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Descent Of The British Monarchy From Arrius Calpurnius Piso

'Descent Of Queen Elizabeth II From Arrius Calpurnius Piso'

[On Her 70th (Platinum) Jubilee Anniversary]
***Because this is fact, it will eventually be verified through DNA studies***
(For 'The New Classical Scholarship' (NCS), 2022, by Roman Piso, 06-04-2022)

Arrius Calpurnius Piso was the main creator of Christianity and the main author of the gospels. A long,
all-out war had been going on when the idea for a new religion was thought of as a solution for those
on the wrong side of the war; ancient royals who wanted to preserve slavery, deny The People basic
human rights, and continue to choose rulers only from royals who held tight control of all that was
being written and of all government. It was a 'closed' or controlled environment. Royals lived within a
society of their own, viewing non-royals as their “chattle”, to be used and manipulated as they chose.

Ancient royals had this absolute control over Humanity from extreme ancient times and had created
(synthesized), and promoted various ideological concepts which they would then use within religions
that they had created. And, ancient royals were people of genius, realizing that knowledge is power;
thus, keeping as much knowledge to themselves and away from non-royals. Ancient royals had access
to accumulated knowledge which was passed down to them generation after generation for hundreds,
even thousands of generations before the advent of Christianity.

Knowing this, puts the study of ancient history in an entirely different context. And, it means that in
order to study it correctly, those who do so must prepare to be of at least equal genius as those ancient
royal authors. To do what they did, they had to make use of many different literary devices such as that
of inherited name/titles, which they would use to create alias names and pen names; so that they could
write about themselves and do so without non-royals being aware of it. They also made use of a
language within language, which is now known of as the 'royal language'. These royals, from ancient
times on up to the present left the means in which to reconstruct their ancestry. Virtually all royals of
various royal family lines intermarried with the descendants of Arriu Calpurnius Piso, and they left us
the info that would allow us to trace their descent from Arrius Piso. Those who were in control of most
of the known world were of lines of descent from Arrius Piso's children. Various dynasties trace back to
Arrius Piso, and Arrius Piso was the founder of certain royal family lines like the 'Annii Verii' and the
'Annii Anicii'. Note that the popes in this paper are in BOLD lettering.

As with the practice of the ruler father passing on powers to sons (first son as head ruler, second son as
head of the religion as high priest), this was maintained to some extent. So that those who were the
main leaders of the Christian religion (popes), were of lines of direct descent from Arrius Piso, as were
the rulers of the Roman Empire (emperors). And, of other lines of royal blood which were not of that
family and did not intermarry with them (as with the Jewish lines for a very long time), these were all
still “Inner-Circle”, meaning that they knew that Arrius Piso and his family were the main creators of
Christianity as deliberate fraud. And those who were of descent passed on the information down
through the generations of rulers, were, of course, Inner-Circle. But, why has that information been
withheld from the general public?

Originally, Christianity was supposed to last 1,000 years. And at that time, the members of the family
were to annouce to the public that the religion was created as deliberate fraud. However, royalty would
have also have come to an end. When the time came around about the year 1100 CE, the royals were
enjoying their lives, comforts, and of being in power. They did not want to give that up. And, royals
had always been afraid of what would happen if non-royals ever found out how they had been fooled
by royals for so long. Royals were always afraid of an uprising of the common people who would be
angered and would want to kill them. They, the royals, were also used to thinking of non-royals as
'chattle', and not as equals. So, these things combined led to a kind of compromise of revealing this
slowly over the course of time, instead of doing so all at once. And, that is why it has taken researchers
such as myself, to finally reveal all of this. But, Humanity is now at a point where it MUST know this.
Our survival depends upon it. We will never be able to live in a truly modern world unless we become
'Next Level' human beings, who are beyond religion and all of the things which have tied our hands and
prevented us from moving on beyond the things that keep us tied to ancient ways, means and
government. Remember, the ancient royals who created religion and gods did not believe in them.

