competitors. It may select a segment that may have one or more competitors
that do not seem to be serving its market well. It may also consider an unoccupied
segment not served by any brand competitor.
For our example, Metro Corporation now decides to serve the medium-priced,
high fragrance aromatherapy market because it is currently unoccupied. It proceeds
to determine the size of the market, its purchasing power in terms of price,
frequency, and amount of purchase, its scent preferences, and general usage
habits. The target market for the new aromatherapy shampoo product is now
identified as:

“Image- and hygiene-conscious female teenagers from Metro Manila and major
urban centers nationwide, who shampoo their hair on a daily basis, and are
willing to pay average price for an aromatherapy shampoo that is capable of
keeping their hair fragrant throughout the day.”

For this new product in its initial year in the market, the company may have
decided on the following marketing objectives:

*Achieve an awareness level of 65% by the end of the calendar year 2017.
*Attain new product sales revenue of P45,000,000.00 by December 31,
*Realize new product net profitability of P3,800,000.00 by the end of 2017.

A target market refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company

wants to sell its products and services. This group also includes specificcustomers
to whom a company directs its marketing efforts. A target market is one part of
the total market for a good or service.

Consumers who make up a target market share similar characteristics

including buying geography, buying power, demographics, and incomes.

Here is a list of checklists or guides in selecting your target market.

a. Analyze the features of your products and services. Determine the benefits
that your customers get from your products and how your products fill the
needs of those customers. Make a list of those features and needs to make
the analysis easier.

b. Look at the type of customers who are likely to purchase your products
and use your services. Consider things such as age, gender, income level,
marital status, occupation, educational level, gender and ethnic background.
Identify which customer categories have the greatest need for your product.

c. Consider the personal characteristics of your potential customers and

determine how the customer’s lifestyle affects a need for your products.
Think about the customer’s interests, values and personality traits. Consider
how and when your customer will use your services, as well as the features
that appeal to the customer.

d. Look at your competitor’s target market. Analyze the needs that your
competition fills for their target market. Identify the areas that have been
overlooked by the competition. Seek to fill the void within the market, rather
than targeting the same market as your competition.

e. Take a look at your current customer base, if your business is already

operating. Identify the products or services that interest your current
customers and determine what benefits these customers get from those

f. Compile all your research findings. Use your findings to determine which
types of customers have the most need for your services. Keep the market
well-balanced so that your target market is not too big or too small.

3. Designing Marketing Strategies

After selecting target market, Metro Corporation must select the marketing
strategies to employ. These are selected with the objective of increasing
awareness, revenue, and profits. For this particular case, the selected
strategies can be applied during the product’s introduction to the market.
However, they are usually modified as the product enters growth stage.

Marketing strategies can be defined as comprehensive programs of action

involving the use of organizational resources to achieve marketing objectives.

To achieve new product revenues of P45,000,000.00, the company may

propose three strategies: (1) product development, (2) product differentiation,
and (3) market penetration.


Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3

Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 6 Strategy 7 Strategy 8

Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Strategy 5

Figure 3: Company vision, Marketing objectives, and Strategies

Next is budget, the company would decide on the funds needed for the
implementation of the strategies. The budget will be allocated to the implementation
of the four elements of the marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion.
For additional reading regarding this type the word designing marketing strategies
and look for the site, and

Then secondly let’s now tackle the planning marketing programs, the
implementation and control of the marketing efforts.

Planning the Marketing Programs

4. Planning Marketing Programs

The planning of marketing programs involves developing and implementing

action plans or tactics under each strategy. Action plans or tactics conventionally
use the marketing mix as the foundation of implementation.

For example, for implementing product development, the company may decide
to utilize several variables under the first P – Product. It may choose to develop a
high-quality shampoo (quality) and name this new product Bouquet (brand),
which suggests its value proposition. The company may decide on three sized
variants for the shampoo (sizes), 100ml, 50ml, and sachet, and package the 100ml
and 50ml sizes with a retractable spout (packaging).

