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Department Of Electrical Engineering – 2024 Passout Batch

Team Tesla Crafters Present - Arduino-Based Smart Electric Vehicle

Group Members -

Nitesh Ranjan Joyeeta Roy Rohit Kumar Rajbhar Subhankar Bhowmik

• Introduction

• Working principle

• Components

• Components Overview

• Circuit Diagram

• Model Working Demo

• Output Of This Project

• Benefits in society

• Conclusion
• In an era where sustainability and innovation are at the forefront of technological
advancements, the Arduino-Based Smart Electric Vehicle represents a significant step
forward in the automotive industry. By integrating Arduino technology into electric
vehicles, we've created a smarter, more efficient, and environmentally friendly mode
of transportation.

• At its core, the Arduino-Based SEV utilizes Arduino microcontrollers and sensors to
monitor and control various aspects of the vehicle's operation. These include
monitoring battery levels, optimizing energy usage, managing vehicle diagnostics,
and providing real-time data feedback to the driver.
Working Principle
• The working principle of an Arduino-based smart electric vehicle involves using Arduino
microcontrollers to control various functions of the vehicle, such as acceleration, braking, steering,
and monitoring of battery levels and other parameters.

• An Arduino-based smart electric vehicle works by using an Arduino microcontroller to control

various components such as the motor, sensors, and communication modules. The Arduino
receives input from sensors like accelerometers, GPS, and temperature sensors to monitor the
vehicle's environment and performance. Based on this input, it makes decisions on power
management, vehicle speed, and other parameters to optimize efficiency and safety.

• Additionally, it can communicate with external devices or systems, such as a smartphone app or a
cloud-based platform, for remote monitoring and control. The Arduino serves as the brain of the
smart electric vehicle, orchestrating its operation and enabling advanced features.

• Overall, an Arduino-based smart electric vehicle combines hardware and software components to
create a customizable and intelligent transportation solution.

An Arduino-based smart electric vehicle typically consists of various components

that work together to control the vehicle's functions and provide smart features.
Main Components are given below -

• Structure/chassis.
• DC Motor – 9 Volt,120 rpm
• Aurduino
• Motor Driver – L298N
• Ultra Sonic Sensor-HC_SR04
• LCD Screen 16*2
• Joystick
• Connecting Wire
• Battery
• Solar Panel – 12volt
Components Overview on model
Circuit diagram
Circuit diagram
➢ There are some circuit diagram, that are use for car rotation with the help of joystick :
Model Working Demo
Output of this project
• The output of an Arduino-based smart electric vehicle project could vary depending on the
specific goals and features implemented by the developer.

• The vehicle can accelerate, decelerate, and change direction based on input from the driver or
autonomous control system. Arduino boards control the electric motors to achieve smooth and
efficient operation.

• Overall, the output of an Arduino-based smart electric vehicle project is a fully functional and
intelligent transportation solution that combines advanced control systems, smart features, and
connectivity to enhance safety, efficiency, and convenience for the user.
Benefits In society
Arduino-based smart electric vehicles offer several benefits to society, including:

Environmental Impact: By using electric power instead of fossil fuels, smart electric vehicles contribute to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. This helps mitigate climate change and improves air quality, leading to better public
health outcomes.

Energy Efficiency: Electric vehicles are generally more energy-efficient than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.
Arduino-based control systems can further optimize energy usage by implementing regenerative braking, efficient motor control
algorithms, and battery management strategies, thereby reducing overall energy consumption.

Noise Reduction: Electric vehicles produce less noise compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines. This results in
quieter streets and neighborhoods, contributing to a more peaceful and livable urban environment.

Reduced Dependence on Oil: Electric vehicles reduce society's dependence on fossil fuels, including oil imports, which can
enhance energy security and reduce geopolitical tensions related to oil production and distribution.

Technological Innovation: Arduino-based smart electric vehicles drive innovation in vehicle design, control systems, and
renewable energy integration. This fosters technological advancements and creates opportunities for economic growth and job
creation in related industries.
In conclusion, Arduino-based smart electric vehicles represent a significant advancement in
transportation technology with numerous benefits for society. By leveraging Arduino microcontrollers
and smart control systems, these vehicles offer a sustainable, efficient, and intelligent alternative to
traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

From reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality to promoting energy efficiency
and technological innovation, smart electric vehicles have the potential to reshape the way we move
and interact with our environment.

Moreover, with features such as autonomous driving, remote monitoring, and integration with smart
grid systems, Arduino-based smart electric vehicles pave the way towards a more accessible,
inclusive, and connected transportation ecosystem.

As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, the future of transportation looks brighter
than ever, and Arduino-based smart electric vehicles are at the forefront of this transformative

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