I don't say this often, but I have said it before, my royal cousins and my Piso cousins have shared
information with me from their family archives, which has made the advancement of my work
possible. In my own family line, I was left our family archives. There is a great deal of information
which has come down within Inner-Circle famlies, but which remains unknown to the public. I want
that to change so that we can leave the old ways of the world behind us and move on to a new, brighter
future. And, as I have said before this is not simply the desire of one or more people, but a necessity for
the survival of Humanity itself. We cannot continue living as we have; we must become people of
genius. And, we must develop and use different ways or we will kill ourselves and our planet. In fact,
we must work at the same time to undo all of the damage that we have already done. And, that is the
real reason that I have done the work that I have – to enable Humanity to remake itself in better ways
than it had been both in the past and currently. For the sake of all future generations of Humanity, we
need our world to change for the better as soon as possible. That means that now that you know, you
need to let as many other people know as you can.

Arrius Calpurnius Piso (aka Flavius Josephus, POPE/ST. PETER, etc., b. 37 CE)
M. (Several wives, including Queen Berenice of Judea)
Justus C. Piso (aka Verus, Justin Martyr, POPE/ST. SEXTUS I, d. 165? CE)
M. Rupilia &/or Eunice
Julianus C. Piso (aka Annius Verus, NT 'Timothy', d. 130 CE)
M. Domitia Lucilla II
Emp. Marcus Aurelius (b. 121, d. 180, aka POPE/ST. SOTER)
M. Faustina II (d. 175, dr. of Emp. Ant. Pius, aka St. Pius I)
Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla (b. 150, d. 183 CE)
M. Emp. Lucius Verus (co-rule w/ Emp. Marcus Aurelius, d. 169)
Aelia Aurelia Commoda (c. 183 CE)
M. Pompeianus Quintianus (d. 183 CE)
Commodus Pompieanus (d. 209 CE)
M. Mariana (Minor or 'The Younger')
Aelia Aurelia Pompeia
M. Flavius Crispus
Flavia Claudia Crispa
M. Eutropius (aka POPE/ST. FELIX I)
Emp. Constantius Chlorus I (c. 305-306, etc., aka POPE EUSEBIUS)
M. 1; Helena Britania, 2; Theodora, 3; [?] Eutropia
Julius Constantius (aka Church Father Eusebius & half-bro. of Emp. Constantine I)
M. Galla Neratia
Julia Galla Constantia
M. Vettius Justus (d. 361 CE)
Juliana Constantia (d. 387 CE)
M. Emp. Magnentius (350-353 CE)
M. Emp. Valentinian I (364-375 CE, possible/probable pope)
Julia Galla Valentina (dr. of Emp. Valentinian I)
M. (A royal cousin)
M. Emp. Theodosius I (379-395 CE, probable pope)
Galla Placidia (d. 450, sister of Emp. Honorius, aka St. Augustine)
M. King Atawulf/Athaulf (K. Visigoths, 410-415 CE)
M. Emp. Constantius III (410-421 CE)
M. Aleric I (K. of Visigoths 395-410 CE)
Wallia Placidius (K. of Visigoths)
M. (A Royal Baltic Cousin?)
Walla Placidia of the Visigoths
M. Suebian (King of Swabia)
Ricina of Swabia (Princess & Queen)
M. Gunderic (King of Burgundy, c. 437-473 CE)
Chilperic (K. of Burgundy, c. 480-490 CE)
M. Caretene/Caratine
Clothilde of Burgundy (aka Saint Clothilde, d. 548 CE)
M. Clovis I (King of the Franks, 481-511, d. 511 CE)
Lothar/Lothair I (K. 511-561 CE)
M. Ingund
Sigebert I of Austrasia, II of Franks (561-575 CE)
M. Brunhilde
Ingunde/Ingunda of Austrasia
M. Hermanigild aka POPE JOHN III (son of Leovigild, K. Spain)
Athanagild aka POPE PELIGIUS II (aka John Fummini, K. Spain)
M. Flavia Juliana &/or Arabia (dr. of Emp. Justin II, aka POPE BENEDICT I, c. 600)
Artabasto (Pope?) (King of Spain)
M. (Itha)-gota (dr. of Guilibald/Willibald II, Burgundy, d. 642)
Ervigio (King of Spain, 680-687 CE)
M. Liubigotona
Aupais/Alphaida of Spain