For product differentiation, the company may use various products variables.
The company may decide to infuse their new shampoo with long- lasting scent
ingredients (features) and give a money back guarantee if the consumer is not
satisfied with the product (warranties).

For market penetration, this strategy may involve price variables. The
company may decide that the ideal selling price for the new product is P120.00
for the 100ml size, P65.00 for the 50ml, and P6.00 for the sachet (list price). To
induce retailers to carry the new product, Metro Corporation may offer them
10+1 deal (allowances) coupled with a 60-daypayment term (payment period).

Place variables may also be involved. The company may decide to utilize its
existing distribution network (coverage), but include the use of independently-
owned local dealers (channels) who shall be responsible for stocking the product
(inventory) to service various product retailers and eliminate stock outs.

The fourth P (promotions) assumes a major role in the implementation of

the company’s market penetration strategy. Product advertising (advertising)
maybe released and broadcast in advance to create and sustain new product
awareness. There will be product sampling (consumer promotion) during the
first three weeks of the product launch in 87 major supermarkets nationwide.
Both a company website, and Facebook account will be created (social
networking) to harness the influence of the Internet on the new product’s
target market. Billboards will be erected by the second month, shelf talkers
and mobiles placed in major supermarkets (point-of- purchase) shortly thereafter.
Separate budgets would be allocated to these marketing mix variables.
There are limitless possible combinations and budgetary allocations for each
marketing mix variable. To a large extent, the success of the company’s
marketing program would depend on the proper selection of the variables to
be used, and the financial support extended to each of the variable.

Implementing the Marketing Effort

5. Organizing, Implementing, and Controlling the Marketing Effort

A good marketing program by itself does not necessarily guarantee sustained

success for an organization. The business organization must be operated and
structured in a manner that will ensure that the time, effort and resources
spent in the preparation of good marketing programs are not wasted.
Organizational structure has something to do with the system that outlines
how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.

The organizational structure also determines how information flows between

levels within the company.

The job description of the marketing officer must be defined clearly. The
company’s president or chief operating officer (COO) must ensure that there is
effective collaboration among the heads of all other functional departments. The
“manufacturers” must produce the product as required by the customer while
“finance” must adequately fund planned marketing activities. “Human resources”
must ensure that there is a stable pool of qualified, well-trained, and highly
motivated personnel.

Controlling the Marketing Effort

Adequate monitoring and control systems should be in place to ensure that

marketing programs do not miscarry. Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual
benchmarks (benchmarks means comparing results to the product line of the
company itself or to the products of competitors) can be advance warnings that
performance results are not going according to plan. Marketing programs may be
tweaked or adjusted so that performance targets are met. In some cases (for example
that there is a pandemic), situational conditions may have dramatically changed
necessitating adjustment of goals.

Internal systems must measure the effectiveness of specific marketing

activities. This is to accurately determine return on marketing investment (ROMI).
Moreover, accountabilities must be assigned for each of the activities to ensure that
they are implemented with a singular purpose.

The entire marketing process is embodied in the company’s marketing plan,

which it usually prepares annually. You may watch a video on YouTube with URL to supplement your learning.

Activity 2
Direction: You have to fill the L component of the KWL chart to generalize
the things you have learned about the topic. Write your answer in a yellow
pad paper.

KWL Chart

Topic Know Want to know Learned

Concept of I have learned
Marketing Process that….
Relevance of the I have learned
marketing process that….
in the operations of
the business

Outstanding Good Fair Poor Needs
5 4 3 2 1

Well written and Writes fairly Minimal Somewhat Lacking effort.

very organized. clear. Good effort. unclear. Very poor
Excellent grammar grammar Minimal Shows little grammar
mechanics. mechanics grammar effort. Poor mechanics.
Clear and concise Good mechanics. grammar Unclear and
statement. presentation Fair mechanics. does not
Demonstrate a and presentation. Confusing and address the
thorough organization. Few choppy, topic.
understanding of Sufficient effort supporting incomplete
the topic. and detail. details. sentences.
Sufficient effort
and details. No
organization of

Activity 3
Direction: Read and analyze this case analysis. Please try to fill out the chart. Write
it in a separate sheet of paper.

