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Key Vocabulary

Text #1 Magnificent Helicopters – the most useful flying machine?

Word Words class Synonym antonym

magnificent adjective majestic Uninspiring, poor,
impressive ugly
sway verb Swing, shake, tired, motionless
underestimate verb undervalue, Overvalue,
underrate overestimate
hovering verb glide, hang dive, dip
gusty adjective gushing, calm
rotor noun revolving
blaze verb burn, flame gloom, dullness
crucially adverb significantly unimportantly
vertical adjective erect flat
offset verb balance Overbalance
* Questions & Answers

1. **'forest fires'-'for fighting fires'**

- These are examples of synonyms.

2. **"Impressive!" What is the purpose of this sentence?**

- The purpose of this sentence is to express admiration or awe towards the

capabilities of helicopters mentioned in the passage.

3. **Circle the word from the list below that could replace 'resembling.'**

- The word "matching" could replace 'resembling.'

4. **Circle the word from the list below that could replace underestimate.**

- The word "undervalue" could replace underestimate.

5. **Circle the word from the list below that could replace "offset."**

- The word "counterbalance" could replace 'offset.'

6. **Circle the word from the list below that could replace 'ravaged.'**

- The word "destroyed" could replace 'ravaged.'

7. **What genre is this extract?**

- ☐Informational
Q1. **Why does the writer use facts in the first paragraph?**

- The writer uses facts in the first paragraph to provide historical background
and context about the development of vertical flight and helicopters.

Q2. **"Helicopters are sometimes called choppers - a slang name which is

based on the noise made by the blades." What is the writer's purpose of
writing this sentence?**

- The purpose of this sentence is to inform the reader about a common

nickname for helicopters and its origin, adding an interesting detail about

Q3. **Why are helicopters unique?**

- Helicopters are unique because they can take off and land vertically, fly in
many directions, hover motionless, and access remote areas that are difficult to

Q4. **"Amazingly, they can actually hover motionless." Why does the writer
say this?**

- The writer emphasizes this point to highlight one of the remarkable abilities
of helicopters, which is their capability to hover in one place without moving,
showcasing their agility and maneuverability.

Q5. **"Nevertheless, do not underestimate the skill of the pilot." What is the
writer's purpose of writing this sentence?**

- The writer's purpose is to caution the reader against underestimating the

skill required by helicopter pilots, highlighting the complexity of flying a
helicopter despite its impressive capabilities.
Q6. **"They can fly in many different directions and fly lower than other
aircraft." Why does the writer create this comparison?**

- The writer creates this comparison to emphasize the versatility and flexibility
of helicopters compared to other aircraft, showcasing their ability to access and
maneuver in various environments.

Q7. **"Sounds good... but?" What impact does the writer intend to create

- The writer intends to introduce a contrasting perspective or drawback after

listing the advantages of helicopters, prompting the reader to consider both the
positive and negative aspects of helicopters.

Q8. **"Of course, helicopters do have a number of disadvantages." What is

the writer's purpose of writing this sentence?**

- The writer's purpose is to provide a balanced view by acknowledging the

drawbacks or limitations of helicopters, ensuring that the reader has a
comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and shortcomings.

Q9. **"This is invaluable for areas ravaged by forest fires or for fighting fires
over large areas." What does the writer mean by this?**

- The writer means that helicopters' ability to access remote and difficult
terrain is extremely valuable for firefighting efforts in areas affected by forest
fires, where traditional firefighting methods may be impractical or ineffective.

Q10. **"Usually, helicopters have one main rotor blade above the main
body." Why does the writer use the word 'usually"?**

- The writer uses the word 'usually' to indicate that while this is a common
configuration for helicopters, there may be exceptions or variations in design
among different types or models of helicopters.
Q11. **Why has the writer included bullet points?**

- The writer has included bullet points to present a list of examples or uses of
helicopters in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for the reader to
identify and understand the various applications of helicopters.