M. Pepin II of Heristal, d. 714 CE)
Charles Martel (Duke of France, 737-741 CE)
M. Rotrude (d. 724 CE)
Pepin 'The Short' (K. of France, 751-768 CE)
M. Bertha (d. 783 CE)
Charlemagne (Emperor of France, 800-814 CE)
M. (5 wives)
M. Bego I (Ct. of Paris, d. 816 CE)
Gerhard (Ct. of Paris, 834-841 CE)
M. (?) of Auvergne
Gerhard of Auvergne (d. 841 CE)
M. (dr. of Pepin I, K. of Aquitaine, 817-838 CE)
Ranulf I (Ct. of Poitiers/Poitou, D. Aquitaine, c.860-866)
M. Bilichilde of Maine (married 845 CE)
Ranulf II (Ct. Poitiers, K. Aquitaine, 850-866-d. 890)
M. Ermengarde (c. 867 CE)
N. (?)
Ebles Manzer 'The Bastard' (b. 870, d. 935 CE)
M. Emiliene
William III ('Towhead', Ct. Poitiers, 915-935-963)
M. Adele of Normandy (917-962)
William IV ('Iron Arm', Ct. Poitiers, 937-963-995)
M. Emma of Blois (950-1003)
William V ('The Great', Ct. Poitiers, 969-995-1030)
M. Agnes of Burgundy (995-1068)
William VIII (D. of Gascony, Ct. Poitiers, 1025-1058-1086)
M. Hildegard of Burgundy (d. 1104 CE)
William IX ('The Troubador', Ct. Poitiers, 1071-1086-1126)
M. Phillipa of Toulouse (d. 1117 CE)
William X ('The Saint', Ct. Poitiers, 1099-1126-1137)
M. Eleanor of Chatellerault (d. 1130 CE)
Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1137-1204)
M. Henry (I of Aquitaine; II King of England, 1133-1152-1168-1189)
King John I of England ('Lackland', 1167-1199-1216 CE)
M. Isabella (Countess of Angouleme, 1188-1200-1246)
King Henry III of England (1207-1272 CE)
M. Eleanor of Provence (1217-1291)
King Edward I of England ('Longshanks', 1239-1307 CE)
M. Eleanor of Castile (1244-1290 CE)
King Edward II of England (1307-1327 CE)
M. Isabel of France
King Edward III of England (1312-1377 CE)
M. Philippa of Hainault (1311)
John of Gaunt (1340-1399)
M. Catherine Swynford Roet (3rd wife, d. 1403)
Joan Beaufort
M. Ralph
Cecely Neville
M. Richard Plantagenet
King Edward IV of England
M. Elizabeth Woodville (1437-1492)
Elizabeth of York (1466-1503)
M. King Henry VII of England (1457-1509)
Margaret Tudor (d. 1541 CE)
M. James IV (K. Scotland, 1473-1513)
James V (K. of Scotland, 1512-1542)
M. Mary of Guise (1515-1560)
Mary (Queen of Scots)
M. Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley, 1545-1567)
King James I of England (1603-1625 CE)
M. Anne of Denmark (1574-1619)
Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662)
M. Frederick V, King of Bohemia, etc., 1596-1632)
Sophia [Hanover] (1630-1714)
M. Ernest Augustus (1629-1698)
King George I of England [Hanover] (1660-1727)
M. Sophia Dorothea of Celle (1666-1726)
King George II of England [Hanover] (1683-1760)
M. Caroline of Ausbach (1683-1737)
Frederick Louis [Hanover] (1707-1751)
M. Augusta of Saxe-Coburg (1719-1772)
King George III of England [Hanover] (1738-1820)
M. Sophia Charlotte (of Mechlenburg, 1744-1818)
Edward [Duke of Kent] (1767-1820)
M. Victoria of Saxe-Coburg (1786-1861)
Victoria of Hanover (1819-1901)
M. Albert of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha (1819-1861)
Edward VII, King of England (1841-1910)
M. Alexandra of Denmark (1844-1925)
King George V of England [Windsor] (1865-1936)
M. Mary of Teck (1867-1953)
King George VI of England [Windsor] (1895-1952)
M. Elizabeth [Augusta] Bowes-Lyon (1900-2002)
Queen Elizabeth II of England [Windsor] (1926- )
M. Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021)
Prince Charles [Philip Arthur Windsor]
M. Princess Lady 'Di' (Diana) Spencer
M. Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall)
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Prince William (D. of Cambridge) Prince Harry
M. Catherine (Duch. Cambridge) M. Meghan
[Descending Issue] [Descending Issue]

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