Caliber Technology Inc.

Shaving is a ritual for Filipino men. It is essential part of daily grooming.
Filipino men perform this activity every morning before leaving for work or school.
They are also expected to shave before attending a special event or an important
occasion. The implements used for shaving have evolved from a simple razor used in
barber shop to safety disposable razors, and advanced electric razors. Even if one
intends to keep a mustache, a sport a goatee, or grow beard, shaving is basic and
necessary for personal hygiene.

In the market, the current leader for electric shavers is Vectro. It is battery
operated, portable, weighs only 7 oz. It maintains a strong presence in the market
because of its portability and affordability. It claims to give users a close and smooth
shave. According to the manufacturer, Belloma Industries, Vectro has 9 spinning
blades providing close and maximum removal of facial hair. Vectro is distributed in
almost all department stores, specialty men’s outlets, and drug stores. Although it
rarely engages in trade and brand promotions, it maintains consistent presence
through advertisements on television, billboards, and several popular men’s

Another strong participant in the industry is Scope Ishigawa Ltd. Scope is the
market leader in japan, its country origin. As a brand, Scope is well-known in the
world for its wide selection of home appliance and car audio systems. Scope’s
participation in the electric shavers’ industry through Matsumoto shaver.
Matsumoto has no distinctive technical advantage over other electric shavers in the
market. However, the shaver has an ergonomic design, making it comfortable for
handling. It can also be operated using conventional batteries, as well as charging it
through a wall outlet. Currently, the company has a network of 312 Scope Electronic
Emporium Outlets, where all Scope appliances are displayed and sold. It advertises
heavily on print media. Occasionally, Scope offers Matsumoto as a bundle or freebie
for every purchase of a television set or car audio system.

Brackenbick is a company based in Germany. Its electric shaver, Brack, is

known as the “Rolls Royce” of electric shavers. Although priced at a high premium,
the shaver is built for durability. Brack shavers come with a 10-year warranty. The
product is heavy compared to Vectro. Distribution of Brack is limited to high-end
boutique stores. It advertises only in international news and lifestyle magazines.
In the Philippines, the market for electric shavers can be described as “Filipino men,
residing in major urban areas, aged 18-55, belonging to income classes A, B and
upper C, who desire a convenient, modern, and hassle-free shaving experience.”

Caliber Technology Inc. is a local manufacturer and marketer of personal care

implements. It was incorporated on January 7, 2013. The company has a highly
qualified research and development team.

In the Philippines, there is a growing teenage population. After studying the

local market for electric shavers, Caliber decided to develop a line of battery-operated
shaving equipment. It intends to introduce three models, each directed at the high-
end, middle, and the low-end market.

Cal-Basic is an affordable and functional model intended for the low-end

market. The model has no outstanding features. The intention is to convert those
who are using conventional safety razors to use electric razors. It is positioned as a
low-price alternative to other battery-operated shavers in the market.

Cal-Pro is similar to Cal-Basic. However, it boasts of a multi-rotating 9-blade

system similar to Vectro. It also has an easy-to-hold grip to prevent the unit from
slipping and users from accidentally dropping the unit. Cal-Pro is intended for the
middle market.

For the high-end market, there is Cal-Ultra. Advertised as the “electric shaver
of the future”, Cal-Ultra has the following features: electric controlled springs that
retracts and adjust to the contours of the face, 264 microscopic blades that provides
the closest shave possible, luminous ergonomic handle, a miniature light that
highlights the areas to shaved, a built-in timer, an AM/FM radio noise-cancelling
earphones, etc.

The body of the Cal-Ultra is made of titanium. The unit comes in travel
carrying case made of sheepskin. It is the lightest electric shaver in the market and
is supported by a 5-year warranty.