Q12. **Hovering can be the most difficult skill to master when flying a
helicopter. Why?**

- Hovering can be difficult because it requires precise control and

coordination to maintain the helicopter in a stable position while counteracting
external factors such as wind gusts and turbulence, making it a challenging skill
for pilots to master.

Q13. **How has the writer made the text easier to understand?**

- The writer has made the text easier to understand by using simple language,
providing explanations for technical terms, and organizing information into
clear sections with headings and bullet points.

Q14. **How are helicopters useful in rescue missions?**

- Helicopters are useful in rescue missions because they can access remote or
hard-to-reach areas quickly, transport rescue personnel and equipment, and
perform tasks such as airlifting injured individuals to safety.

Q15. **Why are some helicopters able to lift heavier objects?**

- Some helicopters are able to lift heavier objects because they have two
horizontal rotors that spin in opposite directions, providing additional lift
capacity compared to helicopters with a single rotor.
Key Vocabulary

TEXT 2 Boy in the Tower

Word Words class Synonym antonym

collapsing adjective crumble, fall build, rise


ghastly adjective frightening, pleasant ,delightful


slant verb sloped, tilted straight

clasped verb grabbed, hold release

swerves verb bends, curves straighten, unbend

panicked verb scared, confident


leap verb hop, jump stagger

1. **What literary technique is employed when the protagonist describes the
passing of time during the wait for Obi?**

- The literary technique used is a metaphor, where the protagonist compares

each passing second to an extended period of time.

2. **How does the author create suspense in the passage when describing the
collapse of the tower?**

- The author creates suspense by using sensory details to describe the sounds
and movements of the collapsing tower, intensifying the anticipation of the
impending danger faced by the characters.

3. **In what way does the protagonist's perception of time reflect his
emotional state during the rescue?**

- The protagonist's perception of time reflects his heightened anxiety and fear
during the rescue, as each passing moment feels agonizingly long and uncertain.

4. **What is the significance of the protagonist's mention of the

mathematical concepts of days, hours, minutes, and seconds?**

- The mention of mathematical concepts serves to highlight the protagonist's

attempt to rationalize and understand the passage of time amidst the chaos
and danger of the situation, emphasizing his desperate need for control and
5. **How does the author use symbolism in describing Obi's actions during
the rescue?**

- The author uses Obi's actions, particularly his calm demeanor and graceful
movements, as symbols of bravery, selflessness, and resilience in the face of
adversity, inspiring hope and admiration in the protagonist and readers alike.

6. **Discuss the role of the helicopter in the passage and its symbolic
significance in the context of the rescue.**

- The helicopter serves as a symbol of salvation and hope, representing the

arrival of aid and the possibility of escape from the impending danger of the
collapsing tower. Its movements and actions during the rescue reflect the
precarious balance between life and death, highlighting the fragility and
resilience of the human spirit.

7. **Identify and explain the figure of speech used in the phrase: "My cries
are quite lost though. Eaten up by the roaring of the helicopter."**

- The figure of speech used here is personification, where the author

attributes human qualities (eating up) to the sound of the helicopter,
emphasizing its overpowering nature.

8. **In the sentence "It feels like every real second that passes is an hour,
that every minute is a day," identify the figure of speech and explain its effect
on the reader.**

- The figure of speech used here is hyperbole, as the protagonist exaggerates

the passage of time to convey the intensity of his emotions and the prolonged
nature of the wait. This creates a sense of urgency and heightens the reader's
empathy for the protagonist's distress.
9. **What does the word "ghastly" mean in the context of the sentence: "A
low, ghastly groan comes from the tower itself"?**

- "Ghastly" means shockingly frightful or dreadful. In this context, it describes

the unsettling and alarming nature of the groan emanating from the collapsing

10. **Explain the meaning of the word "precipice" as used in the phrase: "The
helicopter swerves away as the tower crashes downwards and Obi is left
flying through the air, flying in the space between the falling tower and us."**

- "Precipice" refers to a steep rock face or cliff. In this context, it symbolizes

the imminent danger and precarious situation faced by Obi as he navigates the
space between the falling tower and the helicopter, emphasizing the gravity of
the rescue operation.

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