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Nama : Nur wahid ramadhan

Nim : 1901088

Prodi : Sarjana Keperawatan

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum, my name is Nur Wahid Ramadhan I will tell my daily life from
waking up to sleep again. I usually wake up at 7 am when I first woke up I immediately
checked the cellphone to see if there was a lecture link if it was on the productive day of
college, then I got up from the bed and tidied the bed then I immediately took a
shower, after taking a shower again checked the cellphone to see if there was a lecture
link. Usually on productive on college I went to college starting at 8-10 dicam college
break around 11 o'clock I came out of appointment looking for a meal and resting while
waiting for the next lecture. then next to follow the lecture schedule that is usually
finished in the day 4. After finishing college I usually walk to the folder with my friends
until around 6 I go home to a rent to take a shower and pray and then get out of my
prayer out again looking for a food and eating shop and eating there. After eating I
went home to the rented house while playing games, scrolling tiktok, opening
WhatsApp, Instagram until I fell asleep and slept, Thank you.

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