A comparison of the brands is as follows:

Brand Manufacturing Cost/Unit

Vectro P 402.70
Matsumoto P 614.85
Brack P 977.40
Cal-Basic P 411.07
Cal-Pro P 615.01
Cal-Ultra P1,327.43

Figure 4: Brand and Manufacturing Cost per Unit Comparisons

Brand Years in the Suggested 2014 Sales 2015 Sales
Philippine Retail Price
Vectro 19 P 575.00 P265,009,456.00 P281,845,098.00
Matsumoto 22 P 799.00 P237,987,156.00 P258,013,587.00
Brack 21 P 1,350.00 P100,767,444.00 P103,540,761.00
Cal-Basic P 450.00
Cal-Pro P 925.00

Cal-Ultra P 2,450.00

Figure 5: Brand Comparative Information

What do you think are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for
Caliber’s electric razors?

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats
Rubric: for Activity 3: SWOT Analysis

Indicators Maximum Scoring Details

1. Relevance: Learner’s responses in 5 5 – Excellent;
connection with the lesson. 4 – Very Good;
2. Content: Learners response clearly show 5 3 – Good;
and understand the lesson content 2 – Fair;
3. Analysis: Learners response provides 5 1 – Needs
analysis to the larger concepts of the lesson. Improvement
4. Writing skills: Learners write clearly, with 5
minimal errors in spelling and grammar.

Activity 4
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet of yellow pad

1. It includes customers, suppliers, competitors and other elements of the distinct

business world. This sentence pertains to what?
A. Macroenvironment B. Marketing Audit
C. Microenvironment D. SWOT Analysis

2. A study of factors will lead to the discovery of opportunities and threats. What is
A. Macroenvironment B. Marketing Audit
C. Microenvironment D. SWOT Analysis

3. It aims to capitalize on strengths, reduce weaknesses, use the opportunities,

and neutralize or convert threats into opportunities. What is the terminology being
A. Macroenvironment B. Marketing Audit
C. Microenvironment D. SWOT Analysis

4. It refers to the comprehensive, systematic, analysis, evaluation and

interpretation of the business marketing environment. This sentence defines what?
A. Macroenvironment B. Marketing Audit
C. Microenvironment D. SWOT Analysis

5. These are areas that limit or inhibit an organization’s overall success. What is it?
A. Opportunities B. Strengths
C. Threats D. Weaknesses
6. These refer to economic, socio-cultural, political, technological, demographic, and
industrial trends and events that could significantly benefit an organization in
the future. This sentence pertains to what?
A. Opportunities B. Strengths
C. Threats D. Weaknesses

7. These refer to internal competencies possessed by an organization that will enable

it to achieve its objectives. What is this?
A. Opportunities B. Strengths
C. Threats D. Weaknesses

8. These are economic, cultural, political, technological, demographic, and industrial

trends and events that are potentially harmful to an organization’s present and
future competitive position. This sentence describes what?
A. Opportunities B. Strengths
C. Threats D. Weaknesses

9. Example of this is having internal systems must measure the effectiveness of

specific marketing activities. This sentence pertains to what?
A. Implementing the Marketing Effort
B. Planning the Marketing Programs
C. Controlling the Marketing Efforts
D. Market Analysis

10. It involves developing and implementing action plans or tactics under each
strategy. What is it?
A. Implementing the Marketing Effort
B. Planning the Marketing Programs
C. Controlling the Marketing Efforts
D. Market Analysis
Printed Materials:
Real C. So and Oscar G. Torres, 2016, Principles of Marketing, 1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon
City, Vibal Group, Inc.,

Retrieved October 9, 2020 from
and from

Retrieved October 9, 2020 from

Marketing Audit
Retrieved October 9, 2020 from

Swot Analysis
Retrieved October 9, 2020 from

Target Market
Retrieved October 9, 2020 from

Selecting Target Market

Retrieved October 9, 2020 from

Organizational Structure
Retrieved October 9, 2020 from
Activity 3
Students’ answers might vary.
Activity 4 Scoring will be based on the
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
Activity 2
5. D
Students’ answers might vary.
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B Activity 1
Students’ answers might vary.
Answer Key

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